Iretfa: te 3te ss- rsr4fQivS5i- . ehz aw Mt Z I I. jV m. j urn i2JSQL H H H HI JSJfLrffi.-T7V .ftm, j. krywy'wK rtamlVtty3WaBX - - ' i , iik i" ijr; s-sr2.--3Mw a.- I lir-jw-'t--i3rMJCT.T'1.1 "y . . .? .j $ V VOLUME XXII NO. SrOIOI OK ItAIN AND HAIL ir iiurwn im AKtutniKAttinui.r in- HKV1IOH ANII llUt.ll It AM Ail K A llrmjr Kllnliill lii Hie tit) Wheat mill linn linden llnnn In llm dniinlj-TeliKtrn llixliy !ul hy llm linn in mill Atiiiiiul lUreillle. There was u heavy storm el tain mill linlt Wednesday afternoon Unit pascd In north easterly dltcctlnn il sheit distance heulli el Ihuully, t'HllliiK tlm tobacco mill rum cou ceu slilerubly and K-utlng deuu llm nuts us llil hi though it riirin nillur Intil passed ever IL Tim linll fall wni nut eiy wlde imr wero llie hailstones very large, tlm largest being aleut the nlenl small marbles. Tlie lull iibpcarH hi iiinn njnirseii inoceuniy inreiign i nun. toga, I'eipieu, Lancaster, West LamMiteraud W'l Lampeter. In 1'eipieA township llm tobacco or l 1 Stener wni cu I, though net veryliadly. Lightning struck ii Itsmsl tr n Hi iiuiiilMHiir UtiullH Hraekblll In West I. him sler, mur Willow Street, mid glancing Irnm thutioetotho pig stye mur by, killed tlve Iiekm nml two chickens, hut illd mil set tire te tlm pig stye. Tint luliumnr Adam (1. (irell, ill tint mill nn Willow Stiect pike, is badly flit liy llm hull. Daniel Llpp, wlie llvei net far Irnm (JrnllV mill, li.ul ,1 aerosol tobacco almost ruined by the hall. Satiiiuil W. Polls, who livesat Wltmcr'M bridge, east of this uit 11 ulse n heavy leser by the hall. Tlm lightning struck Inte tlm Connstega creek near Tell's I Inln, tiinkliifj n H;irrul m irt nml a hlttnlirg light lull did no ether damage. The rainfall In this city was veryheav.y, beginning ulsiiit hull past two o'clock In the altorueuu and ciuitluuisl almost without In termission till sundown. Ne damage was iIeiki oxcenl tlm clogging el sewer llilclM mid tlm partial ImimlHtieii of cellars, and tlm leakage or had reef. Tlie lull of hall Wat net hemy enough te (In any damage. Wllliln a inltu of Strnshurg tlm hail was luiivy mill n number of farmers sullercd l.y IU 'llm tnlucce Holds or Jehn I'. Ilurr, Alirnhmu Weaver, anil Ames Leutiiun worn luilly rut ii, and several ethers mur liimt Mills li.ut their tolmve nmre or lusi (huniiKt'tl. In thevh'lnlly of Torre Hill Ihu f.illet hail Wat tery h(uy ami thti tohmve it Imilly tut. Tlm wheat in tlm IivIiIh throughout thn county, which is liuil up or in Hheckx, was lmill wator-neaktHl. Tlie limkH el tlm imw triiuch ilu hy Jehn It. hiultli Ter tlm new wiwer en Locust Hlrcel, wi'tnc.iMid In hy thu hiuy rain and cotiild cetiild cotiild ernhly ilauiagml. lUstaud Meuth nt ll.iri.nllle tlm hail was ery larRO, auiiiu el tlie Mietics living nr two inclns lunand an Inch In iliauiulur. A ileal et totmccewaK cut te plweH, tlm hiuMust suiliircr.s n hear of hcinc .Jeseph llylcr, .tool Kmp, S.untiel Whltuaml Hauiuel nivler. Their early- planted ten-awn, which lind liecn alrtutly tepixsl, is almost niliml. ThtiHterm ntruck tlm farm of inen II, Mlln, In Wist lj.itniettir, and hailly dam aged his telnui e, together with ml acrmm tlm S.HIIO farm hclmiKhix te t'eustablu IkkIuh. Martin MjIIii'm tolja.'i'e In tlm haiun neigh neigh neigh iHirhoeil is also luilly cut up. I'aul Myers, gate keesir at Wlttner's hrtilge, Is also a sullercr from thu hall. Frank I,, haiulis and Jacob S. 1, mills, el I..unpjter, rufsirt their toUns-e cres liailly damnced, their corn cut and hlewn down and their eita hlewn Hal te tlm ground. At Kellk'H Htallnu, Ittrd-ln-llaml, New Helland and adjacent place, much damage, is H.1I1I te have Uxii done. Telegraph and telepiieuu )lus were Htruck hy liglitnlng, hut no buildings ate teHrted burned. Thu rainfall at Marietta Is mild te Ii.imi Ihs-ii thu hcaWesl that has lallen ler thirlisiu i ears. firfc's .sluihpt iiuti Mrufk liy;liliilii;. During the .storm en Wednesday utter neon tlm tower of tlm Yerk market lime was struck lv lightning and ceusidirbly d im aged. Thu building was crowded Willi marketers ill thu time, and considerable com motion was catlsed. With each heay Hash thu lightning could bu Hecn playing alsjut thu lien of the uilurmr. Ituuk lnr aialliiii ltct. J. .Max Hark In l'cnii'a. HcIkhiI Jein nil. If thure is any class of workers w he ueisl a nratlen, and need le get all llm geed posl pesl bin out el It, It Is eiir public ..cli(H)l liuchurs. They uboe all ethers need te realiire thu lact that acatieu Is meant for recreation ; nnd that diMlullnu Is nut rts'reatmn, but just llm contrary. This truth applies te mental Just as inucli as te physical recreation. Yet hew many make the xeru mistake every xuiumer of plunging lulu all manner of debilitating and dunieralllng menial dissipation In the loud belief that they are resting, recruiting, and fitting themselves ler renewed and bet ter work alterwards. In no respect Is this mere commonly dnne than in tlm matter of humuiur reading. Tlieru aru books that Interest ami Instruct, and at thu Haunt liine are most tiuly restlul and recreative; and there are ethers that whilu Interesting, also enervate thu mind, dull tlm moral Heime, Inllame tlm lewur na ture, iloprae and ruin thu literary t.iste. And this latter class Is vastly mero nunier 011s anil mere patron IjI than thu former. Te read Mich trash is a waste of ler any one. Fer tin) teacher It is far worse than u waste of time. Yet just for lv.ic.hHrH who are busy with ether work all through tlm rent of thu year, It Is elten must dlirlctilt te avoid thu worthless hummer llturatuiu, which Is he extensively advertised, nnd te cheese thu mero wholesome. It Is ler their benellt, therefore, as a help te them 111 Miloet Mileet Miloet ,Jtheir vacation reading, that wu give the funus of 11 few boekH which we regard as In everyway adapted for their puriose, and which we can I rem personal acquaintance, receininund te them as highly interesting, resuiii, nun aueguiuur wiioiesomu anil en en Jnyahle. w Tlie renimjltanla lleiiiutracy. loin the l'liilnilclpliia Telegraph. The Democrats of Pennsylvania have, an usual, played a waiting game. Thu Uepuhll. canti held their convention and nominated their ticket a fortnight age; and they did It all lu a Hlngln day, In 11 low hours, lilrh was easily done, as the candidates, with the hIu glu exception el congresstiiau-at-laige, had Imjeii previously Helectud by IIess (Juay and his lieutenant", ami all tlie convention had te de was te ratlly their fcelectleu. This the Ko Ke inillcau inaiuigers felt they could readily and safely allnrd te de, for thu reason that the majority Is he large thai, 110 inalter who was nominated, thelr oluctlen would bu as Hiireil uui'.er the lavish appllualleu el thu party whip. Thu Demeerals belng largely In thu minority, knew they hae no cliance of huccess except hy iiemlnatlng u phenomen ally strong ticket, and by taking advantage of any blunders which their epHinentH might commit. They therefore taku timu te con. aider what they w III de ; and it may be coutl ceutl denlly assumed that their candidates will bu selected for thelr popularity, their jiewur tu command vt-H, and net because they ure this or that leader's henchmen or favorites. The DouiuemU will iiomlnate a governor with whom te win, and net oue with claims or bosbeV preferences te sustain his. aspirations. Ouiilruit for llrhlcrs Ananled. TIiIh morning tlie county conimiasienors awarded the contracts for building two Iren bridges. The 01m will hoever the Coeallco crock near Kuamslevvn. The supurHtructiire was awarded te the. Columbia Ilridge com pany, of Dayton, Ohie, which was; rupro rupre benled by Mr. Uauilull, at f 1.1.70 per limul feet. The nuisenry was awarded te Kreokel A- l.iclit, of tills city, at W per perch. The ethur brldge will be across tlm t'ouo t'euo t'oue wlimocroek at Weml'H mill. In KitlUin town- uliln. Tliu contract was awarded te KlUs MuMelleu, of tills city, who will de all thu work for (517. Ilefere the Slayer. This morning the mayor had thrce customers. One, who was drunk and Insult ing te peeple en Wast King street, anil was picked up by Ofllcer Keerlch, was sent te the workhouse for 30 days te break stones. Anether cot twenty-four hours In the Maiieu house, and a third was discharged, as he did uet have a very serious lead en. li(IH. I'A M 0 UN VKI I.! It A .11 Tlin,1liiaKBWIilrli Ihliiriuel I'rrnlilrnl l.ltiiulii of !' Hiirrrmlpr. Klein the HI. lands (llebivlii'iniH;rat, A fuglllvu newHp,iH)r clipping slates tlmt lieu. Iliideiiii claims te Iihmi ehtalned Kisses Kisses kIeii of (tun. (1 rant's celebrated A pponnitlex dispatch hi n peculiar way. Thn slery, which Is Mid lelmvn been related by Men. Ilnleau himself, It Is te the ellis't that lieu. (Irani, idler cencluillng tlm terms of surrender wild (leu Lee, nudilenly remeinbered tlmt 1m had net untitled President Lincoln of llm milieu der, and asking ll.nleau for his note hook, wiotethi) famous dispatch. It was further hlateil that lladuiiu asked permission le iu I ilmed thu original copy, te which (ieneral Wriint assenleil, mid that ndiiplic.ite was then and there inade, which was handed te the telegraph osjrler. (Jen II idem ret lined the original. U. V. Ijivertv, tlm oisiraler In iiuustleu, Is new employed lu'thu nillcu el llm Camden .ceiiuii I'elnirmn, Ills version el the story Is tllltercnl from that el (Ieneral Ilndeiu,aml Is an lutereslliigserap el history. "I hae neMir Hisikeu alsnil any of these mutters since the close of the war, but I fie- fluently see Just miicIi huicciirate Merles In print," Maid Mr. I.aerty, "and ellen feel tempted Incorrect tlielil 1 reineinlsu Ihu elrciiuiNtance or which yen mhmiU very ills tlmtly. I had been detailed ler duty ns lel lel egrapli operator mi Urn. Omul's Mali mid traiiHiiilthsl all thn' telegraphic eorrespon eerrespon eorrespen deuce relating le tlie surrender. I must say I doubt whether lieu. Itadeau ever inade this statement, although It must hernnfesscd he has never denied It. He was prisent. and Is, of course, familiar with all the details, hotice he could net have Isjen lulstakcu alxillt Hllcll nil Important event. I had been wllh (Ien. llriuit continually from tlm night we led the trout (Petersburg; until thu night el that memorable day, April 'J, IWk. About II o'clock en the morning el tlm 'llh of April (lull, draut dent me, Willi a number of telegrams addressed te President Lincoln and llm war department, te Hud our wire, which tlm telegraph corps, under Chief of Construction I loran, was fol lowing clnsflly by way el the .Seuth Hhlu rail rail read. As 1 had cimniderabtn trouble t llnd our people, and a considerable distance te ride, I did net return until about I p. 111 The surrender hud then Ihmii arranged, and the general and his stall had returned te headquarters I10111 thu house el Mr. McLean, wheru llie document weie signed. The tele grams announcing and elllclally reporting this event worn addrcssed separalely le Pres ident Lincoln (who vva-S always ssjken of at lie.ebpiarters as lieu. Llnce)iii and te Secre tary .Stanten. They weru all written either by lien, llawilugs or Cel. Liy .S. Parker, Hhe Indian,' who was ( rant's military secretary. They wero handed le me by Cel. Parker. 1 had mounted my horce when I was called back, and, dismounting, wu went tutu tlm lent, (ion. Ur.tiil said le mothathe was very anxious te nvclve replies te the dispatches sent lu Ihu morning, and urged me te make haste with thu pieseut ones. "1 rede te Apiwumtlex htatlen, nlsiut 0110 mile distant, as fast as my horse would carry me, and there leilud our line Just completed te that puinU I euletisl 11 Irelglil car whl h was en the side track leaded with sacks and inaile room for my Instrument. 1 had but llttli) dilllcully lu gutting te Washington, though by a somewhat circuitous loute. Having done he I said, Mere tliesurrender,' and Immediately transmitted thu follow ing : lliiijiAiiTi s ArroMATrex ( . II.. .1 , 1 A in II s, l.i. v Hen. II M. .S'iitua, .S rttarn tij H',j, , r(ni in tun, (in. LeoHiirrendorod the army el North ern Virginia this iittnrnoeu en terms premised by mvi-elf. The ai-ceinpiuying additional correHM)iidence will show the conditions Hilly. I'. K. (Irani, Lieutenant (ieneral. " I sent this and thu nissiinpany lug min agesat l.l 1 p. 111., and at 1. 1. p. in. delivered le (.en. (Irani llm congratulatory answers from President Llm elu and Secretary Stan Stan eon. Straiigelv, tlie line seen alter faded le work, and no business was done (MUiit for several days alter ward. (ion. 1 i rant was greatly pleased with llm Heuily manner in which the btisiueHs had been transacted, as It enabled him te retrace his movements, which he did, going te llurkes llurkes ville .1 unction the next morning, and thence te City Point and Washington. " It lien. Had cull ever stated," ceutiuued Mr. 1-iverty, " that lirant forget te send tlie dispatches until lemiuded et thoemlssiuu, lie makes a great mistake, (ien. draut reMirted regularly every day, and was In constant iiiininiinlc.itien aUnit that time becausu he was extiemely anxious about the iKirsenal Hilety of tlm president. Furthermore, he said te me when I was intrusted witli thu morning dispatches that I hud been very fortunate In getting circuits promptly and Immediately transmitting his messages. He IiemmI that te day oseeiully would Is) no ex ception, as mere than likely hu would be in 111010 urgent need of thu line than uur before. He urged 1110 te make arrangements us near a certainty as possible. The original telegrams announcing the surrender I returned te (ion. (runt along with the replies from President Lincoln and thu Hocietary el war, and sup pose they are among the campaign papers of (en. (.rant." vaviiiii .ZAit run v. 'Iliree Notorious CI) rsi lrs Capltir4it by llm lluriiMhiirg I'tillt e. Ki 1 viikiiitiiwn, July la. -Werd was communicated te thu authorities at Harris burg te the etlect that there were several parties leatlng a few miles Irem here, who worn wanted 111 llarrishurg. Lieut McCauu, armed with a warrant, came down en thu seashore Kxpress, and in company with Mr. .Sel Shank, repaired te thu fccene, where he leek Inte custody Henry Harp, Jehn Palm mid Jehn A. Yingst. There was a young woman hi tliuir company, but she was net arresled. Thern are numerous charges against these two noted characters, the one being the stealing et a let et leather belting, etc, te the amount et ?.'). They had a let of baggage, which was ery heavy. Harp Is wanted in Lobinen. He Is supeseil te have been implicated in knocking down the cash ier of thu Dime Swings bank, two years age, and stealing thu bank's money. Tlie Lutheran Sunday Hchoel, of this place, will held a picnic, in a grove, near town, en llm lust. Mr. J. C Kcdseekur, et this place, and Mr. Jehn Myers, et llaiiihridge, weru apjielntud te examine the condition of the i'.liutsitli i'.liutsitli tewu National bank and (lid their work satis satis lacterily en Tuesday. Thure are at present, about I'JO workmen employed by tlie P. H. K. cemiwny, at the tunnel cut near this place, and they are doing a geed deal et worn at prosenU They are Inking ilebrlH,etc, el) the top, and te-day will remove the Hack, which Is mtuatuil enlhu top, and will connect it with both ends of llm cut. 11 is said that the trains will run ever the top of tlie great bank, in 11 short timu in order tu t-ue trains Irem danger. C. 8. Thunmiii, of the Carlisle ticnlxncl was stepping iu town en Thursday. jiuculi'i's Werk ler Ireland, Lancaster lliiinch Ne. 001, Irish Nutlenal League of Amurica, has collectod ('J,0.i,.i.,i for the Irish cause, the forwarding of which has been already noted In thee columns. This morning President H. J. Housten received this gratifying letter from President Patrick ICgau, et the National League, Lincoln, ieurasKU : Lincoln, Ni:n., July 10, Is.s.1. H.J. Housten, A'j'y,, xmruiier, lt. DkakSiu: 1 beg te ackuowludge reculpt of your favor el the '-!lst ulL Your branch has denu oxtraeriliniiry giasl work during tliu short timu it has been or er, and tlie .eal and enthusiasm shown by the members and poeplu el your town is weitliy ol'tlie gisul cause. I lemaln, Yours xery truly Patiuci; Kuan. Prust. I. N. L. Died lu llArrUlmrc, lUizubetli Lgle, wlie of Jllnim Kgle, of Harrlshiirg, who died thure Tuesday uveii. lug was n most ostlinalile lady, whose lire work and example were full of geed deeds and valuable inllueuce, Hhe was a natlve of Lancaster county, born near Mt. Jey, her maiden name being Myers, and was married te Mr. Kgle lu 1&-)1. Karly In Ilia the de ceased became a momber or the Ilofermed chinch, la which she reumlucd u lalthlul member. TO KKDUCK TI1K SUItl'J.US. TltK IlilUltr. I'AHHKH TIIK HKHill.VTION AFTKK A II HAT Kit I) Kit AT K. Ait 0nrwlieluiltii; Majority In Patorel Ketletun liilC t'nllnl HUIps llemts With All Hurplui nlUr hi Ihn Trranury llryeml 9KM),. -Hid Viita In imiall. When tlm Heuo went Inte commltlee or lliowheloou Wodiiesdsyfor tlmceiisidcratinn el thu surplus resolution, Mr. Morrison, el Illinois, ellered this amendment: "Tim surplus or balance herein referred te shall be the available surplus ascertained according te Ihu lerm of tlm state ment of the United .Stales treasury, of Ihu as wits and liabilities of tlm treasury of the United .stales employed June 10, IVH" Mr. Hewitt, or New Yerk, leek the lltsir In opiesltlou te tlie resolution. Thogeutloniau from Illinois based his advocacy el tlm roso reso rose lutionon the saving of Interest. Assuiillug that J7 .,(100,001 was tlm amount which would huvote bu paid mil, llm Having lu interest would Isi about two mid a iiarter million h. Thegenlleuiiin s.ih It would Irem the treasury JIOO.oeii.iuki which would go Inte the channels of trade, giving employment le 100,0() men and supisirt MJO.nix) pisiple. The genllemau was loe familiar with tlm principles which governed bulness net te knew that irthls net should Impair publie oenlldenee, the saving of fJ,ZW,(H)0 would be 11 case of Having at the spigot and wasting at llm hillighole. In stead et giving einplev liieut te lOn.OOO 111011, Ino.ueo moil would be dismissed Irem em ployment en tlie very llrst day (hat the pub lie realised that under tlm action el tills reso lution tlm stability et Ihu treasury was Im paired and Usability te Intel Its obligations was undermined. Such a consideration as thn Having el two and 11 Uarler millions was trilling in comparison with tlm danger and disturbance which would result ir tholin.m thelin.m transactions or the government were se riously Impaired hy thu deratiens el thu resolution. Tlie treasury was a bank of issue, a hank of iles)sit and a member of the clearing house. It could net disregard, il It would, thu ceudl linn el tlm money market. Since thu reHUiui reHUiui tlen or specie payment tlm euntry had had a long era of 1 asy money and It had been an easy task te keep the treasury In a strong condition. It would be an easy task new bill for thn fact that f J, soe,nt) In silver was iMiured Inte It monthly, thoeileclef which would be te dne in greenbacks or geld out of thu treasury. The assoclateil banks had inade common ciusu with tlm tr (usury iu preserving a geld basis, and tlm normal con dition el things had been restored and the treasury wss new iu a comlertablu condition. New It was pruposed te limit tlm discretion which had been exercised by Ihu treasury department since thu resumption of specie pa incuts. lu conclusion hu summed up ills objec tions te the lesolutten. I'etir meutlis alter Its pissngu thu country would be brought back le the condition iu which It had Isjen en tlie llh of March, Ism, and geld would hu withdrawn Irem circulation. The mo ment that (xTiirred millions or men would leso thelr dully employment. Then a demand would come loigreonbi'.'ks, and thu lung struggle for a sound currency would end 1 11 Hat money. i:miai.i. ai issi i:virn in.wiir. Mr. K.ind.ill, of Peutisy lvaula, said that hu listened with close attention le Ihu gentle man Irem New Yerk (Mr. Hewitt), and he wished tes.iy, with gteat respect, that he did net liuil that tlie iiK.ileel Hgiiriug which he h.nt acquired Irem llm arithmetic Justilled the dangers which thu gentlemen had appre hended from thu passage et this lesoliitien. This was net a silver iiiestleu at all. It was a ipiestieu whether we had tlie money iu tlie treasury undispesed el, ami against which thoie Is no legitimate claim te tlie extent et lllty or seventy million dollars, that might beused iu liquidation et the public debt. Cengiess pressed, under tills resolution, te de J 11st what it had done when it had reduced thu publii debt Jl,'.:oe,ni)o,0o0; just what was denu when forty-four and ii'-hill miiliuns weie Httil in en account el the sinking fund 111 tlm last liscal jear. He kuuw el 110 Isjtter way el m ilntainlng the goveriimeiil credit and strengthening it than hy paying its interest-hearing bends and indebtedness. That was the way It had been done, lie did net object te thu reser vation of MiK',uiiiiii te soeiire tlm green back ciicul ilieii. Ihu money was iu Ihu treasury. Thu ioiert of the hecretary of the tretsury showed that it was there, and all that wasasked was that that amount should be paid out in liquidation et thu public in debtedness. That was what a business man would de , that was what the government hud done, and why, he asked, was there all el" this scare at this timu "' Why, w hen theru was a suggestion nt thu propriety el paying hlly or seventy million dollars et thu public debt, was there this danger call and signal ? Thure was nothing In it. It required only leu millions te meet the first pivinent, and tlm greenbacks would llnd their w ,13- back into the treasury within ten days. The silver coriilicatcseoino back lu larger quantities within six days. Hu t It assured tiiat w itliin tlm next thirty days tiller the ilrst payment tlm receipts Irem cuslemsand otherseurces would put enough money iu thu treasury te handle another ten millions of tlm debt Just as tlmy had Ii. nulled thu lirst ten millions. Mr. McKlnley, et Ohie, said that tills resolution, coming as it did li mil thu l)uie. cratic majority in oue brunch et tlie govern ment, addressed te a Democratic executive iu control of another branch, was, te say the least, exceptional and remarkable. Ii was a preposition te compel the president of the I'uiled States and the secretary et the treasury todethat which they always had thu power In de ; te de that which they new hud authority te de under section J et the act of March .), lvil Tlm administration that Is iu accord with thu cemmittu that ro re jsirted thu resolution had been 111 power six teen months, ami when it hud come into power en the stitute books was the follow ing sectien: "That the hecretary el the treasury may at any tluie apply the surplus money in thu treasury, net otherwise appro priated, or he much thoreot as he may con sider proper, te thu iiurcliase and redemp tion et United Status IsJiids." Mr. ltued, of Maine, iiiaiutalued that the foremost iluty el tlm treasury et the luited States was te maintain public conlldence, and socureu linn basis ler the sound busi ness of the country. Tim saving el one or two millions n year at tlie uxpeiiHu et the business interests el the county was tee silly te be maintained by grown men In trusted witli power, mid living under the obligations under which congressmen lived. Ilorelerred te the fact that the resolution had been brought in at 11 iatu stagy of the session and h.iw In that fact a mere political gaum, Tlie Democrats thought that they could pass it ill thu Heuse at a timu vvlien thu Senutu was busy iihju appropriation hills and could net act upon It, and that It would thus oscape the vutoeftlm president. Theu limy could go te the country ler the second timu with a soeoutl edition of thu story they nun 111 1110 i.isi campaign ei a Miio,iuiiluue sur plus. Mr. Morriseu closed thu dehate Iu support el the Joint resolution, Tlie auieniluient ellered hy Mr, Morrison was adopted without division. Tlie Joint resolution was thou lussed yeas, -07 j nays, i!7. TIIK VOIP. IN DUTAlh. T'iu following is tlie vote lu detail : Yeas Alten, of Mississippi ; Andersen, of Ohie ; Atkinson, llallentlne, ItarkHdale, I tar lies, Harry, lleuiiett, lllunchard, Illamt, llluiinl, U03I0, Bragg, llreckeiiridge, of Arkansas ; llreckeiiridge, et Kentucky ; llrewne, et Indiana ; llrowne, of Pennsylva nia; llriiium, Humes, llurrews, llynum, Cabell, Caldwell, Campbell, el Ohie; Cand ler, Cannen, Carloteu, Calchlngs, Clardy, CleiuenlH, Cobb, Coinpleii, Cenger, Cooper, Cowles, Cox, Craln, ( rlsp, Cioxten, Culbert Culbort Hen, Curtln, Cutcheon, Daniel, Dargau, Duvlilsen, of Alabama ; Davidsen, et Fleilda j Deckery, l)er03', Dougherty, Dunn, K1I011, Kldrodge, LUsberry, Lrmentreut, Kelten, Fisher, Feraii, Ferd, Ferney, Frederick. Fuller. Funsten, (lay, (ipddes, (Hbsen, or Maryland ;(llllUlau,(ilass, liell, (Jreen, or New Jerse3'; (Jreen, of North Carolina s Gresvener, Uuenther, Hale, Hall, naisuii, unrris, riaicn, iiemiihlll, lleuuor lleuuer lleuuor beu, of North Carolina j llephurn, Her Her bert, Ileruittu, IHU Hires, Illtt. Hoi Hei man, Helmes, Hepkins, Heward, Hudd, Hutten, Irien. Jacksen, Jehnsen, of Indiana; Joluiben, of North Carolina; Jenes el LANCASTER, l'A., THURSDAY, Alabama 1 Jenes, or Texasj Kelley, King, Klllier, iJirisin, iHlolletto, Laird, 1 Wil liam, Jjawler, LoFevro, Love, levering, Lewry, Lymaii, Markliaiu, Martin, Matseu, Miiyhiini, MuAilen, MtCemtts, McCrpary, MoKeniui, McMnihi. Mcllae, Miller, Mills, Mellalt, Morgan. Merrill, Mur. rlsen, Merrow, Murphy, Neal, Neuca Nogley, .Nelsen, uUm, O'Neill, of Missouri lOulhwalle, Payseu, I'fs-il, perklns, erry. I'oters, PetUhone, Pldceck, Pindar, Plumb, Price, llandall, lleagaii, Held, el North Carelina: lllemrdseu, Itlggs, llomeli, 1 owell, Kyan, Sadler, Havres, Heney, Ses sions, Shaw, Singleton, Hkinnnr, Snyder, Howden, Springer, .Shililnecker, Stoelo, .Stevenson, StOWIirl. of Texas ! SL Mnrtlll Hlone, el Kentucky , .stone, or Missouri ; Sterni, Strait, Struhle, Swepe, TarHiiey, iiiioei-u, .;, .i. layier, or letiiiussee: y.ach, nor, of Missouri; Weaver, el Nebraska: woaver, or levvaj Welllsirn, Wheeler, Whlte, of I'rniiNylvanla ; W'hitoef Mlnnoseta; Wllklns, Wills, Wilsen, Wlnaiis, Wlse, Wol Wel ford, Woedbiiru nnd Wortlilngten. Nays Messrs. Adams, et Illinois; Alten, of Massachusetts ; Maker, llclinent, Iling. iium, llllss, Hound, Heutelle, Duck, Hunnell, Hiirlelgh, lluttorwertli, Felix Campbell, of New Yerk ; T. J. Campbell, New Yerk ; Cainpliell, or Pennsylvania j Cellls, Davis, Dibble, Dingley, Downey, Dunham, Kly, nvans,Kverhart, Farquhar, l''lndlay, Floegor, (ireut, llayden, Hanes, llewilt, Hlestand, Hlscoek, James, Jehnsen, or New Yer Ketchatn, Lelilbach, Llndsley, Little, Iieng, Maheney, McKlulay, Merrlman, Millard, Milllkeu, Mitchell, Miiller, O'Neill, et l'enn sylvanla j Oslsirne, Parker, Payne, Pierce. Heed, or Malno ; Kice, Jlei'kwell, Hawver, Seymour, Smalls, Simmer, Stewart, or Vor Ver Vor meiit ; Stene, el Alassaehusetts j Swinburne, I ke Tayler, of Ohie; Walt, Welsir, Westand Wliithig. The Joint resolution will new go le tlie Semite ler Its action, and If agreed te there, will requlre the president's signature bufore it boceiuos a law. HU3II. niAlli)ll 11018. Srers il tlie (lames I'layed en M'ednrMlay, t'-jiivlrrti Chilis l,ijrta le Hie tVCMtarli, Thu Smiths seem te be great short steps. Pittsburg mid Brooklyn each havu oue that are hard te beat. Shomberg is already 11 big faverite in Pilts hurg. His home run 011 Tuesday was thu llrst made by a liumu ph'er en their own grounds. Cincinnati players are great home run get ters. They have made twunty-euu se lar this season. Jonesaud Kuilly are the long hit ters of the team. LoulsvlIIe will lead the Association as bat ters if they keep up their terrific work with thu stick. It is true the Athletic management charged Core3- $100 for the ue et thu grounds ler his benellt, and It Is also true that Messrs. Shar slg, Masen and Simmons made hlui a present et JJnO two mouths age, and bought $0u worth of tickets te hlsbeneht. llecker says sliding pads are Jenahs. He wero them In three games and did net get a hiL Smltii, the late a. iiiisitieii te Detroit, um pired thn gaum in Kansas City 011 Monday in llicalisemsiefaiii llicial umpire. Hisdecisiens disgusted tlie l,.no peeple prescnt, as the3 the3 were all favorable te Detroit. Yesterday 'sAssis-iallun games resulted dis astrously te tlm Lastern teams. They xvore as follews: At Pittsburg : Pittsburg I, Mets I; at Cincinnati : Cincinnati,), Itroekjyn 1; at Louisville : Louisville ,, HaltluioieO, at St. Leuis : St l,eiiis '(, Athletics 1. Yesterday Detroit deleulcd Kansas City 1)3" 17 le 1. Chicago dewnisl St. Leuis b- ii te " and New Yerk get nwiiv with Washing ten l3' 7 le 2. Itaui pre vented the Philadel delphl.i Hosten gaiiie. Herner, lermeriy .1 pilcliei with Trenten, is new en the Hochi -ter club. He has wen the last twelve games that hu pitched. Hechester is the lsat drawing team iu thu International League. Tlm Mels only hail oue hit oil Ilandihoe, of PittHburg, yesterday and tlm Smoky City men played without a Helding error. The Danvilleand ilkesUirrucliihsplajed a game which was tie ev te. at the end et thu eighth inning jesteni.'. Thu game was then called te allow the v isiters te catch a train. The Scianten defined Mtoeu.i l3' t te 1 3-eslerda3-. Heckor is pitching nee tull just new, and Baltimore had but two h Us oil htni yesterday. Ktlrey was lilt six tunes. (ireer, late of Haltimere, was signed by the Athletics yeslerda3-. old .loe Start, who was released by Baltliic re at his own request, will also bu secured. 'Iho Athletics and 1 iiicuiuatiopen iu Phila delphia Saturday. Merrill, of the Hnsteiw, M3n Mctiuire, or Philadelphia, is tic List catcher in tlie League. Ho-denlaus want t see Detroit get the championship, but tic hope that tlm lessen taught them by the ( lu ige. will at leist have the elleet el taking thu swelling out of Walkjns' head. Tin v likotlie Isiys, whearu great laveriUis In Hie " hub," hut they can't stomach the inauagei, wlie acts, they say, as If he wen thu games uul ought te have, the credil, net tlie pl.wers. MM,.. M.irl.l.,.. .,1 t tlie K.utern League has disbanded Itudbourue has been doing wonderful work with Hosten, and the baiting el Wisu has been heavier than ever before. The Portland club, 01 which Harry Hk)11cu is manager, has roll. iscd Hickman, lermeriy et thu Ne war lis. llriseuham, Iho big nrsi lusemait, who was oue time oil the Anthracites et Petlsville, is playing in L.ivvren. e, M iss. WashiiiBteu has wen but two games iu a mouth. A Jl (itA J' .III I I.KTTKU. IliRpettleu el the 1'lre rings llnrlllngs I'looil I'leoil I'loeil sl liy (lie II till. Mei'.nt Je, Julv I . Jehn O'ltrien's circus is billed te txhiint hereon Saturday the 17th. On Tuesday allerii.H.u Win. Kuhn, super super super intoiident of the Ml. I ey water works, In spected the lire plugs te put them in working order. They are 111 proper condition should thore be any neces- te use thein. This inspection takes place em e over3-mouth by order et the lire ceinmitti e el council. The school beard is having tlie inside of tlie school house en Marietta street repduted. II. (. llergelretli is manufacturing wash boards, etc, etc., at his place of business oi ei oi peslto Seheek and llosletter's J'ard, 0.1st of the P. It. 11. passenger hUUeii. The steam lleurmg mill of .Messrs. Hraiidt .t Manning, opposite tlie P. K. It. passenger station, is kept running day and night lu onler te HU)il) thu Incratsing demand for their famous brand ei Heur, "Tlie Koller King." David D. Smith, w he several weeks nge weul te Wichita, Kansas, Intending te make that place his home, returned te Mt. Jey Bonie days age, being thoroughly disgusted witli that portion el the West. Last evening Mt. Jey was visited by an unusually heavy rain. At several places en Main street thu water almost entered private (lwelllugs. Delta street, between Main and Marietta streets, Is totally under water, terming a regular lake. Hermit Castle, Ne. uO, Knights el tlie lieldeu Fugle, en Monday evening Installed the following otllcers : P. C, II. K. YeuU ; N. C, W". H. Harnhart ; V. ('., J. L. Itrone Itrene inau J H. P. Kev. (i. . Oct. ; S. It., 11. M. Stokes ; V. II., II. U SUger ; W. C, C. II. Scheck J bard, II. C. Hriiuuer ; esquire, C. il. Cassel ; 1st guardsman, I'. 11. (I. Itheads ; -d guardsman, N in. Scheliug. i:iui-lcd rrliitlpal el Mount Jey Si limit. Mount Jey's borough school beard en Wednesday evening elected A. li. Hew man, principal of the public schools ol'tlie borough, te taku the place of S M.YuUy, resigned. He is 11 single young man, -1 years old. He taught as assistant a lull session two years age and part el last session. He was Inter ested linanclally iu 11 hardware llruiiit Steel Steel ten that failed, and hu went from Mt. Jey te attend te their business. Alterwards he taught ter an hlle at Stoeltou, ami had the premise el a school there for the coming soaseu. He moved from Mlllersville te Mt. J 03. Dculci at I'euryn. There was botweou COO and 700 poeplo at i'enryu park yesterday en the Sunday school excursion irem Washington borough and Columbia. Te-day St. Jehn's Lutheran Sunday school Is at the park, and they took a goed-sUed cxewtl. 1 ayjer, 01 - ennessee ; Themas, or Iscensln; Thompson, Throckmorton, Tillman, Town. Hhend, Trigg, Turner. Van F.nten, Wnde, Wakolleld, Wallace, Warner, of Ohie; War- JULY 35, 1880. TIIK KNGUSIL COALITION. AHICAMtll.Vtl lit llll-IIIK inn lluxeiti OF TIIK UNHMIHT IIVTUItt. A CuimrMMtlm OrKiin Ueiirrili'n NtlUliury llm I'rrinirrslilp, Hut llilnkn lliirllngtiHi IMut He I'riMiiliKMit .linitiitrr of llm rseir BlliilKtry Uliat Ders lis Say'.' Londen, July 15. The fiUimlurd (Coin servatlvej lu a". lender reviewing tlie rosultel tlie elections, says : " Considering the rela- nve streiiglh et llm jmrtle", Lord Salisbury must Isi the natinal head of tlie new governinent. All Conservatives, how hew how evor, who prlu thu triumph which tlie Conservatives ami Liberal-Colonists hae wen together, wish te hce Lord .llartlngten becomea proiuliieiitiiiemlwrof themlnistrv. They also doslre te have tlie I nlenlsts fairly and rully represented. Cnless lajrd Salis bury adduces a conclusive reason against tills arrangement we are sure that it is thn one which the country will best understand and which will cemmend Itself te the com mon setise el tlm electors. If Lord Harthig Harthig ten's followers are willing we are sure there are no lnsuorub!e dllllcultles iu the way." I'p te I p. 111. te-day there had loeu .1 uet Trey ami Cnienist gnin of la tiii: VOVHTHY .1 WHEAT viter. A Might Impairment el the I'riippeit, II11I n lleiiiitllul crepAMared. Ciniinnaii, ()., July l."i. The Vice Cur rent le-da3- says: "Since July 1st theie has tsien a further inipilrnient Iu the condition et spring wheat in many districts of the Northwest. Hut this docs net apply te the entire breadth lu this growth. Our calcula tions made thu outlook en July 1, as U.,000, U.,000, U.,000, uoe bushels j enu statement of the sta tistlclau of tlie department or agricul ture implles 111,000,001), anotlier 1.I0, OiX),(KX), while the logical application of tliodillerenceiu ropertod average condition ineatis 1L7,000,(H)0. All things lousidered we see no geed reason for considering the pros pres ent situation as premising less than LS,0ie,00i.) and net Impesslblu te reach -110,000,000 or mere. In the Ohie valley region theru have been soiue rains the past week and at a row l)lnLs In the I pi3r .Mississippi valley, but most of the territery west of the Mississippi continues without rain and generally iu much need of It This is awakening con siderable cencern iu regard te the corn crop iu llioae sections." Vll KA TKlt Tl K 1.MUAS.1 sneeplng Charges Minln .tgahmt AIU higitii l.liiiiheriilrii and Suits Ilreiiglil. Dm KetT.Mich., July 15. Thesultsagalnst trespassers en Indian lands iu this statu have been liegiiii at the Instance el Mark W. Stevens, apiHiinled last lall as ludiauageiit at Mackinac, who charges seme of the most prominent lumbermen iu Michigan, with ha iug fur years systematically cheated ami robbed the Indians of Michigan and the 1 ulted States government or extensive tracts of valuable tlmlier lands. Titles te hoiue laud has been secured irem thu Indians by for fer for ger3" or while the Indians were drunk. Stevens s.iys millions et feet eftimlier have been cut Irem vacant Indian lauds. He says there is a strong combination of land and timber Heeiil.iiers wlie have unquestionably stolen valuable Umber en these lauds. The suits already begun are ter sums ranging Irem feOO te $j,000. Summonses ler live suits have been served, and evor ready losgrve. IhS Tire III .1 len.l 'IfMlll. Wvir.ui.oe, Iowa, July la. . destructive llroeocurred at Cedar Falls yosterday.eausod b3' the explosion el acauef gasuline iu Hum. ber A Ce's oil I10 u se. The llames coui ceui coui iiiuuicated with .1 row of Irame slriictures ami iu a short time the buildings covering hall a block were burning. Tlie lire department was enabled te check thu Humes, The two steamers were sent Irem horn. Several buildings were burned, and two business blocks badly scorched. The less was feO.OOO. The run with thu lire ougiues Irem Waterhsj was inade 011 the Illinois Central, 7 miles, in 7 minutes. 'Iho Prehistoric Meuml-ltlilliter". Fa we i, D. T., July li It has net hith erto been siips)sed that any of the work el tlie prehistoric iiieund-buildeis was te be ieund in northern Dakota. T. 11. Lewis, an arch.i-oligistei St. Paul, has openod a mound near thu abandoned Fert Ambercombie, 10 niiles south of l'arge, and Ieund many speci mens of ancient iH3tter3- and stoneware, and Is new at work upon large mounds upon the Wild lllce, 10 miles south of Farge. He ex pects interesting discoveries. I 11I011 Carpenters I'lul.t Noii-tliileus. C1111 aiie, JuPy I j. -About JOunioiicarpcii JOunieiicarpcii JOunioiicarpcii ters rushed iiue thu nuvv building at Camp bell and Oakley iiveuues yesterday and be gai: assaulting the non-union carpouters witli hatchets, saws and ether tools lylijf- about. F.uiit Bent, Anten Andersen and Charles Lusk were i-uerely cut. S. II. Dill, the fore fero fere man, healing the low, rushed te thu stairway audlired aslmtat thu lutiiuidaters and they lied. Dill 111 ed several mere shots at the crowd as 11103' icfL Patrick Sexten, enu of the intruders, was taken into cusled3- but was discharged. A Hunk I'lesiileiit lCilins Ilia It ink, O-vi vii a, Neli., July 1,"). The Duiidv ceun ty bank el Heukleman, Neb,, has faded. Helrer, the prosident, has skipped te Canada, and taken with hliu about fleiywi) lu liuids and securities. Business men ami farmers feel tlie lass greatl3', as 111.1113- have lest tlie last dollar they had. Soveral homesteaders had tliuir all lu the bank, and they have te preve up te-day. Many will new have te abandon their claims. transferred all his avatlable preperty te his wlfe bofero leav ing. Many UCasteru banks ami iirms have lest heavily. ICciiiarkahln x ielil el Wheat. Siti:i,n v ii.i.i), Ills., July 15. Samuel Miller, a farmer living northwest of this place, has Just markoted a remarkable yield of wheat. He had twenty-0110 acres, four nt which averaged as bushels per aero uud the remaining 17 acres averaged a little mero -i bushels per acre, making a goneral axorage for thu til acres et .'10 bushels. Tlie yield througlieut the ceuuty is about 1& bus hels per aero. The Chluene Kegenry. Londen, July 15. Telegrams from l'ekiu state that the Chiuese miiiislry have ordered the imperial beard of astronomy toseloct an auspicious day Iu the lirst mouth ol'tlie next Chlnose year ler the assumption in person of the government by the young Kmperer Kevaugsu. The present regeucy will then cease. ItnuiU's Memerial Chapel. Munich, July 15. Thu queeu dowager of Bavaria, mother of the Inte klng,has ordered the erection of a memorial chapel at her own o.xhhime en the shore et Lake St.iruberg, whom tlie bodies el King Ludwlg aud Dr. Yeu (iiiddeu were found. rmm.xitii.iTiKa, Washington, I). V., July !. for New Yerk, Pennsylvania, aud New Jerse3', local rains, followed by fair weather, slightly coelor, variable winds, be bo be ceming northerly. Feit FitiUAi. llalu, iollewod by fair weather aud stationary temperature, are Indi cated for New Knglaud, aud local rains, Iollewod by fair woather and stationary lemporature for the Middle Atlantlq states' AfHITUKH VltKSIATltty. A I'liiiieua riiyaliliin ami IIN Wile Aglen In I'roiuetn Sunllury .Vleanures. The Issly of Mrs. Cerlnna li. Keen, wire of Dr. William W. Koeu, or Philadelphia, ar rived lu Lancaster at il o'clock thlsaltertusm forcreniHtlou. It was taken nt onre le tlie creinaterliim where it was prlvately liiclnor liiclner ated. Deceased was 15 years of age. The in in in cinoratien was agreed uxm long ngeasntl onceuragoment te s.uiltary measures lit this direction. Dr. Keen, tlm husband of the deceased, I in prominent Philadelphia physician. He was born in ihit clly mid graduated at thu high school, Ilrewu imlverslly and Jellerson medical i-etleee n ,., ,. u., .. 11 the army irem 1m te 1mu, nnd had charge or the Asceiisieu and Ilighth street hespitaPs, In W,iIi1miIii .. ....!... .. - .. ' In I nited Status hospital, lu Philadelphia. Iu IsOl he studied medicine In u10 leading schools el Lurope remaining nhread two it.iiiiuKi'ii niui murM'UUl'UlIY Ol HlO 3-ears. ITfieti his return te Americi he was appointed lecturer Ukmi pathological anatomy In Jellerson college, n iKsitieu that he has held ler 11I110 .vears. The doctor Is new a professor lu Jeffersen collegeand Istlioautlier ela number el works. His wlfu's mnlden naine was Cerliinu Borilen, and her home was In l'all Klver, Massachusetts. They wero married December 11, 1m!7, UKATIt ON TIIK HAIL. An OM.Mun Mrndi llya let lie nml Killed at Muiiiitillle. Jehn Neiss, man aged sovenly-Hovon, was struck mid kllled by extra engine west, Ne. 171, or the Pennsylvania railroad, at the east end of tlm village or Mouutvllle, this lorenoon. Tlm projierty en which the deceased lived is situated along and oxteudod back te the deep cut through which Iho rail rail read imsses. lletweeii lu and 11 o'clock n. in. his wife sent lilm out te empty some potato parings down the rail raid em-baukment- The bucket containing thein fell out or his hand and rolled down upon the track. He went alter the x'ossel, and whlle standing en the track was struck by the 011 011 gine. He was net mangled, but died iu less than a half hour after he was struck. Corener llenaman was notified, nnd he left this city at -1 o'clock ler Mouutvllle te held an Inquest. The decoased had rosided lu Mouutvllle for some years, and bosides a xvife leaves several grown children. One or thein, a daughter, lives at home. Neiss was crippled iu oue et his arms and was a laborer. Cliurrli liniiruieiiieul. The Ciilen Huthel, (Church of Hed,) cor ner el Orange and Prince streets, Is being ro re ro inudeled itislde. The old galleries, old pews and old pulpit, hnxe been lern out. An ele gant new pulpit and circularpowsef nsli ami walnut occupy thu place of the old enes. The gallery will net be rebuilt ; the wall betwoeti theuppcratid lower windows will be tern nut and new windows 11 leet and S Inches iu height will ropiace tlie old ones, ami will be Idled with stained glass. '1 he front gallery, lermeriy occupied by the choir will be rebuilt nnd extended iu an ogee lerm at either end . it will have a very pretty front. The pulpit recess or alcove will also Ihj prettily arched. Thu walls will ba walnscotted for a height of lour feet and will he handsomely p.uuted, as w ill also the ceiling. Tlie vestibule, stairways, and lecture-room will be painted and papored, and the oxterlor of the building will also lie painted. These Improvements are being uiade by Charles W. Hoelt.le, contractor, uud will be liiiHhed b3 the nth of September. Colonel Itililer Krleaned en Hall. Colonel William II. (illder, who would have started ter the North Pole Wednesday morning II he had net spout Tuesday night iu jail, charged with einbezzleing 11 f I,0C0 bend from Delly Adams, "thu water queeu," has succeeded in getting the $1,500 bail de manded by the New Yerk police judge and is new lu tlie hands el his friends, In hoiue unknown place, concealed from the eager search of the ardent Delly, wheis said te have had him locked up because she loved hlrase she could net bear te have him start en such a long mid dangerous journey. The colonel remained in the (rigid BCclusien or the prison until latein thoafternoou, when, at the solicitation of his brother and otlier friends, Charles N. i'anlter.n publisher, went lus bail. It was understood that Delly had a civil writ all ready tecatch the colonel with should he get Iree under tlie criminal chaige. Immediately uixm his release, therefore, In stead of going le his room at tlie Victeria hotel, he was hurried oil' 113- his friends te seme place of rotreat, where the reporter Is unknown and tlie process-server ceases from troubling. Although the lira, en xvhich Cel. iiilder was te start ter the North has lelt New Londen without him, he cm catch her, It Is said, by going by rail te Su Jehns, N. F.,and il has been given out that he xveuld leave New Y'erk for that purpose. At midnight, howevor, his luggagu still remained nt the icteris and no order for its removal had been given. A Drunken Cripple Tries Miliiile. This afternoon Ofllcer i'yle found a 0110. legged man lying In Kast King street. Hu was xer3' drunk and the olllcer nttempted te take him te the station house. The cripple, who had two crutches, Ihhuiiie veiy savage and showed light. Ollicers ltoerlch and Merringer went te the assistance of Pvie, but the nrUouer was uet fright ened by thu reinforcements, and they only seemed te make him mero desperate. He fought the whole xvay te the station house and it was with greatdillieulty that the oMcera get him below. After being locked lu a cell he attempted suicide 1)3' hanging himself. He wero a long leather strap around his waist. He fastened ene end el this tightly around his nis;k and tied the otlier te the iron grat ing of his cell. He was about bidding good geed live te this world when he was discovered, and the strap was taken Irem him. He was ver3- iiiad, and jiesitively refuses te reveal hU name, He leeks like a tramp. freight Cars Wrecked. This morning at 5:15 a. 111. a pair of trucks jumped the track at Keneagy's culvert, west of Kiner's station, en tlie Peiins3ivaula railroad, threw ingsoveral cars oil the track, blockading the track and delaying the News Kxpress about un hour. Albany' Coining Itlg TI1110, At.nvNi, July 15. An immense gathering is expeeted hore next woek en the occasion el thobi-ceuteniilal exercises and the Mardl (Iras lestlval and parade. Arrangements nre being made te accommodate lOO.OOOstraugers. Tlie New Yerk Cuntial A Hudsen Klver, the West Shere and Central Vermont railroads are soiling excursion tickets at low rates from all points along thelr respective reads. A large delegation el Caughawaga Indiana iu costume will arrive here 011 Saturday and remain ler the otitire week. Killed Hie Wrung Man. J.i Kse.Nvti.i.i:, 111., July 15. About two years age tlie rcsidence of a Mrs. McLaughlin was entered uud Mrs. McLaughlin aud her sister was shockingly mutilated witli a knife. A man named Fred Heler was nrrested, and whlle he wasconuiied lu Jail at Winchester, a party ei masked men entered the building aud shot him dead. It is new stated that the divorced husband of Mrs. McLaughlin, dying a low days age, conlessed that he was the as sailant or the women. Heblietl or H,30l. Sn Anieniv, Tex,, July 15. Jas. Carr, a w eallhy sheep raiser, was rebbed of f 1,300 at an early hour this morning. The money was stelen Irem a satchel under his pillow whlle he slept at 11 hotel. round Dead In lleil., Tex., l.-The wife of Dr. McLee, of this place, was found dead lu bed yester day morning. The lady was subject te epi leptic tits, aud it Is supposed she died front strangulation whlle iu the paroxysm of one of these tils. is.iir.ut (juittiug no nu. 11EI.VAHT, July 15, A iew Isolated rows Acctirnil Imrn rinrtnc (ha nbrM. hut their were I nrnmntiviiniirn.ssfii.and thnniivthUmern- iug la ceuiparatlvely uuiet. PlilOE TVO CENTS. TIIK PAYNE IJKIIIKHY CASE. tSVAHIK, J.OUAM A.yil TKI.LKH Till! UK IB NO VABK. ". ? Three Itvperls Irnm it CeiulilllUe A Anmnc ei llrpu!,li,J,igeine HonceB, I'er, :rrect llnly-Nelhlnt ts Iho liieMIRnlliiii8ilrrliea I'nyne. . iy-j W'AslilN(ner. 11. I'. T,ii ir. ...... .'.', Isirts from thncniuinliien.,,, .i..n -j''i elections In reference te the chnrires of l,nivr,?! cry tu connection wllhthoelectlon of Honatet A Jienryn. i-ayne, 01 Ohie, and en tlm ,l,.,.,i a el cillens of Ohie Ter nu inxestlgntleti, were : Kiibuiitted te Ihu Seunte this morning. There nre threo of them ene slgned by Mewn, Hear nnd Frye, Itepiibllcans ene by Messrs. F.varls, Lngnn and Teller, itepubllcans, and tlie ether by Messrs. Pugli, Haulsbury, Kutli and mice, DomecraLs. The llrst recommends an Investigation y tlie Sennte et the cliarges preferrei!, and the two last named de uet think thore is ground ierau Investigation. Messrs. 1 Warts, Legau and Teller, whew report is considered te be the most important, say the examination or the testimony sug gests no support for the conclusion that Mr. I'ayne was guilty of such personal delin quency or turpltude as would Invite or lolerato ills expulsion from the Sen ate for his participation in the transaction which resulted in his election ; that the courseof the BOlect com mittee ofthe legislature in net giving Mr. I'ayne an opportunity te be heard before precludes any Intimation that such a motion was outertniuod for a moment by 'that com cem com lnitteo or the Ohie Heuse of Representatives. " We de net understand, " they say, that any member of the committee en (privileges and elections has harbored or expressed the idea that the testimony takeu or suggested as accosslble or possible, touches the subject of the iorsenal inculpation of Mr. I'ayne." i-HKsiuf.STiAL vt.uaia. Ami Yel Ne hurrenMir el V. H. Treasurer Kyttar, of IMilladelplila. Wasiiinoten, July 15. The president te the Suuate te-day the following nomina tions : Dnpglas W. Tayler, or Portland, Oregon, te be surveyor general of Oregon, vlce James Telinan roslgued. (iilbert I). Williams, of l'oughkeopslo, N. N. Y., le he Indian agent of the Cheyenne ami Arapahoe agency, Indian Territery. Koceivors of Public Moneyu : IAlke A. Hurke, of Ipswich, Dale, nt Aberd"eCrhvJak., vlce lluel 1". Ilutchliisen, term expire Win. (3. Hebbs, of Cassville, Me., at Spring Spring Held, Ma, vice James EtimarM, term ex pired ; James N. Welch, of Detreit, Mich., at Detroit, Mich., vlce Lymau (J. Wilcox, term expired. Commedore James Jutiett, U. S. N,, te be real admiral. Commedore Jehu 11. Itussel te be rear admiral. Captain Jehn Irvvlu lu be couuuedora Captain J as. A. Greor te be a commodore. Cominander Nermnn 11. Farquhar, lobe captain. Cominander Theodere F. Kane, te be cap tain, and a large number of ether naval pro motions. Lewis Williams, of Iloenville, Me., le be a commissioner iu aud for the district et Alaska, te reside at Juneau City. The nom ination of Adelph Lippinan, for said elllce, 1 withdrawn. W. A. Selkirk, of Placorsvllle, California, te be register of the laud olllce at Sacramento, Callteruta. Tin: ,ir in ausuutiini. .11 r. Hiiiulall Aimivers a Mulue Kepubllcan In the Heuse. WxsiiiNoieN, D. U., July 15. Souate. Wheu prayers was ellered, thore were pres ent besides the chair, Messrs. Haniey', Teller and Vugb, nnd Sergeant-nt-Arnis Canaday. After the leading of the journal a number of petitions aud memorials wero presented and referred. Mr. Pugli submitted the report of the com mittee 011 privileges aud elections In the l'ayue case. Mr. Evarts submitted the views of himself aud Messrs. Teller nnd Legan, and Mr. Hear trout the same committee submitted the views of himself and the senator from Malno (Mr. Fr3'e), and they wero all ordered printed and referred te the caleudar. It appearing that no quorum was present, the roll was called nnd hi senators answered le their names. Culling lliem Down '-NX I'erCent, Wasiiinoten, D. O., July 15. S35p. ni' Mr. McMillan, chairman of the committee -en commerco, has moved te strike out all nfter the eunctiug clause la the rlver and harbor bill and lnsert all the Herns new In the bill except that In each case the amount be roduced 25 per cent. In Hie lletme, Wahiunute.v, 1). (, July 15. Mr. Ran dall, et Pennsylvania, chairman of the com cem com mltteo of appropriations, reported a joint resolution continuing lu force until July 31, the prevision providing temporarily for the expenditures of the government Mr. Milllkeu of 'Malno, .wished te be in formed hew many mero of these joint reso lutions would be brought In. Mr. Haudall said "as many as were ' needed." Mr. Dunham remarked that they would be brought in as long as the Senate delayed the appropriation bills, uud .Milllkeu maintain that tlie bills w ere dolayed In the Senaie be cause they had been dolayed iu the Heuse. The joint resolution was passed. lteorganisatleii uf the Denver & lUe Dknvku, Cel., July 15. Judge U oath, of the United States court, yesterday afternoon alllrmed the sale of the Denvor AKle Grande' 3 lailread, as made last Monday, nfter which. :a articles were Immediately filed, with thev,5J secretary ei state inoenoratlng the company . under the name ofthe Denvor t Itle railroad eenipauy. The capital is a,5O0,(jea-2 or wiilcu i;,uw,uuu is common sieck. uim, .. nlghtatameotiugef tlie stockholders, Oeo. v Coppell, Adelph Kngler, IL U. Mlntwin, -' lienrm'l'. Wilsen. Jehn L. Welsh. ThaodeMk' II. A. Treuip, W. S. Jacksen, U. D. Meffattfel wuru cuusuu uiiuuiajje. itv ,uu nujinirv y meiit of the meeting the directors met IMtF . elected W. S. Jackseu president, Gee. Ce'-fj pen vice presiueui, j. it. xiuiuey ireasurer, y -and Wm. Wagner secretary. - -.' -r:. tiiumiiB uu iud ny 10 vviuuidkied -.. Las V uu am, N. M., July 15. Tenclileteaad . three squaws from the Mountains and Ukba- i(j caliua tribes, in cuarge or Capt. J. JX. uem, of the Fourth cavalry, passed through tfcte city yesterday en the train for the Kaat. Cap tain Derst declined te answer any rjuMtieM - ami futlil lin -wn llmlnr ulrfct nrdflftf net tOtflp. vulge anythlug in regard te the party, 'tm 1 would only veuchsate thJ iuleruuttfcHi.'ltiit, the Indlaus were mesUyAlwches and wealft. ,,r.,i,.i,i,.,. ir. xva.iiliicteu and have eee .a sultatleu with thoOreat FaUier. jpj l-relfiht Hal" Iteduced 0 V C.1 n .nn. July li-The Heck lata frolKhtdeirmicut has made an avf ducUen of Wjiercent, In lrelght i3t i Omaha, Including all clusses in the cut Heek Island emciais eianu iui n inrs have been making theae rate for a month past and that It Bettem a gives all shippers the same dv!aiea i were previously bestOTred opefaM favered one. M "Va - s -t; "VVn yJ"., -ai -a'vr a, it- iihtl.1i "