eSESSXB ''0$&t'nW ' mSMN' -n-: MOB LANOABTEB DAILY INTELLIGENCER, WEDNESDAY, JULY 14, 188(5. . ,- .. a' ' - , . i - - :.( 4 - m m. tlr ! 'JfU M i.sV ' - -Pu "T IE Intelligencer BVBBT DAY, IN THE YEAR (Sundav Kxtrpltd.) I A wvn, fitii netuna a tkir, nrrr IAOrrH. U!.1VSD T CARRIERS lKtA- AaD ALL amoise rucu. SAX ft MM . usnut. comflsaieK ailewid te MiAeiirra. TBLmruexE oekicktioit. ift ADVERTISING: BATES: H In. In. ln.j 4ln. Mn. TwDri !. IflH ifill ITui tO 1 3" sn 8W- 7&0 KarlHra. 1 1 sfl fils ,iK' 84S tMl ..... 110 " 110 W '! 9 (&' 1 5" M IO 810 low 5nWMk!... H IMI 7 K 10 BO 13 ! 16B0 TCm TTrrli xe nm loon isse 17 On sew Bdmth..... sbe 700 lloe in oe moo vim VsmVenlni.... 6 0ii loeo i;oe moo 2700 32en Kialfenthi.. eue 11 00 aice wee 3100 MO) JfiTSentha .... son 18 00 wee anon 41 no 5201 PfjTimr 1500 S800 43 00 MOO 6.1 Wl 90 CI The Weekly Intelligencer ; Published Every Wednesday Merninq. If c i HOO A tsjak,1.00er sir Mourns, rtriw or tiic, i ilS.en, akd A cerr frie te Masens cikttish or l"W CICSS. "' ctrtuucareiiDmc seucmtD from kyihy takt or the STATS AHD COUKTBT. ALL AK0MYMOCS LETTBHS P WILL BE OOJISIQWEK TO T1IR WASTE BABIKT. ' Aildrtel all Lfltert and Ttlegramt te : THE INTELLIGENCER, Intelllgenccr Building, Lancaster, Pa. ljc Lancaster 3ntclltgcttcer. LANCABTKK. JULY II. ISM. Curlln's TTIUnlrnnal. The wilhdrawal of Hen. A. G. Curtin from public life will be a cause of deep re gret te men of all parties, who have re cognized his conspicuous fitness for ellicial place. Fer mere than thirty years he has adorned every public station te which he baa been called, and he has shed lustie en the Twentieth congressional district which had the geed fortune te secure him as its representative. There was much regret in the state and beyond it where the merits of the old war governor were known, that Mr. Carlisle did net naine Mr. Curtin for chairman of the committee en foreign af fairs in the present Heuse, but at the head of the special labor investigation committee he lias bad excellent opportunities te put Inte practice his rare powers of diplomacy. His wise counsels will be much inissed in the Congresses of the future. In his letter of withdrawal Mr. Curtin calls attention te an arduous feature of congressional service that grows greater rather than less as the years advance, this is, the demands of constituents upon the tiroeet the representative. There is an er roneous impression with some jeopIe that a congressman is te be at the beck and call Every voter who helped teelect him, and that the public service must net take pre cedence of these private requests. These things are what make congres sional life no sinecure for him who consci entiously endeavors te de equal justice te the public and te his constituency. And Governer Curtin probably thinks he has done enough of this hard work in the past te be entitled te a little rest for the future. An Arber Day Lessen. 1 It is always interesting te knew what ether people think of us, and when their views sound our praises, the least conceited of men cannot help feeling at least a pleas ant titillatieu. Tins thought has been sug gested by a leference te Arber Day, as it was celebrated 111 Pennsylvania, from the French of Reger de Goey, of the 1.7 rue de BchjiqiK, and which was translated for the Pennsifi'anui Scheel Journal, by Miss Elizabeth McVey, of this city. It appears that the example of the Key stone state in fixing upon a day in the year for general iree planting has pointed a moral for our foreign friends. The tt riter of the article alluded te ipfers te tho.tree planting exercises at the Lancaster high school and the Millersville Xennal school, quotes approvingly the remarks of lie v. Dr. Higbee and Ilev. J. Max Hark at the time, and then bursts into this apostrepho Beheld the language they ube, hce the acta Which they perform, in America, 111 such states as Pennsylvania, which wan Mettled only two centuries ue that new country! And we who date from bolore the Christian era, we who liave net only te impreve a climate, but te save the agriculture of a whole region, and te bullet the moving namls that the Bea brings us with each wave, shall we de nothing ? Continued negligence will be almost suicidal I Surely these who have gien their labors te make Arber Day in Pennsyhania a suc cess, and who ha velicen sometimes disap pointed ever the lack of its observance, w ill net cease their weik new after the geed seed it has sewn across the sea. Labeuclierc en Heme llule. Mr. Labeuclierc, one of the most ardent defenders of Irish home rule in tlie Uritish Parliament, has written a letter ex planatery of the Gladstone defeat in the present elec tions. Hesajsthe ceuutiv has net pro nounced against home rule butenlyugainst the manner in which it was presented. 1 n the first place he says many Iladicals were deterred from Gladstone by their uncer tainty as te whether he was going te pledge the national credit for tlie sake of the landlords, te whom the Radicals are bil ly hostile. This alienated many votes. The vagueness in regaid te tlie contem plated home rule bill drove off many mere. Then it was a mistake te make justice te Ireland stand alone, Instead of joining it with seme radical measures for firwit Britain. "When these facts are taken into consideration, together with the circum stances that a vast number of artisans lest their votes by a change of lesidence and there was no centralized organization of the home rulepeople, the wemler is that se much was dene. Mr. Labeuchere by no means gives up the struggle. In fact, he proposes heroic treatment of the present situation when be ays : '" Mr. Gladstone should neither re sign nor have an autumn sessieu. There te no reason why he should play thogaine Jta rarles. If lie has net get a ma jority in favor of ids Iiiah policy neither rr?L T? Ball8bury. The se-called UnlenisULlberaUareasmucli opposed te SSSrUI! V10 fenncr- Assuredly the SSTi DOt 1roneun in favor of Xerd Salisbury, and yet he is the only alternative premier. Parliament should meet in August and a short session sheu d take place in order te vote the remalninu estimates. A vote of want of confidence would net be proposed forthesimplorei ferthesimplorei forthesimplerei son that it would net obtain a majority."' .& "uy e are uiau. . ifiXt -ur .1-" . . .. . no are pieaseu l0 note that a con- 'BtIen Of the farmlmr nnd 1-ilimln,. r'mf1" of tue ceu"try, will be held In St. ! VO A.U2USL ". Tll.lnnnta a trill l,A tr?'1 ,.t0m every con8ressienal district. , .mini leeks In a arn.nt vswuuiim and has n political object. It is proposed te make a representative congress of farm and labor delegates with head quarters in Washington. The aewed purpese is te concentrate tlice iutluences upon the Congress of the T'nlted States, and also te elect representative labor men and counteract monopolies. The plensurable iwrtlen of this informa tion lies in the fact that it will stir up po litical attention te the new existing par ties. It will cause close inspection of their conditions and purposes. Xe part) can stand this scrutiny like te which Themas Jeffersen gave life. The mere cleiely the great principles actuating the Democratic party nre studied, the longer will become the army of its converts. The cause of truth gains by intelligent discus discus cusslen, ami the M. 1'aul gathering is bound te bear Democratic fruit. The Leng Brunch gambling lieuvcs are being raided early In the se.iseu. This will incronse their business in midsummer. JlEAVKii complains ixvause he has been censured at home for tee much sympathy with liquor dealers, though he hlm-elMs a water drinker. Thli is becaiiMi he trio te occupy both sldoset the fenee ut the value time. Cel Nenius is trying te at eh! the oeno quences of his nih tiett.tiburg speech bt putting it en Majer J. U. Itos.eiig.uten. In the words of lvh-llali, It will net de 1 am erry for eti. Tin: man, Morten Heward, tt holesalo shoe dealer In Philadelphia who has disappeared from that city with f.50,000, largely ether leople'8 money, was one of thce irreproach able men who would hate been the tery lat likely te be charged with swindling. He had keen busiueis aptitude, steed high In banking circles enjoyed excellent credit, lived iuexpensltely with his wlTe and seemed te hate no extratagant habits. It hassluce been ret ealed, hotteter, that he was deeply Intehed with a woman, Mrs. Miles, and that his downfall may be traced te her lnlluonce ever him. Illggcr men than he hat ogeno down in the same fashieu. W hat let n world anil bsde nhfrefl) Tlie tlmlil tear lit Cleopatra 8 rj e NewYeiik's Arcade railway is going te cost Irem f J.000,000 te ?i,0oe,0o6 a mile. We would be satisfied with a fee simple In one eno ene tenth of a mile. The Senate has added $!,OW,000 te the river and harbor bill, and home eeplti call this statesmanship, Mn. Charles S. VVelki- has gene into the Prohibition meteuieut with all the ardor of anew doteteo. At Norrhtewn the ether ovenlng he made a spirited seech befere a large audience In which hodcllned the stand of the Prohibition party te the people. "What the Prohibitionist wants, w hat be hss a right, what it is his duty te ask ler as a citi7eu, Is prohibition. In order te secure it he wants te see a legislature elected that will enact the most ellective prohibitory net high license laws. Most emphatically de we dissent from the view of the press that the attempt te socure the adoption of high llcense is entirely consistent w lta the submission of a prohibi tory amendment j that the 0110 Is the alter native of the ethor. Theene is the doviceef Sttan and the politicians te deleat the ether. In order te git e prohibition permanency the Prohibitionist wants te see two successive legislatures elected that will submit a prohi bitory constitutional amendment te popular vote. He wants tosee the eeile adept sucu constitutional amend menL Then he wants te see a party kept in power that can and will elect legislative, judicial and executive otll etll otll cers w he w ill heuestly ami etlectively on en on ferco it Nothing less than this will meet the case or satisfy the demands of sensible, practical and slncere Prohibitionists. When they ask ler bread it is very unfatherly te give them a stone ; w hen tliey ask for hih te glve them a seriwrnt." It leeks as though the bread te be thrown upon the waters by Quay and Cooer will lx wasted en the hosts of Republicans who will lollew where Welfe's banner leads. The result of the enforcement of the new retenuelaw In Philadelphia has been most remarkable. There Is a total amount of money at Interest of fuH,2JI,ie'isi, which is f 10,000,000 mere than was returned but year. The total number ei geld watches sprang Irem a few hundred te pt.tCT. In New Jersey the women and ihildren attend the Prohibition meetiugs , which means much for the In til re. PEHSONAU Waui 11E1 I'll i.u will lire.lcli Ken. 1 1 en nt next .Sundav in the WuNtiiun-tur chapel. Londen. Hen Bn 1.1:11 wants te go te Congress from tlie J-owell, Alass,, district. The people showed him a deal ear te his call. Senaieh Tei.i.eii has submitted an amendment te the sundry civil bill te appro priate fJT,50i) ler tlie purchase et the school and farm at the Carlisle Indian school. Cel. IIkniu McCeumick, el Harrlsburg, has been Indorsed ler goterner bt the Dauphin county Democratic committee. The county convention tt 111 meet at .Stcelten. en August 11. ' PowDEiuk'Hcleso lrienil, Jehn K. Ilarrett. prints an odlterial In his i,wr, .Vrm.101 JrtifA, which indorses Pewderlv's candidacy for govorner, and says his nomination n net unlikely. This is looked iqwi a ellicial. T,AV."i. T.ln,'.n: Ilas bef'" nominated for United htates district attorney of Indiana. He has been in the forefront et lelltic there for the last thirty years, isa man of high char actor, el the Hendricks school et imlUics, nud one of the best lawyers In Indian 1. i.(T'.55I.:,.,AI' ,JKA '-"'' entimenLs towards Prohibition are thus reported by h. M. Nash who , trateled partly with the Kepubllcan candidate te the Pittsburg liquor contention, "f.eneral 1 leaver said that he did net con sider that Prohibition prohibited , that he be be lleved that if a man wanted te take a drink he ought te be allewed te de se. Alse that he had been censured at home by the advo cates of tomixirance ler his liberality and his sympathy with liquor dealers." I)n. William llEiuisr, an eminent den tist of liremeu, Germany, was the recipient of a banquet from Philadelphia dentists en Tuesday. This banquet was tendered Dr. Hcrbst in recognition of his aluable ser-, vices te dental surgery by tlie discetery efa :"".""""""; "k Kuui. insteau nl try ing te patent tlie procens or the necesirv iii. nt.f,l.IHlei1Uill,loae.,.UUt,1ias K'1' " tothosci tethosci tothesci 01 title world gratis. He has Hit ented a con- J. Ji' K?t' ll l.n wuorel,y the pounding pro pre coss of illling is unnecessary. Py the use of this machine the geld is forced Mdowlse into otery mrtien of thecatity and the lining is rondered mero durableand thotime required ler the process rediued tery materially. Ne fur lllliutrel Cuinpaiilei. Frem the 8U Paul Pioneer i'lvst. The chestnut crop In New Yerk premiics te be tlie largest grown for years. I'.ti:. On the lawn .Maiden fair. Past I went, butt her there. Past again, liaised my hut. Went my heat t l'itll-iiuu l"pn!iu looked lu Hiirjnlse. llieie, by Jove! 1 (.'uuglil hei ejes. On the law 11 Uull dnitsat. Wnrarreiuulil, Up he gat. Made fur inu UKlyeur. IMairuuT I heuia mur Mur. lie bit lleth my tblKhs, Ana that's why X cauterize. tYem TiH . THE DOUBLE CAITI'KE. I'retii the New Moen. It was no ordinary salmon, and net ene of us can speak et It new but w Itli bated breath and a tendency te retail this story. Several of our friends think it time te go the moment that grand fish thrusts Its nose Inte the con versation. Lord Dutlerlu eten depsrted in a hull yesterday alternoeu because we per slsted In a llnat gossip upon the.s'ilVect lint he Is devoid of all sensoef eitlier rotnauce or pert, without which Incongruous Ingre dients our salmon cannot be dlMicsl up Ter conversational purpees; or, j mapsas I pan se the ethers aivept the liyethess with many voiced acclamation--he was lu lote with Ktliel hlmseir ' she who ought te knew best denies this ; but her geed n dure In sliel sliel sliel torlngrejivted leters from ridicule ts preter- mti ui tne lamllv. It is, pet haps, tlie most irfis't hour or the year, namely, si o'clock en a July eteiilug, and eseeiully perfivt biviuse wt nre just going te have ti t, 1111 etent which attains ex ceptional iinperlancn owing te the fait that luncheon at the stilling hour of ene was n farce. We have leen out slnce early tins morning, a st te of things w hlch haseliUluetl since our nrrltal in ales, ten datsage, and are grouped hi plcturisijue attitudes, such as girls naturally adept when in mementarj ex ex peetatfeti or the return el the gontletnei round the head el a rocky jkk)! smne miles up the riter. This spot has, after an ohaustlte examina tion of the entlre neighborhood, Wen pri pri tieunctsi by the family the ideal el re mantle perfection. The murmur of the fall seethes our ears. Captain t'reft nils such music a "i-easeUss diu". but men of his stamp hate no business outslde of Londen, In fact, his adterse terdlct alone would tsj eneugh te decide us lu hating afternoon tea here. It Is pleasant te lie 011 th rocks, star ing dew-n Inte the glittering blackness el the deep peel, w title the presence et the heaty salmon which lltes at its lower end occasion ally starts with a loud splash, is Iraught tt Ith a ceaseless ei iteiuent. Dick and Captain Crelf liate elleu triel him tt ith et erythlng from a " Jeck Scott " te a "silt er doctor," without getting n ghost or an eiler for his majesty. They will seen re turn, surely, after the" bootless fatigue el long waiting, and, ifwe knew-anything of a lish erman's nature, try him tot agalu. Meantime we light a tire of dry stick", nnd arrange et erythlng in a way calculated te cheer the eyes of the disappointed anglers. We are disgusted te see Captain Creft re turning, mid mere still te see Kthelwith him, ler Dick has long been her slate, and we did hepe te I1111I that he and l'.thel would be together, nnd that something would oc cur te prevent his threatened departure te morrow morning. If this alternoeu turns out blank, we git 0 up hope, for Pick is due in India In October, and will net get another chance with l.'thel. This morning Captain Crelt killed two swein, and lHhel was tlie enlt e m el uscitil enough te congratul.ue him. Dick appeared at lunch with an empty creel, bronzed nnd tired, but. as usual, cheerful. This cheerful ness et hl, addtsl te a curious habit tery curious, et en unique, considering his sex of thinking of etery one else bolero himself, have helped te make us worship Pick as au elder brother. "I wish someot .teu would be a shad e less sisterly," I heard him mutter ttie ether night, wlien Kthel said, Willi a guileless smile, " We all leek en you ijuite as a brother, you knew, Dick." Captain Creft and Kthel, w bem we recoite with dignified stillness, threw out strong bint-s ujien thesubiect eftea, but we request them net te be greedy, which is illicit ll, nud declare that the kettle is net yet boiling, which is untrue. Possibly we rather astonish Captain Creft with our rudeness ; but we are sere nbeut Dick, and our enemy has oflen enough disavowed nil surprise at the taga taga taga riesoleur sex. After our painstaking preparation, tea is net te be dismissed in a moment. Our con cen con templatite enjoyment et it, hotteter, is broken in upon bt a loud shout Irem four-teen-yeai-eld Bella. "Loek, the salmon '" aud she points te the curt ing eddies which mark the spot tt here the big tish has risen. "By gum '" says Dick, jumping up in haste, "it's a regular sockdeloger. Take my red, Creft, and try for if "e, no , It's your turn. 1 had the last." But geed-natured Dick thrusts the roil into his friend's hinds and drags oil his own hat te examine the Hies 111 It. Our loud-tcngued eutroaties are te him as the idle wind, but a gentle, inw-telied request from Lthel teers Pirn round in a moment. He takes the red and glides cautiously down te the water's edge. Crouched licliind rm ks and with beating hearts we watch otery metement of Dick's linger". "1 shall show- thorn a big lly first" his words scarcely reach us through the noise of the fall "I should never laud such .1 whopper en a small hook." He seems an age alhtlng that lly aud then wetting it. As he lengthens his line out a yard or mere at eaeu cast, and the black wings and sllter body float nearer te the spot where the great lish rese, our excitement reaches almost te bursting point, and little Bella has te be held dew n by force. There, it must hate been right eter his Dick has the courageto go en working his lly atalL But no npple breaks the surface. His majesty gas unmeted oil the black and sllter. Twe or threo mero throws, and Dhk reels up his line. "Try him with a small 'Jeck Scott ' new"' Captain Crelt, caught by the pretailing ex citement, sissaks in a solemn whisper. "All right. Threw me 0110 oter." Again tlie wetting pr ess has te begene through, and again seeuis te be mere endless than before. U last the brilliant-hued " Jeck scett " Is almost ever the big lish. Dick balancess himself for the next cast. The red curt es back, sit ings ferw ard, aud the lly, delitered straight nnd ireely drops en the water a couple of yards a bete the salmon. Hardly lias the line sunk an inch below the surlace befere there Is a Ihsiy iug boil and swirl et the water, as the great fish bounds te the surface. There is net ene et us girls who would net at this juncture have threw u the roil (low n w 1th a shriek. In a moment Dick has struck. His red isn hoop; the lines llash through the tvater; the whirling reel makes music in our ears. " Down te the bottom of the peel, and drite him back If he make for the rapid !" We obey Dick like children, except Htbel, who stands beside him and vlew s tlie struggle, se te say, from the grand statu!. The first rush is straigut toward the dau dau dau goreus rapid, but a strenuous splashing from us drites him back In time. " By Jote! that was anearshatc, though," and Dick wipes his forehead hastily. Beth Dick and Captain Crelt afterward de clared that they had never seen 11 lish show any such sport as this 0110 did. One grand rush sifter another seems te lent 0 him as fresh as et or. He is across tlie peel, down the peel, uuder the white water at the top, nud almost under Dick's loot, all In a moment. Again and again he hurls himself Inte the air, and his great silvery side almost dazzled our eyes with its glitter. Little Bella positively cries with excite ment, nnd 0110 or two of us would fain de likewise. I hate that strange feellng anglers have oiten described tome, which makes the burn ing reality of the moment blot out the past and luture. The fate of tlie uultorhe seems ir he isoiice lauded, 1 feel that the struggle of llfe will be oter. Fer thirty-eight minutes does that fish keep us palpitating round that peel ; then he beglus te tire. His rushes are shorter aud shorter. Dick is getting him in hand. One last ellert ler freedom, hew oter, he makes. In spite efa shower et sunes from us, and the strain put upon him by sixteen feet el grcen-heari, that gallant lish struggles into the head or the rapid. Dick comes running down the bank, loes. Ing line even thou, for the current ei the nar rows is furious. Through the netk at the bottom of the tool lUshes the salmon like lightning. Tlie sight or boulders and broken water reuewslils courage. Dick's ceurse down stream is ar rested by a big rock, his Hue is out the last Tird,t1il'8I,.riucoeruHl'cs wl" iap "Iter all. Dick leeks uimu the swirling watersand sets his teeth. There Is a lust chance, but a JTlHKy 0110 " .?''. lnckl ,Yeu W0ld l drotvned te n crta nty," w 0 shout In chorus. iai,ei im im pleres him with tears in her eyes net te risk U He leeks gratefully at her, but shakes his head. It flashes across me that lr the ex pression or lier lace nt this moment does net glte him heart te ask her a certain Interest ing question en the way home, why he doesn't doservo her. ' r Nothing short or cut ropes would step Dick, new his bleed is up ; he steis into the hurrying water and is taken oil his legs in a moment and washed against a rock , new he regains his footing mid staggera 011 a yard or two, new loses It once mero. "Ne lish lu tlie world Is worth such dan dan dan gerouswerk as this. What a reckless chap he 1! " said Captain Crelt anxiously. Ytblle making this short dntetir around the rock, we lese sight of the angler Ter a went then, running breathlessly down te the water agalu, we and him lying upon the bank much shaken, bruised, nnd exhausted, but holding en te hi red doggedly. "The Ilh Is sulking lu the lower peel," lie explains, eiuptttng the waler from his peik els, ' Yt hen l'teliad 11 rest, ten must come aud reuso him up with stone," This replte Is brier. The game llh is seen cueeriug around the siwnd peel, but theellert isiitinal one. Very seen he I ly ing In shillew water almost jiaiti. V 0 hate no gatl w Ith us, nnd I aptain (.oil's big landing net would net eten hint at tn- 1 losing such n letlathau as this Dick leads the tlh steadily shoreward un til 11 is almut aground; then I iplaln Crelt, warily ircllng around It, scoop it up in lieth anus, and beheld I the great salmon i glittering iiueng the Hug nud heather. A loud 1 heer arises Irem the whole sirtj, nnd little Bella, In a paroxysm el triumph, kneels beside the sllter monster and kisses Us slippery sides. I "lhirtt imundsat least," we crt. 'Ne; twenty pounds, isirhaisl" soy the gentlemen. "And a grand lish In perfivt ' condition." The excitement of the stsirt had complete ly drlten all thoughts or Dick's coming de parture from mv mind, but they new return with form. "He shall bate a climce," I declare te in t self, and (snider a little a little, wlille the ethers nre steeped In lish worship "Dick, ' I exclaimed authnrilttelv, "ten must go home at once, instead el loitering about liete, dripping llk a Newfoundland deg. Ktliel and 1 will walk luck with you." Catching Dick's eye, 1 se that he under stand me, "Come along," be ay. Ktheltake my arm en tlie side remote from Dick. She I remarkably silent, and shows n tendency te blush almut nothing, fearing, essiblv, that her anxiety about Dick's dangerous e-captde 111st new may have betrat ed her. Dick, feeling that he is new, as he would himself phrase it. "111 for it," maintains a no less impenetrable-dumbness. Neter hate two such leaden com pill ions rallen te 111 v let before or since. It is a relief that the beauty of the winding moorland lith, stretching away behind 11, eeniKl me te slop and t ke out my sketch book. "I'll stav with teu," vtld Kiheluerteusly. " hatfaud leate iser Dick te jog home along "" "I h?" says Dick, looking nt me with comical terror. "Don't let me drag her with me, it she wants te stay." "Nonsense' go away, Ktliel. 1 cannot have you lidgetmg about 1110 while 1 am drawing." Their assiduous geed nature in preparing mv water-color box and book for action knows no bounds : neither fulsome hints nor (.ret-s request will induce them te depart, At length, when 1 am busy with my first wash, md reluse with sulky steadiness te anv mere questions or te otter any further pretext rer their nmt ing hand or root in mt iH'hdf.they stroll shylj oil together, l'.thel's oteson the ground, Dick's en the distant horizon. Craning around upon my camp-steel, 1 watch then down the feng slope el breakferu and heather, straining my eye a they grew Indistinct alter crossing the stream and finally dlsapsar, te leate me net the wiser for all my ironing. Anxiety proveuts my sitting still for ten minutes together. My sketch is a curiosity n phenomenal specimen of the kind of daub producible by the convtilsite dashes of a hand tetillv univssisted by a mind which Is tee agitated te de its duty. My eyes team te pierce the small knell be hind w hii h the twalu hat 0 disapieared. Are these two heads any nearer each ether than when I saw them la'st' I or j ears we hate looked upon Dick as a brether , te-morrow night, when he has de parted, many tears will be shed lie will knew nothing of. His going te India, tee, is a mere freak, -a decision reversible, 1 really beliete, by a single word from Kthek Again, Dick is our muster, unhampered by that lack of geld which quenches the hopes of se many yeuug fellows. Well I hate dene my best, and new they hat e had a clear hour with their fate In their own hands, I may as well collect my paraphernalia and fellow them. As I pace homeward, and ga70 oter the swelling hills, the sun, "setting beyond the utmost purple rim," stddeus me. Solitude aud the gloom et etening, melancholy as a long drawn siuh el nature, settle upon my soul. By the time 1 hate reached tlie bridge te be crossed, the castles whu h 1 hate built concerning DUk and Kthel hate irumbled one by one. Suddenly f s-tuiiibled un them in the rock, and mv liejs.'s rushed te the surlace once mere. The glow of happiness upeu these two faces admits of but ene explana tion. "Yeu old brick,' begins Dick, clasping my two hands with a fert or I trust he will net er repeat "if it had'nt Usn for veu, I should neter have done it ' ' "And, Lucy," adds Ethel, 111 a thrilling teice, with" her arms round my neck, "you're a dear old tiling, if it hadn't been for the salmon, and Dick's going in after it, he would never hate " " Dene this," interpolates Dick, kissing her again and again, with u cool indillereme te my preseme, which bathes her face with crimseiL But we haven't the courage te go en without you," he adds, when he has quite done his whispering in her ears " "i eu'll hate te, though, Master Dick," I reply, dashing onward and into the midst of the astonished group Inlthe inn parlor. " It's twenty jieuuds ten," shouts Bella, by way of greeting. " Ceuie outside, girls !" I exclaim breath lessly, "and I'll show you something worth n hundred salmon." As we omerged from the iber, the soft twilight shows the prettiest pkture we have eter looked upon; and the happiness which underlies the shyness of the one face ami the sparkle nud triumph or the ether wakes an answering chord in our hearts as we mur mur, " Welcome, brother." Typhoid Fetrr. Chailes Hartferd, of New C.wtle, Woatchcster count j, N. Y.t sutfered with typhoid feter and was git en up te die. He was restored te health In ene wick by tiiklngllte ilrutidrethl'lllsetcry night and drinking pluntlf ull 01 oatmeal gruel A few doses of llrandrcth's 1'llls will lntarlably cm e any kind of feter. Ilaby ts teething. Hardly knew it using lln Hands Teething Letien, J'rlte, Scents. Thousand 01 babies are w asted and haggard from illarrhe.c. Dm 11 ami's Dlarrhcea .Mixture cures without drying the bowels. Price, cunts. JjllmdAw AIITIisI Si Inure and skill could de te make Ilonaen's Capi Ine 1'lusters the best porous plasters, and also thu best general exteinal rumedy In the world, has been done t henever ll Is possible te Impreve ihein it Is done Hansen's plasters are net made te tm ?ose upon the credulous, but te cure disease, heir eminent success has procured for ttictn the telunUiry ondeisutnent of 3,(j phjslclans, pharmacists and druggists throughout the country, and the outspoken preference et the Intelligent public. The) are pieiiipt, pew rful, clcuuly and certain. 'Ihey cure where no ethers will eten lulluvu. lteliieu Imitations styled "Capslcln," "Capsicum" or "Oapucin "plus lers UepuUible druggists only, ihu "Thrce Sibils " trade mark en the genuine nua the word " Cupclnu ' cut In thu contruef the plasti r Dehdt He Ilecelted. Hypocrisy Is the cetiiijllment that tlcepaa tevtrtuu. luilbitlen Is the compliment failure pa) s te success. The name net the diameter of llunseii's Capclne l'lasters Is lmliatidhy uiibcrupuluus parties, who ma We and try te sell plasters tarleusly called Cupstcln," Cupsl lum," ' Capslclne," " Capneln " plasters, with the manifest Intention te deceive. Be cunningly and boldly is this dene that careless people alu doubtless seinctiiiics beguiled Inte hti) Ing such articles In place of the genuine. Happily the number who lollew this vocation decrea-ca every jeiir through the refusal of reputable dealers te handle the Imitation goods, mean while be cautious. In the middle of the genuine Is cut or pet mined the word "C'aiclne,"aiid en the face c leth Is the " Thresj Beats " trademark. Ask for IiiniKen's then examine. One ikmseu Is worthiieler.oii of any ether kind, (.) UfJSVtAZ, ti OTIC EH. CATAltl(IICUttKI). health nnd sweet breath accured, Iiy hlilleh's Catarrh Keinedy. l'rlce U) cents. Nasal Injector free. Fer siile by 11, It. Cochran, Druggist, .Ne. 1S North Queen street, A CapUiln'. Kurlueute Illsceterr, Capu Coletnau, schr: Weymouth, plying be tween Atluiille City nnd 8. Y., had lieen trou bled w 1th a cough se that he was unable leslien. and was Induced te try Dr. King's Nuw Discov ery for Consumption. It net only gate him In ftant relief, but allayed the uxtrvmu soreness or his breast. Ills chlldieu were similarly atTecteil audaalnglu desu had the same happy uiiuct Dr. Kings New DUcovery Is new- the sUindard remedy lu the Celeman household and en leunt the schooner Krcuulal bottles or this stundara fS!,v,ls:''.t " technm's Drug Mere, 1.17 and 1W Neith liueen street, Lancaster, l'a. (I) WJhL YOU HU fruit with Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint t hhlleh's Vltallxer Is guanin' ,i,'?te.c.ul ''!" ',,r w1'0 y 'I. ". Cochran. Druggist, Ne. 1J7 North yueen strtsit. uutun"1 JOTB IH MAKINO CABINET PHOTOaBAPHB AT H3.0O a IX1I.. .m.JP' lW sUTll QUKJSN BTUKBT. lania-tia i.aec"wr,iaj JHKIllVAl. A YKU'N HAllt ItJOIt. PERFECT HAIR indicate 11 nittirnl and healths condition of the scalp, anil 11 f the glands tlmuiith w till h neiir Isliuiciit I obtained W hen, In centeiiuenre of 1111 aud dlcii4e, the hulr becomes tveaU, thin, nnd (jiajr, Ajcr llali t Iger will strengthen 11, rvsleic ttseitglnal cnlei. proinetp Its rapid nud tlgnnms lirewth, ami Imp ill te It the lustre ami lrenhncss of youth 1 have ued ter Hair Iger for a long time, aud am cent Imed of I's tabic tMieu 1 mis 17 tcirsetuKf in) hair Isgaii te mm grat lnm inniireil using the t Iger and was surpilMHl nt ihe geed elicits ll produced It net only le itiirtst the isiler te my hair, but se stimulated II- growth I tint lhxtonew mine hilr than itel Is teu I tt I dwatd.s.C'elilnater, Mtss H AYER'S HAIR VIGOR. I sni.l tt all Druggist and I'erluuiers. Iptci i v si rriuus'i ft 0111 deblllty and less et appetite . 1! jour stomach U out of orderet your mm! take .er's sarsnpa rllla. this uiediclii.' mil n st.uti physical force and eliutlclt) te the sfteui mere surely and 9M'ciltlt tlisn any teiiU 01 aui eteteil ler six month) I -.uiI.iihI from liter mid stomach trouble .My ik1 did net nourish 1110 and 1 became weak and tut iiiuiti imai lateil 1 leek lx lsittlesel Ajcr s su-sapsitlln ami was 1 ulrd. Julius tl Palmer, Spilngib Id. M is- Ayer'sSarsaparilla l'rcpansl b; it tr J C. Ater. t:e. 1 ei 11. Ma-s Mllll lJ Jlll'l IS .sold by druggist , l'rksj ft : six buttles, f IIOVHKFVHXUIItlJHI UUOlla. "ViriJ 11 A V 15 A LAHUK STOCK OK TI1K 11 EST REFRIGERATORS IX TI1K CITY. The Tierce Dry Air Iiefrigtrater. UA KDKX llOSK, WA TKK COOLK1M, WK CKKAM fKKhVKKS, And atull line of 1101 SKli L'l'.MSlUMI WOODS The largest stock et (. ts ATl Kt s in ihe ctty Special attentleu paid te Uiu-ritttng, '1 In Uisitlng and spouting tfe h it 0 J usl letelt ed another let et these 25c. UI.OUKS. jerarp. seHAnur & son, 24 SOUTH QUEEN ST., PA. e t It I'll MIL IN EEEM&ERAT011S hjis nevi r been se large a this season ll would hete btsin mm h 1 irg, r had we been nble te fill our order. Ne trouble te get Ketrlgeraters, but 'ItlDUEtt aud AI.AsK 3 ' aiescaree tteh-ttea few left. Ice Cream Freezers AND- WATER COOLERS. tte hate plentt Den t think we would luite them long If people knew hew ch.ap the are Tills 13 HIE SEASON tOI' OIL STOVES. hiii 1 ileen ilivTiTrnt make. In thli ay we tlrnl out whu h ! the UudU 'lliere l- tmt en that l-ireftJlj nliibleunil i-.Wu. The ADAMS X hsTLAKK is nun-tXitOsle. LAWN MOWERS we h.ive set era! varletle, the l'ENNSYLVA M of coure at tue head. I his I the season of the vear te hat-Atour Heaters looked after In having tills matter at tended loge te a house that thoroughly under stmds their business. Pl.UMlll.NOandt.AS riTTINO by tlrst-ciass workmen at Lewest Prices. FLINN & BRENEMAN, Ne. 152 North Queen Streot, LANCASTEK, PA. w- L A. KILKFUC ALDUS C. 1IKUK KIEFFER & HERR, Ne. 40 East King Street, (Opposite) Court Heuse). Invite all Housekeepers te Call and Inspect their Bleck of Heusefmmshiiig Goods. A Complete Line constantly en hand. COOK SlOVKSand KAM.KS, PAI1I.OU bTOVhS. llEATKUSiind rtUNACES. SUMMER COOK STOVES. Alter carefully examining tlie media et all offered te thu trade, wu havu selected TFfE "ARGAND," ter OASOLINE, and THE ' DANGLER," for COAL OIL, As the Heat, when all points am considered, te offer te our patrons. C.dl and see lis. tVe leve te show our goods, and are net etfendetl If you de net purchase!. Uemember, we are agents for The " Splendid " Heater. Manufactured by fuller A tt nrren Company, Trey, N. Y , which has no rival In durability, economy of fuel nnd control of gas. New Is the time te examine ami become posted ter Autumn purchases. KKMKMUKIi. THE PLACE I 40 EAST KING ST., (OPPOSITE COUItT HOUBE ) VUItDJTUJtK. pUKNITUHK WAHKltOOMS. KITCHEN FUKNTTTTRE AT HelTmeier's Furniture Warerooms, 20 BAST KING STREET. I'lctiire JTrames te Order. 1 iwr uuuvs. q.i:ntli:mi:n. The Hest I'lnce te lluy lUtl.SBSIIlKTB, OAU7.K UNDKUWKAH, hUb- I'ENDEUS, UANUKKllUIllKtB, and HAHr-lIOSK, Is at the North End Dry Goods Stere. J. W. BYHNE, nev5-lyd N. sa Neivn Queen strceL THEItnilASHKKNXO ADVANCE IK Ladles' and Uent' Furnishing Uoeds. this keosen, 1IUTA Dfc.CI.lNK, We buy our goods as we need thorn, hating no room te store up nnd get stale stock. Our profits uie small and receive goods often, and our customers are always benefitted In a declining market, as has been the case this season especially. Please c&U and examlue our staple goods and save money, AT ilKCHTOLD'8, Ne. 62 North Queen street. ir store open SiUuiOay uisbtn until U o'clef k jnr ,UI.U A llltOTllKK. White Goods for IX l) I A LtXEX, rimxrii v.t.vzoeK, INGUSH XAhXZOOK, IWH.l 1(7.., Embroideries and Laces I SWISS b.IIIU01llhlUi:s, tltiiltuluK and Uvmnll te match. NAIN.OOK KMIIUUI PKUIKs, 1 leum Ing unit tit endl te match CAM HUH llllDlDKUIKs, llrcs Material te tu Hi h. COI.OUhli KMIIIlOlDKlllKs, llie.s Mateilaltemntch KMIIllOlDRItlKS, ItOIIKS KSLl 111 tl. I. tt K Shlltl I.Nti, black and Kern tlUII't UK I.At'K KI.OUNClNtl, lllack and hem. ht.t PI1AN l.l KSMItll.NII, Willie and I'nmiii hU PTtA.V LACK Kl.OUNU t.Mls, While nnd ( learn UKAIIKll KltOSTS.I UKUKII I'lgiTU, 8tt tSHMl'Sl.lN, K11KNUI1 I.Att ,N, I AM lilt Its AMI HA t r.KNS HAGER & BROTHER, Nes. 25 and 27 West Kiug Street, Laucaster, Pa. a ;iiav(iilman. Metzger & Haughman Have the Best 50 Cent UNLAUMIEB SHIRT That has ever been sold for the new sold at 75 cents. METZGER & Ne. 43 West King Streot, Botweon the Ooepor Heuso and Serrol Herso Hetel, Lancaster, Pa. N text hook te Tin: COlUtT HOl'Sl". FAHNESTOCK'S. Whlte Ooeds, Lncee nntl Euibrolderloa. Sumruer Unilorwerir, ull elzes. up, Slimmer Hosiery LurKO Stock SellluB Prices. of thoae Goods new R. E. FAHNESTOCK'S, NEXT DOOH TO THE COURT WALL I'Al'RU, pit aki:.-5 V. I IIY. HON 1 lllsb llll1. OPPOitTL'MT IOHUV CIILAP Window Screens, leu Mill neter be able te get the til se Ien again U lni lies high, SI inches wide, fee Z cents Plain bcreens, ether sUei.ln proportion, tte bate sold hundreds, ami It Is surprising the luaniliy wu htte put out this summer. WALL PAPERS, 4c, 5e., Oc. nud 7e. S1IAIIK3 M cents. est spring Iteller, ready te hung PHARE8 W. FRY, NO. 67 NORTH QUEEN ST., 11T WALL l'Al'KK STOKE. Art Wall Paper Stere, NO. 134 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCAbTEIS, l'A. Anothei large let of GILT PAPEK9 Just nr tit cd u 111 be sold cheap. Call parly and leek at them ami get prices. Will net keep them long, ter the prtee will sell them. Window Hhadea made ready te linng. I'laln Shade Cleth nil colors. Window Shades made nnd hung promptly. Lace Curtains, l'oles, Chains, Heeks, etc -.Vi) treuble te show goods. ALFRED SIEBER, NO. 134 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASXElt. l'A. UUUUKltlKa. HIGH GKADK COKFKKS. Kine old Uevernment Juva and Mecha Coffees, the best In the market. Our Java lllon lllen lllon ded Cotree siKiuks for ltaelf; rich and fragrant, 2Sc. per pound. Very due Plantation Hlo Coffees, our best only uec. per pound; ene very popular nl 15c. We want tee te call and try our like. Collce. The excellent quality of our Ceilees unit line 'leas Is making friends fast and firm. Our dally sides show a steady Increase. Fresh ltouated etery day. A full line of fancy Urocerlos. Please give us a trial order. GEO. WIANT, augO-lvO Ne. 113 West King StreeL A'1 r iiuKsica. -Our stem wlllclosetttt.p. ui dining the summer mouths, with the exception et Sat urdays, when weclose at lu p. in. PICNIC PLATES -AND- PICNICGROCERIES -AT BURSK'S, NO. 17 EAST KING STREET, LANUASTKU. l'A. -Fer Bale ACJOODbAKK. l'rlce, W5.00. Cl'AKKLINQ WINKS. OUIl OWN UUA.ND I Special Great .Western Wine. The rinest and l'urest Amerlcan WIne in the Market. At REKJARrS OLD WINE STORE. uej).s. Summer Wear ! VICTOIUA LA HS rilV.VK XAIX'.itOK, cuuni:i 1'ieri:, I'l.MD LAWXS. money ; equal Sizes, 12 te 17. te many HAUGMAN, Whlte Etiibrolderotl Ilobea, 83. SO Summer Gloves, in atore, nud nil Mnrked nt Quick HOUSE. LANCASTER, PENNA. IIOTKI.H. A TLANIIU CITY. 'I HE OLD LSI'AIII.ISIIED Chester County Heuse, Centrally leialed, contenlent, tery mar the Sen, , cnuifertablu In etery way, and home-llke. ..ey.T c. i r, . . J. KEIM et SONS. inayjf.'uid qai-i: MA Y. THE STOCKTON. t Vl'K MAY, N. .1. i tin Kliiist bench nn tlie Coast. The largest und Most Elegant -eiislde Hetel In the t oriel -ei'E. .mink ai-sa IIKMIA CI.A1U, Prep'r. I.ate el the Orniid Union Hetel, Saratoga Springs. JuneJI Owif Ol i:n all'iiii: yi:ak. "Tm MANSION," ATI. t NTIC CITY, N. J. 'Iho largest and most prominently located Hetel Elegantly furnished and liberally man. need, thoroughly lighted, drained and ten lllated. Open ull the j car. CHARLES McQLADE. sWISrephy'sOichcstra. Je7-3md ASHLAND HOl'Si:, ATLANTIC CITY, reopens JUI. 1st, under new manage ment. Electric lights, electric bells, city water, ilrst-classciilsluu. 'terms moderate, (list-class baruttached. I1E.NK1 ltAIITfclt, J1 lmd Lateef Qrupe Hetel, Lancaster, l'a. CVAL. T II. WAKTIN, WnOLKSALII AHD RSTAIL DIALKI IK AU Kinds of Lumber and Geal. -YnD! Ne. 13) North Water and I'rlnce Streets, abeve Lemen, Lancaster. ul-lyd JAU.UUAKDNKKS k JKKKIIKIEH. COAL DEALERS. Orncs : Ne. la North Ouuen street, and Ne. Uil North I'rtncu street. Y'Anea : North I'rlnce stroet, near Heading LANCASTEK, l'A. auglMId Depot, piLMOVAi M. V. B. OOHO has lemeved his C'eid Oltlce te Ne. 155 NOIlTfl UOEEN STIIEET (llrlmmer's Mew building), wberu orders will be received for Lumber and Ceal, WIIOLKSALK ARO RUT AIL. M. V.II. COIIO. liiWil piAHT UNI) YAKU. 0.J.SWARR&00. GOAL. - KINDLING WOOD. Odlce: Ne.S) CENTKK SO and elllcei connected with Tel UAltK. Ileth yard ephene Exchange 1IOOUH. JOHN HAEK'a SONS. NEW BOOKS Aid tillered at a liberal discount from the pub lishers' prices. SUNDAY SCHOOL BOOKS In Library Sets, Class Heeks, Uncerds, Hg wards, lllhlus, Testaments, Catechisms, etc. QUARTO BIBLES Centning King Jamas anil the Revised Version of both Old and New TesUuneiits in parallel columns also, with the two versions of the New Testninent, or with the old version of the Hlhle only. In t arleus styles of binding, at much lower prices thau by traveling agents. AT THE DOOliSTOllK OT JOHN BAER'S SONS, Nes. 15 and 17 North Queen Streot, LANCASTKIL l'A. MINKKAL WATKKH, Al'OLLINAlUS WATKlt, the Queen of Table Waters, Hawthorn Spring of Saratoga, at ltfiltJAltT'SOLD WINK BTOUE. II, K, HLAXMAIiKii, Agt. '&J3bi&fi&axtft . ' rL .. .w