'& TT'&fT&V r tfu- y r 1 i ' TH LANOABTER DAILY nSTTMLIiegyOgB, FRIDAY, JULY 23, 186, - ?.!vJ , -V. ? i?' , it V- t ." -rr fc. WAUM. Frem steaming street. Irem stlniug shop, Tn sail for gul is of soda pep, Ana ere Iho flog days' thirsty date. Flllsnewnardsand rcfrlgeratet Te iwlm In claret punch, te wade Through Icy streams of lotnntiade, Or whcre the nrlie serges roll Leaf In Iho shadow of Iho pole I Or following ome Icelisrg Careless of heat, that "'l.1i. ' AtKtlaptln coel.dollghtrul airs, Mid walrn.es and polar bears, Through tbe north weal passage Blip, An Ice fleo for our trusty ship t Within some crystal-lighted cove In freicii tldea te He and lave, Or en aome mountain summit Iroie Threngh tranquil days tesnnnreand suave, Deep down In ocean's oey funs Te flirt with merry inrmialdens, Or through the Armament te glldn Inte Iho ruaorvelrlnaldui Bomewhoir, aomehowa root te leek Moie IrlgM than the Mugwump's cheek Hew sweet were these t Koaplte, retreat, And bower from the accursed heat I tfen Me Xtw Verk Nim. MATH tTHIBf Hl.ACh. BKAKMS. A Hsntucklan Who Prefers Them te Oyatera or Chickens. Islington (Ky.) Letter te Cincinnati Enquirer. Mr. U. V. Mctluoen, el this city, at ene tltuecennec ted with the Kentucky stock farm, ha qulte n local reiutatUm m an eater. 1 hail a long talk with hltn, and he says he baa eaten along the wliole line of dishes Amerl can, English, German, French and Italian, Me appreciate oysters In all their forms, chicken and tender frog legs, and when ral hungry can tackle corn -bread and new-bolly. Hut for a dish that will miike the gods smack their llp In gonulne BaUsractle:i give hi in fat black anakea, frled In butter and lard, or belter In nlce snake oil. When snakes are In season he eats them every row days, lloalae claaaen snails among hl Uellcacles. TIichb he cooks with macaroni. ' When did you first couimence eating anakea?" aaked the ropertor. " In 1868 I waa In California among the Indians. They ate snakes, generally black and rattle snakes. I once taated anloceof the latter, which they had cooked. I found it had a delicate flavor, but 1 did net then llke the Idea of eating snakes. This ropug repug nance, I found waa only an Idea, there being no reason for 1L I catne home tn Franklin county, Kentucky, In 1850. While at home I went out In a clearing, near my lather's house, and saw an old Irish hermit, who had rested there many years, kill black snake. He started te hts cabin with It, drsgglugyt behind him. He laid it out en n plank, cut eir the head and threw the body In a bed of het ashes te akin It. I asked him what he waa going te de de. He said he waa going te eat it ; Uiat It was line feed, and invited me te sap with him. I complied with Ills request. After skinning It he laid It In salt and water for a while. He then fried it In hutter and lard, and it was really delicious. The mero I ate the mero I wanted. Nlnce that time I have had a weakness for snake meat, especially black snakes. I am afraid of the meat et rattiesuakOH. I olteii glve a half dollar for a geed-sized black snake, which I cook mvself. Kvery year I nianage te get some. Slnce I have been In Lexington I have net been fortunate enough te lndulge niytaiteas onen as i would hke. uoed, nlce fat blackanakes are acaroe In old settled counties like this, and I have te get them from ether places. An old man who lives In ene of the mountain counties, and U trap per and hunter, and also appreciates tbe delicacy, eften sends me black snake oil, which I use te fry deughnuU In." At this Juncture the sneaker opened a lit tle bandbag, which he Is ill the habit of car rying all the time, and from it took a dough nut, fried In snake OIL llreaklng It In two, he ate half with great gusto, proffering the ether half te your reperter. "Netany, thankH," replied the ropertor te his pressing Invitation te "try It." "It Is splendid. A snake eats nothing but what is nlce and clean, and It stands te reason that It Is geed. It does net eat flltn llke a hog." McQneen Is a robust, brawny man of ever six feet In height, and a man el Intelligence. . s Is Pronounced It Lie. Dr. Jeter was once Informed that a preacher, In deridlng baptism, had said that he, (Dr. Jeter,) when he lived down in the Northern Neck, led a few dozen candidates for baptism lar out into the Kappahanneck river, and that just then, before he had baptized thorn, a shark dasbed by, and Dr. Jeter and all the candidates broke for the shore, and, as they wero hurrying In, the choir en the banks struck up ' Pull for the shorn, brother ; l'ullfer the shore." The elil doctor replied : "Thore Is neta word of truth in IL That hymn had net then been written, and no shark had ever ap peared In that river. It is a lie, sir ; it Is nothing but alie." Deith te the Children. At Leng lieacli, New Ilrunswlck, Klchard, the four-year-old son of Captain Millien Tulu, "deliberately threw the ten-mouth-old child of Enes Herat etl a brldge Inte a running stream, where the llttlolellew was drowned." Themas Conway, aged 17 years, died at Ualtlmere from a dose of rat poison taken with suicidal intent, because bis father told him that "he must go te work and lenrn te make a living ter himself." Frank Malley, son of Mrs. Kmma M alley "the temporance evangellst," and Mrs. Jacob Stern were drewned by the upsetting el a row beat at 1 operto, Indiana. m The" Favorite Prescription " Dr. 11: V. Pierce, of llutrnle, X. Y., whose name has become- known evor the world through his success as a physician, and especially through the reputation of his "Gelden Medical Dis covery." has done a geed work In preparing an especial remedy for tee manydlstrcKalng troubles classed as " female weaknesses." It Is known as the " ravertte Prescription." Under Its ad ministration all the pelvic organs are strength uncd, and Urn woman become that embodiment of health and bcuuty which Ued Intended her te be. Tu.FAw Cholera, dysentery and diarrheea ceme with the aummer Imprudence In fruit diet Infection and sudden checks of perspiration cauee tbcae complaints. On the first symptom take four or flve llrandreth rills and drink plentifully of het water and you are safe. If you wish te ren der the body a fortress against disease, take ene or two Brandreth Pills every night for ten days and thus rcmove from the bowels all Irritating subatance and purify the bleed. Baby is toething. Hardly knew It using Dr. II akd's Teetbtng Letien. Price, 23 centg. Theuaamls of babies are wasted and haggard from dlarrhcce. Dr. Hand's Dlarrhcea Mixture enree wlthent drying the bowels. Prlce, S3 cents. Fer sale at II. II. Cochran's Drug Stere, Ne. 1S7 and 133 North Queen street. Jyl-lmd&w HVMOIAI. RUT1CK8. Let Us Tell Yeu. Let us tell veu that a person who Is bilious or constipated Is net a well parson, mid further, that nearly every ene Is subject te these Irregu larities. Let us tell you also that II unlock liloed Bitten are ene of tlie tlimst Uluretlcs and uporlents ever yet devised. Per anle by II, II. Cochran, druggist, 137 und IX) North Queen street, Lancaster. Tells IVnat lie Kuews. "Best thing for burns I have ever tried. Heals upgrandly.'r L. P. Fellett, Marlon.Ohle, speak. lug of Tltemat' JCclectrte Oil. Per sale by 11. U. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 13'J North Queen street, Lancaster. Over the Hill te the Peer Deme.'' A person with Impaired or Impoverished bleed Is en the read te physical bankruptcy. Hurdeck Itloeil Ilitteri strengthen and enrtch the circu lation, repair tbe tissues, and bntld up the en. tire system. Per sale by II. U Cochran, drug gist, 137 and 133 North Queen street Lancaster, Ol Matchless Merit. Per the nose and threat, externally or Inter nally used, JTtemaP Xcltclrie Otl Is matchless. Asthma, catarrh, and serious threat affections are u.ulckiy amenable te this edlclent remedy Per sale by II. U. Cochran, druggist, 137 and lx North queen street. Lancaster. A Postal Card Frem Mrs. Dennls Smith, LouUvllle, Ky., says u Jl Ittlert seem particularly adapted. Never bi Never before had com nlexlmt un clar. lltut All the tit rer sale by II II. Cochran, dmirslst. 137 and 13'J North queen street, Lancaster. A. Qoed Talker On the stage or platform, in society or at home, must net only possess brains but u clear, strong volce. Catarrh, or a sovere cold, is almost cer, tain te Injure the voice. But these complaints may be completely eradicated with a few appli cations of Tliemat' Ecltclrle Oil, unrivaled in Its specialties. Fer sale by IL B. Cochran, drug gist, 137 end 13J North queen street, Lancaster. May Fever Sufferers, The nnmberef people annually afflicted with this most annoying malady seems te be greatly en the Increase. The editor of thlsjeurnal is an annual vlctlm.and, with a view te discover a soecllle cure, has triad numerous remediea. Of these Ely's Cream Balm is by all odds the aulckest and most satisfactory, two applica tion! greatly allaying the usual symptoms in the nose and eyes. We would recemmend IU use by .aU subject te hay feyer.and we gladly bear unsolicited testimony te its efficacy Tn our MMDiOAL QH I MY RACK. Every Strain or Celd Attack that Weak Hack andNvarly.Prestralcs ou. Physician, and DniRglttii Recommend BROWN'S IEOtf BITTERS! A8THE BEST TONIC. Strengthens the Muscles. Enrlclics the llloed. Steadies the Nerves. Glvss New Viger, Dr. J. I,. Mvmw. Fairfield, Iowa, say; i "llrewn's Iren Hitters Is the best Iren Medi cine I have known In my 3tl years practice. I bave found It specially Imneficlal In nervous or physical exhaustion, and In all debilitating all. inents that bear se heavily en the lyatem. Use It freely In my own family. Me. W. r, IIROWK, M7 Muln street, Covington, Ky., says I " 1 was completely broken down In health and troubled with pains In my back, llrewn's Iren Hitters entirely restored me te health." Miss f.tziic HniXNAif, 3H4A Ceeko avenue, it, Leula, Me., suys I "1 suffered with spinal weak ness, pains In my hack and sleepless nights, t tried every conceivable remedy wlthent innch benefit. Four bottles of llrewn's Iren Hitlers have relieved me, una i cheerriiiiy rccoiumena It." The genuine has Trade Mark and crossed red lines en wrapper. Taktnnethr. Madoenlyby IIUOWN CIIKMIOAL CO.. (3) llalllmeiv, Md. pjXUAUHTKD VITALITY. EXHAUSTED VITALITY WTor,kC1CJgB0renLMKaBnhorq Physical Debility, Premature Decllne, Krrorsef teuth. and the untold miseries consequent thorven. soe pages sve. I prescriptions for all diseases. Cleth, full gilt, only ll.eu, by mall, sealed. Illustrative sample lree te all young and middle-aged men forth" nnxt 90days. Address lilt. W. II. PAItKKU, 4 Uuldncb Htn-et, lloxten. Mass. inyl7-lyeedAw G UAY'8 8PK0IKIU MKOIOINK. THEOKKATKNOLISH HEMKIIY. An unfailing cure for Impotency, and all Dis eases that fellow 1-ees of Memery, Unlversal Lassitude, I'aln In the Hack, Dimness of Vision, Prematura Old Age. and many ether dlseawa that lead te Insanity or Consumption and a Premature Urave awrull particulars In our pamphlet, which we desire te vend free by mall toeverynue. aVTbe Specific Medlclne Is sold by alldrugglsuatli rmr package, or six packages for (3, or will be sent free by mall en the receipt of the money, by addressing the agent. 11. II. UOCIIUAN. Drngglst, Sole Agent, Nen. 137 and 139 Werth Queen Htroet, Lancaster, Pa. On account of counterfoils, we have adepted the Yellow Wrapper : the only genuine. THKUltAY MKDIUS.LCO.. apx-lydAw uuithJe. X.T. PIATARKH- UAY.KKVKIi. CATARRH. ELY'S CREAM BALM Gives Kolle f at Once and Cures. COLD IN HEAD, CATAKUH, UAY rEVBU UOSECOLD, DEArNESS, HEADACHE. Net a Liquid, Snuff or Powder. Pree from In In lurleus Drugs and OUonslve Oders. A particle Is upplled te each nostril and la agreeable te use. Price BO cents at druggists by mall, registered, 60 ets. Circular sent free. ELY HHOTHKilB, Druggists, Owego, M.Y. uly231yeedAlvw A KTEK ALLOTUEHHKAlb, CONHULT DR. LOBB, SB MOUTH PirTEEKTII STUEIT. (Delew Ca lewhlll Btrwt, 1'hlladelpUla.) YE AltS' EXPEUIENCE. Guaranteed te euro the amicted and unfortunate with Purely Vege table Medlclnes. Heek en special diseases free ; send for It. Advice froe and strictly conflden cenflden UaI. Offlce hours, 11a.m. te J p.m., 7 p. m. te 10 p.m. Treatment by Mall. mi-lvdJtw rORE QDAKANTEED, RUPTURE. Cure guaranteed by DB. J. U. MAYEB. Ease at once ; no operation or delay from busi ness i tesuxl by hundreds of cures. Main office, 831 AllCH ST., P11ILA. Bend for Circular. MHvdAw rTOKN KEMOVEH. TICTORU CORN REMOVER. Warranted te eradicate completely and In a short time, the most obdurate corns, hard or soft, without pain. Sold by Goe. W. Hull, Chas. A. Lechor, Jehn B. Kanffman, Dr. Wm. worm- ley, Ana. u, ,' rev, Unas. J. nnuimyer, ana at IlECUTOLD'S IlltUtl 8TOBK, declMyd Ne. 401 West Orange 8U VHOUKBIBB. Hian a hade coffees. Kine old Government Java and Mecha Coffees, the best In the market. Our Java Ulen ded Coffee speaks for luelf : rich and fragrant, Vc. per pound. Very fine Plantation Kle Coffees, our beat only aw. per pound; ene very popular at lie We want you tecall and try our 12hc. Coffee The excellent quality of our Coffeos and line Teas Is making friends fast and Arm. Our dally sales show a stonily increase, rredh Koaated every day. A full line of fancy Grocerlei. Please glve us a trial order. UEO. WIANT, augW-lvd Ne. 113 West King Street. l.T BUIiaiv'S. MOur btern will clmsuatup. uiM during the summer inentln, with the exception et Sat urdays, when we clese at lu p. m. PICNIC PLATES -AND- PICNICGROCERIES AT BURSK'S, NO. 17 EAST KING STREET, LANCABTEB, PA. -PerHttle AOOODbArE. Price, 111.00. OAMUiAuma. CTANDARD OAKIUAQE WORK. Edw. Edgerley, CARRIAGE BUILLEB Market Street, Bear of Poateffloo, Laneaater, Pa, My stock comprises a large variety of the Latest Style Buggies, Phntens, Carriages, Mar. ket and Business Wagons, which 1 otter at the very lowest figures and en the most reasonable terms. I call special attention te a few et my own de. signs, ene of which la the KDOEBLKVCLOSKD PHYSICIAN COUPE, which Is dectdedly the neatest, lightest and meat complete Physician's Carrlas:e In the country. Persons wishing te bny a geed, honest and substantial article, should bear tn mlud that tbey take no rtsk In buying my work. Every Carriage turned out In ahrhteen vuars auoed one that U the kind of guarantee I have te otter the public Alt work tully warranted. Please give me a call. BEPAIBINQ PBOMPTLY ATTENDED TO. One set et workmen especially employed ler that purpose WATCH EJ. w ATUUEB, CLOCKS, ta. WATCHES, CLOCKS, Ae. Sl'ECIALSALE OF OOLD-flLLKD CASES (Bess's Manufacture), hunting or open-ca?ed watch, nlckle works, 1ft Jewels, stem winding and setting (limited number) at tJu.00. Alse 75 lu sUvercd hunting cases, same works, atl7.50 each. Great bargains In Lancaster Watches. All the best Elgin and ethers. Correct time dally by telegraph i only place In city. Best watch and Jew&ry 'repairing. L. WEBKK. Ne. VOX North queen Street. (NearF. B.B. station.) -Spectacles and Eye Glasses. Optleal Goods. MINERAL WATERS, Al'OLLINAlBS WATEB, the Queen of Table Waters," Hawthorn Spring of Saratoga, at JtSiUAitra old wine stoke. 11, C. BLAYMAUii, Agt. MOVMMMVMMUHlMa UOOB. w K UAVK A LAKQK 8TOOK. Or TltR B8T R.EFRIGERATOR.S IN TUB CITT, The Pierce Dry Air Refrigerator. UAKDKN llOHIt, WATJCH OOOLKHB, 1VK OHKAlt FRKKZEHS, And afull line of HOUSErUKrUSlllNO GOODS The largest stock of OA8 FIXTUKlCain the city. Bptwlal attention paid te Uas-rttttng, Tin Hoenngmna npeuimg . . -.. We havelust received another lotef these ase. OLOISKS. JOOP.SOHAITM&SOIf, 24 SOUTH QUEEN ST., LAROASTBH. PA. F MNN&MKKNKMAN. PRICES MARKED DOWN Weed and Iren Pomps, TERRA-COTTA -AND- Iren Moter and Drain PIPES. FLINN & BRENEMAN, Ne. 162 North Queen Street, LANCASTER, PA. "WTM. A. K1EFFER. ALDUS O.HERIt KIEFFER 8c HERR, Ne. 40 East King Street, (Opposite Court Heuse). Invite all Housekeepers te Call and Inapect their stock of HeusefmnishiTig Goods. A Compteto Line constantly en hand. COOK STOVES and UANUKS, PAULO It STOVES, HEATKUSand PUBNACES. SUMMER COOK STOVES. After carefully examining the merits of nil Offered te the trade, we have selected THE "ARGAND," rer UASOLINE.and THE if DANGLER," Ter COAL OIL. As the llest, when all points are oensldorcd, te offer te our patrons. Cell and see us. We love te show our goods, and are neB offended If you de net purchase. Hemeinber, we are agents for The " Splendid Heater. Manufactured by Puller A ' Warren Company, Trey, N. Y, which has no rival In durability, economy of fuel und control of gas. New Is the tlme te examlne and becouie posted for Autumn purchases. UEMEMUElt THE PLACE I 40 EAST KING ST., (OPPOSITE COUKT HOUSE ) spa-tfd&w WAUL fAl'BU. RT WALL PAPER STORE. Art Wall Paper Stere, NO. 134 N0RTU QUEEN STREET, LANCASTEll, PA. Anether large let of OILT PAPKB8 lust ar rived will be sold cheap. Call early and leek at them and get prices, will net keep thorn leug, ier the prlce will sell them. Window Shades made ready te hang. Plain Shade Cleth all colors. Window Similes made and hung promptly, Lace Curtains, Peles, Chains, Heeks, etc. TNe trouble te show goods. ALFRED SIEBER, NO. 134 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANOABTEB. PA. TJUARES W. PHY. WE HAVE 40 OB CO ODD Wire Window Screens WITH WIBE ATTACHED ON. The BIzea are 25x27, 20x32, 27x30, 31x33, And Se On. In order te close theiu out quick we will sell them ut 13 te S3 cents aplcce. Come seen and bilngyourmcasureandyeu may llud Just what yen want. Webavobeendelngablg trade In SCBEEN8 this week again. Orders ceme In from SO te 75 a day. Yeu miss It If you don't take udvantagoef tbese low prices. EVEBYTHINU MUST HE SOLD. PHARES W. FRY, NO. 67 NORTH QUEEN ST., TOOK QAU7.B UNDERWEAR. rer Ladlrs, OeutR and Misses at Beduced l'rltOB, GO TO UECIITOLD'S. Alse Dress and Wet krng Shirts. I'anU, Over, alls, Dustea, llats, Ladtus, Units, Misses and Beys b tee kings In great variety. Noekwear. Cellars, Cuffs, Uandkcrchlets, Suspenders and Notions. All cheap te suit the times. AT BKCllTOLD'S, Ne. 61 North Queen street. P. 8. Choice building Mtone and wind for Bale, Q.EORQB ERNST, JB., Carpenter, Contractor & Builder, BESIDENCE-NO. 633 WEST KING ST. BUOl'-EAST GBANT ST., Opposite Station Heuse. AU work receives my prompt and personal at. tentlen. All kinds of Jobbing attended te at short no. tlcnand en reasonable, terms, Drawings and Ings and eJHja x.sumKivn lureuavut etermaa. lURQKR A BOTTOW, YOU WILL FIND Men's, Bey's and Children's CLOTHING Harked Down SO LOW that It wilt be greatly I your Interest te call and examine the OOODB and PKiunn, ii in neoe. el any mere MBD1UM or LIGHT WEK1IITH this season. We Manufacture All Our Goods, AndQuaranteetbem Plrseciass In Every Par tlcular. WE UAVK A FULL LINK or SUMMER CLOTHING In Seersucker, Mohair. Alpaca, Drappette and Linens at Prices Astonishingly Lew, Goods as Beprcsonted or Menoy Belunded. BUE&EB, & SUTTOS, NO. 24 CENTRE SQUARE, LANCASTER, PA. OW l'RICEH, LOW PRICES. Prices that make purchasers of every ou Ho He mer can be round hore new. Te theae who de net need CLOTHING At present. Lew Prices are of no advantage; but H we have In stock what you want, our prices will plaaae you. MEN'S SUITS AT $8.00. WOBTU MOBE MONET. MEN'S SUITS AT $10.00. Were Conslderod Cheap at 11100. Men's Suits all the way In price from $3.00 te r.oe. It would be unreasonable for you te ask for thorn at a lower figure. They're down te the lowest notch. Bej'a and Children's Clothing Are pretty well down, but seme very nlce styles are here yet. It don't matter hew nlce they are ; we don't want them any longer ; and whenwe want them te go, we use Lew Prices as me means. d LEADING CLOTHIERS, NO. 13 HAST KTNO STRHHT, LANCA8TEB. PA. MlI.llHXRT. B ARGAINS I SPECIAL BARGAIN SALE -or- RIBBONS -AT- ASIffi'S Palace of Fashion, 13 BAST KING STREET, LANCASTEll, TA. Commencing Friday, July 23. Flve Hundred Pieces l'laln. Striped and Fancy, Satin and oites qbaijI biuuens, In Nes. Handle, at FIFTEEN CENTS A YABD. Twe Hundred rieces Ne. 8, All Silk, Satin and Gres Grain, Otteman and Satin, and Twe Toned battn Blbben, l'lcet Edge, at SEVEN CENTS A IAUU, Twe Huudrcd I'loces, the same'styles and qual ity, In Ne. 7, at NINE CENTS A YARD. One Bundled l'lecei Ne. i Satin Ribbons, all colors, at TOUIt CENTS A YARD. One Hundred Pieces Ne. S Satin Ribbon, all colors, at FIVE CENTS A YABD. One Hundred Pieces Ne. 7 Batiu Blbben, all colors, at BIX CENTS A YARD. One Hundred Pieces Ne. 0 Batlu Blbbeu, all EIGHT CENTS A YARD. One Hundicil l'Icces Ne. U Satin Blbben, all colors, at TEN CENTS A YABD. FIVE 11UNDBED YARDS Of Elegaut Cieam Orleutal Laces, four te flve Inches wide, at TEN CENTS A Y'ABD. t'lVE HUNDRED YARDS Of Elegant Creim Oriental Lace, seven Inches wide, at TWELVE AND A-H ALF CENTS A YABD. One Hundred Dezen Ladles' LluonCape Cellars, ail sizes, at SIX CENTS Al'IECE. Bargains In Black, Colored and Cream Surah silks. V We are making Great Reductions tn every department aud Invite all te come and see theui, HYKRS MM JMWMLM.VT, 0C. JT & KHOADS, JEWELER Watches, Diamonds, My Repair Dept. is Fully Equipped and Respectfully Solicit Repairing of Fine and Complicated Watches, Musical Bexes, Bronzes, Jewelry and any Intricate Piece of Mechanism. H. Z. RHOADS, 4 WEST KING STREET. rUHHlTUMB. rEINITSU'H FUKNITUKE DEPOT. Te Keep Coel and Comfortable Daring (he Het Months, It la necessary te find soma Coel Retreat. Te be Comfortable In that retreat Yeu Need a Geed Easy Rocker, Settee or Chair, And you ean find tbe Largest Assortment at HEINITSH' FURNITURE DEPOT, NOS. 27 & 29 SOUTH QUEEN ST., LANOABTER, PA. CABHIAUB A MOTTO THAT ALWAYS WINS. HONEST WORK ! HONEST PRICES I Philip Doersom's Old Reliable Carriage Works, 126 and 128 EAST KING STREET, (HXABLY OPPOSITE TIIJO LKOPABD HOTEL), LANCABTKR PA. Nene But First-Class Mechanics Employed. Ne. 1 Material, and That Only, Used PBICES TO SUIT TUK TIMES. ALL WORK GUAKANTKED. BUGGIES, PMTONS, BUSINESS WAGONS, MARKET WAGONS. t h.nnnn hand and for sale chean the follewlnir flrst-clats second-hand work : OnaLlsht One-M an Wsgen, suitable lertrack purpoae, one Light Feur-l'asscnger Drag.ene Flrst-clas Ex n Tep Phroten, two Light Jnmp-SeatCarrlages. Alse, Second-Hand Tep and Tretting ling ling eth side bar and end springs, Ilastness Wagons, Sporting Wagons and Market wagons, tension ftn. n which will be sold attheMO3TUKAS0Na.BLE chase or net. Notrenblotoshowthe work. PARTICULAR ATTENTIPN PAID TO REPAIRING. MO-DOXT FOROET THE PLACE.- Philip Doersom's Old Reliable Carriage Works, NOS. 126 and 128 iarm ixavitAKVB vempajtt. T UE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. COMPARISON OF TWO MATURED ENDOWMENT POLICIES. SAME YEAR. SAME AGE. SAME PLAN. DIFFERENT RESULTS. THE MUTUAL LIFE. THE NEW YORK LIFE. Fifteen Year Endewment. Fifteen Year Endowment. Iisutd Jdrcft a, IJ??. limed December 11, 1S70. Ne. 100.HO. Ne. 77,110. Annual premium, $ 343 (S5 $ 313 65 Amount of policy, 5,000 0(1 $5,000 00 Dividend additions, 1,690 83 1,20100 Total paid by Company, 0,6UO 6S 0,VM1 00 Total premium paid by assured, 5,151 75 5,154 76 Paid by Company inexces30f premiums ree'd, $1,530 13 11,019 25 READER If you would realize results similar te that of the Plky Helder iu the MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF NEW YORK. Apply te JAMES H. MARSHALL, Agent, Ne. 20 East Walnut, or GO North Duke Streets, Lancaster, Pa. HevamwvMtuBuma uoedm. s HIRK'B CARPET HALOU CARPETS I BEOFENIN9 OF SHIRK'S CARPET HALL. We are new prepared te show the trade the Largest and Best selected Line of Carpets ever ex. hlbttedln this city. WILTONS, VELVETS, all the Trading Make of BODY ANDTAFESTBY BRU8SELB, TUBES-FLY, All-Weel and Cotten Chain EXTBA BUFkBS, and all quallUes of IN GRAIN CARPETS, DAMASK and VENETIAN CARPETS. BAG and CHAIN CARPETS of our own manufacture a speciality. Special Attention paid te the Manufacture of CUSTOM CARPETS. AlSOaFull Line Of OIL CLOTHS, BUGS, WINDOW SHADES, COVERLETS, 0h AT SHIRK'S CARPET HALL Cor. West King and iferjfx:. A TLANTIO CITY. THE OLD ESTABLISHED Chester County Meuse, Centrally located, convenient, very near the Sea, comfortable In every way, and home-like. NOW Ol'KN. J. KEIM Ss SONS. mayM-Imd ilAPE MAY. THE STOCKTON. CAPE MAY, N. J. The Finest Beach en the Coast. The Largest and Most Elegant Seaside Hetel In the World. WOl'ENB, JUNK SO.-S HENRY CLAIR, Prep'r. Late of the Grand Union Hetel, Saratoga Springs. JuneH-Owd O ,FEN ALL, THE YEAR. "THE MANSION." ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. The largest and most promlnently located Hetel. Elegantly furnished and liberally man. aged. Thoroughly lighted, drained and ven tilated. Open all Iho year. CHARLES McQLADE. JVBrepby's Orchestra. JeT-3md SHLAND HOUSE, ATLANTIC CITY, reopens JULY 1st, under new manage ment. Electrle lights, electrie bells, city water, tirst-class cuisine. Terms moderate. Fiist-class barattacbed. UENBY UAUTEB, J y Mind Late of Grape Hetel, Lancaster Pa. A Full Line of the " Birth or Menth Stones " Mounted te Suit Your Particular Pane;y. Jewelry. WORUB. Wagons, Sporting Wagi 1'lUCKS. GlveusacalT PBlCEH. whether you with te pur- EAST KING STREET. KHydAw CARPETS I Water Sts., Lancaster, Pa. febSS-tmOlt COAL. T B. MARTIN, waeLiaau Ann utail dsaijui is All Kinds of Lumber and Geal. -Yahd: Ne. 430 North Water and Prince Streets, abeve Lemen. Lancaster. nJ-lyd T3 ATJMQARDNERS ft JEFFERIE8. GOAL DEALERS. Officii Ne. 129 North Queen street, and Ne. 6C4 North Prince BtreeU Yards i North Prince street, near Beading Depot. LANCASTER. PA. BUgBVtld REMOVAL. M. V. B. OOHO has remeved his Coel Office te Ne. IM N0BT1I QUEEN STREET (Brimmer's New Building), where orders will be received for Lumber and Ceal, WHOLESALE AID RSTAIL. ms-tfd M.V.B.COUO. AS MEDICINE USE THE FINEST CALIFORNIA. BRANDY In the Market, at BOHREB'S LIQUOR STORE, xa CENTRE SQUABS. Lancaster, CTORAQK AD- OOMMISSION WARHHOUSB. DANIEL MAYEB, deea-lyd M&MWMtCksut Street. . Wnai(hoe aTiH. .ieJbrUei3 Lm'jium,Zm, RKADINO f- AS SflU IIK' ';wr.S2I,TIWA RAHiHOAJk : LANCABTB' Oa ar BB4BMWOi. - JT &' TIIIKI tuitramtiiu... ,-'S fnrRftdlnvB.tTxna. m .itnBAM . 'Hi Fer Lebanon at ll.as knf &e p. m. " .? 9! !?ler at as and 7.15 a. n. mail f.M m. m..'; Eer Lebanon at :Mp.m. "'" ' U PerltaStinJ'.NS.0 "REET (LaneMtMy) M t?i H,?Jn; at ;.se a. tn.. is. an n a in m. : Vi SSI Ji"5!5?P m.. 1X40 and MS ST saT "J "JSlWil ,&VMI.ft45?.'i'!l!E?PVr. W rOTHiwdfnvft vjaV''V.".? .f'"?""W i f ' 5aSSSRlrWrfflV ISiSSSSM'.VSfft,'"' ". , ' PG UrTOAT TRATjrs. v,,- TBAINS LEAVE UEADINO Fer Lancaster at T.ae a. at. and 4.00 p. m. Fer Quarry vllle at 4.00 p. m. " "ii" i.SAVC qUAHBYVILLE 'j; or Lancaster, Lebanon and Beading at 7.10 a.M Si ...ni..ei,iiA,Bimi or. (lAncaster,) ptn""11" ana Loblnen Rt 8-Ma.m.anaa.M Fer Qtiarryvtlle at B:M p. m. TBainb leave PKINCE ST. (Lancaster,) pTni?"18 ana Lebanon " " . m. and 104 Fer goarryvllle at 8.43 n. ra. TUAIMS LEAVE LEUANOK. Fer Lancaster at TM a. m. and tisT Fer QnarrlilS at 4ft jTm. """ Fer connection at Columbia, UartetU Jtina. Hen. Lancaatar Junction, MMrSlS? BeadtiS and Lebanon, soe tlme tables at all stalleruu A. It. WILSON. Bunennundent PENNSYLVANIA KAILKOAD HCHED ULE. In efTcct from June 13,1880. ..'S ? WJ? "e"T md leaTeandarrtra at Philadelphia aa fellows : Leavo Leava WE8TWABD. Paclfle Expresst News Express) Way Passengert Mafl train via ML Jey I Ne.iMallTraln....... Niagara Express....... Hanover Acceui Fast Llnef Frederick Accem Lancaster Accem Uarrtsburg Accem..., Columbia Arcem Harrlsbnnr Exnress... Philadelphia. Lancaster. ii:zu p. in. :.T) a. m. 4:30 a. m. 7.-00 a m. irija. ra. 0:23 a. m. 6:30 a. m. ft Jt a. as. ess a. m. 9.aua. m. BMtu tn. zee p. ra. 'i:le p. m. 2:50 p. m. B'JO p. m. 7 Je p. m. 7:40 n. m. via Columbia 7:40 a. m. via Columbia ll:M a. in. via Columbia viaMU Jey, zi3 p. m. 4.40 p. m.! 8:40 p m. j B:Mp.m. 10Sp. m. lK!ave Ijtncaster, 2-20 a. m. 6:03 a.m. 8:10 a.m. 8Jea.m. 9-flOa.m. 12 58 p.m. 2 os p. m. s-oe p.m. Chicago and Cln. Ex..) 10-45 p. m. 12:10 a. m. Arrlve at EA8TWABD. Phlla. Expressf....... Fast Llnet Uarrtsburg Express.. Lancaster Accem ar.. Columbia Accem Beashnre Express Philadelphia Accem., Sunday Mall Dav Krimwil Phlla. 4:48 a.m. 8:23 a. m. . 10,-ae a. ra, via Mt Je 11:43 a.m. 3:111 p. m, hoop. ra. 5:43 d. m. llarrlsburg Accem. a:p.m. i e:ou p. i D'U p. is, n. tn. InlrAAn. m. The Lancaster Ar.rmm-u1nf Inn Iaavas ffWrT-laa burg at 8.10 p. tn. and arrives at Lancaster at ftM p.m. The Marietta Accommodation leaves Celum bla at 6:40 a. m. and rcachen Marietta at :. Alse. leaves Columbia at 11:43 a. in. and 2:45 p. m reachlng Marietta at 12:01 and 1M. Leavea Marietta at 3-06 p. m. and arrives at Columbia at 8-20 1 also, leaves at 8-M and arrives at 8:30. The Yerk AcoammedAUnn InavM M AriAttA at ciu ana arrives at Lancaster at s-euc With ilarrlsbunr Exnresa at 8:10 a. m. J OOnMCliB' The Frederick AccfimtnrnlrLMnn. vmL HmnsAt. Ing at Lancaster with Fast Line, west, atU p. m.. will run through te Frederick. The Frederlck Accommodation, east, leave Columbia at 12.-2S and reaches Lancaster at lxalt p. m Hanover Accommodation, west, connecting at Lancaster with Niagara Exprem at two a. m will run through te Jianover, dally, exeept Bun. day. Fast Llncv west. en Snnday, when flagtred. will step at Downlngtewn, Ceatesvllln. Parks burg, lit. Jey. KUzabethtewn and Middle tewau tfhe only trains which run dolly. On Sunday the Mall train wast runs bv way of Columbia. J. B. WOOD. Gnnnral Pasaenirer ABant. CUAS.E. PUUII General Manager. VAMKB, &C. ENRYN PARK. Peirp Pmt ON THE CORNWALL & MOUNT HOPE KAILltOAD: Te Cburches, Ledges, Societies and ether se lect organizations contemplating oxcursleni during thu SEASON OF 1(WJ, tbe cempanybegl te announce that every facility has been per" fectedfer enabllug the nublle te reach this fa lw&s!y Sa. r . -rfMumeia ua bsaeaatw at lis a. rr joen and Me n. as. " .w OhJokrea at 7.M a. se. and 11.001I. S. verite roaert, and no effort has been spared te .' make PENRYN l'ABK mere attractive than ? ever berore. Fer the free use of excursionists) 9 ltOATAnvtTinr.i.Airi! runnnrr. fy LAWN TENNIS AND BASE BALL GROUND". i TABLAB, BENCHES, SWINGS, DANCING PJTVILION.BAND STAND.LABQE SHELTER HOUSE, KITCHEN, BASKET AND CLOAK BOOMS. AND j-: OBSEBVATOBY ON TOP OF SOUTH MOUN- -J TAIN. There Is also a BEFBESUMENT AND DIN-. ING BOOM In charge et a competent caterer, Sr: hAm,nfulamn hnnnwnrnil Rt nindHnitji rAtjhBf jm besides Phetngraph Gallery, News Stand ana- Telcgrupli Office. ,vffi tar Ne Intoxicating Liquors Allowed cm the ", Grounds. kl Arrangements ler Excursions from all potato .? mi, h. mtulA hv nnnlvlnir tn -; CABLVeN SCI1MALEN8EE, J-'&A BupU Cornwall A Mt. Hepe B.'K., -j Or C.G.HANCOCK, Gen. Pass. AgU J-,1 l'eu. x ueaaing it. k., no.i.7COUiaxeuruiDu, rmu, mayia-duiu JTT. GRETNA l'ARK. it. e-ssEi PAEK, -FOB ,: excursions & picnics: This park is located in the heart of the Seutll ",, Mountain en the Line of the ;'J, Dntinrnll Ar. T.ntinnnn RftllrYaHi?i3 Winn mllAA nnnlh nf Ihn CltV Of LObanOM.t within easy distance of llarrlsburg, Beadlns;,, yj Lancaster. Columbia and all points en the Phfl- yj adelphla as Beading and l'enusyl vanla BaU-V reaas. ma greunus aru lurge, uuvuriug usi dreds el acres, and are FREE TO ALL. The Conveniences are A LARGE DANCING PAVILION, A SPACIOUS DINING HALL, BAGGAGE AND COAT BOOM, --.-: PUOTOGBAPH UALLERT. Whlte ihe AramfreTnAntH for Amusement nntt. sist or e; mtnOtlKT AND BALL GROUNDS. V4 BOWLING ALLEY, SHOOTING GALLERY, FLYING HORSES, unnne, t. OUOITS. AO-A.", Tables for Lunchen. Bnstle Seats and fleasMM ., are scattered throughout the grounds. AstMrvl AttracUeu ler the easen of IStd U 1 , 4.&C l., i uw, W i Cevering nearly Twenty Acres, en wniea placed a number of Elegant New uesh, along the banks et which are pleasant walks lovely scenery. rarties aesinng uraa ilnal.attli. Parlr na thn Olnlnir Hall nnder the supervision of E. M. BOLTZ. I LxBAnea Vallxt Heuse. These who : spend A DAY IN THE MOUNTAINS e no place se beautiful or affording se rnassv irleasm "t NO INTOXICATlNONKALLOWfW M Excursions from all points en the PeansytT. nla Railroad, wUl be curried direct te tfte raw , without enange ei cars. Excursion rates and full Information obtained upon application te Gee. W. Assistant General Paasenirar Asent. Peni nla Railroad, 233 Seuth Fourth street. PeJN nM. nrln .1 H .IKNNINOS.- SupU C. L. BaUread, Lebanon, If,' aaayStVSmd jxh,l mOTIOMM. r- "ORISMAN'S. GENTLEMEN'S Balbriggan and Qwai MttWf Pa. -TJIK BEST- , $ White Shirte- urKTlES. PLAIN AND FANCY I SCARF PINS, BLEEVKaSUrfOWfc? aUSPENDEHH, T - r-AT- T w ERISMAN'S, NO. M TOT KW( - tAC4tssV i 11 s$ .-- v.S 1 ?sa im '11 f! Y',i .- .''e.- ?. - -.