FT"- sw "J ITT-rar-iCK'-P.r,T-irJTDf .lAJO.klV&., ' ' t w c 'vWHTW'v " 'TK. i 'F- ''fW ,Vf- -en.- -"erL. -t- ? y. .?rt ..p ,.. Jirt "(IJ'J'.r'J ,1. "1" 1-jTV . S7' r- T ST - !?- Hf ,-i .,.& 7 '; THE LANCASTER PAELY INTELLIGENCER, MONDAY, AUGUST 9. 1886. .W'' TiSrcPWT f i,TllH3.T,S"' - .i 6. '&.f ttV ,Tfc. -J ' f rej fc 'n ?,5 fV -J H &' .'' ?. DlTELLIGENCER tDAT IN TBI TKAB t I k.mm. wm mum a tii, nrrr Itanm. MunMtnuwMinui- Am MX iMeiH iu(m uwru & , .. MMmarfi ALL0WSD TO Mtim rsumieH coacTie. BATHB: Sln.l 4 in. 5 In. $S8O0375 4M a 7 SO SIB 0 80 8 43 68M 700 040 6 80 8 50 10 M 10 50 IS 50 16 50 13 50 17 0 JO B0 160M O00 24 00 2300 J7 00 SI 00 MOO MOO IB 00 1800 MOO 8800 44 00 5200 2800 45 00 M00 03 00j 9000 The Weekly Intelligencer 1, "'.''' ikfc-M- "' I iMlU. I "? & HwiSC..... me 185 iae KlBtWMtl.. in 1000 "' MBtk IN 709 1100 A;9MatlH... 600 1000 1700 ''tjisflGM Months.. ROD 1100 00 'WmSmemVtm .... 08 IgltVTwg U0B I' 'CPUWLMHtD EVCNY WEDNESDAY MORNINO. K.M A ta, $1 .00 von itz Memn. ciem of t, r W.60,AI AlOOTTFMlTO rSMOVS OBTTWO VT i 0MaroarinteaioLictmnoamTrARTorTBi mats Are oetnmrr. all Avoirnfers Limits WILL M OOniMID TO IH1 WltTI BIB I IT. AMrttt all VtUert and Telegram te VMM INTXLLIOBNOBR, lateUtgeaeer BaUOlnr , Lancaster, P&. l)c miastct3ntclltgcnccr. IiAKCABTKB, AUGUST 9. IS. The Campaign limes. The exhausted congressmen are being iaterviewed as te what will be the Issues of the coming campaign ; a subject upon which they are no better, if as well, in formed as their constituents. Colonel Mor Mer ris Jn says that the direct issue will be, as usual, te beat the ether fellow ; meaning that the success of party rather than prin ciples, is the chief aim of the partisan, and that any club will suit him that serves his purpose. It is very much se ; it always has been and always will be. The politi cian, however, sincere in his devotion te principles, seeks popular issues upon which te make the fight for bis party, upon whose success depends the enforcement of his sincere views. With a Democratic administration in the first years of its power, the political canvass will turn upon the general ap proval or disapproval of its course ; and the Democratic party stands very fairly before the country in this regard, for it cannot be successfully disputed that President Cleve land's administration be stands. What ever difference of opinion may exist, even n the party itself, as te the wisdom of in dividual acts, there is en the whole amount a strong balance in favor of the administra tion in the public judgment ; and upon this the party must rest, and can afford te rest its expectation of endorsement. It is notable that the Republican politicians recognize the disadvantage at which they stand in this regard, and some of them even Incline te say that they de net think it would be a geed thing for their party te gain the next Congress. They have net any prespaefc of getting it and the grapes are therefore sour. There can be no Republican success with the administration enjoying the meas ure of piblic confidence which it Tlalnly has. The talk of the campaign will be of the tariff, and the public lands, and the taxes and the expen ditures, with a feeble Republican howl at the president's pension vetoes, in a vain attempt te prejudice the soldier vote ; and perhaps there will be a mere exciting issue of foreign policy, if the Mexican cloud amounts te auythlng ; but when all these Issues are discussed, the deciding quest ion will be whether the administration is ap proved. Fielden's Audacity. Fielden, the Anarchist, proclaims te the astonished world tliat be occupies the same position towards the present social system as did Washington, Jeffersen and Jehn Brown, toward the abuses of government of their times. We are astonished, first that Jehn Rrewn should be dragged into such illustrious company, and secondly that Fielden should have the effrontery te compare himself with Brown. That he should speak of himself in the same breath with Washing ton and Jeffersen, was doubtless tee much for even Jhls blunted sense of the eternal fitness of things, and he appears te have dragged In Jehn Brown's body as a buffer; bat it won't de. The collision of ideas is bad for Brown, but worse for Tielden. Washington and Jeffersen founded this nation; Brown by his violent fanaticism imperilled it, but Fielden has avowed him self an Anarchist devoted te itsdestructlen. He claims that the only object of his speech before the riot was te arouse the workingmen te exert themselves te obtain a mere even division of the fruits of labor, and that though he believed in overturning the existing government by force, lie had no idea that any immediate violence would be employed. What matter whether Immediate or net, he ceunselled resort te violence, when the workingmen have ready te their hand a far mere powerful force ; aad if he were their true friend, he would have sought te lead them towards their object by the sur est and safest; read. But no, te lead men in the use of the ballet, requires brains and courage, while dynamite warfare takes but little. In the latter the men who pass as leaders and talk the loudest de net threw the bombs, and their arguments consist of pictures of the wrongs of labor and questions as, why this thusnes3 V with no logical attempt te remedy theevtl, and only a blind, unchristian shriek for re venge. Washington and Jeffersen compared With Anarchist l-'lelrlpn t Can anv n- A sublime absurdity be imagined V As well t, if eesapare heaven with hnii irai. im. rv ,-. - - .. wvmmuv WUM1 '?. OAAIinv nnalHnB wil...! A- .,.. ... -"- rvMia isuiuug wj iue iuiure lire ?et man. CuUlnda G.4 Of the ju Jtlce of the sentence passed upon Catting there can be little doubt, and If the Mexican authorities had tint. i, n..t L-t -..I i tiv : .:: r ?u "10,r ., miu uj-vu a j'nuwj'ie no weuiu uave no ) V quarrel with them. V It la alleeed that the libel fnr wiiiM. n. Q man has been sentenced, was crlnini i- 1 Spanish and English and circulated en the , jawucan siue or. me line, but, as the Amer- Jeaa refused te take any notice of the pre- 1 eaadlngs, the assertions of his enemies in court should be received with caution and - mould remember that he and his crime arc et Might importance. Through the neglect and carelessness of wm, p"-"-ii ju yiuiecuug me riguis I MliVMet or citizens en the Mexican J frontier, MM people across the border have acquired a contempt of theso rights, and new that we have a president and secretary of state determined te recognbe and pro tect its citizens it is net surprising that a border quarrel should arise. We are only surprised that it did net conie sooner, as cases far mere flagrant th.ui that of Cut ting have been of frequent occurrence en tTie border. The ceuil of Chihuahua has asferldl its right toenforco penalties for the breach of Mexican laws, when that bleach Js com mitted in the United States. It makes no difference whether Cutting's libel was per formed in Mexico or Texas, they have claimed the right te try him in either case, and it is witli this claim that we find fault. Until it be formally abandoned by the re lease of Cutting, w hese seizure was based upon it, there can be no reconciliation, as thefprinclple is vital in its bearing upon all our foreign relations. A Heed Cause. On our first page will be found an inter esting sketch et the lalngef the coiner stone et the mission chapel en the AVelsh Mountain. It is unnecessary te say what a geed thing It will be for this county that some et the benighted citizens of this section be brought under the Christianizing Inlluences of the gepel. What lias been deue in this line is most creditable te these engaged in it. Vastly mere can be done if money is forthcoming. The Isti:lliernci:ii will receive and acknowledge all subsciptiens made te thts worthy cause. Four, water caunl the typhoid pestilence In Pilttburg. Forewarned la forearmed. . Paris dispatches tell of a ruh of non subscribers for the bends of the 1'anama Canal company. If this report Ik) true, It must mean that there Is confidence in France that the government will eventually bolster up the company. A tiikatv with Japan providing for the extradition of criminals was sent te the Senate by the president ou June I1, but that energetic body did net Bucceed In reaching any conclusion en 1L A Washington letter te the Tribune hay that, "this and ether extradition treaties are the favorite schemes of Secretary Bayard. It is his purpose, se well informed people assert, te unite gradually in a network of extradition conventions the greater part et the civlllied countries of the glebe. His appointments In tbe Diplomatic service, it Is believed, were all made with a view te that end. Already there are either pending or have been concluded a series of extradition treaties with some of the Seuth American republics which heretofore bave been the refuge of criminals from the United States." If this administration accomplishes nothing else than the establishment of extra ditien with the countries that have always offered a safe asylum te refugees from American justice, It will have the approval et all whose approval is of value. Geisa through the Whirlpool IUpids is getting te be a "chestnut." m In an authorized interview lien. Wra. A Wallace announces that be is a candidate for the gubernatorial nomination In the Demo cratic ranks. lie reviews his past record in public atlalrs from his entrance Inte the state Senate in January 1S) up te the time of the close of his senatorial career in Washing ton. He takes a Urm stand in favor of the en forcement et the previsions or article XVII of the constitution relative te railroad dlscri dlscri criminatien. lie believes that the Republican party is going te pieces en the prohibition question and thinks the Democracy should lean te high license, but net se high as te be forbidding. lie explains hew he prosecuted te punishment men engaged in a strike in his own county, and te the objection that he is a monopolist declares that be became a rail road preaident te develop bis lands and his section et state. With the large list of geed men from which tocbeose, the Democracy can make no mistake in the selection sf its standard-bearer. The Duddhists of Japan have been aroused te combat the spread of Christianity and have determined te carry the war Inte Christian territory by Bending Buddhist mis sionaries te America and Europe. This will only serve te demonstrate mere clearly te the Japanese the Tast Inferiority of their ancient religion. Buddhism has long go lout all the terce it ever bad with the people and they have small regard for the idle priesthood, though they still adhere te the forms et worship. They treat all religion with Indifference, but the educated classes are urging that Buddhism should be laid aside with ether relics of ancient days and the religion of the west accepted along with its civilization. They propose te change religions as a mere matter of policy, for they think they see In the teachings of Christianity the secret el our progressed thare is danger that when China becomes Curietian it will be only In name. In reality a mere change in the form of super stition. We should lese no time In Impress ing the fact upon them that the progress of Christian nations is only an incident, and that their religion cannot be used as a mere political engine; for its ebjecU are beyond human life. Dn. IteACii having made a feeble and transparent attempt te arouse public indigna tion against the secretary of the navy be cause of the rejection et the Delphin by falling In a most peculiar manner, has at last determined that the aspect or business war rants his resuming operatlonsand announces his intention or doing se at an early date. It is said that the new buBlneia entorprise Is te be controlled by a syndicate, but that Mr. Reach contemplates the retention or a large Interest in the business and will remain the nominal if net the actual head, la ether words, the Iteach will crawl along as before, but will welcome any encouragement that capitalists are disposed te glve him. He claims that he will be proof against the insect powder or the government, and will even venture te bid upon the new cruisers seen te be built. He Is a bug with the nature of a coon that curls up and pretends te be dead whouever that policy appears wise. m - ! Tlil a New Cura for Snake Jllte f Prem the Chainbersburj; lteglster. A young man named Jacob I). Zlramer man, Warren township, was recently bitten en the ankle by a copperhead snake. Whisky was used Internally and externally with out eilect. Finally, the young man'a father's Immersed the feet in coal oil, in a basin, cev. eringthe wound, and shortly after a sub stance resembling quicksllyer was noticed In the oil, and the young man found relief. Next day he was suillclently recovered te walk about. Died lu llarrltbiirg. TliewlfnnfOnn W Ml.r...,n., ..... ... i . :: : """"""i "-'n mini. rlsburg, died very BuddenlySuuday morning from paralysis. She had been lu apparently geed health, but being large and very Hesliy and well up in years, having reached ilia seventies, bue was uuable te inoveabeut with uuuwraeuu Hiei-u luuwinu wvu liur went. Mrs. Simmons was born lu Manhelui, and wa-ia woman of many estimabiu qualities, anil Imrilaail. win i, ....i '."ri ,i . -'" idvwi,uu wiui regret uv all who ever had the pleasure et Tier au. mialnlntina A f....,tt.. ..r . . .. . w aed.82veal Kraud-chlldreu, as well as her ff J?iu,bfma' """l her. The iuneral will KLTy rreseutelerU0Uat ' 'deck ' Flugera ajaahsd. Jeseph Kehler, living at Ne. 220 East Marlen alley, while engage! la work at Ne. Sr.QSJcrueffi he will tedftuS Tig some Ume. DUt GRAHAM'S RIVALS. rpre MtvrFAt4 .mr.v AWUKsaFVLLV itu.v xiAOAUA'a iriiim.ruuL. riflMit TheuMiul i'rle Wlliif'H Tnu Slur Coepirtlltlile Through tliellmigh VValrr in n l'ik-One Hiiinklue a I'lRtr During the Heugh Vejurt. CleorgeIIaillUatul William Tott", lead ventueus coolers or llnllile, en Saturday succeeded In riding the whirlpool rapids of Niagara river lu a tiarrel-shaped beat. Beth were companions and fellow-workmen of Cooper Uraham, el Philadelphia, who a few weeks age succewfullv made the trip. The barrel-beat, ai it may be called, Is ten ieet long, but the barrel proper extends but six feet, a double oak head four feet rrem the small end dhhllne It, The smaller end I again divided Inte air-tight compartment' by two heads set at short distances apvrt, while the front head en the smaller end U made double and protected by a sheet of Iren so se curely fastened te the keel. The barrel Is made of staves of l'.-lncb oak, the heads being of 2-Inch oak. On the lower side of the barrel a streug oak keel has been fastened, the upper side of the barrel being slightly flat tened. There Is an epeniug en top, en which is also a circular turret with glass-eev ered peep-holes. This Is fastened from the inside by an Iren clamp. The main beads of the bar rel are 21 Inches In diameter at the smallest part, and the head at the pointed end are but u Inches lu diameter at the smallest part. A 12-lnch propeller-wheel en the stern can be worked trem the inside by Its occupants. A sheet-Iren rudder atlerds control of the beat's course In smooth water. ThotAemen towed the beat down the river Saturday night te Chippewa, where it was entered in the customs elllce as an American beat intended te nav lento the Canadian watcre. It was intended at first te start en the trip Sunday alteruoeu at J o'clock, butthetrprepirAtlensdelayed the start nearly two hours. It had been publicly an nounced that they would go through, and an Impatient crowd which filled every train en theway te the falls waited anxiously for the start Net less then 15,000 people w ere at the old suspension brideeat the time announced. It had been planned at first te have the Maid of the Mist tow Uie barrel-beat out into the current and down te the bridge, but her Mas ter Captain Cetter refused, saying that he should feel as if he were a party te a suicide. beat was procured te pull them out, aud at 4:15 o'clock, with a small American lUg heisted at the stern, the carrel beat was towed into the river, with the two men In side and the manhole open. Twe beats w ith friends en beard accompanied it as iar as the cantilever bridge, when it was cast oil, at 1:15 p. m. The barrel rode the water gracefully. Just above the suspension bridge, which was reached at Is p. m., It, was caught by the first eddy and hurried down into the rapids, turning about and passing under the bridge stern toremest. Then the billows tossed it about, first en one side and then ou the ether, dashing up against its tildes, new submerging it completely, and, at the in clined railway station en the Canadian shore, turning it ever in a complete somersault. It came up buoyantly every time, and the llttle ilsg floated triumphantly from Its stick. Around the turn she struck the heaviest waves, and was out of sight mere than half the time, the brown hull bobbing up serenely new and then, and the dag defiantly Bhaking the water trem its folds. In two minutes alter parsing the bridge the beat had successfully navigated the rapids and was in the whirlpool, entering It nearer the Canadian shore than did Gra ham. The craft made the circuit of the mael mael stem once, and then shot out down the river toward Lewistown. In the whirlpool the man-hole was opened and eacn man in turn shoved his head out for a breath of air. l'etts waived his hand en making bis appearance. These en the bank who saw them shouted encouragingly te the men, and the man-hole was shut down preparatory te the plunge through the lower rapids, Tbey were past the most critical points in their Journey and the end was seen reached. At about 5:15 p. m. two or three beating parties from Queenstevvn and Lewistown who bad been out looking ler the adventurers saw the barrel tossing in the rapids above the Catholic college ground. She was tossing, pitching and rolling, but alwtyi righting her self after each lurch. The beat was picked up by Sam Uazlitt, a brother of one of the occupants ; Chester Wadsworth and Archie Gilmere, and towed into Queenstewn. Dur ing the latter portion of their voyage the two men climbed out en the deck of their craft and rode astride of it for Beveral hundred yards. The men were net inclined te talk after they landed, net having iuliy recovered from the excitement or the trip. They show but little soreness, while the barrel has no marks except where some paint was scratched off by the bewlders. The men have returned te Chippewa and will be placed en exhibition with the barrel in the principal cities el the country. Tbey intend te have the barrel patented ter use as a life beat. The men are both young, l'etts being 25 and Ilaz lett 22 years of age. The former ii manled. PERSONAL.. COLLKCTOU OK Cl'STOVIS IlEKDK.V, of New erk, It is rumored, will resign. Minister Jacksen Is tald te have re signed the Mexican mission. Jeii.vC. Mir.LEii. the well known Gorman German town brewer, has died of cancer, leaving an estate of f500,uea THE Pni'H h.lri twn talntlnfr iirwllan .- day. lie is much exhausted but continues te penerm nisdutlee. ills physicians have no fears of A fAtiil rnnnlt. and havn QL-A.V hnna of his speedy recovery. Ac-TiNO Secretary Fairciiild in reply te an Inquiry Bald that there bad been no re cent cabinet consideration of the question of bend call nor any decision by the president en the subfect. Count Carle Gozeli, the papal envoy who brought ever the beretta ler Cardinal Gibbens, or Baltimore, sailed from New Yerk for Europe Saturday en the Inman steamer City of lierlin. Ex-Governer William R Tayler, the "DemcsratlbCtncinnatus," who was called te the executive chair or Wisconsin by a coa lition et Domecraticand Granger votes In 1S7I, was clandestinely married te Mrr Viela Titus, a respectable but obseure Madisen widow wlthafamllyofchlldren.several'weeks age. Drt. James P. Kimball, director of the mint baa completed hU report en the pre. ductien of geld and silver in the United States during 1SS5. The prcauctlen or geld Is estimated at f31,SO0,U09, an increase or $1,000,000 ever l&Sl. The production of silver, calculated at the coining rate In silver dollars, is estimated at f51,C00,000, against MS.600,000 in 1S31, an Increase of f 2,800, 000. nSPV "KnBERT Siiick recently died in I hlladelphia. After loavingt200fermas.sos,he give ene-lialf of the residue te the Order of the Sisters of St. Frances. Philadelphia, te be applied ler and in behalr of either the St. Mary's hospital or the Ht Agnes' hospital; the ether one-half te be held m trust the in come from which Is te be paid te two slsterB, of Hanover, Germany. ' David Gossard, of Washington county, Md., is celebrating the birth of his twenty, fourth child, a bouncing thirteen pound baby girl who has been named 1'rance.s rolsein Cleveland Gossard. Number twenty.three,a Isjy, born the day President Cleveland was inaugurated, was named Bftr the president. There are fifteen boys and nine girls in the family, but they are net all of one mother, fourteen were by the first wire and ten by the Bccend. General Lew Wallace, late United States minister te Turkey, lectured at Cbatauqua en "Turkey aud the Turks" en Saturday. The general Bald there were no drunken Turks; that the Turka loved children and were kind te animals. They are afraid or women and are the politest et peeple. They are also the dfiVntltTHt nf ruxnlu bn.l -A, !..... - - eentially and wholly a military people and are always brave and heroic. The lecturer corrected aeme errors as te the domestic, life of the Turks. Polygamy, whlle permitted In Turkey, is net obligatory orovonpreva erovonpreva orevonpreva lent. The inmates ei the harems are by no means Blavos. The Fast of Ab. The llebrew fast of Ab begins this ev oiling after sundown and continues until dark to morrow. It commomerates the destruction of the first temple of Jerusalem by Nebuchad nezzer, king or liabylen, about 2,300 years age, and that et the second temple by Titus 1,818 years age. Other disastrous events happened en the same day in later yearn, and the Ninth of Ab has ever since been ob served by fasting and prayer. The syna gogues are draped in deep black, and mourn meurn lul elegies are recited at the servicea this evening and te-morrow morning. At the alternoen service te-morrow comforting premise of Isaiah are read. Ei-iTlnoneraef War et t'eniiniinuila. The Association of Kx-l'rlsoners of War of Pennsylvania, composed of men who served in rebel prisons, held a largely attended con vention In Heading Saturday night. AU portions of the state were represented. The elllcers rlivtrd weiei ('resident, David T. Oavls, of I'hllndt'lphla; vice president", llebert llerlaeh, of Heading, and M. N. .stark, of ljincaster t treasurer, 11 A. Mass, of Philadelphia; chaplain, Ira Travis of Heading. Delegates te national ivnventlrn Ezra 11 Hippie, ofScrantenj II. H. llrene man, of Lancaster ; Jehn Couly, of Bedford ; Themas Ilushnien, of Altoenn, and J. W. Hall, of Vv llllamspert. Lancaster was e e lected as the next place of meeting. Why H Solution! llocemo the staple Dentifrice et America Sim ply because It Is Impetslbln te usu it, ev en ter a wieV, without perceiving Its lij tfli-iile effect upon the ttuth, the gums and the breath. Teeth come palnlesaly if n,, Hash's l'celhlnR Letien 1h bathed en the gums. Hi iv toot h ache. l'rlce.'iV cents. Dr. ltAn" Dlarrhie.v Mixture for elillilren w 111 net cure every case, but It will cure mere than any medicine ever put In one bottle. Trice, iv cents, ler nale nt II. It. Cochran's Drug Stere, Nes. 137 and U North Queen street. autl luul.tw Keiectable llrncgUtii never deceive the public, but beware of the Cheap Jehn druggists une offer you a plaster called "Capsicum," " Caplctu," " Capucln " or " Capslclne," and tell you tt Is substantially the satnuas the genuine liensen's Capctne Plaster, or even better They ask less for the Imitation, for It cots lessi bin as a remedial agent It Is absolutely worthless. Tbu reputation of Uen Uen ten's as the only plaster possessing actual and hUh curative qunlltles Is the result of many fears' eiperltnent and honorable dealings en he parte! the proprietors! andVVOphystclans. phannaelstsaiid druggists endorse It as the best evermade Protect veurself against deception by buying of reputable dealers only, and avoid uiistnkrs b) personal examination. The genu liienas the" I hree s-rals trademark, and in the ceutre is cut the word ' Capctne." a? M.VV.sw HVKVIAL yOTlCBH. t or lame back, side or chest, use Shlleh's Por Per ous Plaster. Price a cents, ter sale by 11. U. Cochran, Druggist, .Ne. 1 North Queen stieet. Da. IIasslir Werm i-VHcr. t'urely vegetable, pleajant te take, will expel worms If any exist, no purgative rvquirvd after using. Price, a Cents, by all druggists. feb$3tndMV AT SII1LOIP3 CATAllltH UKMEDY-a positive cure for Catarrh, Dlptherle, and Canker Meuth. Fer sole by II. U. Cochran, Druggist, -Se. 137 North Queen street. Excitement InTexiu. Great excitement has been caused In the vi cinity el Paris, Tex., by the rcmarknble re covery of Mr J K L'erley, who was se helpless he could net turn In tied, or raise his head , everybody said he was dvlng of Consumption. A trial bottle or Dr. King's Sew Discovery was sent hlui. rinding rultet, he bought a large het tie and a box el Dr. King's New Life Pills ; by the time he had taken two boxes of Tills and two bottles et the Discovery, he was well and had gained In Heh thirty-six pounds. Trial Het tics of this (ireat Discovery for Con sumption free at 11 II. Cochran's Drug Mere, 137 and iX North Queen street, Lancaster, I' a. (2) "HACKMETACK " a lasting and fragrant per fume. Price .3 and 50 cents. Fer sale by lf.lt. Cochran, Druggist, Ne. 137 NorthUueemtrvet. Osi BeTTLa Etmcts a CCR. Mr. Oscar E, B. Kech, of Allentown, Pa., was bedfast with In flammatory rheumatism In the winter of 1SS3. Doctors could de nothing te relieve him. Ue commenced using Gress' Itheumatle Kemcdy. lly the time he had used halt a bottle he could leave his bed; when he had finished the bottle he was cured and has net had a return of the disease since. In his own words, "1 teel better than ever before." Price II, by all druggists. lebS-JmdMWAir The Excitement Net Over. The rush at II. U. Cochran, druggist. Ne. 117 North Queen street, still continues en account of persons afflicted with Cough, Colds, Asthma, 11 renchitls and Consumption, toprecnroabottle of Kemp's ltalsam for the Threat and Lungs, which Is sold en a guarantee and Is glv ing entire satisfaction. It Is a standard family remedy. Prlce 50 cents and 1. Trial iiteree. el5-lwdJtw THE ItEV. GEO. 11. TIIAYEK, of Uourben Ind., savs "Beth myself and wife ewe enr lives teSIULOH'SCONSlfilPTIONCiritE." torsale by II. 11. Cochran, Druggist, Ne. 137 North Queen street. KIDNEY TKOUULiaj. A Case of Many Years branding Cured With Six Dettles, In a Man DO Years et Age. ALLXHTOwir, Pa., May:', lssS. Daroiue llrmtRs Ce. Genu I had been troubled with my kidneys for a number of years, used almost everything without much beneflt until I tried Dandelion flitters. I used six bot tles and am pleased te say I am entirely rid of the kidney trouble, besides my system being toned up se that I feel like a different person. I checrfuUy recemmend the same te all afflicted In this way. JACOB MUSCIILITZ. lebe-3mdTu,Th,S AllE 10b 11ADK miserable by Indigestion, Constipation, Dizziness, Less of Appetite, 1 cl ow skin 7 Shlleh's Vltallzer Is a positive cure. Ker sale by II. 15. Cochran, Druggist, Ne. 137 North Queen street. The Verdict Unanimous. Yeu are feeling depressed, your appetlte is peer, you are bothered with Headache, you are fidgety, nervous, and generally out of sorts, and want te brace up. llrace up. but net w lth stimu lants, spring medlclnes, or hitlers, which have for their basis very cheap, bud whisky, and w hlch stimulate you for an hour, and then leave you In worse condition than before. What you want Is an alterative that will purify your bleed, start healthy action of Ltver and Kidneys, re store your vitality, and give renewed health and strength, buch a medicine you will find in Elec tric hitters, and only 5 cents a bottle at II. B. Cochran's Drug Mere, 137 and 134 North Queen street, Lancaster, 1'a. (I) roil DYSPEPSIA and Liver Complaint, you have a printed guarantee en every Dettle of shl shl eoh's ftallzer. It never faUs te cure, ter Bale by U. B. Cochran, Druggist, Ne. 137 North Queen street. Take Your Choice. 1 ou can be weak, nervous, debilitated, and de spondent, disqualified for work of head or hand, or you can enjoy a falrsharoef health and peace of mind. Uurdeck Bleed Jlittert wlU alleviate your misery and de you a world of geed If you will but have faith try. rer sale by II, U. Coch ran, druggist, 137 ana 13) North Queen street, Lancaster. Allew L's te Say That a geed deal of the suffering in this world can be avoided by purchasing Dr. Themat' Eclectrle Oil, and using it as per directions, it is an lnfallable cure ferall aches, sprains, and pains. Fer sale by II. B. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 1JJ North Queen street, Lancaster. An Excellent It pert. Hen. Jes. II. Goedrldge, of Brooklyn. N. Y writes this: "Cannet express myself lu wnm clently praiseworthy terms, llurdeck JIloeil llllteri have used for the pest two years; keep my stomach in splendid trim." rer sale by If. 11. Cochran, druggist, il and 130 North Queen street, Lancaster. l be Cltlnese ilnt Ge. And se must neuralgia and rheumatism, when Dr. 7'hemat' Eeleetrie Oil attacks them. Ihls medicine is a marvelous product et Ingenious thought. Buy It and try lu rer sale by II. 11. Cochran, druggist, 1J7 and 133 North Queen street, Lancaster, Dr. Tanner's Stomach. Dr. Tanner certainly has a great stomach great because of Its utrengtb und endurance. e may err in saying that the doctor uses llur llur eock Meed Jhtltri, but if he does, his digestive Sewers ure easily accounted for. Uurdeck feed JIMert, being a standard medicine are sold by all druggists, rer sole by II.B. Cochran, druggist, 137 aud LB North Queen street, Lan caster. A Ilaptlst Mlnlstei's Experience. "I am a Baptist minister, and before I ever thought of being a clergyman I graduated in medicine, but left a lucrative practice for m . present profession, forty vearsuge. I was for many juira a sufferer from quinsy. Themat' Eclcctric Oil cured uie. 1 was also troubled lth Hoarseness, unu inemar jiciectrie un always .tlfnv,1 .nn SI w urlfn ..nit .lilfil liail rilnl..unrn relieved me. My wire und child had diphtheria. and Tnetnav Jicleclrie Oil cured them, and If taken in time it will cure seven times out of ten. 1 am confident it is n cure for the most obstinate cold, or cough, and If any one will take a small teaspoon and half till it with the Oil, and then Slacu the end of the spoon In one nostril and raw the OU out of the spoon Inte the head, by Bnlffing as hard as they can, until the Oil fulls ever Inte the threat, and practlce It twice a week, I don't cure bow offensive their head maybe, It will clean It out and euro their ca tarrh. Fer deafness and earache, it has done wonders te my certain knowledge. It Is the only medlclne dubbed patent medlclne that 1 have ever felt like recommending, und I am very anx ious te see It in every place, for 1 tell you that I would net be without it In my house ferany consideration. I urn new suffering with a pain like rheumatism in my right limb, and nethlnu lellovesmellke Tliemav Jiclttlrle Oil." Dr. L. F. Crane, Cerry, l"a. Fer eale by If. 11. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 139 North Uueen street Lancaster. FINK WHISKIES. Distillation of ltW, 187S, 180, 18di are net equalled In the ceuutry, ' ""u"ul- At UKIUAIira OLD WINK STOItE, H. E. BLAYMAKEIl, Agt. R OTE IS MAKING CABINET PHOTOGRAPHS at 3jOO a. nezaa. . L!i?' 1WJ0BTII QUJSKN BTUKKT, lanlJ-tld Lancaster, Ta irunrsuin it r jfcv '' ECONOMY, as ne felU uy. Is wealth pronounced another av , Se while "hard times" the people cr, The Toilet Soaps they should net buy. 1 ct all vhe buv such Soaps take care Te weigh the cake exact and fair. And find the pay in figutcs teund A dollar, mere or less per pound. A WORD OK WARN' ING. There are many white soaps, each represented te be "just as geed as the ' Ivery' i" they ARE NOT, but like all counterfeits, lack the peculiar and remarkable qualities of the genuine. Ask for " Ivery" Seap and insist upon getting it, CepyrUthl 15.-f, by Procter A C.amMc. VHT Tk JOURNINO (iOODS. HAGER & I m Priestley's Black Silk Warp Henriettas, Black Cashmere, Olarette Oleth, Etimin e Oleth, Princltta Oleth, Nun's Veiling and Camel's Hair; Oeurtaud's Crape and Nun's Veiling for Vests ; Black Thibet Leng and Square Shawls. HAGER & Nes. 25 and 27 West King Street, Lancaster, Pa. N EXT DOOR TO THE COURT HOUSE. FAHNESJOCK'S. White Goods, Lacea and Bmbrolderloa, Whlte Embrolderod Rebes, 82.60 up. Summer Undorwear, all eizee. Slimmer Hosiery Summer Gloves, Large Stock of tboae Goods new iu Store, and 'all Marked at Qulek Beiling Prloes. R. E. FAHNESTOCK'S, NEXT DOOR TO THE COURT JVTETZGER Jt UAUQU5IAN. METZGER & HAUGHMAN 1IAVK SOW IN STOCK A tULI, A8S0UTMENT O" BLACK FRENCH CASHMERES. BLACK CAbllMKKK jtllXc. I1I.ACK CA8IIMKKK nt 25c. BLACK CABIIMEIIE atJ7Kc BLACK CASIIMKItKatMc BLACK UASHM KKK nt Mc. BLACK CA8HMEHE at 75c! BLACK CAS11MKHK at 87c. BLACK CA9UM KKK at II.W. BLACK CASlIMKltK at IL25 ALSO BLACK HKN1UKTTA CL0TII3, DI AQONALS, TIUCOTS. and a Kull Line of BLACK SILKS, et LOW PRICES. Metzger & Haughman, Ne. 43 West King Street, Between the Cooper Heuse and Serrel Herse Hetel, Lancaster, Pa. DHY UVODM. QLOSINO OUT PRICES -UK-LADIES' AND GK.NTLKMKN'S GAUZE UNDERWEAR -AT TUE- North End Dry Goods Stere. J. W. BVKNE. nev5-l7J Ne. 3W North Queen (treet. mUE NEW OAHU STORE. NEW CASH STORE, Opposite the Koyatene Heuse ana Northern National Bank, 247 & 249 North Queen Street. SUMMER DRESS GOODS. NUN'H VEILING, All Celers. .,e. ... . WUITE l'LAID CAMBRICS. WHITE VICTORIA LAWNS. ., ilATlSTESanaSEEUSUCKEIlS- II AMI1UKUS and LACES. ,.., New Steclc ItlUIlONS.AH Celers. BLACK and COLORKl) SILK MITTS. Large Stock DOMESTICS. All Ooeds at Lew Prices. febS-lyd W. U. liOWEUa. G RAY'S HPECIFIO MKIHOINK. THE OUKAT ENGLISH REMEDY. An unfailing euro for Impetency, and nil Ills eases that fellow Less or Memery, Universal Lassitude, i'aln In the Back, Dimness of Vision, Premature Old Age, and many ether diseases that lead te Insanity or Consumption and a. Premature Grave. jwrull particulars in our pamphlet, which we desire te send f roe by mail toeveryenu. -Thn Speclfle Medicine Is sold by all druggists at li ."SSJiffS Sfx PfkaK "r $5. or will hS fS.u.ES?..i -?" ea the receipter the money, by addressing the agent. Mn.B.'nHi0&1Ail V.ruut- Ho'e Agent, ?, Queen Street, Lancaster, .2vJfi?ouPJef counterfeit, we have adopted the Yellow Wrapper i theonlygenulno. .. i . U QUAY MEDICAL CO.. What course should people then pursue? In short, the enl thing te de, '1 heugh rtdi in bends, or werilly peer, Thc"hem hew thr should procure, Which may be bought from v east te coast, At sixteen cents per pound at most, And docs mete satisfaction grant I ban all the Toilet Soaps extant. UUUDS. BROTHER. OODe b 11 BROTHER, HOU8B. LANCASTER, PENNA. MJiuummu. jyj-AOHINEHY, 40. tot STEAM HEATING Latest and Most Improved INQINES Trwlien, PerUlli tt SUlieitr. New or Becena-ltana BOILERS, WATER TANKS, SEPARATORS. Uiimin or Kirm Wen snch m done and kept In Machine aheps. call ea OB APDKUa, Ezra F. Landis, WORKS 637 NORTH CHERRY STREET, Laxustib, Pa, n7-tfd FTER ALL OTHER8 PAIL, CONSULT DR. LOBB, SB NORTH ITIKTEENTII STREET, (Belew Cat lewhlll Street, Philadelphia.) JeyKAKS' EXPERIENCE. Guaranteed te euro hB afflicted and unfortunate with Purely Vege table Medlclnes. Boek en special disease rrue send for it. Advice free ana strictly connaon cennaon connaen tlal. Office hours, Ha. m. te 2 p. in., 7 p. m. te 10 p.m. Treatment by Mall. lnl-lydAw QDRE GUARANTEED. RUPTURE. Cure guaranteed by DIt. ., B. MAYER. Ease at once i no operation or delay from busi ness i tested by hundreds of cures. Main office 831 ARCH ST., PUILA. Send (or Circular. fVLlvilAv MINERAL WATERS, APOLLINAIRS WATER. the queen or Table Waters, Hawthorn Spring of Saratoga, at UEIU ART'S OLD WINE STORE, VLOTHIHU. jrmsii , mieTiiEit. THIS FALL WILL GIVE YOU A INI.lt, I.AUIlKII.IIKTTKlt, IK1TKK MADE. IIKTIhll TI11MMKI) AMD HKOIHKlu.V CIIKM'KIl IN PRICE!) STOCK yY CLOTHING -AND- GENT'S FUmSHIKGS, THAN A KVKIl , IIKKN SHOWN IN THE CITV OK LANCASTER. 1 hr ' Jlr "( the au0 nec,jiutM the rurther Ll.KAIll.MI (rt OT ODDS AND ENDS -or- SUMMER WEAR. ..,V,!n.H."lll',,,, "' ,he lMITerent Lets of 8PE. UlAL BAUOAINS we advertised lest wsek. Vet en hand. Ihey ntn going fast ; se cull nt once. KULL LINKS or New Fall aud Winter Oletliiug Are hflng tinlsbrU almmt dally, net only fur Sinn, but tun Heys and Children will be looked alter bettc r than evor. forget te mention our GREAT BAR. GAINS In TRUNKS and VALISES and CLUB Merchant Tailoring a Specialty. ONE-PRIOE CLOTHINQ AND FURNISHING STORB, CORNER NORTH UURKN STREET AND CENTRE SQUARE. i-Store doses every day at 6 p. tn. Saturdays at lu p. in. ri ENT'H NECKWEAR. WILLIAMSON & FOSTER ARE Selling Te-day -FOR- AN ADVERTISEMENT, A LOT OF r Fer 2 Cents Each. Anether Let for 5 Cents Each. Anether Let for 10 Cents Each, At thoee Prlcee we ezpoet the Leta te last ABOUT 2 DAYS. WILLIAMSON & FOSTER 82, 34, 36 & 88 B, King St., LANCASTER, l'A. BIO & BROTHER'S Bent's NecKwen JIU0K8. JOHN BAER'S SONS. NEW BOOKS Are offered at a liberal discount from the pub lishers' prices. SUNDAY SCHOOL BOOKS In Library Bets, Class Beeks, Records, Rewards, Bibles, Testaments, Catechisms, etc. QUARTO BIBLES Centalnff King Jatnea and the Rey lsed Versions of both Old and New Testaments in parallel columns t also, with the two versions or the New Testament, or with the old version of the Bible only. In various styles of binding, at much lower prices than by travel lug agents. AT TUX BOOKSTORE OF JOIIT BAER'S SOUS, Nes. IS and 17 Nertb Qumb Street, LANCASTER. FA. U. . OLAXMAJiiE, Agt. &&&. ''"iv j.artts.V ' J'sttriMtKi&fO H.MuW."&