"i. . -iw' ., S 'sir wmwmmmm, TwmrrwmTi7 S J$& v THE LANCASTER DAILY IOTELMGKNCEB, THURSDAY, JULY 29, 1886. .1 i "&.' , w. f $t R'fc Par Eft ESr (i FT &" rar KM fi? i le& ik; m t L r' ft. i & c '5'' Intelligencer hi BVMY DAY IN THBYEAR ISundav Bnepitd.) I A wmk, rin dellim a Tiia, nnr I A BOTH. lLWnBTCAIISlW"" AD ALL AMOMtKO TVtCt. BAM. wwiw ma. limbal oemnsstoK ailewxd te CttmAaarra. tilbtrek oekciioh. tAPVlTiaiWO BATK8: lln.l iMn. The Weekly Intelligencer Wednesday Merninq. ILOO A TEAR, 11.00 rea SIX KOirTOS. C1VBS OF TBI), 1S00 add a oenr i TOiriMORB eiitiiia ur C&tfM. ejiMtreinmici belicttid rneN ktxrt r-ARTerTHi STATS' AJID COCHTBT. ALL AB0BTM0YS LKTTBRB WILL BM COiraiOBBO TO TUB WABTB BASKET. Addrttt all lUtri and Ttltgramt te THfl INTELLIGENCER, Intelligencer Building, Lane Hater, l'a. l)c juuuaetcr 3ntclligcnccr. LANCASTER, JULY T. 1K6. As Te "Sempliirj" Lawn. We publish lu another column an edito rial from the Philadelphia 1'ress entitled, " Democracy and Sumptuary Laws." The rress, as everybody knows, hasbecome tee smart for anything since it became the or gan of the Quay machine. The Press insists with infantile inno cence and prettiness, which no doubt the sweet young men of that complacent con cern deemed very beautiful and witty, that because the Democratic party is still, as it has ever been, opposed te intermeddling, unrepubllcan and unwholesome sumptuary legislation, it must, therefore, be logically opposed te high license, low license, graded license or any ether police regulation of the liquor traffic. Of course, the dear Pi ess does net mean this; it was only intending te be smart in its own little maladroit way. "We advise the I'rcs if it be leally in earnestr before it proceeds much further with this important question of the cam paign te inform itself of the meaning of the phrase "sumptuary laws." It will find out that such laws are these which reaulatb the diet and dress of the ieeple, R! JjliJilnA gn. 3ln.l I In. tin. IF ; iADT 7BllM.iSiSOe'S7 E&Vf , lauaiDlT. SO 10 3" B0 601, 7M li NmImwL.... Ien 1K 0" 080 SIS H&, FtalMHrV!7.l. HO 30 4(10 w 76 9 40 Rf eSTwmk 1 2 60 4SO 6M 8 SO 1060 lie'' tm f Mkl.M. M 4e TM) 1050 1S60 low SI: iKm mki SCO flOOl 10) I31W 1700 aim B ' v aMillnntb1.... 350 7 Oil 1200 mm 2000 2IIO A -fwOBOtllhS... MB 1000 1700 2-2 00 7701) 3100 K? - fcr Months,, eon noe wen wee 3100 sspe iV. "-ill Months .... BOO !H0m2SP0 )00 44 01 MOO & . pStTear 15 00 28 00 43 00 .'aw WW 9001) E , Published Every -,.. j,-Htfl attempt te define their expenses, forbidding this and permitting that, and making legal offense J of indulgences in feed , drink or attire, which are in themselves innocent. But opposition te such laws and they have ever been regarded its wholly contrary te the geniusef freeinstitiiliens does net Imply a denial of the power te tax for the pecuniary necessities of the state, or te regulate for the safety of the people. It implies the reverse. Recognition of the rightful existence of the business carries with it the obligation te regulate it justly in the interests of the whole people ; and the police iewer of the state comes in te see that no man s tights are denied ; en the ether hand no man's rights are invaded. It licenses; it taxes, it inspects; it protects miners; it shields the habitual drunkard ; and it forbids the immoral and the un worthy te engage In the business by its prescription of certain qualifications te the applicant. Tae Press is an unfortunate organ. It bas grown mere and mere luny every day since Quay llually anueuncrd his calamity ticket. When in November the people declare by their ballets that they will net have Mr. Quay fordictaterof tliocommon tliecommon tliocemmon wealth ; that the inhabitants of this state arc net the slaves of the discrimination of railroads and their lebj ists; and that they de net think it wise te promote drunken ness by throwing down the safeguards which surround the liquor traffic and at tempting prohibition, the young men of the Press will probably be made wiser by the shock te their tender sensibilities. The Chicago Anarchists. The deeds of the Anarchists, who are en trial in Chicago, were all fe open that it would have been strange indeed if there had been any serious difficulty in fixing the guilt upon the pieper parties, but Spies, Fischer and the rest of them seem te be much surprised at the weight of evidence brought against them. Ne concealment had been attempted by these dynamite warriors, but in all of their crimes they sought tje widest possible publicity, doubt less relying ter their safety upon the sym pathy e the crowds they gathered around them. They appear te be the victims of a peculiar form of mental aberration, which leads them te imagine a state of society that does net exist and te regard them selves as friends of the mas? es whom the masses will protect. Unfortunately there are se many feels in the world that when one or two of them ise n standard in a large citylike Chicago they cannot fail te draw a dangerous crowd of their fellow-feels tegether: greatly te the disgust and discomfort of all sane people. They belong te the Gulteau tvne of mint. !.,,! the type seems te be becoming mereplentl- iul. When becial science is reallv a science. Jffi when our political economy is at last firmly leunueu en some rock " in place," then, and net till then, will such human mou meu mou 8tre3lties as these Anarchist tre ubles have brought te light, be known no mere. This goal seems far away, and jwsslbly we are net half se civilized as we think we are, but let each generation de its best and we will get there. The highly organized gOYerament of the future will he control all classes that the misery and vice that generate Idiots and Anarchists will be im possible iu a law where an injury te oneis the concern of all. Sea Heard Defenses. Mr. Tilden has written a letter te Sena Sena eor Hawley in which he says he has 10 ceived mere than seven hundred news papers, from all parts of the country and representing nil political parties.ceiitaining expressions upon the subject of better pro tection te our sea ports; aud he very ateJngly urges that liberal appropiiatiens be made for this purpose In preference te .,. the many pending schemes of prodigality bum scnemes te wasie the public resources i Mt things known te be absolutely use- W 'Its Senate proposes te appropriate jtS8),000 ter fortifications, heavy erd in , rifled cannon and ether means of defending our exposed aea beard cities. It aHitt be admitted ttiat these govern- mental means of general protection are far mere popular and patriotic modes of expending meuey than the local jobs In volved in the river and haiber bill. m A Squirming Squire. Mayer Grace and Ttelliu M. Squire, com missioner of public works in New Yeik, have bad n personal nnd jHiliticil quarrel, which bas been Increasing in the luttnslty of Its bitterness. It culminates In the mayor calling upon him te show cause why he should net be removed, upeu charges of which a conspicuous one It that he wrote the following letter. Electrotype copies et it are piinted in the morning newspapers KW YeiiK, Dec 2C, 1SSI. Maurice Jl. Flynn, Vtq D i:ii Sin : In consideration of your scour. Ing net le8 than four County Democ racy aldermen whn shall vote for my confir mation as commiesiotier of public works, In the event that the mayor shall semi In my name for that eftlee, I hereby agree te place my resignation as commissioner In your hands whenever you may dmiuud tliesame, ami I u r tli or te make no nppelnttnent lu said ollice without your apprtnal and te make such removal therein na you may sugRest and request, and te transact the business of said ollice ns you may dlrecL Very truly yours, Uellin it. bqviniL Mr. riynn denies any knowledge of such a letter or agreement of any execution of Its terms. Nevertheless it Is likely squire must go. lie never was very far short of a fraud ; and he should have gene earlier. Plate Is bat leg quite a boom at Concord, and the Western dealers will toen be w riling te Iho nublishers for " his latest works." Tiik ldy en;the summit of our soldier's monument leeks denn en perspiring humanity with an exasperating calmue'ui that would insplre the gamiu te tbren a sun shade nt her head, il he w i net patriotic Till: steamship Labrador, el the Trench line, caught tire in New Yerk harbor yester day aud a dozen tug beats were required te extinguish the tlauies v ith the heavy streams or water that they threw. The city tire de partment refused assistance en the ground that the vessel was beyond the jurisdiction of the city authorities. Had this tire occurred In mid-ocean there would hae happened a marine dKiter UiU would excel in horror nil of lecent years, and this incident should lme its salutary ellect upon the steamship companies as an actual tire at seu; cemellliigtliem te provlde the most iHriect rmutpa and te tUciplluu their crew s. The line that will glve the best exhibition drill of Its crew In lighting tires and launch ing beats may count en the largest share of patronage IrCbalrmau Cooper' ollice furniture in cludes adlctleuary he mlfibt pretlubly lend the lean of It te the callow humorists of the VcM-Quay organ. The returns for the tlrst half of lvj show a remarkable iucrease in the output el pig iron; and the last hall el ISn'i sbewsan in crease ever the first six months of that year. The production of Bessemer steel rails, steel Ingots and open-hearth steel ingots for the tlrst halt of the present year tacli show a great Increase. In view of thu lact that dire results of Democratic administration ere predicted, this proof that the owls and the bats are net building their neUs in our fur nace stacks Is quite edifyltig. A few mere .rascals can be safely turned out without put ting out the furnace lues. Tin: elhce cats or the Republican news papers will seen have something mere than auiateur poetry te "chaw." C'jeper is send lng out some tatly slips. Te CeL A. Wilsen Norris' defense of his asautt upon thu Third army corps at Get tysburg, that It was composed of "Sickles and his New Yerk gang, " (Sen. W. W. II. Davis' Doylestonn Democrat make most effective answer. It appears Pennsylvania badelecu regiments In that corps te New New Yerk's nine; and the Keytone boys were riddled by the enemy's bullets Te be spoken of no deapltelully will net be agree able te the living Peiinsyli-anla heroes of thalcerps, and the friends of thu Umd will roiuember Nerrls when the ides of Novem ber coma If General noulaegorhad lieen an Ameri can politician the ridiculous duel episode would have killed all his changes for success in public lite ; but lu France they base such a curious idea of heroism that the general has come te Ik) regarded as a dangerous fellow, a pessible dictator. It has been met freely and frequently charged or credited te Luther that he was the author et the famous rollicking couplet. " llVr iilcnliicb UV(t, llVin mid deianv Dtr bltibt ein -Vurr iflii Ltltn tang " Ne evidence et the truth of this ascribed authorship has ever been di-ceered ; aud new Dr. Hchulze brings ovidence that the old couplet, substantially, Is considerably elder than Luther. In the " Jleormatertum HO Clericerum," published at llasle in 1 191, It is said: "liriug the best wine, for Abirjue itnere tt mere JtUc Icrlubitur neme' or, iu common language : " 'On ichen Veufn unit yule ll'irt Hag nvemrm relich ijii.' " Hence It appears this uproarieuscouplet, iu Its various forms, Latin and German, is elder than Luther. Tub Mexican press is Mexlcau press Is te be being something. belligerent, The congratulated en Tm: Vress shows a disposition te hedge aud a willluguess te uompremlso if the ad ministration will only step new that half the Republicans are turned out. It soenis te think "there Is much te be said iu favor or equallzlng the unices," and it would be con tent If Its friends who are yet lu wuih al lowed te stay. Nevertheless riceut events In the Chicago postelllco seum te Imllcale that such an oxperlmeut would net result aatlsfacteiily. Turn overy last rascal out. Maui iv Ilrniin was engineer en thu " Limlted Kx preas" en the Peunxy Ivaul.i read, lietwien Chicago and New Yeik. At or near Valparaiso, ludiaua, en Monday, a mlsplaced switcli carried ills train, geiug at full sjieed, en aside track en w liicli cod cars werestaudiug. Jle ruversed'tliuniigluiibuttlKi brakes refused te act and telling the (lreuiau te Jump ler life he remained at his inland succeeded iu clieckmg the tralu suilicleully te save the lives el the passengers but lest his own. Incidents or this kind are net infrequent ; but they are net given the prominence they deserve. Murders and embezzlement are telegraphed across the continent In detail, and "the evil that men de lives after them j the geed Is oft interred with their boueH." Londen bids fair te rival Paris as the home et scandal. J'-atlngTIielr Dead CeiiimiiI,iih. A dispatch from Whlte Kay says that a large number or Arctic bears, driven south by starvation, have crossed ever from Penny laud and are devastating that country. The Iiears number ever 1,000 and have apiieaied near Cairn Mugrerd. The Indians iu that locality are eating thelr dead roiupanlens. These who dle among the vvhitu settlers are burled secretly te keep the ICsqulmaux from getting their bodies. The graves are all dls guUed. A eut(lruiln murdrr At Penzance, Uugland, en Wednesday, a man named Hawke shot uud killed his sis ter, her husband, another woman and him aelf, a llfth person who was present narrowly escaping. Hawke was from Australia, and was a man of temperate hablta and social disposition. Ne motive can ba aislgned for the crime. He was chatting pleasantly with his relatives when he suddenly drew aie aie vel ver and fired, with the boeyo result. l& FERSpNAl.. Allan Liszt, the pianist, lu dangerously IU at Ilayreuth. Gei.nui Smith asserts that since the days of Demosthenes there had net been a dojen orators superior te Jehn might. He.v. HlCHAltl) V.vtx hasbeeu appointed by Governer Pattlsnn a delegate te the Pris on lteferin cqnventlen nt Atlanta, Ua. Pnnsliir.NT Ci.i:m:i.vsi) and his btide he engaged quarters iu the Adirondack, and expect te siiend a part et August there, Mns. Tolsem, the jiresident's mother-in-law, Is a guest nt the Whlte Heuse. Mie arrlved Weilnesdny and will remain several days. Miss Ci.v:vi:lani) has leen having her pleasaut house at Helland Patent thoroughly repaired, aud partly refiirnlshtsl for her future residence. Her editorial work will be done at home. A. Wilsen Nenius, the Republican candi date for auditor general, has been sent te Aaronsburg, Centre county, where there is only ene mall a week no railroad, telegraph or telephone communication. i.vky A. Aukk, third assistant secretary or state, has been ppeiuted by secretary HAyard te Is second assistant, v Ice v llllam Hunter, deceased, and Jehn It. Moere, of Delawaie, te be third assistant. Putkh A. Hvttie.vn, ixstmAster and publisher of the lttrahl, Milierstewu, IJutler county, made stime uncempllmeutary nllu nllu leu te seme ladles who went en a W. C T. T. plcnie out that way. A dozen of them waylaid aud cow hided 'him. lieLMxM.SiH'int:, commissioner of public works of New Yerk city, has bem netlDed by Mayer Grace te appear en August Ith, and show w by he should net be deposed from ofUce, ou seveu charges el maladministratien aud violation of law. Mb. Moenv, the evangelist, is conducting thoeellege students' summer school for Blble study In tlie Mount Hermen boys' school, a mlle from the railroad station and Tour miles from Mr. Meedy's Nerthtleld home, en the highlands of the western banks of the Connecticut Hlver. MissClamun, the beautiful daughter of Judge Clayten, et Delaware county, started for a mountain rlde en a strange horse at Crosseu a few days age and alment at the start was threw n. She plucklly ordered an other herM) and nsle for an hour, but en tier return became suddenly hysterical and whlle sitting en the parch tell from her chair. Since then she has Uen in a critical condi tion. Qi Kl.v Mauuiibkitx, of Italy, had seut te her a pair of knitted stockings by a Uttle f oii eii r.idind. Tlie queeu sent the girl iu return another pair of stockings, one containing geld celu, the ether ben-bens and a note ask ing her te say which of the stockings gave her the mere pleasure. " Dear Madam the (Jueen, " wrote the child in reply, ' I have had nothing but trouble with the stockings. My father took tlie ene with the geld pieces and my brother took the uiie with the sweets! " A SCIIUUI. lit' I 'J rAGMTfU.V. lie Takrsa Trip ami I'remUrs Ills Father te Write Hint the Incidents of tlie Jenrni-jr. riem the Pittsburg threnkle it is net only the young man who is dee ly lutereteil In Inise ball. 1'he school boy, .is the following letter, written by a boy of 11 te his father in this city, w ill show. The boy Is spending his vacation in Columbus, Ohie, and had premised te wnte te his father faith ful accounts of what he saw en the read and what was of Interest te him In Columbus. He did se, and it is easily seen by his letter where his mind Is at present, The letter is well written and is w ell worth reading. Ills as fellows : Colv Mills, Ohie, July leth, KnJ. Dkau Papa. I get here safe and sound last evening about dark. It was a splendid trip, and according te premise- I will write you all about IU The only thing I regretted In leav lug was that 1 missed Boeing the last game et the series between the AUeghenya and the Mets; but we get a telegram last night that the game w ent all right. What a dandy pitcher that Merris Is. Pa, you should go te see some of the games ; you don't knew what you miss. Yeu might take ma, tee, ec Thurs days ; no charge for ladies that day. I gener ally sit en the right where 1 can see the fol fel lows put out at tlrst. If you had beeu there the ether day aud had seen Shemberg's three-baser you'd have geno home wild. Shemberg is the new man new llrst base for theAllegheiiys. Hut I lerget that you don't knew any tiling about base ball. The tlrst place wostep?d was at Koebester about 13 miles out. 1 don't think they have a club there though a boy ou the platform told me there was one at Heaver and another at New Brighten, towns near by. ljara sorry I oeuld net find just hew they steed , they are net In the association anyhow. After awhile we cot out et the hills, and when we get past Deuuiieu, aud Ireui that all the way te Columbus, I never saw such a base ball country. Yeu may net believe me, but there isjust one Meld after another only most et them were allowed te grew In corn or wheat this year. This is the country where the Sunday school excursions should run te plenty of room ter all the boys te play, and no such tbingas allow ing only two bags for a three-baser when the balls hit the rocks, as they are at Heck Point, Alllqulppa and these ether places. I suppose betore the Columbus club was sold te Pittsburg all these corn lleldswere diamonds. It certainly leeks desolate new wlthcatile reaming and nothing iut harvest bands trudging around. 1 like Columbus but don't want te stay tiere long. Next vacation please send me te Cleveland or souie ether place where they haven II ve club. Columbus is the capital of Ohie the proprietor of the hotel told me that the place was called after Christepher Col umbus, who discovered America in 1192. Yeu soe I have dene as you slid get the history of the place the tlrst thing. The Col umbus people are almost as proud of the Allies as we are, guess they must be sorry they sold out. 1 am going te Newark en au excursion te see the Newarks s. Zauesvllles this afternoon, aud will write you a descrip tion and history of that place also, as seen as 1 get back. Leve te ma, Willie, Sadie and Johnny Your all. Sen. I'. H. Don't let Johnny have my profes sional dead league te play with. The water in the gutter is terrible en horse hlde. 100 Killed In a Thtatre Fire. The theatre at Tinnevelly, British India, has Immii destroyed by lire, One hundred Hindoes were killed arid many were injured. Kisuimi in their pearly sheen, r'leui thu glorious curaline. See these teeth untarnished While alike the back and trent. Yes. by the trugrant SOZODONT, Mav bfautv's mouth ltd irurnutiisl ' U ITTu.l'h.bAw avxuiAi. tiuTiuna. TltmiiHntla I'pen Thetisautls of dollars have lwn spent lu adveitlsing the celcbratud Jlunleck llloed llillcri. hut this fct accounts only In putt ter their enormous sale '1 heir merit has undo thuin w b.il thuy tire the best bloetl incdlclne ever devised by mnn. ier Mile by II. II. Cochran, druggist, 137 und 1JJ .Serlh (jiiceu street, Lancaster. Ktldettceul llte llest Kind. Itlchanl T. UohliiBen Is u druggist living In Itaulne, Wis. Huie Is what he nayi. Allllcted wlthlan-ngltls I witsunubletoiirttculatunwerd d sllnc'tfy ler fully two months. A liberal an. pllcutluti of Themui' Kclectrte Oil completely cured me. Am pleased te recommend It." Fer JlU '?." ".Cochran, druggist, 1J7 and lXi Aerth yueeu stiexit, Lancaster. l'ttll fur the Shere. Let us nil pull out or this sea of sickness and di snendency, und gut onto a lock futiuilatleii of Keed, strong healtli. Jlurdeck Jltuud Jlitteri ure Iho thing te pull for 'Iheyuru oneot ihuinet r. newned heitllb restoratives ever manufactur Vsi'MnSh'.'i"' by '! " .v-Vcbran, druggist, lfland 1 J) Menh gueun street, Lancaster. I'm All llrnke Up f This is the usual exclamation of one mulcted with rheumatism, or lameness. Itheuuialle ihhi plu ure Indeed entitled te our sincere sympathy and cominlsseratlen, Speedy relief Is offered llieinln Dr. lhemtit' .-electric Oil It is the M,w"reneiiiy of alluchiisBiid pains rersalu by 1 II Cochran, druggist, 13; ,md lw .North Oueeii slnut, Lancaster, Tells llte Tftlllt "This iiicdlcliiti I can highly lecemmetid. lluriteck Jlloed Jliltm aru thu best bleed ntu rlllur we have ever tisud." clmtlesA. lt,,r, ,t Ceuit street, llullale. N, fei Kale liy u'n Cttchrun, druggist, U7 mill 1JJ North Oueeii sLruut, Lancustcr. Iuslruttlfe Itfaditig. Seme of the testlmenliU from dlllereut peo ple rulallveie Thimut' I'.clcctrla Gi.und thurs Her It hasglveulheui when distrusted by buad buad ache, evnich", and tnothiehu ntuni InKitestlni: reading us you will Und. 'iul, hclng a standard inudli lite, fa sold everywhere by druuglsts. Fer sale by H. u. Cochran, druggist, Ul and UR) Kenh Cjmen street, Lancaster. CKOUF, WHOOPING COUtHl and Urenchltls lmrned ately relloved by BhllehsCnra. Ferstda bv JL u, fecuran, Druggist, Ne. WJNerth Queen iirveu MKIHOAU YKU'S PILLS. CONSTIPATION Is i universal and most tumblenim disorder. It causes llradai-ha, Mental Hi-putMen, Impairs the Unlit and Hearing, destroys tlin Appetite, tuitl, when long continued. cvus fciilargeiiient of the Liver, linrlaiiiniatten et the llewelaiul Pile. Constipation Is speedily i med U Ajet Pills. I'er n number el months 1 a tieutilrd with Ceatlvcmss, In lentcnur ncoef nuutil niflettd from Less et Appetite, Hyspepsit and a disor dered liver Mv "jes also treuttli .1 inc. ! tsnnjH llt'il te wear shade ever them, and. at times, was unable te bear exposure le the Usui 1 win entirely OURED BY USING three boxes et Aver's Pills 1 ha no hesitation in pronouncing this medicine le be thu best eathartle uci made. James kicle. Poland, Ohie. 1 suffered from Constipation, and, conse quently, Irem Heartache, Indle.tlen and Piles, ter v ears. Ayi r's Pills, which I took t the sug Kcstlen of a tt lc ml, -have given me effectual nt lief. 1 commenced taking Ih's remedy two months age, nnd ttitt new trie irem Constipa tion, the leutevRl of which 1ms earned my ether troubles tertlnppcar. and greatly Improved my general hialth. W Keekr, Amheist, Mass. I suffered from Constipation, which assumed such an obstinate lertu that 1 feitertlt would cause a stoppage of the Istwels Twe boxes el Ayer's Pills cured ine, completely. 1. lluike, Sace, Me. AYER'S PILLS. l're.twrs liv- llr .1 Aver A Ce., Lewell. Mass. Sold by all druggists aud dealers In medicine. juiri-2a tXUAVhtTLD 1TAL1TY. EXHAUSTED VITALITY TllKSllKNCKOr LtrK. the great Metllcal Werk of the mre en MantKHtd, Nervous and Phjsical Deblllly, Preuiiture Decline, hrroiser leutb, and the untold miseries consequent thereon. 3"0 pages sve. US prescriptions for all diseases. Cletb, full gill, only .n by malt, sealed, lllustratlre sample tree te all jeung and inlddlfl-aited men ferthe next 'Mdavs. Address IIU. W. II. I'AUKEIl, 1 UulQnch htreet. llosten, Mass. uiylTlseeilAw G KAY'S SPECIFIC MKD1CINE. THEOIlKAT ENOI.ISH ItKMKDV. An unfailing euro for lmisitency, and all Ills Ills eases that fellow- lavs et Memery, Unlversal l.a.ssltiide. Pain In the Hack. Dimness of lslen, Pretn'iture Old Are. anil many ether discuses that lead te Insanity or Consumption aud a Premature ilnivu. M'FuU particulars In our pamphlet, which we desire te send rrvHt by mail toeveryene. sThe Specific Medicine Is sold by all druggists at It per packaue, or six packages for 14, or w 111 be sent free by uiaU ou the receipt of the money, by addressing the aavnL 11 II. COCHIIAN. Druggist. Sole Agent, Nes. 137 and IS) erth (jueun blreet, Lancister, Pa. On account el counterfeits, we have adopted Iho ollew Wrapper: thu enlv genuine. THE OKAY MEDICAL CO, ap2slydw llullale. .V. Y. uuuaKfVM.iiimixe uuudb. w K UAVK A LAKU1-: STOCK OF THE UE3T RDFRIGEaRaTORS IN THE CITY. The Pierce Dry Air Kefrigeriler. QAKDES H08K, WATKK COOLKK8, 1VK CRKAM VKKKtERS, AnaafullIluoefUOUBEFUKNISllINUUUOD3 The largest stock of OAS riXTUKES In the city. Special attention paid te Uas-ritting, Tin Hoefing and Sneuting We have Just recclv cd anothe r let of these 25c GLOBES. JOHN P. SCHA1JM & SOff, 24 SOUTH QUEEN ST., LA-NCA31KU. l'A. F LINNA BRKNKMAN. PRICC-S M5RKED DOWN Weed and Iren Pumps, TERRA-COTTA AND Iren Moter and Drain PIPES. FLINN & BRENEHAN, Ne. 162 North Queen Street, LANCffSTEK, PA. vyM. A. K1EKFEK. ALDUS C.HKRR KIEFFER 8c HERR, Ne. 40 East King Street, (Opposite Court Heuse), Invite all llousekeepora le Call aud Inspect thelr Stock of Heuseftiniisliiiig Goods. A C'omplcte Line constantly en hand. COOK STOVES and 11A.NUES, l'AUl.Olt STOVES, HEATEllSand rUUNACES. SUMMER COOK STOVES. After carefully examining thu merits el all offered le lite trade, we have selected THE "ARGANIV' rer GASOLINE, and THE ' DANGLER," rer COAL OIL. As the Hest, w hen all point are coueldetcd, le offer te ou r patrons. Call and see us. U'e love le show our goods, and are net offended If you de net purchase. Uomembur, we am ugenU for The " Splendid " Heater. Manufactured by Keller A Warren Company, Trey, N. Y . which has no rival In durability, ticouemy of fuel und control of gas. New Is thu time te examine and become posted for Autumn purchases. UEMEMUEll THE PLACE 1 40 EAST KING ST., (OPPOSITE COUUT HOUSE ) tpJS-lfd&w FINKWIU8KIKM. DUtlllatlen of lsi, IS75, ISse, ltg- ale net 0'iuelled in thu country, At UEia AllT'e OLD WINE HTOltK, ILE.BLAYMAKEIt.AgL S'J TOR AG K AMD COMMISSION WAREHOTJBB. , DANIEL HAYEK, aeca-iya Mau west choatautuueet. cteriiutru. TT1HSH A HHUTUKit LAST REDUCTION -IN - Seersucker Ceals and Vests. the halittutt of nut HEKIPsUCKKIl ( ATS and VLSI 3 we will clear ed at l.'i, tl Hand II TV Our -lMiLK TUN S1Ull'KH COATS from HV 111 H '! tlnrststtl K l.lllllTCOI.OKEICAtslMKHK UUAIs, It in te I1W. Woith thlee times the "euM-llll.DlthN S LU.llTCOI.OKEDhUllS, OtirltOVS III. Ill lOl.OKr.ll SUITS (age s, J te IS), i: 75 tell. Out MKN'St MMIl.K l.ll.HT WKIUUT PANTS, 75c, up le f5-a tidnitlen of 50 per lent. GAUZE UNDERWEAR, 17c, 25c, J5e tee ,.it Trunks, Valises, Club-Bags, SHOULDER-STRAPS, GUM CLOTHING, Slimmer (ioetls eT All Kltnls aelllttiT at iiriics whli h will Insure their inline nlatti sale as the room they occupy must be had bv us for our IMMr.NSK KALI. .ND WIMEll StOCh, nhlih we are new manufacturing. all -ir tiM'i: .1 HIRSH (I BROTHERS ONE-PRIOE Clothing and Furnishing Heuse, COKNKR NOKTU QUEEN 8TUEKTAN1) CENTKE SUUAUK. leie closes ev erj' day at fi p. in. at m p. m. Saturdajs w ILLIAMSON A JTOSTKK. 32 TO 38 East King Street, LANCASTER, PA. GREATER BARGAINS! The Carving Precess Continued ! Embracing a Large enantltv nr CHlLDKEN'SSHOIlTP.VS'lI'LEAl'EDlUMC s U ITS, at ,f 1 00, $3.5i), 1 1 Ui, 5.W. HO V'3 fcCHOOL SI ITS at 11.00, 11.50, t-t.OU. HOI 'S I) It ESS SUITS at Wen, $7.(t, J.- (0. MENS HOHKINU PANTS OP MLCHAMCS CADS1MEHE, ll.OU, ILJ5, 11.50. LACE i'HONT HICKORY CLOTH SHIRTS, 25c , iSc, 4i)C THE L AUG EST A330KTMENT OF SILK NECKWEAR. 10c., 17c , Wc , 2Jc. French and German Half Hese 19c. IiOVS AND CUILDKE.N'5 Dress Straw Hats, ICC, 15c , 20C. SEA GKASS AND 1IUOAD IllllM bUN HATS. 5c , inc., sec. GENTS LIQHT COLOKED 1150. DEKU1S, II.mj CANVAS HATS, 25c. and 35c. FOOT COMFORT AT LOW COST. GENTS WAUKiENPHAST SEWED SHOES, UM and 1W LADIEb' 1I1UGHT FINISHED KID SHOES, WILLIAMSON & FOSTER, 32, 34, 36 & 38 E, King St., LA.NCA8TEuV.rA. -S teres cloae every evening at 6 o'clock, ex cept Saturday's. VVHN1TUHK. E UHN1TUKE WARKKOOMH. I1UV YOUllSELr A TAJH OF THOSE Felding Dress Pillows. CALL KAltLY AT HeiTmeier's Furniture Wareroeras. They are the incest thing out and we Iuive j ust lecelvcduiiolhvrlelof them, 20 BAST KINO STREET. SELLlNO OVV ATRIIDUCED IMUOEH. All kinds nl ljidlts'and Genu' rurnUbliig Goods. Te reduce stock te make room rer Win ter Goods, at llECHTOLU'S CHEAP CASH STOIIE, Ne. CJNeith Queen street. -Slgn or the lllg Stocking. ! fl. A two-story Urlck Heuse la a geed loca tion ter sole or real, xcruu easy. DHT -yiiin: heeds keii mummkh wi.au. HAGER .St "White ijoeds for l.MUA ..Yi'.V. nt i:cu Ai,'.oei, FXGLISH XMSy.OOK, imha vri.i., Embroideries and Laces I SHIMS EMUISOIDKUIKS, rieuneliig mid Overall te match. NAIN7.00K. EMIlltOI. DRItlKS, I leiincliig and Overall te match. O A. M little KM 111(01 DKIIIES Hivm Material le luatilu LOI.OUIM) KMIIUOIDKUU.H, Dieas Miiteiliilteiuatch. KMIIUOIDKUIRS, HOURS KtiCl'ltlAI. 1 l h shlltl INU.Illiiek and Kirn. uUlPl'ltK LACE FLOUNCING, lllack aud Keiu. 1.1,1 Pl'IAN LACKSKIUl'lNU, Vi hltu and Cieiun l.U I'TIA.V LACK ri.OUNC lNOS, VMilteand lieain. HEADED FltOMS.t OllDED PtyU K, B ISSMl'SLIN, rUKNUtt LAM N, I AM1IU1CS AND SA'l KENS HAGER & BROTHER, Nes. 25 and 27 West King Street, Lancaster, Pa. ArKT.tlLll A MAUmiMAN. Metzger & Haughman Hiwe the BeBt 50 Gout fflAUlffllEB SHIRT That has ever been sold for the meney ; equal te many new sold nt 75 coats. Sizes, 12 te 17. METZGER & Nc. 43 West King Streot, Between the Ooepor Heuse and Serrel Herso Hetol, Lancaster, Pa. N KXT DOOH TO Till: COURT HOUSK. FAHNESTOCK'S. Whlte QoeUh, Lticea nnil EtubrolUerlos. up. Summer Untlorwear, all alzee. Summer Hosiery LtirKe Stock Seiling Prices. of theso OoeUa new R. E. FAHNESTOCK'S, NEXT DOOR TO THE COURT 1IOTKI.1. A TLANT1U CITY. I HE OLD E3TA11L1111ED Chester County Heuse, Centrally located, convenient, vcrv near the Sea, comfortable In every way, and home-Ilka NOW OPEN. J. KEIM & SONS, inn yM-Si nd (1AVK MAY, THE STOCKTON. CAPE MAY, N. J. The rine.it Ik-ach en the Coast. The Largest and Most Elegant Seaside Hetel In the World. ."-OPENS. JUNE ). HEN11V CI. A lit, Prep'r. Lalu et thu Urund Union Hetel, Saratoga Springs. June:i6wd Ql'EN ALL1IIE YEAH. "TFE MANSION," AT LANTIC UITY, N. J. The laritest nnd most prominently located Hetel Elegantly furnished nnd liberally man aged. Thoroughly lighted, drained nnd ven tilated. Open all the year. CHARLES McQLADB. 49-llrephy's Orchestra. Je7-3ind ASHLAND llOl'SK, ATLANTIC CITY, reopens JULY 1st, under new manage, ment. Electric lights, electilc hells, city wnter, nrsl-classcutilne. Terms tnodernte. Klist-class baruttached. IIKNltV ItAllTKIt, Jyl-lmd Late of Grape Hetel, Lancustcr l'a. rAHAtiULH A a. R03K.UROS. A UARTMAN. $4.00 YflWSOlS HKDUCEDITO $3.00. - $3.00. VEUY'UEST SATIN t ALL KINK SILK LIN 1NGS I The Manufacturers. Rese Bres. & Hartman, 14 EAST KING ST. upl-Gmd VAUUIAUKH. STANDARD UARRIAUK WORR. Edw. Edgerley, CAEEIAGE BUILDER Market Streot, Rear of Poateffloo, Lanoaater, Pa. My stock comprises a large variety of the I.atest Style liuggles, Phaiteus, Cnrrlages, Mar kelandlluslncss Wugnns, which I offer at the very lowest Qgures and en the most roasenablo terms. 1 call special attention te a few of my own de. signs, one of which Is the EDGEULEYCLOSEU I'UVSICIAN COUl'E. which Is decldedly the neatest, lightest and most completo Physician's Carriage In the country. Persons wishing te buy n geed, benesl and substantial article, should bear lu mind that they tuke no risk In buying my work. Every Carriage turned out In eighteen years a geed ene that is ths kind of guarantee I have toeirer the public. AH work fully warranted. Vloase Ktve me a call. UEPAIH1NG ritOMl'TLY ATTENDED TO. One set of workmen especially employed ler that purpose Cl'ARKLINO WINKS. OUH OWN 1IKAND I Special Great Western Wine. The finest and Purest American Wine In the Market. At REIQARTS OLD WIND STORE, A-. j-'tj' ,tJktJ.C &M' txtitlt UMIIH. BROTHER. Sunmer Wear VlCTOltlA LA DAS, riiiuji: SAiy.euK, cemn:n noun, l'l.Atl) LA WW'S. HAUGHMAN, Whlte Erubrolderod Rebes, 82.60 Summer Gloves, iu Htore, mid till Murked at Qulek HOUSE. LANCASTER, PENNA. VLUTIllNU. L. ANHMAN A I1HO. SINCE OUR Big Reduction Sale HAS 1IEEN 1NAI l.l UATED, 'I lie Public his been cenvluicd that CUSTOM MADECI.OTHINI.asnell KhADVMADE can be bought cheaper at L. Gansman & Bre. THAN AS1 H'llEUK ELSE IN THE CITY OUR SPECIALTY. BKKUSl'CKKlt COATS AND VESTS (Geed btyles) at tUO and Il.i5. MEN'S PANTS nt SOe , up te ll.OU tj Styles te uelect from. ALL WOOL CASSIMBUK SUITS, 11 Styles te seUct from, at K.'M. ifEN'S COIIKSCHEW SUITS are selling In all Shades at f7.i. MEN'S riNE CLOTH DIAGONAL at XM SUITS Our Custom Department Offers some Bargains In Light and Medium Weights or Pantaloenlngs which we make le order nt Uldlculeusly Lew I'rlcea from Hill te J.V.KI. These goeils are strictly all-wool, hut mostly slngle patterns, which we close out at a tacrltlce rather than carry them ever, L. GANSHAN & BRO., MKKCHANTTAILOllS, MANUKACTUKKUS Or MEN'S HOYS AND CIIILDUEN'S CLOTHING, 66 & 68 NORTH QUEEN ST., ( Ulght en the Southwest Cor. el OrungeBt.) LANCASTER PA. i-t.'lesed every evening ut tl p. in., eicept Satuidiiy's. TJURUER BUTTON. YOU WILL FIND Men's, Bey's and Children's CLOTHING Muiked Down SO LOW that It will be greatly te your Interest te call and examine the GOODS and l'KIOES, If In noed of any mero MEDIUM or LIGHT WEIGHTS this seasen. We Manufacture All Our Goods, And Guarantee iheui Klrst Class In Every Par llcular. WE HAVE A rULL LINE Or SUMMER CLOTHING In Seersucker, Mohair, Alpaca, Drappolte and Linen ut Prices Astonishingly J-ew. Goods as ltopresented or Meney lletuuded. BUEGER & SUTTON, NO. 24 CENTRE SQUARE, LANCASTElt, l'A. MINERAL WATERS, Al'OLLINAlUS W ATE It. tbe Queen or Table Waters, Hawthorn Spring of Saratoga, at. HEIOAHT'S OLD WINK BTOUB, 11. K. BLAYMAKU,AgL ROTE IS MAKINQ CABINET PHOTOORAPHa i.T30AUUII. AT NO. 106, MOKTH 9OMXM BTHItlT. janu-Ud UMUum,Uk ii -, - i&jei