Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, July 13, 1886, Image 1

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'. S'tJ .',"'"- 'y.;, -Jrt iii- -
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t,i" J' TJ" " '"' '' ,f s WV FJWEr'HH
f ntdettceT i
BUMK rilAXM.H!TIU.yH i.V tll.ll I.KAf nr
1 Ait' a 1, in: a 1, it it
Tlie rre,enl Crep flourishing iiihI ftumn of It
Topped tinnier Tahinir Alum lii.tirntiin
Than t'aunl Venture, uf llin Truiln In
New )nrk Anether Curing lfne.s.
'II 10 tobacco Holds leek Ilrst-rate ; tlie plants
nre growing rapidly, tlm leaves btiltifx n Mcli
tlarK grisin and lery healthy. A geed pro pre pro
IHirtien of tlioearly-plantod Holds lmve Ihjcii
lepptHl,nhd w itli continued ravnrable weather,
much greater proportion will Ik) topped llin
coming woek. A tlie season advances tlie
pres,eetn or n very wiporier crop In this
county grew hotter mul belter ; and as nearly
one-half of tlie iliintH nre seeil-lcs!, farmers
will Inn 0 11 fair epH)rtnnlty of tlmllng out
whether that variety wilt piy them as well
HI llaVlllMSIKHl.
It lint Ih'eii learned that t'el. Dully's etittri
packing or several ImiiilrtHl cases at Marietta
iii wlil Motne tltite age In New Yerk, by
Gans' Sens A Ce., broker.
Harry Moere, iirtlili city, who unleaded
lilt pneklim recently, last week bought iitKJ
cases of '! xt nl leal.
Samuel Minhis jr., bought 111) eves '81
seed leaf oil private turmi Inr imitiiiracturlng
Tlie damage ileuu liy thiihall Heme weeks
age, though net lery serious, has caused
growers te pill nn Insurance en their crop.
Tlie LaneasUir county hall liistirance wnn
puny ruiiert tlmt tlmy lmve already taken
inore risks against damage ly hall than they
took last lear during tlie entire season.
Tlie timiKiny bus V2j agents employed In
tlie tobacco grew Ink district".
New Imk Market.
Ki. 1111 Ihu Sew erW 'I eb.iccu Journal.
Tlie terrible he.t during U10 greater put or
tint week slackened bu.inesi mid eo'ise ee'ise eo'ise
quently trails lotions woremiull and without
slgulllennei, Tlie total ("lies wero about
l.OdO lilSOS, Willi tllO OXCflptlOtl III 111) C.l-SIM of
SjOliloeld Hteck. AmetiK tliose wore.Mi)
ciiss "i WNceiikIii nt 1-', mills, tlie hiiiiie
hteck which m1 wisiksiiKO could he Imd i.t
lOruiilH. Ml tlireiiKh prices for old tolmeoos
11m lits-emliiK llriner a tlie hhaseii pro(,'nsses
and i rle will prelnlily Iih fiilt shortly Tlie
omrKrewlin; warcity or old lillers forces old
unipperit Inte line .is 11 Hiilistltiite. Tlie prices
etiUlntsI run from tulJ'. emits . ilmiulil
liluders realized from 12 te IT cents, whlle
old llllers, especlnllv hiicIi hs would Mirveus
llian.i eudfirk eenlni;s -lireUKht Irem ID
hi Is cvnts. iniimrters lnue rts'elved
ni.iuy orders te pr-0(il with the siinliltiiK of
's', tobacco utter tlie l.'itb, mi uuusimlly early
date ler KHUiplIni; new tobacco.
Siuuntra hiilleriHl also Irem the lelliHrglu
RLite of this week's business and sales wero
centlneil te about 17e b.iles at f l.JUlefl.,.,,
Havana, tee, appeartsl ni'Klislted, only t 0
bales chaiiln bunds; iiiottleHH. 'M ceuls
tefl lj, cuttliiKK'Hids from te iOieiiIh.
I'rein the Tol.uice
Seed Leaf- The nmrket seeim d te Le In
Hiupatbv Willi tlie tinie and leek IhliiKS
easy, 'l'he Nltiintieii may be Hummed up
thus . The old tobacco Is almost all none, and
the new Is net HitupUsI and ready ler the
market. Ilnyers from out of town will net
Incur trouble ntnl oxpvnse te vli-lt the market
If thev liave no assortment te Meet irem.
In 'Wmtprn leaf liuslm-wt h excfsidlni;ly
dull nnd IrRlnU leaf net much Isjtter.
There Is a (Jeeil demand lur clKars and
Hineklni; tebaLCO.
Handling of iiianulactured hard tobacco
the past week has net been as large In
siiiieunt, ewlnlnaBrent measure te 11 ior ier ior
tlen of the week beliiB devoted te the holl hell
ilny. NuvcrtlielutM a fair amount of trade
has been uccempllslipil with tlie siamUrd
brands. Ne chaiiKO or llijures Is ackuowl ackuewl ackuowl
edced, but tlie prices asked are net linn.
Kine cuts show steady improvement.
KmokieK teliaiivi nvelves tlie usual atten
tion, buyers purcliaslui; only us they nmsl.
Cluarsare buoyant, esHVlal!y brands or
reliable manufactures. Prices obtained ap
pear sallafaetery.
Heccipts for the wix.k -iMe lxs, .1,-01
caddlt"!, i.s.l cases and i!7 pills of line cuts.
Kxpert et iiianulactured Te hL
Themas, per brig I'aroliiieHray, 7 '.ii lbs, te
LlierKwl, ier htr Lord C'llve, in, Unllis.
Total, ll.llil lbs.
Heed Leaf Handlers el leaf tobaice uult uult
able rer clears meve around hiiveiik bujers
wilh morn activity. They have tlie fluids,
and at present IlKUres tliey can sell with a
fair prelH te tlitmiMilvcHiind leave a linrglii
tntliepiircliHsvr. This Is espei-lally thocse
with the crop of lsS. As 11 result, consider
able has already changed hands at satlslae-
lery tlxures te oelli nuer ami numn.
Old leaf moves oil Ireely at slightly better
ligures, and at tlie rale it Is going Inte con
sumption It must ero long becemu very 1I0
Hlrable. The eutlcik ler the luture ins a
verv encouraging aspect for the leaf trade.
Hetter prices would be very agreeable te tlie
pickerand l.elphlm te cover up sumo of the
pafct year's iiuprotltable business.
Suumtrii mevist moderately.
Havana, as usual, will tlnd a market here
il It has quality.
ltecolplsler the week W cases Connectl Cennectl
cut, 319 canes 1'euiisylvani.i, SI cases of Ohie,
Sim cases Wisconsin lel cses or Yerk state,
I" Imles Sumatra, l".i tules Havana, and In!)
hliils Virginia ana Wostern tobacco.
Hales hIiew 101 cases Connecticut, ITl! cases
I'eiiusvlvaiila, :i'.7 iss Wisconsin, W awes
Ohie, il cases Iilllle Dutch, 131 canes el Yerk
state, 10 bales Sumatra, liC bales Havana anil
ir liluls Western leaf in transit direct te
manufacture rs.
Kxisirted et leal tobacco Te (llaiew, per
sir. Austriaii, l,7SJlbs:te Liverpool, per sir.
Lord (.'llvu .MkSyO.1 lbs ; total 37 .,tiS7 lbs.
lullltimrn Slitrket.
llecelpti el .Maryland nre light, as Is usual
during the grain harvest. Stock, however,
In factors' hands is liberal ami wen imsoriee.
The inarket is new lairly acllve, and for all
desirable samples sellers are llrm. Sales
during tlie " eek, 1,000 te 'J,000 for France and
seieral hundred hhds by ether Hhilipers. Ol
Ohie, ucuipts and stock liberal, and holders
linn, hales ombrace Xl hluls for expert,
I'reipectM In the llntitatonle Valley.
Most of the crop was set befere JuufllM
nnd the minlnder was het bofero July 1.
Cut-worms worked about the Hfline as UHual,
but the weathf r has leen se I'avorable ler re
setting that growers luwi been able te re
place missing planla easily ami keep thelr
llelds even.
The past week has been exceedingly warm
and dry, and a shower would new de the
crop a great deal of gee I.
Many peeplu tell 11a that lliere is a large do de
creaso In the acreage set thlsjear. This Is
true In seme rar-eut sections, but in the main
tobacco growing section the aciesge Is very
little less tliHli lust enr.
The crop 011 the whele is certainly a week
earller than last year, and nt the present
Is looking very satisfactory.
The WUieiulil Cre.
Tlie Kdgcrten Imtc says the weather dur
ing the past week lias been very dry, nud the
farmers iu this section aroceiiiplainlugor the
shertage thore will Imi In all kinds el crops
unless we lmve ruin been. Ne rain bus (alien
for a number el days, and scarcely one-half
or the number of acrtsef tobacco raiM.d last
sour lias thus lur been planted. Some el the
larmers In this Immedhte vicinity have been
watering out their plants, but this requires
considerable inore help, consequently tarm
era held oil for rain as long as possible.
The dealers iu this tnarket are doing llttle
or nothing at present. Itut three of the
Kastern buyormire left, and they will close
their work here the coming week. A. .
Huntley recoil oil two oarluidsel the tobac
co from Marshall thu tcre part or the woek.
The locality about Jauesvlilu en the south
and Marshall 011 tlie north the dreuth is os-
pecially hovere, no rain having ixicurred ler
nearly six weeks and all work 011 thu new
crop suspended, Tlie ground is he thoroughly
parched that very low of the watered out
plants will live.
ltniii anil Tnliacru Mlneil.
A company lias Just been started at Louis
ville, Ky., Willi tlie object of treating lear to
bacco under a new ami patented process, te
enhance its quality ami llaver. The com cem
twuy htyles Itself the Louisville Spirit Cured
Tobacco company. The Inveuter of the pro
cess Is Mr. (I. Hoblnseu, a resident of Loula Leula Loula
vllle Ills process consists In the following
procedure, which lie describes lu Ms patent,
the exact language of which we reproduce:
J. The process of Imprevlugthe quality and
color of leaf lohaive herein described, run
slsllng llrst lleiMlliig the leaf liilmccn wilh het
nloehol, then with cold iilisihel, ami Dually
Willi water, substantially as wit rerth.
'J. The processor ImprevliigllKiqunllly anil
color nl leal tobacco, as herein il(Hcrlbeil,isiii
slsllng lu llrst Heeding the leal tobacco with
het nlcohel, then with cold alcohol, then
applying pressure te oxiide surplus alcohol,
then Heeding the lear tube s iiiiiiniilarlly
with cold water te Huse eir any reinaliilng
alcelint en the eiitsldii or llin leal, and Dually
drying the lalter, as set rerth.
a FUMtun, Atir.
Feigning FrlinUhl SU11 Throws C f
Vllllul In AniilliriV I'm" nml I lieu
Mlllllts llilllinlf.
In l'lttsburgHome Hunt slnen the wlle of
.leliu M. Duvall oblalned n illiercn nnd en
the saine day marrled Jacob II. .Inner.
Duinll madu no ellert te pieieul the mar
riage. All the patties are young, Honour
them being ever thirty years or age. They
roshleoii Mount Washington, a sparsely set
tled suburb iihiu the top el the high blull
which overlooks the city Irem the west slde
el the Moneugahela river.
Monday evening Duvall vt initie Jenes and
en thu iirutoneo el bringing the latter te his
house, en 11 lilendly ilsll, tieiied him te his
house, which stands near tlie brew of the
hill. In a stroll about the premise, Duvall
led Jenes bask r an old barn which staiids
neir by, and when rife Irem observation ami
lar Uiyeiid the bearing el aiiv oilier person,
heIjiwI n can el vitriol which Im had eeniiMled
there ler this purpose and tiling the liquid
into the face of Jenes, who, tebilly disarmed
by the upparent frlendshlji el Duiall, was
unprepared for such a muriloreiis onslaught.
Stunned by the fearful pain caused by the
burning ncld, Je mis full te the ground and
writhed III agony, while Ills assailant steed
by and gloated ever Ids horrible work.
After watching the siillerlngs of Jenes nil
til entirely satlsllisl Duvall went te the edge
id the cllll, where thure Is shoei ile-u-eiil or
three hundred feet, and, sheeting nlmsell
through the lie.ul, fell heailleiig te the tsitlem.
He was picked up and carried te 11 house
niur by, w liure he Is still lying In an Insensi
ble condition, with no heisis or recovery.
Jenes was also found and cared ler, but Is In
a very serious condition, nnd ir he recovers
will be badly dMIgured and totally blind.
Mm. Jenes Is nearly cihzciI Willi grief and
requires constant attention. The parties are
all lu moderate circumstances and respected
In their circle.
Women .lillel lulrjr 1st mini;
Kiemi llin Macen (Oa ) "li lenniph. Jul) 7
Laud Is cheap In (ioergln and crops roa rea
minably certain. A supH)rt Is always certain
when lalsir Isglieu lerlt Why should net
our young lleergia women turn away Irem
the cities and clerking and teaching at M0 per
mouth and seek the free, eihiii and healthy llin
of the lariuer ' Land we nay is cheap, nnd
can Imi obtained In less timeand with half the
trouble that town positions can ; and we ven
ture the assertion that 110 women who has
ever tried a .vear In the country will want te
come back t teach In w lu il rooms or clerk
III stores. We de net mom te say that all
women cau make a success of larmlug. Hy
110 means. Itut we Isilteiu that uny women
et Industrious habits nnd possessing tlie
housekeeping instinct cau make money iiisiii
thu farm. Indeed, we knew new el many
who live couifertiiily in tl e country, manage
thelr own lalsir, mske .oed crepe, and witli
their dairies, peutuy jarils, orchards, and
gardens secure net only a living, but lay up
money, lliislness mull win defl Willi these
women will bear Willi' s te the faci that they
piy promptly and Imv c'tne. Tills is by way
uf suggestion et'ly. Tie dea must be ap
plied l,y these interes'ed. Weu'd It net be a
novel sight if soipe day Hlbli county should
have In her 1. irdei a colony of reiliiid
leniale rarmers suppl.i lug thu city with milk,
butter, eggs, vegetables, honey, preserves,
and ether products
l.emllllg tlie I'rr-Hlenl I'uuk,
t Kim the llaltliuuie .Sun.
The tiresldent's Meiimch Is biHjeiiilug weary
or the t.incy dishes sorved up by the Trench
cisiks who domineer lu the kitchen et tlie
While Heuse. Since he c.une te Washing
ton he has heard se much about the geed old
Maryland and Virginia cooking that he be
came xnsessed with the desire te Hint out all
about It torhlmseir. He sent for Jehn Cham
hcrlin, the netinl rostaurateur. and ceullded
his wishes te htm. Cliamberlin lias had for
eirs as the queen or ins kitchen a regu
lar old lrglnla "niamiiiy," who is as proud
et her I'. V . st x-k as sue is or her culinary
qualities, and wliesu terrapin, selt crabs ami
ether delicacies are famous with the lien vi
vants whoceuio te Washington. Chanibor Chaniber
lln considers her te be worth bur weight iu
geld, and she is net 11 skeleton cither. He
maintains a permnueni guaru 10 preveui ins
rivals cuaxlng-lils treasure oil", but he was se
meed by tlie plaiiitlll appeal of the presi
dent that lie consented te temporarily lend
her, and smce the low dajs she 1ms been In
stalled at the Whlle Heuse the president's
appetite has increased very much, and Mrs.
Cleveland, us she declares, is porre.-tly r.n r.n
eneu". Iln.i.lle I.eKlnlstleii (lets a
Mayer Harrison, or Chicago, has sent te the
city council a mess ige "practically vetoing"
the ordinance passed a week age, giving thu
North Slde railroad company the use el the
LiiSalle street tunnel. Ne attempt was made
te pass the erdinandi ever his head. Tlie
etii tikes the form of an ordinauce te take
the place of the 0110 pissed a woek age. Alter
being read it was ordered printed, and will
be considered next Monday. It is much less
lavorable te tlie company than the ether
ordinance. Tlie one already passed asks ler
the tunnel Iranchlsef ;e,iHK) a j ear, Irem w hlch
is te be deducted sums ter various stated im
prevements whMi in the estimation el experts
will cut down the annual rental te n ridicu
lously low tlgure. Thu mayor's ordinauce
demands a net annual rent il el" f'23,00, all
Imprei ementa lu be paid lur by the company.
(let. ;-e)tiiuiir'ii Monument.
(iei. Seymour's monument has Just been
completed at Ferest Hill coiuutery, lu I'tlea,
N. Y. It was ciried out el tlie beulder
which the governor obtained lu the county
and which, Mince his death, has been made
Intetlie foriiiefnsircoiliagus The base is
8 feet long and I feet wide, ami the cap ii ieel
8 inches long and - feet ! inches wide. It
is polished and resembles Scotch granite.
The Inscription en the cap Is :
"Horatio Seymour, born at i'ouipey Hill,
May 31, 1810. Died at I'tica, Feb. 1A lhsU.
r.ltcled Governer et New Yerk, ISVJ and
" Mary Hloeeker, his wife, born at Alb my,
April W, isii Died at Utica, May S, IbNl."
Oil 0110 ellll 01 1110 cp is a cress, auii 011 mu
ether " 1 II. S."
A Parden Uebne.l n l'eiitlim Agent.
Tlie presldent has donled the application
for pardon lu the case or James Milten, new
undergoing sentence for a violation of sec
tion 5, ISTi, in demanding and retaining an
oxcessive rte for prosecuting 11 pousieu caa
The iirosldeul, in passing en the case, says :
" The olleuse ler which tills prisoner was
convicted consisted in extorting Irem 11 sol
dier, ler procuring his pension, fi'iOO, when
he was only entitled te flO. Thocrluie is a
serious one, and ita bad ceusequeuces nre lar
reaching, involving extortion Irem soldiers
w he put themselves in tlie power ni peusieu
agents and leading te criminal practices in
the procurement of pensions. The people
who uiake it a business te procure pensions
are elteti of Hitch u character its te need all thu
restraint, and when guilty all the punish
ment they rccelve."
I'm I. IlmlBK en the Crep.
I'rofessor Dedgo, the statistician of the agri
cultural dopartmeut, B.yn "that, theugli the
average condition of spring wheat 011 the 1st
day of last July was 0i", It iollte 6t)atthe time
of harvest, which Is only three points hlgher
than the present condition, and represents a
losset less than 0,000,000 bushels as compared
with the rosultet last year's harvest. 'J he
damage occurred last year In the last two
weokaef July and later. Tliore la a great
risk of lurther damage during J my ami
August, but that already reported moansenly
a less of 0,000,000 bushels iu spring wheat and
6,000.000 iu winter wheat, or a total less el
11,000,000 In wheat during the month or
A Mew I'rulemnr Teacher of llliiiiittuii lln-
larneiiieiitel tlm llepsrliiielit of Htlenre.
IU linlrliclnts Who Hate Msrte Itepu-
tatluns lu Thelr Hei lal l'lelil-
Ah a number of Inquiries have been made,
andnMiiaiiy will be anxious te knew what
has lioeii done lu roleronco te the appoint
ment or an adjunct presser el L'ngllsh lit lit lit
orattire In Frankllu unit Marshall eotlego,
It Is lit te nnnounce that the commlltee en
Inslructleii, bynm! Willi the advlce et tlie
faculty, has appointed I'rnf. (loe. F. .Mull, A.
M., te that position, l'ref Mull Is a graduate
el Mercemburg college, wheie he rnhked
very high In scholarship as 11 student.
Alter his graduation, and tlie comple
tion of a course of Ntudy In theology,
lin spent several years In the l'nlverslty
of Lelpslc, Hermany. He then returned
and was olisHed lu the professorship
of Latin In Mercersburg college, which isisi.
lien he held for seieral J ears, until that col cel col
lege t-ensed te maintain a lull college faculty.
As l'ref. N'evln has continued te teach some
el the classes in the Uep-trliiidit or ancient
language, In connection witli his teaching In
Lugllsli literature, l'rnl. Mull will be ox ex ox
pected new te take charge or that work, and
we are glad te H,y that he inade tlie study
or Litlu 11 specialty while he wm In the
Herman university, se that he will be 11 geed
acquisition te the college in that depart
ment, lie has also lild considerable atten
tion te English literature, nud has the foiin feiin
datum already laid for eminent success lu
that department, l'rel. Mull has received
the very decided eiidoiHeineiit or the com
mittee en instruction and the (acuity as 11
hclielar or mere thnti ordinary talent. Hels
11 licentiate of tlie Lancaster clasls, and Is
well acquainted with the spirit and genius of
the Itotermod Institutions. He will boa valua
ble acquisition te the faculty of the college,
and will, no doubt prove eminently success
ful in thu depirtment te which he has been
appointed. Se far as he has beceme known
te the students of tlie college he has wen
their enllrocenlldonco and respect,
11:11 Ol Kl.Otl MOM.
At Its late annual meeting the Isi.ard of
trustees appointed a committee te inakosemn
prevision for a course or elocution for the
b'uiellt of the students lu the college and
theological semlnnry. Although the arrange
ments te this end haie net jet been comple
ted, we have been instructed by the chairman
et the iiforeatil committee te announce that
a course of Instruction in elocution would
certainly Iki provided ler the studenta during
the coining year, nud we liai e 110 doubt such
an annual course will new lie inade ene of
the regular loatures of tlie college curricu
lum. llhl'AHl MKXT IN NAT lit A I. srll.Nfi:.
The beard nlse took measures at Its recent
meeting te carry out the suggestions made
by l'ref. J. Stahr, I'll. D , prohisser or natural
The coming year will no doubt witness a
Bin,, of verv itechled nrouress 111 the aplielut-
imiiila ler this Important department. With
these additions te tlie teaching force el the
cel lege, and the ample previsions made, and
te Ira inade in tlie way or building nnd appar
atus for the study or astronomy, physics, the
natural sciences, and ler libraries, museum,
Ac .Franklin and Marshall will easily held its
front rank among tlie cellegi i of our great
commonwealth, anil wins present new in
ducements in the way of solid adiantages te
the students that enter Its halls. Its course iu
philosophy Isconri'ssedly equal te the host lu
any Institution in the country , built iiien the
biead foundations laid by Hauch and Nevin,
it remits nothing et the advantages it allerds
ler buiiianocullurelu the study of thoancient
classics, having In that department a pro pre pro
lesser w hese great merits are well ami w Idely
known, l'ref. J. S. Kleller, l'h. I)., whilst it sfiiVIaltlei or the study el history and
the tierinan language. In keeping with its
high estimate el the Importance of history,
mid the Angle (ernian character el the
college. Thoceursoin hlstoryandarchaeelogy
under Dr. J. II. Dubbs is very lull, nnd Cer
ium is required during the whole four years'
c.uri. In the department of mathematics
tin, college has a proles-er of far inore than
ordinary ability and ene he, theugli young,
has already risen te very lavorable notlce
among the prac'leal astronomers et the coun
try, l'ref. J i: K r-liiiir, l'h. 1). Altogether
li-mUiii and Maishall has shown new life
mid taken a step forward. Let it new lie
properly sustained in these ellerts by the
church and the public generally during this
centennial year, and Lancaster will tlnd that
it has n college within its limits which htly
crowns Its well-ordered educational institu
.1 refAX iti;niu 1111:1. JIfASlAO.
Miss Nilllu I. Hum TliiniKht I11 Hate Iteeu Inl
ine. 1 hy u Ijuiimlei Clgnrniaker
Krem the Herald
MisSallie Levan, a petite brunette, aged
is jesrs and a member el the lamlly of W.
N. Reland, 1)17 l'eim street, left her home
shortly niter neon en Sundny, since which
tune nothing has lweu heard of her where
abouts. Five vears age Miss I.e. van, then an
orphan, was taken Inte the family or .Mr.
ltelaiid and treated as one or Ills own. She
wasnpt te learu, and nltlieugh she did net
grew In sUilure she becaine a blight, intelli
gentglrl lourweeksiigesho entered thefmn
Hy el llenj. I', liei'ra, esq., ... .-suiiui .111111
street, as u domestic ler a short tline. Di
rectly opposite Is the City hotel, where a
number of clgarmakers Irem Lancaster
count), known us "scabs" lmve ler seme
tlmu been bearding. Through a flirtation
she became acquainted with 0110 el them and
oc.'isienally promenaded with I1I111. Mr.
Helaiul hearing et the lad, 011 Monday el
last week took her te his home and
forbide her te haie any mere Interviews
witli him. On Saturday evening the "mash
ing" cUarmaker called at the lakery, but
tilled te see Miss Levan and was orderod
away by Mr. Kelaud. On Sunday tlie young
lady lelt tlie heuse lur the purpose of attend
ing the Sunday schcel at Klghth and Court
streets. On the way te the church she gave
the money Mr. Kelaud had given her te place
iu the missionary box te a young girl, with
directions te give it back te the donor. Slnce
then nothing has been heard or her, although
diligent inquiry lias been made among her
relailiesin tills city. AH her clothing, with
the exception el wliat she were, Is at Mr.
Reland's, He is of the opinion that she
either eloped with the clgarmaker or is kept
lu hiding by him. Inquiry made at the City
hotel last ovenlng by n Herald man olicited
the fact that nene el the boarders has quit
thu place, with thu exception el one who
brought Ids family Irem Lineaster nnd went
te housekeeping.
I.etleia (iranleil by the 1tei;lter.
The lollewing letters haie been grauled by
the register of wills ler the woek ending
Tuesday, July 13 : Alplionse H. Hilr, Lan-ca-ter
township, executer el l'risuilla K.llalr.
(iuorge Ackurmau, Lancister city, oxocu exocu oxecu
torot Kesanna ttetalllck, el Lancaster city.
11 F. W. Urban, Lancaster city, executer
et Themas Helt,
Jehn 11. Hussel and (ioergo 1. Ilussel,
Lancaster city, oxecutersof A. W. Ilussel,
Lancaster city.
AiiMiMsritATieN. Jehn II. Hammer,
F.lizabelh township, administrator et tioergo
K. Hammer, of Kllzabeth township.
Anna Solleubergor, el Hreckneek town
ship, administratrix of Abraham Sollenber.
" Milten Wlke, or Columbia, administrator
el Jeseph M. Watts.
Anthenv Wegley, of Columbia, administra
tor c L h. Jeseph Wegley, Columbia.
Christiana lleptlng, Lancaster city, admin
istratrix et Lewis lleptlng.
Jehn li Snyder, Liucastur city, aduiinls aduiinls aduiinls
tr.Uorel Margaret Snyder.
AtdileiiUNear N U.vtlle.
A few days nge as Wile, a nlne-yoar-eld
daughter or Mr. Jehn Her..ler. living near
Netlsillle, was en a ladder picking cherries,
she fell te the ground, a distance of .10 feet,
aud In doing se had the misfortiiue te break
bur right arm near the wrist.
On Alenday, Kila, a thrce.v ear-old daugh.
ter or KdwarU Lauich, living iiearFruitvllle,
was standing en a leiice, aim losing her bal bal
ance she loll, breaking her right cellar-bone.
Dr. 12. II. Wltmer, of NelTsvllle, attended
both of these esses.
latent Varieties uf liifnrinntlim In llnie
IUII tlrrlr.ll
Tlie Leaguo games yesterday wore: At
I'tllndelphla (eleven Imihigs) : Philadel
phia 7, New Yerk il J at Washington : Husten
8, WashlngUin G at St. Leuis : Chicago 8, HU
r,uli I i at ICatis-is City ; Detroit W,
'Iho Ainerlcnu Ass:latlen games of yosler.
day wero : At St. Leuis : St. Leuis In,
Athletic 8 at Loulsvltle : Loulsvllle 11,
llaltlmorea ; at I'ittsburg : Meta I, l'ittsburg
StatoLenguo games yestenlay wore: At
Altoena: Altoetia f, WllkmlmrreS ;at Wll
llninsHirt : WllltamsH)rttVScranteu 0.
Yesterday Tem Deasley, of the New Yerk
club, went In the Held lu Philadelphia white
drunk. He get Inte an altercation Willi
Ilnsiks, the koepor or thu grounds. Deasley
abused llroeks shamefully, and was II red oil
the grounds. Manager Murlrlu lined J1I111
100 last night.
Dally washnroef the game In Philadelphia.
Korguseu pllched six Innings, when his nriu
gave out. Dally thou took his place and the
giants did net get a lilt alterwards. Koslde
this work Dally had throetwo base hlls and
he scoreil the winning run.
The Detroit had no less than twenty,
four hlU oil Weldman, of Kansas City yesler
Jimmy Clinten caught for I'owell, el Haiti,
mere, ytisteriiay, and did well. The latter
was hit twonty-enu times.
The Merritts went te Manhelm yosterday
and played a gtxxl game with the Koysleno
club, el that place. The MerrltlH were victo
rious by the following acore :
Mnrrltts 11 n il I 0 11 11
Keystone 0 11 0 e I 0 1 u 1-.1
ilium lilts Merrills, s Keystone, 0. Kirers
ilenltts, 1 Keystone, n.
Hen Flelschmaii, et Heading, who was in in in
torested In the old Actlie club, la new lu
I'ittsburg, and he has lienii telling miwrters
there hew Merris hcutuie a pitcher. He said :
'Tlie Actives wero a very strong team at
Hint tlme, and as a matter el course
created considerable envy In our city.
Flnallv another team was erganled thore te
knock" us out. On the day when the game
was te be played our pitcher turned up with
a lame arm. We were In a bad liex, but
Merris came te the Ireut and said that he be
lieved he could pitch home, and no lie put him
In ler a trial. Well, sir, he made a complete
success of It, nnd has lieen pitching ever
since. He was a romarkable llttle man bo be
hlnd the bat, but lias made a much greater
reputation as a pitcher. When lie get fairly
iu line he told 1110 there was a California
catcher he would like lery much te have as
aupjiert. He mentioned Fred Carrell, your
Fred, and we brought him en. They ro re
malned Willi us for about twiMyears, and
then signed with the Columbus nine, where
they romalned until the team was trans trans
lerred te I'ittsburg." Mr. rielschmau might
have added that Harry Heyle was a member
or the Actlie club with Merris aud Carrell.
He played first base thou but is new ene or
the leading pitchers or the League and n
member or Lucas' St Leuis team.
Temmy Hums the base ball player, has
sent a paper containing an account el his
wedding at Newark, te his counsel hore,
which will be read te the court in the attempt
te get him out et his treuble caused by his
disgraceful actions iu the opera house. ir
rii'.ur rrlcynH'l:
'I hu lucrum family Arrete,l ut ail liirl) Heur
Thla .IliirnlliK.
Soinetliing ever a month age the house or
Albeu Ingram, en Kat Leireu street, was
raided by the jkiIIce. Ingram, hiswtreaud
hall-grown daughter and Hattle Wilsen wero
sent te tail. Mrs. Ingram was released alter
afewdays cenlinement, and her husband Is
held rnrkoepiuga disorderly heiiMi. The ethers
served their terms aud were reloa-sed from
prison a few days age Mrs. Ingram recent
ly meied her lamlly Inte 11 house en
North Christian street abeve Freder
ick. They seen lsvauiu disorderly at
that place and between U aud I o'clock
this morning the heuse was again raided.
The work was done by lllcer Reilly and
l'yle, w he took te the st ltlen iieuse S irah
Ingram, her seu Alvui, ag,sl ten or twelve
vears, a lillle daughter, nun isnotevorsix
years and Hattle Wilsen. They were all
locked in a cell. Mrs. Ingram will lie held
by Alderman Fordney for keeping n disor
derly heuse aud Miss 1H011 ou the charge
et drunken aud di-orderly conduct. Hat
teo sajs she wants te get out of town, aud il
she does she will ueier come hack again.
She says she was Bleppuig with Mrs. Ingram
until she could nrrauge te Haie ter Halltmerc.
As she lias friends who are willing te pay
horcests, slie willlikel) no discharged.
There was net a par. i. leel oiideuce against
tlie Ingram cbildien, and tins morning the
little boy, who has a jei in n ten-pin alley,
was sol tree, wneu ne wuui u un nuiv. no
mother desired te knp the llttle girl, as she
did net want her relaiii. i te have it. An ef
fort may be made te haie the child plnced in
the Heme, as It is rather rough ler children
or that age te be locked up in station houses
or jails.
liiisii-s vn:w r Tin: stati-
Choster wishes te consolidate witli its out
lying boroughs, which would give it a popu
lation el 3;,000.
The State Liquor 1 "igue of Pennsylvania
meet in I'ittsburg te-dav te dNeuss unileriu
license, the suppression of greggeries and
places whero liquor is seui wuuuut iiiieu-u
and the prohibition plank m the Republican
i:. A. Rlehwineatiil W. T. Fleming, of tbxi
Pennsylvania Hicycle club, et liilladelpbi
rode te Luray Caieru, Va., and return, a ills,
tsnee or 503 miles, u ten days. They started
en July 1 and returned 011 the leth.
Ames Redwell, Hilly summers nnd l-.nes
Pelew, tbroe Apache Indian boys aged
rosiiectlvoly eighteen, sei cut 'en and seven
teen, who escaped in.ui the Carlisle Indian
school awoek age, wereciptured at Ashlaud
en Monday mul were sent back te Carlisle.
Seme excitement lias been created iu the
Philadelphia shoe trade by the une.xplained
absence Irem his pp 'e el business and the
alleged doparture from the city of Mr. -Morten
Heward, Jouuer 111 tne wueiusuu uun
and by the dismantled ceudltimi of Ins naro nare naro
reoms en Iho upper lloers el Ne. 110 North
Third street
The large saw mill el Albeit Lewis, nt
Meadow Run, Liuerne eunty, was destroyed
by llre Monday allerncin. Toe mill was
situated about two miles Irem tlie encamii encamii
meiitel the Ninth Regiment, N. ti. el Pa,
and word was sent te tlie camp. Tiiree
hundred soldiers responded and wero sent te
the scetiB en a special train. Alter two hours
dosperato work they succeeded iu saving
surrounding buildings and several million
feet et lutiiber. The mill lias ontlrely
destreyed with much valuable inachlnery.
The less is ?2.s, 0011 . partially covered by In
Tilt, NenserAlgleil
A'nu.iiN. July 13 Although ever the
oeunty line, the citlens et Atgleu take a
llvely liitercst In things pertaiuiug te Lan
caster city and county. Unite a utimber of
Lancaster weukly. jiewspapers llnd their way
te the borough affll vicinity, and tlie D.111.1 is steadily making its way
among the old established Philadelphia and
West Chester dailies. Tills Is 11 reading com
munity, ami the people Imuw n geed paper
when they read it llonce it is but natural
the lNriiM.lui.Nii:u should have its share
of readers. , , ,,
The Lancaster beer that is sent te tills vll vll
laue causes disturbances new and then. On
Saturday night last, It lasted 11 little tee leug
and bocame almost tee general, the crowd
hailng adjourned Irem place te place until
they get almost out of tlie borough llniiuund
becaine se much confused that It ended in
raising a kiud of iiiuiMurd abeve a stone
cutter's eye. Justice Hambe heard the case
and Imposed one-third of the costs 011 plain
till aud twotliirdsen defendant.
Ilelil hu- Trial,
Heraco Shay, 011 complaint of his wife, who
charges hltu with assault and battery, has
been held in bail by Alderman Deou toanswer
the accusation nt quarter sossieus court
.Mr. Willi's lujurle..
Geerge Wall, who was thrown from his
wagon yesterday, was inore seriously Injured
than was at first supposed. Resides the cuts
en his head lie had ene arm badly cut and he
is injured intemally.
Attn vi.KiiiMi Tiiuuvtiu iruvjuii.
Hearding llnnne lliliiulrs Who I) ern 1'enneil In
l,y n Fire nml Hnveil TliciiiReltes 1,7
Dropping I'rein )Vliiilim Msrersl
reiiumi Who Were lliully Hurt.
CiiH'Ane, July'i.'I.Abeut three o'clock
this morning llre erlg Inatcd In the basetnen
of Mrn. Mudgett's Ijearding liouae, Xa 3'Ci
llormltage avenue. It dpread rapidly and
Irarern all the Inmates could be areused Mr.
C. C. Keberts, his two daughters, 1'arepa,
aged 17, ami l'aullna, aged ten, nnd Mrs.
(illberl wero iniprlsoued In the second
story and all means el oscajie Bliut oil'.
Mr. Keberts dropped his two daughters
and Mrs. (lllbert Irem the window
and ju m pod te the ground. All four wero
bably shaken up by the fall and Kcorched
by the ilatnes. Mrs. Ullbnrt had her shoulder
dlslocatedand was bruised nlieut the hips
and chest ami badly btirnedfpn the lace and
hands, l'aullna Roberts had nil arm broken.
Her lather and sister are both badly burned.
The rest of the Iioarders escaped. Tim less
en furniture aud clothing Is about ?2,000,
partlslly Insured. The heuse is damaged
about f 1,000.
Human llelugs Hemmed In by Flames anil
.lumping for Their 1. lies.
Ciiu-.uie, July 13. Atauearly hour this
morning a fatal ami dostructlve llre breke
out In T. K. Merris' Uvery and bearding
stables, Nes. :iM and ilO Hast Thirtieth utreet
entailing a less of ti'sOOO. Soieral persons
wero lnjiired two probably latally.
The llre was discoverea seen nller 1!
o'clock. It was burning briskly and gained
with terrihe rapidity. A number of persons
who lived upstairs ever the stables leund
egress cut oil by the Haines, and were com
pelled te leap from the windows. Peter
Schmidt had his right leg broken by the tail.
Charles Schmidt was injured Internally be
sides sustaining a Iracture of the sp'ne. He
will probably dle. Mrs. I'eter Schmidt was
also injured internally and may die. James
Klaiinery had a leg broken. An Infant child
or Peter and Jim, Schmidt was thrown out
el a wiudew, but was caught unharmed by
Dremen. There wero rerty horsesand thirty
two vehicles in the barn. Kleven or the
rormer were burned te death.
The building and contents were nearly a
total less.
Iren Works llurneil.
CitU'Acu), July I.I.TI10 Illinois malleable
iron works at Lakoview, near hore, wero
burned last night. Less, $,'111,000 ; insurance
about $10,000. The llre was started by a red
het Iren laid near the woodwork of the build
ing. Het Works Hunted.
I'lin.Aiini.ritii, Pa., July U. The
Themas Tunis box nianufacturingcempany'a
extensive works, at Otsego aud Moero streets,
were totally destroyed early this morning.
The building, which occupied half a block
or ground, was tilled with machinery aud a
large let el lumber and lnanulactuied goods.
The less is estimated at ?.'e,000 ; rully cei ered
by lusurauce.
NiillluK 11, a hernial a line.
It seems te be necessary for Senater Vauce
te again prepurly stigmatize as a malicious
lie Iho current statement that he has had six
teen el his kinsmen appointed te ellice. 'e
less an authority than the New lerk i'tmes
rocently repeated this story, te which Mr.
Vauce maUOT this sweeping ami conclusive
answer :
It la utterly without foundation, save as te
two persons, my brotberaud my son, who Is
my private and confidential clerk. Nearly
every ether person mentioned lit that list is
unknown te me, and el whom 1 never heard
until the list relerred te was first published
iu tlie .V'k Yerk Trihunr. They are all
Republicans, and oblalned their positions
under Republican administrations. One, at
least, Is a Flerida carpet-bag negre, who ob
tamed his position as a reward ler his infamy
as a member et a returning beard by means
el which the great lraud of IsTO was ioipo ieipo ioipe
trated, and he is retained in ellice, I suppose,
te Illustrate the beauties of civil service re
form. 11 tlie charge should include it, 1 will
state that 1 have a son ale lu the army, a po
sition te which he was appointed without my
knowledge or sollcititieu by that excellent
and courteous gentleman, whom 1 grieve te
knew is languishing upon a bed of sutlerlng,
e.x-President Arthur.
lelUe Cil, s.
Yesterday attorneon A. !'. Donuelly sent
Delly Hoever, alias Slackhouse, te jail for 00
nays, and Hessio Mplcer te the same Institu
tion ler (0 days.
The mayor had but ene case this morning
and lien us a vagrant w he was beggltig en tlie
streets yesterday. He was sent te the work
house ter 0 days.
This morning atO o'clock Mrs.Mulbellatid,
who was very drunk, was leund lying ou the
pavement iu lrent of Flinn A Hreneuiaii's
store. She was tee Intoxicated te be heard
at the regular mayor's court.
This morning Nick (ioedtnan had a hear
ing bolore Alderman Patrick Douuellyen
the charge et malicious, mischief, prelerred
by W. W. Nissley, proprietor of tlie Wash
ington house, Strasburg. The accused was
held in ball ler trial at court.
Kmest Arneld has been held en bail te
auswer at court the charge of surety et the
peace prelerred by Jehn Kisley.
Colonel I. II. tsr in hlnrt 10 the Nurlh 1'ule.
Te-day Colonel William 11. (illder will sail
Irem New Louden lu the whaling schooner
Km, bound ier Cumberland Inlet. Frem
that point It is his intontlen te start forth ou
a sledging journey te tlie North pole. His
sole cempanijti is a young mair named Wll.
Mr. Ciildorisabrethorol Richard Watsen
Ciilder, editor of the Century magazine, and
of Jeatmotte L. and Jeseph Gilder, editors el
the Critic. Gilder Is II years el age, aud has
been in turn artist, soldier, reperter, editor,
war correspondent and Arctle explorer, Tlie
knowledge et the terrible task belore lilin
does net seem te have much etlect upon Cel.
f iihler'M HAiieuine temnorament and unques
tienable courage. He modestly says: "I
shall try te reach the Pele, or at least te reach
as high a latitude as I can."
Sir. lieaiiau's Lutext Xniel.
K10111 the Philadelphia Times.
The Londen Athcimmii, In a uollce of
Henry F. Kceuan's latest novel, "The
Aliens," fays: "A phrase in the second
volume may serve as n clue te the author's
nationality. ' Was leadeu-hoelod justice,' he
asks, 'clinching its Iren hand ler another
blew V" The lfeiiitiin apparently sup
poses Hint Mr. Keeuau is an Irishman. Hut
thore is no "bull" lu this sonteuco. aud
every American would recognize the adapta
tion of Judge Hlack's famous sontence:
"Justice moves with a leadeu heel, but
strikes 11 itli an Iren hand." Only the strong
peried leses all Us (ilect In this adaptation
and bounds weak, if net ridiculous.
Tit nil s nt I'enrjn,
.Yesterday the Seventh street Methodists,
of Reading, held thelr picuiu at Peuryii park,
and aboutthreo hundred poeplo were present,
i'bls liieriiimr tlie Sunday school et the
Duke street Methodist church, of this city,
lelt for Peiiryn park en a special train of nine
cars. A number et lelks went out 011 the
neon train.
Dentil of .-111. -llaKgle McCnriiilrk,
Miss Maggie McCormick, daughter of Mrs.
M. A. McCertnick, and sister of Dr. D.
R. McCermlck, of Ne. UIO West Kingstreet,
died about 0110 o'clock tills mernlug. Do De
cased had been an Invalid ler many years
but was only cenuneu 10 ueu ier u wcek
past, Uer death was rather sudden, as Pbe
took a sudden chatige for the worse late last
The i:ngllli Klertlnni,
LoNlie.v, July 13. Mr. Michael McCartan
(I'arnellltu) has been elected for the South Seuth South
ern division of Down by n vete or .,787 as
against 3,Slll east for his opponent, Mr. Me
Dorbett, the Conservatlvo nominee. Fer
tlie Hlrr division of Kings county Mr. B.C.
Malley (l'arnclllte) has boeu ro-electoil by a
vete of ,V-70 against 711 cast. for Captain
Wellesly Hernard, the Conservatlvo Candi
da te. In this division nt the previous oloc eloc olec
tlou the satne candidates contested the neat
and the vete thou Bleed : Malley, 3,103;
Hernard, 7(H).
The Conservatives te-day gained the Seuth'.
ern division el Dorselshlro and the Jjcek
division of SUIlordshlre. The UnlenlstH
have gained the Shlpten division of York Yerk York
Hhlre. C'uunrlimeii In a Mtreet liner.
Ui.KVKi.ANH, Ohie, July 13. Councilman
Flynn and Leuis Meyers, a well-to-de nice
young attorney, engaged In a tight last night
en SL Clair stroet, In lrent or A. A. Scullion-
trager'a drug store. Councilman Melding
also had a hand In the all ray. The fight
grew out of an article which appeared In a
Sunday paper rollectlng en Melding as an
efliclal. The latter nnd Moyera met Flynn
at the abeve place for the purtKse el compell
ing Flynn te retract- This Klyiiu rofused te
da The three went nt each ether Hi rough
and tumble style &111I n-large, crowd. .was
attracted, l'lynn's coat wai tern te shreds'
and all sustained mero or less bruises bofero
they were paelhed.
I Ire Insurance Companies tlniler n Ctuiiil.
Cr.KiKi.ANh, O., July 13. Charges have
been porferred by the superintendent of
of lusurauce against the following llre lnstir lnstir
nnce cempanies: Tlie Citizens of Cincinnati,
Dayton or Dayton, Hagle et Cincinnati, and
Miami Valley of Cincinnati ler refusing te
llle their annual statements with thu insur
ance dopartmeut. These four companion
held sMcial charters antedating the present
state constitution and have porslstenlly ro re ro
lused te report te tlie dopartmeut or rccog rcceg rccog
nl.e the authority of the commissioner te ox ex ox
amine thelr elllces.
ItUliie's l'nlltlcal I'lans.
Ilesiiw, Mass., July 13. A Washington
special te tlie Herald says: Congressman
Milllken, of Maine, does net bellove Mr.
Illnlne will return te Washington te live un-
less he shall ceme as prestdent. "Mr,
Hlaitie," he says, " will make no ellert Ui se
cure a rfliiomlnatlen. That will be tendered
unanimously. Heis thoenly man with whom
the Republicans can succeed. As for the aena aena
tershlp 1 have the assurance from Mr.
Hlaine's own lip, that the peeple of Maitie
could net ferce It upon him. Until the next
campaign lie wilt doveto his leisure te liter
ary work, whii h Is an agroeablo occupation
aud pays haudsomely. lly his last venture
I am told he has realUcd $2.,0,000.
Ne AppalllDg SIriii.
liKilteiT, Mich., July 13. The reiKjrt that
the Lake Shero switchmen In Detroit are
going outdoes net croate any alarming sen
satien. Thore are net enough oftheinhoro
te form a corenor's Jury, and If they de go
out they uever will be missed. The Lake
Shero has a ferce of six switchmen hore ;
three en the night force aud three en day
work. Lach of these tbroe are located two
miles rrem the ethor two. The probabilities
el a strike are therefore net very appalling.
1'liliiS the Weel Hate.
Sr. Leris, Me,, July 13 The St. Leuis
peel et the Central Tmlllc association has
lived the wool rate at 10 cents per 100 pounds
Irem Kaat,SL Leuis te New Yerk only half
the rate of w oel in sacks. The peel held a
meeting with the St. Leuis millers aud also
resolved net te meet the cut rate en Heur
from lndlannpelH, which Is 30 cents, or only
1 cent mere than from St. Leuis te New
i:ctiliig IlliutPir l,y Alleglug Drunkenness.
M11.U At m:i:, 'Wis., July 13. Dennis Ken
nedy, alias Duck Cleary, who, with a man
n,iiiie:l Feley, threatened the llves of District
Attorney Williams and all cenuected with
the recent Anarchist trial, was brought be be bo
eoro Judge Mallery yosterday, Cleary testi
fied thnt he get drunk Monday and remained
in that htate until Thursday. He claimed te
have no knew ledge el making threats or
et meeting Thompson or Mallery.
The l-ake Miere .Strike.
Ciiicuie, July 13. There was an increased
iorce of Plnkerten men and pollce etllcers at
the 13d street yards of the Lake Shere read
this morning. Trouble seemed te be antici
pated, but, with tlie oxception of seme in.
ellectual attempts te wreck trains last night,
no oiert acts were reported up te nine o'clock.
Twe trains el empty cars hadlelt for the stock
yards at this time. Tiienty-one leaded cars
nore get out by the company durlug the
hlmt lliinu Fer ahtrlke.
Pueiliir.NCK, R. I., July 13. The Lous Leus
dalo company's cotton mill at Ashton shut
down yesterday In consequeuce of the strike
of '.S splnners, leckiug out 00 empleyes
The treuble nrose ever iusutllcieut pay and
the discharge of the overseer for incempe
tency. Thostrikeat Knights' cotton mius
at Natick extended from the 17.", weavers te
the 00 ethor hands.
The Orleans Family Must (Je,
Pakis, July 1.1. Presldeut Grevy has
signed the order et expulsion from France et
theDuod'Auuiale. Should theDued'Charles
Imitate the oxatnple of Due d'Aumale lu ad
dressing President Grevy against the striking
or his name from the army roll, the Radicals
intend moving a resolution iu the Chamber
of Deputies having for its object the solzure
of all the property of the Orleans family.
A Cloud el Ura.sheppers.
Faiiiie, Dak., July U Persens In from the
West, yesterday, report that Sunday after
noon an Immense cloud or grasshoppers sot set
tied down en a wheat lield In the vlclulty or
Sanborn, ou the Northern l'acllie railway,
ea miles west of Farge, and In a very short
time cleared oil Ulty acres of overy vestlge
of greenness. Several ethor Holds lu that
neighbor heed wero also partially swept.
About sunset the hoppers rese aud Hew
l'euiul lleiul In a Ham.
iMHANArei.ts, lud., July 13. Sauuiel E.
Hrewn was round dead In a barn bIx miles
from hore yosterday with a ballet In his head.
He had killed himself. Thocause Is attributed
te bad health and opposition te his marriage
with Miss Ltaie Oldhamer by her family.
He spout yesterday afternoon with her and
told her that she would uever bee lnui again
I. It a llecey Letter?
PillNciJTON 111., July 13. It Is suspocted
by some ioeplo hore that the letter which
Mrs. Turnlnlssiinnewd te have leit behlnd
here when, as alleged, she murdered her
llttle daughter and then killed herseil, is net
gonulue, but a lorgery, made te cover up a
herrible crime. The letter Islu the posses
sion of the authorities, hewever, and the case
will be fully worked up.
tnllfenila's tlrent Wheat Crep.
San FnAM'isce, July 13. Latest returns
ceullrni the previous ustlmatosef the wheat
crop el California. It will be the largest evor
harvested. The returns furnished by the
oeunty assessors show a total yield et a frac
tion ever 70,000,000 bushels, which will Icave
California olese en te 00,000,000 bushels for
A lllll I'M.ed Fer the Kreclleli of 1'akH
HiillilInK In ilarktnnvlllr, rierlda. te Cm
l50,OO0An Aittene Itepert Vpea
A rre.htenllal Mrle,
IVltilltVj.Tnu tl 1 t..l .., riW.
The spenker laid before the Heuse the Ml- xi ,
ean tension bill, as amonded by the Senate. r,
iiir. liiirouge, et Michigan, naked for Ita lm ,S;T
mediate consideration, but objection vu ""'
made aud the bill was roferroil te the com cem com
mlttee en Jionslens.
Mr. Merrill, el Kansas, rrem the commit
tee en Invalid pensions, submitted a report
upon the mossnge of the prosldent vetoing
the bill granting a jiennlen te Jes. RomeUer,
which was orderod printed.
On motion of Mr. Dougherty, the Henate
bill for tho'crcctleti efa publics building at
Jacksonville,'" Flerida, at an ultlinate coitef
Jirsa.OOO was iasscd.
On niotleu el Mr. Kyau,or Kausa, the
Uotiate bill was passed authorizing the socro secro socre
tary of war te credit the state of Kaniaa with
a certain sum et money en lier ordnance ac
count with the goneral government.
On ntOtfon'et Mr. Held, et North Carolina,
a bill was passed niiprepriatlng (0,000 for the
completion of the public buildings at Orooni Oreoni Oroeni
borough, N. C.
Mr. Watsen, of Indiana, from the commit commit commit
tee en Invalid ponslens, stibiultted an ad ad
vorse report tijieu the mossnge of the prosl presl prosl
eont votelng ihe bill for the rollef of Mr.
Maria Htinter ; ordered printed.
Mr. Lewry, from the commlltee en expen
ditures lu the treasury department, reported
back the resolution calling for Information
from the cectetary of the treasury as te the
roaseu for tlie fallnre te Investigate the
charges of fraud against R. D. Lancaster, at
present surveyor or the ixirt of St. Leuis.
Mr. O'Neill, or Missouri, said that Lancas
ter had at all times Coiirted tlie lullest Inves
tigation, and that the judgment ofthe people
of tit. Leuis was that the officer had been
gully of no intentional frauds.
lllll. That l'MMeil the senate.
Wahiunoten, D. C, July 13. Senate.
Resolutions or the convention of Republican
editors et Ohie, urging an Investigation et
the charges as te the election of Senater
Pay no and two ether memorials en the same
subject, wero laid bofero the Sonate and re
ferred te the commlltee en privileges and
olections. Thu Senate thou proceeded te the
consideration of business en the calendar.
Among the bills passed wero the following :
Appropriating $230,000 for a menument at
Steny Point, N. Y., te commGPJerate .the
revolutionary battle thore ; for cenllnTSfflSlV
of inebriates In the government hospital for
the Insane.
Net a rniirth-fjlass Weman.
Washiniite.v, D. C, July 13. A fourth
class postmaster was te-day appointed lu
Pennsylvania : Mary J. Lyen, Lyona.
Pleading for Ooeile'i Retention,
WASiiiNriTON, d. C, July 13. Ex-Senaeor
Johnsten, of Virginia, with Representa
tives Tucker, Wise, Cabell, Truxteu aed
Frigg, of that state, walted upon the pieit pieit
deut te-day te urge the roueinlnatlon
of Solicitor Gouernl Ooedo. They presented
the case at considerable length and at the
conclusion of thelr statements, the president
simply roplled that he was sorry Mr. Goede
bad boeu rejected. He gave no further In
dicatien as te what he lutended. doing in the
The Answer He Makes te the Fermer' Read
lug Preposition.
Piiii.Aiir.Li'HiA, l'a., July 13. Chairman
Garrett, of the reconstruction trustees of the
Philadelphia A Reading railroad, has replied
te Mr. Gewon's letter of yosterday en refer
ence the plans for the foreclosuro of that
read. Mr. Garrett says :
' I see se reason, alter reading your letter
of yosterday, for modifying In any particular
my tostlmeny as given befere Examlner Pol
lock iu the Robinson foreclosuro suit. The
fact remains unchallenged and Incontro
vertible that, after discussing all ether' differ
ences lu the two plans, one of your
beard remarked : ' Mr. Garrett, then there
seems te be nothing botween us but
the question of control.' Thore may
be room ler diiVorence as te what this
luiplied, but ethor honest friends or the
Keading proiierties draw Irem it the same In
ferences that I have done. It la true
that I admitted the merit of your
plau, previded it was undertaken aa
fully and ellectlvely as the trustees' plan had
already been. Its merit was that it waa In
tended te avoid foreclosure, but I did net
regard It as practicable, aud until under
written, It could net be made eflec
tive. The opiertuuity has been af
forded lu which you might present
your plan te the shareholders and cred
itors of the companies, guaranteed by capi
tal with overy assurance of Its fair
consideration. It does net require the wlUi-,$
drawal of the trustoe plau, which yeusay baa W,-,
practically no support among the creditors or :;
shareholders. The next meeting of thetrua.
toeseccurs en the 20th Inst. It will be a grat- t,
itlcatlen te 1110 If the consideration or your j
preposition la made posslble by the publlca-
tlen of your plan bofero t hat tlme." VI
Ne Trouble at Teledo,
ir... ,.,,. Inlv 1'1 Mr. Curtis, division SU-..i
porlntendont of the Lake Shero .t Teledo,
says there is net 1110 unguium muiwu m
strike of the switchmen of that read berji. s
The men. he says, are all satisfied, 'and he
would be as much surprised at a strike
among thetii as te be struck by lightning
from a cloudless sky.
I're.ldentlal I'e.tmaiten.
W.vsuiNiireN, D. C, July 13. The presi
dent te-day appointed postmasters: Augua-"
tusll. GrlfTeu, Ilempsteadj Jainei Curraa,
llobeken, N. J.; Kdmuud MeKlnney, Ky-
pert, N. J.; Jehn W. Wright, Temple, Tex.j
iMm r Walsh. Seuth Chicago, Ills.: Gee. lu
Wright, Denlsen, Iowa ; Win. II. MeAUUter,fafl
Vinten, Iowa. J-
Druwned Frem Salt Ueat, j '
HnimiBie.v. Malno, July lA-JuaWeyi
Matthews, 11 years old ; Albert, bU bretkafc 0
aged ID, and Iturus Allen, aged 18. Wtetjr'S
drowned In Hlgbiaud lake yesterday Dy
sinking of an overballasteu sati-oeau
WAsniKQTOH, D. O., July 13.
Eastern Pennsylvania, New Ji
aud Delaware, local rains, stal
tomierature, variable winds becoming
Feit Wkdnesuay. Talr weather
lowed by local rains, with stationary
iwiruturn. Is Indicated for the New KM
KlBtfiu. nnd local rains followed br
weather for the Mlddle A thmtle States, ,
Incitement vaum .w """"-T
This afternoon about 3 e clock, Wl
Kissinger, telegraph OP6'0'10
I Inea elUce, in w ..-,
through the Skta of the fereflnjier off
hnrL8 The accident caused quit W
ment for a few minutes, a repw
.7i.,mH that the oterater bad
His injuries are net at all erte,"-
&m in .-.. :-, .
iif &!? iJA&Afe