Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, July 19, 1886, Image 1

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    ' 'n-Vfj'ti'i y -v ' '..3V
271 -
an trritumiriN" ihuttixh kvkut hk.
T.ritm Ftivn uuun inntnun.
Harry II. Winn I" Three Hlrnlght lleatf, the
Ilmt Time llrlliK 3 rj-Klmiry Take the
Illuming Itacn An levelling Content lle-
Ineen Twe Country llernra.
Oil Saturday ittiuiit MX) pisiple gathered nt
Me rami's park tn wltuurH u trotting nud
two running race. Tlie weitherwas very
pleasant unit lliu Hxirt geed, TIie Judges
were Jeseph Harnett, ICiiullmaii Houtsch nud
Cyrus II, Cel v In, nml ttiu horses wero
promptly called lit half past two o'clock.
Tlie first event was a trot between four well
known horses, as follews: William Hesh's
Harry II, William KV Hilly I) W. W.
(i rush's L. (I. nml Jehn II. Dully's Hannah
D. Thore was n great ileal of Interest In this
rare, ns the four horses had never trettml te
gether before. Previous tu Salurdn tlie two
llrst named had been in it nice together, iimt
no had tlie latter two. Tlie contest en Satur
day whs for a purse of JI25, divldisl its fol fel
ms MX)ercent te first, 2.1 secend, 15 third. It
whs generally supposed Unit Hurry H. wastlie
fastest liorse of tlie four nml would win tlie
race, tint It was iiIhe well known Hint Hilly I).
Winn geed line. Hurry It sold nsn favorite In
tlie kki1h throughout and lie wen thu rnce
In three straight heats. In thu llrst and nit),
end heats tlie wlnner vvasolesoly pushed by
Billy D. who breke lust befere reaching tlie
w Ire In tlie third. Tlie lnltnr was second In
tlie race, wlille li. (. was third In two beats
nml fourth In one. The summary was :
U Itllam limit enters i
iirs g. B. Hurry II.
or- 1, i . HUH 1)
1 l
2 !
I .1
v vv. (Iresh enters l g , I. (I
Jehn l)uit enter li in , lliinnali II
I line, : lA.'.IV,, t II
Thern worn but two entries in
ruiiulnir race. Thov wero Dan
the Unit
Kiuney ami William j iss- i.uwin. ninie
horse had net or been matched together, but
Klnney was nucha big favorlte that thore
was ery little If any belting against hlui.
Ilnrnu iik'mhI mcu ami wen without treuble
the two liair iiiile The Hiiiiiui.iry was
Han I erbii ciitur- KiiMicv 1 I
VV llllniii riM enti rs l.u i .
tlmu, Rlaml SI
1 he lattraie wasruu tiotweou Country (llrl
and Maud, two horea Irem New Helland,
and thore was inore OAcltoment evrr this
contest than nny of the day. Thu ew ners of
the two nags each belluwd that he had
the laitter home, mi tliey undo a match ler
fl(, which thev ilerlduil te hae ceme oil
in l-ncastrr. t)u Trlduy they tolephouod
te the maiiagern of the park, a-sklug tliem
whbther thu liumis Would lai allewed te
goon Siturday. l'crmls'lnu was given theui
mid the race took place alter the nlliern were
eer. A large crowd of horsemen and levura
of ort from New Helland and Hphralanud
uthur places woreon the ground, and consid
erable money was het. Maud npiienred te lie
the faorite llefore the race began thorn was
Heme treuble en account of a rlder. Jehuuy
tlie boy w he rede Kinney, cauie iiKin the
track with Country (tlrl. The ewuer of
Maud at ence put In an upiHeir.iucn nud Hald
lint tlie boy had llrnt premised hlui te ride
Ida hnn-ts The result was that Johnny did
net ride either, and two fellows irem the
country who wero mm h tee heavy rede the
In the llret heat Country fjlrt leit consUler censUler
able tluie by refusing te nlart, Juxt at the
tliue the word was glen. Slie get oil, but
Maud had a lead that could net be overcome
and the latter wen easily. Tlie neceud heat
was also taken by Maud who was ahead all
the way around. The nummary
l.'orie Ilemtcr, enter b m Maud I 1
llinl ,t Shirk. imiIi rsb. m , Ceunliy (Hil s t
1 luie Sj.4 and WJ.
The l'ottatewn J.til'tcr hhvh interest
centinueM In regard te the gnat running race,
for ?l,lM)a Kid.e, en I'rlday ne.xl, en the track
thnre tHitweeii the Kentucky thoroughbreds
' Armadale" and "He Calm." The money Is
up and both Hides are Hiiro of winning.
TrtMl et sjif.t-41 ami Itciull.
Sunday afloriieon two young men, hlightiy
Inebriated, were trying the mettle el their
magnlticent charger, attaclied teahuckHtur
wagon, en the Seuth Water street railroad
track, which, et late, Is becoming notorious
for that purjiehe. In their Might they came
in contact w lth Pat Cherry's two-herso car
riage, doing but little damage if any. On
they sped, across Vet King, when crossing
the railroad they atrucK the rail mi hard that
ene of the front wheels was smashed com
pletely. This ended their fun, no doubt, te
tlie satisfaction of the peer brute, which had
te go it en three leg", as the fourth was out of
nor vice.
TiiMitrr-nrx avhkh w.v yum.
ITiiahle te Cepe viltli Ihe t lauifs llireni;li Ihu
Hlit el Water.
A tiie, which proed te be tlie largest and
most destructive of Its kind that has oer ls
itedKU I.euls, was discovered at about two
o'clock Sunday nftorneou hi the lumber
yards of Knnpp, Stout. V. Ce., at the eorner el
Angelica street and ISremeii reihh.
An alarm was Immediately turned in and
twoengluos noreHoou at Jho hcoiie. They
wero, hew oer, owing te tlie loer watorHii waterHii
ply, unable te cepe with the llames, which
w ero dri en by a strong w hid, ami seen com.
iiiunirjtteil te the nearest lumber piles and
were making rapid headway toward the
Union stock yards, tlie destruction of which
socnied Inevitable.
The wind seen shlfted, hew ever, ami they
wero Naed, but the lumber yards wero
deemed. In the moautlmemoro alarms had
been sent In and twenty ongines wero called.
Thowater supply was outlrelyiusulllcieut for
the emergency asthe flames leaped from plle
te pile or the dry lumber with Incredible
The tire was net coullned te any portion of
tlie yards, ler sparks anil burning splinters
were blown in overy direction and the whele
territory of the yards, eoverlng tlilrty-lle
acres, seemed te be ene mass of burning
lumber. The ctlerLs of the llromen, which
would ovldently have been fruitless It
directed towards subduing the flames, wero
from tills tlme em pleyed In keeping thorn
from spreading, and In this they wero sue sue
cesstul. The tire was allowed te burn, and at the
end of lour hours ii.uoO.Oeu loot of luuiber
wero n total less. The contents of the yards
wero mostly lumber of superior grade, nud
the less en this account Is very heavy j 100,
000. The company's sUible was nlse eou eeu eou
suuied, but the horses were s-ied. The
total IiiHuraucocinuet Im learned at this hour,
but it is estiuiated at fJ75,00.
An Ifiinutliurlzed Aiiiiiiiiiiteinent
Frem tlie Philadelphia .Sens.
Kx-Sonater William A. Wallace stepped in
this city en prlvate busluess for a few hours
en Friday. Ne politicians cilled en him ; he
called en none nud kept his business quiet.
neperieni wero appriseu or his presouce
and called at the Continental Hetel ami
sent their cards te him. He replied : "I am
hore en prlvate business. My proseuce does
net concern politics or the ptiblie and I
de net coo why I should be Interviewed."
Mr. Wallace was surprised te read next
morning that he had announced Iilmselt will
ing te accept the Democratic nomination for
governor ; that he hud consulted a nuiuber of
the mere prominent politicians ; that two
thirds the Philadelphia delegation would be
for him ; that Mr. Randall would threw- ever
nentenant Govorner HIack aud support
Wallace, and, that nil things considered, the
exwhalrmau of the state committee was pretty
certain te head the stale ticket lu the fall.
Mr, Wallace made ue such announcement.
lrall Ufa llullulng In New lurk.
Shortly alter II o'clecu Sunday oveiiiugtho
lUroe-story building Ne. 170 Seuth street,
New Yerk, occupied as a Heur stere by
Sweezey A Sens, suddenly caved in, causing
the greatest excitement In the neighborhood,
It being foared that soveral persons hsd
porlshed in the ruins. The police or the
Fourth precinct, assisted by a number of
citizen, succeeded lu extricating from the
debris Hichard Pugh, aged 15 years; William
Evans, aged 33 3 ears, and Matthias Bausa
lias, aifed 23 years. All woresovorely biuised
about the head aud body, and were romevod
te tbe Chambers street hospital. The acci
dent is supposed te have been caused by the
overloading of the upper floors of the build
ing with flour.
AMUxa tiik n. i l.i. i-i.AYttua.
llUiimtiil Netr, nl IntrriMit te litrr, nf tlie
National (Ulna.
The !,cague games en Saturday worei Al
Ht. Iiuls! DetrnltK,HL Iiuls 3 nt Kansas
City: Chicago II, Kansas City 8; nt New
Yerk t New Yerk I, Hosten 1! ; at Washing
tout Philadelphia 8, Washington I.
TlioAthletlciiucoe(led In defeating Cin
cinnati by 15 te 10 mi Saturday. Meth loams
batted hard, the Clnclnnatls excelling; they
only lest the game through bad errors. The
ether Association games wore: At Hl.iten
Island: St. IiOiils VS, Mets ".: nt lUlllmore,
(tun Innings): I'lllsburg7, lUltlinure r ; nt
Ilroeklym Hroekln7, l.euUvlllii I.
The Hroeklyu lilt Hauisey eight times
Saturday, but lanilii llle had only three
singles oil" Terry.
When the Hroeklyu club passed through
hore en I'rlday they were a Jelly party.
Jimmy Peeples, the catcher, was en hand
with his new wife nud Manager llyrne
chartered the whele car for the new ly w edded
coupleand the club.
Tlie HU Leuis pa sirs were erv bltler
against Manager llyrne, of Hroeklyu, until
he arrived thore. when tlie reorters met
hlui they concluded, rts overjbody does, that
no is a perfect gentleman
Tlie i
lotrelts made Kansas City's plttlier
The A Itoennrluli Is playing geed ball nnd
they dereated Wllllamspert by 5 te en S.ilur
tlav. , , .
The Athletics have at last HUdPeded In
singing McOarr, short step of tlie llaver
iilircltiti, wliuni they linolieaii bilking about
nil season.
ThoWllkestiarro refusud toge toScranten en
Saturday en account of the way thatO' l.eary.
Klsher and Shoenoy, of the league, dispened
el the Danville club. The Wllknsbarre siy
thiitliijtistlce Is dene the Danville team,
and they will withdraw Irem the league.
Yesterday WllUosbtrre played Danville, de
featlng them by 7 Id -
In vVaterbury last Wodnesday, I'yle el
Newark, undo a home run oil Hughes.
Hums had two.
The many friends of Dave Oldlleld Iiejhi
that he will play geed ball lu Washington,
where he has signed.
The Lawrence club, of the New Knglaud
League, with the exception of oue man, re
fused te play en Saturday txicause some of
their players were lined, Tlie men will nil
llkulv be released nnd blacklisted.
" lg Hern" Hradlny was nsHaulted last
Sunday when he mailua right division. The
Western poeploaro new Isx-eming ashamed
nf their conduct and most of them admit that
Hrad is honest nml square.
Williamson, of ( 'hlcage, Is the most popular
player that v Islts St. Leuis.
Smith, the wayward short step, has again
Joined Hroekljn, and he did geed work
In the Hroeklyu LoulsvlllegamoSaturilay
McTauiauy was tlie only man in either nine
that made n longer hit than a single, lie had
it triple.
Herace Phillips lias a great head and he
mii pplies the liase ball reporters w lth lemonade
at every game.
Newark has made iiieuev this season,
although there were rojierts te the con
trary. Kansas City Is n v ury unhesllhy tow u aud
nearly all the memberssit the League team
thore have been verj sick, at times. Hrady
Is the only man who keeps upaiid he weighs
W iHiunds. The team plays much better
ball away than at home.
1'ltcher Kllrey has n wlle In August,!,
The strongest characteristic of the play of
Detroit seems te be net brilliancy, but de.
termitl ltinu and porsevorauce, nud this Is
w hat tells in the latter part of the game, and
what frequently pulls the club through.
sorline J.te.
Kllrey ellered lUrtile $1,200 for his rele.use
because New Yerk wants hlui.
In an exhibition game tsitweeii tlie Law
rence club, of the New Hnglaud League, aud
Hartferd, of the Listern League, " Smiling"
Dick Conway, formerly of tlie Yerk club,
pitched for the Iiwreuce. The llartfenls
did net have a hit or a run, w hlle Law rouce
made lllteen runs in the game. The game
was played at Hartferd.
The Hroeklyu were shut out by u te 0 yes yes
terday by the St. Leuis. I'eutz was hit but
four limes, while ten hits were made oil
On Saturday uftorneou the Clese Members,
a colored club, was te have plnyed a game
w lth the Columbia colored team. Hut tew of
the club of this city put in an appearance
and a picked nine played the Columbians,
who dote ited them by 19 te h!. The game
was en thu Ironsides greundi.
I K1Vr.ll llUdT VLVIU
A l.i'ltfr In Vtlilcli Suiiib nt tlielr lUietliMicrii
are Mvidly Ie$crlbil.
'I he departure or the Yosper beat club and
bulletins as te thelr progress have already
npenred lu theso columns. The following
extract from a prlvate lotter deals with the
adventures el the party after having been the
victims or a drenching rain nt Celd Cabin.
About 7 o'clock we lelt this elegant ahode
and by dodging the mlii-dreps managed
te get te Peacli Bettem where a crowd or as
tounded natives awaited us en the bulks,
aud gave us a helping hand In unpacking ele.
e went te bed early in thu morning -and
get up prepared ler n hard row, which we
certainly did have, reaching Havro-de-(Jraui
about 2 o'clock, then going out Inte the bay
In hopes or reaching Hay Kidge lu time ler
the races. Alter soveral hours' rowing
auother thunder storm struck us. but we
were fortunate In being picked up by a tug
until the storm was ever when we continued
our row towards Hay Kldge, beiug caught in
another Just as we readied the scene or the
ImmI races. Owing te tlie rains we missed all
but tlie last rnce wiilch was rowed in a pelt
ing rain , but novertholess we nil enjeyed
thu spirt very much. 1 tell you we
wero a tired set that night afler a
row id mere than 10 miles that
day, and the best bunk we could Hud
was the cabin et a canal Isiat six or us in
a cabin about" feet sipiare but nevertheless
we slept In the morning we rewed te Haiti Haiti Haiti
niore and took the afternoon train for Wash
ington and bore we. ire, running around in
our kiue-breiches and being uiken ler base
ballists. All are well aud hepe you are nil
thu same. We have just heard seme bad
news, m , that the tioergotown caunl is
broken be this may change our plans ery
much nud vv e may ba home soeuor than v mi
expect us. A conference of tlie pew ers-that-be
lias just Ihmjii called se we must close
this lotter.
NU1IW I'llllll Si:.V-.ll)i: KKSdltTS.
Kirk Lomeyno, seu or Dr. Prank Lemeyne,
et PltLsburg, was drovvned en Sunday at City w hlle bathing. Ills body was
recovered, but nil eilerts te rostero lllowero
Ne ellert was made at Leng Branch te on en on
fercetlui " lilue laws," en Sunday. All the
saliKins sold liquor as usual, whlle the stage
and truck drlvew were uninoiesieu.
I.lilef lluilaliued Letter.
Tlie fellow iug Is the list of unclaimed lot let lot
teM remainlng In the posteillco, ler the week
ending July l'Jth, lsnO :
S.mdci' I.t Mrs. C. K. Hraiideu, Mrs.
Hatlte l-'rey. Mary C. tlraham, Miss Kate
Jehns, Miss Hattey Lambcrben, Mrs. Kate
LandlH, Mrs. V. Manning.
Uenla' ,u( P. S. Ilium, K. W. Kellv, K.
II. Keller, Jacob Loe, A. K. Myers, Henj.
KeyneldB, C. It. Hlchuiend, Dr. K. V. Suillli,
Henry It, Stouer.
The l'ostelllce te Cleie At 7 I'. SI.
Postmaster Slaymaker has recelved u
letter from the llrst assistant postmaster gen
eral authorizing him te clese the poetelllco at
7 o'clock in the evening, under soctlen KB,
of postal laws. 1 11 accordance with theso In
structions tlie posteillco will, ou mid alter
Monday July 2ith, clese at 7 o'clock p. m ,
and the city delivery windows will be open
from (1 te 7 o'clock p. m.
Hill raid nmlCnte Illtiulmed.
The case against Jehn McFaddeu, who
Jumped his beard bill at the drape hetel and
was arrested at Downlngtewn, aud brought
back te Lancaster, has boeu settled. The
yeuug man's father paid the bill and costs,
and Alderman Deen dismissed the case.
Track te He Lowered,
The Mlllersville street car company will
lovver thelr track en Orange, se that It will be
level with the bed et the stroet, as requested.
- 'i:MiutiJ
hbhiuvh AVamrNT at tiik uevica-
Tim llang I'laiik Willi Aliuut Tlilitjr ur Terlr
1'cnniK Tlicrenn l'rmlilUttl Inlo tha
Walr .leliu O'Tenla Iteicura Heven
I'rrxini Wllliuut Anr Armlntani ,
An hccldeut occurred at the steamlKiat
lauding at lteckawny Hoach, L. !.." Hatnr
day morning, which, though serbins In Ibi
conseqiieuces te a number of jsirsens, was
fertunately uuattondeil by le of lire. Many
Iiersens, howevor, would hnve been drowned
but ler the brnvery of threo or four men.
The steambeat Columbia, of the Knickor Knicker Knickor
beckor line, roached the landing with a large
number of oxeurstenlntH from New Yerk,
nlpeut I o'clock. The gang-plank was run out
from tlie beat te the landing, and as seen as
the bar was removed a great rush was made
te get oil the beat.
Purser Perry nnd souie deck hands on en on
deavorod te held the crowd tuck, but with
little ellect, ns men, women nnd children
pushed by them. All nt ence there was n
crash aud a splash, followed by a cry of horror
from these en the steamer. The string ploce
of the deck had given way nml the gang
plank, with I Kit ween te and 10 persens en It,
had been precipitated into thowater. Im
mediately noveral men Including Jehn
O'Toelo, n bartender, T. J. Hrosnen and
Commedore Peace, or the Columbia, jumped
Inte the water nnd In n few minutes all the
unfortunates who could be seen endeavoring
te kten themselves nbove the wnter wero
rescued nnd safely carrled te n hetel, whero
they were attended by doctors by whose nld
these who wero unconscious or partially se
wero resuscitated.
The bravery or Jehn O'Toelo was specially
commendable. He rescued no lesa than
soven iiersens, mostly women aud children.
T. J. lfresnan carried four orsens from the
water. Thore Is no doubt that the prompt
action el these men was the means or saving
no less than thirty llves which would other ether
wl"0 have been lest.
Seme of the rescued persons wero able te
proceed with their Iriends, and left ufter ob
taining changes or clothing. Twonty-llve
ethers are new comfortably housed at the
Seaside house, the steambeat elllclals having
instructed the hotel proprietors te care ler
Tlie namoserthosoat the hotel are : Prank
rinti and wlfe, 107 Hast 100th street, New
Yerk ; Hllr.i Uallagher, same address ; Car
rie McClusky, hx years old, West l'orty l'erty
eighth street, New erk ; Theuns Jenes, his
wile nud child, seveu years old, oil Washing
ton street, New Yerk: Willi im Berland,
wire and two children, New Jersey , James
Hedpatchnud wlle, Ne. I W Twonty-second
street, New Yerk ; Carl Westtall. 103 Hast
Hlghtv-reurth street, N. Y. ; Mrs. Pergusen,
.'li West Thirty lllth street, New Yerk j
Mrs. T. Appleby, ') rk street, Hroeklvu ,
Mrs. Keke, 1Y7 West Plftleth street, New
erk ; Jehn Merley, wlfe ami child. New
Yerk; Nebla Hrad lord, wlfe and child, 27
Charles street, New erk , Kate Lamb, JT
Varlck street, New Yerk, aud her niece,
Tim physicians report all doing well ex
cept Themas Jenes, Carrle MUTusky aud a
aev en-mouths' old infant of Mrs. Hurland, all
et whom are In a very serious condition.
There was Intonse excitement In the vicin
ity et the scene of the accident ler several
hours, as it was rumored that all who had fal
len into the wnter had net Isi.jn rescued, but
as ue oue Is jet reported missing the rumor
Is net credited by tlie lieat or deck etllciaK;r.s roil! ash isfi.vf.sve.
A " I'rnillcat I'rlriul of Ijilmr XV Im Vveillil
Ceinmaliil l(siil'piirt In Hie stale.
i he Yitfiumi''er Tribune, et Pitts
burg, edited by Thus. A. Armstrong, who
wa Laber candidate ler governor In lss2,h.vs
this te say :
A stall corresKindent or ene or the Pitts
burg papers In a letler en the probible nom
inee el the Democratic convention for gov
ernor, alludes toex-OevornorCurtinasa pos
sibility " because et his inlluonce with tlie
labor vete." Without disparagement te Mr.
Curtln, we would be pleaed te knew Irem
this cerresimndent, since he has brought
up the subiect, and siuce et a dezxii
jMisslble candidates he has given Mr. Curtln
the whole credit nt such Inlluonce, what Is
the matter wuli Lieutenant Governer
(iiatiucey 1 . Black as regards this vete He
Is the son et a public man vv horn workmen,
and, In lact, all voters who place the public
wed above corporate ownership et the sUite
government, had the highest respect In
his Uletlme, and dying have net forgotten
the sturdy ami nt the same tlme lucUlve
blows whli h he dealt the wrong. Mere
especially was Judge Black the loe or
tlie evils which corjiemtlons have for se
many jears been permitted by weak and
corrupt legislators te practice. He was ene
among the gre it lawyers of his generation
vv no could rofuse the fee el a corporation
whim he thought te advocate Its cause would
tend te Injury el the people. He was at the
top in ability and honesty i citizen who
dldhWdutv In public aud prlvate with rare
energy amfabillty. Kreui what we have ob
served of his son's career, we belioveho Is
worthy of such a father. He could net oxcel
the elder In honesty no man could nor
de Pennsylvanlans expect him, or any
body else, te morn than touch the
hem of Judge "Jerry" Black lu rospect te
ability. Hewever Lleuu (.ev. Black has
all the ability that is necess iry ler the iio-itlen
of governor, and this without straining his
supply. Thore are hypocritical friends of
labor Mid there nre Mends tlie
llrst named plentiful and demagogical, the
latter honest but net ollectlvo. Lieut. Uev.
Black we class with neither. We take him
te Ihj a practical Iriend or laUir. And he Is
this Uciiuse he is tlie advocate or equality,
nml utterly opposed te the tyranny or cor
porations, mere especially that lerm et it
which is shown in tl.e manipulation or legls
latures and courts by which tlie constitution
is overridden.
vYe preter te leav e te ethers the appralso appralse appralso
uieutortho value et tlie lulttionces el the
labor vote. If it Is meant by " labor vete "
the vete that will be influenced by a straight
ellert te compel the observance el the consti
tution by corporations, nnd ether movements
or a like reasonable aud equitable nature, we
should fancy such vete will be influential at
the coming election, at least this is new tlie
pronounced trend of publie opinion as ob
served en the farms nml lu the factories and
ItPturii of (lie KiilRlitael l')lliUs.
The members of Lancaster Division,
Knights or Pythias, who wero at Terente,
have rettirned te this city, ihe band and
niostef the knights arrived here Saturday,
and the last came Sunday. Seuie or thorn
steppod nt Niagara Palls and ethers nt W, at
kins nieu. They nil report have had a geed
One el the knights who wasunfortunate ou
the trip was Majer Jehn U Yogan. During
his stay In Terente his hotel wasonteredby
thloves who stelo his railroad ticket, which
was geed te returu te Lancaster, aud f7.
Entirely Cured lly due Treatment !
rrem the Yolk Age.
Yesterday evening Mr. IMmund IS. Myers,
who cures by the laying en et hands, was
telephoned ler te ceme te Glen Heck te soe
Mrs. Isaac Klinefelter, who had lioen BiUler
Ing for some mouths with rheumatism, and
contlued te hed, aud unable te meve an arm
or limb. She was cured outlrely by oue
A Harvest lield Tragedy,
Neat Jamestown, Michigan, Gorrett Hen.
ma,2l years of age, loll oil a loidet wheat lu
such a manner that tvv e tlnes of a fork vv hlch
rell oil the lead at the saiue time entered the
back el his head and pissed completely
through It, cemlug out neir his nese. He
pulled the fork out himself and ran te the
house, seme distauce away, climbing a lence
en his way. He seen aHer went Inte convul
sions and died In about two hours.
A Weman's Hamt llruken,
Mrs. Hannah Blukley, living at Hpbrata,
was seriously Injured en Tuesday. bhe was
washing the windows at her house, when the
clialreu vvtiicu sue was standing broke,throw''
te ukauLtauK uiviiwuituiwii
1. N. Lisntnoratieudoaiuo injured lady.
- i4 J
ing her te the lloer. The bone of ene hand I Wueen street, anu who, te-uay xuaue an as as as
wasbrokenaudtho wrist was dlslocated. Dr. I slgnment for the bonelltof crodlters, tolsrael
Ceindilemlilfl Kaln, Wind snil Hall That Hid
died Tolmrce linliln.
Auother heavy rain storm, lu which there
was n geed deal of hall, pissed ever thin city
last ovenlng, botweon 8 and 10 o'clock. The
helght of the storm was nlieut 9 o'clock. The
rain poureU down lu torrents ler nearly half
an hour. The ball was alieut the slre et poes
nml did net de much damage. The wind
was high nnd blew down a few trees nnd
broke large limbs Irem ethers.
The eloctrle lights lu tlie city wero extin
guished en the approach et thosterm, but we
are told this was ilone purpesely te prevent
accident te the works.
A tree In front of the ene story liouse In
Kast Orange stroet, owned by ( oilector Mao Mae Mao
fJenlgle, was blown against the liouse. Tlie
damage dene was slight.
Northeast or the oily the hall storm was
much mere severe nud did great damage te
the growing tobacco, corn and eats.
It. J. Meli rami, en thn New Helland pike,
Is a heavy sullerer, his large crop of tobacco
belug almost cut te pieces by hall, his young
corn blades split Inte ribbons aud his eats
ami a Held el wheat beaten down te the earth.
Mr. (lombe, en an adjoining farm, loses
two or three acres of tobacco.
Mr. Zeek, near illnkley's Bridge, reperts
his tobacco only slightly damaged.
Zach Mlnnlch's crops, this slde the vlllnge
of Hden, are ery badly cut up, Including
tobacco, corn and eats.
A. C. Keplor, Just north el the city, will
leso about one-tialf of his 1 ncre tobacco crop
by hall. The corn Is badly cut, but will
probably recover.
Mr. Harrachman, near Keplor's, has three
acres badly cut, nnd Jehn Burger, en the
Pleasure Itead, near LitiU pike, has two
acres badly damaged.
Messrs. Ilaverstlck, Hspeushadeaml ether
farmers nertheast of the city nre also reperted
as having sustained considerable less.
The storm did net extend mere than a mlle
north of the city. Thore was little or no rain
at Nellsvllle, LItltz or ethor joints north.
At West Willow Jehn Sener, Christ Sener
ami ethors sudered slightly from hail, but
further cast in I.ampcter, Strasburg, Paradise
and vicinity thore was very little rain or hall ;
nor was any damage dene at Petersburg,
Chestnut Hill or ether points west.
The hail was heavy lu the vicinity of Heck
Mill, Sate HarlKir, and ether points In that
jiart of thu county. The tobacco and corn
was badly damaged.
HouryMUIer, wbose farm Is botweon Keck
Hill and Slackwater en the Conestog.i, had
ten or hlteen acres of tobacco very badly cut
by hail, and ethor tanners In the vlcluity are
also losers.
About Mlllersvlllu thore was little hall, but
tlie wind was high and damaged the corn
At Turkey Hill nnd lurthordewn the river
the storm Is said te have burst llke a water
sjieut and dene much damage.
A rtieneiueim! Hailstorm.
A phenomenal hailstorm passed overMc everMc overMc
Cennellsburg en Sunday afternoon. With With
eutany accompanying storm the hall dropped
from a sky nearly devoid of clouds, each
fragment weighing from three te six ounces.
The crashing en the reefs of the heuses ro re ro
semblod n continuous discharge of musketry
ler about lllteen minutes. In the path of the
storm, which was about a imle wide, trees
wero stripped of their branches, aud fruit.
Holds of com and ethor crops destroy ed, and
hundreds of panes et glass broken and birds
killed. The rear of the tailing hall alter the
storm had passed that place along the moun
tain resembled the sound of thunder. It was
rollewed about four hours altervvard by a tor ter tor
ritle storm el thuuder nnd lightning.
summer Leisure,
Henry W. Stark has been visiting his two
married daughters lu Heading.
Samuel Kutitz and family, or llarrisburg,
are In Lancaster en n brief visit ; from here
they go te Columbia.
Jehn W. Appelant! wife left en Saturday
ler Bedford county, vv here they will remaln
a few weeks.
The annual saengorfestef the Ilarmoule Ilarmeule Ilarmoule
Miennerchor, of lleadiug, will be held in
Lauer's park en August ". The Lancaster
society will be represented by a delegation.
Mrs. It. l'eltz, Messrs. C. S. aud J. C.
Keltz have returned Irem the camping parly
or Mr. A. J. Steinman in ( mirtield county.
Mr. Stelnmanniid tamllv are in Phillipsburg,
Centre county.
H. M. Iteillv, or the Im i i uubm i n odl edl odl
terial stiir, left ou the 1 at Line te-day for a
two weeks' trip te Clin age, St. Leuis and
ether points in the great N est.
Mrs. Allce Hirry and Mrs. Charles W.
Hckert loive this afternoon for Hetol
Brighten, Atlantic City Misses Mary and
liessie Harry will go te tlie same place to
morrow. The party will suy until Septem
ber. J. W. Myers, whose tmuie is in Tolode,
Ohie, who has been visiting relatives In Lin Lin
caster and vicinity for tlie past twetity
mouths, has packed his grip and will take
the 10 p. m. train, Tliurslu, ler his Western
home. He has been higtilv pleased with the
This morning Jehn Best, Dr. 1'. l l'rantz
and T. Parke tiuthrie with their-fauilliei
left for Wild tat, whero they will go Inte
camp for a few dava.
Miss Auule Sites, of 1 mentor, is visitiug
In the state capital.
Albert Keur, Who Shut at Augustus lllble,
rrescctiled ler Ijirrenj.
Albert Keur, who is new mjitl ou acharge
orsheotlug at Augustus Itible and carrying
concealed deadly weapons, the particulars el
w hlch wero publlshed in last Friday's Istki, Is also wanted en another charge
He werked during harvesting for Milten
ltoyer, of Hrownstewn, West F.irl township,
and ou Thursday last sud he wanted te
quit work and he was paid oil. He went up
stairs te change his clothes and there being no
ethor person upstairs Keur entered the room
of Gustnvus Wonderlv, the hired man of
Mr. Keyer. and stelo ttn-ri Irem a watch, re
volver, SI In money and n shirt. When Mr.
Keyor read of the urn st et Keur in tins city
for attempted murder he -out his hired man
in te see liitu. He Malted Keur at the county
Jail and leund him wearing tlie shirt he had
stolen. Constable . s. Hersh, of West
Karl township, was m tlie 1 ity te-day te get
the watch nud revolver leund in Iveur's pos
session, but Chief Smith told him te have
Wonderlv at the alderman's olllce tomorrow
vvheu Keur will beheird. Tne revolver Is
no doubt the oue stelen Irem Wenderly, but
ns It will be used lu the trill ngalnst Keur it
will net be surrendered te him until alter
the trial.
The 51 jer' Court.'
Iho mayor dlsposed el a number et cises
this morning. Daniel and Llrle Stewart,
colored people, arrested for drunken nnd dis
orderly conduct en North street, en Satur
day night, wero discharged with a reprimand
and the payment et costs. The niaver also
IOOK occasion te say mat tne yeiureu itnjuu
must keep better order en Saturday nights
or all would be arrested IT he had te seud the
whele police lorce te that part et the city.
Kd. Mooney, who was drunk but net an
noying anybody, was discharged. Mary
Uvausand Allce Brown wero found te be lu lu
sane aud sent te the county hospital.
Climbed Out "f 11 Second Story Window.
Saturday evening Jeseph Hertinger went
te Dassinger's Fourth Ward hotel te par par par
takoerthofroo lunch set out by the hospl hespl
table landlord. He probably ute tee much, as
he became rather oblivious nnd wandered
Inte the secend story. Going te .1 front room
window he climbed out el It and holding en
te the sill for a uioment he drepid te the
pavement coming down with 11 thud. He
was picked up, apparently net much hurt
He didn't knew where he was but had no
Idea that he had climbed out et an upstairs
window. This should be a warning te the
lunch iiend te eat sparingly.
A Trnlii-l iniiper Captured,
Jeseph Lee, who was "beating" his way
from Hurrisburg te Delaware county, wasnr wasnr
rested by Oftlcer I'yle, of the Pennsylvania
railroad, and tikeu befere Aldertnan Mo Me Mo
Ceuomy. He was let oil en payment of
Made aud Atilgument.
Shirk, tobacco dealer, of North
J. K
- ....
" P. aiayer, 01 tue eixm waru.
. rLi .ateaMjltfcliva V-A ' -
I.V TIllH Htil
(J rent Nerd of ltaln Itepnrted In Knuiuu and
Mltaeurl (Ironing Crep Damaged y
Storm Tlie Ixikkeh Much Knagceniteil
In the Ilimrlrt of Southern Duketn.
Tepijk , Kan., JulylO. ThopresoiitMrouth
In Kansas Is the soverest the stnte has known
slnce lh73. tTnless ralu falls during the com.
lug week, the corn prosjiect will be ruined.
The com Is Just beginning te tassel, nnd Is in
a condition when rain is most nceded. The
last general ralu was In the latter part of
June. Slnce thou tlie weather has been In In In
tonsely het- The eats nnd whent have ox ex ox
ceedod the estimates of the state beard of
agriculture, but from the present outlook,
the corn crop will bogreatly roduced.
Cern SeneiMlj AfTectid.
St. Jesbvii, Me., July 11). Ne rain has
fallen hore for threo weekn. The growing
corn Is being serieusly nflected. The dreuth
soeiiiB te be general throughout all contigu
ous territory, aud if proleugod must result
In great damage te nil farming Interests.
An Average Xlelilnf Oats.
Y vvktex, Dak., July 19. A rovlew olthe
condition et crops througheutSoutborn Dako
ta shows that the damage by dry w oather has
net bcen se great as was anticipated. The
less Is much less than could have been the
case in tlie event of ex tonsive cultivation el
wheat en tlie prairie. Termers lu this county
are harvesting eats and claim an average
Crep Damaged liy a Storm.'
Sm.MivMM.i:, Ohie, July in.. Partners
from the northeastern part of Shelby county,
report great damage te the crops from the
storm or Tuesday night- Ascopeortorritory
flve miles in width by twenty in length was
subjected te ene or the severest hail storms
ever known In this part or the state. All
kinds or crops wero destroyed. Hay, com
and eats were thoroughly beaten into the
A Itatli ami .lenleti, Lever Ilngiiges In Whole
sale liKtiil I'raclke.
Nasiivim.u, Teun., July 19. A sensa
tlenal sheeting affair occurred hore last night
in a light lu which five persons wero injured,
two el thorn serieusly. I. II. Meunghau has
been courting Miss Laura Carney for two
years or mere, l'er a tlme they wero on en on
gaged, but Monaghan being xery jealous an
noyed her se much by watching and fault
finding that she recently breke the engago engage engago
ment. Last night Miss Carney nnd seutn of the
neighbers wero sitting in the parlor singing
vv hen Monaghan entered the room, pistol in
hand, and without a word shot Miss Carney
in thu back. He then shot Jehn Klce, the
ball striking in the abdomen, but was turned
by a button se as te prevent a
fatal wound. He next shot Miss
Carney through the arm. Jehn
Clapp, who attempted te disarm him,
received abullotthreugli his hand. Stepping
iute the hall he then shot himself In the bend.
Ills own wound and that et Miss Carney
are jierlnps ratal.
The atlalr caused the greatest excitement
and there were determined threats or lynch
ing which was only provented by the quick
arrival or the police who carried him te Jail as
quickly as possible. Monaghan Is delirious
aud keeps speaking that Laura's mother made
him kill her by her opposition te his suit.
A (teruiau Immigrant Weman Creates a 1'aulc
In IuMit Cutmttert.
Mvsen Citv, Iowa, July 10, Great alarm
prevails in Corre Gorde aud Werth counties
ever the discovery of soveral cases of small
pox in the townships of Barten, Gralton and
Belau. At the request of the authorities Dr.
A. A. Neyes, of this city, visited the infected
districts and reports that extra precautions
must at ence be empleyed. In the town of
Barteu he found live cases, being that of a
woman with four children, and although three
physicians had previously visited the sutlerer
neither vaccinated thechlldreu. Slxfanillles
were found tn have been exposed in the
township et I nieu, with whom no precau
tions whatever were takeu te pre vent the
spread or the disoise. A similar state of af
fairs was found at Belan aud Grafton. The
disease was introduced by a wemau, a Gor Ger
man Immigraut, about six woeki age aud she
Is said te have beenatllicted when she left the
steamer at New Yerk. Neuo of the cases
have resulted fatally thus iar.
Autl-seclalUU Win.
Ciui vtie, July 19. The Chicago trades
assembly elected otllcers yesterday for the
ensuing year. Thore was an unusually large
attendauce of dolegates, great interest being
felt Inthe election en account of the supposi
tion that tlie Socialists would attempt te cap
ture tue organization, with Hebert Nelsen,
an iron meulder, as thelr candidate ter chair
man. C. W. Hewiin, a cigarmaker, was tbe
candidate of the mero conservative olemeut,
and ou the boceuiI billet rocelvod lOSvotes
te Nolseu's'Jl. The rest of the ofllcers vv ere
also choseu from the anti-Socialist party,
vv ith the exception et the financial bocretary.
A llreee Ctuelti WerUineli'A DImiiUs 11.
Cuii v.e, July 19. The rocent dismissal
of soveral men at Armour V Ca's packing
liouse Is exclting a geed deal of talk among
the workmen at the stock yards. Theso who
hav 0 beeu told te loave are old men who have
net heretofore boeu dismissed when work
was light, as nt present When they were
discharged they demanded the cause, aud
they wero told that they wero "tee geed
men." It Is noticed that theso dismis-ed
belonged te organizations that alllliatcd with
thoKulghtset Laber.
A ?it-Year Old .Murderer beutcuced.
Hvst Suiinuv, Mich, July 19. In the
circuit court Saturday afternoon Jno. Meyors,
who was recently convicted of murder, was
souteucod te 15 years in the state prison.
Meyors is new 70 years of age. The murder
was committed In thiscity May 22, the victim
belng a man at work at Meyors' heuse.
All OM soldier' Sllltlde.
Ni:vv Yum;, July 19. Captiiu Welr, com
manding battery W, tlftli nrtlllery at Fert
Hamilton, committed sulcide last night by
sheeting hluiselt through the breast with a
rille. It was decided that he was temporarily
insane, although he had appeared te be lu
geed spirits during the day. He was IS years
of age aud was a momber el the 7th reglment
when the robelllou breke out. He leaves: n
wlfe and four children.
I'mlrle fires Heming,
St. Lui is, July 19. Plspatches from In
dl m torrltery say the dreuth still contlnues
evor nearly the whele of the torrltery. The
ranges are all xlslbly belng rulned and prairie
llres nre already burning lu overy direction.
C Washington, D. O., July l'Fer
Fastern New erk, Hastern t'ennsyl
van la, and New Jersey local rains fol
lowed by latr woather, slightly warmer,
varlable winds.
Feil Tit.sdav Lecal rains ami stationary
tomperaturoaroiudlcatod for the New Ku
gland states, New Yerk, Pennsylvania anil
New Jersey and slightly warmer generally
fair weather for the District of Columbia,
Delaware, Maryland aud Virginia. The
storm central this morning south of Jackson
ville will meve northeasterly outslde the
t. - .' jifetg tffl '. yg f'l-r Mpfe. .V. -''
A HlorklieIilrrOltrn Berne tloed Ailtlce te III,
AMiiclnte Helder,,
Thore nre a large number of holdersof
Centrnl Transportation stoek lu this city te
whom the following suggestions by a ''Stock
holder" lu the Philadelphia Jit'jMfrer.will be
of, value and Inton st :
The propertyor the company consists of
"11!) railway sleeping cars, lurnlture, bed
ding, bed clothing and apparel thoreuuto
belonging or apiiertalning,1' "their rights,
Interests nnd claims of, in and te sixteen con
tracts" "entered into by nnd botweon the"
company and "soveral railroad companies"
"for nnd lu respect te the use and employ ompley omploy
meot or said ears en and ever the rospectlvo
line or the said railroad comp.inles," and of a
chnrter rrem thu state el Pennsylvania, ob eb ob
talned under the old constitution, containing
Hbernl prev Isiens.
The property is lrnsed te Pullmm's Pal
ace Car company" for the porled or nlnety."
nlne years, they agreeing te pay te the Cen
tral Transportation cenitiany, "their succes
sors and assigns, annually the sum et two
hundred nnd sixty-lour thousand dollars
f?2el,000) during the ontlre term of ninety ninety
nlne years." This amounts te 12 per cent,
per minimi en the capital stock. The only
condition upon which a modlllcatlen el this
lease is posslble, Is the fallure te earn the
amount or rental rrem the preperty. The
contracts, giving oxcluslve prtvlleges te the
cempiny, cover the inaiu line (either In
whole or In part) of the Pennsylvania railroad
from New Yerk te Loulsville and St. Leuis.
One hundred and ulneteen sleeping cars run
ning ev or such n line e-im largely in oxcessof
the rental, and overy year must Increase the
earnings, in vlew et the enormous growth of
the ceuutry and increased use of aloeplng
The alue of theso centnets is simply Ines
timable, and te the Pullman or Pennsylvania
railroad company they are Important, Inas
much as without thorn neither cempiny
could run through sleepers from the east te
Louisville, St. Leuis nud bojend, the con
tracts remaining and destined te remaln lu
force covering portions et the main linoet
read. Morever any expired contracts that
may have been or may be ronewod by the
Pullman cempauy nccerdlug te the terms et
the lease become the preperty or the Central
Transportation company, and the terms or
such renew oil contracts should be open te the
stockholders el the latter.
The recent etrert te modify the lease with
out the consent of the stockholders of the
Central Transiiortatleii company having
lalled, the decision or the 1'nited States dis
trict court having been adverse te the Pull
man Interest, tbere is no resource lelt the
Pullman Palace Car company but te pay the
rental for the jieried et the lease. Although
thocase has been appealed te the United
States supreme court, the chances or reversal
are regarded by soveral ominent corporation
Jurists as very slim. The return of the com cem
piuy's cars by the Pullman Palace Car com
pany Is a matter comparatively easy, but te
reassign and retransfer the contracts Is almost
equivalent te disorganization by the latter
The Pullman l'.ilace Car company may
evon seoure a controlling interest In the
Central Transportation company and yet be
unable te clianue the relations of the two
companies as long as a minority among the
stockholders et tlie latter shall see fit te do de
maud, lr. the courts, compliance with the pro pre
v isiens et the lease aud thelr lull share of the
annual rental.
This ieinl lias recently been clearly de
termined by Judge Wallace, or the United
States district ceuit, In the case of "some
stockholders or the former Oregon Steam
Navigation cempauy" -versus "the Oregon
Kiilwavand Navigation company and Henry
illard" (sxe "Notes or Cases" for June, IbiO,
Northport, Leng Island, N. Y.)
The matter simply reselves Itself Inte this:
That te theso who are determined te keep
their stock and insist en the pavmeut et
their share of the rental tbe stock is worth,
as an investment, as much as any ether guar
anteed 12 per cent, stock by an equally re re
spenible corporation, vv lth interest lreui Jan
uary 1, H5.S0, new ?3 per share, and about f 15
per share from the accumulated surplus.
A HuuioieiM Speech Tint SeU tlie Senate
Laughing and tills Hard.
Washington, D. C , July 19. Heuso
The Heuso resumed ceusld oration of the
fortification appropriation bill. Mr. Han
dall's ouiemlment opposing te roduce from
$500,000 te 5100,0000 the appropriation for the
amendment of sea coast defenses was with
drawn and nuother adopted by unanimous
consent, providing that the guns, prejectile,
etc. purchased, shall be of American manu
facture. The bill was thou passed.
Tlie next business was the consideration of
the Senate concurrent resolution for the print
ing et 20,000 copies of the t'jlrd annual report
of tlie civil sorvice commission. Agrced te,
j eas ls, nays 10.
Mr. Morrison, e! Illinois, Irem the com
mittee en rule", reported a resolution order
ing night sessions for te-night and te-morrow
night, te consider bills from the commlttee
en postetllces aud postreads and commerce,
(brldge bills), and alter Uobate it was
aiun Addresses the beuate,
The Senate then took up the oleomargarine
tax bill aud Vance proceeded toargueagiinst
It. He characterized it as the most vicious of
all the legislation evor attompted In the
sennte; most outrageusly vlolatlve of the
constitution ami et indlv ldual and personal
rights. It was literally "protection gene te
seed." It reminded hlui of what a naturalist
told hliu whnn,as governerof North Carolina,
he liadravered the introduction of black bass,
The naturalist told him that black bass Intro
duced Inte a pond would destroy every ether
fish : " All the hotter," he had said. Hut
thU was net all ; he was told alter they had out overy ether hsh aud frog and
tadpole they turned ou oue auother and ate
each ether up. Se this doctrlneof protection
was the black bass of Amerlcan politics. It
began en this nrtlelu nud that article se as te
exclude foreign competition. The bill would
result net In Darw ln's doctriue, but In the
survival of the unllltest ; because any busi
ness that eame te Congress and invoked the
arm et the law te keep It alive at the oxpenso
of ethor business was unlit te live, and thus
it w as that :
" Protection a batlle ence begun,
Ilviiuvatlifil by hewllnrf Hire te son.
Only count be fought and vv en
f.. ...vt. - 111 nr. aim nf n i.nll"
lly taxing ev cry son of a gun,
He thought beefsleak noeded protection as
well as butter, and Intimated that the sup
porters or the bill w ero lnllueuced by political
consideration ; that butter, llke conscience,
made "cow herds" of thorn all (Great
laughter), The nocesslty el "grease" te
carry the state of New Yerk two years honce
was what nflected them.
Mr. ISutler ellered an ameudmeut extend
ing the prluciple of the bill te wines and
liquors which Mr. Miller moved te lay en the
table, remarking that he had learned from
the commlttee en appropriations that If this
bill were out el the way the appropriation
bill might all be disposed of and Cengress
adjeuru next week. Te avoid cutting oil de
bate, howevor, Mr. Mlllroensented te with
draw his motion aud r. O y addressed the
Senate lu opposition te UebU .
Mr. llurrls also oppeseu liebll' and moved
te amend se as te prohibit ue gal' of oloo eloo oleo
niargarluo within the District 1 1 Columbia
or the territories, unless it was dlitluctly
marked as such. Further than this Congress
could uet ke. Yeas lb : nays 32.
Heck argued against the bill, and rjuoted
Shermau, Ingalls, Havvley and Hale lu oppe-
..11.... a n i.iuiii-n ivrnimtiil ItlQi Vftfll" in Ulin.
press vvhlte wlne vltiegar j Cengresi might
aswollutidertako te protect the breeder et
horses ngalust the raising or mules, coal
mines against the competition of natural gas
Tire frenchmen Urovreetl.
H01.VOKK, Mass., July 19. A beat con
taining live men was capsized in Meedy's
cove, ou the Seuth Hadley falls slde of the
rlver yesterday altorneou. Twe Freuclimen
named Frank llovelat, aged 20, and Hemer
Uerrard, aged 22, were drowned.
I'.lTecl, nf a Itlg Mew oil tha Atlantic Ce
TnuMferrliiB riengeri at Night Frem
One 1 te Anether OentiiMf of
the OMcen ami l'sucnier,.
Woens II01.L, Mass., July 19. The steamer
Onte City, of the Savannah line, went nshers
In a fog nt 7 o'clock last night en the went
end of Nnushen island. Thotstenmor Mou Meu Mou
ehansott has Just geno alter passengers this
morning. The stoamer Panther is also
ashere en the east end el the same Island,
The Clate City left Savnnnah at7 p. m., en
July 15 for Bosten with !VJ passenger, 101
b iles of cotton, 5.1,000 melons aud 105 pack
ages of vcgotables. She new lies lu alieut 15
feet et wnter. She had been lu a fog all day
and ler four hours had had her englues
engines stepped, and when she struck she
was going under oue bell and had a man
heavlng the lead. She grounded with very
little shock and thore was no panic. A pas pas pas
souger says :
"The otllcers cauie among the pa.ssongers
and nssured tlicin or thelr sarety nnd prepa
rations wero made te get the steamer into
doep water. Tlie ongines wero worked at
the great pewer te oudeavor te back her oil
but it was of no avail. As the fog lifted a
little we found we were en Naushon Island.
During the night the tug beat ISrewn, of
New Hed ford, cauie alongslde and tlie pas pas pas
songers and most of thelr baggnge were
trnnslorred te her decks and we were landed
at New Bedford this morning. Te show
hew little fright was manifested by the
passougers, 10 of thorn rofused te loave
the ship. At the tlme the tug left the
stoamer she was slowly filling with water
and it was thought that a nole had been
knocked lu her lerward." Naushon, the Is.
land ou which the stoamer struck, lles en the
north Hide ei Vineyard sound, and the
present position or the steamer Is almost
directly north of the Devils brldge, distant
about 11 nilles, the place whero the ill fated
steamer City el Columbus, a slster te the
Gate City, struck and sunk. Kllerts will be
at ence made te get the Gate City oil" and
If the sea remains smooth, thore seems but
little doubt that the ollert will be successful.
The Bosten tow-beat company's wrecking
lighter, Oak, Willi steam pumps nnd divers In
tow of the Confidence, and C. M.Werlch will
start this ovenlng for the wreck.
Passengers speak lu the highest terms of
the coolness and cournge or Capt. Hedgo and
his ofllcers, and say that It was owing te thelr
promptness that there was no panic.
The Gate City is 275 feet In length, 38f
feet beam, 1,997 tens burden, has compound
ongines or 1,500 liorse-pew er, 1 feet stroke,
steam steering gear, lour heisting ongines
and ene ongine te run a 5,000 candle eloctrle
light at the bow. She has state room accom
modations for 111 cabin, and 30 steerage pan pan
seugers. She carries six metal llfe beats,
two rafts and 200 life proserversi. The Oate
City struck tvv ice, ence in her pert bow and
again about midships, and as she seen settled
the fires wero extinguished.
An examination shewed that a huge
beulder had crushed through her bottom In
Ihomitidie compartment, makluga ragged
hole, 18 Inches in diamoter, through which
the water poured In quantities greater thau
the pumps could discharge. Thurack provel
the savior of the ship by ancherluifTfSr in
position en the shoal and preventing her
Irem sliding oil into deep water and sinking
as had happened te the steamer City of Col
umbus. Ne sea was runulng and tbe wind
was oil shore two circumstances very favor faver faver
able te the ship.
The Gate City wat valued atWOO,000nd-l
lnsured for nearly her full value, She was
built by Jehn Reach, at Chester, Fa., In 1S78
and was rcglstored as Ne. 1, being a slaunelt
and geed sea beat She was bark-rigged and
manned by a crew of 15 men.
l'rogresaef tliel.'ugllli j:iectieua.
Londen, July 19. A sonsatlen has been
caused by the defeat of Mr. Win. O'Brien,
the prominent Farnolllte and editor of
rutted Ireland, by Mr. T. W. Hussell, Lib-oral-Unlenlst,
ler the south division of
Tyrene. Mr. Hussell rocelvod 3,131
Mr. O'lJrleu 3.3S2 votes. The oloa eloa olea
tion took place en Saturday, but the
reault was uet doclared until te-day. In the
last election Mr. OHrien defeated Hen. 1L S.
Mawell, Conservative, by a vete of 3, 135
against 3.3S2.
Mr. H. Kelly, Faruellite, defoated Mr. A.
II. Fester, Liberal-Unionist, by a vote of
1,903 against 1,399. g
Jteasel Krrett's Ahacendliig Clerk,, Ohie, July 19. S. K. Gay,
Pittsburg's ferger, who was arrested hore last
ev ening, was, together with Dau Feete, his
suspected accomplice, turned evor te tha
I nlted States authorities this morning, by
whom they will ba held pending tha arrival
of federal ofllcers Irem the Smoky City.
.VI mils III Crime.
Dutiieit, Mich., July 19 Thes. Fitzger
ald who kllled Themas Qulun In a saloon a
w eek age last night, was arrosted at Lansing.
He admits th& stabbing, says he was drunk
and it was tn a drunken row and that ha
threw tlie knife away and will talk ue further.
He was brought back te Detroit te-day.
The sheeting at Wimbledon contlnues te
U phenomenal. Capt Kigby, sheeting at tha
six huudred yard range, te-day made fifteen
consecutlve bull's oyes.
Henry Search, a wealthy farmer, 7iJ years
old, and his wire, living a mile and a-half
west or Janosville, Wisconsin, were innr.
dored last night ler their money.
The following named fourth-class post
masters wero appolnted te-day for Penusyl
vanla : Gee. Helsluger, Leng Level ; James
M. Mccutchen, Moen ; win. uoieori, V3
ringsten. jy
The secend day of the bl-ceutennlal cele
bration or Albany, N. Y., te-day witnesses a
great street parade, headed by the mayor,
and representing many historical Incidents.
It is reperted irem Mexieetbat Adolfe
Gonzales. Pedro Dalrlv and Tamas. revelu-
tinimrv chieftains ami bandits, have been
entrapped and captured, with most el their
ferces, and are being shot te death as rapidly '
A steam threshing onglue owned by Dillen iffi&S
A O'Hellly fell through a brldga ever Beaa ':-(
creek, tweandahalf miles south of Hudsen, .Ei
Mien., at neon euiuruay, Killing kuk -hv.
O'Hellly and soverely Injuring Jim
neiiy. TUB
nelly. The englne, a new eue, waa Daeuj' jv
unerai izeu. m
t. ii.. AnnrclilsLn' trial Iii ChicaffO te-dar. .
the ixillce elllcers are telling the atery or IM v&
Hill Id K.iully iflled. li A. (;. Unlnnilil. 'A
ISrouemau, te-day filed a bill In equity in tb f
court of common pleas. It is in the nature of :
an amicable suit te wind up the partnership
business of H. It. anil Jehn S. ISrenemM,.
u-lnv wnrn Iii Iho coal business ler anumbMrCMs'
years. The parties wero unable te agree upaii
a settlement, and a master will be appehitea -
te take testimony. f
Contract! Awarded.
ri,T rnnnrtt wMildtlttea Ol
lid pre
school beard opened bias l","""LfT!r
.IIU '."1'...J ..---- n
for Iren lenclng for " "V?r TX
1 nwirilAll II10 1XJUIIM-V . www
iue.??sl.'" fl'VJS te J. W.fttlM AOki
ten contract will be en ered JnUx , Botte W 4
abeve iirtles were tue lowosmiuu" lewosmiuu" lowesmiuu"
.. lel.n Ksal' MetbOT DM4.
Mrs. Kllza WlnWr, who JH
thlS City. try
( a
.-a,1 a
I -vn