Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, August 13, 1886, Image 2

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' . APV-Tii-MO BATBB :
Sln.l lln.l 6 In.
The Weekly Intelligencer
PuiiisHte Every Wednesday Mernine.
0eatic,$1 Wreasix -es-rns. citm e in,
li0n,ADA'cerr raETO ritsess osttine ir
03 uutreianxcz seucthd .em iv-snr r a iit or th
tATS AD cetrjrruT. all ahestmuvs Limits
Addrtit nil LtUert and Tcltgramt te
Intelligencer Itulldlng, Lancaster, 1.
Jjc ancastct UntcUtgcnccr.
Well Began Hair Dene.
State Chairman Cooper's canvass for
the United States Senate, devised by him
self and cenflned te Delaware county, se
far as beard from, may be said te have
started auspiciously. The candidate for
assembly, in whose behalf Cooper wrote
the touching letter recently made public,
has been nominated. It was a close slime,
101 te 07 ; but Cooper's man get there.
The scarlet plume waves at the front of
the battle.
The result is net se signiticaut te the
people and politics of the entire state en
account of its effect en Cooper's fortunes,
as in its relation te mero general issues.
Chadwick was chiefly opposed for reiienii
nation, because he was against the enforce
ment by appropriate legislation of the six
teenth and seventeenth articles of t lie state
constitution regulating corporations.
There i3 some respect for the fun
damental law of the commonwealth,
even in Cooper's party of his own county,
and had there been full expression
of the popular will a legislator who had dis
regarded his oath te support the constitu
tion would have been defeated. The lie
publican state chairman came te his rescue
and saved him ; very properly, tee ; for the
Republican state convention has just de
clared against the constitution and Chad
wick i3in sympathy with its action.
But hew about that half of the Itepubli
can party in Delaware county which be
lieves in the constitution and its enforce
ment V
Tell the Truth.
The Philadelphia Press avows that Sir.
Blaine would have been elected in'lSSl
" but for the stupidity or perversity of
Burchard and the blunder of a Delmenico
The Press leaves its readers somewhat in
doubt as te whom it holds responsible for
these blunders. If te them was due the
defeat of Blaine there is no one te blame
but himself ; and if his party regrets his
defeat it should held him te deserved ac
countability for the result.
The Delmenico dinner, or " Belshazzar's
feast," which was held te demonstrate that
he was the favorite of the millionaires and
monopolists was approved by him and he
became its willing guest upon his own
judgment and pleasure. He considered
there was ten thousand dollars under each
plate for his campaign fuud and that he
ate and drank political salvation with that
company. It was a short-sighted conceit.
The vulgar pretentiousness of the whole
affair disgusted mauy and captlv ated few.
The party was the loser, but who was re
sponsible if net Blaine i
"When Burchard blurted out his fatal
"rum, Bemanism and rebellion," had
Blalne been a sincere man, instead of an
unprincipled demagogue, feverishly anx
ious te make votes, his honest impulses
would have prompted him te resent the in
sult te his mother's religion and te the
patriotism and morality of half the people
of the country. He failed te de it awl lest
such a chance as had never occurred te
him before or since. Nobody but himself
was responsible for this failure. If the
Press would tell the truth it could easily
demonstrate that the chief perversity and
blunders of that campaign were its candi
date's. We hope he will be given another
chance te swim the whirlpool in 1SSS.
The Taylors or Tennessee.
On the same day of the vear,, Wil
liam BIglcr was elected governor of 1'eun
sylvania and Jehn Bigler, his brother, was
chosen by popular vete governor of Cali
fornia. They were both Democrats, aud
the coincident lias had no parallel in our
history of public affairs. The Adamses,
the Washburnes and a few ether families
have had a long run in American politics ;
but such concurrences are rare. Kb such
spectacle has ever been presented as that
which is offered by the Democratic nomi
nation for governor in Tennessee.
One of the popular families of that state
Is the Tayler kinship. Its members are
divided in politics, but maintain atnicable
relations one with another. Some jears
age, in the only Republican district of the
state, when " Alf Tayler failed of elec
tion, the Democrats took up " Beb " Tay Tay
eor, his brother, te catch the disaffected
vote. This year, in anticipation of Beb
Tayler's nomination for governor by the
Democrats and his popularity as a candi
date, the Republicans nominated his
brother Alf as their ilndlrlntn fnmn-L-
wner. But the Democrats declined te be
n.eaaea off in this style, and in a strong
convention they haveput up Beb Tayler as
their nominee. And new the Prohibition.
ista talk of nominating the father as their
candidate, aud et having a triangular
family light for the exwntk.. nt,., ,
will be a sort of go-as-you-please in Ten-
nessee tiiH rail.
Lancaster Xeeds a Park.
Thills the kind of weather, wheuthe
mercury of the thermometer never seems
te tire of climbing, that the need of a pub.
i lie park for Lancaster Is most apparent.
There is absolutely no escape from the
beat and dust of the town for these who
ifh for a little shade and for a chance te
Muew themselves upon a green sward and
Mt business cares te the four winds.
JSmjwbere through the town and en Its
- iMMJltaliin.
'SelSi .T Il
,0 iiRSaK! . i i fl
-ft - no ia 100 son ?( oie
4i1l7..... 1 480 6 BO 8.V) 10 50
.li wlriS.... 4M 7 50 ION) 13 M ISM
r ' WMki.. ion (tee loco nw non aose
, SM 703 1100 1(1 OU tUID 2400
w,lilentl... 600 loeo noe aoe S70e 3 J no
I twtlm Menth! .. BOO ltOO 20 00 MOO MOO 3800
' - KEenUM.... 9 00 DOO MOD MOO 44(10 5200
. j-BTB- 13 00 2H 00 4500 MOO OU) 9000
, II
euteklrU the ttred pedestrian may leek in
vain for cool place, in which te rest aud
protect, himself for awhile against the
fierce rays of the sun.
The Western cities are far ahead of
their Eastern fellows in thlsregird. Out
there as seen as a new ten ills projected
prevision is made for u public paik , and in
the course of time It becomes a thing of
beauty and a joy forever. The Investment
has been found te pay largely in the im
proved health of the community. On the
public park the peer, who .no unable te go
out of tow n in the het season, are totally
dependent. The return In dollars and
cents for an outlay for a public park would
be nothing, but In Increislng the attrac
tiveness et the city, and conferring pleas
ure en thousands for the present and In
the j ears te come, the investment would
pay a thousand-fold.
A Distinct ItitTcicme.
The Philadelphia sajs that in
oue of the depaituieuts of that Ulj's.
government, a certain percentage of the
expenditures has been p ild into a fund
from which dividends were sLitcillv paid
by check te tliem appointed te enje them.
The Jfcmnl seems te think this was a re
finement en the Xevv erk plan, w here a
dummy geU the oilice ami the ether fel
lows get the contracts. It would le hard
for an) one te improveon the Philadelphia
etllclal's method of tilling his pockets. It
has been practiced w lth impuuitv ami suc
cess se leug that it hvs become very per
fect, and as it is handed down from genera
tion te generation it may be expected te
improve in efficiency each jear llefere
long we expect te have a preposition trem
the city regency te administer the affairs
of the town for a percentage of the re
ceipts; and it would be a very geed propo prepo
sition for the city te accept, if a.ij assur
ance could be felt that the percentage
would le ti satisfactory one. and weulJ
step further stealing. PreUablv in v lew of
the safety and decencv of the percentage
system, us compared with the present prac
tice, the bosses might consent te smaller
In Philadelphia Hepublicaus have con
trol, while "ev Yerk Is managed bv
Democrats. The consequence naturallj is
that the ew Yerk rascals are
tnpped up aud scut te jiil every few
jears, while the Philadelphia robbers,
though sometimes exposed, are never pun
ished unless It ruay be some oet tool like
MajerPhipps. 1 1 isa notable fact that Demo
cratic thieves are alnavs thrown te the
wehes by their party, when thej are found
out, while the Republican leader is hardl)
shaken in his held upon his partv bv the
most convincing proof f his raseahtv
TYnW trtllM If ilnfn. Yen. Wl . ...11
clals te wear stripes as their distinctive
The Anarchists h-vve proved that they did
net Intend te de any thing werthv eiliauEiuE.
they only failed te form a correct notion of
what is worthy et that punishment.
Thk I'SThLMOLscEK will present au un
usually interesting issue te morrow. The
ceutinuatiun of the delightful historical re
searches in X IrglnK will furnish loed for re
flection of hew near we are living te great
scenes in our country's hNterj of which we
knew nothing. The X'acatien Papers present
some thoughts en marriage aud culibacy.
"Pncas" In a breezy manner reviews cauir-
lng parties, se prolific iu this section this
summer. X isiens of bt. Auuiistme. Kla.. a
delightful dipping from the Itlnnlie Month
ly, is peculiarly ppprepriate reading at this
time. The statistics of our lustottke for the
first year under the new admiuistintieii, two
important opinions by the local c.nin, a ster
from the Trench and a Bkekh, with portrait,
et a prominent business man are among the
geed things that will be presented. These
in addition te the excellent telegraphic re
pert, local news, liilscelltmv, markets etc.,
will make a notaMe issue th it Lincastrians
cannot allerd te be without.
1'i.RiiAPN a geed portion eftheTeas war
spirit may be traced te bad nliisity.
The wings of the Domecrallc puty in
Texas and Tennessee are Hipping together
in the naming of lirst-class intn for gov
ernors. A coniihsreMiLNT of the Pittsburg Dis
patch has cabled an Interesting interview
with the archbishop of Dublin, ile is confi
dent of the eventual suclcs of tb( home rule
movement, though it may come net from
the Liberals but from the Teries. In spite of
this hO thinks the OUtloek elnemv lioeansn
of the land question n hlch is no nearer solu selu solu
tien than ever, tha archbishop thinks. In
Illustration of the difficulties that beset the
solution or this question he tills of au
English gentleman who having studied the
riuestien iu all its bearin-'u n,u . i.,.. n.i
the difference between the tenants and their
landlords was a nurelv rli .imw .me n.n
staunch Catholic peasantr.v btiug unwilling
te let se much meney go Inte Pretectant
pockets. He then lencluded that the ques
tien was a political one but lluallj reached
the view of the case that istakeub meat
J.TOJUO uuusuie Ui j.egianu, but by few in
Kncland that the nuestlnn i twin,.,- ..u..
cal nor religious, but purely uimuienUL As
the archbishop pithily says. It Is a Mruui'le
lkjs.4 af.s tl.A l...llu j "
.nmu iue lauumrun, aa a clasi who insist
upon obtaining extravagantly exorbitant
rents for the land, aud the tenants, as u class
who are unwilling and indeed unable te luy
mero than the land is really worth.
SvMsnutv's remarks at the lord miwir's
banquet show that Irelaud can eiKs.t no
thing from him.
Iluilnesi Leeking 1 1.
The lUltimore Manufacturer' He, ,nl
publishes letters from ItndiriK nuUilnery
manufacturers in all parts of the country as
te the condition of busiuesi aud the pre-qects
jer the fall and wiuter. 1'itty seven write tint
''there is adocided Improvement in busmes',
with geed presjKJCts for mero prosperous
times;" some report orders ahtad for
several months; "some thit ' thulr works
are ruuuliig te their full caieUty" and one
that "business Is better than ter ten vears."
while only one reports mailing oil in trade.
Thirty eight report that ' they have increased
their terce since the lirst etJanuarv," and of
these sev en hav e doubled the number et their
ineu, whlle ethers have increased Jreui
twenty-live te thirty per cent, ei the entire
number, mil v nnn hau i.iailn .1. ...
ethers running the bame force as Ian vcar.
rnirty report au increase iu wages runnini:
from S tela per cent, the average
being about 10 percent. With some lew ex
ceptiens, the writers say the prlce of maim
faotured goods has net yet advanced in pro
portion te the general increase in waes.
hireling Iu Cliunli
Te the current discussleu en the miI.Jeu i f
sleeplng In church, theHL Jehn (V. it) ,;
ryraph makes this contribution ; " ihe very
hlghest authority en the quostleu furnishes u
precedent Oue Kutjehus onto slept hile
I'aulpreached.HiidliaviiiK fallen out el a
third story window was talteu up dead. Paul
embraced the yeuuir man muiim.j. ...
stered te life. New we cannot esinict our
1 aul failed. We de net rejd that he de
nounced the young man for sleeping "
bliarp Itepl.,
Kreui the Uonten ComuieiiWBililj.
A ItoJten lawyer roceutly met his match
iT e?whewas K'vlng evidence about
fin?i5iUa?8 les of 'u'uil. Lawyer-1J Id
ehe leek ail am looking at you new ler iu.
jtancer Witnes-s-WelVyc J quUe' la'cin.
WHO la rAUHMtttl HltTUKTf
The t'nc et Iris llnl VVitr With Mrilrtt.
Who llreuithl It Abent
llAIUtlKlinilil, Aug. II, IS1
KntTens Is r -On the isth
of July 1 sent a communication te the
iqilladelphU J"iiv, t-emmeutlug ujmu
an cillterul iu Its issue of that diluas te the
eatucs et the Mexican war. I waited ie
mere than a week, (itu'.iuw hlle jeil had
kindly inserted the comniuuliMtteii In Iho
IT!'i.t tin m it), mid en the ilh or Xufiiut
It npiwared Iu the fwi T'hst piper of
that d ite, in replj lug te w h t 1 liulwrilten
tiuder the head of ' TaNlfjIng History,
sis .
"There w s a dispute belwi(n l'evas and
Mexico, and a resuttlug dlspute between the
V lilted bUtes ami Mexico, aleut the terri
tory between the Nuives nd thu Klouramle
rlv'ers, but neither Tes nor the lulled
htates had ev er exercised authority ev er the
disputed ceuntrv. It was a preper subject
tordlplematlcaiUuslmont, but net tersuddeu
var, llvoiiMrsatterannexation, ami without
any formal claim by I'encress or by the gev
eminent te oesslou of the country.
Then the .Amr t mvs that " without either
the direction or knew" ledce of Coimres.s, the
only war-inaWlug tHiwer, President Polk, or
dered Ueueral ray ter te mitxlt Ireiu the
Nueces line te tho'llie tlriude.
The territory thusiired by the surreptitious
order of the president had never been under
jurisdiction of the t nKed Mates, ,Vc, Ac
Let us ee hew this accords with the facts
of the case. 1 w 111 as briefly is tessibU call
xeur atti utlen te the uitwse of President
VelK and the deb.vtes w hit h took pit -e In in 1-lseu the Mexlciu war and the
causes which brought it about I iuote
from the appendix te the ' mrt mi n if
Olebe, 50th Congress, Ut session. On the
7th of leoeiuber, lslT, the president's mes
sage was transmitted te Congress, iu w hlch,
after referring te his former coannuuKatietis
relating te the war, he says :
" It Is sufficient en the'present invasion te
say thit the wiuteti v iolatlen et tlie rights et
person and property- of eurcitieus, com
mitted by Mexico, her repeated acts of Ud
lalth through a leug serles et y ears aud her
disregtrd nf selemu trcities, Stipulating for
Indemnity te our Injured citizens, net only
constituted auiple cause or war "ti our lurt,
but were of smh au aggravated chsracter as
would have itistitied us betere the vhole
world in rcwertlug te this extreme remedy.
Willi an anxious desire te avoid a rupture
between the two countries, we lorbere for
years te asert our dear rights by force, biuI
continue te seek redress for thew reugs w e had
sullereit bv auilcabie negotiation, in the hope
thatMexicbmiKht yield te pacific. euusfls and
the demands or Justice. In this hope xe
vere disappointed. Our minister el peace
sent te Mexico was insultingly reieeted
The Mexlcau KOiernment relused even te
heir the terms el adjustment which he was
authorized te prepa-e, aud hnaully under
wholly unjutilisble pretexts, itivelvcd the
two countries in war, by luadiug the terri
tory of the state or Texas, strikliu; the first
blew, and sheddtug the bleed of our citizens
en our own soil."
New, as te the charge of the Jnrr that
"neither Texas nor the Culted states had
ever exercised authority ever the dl-puted
country," I ., what lies between the Nueees
and Ihe Hie Grande, en the lith of January,
ls-l, Mr. Hetts, of Iruluia, inquired of the
lien. lUvid S. Kautluivu. a repre-sentative
from Texas, whether the bound try el Texa
as de-cribed by the ai t of her I uugress of
1ni, included '.auta 1-e. Te which Mr.
Kauffmau replied that it did, aud that
"it included all the territory eat of the
Kie Grande, from Its mouth te "its source, aud
that the Congress of the United states w hich
iv.vsel the annexation resolutions, ipproved
.Starcli 1, Isle, understood that Texas in
eluded Santa l e for it provided that states
formed out of the territory of Texas north et
', degrees should be free states, while
bauta 1-eUsouther Te'j degrees north lati
tude. 1 he republic el Texas, prev leus te an
nexation, hid established pest routes trem
Hexar te Iirede, en the eist branch et the
Uie Grande, aud from Corpus Christl te
Point lsibtl, and every portion of territory
cast of the Itle Grande, from Its mouth te its
source, and north te the l-d decree of north
latitude, was included by different acts of the
Congress of the republic or Texas, previous
te annexation, wltuiu the limits el some or
ganized or established county of said repub
Hut he placed the nutter beyond dispute
In n speech which he made in . engrcv-a en
the ith of June, Il, en the boundary of
lexas. I mike the lollew lug quotation
"Duriugmy late iit te the North. Mr.
Chairman, 1 was p-ilued te hud an error pre
vailing ten great extint, ii? that 'lexas
previous te annexation only claimed te the
Nueces, and that her cliim te the Hie Grande
was afterward urged te lucre ve her dem un,
te enlarge the territory subject te slavery,
and te itlerd a pretext ler comment lug a war
with her old enemy, Ac, Ac,
"This opinion is honestly entertained by
many thousands of resj)K!tabIe, useful, and
valuable citizens of the North, (Mr. Strebm
among the number, ) who love the truth, and
seek every occasion te embrace It I am my
self a natlve of 1'enusylcanla, Mr K. was
born aud raled near CarlLle. iu Cumberland
county, J and address myself te my Nerthern
brethren in the language et friendship and
" I will new, Mr. Chairmau, proceed elfec
tuilly te remove this erroneous liuprosslen,
and show that Texas net only always claimed
this country In (reed faith, but that she exer
cised political civil, and military-jurisdiction
ever it provided ter the construction of in
ternal Improvements there that she laid eir
a collecteral district up te the Kle Grande,
partitioned en" counties, jve military pro pre pro
tectieu, established land eillces, organized
district courts, and pre lded ter the erection
or trading pests, Ac, Ac.
"Texas, or course, could only lie known
and recognized as an Independent nation,
w lth certain specified boundaries. Metes and
bounds are Indispensably necessary te the
existence el a political sevcrelpntv. In iew
et the capitulation of General Ces, at ISexir,
of the treaty of May 1 1, ISAh above partially
set out; or the prevision in the constitution
of Texas for the representation of the counties
of Hexar and San Patricio, aud cenerallv of
all the evenbt which transpired during the
short but glorious revolution or Texa". the
first Congress of Texas passed the follewlnu
act" length,
and also ether aits and authorities be-iring
upon the truth of his assertions, these
would take up loe much, or your space, and I
will net quote them.
Ills colleague, Mr. Pilsbury, also sustains
Mr. Kaufman Iu all his assertions, us did
Generals Housteuand Kusk, the then senators
from Texas, also many ether members of
Congress, and the Hen. I ucien It Chise,
author of the "History of the Polk Adminis
tration," all of whom had studied the matter
iu dispute, and were thoroughly familiar
wlthevery phase of thu question.
The imcj speaks of the "surreptitious or
der" of President I'elk, Implying that he did
wrong in orderlngtho American army under
General Tayler te the Itle Grande ; that the
march of the troops w as unnecessarily and
unconstitutionally ordered, and was unjust
te Mexico. What says the constitution?
"ihe I nited States shall guarantee te every
state Iu this I nleu, Texas had tnen leen ad
mitted, and was represented in the I onijress
of Uie United States), a republican form et
government, aud shall protect each of thorn
aualnst invasion, and against do de do
luestie violenca And again, "He (the pres
ident; shall take care that the laws be lalth
lully executed." What ethor course could
President I'elk have pursues! ?
Mr. Cassius M. I lay, el h unlucky, as you
knew oue et the original Abolitionists, said
atabaii'iuetglveuat Kichmend, Kentucky,
iu the summer of IMS:
"Though a Whig I de net stand here as a
(artisan. I shall speak with the freedom of
history. I have ue sympathy with the late
outcry agalust President Polk, as bringing en
this war. I shall de thu president the justice
lessy, thatlnall Mexico I necr heard the
lirst man allege the march or General Tayler
te the Hie Qraudu us the cause et the olluuse
or of the war."
Permit me te make another quotation.
On the laii of Jauuary, IMS, Abraham Lin
coln, then a representative from Illinois,
iiiade a sjieech In the Heuse en the Mexlciu
war, in which occurred the following re
markable utterance, remarkable In the light
el subsequent events In which lie was u
prominent factor. He said:
"Any people anywhere being lm lined ami
hav lng the w er, liav e the right te rise up and
shake oil thoexUtluggovoruiiiuiit, and form
a new ene that suits thorn better. T'his Is it
most valuable, n most sic red right-a right
which, vu hope aud believe, Is te liberate thu
world. Ner is this right cniilined te cases in
which the whole (tesiple of un existing
government may cheese te exercise it Any
iwtien or such peeple that can may reve.
unionize, and inake their own or se much of
the territory as they Inhabit Mere than this, a
majority of any portion of such people may
revolutionize, putting down a minority lu
termingled with or near about them, who
may oppose their movements. Huch ml.
uerlty was precisely the cse of the Teries of
our own Itevel utlen."
In relerence te the remark of the Twits
about the election el a Whig president te
succeed Mr. Polk, .senary Tuyler iw
elected prptdeut Of the United ttlates bo be bo
causeot the brilliant war record he made In
Mexico, and bet tUiu te a certAln extent he
ilatmed te be no party man. The Whig
parly was haul IV beuslsttiit In opposing thai
war, then tieinftutlug as Its standard bearer
the prluclsl lirre In that strmtgliv His
popularity UU the hlgs Iu electing a ma
jority te Cengrfsj.
I could pile tip evidence lnsupMit or my
deoliratleu thst Itin war " was the result or
causes vvhli h had been morn or less In ills,
pute between the 1'nlted States and Meslcau
gev eniuients ler sev oral years preetHilng,"
but you have neither tint uci nor I the
time for this. W hat h is Usui pttenUd Is
sulllclent te show that ' siii U Is the truth or
hlsterv about the Mexican war." VV lux then,
Is "falsifvlng history 7" A. S
TilK t vti "sh vieit Kt nm nv s estate
acgrecatesl trHiiial pruiH'rty valuenl at ',
(Mil's including a life Insurance pelk v of
J.SIXW and a library valued nt JuA
'si ni.t vuv ei thk N vv v hitnkv takes
a resv view or the AmerkMti navy. Ile Mys
the tifty vessels of all kinds wn new have
would bonuipie force te control the cmist of
Mexico in cie of a call upon the deMrtment
for tone te a-ssert Us demands en the Mexi
can government.
Hiv. Jelts 1'. llnims, vlce president of
the'-t I mils V nlversltv, dleil en Tuesday
night at the Novttlate ei the Jesuit Pathens
Ht 1 lerKint, MKseurl, in the Ust year of his
age. Although se young, Puttier llergen
had niled resiMiislble ps)stiens In Cincinnati
aud Omaha, before being appeintenl te the
oilice he held at the time of his death. He
ellesl of consumption.
X ti Teut v's dlsllke for (Hadstoue is said
by the St Stephen s t7n it'rtoilate Uvck te
the passage et the Irish church disestablish
went bill In les The queen expressed te
Gladstone her aversion te the essential prin
ciple of the bill, and he replied "Hut,
msdam, y mi must sign." I'he pieen flushed
vud rejoined with Indignation "sir, de you
knew w he 1 am '" "Yes madam, the 4110911
of Luglaud. Hut does your majesty knew
who 1 m 1 am the people or Kugland."
Mil. W. I'm 1 i"s or Kueloweod, N 1., has
arrived at S in l'ranalsee en the home stretch
et a voyage around the world in his yacht
llurnirtld, a vessel el 11 tens aud with a
reputation for ieed aud sea-vverlhlucs.s.
L ullke most yacht owners Mr. Phelps
sails tits vessel iiiuiseu, atui lias taken ner
through several hesivv storms In geed shape.
He called at many ports oil the Hue of
steamer travel aud he and his party lu Uielr
tweye.irscruise, hiveseen the world pretty
si viei. lti c k, of Kentucky, does net bo be
Iluveauy mm with erdiuary intelligence can
luestieu for eme moment the aggressiveness
et the present administration indenting with
all public questions, be they ferelcn or de
mestk. He stated most emphatically that
there is ue ground for doubting the courage
el the stvte depvrtmeut iu deiliug with the
l uttmg case t)u the contrary, the senator
is Inclined t think that the set retary t state
his, If anything, been tee aggressive Iu the
Mexican matter. He says there Is ue ques
tion but w h it the I uited states should try try
te induce Mexico te repeal the law which
renders an Vinerii 111 citizen punishable In
Mexico ler his utterances iu the I uitrnt
vvinrrii it os tilui.s
imie inete, O all adjusting lieath
lhn nation 9 l'mtheen open wide
Once mere a common sorrow salth
A strong, wise man has dint
faults doubtless had he. Hail e net
Our own, te question and apere
The north vi deubtel or torget
I mil we stiXKl beside hU hearie
Ambitious, cautions, yet the tnin
Te itrlke down fraud with resolute hind j
A patriot. If a parti. 01.
lie Ien d his natlv e land.
Se let the mournful bells be rene,
1 he banner droop lu folds hall way,
.And let the pulille pen and tongue
Their fitting tribute pay
Tbeu let 111 von above hU bur
Testt our lee' en partj Iks,
And wound no mere a living ear
W lth w enS tb it dcuh denies
f In . It tttitr in the liusl JH lrtnr ui
arjEtJi.11. yuTiaem.
SllII.OHb CATVItUll lihSIhlll a positive
euro for CaUirrb, Dlptherta, and canker Meuth
or sole by II It Cochran, Druggist, .Se 1J7
.North Qucun street.
roll DVSI'hl'sIA and Uvrr Complaint, you
have a printed guirantte en every bottle et Shi Shi
leh 3 V ftallzer It neverfills te euro ler sale
by 11 U Cochran, Druggist, Se U7Nerthejuun
lluckleu's Arnica salve.
The Pal Salve In the world for Cuts, IlruUes,
Seros, t leers, S-all Kheum, lever sores. Tetter,
Chapiwd Hands, Chilblains, Cerns, and all Skin
Eruptions, and positively 1 ures Piles, or no pay
required It Is guaranteed te give perfect satis
faction, or money relunded Prlce Si cents per
box Ter salu by II. 11 Cecsiran, Druuglut, 137
and 13a .North (Jncen street, Lancaster, Pa.
SIIU.OH SMTVLISKltls what you need ter
Constipation, toss of Appetite, Ulzzlnus, and
ail symptoms of Dyspepsia Price 10 and 75
cents tr bottle ter sale by II 11. Cochran,
Druggist, .Se LW North Clueun street
We would caution the Public te beware et
Doali rs ntlurlng hemp s ISaltain at less than the
regular 1'rlci, W cnts and II, in efti nttmes llnl
tatlens or Inferior articles arc sold as the Kennlne
In ordel te enable them tern II cheaply H 11
Cochran, drugjr!l, .Se. 137 North gueen street H
ouraeulfer LauculcT. tainpie bottle given
tojeurec. eli-lwittw
hl.fcKl'LhSS MUHTS, made miserable by
that tcrri hie cough, shlleh s C uru Is the remedy
for seu ersaleby II. 11. Cochran, Druggist, Ne
1J7 North Queen street
Of our American peeple are afflicted with sick
heudicbe In cither Its nervous, bilious or con
IMntT, itc ,nnil non m tly Km icr ceunucrtd
ll until ll. I..I...l......1I- !-... ..
.. ui.... ... j .-mj t c-iitii i iiscnpuen was uis.
covered uive lta trial, fcce advurtlseincnt In
another column. (jj
Da. lUssLER Werk Svrcp, Purely vegotable,
pleasant te take, will expel worms If any exist,
no purgative required ufter using Price, 53
cents, by all druggists. iebMmUMVV AK
Altij 10U MAD, miserable bylndlgestlen,
Constipation, Dizziness, Less of Apixitite. iel.
ew bkin T Bhlleh's Vltatlzer li a pltlve cure.
i.'.0 hy '.' '.' Cochran, Druggl3t, Ne 137
North Queen street
The V erdlct Cuaiilineuj,
Ven are feeling depressed, jour appetite Is
peer, veu are bothered with Ucadachi, you are
ildgcty, nervous. ami generally out of sorts, and
w ant te brare up. llmce up, but net n lth slluiu.
lints, spring medicines, or bitters, which have
fur their basis very cheap, bad whisky, and
hlch stimulate you ter au hour, and then leave
you in worse condition than before. What veu
nanus an alterative that will purify your bleed,
start healthy action of I.lver and
stero y our vitality, and give renewed health and
strength huch u medicine you wllltlnd in Klcc Klcc
trle Hitters, and only 25 cenu a bottle at II. 11.
Cochran a Drug Stere, 137 and ID North Queen
street, Ijincaater, Pa. (jj
THK ltKV. GEO. II. THAI Kit, of IJourben
lna , say s ' lleth mysi If and wife ewe our lives
toSllIteirscoNslfillTloVCUlth." or sale
by II n. Cochran, Druggist, Ne. 137 North Queen
Osb Kirriec-rs i. Cubk Mr. Oscar K.lT.
Kech, of Allentenn, l'a , was bedfast with In In
llamiuatery rheumatism In the winter of l&st
Dix-ters could de nothing te relieve hlin. He
commenced using Gress' liheumatlu ltemedy.
ily the time he had used hall a bottle he could
luuvehlsbcdj when he had tlnlsbed the bolUe
be was cured and has net had u return of the
disease sluce. In his own words,"! It el better
than ever befure ' Price II, by all drueirlata
iuue-jiijuji vv ixr
1 erluuie baclr, sldeer cheat, use Bhlleh's rer.
eus Plaster. Price J5 cents ler sale by H U.
Cechian, Druggist, Su.lSJ North Queen stieet.
Ktcltenieut lu Texas.
Great excitement has been caused In the vi
cinity et Paris, lex, by the remarkable ro re ro
ceveiyof Mr J. K Cerley, wbowes se helpless
he could net turn In bed, or raise his head .
e.!rV?,1 jald he was dying of Consumption
A trial bottle or Dr. hlng's Niw Discovery wis
tenthlm. rinding lullel, he bought a larue but
tle and it box et Dr. King's New I.lfe Pills shy
the 1 1 me hu had taken two boxes of Pills anil
two botUes 01 the Discovery, he was Hell una
had guinea n llesh thlrly-slx pounds.
Irltl llottleser thlsUreut Discovery for Con Cen Con
suinptleiifriontll II Cochran's Drug Hlere, 137
und ISJ North Qui en street, Lancaster" l'a. (J)
"HAChMhTACK " it lasting and migrant peT.
Ininii, l'rhu AaudM cents or Bale by II. It
Cechntn, Druggist. Ne. U7 NerthQucen streeu
The Kiiliciiienl Nut Over.
Iho iuh iit II 11. Cis-hran, druggist, Ne. 137
North Queen stieet, still continues en itcceuut
of persons ullllcteit with Cough, Colds, Asthma,
IlienchltUnnd Consumption, toprecuroa bottle
"'V'.'P" l.tilsum ler the Threat and Lungs.
w?.lcJ' ueld en u guaruntiaudlsglvingoiitrre
satisfaction. It Is 11 standard family .mjedy.
Prlce W cents and II. lYtul literee. elS-lwd&w
PI ill ivts
11. K. HtAYsUKSB, AOT.
Is one of the most fatal scourges which aitllcl
mankind It Isiilteu lnhettiml, but may tie Ihti
ivsult et luipteM'r vaccination, nnrvtirial
IHdsniilng. uiiclesnllness, anil various ether Chronic .sores. Hirers. Abst esses, Can
is-rvius Humors, aud. In mine eases, Rmailatlen,
and Censiiiuptlnii, result I nun a scroluleus eon
dltlen or the bleed Hits dl.ease can be cured
bvlhnu.enl Ayer's Saisaiutrllla
1 Inherited a scroluleiis condition el thn blisnl,
which a deiaiiKeuieiil et 111) whntesys
tun Altir taking less thsn four bottles ut
Aver s bamaparllla 1 am
Entirely Cured
and. ler the past y i ar hav e net found It ncetis
nry toii.eanv medlrluii whatever 1 am mm
lu better health, and stronger, than ev er betetis
I) V VV tllard Js 1 ivimmt stns't, llosten. Mass
1 was troubled with Hcrotuleus ens rer tlve
yiars lull, alter using a few bottles nt Ayir
MrsipvrlMa, the sores healed, and I have new
geed health Klltabeth VVaineck, M Appltiten
street, ten 1 II, .Mass
seuu months age 1 was troubled with lernln
leus sons 011 m Iik 1 hn limb was badly swel
leu and lntl uniM ami the sort s discharged laive
iuanlltlis of etletislve matter Kvery nuueey
litlisl, uutlll mid Vvers amaparllls. Ily tak
lug ihtvttliollliset this uiedlclua the sores hive
bisuienltivlv Inalid aud my hevlth Is tully n n
teivd I am grwUtul ter the gessl thlsiuedlclui
his done urn Vlvs Vun O tiiltii, IV sulltvnn
street. Sen Verk
Ayer's Sarsaparilla,
rr'pats1 bv Ur I U Aver ,1 Ce, 1 "ri II va
Seldb) all druggists Piles, II sli little. I
iKV uuuita.
Opposite the keystone Heuse ami Northern
.Sulli ual Uank,
247 & 'Jl'.t Xertli queen Street.
NUN IS V tltlSli, VII colors
Willi PI All) l VM Ulilts.
win it v a reui V I VW Nb
11 Vlllll KtiSan t LALKs
Sew Meck KlllllOSs, Vll Celers,
llLACkandlOl UKEllsll k Mtris.
1 ull stock HUhl NDtltW KAlt
Large Meck DOVIhbllts
All tloels at I ew Prices,
febs-lyd W U, KOW Kits.
ltt.n.1 VAUD3 NKW C VI ICOtS,
hleg&nt Designs, In all the Idlest Coletlug.
ItShb.VTISK PltlSISimly s:. a Vanl.
One Let Vard Wide, rise l'ltlNTED LVW S,
K;aVnil Keducest trem KSjC
One Let Extra Quality
ClllSkLLDSthltsl Lkhlt!, l.'Sc a Vanl
former Price, ltc
IHnch 1'I.S Sri'.ll'KD D11ES9 GOODS ltednceel
lc 1 Vard.
1W Dezen Ported llttlni! GKS1 S UNI AU.S
Dl'.lhDSHIl.TS, tOc tach, WerthTSc.
VV Ide, 1: Inches 1 eng, -.. Per Pair.
Iheve goels cannot be bought el themanu
fvilurerat this price.
Our own luiertallnii el Mm Deuble Damask
Uleached GK11MAS TAULU I.I.S1.NS,
"5c. a X ard , I sually Sold at II m
Noe. O, 0 & 10 Eunt Klntf St.,
Sew Silks arriving every div. and this
department Is fllleil with a Choice Stock
at the Lewest Prices
Uulnct a Illack Silks are acknnwlcdgi d
te be the best silks minufacturent In ihe
world, and every yard Is warrinted. Wn
have it special number that Is marked
llw actual value of the same Isllzv.
Other numb rs of Oulnets Illack bilks
w have at 75c , 9X. , II le, l., 11 50 and
lieu a yard.
In the tipifng Shades at 4s cents a
yurd, ene of superior quality for the
money. Cempli t lines el Colored Silks
atcs. , 75c. aud II w a yard.
That we ire soiling at s7Xc nyurd aie
being sold elsewhere ut II u a yard. All
the Nencst Shades. A Illack hurah 811k
recently purchased Is of an ultra width
and quality fet ll.euu yaid.
Cor. West Kim, St rrliueIStfl.,
Oppnslte Stevens Houte.1 LVNCASTKU, PA)
At this season of the cear ftverv tinnllv
should hav e a llettlu of
Relgart'a Old Brandy,
usafeund anrocure for C'holentund ether sum
mer troubles.
Just rucelvid at reduced prices te suit thn
times ut Ikihleld's Cheip Cash Stere, N0.6J
Nelllll QI'KKN srilKKT.
Anether let et these hilni Size Verkliu;
Shuts made te order.
Gauzu and Jean Undirnear selling elf at iu
diiced prices. Working Punts ut &e cents and
up next tingle and double front Overhalls In
the market. Newslylta of Cellars, Suspenders
and Notions generally, at
.. , , IIECIITOI.IJ'3.
I. 8. Houses fur sale or lent.
urnlWru Mth.ana IIar.flU.,.l'hU&aelpthv, i
Priostley'a Black Silk Warp Honriettaa, Black
Oashmore, Olarotte Oleth, Etlinlne Oleth, Prlncltta
Oletb, Nun's Veiling and Oaiuel'a Hair; Oeurtaud'a
Crape and Nun's VelUug for Vests ; Black Thibet
Leng nud Square Shawls.
Nes. 25 aud 27 West King Street, Lancaster, Pa.
Whlte Uoeele, Livoeb tuid Hmbrolilerloa. Whlte Ktnbroiaeroct Reboa, 83 00
up. Humuier Umlorvveivr, nil bIzoe.
Slimmer Hosiery Summer Gloves,
LnrRO atoek of thtvae Uoeda uevv lti Htore, ntitl nit Mnrkeil nt Qulelc
Selllui? Prleca.
11LACK i AsilVifcltK.nt ss
lll.ACh CASlllthltbats,,
11LACK llr-NKIhll V LLOlil", 1)1 VUOS Vis, lKlters. audit rull Line of 1ILACK 811.KS, at
Metzger & Haughman,
Ne. 43 West King Street, Between the Cooper Heuse and Serrel
Herse Hetel, Lancaster, fa.
imr umnts.
m'KClAI, HAItii V1NS.
50c. Gentlemen's Unlauudrietl
Den l In tin tlvid bya .hew I tout, Pour Mil
Un and Mingle hack
We Silt a Itilnferced Hack and 1 rout Shirt,
lime Ply I tnt n Hnaum Patent lacings,
I Ineu VV rlstl inds, and Warranted
WamiutUt Muslin,
Nes. 20 and 28 North Queen Bt.
h. (WVl.HB A CO.
New Crinkles, Sallms und ephyr
lilnKhauis, all Wnsh Dress clouds ut
lAiwinl I'rlcis. Coiue and see our
Uoedsnud Prices.
Ne. 25 East King Btroet,
Lisejsris, l'a.
Aie olleicd at a liberal discount trem the pub
lishers' prices.
lu Llhiary Sets, Chug Heeks, ltecerds, llnnaids,
Ulbles, Testaments, Catechisms, etc.
Centalng King. lames and the Itovlsed Veistnns
el both Old aud Nuw TosUnuenta In parallel
columns I ulse, with the two versions or the
New Testament, or with the old version of tne
Utblu only, lu vurlnus sty les or binding, at much
lower prices than by traveling agents.
Nea. 15 and 17 North Queen Btroet,
(lleds's Munutucture), hunting or open-cused
watch, nlcklu works, IS Jewuls, stem wliidlng
Bud suiting (limited number) nt SS OU.
Alse 7S in sllvared bunting cases, same works,
at 17 M each. . .
Uruat bargains In I.anca;ter Watches. All the
beat Klgli.a and ethers. Correct time dally by
telegraph I only place In city. Hest watch and
Jewelry repairing. L. VVKUKU.
...... Ne l!X North QueenBtieet.
(Near 1. It. It. station.?
-BpucuiUes una Kye Qleuei. Optical
lll.ACK CAsltvtKIlK nt 3. I1LVCK C AS1IM KltK at UUc.
1ILVCK C V3HME11K at It tn. 1ILVCK CASIIMKltK at II 2i
rAl.l, HAT
Palace of Fashion,
Have Opened this Day
-Ol It-
C.uiien, Union Milan anil Milan,
AT Oltll-
Usudl Lew Prices.
In ordel te Kidu room lei NKW TALL
STOCK In our .Millinery Department, we have
di elded lesacrlllce whatever Is left of Summer
Stock at pi Ices regardless of ceitaud value.
At the Astonishing Prlce of Only
Ouu Let el KINK .MILAN'S, luriimily sold at
tl se, ,;3 and J u, nt only
All our CIHLDItbN'S JK1MMKI) 1 1 ATS at
We have divided the balance loll of our
LADlhVlltlMUKl) IIAlSln Thlue Lets, and
w 111 eiler thein as fellows
One Let at 87c,
One Let at $1.58.
One Let at $2,44.
All Our Ohoice Flowers,
- Call Karly te Sccuru the First und llcst
JD Distillation of 1S63, 1875, 1880, 1882, are net
eqa&lled in the country,
SSi. i
. v-iv. i j. Jb