W"VQ, s v . A' 1 ft' ri. al) VOLUME XXII NO. 1S7. SHOCKING SUICIUK IN A CAB. a inaatrjtritn vuvmi mauiiike man llt.OHH OUT II IH II II A I ft It. tin M lml t'l llatl MriiI llllli K Siuiclul Attempt t'lmii Ilia Onu l.lfa A Mlmt In Try III I'l.lid A ml Onn Hint illil llie Murk Tlttt Ilelnlli. 'this morning ut mi curly hour imetliur young innn committed suicide liy sending h liintel li.tll through lilt liraln. The victim or his enn rash mt was Hurry Heck, mm or Christian Htsik, driver or tliu Lancaster A Mlllorsvllle slreit car line, who resides tu MlllorHVllle, The young man Iihm been living with his wife and rliliil In Heading for the (nit seven or eight weeks; he was theru engaged I" Iho cigar business. List Hatiinlny lie came te lamcutler with hit ramlly mill went te Mil lerav llie te visit lilt rather, with lliu liitt iitimi ofspeiidlng no 1 1 hi tlme thorn. On Monday morning young Heck lull hi fu'lier's heuse and told his Tamlly that he ns going tu New Helland. He came te Lancaster nml went nretnul among IiIh friends (luring the day. It In supposed that recently he went te llarrlsburg and thin morning nt 2:20 he arrived Irem that city en the Philadelphia Kxpress. I'pen alighting from the train he asked Samuel Gruel, (who It hotter known us " flam,") a driver or William Rosenlold's hack line, te tnke lihn te .Mlllorsvllle. (imel told hi in hit price nml it was Hatlstaotery , but Heck Mid before going they would take a drink. Tliey went te the (llobe hotel, whero llerk ttxik a drink or whisky. Hit then get Inte a enu herse coupe, which (I ruel Was driving, lle was driven te the Slevens heiiHii, where anolher slop was made, at Heck Mid he desired te go Inte t10 restiuratit under the King street depot. They re mained there ler koiiie time, anil Heck took he oral drlnkH or whisky, which allected him considerably. It wat about lour o'clock when the atari wai inade ler Mlllorsvllle. i.ruel drove out Went King mid Maner streets nnd did net speak tu Heck, tit he was net acquainted w 1th him, tiii: i'i m i: ei rm. i iivehnv. When the cetiM) reached a kiIiiI beyond the tell gate Heck divharged his rovelvor, (iruel leaned ever mid told him net te sheet nt It might frighten the hore ; he looked In the c.l window and then saw that he was all right. Hut a low moment elated liefore another shot was Ilred. (irileldld net pay any mere attention tell, at he thought It w at only the work or a mail who had Isieu drinking mid probably desired te frighten the borne. 'I be driver continued en hit Journey te Mlllersvllle, and en the way be heard a Might Hound at though the occupant et the vehicle was laughing. Alter they liad passed Dtlly 's hotel at Huh end et tlie village, (iruel began te wender wbore the 111111 lived, tit he did net knew lila name. He steplsjil the home, and, gutting down Irem the box, looked In. He tuiwlli.it hit pissonger wat bleeding proliiHely Innn 11 wound jutt IkiIiIiiiI hit left ear, and he held the plttel In hit hnnil ; he wat breathing huivlly. Gruel ho he ho cme frlgliteiHHl and, turning hit here around, tlreM) ivh rapidly nt jKntlltle hiekte Dally'N hotel. Here he leund mner.il men mid 'told them or tlie NhiKtlng. They limketl at the man In tlie ceuK) and at ence reieg. nlml htm nt Harry Heck. TMil N TO Ills f rill UN HOMI- The carrlage wiw then ipiickly driven te the reldeiR'oef deceased' lather. He vvaa reuiev ed Irem the carriage w Idle ) el breath lug very heavily and taken into the houe vvnere 110 uieii 111 lent iiiau 11 nan tieur. it. II. r. llerr wat called in lit wmiii ut tlie wounded man arrives), but be could de noth ing. Dr. Welchmi!1, el this citv, win idwi tent for but U'fere he readied Mlllertvllle the man vvna dead. There wat but one wound oil tlie (lemon or the dead. The ball entered the he id Jutt abnvennd it llttle track of tlie right ear anil patted through the liraln, It It certain 111 it two shot were 11 red an, tHtliU'Hdriinl, they w ero heard by a ltdy w he liv e along the plke near where tlie Hhoetlng occurred. It it probable Hint the llmt Mhet wat tired te try the pUtel. An oxamlnatlen or the call wat undo ter the ether bullet, but it could net be round; mid It It llkely that the idiot was tired Irem the window, fter the nhoetlng Heck did net apeak a word that wat heard, mid he Milk very rapidly. mi irmeMitNiMiii.il. Corener Henimaii wat notified at ence el HeckN death and he drove te Millertvllle. He Impanelled 11 Jury coutittlnger Henjamlu R Wertz, Jehn (i. Miller, Aaren S. Dlother, .lehn V. Ilrady, l'lmer !. Krltuiaii mid H. II. Meittky. They rendereil n verdict or mil 1 Ida Heck wat 11 man of alxtut J. eirn of age ; he formerly attended the Millorxville Nermal Mchoel, and wat very Intelligent. He after wards taught xclioel nt Marietta mid ether places. He married a jeung lady In Tyrene, named Mitt Mlllle Hender; who once ob tained a divorce, but Hubseiiiently remarried him. Forsevoralyoanho had beeu inclined te be fast. He NientconHidnrnble or lilt tlme In this city and traveleil in company that wat net calculated te elevate him. He also bud treuble with bit wife, who had him arretteil for do.tertlen, midhe wntengtged in law hu Ut with dillerent olher partles. About two inentht age bit wife, who li.ul sotne money et her own, agreed te ulart him in bind. ncsx It he would de better, but told him that he could net de it in Lancaster, They therefere went te Heading where Heck engaged in the wholealo cigar trade. When he loll Millornville 011 Monday te the bent or hit vvileN knew ledge he had little or no money. When hit perteu wat examined this morning evor fill wat leund en him, betldeH hit watch and rings which lie usually w ero. His vvife and child, who nre Mopping with hit father, vvore pretent at his death-bed and are prostrated Willi grief ever the tragic ovenL The weaKu with which Heck end ed hit lile he had ovvned ler home time, ltecently he showed it te sov sev eral persons and told them it was a geed hlng te put rollewn out of the way. He had also tipoken el taking hit own llfe bolore. lllenlne Hiiiukelii Cueper'a I'uce, i 10111 the 1'lusH The breezy protence el Senater Jehn M. Htehman, el Lnncasler, nml hit cengenial IHjlltlcal mite, 1'rotheuotary Matt l'riily, IHled the Kepubllcan Hlate committee head head Unrtera, in the Continental hotel, yesterday. They hail ceme down Irem their tobacco rarina III the bailiwick or old Tliaddeus Stevens, and when Chairman Ceiier, in atlabloNtyle, nllered tlieui a cigar Irem the little box In the drawer el his dink, they allected te spurn the mere civilized products et the tobacco factory and took from thelr pockets two long black clgara of the weed grown en thelr own farms. They told the atate chairman that they would show him w hat a geed cigar was. "As geed Hepubllcans," they Haiti,, "we hollevo tit articles or home manulac'.ure." "That's all right," Bald Chairman Cooper chewing the end el his cigar ; "theta cigars I oller you are also home products. They are all manufactured In this country." 'I hen there was soine general running gos sip about party atlalrs. Konater Stehuiau isaid Lancaster county was going te glve ait Immense Republican vote this year. "II you want te soe Ur yoursell,"sald he te Konater Cooper, "eeuvb up and oe ut and meve around through thoceunty. Ourorganlitien is In splendid condition. We'm going te surprise jeu in Nevimber.' On III, Wajr Hume l'rein I.iinintter, F10111 tliu rittaburir l'est. The friendt of Uebert Crumiug, of Wixhls Ilun, Alleglieny, were surprised te heir jet terday, that he vvaa arrested In Ilarrlsburg last woek and sent te Jail for thirty days. A coupie or weeks age he aud a companion named William Smith, went te Lancaster te visit frlends. On their way back they ran out of money aud tried te beat their way back en freight trains. It was for that otTenso tint ('ruining vv us arrotted. Special Train. A special Iraln passed west, by way of the - . ..- l.a P.nn.vliranla rnllrnuit tills afternoon. It had en beard Superintendent Gucxer and a number et ethers who are lu. pee'dng bridges. vuftiurtuff uv tiik vnern. AilillllutiMt Fiuta 11111I flgnrr till Ulicat, Cern, (lain, lljn nml llurlry The Hlnleniciit el crop londillens en tlie 1st day ei July, prewired by l'rofetter Dedgo, tlie Htatlstlcan of the ngriciilturnl ilepatlniunt, and telegraphed te the press en the Kith in stant, Is new supplemented by n fuller rejnirt giving additional facts nml llgures or ml Inter esting character. In tills report the prolesser says : The area of corn Is steadily Increasing, w 1th only the sllghtettluiiHitut Irein foreign do de muiid, mid still I cms Irem the spirit mauurae turn. It it the great Auietlcan crop, IU prisluct three timet lis tiiuuh 11, n'l the luale preducwl elstwhoie, Tlie innrii ex tonsil el y it is grown tlie greater it the domain! and tlie consumption, bo&iuse or Ibi greater clieapneM, mid el the many tco tce tco nemlo uhs te which H can lie profitably n n plled. Tlie Increase In seven jears, tdnce 1M7(, has been iilieut 'J I per ceuL, mid the iresoiitnren It about Tfi.UUOVWO acres. The In crease It rapid In the ntore riswutly settled WoHtern suites for two reaxius : I'lrst, Irem settleiiieutiind home making , second, Irem Hiibttlliitlen or corn rer wheat. Hetllers llnd tliu demand ler wheat llxed and llttle varia ble, ecept that the werldN supply alleets demand every w here, vvhlle tint demand ler corn is elastic, mid mav lxt deublwl with prices sulllclently low. Wlieat la tlie Hiitef MpoculaterM, whlle com has Beldem lice 11 eornerod. , . ... . Ol thoisindltlen or spring wheat the report The condition or spring wheat hat declined fremiti eln June te s.1.1, In cnnsemimice el high tomperaturo, tlrylng wlndtmid want of rain. Last year tlie nverae wat ll in July, aud In consequence of high teuij erature at a critical period, full te s nt the tlme et liar vetting. It it a sudden tall, aud only tliri 0 points lower than lattjear's crop at harvest, 11 continuance or Injurious weather would he llkely te threaten liirther and serious disas ter. Tim apparent dopreolitlou In June It 10 )Klnts, but It would be 11 serious error te apply tint reduction tu the fin, fin, WW,0ei) bushels or spring wheat har vested, which represented a condition of H7 at harvesting, only J (mints alxtve tlie pre-ent condition. Should there be no rurtlier reduc tion, the present condition should Insure about IG'i.OeO.WX) bushels. It should be nil nil nil derstoed, however, tint a lest et vitality no early In the auiteu oxp-xet the crop te liirther lnjurlet by the lie its et July nnd August, mid renders It hlghl probable that the average condition at harvest ma) I hi still lower, luthlt itehitnr view the Injury it innre serious tliau theaveragereiKirteii status et the crop would make it. lib favoralile weather In Jul v and August Increased con dition may be maintained, though tlie chances ure confessedly against it. Making some allow. mce fertius prebibillty, a Judi cious and reasonable Interpretation el the July report of winter and spring wheat would show 11 pnnpis-t loran Incnme ler about ni,. imd.tKX) busliels above the official ettiinute ler ls-y,. llie resulU of thrashing or winter wlieat mid the meteorological conditions of the net two months may easily add 10,0X),. IX") te these figures, or subtract imlte as large an amount, The wlnter wiieat area already as-uires nearly eneugh ter home cousumptieu and seed Tlie average exportation of wlieat mid Heur ler the just ilv Oscars lint been I in, nnO,(Xn) bushels. The present oxicctatieu favors a product neirly, if net quite siilllcieut ler this rate el oxerUtlon in addition te cm cm siimptieu. 'I he ex)rts el the past i ear are seme million bushels lest than this average. The surplus will prelubly be ample, lliero lliere lliero fere, ler any foreign demand llkely te rise. Tlie distribution el tlie past v ear itas fellows : llii'htl, K.itlmutwl consumption, IikxI ... 77l,iki,i) si.il . 1l,i;i,uki hxperts Itiein tuelliiiliiiie sintuuient). il,S'WI Total IIC.UTl.'O) I ropel 1"j 0VV7.1IJ i Dniun lreiu imp of wl . . V, ki, ,j) Tlie " visible " supply hat lieeu docreased during tlie jear about fl.noO.WKJbuthelt, leav ing about ii,ou,eiiO busliels te ceme from the surplus In tlie hands of the farmers. In view el tlie present surplus, visible and Invisible, w hlch it still n lair ad Mintage, mid last year's elllclat estimate is verilied, mid the M),oeo,ooo lower estimates, se strenuously insisted en by ambitious crop statisticians, it discredited with marked emphasis. The condition el eats it low or th in ill any former July report since IsT'J when the yield average, twenty-live bushels per acre. Tlie present condition Is ss,s, againtd s" in July of that v ear. The average ler rje is 'U(i against KT last veir. It is nearly the Mine as in Ksl. The condition of biriey it somewhat lower at the present date than at the 1st or July In any recent jear, jet the dillereuce is net suf llcleut te reduce greatly tlie prospective vleld. I I nv erages s'i 7 against '- last J uly, mid Us in J uly or the previous jear. TlltS Ayri-Ul.liOMAIltlAltl.lIK IUI.L. Itrtivecti lliu lliiune nntl iriftlilinl It I, I.IKulJ le Fall. Thusunalu hat nssed llie oleoinirgarino bill by 11 oteof .11 te J I. It was almost .1 partisan vote, tlie Republicans generally being recorded in the alllrmative nnd the Democrats and all Soiithern souatert I 1 the negative. The bill wat uiueiidtd by minc ing the rate et tixesat agreed upon by the Heute from llve cents le two cents a pound. This Is merely 11 nominal rate, the purpose being only te bring thn mauurictiire of ele inariiirlueuiider the management olthe In ternal rev unue bureau, and thus Insure its libeling and silo ler what it really It. Tlie peiulty section wat amended se at te make ltmoreepIlclt Knew reads at fellows : "Kvery ersen who knowingly sells or eilers ler Hale, or del 1 vers orellert te deliver my oleom.irgirlno In any ether form than In new wooden or piper pickaget at abeve de scribed, or who packs in any package any oleomargarine in any manner contrary te law, or who falsely brands any package or ullixes 11 stamp en any pickage denoting a lest amount of tax than that required by law, shall be lined rer each olleuse net mere than 0110 thousand dollars mid be Imprisoned net mero than two jcirs." ltttregirded at quite deubtliil vvhether this amendment el the Senate will be con. curnd in by tlie Heuse, in which event the bill It likely te fall this session. A Western member discussing the S'euatu amendment, Mid that the bill would net pitt Congress lu this Hhape. The Heute roluted by uvery decided vete te adept 11 four per cent, tax hiidltlsnet likely it will adept a lest rate man tint. Some doubt is still oxpressed at te whether the president will approve the hill or net, evon Mheuld it past Congress. It is under stood thrt he takes high constitutional grounds iigalnst the bill mid will vete It be cause It it lu violation el the constitution and Individual rights. Cii'.llni; Trim, en llrett liueiU K10111 the Heading baglu. Tlie ladles of Reading tire considerably in terested In the cut in prices of a light dress goods material known ivs batlste. A year age the price was J.) ceuls. The present seasen opened w ith the prices at 12 1, cents. Yes ter day 0110 ilrm having a large stock marked batistes down te 0"., cents, and seen alter another llrm red need tliem te e centt. Tlie "merrv war of ratet" thou went en at 11 llvely rate, and at thocletoof business tlie pricet had reached 3'4 cents. Ne mere than 10 yards (a dress pattern) vvore sold te any ane customer. One lady bought a dress at il centx aud went home in triumph. A few hours later a neighber came home highly olated nnd Hhowed lier purchase innde at I cents n yard et the same material. One lady bought 11 dress at 1 cents a yard and wanted J mere dress patterns, but was rolused. She liurrled te tlie pnvoment aud met 3 lady friends. Pressing each ene into service llie II Irleuds wnre liuriled Inte the store, each bought a dress, and thus the lady In high glee carried home four clieap dress patterns. Ily nightfall the cut in rates was as much tlie tople of talk among tlie ladiOH ns auy cut in trunk line ratet evor agitated merchants or shippers. Tlin Way t tlet At II. K10111 the I'hltiuU'Iphla 'limes. The Lancaster Intui-mekncuh's Biigges Biigges tlen that overy county form a local branch el the Pennsylvania Korestry association should at least be passed all around theso counties which have been donuded of their timber te such an extent at te cause sulliJring from drought and Heed. Lecal orgaulitleu Is ene I or the most powerful iuiluencet in favor or ello;tlve work, and local ferestry as,socUtleni ' should be encouraaed. COMMKIICE OF TIIK TOUT. aJV INVItKAHK JX Till! IIUTIKH VUf. l.KVTKI) AT llllt.AIIBI.IIIIA. A Hkhvit I'slllnit (III In lit" VabiB it KHirt The Ce,U til Collet linn )t- crtuueil A Nttlalila lUltlltlt nml CHinpatltien til )ear. Collector of Customs Cadwaltder mnket IheloUewIng statement of llie eiisUHim busl nest at the 1'hlladelphln pert for tlm lltfal years ending June :ui, !., and June 30, Ien) : , , , Kntrancu and cloarance of vessels I or- eign: Knlninrr SS1 lstL .Til IVI . SVI Sft I'triitnnm IflSV. 1SSIJ. J-s a.1! iSl 7i7 tllilb i States, foreign Total ... I-' ' nil 101 1WI 'Intnl tonmigei nt led, leiilirn, ine . I,us,l37 Total tonnage mill n d, Iqiclgn, s, I.IVI,?)) Total tenmuu clean !, hut Un, lMi ... :i,:;i) Total temuiKi! cleiiKd, run Igu, lv) . .. trU.IVI Hntrance and clearaiu e oeastwiso : liitrunrr$. 'tmrmtm. Issl. !!. lssl. lssfi. I'nlUdStnlti) W7 fcs.1 ll-tt 1117 rercigii 01 ts ti ail Total . ."7T0 7l3 IVZ 1WI Total luiMirts ler the jear ending June JO, 18.M, J.i,ll'J,01 i last jear, tWI,tnil70,. Total liiiierlH, froe of duty, for tliojeir ending June 30, lvv, K,rr7,SJl ; last year, e si'l 'J3S. Total Immodlate trantorhitlen le oilier ports, year ending June JO, IS8.1, JJ,771,X)I i last y ear, M,(J70,7JJ. Total Immediate transportation from olher lierts, year ending June 10, lss,,, ts77)iU'i ; last year, fJ,'7l,r . Total exiterbi Irem I'hiladelphla, joareiid jeareiid joareiid Ingjiiue.t0, BSj, Ms,7ftl,j, last jear, (.!, 711,076. Amount or duties due I lilted Suites en morchandlse In wareheuse a closeof tlie last fiscal j ear, f w, 173 irf , same for jirovleus ear, $71,31.-7. Increase at cle e of last titcal jear, flii",ll7 II. Total duties collected, jear ending lune 30, ISm, rj,l')I,il3.35 ; last jear, ?ll,bol,VJ0L ?ll,bel,VJ0L 01. Cost of colltH-tlen ilrst jear, 3. 1 1 per cent ; last year J.70 ier cenL The foregoing statement shows an increase In the receipt nnd 11 reduction in the o e o pensas. Tlie Increased revenue Irem customs during the latt lisc.il j-ear, Mr. Cadwalader says wat iilieut ?ll,0OO.U0)ler the entire ceun-trj-. This iKirt has heretolero ceutrlbutetl less than ene sixteenth el the total revenue from customs, anfl? therefore, the lilr proper portion or tlilnrreae for l'lilladelphla would be about ftKi.000. lu fact JJ,17U,JsJ.eii In excess or last j ear's receipts and $2,500,000 altove the avorage or the inst llve j ears hat lieeu collected here. 'I hit shows that onedUth or the Increased rovenue or the wliolecoiiutrj' froiiicusteliit it dorlved rrcm thlt jKirt. The oxpense or weighing sincothecliaiigeiuthonillcoof chiet weigher, Mr. Cadwalader tajs, shows a great red uctlen, vlr rrtiui Kt-KWcenLt per ten in the provieut ye-irtei)1, under hit admlttratlen. Credit it given te the appraiser for the accuracy et the appralsement. The number or dayH ler wnich pay was received by absentees has been rodticedirom 1,015 ilnjslu tlieprecedliig year te 1,0-11 dajs. The statement sajs tliat ihe busiiiess has htmii conducted with but llttle friction. A larges iv lug and general improvement in the conduct el the emplejes has tieen so se cured bj cbaiigiug tlie bearding ollue, weigher's olllce ami ini)00ters' cilices, ior ier ior inerly In three buildings, te the 0110 large propertj', .Na 1IJ Seuth Delavvare avenue. Its proximity te tint custom house nnd ap praisers' stores, and the general suorvisien thus secured, w ill prove a great beneiiL In regard te the cli inget In the lorce or the oni eni oni plejes it it statetl that In all easet wliore llieollice hat been included in the classified (or civil service) list no removal h been made except upon charges alltcting the eh inicter and competency el Iho lncuuibeut. Se sparingly lias tlie ikj or el remeval Ixjeu oereined In tills resiect, hew evor, that only three clei ks have Uien ch.ingetl, but onoas enoas oneas sistant weigher anil 110 examiner. Aiioint Aiieint nientt have been undo in the strictest con formity te tlie civil service laws. mil regula tions. I'he examination was held upon llie call oft ullocter llartranft, and the Ixiard was practically ceinssed el hiscinplejes. Hveu In cases where c'ni.uter of tlie olllce hat bein ch uiged ami red med te tlie unci issilitsl service, opelntnientt te Iho new positions line been nude Irem the list of ellglbles who had pissed the civil sorvice examina tion. Soldiers have lieen largely considered and, whorecortitiod at the head el the list", hivebeeii appoluted, though graded bolevv ethers. Ileir un I'iltie. The following is a res)rt inade by Senater Hear te the committee en privileges and eloctieut upon tlie material submitted by the Ohie legislature In the I'ajne case, which material Mr, Hear, at a sub-committee, ox ex muincd and anal v .ml . "I liivoexauilned thoevidenco forwarded by the Houseoi KopreseiiUtlvot 0IOI1I0. The Investigation was under 11 resolution direct ing .111 inquiry at te the 1 barges that four inoinliersof thopredOllt legislature, bolngalse members et tlie lest, were gulllv of being In duced bv corrupt me ins te vele for Mr. I'avne. These chaiges weie net susiameu, aud the coniuiltteo se report. "Hut tlie Inquiry took a wider ruige. There wnsovldente tending te show that Mr, I'avne's name was net publiclj' suggested as aoaiididate for sen iter until utter the stale election; that It was net very prominently suggetted until shortly belore hit election in Jauuary; that many porsent who had been supimsed te favor Pendleton voted ler Pajne; that tliere was a widespread holier that corrupt means were used le precure the result; that ene member wat eileied a large sum el itiouej- for his vete , that tliere were hearsay statements charging corruption as te several ethers; that two members of tlie legislature received large sums el uioney elsmt the tlme or tlie election, et which they being called as witnesses, gnvonesatisractory account; that the principal managers el Mr. Paj no's canvass, v I. : Page, Mel ean, Hun Hun ingten mid Oliver IL Pajne, did net testily liotero the comniiltee. Hut there It no evi dence tending te show the bribery of any member unless at abeve stated ; tliore is no evidence te connect Mr. Pavue, the sitting meuilier, with ttiose trans ictiens, nnd 110110 tending te show that the result was changed or allocted by such means." Death of unlllil l.incunter Utiitntlaii. 1'iein Ills l.Ue rosldence at 707 Vine stroet, l'lilladelphla, wat buried in Liurel Hill cemetery te-day nt 2 i. m., S41UU0I Rtrten, brother or the late Henry IUrten, el l.oaceolt township, tills eniiuty, nud himself a native or the iMuie locality. Deceased wat 70 years old and wat senior member el the whelesale irrewry llnnef Sainuel Hirten A Sens. He tiled el heart failure en Siturday night. Mr. Harteu went te 1'hlladelpliia when a boy. He was employed in a retail grocery store, and vv lien quite j'eung started in the retail giocery business, lu lb.10 he esUiblislied a wholesale husltiess at the north east comer of 1'Ittli and Hace streets, and in 1S.S1 inoved from tliere te .Second street, abeve Vine, where he founded tlie ilrm of Samuel Harteu A Ca. taking Inte partnership his brother. James M. Harteu. In 1850 tlie llrm moved te Ne. '-17 North Third Btroet, llie prosent place ei busiiiess. In InGI William II. Harteu, a son el Samuel Harteu, entered the llrm, nntl in istW Charles, anotlier son, wat taken Inte partnership, James M. Harten ro re llrlug at this time. The llrm name wat then changed te that which it new Dears, Samuel Htrleu A Sens. Win. II. Harten tiled In lN.i. Mr. Harten nttomled te hit busiiiess dally until about two ami half months age, wheu 110 wascoinpeiieti i icinti m-vu feeble lie.ilth. He wat lonllned te his bed about 0110 month. He leaves but ene son, Charles Harten, who is the latt of thirteen children. A White sparrow. Mr. liranadler, residing lu Westminster, Md., recently caught ou his grapovlne a young bird the slze of an r.nullsh sparrow, and resembling ene In overy way except the color, which Is pure whlte. Its oyes are red, and legs light yellow. He put It in a cage and the Kngllsh sparrows ceme te tlie cage aud feed IU It Is suppoced te be a whlte spar row, as it twitters exactly llke the English sparrow. LANCASTER, FA., WEDNESDAY, VHKMATMIIN i)F A DV1U1IIK. Carl i:rlitl' tltsly llrenglit rrnin Nrritntuii te thn lAtiui,lr Vrriiinlnrltiiii. Tholxnlyef llie late Carl Hrnst, or Hcian Hcian Hcian ton,vvasbreughtrroni that city te Lancaster to day for Incineration in thocremntorlum here, lu accortlance with llie request oxpressod lu his will and frequently uimle known In con versation during the latter joirsel his life. He had been the proprietor el 11 china anil glassware stere at M Wyoming avenue, in the city of Scranteu , was jears el age, ininllve el Vieniii and having gfKxl educa tion as a loekkoopor amistett an oslaleol flJ,000 belore he came te his country. He settled in Hohekon, N'A.I., lu l&sl, ami re re ro mevod tlionce te Scranteii. Ilutiness had been dull with him or late and he became depressed. Since the death or King Ludwlg, or Bavaria, he talked a great deal id out thai event, ami It Hoeuiod te prey upon hit mind; but tlie main causoef Ids trouble was his dis appointment that his fortune diminished in stead of increasing In Ihlseeimtry. On last Saturday he get a large order for glasswate, and he told ene of the t lerks that he would liositisfled If he could de at much business overvtlay. He then inade prepara tions te go te New Yerk nnd Philadelphia te hnve thoerdor lilled. sijlng ttat he would rettim home en Wednesday or 'Ihursdayer tills woek. He HpentSunday with hit family and friends nnd left home, with n satchel, le take a midnight train for New Yerk. Jn the morning his coat nntl gripsack wero found In hit stere ; and iiHm seirch his body wat found hanging In ene of the stere rooms. He had gene tliore alter he left home ; fermed a slip ntsise of rope, put it around his neck, fastened It te a hook III the culling, niounted a step-ladder, kicked it away and swung him seir oil into eternity. He had been a kind husband te hit wlfe and rather of two sons, ageil 10 and li In Scranton he was quiet 111 demeanor and uiaile only low acquaintances; tlie people who knew him found him an interesting talker and mi Bgree.ible companion. Ills llfe was Insured in tlie Northwestern anil the Penn Mutual Llie Insurance companies, f I, ,ix) eaOh, his unsoundness of mind wat further ovlmetl by the fact that he left In his stere a cluck in his own handwriting which read as rollewt "Htiirronburge, Sce ; Scranton, Hav ern, ISsOOS.ranten city bank pay te Kliig Ludwlg fourteenth, Lilt-" In the lower left hmid cornerof the check two ciphers vvore written, ene altove llie ether, vvitli a line draw 11 between them. Hrntt's reinains arrived lu Lancaster at 2:,10 p. m. en the Tast Line, vii I'hiladelphla, which wat a hair hour late. They were ac cempauied by Carl Leront? and Henry W0I1 run, tlie oxceutere named in Ills will ; Victer T00I1, Dr. Vv ehlen, Chas. Spoich Speich ler and William 1. Trust, friends and acquaintances or deceased, Irem Scran Scran eou. The body was taken te the crematorium but at tlie notice te the inanagomeut had been short and indefinite the retort wat net in condition for Immediate Incineration aud the cremation was delorred until thlt overl everl ing. '1 he clause of deeeased's w 111 in pur pur suance el which tills disisitien is made of his body reads "My orginle remnlut are te be burnt." HAI.K lit' lAI'l"M iiitmmiti. Juscpli lliicfnvr, of l'lillltililila. Purchases It Kir MO 000. Lawrence Kuapp oil Tuesday suld le Jos Jes eph Haolner, of Philadelphia, hit extensive beer brew erj' en Locust street, for the sum of $ ;0,000. It is Mr. HaelnerN Intention te relit thohreivory with all modern appliances ami greatly incre.ise the cipvtty el Its produc tions. He lakes Njssessinn en the -d or Au gust. Mr. Haolner It 11 brewet et considerable practical exoriimeo. He wat in the employ or the late Henry I'rmiUe about iifleeu j eats since, subsoqiientlj- Willi the late Pred Ljuer at Reading ler llve je.uw, and next three j ears nt a hrstcliss brewery in New Yerk, where he s.meeded in becoming a master brewer. '1 bunce he removed te Philadel phia, establishing himself at 710 Seuth 7th street. Actuited by leve for the placoef hit nativity, he returns te it with tlie purpose of engaging in businest. Mr. llaemer will be recegined at the son-in-law or Mr. Raphael 1 isher, proprietor of the hotel near the Reading a I eluuibla depot, 011 North Prlnce street. Mr. Knapp sold tlie brew erj- with adjoining buildings, machin ery, etc, all appertaining te the running of a brewery, attlie price given , the stock el beer en hand will be sold it private sale. The let en which the brewery slatidt h is a front 011 Locust strtt t et -iil loot, and ex tends lu depth le Ninth alley, Is- feet. 'Iho biewery It of bruk three tteries high, 11 feet In length and lerij feet wide. Tliere it besides a brick beiltr house, engine heuse, storage rooms and 111 ill mill twoengliios, one a jO-horse and thoelln rub horee power. In cluded in tlie purchasH ire ill ihoutenslls and brew imr apparatus, hogsheads, kegs, pumps, Ac About two tens 01 hops, a large quantity el malt, anil 1,500 b irrt Is 01 beer nre roserv ed and will be purchased l Mr. llaefner at private sale. win it i iiuiiu in lime ' It leeks new at if the it pairs te the large court room will net be unishctl in tlme for the room te be 111.nl during Iho August quarter sessions court. Iho Iroseeers have still nbeut two weeks work and alter thlt tlie scalleldlng must be removed and the room cleared up belore the painters cm get te work. The llrst dnj el court it) en .Satur day, August II, three weeks trnui Saturday. Mr. Hitemau, who has the lentnict, is push ing the work as rapidlj at pe-slble, but he sajs the commissioners uuiajeu ineir de cision as te tlie repaus until tee late. The lewer court room is toesiu.dl toaccemmod ite the large crowds vv he ittend quirter sessions count aim mero is laih. 01 uemiug. cuun the opera house. in The Miiratlins In .VI tsk . lu addition te the nt wsel last week telling of the sarety of the two Moravian missionaries with their wives in Maska, alter an unusu ally severe winter, a megrim has also been recelveilat Hethleheiii telling of the birth thore en April I- h el a daughter et Rev. nnd Mrs W inland ; and also stating that the thud missionary, Rev. P. Welll, has siilnl lituii San 1 raucisce for Nushagak. Tills evening, moved with symiMthv, soveral lutle girls of tlie Moravian Sunday school, el this city, intend giving en thelr own utceunia fur and lestival in tlie large room, Ne. ' West Chestnut street, in aid el the Alaskan mission w erk. They doservo te be encouraged. letilrnril te Court. Albert Heur wat heard by tderiuau P. Dennelly, et the I.ighth ward, en charges of ntloinptlngteklll Vugustut Rible, by shoot sheet ing at him en Marietta avenue a few weeks age, and carrying concealed de idly vvonpeus. The ovldemo w is se conclusive as te his irullt. and he was committed l" delault et Dill for trial at the Migusl term et court, Rible was held at a witness, mid net being able te give bill for ills appearance te pro.su pre.su pro.su cute the cise was also sent te hill where he will bedebiiiif.il until the case isdisKsed et. Keur has also been returned te court by Justice Lieb, of West Karl township, for tlie larceny of a waUh, rovelvor and money, the preiKirty el (tiisUvus Weuderly. ci.ndi:ni:i 11.1.1 r.is.wis. The tiueen has accoptetl itladstone's reslg- nation and Salisbury isci i.ntrc fm Londen. 'rim Muiiwt .laiecaies te the (i. A. R. re union In Hau Kranciste, will take with them the battle Hugs presented te tlie till Maine by Invnl fiillfnrltiutlH. A I-issler hat been appoluted pestmaster atHwanville, P. , In the Anarchist trinls In Chicago, a me chanic has testllled te making tlie bombs ler During tlie rioting In Marsoilles last night the soldiers repeatedly charged tlie mob and Hiicceodedlneventuillycloariiig the streets. I'n te midnight 200 arrests had been inade. Ten porsent wero wounded. The Londen V'imim wants sir Rebert Ham ilton translorred for lilt pest as permanent under-sccretary at Dublin Castle, and strong anil capable lrishmuii entrusted with Irish administration. (leiieml .I.tll Deliver), Kemi:, N, Y July 21. Win. Peine, et el Gloversvlllo, coullned for herse htealmg and Jehn Kacklser, of Hneuvllle, ler for fer fer eory, escaped from the Jail lu this city last night, by cutting n bar oiawinuevv grating In the corridor. A scatlbldlng allow ed thorn te get ever the Jail. The prisoners' cells vvore net locked. Geergo Tenner, the only ethor priBoner coullned, prorerrod te re-tualu, JULY 21, 188G. CRIMINAL CUMOSITIKS. mis jmruTM acie.v ur hmhh aiiih TOCItAVY HUNT HI, I ill lli l-tir That ID Ne Kiptttr til I'ctniin, 1- lirtlally Wlim Nut Mentlllcil A Vnung Man II hu Setiml Wild Oalt Abroad nml Heaped the Wlilrlnlnd Wet. Oiiicaiie, July 'i.X ropuled son of a family of Swiss aristocracy, wat Hontencod te sixty days In the county Jail yosterday by Judge Williamson. The name he gives Is Jeseph I miir. ciinur Itclls lilt lawyern that his lather It a high government elllclal In Switzerland. (Jmur is L"J years old. Holed a wild llfe in hit natlve town. Tvvoyears age he came te America lu company with an actress, and be long at she plajetl successful engagomeutt holived high. One tlay they parted. He came te Chicago anil at 11 last re ro re sert hired out te 11 farmer near the city. A few weeks age Jeseph took a pair of trousers and $10 from tlie farmet. Hosaysthe humor owed him $150, aud that he did net Intend te take we much as $10. He acknowledges the theft and says he watIntexlcated when he took the monej. Ills father hat sent him monej' with hit forgiveness. When hltterm is out he will go back te Switzerland. A Cann of Peculiar latere!. Wichitv, Knnsat, July 21. Thoarrest of Walter Drew for robbing carsatSedalia, Me., Is or peculiar lutorest if the statoment of Jehn De Leng, of the Missouri Pacific dotectlvo force, be true. He says substantially: "This man and Martin Irons are conspirators le defraud the latter's stepdaughter, Alice, en', of her prejiertj'. The death or her mother left the girl heiress te valuable tots in Hoso Heso Hose dalo, Kansas, falling in soveral attempts te obtain tlie property- Irons hired Drowte roit reit roit resont hlmsult as Alice's husband. Tlie projierty w as sold but belore the tleed could recolve Drew's signature It was Intercepted. These facts 1 can preve and tlie conspirators will answer te them In court." Ten leant Kerallatl Orleiise. Pittsi iM,li, Mast., July 'il Albert Dean, of Shellleld, was yosterday sentenced te ten years in state priten ler folonieus as sault in April last upon Lizzie S'cevillc, aged 11. efv run tub FiMiiru oiteunvs. Tlie VV'tlsc'a Island Club, Headed by tlie Hand, Leave the City. The Woise's Island Kishlng club lelt this city this morning en their annual trip. The mombert met at the County heuse and headed by the Soventh Hegiment baud, compesod el momliers or tlie organization, marched along K.ist King te Centre Square, and along North ljuoen street te ihe Pennsylvania railroad station where u special car was lu waiting. They went by rail te Shenk's Kerry and across the river te thelr camping ground en Woise's Island 011 a Hat. The mouibert e! the association are H. J. Cummmgs, J. S'. Smith, Jehn Aokernian, J. K. Harr, C. U Hess, Cteorge Eillnger, J. It. l.eeklcuer, vvauortex, .101111 a. iirenciuau, Abram Keller, A. J. Loibley, James Hest, Dr. 11. 1'. Kljerman, Thes. ICilpatrick, Ames Chandler, Jehn Snyder, Ames Sourbeer, HeuJ. Diily, Amet l'"onstermacher, Jehn . Hausman, Charles J. Whlte, Dr. S. 15. Me. Clcery, L. Knapp, jr., II. P. Meutzer, Jehn Siualiut:, C. M. Strine, Jehn Hurting, city, Jehn Lehman, Philadelphia, and Harry St hoel, Columbi c. The memliers of the band are Harry Strieker, leader, Charles Lehman, C. C. Don Den nelly, Jehn W. Ilubley, II. K. Shaub, H. Martin, R. Oates, Jehn Hruder, Win. Kulil man. Pred Haas, Jehn T. Kuapp and Jehn Mehriug. The mombert wero uuder the marshalshlp of II. J. Ciiiiimiiigs with J. H. Lebklclierns aid. The members will return en Saturday e oiling. Taking Siiiineei I-clsitrv Hen. Jacob U Stoiumetz, lelt Lancaster this morning for Cape May where he will re main for seme tlme. Mr. A. r. I-bermau ami hit niece, Mist lrginia Hawthorn, left here ler Reck Island, 111., tnis morning. A. J. Sanderson, w he has heeu " doing " Terente ami ethor ploesuro grounds, left Laucaster thlt morning ler Hlack Harreu Springs. Mist Sid Crolgliten Is visiting Miss Jenuie Paulus nml Miss Ollle Dellet in Reading. Miss 1:11.1 Stene, of ruuaueipma, is lsiuug Mist llose Derwart, el thlt city. Mist May Cirier, et Columbia, hat lelt ler Jersoy Shero, Pa , for a visit te relatives. l.eorge ftiill isatSuuiuier Hill, Columbia leuuty, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. Vv illiam 11. Hey aie visiting Altoeua, Pa. Mr. aud Mrs. 1). 11. ShenU and Mrs. R W. Shenk, will spend part of the season at Asbury Park, N. J. Ress ft. Kshlemau lelt this aflorueou for Hedfe-d. Mrs. William Harkins has goue en a visit te Altoenaand 1'ltlsburg. The Harnralsers' lishiug association of Mt. Jey nre encamped 011 the banks of the Swntara, near Ilumnielstewn, The party nre having an enjoyable time and consists of Messrs. Dr. J. J. Newpher, II. 1 Stager, II. K. Ni.sley, M. C. Hew man, of Mt Jey, and AUred L. Clay, or this citv. A disatch from W. P. Hrlnten, of the Vesperbeat club, dated (Ireat Palls hotel, Mil., July 10, says: "We lelt Washington at 10J0 this morning, alter rettislng an Invi tation te dine w itli the president ami having Ii.iil a couple of days or solid I1111. This place Is about JO miles from Washington, ou the Potomac, and is a most romantic Het. To morrow we will row te Grand Point and reach Harper's Perry, a , oil Weduesday night, If wohavegood woather. Astrichiind my sell are 110 a alone. I leth well." ceticHtugn ruiiitig cbtit. The Conettogn fishing club will leave ler Yerk I'urnace ou Monday morning, where they will remain for 11 woek. An Invitation has been extended te the Tucqitan club te visit thein ou Wodnesday. Thursday has heeu llxed for reception day, and a large number of their lady friends are expected te v islt them ou that day. tiik .in. u. ir. a. m, ftlale Ceuiiill til Meilmiilcs (Ireat Vleutlns at Ilnrriftburg Neiiilnatluit of Oltlieri. At the state council of the Junier Order I'uited American Mechanics in annual sos ses sos filen lu the hall of the Heuso of Representa tives, the roll-call showed evor 300 represen tatives present Tuesday at lorneou's sosslen was deveted te the nomination el oillcers and the reading el the various reports of the state oillcers. The repert or the state council sec rotary shows the number of councils at pres pres pros ont te be 112, with a membership el 18.J5I. All the councils are in geed standing. Thore hat been uu Increase et eight councils ever the previous year. The nominations miiile, 10 uu V eieu ler 10 nay, are as iiiiievv s : SUte counciller, Jehn O. Mentigue, Has. ten; state vice counciller, Harry Hey), Chas. P. Wllhelm, Pittsburg j sbite council socro secro socre Uirv. Rdward S. Doeiner, Win. 11. Merrlck. of Philadelphia; state council treasuror,Jehn W. Calvert, II. J. Delly, Philadelphia ; state council warden, S.W.llolland,YerkjG.Koyt, Philadelphia; O.K.iCliondlnstMabaney city ; state council conductor, S.A.HIckferd, Johns town ; P. Nevln, l'lilladelphla; state coun cil sentinel, W. R. Hubbard, Philadelphia ; C. J. llannan, I'lllsuurg; J, Keever, Middle Middlo Middle tewn ; national reprotentatlve, lull term or llve years, II. O. Searmen, Reading; ti. V. Hedman, Alteena ; national representative ler unoxpireu lerin, Tiiemat ciegg, it lu. McCulleugli, C. Ij. Cress, Phlladelplila. Ou the place of the next meeting thore premises te be ullvely light Hrle, I'hiladelphla, liar risburg, Johnstown, Reading, Mauch Chunk, K.vsten and Kcouemy were lumed. Cleanings In Hie llane Hall field. The Hosteru clubt of the Association all w en yosterday. The games vv ero as lollews : At I'hiladelphla : Athletle la, uiiiclunatl 0; at Stateu Island : .Mets.'!, St Leuis 1; at Haiti Haiti mero : Haltlinore 5, Pittsburg 2 ; at Hroekly n : Hroeklvnil. Louisville 2. The Leaguo gauies of yesterday t At New Yerk: New Yerk I, Philadelphia 2; at Do De Do trelt : Detroit 5, Kausas City J ; at Chicago : Chicago 20, St Leuis i. TIIK mt.ICK HUAMIAL. Uttgii I'rend, In Attendance lelleur n hlialne lent IVtiinmrM CimieMleit. Lonpev June ai. The pwcoedlngs lu the Dllko-Cravvlerd tllvorce cate contiuite te at tract large crowds te the court room whore whero whore tho cate Is being tried. Among the nudlonce te-day vvore noticed several of the nobility nnd Humorous society lights who appoaretl te take a profound Interest In the respondent's testimony. Ou the opening el court, Mrs. Crawford re sinned the stand and conllnuetl lier testi mony with the sime composure that charac terised her reclUlt en the witness staud the pre, edlng day. lu the ceurse or her tostlmeny slie tlrclared that Sir Charles had told her that Mrs. Rogorsen, the koejieroftho Warren street houte, was his mistress. Wlttiett said she Iel loved that Mrs. Rogorsen and 110 ethor wrole the an onymetis loltersont her husband accusing her of adultery with Captain l'erster In order te screen Sir Chariet. Mra. Ashton Dilke, the sister or the re spondent, was next called te the stand. Hiie testified thataflerMrs. Crawford's confession te Mr. Crawford of lier Illicit relations with Sir Charles, the latter suggosted te the ro re ro speudont, in tlie prosencoof the witness, flint she quietly sep irate from Mr. Crawford In erder that the matter might be tllsposed of without publicity. In case of Mrs. Craw ford's acquiesconce In this proposal, con tinued the wilness, Sir Chirles ollered te contrlbute te her income Soveral of the servants empleyed hi the heuse kept by Mrs. Rogorsen In Warren street testllled that lad let were lu the habit of secretly visiting Sir Chariet thore with whom they appeared te have regular assign ments. Te-day's tostlmeny, In connection with thaler Mrs. Crawford's yesterday, In vv hlch she related circumstantially her shame ful rolatlens with Dllko,have very ollectti'illy made a case against linn lu the popular judg ment J KeiuljuslliiK llAllrrmfl VIetenieiitH. Clpai.i.and, O., July -I. u impertaiit gathering of railroad men met hore yosterday. It Is a committee ropresenting the Wabash, Illinois A. Paclilc, Cliicage, Hurltngten A Qumcy, the Nickel Plate, Richmond A Danvlllesyiteui, the Pennsylvania systeni, Iho Georgia Ceutral and tlie Atlautle coast lines. The object of the meeting Is te dovlse uniform rules for the movement of trains te be applied te all the railroads in the country. I nder the prosent management each railroad adepts its own rules and thore is much con fusion and treuble createil which conse quently aflectt the railroad companion them selves aud sometlmes caused aicldenta In which the rations of the railroads are the sullorers. Western llallreul I.IIIeiiIIiiii. Cult vttti, July 21. Judge Orcsham heard nrgtiinentt yestertlay ou a motion te have the receivers and trustees of the Wabash railroad apicur in Chicago and answer te a bill of C harlot II. Heers and Henry Iardner, te have tlie mortgage en the Chicago divi sion el the Wabash system foreclosod and a soparate receiver npiuinted. Judge Gros Gres ham said ler the present he weuhl inerely erder tlie St. Leuis receivers te report their method el doing business vvilh the Chicago division. II he decided te take a declslve step as regarded Jurisdiction the prosent erdei would maku a geed basis te start ou. The Wrong of tlie Cur Drivers. Cmi.uie, Julv i. It is reported that the members) of the recently fermed union of the norlhside street car drlv ors and conduct ors, met ou Monday night at thelr ball en corner et Larrabee stroet andWobster avenue, and after discussing thelr wrongs, formula ted their plans. Among theso are the dls dls charge el men who have euloreil upon lull pay, the compulsory purchase of uniforms from the companies tailors, and the exorbit ant charges for tlie sime, heavy soeurlty ro re quirctl for purcliases, long and irregular hours, and Insuflicleut pay. It is understood that the companies asked tlme te consider. A Notable L'etiideti Cau. C11 viti.i.sreN, W. Viu, July 21. An olllcer arrived in this city last night, having in charge ene Dlseway Ludson, who was ar retted ou a warrant charging him with being a party te the lorgery of the pension receipt for which II. u. Martin was senieuceu 10 iwe years iu the penitentiary, and for which N. J. Lesher is under a bend of $1,000 for com plicity. This small fergery has been the c-ause el the arrest and trial of ene lunecunt., W. II. Justice ; the conviction et ene, the prebable conviction or two mero and in ad dition has cost the state a large sum. Te Pre lent Criminals retailing. Di.TiteiT, Mich., July 21 Dotrelt aud Michigan are perhaps mero directly allected by the new extradition treaty with Lngland than any ether city or state bocause or the clese proximity te the Dominion which cna cna bles criminals te escape there. The sugges tions for the treaty weredralted by lMwIn F. Connelly, alavvyer of this city, who was then chlel el jxilice, assisted by Prosecuting At torney Robiusen. Theso two gontlemon brought the niatter te the attention of Secro Secre tiry rreliughuysen. l'relerre-l .l.ill te AnetlierTrlal. Ciiii-Aoe. Julv 21. Harry lloberts, the notorious Nertli Slde burglar, has been for the last two days ou trial for the second tlme lu the month for entering the resldonce of Linorsen Hriish, at Ne. 101 North State stroet The jury retired at 11 o'clock, yes terday, aud at e o'clock returned. The fore man arose calmly aud stated that the jury bad disagreed. As he finished It was au au ueuueed that the defendant doslred te plead guilty. The court sontenced him te 0110 year's imprisonment Shet Ills M01l1cr.lu-I.1nv. C11 uu.i siev, 111., July 21. Geergo Sim mons, a rospectod citieu of Wostlleld, In Clark county, a small village about 12 mlles from this city, accidentally shot his mether-in-law last night mistaking her ler a burglar. She having had occasion te go out or the house, was returning by the kitchen deer wheiiMr Simmons was aroused aud thinking the nolse was produced by seme person try iug te break i'n tlie deer, tired his rovelvor, the ball striking his mother-in-law In the abdomen. She will dle. Heg Cholera Prevailing. Pan v, 111., July 21. The hog choleraor the dlsoase commonly called milk sickness, Is raging among the swiue running at large in the timber ceuuty south el horaSemo farmers imv e lest everv hog they owned. Cattle also have been attacked lu seme places where the dlsoase always rages when It shows itself at nil The poeplo are attack ed who use tbe milk and ilesli of sick animals. Ijlher Troubles Adjusted, Ni;vv Hvmiv, t'euu., July 21,-The meulders who struck yesterday at Sargent A Ca's returned te vv erk this morning. Last evening n cemmittee et boveu waited en Mr. Sargent and the treuble was adjusted. urATHT.Jt VJtUIIAIIllUXIMB, . Wabiunciten, D. O., July 21, for 1Z Lasteru New Yerk, Kastern Pennsyl vania, Dolnware and New Jersey, light local raluH, follewctl by lair weatber, stationary tomperaturo, varlable winds. l-'eii TiiuusDAY l-'alrweather aud station statien ary tomperaturo Is indicated for the Middle Atlautlc, fair weather rollevvod by local rains and stationary temperature for New Kng- land, and warmer fair weather for the Lewer Lake region. praeE two :eents. SKNSATIONAL SVAUUING, hi VAN II VVK AS II l.OOAX UAfK AMtttm T HI'AT ITH IIAKK tlLOftm. l'tiBh and Hear DIjciim Ilia INytie llrllicry t -4 ve.llcstimiiiM.en, Fer Uml Anlut llm Senate Wmltiin Tlnm Xlrr II. Setmttir, Aliove J HiMplrlen." Wan it 1 vow v, T, 0.,July2l.-Hnt Mr. VanWyck proseutod 11 batch of pM- tlens from the Knights of Laber In favor et land bills and the Oklahoma bill, and read a ' lolter from Ralph Hoaument, chairman of the tegislattve cominllleo et Knights of Laber, stating that tlie petitions wero genuine ' and that they weru expressly autherised wad sanctioned by the general exocutlve beard of the erder In the Unlted States. Three hun dred thousand of theso patltlens, Mr. Van Wyck said, had been prosentoil te Congress, and as many mero wero en their way. The great railroad presidents did net need any petitions le lniluouce Congrets. Tliey came thoniselves. One of thorn had only te knock at Iho deer anil It was thrown open te him, and Iminodlately, "Ilabiein" And If be wanted tlme It was very cheerfully given. The senater oxpressod himself In raver or the pasaage or the bills asketl ler In the jiotltlena, Mr. Sbermau (president pre tern.) caused te be read the rule prohibiting discussion en the presentation of petitions, nnd said If the rules wero notebsorvod the busiiiess of the morning hour could net be proceed ed with. Mr. Legan felt that Mr. Van Wyckbad cast certaln rotlccltens upon him. He bad nover refused te present potitiena sent te him, nnd all that he bad dene In the cajse of these petitions was te call atlontieu le the fact that the signatures appoaretl te be In the same hand-writing. The senator from Nebraska soemod te take advantagoef things et that kind for the purpose el "boosting hiiiiself " by characterizing ether senators In a manner net very seemly. Till! 1WV. Nil lU.IX'TIO.V CASK. After further femarks the Sonate pro ceed ed te consideration of the I'ayne election case. Mr. Pugh advocated the position taken by himself and Messrs. Saulsbury, Vance and Lustis, te tbe eilect that thore had been no expression of a bollef or suspicion en the partet any moiuber of the committee that Mr. Payne wasconnectetl In the remetest de- gree by act or knowledgo with any wrong, criminal or Immoral, In his eloctieu, and that 110 further investigation or the charge should be made. He rev low ed the report sub mitted by the minority and observod that no ovldenco te warrant a;nmrtVicfi case and an Inv estlgatlen bad been found ; that no lraud which changed the result of the tieu had been discovered. He roferredto" the repert against an investigation made by Messrs. I.vart, x,egau anil Teller, Republi can members et the commltteo en privi leges aud olectlons, as proof that no fraud of material character was found. Mr. Pugh thought It important that the cemmittee solected by the Ohie Heuso of Itopresentatlvet had failed, alter examining evor fifty wltuosses and au Investigation ex tending ev or three months, te llnd anything which would warrant it in asking the Senate of the Uulted States te order an In vestigation, lu tlie consideration of the case by the Sonate cemmittee en priv ileges aud olectlons and Njie bearing granted xarieus partiea bj- -IT7- "TuTd in all the new matter presented, noth ing was found that would constitute a case against Mr. Payne or te show that the general charges were true. All the 11 lth and trash In the Democratic newspapers in Ohie, going te show the means employed in the electien of Payne, was laid bofero the Seuate commltteo. It did net have, however, a feather's weight aud only demonstrated the feeling existing In the case en the part of Keptlbllcans lu Ohie. Air. Hear followed Mr. Pugh. He thought nothing could concern the Senate mere than the rules which govern ed the election et Its members. It was lm)ertaut, tee, that the states should knew who wero their lawful and unsullied representatives In the United States Senate. The Sounte In considering this case should net confound cavil and slauder with public opinions and facts. Appeals irem pure poeplo were suulelent weapons against slauder and malice. The Mutaters must respect theso appeals, or lese respect for themselves. Men who brlbe, men who are accomplices te bribery and men who are spectators te bribery, de net volunteer testimony te It. Prevision must be made te precure the testimony of unwilling witnesses. The tostlmeny presented in the case asking for au Investigation was such as would be re re celved by any court of law. He denied what the two reports of the committee againstau Investigation Implled and aulrined, . ,j, It was net material vvlieiueriue Benater was imrKnnallv u participant lu the brlberv. and It was the conception that it was material that yA had misled his (air. iiears; associates, 11, imiAml. tliatr lind hetm misled. fr Itnnr nriMind nt lemrtli 111 Hlinnertnf tha ."J " " . r : . . ir. right aud duty or the Senate te order an Investigation. HOUSE riiOVKKDHtUH. Tlie Lewer llrarich of CengreM Agree te Adjourn one Week Frem Te-day. Wasuinuten, I). C, July 21. The Heuse has passed the cencurrent resolution provld prevld lne for ad lournment without day en July 28; (the Sonate will probably extend the day U ySjj Aug. 2. M Mr. Morrison called up this ceucurrej,jji-;g Oil. ..un. the Fhfl- Recall, ei Texat ; Weaveunnsyivanta uw a Arkansas ; Hay.Ie, el PcJK-Ji erjng bun- of uurti, 111 .une, .".- ;'"ees are w nf Tn. u nl, IV, l speke against 1110 reseiuni ion, rnnr-rnHt Rheuld net udieuru until pending lmrertant legislation was dlsp of. . Mr. Morrison said be did nef'thluk th5! surplus resolution would be evor heard of ?J In the Seuate; If members wished teM . .1... I--mab... . ...nnu.1 AU vnfav-l ... V. pilSS IUO lutpuiiuitv ulCMUiva luiDUHU 3 mey SUOUlil Biep laiaiug nun go 10 ivuib. uiu; thev could ail be passed previous te adjourn- : tiintit. Mr. Reed, of Malno, said the country. was satlslled that Congress bad bad a Mt h ..ii ..,! .i,nt It ivmld de no better tlimn ta i- adjourn. The resolution was agreed te,115'jS iigalust 30. . "Vjl Thursday was flxeil te censider tne Bavatv annroprlatlen : the Seuate amendmenU teUJ-5 rivnr end imriinr bill wero non-concurred hi. n'l, Uwassonttecouferouco cemmittee; thtfa. ler-state cemmerce bill was relerred for sidoratieu te the Northern l'aolfle fexfeUm bills by 112 te IK. I'uidle l't Inter lleuud, aettlug lUatly ta Ui. ' rv.r.it, vinl,.. Julv "I H 1 MnunAm.ei- vJUlCilge, puuiiu priuier ai t iwuiugiuu, w mm 'j has been In the city several days nogeuaw for the purchase of the Omaha DallU RP Ucttn uewspaper and Jeb printing eatabUaH,! mcnt,closed tbe contractler tne purcuaw m night, the price te be paid being flOM cash. Ileuuds will take possessiou , . I.e M'hn Kdltnr.lllJ'lllBf 19 WUOU, tU I neker, bis son-in-law, formerly editor ej I Denvor Tribune, but new editing w wa i.w.i,, rinifhri. iteuuda will proeabur sign tbe olllce of publle printer in a few daj 9 ' .jt Turkuri t'd Kd W lieat. UitlfA.10, July 2U-8everal beard l . with the railroad and wal .i,ieiieni yesterday and aakail, ... -i.ii, wheat and red wheat tie If future se that a certain pereeataaVafj rrsiebUtioeuldllOWltU thO rtdWlMKVt matter was taken under coeftldwatlMi t I coimnlsslenora. rp ip "M 31 s K r SSfaic. 7,A!k ML'