f f vn !?- ; V-". THB LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCES, SATDRPAY, AUGUST 7, 1886. 7. SBS 9 XL AfllUIUt'OPTIIIOLKtll, I. Se blithely lese lti tinppjr tiny Wlieu jen nml I Ill-Kim I" Wlti The birds believed lincoinber May, !n blithely tmn I lie happy daVi And hliwstiins bloomed iileiiKtmr 'I'IiiiiikIi It was limn lnr snow, I wli 80 blithely nun the happy ,,nV linn yen nml I brum I" kl1"' II. 'lliUtle-dnwii Inn woman's love- 1 U-lte dim ii Willi Ui" ln' t l'''V I I .l him wlie wills Hi' inilh le prrne " 1 hlslle-dnwti l n wenmii'ii levn " feek her Iniiiiwt heart I'l move TikhikIi tlin wlml iheutit blew her vows his way, J IiUIIii ilnwii Is n wnmnii'ii love, Thistledown with llin wind ill play. III. Leve pl'imc Ills wliiK In dy away, Ami lanith in nimrn our Idle pnln All l Milci 111 le Illicit ami pray I l-eve ninnies hli wlnits te 11 y away What pntycrnf ours hi tllntit cnn stay When, mocking im with hlKlidlmlstn, l.'ivn plumes til winni te ily nwny, Ami IuiirIh te scorn our lilln I'ulu T Isiulir Vhimillrr ilniillen, A i'K.VA.M M'AM.I HKMOVllAT. lfl' il. '.l Tim Nf" H.ilUtlnr lleneral mid A ltnt ScrrrlMt) of tha Interior. I Inn. (Ioei-ru A.Jcnki watliern In I'litixau. Uwiity, JeHorseii county, I'.t, en March 23, KUk lle wiii mrly turned mlrllt te light Ills own luttlei, liy tlie ileatli nl hit fattier. lle Hetiglit anil fount! einplnyiiienl as a dork anil tl il r In K l'lt lobuire hours pursued Ills sill, illiw ami prepared liliinelf Ter a collpgiate mume. lilt education wntch lelly acquired tlireimli lain own strenuous axorllen. lle ttiiRlit school fiir n tlme, still continuing hli Unlit s. After this Iio attomleil an aRAileuiy In llroekrlllo lnr a alierl term, when he wrntten carpenter te learn the trade. He read law with his liretliur, tlie lien. Win. .loiikx.arter this ami rpsuinetl his ikmIIIeh hi a school teacher. Siilwotiienlly he drilled oil tn Khiixjih, nml In 1Sj,'i lielxxl te lay out tlie city of Omaha, lle rame back te renn nylvaiiln ntnl went te JellonieiioollPRO wliore tin took In nil tlie courses, graduating with high honor In In.. He has achieved popu larity ns a lawyer In Western rennsylvatila, uliire lilt Hilinlivtleii te tlie liar, which oc curred In tlie year ISi'i. In 1ST I he was elected mointier of I'etigrWB from a Republican district by n large ma jority ; anil, though defeated for ro-eloctlon, in a iiln kIe term hu maile a national reputa tion ; ns a member nf tlie I-euNlstm luventl gstliigctiiiiiiilltcuaml by hit atlilrOM Uifore tlie ilet'tural .'oiiimlsslen he wen great fame , anil he has lieen voted for In Domet'ratlc Htate romcntlens tun nouilneo for goemor. In lhS) he niu tlie party ciuiillilate for Huprome Jin! ke anil ran n large vete. When Mr. I.:imnr wantrnl an able anil afe aiwlDtant he went for Mr. Jcnka; anil allheiiKh lie reHlKUfil that plaoe te afwume luiperunt irlvate tniHtt, he ha slni-e be ar raiiRtHl hit atlalra n te boatile tn accept tlie luiMirtiit tender te him from tlie prtwliknt of tht) Kolieltor gennmlihlp. In tliat IiIk'i olllce he will no doubt arhloyenew roputa reputa roputa tleu ; at hi) It pre iiinlnently n lawyer and lilted for a great l'rofeiilonnl or Judicial ca reer. Ir yen nre llllnu. taVe Ilr I'lerfn'n "PlwiAant l'nriettliii I'i'lU'M," tlie original " l.lttlti l.lvvr 'UN." Of all druggUt. al-V,HAw A VAI.I'AIll.K ItKMKOV. llroiulretli' l'llli h.10 been used by million el liuiiinn lteliiK: llnlr kiicceh I) (emitted npen tlie theory of reaten, anfl an attontlie ob eb .urvallciii of ityinplein of tlleAe. Whatever imke bud digestion breed dljeiue, and what !) it makn eoed dlgeatlen curej dUejue. llran tlrctir 1'IIIh make i;ed dUtutlen, purify the IiIimhI, ami remove all bad huuiera out of the lindy liy the nrganii of the atemach and bewela. 'Iliny act In lirmeiiy with vital action and work- in nutrition the mriMigth incrt-.ises, Uie akin anil the eye ix-ceme clear, and tlie nyinpteiin of llininulaily iiruaunily rentlnred milder hythelr inn They are hannlriH for all agei and condi tion. Us On iuir (luard. IU'ikeii'ii I upctnii l'laaterH are widely ttnlta teil. Hail I Uie f.ict. .New, why are they Imi tated T llecnnse they tire the only perniii plan ter In nxljtencu th.it Is really trustworthy and valuable ltentien'a Plo-stera are highly and scl eiitlllcitlly niedlcaled, Hiidciirt) In u lew hour ullmentH iiptin which no ethers have had any tlft'cl whatuiur. 'llin publicum therefore cau tioned niraliiMt pliwlern bearing the niiuici of " Capulcln." " Ciipalciini," " Caplclne," or " Ca- Imcln," which are meant te pits for ' Capelne " pleaie nole the dltTerence) anil nUe against plalerK twarlnic the naiiiti ' Ilenten'," " llnr llnr ten'ii," etc. When buylnite.sk for llensen'a Plan ter and prettt yeurxelf by a personal examina tion. The Keniilne has the word " Uapcinu " cut or nernmed In the hotly of the plaster and the "three ."mis " trmleuiurk en the lace cloth. JJ) BVXaiA.1. MOTIVES. lluckln's Arnlm Halve. The l!et Salve In the world ler Cut", limine, Meres, Ulctirs, Halt Ithiiiim, fever Beres, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chllbl.ilua, Cerns, andulltiktn Kniptlnns, and positively eiittis Piles, or no pay reriulred. It Is Kuarnnleed te irtvti perfect satis faction, or money relumled. Price il cents per liev. lnr side by II. II. Ceenran, l)ruvilst,m and IX) North Queen street, Luncaster, l'a. C'ATAItltll CUP.KI), health anil sweet breath secured, by Shlleh's Catarrh Itemedy. Price rsj cents. Naal Injector free, for sole by II. 11. Cochran, Druggist. Ne. IS) North (Jueen street. M0T1IKI13I MOTHKIltttl M0TIIKU3 III Are you dlsturlMttl at night and broken nf your rest by a sick child suutirliiK and crying with the excruclatliiK pain of ciittlnx teeth T If se, KO at once and get a bottle or Mrs. W1NHI.0W8 BOOTillMU 8VUU1'. U will relieve the peer UlUe lulferer Iminodlately depend upon It) thorn Is no mistake about It. Thore Is net a mother en eaith who has ever nsedlt, who will net tell yen at once that It will regulate the bowels, and Klve rest te the mother, and relief and health te the child, operallntr like uragle. It U perfectly safe te use In all cases, and pleasant te the taste, and U the prescription of one et the elflest and best female physicians In the United diai. eum uvury wmn. se tents a uuiue maySl-lyflU.w.BAw Caution. " We would caution the l'ulille tn Iniware of Denims eilurlmr hemp'a llilsam at less than the it-irtihir Price, M cenla and II, as oftentimes 1ml 1ml tallens iirlnfcrlnrnrtlclc are sold as the Koutilne In elder te enable them te sell cheimlv. 11.11. Cochran, tlrugKUt, .Se. 137 North (jueen street Is euriiKCiii ier Luuciuiiur. Uumplu bottle ulven te yeurr. ote-iwaiw UKUUr. WIIOOl'INd VOUUH and llrenchltU tminedlutely relieved by Blilleh s (,'nre. for sale liy II. II. Cochran, liriigglst. Ne. hM North tjueen treeu uur-riniis. Of our American people are mulcted with sick bcaduche in eilher Us neneiis. lilllnuser con cen Kt'sllvu forms, caused by trrcKUlar habits, high llvlnu, etc., and no reiuidy ban ever cemiueied It until 111. Leslie's hH Lil I'leserlptltm was ills covered. Utielt u lilal. Uee aiUurtUeiiiunt In another column, (3) Iluy Fever. 1 have been n great Hiifferer from hay fever for 15 years, ami have trliil various things without doing any gram. 1 reati of the many wondrous curesef lily's Cream Halm ami thought 1 would try once mere. In llfleen minutes uller one ap plication I was weiidcrrully helped. Twe weeks age 1 commenced using It ana new I feel en tirely cured. It Is the greatest dlscovery ever known or heanl of. Duhamel Clark, farmer, l.ee, Mass. anS'jwdeetlAw UllOWN'b 1I0UBK110LD l'ANAOKA, ly timmrMterTectlve Pain Dostrevorln the world. Will most surely quicken the bleed whether cen tuu uioeo. wneuier ppllcd externally, and ilv UGL1KVK PAIN, ute, than any ethor pain taken iiucriuiiiy ui-uppueu ' thereby mere certainly UK vhiither chronle or acu alleviator, and It la warranted double the atrengthef any Blmllar preparation. it euros nalu In the bide. Hack or II ack or lloweli, Sere ! & in.Aninalljm I'lvithaahe ni4 . -Anb ttDuuiauiui -, 's AUlHaDi KIIU ' uu saua stuiiuiu. r hius MllUOWN'B HOUSEHOLD PANAC'K A " should ilt ..vl la Thu IlFAaf If tt ta v nf l'uln K, be tn every family. A teaspoenlul of the Panacea, in a luiuuier ei nri waier laweeumuu, u ora era lerred.) uen at DedUme, WU1 llBKAK Ut A In a tumbler i terred.1 taJcen com. cenu DetUe, BWlyaH.YT.ASw mmeivAi B UOWN'H IKON MTTKIIH, BROWN'S IRON BITTERS! WILL CURE IIKAIUOIIK, lNDlOKHTION, IIIMOUHNKHH, I)YN1'KIMIA, NICItVOIJM PItOHTKATION, MALARIA, UIIIIiUSaniiKKVKIIH, TIUKDKKKI.lNd, (1KNKHAI, 11KII1MTY, l'AINH INTHKllAUK .V HIDRS, lMl'UHi: 1II.OOI), CONHTIl'ATION, FKMAIiK 1NKIKM1T1KS, HIIKUMAT1NM, NKUKAI.OIA, KIDNKYANDLIVKH TUOUIU.KH. WrUKHAt.tCIlY ALL UUUUOlHTt). The llniiiilnn lias Trade Mark and cressed Ked Lines en wrapper, TAKE NO OTHBIt. (2)ml7-lydAw IISOKITION TUIUMIMIANT I NATURE'S LAW VINDICATED I G. W. HOLHAN, M. D., OF XKW YOllli, Discoverer and successful tleiiionstraler nf the only sctentllle theory fin the euro and pre Trillion or disease liy Ol'TH -Mill AI'l'MUA THIN, will be at the Stevens Heugc, Lancaster, Pa., TUESDAY, AUG. 3, WIIKKK. UK MAY UK CIINMU I.TKII 1IAII.V, FOR ONE WEEK, And will cheerfully glin advice, and Instruc tion In the application and use el this treat lucnl.tealt who call between the hours of"a,in and 4 p. in. CONSULTATION FREE. JiilySMmiUTii.Tb.t9 MIl.l.lflKKr. B AHUA1NH I Mere Bargains FOR. THIS WEEK -AT- nSIRIuH'S Palace of Fashion, NO. 13 EAST KINO STREET, l.ANUASTKIt. PA. AIIOUT (INK llUMlKKD I.AIUKV AMI Cllll.DKK.S'H APRONS IVK Wll.l. SKLI. AT LKS3 THAN COST OK MATKKIAU liAWS AfUIIVH, with Pleated Ku tile, lie. I.ace Kdge Unities, 13c, lie. and li':. I.AU0K1I CKKI1 I. AWN NUUSlNll APIID.NS at II. aplece. l.AW.N APKO.N3 wllh Colored .Sccdlovterlc Kilgeat lDc. Trlinmna wllh I.ace 1 1nch wide, only lvc. aplece. Trimmed with Maltheae Lace, only '-'lc. apiece. Trimmed with Ijice Kdglng and Inserting, only 25 cents. Trimmed with r'lne Wlde Needlewerlc Kdgtn?, only'ile. apiece. Trimmed wllh Wlde Uusalan iJiceaiul Inserting, only Jlc. Trimmed llh Needlework Kilglng and Insert ing, only tfic NbltHlNO AI'ltO.NH, Tucked Kdgcd and l.aee Inserting, only 41c. COI.OUKll LAWN Al'llONH, Trimmed with Colored ecdlowerk Kdglng, only Iw. I1.SK A 1. 1. LACK APKON8,enlyr7e. OIIU.lHtKN'H DKKSa APItONS lis low as '.lie. apiece. Special Bargains. TIMtKKV UK1ITA1ILK LI.NKN, Pontile Wldlli, Vast Celers, sue, a yard. 10 Dezen KI.KQANT L1NK.V MOMIK HPI.S1I- KIU, Mlnged llerdered and Mumped, only 37c. l)nzeu UOTTUll bWlSD riCHI'H, lJirgeM'-e Bipiaie, White and Navy, at 'J5c, upluce. 10 Dezen LAIHKS' J11SI.1N DUAWKHS, with Itullllug, Pulling and i Hands, at UKs. apiece. One Let of CIIILIUIKN'S COltaKT WA1.4T3, hiigiuiy oeiicti, in c. apiece. 15 lloten LOTTA WIKK 1IU3TLK3 at ISc. apiece. SO lleren 1111' 111 ST I.E8, only inc. apiece. LADIES' KNITS11AWLS, LaigoSlze Ulaclc and Cardinal, ut Wc. uplece. Mia Vnnls Klegant rine CAMIIItlU KM 111(01. 1IKU1 h Dill NO, 5 Inrh W Ide, only lie. a yard. 800 Yards, 0 Inches Wide, only lie. a yard. 60 Dezen ALL LIN KN 1IKAVV UKItUAN DA- JtIA8KTOWKL3, Ked llerdered, Size 14x41, only ISO. uploce. i". Dezon 1ILKACIIKD L1NKN NAPK1N3 at 13c, a dozen. rllteiesTOUllISTKUCIIlNUH, Kine Duality tl yards put up In Paper Hatchet, enlyliXc a box. W Dezen LINKS' CIIKMI3KTTK3, Pleated with Cellars, All hires, only I'.ie. npleee. XUTIUHB. -CMUHMAN'.S. (IKNTLKMKN'3 Balbriggan and Qauza Undershirts. -TIIK 1IK3T- White Shirts! NKCKT1KH, PLAIN AND FANCY 1I09IKUV, HOAUF PINS, SLKKVKkllUTT0N3, UUSl'KNUKllS, -AT- ERISMAN'S, MO, II WKST KINU ST., AN0TKU, VA. ltOVBMMVniliMHlllO UUUVS. w K UAVE A LAIWK STOCK Of TIIK ItKHT REFRIGERATORS IN TIIK CITY. The Fierce Dry Air Refrigerator. UA IU)K.f 11UH1C, WA TKIl VOUI.KKH. JVK UllKAif t'HKKXKHH, AiidafiilllliioefllOUHKrUUNlUlllNUOOOllS Tha largest alee or (IA rlXTltltKH In the Ity. BimwIhI atttinllen paid le llas-rltllng, II" cltv. BimwIhI i Unetlng and Hpeiitlng cel'ved nnother let of these r. weimve instil UI.OIIKH. JOOP. SOHATIM & SON, 24 SOUTH QUEEN ST., I.ANUA5TKK. I'A. F I.1NNA IIUIJNKMAN. PRICES MARKED DOWN e.v Weed and Iren Pumps, TERRA-COTTA AMI- Iren Moter and Drain PIPES. FLINN &1rEHEMAN, Ne. 1(32 North Quoeii Streot, I.ANCASTKlt, I'A. A. K1KKKKH. AI.DUH l HKKH WM, KIEFFER & HERR, Ne. 40 East King Street, (Opposite Court Heuse). Invite all Housekeepers te Call and Inspect their Stock el Heusefui-isliiiig Goods. A Cnmplf te Linn constantly en hand. COOK 310V KS and 11A.NOKS, 1'AKI.OIt HIOVK3, llKATKRIlina KUKNAUK3. SUMMEll COOK STOVES. Afler ram fully nxHintntni; tlie inerlts of nil eflwrtnl te tbe trmln, h hau etilrctntl THE "ARGAND," K07 II HOI.INK,and THE ,( DANGLER," KerCOALOlL, As tht) llest, when all pelnu are considered, le Oder te our patrons. Call and see us. We leve le show our goods, and are net offended If yen de net purclutae. Uemeuiber, we are ageuta for The " Splendid " Heater. Maniiractunxl by Kuller A ' Warren Company, Trey, N. ) , vv hlch has no rival In durability, economy or fuel and control of gas. New is Uie time te etamlne and become posted for Autumn purchases. KKMEMIIKU TIIK PLACE 1 40 EAST KING ST., (Ori'OSlTK COUKT HOUSK ) ap-tidAw i.r.u.u. notieks. J7I.STATK01''ri:i)KKlCSrilWUNi:H, Inte of Ijincaster city, deceased Letters or administration c. t. n. en said e-state luivlng been gmntwl te the undersigned, all persons In debted thereto am reiiuesled loniake Immediate liaymeiit, and these having claims or dein.inils against the name, will present them without de lay ler settlement le the undersigned. ' ANNA BCHIVKNKK, Admiulstratilx. .1. II. II. WAnsiKit, Attorney. Jy3 ttds TJVSTATi: OK I.KWIS HP.KTINO, I.ATK II or tl't) city et Lancaster, dcceaed. Let ters or lulmlnlstratlen en said estnte h-ivlng been granted te the iiuderlgneil,nll person thereto are requested le make Immediate pay. ment. and these havlnir Claims or iieiiinnus against the same will lirt' enl them ler beltle- ment te the uutlenlgiied, residing In thu city et Ijincaster. CII1118TIASA IIKl'TINO, AdmlnlstnitrlT. Jehn A. Ceilk, Attorney. Jjieetd-) STATK OK HKHKCC.V m:Ni:i)ICT, lateet tlie city nf Lane.ister, Laniastnr Ce, deceased. The undersigned auditor, appointed te pass upon exceptions te the and distribute the halaneti remaining In thohaudser llenjainln K. Hi'iiDtllil, iidiiilnlstraterd.il. n , or slid dece dece dent. te and among thoe legally entllled te the same, will sit for that puipese miTL KSDA, SKl'TK.MIIKlt 7, lvsi, nt 10 o'clock a. m., In the Library lloein el the Court Heuse, in the city or LancHstcr. where all pel-sens interested In suld distribution may attend, JNO. A. COYLK, lyle-atilS Auditor. rUJtMTUllK. F UHNITUltK WAItKHOOMS. 11IIV MHJItSKl.K A 1'AIK Ot'TIIOSK Felding Dress Pillows, CALL BAIll.l AT HeITmeier's Furniture Warerooms. They urn the nicest thing out and e h.ive Just receli ed another let el them. 30 BAST KINO STREET. aueaxuitsB. TTKHI UKAbi'fcOKKEKS. XX t'lne old tlevernmcnt Java and Mecha Cetfees, the best In the market. Our Juvu lllen. ded Coifee speak for tuulf i ilchiiud fragrant, iV. per pound. Very Mno Plantation Uie Cetfees, our best only sue, per pound; one very popular at 15c We want you te call and try our WWc. Cotleo. The exccllent quality or our Coffees and rlne Teas Is making friends fust and flrin. Our dally sales show ii steady Increase, Fresh ltensted every day. A full line of l.mcy Orecerlus. Please glve us a trial order, OKO. W1ANT. ang-lvd Ne. 113 West King Strest. Q.KOKQK KKNHT, JR., Carpenter, Contractor St, Builder, UKSIUKNCK-NO.W) WKSTUINUST. SU01-KA8T QUANT 8T., OpiKMlte itallen Heuse. All work rocelves my prompt ajid lvorsenal at at Untleu. All kinds or Jobbing attended tern aheit m tlceand en reaaniiubia tenna, iirawlugs mid Emulates (umlahed. oil ij d CTOKAUK AKD COMMISSION WARBHOUS-. UAN1KL MAVKU, ewlia KO, 18 WU VaMUllt BUWL V1.UTH1MU. Ul'KNINU AT II. OKH s I'ltiN a HAKT'n. FINE TAILORING. The largest and most Cnmplf te Assortment el KINK WOOI.LKNiirortheHprliigTiiidalobo leiind In the City or Lancaster. A Cholce Llun or Mprlng Overcenllngs and ranlaloenlngs In all ttin Latest Patterns. Prices Lew, ileal Wnrkinanshlp, ntid nil goods Warrunled as tcprnaenlfd, H.GEKHAR.T, NO. 41 NOIITII QUKKN HTHKKT. srOplwislln the Postenire. innrt7-lydll Ii. (1ANHMAN A llUO. StttOE OUU BigEeductienSale MAS ItKKN 1NAI i.l llATKD, 'Iho Pnlille has been renvlneed that CUSTOM ilAIIK CLOTIIINII as wtll as HKA1I V-MADK can be bought cheaper nt L Gansman & Bre. THAN AM WIIKKK KLSK IN TIIK C1T. OUR SPECIALTY. UKKIlSUCKKIt COAT? AND VKSTS (Uoea htjlcs) at ILCU and Jl.l'i. JIKN'3 V ANTS at 6oe,np te fl W) i 1 Styles te select irem. ALIWOOL CABDIMKKK SUITS, 11 Styles te aelnct from, nl tUi. MKNS C0HK8CKKW SI ITS ale selling In all Khailcs at Hue. MK.V3 riNK CLOTH DIAUONAL at IA.7). SUITS Our Custom Department Oiler some Itargulns In Light and Medi mil Weights or l'aiitAloenlngs which vte make te order at Ridiculously Lew Prices from itwi le fie. Ihesn grxxls nre strictly all wool, hut inesily slngle pattern", which we close out at .1 mcrlllce rather than carry tln-m ever. L. GANSMAN & BRO., M KUCHA NT TAII.'Hl", HANI FAtllKKUSOF MK.N'8 II0I9AMI CHILDUKN'S CLOTHINO, 06 & 68 NORTH QUEEN ST., (Illght en thebouUmest Cor.et Orange SL) LANUASTKlt, I'A, aT'Lle'cri eiery evening at 0 p. in., incept Satiirdn's. B U1KIKKA HUTTON. YOU WILL FIND Men's, Bey's and Children's CLOTHING Mai kid Down m) LOW thai It nlll begreatly te your Interest te call and examine theiloelis ami PKlchS, ir In uii'il of unv mere MhlHUSl or I.IU1IT WKI'jII 11 thi- -.eu-.u. We Manufacture All Our Goods, AnilUiitrantre them 1'lp.t Cl.is In Kvery tli iilar. W K 11A K A Fl LI. LINK Of SUMMER CLOTHING In SecMn ker, ilelriir, tir.t Dmppottenml IsInciMiii rricM AttenNtiiiifiy Lew. iioetUas KoprriMitetier Meiify lu-tumlvtl. BURGER & SUT5M, NO. 24 CENTRE SQUARE, LANCArtU, PA. l-AUAHOI.ti ,tv. R OSK 1IKOS. .V HAHTMAN. $4.00 PIRISOLS nriu tLn.'ie $3.00. $3.00. VKU;iiKST SATIN ALL UNK SILK LIN The Manufacturers. Rese Bres. & Hartman, 14 EAST KING ST. upl-flind WAT V HI-It. -yy-ATdllKS, ('LOCKS, Ae. WATIIIKS, cLOLkS, Af KPKCIAI.SALK Ot I10LD-K1LLKI) CtSKS (ltess'a Mantit.icttue), hiiniing or ojKin-e.iseit watch, ulckle Miuk-i. I'. Jeviels, stem winding ami setting (limited u nntieri nll.Mi.i Alse 75 In tillvuiud hunting cases, biimoMerks, at 17.50 each. Ureat lurgalns In Uineaster Watches. All the best Klgtns una ethers. Collect time dully by telegraph; only phuuln city. Hest vwitcliund Jewelrj' repairing. 1- WKItKIt, Ne l'i d North Queen Street, (Near P. It. K. Station i -bpoctiicles und Kye (llaases. Optical Heeds. TOMACCO CU'ITINdS, SCKAI'S, HUT 1N03 AM) 1'ACKKliS' WASTK, ilry and Clean, heughl for cash. J.S. MOI.1NS, Ne 171 Pout SUeet. New erk. Ueterencp Kred tchlllle, Ne. Hi Pearl slits) New Yerk. tehniyd't, CARRIAGE FACTORY, Christian acJ Minea Streets. All klmU or CnirLigca, lluggliw, HiiHlnesn, Wageim, etc., inatle. sjh'cLiI iiiientlen paid te repairing. l!et or uerkiiien empleyiil und saturaotlen guaranteed. JeltUmdS UKOltliE WKHKll, 1'ioprleter, "TVON'THl'l-'l i:il ANY T.ON(lll Frem our HUerdcred Klilnej -t, Itlaek DniTCii Jlincral SiirinWtiter Is a Prompt. KulclcntaudChe.ipItDiiiidy. IUToiilennd Invlcerant l'owers make It un excellent Dymiepsl.i Itemedy l)r, lteguaull.til France, Hilling te (ion. Hed, of the U. S. Army, says " ou need nolceiiiutoKiiioiHi ler Wnlen tn Cure liyspupila ; we have liiine better thm Ill.AClv IIAIIKK.M SPHl.SU W ATKIl." Persons supplied nml vetseU liirnUhed. 1'. S. UtlOUM AN, ManiiRer, Ne. 37Kui(intnlhlicet. Fer sale by J NO. It, KAUtTMAN, Uiugclst, niniii uueeii iit.ei, i.Hiiiinuu, i 11. lll.AlJli 1IAUKKN SPU1NU HOUSK Allnlv te : new open. MISSCIlltlSTIK UOMUKIIOKU, Pleas ml drove, Luncaster County, Pa. liuelivciiiid T H1H l'Al'Hlt IS 1'IUNTKD WITH INK Manulactured by j. K.WRianx&:oe., KU-ird teibna iuro-SUe'-PhUaaoiptia, ra jKWBLnr, me. JJ . JUIOAI)H,JKWELKK. Watches, Diamonds, My Repair Dept. is Fully Equlpped and Respectfully Solicit Repairing of Fine ard Complicated Watches, Musical Bexes, Bronzes, Jewelry and any Intricate Piece of Mechanism. H. Z. RHOADS, 4 WEST KING STREET. rVBNITVBK. TTKINITHirH KUUN1TUKK DKl'OT. Te Keep Coel and Comfortable Daring the Het Months, It la noeoasary te find seme Coel Rotreat. Te be Oomfertablo In that rotreat Yeu Need a Geed Easy Rocker, Settee or Chair, And you can And the Largeat Assortment at HEINIT8H' FURNITURE DEPOT, NOS. 37 Si 20 SOUTH QUEEN ST., LANCASTER, PA. HATH, VAl ni:i)L'UKI) ONK-HAI.r-. SUCH BARGAINS -IS- STRAW HATS AND LIGHT DERBS Wero Never Before Offered ! Reduced One-Half! W. D. STAUFFER & CO., LEADING Nes.31 nml 33 North Queen Street, iriNX.1 ASH IAQVVHS. rii.t.r.ii'.s i.kjuek steki AS TO QUALITY We ran glie you better value than any ether heuse In the trade. We carry the largest stock e OLD WHISKIES, OLD WHISKIES In Lancn.ter, .Meney rofiinileil for unythlnu prevlnr; uns.itlsfacterj. JysiyiH MILLERS LIQUOR STORE, aacKNTUKsgUAUK. I.1FB INHVUAHOB CUMVANY. pill: MUTUAL l.U-T. INSURANCE COMPANY. COMPARISON OF TWO MATURED ENDOWMENT POLICIES. SAME YEAR. SAME lilFFKRESr THE MUTUAL LIFE. Flfteen Year Endowment. htneil March iO, IS7'J. Ne. 100,140. Aiiiuml premium, Amount of policy, Dividend nilditieus, Tetitl pitiil by Company, Total Vremium paid liy assured, ?5,000 1,090 l'aid liy Company inexcesser premiumsree'd, ?1,530 13 $1,019 25 UKADKlt It you would realie results similar te that of tlie Veliey '.lluhler In the MUTUAL LIKK lNUltANX'U COMl'AN V,OK NKW YOUK. Apply te JAMES H. MARSHALL, Agent, Ne. SO East Walnut, or GO North Duke Streets, Lanoaater, Pa, VAHBIAUB MOTTO THAT AlAVAYH WINS. HONEST WORK ! HONEST PRICES I Philip Doersom's Old Reliable Garriage Works, 126 and 128 EAST KING STREET, (NKAltl.Y Ol'l'OSlTK TUB LKOPAUl) 1IOTKL), LANCASTKU I'A. Nene Bui First-Class Mechanics Employed. Ne. 1 Material, and That Only, Dsed 1'UICKS TO SUIT TIIK TIMKS. ALL WOUK UUA11ANTKKU. BUGGIES, PHOTONS, BUSINESS WAGONS, MARKET WAGONS, 1 have new en hand and for ealochean the One-Man Wagen, suitable lnrtnick purpose. Man Ivstren, HUlliinie leriniCK nurnoje, une tension Tep rn.eleii, ie gni Jiinip-eeiuuarrni uliw. t.elli Hide bar and end springe, lluslness which " HI be sold ill the MOST UKASON A chne or net. Ne trouble le show the work. uhleh ulll be sold ill the MOST 1IKASO.N llll.K V PAItTICULAlt ATTENTION PAID TO REPAIRING. KWDOX'T FOKUKT TJUi VI4ACK.fi Philip Doersom's Old Reliable Carriage Works, NOS. 126 and 128 uuvaKruMBiauiNU uuudm. VHlHK'H OAIU-T IIAL.I, CARPETS ! CARPETS ! mtei'KNiNu or SHIRK'S CARPET HALL. We are new prepared te show the trade the hlbltedln thlsclty. WILTONS, VKLVKTS. all the Tradlas Makes OI litiuii UltUHSKLS. TllltKKl'LY, Alt-Weel and Cotten Chain KXTUA BUritUS, and all .ill iu I)I'U"I'U I1A l lnu i,irt VMNKTIAN (lAKI'KTM. UAUand CHAIN ( own uianutacture a siieclallty . Uneclal Attention paid te the Manufactnreel CUSTOM UAKflCT Alse a run Linoe1011.Ci.01110.uuuo, ninuun buum,wiii,wi, SHIRK'S CARPET HALL, Oer. Weet King and A Pull Liue of the " Birth or Menth Stones " Mounted te Buit Your Particular Fancy. Jewelry. - fl, C. HATTBRS. Lancaster, Fa AGE. SAME PLAN. 11ESVL TS. THE NEW YORK LIFE. Fifteen Year Endowment. lituttl December II, 1370. Ne.177,149. $ OH fi-'i $ 313 65 00 8S e.r),000 00 1,201 00 0,000 ss 5,151 7,") $0,204 00 C,t54 75 WORH8. following tlrst-cluss second-hand work : OneLlaht tlrst-cliiss second-hand work : Onel, iiiir-l'asneiiL'er Unit', ene First-class j.igui feiir-i-asseiier irru, ene w irsi-ci&ss c ise. socena.iianu'itin ana -iremnir jihK' Wiil'eiis, SpertliiK Wuuens and Market Wagons, H1CES. ulve us a call whether you wish te pur EAST KING STREET. K7-iydw Laret :est and Hest Selected Line of Ci arnets ever ex. a Tntalng Makes el JJOUY ANUTAl'KSTUY u nu uaiiuea ei im OAUPKTti of oef -AT- WaUr SUu, LaneaBtar, Pa. EBuriuri mvatm V TVANOAHTRn AND MIKl7l-Ul tii41,.,,,,llA,,,'" -''i ' Mn?aiJ2.1r,c-,,ri ,OT MIlleriTlU U M. Vc . , . ...., ,uu lMV j,, sva Hna T , TKAI)INI A WJMJ M Ml A It Al I.KOA II ' i H KX ANIUIIIANI I.ANUAMTKUJOINT On and nr iUNIlAY.MAY siui.w. 1UAIN8LKAVK HRA1I1NU I ' Fer Columbia ana lAncMter at 7.'il a, w., lt ntKinandn.l0n.rn. ' Jer Uuairvvllle at 7.W a. in. And MO p. m, rer OhlcUIes at 7.3J a. m. unci Uftip. in. TUA1NS J.KAVK COI.UM1UA rer Heading at7.!W a. m 1.!B and 0 t. in, rer lhanen at 11.33 and 3.40 p. m. TUA1NS I.KAVK gUAUUYVlLLK Zl !;ira"u,r Bl " n w . '" i- rer teaiiing mn.su , In, ,i3J lu rer 1-etmnen at 2 Ml p. m. -.,,,KAVK KINO TUKKT(l4nralr,J Fer Iteriiling al7..ie a. in., Uie and aw p. m. rer Ijebanen at 6.40 a. in., UWand MS p. m. Fer u uarry vllle at 9 31 a. m., R no and 8.S0 n. m, VnA;K'YK l-UINUK STllriKT ( lnSStef ,) Fer Heading at 7,le a. m, l uuiand a.ta p. in. Fer JjObanen at &47 a. tn UM and Ml p. m. or giiarryvllleatB.aea. m.. 4.M and Mu p. til, TUA1N8 I.KAVK I.KHANIIN. , Fer I.ancaler at 7rae a. m., 113s and 7ule p. tn. Fer gnarryTllleat7.au a. m. ' BUWIlAvTuAlws. THA1NS LRAVK HBAIHNU Fer Lancaster at 7.ae a. m. and 4.00 p. in. Fer guarryTllle at 4.(1) p. m. TUAINS I.KAVK QUAltltY VI1.I.K Fer LancAAter, Lebanon and ltnadlngat 7,10 Me THAl.NS LKAVK K1NB BT. (Lancaster,) rer Heading and Lebanon at 8.03 a. m, and 3.55 P.m. rer quarryvllla at 5J0 p. m. TUAINS I.KAVK rillNCK ST. ( l.ancaster.) Ter limiting and Lebanon and 8.18 a. m. and 4.04 p.m. Ter Quarryvllle nt 5.43 p. m. TUAINS LKAVK LKHANON. Fer IJincMler at 7:M a. m. and 3.43 p. m. Fer gnarryvllle at 8 tl p. in. Fer connection at Columbia, Marietta Jnne. tlen, Lancaster Junction, Itanhelm, Heading and Lebanon, soe tlme tables at all stations. A. U. WILSON, Siicenntendent. PENNHYLVANIA KAIMtOAD 80UKD. ULK. In effect from June 13,18.11. Trains lvi Ladeabtkr and leave and arrlve at Philadelphia as fellows : Lenve Leave WKSTWAUD. Pacific Kxpresst News Kxprcsst Way Passenaert Mali train vl.iituJey Ne. 2tlallTralnt Niagara Kxpress Ilannver Accem Fast 1.1 net Frederick Accem Lancaster Accem llarrlshurg Accem.... Columbia Accem llarrlsburir Kinross... 1'hllAdelphla. rinciialer, iivm p. in. 4:30 u. tn. 4:.10 a. in, 7.00 a. in. run. in. 6-25 a. 111. ti:ma. m, .il a. hi. l) .15 a. m. 9..via. m, 9.55 a, tn. 2.U1 p. in. 2 10 p. tn. 2.50 p. m. R'M p. in. 7:30 p. m. 7:40 p. in. j. 10-.I5 p. in. 12.10 a. in. Arrlve at I'hlla. vlnCnlmnhl& 7:ob. m, vln Uelnmhla 11:50 n. in. via Celumbln vlAMt. Jey, xunji. in. 4 10 p. in.! BID 11 111.1 d.vip.in. 10:05 p. la. LeaTQ Ltincaater. 2-M a. in. CMn. in. 8:10 R.B1. 8.M a. nl. 9-(i a. in. 12-AS p. m. 2:05 p. m. ll.oe p.m. 4:5 p, in. Chlcaeeaud Cln. Ki..) western czpressf.... EASTVfAHD. I'hlla. Kxprenst Feal Line) llarrlibiirg Kxpress.. Lancaster Accem or.. Columbia Accem Soashero Kxpress riilliulelpul'i Accem. 4-45 a. nu 8:25 a. in. 10.2U a. m. via Mt Jey 11:15 a. tn. snap. , soe p. m. 6' 45 p. in, CM p. m, sunaay Mall Dav Kxnresst Uarrtsburg Accem. ti u ii. in. v.id p. in. The Lancaster AccoinmediUlon leaves IlnrrU. burg at s.ie p. in. and arrives at Lancaster at Ma p.m. The Marietta Accommodation leaves Celnm bla at 6:40 a. m.and reaches Marietta at C;.V Alia, leaves (Jelumbla at 11:45 a. in. and 2.15 p. t, reaching UartettA at 12:01 and 2..VS. leaves If arletui nt X6 n. in. and arrives at C'elnmbU at Jr30 ; also, leavos el 8:3.1 and arrives at 8.5H. The Yerk Accommodation leaves Maiietta at 7:10 and arrives at Lancaster at 8.00 connectlnir wun iiarnsuurg Express at :iu a. in. The rrederlck Accommodation, west, connect ing at Lancaster with Cast Line, west, at 2:10 p. m.. will run threuRh te froderlclt. The Crederlclc Accommodation, east, leavos Columbia at 12:25 and reaches Lancaster at 12.M p.m. uunuvur jiecuuiniuuauuii, wuai uuiiiiuukiiijt Lancaster with Niagara Kxpress at l.50 a. m., Irani nxprettn at viu m., ianever, dally, except San wUl run through le aay, 'ast Line. we9t. en Sunday, when flagged, will step at Uovrnlngtewn, Couuisvllle, hnnr. Hit-.In. KllEAlielhtlwn ana Mid ennui uuwiiiimiimiii i.uai.iitiuii, & l'aricus. ', S1U Jer. KlIzaliethDwn and Mlddlotewn. ffhennlj trains which run dally. On Sunday the MaU truln wmtt runs bv wav of Columbia. J. 11. WOOD, Ueneral 1'iissoiiKer Agent. CI1AS. K. l'UUU General ManaKer. ULASHWAHB. H IGll & MAKTIN. REDUCTION -I.V PRICES -Ol- Glassware, &c. Eight days of the feity eE cut prices are already gene, and se are many et the goods placed en the Uargain Tabic. As one liue is exhausted we place ether articles en the table. We will continue te de se until the time is up, it it takes the entire stock. We imagine seme are Baying " That they just advertise se, and when you want te buy anything you must pay full price, or the excuse is' just out.'" Well, you make a test et this and convince yourself that we are doing what we aie tulvcitlslng. Don't leso tills oppertunlly for getting Cheap (IoeiH, 15 EAST KING STREET. LANCASTKU, I'A, HOTELS, rXYl'K MAY. THE STOCKTON. L'Al'K MAY, N. J. The rinest lleach en the Coast. The I nceit and Most Kleftunt Seaside Hetel In the World. rei'KNs. junk sa-s HKNKY CLAlK, Prep'r. Ite of the Urand Union Hetel, barman Springs. iunM0wiT Ql'KN ALL THE YE All. f( Tm MANSION' ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. ' Mftlttin, The lanrest andinest P"'n.e1"i,,,'Jfl! .4 Hetel, KIi loreuKhfy lighted, drained u4 v.b- vA Open all Iho year. ' axed. Tli lllaled. Open OHABLES McQLADl. i -llrepby' Orchestra. Je7J- Z2S9Br " v;t WXJfMa AKV HUVUJtM. JUtANOY 1 1 At this season of the yer eyery -ity,f should have a BotUeeI . V Relgart's Old Brandy, ,;, a safe and sure euro for Cholera and or M aier Ueuuiw. . fy-,k uHaAUTsoLUWWieince. .-;" H,JE.BLAYMAJUUt,A. TRANI1Y I liiuni'iii '.-if, m -1 1 M Ml sJI 1 .1 3I i 4. v l A' 3 ii tl 4i " 1 "1 t3l m 31 'VS S !ir ?A $1 M JK te -! i U:i M '3I wy a z r. ;