Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, July 30, 1886, Image 1

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    rk 3BJtttW WHSwl
(We '.j'-??'
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je wifakf
i.tmn H4.x:nii.rit vnruviui.i, ciian-
rmtiHll. nl Heme nt llm .lieu vt , Will lltk.
r UriMiK IIh-.Nut Ailiiihi.lmllnn-SKrn-Mi)
nl Wnr, Attorney firnrrnl mill
I "III I'rp.lilrnt ill llm Cumuli.
The new KiikIIhIi ministry, with the np
pnlntmcuts new understood In 1st agreed
iieii, will stand ns fellows :
Secretary or Foreign AlUIrs The Karl el
Clilt'l Secretary for Ireland Hlr Michael
Chanciorer the Kxchoquer Inrd Han Han
delph Churchill, who, by vlrlue of his ap ap
lnlinent, Usimii the ro.-egnl7.ed loadernl
llie CoiiHcrvalive mrly In Hid llou-eof Cem-tiimi-t.
Secretary for Unr-lllght lien. V. II.
Tlr-t Uinl nl Hit) Adinlrality-t.'oergo
Lenl llk-h Chancellor lliinm Hats
Secretary ler India- night Hen. Frederick
Arthur Stanley.
Inrd President of llie Council Viscount
President of thu llejird el Trade Hlght
Hen. I M Ward Stanhope.
rimt commissioner of Works- Hlghl Hen.
David I'lnnket.
Ienl Chancellor of Ireland I.erd Ash-
l'riine Minister nnil First l.enl of tlie
Treasury Tlie Marquis of Salisbury.
I-erd Lieutenant id Irulnnil Tlie .Marquis
el Londonderry.
I'riwldnnl I.val Unvornmenl Heard -Hlghl
Hen. Henry Chaplin.
AltnniKy (leneral- Sir IL Webster.
Heme .Secretary Mr. Henry Alaltlieus, (J.
Secretary ler Scotland Hight Hen. Ailliur
I Sal four.
Postmaster (ioneml-Hlght Hen. Henry
Cecil Halkes.
Chancellor of tlie Durliy of Ijiucnslnr
I .enl Jehn Manner.
3'atronage Secretary te llie Treasury Sir.
A. AkorH-Deuglas.
Attoniey General or Ireland Klghl lien.
Hugh Helmes, . (',
Sollcller General of I rclixinl Mr. Jehn
Gregery ltten (j. C.
Tlie F.ngllh iiilml Is far mero oivupied
with Churchill's own fortunes than with llie
Irish appointments, for which he I. held re
sponsible. Surprise nt hi leap te tlie chancel chancel
eorship et the exchequer mingles with gmt
Unite that he illil net receive tlie foreign ollice
Instead. He is ten years younger than
Disraeli wnswhen he Uvamoctiaucellnr, nnil
llie youngest leader of tlie Heuse of t'oin t'ein t'oin
iiieiih Niiii'e thu tliue of I'ilU Thore N net
liuii-h tleillit IfhN health w III Htanil IheHtraln
of hli e'lllU-nUilntliw, ami sua nioie ileulit
wholher he will ijDtnii with llartlngtiui, who
liehlx tlie Tery ministry in his luiul. Thore
IsNoiniKYiniinent en the fai't that Churchill
was nn anlrnt Protectlonlnt lift lall nnil
(eiiiiMitlivt te tlie wholesalo reform of all
Revcirnmpiit ilnp:irtinents ; luit it is lintm.
tilhle tenw.ikfii intnreit In his fallnre te Ixi
conslMenL Nnlieily lonjjer mpecls that or
BiivtliliiK fl" from him lint oxhllamlleii.
Tlie I'm'eil l,eUiml of Huhlln sayat Tlie
trni'e wllh llie liinillertls Is Hliatlorei'l, lint tlie
Irish poeplo Inn e net tlm least liitoiitien te
OHtraii)ii tlm KiiKlih nmswn. It would Iki
lnixi-Lilliln te proilnce a mero oleqnont ox ex
ampli) nr tlie policy of rammliiK Cnlish rnle
ilewn lrlili threats than Is allortletl In thu
Alar iils of Sallslmry'H uppolntmentx as
lrlHh Viceroy el thoMarmilsef l.ondemlorry,
Inheriting as he dees tlie IiIihxI anil tlie naiiie
of tlie cut threat and hldnens CastloreaRh."
Thu Vrruiiin'ji Jniinuit aaya : "Tlie ap.
jKilntiiH'iit el" l.enl Ixntleii(l(irry te !e vice
roy el lrelanil, anil of Sir Michael Hickn
Ileach te lie chief Micrelary, Is ominous of co
ercion. Irishmen mint Ikj prepared for
TheInallHl preKa lsdeli(;litel ever tlie np np np
pointmeiitel Lord Iniilenilerry te tlie lord
mi: i.i:aiii:h or Tin: 1101 sk.
Nene nl IIione anneimceinenU has tlie
pame Hcnsatlenal inlerastas that of Clnirclilll,
who, It will he rememtieriMl, is mnrrled te
tlie tlaiiKhler el l.oenartl Jeremo, of New
Yerk, lle la thu Hen of tlie Hoventh tlukoef
Marlhoreii);)!, was horn in 131'.', and realdCH
at Hlnnhblm palace, WeiMlstiH-k. He has al
ways been known asiiilasliliiKyounglellew ;
received tlie decrie of M. A. at college and
was elected te l'.irlliiment In lsTl an u Cen
Mtirvative. It wnsilnrlnc tlie UrndliiiKli oxclto exclto oxclte
ment that he came Inte prominence ; he
and HOVoralelhorM formed what wascalled tlie
" Fourth Tarty" in opiKwitlen te ltradlatiKh.
After that fell te pieces he bean te axaall
(UadHtene and his ministry and gained much
notoriety. When the second (llaiiHtone niln
Istry lull Clnirclilll was made Hecretary of
Htate for India, under the .Salisbury adminis
tration, going out with Unit Htatesman when
overthrown by (UadHtene. During tlie late
invaks Ids antl-dladetone inanllofite and
wpoeclies were notably bitter and he has had
ilia reward. He In expected te vlxit America
soine of tliiFO early dayn.
Wm? tffm&
William llcmyKnittli.Korretury for War In the
hall.bury'. Mlnl.try.
This Htatesman Is tlie Hen or Mr. 11. W.
Smilh, of tlie ritrnnd and llournemouth,
Jlampuhlre, boekHollor, pnbllalier and news
agent. He was born in Duke ttroet, Groa Grea Groa
venor Hquure, Londen, June 2111), 1SJ5 ; elu elu
cated at tlie grammar aciioel of Tavistock,
and became la due ceurse a partner of the
well-known. Una In tUe HtranU, In July,
NVi, he iiniuieccHsliilly centmUKl Wontmln Wentmln
Hter In tlie Conservative InlereM, but bin
randldalilre yttut ronewod, with hiiccem
lu November, I8M, wheu he defeated
Mr. Jehn Stuart Mill. He has con cen
lliiurMl in Nit ler WoslmlnMer ever
hIiice. In 1ST I he ran ahead of all bin follewa,
and was returned at the head of the poll. Upen
hi. npM)lutinent a. Hccrelnry of war, It be
came lioceftsnry that he ah en Id be rn-olectod
and Ihere worn rumors that the MlwraU
would Irave no Mone unturned te deleat
hllil. When, however, tlie elocllen did lake
place, .lun'J!ili, KiTi, he was returned with
oiitejMMltlon. In 1S7I, he was made llnaii
clal nccreUry of the treasury, wervltiK In that
rapacity until August 8th, lh7, when hewas
npKilnled llrt lord or the admiralty, and a
cabinet inlnlsler. Thla promotion gave rlse
te the faiiclful conceit of Sir Jrweph l'erler,
In K. c. It,, In Ollhcrt mid Sulllvan'a ejxira
of " I'lnaferp," or which tlie couplet
Stick c loe te your (1ek, and never ;e te nca,
Anil you nmy be tlie lulcr el the (Juccn'.
directly applies le Win. Ileury Sinllli. In
this ponlllen he Hiioceoded the late Mr. Ward
Hunt When the Conservatives went out of
olllceln April, IHH Mr. Smith went with
them, lle was a inomber of the llrnt and
aecend achnel beards of Londen, but retired
therefrem In IS7 1. The Uiilverlty of Oxford
oenforrod en him the degree of 1). 0. I In
1.H7K, and In Is. he was given llie freedom of
thd Stationers' company. The known hos
tility el the Salisbury ministry le HumsIa
iiiAkOH tlie position of war aecrelary an os-
Iviaiiy iuiorianieiie.
Hlr It. V.., Itripnlnlril te III. Old
I'n.t a. Lrgal Ailtl.rr.
Webster was also the attoniey goneral in
the previous ahorl-llved Salisbury cab I net.
1 1 the vonII!eu taken by Gladstone, Iiliou Iilieu Iiliou
chere and ethers of the opposition Is a fair
Indication, the preMUit Salisbury cabinet will
be even mero short-llved that llie previous
one. Henry Labeuchere Rays that overy and
all inmns miiHt be taken te inake the con cen con
tlnuauce of the Conservatlvcs in power an
iuiiewlh!llty, and he calls upon the I'arnol I'arnel
lites te stand linn against thu coalition, say
ing that II they expect the Hiipporter the
Liberals they must in turn support tlie latter.
The political occurrencos in Knglaud for the
coming hIv mouths will form Mry Interest
ing reading.
r.scut.vr VltAlllttllh-.
v . -
l.enl rr.Klilrnt lit Ilia Cennrll ami t'ur.laii
Secretary Under Sall.liur).
The Isceunt Cranboek is the third seu of
the late Mr. Jehn Hardy, of Dunstnll hall,
Statlnrdshlre, who was member or Parlia
ment ler the town of llradferd for many
yearn. The viscount was born at Ilradfenf,
Oct. 1st, 1 si l. Hewasglven a most liberal
education w hleh was llnblied at Oriel college,
Oxleril, in 1! lle was ad in ltted te the bar
in 1SI0, when liOHiHin became an active par
ticipator in the allalra of the Itrltlsh nation.
The Couservatlvo olement stimulated his
ambitious veal in appointing him under
Secretary or the llouse devartmeut In
KVS. In lHid he Itecame president
of tlie peer lord Isiard, during the formation
el Lord. Derby's third adminstratien, which
otllce lioHiiccesslully maintained until Mr.
Dlsraell'H succession te the premiership, by
whom he was nominated secretary of Htate
for war. In 173 Mr. Hardy was raised te the
teerage by having tlie title iiceunt Uran
brook conferred upon him. In the same
year he succoedod the Marquis or Salisbury
us secretary of state ler India, and held that
ollice until the year Ismi, when the Conserva
tive power was no lenger In the ascendency.
I tall read Trouble nt I'ettatille.
The long peace which has provailed Is),
twoeu the l'hlladelphla .V Heading and the
renusylvanla Schuykill Valley railroad com
panies at l'ottsvllle, was Interrupted Thurs
day altorneou. The last named company Is
desirous of moving Its track en Ceal street,
In that city, se as te allerd a better ap
proach te Us depot, but cannot de se without
encroaching upon the ground or the Head lug
company. Tlie latter nut a ferce te work
laying a track en tlie Ceal street sidewalk,
skirting its ground and parallel with the
renusylvanla track. The municipal
authorities Inter feted and arrested the boss
of the gang, who had u hearing and was
bound ever te court. The work was sus
pended, but It Is thought an attempt will be
made te resume te-day, which wilt be ro re
aisled forcibly, ir necessary, by the police.
De.erratura of a Cemetery Am utetl,
On the uight or July 4 the lleinau Catholic
cometory lu Kprlnglleld, Mass., was iloso ileso ilose
crated, stones being overturned and dlsllg
u red and much daiuage dene. An Indigna
tion meeting was held, a dotectlvo was hi red.
and the city etlerud f UK) for the arrest el the
perpetrators or the outrage. Thursday
Michael Kelly, I'M ward Ltnuelian, Themas
Ceuleh, Jehn Jehnsen, anil Maurice and
Patrick Cavanagh were arrested. They are
all Catholics, with tlie exceptien of Jehnsen,
a negre.
The Hnmlle.t Chlrken Kke' Vet Itenertail.
Abraham Alllebach, 1.11 droen street, has
a Duckwlng bantain chicken that has layed
Iwenty.tlve eggs recently and noue of them
largir than a mlnle ball. The people te
whom he showed them said they wert) net
chlcken eggs, but snake eggs. Mr. A llio llie
bacu had houie doubts which were, however,
ulspelleil alter he penned the bantam In a
bird cage, when It continued laying.
A Olrl'a Terrible Death.
?....IvanaT,Uel .lm,' Maud Julten, the
soventoou-year-old daughter of Jeseph Julteii
has died of hydrophobia. Her Bymptems
were frluhtltil te beheld, and six me wero
nwiulrea at limes te held her. She was biU
S!lJ??M.a3y',goby"UeB'WBlch 'nc
been killed,
yf' - 4
--.-- - .
Twe Anwmlille. HiiMInf Weekly Me.tliiE.antl
I'leilaeil te Nianit Tnselli.r far Heller Wage.
and (leneral I'rnlei tlnnNn lttl(lnti nor
rnllllm le Im ItrR.nlril liy the Oritur.
There are new two assombllesof the wide
spread erder el Knights or Laber In this city.
Thollrstef thPHO was organized last March,
and wascompesod of men who wotked at
many different trades. Jlnt presently the
clgannakers, ene of tlie most numerous
branches or wnrklnguieii In this city, becatue
strong enough te form an assembly nt their
own, and they organized Clganuakera As
Hembly Ne.",7i)l, which meets overy Tuesday
evening, enllin leurth lloerof A. C. Keiller's
ostemco building. The nlher assembly still
comprises dillerent classes of wnrklnginen
and wheneverany particular trade Is strong
enough te form an assembly or Us own this
will Ixiileiin.
Tlie two assemblies aggregate evor MX)
iiiuiuiMirn. ine omcers una ineiuiKirsMip
anil the workings of tlie assemblies are lu tlie
main kept secret ; but it is known that be
sides the two assemblies in this city there
are threo In Yerk and ene lu Columbia, nil
seen te be united in a district assembly.
Foremen are admitted te the order, but no
manufacturer or ompleyor of men ; mo me
cliaulcH who have loon engaged In business
but are new rotlred ran be admltled, and a
number of audi Llong te tlie Knights here.
Women who nre at work in the trades rcpro rcpre rcpro
sented are admitted, and a half deran ladles
will Je'n the assembly next week.
Thore are wild te bfiMily threo of the city
cigar shops ropresentetH'l the assembly and
ene of these is payiufvbosrhetlulo prlce
Jehn K Metrger ', who te per thousand
and gets the lalsil of the Knights. Sotneor
tliem only pay tl. Te get the label the shop
must einnlev enl v thellaboref tlie KuiirhtM.
One or the ptirjKiseH of the nssemblles hore
Is said te be tlie suppression of child labor In
tlie factories, anil slops will seen Ik taken te
prosecuto all employers having children tin
der 13 years of age, or parents permitting
such labor te be empleyed contrary te the
statute ; and likewise ournreingtlio prohibi
tion or all child labor under 111 formero than
nine months of the year.
Ne religious nor partisan political Issues
are allowed telsj Introduced Inte the assem
blies ; and uieii the platform of (sitter wages
and protection te labor Interests It Is ex ex
iwted te seen Include the wnrklnguieii of
the city generally in the menilrahip of the
order. at . mervi.r.
The llrtter of llm rrlcliteueil Hume Thrown
Outfit llm W.finii anil Oter a Fence.
Met'NT Jev, JtilySO. Itev. Jeseph IXson IXsen IXson
weln, or Heading, l'a., who is visiting the
llev. i:. J. Miller, pastor of the Kvangellcal
church, this place, troitieutly exercUcs lilm lilm
self by riding a bicycle. Whlle thus enjoy
ing himself he passed a son of Ames 11.
Lehman, or Flerin, near the tell gate en the
Jlarrlsburg turnpike, midway lietweeu
Flerin anilMt. Jey, who was driving along
In a market wagon. The home shied at
the blcycle and Jumping aside threw the
young driver out, evor the fence inle a lleld.
the boy csenped unhurt, though he was
badly scared ; tlie topef the wagon was badly
battered up.
Lleut. David 11. Nisstey Pest, Ne. I7S, (i.
A. It., at thelr regular meeting en Monday
evening, decided te attend the grand county
rovlew te be held at liuncaster, Soptembor
'Ji A commlttee le make all necessary ar
rangemenlH was appolnted.
There will be no preaching sorvlces in llie
Bethel church el (ied for two weeks, as the
aster, Kev. (Iisirge W. (.etz, Is oil en his va
cation. There will be no sorvlce In tlie M. I'.
church net Sunday, as the pastor, llev. O.
U. Cook, isiitteiiillug the Laiullsvllle cami cami
ineetlng. The l'. It. Sunday school Intendeil holding
their picnic at Mount Gretna Park, en Tues
day or this week, but owing te the wet
weather, it was postponed te Tuesd.iy, Au
gust .Id.
ltoethA Colller's Pavilion ojier.i company
with tlie great and popular drama or I nole
Tem's Cabin, Is billed te appear here te-day.
This ceniany porferius under canvas.
The tolepheno exchange has Isieu romevod
from W. It. Itarnliart'.s gent's furnishiiig stere
opiesIte the I'xcliange hotel te the ollice of
Samuel Slioekor'a towing machine sgeucy,
nearly opposite the iwstelllce.
At a Hcial meeting of the borough council
held en Monday evening te open bids for the
digetngefa new mill rare at the borough
mill, north or town, the contract was given
U) Jacob H. Loraw at ll',c. pur cubic yard.
The ether bidders were Scheel Director 1'.
M. Harry at 'Mc and Councilman Jonas llis
serat I v.
A number or our townspeople nre tenting
nn the old campgrounds at l.andisvllle this
Dr. A. M. Helstand, of Atlantic City, Ir
ginia, is visiting Iriends here. Mr. Heistaud
was a practicing physician here for several
years and still clings te the profession in his
new home.
Hhe Wa. Natlre nl Mount .Iny.
Frem the Unlenlnwn (icntiis of l.llicrty.
Mrs. Sybil J. Lltman, wlle of (leorge
W. Lltiunn, died at her home en Sunday,
July '.Villi, after it sovero illuess or
many months, lu the list year or
her age. The deceased was horn in
Alt. Jey, Lauoaster county, Pa., where she
received a liberal education Her mother
dled about the time alie Ihxuuue el age, and
shortly alter her father iuoed te Chicago,
taking tlie deceased and her only sister,
who Is new Airs. C. llminard, new resid
ing In Pittsburg, with him. In Chicago she
was married te her llrst husband. He lieing
a railroad emplnyu they were located in var
ious places lu thu West, iiml Uually settled
in Unlontewn In IS7:l, who the deceased re
sided until her death. She leaves n husband
and an only daughter by her llrst husband,
a lather and Mrs. C. C Ilrnlnard, mentioned
above, besides a brother residing in Phila
delphia. She was buried the day after her
Summer LeUure.
Miss Annie Stotler, who has been staying
with Mrs. J. J. Wbiuel, lu Harrlsliurg, for
tlie last year, has returned home te Lan
caster. Miss Lizzle Martin and IMward A. Swarr
nre spendlug the suuuner wllh relatives In
Hagerstown, Aid.
Airs. Jehn McGevsm anil daughter and
Alias Nellle ltryant loll for Atlantic City this
Allss Laura Dellaven, of Lancaster, Is
Hpending the week with Air. Henry Armlt
and family in Mauhelm.
Allss Martha McCully. oI'LancaHter, Is the
guoslefJ. It. Alossuer, in Kplirata.
Allss Alargie llelnltsh, et Lancaster, In the
guest el Mrs. Dr. 1). J. AlcCaa, Kpbrata; Allss
lllanche Neviu, of Lancaster, mid Airs. Dun
bar Jenkins, of Mississippi, wero also the
guests et the doctor's family, part of the
Weman Seek, itellef In SuUiile.
The dead body of ' Atell " lvaiis, a notori
ous woman of the town, was found Hatting
in the Schuylkill river near Heading, by
(leorge Krlck, a lishenuau. lu a clump of
bushes near by lay thosun-benuotnnd Jersoy
of deceased, but nothing te show the motive
for the deed. Alary Kvnns was .'ITi years of
age. Years age she lived Willi some of the
best families, tint was led astray, and finally
becatue n lauiillar character in llie police
courts. Only recently she was released from
the county Jail, aud last Friday evening she
Jumped into the river te end her lire, but
was rescued.
A Hlut te the llalhfr.
Kdward Alunsen, a grocery cleric, went
swimming near the West Shere Terry at
Woehawken, New Jersey, en Wednesday
night. While In the water his clothes were
stolen, aud he "walked te'lils home, nearly a
inlle distant, in au empty barrel,"
lla.a lull ou Thur.tlay,
The l'hlladelphla base ball club defeated
the Kaunas City by a score et 13 te 2, and the
St. LeuU defeated the Athletics, 10 te 3,
TlieHensle IM)elr. Murh Time te DliriiM II.
Nn Artlini Taken.
The Honate dovelod the greater part or
Thursday le the consideration or llie .Morri
son mirplus resolution. Air. Allisen (who
had roimrted Iwk the tesolutlen Irem the
cemmllten en fiiiance) opened the debate
llospekoof Uie Imiwiriance of the snbjeel,
nnd hew Itopenod the whele financial ones.
Hener the government, but hnped thatatthls
late stnge of the sosslen the discussion would
1)0 closely cenllned te the distinct points In
volved. Theso wero twe-the first relating
te the currency, and tlm next relating te the
matiflgoment or the current business or the
The llouse Joint roHntutleii (known as the
AInrrlsen resolution) protMwed, In absolute
terms, te set apart, dedicate and doveto tluO,
1)00,0110 rer the sjiocllle purjiose or redeeming
United States netes, and for nn ether purpose
whatever. If that Joint resolution should
pass without the dotting of au 1 or the cress.
Ing of at, It would stand In the pathway el
the Hocretary of the treasury In managing the
current business. If the secretary should
undortake te use any (Mirtlen of that tluo.noo, tlue.noo, tluo.neo,
(XHl for current obligations, he would vlolate
n distinct and clear prevision of law. Thero There Thero
lero It was that the commlttee en llnauce had
thought it wIhe te roservo n further working
iund or tan,WK),e(ja
Air. Alcl'horsen declared that lr thore wrs
ene thing for which the Hepubllcan party
waseiiiiiieu ve nil commenuauon, it was ler
Us faithful guardianship el the public faltli
nnd the malntonauce of the public credlt.
Itseomed. however, as If the Democratic
majority In Uongress had begun te fear that
the only chance was lelt te show that they,
tee, had a llnauclal policy, aud In eager haste
they wauted te doineuslrato It. They pro pre pro
iiesod te deal with the surplus In the trea
sury In such n manner as must needs trench
en the roserve or te pay the three per cenL
Isinds In silver dollars. Te both these prop prep
ositions the Democratic prosldent and the
Democratic secretary of the treasury wero
unalterably oppeaod. The Democratic ma
jority In Congress propesod te rob the trea
sury of Its geld roservo by continuing te
com suver ueuars (werin Hoventy-tiireo
cents) at the rate or two and a half millions
a mouth. If the llouse resolution were
passed then the country would be at ence en
a sllver basis.
Air. Plumb bollevod that thore was no ne
cessity for keeplng even a surplus or tlOO,
0X1,000 lu Uie treasury. That amount was
equal te one-thlrd or the outstanding govern
ment notes, and thore was no probability or
any large amount of geld being called for In
oxchange rorcurrency. lle bollevod that it
reserve of llfty millions would be amply
Independently or the amount or money In
the treasury he wns lu favor of telling the
socretary el the treasury exactly what Con Cen
gress meant the policy or the treasury te be
en this Important question. He was in iaver
el taking away Irem him that discretion
which be new had and which he (the secre
tary) insisted should be left with him. He
was In Iaver or letting the poeplo w be elect
thelr representatives te Cengress say from
llmetotlme what the interests or the coun
try require, and net leave It te the socretary
el the treasury, who bolleved In that which
was fundamentally oppesod te what the
Iicople regarded as their Interests, and which
jielicy he (the secretary) proposed te carry
out mercilessly and remorselessly.
Air. Sheimau addressed the Senate In
favor or the Joint resolution as amended by
the commlttee en llnauce. He considered it
net as a elltIcal butasn business preposition.
It undortoek te regulate the redemption
fund or the treasury. lllthorte this had been
left te the discretion or the socretary or the
treasury, under certain limits dolluexl by law.
The whele et the llnauclal system of the
governmeut, he said, rosted en the fulcrum
or solid coin, and would be allected by any
tampering with It. Coin was tlie basis el nil
banking, and no governmont ought te enter
en the business el Innking without adopting
all the conservative iirincl)les et banks. If
It did some " Illack Friday" or seme uufor uufer uufor
seon event would dissip.ue the whele llnau
clal system, nnd make it sink in ruins.
He would give te the Democratic adminis
tration of the treasury such n reasonable
working lialance ns would cnabte it te meet
atl possible contingencies -neitlier mero nor
less. He would let that fund or f 100,000,000
stand as long as the pyramids stand as tlie
basis rer the rodemptlon el f.'lj:l,000,000 green
backs. The ollect or tlie lesolutien as it
passed the Heuse would be (though net se
intended) te contract, the national bank cir
culation te tlie amount of ?li),t)i,00.
Air. Jenes, or Nevada, suggested that hall
a de70n or millionaires lu New Yerk could
get up the "extrnenliuary emergency"
which would Justify tlie secretary in suspend
ing calls.
" If our credit is se weak and se peer as
that," salil Air. Sherman, " half n 1I07011 mil
lionaires could get up a scare. It may le
done ; but L de net (car II.''
"Did they net de It Iat summer"" asked
Air. Jenes.
"Ne, sir. They trightoned somebody."
"They lrlt;lilened the HOeretary of the
"That may be," replied .Mr. Sherman.
"Hut nothing will disturb the soreultyotour
llnauclal system, unions it lie the settled con
viction and belief ou the part el the poeplo
that Congress 1h determined te chance the
standard money of the country and bring us
down te a single standard silver. Hut It will
be Congress that will de it, net the bankers.
The bankers will take advantage of their op
portunities nnd protect thomselves, nnd tlie
burden of the less will Tall en the people."
Air. Teller advocated the resolution as It
came from the llouse. It was necessary and
proper for theso who Imlleved that the public
debt should Is) paid toveto for the resolu
tion, in order that the surplus ever f 100,000,
000 might be paid out ou the public debt aud
the burdens of the people tse far, at east,) re
duced. Air. Jenes, of Nevada, asserted his bellef
that n shrinkage volume of mouey had In
Dieted mero evil, mero siillering, moropon meropon morepon
altios, en the American people than they hail
ever sullered from war, iostilencoand fam
ine. What the poeplo wanted .was money
net geld, net silver, but dollars that would
liquidate debt and keep the red ting of the
Hherlllaway from the w Indew. It tlie secre secro socre
tary or the treasury would oxerciso the ills,
cretien given him by the silver bill or 1S7S,
and coin up le the maximum four million n
month no evll of contraction would De felt.
After speaking ler nearly two hours, he
yielded for a motion te go Inte secret ses
sion. A M)Merlou Kulilile In Nen Yerk.
A woman who registered nt the llarrett
house, Hrendway and Forty-third street,
N. Y., Wednesday night at 7 o'clock as Mrs,
Slinely, or Philadelphia, was ieiind dead
Thursday in tlie room te which she had
lieen assigned. She wns discovered by the
chambermaid In laid anduudressed, with a
bullet wound ever the heart and a pearl-handled
pistol iu her hand, She had been dead
at least six hours.
A note addressed te the coroner read as
follews: "I write this te avoid the neces.
slty of holding nu inquest evor me. I nui
one of (led's unfertuuntes, and doltel my
own froe will and for my family's sake."
The note Uire no signature. The woman
before taking her lite had destreyed seme
letters, fraginents of paper being found lu
the spittoon. It Is bollevod that she pro
cured opium when she went out during the
evening. She was geed-looking, had clear
black uvea aud dark hair. She was believed
te be a .southerner, nnd was later ascertained
te be a divorced woman, the dlssolutodaugh dlsselutodaugh dlssolutedaugh
lor of Cel. Hlchard II. Johnsten.
Sent tint 1" (let Se her.
Jamas McCarthy, ene of the men em
ployed by the new electrie light company,
was beard by Alderman Ferdney, this
morning en a charge or drunkenness and
disorderly conduct, preferred by thu fore
man C. S. Hepkins. He was committed te
Jail rer Odays te glve him a chance te get
AlcCarthy was takeit bolore Judge Patter
son en a writ et habeas corpus this alternoen
and was discharged from custody, the evl evl
deuce falling te show that he was disorderly
when arrested.
lteturneit te III. (Inner,
(leorge W. Htyer's liorse was found run
ning lu the alley, rear of the station house, at
'.! o'clock this morning by Chiel Smith, and
returned te his owner, The herse had been
let out of the Htable by seme unauthorized
person, who has a key te the stable. This Is
the third tlme within a recent period that the
horse has been let out et tbe stable.
minmnt.K talk or hmaik vanni.
nAt.tKH in .Ann aheu.
Men nnil Wninen Hying nl Hunger anil
Ma Frem Htsrvstlmi Kraut I'pnn the
Dead ilnille. of Their I -ate Cem
psiilnne All Awful Mery,
HosTex.July S0.-AHU Jehn, N. !'., spe
cial in the iliU'ermeriiayB: Hergenatls Yer,
oneofthoFsqulmaux who arrived hore en
the "Nancy Harrett" from Okkak. Labrador.
says that the population of that settlement
was nearly 130, yet when he left with Ids
wlle net a aeul romalned. Karly In .March
reed gave out. Kvery drop or oil and
bit or sealskin was utilised and nt
rare Intervals a liear was killed, but
llnally the supplies were qulte ex
hausted. On June :i, they had eaton
nothing for six days, and, goaded with
hunger, they foasled upon the cerpses of
several whites and a few Indians that had
lioen kllled by the cold. Wlien ene of their
own parly dled his or her bedylvas cut open,
me cniruus were taken out wid the re-
mninder was fro7en up for use. Frem tills
feed torrlble dysontery set m among
the survivors, and ou July 1 thore
wero but 1(5 persons left allve,
the bodies of evor 25 having been
eaton. The sixteen survivors started
down the coast In a slodge drawn by few
dogs. The only living creatures left them,
their poules having been sacrificed toappeaso
hungerlongbeforo. Whonabeut2t mllosfrem
Cape Atugferd n heavy snow storm set In
whlle the party were endeavoring te llnd
thelr way they wero altacked by whlte bears
te the number of 25 or se, which kllled all or
the party but two, the survivors being among
the number at Cape Atugferd. Yer reports
that mero than ene half of the entlre popu
lation have dled of hunger. Thousands of
bears have croased ever Irem I'onnyland,ran I'ennyland,ran I'onnyland,ran
sacked the stores or Okak, dug open the
graves and devoured the (lead and attacked
the living.
The governor el New Feundland yosterday
rocived the following dispatch from Alayor
Hewland, or Terente : " De the necessities
of the Inhabitants of Labrador inake ltdo ltde ltdo
sirable that 1 should appenl rer help rrem
our cltfreus? I think many would Kindly
glve ir help Is required."
An answer will be sent Informing Air.
Hewland or the destitution prevaling and re
questing asslstnnce.
A Yeung (llrl Found llneclns lu a Itural
WAMtiNftTo.v.Ohle, JulySO. The 11-year-old
daughter of Jehn Pfeiler, a larmer living
two miles from this place, arese at the usual
hour this morning and breakfasted with the
family In apparently geed health. Shortly
alterwards che went lu the direction of the
barn. Net re turning in a few hours, mem
bers of the lamlly went out te see if any acci
dent had betallen her. On opening the deer
they wero horrified te llnd her lifeless body,
still warm, hanging by a repe from a beam
overhead. Thore Is nothing te indlcate why
she committed suicide and seme neighbors
claim that she was the victim or n foul
A Suc-ceuriil rung Dl.tanre Italloen Voyage.
Londen, July se. Af. L. W. Heste, the
icrenaut,and AI. Alangot.the astronemor,who
asconded from Cherbourg, France, in the
balloon Terpllleur," belonging te the llrst
named gentleman, landed in Londen at six
o'clock this morning iu safety. The ascent
was made irem Cherbourg at 11 o'clock last
night and It was the Intontieu et the
v oyagers te make a two-day's Journey. The
balloon was provided with stoerlng nnd pro
pelling apparatus. The men propose te make
n veyage from Cherbourg te Norway.
The Saratoga Karen.
S.UATen., N. Y., July SO. Third extra
day ; weather clear and warm. Track fast ;
attendance fair.
First race, purse fSOO; tive-eighth mile;
Harofeot 1, Lord Leme 2, Hess 3. Time 1:02.
Mutunls paid, tl'iW,
Second race, purse 100; all ages; mile and
sixteenth: Hen All 1, Alonegram 2, AtacelaS.
Time, 2:01. .Mutuals paid, S5.S0.
The lietll del. Looie In Teiaa.
At Hrownsvllle, Texas, F.manuel Cualrez,
aged 10 years, killed his stepmother with an
nxe whlle she was sleeping. The boy was
found by her cerpse weeping. He said "he
had liecome enraged because she would net
let him go te the circus, nnd that when he
nwnke this morning the devil told him te cut
her head oil."
(loed New. Fer Heading.
Washington, I). C, July 30. The presi
dent approved c number et bills tills morn
ing, including the ene providing for the erec
tion efa public building at Heading, Pa.
Our Aiigunl Court.
Fp te neon today ene hundred nnd nine
cases have been returned te the August
quarter sessiens court. The list will be added
te during the next two weeks and will reach
ev or 150 cases. v 1th the old cases en hand
the August court will Im a heavy ene.
The trial list for the common pleas courts,
beginning August tu and 30, were issued to
day. The important cases ou the list are the
suits of the New Helland Turnplkocempany
against the Farmers' Mutual Insurance com
pany of Lancaster county ; the I'nlen Steam
Knglne and Forcing llose company Ne. 1
against Lancaster city ; Ell Wenver and
Kdward F. Yohn acalnst Levi Seiisnnlir llm
county of Lancaster vs. Commissioners
Alyers, Suminy and HUdebraud, lssue te
determine whether the surcharge of the
auditors la correct, and Alnrla K. Hell against
Pennsylvania railroad company, te recever
damnges ler the killing of her husband.
Te lie Tried Hi Court.
August Kummlre was heard by Alderman
Ferdney this morning, en charges of ma
licious mischief and fast driving. Jehn For Fer
rich appeared ns the prosecutor, aud the tes
timony was te the ellect that Kummlre was
driving at a greater rate or speed than al
lowed by law and ran into the team of Fer
rich. Fer the fast driving a line or M and
costs was imposed, nnd for the malicious mis
chief" the alderman roqulred Kummlre te
enter bail ler trial at court. Kummlre also
iipialed the last driving case te court.
The Ijvrge.t l'lrule et the Keaieu,
The Union Sunday schools plcnle at Pen
ryn te-day is the largest of the seasen.
Frent Alanhelni thore wero 20 carloads of
passengers; from Petersburg there wero 7
carloads j from Alyorstewu, Lebanon county,
thore wero 10 carloads 45 carloads iu all, and
overy car packed. Hew many mero have
gnne there ou the regular trains tills after
noon we have net learned, but it Is sare te
say 5,000 persens nre at l'enryn park te-day.
Hand Manned.
Whlle engaged In coupling cars at Lancas
ter Junction yosterday, Jehn I tames brake
man en the Lancaster it Junction railroad,
had his right baud caught betweeu the bump
ors el the cars and badly mashed. The In
jured mail was taken te Mniihelm where his
wounds were dressed by Dr. Jehn Dunlan.
Ffortunately no bones were broken. Air
Harues was sent te his home at Columbia en
the afternoon tram.
Cut ting Ihe Unlet.
J. II. Schnelder has received a lotter from
the etllcers of the Hed Star line announcing
a cut in stoerage passage from Antwerp te
this country. The cut rates are te New Yerk,
f 15 ; le Philadelphia, JliM.- The regular
rate was f25. It is probable that theother
steamship companies will fellow suit.
at t.Asmarn.r.H oamvmkktime.
"They . Shall Dwell In Thelt Tent. HAIely ami
Sleep lu the Weed.."
LlNlllSVIl.t.U C'AMIWtnilTINO (IneUNl)S,
JulynoKev. Othe Hrandt,of Mllloniyllle,
conducted the early morning sorylce yester yestor yoster
day. Kevs. Ames JohnBen, el Heading, and
O. U. Cook, or AIL Jey held the 8iW A. Al.
meeting ; Uev. Dr. J. (). Knewles preached nt
10 A. AI ; llev. C. Hhoadshascharge or the
children's meeting at H10 o'clock, which was
wellBUoiiiled. The blackboard oxerciso wns
Kev. O. H. Cook, pastor of the Alt. Jey Ab
K. church, preached at .1 o'clock, nt the main
stand, rrem St. Luke xvl, 22, 23. Notwlth Netwlth
standing the inteupe heat at this hour, the
i",rel "u n wiiju ami auenllvn nudlonce
prosent te listen te his oxcellont discourse,
A spirited prayer meeting followed the sor ser sor
vlce and ene gontleman went te thealtar and
was ropertod converted. This makes tlie
second con vert.
The six o'clock p. m. prnyer meetlng was
lead by Kev. J. F. Crouch, the presiding
eldor, and was largely attended ; te-ilay Alias
Llrrle. Smith, el Philadelphia, takes charge
of this meeting. s
Hev.D. T. Smyth, pastor of the Quarry Quarry
vllle M. K church, proached an oxceltent ser ser sor
men In tlie ovening at 70 o'clock at the
pavilion. A very large audlonce groetod the
preacherand listened with marked attontlen
tliroiiglieut the term or Us dellvery about
three-quarters or an hour. Hev. Smyth
base X his discourse en the 8th vorseof the
5th chapter of St. Alatthew ; ' Hlosseil are
lliopure in lioartfer they shall soe Cletl."
The congregation and the choir sang the
!d and 521st hymn rrem the church hymn
book collections. '
After the Hormeu the presiding eldor con
ducted a prayer meetlng which preved te le
the host et all. A goodly number went
rerward and several are rnported converted.
The eldor was nsslsted by llev. J. T. Satchell
nnd ethors. The meetlng closed witli the
Yesterday was a het day In camp. Kvery
ene feels mero or less the ollects of the heat,
but the meeting are well attended dosplte
tlie warmth.
Hotweon 75 and SO tents are new occupied.
The weeds still keeiis in geed condition
rree rrem dust and mud.
Among thrrnew arrivals yosterday wero
t 6A0,U,', takestraw, Philadelphia; Hev.
J. O. Oable, Seuth Chester, Pa.; Hev. r.
Sneatli, of tlie csleyan unl versity ; Hev. Dr.
Swlnde Is. Philadelphia; Airs. Hehrer and
Miss Hlnlener, of I'hlladelphla, eccunyliiK
Dr. Swindells' cottage, belonging te thu Col Cel
umbla Af. li church.
ILShuberthas arrived with smiling face
as of yore, meeting with a henrty reception
by the camiiers all evor the grounds. Air.
S. oxpecbj te remain in camp till Alenday.
On the Ground Te-day.
Kev. S. W. .legler had charge of tlie
six o'clock prayer meeting te-day.
Hev. (I. G. Kakestrnll, or Philadelphia,
led the eight o'clock prayer and experience
Hev. Chas. Kheads, of St. Paul's AL K.
church, Lancaster, organized a Yeung Alen's
Christian association. The following are the
o(llcers : Prosldent, Win. H. Whoeler, Ala
rlelta; secretary, D. S. Smith, Lancaster;
statistical secretaries, Jeseph Sewors, Leba
non , W. G. llean, Lebanon, Rev. O. H.
Cook, Alt. Jey, treasurer. All botweon the
ages et 12 and -lOare admitted te actlve mem mem
bershin. The association starta eir with
about twolve or llltoen members. Time of
meetlng, eight o'clock a. m.
Kev. J. It. T. Gray, or the AL K. church,
Lancaster, preached at 10 o'clock from the
Mh Psalm, Sth vorse. " What Is man ? "
The sermon was a geed ene and despite
the heal a large congregation was present.
Te be l'rinecuted us a I'roieMlena! Tramp
Tlie Mayer's Court;
Haltlmore Joe was roleased from prison
yesterday morning, and announced bla In
tention of going West. He went te Uie I enu
sylvanla railroad depot and bought a tckrt
rer Hohrerstewn. While waiting rer U
train he took tee many farowell drinks In tne
city he said he was leaving forever, and he
llnally fell into thu hands of Olllcer Wen
ninger. Joe was disposed te resist the elllcer
butwhonbesawOilleor Jloechlor approach
ing he said he would go nleng quietly.
The mayor sent him te prison ler flve
days, the understanding being that a com
plaint is te be made against him for being a
professional tramp. This complaint will be
made for the purpese or having him tried iu
the quarter sessions court anil ir convlcted
Bent out for se long a term that the olllcers
will net be annoyed with him for seme time.
Michael Kelly wascustomer Ne. 2. He was
arrested by Otlfcer Heas, resisted that official
and tere thu coat from his beck. He was
sent te the vvorkheuso te break stene ler the
next 10 days. Customer Ne. 3 was llattie
Wilsen, who has liured frequently .in the
pollce courts with the I ngram family, whose
notorious house was raided a number or
times by the X)liceinen. llattie was arrested
this morning byOftlcer Walsh for insulting
poeplo ou the Btroet. When asked her age
she declined te glve It, and the mayor
put it down as 15. It made llattie very In
dignant that she should be put ou record as
ttve and forty. She was committed te the
county prison for SO davs.
Uemlnlck McCaffrey", llrnvery at Atlantic City,
About neon Thursday, Demiulck AlcCaf AlcCaf
frey and party of Plttsburgers, among
whom was'Squlre O'Hrieu, of the Twelfth
ward, et Pittsburg, wero bathing from
Hrady's bath heuses, Atlantic City, where
the llradferd brothers, the Pittsburg llfe
guards, are stationed. The tlde was exceed
ingly high and the undertew very Istreng.
AtcCatl'rey, as is his custom after battling in
the surf a little while, started out for a swim.
O'Hrlen followed him. They swam out a
Httlo'distance aud then AtcCallrey, who was
ahead, turued and headed up tbe beach
towards Applegate's pier. O'Hrlen, who Is a
geed swimmer, trled te fellow him, but the
undertew was tee strong. He then attempted
te go back, but wns unable te make It After
battling soveral minutes with the current he
became sick nnd sank.
When he came up he shouted for help.
Poeplo en the beacli heard the cry, but
thought him In fun. He sank again. Then
be came up again and shouted te AtcCallrey,
who had been splashing the water, and this
prevented him hearing before. When his
attention was attracted he turned. Soelng
the 'squire going under he made n long dlve
nnd came up near him. AtcCallrey liad never
handled a man In the water bolore, but he did
net hesitate. HoHOl?ed and held him until
he get a little breath, then took him under
bis arm and swam nshore, where an excited
crowd received him aud made him the here
of the hour.
Autograiilisef Great Wine-Drinker..
One of the quoer characters of New Yerk Is
Lorenzo Helch, whose lingo apartment-house
Is seen te be orected en Firth avonue. lle Is
a little bit et a man, but a genuine oUl-fash-ienod,
old country wiue merchant, the soul
of hospitality and generosity. He bes Ingra
tiated himself with the wealthy people of
New Yerk, aud with prominent poopleovery peopleovery poepleovery
whero, by the diligence with which be has
prosentod the claims of the famous Tokay
w lues, of which poets have written, aud ever
which philosophers have discoursed. He
has a little ollice In bis house down en
Lloventh street where he proserves letters
received by him from prominent personages,
until his cabinet remarkable Inter
est ter tue collection et auiegrapus aioue.
no collection et auiegrapus aiuuu.
J rant, Win, 11. Vanderbllt, lleeeher,
wraln, Kebort Drowning, Henry W.
ew, Whlttlerand Win, E. Gladstone
Goneral urant.
Alark Twain
Lonirfellow. 1
are enl v samnles of the class nl poeplo whom
he has drawn around him. The letter from
Gladstone was written within a month or
two ami dated at lUwardeu Castle.
T. M. U. A. Heur..
During August the Y, AL C. A. moms -will
be only open as lollews : Frem 1) te 12 o'clock,
a. m ; from 3 te 5 o'clock, p. in., aud from
G-30 te 11-30 In the evening.
The following special commlttees bave
been announced by tbe president : Te
make arrangements for a Hlble study
class Messrs. H. S. High, Themas
Whltsen and P. O. Haverstlck ; te
open correspodence with the itate ex ex
ecutlve commltteo, te have the state con
vention for 1887 meet In Lancaster Messrs.
K. L. Levan, W. A. HelUhu and A, F.
a rit Avi'Merm.
K.eruil.e ltUtinM, niipeMsi r-An Agf
ineut Heat lied nn the ItUerand fUrbe ,
A.iro.rlllen IIUl-;A0,00a (irsnted
I'er llreilglng New Verh Harber,
Wasimnuten. D. (!.. Jnlv inin,,ji
ately after the Journal was read, theHenat
went Inte socret session and rennnned the
nomination ofdeorgoA. Jenks, te be solid,
ter goneral ; also, the nomination el Jehn II.
Hedman, te be collector or Interns! roventi
for the district or Alalne.
The Injunction of socrecy wns romevod
from the rejections of Themas I Ian Ien, nom.
nated for collector of Internal rovenuo, 7Ui
Indiana district; Clinten Hesette, nomlna nemlna nomlna
tedrerpostmastorat DeKalb, Illinois; from
the conllriimtlens or William V. Hendersen,
or Arkansas, te be associate Justice of the su
preeo court or New Moxlce ; and Aterrls A.
Themas, or Haltlmore, te be Indian Inspec
tor. '
Mr. VnnWyck orierod a resolution pre.
vidlng that the oxtradltlen treaty between
the I'nlted States and Great Hrltaln, which
Is pending, Ikj considered with open doers j
laid evor.
The secret sessien was nrdored se quickly
aller the assembling that occupants of the
press and ether galleries had scarcely suf.
Ilcient time te vncate bolore socret business
was begun. A stranger net knowing that
he was trespassing en forbidden ground,
boldly marched Inte the gallerles dur
ing the socret sessien, and when
alsnit te take a Heat was startled
by the gostures el ofllcers en the
Meer or the Sonate, who signalled hint te
retire The iucldent seen became nnised
about and croated much merriment for theso
outside, but was apparently qulte-a shock te
a number of tlie advocates of socret oxectltlve
The secret sessien Iasted but about Ave
minutes. The doers wero then reopened and
routine business was proceoded with.
After routlne business the Senate proceoded
te debate the "surplus" resolution. Mr.
F.dmunds objectod te a preposition te vote en
the measure at 5 p. m., saying that after the
financiers bad llnlshed talking he might de
sire te submit a few observations " In a mod
est way."
TIIK niVUIt AND HAltnOlt 11U.U
Tbe cenference commltteo en the river and
harbor bill has llnally reached a co """-"Ien
Itnriis nf lens than 'f) ftfkl urn iirv. boare,
. , ,.,u ...v "-AI
duced, and the Uonnepin canal ,nr,
for by a prevision accepting th choenor,
Michigan canal, and providing f-J0t, was
of the former. storm last
Chairman Willis, of the Heuse'1.-Jia.b,e'
nn fll'ATSI anil Imrlmra ulll .Itaaanf ii.nm'v
ar.nAn.nnf n.i.l nn.rtflmntwn 4t.n .LhIa ..111 i.- Afct . ..J'J
iiidviuuiiiiiiiu auiauuwe uiu nuumuiil, UU1 25t'
it Is goneral ly conceded that It will pass both
Houses In its medllled form.
Under tbe agroement reached by the con
ference commltteo en the rlver and harbor
bill, the clause appropriating f750,000 for
New Yerk harbor is retained In the bill.
Heuse Proceeding..
The llouse passed tbe bill providing for the
completion of the public building at Santa
Fe, N. Al.; also the Senate bill authorizing
tbe construction of a public building at
Hprlnglleld, Mass., with nn amendment reduc
ing the limit of cost tot 100, 000.
Mr. Smalls, of Seuth Carolina, ollered a res
olution appropriating tlOO.OOO for the relief of
persons rendered dostltute by the overflow
el the Santee, Pedee and Waccaman rivers la
Seuth Carolina ; rorerred,
Orave npprehonslens are entortalned tint
the sundry civil appropriation bill will delny
adjournment of Cengress till the tniddle of
next week- There are nearly 250 points of
dllleronce betwoenthe two Houses, and the
conferees will net meet until te-night. The
disputed paragraphs lnvolve about 1300,003.
A bope Is entortalned by these who continue
te think that adjournment will be reached en
Alenday that the expiration of the extension
of current appropriations at midnight en the
llrst proxime, will spur the oenferees te con
cession, which will lead te a coneluslon some
tlme te-morrow.
After routlne business the llouse resumed
consideration et voteod pension bills.
CWashinqten, D. C, July 30. Fer
Kastorn;t'ennsylvanIa,New Jersey, and
Delaware, generally fair weather,
southerly winds, a slight Tallin tomperature.
Fen SATimiiAY Slightly cooler, fair
woather Ls Indicated for tbe New England
states, and generally fair weather, with sta
tionary tomperature for the Allddle Atlantis
m i
Jehn Simpsen, of Valley Falls, K. L, was
struck by lightning In that town during the
thunder storm early this morning and fatally
burned. His wife and child, who were
sloeplngwith him, escaped with only a few
burns. In Warwick and Providence the
lightning struck several barns and houses,
butaslde from killing a fowcews,no ene was
The convention of the Knights of Laber.
Hath, Maine, adjeurned last night te meet at
Augusta, January 4, 1837. Hoselutlons were
adopted oxtendlng cordial nud heartfelt sym
pathy te Varnell and Gladstene and all true
champions of down-treddon Ireland.
A riVlmln Ul T n.i.u ( l.'nmaoe Fltr ielrnil
gauge freight train went through abridge ?&,
evor the Wabash rlver, at Hlullten, this morn- - y?
Ing at llve o'clock ; throwing the locemotlro -t"l
and six cars into tue river. Killing air. J.erter,v. E.f r3
bead brakeuian, and fatally cialiningorscald-eaaW '
Ing Jehn SIple, engineer; Jehn Williams, S-J
ureman, anu joe rraiiKuoner, uraKeman. JSJEKs
Count Hylaudt Hheydt, Austrian mlnUterPKO '
or war, has lssued an order termadlng thei.j
presence of newspaper correspondents at the ;' ji-;
inauu'uvrenei uiu Ausiriau army in uuicia n h.,
tliii fall. I '
The Oerman lnercliants at llateum have "HSi
mmu nilutib tJWllilOiUljr luiunu unmg iu ftuv
abolition by the Huaslan government of the Si
freedom of that pert. 'i '
The oxiled Ilelglan Socialists in Lille are r 2f
l.nlnn IftArMlA l.,i)iiili l.hnrani t mplfltiv t Sv
man'u ilAtiiinBtratlnnn
All Mexican cemmanders have received
orders te arrest Gen Troviue en sight, bat
the probability Is that he ls In the United
States at some point Hare from government
Fire this niernlmr destreved the lam
llcuring mill or Hulk .t Hei), at Alancheater, i
Vu. J.ossaneui fin.uuu.
Air. Uladstone has gene te Osberne te sub
mit te the queen a list of the honors custo
mary for a retiring premier te bestow.
The prlces el railroad rails in Berlla have
rallen 20 and 25 marks per ten. owing te the
dissolution of the International rail conven
tion. The parents or Eliza Armstrong, the
lish girl, are about te bring suit aealnat.
the owners of theJVifi Mall llazelte, Kdller '
Stead and Gen. Heek, of the Salvation Araur
for libel and assault en their daughter. Tkejr u
will claim damasea airirreir.tlnir I'H.OOOL TIM it
defendants are endeavoring te effect oemf
a tieggar w nn Wiw " j: i
A man elalmlnir te be F. W. Mormn.ef v
Whlte lUalne, N. Y'., but believed te be OHmt'.
Hperry, the defanlUng treasurer or Cteatw1 7,
qua county. N. Y was iinMlmr , ;
City Thursday evening "e8Sfifc-2f '
bis person were found ever 15,000 hi beadh
considerable cash, Jetton .from Ft .
men and addresies of ell the lerge tealnwi , ,
bankers In the country. TbenehsMg.
eualy denies thst he Is Sperry. but K F.
Hvnil. a former lumber merchant of CHsm ,
iauqua county, who was wel 1 acqualnled WUh
Heerrv. ls quite certain he U the Hiaeh wwl
SSasSrerT who .lcended le May, UWL '
tSO.000 of the oeunty'a funds. UeWMkwiMki
uVand the efflcials of CtumtfAwueaapty
Betltied. ., f
; - , --
"atop. rt'&jgMttJSb