Ln.13 THE umOAgEMB DAILY -i,. V V 4 I'.' NINETY YKAHS AGO. TIIK .IVVHNAI. Of A MIKKlOXAHt UV tWKAI'lAN net. lluw Near Ilia rrentlur Was Our (lianil- Intliri. A Italian "I Am lent MH. I'iiIiIUIinI lij Hi" I'eim.jliaiila lllititrlmt Hutlelr. In 1783 A wjleny ' M"l liulinim at (hlAitviiliulniii I" l Ic, wlmlindlHwti ull Html by tlie imtuiiilUliiR, fiurlen Inborn (if tlie inltwliiimilet of tlinl imurKOlle Ullle church, Mill hail (mtnlillnlivil n ir(nier(iun Vlllnan, mirrutiiiiliMl liy wollcleiiroil fnrm Iniuli worn vi I pod from lliu loco cil tlie car Hi by ntioef Ilia mint atrocious iiiiiiiaerea that lmouer illK.rniel wen of our two. We de net propeno te roclte tlie liorrlble iletslln nl that utiproeketl anil uiimoiikeU crime, tint te le hoiiie ettrnvta from the Journal til. lelin lloekwolilnr, llie iiilaslennry, who went with William Henry, of l.ntice. ter, toOti.uleiiliiitun, Willi the object of mir MiyintftuiiilH Krunteil te Ilium by CengraiM, In trust ler the liutlaiix, Hint en which they proponed te fennil miew colony of Christian Indians. Thin Journal lie Just been published In the ViiMV(i''iti(ii Minntcme, of history ami bl bl enrapliy from MSN. In lierman, in tlie ImiiiI writing or Heckueliler, ami H entitled Notimel Tnuel el Wllll.im lloekwolilor, .lelin Itothreck ami Clirlitlmi Htitt ell, te Uiiatlenhiitcii en the Miinklngiin., In tlie eirly mimtmir et I7l7. It liui Ih-eii nbly mil ted by Mr. Jehn W. Jerdan. .Mr. Henry was JiiNtlce of the poaeo anil JuilK" f the courts of common plw anil quarter Homietm of North Nerth North ampten iiinnty, ami wan olio of the prfulilen Hal olpelerM of the state, llecatthla ote ter WahhiKten for prcvtlilenL Tlie oxpeillllon Hlnrteil from lluthlohem In April el 1707, ami travelwl by wny of l.ltltr. ami laiieviter, te KtiintiH, a Moravian not net not tlemontln l.elilgh county. "In I.ltll," w rites tlie vonerablo inWilun.iry, " the hrethrim oprerviotl thelr lioarllelt Intorest In our umlertakltiK" from lunre they tmv tmv tmv oleil m oiie day through Mauheliu anil IJII IJII IJII abolhtewn te MUlillotewn, IS. uillcw. "Mini helm It ery pleasantly Hlliuteil en the ChiekloHanilcentalim about lMlsmall lieusui. OlasswerkH wero rorinerly cirrleil en here." Ilythe way, Chlcklea waaalioilenixl from tlie Inillan ClilckeNAtiniKa, which ilockweltlor atatt-a was orlKleally ChiekliwaluiiKO, I. e., w here tlie ground la full of holes bered by tlie crab or craw-llnh. 1 he glim works ro re ro lerrcil te w ero urocted by tlioevtmtrlc Hunry W. Htlcgcl, called Ihreii." v in: wit iu:u pi-ion. 'Our Intoutleu was te proceed direct te niirjibothtewn, but lulling lillt-rd the read we paved near llrother lleek's In Alt, Jey j ceiiftcqiiently we woreobllgwl te retrace our steps and pay onru'Hpeota te llrother Heck. At llrother lelin rredeilcks we met with a hearty reception and found geed nccommo nccemmo nccomme ilatlon. l'reiu hore woweroolillgod te liens a mountainous region In'.erdur te reach Kllra Kllra Kllra liothtewn, whero we came uikiii the wlde Lancaster read. That lrt leading evor the ConewBgo l bad boyetiilalUloacrlptlnn .Mlddlotewii li an attractle llIuge the mpinre ami the cresa MtroetJi are In gixxl coudltleu, and the ntroeta ruuniug north and Meuth are mently built tii. Tlie holism are of liuiosteuo and brick, tlie majority, hew. evor, are faruiers' leg Iiouseh. "On tlie morning of the 21th we madean early Btart, and, netwlthhtaudlng the ruin, had geed reads te Chambers' l'erry, wliore we took breakfaat ami thou cro.ssel the Suh. Uehauua. A half hour la neccwary tocrena thla lxtaullful rlver, and whlle doing he we had a line low of Harmburg, nltuated en the n er atieut J', miles north of us. The coun try from MUlillotewn te the ferry is ery pleatilng, and exhlbita aome line farms." He was pleased with CarliMe nud the country around It, anil noted that "the locus wasloekod upon as a er. useful tree, and that it was planted along the follies w here no natural growth presented ltelf." Shlppum. burg 'Sx)nlalns2."i) heue,but la wanting in a mill stream." It Ls hard te realize that only ninety yean age ateam was m far In the luture that the primiierity ela towndeenileil ujien a mill Htream. "A beautiful spring, howeuir, pursues Its ceurse through the western iKirtef the town." Htnwburg "eon "een "eon sUtaet but olio street." Hoeiewied tlie Allo Alle Allo gheuloH by the old I'ennsyUunla state re.ul, which was built In 17--I, and he exprewe-s Ills admiration for that piece et cugim.rltig, and it many stene bridges, though he adds furthormero that It liad been niiide bad ter travel by the pasnage of lain y teams. Near l'ert I.lgouler the travellers met (leu. .St. Clair, then goNernor of the wostern ter ritory, whom they Interested in thelr mission isr.Fiii.su i:n w mi 111:1.11. These rearless mls-slonarles had no total abstinence notions, for "at Hell's, a (lermau, we refreshed ourselves with a geed glass of beer." Of the country near 1'ittsburg, he writes ; "The mill seems te be rich and is overgrown with line oak, hickory, walnut and ether kinds et trees. Tliore are some very line farms along this whole stretch or country. "Pittsburg haa all uncommonly line situa tion ii peti a promentary botweon two rivers, which calmly Hew past the town. Hetli banks of the river havoasecuro height and back of the town the land abounds with many llttle hills, where is found a valuable sand stone, which is used In the houses of the town. A geed quality of grindstone is ulse found here." Ilere they met a Mera vlan "brother," who "rolated te us that sev sev eral Indians had betn hore two weeks pre. v ions, w he said they belong te the Hrethrcn Lhurth and had bear's meat ami venison te sell. Olie of thorn was named Jehn Moses. Anether said that he had boleuged te the Moravian church In Canada, but had mis behaved ulmself and thoreloro takeu his de parture." Frank savage ! Hut think et I'lttsburg ulnety jears age with Indians trading bear ami venison en her streets, and grindstone and tmmlstone quarries lierchief beast! What would the travollers have said had they been told that tlie country In that vicin ity was rich in theso natural products of lm lm lm ineasuroahle value, coal, petroleum, and natural gas; destined te make that little town in tlie wuueruess olio ei me grcaiesi. uianu lacturing ceutres In the world, and that be be bo fero a term had passed tnat might Im meas ured by a human Hie. The (anions vision of Cobbler Keeser should have been lecated lu the vicinity of 1'ittsburg, for no ether city, net even Chicago, se well illustrates by contrast the progress of our country, and the ningical transformation of n wilderness Inte u civilized empire et tlie people. Se they traveled en tc Wellsburg, West Virginia, and thouce 1 iy bridle path te 11 uadou uadeu uadou huteu. The Indian Captain Hull led the party, carrying a rllle, but was often relieved by Heckwelder with aiding pan en his shoui sheui shoui der. and the ethers folio wed carrying axes and rllles. They depended forhuiipllesuiien the game the lmliaus might kill, mid they found nlentvet wild turkeys and souie deer. Captain Hull klllwl a bear. All this was in a country that is new in a high state of culti vation cressed by unotweik of railroads. AN INIIlAN lim.l.K'H UltUSM. lie met the Indian Chlof White Hyesand his daughter, a savage bollent whom he says: "Her Indian cost u me was quite stylish. Her head was bare ; hair arranged without erna ment j her dress was or black silk, and the cloak, which reached te her ktioef, of blue cloth and trimmed with vvlilte. The legglus, vvere also of blue cloth, and she wero the usual moccasins. A darkash-colerod blanket hung from her shoulders In a graceful man ner. " White Eyes leads him te the slte of (iuftdeuhuten. "We took a leek at the ruined village, and vvere surprised at the line situation It had uien the banks of the stream. Hut yet alas! with what sorrow were we tilled, w hen we looked back and remembered that this heretofore nourishing town, whero the death of Christ vvaa se falthtully preached te blind aud Ignorant heathen, and where a baud or Christian Indians lived under the blessing et (led should have been burned te the ground and overvtlilmr dostreviul. mill even the greater part of the defenseless In habitants . iiiiirdored hi cold bleed by ruthless savaues." 'I he vvhole town could be traced by the ruined chimneys, but the ground was se overgrown by bushes that the only paths vvere made by bears, deers auu wolves. Kvery whero benes could be seen and In the cellars of the houses, whero Heme or the brethren had been massacred and burnt, they were also te be found." They proceed with the survey, and "Hre. llenry discovered coal strata en the Musk ingum, en the surface along the liank ten or twelve feet above tlie water, and which was two feet thick and thirty reds long." They were Joined by General l'utnam aud bla wn William In canoes. He told them Uwt it ba4 carefully rad eyer the history of . n (he Indian mission "and that part relating te llm bloody fte el tlie town had brought tears te lit eyes." Htteng words liiose for the rugged old hore et the ltexolulien. l'utnam nud his uirty asslsteil In the survey, and early In July the work waa com cem com iileloil and the party nUrteil en their return Journey, They went by way el Washington, t'ennsyhanla, which is dim'tlbed as a line VlllagoelalKHit two hundred houses, all or which are Iwn-storles high. Ilnrrlnburg Is again roferiHl te as having tlne houses Bnd well situated ler trade "but Is net very healthy en account or the marshy bottom en 1'axten creek." l'axleii Is corrupted from I'oetslank, signifying "whero the watem stand. , ... They rea hed Nazareth en the 'Jinti of July, having been abseut since the 17th el April, and the devout journalist glvostervenloxprosslou te thelr thankfulness ter their snfe return. i.evir.s .siisreitTtiMc. " rrlumt, you're the luipplest limn nllre, Vim'voevnryllilng te imikn you thrive." "Ne, leiiiy let I tlilnk ynii'tti bllnil, In lore was fertimi u'ni iitiklml." " Hew se? t'lJiii", let the truth be snbt." " My ilrst levn te my rival wml j My irvenil jlelilcd up licrlllet My tlilril.aliw' Is new my wile Ulve pity, for t pity nenl'" " 1 de liiitcml I dii Indeed ' ' lltnrge lllrilttyc In the Jmlfff What Weu lil llm Werlil llu. without woman? auk the csaitv lt who ntiii Is out lonnyseiuuthltig new en thlselt treatfiliulijnel. or kiiiiw, llm liiiinati iili'inenl of tlie world would net exist KlUieiilMumnn, eth(iiuentl(iii Is Kratultleiis. 11 would tmvn linen far mero Ki'imllile le ask Wluil would tint world 1 wtllieul tlie milvatlen of women, without a pan. at pa for tier plivslcal Ills a'ul cum ler lier !"' llnrm.ein.'B. In a neiil. what would tlin world de without tlr. I'lerco's-Kaverltn lTrcrlitleii. the great li'iiieily ler fniUHln neaUne"? 11 Is liidlspensalilu for the Ills el wiiiiiAiiklii' De Nut ll llervlvril. HypecrUy Is the compliment that vke pays te virtue. Imitation Is the compliment failure pos toiticcesii. 11U naine net tlie chaiucter of Hansen's Capclne Plasters Is Imitated by unscrupulous partlus, who make and try te still plasters variously called "Uapstrln," Canl ciltii," " Capslclne," " Cupiicln " plmttirs, with thn iiiniilfeatlntiiiitlen Uiui'Celve. He cunningly sod linldly Is tills ilenii Hint careless pi'iipln inn aeiiuiicss sumi'iimes eegiiiicu inie uuviug sut n artlclrs In plurti or the gflnuliie. Ilappll Happily the number who lollew this vocHtlen ducreaNCvs every jear through thn rulusal of reputalile dealers te handle the Imitation goods, mean while be cautious. In thn middle of the genulne Is cut or pernuscd the word "CIiclnet"and en the face t leth Is tlie Three Heals " trademark. Ask ter llonien's llien etnmlne. One liuiiseu lswerth n dozen of an v ether kind (2) BVK01AI. HOTlVKIt. Iliiiusands Upen TIiiiiinaiiiIs of dollars have bten sjient In advertising the reli'tirated llttnteck. JIIoeil HMttri, Out tills fict accounts only In part ler their enormous sale Their merit has made lln-m what they are the lfl lilinxl lni-dlcliiit ever devised by man. or sale by II II Cochran, dnutnlit, 137 and lrj North ijueen street, Laiicasttu. Ktldeucs ill the llest Kind ltlcliard T. Hoblnsen Is a druggist living In llatlne. Wis. Here Is what he says; Allllctid with larvtiKltls I w as unahla te articulate a went dlstluctfy ler fully two months. A liberal up lil Ien Ien or TAewinj' I'tltclrie Oil completely cunsl mt Am plumed te recommend It.'' Ter sale by II. II. Cochran. driiKKlst, 137 and l?i North Ouei'n stieet, Uincust" r. l'ull fur llt Shere, bet us all pull out of this sea of sickness and despondency, and get onto a reek Inundation of Kt si, strong health. Jlurtleek Jlloett IHttcrt are the thing te pull for They alvi one et the most miesni'il henlth restoratives ever manufactur ed lorsalebyll It. Cochran, druggist, 1J7 and 1J North cjuecu sticet, Lancaster I'm All llrekn Upt" '1 Ills ls the usual exclamation of one airllcted with rheumatism, or lameucss. Itbcumatle ph ph ple are Indeed entitled te our sincere sympathy and commlsseratleD. 8r-isly rellet Is eircred thnin In Dr. Thomai' J.'cltctrie Oil. It Is the sworn enemy of all aches and pilns. Kergale by II. 11. Cochran, druggist, 1 17 and IH North cjiiceu street, ltncaster. Tells Ilia Truth. "This medicine 1 can h I k ti I v recommend. lUtrdeck Meed Jlitlcri are the best bleed pi. rlflnr we have ever used.' Charles A. Hurl, IV Ceint street, llutrale. N . rnr sale by II. II. Cochran, druiricWt, 137 and IT) North Queen strict, Laticnstcr. InitriKtlte Heading. Heme of the testimonials from different jm-e-pie relallv e te 7iemu' Krtcctrie Oil, and the re lief It hiWKlM'll thui when distressed by head ache, etrncue, and liKthachn areas Interesting reading as veu will llnd. Hits being nslaudaid mrdlclue, Is sold everywhere by druggists, ter sale by II II Cochran, druggist. IJ7 and 1.SJ North cjuien street, Lancaster llurkleu's Arnica Halire. T lie lUmt Sulve In tlie world for Cuts, Uralses, Ceres, Ulcers, Halt ltheuni, lever bores. Tetter, rhapped Hands, Chilblains, Cerns, and all bkln Krupclens, and positively cures Plies, or no pay required It Is guaranteud te glu iwrfect satis faction, or menev refunded. Price iV cents ier box. ter sale by II. II. Cetnrau, Ilruggtst, 137 and lJJ North Queen street. Ijmcaster, l'a. UIIOWN'8 llOUWEHObU l'ANAUKA. Is the most effective l'nln Destroyer In the world. Will most surely quicken the bleed whether taken tntemally eB..'appllett externally, and thereby mera certainly HKI.1K.VK 1A1N, whether chronic or acute, than any ether pain alleviator, and It Is warranted double the strength of any similar preparation. It cures pain In the bide, Hack or Itewels, Pere 'Ihieiit, ltheuuiatlsm, Toothache and AI.l, AUIIKA and Is The llreat llelleer of l'aln. "llllOWN'3 HOUBKllOl.ti l'ANACKA "should be In every family. A teaspiMiitut of the Panacea In a tumbler of bet water (sweetened, If pro pre ferred, taken at bedtime, will 11UKAK UP A COLD. .Scents a bottle. uiSl-lydU.W.AHw The Mjstery belte.1. It has always tictui uudersttKt lltit imujiiiiip- tlen was incuruiiie, mil u lias lecenuy in en discovered that hemp's IliNam tei thu Thuuit and I.ungs Is giving uieruieliul than any known remedy. It ls nuarautecd te relieve and euro Asthma, llreuchltls and Coughs. Call en 11. II. Cochran, druggist. Ne. 137 Ninth Queen street, and get a tilal bottle lice of cost. Large size ae cents and fl. (1) HUTKl.lt. A TLAMT10 CITY. TIIK OLD KSTAlll.lallKD Chester County Heuse, Centrally located, lonveulent, very near the ten, comfortable In every way, and home-like. NOVVOPKN. J. KEIM & SONS. mayjiuid ri.U'K MAY. THE STOCKTON. CAl'K MAY. N. J. T lie finest lie ich en the Coast. T he and Most hleguiil beasldn Hetel In the The l.aigest i W erld. 44-Ul'ISNK. .1 UN K l " 11KNIIY cl.Alll, l'rep'r. l.ite of the Urand Union Hetel, haxatega Bpilngs. Junelend "Vl'EN AliltTHi: YKAH. K rm mansion," ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. The largest and mett prominently located Hetel Kleeantly furnished and liberally man ally and aired. Thoroughly lighted, drained ven. tiialed. Open all II be year. CHARLES McQLADE. -lliepliy'sOicliestra. Je7-Jind ABULAND 1IOUHK, rennieiH JULY 1st. ATliANTIO CITY. unaer new imiiinge- lnent. Klectrle lights, electila bells, city watei, llrst-classcnlslne. Teriusmetlcrate. Klist class uarattached. uknuv UAiiii.u. J j Mind Lale of Urape Hetel, Lancaster l'a. rAUAHOLH XV. -ROSH.MvOH. A HAKTMAN. $4.00 PIRHSOLS 11KUUCEI)T0 $3.00. - $3.00. VEllVIllEST SATIN I ALL TNK SILK LIN INUBI The Manufacturers. Rese Bres. & Hartman, 14 EAST KING ST. apl-Cuid mmetaAt, miKKD 0UT1 At this scaxen nearly every one needs te use seinn sort of Innle. lllDN enters Inte almost evi ry physician's prescription for these, who need building up. riijslclans and DrugglM Itccemmcnd BROWN'S IRON BITTERS! A8 THE BEST TONIC. rnr Vfaknes,l.8jisllude,;i.ftck of Knergy.Klc., i, inn mi, vnitii. utui in f im tmlv Iren fnetll- rhni that Is net liilurlnus. It Knrlches the llloed. Invigorates the Hvslein, IttiBleresapp"- me. Aids Iiiuesiien. iiihmjs net. "I'v,,"' 1" Jinn llm teeth, cause htadache or preuueu Bllliillliin s tuner mi'uiciiiu"y u...ltnti nl lis. U II. IlisKisv, a leading physic an ei HpriiiKtleld, Ohie, says ! " Hrewn'a In in "" UalhoreiiirlilvitHHlinedlctnn. I usp II in iny .t :.. - An action cxcels all ether ess, era low condition mn lllttern Is usually a lilltrtice, HI1U Hint v" ""-" 't..uft ..mill Inn .,r,..u.., ',, in ,iakiinss. era low couiliileii aim unit ivn mn. in weas of the system, llrewn's cieatesapnetlte. Klves sireiiKin aim improves Thocriiiilne has Trnde Mink and cresstsl md lines en wrapper, lake no ether. Made only by JlllUWN CHKMICAL CO, (I) llallluiore, Md. UUUtlKtUUMimtHU UOUDB. w K 1IAVK A liAHUK HTOCk or TIIK 1IK..HT REFRIGERATORS IN THE CITY. The Fierce Dry Air Refrigerator. UAJWK.YJIOMC. WATER VOOLKKU, ICJi CKKAM FKKKjSKJIH, And iitull line efllOUHKKUuNlSHINO U00D8 The largest stock of (1A8 riXTUHKB In the city. Special attention paid te Uas-ritllng, Tin UixiUnc and ttpeutliiK We have Just received another lolef these 25c OLOHE3. JOraP.SOHlTJM&SOJ, 24 SOUTH QUEEN ST., LANUASTKlt, 1'A. F ItlNNttHltHNKMAN. PRICES M5RKED DOWN -ON- Weed and Iren Pumps, TERRA-COTTA -AM)- Iren Moter and Drain PIPES. FLINH & BRENEMAN, Ne. 1G2 North Queen Streot, LANOASTElt, l'A. w M. A. Kl KKKKK. ALDUS C. HEHU KIEFFER & HERR, Ne. 40 East King Street, (Opposite Court Heuse), Invite all Housckcepors te Call aud Inspect thetr Bleck of Heusefurnishing Goods. A Complete Line constantly en hand. COOK BTOVESand UANtlhS, PAULOU MOVES, HKATKKSand FUHNACE9. SUMMER COOK STOVES. Atttir cArelullv exaiiilulni: the merits of all ettered te the trade, e hiv e selected THE "ARGAND," rer UA80LINE, aud THE tl DANGLER," rer COAL OIL, f As the Hest, when all points ura considered, te eiler te our patrons. Call and aee us. We love te show our goods, and am net offended If vnu de net purchase. Itemember, we are agents ler The " Splendid " Heater. Maiiufactuied by ruller ft Warren Company, Tiey, N. V., which has no ilval lu durability, economy or fuel and contiel of pis. New ls the time te examine and become posted for Autumn purchases. UEMEM1IEK THE l'LAOK I 40 EAST KING ST., (OPPOSITE COUItT HOUSE apAtiaaw uuevkuibh, HIGH O HAD 13 COKK13ES. Fine old (Jevernuient Java and Mecha Coirees, the best In the market. Our Java men ded Ceifee speitUs for Itself t rich and fragrant, 25c. per pound. Very Una Plantation Ule Coffees, our host only 'Jee. per pound; one very popular at 15c We want veu le call and try our ukc. Coffee. The excellent tiualtty of our Colleoa nud line Teas Is making friends fast and Arm. Our dally sales show a steady Increase, rresb. Iteasted every day. A full Hue of fancy Groceries. Please glve us a trial order. GEO. W1ANT, auirae-lYa Ne, US West ltlng Btreet, A'J T UUllHK'H. THE FLOATING SOAP tilveuaHiiy te any oneholdiin; certificate. Call seen. The soap ls worth be. apiece. (HtANULATEIl SUUAlt, Heven cents per pound, or Jeur pounds of (1 mu tilated Migai and u pound of ourlteyul Mended -Oe. Coffee for 60c. Whlle Suuai ic. per iwuud. Hplcndld Care Una lllce at be. pel pound. Thu 1'hlladelnhlu Tea Crackers, lour pounds ter ie. The llltam Penn Cern (every can fciiareult cd), at be. a can, eretic, a dozen. Paled Peaches, Oe. per pound. Unparud reaches, ac. per pound, lined Apples, uned, 4c. per iiiuirt. llcaiitlful Conch bhcllB, t'.e , be. nud 10c. each, , -AT- BURSK'S, NO. 17 BAST KING STREET, LANCASTER fA. 4- XtK'l'livue cijauctleu; posuive necessity. . ".-viii. .....fi siiu t liu vv n Watsrs. Ulu Thlrty-srcenn etret t, lleoVelown. II. "v Vara ' " Hiewn's Iren Ult- .c"r.50.?.?ii,,flhoiiire. Nut line better. It nil I1IKC1J. UIIIIIIK-U II, r 11. ma ii liui -- ctbrkin0. "JLEAIUNO HAI.B. HIRSH & BROTHER'S Clearing Sale IH TIIK OltKATKBT ATTKAC1I0N IN LANCAfiTEIl AT 1'KKBKNT. And the LOW IMIICKB at which they are CJI.OSINU )IIT thtlr Sleck of HUMMKU UUUi'B is inn uuk or the town. Why you ran idriss your llttle boy for 4er. A your STB, 1 imir tit iitir.c i'i ic t nml WH1KT A18T, 15c. Olt A 110 V 12 te 17 veals old u. rl.enn n. t TV ler n Uoed HtmiiK hull. OKA MAN as Cheap as lid) for aThln Hull. THKHKAUKUOOll.SHIIICII MUBT UK 80L1. We have a full Line of KINK AND MKIIlUM.l'llICKII CLOTHING -roit-Meh, Beys mid Cliiltlren, At Prices which will Surprise Cheapness. you ler thelr BEAR IN MIND That our Reeds are all Well Made and Well Til mined. HKW ANO IMMENSE LINE Or PIECE GOODS rOK MEUCHANT T'AILOKl.NU CALL A T OXCi: -AT ONE-PRIOE Clothing and Gent's Furnishing Heuse, COllNKB MOUTH QUERN BTltKKTAND CKNTltK BO.UAIIE. -9tet u cleies ever- day at C p. in. Saturday at lu p. m. TTrrlL-LiIAMSON A rOHTKH. 32 TO 38 East King Street, LANCASTER, PA. "We Have Many Busy Days IN THE DULL SEASON. THE REASON 18: We have chopped tl-e preitt etl, and are selling our surplus stock at pi Ices that are convincing te the public that our advertised bs.rga.lus nr genuine. -1N- Beys' and Children's Suits There la an excellent opportunity te nt the veungstcrs out for the coming season at a cost that w til pay the puichiisertebuy a few weeks ahead of the time they vt 111 be needed. 1101 S' 8U11S, l (, r..eO, pj.00, $7 HO. CUILDUKN'SSlirS.I.'W, -'), fl.UO.1150. VIEW'S bEEUSUtUEIl COAT AND VEST, l.All"3. i("', -.'. HALlIUIUbAN UNl)EHWEAIl,25c. WHITE UIC1.S3 blllllTS, 3. UENT'S SUSl'E.N DEBS, lJc.,aic , 25c. t'KENCH P11LAI.ES1IIUTS. Sncaml 75c. UENT'S DKE3S HATS, .Oc The Shew Window Is full et thcui. LlUHTCOI.OItEDSOlT FELT POCKET 11A1S, 75c. MOMlECLOTllLAPDUS'lEltS,(A;.,;Vc.,65c.,H. SHOES -reu- Misses. Beys and Children, -IN AI.l. Ijl'AM I IKS AMI .NEW SHAPES, Made et Ucliable M.ileilal at l'ltlCES. DOWN UUA1IE WILLIAMSON Sc FOSTER, 32, 34, 36 k 38 E. King St., LANCASTEU, l'A. jaystorea close e ery e eulu at t o'clock, ox ex ox ceptSatuidms. liOTlUHa. ptKlBMAN'H. UENILKMEN'S Balbriggan and Qauze Undershirts. -TIIK UE3T- White Shirts! NECKTIES, 1'LAIN AND KANCV HOSIKUV SCAltr 1'INS, SLEEVEjllUTTONB, SUSl'ENDEllS, -AT- ERISMAN'S, NO. 17 WEST KINO ST., LANCASTEU. l'A OTORAQE AD COMMISSION WARBHOUBH. DANIEL MAYElt, flecs-lya We. 16 West Chestnut etrwu HIRSH & BROTHER'S jmwMLmmr, se. H. Z. RIIOADS, JEWEIiBK. Watches, Diamonds, My Repair Dept is Fully Equipped and Reapectfully Solicit Repairing of Fine ard Oomplicated Watches, Musical Bexes, Bronzes, Jewelry and any Intricate Piece of Mechanism. H. Z. RHOADS, 4 WEST KING STREET. rVKNlTUHIt. H EINITHII'H FUHNITUKE DEPOT. Te Keep Coel and Comfortable Daring tbe Het Months, It le noceseary te flntl uome Coel Rotreat. Te be Oomfertablo in that retrofit Yeu Need a Geed Baoy Rocker, Settee or Chair, And you can And tbe Largest Assortment at HEINITSH' FURNITURE DEPOT, NOS. 27 Si 20 SOUTH QUEEN ST., LANCASTER, PA. wiskh Asn Vf-ILLEIl'S LlfiUOK STORE. AS TO QUALITY We can kIve you hotter value than any ether house In the trade. We carry the largest stock of OLD WHISKIES, OLD WHISKIES InLancasler. ileiicy rerunded for anything proving unsatisfactory. Jy3-lyd3 MILLER S LIQUOR STORE, 3.1CENTUE6CJUAKE. HATS, G KEAT BARGAINS ! A 'RARE W. D. STAUFFER & CO., Nes. 31 and 33 North Quecu Street, OITFrU A ItAUE CHANCE IN THE SHAPE OK THE Greatest Bargains in Staaw Hats and Light Derbys EVKU SHOWN IN LAN'CASTKK. -ONE CALL W1L CONVINCE YOU THAT WE GIVE JUST WHAT WE ADVKBTIBE.tft TRUNKS AND TRAVELING BAGS IN ALL UUAUE9, AND AT ALL l'ltlCES. UJW INSUHJJiVB UOMFAttr. lUi: MUTUAL I.lFi: INHURANCU COMPANY. COMPARISON OF TWO MATURED ENDOWMENT POLICIES. SAMEYCAR. SAME DlFSJillKST THE MUTUAL LIFE. Fifteen Year Endowment. illicit March a, 1S73. Ne. 109,110. Annual premium, Amount of lteliey, Dividend additions, Total iwid by Company, Total premium paid by assured, ?."i,()00 l.oeo l'aid by Company iuexces3ef premiums ree'd, 41,5GO 13 $1,019 25 HE ADEK If you would realie results similar te that of tlie Policy Hehlcr in the MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF NEW YORK. Apply te JAMES H. MARSHALL, Agent, Ne. 20 EaBt Walnut, or 60 North Duke Streets, Lanoaster, Fa. OABUIAUB A MOTTO THAT A1.WAYB WJN8. HONEST WORK ! HONEST PRICES ! Philip Doersenfs Old Reliable Carriage Herks, 126 and 128 EAST KING STREET, (NEAKLY Ul'l'OSlTE THE LEOl'AUD UUTEL), LANCASTEU l'A. Nene But First-Clas3 Mechanics Employed. Ne. 1 Material, and That Only, Dsed l'ltlCES TO 8U1T TUET1MES. ALL WOUK QUAUANTEED. BUGGIES, PHBTONS, BUSINESS WAGONS, MARKET WAGONS. I linvn new mi hand and for sal llnn.Mi.il IVfli'ntl.HlllUlble lertlUCk 4,.nuinn Vrm Ph.i.tntl. two LlirhtJUUU) cles. both dido har and end springe, V.. i,i.. i, ..in l.n nlil at the MUST ItKASl minus, liuslncas UKASUNA.1ILE chase ei net. Ne trouble te show the work. PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO REPAIRING. 99-DOX'T FOKUKT TllV PLACE.- Plip Doersom's Old Reliable Carriage Works, NOS. 126 and 128 ueamsruuMiniiLSU uuuvm. CUIRK.'8 OARPET HAlX, CARPETS! CARPETS! liEOl'ENlNQ OF SHIRK'S CARPET HALL, Wn am new nrenantd In show the trade the hlMliia In this cltv. WILTONS. VELVETS, all tlie Trading Makes of Uulli AKUIAl'ISDUl BllUSSELsfTII t&E.lLY, AImVoeI Snd CottenChaln EXTllX SUl'KltS. and Qualities of IN. OUA1N OAlll'ETS. DAMASK and VENETIAN CAltl'KTS. ItAU and CHAIN CAUPKTSef our maiTfiitSrVa speciality. Sno?Ial AttSiuten paid te the Manutacturoef CUSTOM 0AJU-XB. Auwarnll LIDO 01 0.L CLOtUS. BUU8, WINDOW SHADES, COVEKLETB, JtCV, AT SHIRK'S CARPET HALL, Oer. West Kins and Water Sta., Lancaster. Pa. A FuU Line of the " Birth or Menth Stones " Mounted te Suit Your Particular Paney. Jewelry. r.Kjveua. VAl'S, JtV. CHANCE. lancaater, Pa., AGE. SAME PLAN. ItEkOLTS. THE NEW YORK LIFE. Fifteen Year Hndowment. Iiuicil December St, 1870. No.vn.ue. $ 313 t $ 313 G5 $5,000 00 1,'JOl 00 40,'JOl 00 fi,151 75 Ot) ss SG.G'JO S8 5,lel 75 HOUUS. e cheap the following rlrst-class second hand work : purnoje.onuLlKht Keur l'usseiiKer Dniir, one Kin nip Seat Carriages. Alse, beeend Hand Tep and Tri OneLlnht rtrst-clasa K Tretting Uug. natrens, tv hnnrtliiK iiauenaand Market Wagons, l.lve us a call wholher you wish te pur- l'HIChb. EAST KING STREET. RMydAw Largest and ltest Selected l.lnepf Carpets .ever ex, ' V AiivwVfc'VS'. J QAN8MAM BMa vrfc-V-Jirct "if 8IH01 OUR H BigUeductienl HAS ItRRN INAUnURATKD, The Til bllehMibrpn renvtnpiul iht ntlW MAIIKCLOTHlNUiwwHl M UKAUt-MAl l B. .... . , L, Gansman & Bre. 1. ' , THAN ANYWHKKK XL8R IN th crttA OUR SPECIALTY. i . "A BRKUSUCKKH COATS ANI VMM milni) nt 11.(0 nml lt.3.1. e4:. JIRN'S l'ANTS at We . tin te 11.00 1 KBiyH Vl AtlWOOI. UASSIMRHE BU1T8. IS StvMa !'. ' elyct from, at I.VMI. y t . ft ' cuiuiauiiKW utitTrt nre salllna 1 U i , BhRilM at I7.ui. a ; MKN'3 riNK CI.OTII lllAUONAIi BUmSc Our Custom Department Onur sotne llarirnliin In I.IrIiI nnd MtMllum WiiIkIiLh of rantnliKiiilnR which we inka te nntar nt UHllciilnnsly Lew l'rlcei from 1100 te ISO). Theaa koeiIi nre strictly ntl-woel. but mostly slimle palternn, mtch we clese eulftta sacilQce ruther than ciirty tlwin evor. L. GANSHAN & BRO., MKUCH ANT TAt I.OUS, MANUrACTUKRUttOir MRN'H HOYS AHU CHlliUURN'B CLOTHING, 66 & 68 NORTH QUEEN ST., (itlgbten thoSetilhwoat Cor.et Oranga St.) LANOASTRUiPA. Clesed every evcnlng lit 0 p. in., execpt Sc.tui Jay's. OOHQEK & HUTl-ON. YOU WILL FIND Men's, Bey's and Children'! CLOTHING Marked Down SO LOW that It will be greatly te your interest le call and examine tbe UOUDB and PK1CF.S, if tn nned or any mera MKD1UM We Manufacture All Our Qoeda; And Guarainee thorn First ciesa In Kvcry Par ticular. WE IIAVK A fVLL LINK OF SUMMER CLOTHING' In Seersucker. Mohair, Alpaca, Drappetteand I.lnensat 1'rlcea AstenlshlnRly Leir. tieOCUaj Uoprcaentod or Meney ltolumled. BUEGER & SUTTOIT, NO. 24 CENTRE SQUARE, LAN0A8TEH, l'A. DHX UUOZH. KTeivm knd mn goods stoke. THK UEMNANTS OK YARD WIDE SHEETINCr rer 5 Cents a Yard, at the North End Dry Goods Stere. J. W. I1VKNK, Ne. 32 North Queen street. nevS-lyd B Id KKDUCTiONS. STAMM, BROS. & GO. Nea. 20 and 28 North Queen St. In order te keep buslnc. boeiningdurinn dull season we have made BIG REDUCTIONS. KINK SATIN KS, Se. a yard: were 8c. KINK 8AT1NK8, lOc.u yard; were 15c KINK SATlNKS,12Xc.aj urd; werelCc. NINKSA.TINKS, l-Hi-ayardt wero 17c. I.llTLK TYCOON SUKUSUCKKUS, UHc yaid ! were 18c. VAUD WI1IK 1IATI STKS, 10c. n yard; were We. -COKDKD PKJUKS, INDIA J.INKNS, VICTO- UFA I twva lO.Inch VICTOllIA LAWN, Se. a yard: VM SV. 12c.aynrd. ..i rni summer unaerwear. mi Ladles' ImllaZlauze Underwear, (3c each, te "Ji'.t iic. dent's India Uauze Underwear. XSceaek. i?ij! te c , 37HC. te ,c. tiOc. te 37Hc fif -M llI,ACK,riIIIlhlSHAH'Lbi-LeilEand8(iure,4-.v3 reduced Kin prtce. 5,a 1,1 .. 1 1IUVBUBIIUB II ..1 In . m Mmin ..l?- r uuu.v a...uu u.i.nu, v..".? i. v,,w , v,w m. -71?- DUC5 lUlNdl UKfiif; CAMKJAUK8. s TANDARD OABK1AQE WORK. Edw. Edgerley, CARMAGE BUILDER Market Street, Rear of Poeteffloo, Laneaster, My Bteck comprises a large variety of tfcfS'1 JllOSl OIVIO liuggies, J.-XUUIUUB, vat t misv.. J J ketandlluBluess Wagons, which 1 offer at tfca 3 very lowest flgurea and en the most reasonable,, , WSLUJ7. - &j I call special attention te a few of iny ewa n 1 igns.onuer wmcni9UiOUUEiii&i vuvami, l'UYSICIAN COUPE, which U decidedly IB x, neatest, lightest and most complete, rhyjlelan's & Carriage lu the country. ' 7, Pnra.ina wiahinir tn linv a. crned. nene.t BaA'v." substantial article, should bear In mind taai5 Ji they tase no naK in uuyinir my wer. " ,t Carriage turned out In etghteen years gee. one that Is the kind of guarantee I have toeMr; the public All work luuy warraniea. jrwaswx ..r..... a Mali UKI'AIKINU l'UOMrTLY ATTENDED Q,) One set of workmen ospeclsily euiployed 1C -' thatpurpesa WATOUB3. J P ' Im TITATOHES, ULOOKB, MS'. WATCHES. CLOCKS. Aa Sl'ECIALSALEOr GOLD-HLLKD OiHf -(Uess's Manufacture), hunUng or esii sajjl watch, nlckle works, 13 Jewel., .tea whtmkf : anaSUlL.HK l.iUliiww uuwumj wvb. Alse 7a in Buvwiuuuuuuwa vwti a, .7 Ml niu.ll. iln.ni iiiiraaln. In Lancaster Watcfee.. All I best Elgtiu and ethers. Correct Ueae daUy I telegraun t only piace in city, sesi wawa. Jewelry reiwlriug. L.w.. no. vex Nertu queea 1 unt. If t, B.u.lnH . -Spectacles and Kye Qlassea. OfMWlJu Goods. v- I W1NM3 AMD XJggO. n XRANI)Y! BHANDVII r , im. un nf the year every t hnnlil hnvAA ItiittlflOf Reigart'a Old BrandyA, al..a.erfwggSS "$ J UEiaAUT'S OLD WIB ITOB II.X.BLAYMAKaVJ .1 tr OTK IS MAKING Vv,' R ij OABIHWT PHOTOaA ITtM. L r f.. AT xa lMjKOETH QV laslU4 -. n & l. .$' fi it) p.s .: as i4, m 'K ' "; Jf ifc; 1 m -- "j. & m Wis rl ri-i At. 41 i. M -r 'V." . T- ' ..-,. .v f., X t.A5t. jAttWi-m, vv . ilfefau t-j rijMjtr.'i '-v) 'j-rj&S' ?M