Wr?$SF4l. . ." ?- "VaCctwr' L. y -W-. VJ"V w -L. ., , ..,.,-, THE IiANCABTRK JJAHiY INTEIIiIGBNOBK, FRIDAY; JUIiY 30, 188G. Jtr . wwfly-Tr Ba : J-; 5i-, 'i;' W ." I m mm i B ,UtTEiELIGEiNCER T DAT m THB YKAH Jtrtvpftcf.) A WaM, T BOttAM . "TT lAawrr. wiutmote - iui au AMoenaa rt. - i mm. mbmul cosmtasie" auewsu lAMMT. lataraeaa oeaaaonon. X The Weekly Intelligencer Every Wednesday Mernine. R J- Wr fi? lADVaaW'lHmO BATBB: jjj y. ' ")jta. tin, ain.lln. sln.l Mn. WK no lis S JM Km.... in son 8a 7?. gy loe im H 81i 6W 84S d3..... 110 4W S JW 940 rSk . 1 300 4M 860 8K 1050 Weeks .. 8 4 SO 780 10 BO 13 90 ISM ifMki aoe n oe loeo 13 60 17 00 se Bttnth..... 8W 700 It 00 16 00 3000 3400 MOBUM... 500 1000 1700 M00 S700 8100 MenUU .. 600 It 00 W00 3900 MOO 3300 lantbaTM.. 00 M00 S800 8600 4400 MOO !... ... 1500 W 00 4500 55 00 6500 MOO &. a TAR,tl .00 esrx Hernia, cujm e a, ' ' W8ML Tj aoiaaareaDi vci aeucrriD be stout part of th fr, ' STATS AD COBnUT. AM. AHOirmerS 11TTOUJ ',1' wittBacemiiaaaDTOTHawABTaBABarr. 'iFAMrtii alt Lttttri and TtUgramt te ?" THB INTBIiUQEMOER, -. hltattUlgencer Building, Lancaster, l'a. frL aft1u Tnttrnatrr ftntriliritMirrT. r r. a LANCABTKB. JULY 30, IS. The Sew Solicitor (Icucral. Mr. Gee. A. Jenks' appointment as so licitor general et the United States, in place of Jehn Goedc, of Virginia, rejected by the Senate, affords occasion for surprise only because it was generally supposed when Mr. Jenks retired from the depart ment of the interior it was in accordance with a purpose unchangeable ferthe present te retire from public life. It is far mere likely that Mr. Jenks has been able te make ether arrangements about his private busi ness and professional ailaira than that the newspaper stories are true which have it that Mr. Jenks was dissatisfied with his former place and new leeks forward te the attorney generalship te succeed Mr. Gar land. Mr. Jenks was called te his first imper tant trust chiefly because Mr. Lamar bad known him as a member et the Heuse te be a singularly clear-minded, fair and able lawyer, and upon Inquiry he found that time had only ripened his powers and ma tured his fitness for public efllce, while the assidum,j'tand successful practice of his b'ta railroad d brought him thatcomfert- pie gathered yr which enabled him te ex iime the bailer ', ., , The susqur lucrative for nmorecom- and the water In. In Washington bis in- urdayaD1--'e,ry seen felt in thedepart- KlPMi'werk and his high nbllities became "widely known, te the president as well as his associates. If some of these latter were net of his own order it is easily te be believed that he found a welcome opportunity te withdraw when the management of the great Dubois estate was pressed upon him. Ner i3 it among the improbabilities of politics that Mr. Garland may be succeeded by Mr. Jeuks. Theatteraei general, conscious of his own integrity and rectitude of conduct in the telephone business was net the man te go out under fire ; and the president has the courage te stand by him. Hut a fair and judicial investigation by the Heuse has vindicated liiin and new be may prefer private life te the barrass- ments of a public career, with mali cieus and unscrupulous newspapers banging at him all the time. Should he de se the president would net have te go far for a competent legal adviser, lie would rind him in Mr. Jenks.and the Penn sylvania Democracy would be gratified and honored with the selection. The Tery Cabinet. The best that can be said of Lord Lon donderry's appointment as viceroy of Ire land, is that he is a man with a reputation for cool, calm judgment and even temper, who will be as safe an instrument in the hands of Salisbury as any that he could se lect. The comment of the I'all Mull Oa zttte sounds like sarcasm, theughjit is prob ably intended for sober wisdom. It says that Londonderry had no objection in 1S78 te supporting a movement " favoring a proposed inquiry" into the merits of the Irish demand for home rule, and that he favored a new land law, and it therefore leeks upon his appointment by a Conserva Censerva tlve premier as an act auspicious for the Irish people. Are theEnglish Conservatives who beast that their party is led by the most noble aristocracy that the world has seen, se narrow-minded that when one of them avows his willingness te " favor an in quiry" into the merits of a grave question that is brought before them, it excites re mark I It is evidently the custom of "My Lords and Gentlemen,te cre It blind en nil H?; questions that Iiave the least tinge of Llb- ti jSi7,It is Londonderry's misfertunn tn inherit. e hate that the Irish have for the mem- p et Castlereagh, and he will need te ex-t-cise all hi3 discretion te protect his ir. Era from the violence of these het-headed !nks who are the curse of every party, Jad have done the cause of Ireland a vast neunt ei Harm. The Times well says that the most serious ueatien new before the nremler. is imw tn W j.,-etenwlththe Unionists, nnd until the Br " position of the nhlesrmatic Mnnmianf linr. fc ' tingten is mere clearly defined, the J2ng- p j .-. wwuhiu may w expressed by a vast f! U Interrogation point. ttfj - tiS On the Berder. iS-fyk. Tteladian policy of General Creek Is uW y responsible for our present trouble ml? Mexico. That efllcer was anxious uu no cnange should be madeln thear- r.rBngement whereby ourtreops may pursue lladian marauders across e.a iw-,w n,i baa permitted se many instances of Mexl ean villainy te pass unnetirwi tnt m. Jlrreaaere" have fallen into th i,niit. t Ui islne; the power et their neighbors and 1 Before Crawford was killed, Elliett, his lieutenant, had been fired upon under cir- ; cumsiances mas weuiu nave aroused most violent feeling against Mexico i. . nu they been known at the time. lie t wi scouting in command of a force of : friendly Indians who had been enlisted as Ualted States troops, as is the custom of ,-Jwh amy in the West, and he fell Jn with a , wmf M Mexicans, who at once fired upon hm. He advanced towards them and an an an ounetd that he was an American officer, rt," n mm hn7 raima ie believe him and fired an. Telly, which fortunately mumd Heflaally tueceeded In convincing . J fclTIZ.iurirt.v m vm;,m! "" believe that his scouts were net hestile In dl&s until he had ordered them te lay down their arms in proof of their obedi ence te him. The Mexicans then captured the whele command and held them priso ners for a day without any reason. "When finally released KUIett, nt Ci.iwfenl'fl sug gested, reported the matter, laying stress upon the fact that the Mexican regulars had tried te kill him while advancing to wards them te explain clearly that he was an American efllcer, although they must have known that fact without explana tion. Ne action being taken Elliett was released from command of the scouts at his own request and replaced by Mans who was present when Crawford was shot. Ouu esteemed lollew citizen, Unbert J. Housten, la In danger of belng struck by the Greenback nomination for governor. Even midsummer' heat cannot dry up the enthusiasm nor exhaut the Journalistic fertility of the iNTBi.T.ier.scnn't young men. Te-morrow's extra taue will, In the expressive language of the street, be "a daisy." The local biographical sketch, Ith a faithful portrait, will have for Its subject ene of Lancaster's most conspicuous cllbens oneof the few oer mentioned In connec tion with the presidency of the United States and prominent for a Rcneratlen in pentics and moral reform. ' Tncas" talks pleasantly of Thoreau, his a!ks and erks. One w he lias been delving In thoeld newspaper illeshas exhtinied some novel grand jury charges of Ixty yean age that lawyers and laymen, judges and jurors w ill read with new interest interost intorest Our philosephlo contributor has another "Vacation Paper" et ospecial timeliness. A new contributor tells a legend of What Glen nnd the Conestoga. A new KngtMi tale of graphic power; stall correspondence from an iXTEi.MriKM'hrt represeutatlve In the West, the journal of a Moravian missionary, with a great variety of literary, religious local and telegraphic news, currcut comment and bree7y notes of men and things will com plete this comprehensive newspaper. Cut ncii ill's mother is a sister of Lon donderry's father ; but this explanation w ill net assuage the Irish repugnance te a Castlo Castle reagh. McKban county's Democrats fellow most of their brethren or the state in sending tin instructed delegates te the Hartisburg con ventien, but at the same time they take care te pick out men who have minds and who Knew them. IX lKeennnand G. II. McCal McCal ment are their names. Orn "magnillcent Jlrs. Mackay," who once washed clethes In a miner's camp, and is none the worse for it, Is new the lioness of extravagant social life In Londen. Hhe gives entertainments te which the I'rlnce of Koyal Whales is glad te ceme.whether his Inch and mighty mother llkes it or no ; and the Great Denieracy of the young Kepublle ence mere asserts its noble sell ; even though Lady Churchill, late of New Yerk, turns up her pretty nese at the new rich very new and very rich. - The officious nowspapers which connect Mr. Jenks' official movements with there ported matrimonial engagement of a mem ber et his family te young Mr. Dubois may as well abandon that. The story is entirely untrue He fair a journal as the Philadelphia Led ger tries te be should net fall into the vu'gar errer falsely promulgated by the JVfJi, of saying or supposing that " twenty-three thousand 'iiuncry ' Democrats have been ad mitted te the service as postmasters." Net one-half ei this number of appointments fall under the category te which the Ledger as signs them. Twe-thlrdB of the feurth-clats postelllces are filled without dispute by the common voice of their patrons. 1''uem China conies the story of the cap cap ture of the Dutch steamship Hek by pirates. The captain, mate and chief engineer were killed and the reiuainder of the crew made prisoners and held ler a ransom of fl5,0e0. Tiie Dutch authorities are afler the pirates and it will net take long te blot them out, but the whele story reads strangely In these days of steam and law. Tikkk prope.es te purchase 100,000 American rllles. It was the longer range of their American weapons that enabled the Turks te make such stubborn resistance te the advance of Russia in the Tiirke-Kusalan war, and SknbeletT armed Ills men with American ritles captured from the Turks. Si nosthem, the swimming master or the New Yerk Athletic club, swam 10 miles en Tuesday in lour hours and live minutes. This is better than a jump from the Brook lyn brldge. The Beard or IUtes and the court astrolo gers of China have assembled te select Bn auspldeus day for the ceremony of assump tion of government by the omperor. The ceremony will be elaborate and calculated te inspire the Mandarins and people witli all t lie awe and reverence due the occupant of " the Palace or 1'eace and Protection," and " the Threne or Gems." PERSONAL. (Ikn. Siibrmax is the social lien el thofcea thefcea thofcea aen in California. ISismaiil'k'n physicians have advised him net te drink anything while speak ing. Keiit. K. WntcuiTand Wm. Mutchlorare talked of rer governor by the Democrats or the old "Tenth Legien." I,?N.IIlu,,:s A nvNA declares that the most difficult subject rer a nowsimiper repor ter te handle well Is a big fire. liny. A. J.aLAsHiiRKNXEH, bishop oincri eincri tus or the Church or the Unlted Brethren, hasaccoptedtheinvstorateoraeliurch or his faith in Baltimore. Justice KiiiLii.speakingel the presldencv. Bays: "I In my time have dreamed dreams like ether men, but the time for such dreaniM is new passed away." KF.V. RtCUAni) WlIKATLY, I). II., Is OUt In the Independent In defense of the New Yerk stock exchange, as a moral, net Jess than a financial institution. IU:y. Jeseph Cook has a sliding trap door in the ceiling of ene of thoreomsor his hoiise. It leads te his study, and he uses it when he wants te be alnne. Kdisen Is going te Flerida te make seme experlmenta wltli earth currenu. He can net de It in New Jersoy, because thore Is tee much mineral iu the soil. Ress Raymond, formerly a nowspaper reperter and a w ell known swindler, w as ar rested at New Yerk en Thursday and lecked up ler passing worthless checks. Senateh JIlaik, who wants the foderal constitution amended te prohibit liquor. Is a total abstainer for Intoxicating liquors, but is a great smoker of twouty-uve-cent cigars. H. 8. Conant, the long-time mlasiiig editor of Ifuwer'a Weekly, has been heart" from. His Bupposed body was washed up yesterday morning at Ceney Island. The undercloth ing was marked with the initials S. H. C. Mns. Kate Bi;i.i,,wlfe or Charles Bell, a well-to-de bayman, of Bayville, U 1., has eloped with Themas Leng, a young farmer living near there. Mrs. Belt left ten young children behind her. ' h Piief. J. H. MeMahteh, the historian, is said te be a social miecess iu Philadelphia. Ue belongs te several of the leading cliiUs, and, while lie rarely attends them, his com pany is iniieh sought alter by these having iu charge the best social, political and literary asseuiblles in the city, in the ceiiiamy of equals lie is the most airable, though he has few close personal friends. As a profosser n the university he is unpopular with "the Chlueta l-lrule. Hclie a Uutch Mtwiner. Dispatches te Londen from China state that Chinese pirates attacked and took pos session of the Dutch steamship Hek while bound for I'enang from Acheen. The pirates killed the captain, the flrst mate and the chief engineer. The captain's wife und the re malnder of the ship's crew were made pris oners by the plratei, who demanded f 15,000 ransom for the surrenaer of the captives. The Dutch authorities will endeavor ieVvnr the rtweue of the captives, and, U pbsible. THE HEADING HABIT. Frem the Ne Yerk Kvening l'et. In the hearing In January last before the roiumiliee of the Senate en thocepyrlght bill Introduced by Sonater Uawley, thore was a geed deal said nboutthe rapid (loci I no In the demand for American leeks under the com petition of the cheap reprluts of all sorts of books by the American pirates, Henry Helt added: This Is net the whele question. It Is rap Idly becoming a quostleu whether with rare exceptions we are going te li.tte any serious books at nil. Consider this a moment the competition of books Issued by these rheap libraries Is ruinous te all Iweks that are net In these cheap libraries. It is net a question or the competition of an LnplMi leek, w hleh is reprinted ler 'M cents, Ith the name edi tion el a leek which Is reprinted for a dollar. It Is the competition ei mis ciirap wmim matter that a man can pick up nnd threw awav, with all the siittantlal books. Ills ruliilne the s.loel all books. It Is net ruin ing the aIe merely or books or tlctien, or the saroerinerotra'di. He then eiteit as an Illustration the failure in the American market of Sir Henry Matne's two or three last hooks, the early ones having sold very w oil, nnd continued "In the old days of trade courtesy the pet extravagance el many a substantial cltlren in an out of-the-way place, was te step In the bookstore of au e eninc, glance e or the stock nnd take something substintlal home In a shape which he could hand uewn te ins children and his children's children. New, oxcept in lavered places thore Is no book beok boek storo ler him te go te. Its place is taken by a toy shop, with a few oheol books In ene corner and a great counter full of cheap pamphlets. The book buying habit is dying out it was never confined te theso who read. Heeks are largely bought by poeplo who fancy books w he take them home in tending te read, but don't" The complaint new comes (rein Kngland thnteen the noels are no longer selling well; that theie Is "no money ' exen In cheap reprints et very (Kipular ones. We re produced en Saturday last a long wall in the Jirtmehttv Jteritn by Mr. Alexander limes Miami, ever the great" depression In the fic tion market, and proposing as a remedy the Issue of Urst editions e en In n cheap paper paper paper coverod form, as an exerimeut If it or einethlng like It, does net succeed, "sooner or later," he says " seme fulure annalist will hae te wrile the history of the decline and fall or Kngllsh fiction." We ha e ourselves little doubt that the de cline tu serious reading, which Mr. Helt says Interferes w ith the sale or solid works is new te be wltnessed In continuous reading or any kind, and that It Is from this that novels in a ixiek lerm are suuering. re read a book any book w hatever with pleas ure or even comfort, the attention has te be se disciplined that it can pursue ene llnoet thought for at least uu hour or two. Keep ing ene's mind en a book of any kind needs practice, Just as much as keeping one'i mind en a speech or sermon. The capacity for lis tening well Is new rarely round except among Judgba and lawyers, and even among the Judges it is said te be falling oil under the influence of printed briers and argumenu. Hut it has te be eultlrated in order te be either attained or retained, as everybody knows who only occasionally gees te hear a sermon or lecture. The un trained attention runs hither and thither like a rctless child, and nothing but a very determined ellert of the will keeps it fixed en the words or the orator or warda oft sleep, iu w hicli, again like a restless child, it Is ery apt te take rufuge en the slightest approach el fatigue. Curiously enough, tee, the inca pacity for sustained attention or mental olTert i one of the most marked characteristics or the savagn, as distinguished from the civilized man. AH who have had te de with the sav age in any part of the world testify that the difficulty In communicating new Ideas te him is the difficulty In getting him te listen long en any one subject Ills mind Is as prone te wander as that et a child. The capacity for reading a book that is rer keeping the inlnd fixed en ene argument or narratUoTera period mere or leas prolonged has always In modern times been muchmore widespread than the capacity for listening, owing te the fact that we all get our earllet mental training through books. As long, tee, as iKieka wure the euly sources r enter tainment, and large numbers et niore or less cultivated poeplo Uved in the country, and there were no newspapers or ether jieriodi jieriedi cals, and rew iimuseiiients, and travel was rare and expensive, the habit of reading waa kept up. Hut thore is great reason te rear that what with the nowspapersand the maga zines and the art galleries and the museum, the theatres and lacllity withwhich we can get ether peeple te gossip with us when we are both Idle nnd lazy, the number or these who can or e er de read a book, even a no el, men. i peer novel, Is rapidly declining. In fact, we fear that any ene who inquired among his friends outslde the protessera and professional llterarymen, wetildlludthat the number of these who new ever read a serious book of any kind was exceedingly small, and that thonewho rend even novels is growing smaller. Most men who have net kept up thehabltef reuding,lbfact,ge te sleep ever a serious book almost immediately, and threw down a novel alter a few pages if the plot does net tnlcken rapidly, or the Incidents are few. The thoughtful novo), such as lioerge I'.l let's tilled with rellectlen and speculations would fare much worse new, even coming from an author of her powers, than it did thirty years age. The newspaier, in truth, is fast form ing the menUl habits of this generation, and even this Is getting te be tee heavy, unless the articles or extracts nre very khert The reader begins mere and niore te resent being asked te keep his ntteutien fixed en any one subject ler mero tbau iive minutes. In short, any ene who tlatters himself during the busy yiara of an active career, when he does no reading but newspaper reading, that he is going te beoemo a reader of IxxiUs at a later period, when he gets mere leisure, may rest assured that he Is greatly mistaken. When leisure comes he will find that a serious book w ill tire him or send him asleoplnteu minutes, Just as a dumb-bell would tire a long unused arm. Te be able te read continuously for long porleds at any tlnie of lire, just as te be able te row, or walk, or ride, ene must keep In pravtice year after year, by doing mero or less or it everyday or at least every week. The man who finds thi.the shrinks from a book and longs rer a .Sunday paper, may feel as sure that he Is mentally "out of condition" as thoathleto who cannot lear te leave his easy chair with out a cocktail. The falling en" In the practlce of book-buying, evon among theso who mean te read but de net, of which Mr. Helt speaks, we think Is due in a eonslderablo degree te ihasuporler attraction of what we may call ether kinds nriurnlture. 1'er books, whether old ernew, are te the collector that is, te the man who buys books without seriously meaning te read thorn, nnd without feeling much interest In what they contain books are furniture rather than literature). Thirty years age, be bo be fere the icsthotle movement, that is, beforethe days or "art" and brie-a-brau in the country, a "substantial eltien," who had made money and wanted te show it ordered a library as a matter of course when furnishing his new house. It filled seme of the vast spaces en the walls of his parlor, which in these days the uphelster who used te be wholly occupied with the carpets tabl&s nnd chairs did net reach. Moreover, It foil In with the traditions or the time, when net only in New Luglanil, but all along the seaboard, a geutleinan wasoxpected:tohavealibrary,and there were sets et books which every gentle man's library had te contain. Hut about lNX), the painters and sculptors began te get held of the rich men.and pictures and statues liegante take the place of boeksas ovldences or wealth, and the held et the author en him has ever slnce been steadily loosening. The a ithetlc mev emeut hasloaded him w Ith weed carving, china, Japanese ware.rugs, tapestry, bronzes, gems, and Inbeluts erall sorts, which call rer every inch or room he has in his house, and tickle the pride of his wlfe and daughters as much as his own, which the books never did. Consequently he has coasted te be a book-buyer, and has beceme, either mildly or furiously, what is called a collector' With literature In any sense or the word he lias new ilttle connection, except through the monthly rev lows, and these his wife Is mero apt te read than he la. or serious books he knows Ilttle mero than the knights knew iu thoiiilddleages, and the "literary feller" stands te him very much in the imsltlen of " clerk" at that jierled, as the jiosHesser of a curious art, but one which was of little prac tical use, beyond occasionally keeping the possessor out of Jail when brought up for felony. The Trlali of Fanning. " 1 can't imagiue what the trouble is with that cow," Hald a New Yerkor who Is glr lug his attention te nmateur farming this a&son. "Hhe leeks all right' cemmented a neigh neigh ber. Yes, sholeoks all right," agreed the New orker, " but the doecid critter won't give down her milk. When I bought her a mouth nge she gave twenty-four quarts a day new I'm lucky te get Ave. And it Isn't bocause he desea't get milked often enough," pdded the pimled amateur. " ! don't milk that cow half "Net a day passes I n dozeu limes, ni least." Clpsrlns Awnjr Ihr Hnbtildi. A eml editorial letter signed " K. S." In the Cincinnati (.mtnrrtml ti,i r'tf tan Iki from no less a person than the original nnd only Deacon Klchard Smith, who seems te le rii'tlcatlng In the mountains. Here I"'! . . " Hen. Legan has lest mast because he linil most te liv He was a brat e soldier, ami this reputation covered a inultltudeet sins of emission nnd comiulsslen. As a presidential possibility or pretwblllly he has risen Im mensely within the last two 3 ears. In spile or his rudeness nnd egotism and Immeasura ble vanity, I had brought myself te like lien. Legan anil was prepared te support blni, H nominated, most heartily, but by his ew 11 acts he has driven his friends nway In sorrow nnd destroyed his ielilical prospects. He, tee, made such an exhibition of xulgarlty as te show hew unlit a ieien he would have been ler president or the I. nlted States. That position requires honesty, capacity and refinement These are threti qualities Iu which Hen. Ixgan has shown himself te be sadly deficient. Lvarts was also talked nbeut for the presidency. That bunch or presidential rubbish has been cleared nwny." Slitrman Unit the I'erkrt ennk. Frem the Columbus Dispatch " Senater," said a strange gentleman, nd dressing the Hen. Jehn Sherman en a train the ether day, "the conductor of this train has lest his ioeket-beok containing f-00, and unless he llnds It he Is a ruined man. New, 1 bolleve von hae It In your power te re- Hove him or his embarrassment lu short, senator, I bolleteyou hae that pocket-lieok In your valine." " Sir '" exclaimed the senator, rising te his feet " Parden me, senator, I de ret excuse you of anything, it wasall a mistake." " Well, sir, let us leek," said the senator, still very Indignant The alIe was thrown open, and there, suroeneugh, was the iocket iecket iocket beok. The senator had gene te the conduc tor's room te make n change et linen, hih! had pulled down the blinds. In the dark ness he had gathered up with thoctst-ell linen the pocket-book, w hlch the conductor had carelessly left iien the seat It took lets of nerve for the strange gentleman te seem te accuse the senator et theft, but he was se firmly convinced of the accuracy of bis theory en being made acquainted with the facta that he undertook the task. Mt:i)ICAI, TKVriMUM. lf WiT Urn Sthebt, Nbw erk, Jiinet.l'. Having In the cnure of a large practice ex tensively ned Allcock's Pereus ritstera In the various diseases nnd conditions of the lungs andpleun, and always with success, l recom mend their use In tint raestasgravatlngill-cAsc, Summer Catarrh, or Uay 1 ever strips of Plas ter applied ever the threat and chest m ntferd great relict from the choking tickling In the threJkt, wheezing, shortness of breatn.and plnj In the chest. 11. McCOKMllK, Jl D. Ilaby Is teething. Hirdly knew It using Da. IUsd'b Teething Letien. Prlce. Si cents. Thousands of babies are wasted and haggard from diarrheea. Dr. 1Ud's DlarThnn Jllxture tires without drying the bowels. Price, 3 cents. Forsaleatll. II. Cochran's Drag store, Nes. 13T and 13 North queen street. Jyl lmilAw MfBOI-L trOTIOKlf. THAT HACKING COUOI1 can be se quickly cured by shlleh'j Cure. Ve suanuitue It. ter sale by II. 11. Cochran, Druggist, Ne. 13J Neith yueeu street CATAltKH CUKKIl. health nnd sweet breath sccured, by bhlleh's Catarrh Kerned-. Prlce 60 cent. Nasal Injector tree, ler s'lle by 11.11. Cochran, Druggist, Ne. 1JU North Queen street VVenilrrlulCurrii. W. 1). Heyt A Ce , Wholesale and ltptn.lt Drug. flstset Keme, Ga.,snys We have been rolling ir. King's New Discovery, Klettrtc Hitter and UucUen's Arnica Ndve ler two vears. Have never handled remedies that soil as well, or give such universal satlsf ictlnn. Theru have been seme wonderful euros effected by these medl rlnes In this city. Several cases of proneunci'd Consumption have lcn entirely cured by nse of a few bettles of Dr. King's New Discovery, taken In connection with fcleetrtc Hitter. We guaranteu them always. Sold by II. 11. Cochran. IJruggUl, 1J7 and 13J North Queen street, fJin caster, Pa. ju SHII.OH'9 CUUK wilt lmrneilKtely relieve Croup, v hoeping Cough and lirenchltls. rer gaie uy ii. . lecuran, uruggut, .Ne. tin cen streeL 137 North AiUte, Pushlug mid rtellalilit, 11. 11. Cochran, Druggist, It; nnd in North lied ujien te carry In stock the purest nnd best goods, und sustain the reputation of being m m Hve. pushing nnd reliable, by recemnieiiillnir wune.il sireei, utncasier, i-a , c in uiuu) be articles w Ith well established merit and such as nre popular. Having tliu agency for the cele brated Hr. hlng's New HUcuvery for censump tleu, colds and inughs, will ell It en a positive guarantee. It will surely euro an and every affection of threat, lungs, anil chest, ind In order te prove our claim, we ask v en te call and itet a Trial Het tie Pre. (i OmBettls KrrxcTS x CCS Mr. Oscar Kiii Kech, or Allentewn, Pa., was bedfist with in flammatory rlieumiitlsm In the winter of lwS. Doctors could de nothing te relieve him. He commenced using Gress' Khuumatle Keinedy. lly the time he had used hall a bottle he could loave his bed ; when he had tlnlshed the bottle he was cured and has net had a return of the dUease since. In his own words, "1 icel better than ever before." Price II, by nil drugglsu. IthJJmdMW Jir SHII.Oirs COUGH and Consumption euro Is sold by us en a guarantee. It cures Consump tion. Fersalebyll.il. Cochran, Druggist, Ne. 1J3 North yueeu street. The roputatleu of Ijmnmter Is about 30,f, nnd we would siy at least one eno ene half are troubled with seme affection of the Threat and Lungs, as these complaints arouc areuc arouc cerding te statistics morn numerous thin ethers. We would udvlse all net te neglect the opportunity te call en us and get a bottle et Kemp's llalsam for the Threat and Lungs. Price tvicents and II. Trial size free Kespecttully. 11. II. Cochran, druggist, 137 North (jut en stieeu Korlame hack, sldeer chest, use ShUen's Por Per ous Plaster. Price 1 cent ter sale by 11. It. Cochran, Druggist, Ne. ISi North Queen stieuU WILL YOU SUrPKIl with Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint? tjhlleh's Itallzer Is Ktiarun' teed te euro you. or sale by II. n, Cochran Druggist, Ne. 137 North yuueii Blnet. Da. Hasslkb Werk Svrdp, Purely vegetable, pleasant te take, will oxpel worms If any evist, no purgative required Jafter using. Price, US cents, by nil druggists. lebaSmdMH AK Hay Fever Hullerern. Thonumlieref poepln annually allllcteil wllh this most annoying malady stems te be greatly en the Increase. 'Ihordlterof this Journal Is nn annual v lctim.nnd, w 1th a view te discover a specitle euro, has trled numerous remedies Of these Kly's Cream lialm Is by all (Kids the quickest and most satisfactory, two applies tlens greatly allaying the usual symptoms In the nose and eyes. We would reioinmend its use by all subject te hay fever, and we gladly bear unsolicited testimony te Its efflcacy in our cesn. Media, Pa., Recerd. JylT-iwdeeilAw WHY WILL YOU cough when Shlleh's Cure will gle Immediate relict. Price 10 tt.,Scts., and II, nr mle by 11. it. Cochran, Druggist. Ne. 1J7 North llueen street. A Had Misfortune. Is te raise a nice family of boys and girls and then have thorn airrlcd into nu early grnve by that terrible disease Consumption. Hud the warning and check It In Its first stages by the prompt use of Kemp's Balsam ler tbe Threat und Lungs, warranted te euro and relieve all cases. Prlce Sue. and II. 'or gala by II. n Cochran, druggist, Ne. 1J7 North IJueen street. 2Wuf titt ret, (J) VVUKITUHK. TOUUN1TUHK WAHKKOOMH. W iOUltSKLP A l'AIU OF TIIUSK Felding Dress Pillows. CALL KAItLV AT HeITmeier's Furniture Warerooms, 26 BABT KINO STREET. W1NKH A.MO J.lQUbuH. euandyi Handy 1 1 iuldUve'aKSuiee0 ,h ear 0Very 'mU Reigarfs Old Brandy. a tafe and sure euro for Cholera and ether sum mer troubles. UKIQAUT'8 OLD WINE 8TOKK, II, X, BLAYMAKKK, Agt, VLVTHIKU. R UUIMATISM. A flreakingf Hinge Isdrvniul tu'ns hard, until oil Is applied, utter whleli It moves easily When the Jntiits, or hlimes, et the bedvnra sliminiKl nnd Inttntmul by Kheumstisiu, they rnnnet be mercA w Ithnui eaiislng the mnst tucriirlitliiK pains. Aer's Snrssiiiirllla, by Itsnetlnn en the IiIihhI, lelfeves this leiulltlnn, anil restores the Joints te geed working order. A j et's faniparllla has eiferteil, in imrclty, mm most remnrkntile cures, nuumheret which intlludthoemirtsef thiimiistoxperleneed phvst eiiius. .it'll' ii neve-siirj, I reuitl Kll O IIIO 11A11IOS ei mail intllvlilu U he he liceu ruled by InktiiK this medlclne. In tuv own ease It has ceuaiiiij HeiHi'ti wniiuers, lulleMng motif Rheumatism; niter Iielni! trentileil with It for j-cirs. In this1 mill 111! imiri iit-ni'r. ni 1111 there Is mi 11 uied with whl seases hiMhk Iieiii Impure IiIixmI, ed with which I nmneiualntcd, hicllef as Ajcr'a Harsnparllla. that airerds such idler as AVer's Harsnparllla. ll. 11 i.lin reiice, .m i-. i.iiiuuiiiit, mu Aver's Sarsapirllla eureil me of (lout nnd Itheumatlsm. when nothing elsti weuhl, it hits eradicated every trsrn of disease from my sys setn It 11. Short, Slansuer Hetel Uelment, Lewell. Mass. 1 was, during many month", nsutterer from chronic Itheumatlsm I tie disease uilllrted me grlev euslv. In spite tit all the lemedi s I eenlil Und, until 1 fOininenee.l 11 li - V 1 - ' 1 - 1 rllla. 1 took sevninl Imlili- i , , i . i n, BiirtspwHllly icsteied tehiailh -.1 t n .in. In dependence, V a, Ayer'sSarsaparilla, Prepared by tir .1 C. Aver.tre, Lewell, Mass. bold by alt druggist Ptlee II i lx hollies, f.i Jul) iviiuKii pXllAl'STKU 1TAI.ITY. EXHAUSTED YITALITY THKfcClKNCKOK 1.1KK. the great Medical Werk of the age en Manhood, Nervous nnd Physical Debility, Prematura Decllnts Krrorsef leuth, and the untold miseries consentient thereon. ap,ges ve. Z prescriptions for nil dlsiiises. i leth, lull gill, only II iu, by mall, sealed. llliitrntlviniiiple tit e te all young and middle-aged men ferthe next 'JO day. Address Dlt. V. H. PAUKKIl, I llulduch Nlreet, llosten, onus. uijii ijeeuaw Q.UA'S Sl'KriKIC MEDICI NI- THK. UllKATENWJtSH KRMKDV. Annnfalllnircurafer Blpetency, und all HIs eas,. thit fellow Lets of Memery. Unlvepml lassitude, Patn In the Hack. Dimness of Vision, Prematura Old Agis nnd many ether diseases that lead te Insanity or Consumption and a Prematura 11 rave r ull particulars In our pamphlet, which we delre te send free by mail tnev eryeue. uThu SlH'cltlc Mmllclne Is sold by all druggists, at Ii per package, or six packages for i or w III lie sent free by mau en the receipt of the money, by addressing the agent, 11. 11 COC1IKAN. Dmggtst, Sole Agent, Nes. 137 and 133 North (jueen Street, I-ancustcr, l'a. On account of counterfeit, we htve adopted thelellew Wrnpiier , thutmlygenulne. lllli(jU.V MKD1CALCO., apiJ-lydAw huttale, N. Y. liuunKtUKxismxi euuna. WK HAVE A LAHdi: STOCK Ol' 1HK UKST REFRIGERATORS IN THE CITY. The Fierce Dry Air liefrijfrater. a A KDK. JIOSK HA TKK C001.KK8. J CK OK KA M FK KKX KKS, AndafulllInoefllOUaKKUUMSIllNU GOODi The largest stock of (1 S riTUUKS In the ctty. Special attention pud In u u-rittlng, 'ltn Uoeting and Spouting We have J list received another let of these 25c. GLOUfcS. JOHIP. scHira & SON, 24 SOUTH QDEBN ST., LANCASTER. PA. TJ1I.INNA ilKCNKMAN. PRICES MARKED DOWN ON Weed and Iren Pumps, TERRA-COTTA -AH- Iren Moter and Drain PIPES. FLINN & "bRENEMAN, Ne. 152 North Qnoen Streot, I.ANCASTKIt. PA. WM. A. KlKKFi:i. ALDUS C. HKKR KIEFFER 8c HERR, Ne. 40 East King Street, (Opposite Court Heuse). Invite all Housekeepers te Call and Inspect thutr Stock of Housefuriiisliing Goods. A Complete Linn constantly en hand. COOK SlOVKHand KANGKS, PAIlLOItHlOVKS, HKATKltSand rUUNACKS, SUMMER COOK STOVES. After carefully examining the merits of all offered te tbe trude, we have solectod THE "AR.GAND," rer OASOLINK, and THE li DANGLER," or COAL OIL, As the Hest, when all points are considered, te eiler te our patrons. Call and me us. We levn te show our goods, and am net offended ir you de net purchase. Ueinoinber, we are ugeuu for The " Splendid Heater. Manufactured hy Kuller Warren Company, Trey, N. V., which has nn rival In lu nihility, oconemy of fuel nnd control of ga. Newlsthu tliiie te uxamlne ami lieoeinu posted for Autumn purchase s. UKMKUIIKII T1IK PLACK I 40 EAST KING ST., (OPPOSITK COUItT HOUBK.) npat-tfd&w SKI.I.lNfi Ol'P ATItnilUCKDI'IUOKS All kinds et Ladles' and lleutv riirnlshlng Goods. Te reduce stock te make room for VV I li ter Uoeds, at HKCIliOLD'a CIIKAP 0A8II STOltK, Ne. IU North Queen street, J-Slgn or the Pig Blocking. P. 8. A two-story Urlck Heuse in a geed loca tion for baIe or rent, Trni easy. VMT -yyitiTi: (ioeps ren humau.ii wkaw. HAGER & "White Goods for sV).l LIXKX, MKSCII WAINZOOK, Ksauttn xaixkoek, IXMAMl'LL, Embroideries and Laces I hSC till AL LACK SK1KT1NG, ltlack and Kern. UUIPtlltK LACK V WvScVHli S IHiiiw1.'.? UU;T,AN l'AUK,KN. Whlleand Cream. KUH'TIAN ?UAW V ' e" v0 HAGER & BROTHER, Nes. 25 and 27 West King Street, Lancaster, Pa. jyrirr.(ii:u a hauuiiman. Metzger & Have the Beat 50 Cent fflMMIEB SHIRT That haa ever been sold for the money ; equal te many new Beld at 75 cents. Sizes, 12 te 17. METZGER & HAUGHMAN, Ne. 43 West King Street, Between the Cooper Heuso and Serrel Herse Hetel, Lancaster, Pa. vrr.XT neon te thk count heusk. FAHNESTOCK'S. Whlte Goods, Lnces nnd Embrolderloa. Whlte Embrolderod Reboa, 83.60 up. Summer Undorwenr, all bIzes. Summer Hosiery Summer Gloves, LtvrRe Stoek of thoee Geeda new In Store, and nil Mnrked nt Qulek BollInRPrlceH. R. E. FAHNESTOCK'S, NEXT DOOR TO THB OOUIIT iierjri.. A TliANTIC C1TV. TIIK OLD KSTAIIL13IIKI) Chester County Heuse, Centrally leciti'ii, convenient, very near the Sea. cniufertalilu lu every way, and home-llku. NOW OPKN. J. KEIM & SONS. mayK-Zmd ZIAI'K MAY. THE STOCKTON. CAPK HAY, N. J. Th Klnctt lh-achnn the CeaM. The Ijirgest and Most hlesaiit Sciuldn Hetel In the World. -01'KNS. JUNK a- HKNltt Cf.Allt.Prep'r. f.ate nf the Urand Union Hetel, barateira Sprliifi. Junejl 6wif e I'KN AUjTHK VKAN. "THE MANSION," ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. The largest nnd men iiroinlnently lecated Hetel hli-itiintlr furnlilmd and llherallr man. aued. Thoroughly llKhled, drained and ven tilated. Open all the ytur. CHARLES McQLADE. -llrephy's Orchestra. Je7-3md AHIIIiAND HOUSi:, ATLANTIC CITY, reopens JULV 1st, under new manage ment, Kluctrlc light, electric bells, city water, rir8t-clasculilue. 'lernmneilemtn. first class harattached. IIKNKV ItAllTKli, Jyl-lmd Ijite of Qrape Hetel, Lancaster Pa. 1'AllAHOUt te. T50SK.HHO.S. it UANTMAN. $4.00 PIRHS0LS KKnifCBIMTO $3.00. - $3.00. VKItlJUKST SATIN 1 ALL KINK SILK LIN I MIS I The Manufacturers. Rese Bres. & Hartaan, 14 EAST KING ST. apl-emd OAUHIAUMB. OTANOANU OANNIAUE WONK. Edw. Edgerley, CAEBIAfiE BUIIDER Market Streot, Rear of Posteffloo, LanoaBter, Pa. My stock enmprises a large yarlety of the Latest BtylolliiBKlei), Phaiteus, CarrluRes. Mar Mar kelandilmtlneiM Wagons, which 1 offer at the very lowent flgurea aud en the most reasonable tonus. I call special attention te a few nt my own da. lens, one of which Is the KDUKULK YCl.OSKU PU)K;IAN COUPK, which Is decidedly the neateaL lightest and most ceiniilete Physician's CarrtaKO In thn leuntry. Persons wishing tii buy a geed, honest and substantial article, should bear lu mind that they take no risk in buying my work. Kvery Carriage turned out In eighteen years a geed ene that Is the kind of guarantee I have te offer the public. All work fully warranted. Please give me a call. UKPAiUINU PUOMPTLY ATTKNDKU TO. One set of workmen especially employed ter tbattiurpeae Cl'AKICIilNa WINKS. OUU OWN I1UANO I Special Great Western Wine. The Finest and Purest American Wtne In the Market. At REIQARTa OLD WIHB BTOIUI. UUUM. BROTHER. Summer Wear VICTORIA LAWXS. cennEDi'jQui:, J' LAID LA.WSH. Haughman HOUSE, LANCASTER, PHNNA. VLVTHIHU. T (1ANHMAN A UNO. SINCE OUR Big Reduction Sale HAS HKKN INAttU UATKII, '1 he 1'iihllc has been convinced that CUSTOM MADKCI.Orill.Nli a. well ss KKA1) V-ll.VUK can Im lieught cheaper at L Gansman & Bre. THAN ANAVMIKIIK KLSK IN THK LIT) OUR SPECIALTY. SKKliSUChKU COATS AND VKSTS (Ooed htylesl at ll.re und II. ii. II KN S PANTS at Sec. up te tl.ie , IJStvlesle select from. ALL-WOOL CA8SIMEKK SUITS, 11 Styles te HHlact from, at Cbl. MEN'S COltKSCKEW 81 ITS are selling In all Shades at I7(. MEN'S FINE CLOTH DIAOONAL SUITS atf-lM. Our Custom Department Offers seme Itargalns in Light and Medium Weights of Pantalennlngs vthlch we mnke te order at Kldlculeusly Lew Prlre-i from (If) te (.MO. These goods urn strictly all-wool, but mettly single patterns, which we close out at a sacrifice rather than curry them ever. L. GANSMAN & BRO., MKHCHANTTAII.OU3, M ANUFACTUltKUS OK MEN'S HOYS AND CHILDKEN'S CI.OTII1NU, 66 & 68 NORTH QUEEN ST., (Klgbten the Southwest Cor.ei O ran go SL) LANCASTKK, PA. 4r Closed every evening at ii p. m., except Saturday's. TDURQEN HUlTtW YOU WILL FIND Men's, Bey's and Children's CLOTHING Marked Down SO LOW that It will he greatly te your interest te call and examine the GOODS and P1CI0K8, ir In need of any mero MEDIUM or L1U1IT WEIGHTS this season. We Manufacture All Our Goods, And Guarantee thorn First-Class In Kvery Par ticular. WK UAVK A FULL LINK OF SUMMER CLOTHING In Seersucker, Mohair, Alpaca, Urappette and Llneniat Prices Astonishingly Lew. (feeds as Uepreaented or Meney lief uuded. BUBGEB, & SUTTON, NO. 24 CENTRE SQUARE, I.ANCASTKIt, PA. MINENAIi WATKNH, APOLL1NAIUS WATKIt. the Oueen or Table Waters, Hawthorn Spring of Saratoga, at KKIUAUT'SOLI) WINK STOltK. 11. K. SLA YMAKKli, Agt. "ROTE IB MAKING " " OABINBT PHOTOGRAPHB AT B3JBO A DOrSH. , at xe, vuiHQtnu. quxcn btkkkt, )U-kM ,IBMtr,r I