Wl 'w TBOI LANCASTER DAILY IHT?LLI0MfCant, THUB8DAY. JULY 22, 1880. , . -. nfirtr W V-i. MU l 1 1 E TIIK TIUINDF.lt (II'NT. "1 he day mu het nud theiluy wanlninb, Ha n for crlcket'ii chirr or tlm ben's low limn, Ami nter till neon wasover lliemin tllaicddnnu with u yellow nnil Inrrlblnejni 1 hen u single ilnml rme up In tlm weal, Willi n li.ua of gray, nnd a while, white rrcil , It leiflnndllspicadllknamlKhty wing, Ami swooped nt tlm nun, though lie ill'l l" '; Ami struggled ' feiiRlil Hkn wmmdwl thing. The trumpet et Ged obeyed en lilg" Ills signal te open the granary Amlneiiil letthlilA ln'ftHy lli'i Miinin Humbling nml rearing down '" . y . Ami mntteilng llie bless'', l'K batvesUd mint," VAV11I ( rAHMHIM IIhit liny OtuxMlly llcterluratcs Allvr llm I Ir.t rnr. I'leni thn Uoriiiaiitewii Tclcginpli It lim gunerally bwii coiiHlilnreil, Hint oh eh JHi'lnlly Hdiitnelif; HtrtllleilH'll, tlmt hikhI liny lest tietlilni; liy Mug kftpt ler H conslriuralile lengUi of limn. In I net, n illllerpiu e in irlce of liny of enu year's keeping nnil new liny li made In favor of llm lormer of from tliroe te llvu dellniH. Uuttlie .Scottish Ayrteutturul Un:etteHi)H Unit nfler tlie Hoceutl yuar liny of nny lilml ilwlliiri In alue. At llie l.on l.en l.on Ien fanner' Willi, Mr. Wixxluanl wilil : " I li.ve noveryul lie.trd n practical man May that old liny, te lilt ktiowlmlge mid liotler, deteriorated in miIiiu nflortlie third, liniinml wnunlli Ji'iirj Imt inyiijt'H worn oeiioil upon Hint K)int during tlie last iiutiuun. I w out te tlie Midland railway Moren, ulmre they out chilli u cry week for lln hundred home. 1 saw tlie manager nud lid Itiiinetll atelyxatd: 'Hit N old, we can't leek at It ; we de net care te buy It nrier the norend ycHr.' " Tills suggests tle llit'Onslty of he dispening of the lm crop In tlie barn that the surplus niayuitlier be wild or fed out the second year. It It no uncommon llilnu ler farmera te HKak of Ntored hay that It four, lis e nud nix years old, In the lHillaftli.it it It tully nt geed or better tlim when It wat llr.it cut, which, from the nhoe authority, would hceiii te lx) urroneout. And Htlll farmer will hardly think of gltlug up holding a llttle Hiirplut for umurguucle. Hffil IllriU fur I'ariiirrn K ery farmer can ralse hit ew u crop of reed birds, In thtt region of the country nt lea.it, If lie regard thewe birds te be n dainty tidbit, anil cliecnen te go le n ury llttle oxpeiiso. Un oery farm thore It a hair or fourth aero el laud that can be dltpouxed with 'which he Nheuld new with ordinary mlllutdoed (which It net tee into yet te de), and when thlt It maturing In h'optembor It will attract wk. birds lu Kroat iiuinlKm, and thuy are nt hit mercy. Anth fced early, he can liave n broil for breakhuit ; or hit ntipivr can be made temptliiKly apputluiK 'lhe plot of ground aheuld Ihi within easy reach of a bimh or fum-e, from w hlch he mil approach w Itliln Cumtlioteu at leatt two eidw. When nnnu of thorn) are at hand a "blind" may be built of a few benrdM, nt a place or ceiiccilmcnt, which can be rcmoed when the "Heiwen" Ih oer. We hae known r.irmera nud otliera lu thlt country totheot huudredt ii)ii liuu liuu liuu drcdtorthOAedollclout hlrdt within a short iIIhUiice from thulr dwellltiKt. Thlttt mero couveutpul nud lctt oxpeutho than keI"K up the martheH, runulni; the risk of a dene of Hhet, and Witstlug the beit (art el a day. Try itoucenud uoeuo will fall te rale lilt crop of reed birds oery ymr. Uiaclly Hew fe lli It. Frem the Farm Journal. Tobae froth eggt the year round, keep liens that will lay thorn frcwli e ery day. Te preMint froth cxrh rrem Hpeillii); en your hand, eat them or heII thorn te Heme unu olne. We make no etra chare ter thote twonlti twenlti twonlti able hints! The usual lniulrles about pro pre pro ierln; erks for Hovernl months have nrrled witli the return et Hiimmer. In autwer, we hae, at ntual te nay that wc knew no art by means or w hlch erks can be made te retain tlie froHhueAt of their youth for nix months tr mero, nor de we knew of any method or re Ju ennllni; thorn afler they ha e reached tin ir dotaiie. It hat been proved that cK4 m koep In fair condition two or three mentliH, simply tiacked In H.ilt, erin dry, sifted coal as lies. The conuneu method el keeping In lime water.ls probably a.s geed ns any. The lermula Is two pounds or lime, one pint or salt and tour nallent or water. .Sl.ike the lime lu het water, l'ut in only freth OirK", and keep them covered with lhe llipild. I'gKi thus p.icked and placed In cold storage, when tlie touijtiRiture it betweeu 'i. ami Kr , will probably ceme out in odlble tvindl tvindl Hen six months later , but they will net be troth eggt, audit will be prudent te make use or them seen niter they are taken from the pickie. Wurk ter July, rrtnii lck's Mugatlnu. It lsn geed tline te bud roses, and thlt it an art that e ery one who linen gardening should ncquirv. Although, ivs rule, roses en their own roett are prolerablo, slnce they de net threw- up suckers from the stock te take away the life tretn the budded part, jet the occasion frequently ariset te ecure a new variety or increaxe a desirable out) by hUtlulng. Celery trantplantniK will be carried en up te the middle el the mouth at the North, and later at tlie Seuth. Whlte turnips can 1) sewed all through the mouth, though In thoceldor regions it should net be tee long deluved. hew lottuce ler (all use , the Ces ar lotion are licst at this season. All Intending te set new Htraw berry beds with plants Iromthelr own greumls should sink small petH containing geed soil into the ground and root the runners into these pets. lly the middle or last of August they will be ready le take up and trans plant ; such plants will make a line growth bofbre winter and be ready te start htreng in the spring. Htep the raspberry canes by pinching w hen they nre from two and n hall te three feet high, making them branch mero Ireely. Cen tin no te tle the new growth of the grape iues, nud remoe the fruit which ap pears in excess or the strength el the iues. Te break up celinnd 'evers, use early lir l'Icrce's Extract et binarl-Weed. M,'I LA w A Thunder ,S rm May purify the air, but nothing ecepl bOO DONT will purify lhe mouth filled with neg lt'cted teeth, nnd leacue these falthlul sen aula uf mankind freiii utter ruin before It Is tee late. Don't neglect te try It, Yeu will be surprised and delighted with Its results. HVXVIAJ. MOT1VMI. Let Vt Tell Yeu. Let us il II you that a parson who Is bilious or constipated Is net nwtll person, nnd further, that nearly evei y ene Is subject te these Irregu birltles. l.el us till you also that llunleck Jltoett llltttrt nre oue of tlie ilnest dluretlts unit npurluills ever et de led. KorsalebylI.il. Cochran, druggist, 1J7 and 1JJ North Oiieen street, lin caster. Tells What He Knows. " Hest thing ter burns I have ever tried. Heals upgrnndl." L 1' Kellott, Marlen, Ohie, speak ing of Themas' Kclcctria Oil. Koisalebyll.il. Cochran, druggist, 1J7 nnd UJ North Omen street, l-utcustur "Over the Hills te the I'oer lluiue." X jwrsen with Impaired or Impoverished bleed Is en thn reid te physlcul bnukrupIC) . llunleik Jlloeil JIUteri strengthen und eurlui tlie circu lation, repair the llxsues, and build up llie en tire system. Fnrsalebyll.il Cochran, drug glat.lJ? and 133 North (jueeu street Lancaster. Of Matchless Merit. Ker thoneso and threat, externally or Inter nally used, Thomai' Kcltclria Oil is matchless. Asthma, CitarTh, and Bcrleus threat allectleus nre quickly nmenublote this cillcient lemedy Ker sale by II II. Cochran, druggist, 137 ami Vii North Queen stieet, Lancaster. A I'estul Card Frem Mrs. Dennis Hmllh, Louisville, Ky., says i "ter bleed Impurities llurtleck Jltoetl ttlllcrt seem particularly adapted, Nevur before Imil couiplexlen se clear, I' se nil the Hum" ter saleby II II. Cochran, druggist, U7aud 1JS North Oueeu street, Lancaster. A Ooed Talker On the stage or platform, in society or nt home, must net only possess brains but a clear, slieng voice. Cabirrh, or a sovere cold, Is almost cer biln te Injure lhe voice. Hut these complaints may be cemplvtely eradicated with a lew appli cations or Thomm JXleelric Off, uiiiIviiIkI In Its specialties, rer sale by 11, II. Cechian, drug glut, 137 and 133 North Queen street, Lnnuislei. An llnd te Hene Hcntplug. Kdward Shepherd, of Harrlsbiirg, HI., says " llavlug received se much liouellttreinKleciilu Hitters, I feel It my duty te let suirerlug human ity knuw ft. Have had a running smti uu my leg ter eight years my doctors told me I would naVO 111 UHTO iuouuueiimit .,-(( II1MIIUIUU 1 used, Instead, three bottles of hleelrle Hitters and seven boxes llurkleii's Arnica Halve, and my leg Is new sound ami well." Electrle lllttres aie sold at fifty cents n bottle, and Uucklcn's Arnica Ualve at IBc per box by II. 11. Cochran. Druggist. Neg. 1J7 und latf iieriu IJnoeu street, utuutuiei, l) FOll DTSl'El'SIA and Liver Complaint, you have a printed guarantee en ovary bettle of falil. leh'a VlLallzer. It never fulls te cure. Fer sale by 11. B, Cochran, UrugBlat, Ne. 197 North (Jiiceu M mm V At, lYKIl'H KAHHAl'AKII.IiA. PIMPLE BOILS, Ami Uarhiinrlfs temill fiem n ilebllllntitd, lm lm eelllu il, or linpiiie reiiillHuu of ttm lil'xnl, Ajnr's WamuMirllla piuviitits ami cure Hiiibii eiiiiilltius nml pnlnliil Iiiihein, liy leinevliig llielrcniisei tlm only cirncllvu wny ertivalliiK Ilium Ajci'h Hmiinparlllii ht prevcntcil llie usual ceiirsn of lteUs. which have palnisl and ills HesBiil inn every miuseii for suvenil ears. (lis). HcJtlei., l'latnvllle, .Mich, I was hatlly treuliled with I'lmples en lhe l.'iiei nlmi, with a tllscolemllou et llie skin, whleli liewcil llmiir III uitly iltrk patclius. Ne internal treatment dlil inoie Itiau tmnpernry gissl. Ajei's Hiimaparltlavirected A PERFECT CURE, Anil I hnti net henn troiililed luie. T. W. lleililjHlveraireal, lxwell, Jliei, 1 wiutieiiblml with llell, and my lieallhwnt lunch linpilicil I lienan lining Air"s Hnrmipa rlllH.Hiul, luiliin time, tlie eruptions all illiin piuinsl, nml my lirallli m rempliilnly nwlereil, Jehn II. Klklns, oillter ttlmilfi Ulnerier Alho Alhe imirlu, N. U. I nas troubled, for a long lime, nllh a liuinei which iippenreil en my face In iily rimphsntid lllutclies. Ar'H Harsnpirllln curuit me lon len ulilur It the beat blend purifier In the wet lit Chat. II. Hmllh, North Cnitlnhiiry, Vt. Ayer's Sarsaparilla Is sold bynll ilriigKlxt) nml ilea'ert In meillclmi Ask for Ayer's bnisaparllln ami iln net lake any ethui, 1'iupaied by Dr. .1.0. Ajnr.t Ce, Lewell, lliui. 1'rlcuMl bix bottles, .. JtilylB-W pi.KUAUSTKt) VITAMTV. EXHAUSTED VITALITY TIIKHOlK.NCKOir LITK. tlm Kre"t Meillcnl Werk or the age en MiiiiIumkI, urvent nnil l'lnnlcnl Keblllly, l'reiimtiire ltwllne, Knorsef miilh. and tlm untold jiilnorle ciinsiiiiit tliiMwiu. ) psget sve. lJSiirt'serlplleinliirKll Cluejuiet. Uletli. full gilt, only IH). by miilh icnltxl. llliKtrntlvimaiiipIe Iree te all jeting and inlililliMiuiM men rer tlm next 90 days. Address lilt W. II. l'AKKKH, tllulrilicll Htleet, Ito.teil, Mass. inylTljewlAw G .HAY'H SI'KOIKIU MKDiUIMX TIIK UKKAT KNH1.IHH KK.MKDV. An unfailing cum for linpntency. and nil Ills nases that fellow ltrn of Memery, Uiilvereul Ijisaltiiilii, Pain In llie Hack, Hhum1 or lalnn, rrcmalum Old Age. nml many ether dlrieases tlmt lead te Iminiilty or Coiisiimptleu mid a l'mmnliiru llmve -Mill particulars In our pamphlet, which we deslni le mild free by mall loevcryonu. -The ttpecltle Jteillclne Is sold by nil druggists nttl Kir jmckntfe, or six pnekngts for P. or will be sent free by innll en the receipt of the money, by addresKlng the ngunU If II COCHRAN, llniggl.it, Hele Agent. Nes. 137 and 1J.I .North ymsjn Htrcul, I.anciwter, l'a. On nrcetint of ceuuterfults, we have ndeptcd Uiolellew Wrapper i the only genuine. lllKUKAl llKIICl,CO.. apW-lydAw iiurtaie.N. r. "lATAIUUI IJAY-Ki:VKlt CATARRH. ELY'S CREAM BALM (Jives ltellet nlOnce and Cmea. COM IN 1IKAK, CATAHKII, HAY rKVKU UOSKCOU), DKAr.VKSS, 1IKADAC1IK. .Vel n l.liiild, SnulT or Powder. Kree fiem In. lurluiis Drugs and OtlensUe Oders. A pnrtlcln Is applied te each neitrtl and Is agrcuihlu te ue. l'rlre U) rents at druggists by mall, rrnlilervd.iiOcts. Circular sent Inni. KI.V lillOTItKlt.S, DruggUls, Owege, .N.V. lulyztlyuedftlvw riOKN IlKMOVKK. viarenu corn remover. Warranted te eradicate completely and In a short time, the most obdurate cenn, haul or oft, without pain. Sold by Uee W. Hull, Ches. A. Locber, Jehn It. Knutrmaii, Dr. W m. Worm Werm ley, And. U. :r rev, has. ). Bhulmyer, and at lSKClllOMVU IlltUII STOllK, decl4-lyd Ne. let West Orunge BU A Kl'lSll AIjLOTIIKIW FAII CONSULT DR. LOBB, XUNOH1H KirTKKNTII 8TUKKT, (llelew Coi Cei Coi lewhlll hlleet, l'hlladelphiii.) 30 YKA1W EXI'KKIKNCK. Ouaranloedtecure thtiaintctiHlnud unfertunate with Purely Vege table .Medicines. Ikmk en spucliU illsuasen Insj ; send for It. Advlce fns) and strictly conllden cenllden tlal. Offlce hours, II a. in. le 2 p. ui ,7 p. in. le 10 p.m. Treatment by Mall. nu-lvd&w pUKK OUAHANTKKU. RUPTURE. Cure guaranteed by Dlt. J, II. 11AYKII. Koenlonro: no oM'mllen or dulay from busi ness ; tetcl iiy hundtudsef elites. Main olUce, tCil AUCH ST., I'lllI.A. bend for Circular. fJJ-lvdAw UltUCKUIEg. H1 Kill (iKADK ceffi:i:s. Kine old l,e eminent Jua and Mecha Coltces. the best In the imirkut. Our .Ina lllen ded ColTee speak fur tlnelf ; rich and fragrant, inc. per pound. ery tine l'lanuitlen Kle Celhs's, our bust only Ji.j. per pound ; uuu very impularitilDc We want you te call nud try our Use. Cotree. Tlm excellent itiallty of our Coffees and line Teas Is uuiklng friends faat and rirtu. Our dally sules show a steady lucreasn. Flesh Keasted every day. A full line of fancy Uiecerles. l'kuise give us a trial order. GEO. WIANT, nngJMvd Me. 113 West king Ulreet. A I' HUKHlv'H. Mim Our Bter will cIohe uiti p m .Uuiltig the sumumr month, vlth thu oxceptlen et tiut unlu a, v hun u u cloae ut le p. m. PICNIC PLATES AND- PICNICGROCERIES -AT- 4i BURSK'S, NO. 17 PJAST KING STREET, l.ANCABTKlt. l'A. - for S de A UOOH hAKK. l'rlce, $.15.00. VAJUtlAtlKS. OTANDAHD UAH1UAUK WOHlft Edw. Edgerley, CAEIIIAGE BUILDER Market Btroet, Rear of Poateflloo, Lanoaater, Pe. My stock comprises a large vnrlety of the Latest Style Haggles, rhaileus, Carriages, Mar ket and lluslness Wagons, which 1 etrer ut the very lowest figures und en the most reasonable terms. I call special attention ten row et my own de. slgus,oneor which is the KDUKULKV0LO8KD 1'UVBICIAN COUl'K, which Is decidedly the naatost.llgblestnud mnstcoiuplute l'hyslLlan'a Carrtage In the country. I'ersens wlshtmr te buv a soed. honest and substantial article, should bear In mlud that BUU91UI1MU1 UniClU, SUUU1U UIMI III 1I1IIIU il,(,l they take no risk 111 buying my work. Eery Carrlagu turned out lu eighteen years a geed ene that Is the kind et guarantee lhavu loom i r,iui y u r lhe nubile. All work tullv warranted, l'leasu glve me a call. UKI'AIUINU rilOMl'TIV. ATTENDED TO. One set el workmen especially eiuplesed ler thatpurpose WATVIIKB. w ATCUEH, OrAOKH, Ae. WATCHES, CLOCKS, Ae. 81'ECIALHALK OF UOLO-FILLKU UASKtt (lless's Mauuluclure), hunlliig or opeu-cated watch, nlcklu works, IS jewels, stem winding und selling (limited number) nt IJO.uu. Alse 75 In sllvwredhunlliig uwus, name works, at f 7.&0 each. til-eat bargains ln Lancaster Watches. All the best Klglus and ethers. Correct tline dally by telegraph ; only place ln city. Hest watch und lewElry lepalrlng L. WEHEtt, ' Ne. 1WK North Queen Stieet. (Nearl. It. 11. bt.itlen.) - Sjiectacles and Kye Glasses. Optleal Uoeds. MINCKATj WATKHS, Al'OLLlNAlltS WATEIt, the Qucen of Table Waters, Hawthorn Spring of Saratoga, at UEIUAUT'S OLD WINE 8TOUE, II, E, SLA JIAIvEli, Agt. 0L0TH1KH. H XHHll A HHOTJJKK Tbe Rush for Bargains HTILL CONTINUES. AMONtl TIIK IIAHUAINS THIS WKKIC AUK 11 DOZEN French Balbriggan Underwear AT BOc.i l-ORMKItl.Y 7Be. 23 DOZEN UNDERWEAR AT I7.i KOUMEUIA Shim lies 8 FOR 25c, And all rUll.VHJItl.NUS In Proportion. In tlmCLOlHlNO DKl'AltTMKMS women wemen t Ien this iek 116 SUITS, ltlticed fiem HO". J7..VI, IMflinilHWliiflW, leu can llnd many a liuuiiliie llargnln among these. ALSO, 56 SUITS, lleduccd from HW and ilt te Sun nndflM, 1 hese make a ilrst-rate Working Bull. HIRSH d BROTHER'S ONE-PRIOE CLOTHING HOUSE, COUNKB, NOUT1I QUEKN 8TKKKTAND CKNTUK -UUaUK. w IhMAMHON A FUHTKIl. 32 TO 38 East King Street, LANCASTER, PA. TliEc FIERCE RUN UPON US THE PAST WEEK -18- AiiEIilcncflTli.ittlie l'ulilic Atire Atire fiule Our Eirerts. ( IIILDItKN'SUNt (lll'Sl LESS) ALL WOOL WOltSTKD PLEATED Oil PLAIN PICNIC huns,t7.n. I10S' BCOTtll l'LMD SACK bUl'IS, All All Weel, t ast Celers, f,- i OK.NT'S DltKS SACK SUIT, Fancy Pattern Corksciew, Pcrin.uicnlColei, Perlect tit, 111. TOUltlST VAI.I-KS-Club Hoiise and (Had Btenes-ln Tan Celmed Alligator orMerotto; also. Shoulder straps te mulch Valises. CIKNT'SYACHTINR AND 1IOAT1NO FLAN N E L sll HITS, l.t II 'JO, V.V. OKNT'S FANOV HOSIEItV, licnulnu French, Ueriuauiiud llulbrlggan, l'JO. OEM'S EVKNINO DllESSSIltllT. Luundrled Nunew Pleated llosem, I WD uuu f i.au. I.1U1IT COLOItED KELT 1IATS-A Feathin weight riexlble Derby, J te, i: te. SKASHOItK LKJIIT AND DA11K FELT SOFT II ATS, 75c. and 11.00. MACKINAW STltAWS AND MANILLAS, tec., 73c, 1 60. OF.NT'S CANVAS SIIOK, Feet htrnps or Plain, II. SS. 1101 S' CANVAS SHOES, ll.ti. CHILDUEN'S CAN VA8 SHOES, cic. (.KNT'S LOW CHI' SHOES FOll 81MMEII WKAH Uonulne ti-encb Cult Hand Bened, WW. WILLIAMSON & FOSTER, 32, 34, 36 & 38 E. King St,, i.ANUAS-Kll, PA. J-Hleres close e ery evening at ti o'clock, ex ceptSatuulay'B. WINKS AMU LWVUKa. B HANDY I IIUANOYM At this season of the year every family should have a llottle of Reigart's Old Brandy, a sale and gurocure for Cholera and ethor sum mer ireuuics. UEIUAUT'8 OLD WINK HTOKK, II. K. SLAYMAKE1C, Agt. rpilK UKLKUKATKl) "BOUQUET AND "OLD ANCHOll" PUIIE ltVE WHISKIES Aie rich In flavor, soft and pleasant te the mute. 1 pleasF nllents l'URSlii quality, are excellent stimulants, and they stand without a ilval ln the market. bold atuu tneieeaing Hotels ana ny urn iriiueb lsU. Ask ter iu HUUl'UUEY A MAiU'lN, . bole Proprietors, lanlD-Cuia V)i N. 3d 8L, Philadelphia, l'a TOBACCO CUTTINGS, BORAI'S, BlrT 1NG3 AND l'ACKEUS' WASTE, Dry and Clean, bought for cash. J. B. MOLINS, Ne. 273 1'earl Street, New Yerk. Ilefcrencc rrud, Schutte, Ne. 219 1'earl stree Njw Yerk. IsblMyO't, CLOtHtXa. B U110KH A BUTTON. YOU WILL FIND Men's, Bey's and Children's CLOTHING Marked Down HO LOW Dial It will be greatly te your interest te call and exnuilnn thn (JOODH and PKIUEH, If In"""1 ' ny mew MEDIUM or I.1UI1T WEIOHTH this season. We Manufacture All Our Goods, AndOuarniitre them Flrat-Clesn In Every far titular. WE HAVE A rULf, LINE Or SUMMER CLOTHING In Bcrsucker, Jtehalr, Alpitn, Dnippetleaml Linens ut Prices Astonishingly liw, Ooedsas llepiescntcd or Meney ltelunded. BTJEGEB, & SUTTuI, NO. 24 CENTRE SQUARE, LANCA8TEH, PA. Ii. OANHMAN A J1K0. A Big Reduction. Ne Eire! Ne Humbug! Why pay big pilces for sheir worn clothing when you can buy geed and newly made (Lan caster nuke) Clothing nt prices much lewer than shelf-worn clothing can bu bought nt. A FEW SAMPLE PRICES: SEEKSUCKKll COATS AND VESTS at IUU MEN'S WOICKINO PANTSatMc. MEN'S DHKSS PANTS at ll.li HOY'S PANTS at Cue OHILDKEN'3 PANTS at 30c. MEN'S DKKSS SUITS at 13.25. MEN'S ALL-WOOL, CASSlMEllE8UlTSatJ3..V). 1101 'S SUITS at 11.75. CHILDUEN'S SUITS COAT AND PANTS, at ll.ue. MEN'S ALL-WOOL COUKSCItEW SUIT, In All Celers, Sack or the Latest Style Cu lawny, at I7.1W. ltetncuiber these goods nre all our own make and must go, as wu ntcd thu loom. L. GANSHAN & BRO., M EllCH ANT TAll.OKS, MANUFACTUKEUS OF MB.N'S 1501S AND CHILDUEN'S CLOTHINU, 66 & 68 NORTH QUEEN ST., (Right en the Southwest Cor olOmngeSt.) JLANCABTEIl, PA. mr- Net connectod with any oLher Clothing tloaselu theUly. t ew rim eh. low prices: Prices that inaku puicbuseisel every custo mer esn lie found heie new le thoe uhode net need At present. Lew Prlie- ale of no advantage , but If we have In stes k what ou wunl.imr prices will plvtt?e en. MEN'S SUITS AT $8.00. WOllTH MOKi 5nNK MEN'S SUITS AT $10.00. ere Censldeied Lheap at flieii. Men's Suits all the way in price lrem fsolte tH'M It would be unruawnablu for you te usk for them at a lower figure. Ihcj'iu down te the lowest notch. Bey's and Children's Clothing Aie pretty well down, but some ery nlce styles aie here yet. It don't matter hew nice they are j we don't want them any longer ; nnd when we want them te no, we use Lew Prices as the means. i,i:.uim; h.utiiieiis, no. 13 bast k1nq btbbbt, LANCASTKlt. PA. A TLANT10 CITY. THE OLD ESTAULIbllEl) Chester County Heuse, Centnilly locited, convenient, cv near the Sea, comfortable In meiy way, and houie-llko. hOW Ol'EN. J. KBIM & SONS. mayai-Smd lAl'E MAY. THE STOCKTON. CAPE MAV, N. J. The Finest lleach en the Coast. The Largest and Most Elegant seaside Hetol ln the World. 43-01'ENS. JUNK 80-t I1ENKY CLA1K, l'rep'r. Late of the Urnud Union Hetel, bantlega Springs. Jiine.'lUttd e I'ENAliL'llli: YEAK. it THE MANSION," ATLANTIC CITY. N.J. The largest and most piomlnently located Hetel, Elegantly furnished and liberally num. aired. Thoroughly lighted, aruiuua nuu veil- lllaled. open nil me year, CHARLES McQLADE. -llreiihy'8 Orchestra. Je7-3md AH1ILANI) HOHKK, ATLANTIC CITY, reopens JULY 1st, under nuw maniigu. menu Electilc lights, electrle bells, city water, llrst-classculiiue. Terms moderate. Flistclasi baratuichcd. HKNltY UAHTr.lt, Jylluid Late of (J mpe Hetel, Lancaster l'a. Cl'ARKblNt WINKS. OUU OWN HUAND I Special Great Western Wine. The Finest and I'urest American Wlne ln the Market. At REIQART'S OLD WINE STORE. IM MYERS (fe MTHFON, ji-in, D ,11) YQV UUAH THAT STAUFFER & CO., Nes. 31 anil 33 North Queen Street, -HAVE MADE REDUCTIONS ON STRAW GOODS js t.AxvANvr.n cjtv? tt.s a J-'AVl'. ALSO A FULL LINE OF Trunks and Traveling Bags, AT BOTTOM PRICES. JKWBLKlir, AC. H. 7m 1UI0ADH, JKWKL.EK. Watches, Diamonds, My Repair Dept. is Fully Equipped and Respectfully Solicit Repairing of Fine ard Complicated Watches, Musical Bexes. Bronzes, Jewelry and any Intricate Piece of Mechanism. H. Z. RHOADS, 4 WEST KING STREET. rvjitriTUitr. H EINITSII'H FUKNITUKK DKPOT. Te Keep Coel and Comfortable Daring the Het Months, It la noeoBsary te llnd seme Coel Rotreat. Te be Oomfertablo In that rotreat Yeu Need a Geed Eeey Rocker, Settee or Chair, And you can And the Largest Aftsortment at HEINITSH' FURNITURE DEPOT, NOS. 27 & 20 SOUTH QUEHN ST., LANCASTER, PA. VAltlUAUK M01TO TUAT ALWAYS WJNH. HONEST WORK I HONEST PRICES I Philip Doersero's Old Reliable Carriage Works, 126 and 128 EAST KING STREET, (NKAULV Ol'I'OSITK TIIK LKOl'AUI) HOTEL), LANCAUTKll l'A. Nene But First-Class Mechanics Employed. Me. 1 Material, and That Only, Used 1'lUUKS TO SUIT TIIK TIMES. ALL WOKK QUAUANTEKD. BUGGIES, PMTONS, BUSINESS WAGONS, MARKET WAGONS. I have new en liaiuland for enle cheap the fellow lntr first cla second hind Mrerk Oiiul.lvlit One-JIan WaRen, siultulile tort nick niirpem, hum Light r'eur-l'ft.s8iii:Hr Ini(r, ene Klrst-clais Y.x tension Tep 1'h eten, two LlghtJuinp-Seii l.'iinl.igiw Alse, becend Hand Teil and Tretllnir lliij; gliw, belli 8lde bar and mid sprlngx, llnsliuwi Wiipens, Miertinir Uapens nnd Market vngens, which will lie sold attlieMO'iTllKASONAIIl.K I'lllcfib t.lve us a call Mbetliur you wl)li topur tepur topur chae or net. Se treuble le show the work. PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO REPAIRING. MWDO.X'T FOltUKT TIIK Vr.AVK.-Q9. Philip Doersom's Old Reliable Carriage Works, NOS. 126 and 128 LIVE INSVltAJSOE OU31VA1IX. T UK MUTUAL LIFJ: INSUHANCK COMPANY. COMPARISON OF TWO MATURED ENDOWMENT POLICIES. SAME YEAR. SAME V1FFKIIKST THE MUTUAL LIFE. Flftoen Yenr Endowment, ijiurif Jrch S3, li'!. Ne. Anuiinl iiremiuin, Amount of ielicy, Dividend additions, Total jiaid by Company, Total premium paid by as3iucd, 5,000 1,C90 Paid by Company inoxcessef pieniiuuisrcc'd, $l,5.Vj 1.5 HExVDl'lt If you would leallze results similar te that of the 1'oUej Helder in tlie MUTUAL LU'L 1X.SU11 AXCK COMPANY, OV NKW YOllK. Apply te JAMES H. MARSHALL, Agent, Ne. 20 Baat Walnut, or GO North Duke Stroeta, Lanoaater, Pa. iievaKruuNiamnu noens. s HIRE'S OAKl'KT HAM CARPETS 1 EKOI'ENING Or SHIRK'S CARPET HALL. We are new te show the trade the Kt.ii , thi.Miw ivtl.Tnun VRI.VKTS. UllUi8ELS,TIlUEE-l'LY, AlLWoel and Cotten U11A1N CAUPETS. DAMASK and VENETIAN own manufacture a speciality. Special Attention paid te the ManufactuieotOUatOMOAurKle, AlseiVull LlneeIOlLOLOtUB.fiuUS, WINDOW SHADES, CO VEULETB, AC AT SHIRK'S CARPET HALL, der. Weat King and A MKD1CINK CllllSr IN TllKM- lm m1 vmij ..Itiiitiriii'fl (jitltll selvei. Henseii's Ciiiilne Plasters leinalu . vv. , v .. - .. -..--- unrnuiulul aa a ueneiAi uouaenuiu meuieiue. Clean, ijulck sure. T IU1B PAl'KK IS 1MUNTKU WITH INK Manufactured by J. K. WRIGHT &IOO., maria-lyd utn ana Uaie BU,, I'hUadelptla, l'a eat, mm. Lancaster, Pa,, THE 1IKK1EST- A Full Line of the " Birth or Menth SteneB " Mounted te Suit Your Particular Panc.'y. Jewelry. HOltllS. EAST KING STREET. R71y14w AGE. SAME PLAN. JiE&ULTJS. THE NEW YORK LIFE. Flftoen Year Endowment. Issued December 11, JOT. NO. 77,119. :n;i Ce $ aw iw $.".,000 00 1,201 00 109,1 10. 6 W bS $0,000 SS fi,15l 75 $0,201 00 .r),l&t 75 $1,019 25 CARPETS! Largest and Hest Selected Line of Carpets ever ex. nil itin Tmdlilff 1 the rmuiug aiases ei uuui nnu lArneiut Chain KXTUABUl'EKS, and all I m utuiiiHs os in. CAHPETS. UAU and CHAIN CAUl'KTS of our Water Ste., Lancaster, Pa. IflbXt-ImOAw A H MKDK'lNi: USilTMJ FINKST OALIFOHNIA BRANDY In the Market, at UOllltEll'S LlQUOIl bTOUE, Vi CENT11K U0.UAUK, Lancaster, l'a. OTOUAGK AMD COMMISSION WAREHOUSE. DANIEL MAYKU, aees-lya Male west Uhettnut street. 'ffli'iS t..-. iiimmiMiSKS wnanHMK. nu. nd 10. Mn an4 TM ft, -j RAM1lHiiiAMn82WMI,A KAItiKOAP ret 'Columbia n4 Lanctulnr at T.a.n..l)LM neon and (Ue p. m. i.(iw Fer Chlohfes at 7.SJ a. m. and ltnin. ?. TKAINS LKAVK CO HI Mill A rer Hcadlnii nt 7-W ft. in ., I13J and 110 p. m. or Lebanon at 13.M and 3.40 p.m. TllAlNS LKAVK OUAUKYVlLt.K rSr J:any"t"' at n.ai and 7.1 ft. tn. ana Z p. m, rorlbanenats.'ap.m. TeTih?yK J."10 STltlCKTfMneaater.) igiTO K.21 " ln 1 1 i and 8.40 p. ta. ,. .j" A,I K l '""UK 8THKK.T (LancJUtflT.) Fer llendtnir at T..e il m M...V n; ,xvf . " Iilmnfin .nil,; " ".."'''". 'Z-'ZL " '" rer tf uarryvllle at 7,a a. in.' 8UWUAT THA1W3. THAINS LKAVK UKADIISU Fer Lnncjwier at 7.9) a. in. and .) p. m. ForO.uarryvllleat4.oop. in. TUAIN8 LKAVK qUAKHYVILLK Fer Lnncanter, Iilnnen and llendlnirat 7.10 a.m TKAINS LKAVK KINO BT. (Lancaster,) FerKeadlnR and Lebanon at 8.03 a. m. and MW p.m. Fer gunrryvllle at 5 V) p. m. T11A1NB LKAVK 1'HINCK ST. (Lancastr-r.) Fer llemllnK and Lebanon and 8.18 a. in. and 4.01 P m. Fer (Juarrrvllle at 5.43 p. m. rni'IK.MN8 ''KAVK LKI1AN0.V. rer Lanc-wuir at M a. in. and 3.43 p. in. rer0imiTyvlllnat3 15 p.m. ,? iC2!?!.m'?lnn,M .tliimMa, Marletla June. VSS'i L,Rnc,u,,r Junction, Manbnlm, Kendluir and Lebanon, bee time talilra at all ntntlnnn. A M. WILSON, SuDurlnUinaent, PENNHYIjVANIA KA1I.HOAO BUI1F.I). Ul.K. Inaircctrrem .limn 13, InmiL Trains lbavb Laneabtbr and leave and arrlru at Philadelphia an fellows ! Ijoave Leavo Lancaster, l.-il a. m. u-ila. m. e .te a. in. 031a. m. v-M a. m. llAia. m. u vi a. m. 2 no p. in. 2 10 p. in. 2.T0 p. m. 6-Ti) p. in. 7.30 p. m. 7.40 1). m. WKSTWAItO. 1'aciac Kxprnat Nnws Kxprcsf ,. Way l'asoiiirert Mafltrnln vl.i ML Jevl Ne.2MallTnilnt ...... Nlutrarn Kxpreis Hanover Accein ra.il Llnef Frederick Accem Ijincaster Accem Harrltlmrir Accem.... Columbia Accem HnrrlburK Kxprcns.. Uhlcaeeand Cln. Ex..) Weaturn Expresa).... EA8TWAHU. I'hlla. Express) fast Llnef HarrHbnrg Kxpresa.. Lanciuter Accein ur... Columbia Accem Seonhero Kxpress I'hllndeljihla Accem... I'hllndulphla. iiijiip. m. 4J a. in. 4.30 a. m. 7KUii m. via Columbia 7:lea.m. via Columbia 11:VJ a. m. via Columbia via u Jey.. L 1 U.1IU 4 40 p. in.; 6 10 p in.' 8 vi p. in. loes p. in. Leave Lancaster. i '.il a. in. B-esa. m. 8.10 a.m. HM a. in. 9 (ie a. in. 12-iHp.m. 2-os p. in. 3 no p. in. 10-41 p. m. 1210 a. m. Arrive at I'hlla. 4'4Sa. m. 8-ai a. m. 10-20 a. m, via Mt Jey 11:1.1a. m. 3 1.1 p. m. bee p. m. 5-43 p. m. DM n. m. sunaivy Man. Oav Kxnn'flnt.. 4.4.tp.m. 6 4lp.m, Hurrlaburg Accein. Tha Lftncaatitr Arre,ninnlal.inn limvnd llnrrlfl u a p. m. burg at 8.10 p. in. and arrives at Lancaster at 9-J9 p.m. The Marietta Accommodation loaveiColum blaatC 10a.m. anareachosMartetUialOAV Alse, loavea Columbia at ll.tt a. in. and 2.4.1 p. in reaching Marietta at 12.01 and 2..13. Leavd) Marlettu at 3 OS p. m. and arrives at Colombia at SSI) ; also, leaves at 8.3.1 and arrives at H.JO. The Yerk Accommodation leaves Marietta at 7:10 and arrives at Lancaster at 8.00 connecting with llarrMbun? Express at 8.10 a. in. The Frederick Accommodation, west, connect fug at Lancaster with Fast Line, west, at 2.10 p. m., will run through te Frcderick. -. The Frederick Accommodation, east, leave. Columbia at I2.-25 and reaches Lancaster at 12.4J p. m Hanover Accommodation, west, connecting at Lancaster with Niagara Express at 9:50 a. m., in run uireuga w uunever, aaiiy, excepb una dav. Fast Line. west. en Sunday, when flatrtred, wlllsten at uowiilnixtewn. Caitesvllln. x'lirKea. burn. 1IL Jet. Kllzubethtiwu and Mlddlotewn. t The only trains which run dally. On Sunday the Mall train wt runs bv way of Columbia. J. It. WOOD, Ueneral l'assenuer Agent. CilAS. E. l'UOll Uencral Manager. VAUKB, ,C V. pENHYN PAlllC. Peran Mr, ON THE CORNWALL & MOUNT HOPE HAlLltOAD: Te Churches, Ledge3, Societies and ether se lect organization! ceiiteinpliitlng oxctirstem during the aEASO.V of ti-n,, the coiiipmiybega te announce that einry facility has been per fected for enabling the public te reach this fa vorite losert, and no elfert has been spared te make I'K.Ninx I'AKK mero attructlve than c or before. Fer the lreu use of excursionists are piovlded IIOATS ON ITHE LAKE, CltOQUKT, LAWN TENNIS AND IIABK. HALT, 01IOUNU3, TABLES, IIBNCHKS, SWINGS, DANCINU PAVILION. HAND STAND, LAUQE bllELTEll HOUSE, KITCHEN, 11ASKET AND CLOAK IIOOMS, AND OI1SE11YATOUY ON TOP OK SOUTH MOUN TAIN. There Is alsea ItEr'HESHMENT AND DIN-INUKOO-Mlii chaige et a competent caterer, where meals can bepiecurednt moderate rates: besides l'hotegniph Uallery, News Stand and Telegraph Oill co. - Ne Intoxicating Liquors Allowed en tbe Grounds. Arrangements for Excursions from all points can be made by applying te caulVen SCIIMALENSEE, Sunt. Cornwall A Mt. Hepe U.'IL, Lebanon, Fa, Or C. (1. HANCOCK, Gen. Pass. AgL 1'hU. A Heading It. 11.. Ne. -iil Seuth fourth. SL, 1'hUa. mayl33iud TTT. OltCTNA l'AHK. M. &BBTJA. PA11K, reu EXCURSIONS & PICNICS. This park U located in the heart of the Seuth Mountain en the Llue of the Cornwall & Lebanon Railroad, Nine miles south of the city of Lebanon, within easy ilUUnce of Harrlsburg, Ueadlnir, Lancaster. Columbia and all points en the Phil adelphia A Heading and Pennsylvania Hall Hall reads. The grounds aie large, covering hun dieds et acres, and aie KltKE 10 ALL. The Conveniences are A LAIKiE DANCINU PAVILION, A SPACIOUS DINING HALL, TWO KITCHENS, HAUUAGE AND COAT KOOIT, PIIOTOOUAPII UALLEUY. While tha Arrangements ter Amusement con sist of CIUIOUKT AND HALL UHOUNDS, HOWLING ALLEY. SHOOTING OALLKIIY, FLYINU HOUSES, QUOITS, Ac, AO. Tables iorLunchers, Itustle SeaU and Heuches are scattered throughout the grounds. A New Altracllett ler the i-easen of ISO Is LAKE CONEWAGO. ,, t ' Cevering nearly Twenty Acres, en which ar Fer 1 or e ,r,.M:.,1"'-' .".' ?."u . '. " rer f J",A,N? LKAVK LK.11ANON. ' fc.l H11U IJU p. ED piucea a namwr ei mjn f i.' "5 vA ' along the banks of which are pleasant walks and K , i..r,.ar.,..!,.rv. I'nrtlnd deslrlnir it can nrecure-. l ; i Moalsatthe I'ark, aa the Dining Hall will b under the supervision of E. M. uuiii.ei un,i j Lkdaseic Valley Hecsa. Theso who wUh te Jsl spend A DAY IN TIIK iiuuhi'ame naiin . i no place se beautlfnl or affording se much pleaa ' 1 aBSficIS 'NyWllNKB ALLOWED OM, H THE l'UKiUSfcS. , j' vrrnnlnm item all iieliitH en the l'ennsylw . ivi. ilia llallread, will be carrled dlreet te the Park fU', ..t.A... flli.iiiminf fiTi Excursion rates and full Information can Ji obtained upon application te Gee. W. Boyd, TX' Assistant General I'aasonger Agent, Pennsylra- gj nla llallread, 13 Seuth teurtb street, 1'hUaawl ;:s 1 SupL 0. A L. llallread, Lebanon, l'a. ..?:' uiaySSWrad A 'J? iV XOTIOHB. pUlSMAN'B. UENTLEMEN'S fi?w Balbriggan and uauze unaenunfc.. -THE HEST- $ 3" White Shirty MVTKT1E9 l'LAIN AND rANCYJIOSlWIv; NaS riNH. SLEEVE tUUTTQN.t SUSl'ENDKllS, -AT- V .. ER IS MAN'S,, NO. 17 WEST KINO BT.. LAK0AST1MJ, 7f$$M X'M A J $ ns m v" t$ M jej i m Z ! AAj CM irAij .ti .?1t' . -