Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, August 13, 1886, Image 1

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VOLUME xxn-Ne. 2.W.
fjv ANViimrKt.irtiii'riiiunM.
A Tavern Thai we Hull! Hlim Wniilnjctn
Vim a lining Man Where lite Indian.
Were Wind liMUllier-HIIII reMeMlng:
Hie rum IHil-Tlme Kliir,
Kl.Utm.liliew v, Pa., Aug. I1. NolnilM NelnilM
lug within llm preclnctn of (lui borough of
EllMlHithtewu, mid In lact, In thn county of
Lancaster, snetim le have inine historic in
toreat tliHti tliu uhl mill "nil known tavern,
tlie lllack llnrsu hotel, which 1 new tiearly
acenttiry .mil a half old. 'I'll In building Mm
' erected an n tavern n'mid, in llm ynir IT.VJ,
unit wan IIismimhI In lS, tint Urn t licensed !
dlunry or tavern stand, In tliu tliun vitilige of
Ktlrabeth, Chester district, near Simple,
liauneck. The fellow lug Inn vethitiin rnpy
of n license granted In that veir.
I'letlm oef I'cnim ,
1.....1...-1.1-..1.. . ......
(Seal )
i iirciui iisii ii.h ii'iii ,
.viny 1 1 li, IJ )
Gorden, Provincial (itiver-
I, Geerge
iiiiur of yn l'ri)liicni of Pennsylvania, ile
hereby itriint. tiv mi rluht of Klnu
Geerge l'i ' prlvelegn te 1'itul Richards, in
ye village nt KllJtls'th, ('hunter District,
near Niiiipiohanneck, te koepaii ordinary or
tnvern ntmul, ler je entertainment of man
mul beast, le lie known an ve lllnck Herse,
ami furthermore, ye right tn null splrlteus
mul vinous liquor, from jn ilote alioe writ
ten, fur tlm tiiriu of ene year, at je payment
of 12, D shillings, nterllng.
liarrlng je privilege of nulling te I nil I ins
any spirillum or liienn lliiiern, iiiuler ye
Initially or X.l sterling and Imprisonment.
(liven under xe soul ntnl authority ofje
Kimi (iteiuit: II.
U Kill 1 Hi; I Mil ins n u iir.iu:i.
Here tlien we have mi ovldenco thatplaien
the lllack Herse, upon llm list an an elil mul
venerable standby. Indeed tlie liirlilnntx
auttoieutatlmloouirodliimiilnrotimf (hlseld
stand, are worth reading, lull imrly il lyn
it wan tlie point whnre tin) Indians assembled
anil liail their sort. 'I hev Indulged In nouie
very sharp sheeting w Ith tint liew anil arrow ,
striking tliu nllnur telil rnlltil nfl ( , lenta)
at long iIIhuucis mul with great accuracy.
Here, tin), Jehn Harris would seek mint
talnmetlt nn tin pinned anil ieiwsmhI en hln
journeys tn nud from Philadelphia ami llar
rlnlmrK HeUIpiiiuntii, tratlUK heIIIiik te
tlie IihIIium.
lien1, ulno.Uifero tliuilna of tliu Kowilu Kewilu Kowilu
tleu, inativ lint ilnlwUin, an wt'll an warm con.
tentn worn liv the Mtrletn ami Terl(,
anil could the elil Ioki aiik out, what talen
would In) rvlii'irned of llm Kir uijlrn lint Hure
had thore I
As Parly an lliove-ir ITiiOup Inte tlie humiii
Hen, licoiien by KIiik (lceri:n II, ami KIek
(ioerKO HI, aruntlll In the nMionnleii of the
family of thoenco lametin and ceurtiHiu i hent
and liiwlpnn, Mr. and Mm. iOerj;i) V. lleyur.
One of thorn dated 1771 lloeimml uoerKo
llmii-knlcker , It wan Krautinl liy Miik HoerK"
111. Uoucknliker relalnpil the iiuui;eiil(iut
of thin platt) for ni.iiij Jiurn, and In tlune llornewan alwajnu ptnre of
much lillnlnmn. I It wan the ktau olllee and
IHwtellUii nod n Milnt (or the line el Coue
nteKa tpaiun.the nUKn would here clmiiKO
herwn and the Conunteca t(mnn would
halt here epr nllil te fmnl and rent thelr
homes, and tlie teaiuntpn would indulKe 111
their inore or lenn niiinplueitn rep.itn. '1 lieu
would fellow Muleun aliuinemvutn, nucli an
pU)liiK(.irdJaudioplentnlilliKtho iniiur nun
wiiii purunpiriiiieiin anu miieim nquern, mm
clene thoetuliiK with many lively atorlen
and often with dauciiiK.
la fact the Bleck llorae han lent iioiie of iU
old tlme prvatlRP, uwti down te thin lUy.
Tliere Htlll neumn le cling about It, a kind of
iiuiKuetlnm that will draw jeu te it wliutliur
or no. It nei'r laikixl in point of couifert or
In bouiiteeun niippllen of all KJnl till nun. Itn
talile hanawa)n Uxin renowned, and It ban
mintaliipil lldulf and Kulned i wide-npreul
reputation, under nil tlie arleun prnprlelera.
The original portion of thin building In leir
ami cenalntMl of but the two roeuin and a
kitchen until the yc-ir 17w, when a nelld
Rtene wall addition wan made, and in the
year lSJe, tlie Iraiiie biilldlm; wnn added. It
han aaiii lieen relrml under tlie direction
of the proneiitowniir, .Mr. Win. I'letcher, Jr.,
mid the number of rooms liu'reantxl, tliun
making a chaiiKO that Rljen it an air or com
forter a placowhero euuwlll alwaya tlml a
retruat for pleasure, or retirement. The
table ("till keeps up the reputation of the pint,
and Mr. Dinlul Miller, In just tlie je lal mid
HUriH'iihle hent who lie or neglect tlie com
fertn el hln guest mid leaves nothing undone
that will In any way promote general satis
faction. Ile dees net forget fiat tmslden the
delicacies of tlie table, tbore are theso who
HeuiellnieMdesirn u little te xlruiiutlien lie
Inner nun, and be has therefore n rare and
choice nelei tlen at his Uir of that enu thing
by many deemed ncedfiil
t'loiie "I llm nonunion at lliiitnn Favurlns
Hllrllllell el !llierC'nillKT,
111 the American llankern' i-onveution in
lloateii en Thuraday Judge Ijowell.orM.issA
cliunettn, read a paver en bankruptcy legisla
tion. Iloauggestodn bill which would pre
xlde thatn Kilarled supervisory olllcer lie up up up
pointeil under the government te HU-crv!se
all bankruptcy canon, junt an the Innurance
commissioner aorven. 'I he c.ijml8.sionerH
prev Ideil for In the rocent bankruptcy law
bolore Cougrean Hhnuld be milaried mid
should liave oxecullve futiitlens together
with the HtipervIsliiB olllcer.
A communication vv.m re.ul from I'nited
KtatoaTreasuror Jerdan, which ahowed that
thoiiumber of silver dellara colued te June
.10, lb.!, wan 23.),t!3,'J3il : esll mated val no of
tlie aubsldlary Hllver, t70,00l),00i) ; n total el
t.lOS.TSS.SMl. The vnlue of the Hllver In the
Htatulard dollar at te-day'n (August 10) prlte
la 71, til, wlille Hiibaidlary Hllver Is valued at
n1 01. l.xclunlve of nliranlen the proneut
valuoettho Hllver iioliiage la JJU,0ll,.l5i
It cost te maintain Hi Ih circulation fll.l2ier
I 1hV1
The following roseliitlon, Hiibmltted by the
oxecittlvocouncll, wivuuaiiimounlyndepto.d :
Wiikiihah, The American HankerV aaso aase aaso
elatien emlirucei In IU inoiuberHhlii moil of
overy lsilltlcal iarty, as well an thoiewho
acknowledge n i party obligations It ban In
all Its conventions uirelully avolded nil
mere party and imlltkal questions, ropro repro ropre
Hentlng an it does the business public, as well
the customers nnd stockholders el limits, It
again emphatically given warning el impend.
iiiir dancer te the whele country of the con
tinued coinage el hIIv or dellara under the in t
of 1B78. Wlille we fully rocegulu the lad
that both Hllver anil geld are required an the
money of the land we bolipye that neither
Hlieuld be coined In such ratio that
tlie ether shall be driven out of goueral
uue. We repudlate tlie Idea an often
maintained that liankn and lunkers eiv.
pese the contlnueil coluage of Hllver dol del
lara en account of Holf-lnteront, but en the
contrary, we here assert that they liave no
aiiecial Interest in ene kind of coin mero than
another, an long an each discharges Km legiti
mate jiurjiosea ns nioney. We bollevo all
persona having limited means and particu
larly earners or wages, will most largely
sutler when the throatened evlla shall cemu
We thoreforo oamestly appeal te ull beards
or shade, chambers el oeuuiiorco and elvll
and le 1 1 Ileal nssoelatlons of overy kind te
iimke iHiralstenl I'M. iris Insecure u roneal of
el the law or husiipiisIeii of the coining of
such Hllver dollars.
Additional resolutions vvore adopted pre
v Idlng that It be strongly urged lint the
uilnuge of Hllver be suspended uud tint con
tinued utlerts be made te secure un interna
tional uniform basis of value between geld
and silver. The resolutions ollered yester
day In behalf or Mr. Ilorteu, or Ohie, wero
adopted and a cotumltteo appointed te take
tlie manor iiiiimiKu.
Kx-tlovernor lleyt, of Pennsylvania, had
been expected te read a paper, but was
tee 111 te be present and his paper was re
ferred te the oxecutlve council without being
A resolution of last year'H session wan re.
enacted roquestlng the president te continue
etlerU te precure audi legislation as in the
future will socure return of fugitives from
Justlce who may be at large en account of do de do
lects lu the existing treaties.
The convention then adjourned slne die.
IIKItH'HAHTATK (if TtllXilfi.
Lord lumlelph Uliurrlilll llaa an Irlntt Hum
Hill MMUur.
Tlie Dublin Irinh '7'iiiici CounervalUe)
ntalen that II in rnllably Informed that litd
Randelph Churchill In emtagml In d raiting a
bill Intended toaeUo the Irish problem. The
koletoti of the moanure la already done, tlie
paper aayn, and It provides for uulteinal
local Hoirgererniiieut throughout (Irent
llrllaln ami Ireland, giving Ireland, Kng
laud, Hcetlaud and Wales control each el lis
own imiiipdlatenllalrn, leaving thonupruiiie
(Kiwer of the Imperial rarllameut iiiiillinlu.
lahiHl. The bill In dencrlbcd annmeanuie
which eMiun the deer te liuperlnl reileratleu.
The full text of the bill, the rni Times aan,
will net lioueuiplettHl befere next I'libruary,
" but," nddn the iaer, "no far an It linn gout)
It ban been auluuilted tn the M irquln of Hal
Inbury, thn Manpiln of llartliigtun and
ethera, mid It In bread oneugli te Mthfy nil
moderate lrlnhmun."
Ciiinitlineiitlii"; litil A herilrn.
'I he WentMrt (nxir law guirdlitin liate
formally congratulated Theuian Itrady, In
nxx ler of Irish llnherlen, en bin aix:essleii te
the honor of knighthood, conlerrod iikiu him
for the wisdom of hln inaungeineut of the
New Yerk Snn fund for the ntarvlng ilnlier
nien along tlie went ceant or Ireland. 'I he
guardians, commenting en the nctleu of the
llarl el Aberdeen In eoiirliigterlholnnM'ctor
hln prenent dlnllncllen raya i "It In enu of the
many nctn Mirfermisl by the Karl or Aber.
deun, which nhew that he In In accord with
IrlnU nsjilratleitn."
Iillxrlorenttier I'enr. In KlMllem
Mr. Ilrndlaiigh will ask a dlxlnleu el the
llouneorCommonnon the lUth Inst, mi the
Mennleiml order, din larlng that the luterfer.
ence el jieerH In eloctleun coustltiites a high
Infringement of the liberties mid privileges
el llioiieiumonn. Ile will liistauce Inlerrer
iincii by the Duke of Wimtmlnster, the Karl
of Leicester, Lord MeuLigu, tlie Duke el
Norlelk and the llukoef Vrgyll, nwKn.ticly,
In ('henter, Norfolk, lliickn, lnlingteu, and
Argyleshlre, ami will meto that the order, If
oliseleto, be abandoned , otherwise, tint It be
nuforced. tlie Hadlcaln will NiiKiit Mr.
Attuorise .r i.r.ii imiv
.liihll lllnr, nl 1 fill llltr, trail. thi
Cnti k Uuniierii
On 'I hurnday a sheeting match took phv e
at the driving pntk In Lebanon between a
large number of well-known gunners, who
camolrem llarrlnburg, Hewling, Lancaster
and ether places. 'Ihere were no lens than
liiunteeu men in the contest. 'Ihoynhetat
ten birds each ami the prles weroillvlded an
follewn, IM, (l mid f 12 .0. Jakollill,et
Huadlug, wan haiiillcipied en aoceuut of
being a professional, mid wan compelled te
sUnd back te -i vardn. Ten of the ethers
steed at J3 and the remiiultig elght
at -I yards. Tlie dlstauce wan regu
latisl In HcoerdaiHO with the gunge
or the gun iiscsl. Jehn t'lliie, of thin city,
ngiln allowed that he Is an excellent shot. Ile
killed bin ten straight birds, uiilUi te the dLs dLs dLs
coinllturnef MeHsrs.11111 Lawreme.nnd some
ethera. Thore wanaeveral hiiinlrisl poeploat
the match and great Interent waniuaulfiisted.
The Ncores, in tun, are :
Hwarw e I I 1 e 1 l I e o-e
Mill 1 1 I 1 n t u u 1 1 7
Hey .... I I i) i 1 e e 0 e n 4
Uitilmr I 1 I e e 1 i) ii 1 0 4
(.Hue 1 I I I 1 I I 1 t t-10
Mi . I I I e e 1 I 1 1 I- a
Lawrence .. . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 U-0
( iiinru lloletllll4
llrelist .lotetlloll-7
lialley e 1 0 1 0 l 1 u il 1 5
Dale .. . . I 1 I I 1 1 1 1 ii s
ItllV.ll 1 1 1 I e 1 1 il 1 1 s
Itilnnhl .. 1 I 0 1 t 1 1 0 I I- H
lire ks . . 0 111111110-8
Kttner e 1 e 1 t 1 1 1 1 1
Veung . . I 0 I 1 1 I 1 1 e 0-7
funis ... 1 e 1 1 1 1 i) 1 1 0- 7
lampion 1 e u I I 1 e u I e 5
llilu ... i e e 1 0 0 e 1 0 0 J
Iiiltst Id a Clay I'lKeeu rutirilaiilenl
Jehn C'llne, who wen the pigeon sheet at
Lebanon yestrtlay,has Ikhii Invited tenttend
nilay pigeon tournament that will be held
at Old Camp Carrell, uear ltlllmore,by Wll
Hen I'imt, draiid Army of the llepubllc, el
lUltltiiore, between August -J and -i.
Nett Oiitcrniirit ISninnl In Iho Mates uf
Texas anil leun..r
'I hursday wan the third day's session of the
Democratic! slate convention el Texan. A
permanent organization wanollected, after an
exciting debate, and a platlerm was miaul miaul
lueusly adopted. The platform, approves
President Cleveland's adiiilnlstratieu , de
clares that the educalleu efihlldreu in a state
right and duty, mid th it Congress ban no
right te appropriate money ler Its aid ,
favors the eiiiclmeut of lawn "te compel
Iho removal ut trospissem mul free
graders Irem public I nuts, mid te feri e the
pi merit of rent for their use ami te II x abso
lutely the rental price of lands te be leased,"
decla'res ler legislation for the regulation el
railroad and ether coreratioun ; nud asserts
"thititis the duty el tlie general govern
ment te protect nud defend the huuiblasi
American cltieii against unlawful acts of
any and all nations, and that decisive nellen
in demaudini: Indemnity for i island exist
lug grievances and Mxuritv ler the future
will meet with the imqiiallued approval el
the Domecnicy of Tyxas." (leueral U C.
Kesn was iiemlnateil for governor.
The Democratic statu convention of Tenn
essee, lu Hesslnu at Nashvilli). en 'lliurnday,
nominated Hubert Ij. Tayler for governor en
tlie tllteeuth ballet. 'Iho platlerm adopted
approves I'rosldeut Cleveland's administra
tien, lavers il reierni in taxation, anu uo ue
mniiils "that the surplus revenue, uew ur
herealter in the tieasury, whether geld or
silver, Ixi applied te the extinguishment el
the public debt."
.MHTII XUrtlng ill HlreetCiiminlttee.
On 'Ihumday alteruoeti at 3 o'clock l'ie
street commltteo met nt Columbia nveiiue
ami Careline street te iinally iloteruilne the
locality el tlie sewer, etc. In that nolghber.
heed. MemberH vvore all liroseut but two.
A crossing wan ordered te le laid ever
Columbia nveiiue at the east side of Kuby
'Iho following in the reute el sower as
Agreed iiixjii by llm committee :
Oelumbln nvontie, US feet went le Ceral
Htreet, along Ceral te .Second Btreet, then
along Second stroet te Cirollne, along
Careline le Maner, along Maner te
Maner and Derwart street Hewer.
As the matter wan net clearly uiider uiider uiider
Htoed by the commltteo or locality nud slu
until tins meeting, the committee decided le
ruadvertlse for bids te be opened en Monday
next. These bids are te be addressed te the
chairman, an the clerk will net bopresentat
the meeting en Meuday night next.
bummer Leisure.
Ii. Ii (Helier, publisher of the l'ittsbuig
Laber Jlcrnlil, son of the late 1'rel (Heller,
latoef thin city, Is spendlug few days lu
Jehn l'.Keist, orilagerA llre., in taking a
ten days' sojourn lu Ohie, visiting Columbus,
Cincinnati ami Lima in that slate.
Miss Llllle llolelne, of North Water Htreet,
left home en Wednesday for a trip of two
woeks at I'hllid elphla mid Sea lsle City.
Mrs. Michael ltelllv, North Queen htreet,
ban gene te Atlantic City,
Maktnc 1'rlenil. l'a.l.
t reui tlie l.ibiliien Tlinca.
Messrs. Copland aud lckert are making
frieuds last this side of the mountain. Hx Hx
Senater Jlellman, of Jouestewu, who had his
family and seme lady friends at Penryn en
Wednesday, speaks In high pratse el the
elegance el thocuislue, aud as the senator
knows a gixxl thing or two ns te what up
peases the apiollle Ills word la us geed as his
Taken te tlie
A strauger was leuud en North Duke
street this morning se lit that he could net
proceod any further. A wagon was sent by
the hospital nutliorltles'.aiul he was taken te
the ceuuty hospital.
The Itecean Over.
Court will meet te-morrow morning at 10
o'clock, when opinions will be delivercd of
cases argued at the June term. As court has
net been In session for some weeks thore will
Le a Urpo amount of current business transacted.
Nlie lil.M llrr lUtj rlema nt I tin Kama ratal
lfilliln, Itut lit) I.Carfnl I'nr lit Time.
The Weman Marilml In a Man
Well liiiimn Here.
' I have taken poison and nm going te
die," said a tall mid neatly dressed woman
an she entered the pitler of the KL Jaiiies
hotel, I'llUburg, shortly lielore neon en
Thursday. These present were horror herror horrer
strluken, and lern meuienl g"l in iisUjii iisUjii
Ishment at the woman. Her distressed ap ap ap
ieamiiLOgnvoev Idem e that herwerdn were
true, ami soverBl wemen iulckly asnlnled
horteasofa. Physicians were stimmoiieJ,
but bofero thelr arrival the k)Iseii Ii nl taken
held mid thelr ollertn wero nnolenn. Tlie
woman wan dead. She wan recognleil an n
Mrs. Hhaw who arrive I Wednesday night at
the hotel. The worn in and hersen, a bright
ten-year-old Isjy, tame te the hotel about
midnight. Mho appeired le be troubled and
was restless. 'Iho twolelt the hotel In the
morning and nothing wan heard of them un
til the woman, accomiuuled by her son came
staggering Inte the parlor.
While ell eris wero being made te rovlve the
unfortuuate woman it whs noticed that the
boy wan stupid ami en Investigation It wan
found that lie wan very sick mid te nil ap
H)araiiLOH had also taken a deadly draught.
Antidotes worendmlnlnlerod and lu a short
tlme he was able te talk.
tin: i.ini.i; son' isreuv.
llllnl Shaw, the woman's son, whom she
h id first tried te Induce te drink a uip of
colleo, was neon nt the ML .tallies hotel at two
o'clock lu the afternoon. Ile In a bright lad,
ten years of age, mid wan tlrossed in a
neat plaid suit. He talked very Intelligent.
ly about the matter ler ene se young, though
he wan very nervous, mid frequently had te
Btep talking, when he would burst Inte
tearn. "My mine," he Mild, "In Wlille
Shaw. My mother's nime was Lnimit
1 rands Shaw. We Is long In Cali
fornia, mid loll .Sin Francisce
about nix months age te go te
my uncle's home In V illiamspnrt, Pa. His
naiiie Is llrack Shiw, and In goueral mana
ger or the 1. lectrle Light company at Wil-llams)rt-
Mether ami father did net get
along well together, and that In the only
treuble she had se far as f knew. She wan
always scolding lather, but he would net put
up with scolding, se we continued te cemu
Hast. Tallier wan with in, but we lelt
him mid my elder brother, who In thirteen
vonrHef age, at Chicago. Mether and I went
te -Marshall, Mich., and Htnpped awhile with
my aunt, Mrs. Lucy deucher. We then
came bark and went te l'enn hun, Indiana,
where we vlnlted another lincie James
Ackermaii. ' we started fur Pitts
burg and arrived here alieut midnight last
night. Ne, we did net Leme from Philadel
phia, an mother said, but from Indiana.
" Mether told me tint we would go back
te Marshall, Mich, but thin morning she
seemed te change her mind and did net
Knew wuaiuiiioer wnere m go. .oeui
e'clm'k this niernliig she took me ever te the
des)t and get iiieacup of cellet). 1 tastetl It,
but It wan no bitter thai
I wet I Ii Ne I Dill M li.
"'I lien we staved around the dejiet for
hoiiie time, when mother took me te u fruit
stand and wanted me te drink a glass of
soda water, but I didn't want It. Hlie then
Mid she was sick, and would net go te
Michigan, but would go back te the hotel.
We get then) nt neon, and w hen w tt w nre In
the pirlur she opened her purse mul handed
me le Alow iiiiuiiitin latersue h mi inai sue
had taken poison, and seme of the people
here heirtl her."
"1 ither's iiaine is Isiic ltefd Shaw Iliad
been in hail 1 rauclsce and hacramenle all
m life until six mouths aga 1 alher also
worked for the electric light companies. He
w rete te mother after we lelt him at Chicago.
1 think that he went te Washington, D. C,
ami from thore te Liucaster, where he put
up electric lights ler some company. 1 think
that he in new either at Lincister or Kouevo.
'I he boy told hln story amid sebn nud wen
ihesyiiipilhy of all lliimi who vvore lu the
hotel pirler. Mr. .James Innahaii, proprietor
or the ht. James hotel, did everything he
could for the Isit, and had telegrams sent te
every point where it was thought Jhls reli
lives leilid be reached. "I'ntilwe linn bis
Irleiids," said Mr. L malum, "the boy ban a
home here, uud I will ile all that I can for
The Issly of Mrs. hhaw wan removed tothe
undertaking rooms of Jehn U'lrexler, en
Peiin avenue. She upiurcutly wan about
lerty jears of age, had black hair and wan
neitly attlrtsl lu n brown dress with white
dots. 'Iho general opinion Is tint she took
Hirvchninu loom! her life. When examined
it wan found her purse contained lull thirty
cents. The coroner was netllled, but as he
wanut.Mauslleld II In probiblethatun luquent
will net be buhl until this alternoeu.
'Iho dead woman mul bur husbiudnre both
knew n in tliis city. Last winter, Isaac Shaw
and bin biether, P. It. hhaw, came te
thin city and assisted liiorgaulriligtlieprosont
Incandescent electric light cempiny.
solicited subscriliers te the light nud hocured
u great many. Iloseemetlte be very Indus Indus
trleus. He llrst stepied at the City hotel
nud arterw arils went te the htevenn house.
One iitternoen about two months age. a
Htrangeladv arrived hi this city en Iho Day
Kxpresn at 1: 15 lu tlie nftorneon;; ihe was nc nc nc
coiiipanied by two bright looking boys, ene
ten uud the ether thirteen v e in or age. .She
went tothe hteveun house, whom she wan
show n te the parlor, she called the clerk,
nnd ticked liim if a guiitleinau named hhaw
wan stepping nt the house. She wan told
that there wan two men of that name nt the
house, hhe said she wanted te te Isaac
hhaw and asked that he be soot up tothe par par
ler.ThecIerk wontdew u stairs and seen Ien ml
hhaw : he told him about the lady and Miaw
sunt wertl te her that he would be up te see
her in ii low moments. He failed te keep hln
wertl, hew ever, an, without packing any
clothing or doing anything he felt the hotel
and tied from town en un uv eniug train. It
then became known that tlie lady wimhliaw's
w He, nud she said that alie had enme all the
wav from .Sacramento, California, after lier
Mils, nil vw'n t wti.ueltN leek.
Mrn. hhaw seemed te be greitly worried
ami had u careworn leek, hhe remained
nt the hotel ler several davn uud kept
Uemi le her room. Her sons scorned
te be very bright little lelllews, uud they
also remained in the room with their mother
where they spout the time reading and writ
ing. When Mrs. hhaw left tow u she said she
whs going te Wllllauispert. hoen alter her
depirture Hhaw returned te Lancaster mid
ngaiu stepped at the Mevens hoiise. He sent
ter Prank, the oldent of bin two sous, mul he
came te Lancaster. Tlie tw e beard ed ut the
htoveus house a month, during which tlme
hhaw worked Hleadlly. A ceuple of
months age hhaw unit his seu lelt
Lancaster and neither lias boeti horeHiiico.
P. 11. hhaw. a brother, olten visits Lancaster,
ami vv as here but a few tlav s nge. Isaae w an
seen lu Philadelphia en Tuesday night by n
gentleman el this city. He wan with Lis
mother, and hev ernl ether men who are on en
gaged lu the electric light business. He is
believed te be stationed in Henoveor Wllkos Wllkes Wllkos
barre. ltvvns well known le jioeplo of this city
that Shaw nud his vvilu lutd trouble. He told
dlllerent persons concerning it He Bald he
would never again live with her, although he
was willing te take mid support his sons. He
sild the public did net knew ull toucerning
the treuble between hlmsell nnd his vvUe.
III. caimtll)
Kieui the .Vlaiiliclni scnlhlcl.
A young man wlille standing en the depot
platlerm recently, Haw en one of the Irulgh
cars "capacity 10,000, lbs." Net being an ox ex
pert in pronunciation, he get through it af
eor this lashinn : "Catpa capa el-ty city
Capacity, llyjlngs! I nover heard of that
place ueiore ; it must ue in New Jersey.
A New Hanking Heuse lu Mautielin,
yrein the bentlnel.
Mr. K O. llresey, teller In the Manhelm
National bank the past twenty yeirs, lias ro re ro
slgued bis position te take charge of a new
bank te be opened lu a low daja in Iho rcem
cu the corner et Murket Squall antl Ncrtii
l'ruxs -u M evU
f?' 'ilH
vl -M
The Meltnu
Mlnlater In XVanlilngteii
Able Diplomat.
honor Den Mat las Homere wan bem at
Oaxnia, July 'Jl, 1S.17, mid educated jwrtly lu
his native sbitu ami then at the City of Mexi
co, whero he graduated an a liivyer In K'wt
and seen after entered the nrena of politics.
Wheu the late President Juarez wan minis
ter of the Interior, Kouiero served an prlvate
secretary. In leS he was made assistant sec
retary or state, and he also sorved an secre
tary of the Mexican legation when honor
MaU wan minister te this country, and
when that gentleman returned te Moxlce
honor Komore became charge d'allalrex,
Hervlng in that capicity from 1SjO te
H.T. When lmln Wapoleen so.ited Maxi
milian en the Mexican throue honor Komore
Joined tlie oppnnjtieu party, which oventually
nccoinpllshed the overthrew or the I'rencii
imwer In Mexico. Ocncral Doblado, then In
control, Mmt Komore te Washington an Mexi
can minister. He was recalled te take a sent
In the cabinet Ile wan sent again te Wash
ington when a change came in the adminis
tration, hluie that tlme he ban contlnued
there, nud through his courtesy and ability
ban made liluinoltatiniverHal favorite honor
Komore Inn great Iriend el tlie I nitetl htates.
thoroughly understands our Institutions and
no better diplomat teuld be selected at this
crlnln te conduit the negotiations relative te
the Cutting Imbroglio.
Mexican KevulutluiilnU Want War.
Letlern mid couriers arriving lu Nuove
Laredo, Mexico, ceuUrui the supposition that
the Revolutionary pirly in Norlhem Moxlce
are lu for crossing swords with the United
htates. It In roHirted en geed nutherlty that
(, who han recently depredated
In the v Iclnity of S iblnan, lias ollered te Jein
hatitln wiMi the federal government and
cleiu'eut the "ankoes. ivernment din.
patclies from lunrla, the apitil or the Htate
or Taninulipvs, received III Nuove Lirode,
are te the effect that the town In mm li ox ex ox
ciled ever the LI Pase and Ktgle Pans com-
plicttleiiH. Public opinion ,n te the Justlll Justlll
catleu of Mondragon In divided, seme laiui
lug that that he has justilled uud ethers con
demning him.
The governerot Tarn uillpis in aabl te have
asserted that It he worn In the position of
Governer Ueriint, of Cliiliualiin, he would
nevcr give Cutting up, and the people nl his
state npK'-ir te upheld him in hln opinion.
1 reui Parrun Llnenm the news conies that
the presHs;t of war with the 1 nitetl .States In
hailed with delight, un man j lu that Mictien
wish te uhl lu wiping out the romembrance
el their ileleat at Pale Alie, Menteiey and
liueua ista. Thelr Inlxirn iintipitliy and In In
leiiHe hntretl for the Cirmgees creeps out dally
an in shown by their Insulting and annoying
treitmeut of Auiericius whonre se uufurtu uufurtu
inte an te be living lu their midst. 'Iho gov
ernor of Coahuila fecmn te be mero conser censer conser
vatlve than oitherof thoseor lamiulipan or
Nouve Leen, mid In said le be in favor of
peace ami conciliatory measures.
mi ciri MBM si'Bi. vnis i.
A private teUigrain from Sillillesivs that
a brigadoel lufiutrv urrlvtsl in tint city this
morning. Thelr lutiire dostmatieu tn net
Stockmen arriving from Mexico state that
the news or the trouble with the fnittd
States han Just reached reinote regions in
the Interior, causing great ei iteuient ami
milking It dangerous ler stock but era te stay
In thelr midst
Importers In Nueve Lare.l are counter ceunter
inandmg their ortlers ler goods, in contem
plation el treuble, nt they are i oniideut Cut
ting will nover be given up I'lie present
in paralyzing business en the border.
As the result of a conversiuni with the
set rotary of Htate, It may lie stited that thore
is absolutely no truth in the story sent out
from the City of Moxlce that our government
ban withdrawn its peremptory domain! for
Cutting's rolease, or changed its attitude lu
thin case in any way. Thore In no disiositien
te hurry or annoy or embarrass the Mexlcan
government or its courts, and this claim
w liicli its ministers here in ikes, that It li in n
right tepuuish nil American cltiens ler an
ollense committed in tlie I illicit htites, will
nover be admitted, tacitly or otnerw ise.
PrlKiiirul Injuries Sii.lnlneil li a Icn-V car DM
Hey In Jit.. ley
Mi.Jev, Aug. 1'.. A thrilling and fright
iul accident occurred In the upiier end or this
town jestcrd.iy ; mid atone tlme It loekod as
if It would bo'attentlod with fatal results,
Samuel Dennis' butcher bevs, vvore about
driving a steer Intotheirsl uighter
the railroad crossing in the vvest end of the
borough; Henry (Irmli'asen, a lail el about
nlne years el nge, wan helping todrlve the
nuiniil. Tlie brute, which wan net
ii xeiy geed tempered one, had a
heavy chilli about Its neck, some
thing llke n le chiin, with a hook en
the end or It. liy seme means this hook
caught nreund thounkleof the boy, and the
steer became frightened, made oil with u
vicious leap and suirted nt full run, driggiug
the helpless lad along.
Torrllied nl ins Hiiuuieii .nm iiiiiuiiiiK
from bruises, the boy cried out, which
Hoemeil te aim in the aiiliuil afresh
uud his mad llight was iucreased.
He ran up the street prebibly threo
hundred yards, pulling the boy with
hill), evor slonesiind dirt nnd imperilling
hislife at overy jump. Ailrigliled specta
tors oxiiected te see voting Gresh's brains
dashed out or his loot jorked oil ut overy
iiiovemout, and overy otlert was made te
head oil the brute.
David Stouer wan picking potiteos in his
patch across tlie raure in. no nearu uiu
citoment and rau te step the steer. The ani
mal turned toward the wire fence
surrounding the let nud was caught
In It. Tlie chain siHchenuu, me
boy's feet get loose and the stoer was
caught and retaken te the slaughter houne.
The unfortunate boy being released iretn his
porlleus iiosttien, wan found te be very badly
hurt. His clothes wero almost tern oil him ;
his back was Htripped of covering, the skin
rubbed oil and the llesh macerated llke a
ploce of peunded raw boelstoak. He was
terribly brulsed from crown te tee, and It Is
feared has sullored internal lujuries though
no dislocations were received.
Tin: nev'rt ionkiuen re-nvv.
Mr. Jen. Ainr. U "leung ChrUtlollresh
who was dragged by tlie steer vesterday, is
attoudetl by Dr. 1. L. .logler, but the full
extent or his InuiIes is net known, 'the
points or the hook, i.iused a hele In his heel j
ene sldoef his body In rubbed open, and his
legs and arms are raw. llloster C. Culp nud
Jim May, colored, wero driving the stoer
lrem Staulfer'n farm. They had tried te dls dls
sunde the boy trem going Bleug, but he In In
slsted upon Rccenipanying theui ; ant! no ac
cident occurred uuiu jusi us muy luiictiuu
Hutcher Wagim llruken.
As Henry Deerr'a butcher wagon was
crossing the railroad track at West'.Kingand
Water streets, ene of the wheels became
caught betw eon the track mul was wrecked,
all lUe spokes being broken out of It-
The Wind lllimlng nt lli Italn el Slly Mile.
an Heur tliiu.e. tJnroeleil by tliediiln
anil lliillillng. mown Down Indian-
apall. X Itltrit liy an Mrtliiiinkn.
Ki eitii;, Iowa, August IT. Thin section
of the state wan vlnlted by a hev ero wind anil
rain storm xonterday alternoeu. 1'er seme
tlme the wind blew nt the ratoet ft) miles per
hour mid caused great damage te reefs,
steeples, lumber yards nnd everything of
light construction. Many streets nre blocked
with fallen trees nud slrewn Willi debris. The
steeple of tlie 1 Irst 11 iptist church wan blown
down and the reefs of the Insenlu hall,
CoeyoV Company's jsirk lieuse,aml the opera
house mid the cupola of the court house were
carried away. Iho wind wan fellow ed by n
drenching rain which contlnued three hours
mid will de great lienetlt te the crops. He
ports rocelvotl here Indicate that the storm
was general and overywhoro the storm was
accompanies! by sovero wind.
V lulent Thunder ami Wind Sturnn.
llunt.lMtiTev, Iowa, Aug. II This city
was visited yosterday alternoeu by ene of the
most viblent thtinder uud wind storms
known in ltn history. The storm came
from the vvest and lasted evor an hour.
During the time, howevor, It wrought greit
datuage te font os, treen, Ac The went wall
of the Steam Supply Ce., building was blown
down and Wyman A lUnd'.n furnlture nntl
cariet establishment wan partly unroeleil'
It In rumored that Crosten han been nearly
vvlped out and that Mount Pleasant and
Keokuk were badly damaged.
tlte Cars lllnnn I riiuinMillng.
ltl.oevuvriTOV, Hln., Aug. II At six
o'clock lant evening a heavy wind and rain
Hterm struck thisctty. It rained half an hour,
much water falling, completely breaking the
drought. On the Chicago .t Alten, botweon
Alten mul St. Leuis, thore wan great havoc
of wires, anil ii cyclene wan throatened. At
KHIet, Pertl county, en the Lake Krie reid,
tlvecarn wero blown from a siding en the
main line nnd the Hast-bound accommoda
tion from bore ran Inte thorn, wrccklugthe
englue. he far an known no ene wan In
jured. An K.irtliitiake In Indianapolis
Ivnt vnai', Intl., Aug. 13 This city
wan visited late xonterday afternoon by n
slight oarthquake, which contlnued about 1 2
seconds, and wan xery proneuncod ; nearly
overy portion of the city felt the oilects.
Houhesworo shaken perceptibly, ami great
terror oxlsted among the mero timid. '1 hore
In no report, howevor, of nny material dam-
Killed li) a Helt nf Lightning.
Hei irnv, Texas, Aug. 1 J. At neon yes-
tertlay during a rain storm a party or man
vv ero stindlng m front el Jnmen Dy le's saloon
in the fifth ward. Towards the close of the
storm n belt of lightning struck the corner of
the building, killing a negre ii-mied Tnyler,
striking him in the head, running through
i the body and coming out of thn right feet.
Mr. Lx le w an kuocked senseless and it tn ro re ro
liertod will die. Severdnien standing near
wero slightly shocked.
(real I) linage tn Crep.
Ituoeki.VN, Iowa, Aug. Ik A sovereraiii,
w Ind and hall storm visited tliu northeast
iiart of Pewesheik county Wednesday night,
doing great damage te crops. Cern In esti
mated te be about one-louith dostrevod.
Twe storms united in Jellersen township,
whipping the stalks bick and forth like a
tornado. Seuth el Hroeklyn a jeuug man
named hbnrrarwan struck by lightning and
lay unconscious for some hours, lie is still
in a critical condition, hleck sullored
severely and a number of head wero killed
by lightning. Jellen-en township wan visited
two yeirs age with severe wiud anil hall
storms which dostreyod the creiw, aud this
storm will be hard en the farmers.
Tlie VV I nil mew Down the Cam a ur the soil seil
llrntlier,.' Mietr.
Kins i, Ma, Aug. Sells' Ilren circus
exhibited here vesterday, and an imuieiise
crowd was in atteiuiaucent the afternoon per
formance, which had just begau when a tre
mendous wind storm came up tearing the
immense cauvus lrem the poles. The whele
fell te the ground, burying great numbers el
men, women, nud children beneath the can
vas, creating it panic which resulted lu a
number of persens being seriously Injured,
htove Stout bad thrce ribs bieken; James
Ithrewm, bully cut In the head; two ladles
had legs broken, uamen unknown; several
children were slightly Injured j several
ethers were bruised and tramped upon, but
they vvore carried nw ay bofero the oxtent or
nature of their lujuries wan ascortalued.
riiesiuriii Hlnnm Away One Hundred and 1 ifly
feet et a Uridyl'.
Si. Let ls,Ma, Aug. l.k V violent storm,
which was almost . i hurricane, passed ever
the city about ti o'clock last oveniog. The
storm came from the north and passed down
the river, 1 isting ler about half an hour. The
air was tilled with clouds of dust, which
made it iinixWble te see a block distant
N timorous smoke stacks, awnings and out
buildings woie blown down, but no serious
damage has been roiHirtetl. The w ind storm
was lollewed by u refreshing rain, accompan
ied by lightning. At Hast ht. Louts the
sterinstruck the approach te tho.bridge w itli
lull force, carrying away iibeut oue hunilred
aud lllty feet el the woodwork en the north
mde, and sixty en the beuth side, which was
tumbled en the tracks below, but fortunately
ue trains vvore en tlie tracks nt the time, aud
the debris was cleareil away in tlme te per
mit the ovenlug passenger trains te pass
evor as usuil. Reports trem river points
alwve and below here say that the storm was
unusually sovero but ue 'great amount of
damage or les.n el life has been heard of.
During the day the heat was very oppressive,
the thermumoter registering lOeiii thoshnde.
Cattle round lu llri'iulliil Ceiulllltin
CiiK'Viie, Aug. 13. -Seventeen head or
oattle wero unleaded at the stockyards yes yes yos
eorday trem a car ever the Chicago A, Atlan
tic read. Nearly overy oue or theui showed
bad bums ou theii lucks mid Hide and all
wero BUlIeriug fearfully. Nobody knew
anything about the stock, but It is claitned
that they had been taken from the, yards the
day bofero. It Is suppesed the top el the
car took lire. The cattle wero bought by
ene of tlie packing companion.
Abhe l.Ut'a Itemalu. lu Hulramlerred.
Ur.iti.iN, Aug. 13. The transfer of the re
mains of Abbe Liszt, te Hungary, Is being
Horieusly considered In which case they w ill
probably be llually interred at Oldeuberg,
the birthplace et the de ad master.
An Opinion u Mntllieua.
Londen, Aug. 13. The Vimici, comment
ing ou the reelection et Mr. Matthews in llir
iiiiugliam, says ; We could wish that Mr.
Matthews had a cleaner record, but the case
has changed slnce the tlme when he advoca
ted Unit's heiu e rule policy."
ripelleil 7(1 Clilmimen.
PeitT Moeiu, n. C, Aug. 13. The in
habitants or Juneau City, nud Douglass City,
Alaska, expelled 7t) Chlnameu front theso
places en the sixth Inst. They wero put en
beard, two small schconers and shipped te
Fert 'Wraugel.
Ihn Hearing of ltnllln M. HiUlre.
Nr.vv YeitK, August 13. The hearlng In
relation te the charge Against Kelllu M.
Squire, commissioner of pubtle works, wan
resumed te-day. The llrst witness was Com
missioner of Account Adanisen. Mr.
Strahuneliclled nothing of Importance from
Adanisen. 'Iho revelations oxpectod lu the
"whele story "wero net brought out. Mr.
Peckham objeclod te Stratum' line of Inquiry
and tlie mayor susUilnetl the objection. W.
1 Turner, the mayor's secretary, and Win,
J. Lyon.audlter of the controller's olllee, wero
the next witnesses but thelr ovldenco wan
wholly immaterial.
Deck Commissioner Jeseph Kech and Cel.
Jehn Tracy wero llan called an wllnesses for
the defense, but vvore net priscnt, A rocenn
wan then taken until 1 o'clock.
The Investigation wan today declared
closed by the mayor, altera xalnbattleby
the lawyers rer the tlofeno for adjournment
It In prebabla that the mayor's decision will
net be submitted te tlie governor until alter
thn criminal trial or Sqtiire nud I'lyuu In
dinponed of.
The 1'iipe AEalu.t Ihe Knight, of Laber,
(tiiii.c, Aug. II. Cardinal Tasoheroau
han Just made public the lleal decision of the
IiolyHeoti the quostlen of the Knights el
Laber. In a lotter te hln sutlragan blshepN of
the ecclesiastical provlnce el Quobec, the
lardlnal says that the seciety it condemnotl ,
and the bishops are mijolned te proceod
against nil secret societlcs under the papal
Cardinal Himoenl cannot hee that ,thore
can lenger be nny doubt an te the rule, te be
lollewed by Catholics the whele world evor,
whorever the Jurisdiction of the Hely Olllee
extends, and he says that the Sacred Congro Cengro Congre
gitlou recommends bishops te proceod
against the seciety of the Knights of Laber In
the manner prescribed lu the instructions el
May 10, lsSI.
Of Interest In Ciitleil Men., Aug. 11. The adjourned
meeting of the Cotten .Spinners association
te obtain a docinlen regarding tlie proposal
te lnaugurate short tlme In all the cotton
mills in Lancashire was held te-day. A poll
of the mill owners was had when it was
found that only ene-third were willing te
adept short tlme, the remainder being In
favor of continuing work at their mills an
A resolution was then adopted abandon abanden abanden
the short tlme idea.
u Meeting Wan Held.
Ni.vv Yeiii., Aug. 11, Secretary Knox, of
the New Jersey Central railroad, donies the
Htatement published this morning that the
Jersey Central directors yesterday ratllled
the trallle agreoment w ith the 11. A O. and he
states positively that no meeting of director
wan held yenlerday.
ell.uti Married.
Pvuis, Aug. 11. Christine Nollnen was
married te-day te Count De Cara Miranda, of
Spain. 'J he niarriage wan performed in this
city and the ceremeny was Iprlvate as pessl
bio. The ceuple will spend their honey
moon in Spain.
Dr. Illlss Slay het llecetrr.
W vsuimitev, Aug. 13. Dr. I). W. Illlss,
el this city, who recently met w ith a carriage
accident at Cleveland, In said te be lying in a
very critical condition at Chagrin Falls, Ohie,
nnd hln family have lelt here for that place.
Dr. Illlss was subjected te a great strain
during his constant attendance en President
Garfield nnd wan all last winter in a feoble
condition. It In new believed that he will
net recover lrem the shock caused by the
Hie Strategal Iyer..
Svuxtoev, Aug. IX Highlit extra day;
weather clear aud warm; track last; at
tendant e large ;ene hour and quarter delay
at jiest.
l'lrst race, purse JJOO ; n4 rnlle ; Petticoat 1,
Jim Douglas J, Cuban Queen 3, Time, l:ItSr,
Mutuals piiil, JJ9 50.
rriiniliient Lutheran Divine Head.
Ml. Vi.unev, N. Y., Aug. II Kev. Dr.
Gee Charlen Hella died xesterday. Hewan
ene of the most prominent Lutheran clergy clergy clorgy
men of tlie country. He was born Feb. g'2eth,
lSJt, at Darius tndt, Germany.
etv X iirlt'a New Celleclur.
(VuiihNsiii mi, N. Y., Aug. 1J. The newly
nppeinted collector of the pert of New Yerk,
Mr. Mageue, oxpects te leave hore for New
Yerk the llrst et next week. Ue Is non
committal in regird te his goueral movo mevo move
nioutn. ;eiiey Has Maile Ilia lieiiueat Cineil.
Miiilii.Krevvv, Conn, Aug. 13. Mr.
Geerge P. Seuey's gift or flOO.OOOte the
Wesleyau university, the payment or which
thteugh the financial troubles et Mr. Senoy
had been dolayed, has been made geed, Mr.
Seney hav ing rotrlev ed his misfortune Dr.
Ileach, the president of the cellege, has an
nounced the pleasing fact te the trustee-".
Tlie List el Failure, for XVeek.
Nhvv Yeniv, Aug. 13. Thore were 157
failures in the Unlted States aud Canada re
ported te K. G. Dun A. Ce., or the mercautlle
agency during the vvoek, aglust 151 last week
uud 102 ler the weak previous te the last.
mii li!lts Convicted ami Pined.
Londen, Aug. 13 The Socialist", Wil
li mis and Maluwarlng, vv ero convicted to te
day or causing an obstruction in Hell stroet
uud lined CJO each or two mouths luipriscn luipriscn
tnenu They vvore given until Tueaday
next, te raise the meney.
H'Jl.iTlIirif I'KOIIAIIlLlTltlB.
g WASH1NUT0H, D. O., Aug. 13. Ker
, Eastern Pennsvlvauia, Hastern New
Yerk, New Jersey aud Delaware, lair
weather, followed by local ralus, seutherly
winds. Ne decided thange lu temiiorature.
lu llase IU1I Circles.
Merris ban net pltched a Hlugle wiuuiug
gaum agiiiil the Athletics this j ear, while
Gulvln has net lest one.
lttirch was spiked in Clucluuatl and cau
scarcely walk, huilth's liuger Is split am!
he will net be uble te play for a week.
The Pittsburg club steps In Altoenato
play an exhibition gatne te day, and Moun
tain w ill pitch.
It makes liie l.isiern people 101 muii iu
read the Association scores theso warm mom
lugs. The National Loigue games of yesterday
vvore: At Philadelphia, Philadelphia l,
Washington I; at Ilosten, New Yerk 8,
Itosten 1 ; at Chicago, Chicago 11, St. Leuis
; at Detroit, Detroit il, Kansas City 1!.
The Association games resulted .as fellows
vesterday: At Pittsburg, Pittsburg 7, Ath
letics I ; at Cincinnati, Cincinnati 10, Mela 3 ;
at Leuis, ht. Leuis 11, Ilaltimore 1 ;at Leuis,
ville, Loulsvilie'J7, Hroeklyn 11.
Yesterday In the game against Hroeklyn
Louisville had twenty-leur basohltseirioolo
and llatklns.
The Leulsvllles have nw weu twenty-llye
outeftholastthlrty-ono gauies played, and
in ii.., hi thriin I'Hinna wltli the ltroeklyus
hnve inadu lilly-elght ruus and tifty-efght
b.ise bits. , ,
'Iho Atliletlcs outbatted the PltUburg by yosterday, but lest by their miserable
"it Is gouerally bolleved that the St. Leuis
t niinini inn wilt disbautl alter this season.
Chicago will make a great otfert te secure
Glascock, the lameus short step.
Colored l'lculc at Lltltz
The colored people of this city are holding
a picnic at Lltltz te-day. They had a vary
lartre crowd en this morning's train and a
number v out out at neon.
vaiiu mint ueniMSTiurr,
Interim With I'alrlck Kcmi, l're.lilent el IM National League of America lie
Severely Score, the Klement that
I'reinUen In Uiiiue DUtiitl.aiire,
CitlCAtie, ill., Aug. 11 Mr. Patrick
rgan.prosldentof the Irish National League,
reached Chicago tins morning ami wan
driven tothe Grand Pad Ile hotel.
He stated te u Unlted Press rcporter that
Mr. Dav ill would be certalnly hore te-night,
lu reply te a question as te the cause or tlie
prosent treuble in the League Mr. I'gati
R.tld :
"It tan hardly be crotlitetl and yet it Is
very annoying. Mr. W. P. Kend Is at the
bend of an opposition ractleu that Is 8Urpoetl
te be composed of members of the Irish Na
tional League. On the contrary they have no
connection wilh lu The apparent dlssoiiHlen
hasabadlnfluoiue and threatens te luake
seme supporters of the I.oague ilKnallnlled
with lb) policy. The actions of this Palmer
lioiisecommlltoo, as It Is termed, nre rldlcu.
leus and absurd lu the oxtreino. They
baye nolther vete or Inlluence In the ergan'l.
zallen, antl it Is exactly tlie same an though
the Demecrats vvore te bold a convention nud
a number or Republicans slopped forward te
form a reception commltteo and wero Al
lowed te have voiceand make nominations.
We expect no treuble from them at the con
vention, as they would cortalnlyplace them
selves In a particularly awkward position.
Our convention will be held en Wednesday
nnd Thursday or next week at the Central
Musle hall. The object of holding a meeting
In te advocalea policy te be pursued by tlie
League In Ibi support or the Irish question
an advocated by Mr. Paruell. Mr. Davltt co
incides with Mr. Paruell In his views rognrtt regnrtt
lug II, and will speak from the platlerm
adopted by Paruell."
Te On te Iho ulilcaB Irlati Convention.
Mr. William IL Keilly, el (loorgoM.Steln (leorgoM.Steln (loergoM.Steln
man A Ce., han been chosen as the represen
tative el Branch Ne. 091, of the Irish Nation
al I.oague of America lu this city, te nttend
the general convention el that organization
in Chicago en August IS and l'J. He xvlll
leave en Meuday evening.
Orangemen lu llclfant l'rnctlie Horrible
dignities On a Catholic.
Bhl.rAST, Aug. 13. The excitouient of the
past low davs, aud which had greatly subsi
ded yesterday, was rouewed this morning
evor tlie report of an outragesaid te have
been committed by Orangomeu last evenlng.
A Cathella uamed Jehnsen, wlille returning
lrem work was seized by a nuraber of
Queen's Island men, very roughly handled
and finally tarred and feathercd. The Cath
olics are oxasperutod ever this ailalr nud
threaten vengeance
Kive hundred additional pelice lnv e roach reach
oel Uelfast te-day, and overy procautleu Is
being taken by the authorities against a Tresli
outbreak. Since Saturday night last fifty
Rorieusly wound ed persens have received
treatment at the Kev at hospital and tw e hun
dred ethers have bad their wounds dressed
at prlvate Biirgorles. Thrce hundred mero
were probably wouudeel, but wero taken te
their homes and cared for there. The exact
number of these latter cases will nover be
The rain storm which set in Wodnesday
still continues and has dene mero te keep
the streets froe from crowds than the com
bined ollerts of the pelice aud military. The
authorities intend toclesoall taverns at II ve
o'clock this ovening-and keep thorn closed
until ten o'clock Monday morning.
JI0ST0.V4 atvamttievs cask.
An Autopsy en ltulilnaen'a ICmly HIiiiiia Large
liiiautltlea of Arsenic
Bosten, Aug. 13. The autopsy en the
body el Win. Koblnseu, son or the nllegetl
murderess, showed the preaonce or arsenic
lu large quantities. Alter the pest-mortem
examination yesterday ou Wlille Koblnseu,
Chlof Parkhurst visited the jail nnd had a
long Interview with Mrs. Sarah J. Kobinsen,
the suspected murderess, lie tried his best
te socure a confession from lier, but It was
w Itheut success. The woman wan self-pos
sessed most et the tlme aud get excited only
when the chief, adopting a smart, said:
" New, see here, Mrs. Koblnseu, we don't
vv ish te keep y ou longer than can be lielped.
I wish you would tell me what your rela
tions in the case wero. 1 knew that
Smith Is the guilty man antl we don't want
you toshleld him any lenger."
At this point the woman begau te Jump up
and down with excitement.
"Oh no," she oxclaimed, "he Is net the one
who did It. Mr. Smith is the best man In the
In spite of further coaxing the wemau
would net talk en the case. It Is bolievod
that Smith will weaken mid tell what he
knows of the case bofero again going te court
Washington Jettlugs.
WAbiiiMiieN, D. C, Aug. 11 The presi
dent te-day appolnted Edward Hepkins te be
collector or customs ler Iho Saint Jehus,
l'lerlda district.
Cel. Lament returned te Va8lllugten this
morning. Amenp, the president's callers to
day vvore ox-Seuator aud Mrs. Gorden, of
A. leurth-class jiostmaster was appolnled to
day in Peunsylvimla: H. A. T. Strohm,
Walnut llotteim
1 lie rope Thank, the Knqierers.
Lo.ndev, Aug. 1 1. Dispatches rrem Vi
enna state that the Pope has been conlldou cenlldou conlldeu
tially informed by the Austrian authorities
that lieth the HmiKirer l'raucis Jeseph and
the Emperor William during their roceut
conrerouco nt Gasteln, took into account tlie
prosent position or the Vatican. Ills hollness
hasiorwardedliis thanks te both emperers
ler thelr action aud the attitude which they
have assumed toward tlie holy soe.
Mint Ills Wife and Himself.
lllioeKLY.v, N. Y., Aug. 13.-At 730 this
morning, Charles L. Chase, of Tenth street,
uear Sixth aveuue, Bhet bis wUe In the left
Blde of the neck, the ball coming out at the
right side. Ile then atteuipted sulclde In the
same manner, lleth are new In the hospital
with small hepes of their rocev ery. It is bo be bo
lievod that Chase was Insane.
Iteelectcd le IMrllauieut.
Londen, Aug. 13,-Mr. O. T. lUtcble, M.
P. for Tower Hamlets, St. Goerge's dlsUlet,
has been reolected te Parliament by a
majority of ills appointment as presi
dent of the local government beard makes It
necessary for him te seek roelectlou.
forty 1'erlsli lu Colliery.
Londen, August 13. A learful oxpleulou
has occurred In the Weed End oelllory at
Lelgh, Lancashire, near Bolten. Many of the
miners worn shoekliitrlv burned. Thus fur
forty of them were reported te uTe perished.
Pull particulars are net obtainable at present
On nn InspcU'ir Teer.
Omaha, Neb., Aug. IX-Oen. J. E, John Jehn John
sten arrlved here yesterday, lie is ea
Keneral insiHWtlng tour el the Union A
Central l'W llu" l0T lne Government
O.rniauy le Uevelep Hoelh Africa.
Urur.iK. AUKUStll ThoaermauCelOBlal
Africa, te-tako possesien of uurt country la
tlie name of Oermany and develop Ma i.
K '
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