Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, July 29, 1886, Image 1

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A Heiilliiiniilftl t""B Man YHmMiet IIMHnret.
hfntt lcl llrnl llvlilml liie I'llmin lliir
Ami t'l.iiin mi rxapn (Iter
lltntlitntmi Wall.
A Iturn lull of many months Iho tilllcers of
the Lancaster oeunly prison wero stirllcd
yesterday tow aids evening, w hen It wns dis
covered UiAt one of the convicts was milling.
The attempt li) iwc-iH) was unsuccessful,
however, itml te day the convict, daring V.
Cnwley, Is undergoing punishment for his
bold ultiirt le gilii his llluitly.
Cawley U euly about 20 jests el iige and
was nrreslul Mini sclilein-cd in Deconiber
1SHI, for Hti assault with Intent te kill Mnmiu
lleusen, In I'chlrn Nipisre. It will be re
inemhnrcd Hint liti fellow id dm u It I from lier
work nml when she was crossing lheHUiii,
In early evening, liu hliet lier, mil sumo iIIh
tnucu mul thou attempted te kill himself.
When theraie was called for trial he plead
guilty and was Hculouced te undergo mi Im
prisonment el twoyeats anil six iiienllii In
the county irlen, Willi the commutation
oil he wen Kl have tioeii rolc.tied In January,
Lntuly Caw ley has been em ploy oil In the
warp room or the prison with four ether con
victs. He was t work In that room at II
o'clock, ana lluit la the latest he win neon. At
hl.i whonOllicer Mlllur, the corridor man,
put tlm prisoners; in the cell, Caivluy was
Among the missing. ICucper lliirkholiler
wus at (moo nolilled anil he ordered a
thorough search te be made for thu missing
convict. All the e 111 com engaged In thu
search, ami ler a time net thu slightest clue
iviw ebtainuil. Finally Cawley's coat was
fminit en thu roefof thu carina department
close teft skyllgfiL Alter all ollier place-
had lioen thoroughly searched, a small pas
sageway betw con the arch of the main cor
ridor and the root" wns gene through by
Walchiiian Kaliy. In this pissage way, about
th centre of the building, cem-lunl K'ldud
a chliunuy Can Ivy was leiind.
olice compelled tit get out from his hiding
place and te go te his cell. ( 'aw Ivy w ai w alt
iug until dark te maku his os-iape, which lie
could readlly have dune. Frem whuru he
had uecruted hlmsell he could havn gune te
the water tank, Irem thure te thu wall mid
lut hlinielf down en the oulide of the
(.'awlnv, It has hIiice been lu.irnud, Hocruted
hlniHelf In a i lestit in the warpriHjm and cut a
holy threiiKh thu top and 111 way K"iued
acct'SH te the; pas-sageway whuru he was
hi:ai i eh in mnk-s.
After I'awley was takun dowiiHtalrshe was
senrclitHl, and en his purMin wero elglil keya
of various KlriH, a Ninall Bpirlt lamp, a pad
lock and a match m(e. Uu wero thrisj nhlrta,
two pairs of pantaloons and two pairs of
Hteckhii;-. The passaceway was very cloae
and het, and when I'awlev was dlscewred
he was alment HiillecaUsl. lle nalil he could
haoHteol it until dark, when hu OApiclcd te
get away.
llu uMduutly iiilunded te lel hlmself from
the roefof the prlseu te the oiitwUle and te de
se he had Hecretisl two balls of carisit chain.
This chain was fastencd te two hooks, which
he uIdently niade in the prl-uiu. It Is sup
piwvil he bunt thu hooks durlnn the tempor
ary abscuce I n-iii the warp nvjin hoiiie Umu
bke, en which occasion lirewas re'itilrcd In
Uie room.
I'ndur Ids regular prison unit wasaclllen's
mil, which beyond a doubt was rurnlnhcsl by
iiutnlde imrtlcH. In his cell were found loi
ters received from eiiinIiIu parlies, which did
net reach him through regular chanudlc.
lle claims that the lettera came te him
UiretiKh the hands of Kev. Swenk, the moral
Instructor, and that he will latter te his
Irlends through thu saine channel.
v.n kI'Ihti.i; te in
In his cell was also directed a luttur te
l'rlHou-keepor Iturkhulder, in which hu
stated thatholutended toescapii, becauau his
heitlthwax KltliiK bad, and he could net
Maud the Imprisonment any longer. Hoalne
wrete that wheu his heal Hi Improved he
would return te the prison and xeru out his
unexpired term.
That his essjpe was plauned ler yeslerd ly
and that friend were en the outHide walllicj;
for li 1 in, is known te the prison ulllclals.
They wurohueu and are known te the olUcers
and the probability is that they w 111 bu pros
coined ler their ellerts in aidiiiK Caw ley te
In his pockets wero also found a noivapa neivapa
per bcrap en the " Handbook el Hurglary,"
hiuI another from the Ihlicc yews, desorih deserih
ItiK a burKlar's eutllu
Vomit t'awlej's llrst appearance bofero
our court waa when he was taken liefore
Judges I.UIiigsten mul I'atlerseu, with a
view of halnj: him heut te thu Heuse el
Keluge. The tOMtliueny taken then showed
that he was a very bad boy, but ihe court at
the sol Ic tat Ien of parties Interested held him
under ball te keep the poace. lle did keep
the peace for the length of tinie required by
the bend, but shortly atlerwards hu
trksl te kill Miss Hansen. At the
Hum or the commission of the crime ler
which he Is undergoing a sentence in the
county Jail, he waaompleyod at the Lancas
ter ateh lactery and was an oxpertwork expertwork oxpertwerk
moii. He had many lrlendsiu thlsclty, who
leek n great interest In hint. His mother
Uvea In Philadelphia, mid she was here
when he was sentenced te prison, lle has
been in correfipeiidencu with her regularly
since he has been in jail' but all his lotleiii
te her went through the regular ch.innol ch.innel
the prison elllce.
Ily many he has been considered te be
weak-minded mid easily liilluencrd. The
iKjssosslen of literature alxnit burglars and
burglars' outfit would lead tothe ceucluslnu
that when he get out or Jail he was going te
turn his attention te that branch of crime ler
the sake of the notoriety It would glvehlui.
The inscUerti at their meeting en Monday
will, In all probability, luvoatlgate this at
tempted oscape, and If It Is found that any
eillclal was in any way connected with the
allalr, In the way of conveying Information te
the friends of Caw ley, it is their duty te dis
pell se with the bcrvlcei of Hitch eiUcera iu. the
Funeral of Samuel II. Iteuse.
Kauiuul II. Hoeie, Hen el hhttltzHeese, died
Hiidduiily of heart dl.suase, In Philadelphia,
en thell'ith of July, aged 3. yu.irs. Uecased
was born in this city ; he married Sephia, a
daughtoref Reujamln Kautz, late policeman
erthe Hlxth ward. Mr. Hoeiu loiveia widow
mid threo children te mourn Ills sudden
taking oil. His remains were brought te
Ijancister this meriilug at Ihlj, and wure
taken te Lancaster roiuetory for lulurment.
They w.ore follewod te the grave by a large
number of mourn lug relatU es mid Irlcnds.
A Yurk Ceuuljf Farmer Hiilclile..
Neah A. Hehrbach, uged 30, a well-to-de
faruier noarllauevor Junction, Yerk county,
committed suicide In his bedroom en Wed
nesday morning, by sheeting himself
through the heart with a shotgun. The enl y
cause assigned rer the rash act is that se era I
weeks age he made a herse trade In which
he was badly worsted, which appeared te
greatly worry and niake him despondent
llu leaves a wlle and three children.
Heut te the lluu.e of Itefuge.
Harry Leng, charged by ids parenU with
being Incorrigible, was bofero the Judges this
morning. U was proven that he associated
with bad company mid that he would steal.
The Heuse of Hefuge wai) considered the
proper place for him, and he was conuullled
te that institution. Chief Smith took him
down this altoriieou.
Drlnklnt l'elluteil Water,
The sickness unieug the empleyes el the
Glasgow Iren company at Pottstevvu, Pa.,
supposed te have been canned by polluted
drinking water, coutluues, One el the vic
tims has died, mid four ethers are In a critical
Letter, Held,
Leiters addressed te Eliza W, Hraden,
Falrville, Kuinu Muckel, Henks, Lancaster
county, ia.i uuu i. vv, jvrayuni, jiniiiuiuii', i 10 nuveriisu ler projieBais ler coal ve uuuia
Md., are held at the Laucaster postelllco feri triinnul te the peer or the city during the
postage. cemlDg winter.
Ilie I'ltiiiilnr Makcii III Aiiilntiiiriita for tlm
Mew (luirrliliifiit.
The billowing appointments hue been
made by Lord Salisbury and mx'opted t
Chancellor of the exchequer, leid ll.ui ll.ui
delpli Ithurcliltl. , ,
Lord presldiuit of Iho council and lor ler lor
elgu Nucrnlary, Viscount CranbriHik.
Lord chancellor for hebeid, Lord Ash
Heme secretary, Lord (leergn llamlllen.
A Uoriiey general, Hlr It. li Wubstur.
War KiH-relary, IU Hen. Win. II. Hmllh.
t'hlnl Heeretiiry ler Ireland, Hlr Michael
Miiley of Iieliiiul, Matiiulxel Heur.
Itlght liens. l)ald Ituliett I'lililliet and
Henry Chaplin will obtain Heats In Lord Md
isburv'a cabinet. Mr. Ueschen was nllered
thoelllroot chaniellnr of tlm exchequer anil
the leadership iu the Heuse el Commens, but
It Is stated Unit he will net seek te le enter
Parliament at present. hen he ileea he
will stand as a Censer rathe and Jein thu
Tery pttty.
Tlie lit. lien.
UlllUin llelnv t3mlth, Hlr
llicnani Assuoieii i res huh me hi. iieu.
i'rmliitlck Arthur .Stanley will enter tlm
Heuse r Lords. Lord It indelpli Churchill
will hae the leadership iu the llouse. Tlie
Hlght Hen. Hlr Hluhard Assheten Cress and
Iho Duke el Abcreeni had n conrerunco w ltd
IhoManiulser Hallshury. The lvictinnge
telegraph company iiuneuiiceil that it is in in
fermtMl en high nuthdrlly tunt Lord HIH
bury a Irish Millcy will Include i a proposal te
lend te Ireland the mini or lAOW.W" le ""
ablu her te establish liawl luuks en the
.Scotch ayntein and lend moiiey at nominal
Interest te farmern nml manufacturers In
order le Htlmillate and develop trade.
There was a meeting of the UUdsleut)
ministry at Lord 1 1 nihTllle'a hoilse iu the of 0
iilng. It was purely lilfermal, but Itwasdo Itwasde Itwasdo
clded te assist Ijerd Hallsbury iu obtaining
supplies. The Liberal mlnlsters Imn de
elded net te shape their tactics until the
(jueeu's speech has been re id Iu Parliament.
The Duke of Argyll declines te take olllce.
Mr. Chamberlain, through Lord Harllngten,
has promled Ixird .Salisbury a fiualllleil
supurt. lord Ashlsjiirnu has been entrusted
with the work;of dralllng a scheine for the
relerm of Irish administration. A private
committee, Including Lord llartlngteu, Mr.
(loscheu, Hlr Henry Jamesaud Mr. Chamber
lain will co-eicrrllo with Lord Anhlsiurne.
Sir Michael Hicks Ihwch, Lord Randelph
Churchill and Lord Hallsbury art) preparing
a local government bill fei Ireland.
Kir Michael Hicks-lluacli accepted the est
of chlef secretary rer Itel.ind with roluctance
and under pressure from Lord Salisbury,
who held that the Irish olllce during the
coming session would be the most luiertant
after that of the premier. lord Kamlelpli
Churchill's set regard thoBpiHiintinentas thu
shelving of Beach and as a triumph for the
younger militant Conservativ cs.
Meth the Liberal and Consurvatite clubs
ipiesllen the wisdom or the appointments.
Thu Paruollltes are incensed at thu selection
of lleach ler the chlel socretarjuhlp as they
recall his recent speech In favor of coercion.
Londen, July !S'. The appointment of
the lien. Pred'k Arthur Stanley, as wx-retary
ler India, has Ikm'U isinllrmed. The Hlght
Hen. Henry lecll ltalkes will pietmbly be
appointed home aocrelary.
.Seme hnarl eulig Alen I'nilrrtakn te lie-
line tliiv Ivrm.
Frem the Preen, yuay Organ.
Lieutenant liovernor lllack, In apublUhed
iuterlew, declarOM that the Doitiecrutlc plat
form of this sbite will, nineng ether thing",
Rak out "in tiiiciiiiiwical coudeinuatien of
sumptuary laws." Hoverner lllack may be
Biipiesed te sK.-ak by the card. Ne man uu
derstands Douieci-allo principles belter than
the student who holds his mid
night vigils at r,rk Willi the shade of
Themas Jellersen.iind the graceful parliamen
tarian and brilliant raconteur who kwps the
Senate at Harrlsbuig In ierennlal geed
humor. He has mastered the true teachings
oftheJolIorsoiilauimdJaekBonlan Democracy
as low of its votnrles have done; mid when he
proclaims unquallfUs! opiKisitlen te sumptii
ary lawahesHiaks net merely from the taste
of his Democratic surroundings but from the
traditions el his Democratic Inheritance.
Tlie Democratic party has always beun op
posed te sumptuary law g and te the theory of
government upon which they rest. It has
Iwlloved In free apietlte as in free trade. It
has deuitd the right of the state te determine
what the Individual should eat or what he
should drink or te Imixwe restrictions upon
the tralllc which should enter into tlie sup
ply of his wants. A condemnation of nil
siimntiiarv laws Involves a relectlen of every
measure ler the regulation or limitation of
the lbpier tralllc It means the same degree
el freedom in that trnde as in every ethor
legitimate trade. We should Isj glad se soe
thu Democratic party milling with the Ue
publlcau party In favor el the submission el
a prohibitory amendment , but as it denies
the right of prohibition mid opposes any such
restriction, it can net be exisx-ted te consent
that it should be submitted te the test of a
popular vote.
'Ilie rluernus aniilicatleu of the saine prin
ciple would compel 11 te doel.uoag unit lnnh
llcense or any license at all. It would be a
great publle advantage If Iho Djinoeiatlii
parly w euld rocegnlzo thu grew lug sentiment
iulavoref high license and would openly
take jHisltleu hi favor of such a measure.
Many of Ha representatives have doue se.
Several of Us leading organs of opinion are
urging the coming convention totuakesuch u
declaration. The Hepublican conveutlon
would lmve rnadoamero complete expression
if it had coupled tlie trial of high license
Willi thu submission of prohibition, and its
emission leaves the only ground which the
Democratic party can taku Tu the direction of
touiperaucu. We heim that It will occupy
this ground. It would be n wholesomo ami
grulilj lug sign It both MrtleH were constrained
te bow te the rising sentiment vv hlch deiuauds
Kileguards against the evlls el liilomperance.
Hut the Democratic party cannot assuineany
such attitude without renouncing Its life long
hostility le sumptuary laws, and (ioverner
Hlack is probably right Iu beheving that it
will prc-erve its old traditions.
A llulil Ketiliciy el lllatliiK Vecuer'a Heuse y
n Sneak Thief.
Sometime last oveuing a sneak thief on en
tered the residence of Hlasius Yecker, pre.
Iirieter or I'lilteu opera liouse, and ascend
ing te the second story, weut into Mr.
Veckcr's bod-roem, and stelo a watch from
the top of a bureau, a vestand palrel trousers
from a chair en which they had been thrown,
and then doscended the stairway and went
Inte the yard, where the clothing was rilled
of about til iu money contained In the pockets.
The clothing was then thrown aside, aud the
thier escaped probably by a rear exit. Mr.
Yocker's rosidenco is at Ne. "ii'l West Chest
nut street. Owing te the warm weather the
doers were left enen lu the early part or the
ovening, giving the thier a pretty geed
chance te ply ids villainous trade. The less
Is a light ene, but It may sorve as a caution
te ether housekeepers te koep an eye en
thelr premises these warm evenings, as the
sneak thleves will be looking alter larger
(linnet I'layed Weilne.ilay.
The Hroeklyn was the only successful Kast-
em club of the American Association iu
yesterday's games, nnd by their winning are
new a geed second. Following woie the
scores of yesterday's Association games : At
Philadelphia: Athletic I, Leuisville 5 ; at
Baltimore, llaltlmore 0, St. Leuis 0; at New
Yerk, Metropolitan 1, Cincinnati 1 ; at
Hroeklyn, Hroeklyn 10, Pittsburg 0. The
League games resulted as fellows ; at Phila
delphia, Philadelphia 10, Kansas City 11 ; nt
VVaSniUglOIl, vtasuillgiuu, i, imainv Ul m
New Yerk, New Yerk, 8, HU Leuis 0 ; at Hoi Hei Hoi
ten, Hoiteu 3, Chicago 'J.
Tlie Willlamspert club wero tee much for
thoAlteonayosterday. Thehcore was, Wil Wil
llamseort 8, Altoeua::.
Ceal l"or the i'oer.
Tlie lluchaiiau-MolCvey.Heyuolds Keliut
commltteo or councils met last evenlug rer
orgaubatlen. Mayer Morten U ex-oUJcle
chairman of the commltteo. Themas K Me.
Kllleett was olected clerk, it was declded
te advortlse for proposals for coal te bedis-
in nun in. mutkh iMVin.r vai.lihe
tee liillurnie uf Iho lll.lnii'a Hmhieii l.luger.
Amid Iho Ismtf lienet, uf Ijititlle-
.Ills SIejrNw Arrival, and One lie.
petlril t!eiier.lmi Tlie Hertlcea.
1jniiiivii.i.i: C,Mi'in:iiiiNi liteuiiii
July 21.-A laige nuuilier el persons from
Lancaster, Columbia and ethor points came
by the trnlni yi-sterd.iy te Iho Latidlsvllle
camp. The moetliigi are Kelllng fairly iimler
vvay and ure pretty well attended. The im
petus given ti Hiwn by Hlshep Mallalleu's
sormeii will l or limn momentary
clleut nml will no doubt be felt throughout
the untlre sUV hme 'y M v,lu beaid him.
At .1 o'clock Hev. Dr. James Marrow, of
Philadelphia, preached te a large and Intelli
gent congregation at the inalii stand, irem
Heb. 1-. and part of the second verse, " Who
rer thy Jey that was eel bolero him, endured
the cress, despising tlie shame.'1 The doctor
spoke ler ever an hour and held tlie audi
ence's attention te Iho last.
The sermon was followed by n spirited
prajer meeting led by Hev. J. K. Crouch,
ptesldlng elder. Prof. Klrkpatrlck led the
singing, ami played the accompaniment cm
the organ. Tlie nolei of the cornet wero also
heard laraboveall the Voices, which gave
the meeting ipilte a novel cllei-t. Tlie world
Among the many new arrivals who came
yesterday, many te stay the term, are Hev.
13. 1'ettn, til Lahasker, Pa.; Kev. D. 11. Hmylhe,
(uarryville; Kev. H. i. drove, Coatcsvlllej
V. Urav. Lap, Wilmington uinlerence ; Kev.
J. K. T. lray, pister Duke street church,
Lancaster; Kev. J. O. Kuewles, Massachu
setts, New lCngland conference ; Kev. J. I J.
Martln.dlenMawr; Uov.Hteln, Mlllersburg;
JueHhaiib, Dr. H. Yeagley, HenJ. II. Hhenk,
Lewis Haldy, (.'.Miaub,M. Ilelllnger, Walter
Hollluger, from Lancaster; Hev. LllasHneath,
or Wesleyan university.
In the evening at Ti'M o'clock Kev. H. (i.
(Irove, of Coatesvlllo, preached from HU Jehn
II. part or theUl versu: "1 gote prepare a
place for you." This sermon was follewod
byaprajormeetlngledby Kev. J.T. Hatchell,
and l'resldlng Killer Crouch; the meeting
was well at landed and one conversion was
announced. The meeting closed with the
benediction by Kev. D. T. Hmythe.
inn Li.iiiKHur. rnu3i mahihtta.
t'eeili III lewn nml Out el Town There-
llegularCorreBpenilencoof TeLLie!icKR.
Maiiii.ttv, July 'Je. Miss. lossle Llewel
lyn mid Mrs. Llwle Lonuex are visiting
friends in New Cumberland, Pa.
Hyren Lindemuth, of l'ert Supply, Indian
Territory, Is visiting his father, U .. Llndo Llnde
nullli. .lacel. Wliidelf, of llrlckervllle, wasintewu
this week.
Msls Marv Jehnsen, of Lancaster, is the
guest or Miss Maud llaker.
Miss Annle ll.imaker, of Mauhelm, Is the
guest el Miss .! en Ilie Thuiua.
H. K. Htlbgeu nnd family have gene te
Asbury Park, N. J.
Dr. J. M. Shartle, ene oreur epular physi
cians, has remeved te Mlllorsvllle le succced
Dr. Herr. Dr. Shartle while here had gained
a large practice and iorfermod soveral dllll dllll dllll
cultoi'eratlenH. Owlngtothe illness of his
wire, and Mlllorsvllle being l"r her home,
the doctor thought It would bondvlsable te
change his residence te this semewhat better
territory. He departs with the well wishes
or his Humorous Irlends.
I'ncle Tem's Cabin will be exhibited here
next Monday evening.
Ames (Irove Is c.ilerrer at the Landlsvllle
Ilie l.uinerau nuniiay soitei "eih
llnllv's nark te-dav
The lightning stiucka large walnut trce
en Hen. Cameren's farm this week.
This morning Kdward Wherley, boil of
William Wherley, fell from a box iu I ill
w eiler's cigar factory nnd dislocated his
thumb verv bully; the little fellow was taken
le Columbia for treatment.
Iho Olremargsrliiu III 1 1.
Thu beliel Is generally expressed iu Wash
ington that the oleouurgarlno bill will be
vetoed by tlie president. The bill was sent
ever te Attorney l.'oueral Garland a low days
since wllh the request for his opinion en the
constitutionality of the moasure. Mr. Oar
laud has returned the bill with a reixirt that
Is apparently a "straddle." llissaid that the
attorney general has doeided that the bill Is
constitutional, uui ue reeiiuiiiiraun m. ""j
presldeut consider carefully the oxpedlency
of allowing the incisure tobccemoalaw. He
draws attention te a ilU-crimlnatlen against
ene industry hi lnver of another, and se em
phatically Jielnts out the danger which he
insists lurks iu the moasure that a veto is
apparently the euly ceurse lelt mr Mr. Clove Cleve
land. .... i i
Congreasiuan Kurqtiliur, of New erU,wnc
voted lorthe bill, s,ys: "The president is
iimr (.imliintHl for iiiaiure conslderatlou of
this bill than any member el the Heuse or
.Senate. Yearsef e.xperiouce with the work
(I the New Yerk legislature en this iiuostien
have equipped him lorthe haudllng or this
matter without any advice from outsiders. 1
think that he w ill veto the bill. The threats
from New Yerk dalrv men w ill have no etlcct
upon him, nnd he will net hesitate when he
has ence made up his mind."
Aini-rlciii Wliiilens UMtmyeil.
1'aiH Dispatch le the Londen Times.
The palnted vvludewsin thoScetchChurch,
Kue Hayard, have been maliciously do de do
streyod. About t pieces of iron an liich
siiuarowere thrown agalust the glass lu the
night with such force that some were found
near the pulpit, at the ether end of the church,
while the shattered glass was scattered ever
the gallery, the seats, and the lloer. The
w indonacest about AiOO, aud wero given by
Americans in memory of friends who had
died lu Pans, in the deed el salelast year
Hut American Lnlscenallans roserved the
option el removing the w indew s and replac
ing them tvlth ethers -a right which has new
become valueless. The Kev. Patrick Hoateu,
of Ne, 12 Kue de Proabeurg, wrltes me:
"Thore is noreivsonstobollovothatthoHcotch
tire unpopular In Paris. It is probable Hint
the miscreants guilty el this sacrilegious out
rage knew nothing and cared nothing as te
the ew ners et the church. They Issued forth
at mldulght armed with these destructive
missiles, they found themselves In the Kue
Hayard, the Scotch church bocatue the ob eb
lect of thelr meaningless fury. Yeung
l-'rance has been taught that there is no Hed.
Paul Hert has proclaimed 11 aloud te 11,000 et
tliejcuiKM iicms ilea ccelcs. Ne w onder, then,
Hint :tinr funk iineii overv Christian church
as a leuiple or superstition, aud feel bound,
in true iconoclastic spirit, te dolace or Injure
Has much as possible. The Scotch are agrega
i Ions race, and perhaps soine of the wealthier
ones en ilie oilier siue ei me cnauuui mnj
give practical expression te their Byinyathy
by helping thelr poeror brethren In Paris."
A llail Article of Diet.
A iloheinlan, living in tlie suburbs of
Pittsburg, butchered a large, rat deg aud en
Wednesday served it up at a roast, te which
several or his country ineu and country
women wero Invited. They all ate heartily
et the llesh, which they osteein a great
luxury, prelerrlng it te ueei or peric. jsoar jsear
ly all who partook of the meat were taken
sick. Thelr symptoms rosemblo theso caused
by poison. The doctors think some of thorn,
will die. The allalr has caused n sensation
among ether llohemlana who have dogs In
process or Utteulng ler the table.
lust ritlj-ime Dellar, Out.
rrem the Phtladelphta liniulrer.
James Carnaiten, of Lancaster county, leek
lu the sights el thoceiiteniilal moirepons yes.
terdny, mid alter partaking or luncliatLuke
NIcldB' sahHin.Seutli Penn square, left for the
Hread street station. Willie in thu saloon he
displayed a roll of bills, and au hour alter
leaving the place rushed back, saying he had
gene te sleep In the wailing room of the
station nod aweke te find himself minus his
cash aud a ticket te his home.
Four Struck by Lightning,
Threo boys and a woman were struck by
lightning ai ryrone, en. iuesaay. William
Connelly, ene or the Deys, was Hilled. Jas.
Connelly and the woman, Mrs. Hykes, were
fatally iujured, and, Thes. MoLeughiln on - en -
taped with u aovero shook.
TliefleiiAte IKhallng Ilie Itrmtilulieii-Mr. Alli
um Open the I.Im-iii.Ieii.
WAMiiiNinejr, !. U, July fsiJn tlie
Honalo to-dathe chair presonted the procla
mation or Iho governor or 1'Lih relatlve te
Iho violation of the marriage laws lu Utah
territory s rorerred.
Mr. Hear nsked leave le lopetl from the
library uomiiilltve preamblu and resolution
for the npiHilnlmeiit or a commlttee of live
senators le rojiert at the next session of Con
gress n plan ler properly celebrating at the
capital of the republic tlie ccutetnilal anni
versary (In 18W) or the adopting f Iho con
stitution and the HK)th iiniihersiry (In lsirj)
el the dlscovery el Amerlci by Uhrlstephur
Columbus. Mr. Hale objected and the reso
lution went ever tiulll te morrow.
Mr. Heck roKrted back Heuso bill fur Hit)
inspection of tobacco, clgarsandsnull; calen
dar. Mr. Palmer leporled back (with auioud auieud
mentj Heuso bill relating te the Inqiertlng
and landing or mackerel during the spawn
ing season J calendar. Mr. Culleiu rejiertcd
n rosolutien nulhurizing Iho coiiiiulttee en ex
pondltureof publle mouey te sit during the
recess nnd continue the Investigation of the
pension bureau business; calendar.
Mr. Hlalr gave uotlce that at the llrst op.
pertunlty he would call up the vetoed pen
sion bills according thelr order en the cal
endar. ThoSenato at 11 -,10 proceedod te the con
sideration of the llouse joint resolution te
apply the surplus of the treasury te the
payment of the publle debt.
Mr. Allisen opened the debate. He speke
of the Impertance of the subject aud hew 11
opened up the whole financial question et
the government, but hoped that at this tale
stage of the session the discussion would
be closely con lined te the distinct point in in
velved. Managers el the med Hied surplus resolu
tion say that Its passage by a small majority
or the Hen Ate Is very certain, but that a large
number or Democrats can be fcccured en a
motion te lay It en the table until next ses
sion, nnd that the dobate may hIiew the ad
visability el this action.
The Heuso passed a bill appropriating f,K),
UOO for the erection of a public building at
Jellerson, Texas, nnd Immediately went lute
commlttee en the whole upon the Hcnnte
amendments te the general deficiency bill,
Ohie rretilliltlDlilM., New llaniililre 'tepuli
lltiins anil Vermont (reenbatkers.
Cante.n, Ohie, July -U Sevon hundred
delegates assembled in the state Prohibition
convention tills morning. Prof. J. W.
Sharp, of Mnuslleld, was made permanent
chairman, mid Charles l'alcett, of Ashtabula,
secretary. Chairman Sharp dolivered
a red - het mid ringing Prohibition
address. Tlie platform of the con
ventien wilt be reported late this
afternoon. A special couimlttee framed the
Dew law clause, which will be thoroughly
scarllled, except the local option section. The
liquor trallle gonerally will be doneuiicod ;
civil sorvlce approved and a reduction of the
salaries of the county elllclals suggosted.
Weman's suin-nge will net be mentioned, a
big breach existing en the latter topic Kop Kep Kop
resentatlvo Smith, el Merrow county, (of
Sunday closing bill lame) will be nominated
for secretary of stvte.
Co.M'eim, N. II., July L"J. The Republican
slate coiumlllce held a largely attended
meeting last evening and called the various
conventions. llx-Secrut.iry Chandler urged
the nomination of strong candidates and
advecated having Iho party take n iosltieu In
favor el prohibition as well as taking ad
vanced ground en the labor question.
i:ssi:x Jt-NiTieN, VI., July .. The
Oroeubackois In conveutlon yesterday nomi
nated the follewlngeandidatis : Ter gover
nor, T. U. Smith ; lieutenant guvorner, T. W.
Hrewu ; troasurer, V. l-'arlsjur; secretary or
state, A. J. Merrill.
a iiLuum i-uiXB fin ii r i. htiXTUVur.
The .(Haul anil a riti.uuri;pr Have a
Mill unit the iJitter llrulal!) I'uulslieil.
Cincinnati July -. i. -About thlrteen
miles back el Covington, lu the Old Com Cem Com
meuwealth, occurred ln-l night ene of the
most vicious ami brutal prlze lights that
have been witnessed m this locality In
The principals were Pat laiiy, from Car
dlil, Wales, whelmsbeen iu this country but
three months, aud Joe Hldge, el Pittsburg.
The latter was brought le this city but a few
days sluce for the sole puriose el ineetlng
Time was called fur the llrst round at 1
mluutes te 11 o'clock. The men stepped
into the centre of the ring and shook bauds
and then went et it, hammer and tongs.
Vicious anil hard blows wero dealt by both
men, and for three minutes tliev fought
fiercely in their small (purlers. The round
closed without any decided advantage gained
by either. Leary was bleeding slightly nt
the nose.
In the second round both meu began with
hard lighting, Leary iteming te get the
worst of It. Toward the elose he struck
Hldge en the uose, bringing bleed, but Kldge
couiiterod. strikiug him en the chest, aud
nearly knocked him oil his plus.
Leary epened tlie third round by striking
Hldge under the loll eye, leaving a swollen
and ugly brulse. Kldge in return made a
mad rush en his opponent, forcing him
against the reijs, and tlie men were held in
chancery lur a few inomeuts when they
breke away and sparred cautiously te the
close of the leuud.
l-'reui this time until the tweltth round
Leary had the best et the light, punishing
Hideo severelv.
The twelfth round was Iho hual, Hldge
being knocked Hat in his corner and was un
able te coine te the scratch when time wns
called. The light was awarded te Leary.
Kldge presented a most pitiable condition.
Uis face was swollen almost boyeud recogni
tion and his whele ixirseu was covered w ith
bleed. Leary had but one mark en him nnd
was lu the best condition when the light
One Killed nml tne Other Mortally Weuudeil,
AVnlle Xltlllug Ihelrbweetheart.
Point Pmiasani-, W. Va., July i'X
Selden Hums and his cousin Klber Hums,
have ler seme time both been waiting en
the same lady, MUs Mollie Seters. Last
ovening Holden called nnd found Hlber
already thore. lle said they might as well
settle It then aud there, nuu asaeu r.iuui iu
comeoutand tight with rovelvors. Klber
cemplied in spite of tlie wemau's screams aud
the men began ilring at eacli ethor iu the front
yard. Holden was killed at the secend shot
and Klber mortally weunded. The young
lady Is almost domeutod evor the terrible
affair. All belong te highly rospect.iblo
loter-ileiieinliint leiial Cenlerciirc,
Priisuuitd, July 20. The great Inter. or Pan-Hvaugelical confer
ence was openod this morning at Valley
Camp, 10 nilleH from this city. Hev oral hun
dred peeple, including many promlnent inlu inlu inlu
lstorsef various denominations from dill'or dill'er dill'or
eut parts el the United States are prosent.
Among the denominations represented are
the Lutheran, Haptlst, Pretestaut Episcopal,
Methodist, United Presbyterian, Herermed
Presbyterian anil ether Presbyterian
churches. The convention wasopened with
,,fl..ell0I11.i exercises. The epeulwr address
I .lBiivored bv Itev M L.Gottvvald.ef
M.f e. 'T, nhhT v disc, ir. ti.sii took
1 1 Kpringtleld, Ohie. A discussion then took
place en a nuniber of subjects.
WiJl ' 'affe'7
The Head Lender of the New Vetk County
Nnvv Yemc, July 'JO. The serviccs evor
the body el Hubert O. Thompson, began
this morning. Only the family and pall
bearers wero prosent during this service,
which vvaseonducled by the Kev. Dr. How Hew
ard. Niimoreus floral trlbutes wero strewn
around the casket, ene of which, from the
empleyes of thodepartmeut of publle works,
being especially beautiful. At half-past ten
the remains wero berne out of the Werth
heuse te Trinity chapel close by. Fully 1,000
Icople woreassomblod iu the vicinity of the
The pall-liearers were as follews: Mayer
Urace, Secretary William C. Whltney, II.
KUery Andersen, Judges Alien, Truax and
Andrews, District Attorney Mnrtlne, Pelice
Justice Power, Klcbard A. Cunningham,
UilbertM. Spler, Jr., Hurveyer Heattie and
Allan Campbell. The church was crowded
te overllowlug with personal and political
friends. At tlie conclusion of the services at
the church the cellin was placed in the hearse
mid followed by the pall-bearers, members
of the family, and representatives from the
various delegations, was berne te the Grand
Central depet, where a special train conveyed
the party te Woedlavvu. The body was bur
ied with Masonic ceremonies.
Hubert O. Thompson, the lately deceased
leadoref the "Comity " Tactien el the New
Yerk city Domeoray, was less than 38 years
old. He was a bachelor, and his father,
mother, aud sister survlve him. He was
born lu Bosten en December II, lSli. Ilia
mother was au Ogden. Ills father, Cephas
O. Thompson, was nu artist He had ene
brother, Hdvvard, and a sisler, Cera, both
eldor than himself. The brether was a cap
tain in the army, and died five years age.
Mr. Thompson has since supported his
brother's lour children. When he was five
years old his father took him te Heme, and
iimvtiArA thnrfiftiv vimrH. Tim son met Julian
Hawthorne thore, aud they wero friends there there thero
after. On returning from Italy the family set set set
tlodluNevv Yeik. Yeung Thern psen went
tothe old Twontleth street school, taught at
the time by Prer. David II. ScelL no was
graduated in 1Se3. He left the school te be a
clerk In the banking llrm or Henry A. llel
scr's Sens nt a salary of $!00. lloreso te be
bend clerk, and lailore he was 21 he was con
fidential derK. lu Wl he went lute rail
road enterprises en his own account At
this time he was a society man aud a leader
of the geruiau. JIe was slim, weighing less
than jut. iieunds, aud mi oxcenout wauzer.
At school he had been known as a clevor
mathematician, and as a clerk in Wall street
he was noted for tlie swiftness and accuracy
with which he calculated interest and dis
counts. JJe joined the Yeung Meil's Domecrallu
club lu 1871, mid theuccierth had n political
career, associated with Tllden, Whltney and
Mayer Cooper; and holding the important
olllce of county clerk nnd commissioner of
public works. In later llfe he was a pertly
man, 5 feet 10 Inches high aud weighing -tV
pounds, lle had a lull, neatly trimmed
black beard, aud wero oyeglasses. Ue was a
bachelor, dressed handsomely, and was con cen con
snlered semewhat of an aristocrat by the
werkers. Te a friend, a few weeks bofero
he died, he said: "liven If I de part my hair
lu the middle 1 can be tough enough." He
was quick te decide and stubborn te stick
te his decision, lle was accustemed te say:
"1 have always lest every time 1 com com
premised." lle was ailllcted with rheumatism aud wns
undergoing dietary tieatiueut te roduce his
weight. On the first of the year he wolgued
205 pounds. He stepped eating bread, pota
toes, mid statchy aud lariuaceeus feed. He
had an idea that roast beer and ethor meat
made Ills rheumatism werse, and he lived
clilelly en eggs, toast, llsh, and birds. Iu
six months he lest seventy peuuds. Hut he
took llttle exercise, and the less of weight
was net a gaiti or health or strength. Fer two
months before he died his strength failed,
add he took frequent small doses of whisky
as a stimulant Few et his friends knew
hew 111 he was.
Tlit) Anuri huts' Trial deilng.
Ciiicaoe, July 20. It was announced this
morning that all the testimony for the state
In the Anarchists' trial will be lulil bofero the
jury by te-morrow evenlug. Several physi
cians tostilled te the peculiar nature of
tlie shell wounds rccelved by the po
licemen en the night of May ith.
Cantalu Hchaack testifled that en the
day et Llngg's Arrest he confessed te the
captain te hav iug made bombs ami used them.
Llngg said he was down en the place be
cause they clubbed him at McCormick's.
Bombs wero ndopted because they were
mere petent than revolvers, lle had
learned hew te inake bombs by reading Herr
Meat's books. LIugg descrlbed the round
aud gas pipe bombs. The gas plpes, he said,
he ieunil mostly en the stroels. All the
bombs that he made had been found at Ills
place. He made theiii, he said, and meant te
use them.
lilsli Journals uu the New Uahlnet.
Di'iu.iN, July -".. fuifciJ Ireland (Par (Par
neil's organ), commenting upon the appoint
ment ei Lord Londonderry, as vicerey for
Ireland, says : The truce betwenn the teuauts
aud laudlerds has been shattored, but the
Irish peeple have net the least intention of
estraiigiug the KngliMi masses. It is lmpos lmpes lmpos
slble te preduce a mere olequont type or the
policy or ramming F.uglUh rule down lilsli
threats than the appolntmeut or a vicerey in
heriting the bleed ami name or the cut threat
and hideous miscreant, Castloreagh.
The Freeman Journal says : The ap
pointment el Leid Londonderry, Viscount
Castlereagh, as vicerey el Ireland, and Hlr
Michael Hlcks-Heach as chief secretary, are
onoreus signs of coercion, but Irishmen are
The Loyalist press throughout Ireland ex
press thelr delight at the appointment or
Lord Londonderry.
tiee. A. .ItiiKS Appointed Solicitor Ueueral.
Wasiiinoien, I). C, July 29. The presi.
dent sent te the Senate te-day the following
nominations ;
Uoe. A. Jenks, of Pennsylvania, le be so
licitor goneral.
Jaines li. Mathews, te be postmaster at
KUicett City, Md.
Hradley M. Thompson, el Fast Haginaw,
Michigan, te be recoiver or publle meueys nt
Fast Haginaw, Mich.
Themas H. Davis, of Lincoln, Neb., te be
tocelvor el publle moneys at Lincoln, Neb.
Juilgment romiieneil.
Heulin, July 29. The trial or thoKeciallst
.i.n.iii.a .1 l.'-rnvliitri. Miirnnv. WflHcnnclitdPil
yosterday and Judgment postponed until
Auir. L
Iho Hciipatleltal Itrperl, nt DeMltiilleu In New
KeuntllaiKl Contradicted.
Ottawa, July 20. Dispatches having ap
poared lu several United Hlates and Canadian
newnpapcrs, stating that the Canadian gov
ernment had In rcxpouse te nppeal for assist
ance sent out a vessel bearing previsions for
the distressed fishermen lit New Found Imnl
and Labrador, the olllcers of the marlne and
Hsherles dopartiuent here have been Intel Intel Intel
vlovved concerning the matter. They state
that no vessel has been sent out, and that the
departments hore have no eillclal knowledge
or the matter which Is beyend their Juris
diction, the Canada government or ceurse
having nothing te de with New Found
land. The maver or Terente having
wrltteu te the department, enquiring
what steps wero belng taken hore, received
an answer te the abeve elfect
Halifax, N. H. July 20. A special dls.
patch Irem St Jehns, N. F., ceutalus a con
tradiction et sensational reports el the preva
lence or destitution iu that colony, and
states that there have been no deaths from
starvation. The Ht Jehns Colonist de
nounces Weddell, who Is In Canada seeklng
asslslance, as an Imposter.
An Association That A.plres te Settle the
.etlleit Kronemlc 1'rebleuis.
Unit-Ade, July 20. Chicago council Ne. 1
of the Consorvaters League of America, held
an epen meeting in (irand Army hall last
night rer the purpese el discussing the object
and Aims or the organization. Judge Mark
Hangs iu stating tlie character or the league
said the purpese was te uiilte In ene organi
zation all men who bollevo in the supremacy
of the law, te pretect buslness rretn dlsorders
and from All unlawful Intorferonco and te pro pre pro
ineto a better understanding of the true rela
tion of the ompleyor and ompleye, maintain
ing the rights of each mid adjusting their
dillorencos. Referring te the power of the
Knights or Laber and similar organizations,
he said it would be the duty or the league te
watch and guard against any attempt by thorn
te capture the ballet box and control legis
lation. Council Ne. 1 has several hundred mem mem
bern and subsidiary bodies are belng organ
ized. The proceedings or the councils are
te be Hccret.
Irlnh League hccret Meeting.
St. PAt'i., Minn., July '."J. A secret meet
ing of Irish Natleulsts from nil parts of the
country was held lu Ht Paul, aud adjourned
Tuesday without anybody finding It out In
fact the meeting was held here In order te be
secret, and the few lu Ht Paul who were there
roluseto say anything about it It is sup
posed te have been preliminary te the Chi
cago convention. Among theso present were
Alex. Sullivan, of Chicago; M. Hewlaud, of
New Yerk ; J. J. Mareny, of Philadelphia ;
F.Walker, el Dubuque, and Judge Hrephy,
of Qulncy.
Smallpox In Detroit.
I)i:tiieit, Mich., July 20. Twe new cases
of smalliex have been reported le the beard
of health, both of small children. There are
soveral cases of smallpox quarantined iu the
city, and the health department fears a seri
ous opidemlc as seen as the woatber becomes
cool. Thelr fears are Increased by the fact
that there have bceu alarge number of expos
ures Irem each ene of the cases. The gravity
of the situation is net lessened by a very ani
mated quarrel iu the beard of health which
has resulted iu the resignation of the health
officers, aud the absence of any pest heuse
which cm be used te isolate cases.
When the l-aiiitiu Canal Will lie JFlnUUed.
P.uus, July 29. M. DoLessops, at a meet
iug or the Panama shareholders te-day, read
a long report iu which he leek an exceed
ingly faverable vievv of nll'alrs at the Isthmus.
He holds that the caual will be open te trallle
before IsOO. Ue expressed his confidence in
his ability te socure the necessary funds te
complete the work and maintained that the
dllllculty surrounding the enterprise had
been doliber.uoly overdrawn.
llouers te old Mcu.
Huuli, July 29. Arrangements are being
made for n fitting colebratiou by the German
army of the emperor's niuetleth birthday,
upon which occasion it is propesod te unite
the eiUcera and corps of the whele army, and
also te found a philautlioreplc army institu
tion nt Berlin.
Te-day, the 70th birthday of Professer
(ineists, of the Berlin uulversity, Is belug
celobrated with great .enthusiasm by the
students of that institution.
The Litbtader's Heavy Lu hy Fire.
New Yebk, July 29. The steamship Lab
rador, of the French line, is new lying at her
deck In this city, and the Injuries sustained
from the llre In horllneu room are being rap-
Idly repaired. The ageut of the company
says the damage sustalued will net amount
te mero than J23,000. The cargo was unin
jured, and none of ihe passengers sullered
mero than n trilling less.
Ceiiceriilnc Uourbeu Wldskjr.
Louisville, Ky., July 29. A syndicate,
headed by K. II. Tayler, of Frankfort, aud
Senior A Heu, el Cincinnati, has boeh formed,
it is said, te corner the llourbeu whisky
market It proposed te buy all the whisky
of the years ls79 te 1655 Inclusive. The deal
is made passihle by the heavy importation
of whisky te escape the tax.
ltitteu liy a lllue Itacer.
O.vKt.vNi), 111., July 29 While gathering
blackberries with soveral ethor ladies In
Hombrie township yesterday, Mrs. llanseu
was bitten by a blue racer. Hhe was plACOd
in a wagon and started for her home, but
bofero she arrived she died. Her left limb
which was bitten swelled te au enormous
sir.e bofero bIie died.
Wants lte-electlen.
Londen, July 29. Hlr J. C. Gerst, Q. C,
Conservativ e M. P.-elect for Chatham, has
uotilled the electors of that place that he will
probably have te seek a ro-electlon,as he Is in
oxpectatlon et belng appointed te a position
under the new government
.Mjhterleus Dlnaniearauce.
Ha-i li. Me., 20. T. a.'.Wliiten, paymaster
or the Knickerbocker lce works, has mys.
torleusly disappeared, leaving his accounts In
geed erder. Ue left a nole ler uts wiie, say
ing that both she and the world were dead
te him.
Au Kleplug Maiden.
Jacksonville Ills., July 29.-NellIe
Goodwin, the 10-year-old daughter of the Key.
W. H. Goodwin, pastor of the Centenary
Motbedist Kpiscepal church.eleped last night
with Meler Well. son efa promlnent Jewish
clothier of this place, and the ceuple wero
Eeiiuniliiateil lorCeucreis.
Cauie, Ills., July 29. The Kepubllcaus of
Iho 20th HliiieU district, in convention here
last night, reneminated Jehn K. Themas for
Congress en tlie llrst ballet
g WAsniwaTON, D. 0,, July29.-Fer
.Pennsylvania and New Jersey, and
Delaware, generally fair weather,
slightly coelor westerly winds.
Fen Fin day Light local rains followed
hv sllubtlv cooler, fair weather, is Indi
cated fur New England states and generally
I fair weather and stationary tomperature
thoMlddle AllautlQ bUlOS.
tiikih jii.uun m hbatmu urxm
Incitement All Oter Ilia SUta-Hehllan IH1II-
Ihk ami Kxreadlngijr Amlen, ler War
aimnrt Meilce Troops Otar the
Ilie (Iranna VellertluK,
Feiit Wennr, Tex., July 29. Uoperto r- j,
celv ed from all ever Northern Texaa show that '
the Cutting case la the absorbing topic, of cos ces cos
versatlon, Texans are Itching for war. Lecal '
military companies are drilling In nearly
overy town In the state and the war feeling la
Yesterday a lelcgraui was received from
LI Pam, which atterwards proved te be
a canard, stating that Cutting had been
taken from jail and shot The report spread
like wlldtlre. Knets of men collected te
discuss Iho situation. Heme of the best eltl-
70ns acted like wild nien, and were ready te
start for the front at once. This warlike feel
ing throughout the state can be enly1 aj aj aj
counted Ter by the Tact that Texas merchants
who have any dealings with Mexico, have
been Invariably maltreated and beaten In '
thelr transactions. Thore are many Mezl- '
cans in Texat, but all of them are
of the lowest class, aud are looked upon
as werse than nogreo?.
Austin, Tex., July 29. The adjutant gen
eral yesterday recoived applications for per
mission le ralse velunteer companies In case
of war with Mexico. He also rocelved Infor
mation that the Mexicans are reinforcing the
garrison at Kl Pase del Norte, 75 soldiers
reaching thore Friday and 125 Saturday,
with mere oxpected dally. Unde Ham haa
only ene company at Kl Pase in charge of
Fert Hliss. Gov. Ireland has recelvel no In.
formation relatlve te the pending trouble.
Cutting still In Jail.
Kl Pase, Tex., July 29. Thore are no
new devolepmonts whatover in the Cutting
case. Cutting Is still In jail and it leeks as
lr he is apt te stay thore quite a long time.
Many complaints are heard here at the de
11 bera te action el the American government.
Peeple fear that tlie question will be dis
cussed by the diplomats of the two countries
until overybody leses interest in II
Tuesday night Cutting was aroused from
his Bleep and carried before Judge Casta
nod a, although It had been falsely preteuded
that the question had been referred te a
higher tribunal. Ue was told that he would
boallewed te employ counsel, hut te this he
refused te de and stated that he was simply
in the hands of his government. Hesald that
he had no dofensevvhatovorto niake. Ilewas
then sent back te prison. Yesterday morning -
he was again called upand informed that coun
sel had been efllclally assigned him whother
he might wish it or net Upen Investigation
It was found that the man thus appointed Is a
mere law student and netalawyer In regular
Counsel Urlghaui has rocelved a lotter from
Minister Jacksen saying that he had no doubt
that the matter about Cutting would be settled
In a few days.
Mjaterleus Heaths at Weit Elizabeth.
PiTTsnune, Pa., July 29. Registrar
Hnlvely, of this city, representing the state
beard of health, left for West Elizabeth, Fa.,
this morning, for the purpose of assisting In
an autopsy en the remains of the young man
Gibsen, who died yesterday of the mys
terious fever new epidomle thore. There is
great dlfllculty among physicians in satisfac
torily treating the disease, and It Is en this
account that the state beard of health Is
commencing Investigations. There were
three deaths yesterday- -from the fever at
West Elizabeth and oue new case. The con
ditien of Borne of the sixty patients new
under medical treatment Is critical. It la
feared that the opldemlo has net yet reached
its limits.
a '
Te-Llay'a ltacea at Saratoga.
Haiiatoea, N. Y., July 29. Weather
clear and warm ; track geed ; attendance
First race, purse f 100 ; one mile ; Lady
Wayward 1st, Endurer2d, Amber 3d. Time,
1:11. Mutuals paid, J33.70.
Hocend race, Alabama stakes for 3-year-old
lillles ; mile aud a lurleng ; Millle 1, Mollie
McCarthy's Last 2, Charity 3. Time, 1:59)4.
Mutuals paid, (21.50.
Third race, cash handicap ; one mile and
a furlong ;OIalleii 1st, lteyal Arcli 2d, Mena
3d. Time, l&S. Mutuals paid, 10 CO.
Fourth race, selling purse 100 ; three
quarters mile ; Monogram 1, Shamrock 2,
Islette 3. Time, lilfljf. Mutuals paid,
Filth race, free handicjp steeplechas ;
purse ?500 ; about 2jf uillea. Bourke Cech
ran 1, Disturbance 2, liucepuatus a. -rims,
1SS. Mutuals paid, J9.30.
The Murderer el a Family of Six Caught
Clevklane, O., July 29. A man giving
his name as Jack King, was arrested here
last night for stealing a trunk. At the Cen
tral station this morning, it was round that
the man was Frank Berg, who is wanted at
Dotrelt for the murder near that xnace some
months age, el Frank Knoch, his wire Husan
and thelr four children, whose charred bodies
were feuud lu the ruins of thelr house, which
had been burned alter the murder, evidently
te destroy the evidence or the crime. Enough
ovidence was obtained, however, te fasten
thocrlmeonHerg. Ue will be removed te
Turkey Again Arming,
Londen. July 29. A dispatch fretu-i
stantinople says that Turkey Is actively aru
Inc. Large purchasea of arms and ammui
tien have already been made, llerr Krupj
thecreat German gun manufacturenhas I
sent heavy orders for guns of large callbr
and Turkish eiUcera have been sent te
te supervise their construction. The Turk!
ish cevernment proneso te purchase 100,0
American rilles of the latest and most lnl
proved pattern.
Let m a Feg at Sea.
Gleucestlk. Masa, July 29. Tbj
schooner Fredorlek. Germing, which arrived
vesterdav. reports the less In a beat during m
togenJUiyiu ei jerry eunui, geii -"i";
.": . . t 4j in. nA ik m u
Cape sable auu- an .ugiuuiuau, uwa
Uarvev. aged 21.
" w M
finntk in numkarclr. 1
r.t!ni.iN. Julv 29. The German gev
ment has reel ved advices te the effect that th' J
sultan of Somali, en the ease coast or Ainea, v
has expelled Uie members or tne um
East African society irem uu oeunwr. ,
The Kuoxvllle CArenfcfe was sold
morning te Nashville parties, te satisfy
indebtedness of 115,000. It will be;cenUM
as a uepuDiican paper. iuJmm
Secretary Manning and wile left A.uar
this mernlug for Notch UUI. The screar
health has steadlly Improved and UM fm
manent roeovery ta new "ra081,'ert,;.n;M,
Augusta Leepold, the IJraxUlaja ImpJW
...i.i. i.. a..tiai tt.iu inrrilnir from iN6w Una)
He said he felt flattered by Uie treatment fcf A
bad receivea wnue m iuweuuumj j
Boen te pay auotner viau w ww w-.
" T ''JV1
The BMI wpaa
Tvhl Kllllnirer. FelJx Scale
M. Hpear and Herbert Gaet
T .n.ll.irv mL AVanlDIT Ifl ft V
,,i... S.,.i.,. whau near tkei
jhjvj or" it Zmmtm th.raum I
vt. iN
. "M
v V -I
i" .