iF' P-i BAT W TM TBAM ) vtra Mew k tut, nnr areAMrsM taw- ntcni. OMMIM tUOWD TO oenummcm. rv- ikt.nHHiiiinE IS?;.;.. ill - H H MX..!., vii q S6 low I7Bi., fa em loew use 1700 aoeo HalET... in 709 1100 iset oe wee nBb... low urnnn joe si no BISSi)., get 11 ee gsoe oe wee moo BSE. J... tOB 180 0W MOtJ MOO WOO tWSSrZ,.... MaMMw wee The Weekly Intelligencer u EvtRY Wednesday Morning. lTBA,H.00romiixMeirm. den e , ,At AJoerrruaTo.rMO grme ur L rommieouorri)FoiTTMTOTH 0 MAW Asm Mmrrif. all Aoinrsier lbttbm X WW. M oenwnD te tb wastb msi-t. 4Mr oil IMttrs and Ttltgrams te 'H( T INTBLLIOBNOBB, tettfHacr Building, Lancaster, ra. ftp anfdfitcr3ntclligcntcr. LAXCABTKB. AUGUST 2. 1886. TheSIieerit. The Democratic state convention is held- flat daUy In the elumns of gessippy news- W jwiwmuu "'" v.v-r v.t ! a h hwkA-ny f,rTVKmrmMnnBQ vrhn f an mere interested in telling or inventing ;twbt they think will be read with zest rattan In discovering or giving out the i,! .!, A knot tlie oIte nt If. till U Mint. Mm twrdr " .""'""- "- L-T Democrat of the various counties nave H already chosen all but about fifty of the fev s&O delegates who compose their cenven- EJsTtlen; that net mere than nttyef these && 4 have been instructed for anybody ana lew ' Jv of thn ethers have made anv nublic or 'H.-t - nttiATAi9 ileAlaratlnn nf Miatr viflirfl find fi (liatvnnMiAUl In a nlimldl nf nUAnt. Il KiV stances attempts te instruct have been Ba, voted down me3t empliatically, the con- is atttuenta being content te rely en the in- ID teUbtence and integrity of their represen- fm tatlves, and the prevailing feeling being '& one of confidence In the ability of the con ventien te de its own work in its own way. As an esteemed Republican contem porary, which sometimes takes a correct view of Democratic politics, is moved te ay, it will be a convention of the masses and net of the bosses. A desperate attempt has been made in many quarters te force the Issue of a per sonal contest at Ilarrisburg between sup posed rivalsfer the leadership of the Venn ylvauia Democracy. Mr. Wallace has been said te be seeking the nomination for purposes of his own. Mr. Randall has been reported as favoring his nomination one day and as prepared te knife him the next, te suit or serve a factional end. Mr. Coxe is reported as declaring for Mr. "Wallace ; Mr. Scott is reported as declaring against Mr. Wallace and Mr. Black Mr. Piellet if-nperted as considering Mr. McCennick "'the strongest nominee; and se it runs. If it were all true and we suspect a great deal of it is net it would be a very ullght indication of the drift of sentiment In a great organization of 450,000 voters or of the action of 359 delegates convened for council and the common weal. Very few of the leaders of Democratic thought have spoken .except te express their confidence of success this fall, their cooperation in the effort te secure it, and their ideas of what a fit platform would be, and that it is necessary te name a man whose principles and record are in harmony with it. The fact of the present interest attaching te Democratic politics in this state is the best commentary upon the recent blutling beasts of the opposition that they would have a walkover. The Short Cut. The Philadelphia Times makes a geed point when it says that if entire prohibi tion of the sale and manufacture of liquor is a proper and desirable thing, and ene which will be acceptable te the majority of the people of the state,without violation of the just rights of the minority, there is no occasion te resort te the indirect and tedious method of a constitutional amend ment te secure it. Such an amendment cannot be procured without the consent of two consecutive legislatures and final submission te and adoption by a majority of the people at the polls. This is a long and doubtful way. The quick and sure method is such regulation by the legisla ture as will withdraw all existing license privileges and suppress the sale of liquor by statute. If the Prohibitionists are sin cere in their purposes and have faith in the people, and if the Republicans who de clare for the submission of the Prohibition 1.1 plank.want te have a test of the Issue, let It be made such in the legislative districts of the state; and let them, separately or In unison, put up men pledged te pass laws te suppress the sale and manufacture. The Democratic party believes in the power of legislation en this subject, for the regulation and control of the liquor traffic in conformity with a sound popular opinion and for the protection of the public welfare. It believes in license implying the exercise of judgment and discretion in the grant. It believes in taxing the traffic te raise revenue te help support the state government. While sucli laws are en the books it believes in their enforce ment; and when upon a fair test they are proved insufficient it believes in strengthening them. When the judicial discretion is weakly or wrongfully exer cised in granting or withholding license, Us legal limitations should be mere clearl v fj.-$ daCned ; and when the tax laid is net sum. Kwamt 10 restrain the number of liquor- ' r; Settintt Dlarat within nrnner llmlfe - 'j W ..-... ,'.W, 4I.UIMJ VI V 'LP tte du amount of revenue it should 5 ba increased. tfa, There need be no mlstake about the Damecratlc position, and we belleve there wlUbe no equivocation about the Deme- ratio declaration en this subject. iibbM ma Torpedo Ballooning. -, , xne most interesting point in the account ' ijel the trip of the Trench torpedo balloon i MVW V11MUVU1K W J.UJ1UUU US LUe KIWCfRU ta keeping the balloon at a censtaut height , fit 160 est by means of water ballast drawn "mfer discharged at will through a tuh ILtaaJllBg en the sea below. As te the ter- yaoe wat.ia another matter ; for the balloon aim large target and must keep at analti analti Maef some 3.000 feet te be out of reach JilZSf " mcu,fl a Are at that m MM tk practice must be geed te Wt the mm c snip; a city, te be sure, Is a - -,Mt. aai It. ' Tterptfiew" could have dreppe H explosives from a perfectly swan elmtieR, but the number of ter- pedee that can be carried by a balloon is be snail that with an acllve lookout and a geed (Ire department a city should have nothing te fear from a whole "army navy" hidden in the " brecy blue." The Texan Trouble. The Texans seem te have ceme te the conclusion that if we cannot get an apol ogy from Mexico, the best way out of the matter will be te get the beet en the ether leg, i. e. te de something for which Mexice can demand an apology. Secretary llaynrd can then very easily nccomuiedito our Southern neighbor with a few soft words, as it will require neither the kicking of an army nor the building of a navy. Tills course Is also en the side of economy , as any indemnity which we maylune topayfer outrages by Americans will be insignificant in comparison with the cost of a warlike demonstration. Of course we may have te hang a Texan or two, but we can trust the Lene Star state te ceuce.il most of her avengers, while we make a geed show of huntlDg them down. a Upen High Authority. Hen. Allan G. Thurman is a Jeffersonian Democrat whom his party delights te honor and is always glad te hear from. When he says the president is constantly gaining In the esteem of his party aud the confidence of the country the opinion car ries great weight with it. We believe that if the president would ask Mr. Thurmau's judgment about sign ing the oleomargarine tax bill, he would say: " Don't." i a. Kx-Senateu Allan Q. Thi'iiman thinks Mr. Cleveland is growing with the people and will be his own successor. Tun French spent their Sunday holding an election. The better the day, think they, the batter the deed. It was a Republican Sunday. The returns thus far received show the election of 100 Republican deputies and 40 Conservatives. The Republican have gained nine seats and lest seveu. M. Ferry and M. Goblet, minister el publie in struction, have been re-elected. M. Marnier, editor of the EveAcne nt, has defeated Emlle Olivier. Possibly It Congress would adjourn and thecampmeetinga would quit, the clerk of the weather might be persuaded te let up. Andrew D. Whits Is talked of for suc cessor te Jehn Aniett from theEluilra, N'.Y., district. Arnett, who is about te retire from Congress en account of ill health, is a very popular man, and a wealthy representative of large business Interests. Though a Demo crat hehas been returned irem a Republican district without opposition. Mr. White, who Is emphatically " a literary feller," is new in Europe, and has no information of the move in his behalf. There are mere telephones In ue in New Yerk city than In the whole of Ilrltaln. Eng land uses but 13,000 telephones, while the total number In use In the world Is 325,000. Frem an able article by K. W. Gilliam In the Xerth American Iicvxcic are gathered Interesting points en the Chinese question. A werkinguian In China receiving 10 te 12 cents a day can wcure passage, te America as low as J 12. Once here he makes 3 te ?" per day, at the same tlme living almost as cheaply as be did in China. The remittance from California te China was last year $15,000,000, andtbOBum total for twenty-tlve years has been nearly 5200,000,000 ! " It is," saysi Professer (illllaui, " Intrin sically the curse et Irish landlerdism, since the pith of the matter Is the exportation of profits, and it Is immaterial whether the drain be through lord or laborer." The pro fessor dwells upon the fact that It Is net op pression eF overcrowding In China that is forcing these people upon us, but they are simply attracted by the higher prlcu of labor. The restrictions upon Immigration im posed by Congress In 1SS2 have proved inade quate te check the Hew of Chinese laborers. The writer admits that the friendship of China should be cherished, but solf-preserva-tlen Bheuld be the first consideration. He throws all " traditions te the wludstbatde net make America first of all ter Americans." In conclusion ha says: "The threo grea families into which mankind Is divided black, yellow, white (the debasing effects of amalgamation across color lines indicate this) should develop within themselves, and toward what apparently are their respec tive bounds, a half-clvlltzed, civilized and enlightened condition." It seems that the Pennsylvania congress men during the present session introduced 870 bills, of which only 140 were of a general or publie character, whlle 739 related te pen sions and private claims. Oi the 110 only five have become laws. Of these five, two were offered by Mr. Randall one the pension bill and the ether the joint resolution providing for the temporary expenses of the govern ment Twe were public building bills one Introduced by Mr. Ermentrout, providing for an incrcase of the appropriation for the publie building at Reading, aud the ether In troduced by Mr. Hrewn providing for a public building at Willlamspert. The filth was Mr. O'Neill's bill granting the right et way through the arsenal grounds at Phila delphia, te the Kensington ,t Tacony rail road company. The oleomargarine bill has passed both houses and Is new In the hands or the president The Bundry civil appro priation bill, Introduced by Mr. Randall, is in conference and will also beceme a law before the adjournment Mr. lliestand, the Lancaster member, Introduced nineteen bills, the most notable or which were the Lancas ter publie building bill aud the act Increasing leaf tobacco liniwrt duties. Seven passed out of nearly nine hundred Introduced seems te be a small proportion, but Pennsylvania has done about as wellns the reitef the Union. PERSONAL. Matthew Arnemi'h beh Is a composer, and has recently set te music his father's "Requlescat" II. M. Jehnsen, of l'lttsburg, in Cleve land en Saturday lowered the world's rec ord ler running one hundred yards Irem 10 te 0 If) seconds. Mil Jehn Uevi.k O'Rkii.lv'h anuual canee tour will this year be made en the Delaware river, and his comrade en the voy vey age will be Dr. Ramen Gulteras, lately of the Harvard Medical school. M. Damala, Sarah Ileruhardt's husband, was recently arrested as an accomplice of lace smugglers. Dauiala excused himself by saying that when his wile Is away llfe Is tee Intolerably monotonous. Hen. G. A. Jenks, the new solicitor gen eral, is at his hemein Ilroekvllle, la., arrang. ing some private affairs, and will net qualify oraasumetho duties or his new office until Tuesday, the 10th Instant. Mrs. Cleveland was en Sunday ad mitted upon certificate from the Central l'resbyterlan chureh, of llullale, te the First Presbyterian church or Washington. The president did net attend dlvlne service. Mr. HenrvIiivine and Miss IIoleuTerry and her daughter sailed from Southampton en Sunday, en the Fulda for New Yerk. Air. Irving intends te go en a yachting crulse along the Atlantic coast, returning te Eng land lu live weeks. Jehn Dennkh, ene of the eldest and most successful hotel-keepers In Ilarrisburg, died Sunday, aged about 70 yeara About thirty years age he was a victim or suspended ani mation and had been placed m a coffin, In which he lay two days when evldencea el life were discovered. Themas Edisen, the fatheref thellnventer, lives at liurenla Heacb, Mich., and 1b a re- Sr.,"Su'' .""'" preserveu man or Si years. The Detroit Frtt Press says that he has six children, three by hla first and three by his prevent wife, and Uiat the yeunget child U tint lour years old. OKSr.RAt. ltUTLKR Mid 111 SOU 1111 lld B beating contest en KatunUycm tlioMerriinao river, ner Ijowell, Mnw. The lther pro pelled a ralbeat aud lih Hen n raiioe. The beats kept neil together fur a inlle or mere, when the latter Braduallv paddled away from his competitor. A largecrew d V itneasetl the content. AmiK l.isr.T dletl at Hnyreiith, en Satur day night. He wni bem at lUIdlns. October 2, 1W or 1S11. Ills father placed him at the age of Oat the piano, and at 'J he had given hit first concerU In ls3 he made an utmnveat fill attempt te enter the Conservatoire nt 1'arl, but aoen III!) concerts gained him n wide reputation, and Irem 1SJ1 te ls!T he wen veritable triumph at londen and ParK In the latter year he composed his opera, " len Sanche en le Chateau dps Amours." In M he wrote bis " llovelutionary Symphony," ana neon auer uecatne (anion aa'i.iiu-u All Kuropeadinlred his wonderful skill, in l!H3hewas named master of the chapel at W Ulnar. 11 ASM! ItALl. XKUS. A Utile Talk Atent ItirtlrrBt Amrrlran l!mr, It VeUrlr anil Thrlr Merlin or Demerit. The League games en Saturday were: At Philadelphia, Detroit 0, Philadelphia 3 ; at New Yerk, New Yerk 3, Chicago 2: at Dos Des Dos ten, ltosteu 11, SL Leuis I ; at Washington, Kansas City 2, Washington 0. The Association games en Saturday were: At Philadelphia, St Leuis 13, Athletic l j at llaltltuere (twelve innings), Louisville 2, Ualtimere 1 , at Hroeklyu, ltroeklyn I, Cin cinnati 0; atStaten lslaud, Mets 7, Pittsburg fi. Dennv Mack's Wilkesbarre team slugged the pitcher el Danville's team unmercifully en Saturday, defeating them by 21 te I. Al Al Al toena defeated Scranton by 7 te 2. Ramsey, of Ixulsville, nttcluxl a wonder ful game en Saturday. In twelve Innings he struck seveuteen or the Ualtimere team out and but no hit was made oil him. Kit rev was enlv hit five times. Fisher, manager of the Altoeua-s lias been released r.t his own request and he will manage (jcranten. The latter get a geed man. Watum. Kluir. Creslev and Heifer, of O'Leary's club, are new en the new Scran ton team. , , , Klllck was almost mobbed in Philadel phia en Saturday while umpiring, and the police had a terrlule tight te keep the crowd off him. The Spertni; Life says It was a dis graceful affair and could have been pre vented by the Philadelphia people. In the face or the big kick the Detreits outplayed the home nine at every relnt Brooklyn Is playing great ball and draw ing tremendous houses. McTamany Is getting well rapidly aud he will accompany the liroeklyn West trxlay. Uarklns' arm Is getting along Urt-rate, and he will seen l en the liroeklyn team. The team which new represents Y likes barre in the Stale Association is very streup, and they are almost certain of wiunlug the pennant. The club Is worthy 'or a place In a better association. It Is well managed by Denny Mack, the well known base ball vet eran, who has made money for the stock holders aud has a nice snug sum In the treasury. The players are all well known In Lancaster. Hilly Rellly, who played with the Ironsides in 15.1, Is hert step or the team. He is a won wen derlul base runner and his steals amaze the coal miners. He Is hitting the ball right en the nose. Billy Hoever, whehas relatives in the city, often visited l-ancaster with the Nationals. He is playing centre field with the Wilkesbarre, and Is the highest salaried man en the team. He was released by Barnie tbls season, as plenty of the best ball players in the country have been. He Is a valuable man and great hitter. Johnny Mc Mc Kee, of Ilarrisburg, Is playing left Held te "the Queen's taste," and gets everything coming bis direction. He is also a safe, hard hitter, and his exemplary habits make him a great favorite. Eddie Creamer, of Newark, is another of the sluggers; he is playing nrst uase anu asienisuing me na tives. Simmons Is a second baseman of the Uiggins style ; he always works hard and gees after balls In a way that shows he Is net afraid of the error column. Kelly, the right fielder, halls Irem KellyviUe. Although that town Is net named after him, Wilkes barre maybe In the lutuie. He is a great runner and bears a striking resemblance te Pat lloenoy. Renner Is a tine third baseman and splendid runuer. StalUe Is the Dutch pitcher of the team aud Is wonderfully clever, as his record of the season shows. He is backed up by young Hallman, of Philadelphia, who has few equals as a catcher. Fitzslmmens is the ether catcher, and besides doing geed work Is one of the noisiest kickers in the Association. O'Don O'Den uell Is a new man en the team, but he is pitching geed bait The town has the base ball fever bad, and of course it has the usual number el crauksen the subject There Is great rivalry between Wilkesbarre and Scian Scian ten, and with a geed team in the latter city they could make things lively without auy association. When Merris gets back te Pittsburg he will find that he Is net the big favorite be was when he left home. In Saturday's game Rellly, el Wllkev liarre. had three two-base hits and te sin gles ; Cramer had two doubles and three singles ; Hoe vera home run, a double and two singles, aud McKee had a double and three singles. Oldtleld, who has become a favorlte in Washington, is In Philadelphia, sick. Bagley, late et Scranton, has signed with New Yerk. One-armed Dally gets (200 a month In Mil waukee, which is big pay for a peer pltcber. It has Just been learned that the League ball players have formed a protective asso ciation, something like the Knights of Laber. Johnny Ward, et New Yerk, Is president; be Bays it Is net their purpose te disorganize base ball, but players wilt be protected mero than heretofore. "Juice" Latham Is a cie.it coacher in Utlca. It is net kuewn whether it Is due te bis or "Chick" Uotlerd's efforts that their club leads the Association. It la likely that Ramsey and Uecker, of Loulsvllle, are no longer kicking against each, as both are doing wonderful work. The newspapers of the American Associa tion cities still think that Newark ought te disband, but they don't de be worth a cent One of the owners or the Wilkesbarre Jlecenl Is a brother or Pitcher Powell.rocent Pewell.rocent Powell.recent ly released by llaraie and signed by. Cin cinnati. Powell and Fulmerare great Irlends and this is the first time they have been separated In a number et years. Dan O'Leary's Scranton club proved a failure. Dan made a hard fight of it befere he gave up. JVtie lerfc Hun. If Dan made a fight be did net de It for the geed of the club, by auy means. It would have been a great deal better for the city of Scranton and the whole Association it they bad ueverseen O'Leary. Some time age a story et hew Tem Yerk, the umpire, was abused by officials or the Kansas Cityclub was published. The cow boy people at once denied It New Jim O'rlourke, whose word will be taken by most all la.se ball 'teeple, tells the story. Frem what he Bays the Kansas City folks acted like druuken ruffians. Philadelphia and Baltimore have heretofore had hard names In regard te the treatmeut of umpires, but Kansas City and Washington can " give them the lilteeu ball " and beat them. On Saturday the Mayflower ball club, of this city, went te Marietta te play a game et balL Fast Line was late and the club did net reach Marietta in time te play a full game. There wero but live Innings, at the end of which the score steed 11 te 0 in favor of the Lancaster representatives. The Rroeklyns eutbatted and eutflelded Pittsburg yesterday and still lest by 10 te U. In tbls city en Saturday the Merritt club defeaed the High Scheel as fellows : High Scheel e ! e 3 l ilurrltls n s u ii t ltase Hits Merrills, 10 ; High Scheel, 0-6 0-b TllOVtlLK jm viTvanvuu. Tfpbeld Fever Epidemic In the Southern Por tion of the City, Typhoid favor has almost assumed ejil ejil ejil domle proportions In Seuth I'itLsburg. Of 135 cases in the city, 75 are in two wards of the Seuth Bide, Blx deaths have occurred within the past twenty-tour hours and eight new cases were reperted Sunday, The disease seems te be spreading aud the resi dent et that section are greatly alarmed. The physldauH attribute the epidemic te im pure water. lie lia Katen Fourteen Dogs. Jeseph Iioldreck, a robust-looking liohe liehe mtan, was before a justice In Pittsburg charg ed with keeping nine dogs. When asked what be did with be many or them Jeseph caused a great commotion in court by coolly remarking that he fattened them in suinmbr and killed and ate them in the winter. He added: "I haf twenty a Utile vile age and ve eat fourteen et dem. Times is bad and my woman aud der kinder like them well." He was ordered te kill or procure license for his dogs, lie said they would eat sevcu of them aud get licenses ler the ether two. teBNOTK, MO& DAI Bolten Mourning Cant. Frem the ltoaten Kecent The ether day a v ery dainty young woman In black, with mourning veil se draped b te set oil her shapely head and neck te advan tage, entered a large stationery store en Washington strwt, and said sweetly te a clerk behind the counter" ... "De you have all kinds of mourning cards?" ..... "Yes'ni; we have the cards, and can get them engraved for you." "Mourning playing cards I" "Why, y; don't you think they would be real nloe and tasty ?"' The clerk was obliged te confess that the trade hadn't yet reached the point of supply ing playing cards with mourning lierders for bereaved levers of whist and poker, and the lady left the store disappointed. riii-: iiATiiiMi uhkss. Once It was Urvv and u. fashioned for tuu Ufa hs.lt hour et opeu In the tens, And ItidielU'tvd the fenn of the bather Irem sun And teft the fair swimmer at eose. Hut new It I small and is tnnhletted ler elun. In a halt hour et walk en the beach, And heic It's tee high and there It's tee low Ami iu tight as the akin en n peach - Mrtmi the CWmntiii- ;(;xifA. lr you nre tillleus. take l)r Vlercc's " ricmant l'urirami" l'ellete." the original ' I.ltlle I.Iver nils." Of all druggists. iiIW.SAh The alleual Credll In Ne More solidly founded than the reputation of Uoemui's I a'tclne Plasters. They are kne n. appreciated aud used evervwherw In America It hospitals aud Its homes. Physicians, pharmacists and drugKtsts affirm that for promplne of action, certainty and ranRe of curative qualities they are beyond comparison. The public are again CAatlened against the cheap, worthies and chameless Imitations offered by mendacious psrtles under the gute of similar mounding uame. ncha "ispslcin," "Capsicum." "Ca-pucln.-" " Capslclne.'' etc. Ak for Unon , buy of respectable druggists only, and make a personal examination, rite genuine has the Three Seals ' trademark and the went Cap Cap Une cut In the centre. a2M,W',Sw HfKOlAL HUT I O Kit. "HACKMKTACK " a lasting and fragrant per luine. price 55 and 50 cents. Forsaleby II. li, Cochran, Druggist Ne. IK NerthQueen itreet Wonderful Cure. VI. V. Heyt Ce, Wholesale and ltetall Urug Urug trlitsel Keine, Ga.,says We have been teUtng l)r. King's ew Discovery, Klectrtc Hitlers and Ilucklen'a Arnica balve for two years. Have ncv cr handlist rvmedles that soil as well, or rIve such universal satisfaction. There hae been some wonderful cures effected by these medi cines In this city. Miverat cases of pronounced Consumption have been entirely cured by use et a tev bottles of Dr. King's Sew Discovery, taken In connection with Wectrte Hitters. te guarantee them always. Sold by 11 R Cochran, Druggist, it; ana isj -ertu yuceusirvtt, i.an caster, Pa. til Sl.EKPl.KSS NIGHT!, made miserable by that terrible cough, "-nlleU' enrels the remedy for you. t'nrsaleuy 11. U. Cochran, Druggist, he 137 North Queen struct Active, Pushing aud Reliable, II. It Cochran, Druggist, 1J7 and 1st North Queen etreet, Lancaster, Pa., can always be re lied npen te carry In stock the pnnat and best goods, and sustain the reputation et being ac tive, pnsblnn and reliable, by recemmendtne articles w lUi well e-stabllsh&d merit and iuch as are popular. Having the agency for the cele brated Dr King's New Discovery for consump tion, colds and coughs, wyi sell It en a positive guarantee. It will surely euro an and every affection of threat, I ungs, and chest, and In order te prove our claim, we ask you te call and get a Trial Bettle r're. (1) Dr. lUfwLiR Webx Strut, Purely vegetable, pleasant te take, wl" expel worms If any exist, no purgative required "after using. Price, 55 cent, by all druggist. feb-3mdllV,tr THE ItEV. OEO. II. THAYKIt, of bourbon Ind , says : Iteth myself and wire ewe our Uvea teSHItUH'S CONSUMPTION CUUK." Ker sale by II. 11. Cochran, Druggist Ne. 137 North Queen street Osi Cettlb ErricTS x Ccbb. Mr. Oscar E. B. Kech, of Allcntewn, Pa., was bedfast with In flammatory rheumatism in the winter of lssi Doctors could de nothing te relieve him. He commenced using Uress' Uheumatie llmedy. Uy the tlme he had used halt a bottle he could leave hi bed; when he had finished the bottle ha was cured and has net had a return of the disease since. In his own words, "1 iwl better than ever before." Price f 1, by all drngulsu. lebS-lmifllWtK AUK OV MADE miserable by Indigestion, Constipation, Dizziness, Less of Appetite, Ycl Ycl ew bkln t Shlleh's Vltaltzer is a pe-dttve cum. Ker pale by It. It. Cochran, IJrugglst 'e. 137 North Queen street A Kemarkable Geed Man Is he who attends te the comfort of his family and will net let his little ones suffer wlthnuVc wlthnuVc tlen of the Threat and Lungs, whereby their lives mav be endangered, but who should at all times give them that sovereign remedy, Kemp's Ilalsam. Prlcu 'M cents and il. Trial tite n.e Fer sale by II. IS. Cochran, druggist 137 North Queen street () roil DYSPEPSIA and Liver Complaint yen have a printed gus-rantce en every bottle of ohl ehl ohl leh's Vftallzer. It neverfaUs te enre, Fer sale by 11. 11. Cochran, Druggist Ne. 137 North Queen street Hay Fever Sufferer. Thonumberef peeple annually afflicted with this most annoying malady seems te be greatly en the Increase. The editor of this Journal Is an annual victim, and, with a view te discover a specltlc cure, has trlvd numerous remedies. Of these Ely' Cream lialm Is by all odds the quickest and most wttufactery, two appllca nuns greauy auaying me usual symptoms In the nose and eyes. w would recommend Its use by all subject te hay fever, and we gladly ucar unMeiiciit-u irsumeny 10 iw cmcacy in out case. s Media, Pa., Jiecertl. Jyl7-2wdeedAw AUltEAT DISCOVEUY. The greatest discovery of the nineteenth cen tury Is Dr. Leslie's Special Prescription for sick headache, which Is the discovery of an eminent physician and used by him for ever thirty years injiuiv KiviuK il mj loe puuuc, anu u sianus w day without, a rival, bead advertisement In another column. SHILOII'S VlTALIZEItlswhat yen need for Constipation, Leas of Appetite, Dizziness, and all symptoms of Dyspepsia. Price 10 and 75 cent per botUe. ter sale by 11. U. Cochran, Druggist Me. IS) North Queen street. UOTUEUSI MOTUEUSII MOT1IEI13III Are you disturbed at night and broken of yenr rest by a sick chUd snffertng and crying with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth? If se, e at once and get a bottle or Mrs. W1NSLO W'S OOTH1NU BYum. It wtU relieve the peer little sufferer Immediately depend upon It ; there U no mistake about It There fa net a mother en earth whehas overused It, who will net teU you at once that It will regulate the bowels, and give rest te the mother, and relief and health te the child, operating like magic It is perfectly safe te use In all ceses, and pleasant te the taste, and Is the prescription or ena of the eldest and best female physicians In the United states. Sold everywhere. 28 cent a betue mavSl-lFdM.W.BAw SHILOII'S CAT A HUH KKMEDV-a positive cure for Catarrh, Dlptherla, and Canker Meuth. Ker sole by II. It Cochran, Druggist, Ne. 137 North Queen street Ilucklen'a Arnica Suite, The Itcst Pal ve In the world for Cuts, Bruises, Seres, Ulcers, Hall Uheum, Fever Seres, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Cerns, and all Skin Eruption, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required, it is guaranteed te give perfect satis faction, or money refunded. Price 55 cents per box. Fer sale by U. U. Cecnrun, Druggist 137 and 133 North Queen street Lancaster, Pa. IIIIOWN'S HOUSEHOLD PANACEA. I themest effective Pain Destreyerln the world. WtU most surely quicken the bleed whether taken Internally erkfappllcd externally, and thereby mera certainly UKLIEVE PAIN, whether chronic or acute, than any ether pain alleviator, and It Is warranted doable the strength of any similar preparation. i cures pain in me eiae, iiaca or ueweis, sere Threat, ttllli umatlsm. Toethacho and ALL. tj.llld ..n., .. n-... S,..... U.llnn. . .. s, UHOWN'S HOUSEHOLD PANACEA " should be In every family. A teaspoon! ul of the Panacea In a tn mhl or of bet water sweetened, If pre- forred, taken at Dodtlme, Ul JJU.JS.AJi ur A UUlili, MntHUS WtUd, rnSl-lyaM.W.ASw The Mystery Sel red. It has always been understood that consump tion was Incurable, but It has recently been discovered that Kemp's Balsam for the Threat and Lungs Is giving mere relief than any known remedy. It Is nuaruuteed te relieve und cure Asthma, bronchitis and Coughs. Cull en II. 11. Cochran, druggist Ne. 137 North Queen street and get a trial bottle frce of cost Largu size M cents and II. W MXNERAL, WATEKS, APOLLINA1US WATKlt, the Queen or Table Waters, Hawthorn Spring of Saratoga, at IIEIUAUT'SOLI) WINE STOKE, ll.K.SLAYMAKEU, Agl. s i'JIINO HAUT'8. Ul'KNlNQ AT II, OKK FINE TAILORING. The Lanreat and ineat Cem pie te Assortment of r IN h WOOLLENS for the Spring Tiude te be found In the City of Lancaster. A cholce Line of spring Overceatings and 1'anUUoenlngs In all the Lateat I'atterna. l'rlcea Lew, Hest Workmanship, and all geed Warranted as ropretontod. H.GERHART, NO. 3 NORTU QUXKN BTltKBTr -tWOpposlte tie l'estcfflce? .iuarlydii i rear f , L -- -' J A j' f I " HASTE M AKl- W s'rr " WHAT! ! ! Uc you finished -un wdslunj- ? I li.ul imicli Ics than you and you are through first hat soap de you use?" "It isn't the soap. Use washing pewiUr ami you will get through in half the time; it does the work fur you " " I knew it will, but the clothes won't last half se long, we've tried it. We use Ivery Seu altogether, it cleans mere easily and quickly than any ether kind and 1 find the clothes last as long again. My folks won't let me use washing powder." "Of course tlu y won't, neither will mine, but 1 tic it anyhow. 1 don't care te save their clothes at the expense of my time ami back. " Header, which de jeu Tdltie most, j(,llr laundress' time aud bark, or jour clothes! If the Ternier, then let tier ue rupdiiiii: ponder. Mussrs. PROCTER & GAMBLE, ununnvti. oiiie. Dear Sirs: The sample of Ivery Seap receited from you is an excellent laundry Seap, of gnat purity and mere than average clean sing power. Very respectfully yours. The Jehn C l.recu Strie, I f Nwntf Pnaccien, N. J , Dec. nth, i. A WORD OF WARNINCt. There are many white soaps, each represented te be "just as geed as the ' Ivery' )" they ARE NOT, but like all counterfeits, lack the peculiar and remarkable qualities of the genuine. Ask for "Uery" Seap and Insist upon getting it. Copyright lsfl, t, I'nutrr , (.amlile. VMT TirHlTK HOODS KOK St'MMhK WKAU. HAGER & White G-oeds for 1X1)1 A LIXEX, F11KXC1I XAIXZOOK, KXGL1SH XA 1X7. OOK, 1XDI A MVLL, Embroideries and Laces I SWISS KMIIUOIDKKIKS, rlennclilK nnil Overall te match. S AI.N.OOK ElllIKOl IJEltlKS, Flouncing and Overall te match. CAMIIltIC KM llltOIIKKIK9, DrvM Matarlnl te match. COLORED KMllllOlllEKlKS, llreiailutcrliil te match. EMIIUOIDEUIKS, KOIIKS. KSCUItlAL LACE SKIRTING, l'.lack and Ecru. UUU'L'RE LACE Kl-OUNCIMJ, Hlack and Ecru. KUYl'TIAN LACESKIKTIStl. White and C'rciun. KO 1"T1A.V LACE FI.OU.VC I.NG9. White and (.nam. HEADED rilONTS, CORDED 1'IQl'E, SU ISS Jlt-'SLLV, r-UENCll LAW.V, CAMIIRICS AND SATEENS HAGER & Nes. 25 and 27 West King Street, Lancaster, Pa. N EXT DOOK TO THE COUHT UOUHH. FAHNESTOCK'S. Wblte Qoeds, Lacea and Hmbrolderlos. Whlte Embrolderod Itobea, 82.60 up. Summer Undorwear, all elzea. Summer Hosiery Summer Gloves, Large Stock of theso Qoeds new In Store, and all Marked at Qulek Seiling Prieee. R. E. FAHNESTOCK'S, NHXT DOOR TO THE COURT VrETZOER & HAUGILMAN. METZGER & HAUGHMAN HAVE NOW IN BTO0K A FULL ASSORTMENT OK BLACK FRENCH CISMERES. HLACK CASHMERE at 15c. HLACK UASHMKREatCillc. 11LACK CASH UEltEal 87c. HLACK CASHMKRK at Sic. HLACK CASHMERE nt lu. HLACK CASHMERE at fl.OU. .ALSO BLACK HENRIETTA CLOTHS, DIAUONALS, TRICOTS, nod a full Line of HLACK SILKS, ut LOW PRICES. Metzger & Haughman, Ne. 43 WeBt King Street, Between the Cooper Heuse and Serrel Herse Hetel, Lancaster", fa. MOTIONS, pjMBMAN'H. GENTLEMEN'S Balbriggan and Gauza Undershirts. -THE HE3T- White Shirts! NECKTIES, rLAIN ANI KANCY HOSIKUV SCARr l'INS, SLEEVE illUTTONS, SUHl'ENUKRS, -AT- ERISMAN'S, KO. V WEBT KINO BT LANCASTER, l'A s UMMKlt GOODS OF ALL KINDS. Cletlnir Out at Itednccd Prices at Hcchteld'a. NO.61N0KTU IJUEEN STREET. New Is the time te buy your WINTER UN. DERWEAR. as wool la advancing In prlce aud higher prices will be the result. Cante and Light-Weight Underwear new toll tell ing cheaper than ever, at . , llECHTeLD'S. r. 8, A frcah aupjily of Working Bhlrta, 1'anU and Overalls Just received. Choice Hulld ln,r LouiuUIUetcnt lvartjef the city ler sale en easy tennj. soil". II. II CHKNWAM., Pkitrtssu or I'mmiimii UUUliS. BROTHER. Summer Wear V IV foil I A LAWXS, I UKVK XAIXXOOK, VOllDEI) Pltjl'E, I' LAID LAWXS. BROTHER, HOUSE. LANCASTER, PENNA. HLACK CASHMERE atCTkc HLACK CASHMERE at 7ie. HLACK CASHMKRK at ll.'J WAT VII KB. w ATOUES, OLOOKB, Aa WATCHES, CLOCKS, An. Bl'ECIALBALK OF UOLO-rLLLEU CASES (llesa'a Manufacture), bunting or open-cased watch, nlckle works, 15 Jewels, atom winding and tutting (limited number) at "KO.00. Alse 75 In gUvered hunting cases, buibe works. at I7.W each. Ureal bargains In Lancaster Watches. All the beat Elglna and ethers. Correct time dally by telegraph t only place In city. Beat watch and Jewelry repairing. L. WEUER, ,. Ne. 1WX North Queen BtrceL (NearlMt. II. Station.) -Spectacles and Kye Glosses. Optical Uoeds. MADKHtA AND HlIKItKY WINES.J VIntag0,irj3,lSUO, 1811, 1818, 1827, 1841, 1870, AtllEIUARTHOLU WINK STORK, II. K. SLAY MAKER, Agt Cl'AKKLINO WINKS. OUll OWN J1UAND I Special Great "Western Wine. The Klnest and I'urest American Wlne In the Market, At REIOART'S OLD WINS STORH. jnr.tvrjrTar. XAH(1AIN8I Mere Bargains Will THIS WKKK . AT- ASTRICH'S Palace of Fashion, NO. 13 BAST KING STREET, LANCASTER, l'A. AHOUr ONE 1IUMIRK1) LADIES' AND CIIII.HUK.V8 APRONS WK WILL SELL AT LESS THAN COST Or MATKKIAIk LAWN Al'lttlNS, with l'leatcl UultlMlc. lJtce hlm Kuril !, Uc, He. and lGc I.ARiiE-rt CKEDLAWN MIUS1NU Al'UO.NS al I'.KJ aiilrcc LAWN Al'KONS wlili L'nlervd NiMSlloHerk KllRHUl Uc. Trlmuiea Itli I nce 1 1nch wldn, only l.e.nplccc. Ttlmuieit with Malthoae licf, euty Sle. aplece. Trimmed ulth Uicu KdliiR and Inserting, only t cut. Trliuuicd lilt Urn Wide NMilluerk EiIhIhk, i.nly ?.j. aplccr. Trlmtnul it Itli Ideltuwlm Iceaud lnjcitlng, only 31c. Trimmed with N red I e work KdRlnc and tnsurt tnsurt InK.enly .Me Nl'RSINO AIMlONSi. Tucked Edged and Lace Inivrtlni;, only tic. COLORED LAWN APRONS, Trimmed with Colored evdlwurk Edging, mly&c. KINK ALL LACE APRONS. only J7c. CHILDREN'S DRESS Al'UO.NS allow a '.ic anlect'. Special Bargains. TIRKLH RED TA1I1.K LINEN, Douhle Wldtll, ral Celer, &c a jitnl. 10 Deen KI.KOANT LINEN MOM IE Sl'I.ASIl ER.", t tinged ltenlerrd and Maiuped, only 37c. a lnurn DOTTED SWISS r'IClII ., iJirxe Mifl s.iunru, W hlte and Navy, at zic aiilcce. 10 Dezen LADIES' Ml 8I.IN DRAWERS, wllh Rullllui;, I'ulllnirand 1 Hundi, at IDC. apiece Olie Let of CHILDREN'S CORSET WAISTS, Mlehlly fielled, at, S. apiece. Dezen LOTTA WIRE 111 STLESatl'c.aplrCfl. 30 Dezen 1111' lit STl.ES,enlyl;c. nploce. LADIES' KNITnllAWI.s, LaiKoSIze Hlack and Cardinal, alMc apiece. &j iard K.lrtrant fine CAMItRIC EMIIROI DERY M)(jINU,& Inch Wide, only lie. a yard. a) Yard, G Inchei Wide, only 1 Jc. a yanl. M Deen ALL LINEN IIKAI i (iERMAN DA. MASK TOH ELS, Rel l'.enlded, Hits Mill, only lie. apiece. IV Dezen RLEACIIED LINEN NAPKINS at av. n dozen. :) lleve TOURIST RUC1IINUS. Kine guallty 6 yanlt put tip In Paper batchel, only l.'Vic a box, auilextn I.INKV CHEMISETTES, Pleated with Cellan, Ml Slzea, only l'Jc. apiece. UUOVKMKa. HlOIl UHADE t'Ol-'l-'KKS. Fine old (ievernmeut Java and Mecha Cerre, thebeiln theinarkut. Our Java lllen ded Coffee ipeuka for itself : rich and fragrant, Sftc pr ihjuikL Very flne Planutlen Rie Coffees, our let only auc per jwund s ene very popular at 15c We want ou te call and try our ISJic, Coffee. The excellent quality of our ueuecs ana nnu icfti u makinf- frlendj fast and firm. Our dally sales dhow a stonily Increase. Krenh Ruutel every day. A full line of fancy Groceries. Pleaae kive us a trial order. CJKO. WIANT, auiril-lva Ne. US Wwt King Street. AT HUKSK'S. THE BLOATING SOAP HI ten away te any one holding certlttcatn. Call noun. The aeap Is worth Be. a piece. URANULATEI) 8UI.AR, Seven cent per pound, or lour pounds of Ciran- ulaled Sugar mid n pound of our Royal llleuded S5c. CorTee for 50c. While Sugar 6c. per pound. Splendid Care Hna Rice al ?e. jcr jKiund. The Philadelphia Tea Crackers, four pounds for 25c. The William l'enn Cern (every can guaranteed), at tc. a can, or 30c. a dozen. Pared I'eachei, Ce. per pound. Unpared Peaches, fie. per pound. Dried Apples, geed, le per ciuart, Heaulirul Conch bhells, tc , tc. and lvc. each, i AT BURSK'S, NO. 17 EAST KINO STRBBT, LANCASTER, 1 A. - Telepbone connection. UOTKLa. e M'K JIAY. THE STOCKTON. CAI'K MAV, N. J. The rineat Reach en the Coast. The I-aruest and Most Elegant hoaalde lintel In the World. 44'Ol'ENS. JUNK SO -Ge IIKNKV CLAIR, I'rep'r. I.ale et the Grand Union Hetel, hurntec-a Springs. Junc44 6wd e I'EN AIjIjTHK YKAIC. ft THE MANSION," ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. The largest and roost piemlnently located Hetel. Elegantly furnished and liberally limn aired. Thoroughly cod. Thoroughly uguied, drained and von tilated. Open all the year. CHARLES McQLADE. Wllruptiy's Orchestra. Ju7md IMITATIONS ACOrMULATlNQ. HEN. son's Capcine riasterg bave the word Cap Cap clne cut in the centre. Don't be deceived, sac. UPECIAlk O YOUNG MEN nnd YOUNG LADIES edu. cuated for HUSINESS by a couree In HOOK KEKl'lNG, Single nnd Deuble Entry I AK1TII. MKT1C as applied In llualncea: COltitESl'ON. DENCE, PRACTICAL PKNMANSHIl'l all manner et lluslnuas Papers and Court erclal Law, - r Time required te completo the ceu from THREE te H1X MONTHS, students can enter any time, rail term begins Monday, Bentomber B. full particulars by mall, or call at lluslness College Reems, Ne. 10m East King Street. II. 0. WKlDLEU.Vrlnclp i TVON'TSUFI'KK ANY LONOEll Krem Your Disordered Kidneys, Ulatk Uitrreu MIneral SprlegWaler Is a Prompt, EfflclentaudChenp Remedy. ltsTonleniul Invlgerant Powers make tt un excellent Dyspepala Remedy. Wr. Kegnault, et france, writing te Oen. llerf, of the U. S. Army, says I . "Yeu need net ceme te Europe for Waters te Lure Dyspepsia; we have none better than HLACK IIAURKN SPRING WATER." Persons supplied and vessels furnished. V. B. UOODM AN, Manager, Ne. 87 East G rant Street, for eale by JNO. It. KAUff MAN, Druggist, North Uucen Street, Lancaster, 1M. HLACK HAURKN Bl'ltlNU UOUSK new open. Apply te M18S CHRISTIE UOMUKUGK1I, Pleasant Urevu, Lancaster County, I'a. juneis-bma " CW ( 9 ,V flui $ r"" ' frV -