'W; r V L J 'Tj .,ar t. " m t, """ v- -jfV-" - INTELLIGENCER BVWT DAY IN THE TEAR ,. M (Jhiutay -Er.rnfrd.) I A WMK, TIT1 DOLLARS A TKAR. FirTT lAMMrra. iLrvUDBreAiiiiicMiRLA- ABB AM, ADJOIIUKO FLACKS. BArL I MX. LtMKlL OOXIIIUIOX AtLUWID TO lAaMTt, TBUVHOHB OenHBCTIOir. " ADVERTISING BATHS I iTGM ; 3& - The Weekly Intelligencer k r- &c r VM.WHED iJIJ'S Every Wednesday Morning. pfM8ATBAII,tl.OOreRlXMOI(TB8. CtCIW Oir Tin, ?. fi.i m, aiid.a: cerr rek te museiib amine or .Bistros,' eouuMrevtaxcBOLlaTXDrROViysRrrARTO?Tnii ,' Wltt B C0BS1QHID TO THK WABTC MS HIT. fctf -jt(Wri nil Lttteri and Ttlegramt te THB rNTBLIilQENOBR, 4 vgr wtrtte ffr' -y Hln.l Un.( tin.) Jin. 4ln, 6ln. KtKJl&Ti.! W in sne tun Bin. ;w Wt,.fiJ" ,.. 1W 1 8 IS (180 845 St XhSfSiTl.... in 1S" 4(0 w 7Gn 00 KSwSil.. a e ' ioe line mw L "Em i .. ene leixi uw noe aiM 5f 11jmE,m IN 70) 12(10 10(11 20(H) 24 (M IV KBlt),.. BOO 1000 17 00 2JWI 27 On 81(0 E KOKwitai.. 600 1100 'JO 00 2HO0 .1200 Hart) !t Elf-' sn" ,80n 2800 380O 4() BJOO J MHW 1500 2900 WOO 500 till) W () - & XnteUlgeneer Building, Lancaster, l'a. I; tl)C ance0ter intelligencer. IiAMOA8TKR.;JULY ,1800. Legan Mounts nud Ciiargc. Senater Jehn A. Legan is n man of nar row compass.' He has a great stock of as. eurance and solf-cenfidenco. He is net a coward, If he is a demagegue ; anil he has , ' some qualities that nre pretty certain te U attract popular attention and te win a cer- tain degree of popular favor, .lust vv hy he ; chese te join Evarts and Teller in a con ? serrative report upon the l'.vyne briber" case is net easy te say. It would liave been mere like him te have joined in the most radical and absurd view of that erany ether partisan matter.But even he,narrow as is his range and superficial a3 his habit of thought is, could net find or make an excuse te war rant an investigation into this caseaftera partisan opjiesition in the Ohie legislature gave it up. Ter this he has leen most viciously assailed by the red-mouthed editor of the Cincinnati CemmcrcuiUGuzdtc, the man wlin tAlplll.vnru, nnrq nrrn wnntwl Lincoln shot, "Wendell Phillips hanged and Grant drawn and quartered; and who in these critical days was disposed te put " no dependence upon the nigger." When Mr. Legan answers attacks from such quarter, even though he smite the EnglWrrfanguage hipand thigh, he is likely ,ve attentive hearing from his own party and respectful consideration mere than went from the whole country. The impetuous and unscrupulous Halstead is se accustomed te charge with fiery fury K$s upon the helpless people of the Seeth, te insult and misrepresent them, te indict the Whole peeple of that section, that he was $r no less reckless in charging corruption and the worst of motives upon senators of his own party who differed from his view of the Payne case. Ter this he is answered het only with a square denial of hlscharges and a cemplete exposure of his false hood; but bv the lecital of some history te show that it is his unfailing fashion te make a feel of him self; and that his diatribes against public men, whom he aftci wards conies te sup port and applaud, are the symptoms of a weak mind as well as a vicious heart. The Cvmmcrchd-GtizctU is one of that rabid class of papers, like the Mew Yerk Titbmie nnd Philadelphia Pics, which seem te be edited alike without conscience and without intelligence, two things that were once considered indisicnsableiu jour nalism.' Xe Ambiguous Delherauce. "We agree entirely with our esteemed contemporary, the Chambersburg VnUeti Spirit, that there will bone ambiguitj. evasion nor dodging about the deliverance of the Democratic state convention upon the se-called " temperance " or " l'rolnbi l'relnbi l'rolnbi tlen " issue in our state politics. There will be no trap set, like that of the JJe JJe JJe publlcanplatform,te"catchthocoona'Koin' anda'ceininV AVe de net belie e that prohibition in any feim is a Democratic doctrine. The last national Democratic convention declared : " We oppose sumptuary laws which vex the citizens and interfere with individual liberty.'" The state Democratic convention of Penn sylvania last jear said: " The Demo cratic party is, as it always has been, op posed te sumptuary legislation nnd unequal taxation in any form, and itis infavoref the largest liberty of private conduct consistent with the public welfare and the lights of ethers, and of regulating the liquor tralllc and providing ag.ilnst the evils resulting therefrem by a judicious and pieierl graded license system." The plank of this jear will net likely fall short of this ; it is a judicious and consist ent declaration ; and we doubt if It can be materially improved upon, unless Jtle desirable te define mere clearly wiiatis a properly graded 8) stem, uniform in its ap plication, The Unvy of France. The Trench Admiral Lafont has made n Btatement te the committee of the Chain- ite of Deputies upeu the condition of lv me j.iencu navy mans calculated te touch 'i the -vanity of that nation me3t pleasantly : a sneuiu sau at. tue Head of niysquadien Withnilt tlin Rlltrlltnaf nnvln .....I ...111 . ..D..t.MV iAI.tllJ uit 1WU1UUI doubt of our success, even though the war were directed against Great llritaln." These are bombastic weids, but the world has become used te hearing bombast from the countrymen of Victer Huge and oeea net mind it when they have really something te brag of ; in this case they . nave, for ever since the grand German !- w.rt7)Vr t made Frauce u republic and u , ful w lUe German monarchy, , the French have been building war vessels at the rate of ten yearly. Willi a Fiench IZf .edthemin , p, w,u iMjlrem the swift 'i cruiseraand small gun-beati t . i...i Pit t of Ironclads, and their skillful 1, ,.iii. " Nf" i0,1 C01nI,?tltwl" China demon. United that in discipline and tmint ,., -U ,-.tbelr men Uiey have kept well ni.., '.Eaglaud, Germauy or Italy. IVhy did the admiral announce this Tact t e loudly V Was it te inlldme tlin wv.,,i ' twlth Datrietic nrlrln nml In .,el.,l,lli. .,. : maAfuUUnPA Sin rfnn.tr al.n1.n l..i ,, v - - '& ewncu uy me war, ;et wa it as a warning temeddliugGerman diplomats that a war with Frauce te-day would have te be fought both en land and t .Most likely the latter, for Dm but wliy old " Iren Chancellor" ever Kalee must have emlJed with satlsfac- t r -fl- . .i.fl'7 A n TH Hen when heheaid of the expulsion of the princes and the prevolence of royalist feel ing In the heart of the French republic. Te liismarck, " mero loyal than the king," the success of republican institutions in France must give n great deal of uncasi ness, and it would net be surpilslng if he should intrigue for the fulfillment of his prophecy of its ultimate failure. France new affords nu illustration of the value te the Old "World tuitiens of the maxim, "In tlme of pcace prepare for war." Fer by her perfect state of prepara tion Mie warns all who are aggressively dis posed of the danger of aggression, and by facing danger boldly she averts it. The cost of her military establishment lias been enormous, but it is a triile tinwoithyet consideration when compared with the value of Its influence in foreign diplomacy where its weight may turn the scale from war te peace, and its grcitest service is rendered without the firing of a gun. A powerful navy may net Ihj needed te protect our phantom commerce, but it may add strength te our diplomacy and secure for us mero respectful consideration at for eign courts. Then, jH-rhaps, wem.n feim commercial treaties that will net le as one ene sided as these of China or Madagascar, and we need net tremble for our ocean cities at the threats of Chili or the Argen tine. Republic. The Proper l'aruell PeHct. Mr. Gladstone's advice te l'.irnell net te obstruct the proceedings of Pailiament, as in 1N50, shows calm discretion that does him credit. The temper of the Pngllsh people new is se sensitive that it would need little provocation te arouse n violent animosity between the races that would make all thought of union useless. The Conservatives have accused their oppo nents of violent revolutionary designs and nothing would strengthen their cause as a repetition of the old Parnellite tactics of obstructing the machinery of government. They were well enough in their time and when Parnell had no ether wc.qien he u-ed obstruction most skillfully; but new suc cess will mere surely fellow a policy of careful but firm statesmanship. jTni: Prolilbltlensts Kaily estimate their rote In Pennsylvania this fall nt 1110,000 ; the t.aber moil easily ll(;ure out feO,(XXl. All this Is interesting te the old pirtles If true. Wei.fi: says the wolf cr it premature. He ui.iy and may net; he will ami he won't. Come te think of It, the Prohibit JeiiixU hi e net yet had their con ontien ; nor the Demo crats ; the Laber meu are te be heard from ; and Heaver, at Denvor, ou his westward way, admits that all depends upon the Demo cratic nomination. Mr. Wallace writes a IotUilIe frlend that he may be a candidate, II the nomination comas te him with such unanimity as te itiilicate that he is the man te unite the party. It will Ih mero than three months until the olectieu ; ami as blc a state as New Yerk has been turned upside down in thirty days. Tin: 7Vmi fears Sonater Ill.dr mav make his patent educational scheme ri-llculeus by tacking it ou te the surplus resolution. .Neil). Ing can save that Mudauge from beliiR ridi culous, wheue or and in whatever shape it shows itself. Mk. Jli mie, of New- Yerk, lias been try. ing te beat Jay Gould's jacht Surprise, ami has succeeded ery oiteu, but the wily Ueuld has always found some way te avoid ae- Knowieuguig duleat. New tuecapUlu erMr. Munro's yacht, the Henrietta, sends the nowspapersanepeu letter in which he says that his yacht will net under any circum stanced race with the Surprise, unless the race take place where first intended, and the Gould yacht sail a straight course from start tetinish while the Henrietta Kail around Its rival ten times In the same distance ; or he will race ever the same ceurse and make two miles te Gould's ene ! A m:w way te keep a witness out or ixnut has been round In Ohie of iMiirs... rr v L. Woedruil, w he was wanted te ttstity iti an election case, turned; up missing and stayed lest until postponement was secured. Then a safe in a lawyer's oluce, guarded by two men, was opened and he walked out sau:, and refused te explain. Kxplauatiens stem te 1)0 unnecessary. Wi m ly yet get a navy. Tue bill gliding in the Hnuse anticipates the gradual expen diture el ten million dollars en something better than Kobesonlan beats that will net Meat, and moehauica! monsters only worth selling for old Iren. The lour Incomplete monitors are te be linlslie-l and three new armed essels anil a torpedo Inn are te be built. The country will be especially tickled te hear alfie that the secretary is te Ik. author ized te contract with the Pneumatic Dyna Dyna mlte Gun company, or New Yerk, ler one dynamit gnu cruiser 200 feet In length, of twonty-knetspood and equipped with three pneumatic dnnmltoBunseriO'4 Inches cal cal cal ibre.c.pabloertlirowinga a pound dyna mite shell ene mile e ery twenty minutes. Tiikue Is the sparkle of keen diplemacv about the visit el the aged German kaiser te the klng-cursed laud et llavarie. The Bavarians nre the most loyal r people and the crazy kings tliey ha e been ha lug of late have made them turn their loyalty te their kalser, te lorget that he is nlulr cetl. uuerer, that unlted Germany was made se and is kept se by ion e or arms, and that the kings of Prussia are new the "hereditary emperors of Germauj." l'rlnce LultiKild is h.r fr,., . !!2V!'eSr.nX head that.ln event or trouble, the iw,ple (lejtose the regent and call r the rule e King ei rrussia nml his iron chancellor We are told that Catholics and Protestant nnd men of all classes throughout the f eulh or Germauy, are vieiugwith each ether in doing honor te the heuse or Hehenz .Hern and this suimuer Jaunt or the aged emperor is an ovent of prime iKilitical importance. It means that Oermany is ilrmly united in sentiment as well as In fact, and that it is growing Inte u great compact nation, where of the sectional lines wilt gradually disap pear as the governments of the little pilnu pilnu palitles become mero and mero machine In ,Fn,m t0"!riU ,,0ttur d,ul tue" "' tlmowillcemo when the central power will fall from the hands ei the sovereign te the hands or his Parliament and the iople in rule the poej.lo rer the poeplo's geed. Pkoki.sseh Deikii:, or the agricultural do de do partment, repot ta that there is geed prospect that the wheat crop will exceed the elllclal es imate or ihSS by about 80,000,000 or bushels; this in spite of the Chicago reports el ioer crops In the NerthwesU The Western and Middle states have probably made up the deficiency and we may new leek abroad for a market rer the surplus. We can pay for our imports In golden grain Instead or geld lr we are only able te sell our w heat abroad, and we hae yet te hearer the condition or the KuHsian crop. Let us net shout until we are out of the weeds ;but the Indications el presjKirlty ahead are mostencouraging. A Weateru Fourth at. inly m,.. Around the shapely twonty-eight.inch waist was a pink satin belt supporting a red WI U irreen HMaJ!arIa,.,,U 0t WarJgeldH tw Ined tarSMed lm.niJ,"B ".' uu ulu""atobew tueniik wh.la.nder ellu' Around P:fiSaS& rigged out when her beau took h ,n Vi Fourth of July celebration en the imb. ,'.U- LANCASTER DAILY FERSONAU llnv. Dr. T.vi.m.vek and family are sum. inerlug at Aihevllle, N. (.', ', KiNn I.vtivvin drank chamngue or white vvlne poured ev or vv hite ielets. JnitKMiAii W. Oei:nkv has been ap ap peinted surveyor el customs for the iortel ltasten. Asa I'vcknu's executers Ille second ni ni ceunt showing Inceme of the estate sluce 17tlef fS.lM.lHtt.W. Oommedoui: I. It. H.VUMOSV Iw Ml designated te set ns swreUry of the imv y in the absence el Secretary Whitney. Ji-neu TeunnKB Mys that last ear less than ene hundred cities nnd tow in cole cele cole urated the I'eurlli of July, and the Declara tion or Iudepomlenco vvasre.ul In but twentv localltles. V.ui 11. WAm.uk, or the Yerk Vmty, who eentraclwl Illness while en the eilltert.il ex ex curslen te Atlanlie fit- two weeks age, dle.1 vvednesday evening. He was twenlv-llve years of age. Ctivni.Ks s, (Htiiikii, of this county, has been drawn s a grand juror in the V. S. district court, Philadelphia for August 10 and Samuel I, l.evan, Adam Geist and Lewis llrewu ns Htit jurors. PliK-mKNT t't.KVKl vmi, aceempatlleil tiv Secretarles Iliyard and Whitnev and Pri vate Secretary Uiiueut, loll VVashlngten Wednesdaj- nllernoen en tlin t:.0 e'chx-k traiJtep.irtlc!Mteiu the bl-cenlennlil iele iele brntleu at Albany, N. Y. A. J. ftnt.tN'1:, treasurer el (loucesler city, N. J , Is dead. He had been an active Demecrntie ivilltlclan for manv years, and held the eillce or city treasurer" Ter about tU teen years, being elected te that otllce several times. He was postmaster or Gloucester city Irem IViO te lvvi. Miss Max i) Hanks, daughter or General N. 1 ltanks who Is spending the sunimer nterk l!e.ich, Me., and who recently kIrhchI a contract te go "starring" net season, has been studying rer the stage rer sev oral years, and, It is said, will enter upon a theatrical career much agiiust her lather's wishes. Miss Amu.ia 11. KiiWAUP, or Kugland, writer or a hair dozen clever novels, noted as an Lgyptolegist, has been honored by Smith college with the degree et 1.1.1). Miss Hdwnrds deserves recognition as ene et Hnglind'a truly remarkable literary women. Her Egyptian scholarship is iinequaleAl bv my eicept n few n,mts. Il nuu Het' Is an obscure priest, serving a Heck el igueraut peasants in a French ll laga He has had no opportunities for cut cut ture beyond what his ptiest's education gave him. Ills let has net allowed him te visit Paris or te associate with men of letters. Hut he has just published a book of "'ilieughts" which Is setting Paris wild, it is se fresh, sincere, brilliant and profound. Glvpstexi: recommends for historical study of the Irish iiuestien Geldwiu Smith's atticle en Pitt in his " Kngllsh states", Lecky's " I.e.iders or Public Opinion In Ire land. " and "History of Kugl.uid In the Kighteenth Century "; many portions et Kroude's " English in Ireland In the Kigh teenth Century "; Lord Cleucurry's iKsrseual recollections or his lifetime, with ex tracts Irem his correspondence, but above all, Hurke, especially his writings in America as applicable te Ireland. L.vnL Vex Pilet, the i-elebrated Ger- iiiHu piunier, is dead. Jle was born in Munich, October 1, ls-JC, and was the head of iuu-Miinicii scnoei. ills first great picture was "Establishment of the Catholic League," painted in ls.,3. Others el his famous works are Sen! nnd the liemains el Wnllcnstein," " allensteln's Assassination, " ' Nere Among the lluins of Kenie, " " Tlie Death of Cesar, " " The Triumphal March of Ger manlcus" and "Henry Mil, Sentencing Aunelloleyn te Death., Since WkO he was prolessor nt the Munich academy, and in is l was olecteil president en the death of rvauimcu. a ilUMIAXIVlt MiAT UM'EZtlt:. The hj- home Jealous Itlialu Cut Ken Willi h .ll.irrlril lleautr. Lung llr.iiith Cerr .Vew Yerk IIuniKl. Husbands are net always se blind as they soem. One of them performed a very cloer act en Saturday alteruoen. A young and handseme basso siuger belonging te one of the cotnle opera companies In New Yerk had been recuperating here ler seeral day, he devoted rather tee much attention te a mar ried lady. He dreve in her carriage, walked with heron the perchos and sat with her In the same place until the moon went te sleep. The flirtation grew- ery tiresome te ether married women who had nothing of the kind en hand, ''ome meddlesome person among tthese noble-hearted philanthropists drepiwd the husband a note telling that if he didn't want horns upon his head he'd better come down here and leek alter his wile. He was net slew te take the hint. He sent his sin)use word that he would be down ou the ii. 17 train, but instead of that he came early in the afternoon and had the oxtremo ploasure or seeing the equipage he supported rer his wife drlve up te receive that lady and the basso singer. When they had entered the victeria he called a public cat) and followed. The read led toward Pleasure It iy, and when a long sunny stietch was reached he hailed his own ceai hinan ahead. The man knew his voice and pulled up the grays. The husbuid dis charged the hired cab and sent it back. Theu he stepped te his wile's carriage and ordered her companion te mount upon the box be side the driver. There were signs or insub ordination but no words, for the husbind quietly put hand Inte his hip pocket (where he only had a silk hamlkerchier, he declares). The pretty singer round hlmseir undone barred out, us it were. He took the cue and mounted te the box, and I saw the party re turn, having been apprised by n mutual friend as te what was llkelv te occur. The husband ordered the coachman te drlve slowly past, in lull view of the hotel, and everybody who knew thilyeung misher siw lilm seated ou the box beside the sleek driver He disappeared seen after and everybody voted the husband n philosopher. It beat a kicking nil te pieces. Credit te the American. lierlln Correspondence Philadelphia Inquirer. Sixty years nge there was extled Irem Gennany a man named Ferdinand List, whose opinions were proueuncod revolution ary, and who, lloeng te America, settled en a farm near Ilamsburg. Modestand retiring, but lull of forceand genius, he became an Auierjcan citizen, and In lh27 published In Philadelphia a little book entitled "Outlines or a New System of Political Hconemy." I his attracted the attentien of Secretary Van Huren, led te an acquaintance botween the author nnd the statesman, ami immediately upon the latter becoming president he sent Mr. List abroad as United States consul at I.eipzie. 'lhls pest the whilem exile con cen tinued te held ler a period or years, but knowing that thoiertunoor iKjlltlcs would sooner or later doprlve him et eillce, and vf?.?Sa.!,;Ur5,1.?B lovefer Fatherland, he wisely decided that It would be policy te In gra late hlmseir with the government, "e that, ir he cheese, he might continue te reside iu Germany. He, therefore, began the dls dls cussien of matters of public concern, and re erring te the construction ei raiireads.whlch had begun iu lh.15, argued that they might iiecoiiie powerful and oppresslvo monopolies and urged that thostate should construct and own its own railroads, and make them "a strong belt around the loins el the govoni gevoni goveni menu" Ihisadviee was unhoedod, though received with se much respect that List af. terwards continued te reside In Seuth Gor Ger many. Latter y-and new long vnars since 1,in. " "- lmv-e been res res res urrocted and sagacious Prussian statesmen f " " American the credit or cencelvlui: the idea that has grown until the governmont 1UU" '""iruuiire railroad syBtem and tax nrenui)0ueawHy."tal UW n'1 '"""Usm KIIJh Pulteii'i aoe Live Itattle.nakefc Llizah Pelton, efllawley, Pa., hascaptured oil ve his year, and has new In his possession, probably the largest collection or rattlosnake,, ever brought together at ene tlme. Thore are nearly 200 speclniens iu the collection. He has them all togethor in a mammoth cage niHuiuuuun a uen. reiten ciptured tlni most or these venomous sorpents iirly Iu tint spring, when they were coining out of their dens, nt which t me, it Is alleged, they are most deadly, owing te the long time the Kison has lain undisturbed iu the reservoir at the base et the fangs. Pelton alllrms that tholangselnoneor the reptiles have been removed, yet he outers the den in the midst or thorn all nud handles litem with Impunity. I he din made by their rattles when Pelton gees In among the snakes is almost deateulng. home or the snakes are el onormeus size, ine owner Ottilia collection or the deadliest or reptiles Intends te take his den te Uoney Islaud and ether summer resorts and place it en oxhibltleu there. He has refused au eiler of WOO for hla rattlers. ""uaeii " DTrBLLieBNCBB, THURSDAY, JULY 22. 1886. TIIK TWO I.KIIITS. " When I'm a man '" i the poetry of youth. " V lieu 1 w as young ' Is the poetry of old age " When I'm n mm, the stripling cries, And utrlvi-j the coming j eir te Man, " Ah, tlien 1 slisll l. strong and wlr, W lien 1 in a man." " W hen 1 is j eiing," the old man alchs, " llniv ei tli lark mid linnet sunn Their carol under sunn v skies, When 1 was jeuug." " V lien 1 in a in in 1 nhalt lw free Te guai J the i Ijjht, the truth uplieM. ' W hen I was j enng t bout no knee 'le power or geld." "Then h ill I attsly mj soul W llh j niuler prlre, when Pin n mm "Toe late I round hew vain the goal In whuh 1 mil." " W hen 1 m a mill these idle toys Aside forever slidl lie tiling" "1 here was tin poison in mj Jejs V hen I w aseniig." I he be ' bright divam Is all beleie. The nun's remincu lies tar behind Had we the present and no mom rate well' miklmt. ltut, brother, telllnir In the night. Mill count jenrseir net all unblest II In th. East there gleams a llht, Oi til the West. JVerti illttckf e1 U'I1 !'". llir OliRlit iit In Have llrrn Anneji-,1. Mamma (with much sliew of indlguitlein I bae called jeu three times. 1 am very much annoyed. Charlie (who is fund of Illble. stories i Weill the Lord called Samuel three times aud he didn't get mad about It, did he ? thelem, dyptMiterv and dtirrnaaieme with the Mimiiier ImpiuiU'iice In fruit dint lutcctlen and sudden chuks of jHiiplratlen ciuse ihtse complaints On Hie first nymptem take four or rive llrindrvth 1'IIU and dtlnk pluitifull) of het water ind msii aresife. If ou wish te ren der the ImhIj a tnrircss ng-ilnst disease, take one or two l!i indivth 1'IIU every night ler ten days and thus iruiore from the bowels all Irritating sui'staninand purlfj the Meed. llaby Is teething. Hardly knew It using Pn. Hand's 1 eethtng Letien, l'rke, 25 cents. Thousands of billies ire wasted and haggstd from dlarrlm a. I)r 1Ui8 Dlarrhcva Mixture cures without drying the bowels. Price, 23 cents, ter sale at 11. 11. Cochran's Dnig Stele, Nes. 137 and 1 0 North Queen street. J 1-lindAw HVKOIAL XUT1UKH. " H.VChMKTACIv " a lasting nnd iTvgrant iwr fume. I'rlie ilnndM cents, lersaleby II U, Cochran, Druggist. Ne. 137 .NerthCJueen trvs)t. Ilurklen'n Arnica Salve. The Pest Salve In thowerld for Cuts, Uralses, Peres, L leers, i-all Itheuiu, Kever teres, Tetlui, Chapped Hands, chilblains. Cerns, aud all Skin Krupttens, and positively cures Piles, or no pay requlrvd It Is guaranteed te give perfect satis faction, or money refunded. Price is cents per box. rer sale by U. It. Cecnran, DnnrgUt, 137 and IS) North Queen street. Lancaster, l'a. SLKKPLESS MtlHTS, made mUerable by thit terrlble cough, shlieh's enrels the remedy for you. rersaleby II. U. Cochran, Druggist, .Ne 137 North Queen street. "k ' The Impending Danger. The recent statistics of the number et deaths show that a large majority die with Consump tion. This dlsae may commence with an up parently harmless cough which cm be cured in suiully by Kemp's IktNatn for the Threat nnd Lungs, which Is guarantied te cure and relieve all casus. Price se cents and II. TViel uzr ret or sale by II. II Ceihnin, drugglt, .Se. 137 North Queen street. uu-ldltw t.oeil ltesultsln i:erj Case D. A. llrndferd, wholesale paptrdealeiei Chat tanooga, Tenn., wiltes that he was erieuslv allllctid with a sovire told that settled en hfs lungs: had tried many remedies without benefit iwingnuiucen tetry l)r King's Nun Discovery for Consumption , uiu euml n.wentlrily cured by useef a few bottles used it In his uudly for nil Coughs and colds w Ith best results. I his Is the experience of thou sands wbe- lives have been sived by this VV un derfill Discovery. Trial Hettles tree ut II n. Cochran's Drug store, Nes. 137 and in North Queen street, Lancaster, l'a j) KIDNKV TKOPIILKS. eiucuwnicu iiuieuenas A Case of Manj Ve.irs suimlliiK Cunsl With Six Hollies, lu a Man 00 Years el Age. Aixkstewk, Pa., May fc, 1ns3. Dasdeuev Hitters Ce. Cents I had been treublid w lth my kidneys fera number of ears, ued almost everything without much benefit nntU I tried Dandelion Hitters. 1 used six bot tles and am pleased te say 1 am entirely rid of the klduey trouble, besides my sstem b. Ing toned up se that I reel like u different person. I cheerfully lecemmend the same te all attllcied minis way JACOUMUSCHI.IT. lebe-3md U J u, il h.S THE KEV. GEO. II. -IIIAVEU, of llourben Ind ,says " lliith myself and wife ewe our lives te SIULOHS CONSUMPTION" Cllth." ter sale by 11. 11. Cochran, Druggist, Ne. 137 North Queen strcut. A ery Narrow Ocupe. " Ves, I had a very narrow escape," said a &reiiituent citizen te a friend. "I was confined my bed ler n year and uiv friends irave me nn tern consumptive's itrave, unlll I began using "duiii a uil. ,11, iu, IUU AiirUJ here I am, sound and hearty. Threat and Lungs, and e.irtV " I'rll rt r.ta. unrl 11. Ker Bide by II. Ii. Cochran. Druggist, Ne. W7. North Quieu utreut, Lancaster. AUE VOU MADE miserable by Iiidlgestlen. Constipation, Dizziness, Less of Appetite. Vol Vel Vol ew skin t Shlleh'a Vltallzer Is a positive cure, ter sale by II 11, Cochran, Druggist, Ne. 137 North Queen street. S1IILOIP8 VlTALIZEIlLswhat jeu need ler Constipation, Less or Appetite, Dizziness, and all symptoms of Dyspepsia. Prim 10 and 75 cents pur bottle, rer sile by II. U. Cothran. Druggist, Ne. IS) North Queen street. Dandehes Liver Pellets rer sick hendache erp Id liver, biliousness and Indigestion Small and ea&y te swallow. One pill a done. Price, IKc. Hy all druggists. fett-3mdTulh,S ItAPID TltANSIT. The latest and best form of rapid transit Is for a pertMm troubled with a sick headache te tuke u dese or Dr Leslie's bpeclal Prescription and what a rapid transit train the affliction takes fur Its departuie. &co advertisement In another column. dcc-ld(l) SHILOH'S CATAItltll KEMEDV-a positive curu for Catarrh, Dlptherle. and Canker Meuth rer sUe by H. II. Cochran, Druggist, Ne. 137 North Queen streut. WHY WILL YOU cough when Shlioh'sCure will glve Immediate rellet. Price 10 cts , 50 cts , and tl, Fer i.ale by II. U. Cochran, DrugijUL Ne. 137 North llueen street. Hay J ever Haflerers. The number of iweple annually nftllctid with this meet nnneylug malady seems te be greatly en the increase. Theeditoret this ieurniit Isun annual vlctltn,and,wltha view te discover a specific euro, has trlud numerous lemtdies. Of these Ely's Cream llalm Is by all odds the quickest and most satisfactory two appllia liens gieatly allaying the usual symptoms In the nese and eyes. We would rciauunenil Its use by all subject te hay fever, nnd wegladly bear unsolicited testimony te Its lllcaiy In our case. Media, Pa., Kcearit. Jyl7-2wdoed..w i'AHAHOIJi AC. TJ03K I1R0S. ct HAKTMAN. $4.00 PIRISOLS KEDUCEDJTO $3.00. - $3.00. VKKY;i!EST SATIN ! ALL TINE 81LK LIN INU3 I The Manufacturers. Rese Bres. & HartmaD, 14 EAST KING ST. apMma if ruamvvBK. JJIU11N1TUHK WAHHHOOMS. Ill' YOUItSELP A PAIK OF THOSE Felding Dress Pillows. CALL EAItLYAT Hoffmeier's Furniture Warerooms. 28 HAST KINO STREET. mKttiOAt,. rniiti:i ei i I At Hits season neatly every ene needs te use some sort of Ionic UION enters Inte almost every phvslclan's prescilptleu ler tlioenwhe need building up, I'll) sIclmiH nnd Krugglsls Itecentiiiriiil BROWN'S IRON BITTERS! ASTHE BESTTONIC. I or VV e kiu.s,l.a.sltudc,;Uick of Kneigy Etc , II 11 s SO mji L. and Is the only Iren medl line th it is net injurious. It Kullches the Weed, Inviixeriiles the Svstem, llesteies Apiie tlte, Vlds Pitt .lien It ds's net blacken or in Juie the lieili, i inst lu itilache or prodiliecon stlpattcm s. i iln i ine.lt. Ines de I lit. () II lliskiuv. a leidlng physician el Sprlngtlilil, nhiis sivs llrewn's tren (Utters Is a thenmghl) giswl miduitie 1 use It tu mv praetice. and find Its aitlnn eveels nil ether foriuset Ireiu In wiukni ss. urn low condition of the system. Plew u s Iren Unlets Is iisuull v n positive necessity. It Is nil thai l elilnii d for It Da. W.N. Watkiis, UU TMil second s-liiH't. (leorpetewn, tl c, sis "lliewns lien lllt ttrsls theTonleef theuge. Nmliing Is ttei It creates iippetlle. gives strength and ltnirevis dlirestleu " The (.untune Ins Trade Mink and kv.si i n ,1 lines ou w nipper. Takenoethei Miulinmli li lMIOWN CHEMICAL CO, (0 ltaltlinere, Md Cuui: von mi: dkakT Peck's Patent Improved Cushioned Ear Drums iH-rfectly testere hearing and lwrfuriii the work et the natural drum. Invisible, com tertable and always In position All eonversa eenversa eonversa tlen and even w hlspers heard distinctly, bend ler tllustrattsl book with testimonials, KKEE Address or edl en r. IttSCOX, S'vl llnadnar! Nework. Mention this piper. lunelO-lyeedAlyw Ul.AHHAJtJS. H 1U11 .V MAltn.N, INAHALL L) Hew te keep cool is the inipert.iul ques tion just new. A Lemonade et. in colored or crvstal glasj te drink your cool lemon ade, ,i ne.itly decorated ice Cream Set in Ilaviland ( hiu.i te enjoy the delicious Lancaster ice cie.un, or .in Ice Hew 1 iu romena Ait (il.tss, will aid jeu in partly selviug the ipiestien. If jeu step in our store we will assist jeu iu making your se lection. A leek at our .Milanese Waie will net take much of your time and w ill be of in terest, especially a let of cheap vases. Don't wait tee long or they vv ill Iks gene. They are selling fast. K.change of goods, if net satisfactory, w ill .ilw.ij-3 be dene cheerfully ligipurtii. 15 EAST KING STREET. LANCAhrtlt, PA, VUAL. BR MAKTIN, & WBOLXAALE AHO B.TA1L DgALIK III All Kinds of Lumber and Oeal. " Yard ; Ne. 430 North Water and Prince Streets, above Lemen. Lancaster. n3-lyd OAUMOAKDNKIia A JEFFKlUKs! COAL DEALERS. 0iiB' Ne. 12) North Queen street, nnd Ne. 661 N erth Prlnce street. Yards : North Prlnce street, near Ueadlnit Depot. B LANCA8TEK.PA. augis-ua TEMOVAU M. V. B. OOHO has removed his Ceal Ofllce te Ne. lMNOUIII QUEEN HTKbhT (llrlmmcr's New nulldliiK). wheru orders will be recoHed for Lumber and Ceal, WHOLESALE AVD BETA1L. m"1! M. V.I1.COIIO. E AST KNO YAKD. 0.J.SWARR&00. OOAL. KINDLING WOOD. Otllce: Ne, 30CEVTIIE SQUAItK and offlce connected with Telephone lleth Tarn pheue Exchange upru-iyaiiAr.u MAVUIXJSMT. TyTAOHlNEKY, 4e. te STEAM HEATING Latest and Most Improved EN G IX ES Traction, Portable or Stationary. New or Socend-lland BOJXEB8, WATEB TANKS, HEPAKATOR8. Machine or Uepaib Weu encli aafloneanfl kept In Machine Sheps. CALL CM OU ADDEESa, Ezra F. Landis, WORKS-637 NORTH OHERBY BTBBET, LAHOUTEE. PA. D7-tfd JTjVOn GAUZE UXDEUWEAlt. rer Ladles, Gents and Mlasea at lledund Prices, UO TO llECHTOLD'H. alls, Dustiut, Hals, Ladles, Ueuts, Hisses nnd aise ill-ess ana Wiskrnir sniris, i-nnis. cver- neys oiecnni Cellars, CutTs, ma. In .me cnrtnltf Nfifilrtvu ip JJSJ U H Uwl" WV J XI'VKMVIIIl All i-tientt teHultlhe tliufi. iinnaKuruniuiMi Duuiwimuiu uuu AT JlKCUTOLD'fl, Ne. Bi North Queen HtroeL 8. Choice buliaingMtetiu (uia wunl ler suln. G EOKUK KHNBT, JB., Oarpenter, Contractor & Builder, KKSIDENCE-N0.6J3 WEST KINO BT. SHOP-EAST Git ANT ST., Opposlte Station Heuse. All work receives my prompt ana personal at. ttee and en reasonable a a tonus. ug, ati-1 Muuinwa larauuea. efl-i?a ujir H AdElt ,V llltOTHKIL SPECIAL! WALL PAPERS AT EXTREMELY LOW PRICES. U.OOO l'loeoa lllnnkfl, 5, O. 7 Oettta Par Woeo. All New Ooeda of VerVlZ 0aamMXUToiure- BRONaB PAI'Bna, 13 l-a, !b, ie Gouts WASHABLE ENGLISH OAK PAPERS ,OUH OWN IMPORTATION), aultnble Ter lI.tilwuyB, Dlnlnir.room Dlnlnir.reom Dlnlnir.roem Oftlooa, Kltotiena nud Bath-roema, or whorevor a Borvieoablo Wall Docerntlon la roqtilred. DAMP WALLS Huoeoeafully romedled Spoelnl Prioea for Hivugln durliiK July ttul AiiRtiat. HAGER & BROTHER, Nes. 25 and 27 West Khig Street, Lancaster, Pa. M KT.i.l.K A UAUGHMAN. Metzger & Have the MA1IMIED SHIRT That has ever been sold for the mouey ; equal te many new sold at 75 cents. Sizes, 12 te 17. METZGER & Ne. 43 West King Street, ana oerrei uorse N Ji:-T POOH TO THK COUKT UOUSli FAHNESTOCK'S. Whlte Qoeila, Lncea nnd Bmbrolderloa. up. Sumtner Undorwenr, nil elzea. Summer Hosiery LarRO Stock SelliiiR Prioea. of thoae Ooeda new R. E. FAHNESTOCK'S, NEXT DOOR TO THE COURT 1)1(1' UUUIIM. VOHTII KM) IHI (.OOD.S .STOHli CRINKLED SEERSUCKERS A111AI V PUICE, ATTIIE North Eud Dry Goods Stere. j. vv. nvn.VE, nev5 ljd Ne. 3!i Nouh Queen stix-et. yyiiiTi: uoedm. STAMM, BROS. & CO. Nea, 20 nnd 28 North Queen St., Hae te-day Iteduccdl'iicft ou White Goods ! White Goods ! One Third te One 111 f. Itcdiieed Prices en HATI.ENS nnd bEElt it CKI.Its JhKSKVb' JEIISEVS' I.adlcs VVeMtcd.ltr hej. 5ec each advert led nty price, VJv. cull. Children's. I eneys lu Iari;esrtetj. Summer Underwear. One Case WHITE .VIAItSEU.l.LS Ol IMS ut One-Thlrd Value. SI'KCrAl. A Tt'ItAt 'J'JOX ' Flo Pieces PI.V STIilPED SU31.MKU SILKS. enlj '.-iKc. a yanl. The illy is lull of s.uue ut !c. a urd. All Weel Winch CASIISIKltK, AI.IIATU03S and IIEK.E, 2Sc J .u a. 'len Theuiand Pieces FINE TOILET SOAP, actual vulue Hie. apiece. We sell It ler 5c. apiece. BOSTONSTORE, LANCA8TEU, PA. J."" MAHTIN A CO. Iu eidci te DiiiiinUb our Lurt;e Sleck, e ln.ike the lollewlut; REDUCTIONS -IN- Summer Dress Goods! One Let Amerlcan Satinea Roduced 6e ; were 80. One Let Froneh Satinea Rodueodto 25e; were 35e. One Let Printed Batletes were 15e. at lOe One Let Crinkled Soersuokors Re Re Ro dueod te lOe ; wero 16. One Let Printed Lawns, ene yard wlde, Rodueod te 2e ; ;were 12e. One Let Dress Qlngbama, Rodueod te 80 ; wero loe. One Let Embrolderod Reboa $2.00; wero 93,00. at d, B. MARTIN 4 GO., Cor. West King & Prince Sts (Opposlte Btoyeni ueaie.) LAJOAflxB, VA. muuim. SPECIAL! Haughman Best 50 Oent HAUGHMAN, Botween the Ooepor Heuso Hetel, Lancaster, Pa. Whlte Embrolderod Reboa, 93.60 Summer Gloves ) in Htore, nud nil Mnrked nt Qulek HOUSE. LANCASTER, PENNA. ititr heeds. rjui: NKW cash steki:. NEW CASH STORE, Opposlte the Knyatenn Heuso and Northern National Hank, 217 k '-'!) North (Jtieeii Street. Si Arrltal of DltESS UOOD3. PLM.V AND PLAID WHITE OOODS l .pv .VJ'.'.W UA LAVVn", ' I INfcN Dt INDEs, ( eltDED P1QU A I.LO V Ml KM llltdl I in- it i i'u 1QUES, LIEIMt'l.KI) kVVL Bt'lll.l,L' ItAl'ISTI CLOTHS. IIILNTS (IAIIh: LAIUKS nndCIill.DltKS'rt (1 VllE. ""' .AEIhh.t.EM'SuudCIIILDnES S 110SK. Lllf IITti I. And full st.nl, of Deinrvtics All itoeds at low 1"'' Plca.eKleu, ucill """' low teLi-lyil w It neWKHS. JJAHWAINS IN rM)i:uvi:AK. WITT & SflIND, Nea. O, 8 & 10 Eaat King St., LANCASTEIt. PA. LADIES' (IKNTl.KMKN'b and CHILDltEVS bUMMKIt UNDEltWEAKIi.all "iresai.d CJualltleg ut Popular Pilics. LADIES' INDIA OAUElNDEUWEAlt. Lenir or fhert bleoves, Sc. Each OENTLE.VIEN'8 (1AUE UNDEUWEAll. 2Je Each 1 worth ,17Kc. OENTLEJIEN'S IEAN DUAVVEU3, 25c. Each ; Uiiuttl Prlie,33c. Anether SO Dezen el our Kaineus (.KNT'S UN- LAUNDIIIEDHII1KT8, Patent Uoseiu, Only U) Cents Each. UKKAT .ItEDUCTlON BALE OP Parasols and Sunshades. Our sales en these Koeds are 25 per tent, ahead or lust season's, and in order te close out the i!I!rS.or?Jr?,eck hnve maa ' ,1C vtrrinely low prtce still lun or. COAOIIINO PAKAS0L8, LACE TItl.VIUKD PAUABOLS, LAC1E COVEItED PAltA- bOLb ut Closing Out Prices AT THE New Yerk Stere. noeica. TOIIN IIAKIt'S SONS. NEW BOOKS Are elfered at a ltberal discount from the pub Ushers' prices. ' SUNDAY S0H00L BOOKS QUARTO BIBLES Contain;; King James and the Hevlsed Versions of both Old und New Testaments in parallel columns i also, with the two versions of the New Toatament, or with the old version of the Illble only, In various styles of binding, at much lewer prices than by traveling agents. AT TUB HOOK BT011K Or JOM BAER'S SONS, Neb, IS and 17 North Queen Streot, LANCASTEIt, PA. Bl OTK 18 MAKING CABINET PHOTOaRAPHB AT 83.00 A DOZ1X. AT NO, tanPHfd 100. NOUT1I QUEEN te.,, li. wn. Lancaster, Pa NOT10K TO THK81'ASSER8 ANU ,,.. C1UNNEU8.-A1I persons are hereby for bidden te trenpass en any of the lands of the Cornwall or bpeedwcll estates, In Lebunen and Lancaster counties, whether Inclesed orunln erunln orunln clened, either for the purpewe of shoetic n or fish ing, as the law will be rigidly enforced against all trespassing en said lands of the undorslgned after this notice. VVM. COLEMAN KHEEMAN, it. PEUCV ALDEN. EDWAUD O. KUKEUAN. Attorney (or IL W. CeJeinaa'i helri ecm-uaAw T- HV.' i$M&&MUA wmA ..-iu5i 14te9dM4 l&lft .ifcrf', l