sjBSwEWBSBHi "i ' ' r.4J'","r - --.- "ff-i,.V'.t .' -" "VV ' ' i V1. , V5"KtiX' yt-'. LANCASTER PAH.Y JXmBLSAQVSOER, THUBBPAY. AUGUST 12, MBftL V"' THI ftl m m RtnndliiK nltli tier palms lonethot riiwdisil ( tlxtit On her fucn n leek el wniulur And ilrltKliI, (Irnclu Hatched the tlrelUc tlancliift Unreund Ihote, UleiiinliiK UiieiiRli Iho sweet, tell, imiiiier Evening nlr. Mamma millt'il In sen the Juwiilii lllad Mirpiljr, In Uiv clear lipllia of hornlrlle's linnet iiyi'n, " Am lliiiy laities' lantern., uiauiinu " Quofltlum'dslie " That nl nlKlit U-y '"'' ,vl11' ,l""1 Bn te (I'D, Or,"ltiiNi!rlUllii line llu.liid limy bright, Willi ninwiiiiryel wlntri'it KlCf-cy-whlln A nil nlm chipped tier small hand, nellly " New I knew, .MmiiiiiMlicy nrc HUle etnr llaki-n, I. Ik I'd llie mew " em the YeutK'i (Ajmiinnlim. A UtHUIKTIVUTTHAUKIir A Iter el KlghtriiiiNliiMil.aiiit Kills III Mlitillii Aicl llrlit. Tlie town of Woeilliury Conn., was llie hceiiu Tuiwtlay nlKlit f a irlililfiil iloiiieatlo truKit3. Hnbert Ilrnkely, hkei! olktliteoti, "het, nml klllixl lilwlfii,ni;oUlilrly-eli!littiii thtm nlleuiiteil milclile, llie tiiillut twwliiK tlirmiiili lil" linnil nml foeL Drakely UiIeiikh te a iiremliuiil family, hlw lather lialni: been n merchant In ltaltlmore, Mil., Whom he amaiauil ,i for tune. Tlioaett wai marrlit nil woeknnk;o. 111m vtlfu hail been illtoreoil from a limn tiamiHl Wnrvtlck, of New Yerk. Sliti wiw woman of tiiArellcnt reputation. Thoileoil vbi committed In theHltlliiK room, with tlm iloer kvktsl. Tlie only nntiae bssIkihhI for llie IrnKwly In tlmt tlm iiiurtlorer probably lioenmo HimareJ lit ImiIiik roprevotl by lit wllu ler IieIiik ilrinik. After tlie HlKxitlnii Ilrekely runliwl out ami telil tlie nolirlibern that he hail Hhet IiIn wUe, Mrs. llrakely was iihet threiiKli Ihu hvnrt. H.Wl HTOUV OP IIIIAKKIA'h IMMIU. ThoHheotlnK of hln wife by lloberl Drake ly, at Woodbury, Cennnctlcut, unit III at tempt te take Ills own llfe was roceltotl In llaltlmore. llohert Ilrakelny wan u mmef the late Henry V. Drakely, n liltshly ro re HpiH'Uxl prevision nuircti.itit of Baltimore, who lclt u large fortune. The history of the Drakely family ha been aail. Alwr Mr. Drakely'd ilealh III aluuble property wai illvliliHl ameilK lilaaeiiK, ene of whom w a arrentwtl home youre nite for u otletnio In connection with lila buitlmwai another wan of way ward toiulencloi, ami mUI llllluer no nltenllnn te work, and bmoiinef llie yeiuiR men lireved of thoroughly atfaily liahltij. Anolher el the """. Charles Drakely, myHtorleuHly ilbwHreil aevernl yeara (?e In llmten. He wbm vlnltlnB frlenili thure, and had linlled a yemiK lady te e te the thtMitrn. Whun IiechIUmI for lmr In thoou theou thoeu liiK "he refiiHctt teiKtmiiiy him, nml he loll the heu-m without lint or, ufler hnv Iiik lern his watch Irem hii pocket nod do de do clared te thoyeuiiK lady, eh Iio(;iie it toher. Hint oho would mivnrtHK) hliu again, lleiltid tlie heuse .vi he f.iiutiMl n way, and nuthliiK niore wai enir heard of him, out aa the plnce w here hd waa neon la near the nleamihip deck, It mi umiurnlly ceucluileil that he commltted RUlrlde by drowning. llobert Drakely U llie yemiRmt of the family, and baa been rnilier n rellliiK alene. He Li a yeunj; man of pleasant addresM. I'ntll rivently yeuni; Drakely had been llvliiK with frietula In llnltliueriv. . HTATK VUlATlVa Tlm llcinerntla nl luliln I'.lnt Tlirlr llrlr Kittra anil County CliAlriililil. The Dauphin Democratie county conven tion tool atHtoelton, Wednesday, ami cIiome n'wirge U. IamiiiiIh, of Halifax, ai lla chair man. Colonel Henry .McCermlck wan In dnniOil for Roernor, anil the ilnlcgntei wero reiumtCil te uw all honeniblo meuiiH te Hocure hla nomination. Koxelutlona worn adoptedludenlui; the admiiiNlratieiiM el I'ron I'ren I'ron lilent Cleuland and dovenior rattlseu. A net of lOMilutlen from the KnlKhta el I.silKir wero adopted Indorsing relerm lelilalUiti, twpeclally the antl-iilicrlmlnatieu law, the resolution bearlug ery hard en the lujuatlce of the rallnmd Interpre tation of the Ieiik and abort haul. Wallace de Witt, of Harrliburc wai chewn county chairman, and C'lmrlixi Kodearmel, of Dauphin, a meinlwr of the auto commltteo. I. M. Heller, (Hummtilatewti), A. S. ItrnU, (HuHUnlinnua) and W. M. Lauinan, (Mid (Mid (Mid illotewn), woreclnv)iidole(;atw te the ahite i-onventlen from the county. II. SWiiulilo SWiiulile iiniKe, A. lleyd Hamilton and .1.1. Dehiney wero electa! conKrelenal confnrec. D. Id II, Johna, of I.ykeiin, and C W. Kayiueuil, of Mlddlntewn, wero iiemlnattHl ler the at aembty from tlie 'county district, and the ceuntv commltteo were uiitherlriHl te Helect the lulance of the ticket. It was a victory for the Myers' men, 1-uiiimu IxiIiik the only Dull ramlidale miccenHlul. The I'rehlblUnnlaU el I'hosier county, held a convention Wodneaday uud noinl neinl natal Kills 1. Marshall ler Cengreas, with a full leglHlatlTeand county ticket. lien. CharlesS. Wolfespekoattho Aciilemy of Music, Kcranten, en Wednesday nlitht, te a Tery large audlonce, nreu though the weather was intoniiely het. On the platform wero twenty-llve Helld and onerablo repro repre repro Hentatlvo l'rolilbitlenists from all parta of the county. The Dolawnre county Hepubllcan prima rlea took place in Chester en WiHlneailay, and the contest was a uplrlteil one. The grenteat intorext centertHl in tlie legislative light. Chndwick was atrengly oiiehm1 by Theiuaa Loes, but it la prolmbfe the termer has Hccured his nomination for the lower dis trict. W. I!. 1'owell ntuhliernly contested the prl70 for the upier district with .1. 11. Kobln Kebln Kobln Hen, but the chances are In favor of the lat ter. A Traln-Juitipr Celiilnltteil. Allen Hughe, a colerml boy arrested by Railroad Oillcer Hey, for trespassing en the Pennsylvania railroad and stealing a ride, wax taken bofero Alderman McC'onemy this morning and by liliu commltted te the county Jail for ten daya. i lla Ou liiur iluaril. Ilvnsen's Cupclne l'lasters are widely Imita ted. That Is the fact. New, why are they Imi tated T IlecaiiBO they are tlie only porous plas ter In exlstencn that Is teully trustworthy and valuable. Ilenaen's Plasters are tilu lily and set set eiitlllcullymedlcated, iiudciire In a row hours ailments upon wlilcti no ethers have hndany ellect whatever. The publle aru therefore cau tioned against plasters bearing thu tiuines of " Capslcln," " f,apslciiin," " Capalclne," or "tn pncln," which aru mennt te pnss ler " Cnpclne " (iilciue nete tlm dltrerencn) and also against plaatnia tiearlng the names " llonten's," " llur llur llur lon's,"ete. When buying ask ler lleusen'a Plas ter and protect yourself by a lwrsenal examina tion. The uuuiilne has thu word " Capclne " cut orperoiikod In the beily of the plasier and llie "Three beals " tnulemark en the taco clelh. AN HMtlVAI.I.i:il IllXOIlll. Allceck'a I'oieus i'lasters have, In the last Iwonty-flve years, ir.uveil themselves the best safest. and must otrectual remedy for Hilnal Complaints, Incipient Consumption, Illnrrhiea, l'leurlsy. Lumbago, Debility, ltheumntlsm (lout, Sciatica, Less of Viger, Dtepsy, I'uralysls, Less of Voice, llystcila, Ncneusiiess, ludlges lien, Palpitation. BfKUIAL MUTitJKV. " lleutla a tlie llruce of Ironing." This Hener an old hymn Is ipilte appropriate when applied te" l'leasuie Purgative Pellnta." "I don't llkoletako pills tr I can nveld ll," we often hear persons say, "because they const! pnte me se," new the "I'ollets" never de this, lhey ure se gentle and mild that their ellect Is almost precisely similar te a natural mevement el the bowels, uud no unpleasant eirecls are lett behind. M.lhAw Kxclteineut In Texas. (Iieat excitement has been caused In the vi cinity el Paris, Tux., by the roiuarknble io ie io cevory of Mr. J. K. Cerley, who was se helpless liu could net turn In bed, or raise bis hunt ; everybody said hu wm Ujlng of Consiiiiiptlen. A trial bottleor Dr. King's New IHscevury was sent him. rinding roller, he bought a large het tle and u box of nr, uing'a New i.ue i'llls; uy the tluie he tun I Inken two boxes of I'llls mid two bottles 01 llie Discovery, be was well and had coined In llesn thlrty-slx pounds, Ipid rial TrLil liottles or this II rent . , 111: scevcry ler Cen- aiiuiptlen free ul II. II. Cochran's Drug store, 137 aiKUJJ.Mirlli nutun streei, i.iincnsim, in. " IIAUKMKTACK " 11 lasting nnd frngrant per fume, l'rlce 'iSundBO cents. ersnlu by 11.11. Cochran, DrugglsUNe. 137 North IJueen stieet. Th KsclUuufiut Nut Oer, The rush at II. 11. Cecbrun, druggist. Ne. 137 North yueen street, still continues mi account el poi-seiisullllcted with Cough, Colds, Asthma, bronchitis and Consumption, te procure 11 bettlu of Kemp's llalsum for the Thrum and Luiiirs, which la sold 011 a guarantee and Isglvlng entire satisfaction. It Is a sUinduid family rumedy. l'rlce &0 cents audll. l'rlat tlierce. ulMwUAw Hay Fever. I have been a great autrorer from hay fevcr for 15 years, and have tried various things without aelliK any goeu. a niau ui inti many wouureua cures of Ely's Cream Halm and thought 1 would try once mere, inotleen uiinmes niter ene ap plication I was wonderfully helped. Twe weeks age 1 coiumeucoii using 11 aim new 1 icei en. lirely cured. It Is the greatest discovery ever known or heard of. Duhauiel Clark, termer, Lt, tlm, au'J2wiiceUw tmUlVAL, A YKH'H 1'lliLH. A Sluggish Liver CaiijoMrieRtfiiiiKchanil IteweN In become ills. Ohliired.aiut Hie wlioleayatmn te MiHur Hern de bility, luaiichratea Ayer'a Tills give prompt Allnr iiiucli aunerlng from I.Iver nnfl Hletiiai h troublea, I liavn llunily bten niteil by laklng Ajefa uatliaitle l'llla. I nlwuyn rltul tin; m pienipt and ihenmgtilii llielrni'tleii. nua llieir occaiileiialliso keeps me III it per loci I If li'ullliy coiiilltleii.-Halpli tVeeinaii, Atiiiapnlla, Mil. Twenty live yisiranite 1 aiinm-eil liiiniatnrnlil liver, wfilch was nutered lelieallliy nclleti by taking Ayer'i l'llla. Hlnce I hat lline I haye never been wltheiil tliciu. 'Ily regulate tlm bowels, aralslillgonlleu, ami Inermse llie appo appe appo llie, morn aurely than any ether nicitkliie. t'aiil uliiiiulillt,lla(irlilll, Mass. INVIGORATED. I knew no remedy eipial te Ayyr'a l'llla for Hteiiinili nml l,liirillniilcu. 1 iiilliirril Irem a Torpid l.lver, and lifmpl. for elgliteen limiilln. My akin was julfew.and my tiingnn coated. 1 had no nptM'llle.ui!erud friiui Mend actie, wiw pain and eiuiiclatid. A few boles or Ayer'a l'llla, taken In inodernlo iliwea, lestensl me te perfect litaltli.-Wulilu Mllm, Olierllu, Ayer'a I'llls am a siiputlnr fainlly iiiedlclmi. They ttroiiKtlieu and Invlgonite the dlgestlve the digest Ivn nutans, cii-atn an anpntllu audio move tlm linrrllilii (lopriiMlen and UimihiihIiiiic resulting flimi l.lver Ceinplalnl. 1 bavn used tlieati I'llls In my family, ler yeira.nnd lliey' never fall te Klve enlltii Nillifaclloil.-Otte Montgomery, Oshketb, Wis. Ayer's Pills, rrnpaniHliyllr. J.O. Ayer A Ce, Lewell, Most. Beld by all druggl! nml Dealer In Medlcliin. nugfitvia r i "my hack. Kvcry fllniln m Celd Attacks that Weak Hack ami Nearly Prostrate you. riiyslcliiits nml llniRglsta Iteceiiwicml BROWN'S IRON BITTERS! AS THE BEST TONIC. Jtroiistheiia tlm Muscle" Knrli lies the llliMnt Middles llie Nenca lilvws New Iger lln J I, 3Itkrs, halrrtrlil, Iowa, anys " blown s Iren llllli-r Is tlie beat lien Medt ebiH I liae known lu my t yrnra practlce. 1 luivn found It speil'illy benellrlal In niTMiua or ptiyslrnt exliaiiatlnn, and 111 nil dcbllltalliiir all inents thai tiear se lnaWly en I tin a stem. Use It freely In my own Inmlly, .Ma. W. r IIkehk, M7 Muln atreet, Covington, Ky,snya " I was leuijili'tely broken down In Imiillli and treulilvd with imtns In my back. Ilrnwns Iren Hitlers entirely lestnicd me te hwillli." .Miss l.iziia IIkissah. Ti.XH Ceeko nvoiiue, HI. I.euls, Me, aaya "I BiilTuri'd wltb aplual weak nesa, pains In my back unit alfcplcas iitKtits. 1 tried every coiiretvalile remedy without much buiieriL lour bottles of brown's lien Hitlers huvorrllefed me, and 1 cliierlully roceuiiiioud IU" The gniiiilne lets Trade Mark Mid crossed led lines en wneiisir 'lnk tioetlinr. Minleenlyby IIIUIU.N CIIKStll AL CU., (J) llnltlmeie. Mil. c UUHKOKTHKnKAr. IVck l'Htent Iuiprnviti Cushleiiml Druin iHjrItM'ily icileru henrlntf utid )ur(enii tlm work it the tinlumi urntii. In vlnllu. coin feilablH and Always In ixwttlen, All cenversa- Hen unit MViTii whiitHjrs huunl tl n huunl distinctly. HMitl (or llluitnvtl book with 1fMlinnnlnlnv rilKK, AaJniiii or rull en t HlfiCON, &W llriNulwiiy. .New lerk, Ueiutuii thU iwmir. lunnlft-IyvettAlyw riATAKKH HAY.KKVKii. CATARRH. ELY'S CREAM BALM Ulves llellul ntUnse and Culu). COI.D IN I1KA1), CATAIlltll, HAY KKVKH U08KC0L1), l)KA'NKSa, IIK.ADAC11K. Net a Liquid, SniHT or Powder. I'ree from In jurious Drugs and OMcnstve Oders. A mrtldM la appllisl te each tinatrtl and Is agrvwihht te ile. l'rlce CO cents at druggists by iiiall.realsterpil, torts. Circular sent lu-e. KI.V IIUOIIIKIW, DriiKh-llU, Owego, N.Y. lulyaiyeedAlvw PIXIIAUSTKD VITALITY. EXHAUSTED VITALITY THKHCIK.NUKUr I.1KK, the great Medical Werk of the are en ManhtNHl, Nurveus and Physical Deblllty, Premature Dxcllne, Knurs or leuth, and the untold tntiurles consequent thertsin, Ji'lpages hve. IS prescriptions ler all dlaeasea. Clelh, lull gtlt, only, by mall, sealed. IlliiatratlvosAiuple tree te all young and mlddlH-ageil men for the next IHIdays. Address UK. W. II. 1'AUKKH, t lluinnch Mreet, llostea, Mnss. mylMytedAw ri KAY'H SPECIFIC MKD1CINK. TllKUKKAT KN'UI.ISII KKMKUY. An unfailing enru for Impeuuicy, and all DIs that fellow lxws of Memery, Universal Lassitude, 1'dlll Intheliai'k, lllinness or Vision, l'rematuru Old Age, and many ether diseases that loud te Insanity or Consumption and u rrvinatiire Urae rr'ull particulars In our pamphlet, which we duslre te solid froe by mail toeMiryone. -Tbii HiH'cine MiHllclne Is sold by all druggist at II prr puckuk'e, or six pavkugea fur te. orwllllie sent free liy mall en the receipt of the money, by addressing tlm agunt. II. II. UOCHUAN, llrugKlst, Sole Agent, Nes. 137 and Vi) North tjuoeu b trout, Lancuster, 1'a. On account of coiinterfelta, w have ndopted the Yellow WnippiTj llioenlyKonulnu. THKGKAV JlLl'lUM.CII., apW-lydAw llultnle. N V. V.UtKlAUKH. QTANDAKD CAKIUAHE WOKK. Edw. Edgerley, CAERIAGE BUILDEB, Market Streot, Rear of PoateOloo, Lanouater, Prt. Uy stock comprises a large variety of the Latest Style lluggles, Phniteus, Carriages, Mur Mur ketaud liiisluens Wagons, which I offer at the very lowest figures and en the most reasonable tonus. 1 call BiH'clal ntlentlen te a few of my own de signs, 0110 el whk-lillUie KIHiKKI.KVCI.OSKP 1'inSICIAN COUl'K, which Is decldedly the neatest, lightest and most complete Physician's Carriage In the country. Persons wishing te buy n geed, honest nnd substantial nrllclerslieuld bear in mind that they take no risk In buying my work. Kvery CarrlaKU turned out In elKhteen years a geed ene that Is tlie kind of guarantee I have toeiler thu public. All work fully warranted. Please give me a cull. llKPAlllINO l'KOMl'TLY ATTKNUEI) TO. One set of workmen especially employed for thatrmrpose WALL VAVBH. HT WALIi PAPKU HTOHK. Het Weather Prices -AT THE-' ART WALL PAPER STORE, NO. 131 N0KTI1 QUEEN STUEKT. Wall Taper, Window Shitlts and Lace Curtains AT LOWEST MAlllvKT I'ltlCES. ALFRED SIEBER, (fouueily with l'huius IV. 1'ry.) NO. 104 NORTH QUEEN STIIEET, bANUASTEU. l'A. piUltK OUAKANTKKU. RUPTURE. Cute Kuarunteed by UU. J, II. MAYKll. Ease at once j no operation or aeiuy irem husl ness i lesion uy uunuiu 831 AltUil ST., l'lULA. testeil by huudiodsef curu. Main ettlce, eutm iur v.iruuiar. OJ-lVdAw MINKHATiWATKHH, Al'OLI.lNAUtS WATKlt, the ljueen of Table Wulers, Hawthorn Sprlnu of Sarateira, at UfilUAUT'S:OLU AVINK 8TOIIE, U. E,BLA1MAKU Agt VLUTH1HV. TJOYH, PllKPAHK KOU80UO0U WILLIAMSON Sc FOSTER Beys, Prepare for Scheel I BOYS' SUITS, Or Streng Materlril, 83 CO and 84.00. BOYS' SUITS, Of Dark Onelimore, $4 GO and $6.00. TRUNKS, Valises and Traveling Bags, : sii.ii:s. i.eMLvr piiicks Beys, Prepare for Scheel ! Iioye' Streng Laoo Shoes, DOe. DeyB Bewed, Butten and Lace SUoeh, 81 26. Boye' Butten nnd Lace Shoes, Flner Quality, 81.60. Watorproef Longings, Pnnta and Oeata Leggings, 75e.i Pants, $1.00 ; Coats, 82.60. WILLIAMSON & FOSTER, 32, 34, 36 & 38 E. King St,, bANCAblKK, l'A. aTSleita close at 001 p. cejited. 111 , Sutuiilay's ex rjuitp. ,iv, pENHYN PAKK. Peirp M. ON TIIE CORNWALL k MOUNT HOPE 1LUXK0AD; Te Churches, Ledges, Societies and ether so se lcct organisatiens contemplating excursions during the BK AbON OK lsnl, the company begs te announce that every facility has been per foetid for enabling the publle te reach this la. vorlle resort, and no eilert lias been spared te nmke I'KNIHN l'AIIK mere attraotlve than ever bofero. Ker the nee use of excursionists are provided 1I0ATS ON 'T1IK LAKK, CUOQUKT, LAWN TKNNIS AND IIASE UAI.L OUOUNDS, TAULKS, IIKNCHKS, HUlMiS, OANCINH'AVIl,ION,l!ANI)8TANI),LAItaE hUKLTKll HOUSE, KITCHEN, I1A3KET AND CI.OAK K00M3, AND UUSKHVATOKY ON TOP Of SOUTH MOUN- TAIN. Therolsalsea IlKKUESHMENT AND DIN- I.NU KDO.M In cbarge of a cempeteul caterer, where meals can be procured at moderate rates: taialdca Photograph Uallery, News Stand and Telegraph Office. - Ne Intoxicating LUiuers Allowed en the Grounds. Arrangoment ler Excursions from all points can be made by applying te OAllLYON b'clfMALKNSKE. Supt. Cornwall A ML llepu U.1K., Lebanon, l'a. Or HANCOCK, (leu. Pass. AgU 1'hll. A Ueadlng 11. IL, Ne. K7 Seuth fourth 8U, l'hlla. maylS-Smd -JtTT. GHKTNA I'AltK. MT. GEETM PAEK, roil EXCURSIONS Sc PICNICS. This park Is located In the heart of the Seuth Mountain en thu Line el the Cornwall & Lebanon Railroad, Nine miles south or the city of Lebanon, of the city of Lobunen, within easy dtstuuee of ltarrlsburir, HeadlnR, l..iiiciLrtter. Columbia und nil nelnta 01 itnta 011 thu l'l ailelnhla A KuadlnK and 1'unnnylvunta Hntl- uu rtuda. The ground are larite, toverlUB hun dred el acru-i. aud ure I'UKKTO ALU Tlie Convenloncoa are A LAUOK DAN01NU 1'AVII.IO.N, A HI'AUIOUS IIIN1.NU HALL, TWOKITCIIK.SB, 11AUUAOK AND COAT KOOM, l'UUTOdltAl'll UALLK11Y, hllu the ArraiiKuiuenU ter Auiuionienl con- Hist Of CKOOUKTAND1IA1.I, UUUUN1I3, UOWJ.1NU Ahl.KV. 81100TINU liAM.KUY. KI.Y1NU 1IOKSKS, ytierrs, Ac.Ae. Tables (or Luncliers, UustlcSuataiind llenchus aru scattered throuttheut the irreuudii, A Mew Attraction ler the btiaaen of ltwl la I.AKK OONKWAUO, OoverlUB nearly Twenty Acrns, ou which are uliiced a number of KIOKanl Mew lteuta, nud aleui; the banks of which ant pleasant walks and lovely sconerv. l'artlea desliliiK It can ji roc urn HiuiIh at thu 1'iirk. 11a the Olnliii: Hall will be undorlhe supervision of K. M. 1IOI.TZ, of the 1.H1HNOM Vallkv IIechb. Tbose who wish te ependA UAV IN THE MOUNTAINS can llud no nlace se bountiful or allerdlng se much pleas ure!! MOUNTOHKTNA. NO 1NTOMOAT1NU IIKINKS ALI.OWKU ON THK I'llKMIBKS. Excursions from all points en the l'ennsylva. nla Uallread, will be currled tlliect te tnu i'aik without chanttoet caw. Excursion rates and full Information can he obtained upon application te Oee. V. Ileyd, AssUtant lioneral I'limoiiBer Agent, l'oiumylva l'eiumylva nla Ihillread, SV5 Seuth fourth stroet, l'lilladel. lihla.orte J. O. JKNNlNUe, Supt. 0. A 1. Uallread, Lebanon, 1'a. :iia-M-3iiid UUUVKHIXB, Hltm UUADK COKKKKH. line old Uevnrnmaut Juva and Mecha Collues. the beat In thu market. Our Java llleu- dud Ceifeu speaks for Itself I rich und riiKiunt, 21c. per pound. Very flne l'lantutlen ltle Coffoe, our best only aee. per pound; ene very popular at 15c Wowantyeu te call undtryiiur rike. Cell co. The excellent quality of our Collues nnd flne Teas U mating liiends fast and nnn. Our dally sales show a steady lncroase. rresh Heasted every day. A full 11 ue el fancy U rocerles. 1'loase gl ve us a trial order. QKO.WIANT, anfiWlvO Ne. US West Ulnx Street. OPKN1NOAT U. OEK VJ HAHT'H. FINE TAILORING. The Largest nfl meat Complete Aasertraenl el r INK Wuel.l.KNn fur Urn Hprlng Tiade W b found In thu City of Lancaster. A Choice Linn of spring Ornrceatlng nfl TanlAloenlngs In all the Latest Patterns. I'rleM low, IW1.1t Workmanship, and all geed Vf nrinnled as represented. H. GERHART, NO. II NOUTII gUKKN 8TKKRT, WOpposlte tlm l'osUiltleo, marI71ydlt lis OANHMAN A 1IHO. 8IN0B OUR BigReductienSale IIAB IIKKN INALUUIIATED, The Public has been convinced that UUHTUM llADECLOTIIINOas well as UEAIir-MADE can be bought cheaper at L Gansman & Bre. THAN ANVWIIKItE ELSE IN THE CITY, OUR SPECIALTY. BEKItSUCKEH C0AT8 AND VESTS (Ooed Htylcs) at anil ll.l'i. MEN'S l'ANTSat Sec.up te ll.OJ ( a Styles te select from. ALU WOOL CAHSIMEItE SUITS, 1.1 Styles te select from, at Vi.'M. MEN'S COIIKBCKEIV Sl'ITrt are gelling lu all Shades at I7.1U. MEN'S ri.VK CLOTH DIAGONAL SUITS atHJO. Our Custom Department OITera 10111a bargains In Light and Medium Weights of I'anuiloenlngs which make te order at Kldlculeusly Lew Prices from II III te t-VO. 'Ihete gixals aru strictly all-wool, but Iiibstly slngle patterns, which we close out at a sacrifice rather than curry them ever. L. GANSMAN & BRO, MEUCHANTTAILOns, MANUrACTLHEIlS or MEN'S 110V8 AND CHILDKEN'S CLOTHINU, 66 & 68 NORTH QUEEN ST., (Illght en the Southwest Orange St.) LANCA8TEK, l'A. 9-Cleseit eery evening at 0 p. tu., except Baluiday's. B UliaKRAHUTTON. YOU WILL FIND Men's, Bey's and Children's CLOTHING I.ON'lhat It will liegieatly te your Interest te call and uxamlne ineuuiina and PIUCK, if 111 nM 01 any mere uediusi or LIOIIT WEIU11TS this season. We Manufacture All Our Goods, AndOuaranteethcui KlrsUCIess In Every Par. tlcular. UE 1IAE A rULL LINE OK SUMMER CLOTHING InSecmuckcr. Mohair, Alpaca, Dmppelteand Llucnsnt l'llces Astonishingly Lew. Uoedsos llopresenled or Meney Uelunded. BURGER & SUTTON, NO. 24 CENTRE SQUARE, LANCASTEIt, l'A. TTYEllS i KATHFON. GOOD CLOTHING -Al- LOW PRICES. rniits that aii. rnuKS THAT WXRK. Moils' Suits .. l1.t'j eie. .110.01 M0113' Cheviot HOW. bulls, Wer .luai Mens' Casliuere Suits, 112.00. Weie IIJ.00 Mens1 Casslmere Suits, 13.00. Were $15 00 Mens'CorknCiew Suits, I14.UU Were 11500 Mens' Cerkscrew Suits, 115.00. Weie I10.CO Meus' Corkscrew Suits, (1B.UU. Were I1S.U0 Meus' Corkscrew Suits, I1S.U0. Weie I00 This Is our dullest season of all the j cur, mid wowunlterld ourselcsol all bummer Uoeds, We would rather gle away the pi-ellt thau te carry thein until next summer. That tlmn must find us with a NEW aud rHKSIl hl'OCK. All our goods hae been re duced tn like propeitlon. If you are doubtful about these leductlens a leek at the (Joeds unit I'rltes will con cen con vliiceyou NO. 12 BAST KINO STREET, hANCASTKli, l'A. T B. MAHTIN, WHOLKSILB AUD BCTAU. D11LBI 1 All Kinds of Lumber and Ceal. 4WVAHD: Ne. 4M North Waler and l'rlnce Streets, above Lemen. Lancaster. u3-lyd OAUMUAKDNKKS A JKKKEHlEtl. COAL DEALERS. Orrica: Ne. la North Queen stroet, and Ke. KX North l'rluce strixit. Yards i North l'rlnce stroet, near Heading Uep0U LAN0A8TElt,l'A. auglMId R KMOVAU M. V. B. OOHQ has ruinoved hli Ceal Olllce te Ne. 1M NOUTII QUEEN bTHEhT (llrlmmei's New llulldlug), wheru orders will hu received ler Lumber and Ceal, WUULKSAI.1I AD IlKTAIL. Ui-tld U. V. H. COIIO. E' AHT END YAUD. 0.J.SWABR&00. GOAL. KINDLING WOOD. QI'HINU MYERS (I RITBFOi omcet Ne. SO OENTltK BOUAUE. lTethyard and offlce connected with Tulephenu Exchange uprij-iyaiur.u. jMWMtmmr, c. TT Z. 1UIUADH, JEWKLK1C Watches, Diamonds, My Repair Dept. la Fully Equipped and Respectfully Solicit Repairing of Fine ard Complicated Watches, Musical Bexes. Bronzes, Jewelry and any Intricate Piece of Mechanism. H. Z. RHOADS. 4 WEST KING STREET. rVBKlTVHK. H KlMTHli'H FUHN1TUHE DEPOT. Te Keep Coel and Comfortable Daring tbe Het Months, It la noeoesory te And sonie Coel Rotreat. Te be Oomfertablo la that rotreat Yeu Need a Geed Easy Rocker, Settee or Chair, And you ean find the Largeet Assortment at HEINITSH' FURNITURE DEPOT, NOB. 27 & 20 SOUTH QUEEN ST., LANCASTER, PA. UATH, R i:UUUHD OMMlAlif. SUCH BARGAINS -IN- STRAW FATS AND LIGHT DERBS Were Never Before Offered ! Reduced One-Half! W. D. STAUFFER & CO., LEADING Nes. 31 nnd 33 North uem Street, niyiM AXtt LKJVVllH. " TU.Ui:U'H L1QUOK STOKli AS TO QUALITY We can glMi 5011 better value than any ether heuse lu the Irade. We carry the laigest sleck of OLD WHISKIES, OLD WHISKIES In Lancaster. Meney lclunded for anything proving unsatisfactory. Jy3-lyd3 MILLER S LIQUOR STORE, 3J CKNTHK SQUAKK. LIM lNHVltAJiVE COSlrAXY, 1HE MUTUAL LIKE INSURANCE COMPANY. COMPARISON OF TWO MATURED ENDOWMENT POLICIES, SAME YEAR. SAME AGE. SAME PLAN. DIFFERENT RESULTS. THE MUTUAL LIFE. THE NEW YORK LIFE. Fifteen Year Endowment. Fifteen Year Endowment. fuued Sfarch W, IS1?, luutd December 31, 157(7. Ne. 109,140.- Ne.77,H9. Annual premium, i 343 05 $ 313 65 Amount of policy, 5,000 00 $5,000 00 Dividend additions, 1,090 SS 1,201 00 T0U1I paid by Company, G,G90 SS 0,204 00 Total premium paid by assured, 5,154 75 5,154 75 l'aid by Company in excess of premiums ree'd, $1,530 13 $1,049 25 READER If you would realize results similar te that of the Policy lIekkr In the MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMl'AN Y, OF NEW YORK. Apply te JAMES H. MARSHALL, Agent, Ne. 20 East Walnut, or BO North Duke Btroeta, Lanoaater, Pa, OAHBIAUK WOHIia. MOTTO TUAT ALWAYS WINS. HONEST WORK ! HONEST PRICES ! Philip Doersenfs Old Reliable Carriage HSferks, 126 and 128 EAST KING STREET, (NKAKLV Ol'l'OSlTE THK LEOl'AUU HOTEL), LANCA8TEU l'A. Nene But First-Glass Mechanics Employed. Ne. 1 Material, and That Only, Used I'ltlCES TO SUIT THE TIMES. ALL IVOUK OUAUANTEEO. BUGGIES, PHOTONS, BUSINESS WAGONS, MARKET WAGONS. 1 have new en hand and for sale cheap the following flrst-clajH second-hand work : One Light One-Man Wsgen, suitable lertniek puriioue, ene Light Eour-l'asseiiKHr Drug, ene Mrst-class Kx Kx Kx tonslen Tep rh.uteii, two Light Junip-aoatCarrlages. Alse, bocend-llaud Tep and Tretting llug glcii, both aide bar and nd springe, lluainesa AVngens, porting Wagons aud Market Wagons, wnlcn will besom ai ine jiiuai. iviv.xau auuc chjse or net. Ne treuble te show the work. PA11TICULAU ATTENTION TAI1) TO REPAIRING. ar-nex'T reiiuKT rue VLAcem Philip Doersom's Old Reliable Carriage Works, NOS. 126 and 128 UOVaXTUMMlBUINO UUUU9, S1 HIKK'8 UAHPET HALL. CARPETS I UKOl'KMNU OF SHIRK'S CARPET HALL. We are new i nroeaiod te show te show the trada the hlblted in this city. W1LTON8. LTONH, VELVETS, all the Trailing slaKiul of llUUr AN ', All.Woel and Cotten Chain EXTUA HUl'EKS, and all qi ASK and VENETIAN OAlll'E I'M. KAU and CHAIN CA BUU88EL8, THIIEE-I'I.Y QUA1N CAUl'ETS. 11AM, own manulocture a speclallt i sneclelltv. Unoclel Attention nald te tne Manufacture of CUBTOU UAJtrKTS. AUearull Llueef OILCLOfUB.UUUS, WINliOM BUAUES, UOVEULKTS, &, SHIRK'S CARPET HALL, Oer. West King and a. isiV as1MsVSASjiV- Full Line of the t Birth or Menth 'fltenea " Mounted, te Suit Your Particular Pan e"y . Jewelry. UAVH, JtV. HATTERS. Lancaster, Fa , hoc ulv SF x-i.ivr.s. ve us a call whether you wish te pur- EAST KINO STREET. miydw CARPETS I Largest aud licit Holecled Line of Carpels evor ex, nalltlea of IN. Kt-KTB or our -AT- Water Sts., Lancaster, Pa. iiuu " SB S A . " -,--- r, ...... jj tsSa,A?. lneMitirfnr MHimtU J Ml oeZfi?S lfvlllner LRnealr mIE w na lo.fle mbm ,a im, kib, w anTTiSsTasT , RKi?il,t1.tia5.00,'l'MHA KAIHW4'' -.j,t ninm,B, . ., , WAV UKADINU 1i rer (Jhlckfes at T.M a. m. and neon. m. TIIAINB LKAVK COLUMBIA ?ain; t 7 a. B .. 11SS and iw p. n, rer Lebanon at 13.36 and SL40 p. m. THAINS LKAVK QUAKUYTILLH f2I !,'l"lr,tar at " 7.i -w. ana ia mm. KE ll0!i,,n at am a. m. ana .Se p, m. Fer Lebanon at 2-si n. m. "AVK KING BTUKirr (LanesatfM.l Fer KeadlnK al 7.S0 a. m 11 40 and .10 p. m. Fer Lebanon at ft.40 a. m., 1X40 and MS p, m. Wm J,2li,H.T !!i".l 9-11 n-i "" anI P. . vm.hJJAi ' '"Net STllKKT (lAncaatar,) Fer lleadlnirat7.ina. m, uneand s.Mp, in. reI Jhanen at M7 a. nu, 1J.M ana 6.M p. tn. or Quarn villa at .w a. m.t 4.W and a te p. tn, ,.. TflAINS LRAVK LKItANON. Fer yuarryvllle at 7:) a. tn. BTJWDAT TKAMW. THAINS LEAVE UKADINU Fer Lancaster at 7.a a. m. and 4.00 n. in. Fer (Juarry vllle at 4.00 p. tn. THAINS LKAVK qUAHUYVlLLK Fer Lancaster, IObanen ana Kendlnnat 7,10 a,m THAINS LKAVK K1NU ST. ( Lancaster.! Fer Heading ana Lebanon at 8.M) a. in. ana J.M p.m. Fer yimrryvllle at 8 BO p. tn. THAINS LKAVK l'HINCK ST. (Lancaster,) Fer Heeding ana Lebanon ana 8.1fi a. nu aud 1.01 p.m. Fer quarryvllla at 6.43 p. rn. THAINS LKAVK LKIIANON. Fer Lancaster at TM e. m. and 3:45 p. in. Fer quarry vllle at 3 tlk p. m. Fer connection at c'elurnhta, Marlelta Jnn lien, Lancaster Jnncttnn, Itanhelin, Heading and Lebanon, sea limn tables at alt stations. A. M. WILSON, Superintendent. PENNSYLVANIA KAIliKOAO HOIIKD. ULK. In effect from June IS, 18!. Trains lravb Lakeastkr and le.i ve and arrlre at Philadelphia as fellows 1 Leavu Leavu WKSTWAHU. Pacific Kxpress) News Kzpres9 Wny l"asseni;ert Mall train via ML Joyl Ne.2MMITnilnt ...... NtOKarn Kxpress Hauover Accem FastLlne) Froderlck Accem Lancaster Accem Harrlsburg Accem,... Columbia Accem Harrlsburir ttxpreas... Chicago and Cln. Kl.. Western Kxpressf 1'hlladelphla. Lancaster, lll'Jip. in. 4 -.10 a.m. 4 se a. m. 7.110 a m. iriie. m. :25a. in. CIO a. in. 9 31a. m. 9-J5 0. m. gjain. m. ex n. tn. 2.oep. m. 2:10 p. ra. 2..V) p. m. ft 30 p. m. TM p. m. 7:40 p. m. te-45 n. m. via Columbia 7:40 a. m. via Columbia ll:Me.m. via Columbia vlaMU Jey, v:ia p. in. 4:10 p.m.; 5:40 p m.i 8:50 p. in. 10 OS p. in. Leavo Lancaster, .a 1 a. in. 6 09n.m. 1:10 a.m. 8 M a. m. 9.00 a. 111. 12.M p. in, 2 05 p. in, 3-uep.m. 4.15 p.m. 12.10 u. tn. Arrive at KASTWAHD. l'hlla. Kxpress) Fast Ltncf Harrlsburg Express.. Lancaster Accem or.. Columbia Accem l'hlla. 4:45a. m. 8.25 a. m. 10.200. m. via Mt Jey una a. m. 3:13 p. m, 5-00 p. m. B45p. m, 0.50 D. m, Seashore Kxpress. l'blladelnhla Accem. Sunday Mall., Dav Kinross! . llarrtsliurt? Accem. B:up. m, 9:45 p. tn. The Lancaster Accommodation leaves Harris. bun? at 8:10 p. in. and errlycs at Lancaster at 9:39 p.m. The Marietta Accommodation leaves Cel urn bla at 6-40 a. m.andreaches Martettaat 6:55. Alse, leaves Columbia at 11.15 a. m. and 2.43 p. nu, reaching Martetta at 12:01 and 2.55. leaves Marlelta at 3.05 p. m. and arrlves at Columbia at 3:20 1 also, leaves at 8.35 and arrlves at KM. RThe Yerk Accommodation leaves Marietta at 7:10 and arrives at Lancaster at 8.-00 connectlns' with ilarrlsburg Kxpress at 8:10 a. m. The Frederick Accommodation, west, connect ing at Lancaster with Fast Line, west, at 2.10 p. m.. will run through te Froderlck. The Froderlck Accommodation, east, Icavesj Columbia at 12.25 and reaches Lancaster at ISfcM p.m. Hanover Accommodation, west, connecting at Lancaster with Niagara Express at 9.50 a. ra., will run through te llanever, dally, except Sun day, FS ast Line. west, en Bundav. when flaggeO, will Bten at Downtnntewn, Coutesvlllo, rarae linnr. SIL.Inr. Kllzaliethtiirn and MlddlcUiwn, ihetutiwn and Midi triioenli trains which run dally. On Sunday the Mall train wustruns hv wav of Columbia. J. It. WOOD, Ounerel Possencer AgenU CUAS. K. l'UGU Qeuural Mananer. ULAHHWAUB, H IOU & MAHTIN. CHINA HALL. REDUCTION -IN- PRICES -OF- Glassware, &c. Eight days of tlie forty of cut prices are already fjene, and se are many of the goods placed en the Bargain Table. As ene line is exhausted we place ether articles en the table. "We will continue te de se until the time is up, if it takes the entire stock. We imagine some are saying " That (hey just advertise se, and when you want te buy anything you must pay full price, or the excuse is ' just out.'" Well, you make a test of tins aud cenvince yourself that we are doing what we are advertising. Don't leso thi3 opportunity for getting Cheap Goods, 15 EAST KING STREET. LANCASTEll, l'A, UOTKJJt. e 1'KN ALL TUU YKAK. (( TriE MINSI0N' ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. The laigest and meit proailnently located Hetel. Elegantly furnlslmd uud liberally man. at ou. Tiioreuuiny iigumu, uimuan wm una- .ated. Oihju oil ine OlK'ii all the year. CHARLES McQLADE. VlIreptiy' Orclicatnu Je7-Jm4 Q.EOKQKKKNHT,JH., Carpenter, Contractor & Builder, UK3IUENCE-NO.WJ WKaTKlMOaT, SUOl'-EABT OUANT 8T., Oppealt aUUM Heuso. AH weik recelves my prompt nd pcrteBal U lenllen. .. ... ... .. :nun ipMnrtiii, All kinds of Jehwuir "" 'K"".'S V tloeaud ou reasenaum hjium. ..-.j... -m, Kuilmatna i urnlJbed. "'"I T EVAN'S WX)UB. LEVAN'S FLOUR l Always Uniform and M i' 'M fi i a f& WVI 4 JPJ 1 M t & & J Si ; 4 i 3 If A i i & 1 ml ! ts tsi M jii .'ci i 3 m ft. 1 -v - .V fV:.SJ 'f,r'.a i wi ' M ' t -i "k; i ' UtlMMWJ aK. - A. J1,M...