mmzem -'' V 4 " THUS LANCASTER DAILY IKTELIilGBNOER, TUESDAY, JULY 20, 1886. 1 v, - '8 .tie W T' -& f I-! feffe ra SfcsV (..if && r.. By &? &EV -w: L.S. fe r r; i. I.- Ifei ?.. Ik . i-J .- INTELLIGENCER T"S "'! UN BVKRT DAY IN THE YEAR (ffwnday .Ersrplr it.) ' w? a wm, nTi cell tM a. ruin, rirrr 4.V0XTH. DILtVtUCDBTOARMimilKUV- D ALL ADJOIKIHCI rLAOK. MUrlB FMft. LI MEAL OOXHISMOir AltOWID TO Am. nLtraem co.iitr.tief. f'f ADVBBTIBINq BATES; &T. y " ' ik i".i i. H JlHjJ!hlil!Ll.L ' W Iy..."Zj l , . a oe I a ts f fitsui " ,s 3M 44S RM ''VSMIhn , te 1M J no 4.V) flet, 7W KStDM.".' IC IH 8M Sli BOO 8 4'. Lt-fK ..... ii" 4H H " 0 r-fl&rwX...... IS 2A 0(10 8.V) ION) 'JmSmWGk..i. t 4 50 7M 10 SO 13 90 IS Ml Wfa fHki 800 noe le no is sn 17 en flMtt 1W 70) 1200 1(1 nu 20 te '.'4i : MBSentbs... soe low 1700 S2 en 2700 .lira 'MOIlthi.. COO 1200 9)00 WOO SI Ml MOO JaEKntlU .... 8 00 18(10 200 31100 14 Oil R2 (1 '! fgTW.. 1900 28 00 4S 00 &5 00 G9 00 90 00 f The Weekly Intelligencer lueLI$HtD Every Wednesday Morning. '....w iiuh tw IVH B(l Ruiiiiin. intra vr itni PM HI oe, Ann.'cerr rais te temejis ukttise cr (? (WBItUrOKDIHCE SOLICITED FROM EVERY r ART Or T1IE .' ? WILL OK CXIirfltaNVDTflTRE WABTE llAAEfiT. Addrett all Letter! and Telegrams te THB INTELLIGENCER, Intelligencer Building, Lancaster, I'd. 5ft , L hfs, Site CantaGtcr Untcllieei iffr m - LANCASTK11, JULY SO. 1SS& A Question of Principle. We are glad te find some of our esteemed contemporaries waking up te the f.ict that tbe antl-oleemargarliio bill, pending lu tlie ifenate and passed the IIouse, iiiveh es a far deeper reaching prlnciple of government and issue of parties than has attached te it in popular estimation. This is just what the contended for when a measure of this kind, even mere vicious in term, was adopted by the Pennsylvania legislature and approved by the executive. We are rejoiced te see the Philadelphia Times, for instance, which supported that noxious law, new denouuee the milder bill pending in Congress as " a contempti ble piece of demagogic class legislation." That it certainly is was shown anew by Senater Ingalls, when in (he Senate debate he held up a rlial of iedine tincture, made in Vermont, warranted te add Scents a pound te the value of butter colored with it ; and it w.13 freely admitted by the sena tors who want oleomargarine taxed for butter's benefit that nearly all fancy and high-priced butter is colored with foreign matter. "Why under the sun then one of these cemnetimr articles should be taxed and the ether exempted is .something that noeoay can understand except theso who hare an interest in it. It is nothing te the point that seventy per cent, of the people of this country are farmers or even butter makers, which they are net. Oleemargarine is as much of an agricultural product as butter. That it should net be sold as butter is true ; and any law te protect the public from imposi tion and false preteuse is a proper and praiseworthy exerclse of the police power of the state. But this congressional law te tax oleemargarino out of existence, or our ptlllmore unjust'QaMe state law te pro hibit its manufacture and sale, are quite another thing. The at tempt te make them out laws against fraud and deception is ut terly disingenuous, net te say dishonest. Mr. Vance stated It none tee strikingly when he said as well might a tax be laid en natu ral gas wells te cripple their competition with coal mines. Certainly cotton seed oil must consistently come in for a like prohi bition, since It has come te largely displace butter, olive oil and lard. Idle Efferts. We can ea3ily believe the report of an esteemed contemporary, that at the Repub lican heademarters in Philadelphia, " there Is mere or less interest and anxiety as te the formation of the Democratic ticket ; the operations of the Democratic mana gers are being watched ery closely. They are counting en an old-fashioned light be tween Wallace and Randall, with Scott as a third party." The anxiety of the Re publicans of the state and the activity of their party organs in fomenting Demo cratic dissensions, are ill concealed. They feel their own weakness and apprehend dire results unless they can promote dis cord in the ranks of the Democracy. They have been persistent in this endeavor for many years; and have indulged in the same anticipations of it prier te eery con vention of the past decade. We have heard this same gossip and idle tales about Ran dall and Wallace quarrels, and yet, as a matter of fact, since 18S0 no state conven tion has been disturbed by any tieuble be tween these distinguished gentlemen, nor has any issue been made between theii friends and followers, if either of them as pires te be the leader of a faction or any thing less than a servant of his paity. At Williamsport in 1SS1, at iiarnsburg in 16S2and 18S3, at Allentevvn In 18SI, and again at IIiuTisbiirgiulSS.j, the represen represen tativesef the party assembled without di. rectien of any se-called "leaders," held their dfilibpmtlnna wltli-iii i.... sr.- Olfactiens and nominated strong and ac- cepuiuiecanuiuaies. This is just what will happen again. Nene of the dozen distin guished gentlemen mentioned as a iessible Democratic candidate for governor has sought it j none is unfit for it ; nene would probably refuse it; and any of them can beat Beaver. Slllan the Mighty. That most placid royal ass, King Milan 0! Servia, opened the Servian Skuptschina yesterday. We are net told whether the fikuptschina survived the operation, or what the royal surgeon found inside, but the reason for Its performance is obvious ; any one would naturally epen n thing with a name like that just te find what kind of china it really was, and Milan has solved the question. It was crackle ware ; for yrhen the king had made a speech in his fa fa meus character of Bembastes Furioso, an an neuncing that the relations of Servia with Bulgaria were the same as before the war, the fekuptschina arese and cheered 1 The cracks in this china are evident te all. Here is a little nation that was cursed with an ambitious king, backed by equally ambitious ministers, who said te them selves as they read the history of Frederick the Great, " go te, we will gobble up a few pieces of Turkey, and se beceme the rulers of a mighty nation, a second Priii sia ; men of bleed and iron are we and somebody should find it out," and se they bought vast quantities of field artillery from France, where an enterprising firm had te Krupp's. They Becured the best of arms winuniuen from nil sources and geld I lace in abundance, and then with a furious flourish of trumpets the king pranced out Inthofaceof the civilized world and an nounced the conquest of IHilgaiia. A few months passed by and all the power of .Austria was needed te prevent Bulgaria from conquering Servia. And new this audacious wai riei arises before the Skuptschina nudniimiuucts that things are as they were before the war. and the Skupts applaud him, we suppose as the most maraciileus liar of theccntury. Before the war Servia was the en net of an army that inspired the fear and respect of her weaker ueighlwrs. She was ram pant and aggressive. All the world looked en and wondered what this spltitcd and fiery joungwanier, with hh devoted sol diery athirst for glory, would accomplish. The teurnay is ever, the knight with the golden armor and trumpet-tongued her "nlds has leen defeated by the rough and ready soldier he despised ; no ene fears him, all despise him and think that he had marvelous geed luck in saving his gohl gehl platcd life. Suddenly the olce of the her aid Is heard again, out Ud.s the battered warrior before the world, net te thug new gage of battle, and endeavor te lediem the glory that he claimed but neer wen. but only te announce that the contest was null and eid, that the position of himself and followers remained the same as before the war. And the followers arose and cheered him ' Cheerful people. Tin: race is net aluays te the swllt in het weatlier. Tun man w he prepared the tariff address for the late Hepuullcau com entinn lias bten rewarded with a secretaryship under C'li.ilr man Coeor. He will be en liand te write the address of the calamity ticket. TilKiiowspnpersare recalling Paul Hamil ton Hayne'M tribute te Kdcar Allm Tee, Henry Timrod and Sidney I.auier, who, he complained, suireretl Inliroauddled causopootic genius is neglected and its works "pay" poorly. But Hayne, who struck as high notes as any of them, was content te Hve, less requited for his work, in the humblest station, in a le cabin en the plno plne plno ceorod mountain!). Milten sold Paradise Let " for JU and Hemer begged Ills dally bread through the cities that altcrwards con tended for Ills nativity. Of all men the sweet singers least of them need "bread alene." Tin: caterpillars liave struck the trees In New Yerk city; and een the municipal reform committees and associations are help, less. Tin: Pennsylvania Forestry association with headquarters at 152 Seuth 1th street, Phila delphia, has cntored upon an organized ellert te prometo the objects or its institution. One of the acencies it employs is a monthly pub lication called Fercit Leai rst jut started. It is net Intended net merely te represent the theory of ferestal culture or management ; but te be the organ of an association, the ob ject el which Is te collect and dlitribute infor mation upon practical methtxls;te be pursued, and commercial as well as banitary results te be obtained by augmenting the proportion ofweododarealn the state. As usual with geed works, geed women are conspicuous in this Mrs. llrinten Cose havitig arranged for the tlrst meeting in Philadelphia te insti insti the forestry movement. Prof J. T. Itothreek, of West Chester, Is at the head of the state as sociation new. Hut why should It net have branches in every county ? says caster? An Atlantic City deg-catcher shot at a cur and kllled a baby, wheeling around lu n car riage. The n erage eillcial In charge of a re volver gonerally liitsi the wrong object Tin; recent death in Kcglaml or Lady Flera Wlluiet has again called the attention if the public te the treacherous character of chloroform. Lady Wiluiet wenttoailentist's office accompanied by a physician, who ad ministered the drug and said, as the dentist was drawing a teeth, " I hate giving chloro form for you dentlsLs, because jeu will bae your patients silting up." Only two drams were used, and the patient had beu under it Influence en two previous uslens, but, although the most strenuous efforts were made te restore uer by the me of nitrate of amyl and artificial respiration, they were all of no avail. The coroner's jury exonerated both physician and dentist, but their action has been seerey criticised by competent medical authority, and the woti-kneiwi fact that an element of danger always attends the use of this powerful an.i sthetlr would have Justified the jury in censuring the phyMclan. In difficult and dangerous surgery the use of chloroform is Justified, but iin-osimplean operation as the removal of a teeth the patient bad hotter face the pain. It Is often used in ery small iuantlties en cotteu for the rellel of toothache, and eien In this way great caution should be it has a widely different effect en different people, and a few drops haie been known te prove fatal. .Muscular strength appears te hiie nothing te de with It; eerfiil men auccumbasoftenas feeble children and the only absolute safety lies in total abstinence ; but of ceurse absolute sarety K alter all, an unattainable goal. TjiKnewspapers which insist that Treas urer Lyster, of Philadelphia, wus"remeied" because he was net reapiminted ; and that even C'iei eland held out the asurance "that eiery iaithful official of the government might be assured of retaining his place se long as he remained faithful in the discharge efhisdiity," simply adiortNe their own ig ig ig norauce. As F.yster's time was ui he had te go. A better man takes hi pu0e. This is real reform. Jin.'h friends arofaldtebo dis concertod at finding in ilaine a "lleating" vote w bleb holds the balance of ewer. Mr. Ulalne ought net te be startled at this, i'lie anne phenomenon was manifest the country ever, in lfcSl. Tin: government will only begin te realise what a grand old man he really Is whtn Oladstone leads the OppoNlUen-wlth a lery A HU3l.UP.ll HESHATHtS, A Yeung aiau Who I. nMet ,, ,., ,m the lllll. Frem the Itcmllng Kayle Hewmansville is excited eier the escape of a domented young man named Jeremiah Ilurkhart He med with his brother-ln-law until within two weeks age, when he left llowasseen hoeral times en Indian hill He Is quite wild anil runaway w lien he heard or saw any one. The hill colors about six miles. At uoiue places it Is rocky and full of brush and weed. He has a gun with him heavily leaded. He is also armed with a knife, se that It Is dangerous te meet Iilui. He feeds en berries and what he ilnds en ! i.11!' J1?. ,MfW ,aat mm a w"ul K. when his clothing was completely wet. He M"".?, arP0?'0 half staried. Constable M I..eglerhas the necessary paierH ler his admittance te the hospital. The constable with assistance hcarcbed the hill seieral times without success. Places wure seen TnlSJCd!!?xl"AV(:H tegether for a sleep. fmf,Ji i"i V,,,p,,,ft llRa whittled were alie leund. He i twenty years or age, amoetli waS'(frt0,t,y 1,,du"J U,"U- Whcihe U?n ?n? 0t W Un WMi klcb"1 " "'0 lie.,d aiiOLteu. hl brain be that lie was weak, minded ever since. Four years ate l.e " arrestt forceuuiiittli g ra en Smt e Llrl wiu is slowly dying from starvation. Search will be made again and K found ktlve Wm be lie can held a conversation, and Bemetlinea werked like a aane porseu. emellmM THE S6 TOBACCO CROP tiuuniMi KAVtin.Y ash i.v rmiY uuut) venmrws. I.llllf Hint ami Spinal llrunllm-llnll lit the riaulliiE Tntipst The llruulh I'M) Heb Willi Ilia Wlrntiilii t'rnp ntii)lrniilii Lent In Htm mil In llMmit MrttKfU. The principal topic el com ersitleti among fanners and tobacco dealers is the condition of the grew lug crop. The crop of 'sican take care of ltaell and se can the old tobacco, but the crop of 'Sil is at the mercy of the elements and will be at their mercy for a month or i weeks longer. Already two cr three hall storms haie mewed swarths through someef the richest of the tobacco ectlnus, and al though these swarths haie been narrow and have net materially Irs-ened the crop as a whole, there Isaleir that ether storms mere destructiie may fellow, mid in a few minutes destroy the labor and pieilt or a whole season. At present the toUuve crop or l-iucaster county liHiks remarkably w oil , w lib the ex ception or hall-cut Ileitis it noier looked Ih'I ter. Fully one half of the planting has lHen topped, and the bright green leaies are rap idly Increasing in sire. F.ien the late plantings are growing nicely under the manv showers tlieyhave reeentlv had, and will In a week or two be re uly ler topping, tmlv in a few instances bale we heard of rust, or of a "spindly" growth. Taking geed and bad together the rain storms haie done mere geed than the hail has done harm. Frem the ether tobacco counties of l'ennsilvaula we hear equally geed reports, and there is every prepwt of a magnitlcent i ield. It is te be earnest) hoped that neither hall, nor rust, nor tleas, nor any ether calamity may Injure the present line condition et the crop. "Should it le safel vheused there the fanners will prob ably receii e a better price for it than has been paid for sei oral years past, as their greatest competitor, Wisconsin, Is having a ery un favorable season. The Ldgerteu 7. t nrre 7.V 7.V pertfr says : "The unprecedented dreuth that pertinacieusly haugs upon us is the ab sorbing topic throughout the eutire tobacco section et the state. Ne rain has lallen in Southern Wisconsin since our last report, which prolongs the dreuth in many places te til e and six weeks. In all the unfavered le calities tobacco fields remain unset, and ether crops are se badly Injured as te be past recei -ery. Seme of the iarmers have already sew ed the fields te buckwheat, millet, eh . Miu h or the tobacco already set is dviuir out under the parching Intluence of the intense heat of the week pist Fnless rain falls in abund ance within the coming week, the acreage of 'S(5 tobacco cannot reach one-third that of a year age in Wisconsin. Altogether, the out look is decidedly gloomy. Buying in this market has reaihed Its lowest ebb since the market ojiened. A few firms stand ready te purchase, but the unfavorable prospect" for the new crop has caused holders el old goods te stiffen up their askiug price, -e that they are unable te reach satisfactory terms, and buying is almost entirely suspended." Whfle l.aucaster county farmers will net rejoice at the misfortuue of their Western brethren they w ill net be slew te realize the advantage that will accrue te them Irem a failure el the crop in iscenslu. In old tobacco there has been seme transac tions, and the crop of '-v, which is new being freely sampled, is much sought after by jobbers and manufacturers. In addition te the sufferers by hill, men tioned in another part of this paper, w e hear of the following : Abraham Tayler, near S.ile Harber, had ' acres badly cut and iart of bis mill-dam washed away less, I,jje . Jehn Klse, near Safe Harber, 5 acres badly cut ; I). F. Blnkley, Safe Harber, acresless, $1,500 or JJ.00O, Henrv llaerand Uenry Hush, est Willow, heavy losers. It is belleied 300 acres or tebaccj, in all, was injured by the hall, a large proportion of it only slightly cut The cn erk .'Market. The ew Yerk market has lallen oil con siderably, se far as the number of cases sold is concerned ; but it spears te be in a healthy condition and there are expectations that a brisk fall trade will fellow the sum mer holiday season. As will be seen by dans' report printed below the bulk of sales during the woek were old Pennsylvania tobaccos and though the prices reilizeil were net high, they were higher tiinn here tofore. lan IVecklj Kepurt. hales of seed leaf tobacco rejierted by J. S. Gans' Sen A Ce., tobacco brokers .Ne. Ill Water street, New Yerk, ler the week end ing July 10, 1'sO: 3i0c-nes lsNl Pdiiu sylvan It OOki'., . "J"0 cases lfisl Pennsylvania, II Vi le : 1SU caes Pennsylvania Htvana. 1 in U. 150 eases lSs." Wisconsin Havana, H''J. 100 cases 11 Wis consin lO'jfj.12 ; 100caes lv,i New England Havana, lw 1 20. Total, 1,200 caies. Havana fillers haie been sold te the ex tent of 350 bales at from Oe te Sl.Oi. A geed running trade was done. Kven the most skeptical are new willing tocencedo what we have long claimed that old tobacco is excel lent property and can only go one way in price, that Is, upward. The reported sales of Sumatra were 150 bales at$ te $1,110. Nothing or interest can lie noted this week in this branch of the leal trade, A moderate business was transacted and prices held their ew n. The new tobacco is feeling its way. There is no percoptible change lu the smoking tobacco branch of the market Dealers report an ai erage demand. Since the 1st Inst there has been a notico netico notice ahle improvement in the cigar trade, and many of the factories are adding te their working force et cigarmakers. I'hlliiilt-lpliU Market. Seed Leal An increasing activity along the whole line Is noticeable. The 'Se leal winch has been sampled is meeting with rnore approval than usual at this season cf the year; w hile old leal, especially Pennsyl vania and Wisconsin, is meling forward in figures A very satisfactory buslness can be claimed for the week's work. Sumatra found favor te quite an amount Havana sells, especially old, but strange te say no change In price, as predicted, is chrou chreu chrou icled. llaltlimire Market. Iteceipts of Maryland tobacco continue small, owing te tht time required for harvest operations. The market is fairly actlve and prices for desirable goods firm. The French buyer, as weli as Helland and Germany, are in the Held. There Is a fair inquiry ler Ohie, mostly for Italy and for the German ports. The sales are about .iOO hhds and the market is steady at current figures J'iterrariAH auainut am euihsaxck. The CllUeu.' Muulci,wi AM.,Ci,itle,, n,lu. delphla Make fUntlen le i Contract for the Market Street llrlclce. A commltteo from the Municipal associa tion, of Philadelphia, consisting et Francis 11. Reeves Jeshua L. Pally, T. Merris Peret, William Harkness, jr., James F. Sulllian and Henry II. Tathatn, called upon Mayer Smith en Monday te pretest against the ap preval ei the erdlnauce approving the sureties of H. A. Malone A. Sen, contractor)) bridge. The pretest was based upon the ground that the ordinance and the siWili siWili cjtlens propared under it were loose and In hin ,,1,p,rtbe',ur,Uone' alterations and ture!8 U"S I,lan of ," htruc" Mr. lteevea, en behalf el the commltteo stated that the specifications prevl "Jd rt "any changes te be made at an increased cost or the works shall, at the option of the chief engineer and surveyor, beexecuted under a separate contract therefer." He claimed that that It was In violation et the general erdl! nance of 1S77. providing that cminc lis. shm i approve oral! contracts, and tha'tit would te dangerous In case et a change in the head 0? the survey department. He said t a "the ordinance auttierlzlng the adiertisln r proposals for the coustrtiJtle of h0 t?ridSe fixed f 30,000 as a limit for the cost S? altera, tens, and he thought that wmesuchpr" vise 1 should lw Inserted lu the ordinance ,ew awaiting the mayor's signature. Mr. Rally also objected te the existing crdl. naiice becauselt provided that the Phlladel plila Traction company should luyonivfer the "slot ler the cable" acrow'tife bridge TI10 trH.'llnn cniiu,:.,,.- I,.. c.. ,. " . hc" 1 v . ..J " ., ntv " a law defying company," and might take advan. FilCii nl Mm lnrnHan - i. .. mi ...- ... , iii6iiuSe ui iiiu eruinauce, and pay only for the Blet, which was a small part et the f'ntkla 11.. .1 1.1.. clause should be mere explicit. uajur nuinu saiu that the chlet engineer and surveyor should be heard upon the quos ques tlmiH rnUn.1 It ,i. !.. 1.-.. 4. were disposed or, and the whele matter was tota'mernlBgl'1 rea80n Unm eleven e'cl0Qk 1'KitSONAU CiitL Kknsi, a luisltiess man of Scrauten, has hanged hiiuseli. Snxvteii vni Mils. go te Cali fornia en Thursday. xUr.v. en un 1 s II. A. H111,, at Coenoor, India, Isdenl, In the "1st jear or his age, alter mere than thirty years mivteiiari ser- loe. la i liKU M wiTiv, sit, of Luther Mattln. C'v, lampblack manulacturers, Ne. i alnut strcst, l'hlladelphla, dlixl suddenl.l from (Mralysis or the heart at tape May en Sunday. Hnviti liuivii sent Paltl n splendid mother-of-pearl tan, ornamented with three little genre pictures signed "Maillaril" (1 m-imc . ), aud ceierinl with point u Aiigieierre. Siem:Titi ItYVniiN.tya he Is doing nil lu his xjwer te protect our fishermen In Canadian waters He lias directed Minister Phelps te demand Irem the llrltlsh gei em inent lull satisfaction for all injuries sus tained. "Nkh Hi nti im:V luueral was tlie larg est eier held in Slauirerd, N. Y. SinsMal trains were run, aud about "JiM members of O. A. H. piists inarched in line te the ceme tery. There were man j people present irem ew Yerk and Philadelphia. Tm.oDenn PvitKr.tiN gnne 111 the old Pieltstantcetnelervat Flereiiie. Italy, near thngraienf Mrs lirewnlug, is te be marked with a permanent memorial. A mud lias been started abroad w ltli such i-ontrlbuters as Frances Power Cobb, the Itei Pr. Martin eau, Professer New man, Muiti. Jules 1'aire, I'aul Pert aud Frnest Kenan. Skxateu Coeri it has eihmuhI the Koputi Keputi lican state committee headquarters at the Continental hotel, lloeuis Ne. and T. lo le cited en the second lloer, and lacing Ninth street have been engaged for the use of the committee, t hairinan Cooper announced the appointment of Messrs. I rink Willing Leach, Henry I'. U rati en aud Jehn W. Frarier as sexretuitw. l here ltiiiiuiiN Is timmuMtuit. mm the .Sew erk IIimhI.1. Senater Fdmuuds denied that the oleo margarine bill was designed te tax ene Interest ter the benefit of another. Its pur pose, he said, was te "putineuei in the treasury." Dees senator lMiuuuds forget or suppose that the reading community for gets, the letter which he recently wrote te a Vermont farmer, and which went the rounds of the press In that he declared hlmselr strongly "In fa or of Congress taxing bogus butter, se as te giie makers of real butter their lair rights," and added that he needed no urging "te leek aiter the Interests et our farmers." That was a frank avowal that he would support the oleomargarine bill, net "te put money in the ttevsury," but te pro pre teit the dairy Interests IUby is teething. Hardly knew It using Pa Hand's Teething I.otlen. 1'rlce, 25 cents. Thousands of babies are wasted and haggnrd from illarrhe . re. Hand's Dlarrhcca Mixture cures without drying the bowels. Trice, a cents. Cochran's Drug Stere. Nes. 137 ami 1M North Queen street. SrjSClAL XUTHJEB. " IIACKMETACk " a lasting and fragrant per fume. True it and J M cents, for sale by Cochran, liruuglsUe. 137 North Queen treet ltucklen' Arnlni Salie. The Hest alve in the world for Cuts, Urutes, Seres, l leers, sait uiieum, i ever bores. Tetter, Chapped Hands, chilblains. Cerns, and all Skin Kruptlenj, and potlively cares riles, or no pay required It Is guaranteed le give j'rtect natls natls fictlen, or money refunded. Trite ii cents per box for ale by 11. II Cecnruu, DruirgUt, 1J7 anil 1A erth Queen stnet. Lancaster, Tu, Sl.EKTLKSS MUHls. made miserable by that terrllile cough. Shlleh's Cure is the remedy for veu. rerualuby II. 11. Cochran, Urugglate 137 North Queen streut The Impending Danger. The recent stathdlcs of the number of deaths shen that a large majority die with tmisuinp tmisuinp tlen This dleae may commence with an ftp parentis harmless cough w hlch cm bv i tired In Htantly by Kemp UaUaui for the Threat und Lungs, which is guaranteed te cure aud rein ve all cases. Trice 5J cents andll. Trial tuejrie ler Kile by II II Cochran, drup.rlst, e 137 North Queen stieet ce-lwdAltw t.oeit ltesultdln Kter Case. I) A llmdfeid, wholesale papirdcaleret Chat tanooga, Tenu , writes that he w-u seriously afflicted with 11 sovcre cold that settled en his inner-,; had tried manv rcmedlis without lieni-nt IU)lng Induced te try Dr King's New Discovery for Consumption, did se and was entirely cured b tiseef alew bottles hlncu which time he has used It in his family for all Coughs anil Colds with best results. Ihls Is tbe experience of thou sands wne-e Hies have been saved by this W un derful Discovery. Trial llettles frm at II U Cochran s Drug Stere, 'os. 1J7 and lfj .North Queen streuv, Lancaster, Ta. (V) THE IlKV. GEO. n. iHAiKIt, of llourben Ind .says both myself and wire ewe our Uvea teSIIILCM! 8 COXSUilTTIO.N CI Ith " 1 or sale by 11 ff. Cochran, Druggist, .Ne 1J7 North Queen Btivet. A Xery nrrew I-uipe " 1 es, I had a very narrow escape," said a preinluent citizen te a friend "I wai centlned le my bed for tt year and my friends gave me, up for u consumptive's grave, 11n.ll I began u-lng hiun's llalsam for the Threat uml Lumts, anil here I am, sound and hearty Trice 6c and tl. ler frele by II. U. Cochrun, Drugglit, Ne. 1J7. North Quten street, Lancaster. AllE 10U MADE miserable by Indigestion, Constipation, Dizziness, Less of Appetite, Vel Vel ewhkln bhlleh'i Vltallzer U a positive cure. Ker sule by II. 11. Cochran, Druggist, Ne. 137 North Queen street for Hay I ever. "dive Ely's Cream llalm a trial. ThH Justly relebratcd remedy forthcureef caianh, hay fever, cold In the head, Ac , can be obtained et any reputable druggist, and may lie relied upon as a safe und pleasant remedy ter the ubeve com plaints and will give Immediate relief. It Is net a liquid, snuff or powder, has no eirenslve odor and can be used at any time with geed results, as thousands can testify, among them tome et Mm attaches of this eltlce." Aniri 0 (Ac Timet May i), law. SHILOITS VlTALIZEItiswhat jeu need for Constipation, Less or Appetite, Dizziness, and all symptoms of Dyspei.ta. Trice. 10 and 75 cents per bottle, ler sale by II. 11. Cochran. Druggist Ne. isa North Queen street KID.NKV TKOUIILIX A C of Many Years (Standing Cured With SI 1 llettles. In a Man 00 eara et Age. Allbstew , Ta., May S, 1B-5. DAMDBLiet IliTTnas Ce Gents I had been troubled wlthiny kidnoysferanumborof years, used almost everything without much benefit until I tried Dandelion Ultters. I used six bot tles and nm pleased te eay I am entirely rid of the kidney trouble, besides my sjstem being toned up se that I feel like a different person. I cheerfully recommend the same te all afflicted In this way. JACOIJMLSC.III.ITZ. lebMindru.Th.S It ATI (J TltANMT. The latest and best fenn of rapid transit Is for a person troubled with a sick headache te bike a doie of Dr Leslie's (special lrecrlptlen und what a rapid transit truln the affliction takes for Its departure, bee advertisement In another column. decJJ-ljd(l) SHILOITS UATAUKII BEMEDY-a positive cure for Catarrh, Dlptherla, and Canker Meuth 'or sale by II. II. Cochrun, DruggUt, Ne. 137 North Queen street An V.atl te Hene Scraping. Kdward Shepherd, of Harrlsburg, III., iays "Having received se much benefit from El ectilc Hitlers, I feel It my duty te let sullerlng human ity knew it Have had a running sere en my leg for eight years ; my doctors told me I would nave te havu the bone scraped or leg amputated I used, Instead, three bottles of Electric Hitters nnd seven boxes llucklen's Arnica Halve, aud my leg is new sound and well." Klectrie lllttres ure sold at fifty cents a bottle and llucklen's Arnica Salve at 23c per box bv II. It Cochran. Druggist N'es. 137 and 1W North Queen street, Lancaster, Te. (jj iron DVSTETbIA and Liver Complaint you have a printed guarantee en every hottleofHhl. leh'a ftallzer. it never falls te cure, for sale by 11 U. Cochran, Druggist, Ne. 137-NorthQueen Damdklien i.ivkr Tjcllkth for sick headache erp Id liver, biliousness and Indigestion. Small and eeky te swallow. One pill a dose. Trice. 25c, Jly all druggUU. fe&8-3mdTu,T'h,8 ,m.?1LW.IL,' '..u 9Bhwhcn Shlleh's Cure will give Immeillatu rellel. Trlce 10 cm., 60 cts.. N"nateV!, Tl11" b " " Cochran, Druggist Ne. 137 North llueen street Hay lever Huirerers. T'hunuiiiberef people annually afflicted with this most annoying malady seems te lie greatly outhelncroH. Thoedlterof this biurn 0 ." U!J ".V.I.,ual vlct''.'id. with a view te discover t specltle ctire.has trlud numerous remedies. ,',',.l,iu'"!KIi Cr,""n iMm u y all odds the quickest und most satisfactory, two appllca- .H,nnK,r'alip' -'-y'" the iMiiaT sympte 1 is hi IJ'SR??."!"" '!.'"'. .'? we,,la recSminend lu iieby all subject te lay fever, una we gladly !? "n0":'l,:',, loMliiieny te lu' eihcacy Tn our case. Media, Te., Jteeerd. Jyl7-2wdoedAw T7IINH WIIISKIKS. irniV.Uitt,"V-.,en of l8CH' 1875 18,w 168,aronet equalled lu the country. At UKlUAHT'a OLD WINE SrOUK, II.E.m.AYitAlll.U.Ah't JUKlllCAl A YKH'S SAKSAPAItlLLA. PIMPLES BOILS, And Carbuncles lesull from 11 debilitated, Im jHivctlshed, or Impuru condition el the bleed. Avers sarsnpartlla prevents and cures these etuptlens and palnlul tumors, by lemevlug theircatise the only 1 llecttie way of treating them Ajer'a Sirsapirllla has prevented the usual course of llells which have p lined nnd dts ttessid nte every season for several vtMir. Uv Scales, Tlaluvllle, vilch 1 was badly troubled vith Tltnples en the lace t also, with a discoloration et the skin, whlah should itself in uglv dirk patches Ne external treatment did mere thin teinperaty ginwi iijui urs iKiriiiaeuecieit A PERFECT CURE, Mid I hive net been troubled since -1 W lteddv , lliv er street Lew ell, Mass. I wastteeMed with llells, nnd my health was tmuhltnpim I I began using Aver's sarsapa rllla. and. mil ic lime, the eruptions nit disap peared, and in v In ill It w us completely restored. Jehn It Klkln-. idltet Sinnlr) Vbterier Albe marle, N C 1 miu troubled, tot a lenu time, with n humor which appoiied en iu lu In ugly Tltnples and blotches. A)or' Mti sAiurtila cured me 1 con sider It the best bleed 1 miller In the world thus. 11. Smith, North I utttsbmi, M Ayer's Sarsaparilla Is sold by all druggUtv nnd dei'i t In tnedlclne Ask ler Ajer'sMrsipirlllu ami de net lute nnv ether. Treparedbv Dr .1.0. Aver A Ce., Lewell, Miss. Tllce ft ; six bottles, .v. Julyli .'.' IIOV.IKtVUSltlltinO UUUIH,. iri: havi: a uvkek hteciv. OK THE 11EST REFRIGERATORS IN THE CITY. The Tierce Dry Air Refrigerator. UA KDKX J10SK, H'.l TKK VOUI.KKX, 1CK' CKKAM yjWIMEliS, AndiilullllneefHOL'SEr'Ult.NlSlUNUUOODS The largest stock of UAS riXTUKKS tn the city. Special attention paid te llivi-rittlng, Ttn IbHitlng and Spouting We have J list received another let el theso 25c, GLOUKS. JOHN P. SOHAUI&SON, 24 SOUTH QUEEN ST., LANCASTElt. TA. T71I.1NNA Ultl.NL.MAN. PRICES MARKED DOWN -ON- Weed and Iren Pumps, TERRA-COTTA AND- Iren Moter and Drain PIPES. FLIM & BRENEMAN. Ne. 152 North Queen Streot, LANCAbl'EIi. TA. TITM. A. K1KFFKK. ALDUS C. UKKK KIEFFER & HERR, Ne. 40 East King Street, (Opposite Court Heuse). Invite all Housekeepers te Call and Inspect their stock of Heusefurnisliiiig Goods. A Complete Line constantly en hind. COOK STOV ESand UANUhs, TAHI.Oll STOVES. HEATfcliSand rtUNACES. SUMMEE COOK STOVES. After carefully examining the merits of all erfured te the trade, we have selected TFjE "AUGAND," Ker GASOLINE, and THE ,f DANGLER," Ker COAL OIL, As the best, when all points are considered, te otter te our patrons. Cell and see us. We love te show our goods, and are net offended If you de net purchase. Uemember, we are agents for The " Splendid Heater. Manufactured by Fuller A Vt'arren Company, Trey, N. Y., w hlch has no rival In durability! gconemy of fuel and control of gas. New Is tbe tlme te examine and become posted for Autumn purchases. UEMKM1IER THE TLACE I 40 EAST KING ST., (OTTOSITE COUItT HOUSE ) apia-tfdAw I'AllAHOlM .IV. -ROSE BROS. & HAKTMAN. $4.00 FfimSOLS It K DUCK. I) TO $3.00. - $3.00. VEltY;ilEST SATIN I ALL NE BILK LIN IN03 I The Manufacturers. Rese Bres. & Hailman, 14 EAST KING ST. anl-timd H'ATOIIKB. TyATUHKS, OLOOKB, &e. WATCHES, CLOCKS, Ac. BTECIAL8ALK OK GOLD-KILLED CASES (boss's Manufacture), hunting or open-cased watch, nteklH works, is Jowels.stem winding and setting (limited number) at I M.U). -Ai8.4!.75 1" "Uverea bunttutr cases, same works, at 7.W each. Great bua'alns In Lancaster Watches. All the pest Elglns and ethers. Correct time dally by telegraph: only place In city, nest watch ana Jewelry renalrliig. L. wkukk, ...... Ka 1MX North Queen Street, (Near V. It It. (Station. Spectacles und Kye GlasBe. Optical OoedJ, 1HT TXAtlKU A- llKOTHl'.lt. SPECIAL! WALL PAPERS AT EXTREMELY LOW PRICES. fi.OOO PIoeos lllnukB, 0, O, 7 Oentti Fer Ploeo. AH New Goods of tUlsoetvaoii'amrtminiotiiro. imON2I3 PAPBI13, la La 10 10 OenlH Fer Ploeo. ' ' WASHABLE ENGLISH OAK PAPERS! tOim OWN IMPORTATION), Btilti.ble Ter iltvilwiiya, Dlnlmr-roema Olllecs, Kltohetia nnd Dath-roemn, or whorevor t Borvleoablo WbU Doeorrttlon la roqulred. DAMP WALLS BtioeoeBfiilly romedled. Spoelal Prloea for llfitiglnn; durltiB July nut! AuRuat. HAGER & Nes. 25 aud 27 West King Street, Lancaster, Pa. M LTZlir.ll A HAUUUMAN. Metzger & Hnve the MAUNimill SHUT That has ever been sold for the meney ; equal te many new sold at 75 cents. Sizes, 12 te 17. METZGER & Ne. 43 West King Street, ana oerrei norse N KXT DOOK TO T1IK COURT HOUS1 FAHNESTOCK'S. Wlilte Ooeda, Lncee und Bmbrolderloa. up. Summer Undorwear, all Blzea. Summer Hosiery LarKO Stock of theso Qoeda new Seiling Pricea. R. E. FAHNESTOCK'S, NEXT DOOR TO THE COURT DHV UUUDM. JJOUTII KNIl Dlfi (.OOIIS STOK1- CRINKLED SEERSUCKERS Al HAI.KTItlCE, ATT11E North. End Dry Goods Stere. J. W. HVItNE. nevS-lyd Ne. Sii Neith Uucen street. w- 1I1TK GOODS. STAMM, BROS. & CO. Nea. 20 and 28 North Queen 8t., Have te-day Ucdticcd Trices en White Goods ! White Goods I One Third te One Half Keduced Trices en b.VThENS and SEEK Sl'LKEKS JWI-iKlb' JEHSEYS' I.adlev Worsted J er seys. Sec each advertNed city price, 75c. cuch. Children's Jcrseys In large variety. Summer Underwear. One Case WHITE MAlt3EILI.ES yi IL19 ut One-lhlril Value. S I'K( TA I. A I Tit A C rOX ' Klve Tleces TIN STK1TEU SUMMKIt SILKS, inl KKc a yard. The city Is full et tame at 2Ic. a vard. All Weel 4i Inch CASIIUEKE, ALIIATltOSS and UK I OK, l!5c yard, 'len Theusind Tleccs KINK TOILET SOAT, actual value 10c. nplece. We sell tt for 5c. apiece. BOSTONSTORE, LANCABTEIt, TA. 11. AIAHT1N A CO. In erdi-r te Dliulnlsh our Laige block, we make the lollewing REDUCTIONS -IN- Summer Dress Goods! One Let American Satlnea Reduced Se ; wero 80. One Let French Satlnea Rodueodto 25e; wero 35e. One Let Printed Batlatea at lOe ; wero 15e. One Let Orinkled Soersuokora Ro Re Ro duced te lOe ; were 15. One Let Printed Lawna, ene yard wlde, Roduced te 2e ; ;wero 12e. One Let Dress Ginghams, Rodueod te 80 ; wero 16e. O110 Let Embrolderod Reboa at 82.00; were 83.00. J. B. MARTIN & GO., Cor. West King & Prince Sts., (OppOtltQ BtOTeej Uentt.) LAKOAJIXIB, tA, MIlUfM. SPECIAL! BROTHER, Haughman Best 50 Oent HAUGHMAN, Between the Ooepor Heuso rdotei, Liancoster, Pa. Wlilte Embrotderod Reboa, 63.60 Summer Gloves, lu Store, and all Marked at Qulek HOUSE. LANCASTER, PENNA. IlKT UUUIIH. rrim: ni:v caii hteiuc. NEW CASH STORE, Opposite the Keystone Heuse and Northern National Itank, 217 & 249 North queen Street. Vw Arrlvat of I)ItE3 UOODS. TI.AI.V AMI TI.AI1) UIUTK OOOHS. WHITE MCIOIIIA LAWNS, LINEN DEINDES, I OIIDEI) TIOUEf. EJIIIItOIIIEHIES, H l.ltl.N KI.KI) SKKIvSl CKEKS llATISTKCI.inilS, IIK.M 8 (.AU.E SIIIKT8. I.,MUK.- auilCIULIIItKS'.S (JAIT.K, LAK1ES, (.LSl'sandCIIILIIUhN b 110SK, And full stork or Domestics All Reeds at low prices. Tlcase l,Ive us a cull fehi-lrd VV. 11. UOWK113. J. H. UIVLEK.VCO. Fer 60 Days He will Make te Order, KOB CASH $10. $12 AflD $15 ALI-WOOL SUITS, ruruicr Trice, 115, flj, I it It will pay anyone te leek at the- lUritalns. teuty-sevcn styles te select from. We admit these prices are less than cost.ljtitvreinustturiithOKOOdilnto money. Loek at oursec., 75c. and 11,09 un un laundried Bhlrts, Neckwear, etc. Jehn S. Givler & Ce., Ne. 20 East King Street, Lancabtkk, Ta B .MIUAINH IN UNIIIIKYVLUK. WITT & SliflND, Nea. 6, 8 & 10 Eaat King Br., LANCASTElt. TA. LADIES' OENTLEMEN'h and CHILDllEN'S HUMMEIt UNDEllWEAK III all Sizes and (jualltles at Tepular Trices. LADIES' INDIA GAUZE UNDEItWEAll, Lene or Short SIoevos, ac. Euch. GENTLEMEN'S GAU.E UNDEHWKAlt, 23c. Each I worth 37Kc GKNTLEMEN'SJEAN DUAWKltS, S5c. Each j Usual I'rlcc, 33c. Anether SO Dezen et nur Famous GENT'S UN- LAUNDItlEUSIIlHTS, Tateut llosem, Only M Cents Each. UltKAT ItEDUCTIONSALEOK Parasols and Sunshades. Our saled en these (joeds are per cent. ahead of last season's, and in order te clese out the hulancu of our stock we have uiudu thuextramely low price still lower. COACHING TAUASOI.S, LACE T11IMUKD TAHAhOI.8, LACE COVEUED TA11A- BOLS at Closing Out Trlcea -AT THE- New Yerk Stere. NethJk te tkkspabseks and GUNNEUS. All persons are horehy ler bidden te trespass en any of the lands el the Cornwall or Speedwell estates, In Lebanon and Lancaster counties, whether Inclesed orunln erunln orunln clesed, either for the purpose of sheeting or Ash ing, as the law will bu rigidly enforced against all trespassing en saldlauds of the undersigned after this notice. WM. COLEMAN FltEKMAN, H.TKUOYALDEN. KDWAUD O. rUKKMAN, Utterney let U. W. Celeauta'i helrt M t-f