wn w iw:x.i . .j ; ",rn T7 t -"W trMS , I I ' III II Ml 'I I 11 II ?ju ; - wwr tPi. . !.. '.' - ' -, -, .- "if:" .-. TH LANOABTKB DAILY ngTELLIQENCEB, FBIDAY, JULY 9. 1886. ?" " C EW3 . ". '4- M&, i"5r ' . rcr .3 - l?iS- I K IT vt H r ''i "1 rfc v.:t V' IWTCLLIGENCER BTOftY DAY, IN THBlYEAB (ftiAcfay Xfepttd.) .if.1. I A , TVB DOLLARS A IK I. nfTT lAMnrni. DELIVimniiTciminMlirLAir- I AIIO ALL A0J0IK1HCI CLACKS. SAMrLS I Kit. LtBtRAL OOlllllBxICM AlterlD TO ?N AOBItTS. TSLBriOKH OOHmCTIOX. "il n ADVERTISING BATB8: Kln.tlln.;n.llu.l sinTsin. 3 2.1 4 45 5 53 son J 4ft) 4C0 7B0 lull) 12 ni 17 mi into a en 4M) 315 SCO AM HIM 7 50 1W 8 4V 7 fill 0 40 8.V) 10 50 1350 18 50 17 01 91 M 31 HO ?4 1 27 ) 32(10 M III! 3S III 44(H) Mill) CI 001 P1 "I 10W 13 5)) 10 HI Si Oil '31 l 30 () 53 CO 45(10 R.iA.S.7 BMHi tH?'.'"' ,s is I .pmHTi ion 1 r tS twh ... i tkiu Willi.. e I"1 & 'HmYmUm... OW loin , MrBenlh.- "en Km ..'.Hfallkl,.., mi 1800 UKIWr 15 H '23(0 . ml in S? FThft WoeWtt TntnlU ,. Erf. . -rs, PJPimushee Every Wednesday Morwne. 7i 4M.3D A TSAR, SI. (Ml Mtn TT vnwrita t-f.ta n ww f-,sf tlW,AiiD Aoerr rnisTe fxrsesr ekttimi vr 'pi (WMiMreirDlKci seLtciTKD rnev xTsirr ta rt or tii s C STATB AUD OOUimiT. ALL lierailin I.KTTKlet WILL SB OOKatOllXD TO TUB WASTE IM8KBT. Addrtet all Lttteri and Teltarami te t XUH JXiTJSIjLaUENUHK, , Intelligencer Building, Lancaster, l'a. l)c Cmirastcr 3ntcl.igcmer. ; LA.HCABTKE. JULY 0, IsnR. Baleum nml Itusslu, The famous treaty of JJerlin lias been violated many times, but never in such a manner as te offend any of (be great powers. Tbe frontier guaranteed te Greece thereby was never actually secured for her and In her dealings with the smaller powers Turkey has totally disregarded It. But new Russia makes a hele in that part of the document that relates mere particu larly te the interests of the greater powers by calmly announcing that the iiert of Bateum, en the eastern coast of the Ulack sea, shall no longer be a free pert, not withstanding the express declaration of the treaty that it should ahv.ija be five. This pert is strongly fortified and is a point of considerable strategic importance, being connected by rail and water with all parts of Russia and by a railroad te the shores of the Caspian, makiug it the back deer te India. The ctraightest possible route from EngJ- land te Afghanistan would be J,' the Mediterranean, the Uospheru''i'he "illack sea te Bateum, thencojiie'c.wplan by rail, across the Jjn te Astralud and thence te Heratyand au nmuce of two of the grea 'verg with Turkey might ac J?iM this with an English ironclad leet ruling the Ulack sea and Bateum as a base of supplies. It leeks as though the struggle, v hen it doescemo, would be fought en that line with Northern India as the prize of the victor, and in placing her hand firmly en the key te the situation Russia is only acting with the prudeuce and fore thought that the situation demands. Although the powers will make a grand commotion ever this con temptuous disregard of their treaty rights, Bussia will stick te her declared purpose, and it Is hardly probable that it v. ill be made a cause for war. In cheesing just this time for her move m the diplomatic game, Russia has shown her old unerring judgment, as the Knglisli.wheare the most vitally affected by it.are se deeply engrossed with their political struggle at home as te care little for an thing that may happen se faraway; and Germany, the iwwer that is most widely feaied by all belligerent na tions, is net directly menaced by the action and is tee deeply absorbed in watching France, her natural enemy, te pay close at tention te the Eastern situation. The Bepuhliraiis and Prohibition. Judge Rhene, of "Wilkesbane, is credited with the sentiment that if the Democratic party Is wise it will fellow in the wake of the Republicans, aud at the coming state convention insert a plank in the platform submitting the temperance question te a vete of the people. It will be a sorry day for the Democratic party when it is se barren of ideas that it will need te borrow its jieliey from the Republicans. It xill botime for its obit uary then. But it is written in the stars that the Democratic party will never die, because it is founded en the true prin ciples of government. If, therefeie, it is net deemed te death, it will live in perennial vigor, and that vigor will always be sufficient te enable it te cut out a path. way of its own and net fellow thatdictatcd by ita natural political opponents. The truth of the Republican btand en Prohibition at tlie recent convention, is known of all men with a fewgtainsef common sense. The Republicans, in rec ommending the submission te the people of a constitutional amendment prohibiting the liquor traffic, simply conceded te the Prohibitionists a right which they knew they already possessed. 1 1 was thought te be a clever mode of carrying water en both shoulders ; but it was se transparent as te JpreyQ-a boomerang te its wily piojecters. J.UU jvepuuucan party nas fallen ujwn evil days when it must go into animpoit animpeit ant state campaign with a most transpar ent but very heavy millstene tied around ita neck. A Fulse Prophet. A caldron of boiling oil awaits tlie tin. fortunate prophet who has been prating of a cool wave that took its rise in tlie neigh neigh neigh borheod of Manitoba, aud which was te bowl gently along eastward undmakethe mercury in tlie thermometers cow or in ti. bottoms of their respective tubes before its , might. A mocking echo eulynnsw era the I query as te the whereabouts of this cool - -wave, and he who had sUiked his nil en the truthfulness of the prediction, is new deep. , ly meditating hew true it Is that hope de- ferred maketh the heart sick. , Butwnlle every thing abroad is scorch. flv, tog "ml" thesun.it behooves the sensible mr citizen te keen cool, if ,.... i .. i-.V avt rlilu mlvlat.n .. ... : I, te net te the question. Let every one keep i4 brinjr about this happy consummation v Above all things, avoid thermometers uv a inau desirous of keeping cool, they aie deadly traps. Let them be avoided us mad dogs are Jn August. Ter the heat in man always makes an effort te keep even with the height in the thermometer. Ilepcfnl Irish Prospects. The mere the English political situation Is considered, the better leek the presiiects for some measures of justice for Iielnnd. TiHMutu the Gladstene-Parnellite members will be In a clear minority in the next Par lfcHMiit, they will net be required te face a 0 solid anti-home rule opposition. That op position will be made up of Lllieral Unionists and Teries, and their co alition cannot be nn thing else than a rope of sand. It is net correct te say that the friends of Ireland are exclusively these in alliance with Gladstone and l'arnell. The mere advanced of the Cencrrat!rs and the llartlngten Liberals are pretty well agreed that Ireland has net been well tieated, but theydiiTerastotheiue.in3 wheiebj le dress may be effected. It is therefore most unlikely that the e. e. treme anti-Irish ieople will be allowed te rule the anti-Gladstone coalition. If it Is klerm!tted, the end of the coalition chapter will have been leached. The preKiit elec tion will elear the decks ler the autumn engagement, and through pic.-ent chaos justlce for Ireland will emerge clothed with perennial jeuth. PlIll.AllKf.I-IIl V councils RllOllIll net lltwl. tale le advance the Kiliules tr the Quaker City teachers the 25 jier cent, desired. Tlipse Milarles nre far belnw tlioe In cities uuieli smaller, nnd geed talent must liate geed juy. Hew genereus man lioeetnos w lien upend upend upend ingiiioney net bis own! Here in Senater Sewoll introducing a bill directing din secre tary el war te hae pul)lllixl mlctltlenul ol el ol utnes of " The War of llie Helmllleu" sulH sulH clenl te supply all pests of the ftraml Army of tlie Uepulillc net new reeehlnK tlietu anil te distributing they nre putilllied from time te tltne olio -et te ai-li pet. It It a metirnlul slight te h) n senator iKitig liii ellicial posi tion te mend his chattered pelitlctl fences. .SVTI hum's IviIIOOf tlie Intklhekncku will maintain that hih Htaudard of excel excel lence which the readers of thi Journal liate ceme te expect as an impnrtaut feature of their Saturday nlphtand Sunday literary en tertainment. There will be prc-ented, witli portrait, a racy sketch el ene of Lmcaster's solid business meti, a representatUe of the thrilty German ImmiKrautH who liae done he much for this city and county. An Inter. estlnK article en swimming will innke geed reading in this sweltering weather. ".Mud bad" will diu'tiss tlie need of a new ceme tery and ether mere cheerful topics. In tbe vacation papers will be found .1 line reiluu of the industrial problem Irein an ethliMl Htandeint " L'ncis" talks cliarmliigly et a new book, l-'or light reading n thrilling English tule is gi en, and these, iu aduitien te the many regular features of the.ilw'y-f" "" " '" '"' ' Iler "laiancastrlans cannot atlerd te dlpne,iJ7 i-jtjT" - rj.itHArsjMiU(,r0S!Unpll muj t toleolr aK'u, tjisy WOuld work hard in 100I weather amKiJeurn oer this torrid season. Net many years age the go eminent of India olTered a prize of ?2j,000 ler a midline that would succesfully propare the liber el the rauiie plant. Itlsesceedlngly difficult and ex(ieiisie te work the plant in Us dried state, as 25 tens, or a full year'a grew th of one acre, w ill at best yield but one ten of the prepared fiber inaworkablei-talo, r.ud by the dried pro pre ctws Micro is . less of 20 te 25 ler cent, el this which adheres se lirmly te the Inslde weedy pith that it cannot be receered. And by the proce-s new in use tlie tlbre Is se dis colored as te seriously impair its commercial value. Dr. It. II. C'olyer, of New Orleans, has suc ceeded In inventing a machine that answers all the requirements and has wen the prle, but this is but the first drop or a heavy shower of geed fertune that will ceme te Dr. t'elyerand te the people or the Southern states through this lUM'ntien ; ler the culti vation el the ramie plant will before many years add largely te the agricultural wealth or that region, and the mauur.tciure el materl il from its fiber will add greatly te our Industrial prosperity. The ramie, or China grass, it is a succulent- plant the product et marshy lands, allied te Jute, consisting el the cortex containing the liber protected by an outer llesh-coler coloring, and the liner pithy core. It folds threo full crops et eight tens each te tlie aero per jear under favorable circumstances. It is a iutle or India, but can be re.ully cuimated In the .Southern states when the means of working the liber are once provided. Mr. Kirk, et Pittsburg, who built the sue cesshil machlne for the inventor, and is in in terested In It, says thore are but 25 acres or this plant new cultivated iu the I'nlted states, but that his machine w ill nuke many acres of waste low land capable of a f.;oe annual yield. His plan is te erect shops and manufactiire his machine in Pittsburg, ami thus his sue cess will be tributary te the wellareaml pros perity or his ew n home city. PesTMASTi.n iUiinm, i,r Philadelphia, has demonstrate d that he is a geed man. All but threo of the Republicans iu Philadelphia net subiect te cixil service regulations h.iu Ukeu up their beds and walked. Semi: idea or the magnitude el the opera tiensat the Philadelphia mint and the in. trome accuracy noedod may be obtained from the statemeut that the total amount of funds carried in all the vaults of the superintendent and c-illed for in the balance sheet or the cashier was Ml,rs!7,fin7. '11, distributed as fol fel fol lews: Celd coin, f., 52:!, 157.60; standard sil var dollars in posteilleo xaults, ?lti,JS0,MS stindard silver dollars In mint vaults, fll," 521,020 ; fractional silver, SP.1,1, 1 1 . currency, $IG,830 71 ; miner coins, $3,S.1' ST , total, $31,1 5ij7,C97.31. Thlsonermoussuni, verified both by count and weight, was leiind te m correct te the 0110 cent, and in perlecl luvoid.iuce with the accounts aud statements of the tsxik tsxik keepers and cashier. biiarliiteiideiit l'ex is undoubtedly the right man In the. right place. huvii.M v-i iv 1. Hepublicau editors of Ohie are burning with eagerness te have the Son Sen ato investigate tlie Payne briber v charges. This is as natural as that ducks sv"lm. A LllAlivil.l.K man was struck by light uingand, though the shock passed directly through him Irem his left cheek te his right feet, he is ropertod te be In a lair way et re covery. Class, 0110 of the hardest substances known, is a non-conductor ; the cheek et the Leadvlllem.iuumies next, and the force el the electricity discharged was probably se dls(K)rseil en striking it that only a small per Hen went through him. It requires coiisld ceiisld coiisld erable oirrentery te survive the caress of a thunderbolt. I'EKSONAL. Si I.l-AN )! Tl'lll.!..! l,.w T111: grand banquet te Admiral l'rankllii. Tin: 1.AT1: Kknatek Kknvi:i, of pi,iia. delphia, lelt an estace or? 10,000, wliicli he be be queathed te relatives. C K-PitKsiDi:.NTAnriii'K has been elected president el the lK,ard el director or M e Ar Ar eadeKailw ay company el New Yerk. 1 iD,.' IIJMKS once ceuiiared the mind of a bigot te he pupil of th'e eve, U-cause the troeu. 8 imX '"O'll'themoreitcou- rAFAI. AllLKOATK O'llllVAN Ins sal( from .Liverpool en the steamer l'elynesl. for Montreal. In addition te the hn Cardinal 'I aschereau, he carries tliu pallid PAI'AI. AllLKOATK O'llllVAN sailed eslan t ler f.sr lun '..... II r.7. r l-numm .w. ...u vuuiiiimii uiuituiniieps. Till: LA-lK fi. A. Nk-ells, or Reading, left an estate of ever t-lOO.OOO. Though ler tlilrtv years connected with the Philadelphia A Reading railway, he held none el Its stock, and had only f 100 worth of bends. ' Kin ren Wattkiisen having said In one uke i.HU?,rH t Londen leSkwl no mere Jffl" " '' ( W.) resembled the Venus ,T ','re".'1,t8. tt H'"''" editor te sav : nowfeno, mnhol,,a,ve ".MV(,r tra'e-l ea. new rnriii an idea of hew Louden leeks." iM.imwurrimr!Lfc"ik,.-A- ''""TUIl's will ? lOO.OOa esiRte is worth about miTrwi fnAirj, L ";,Ki'"?')yy put in a de- Wma&STX; engra'vin eTrhuW Ar Afs'X. steel portrait of the Inte Vleo President Hendricks te scceuitwny the velume of eulogies authorized by Congress. Mr. Ilea. gnu, of Texas, opposed the ndditlenal grant te Mr. (.raves' bureau, stating that such nil engraving ir ordered by private parties, Instead or by the government el the United Mates, would cost net mere than ?ll0 or fl2,. Nevertheless, the J'liO nked ler by Mr. Graves was voted him rer this work. I'ndrrKUimid Wlren In .Sen letk. Krem the llaltlmetti sun Since Mr. Reswell P. I'lewer has become a niember el the electrical suli.vv.iy cemmls. slen or New erk city, and the announce ment or his puruse te ivury out as sioedlly rs iKisslble the law requiring all telegraph and telopheno w ires te be put under ground, It would seem as If the commission, that had been sleeping ever the matter for the pvt two years and each member or it drawing a salary efllve theustml dollars a vear, had at last decided upon the sytem te le adopted. After taking into consideration the difficul ties or the various plans submitted te the cnmmWsleti, It sugge-ts ".1 conduit or asphalt as being cheaper, rnsr from iiieKture, con traction and expansion, mere durable, and the liest of any as a non-conductor of heat and electricity." The isimmlsslen pruK)se that thissuli-vvay ' shall He built at the pub lic e.xs.ne, and the companies using it shall make return by the payment of tells." The objection already raised te the plan ls that "it is a combination el m iny plans, all or them uitcnted, apparently, thus open lug the way te iillgatieu, wtiile tlie letting out of the work te a construction cempmv might easily lead te jobbery." The Western I'nien company, It ls said, ls already beginning te raise Mils cry. It has been evident all along that no company wants te put Its wlresunder ground either at its own expeuse or by concert with ether companies, nor de the com panies want te pay tells ler the use or a sub way built by ether?. lm)oratlve as the law IS they have fought It oil up te the present Mine, and ns long as they cm delay the action or the commission they will continue te de se. On one thing only tlie commKsleii has taken positive grounds. It has prohibited the orectlen of any new poles m New Yerk city, and w hen recently some were raised It ordered them te I si cut down. It ls ipiUe H)slble that a continuous s stem et under ground wires could net, with our present extHirieuce, be carried out. Hut it (1hw net loilen that It Is impracticable te relieve our principal thoroughfares of their network of wires relegating some of the aerial wires with their unsightly isles te the b ck streets. This has Usui dene te n considerable extent iu Washington and in Chicago, ami there seems te be no reason why, te this extent at least, the evil should net lie remedied liven iu New Y irk the lMIseu electric llgltf i.-ss; are put under ground, and, se Urns wokuew, are working successlWiV. It would be au linputatleu..v; uie ceuliis of American in. -iei'K.T te sav that they would ts) unable te cure the delects that the telegraph companies Hllege are common te all the plans tint have been ,' submitted te them, w hen thev have been se lar over come abroad that (.ermany has fifteen theus. and miles el underground wire In operation nnd 1'rauce ever seven thousand miles. In both these countries the cables usis.1 are similar In construction te the sub-marine cibles, and are laid in deep trenches im tKHltled In n bituminous layer of condensed coal tir. Hut the conduit s stem, as adopted In Chicago and suggested with modtticaitens by the electric sub-way commission in New Yerk, is said te be au Improvement ever the (erman and Trench moliieds. It should l remembered also that It is only in the larger cities that the putting of thee wlres under ground has become a necessity, and that oiitside of them the stringing of wires en peles Is net regarded ivs in any way objec tionable, VA VKIt TIES. lUllread Mrreers Willi h Are Light, l.laitlc Ulul Will .Nut lint. Frem the Sew lerk Tribune "That is a railroad tie," It was et the regular size and ixilished as smoothly as a pioce or Italian marble. The grain was se hne aud the whole apioarance was se artistic that it might easily have been taken for a chip from a pillar of a Urecian temple in stead of such a practical thing as a railroad tie. The speaker was a short, stout, sad faced man with a large head and overthhig everthhig lug brews, and was the inventor of Mm testhetle sleeper, -md iu his little office in Pulton street thore were many models of cars and railroad tracks scattered about "This," said he, as he (Bitted the railroad Me lovingly, "Is the result el jears et labor and I believe new that it Is rlect- Jt is made et paper, w hleh I beliove is te enter te a large extent In all building operations at 110 distant day. The great enemy te the use of paper for many things is moisture, and in my invention, of course, a means had te be discovered te prevent dampness from having the slightest cilect, as a railre.nl tie, Isjing In the ground, is subjected constantly te it, aud a rotten tie might cause the less of many lives aud much prejKirty. The process of manufacture Is secret te a certain extent, but the tie Is absolutely tire and water proof. Thore j I will threw apiece of the prepared paper into tlie tire. Yeu see it w ill net burn. 1 have submerged It for weeks and months in both het and cold water and the moisture has never been found inslde the surface. Consequently It cannot ret. Though ap parently as hard as Iren, an ordinary spike can be driven into it without difUculty, and when the spike is 111 kmiiIeu the material isef such a nature that It does around the iron and holds it se lirmly that it can nover be shaken loose. There is also a certain amount or spring in the tie, and when theitiis a lead en it it operate as a soil cushion and Ukis away a certain amount el Jar from running cars. Under conditions, by slightly altering the combination et materials the paiir can be made se hard that it will turn the edge of the hardest tool without lieing mere than scratched. The ordinary woedtu tle will lasttalKiut Uve year under the most favor able conditions, while the paper tle will stand any kind of weather for at least thirty years. The paper used ls gonerally undo of straw, though almost any klndorilbre will de as well. Straw is preferred because It can be easily obtained and the supply is unlimited. There are mills In the West where the straw ls nude up Inte beards. American Jint4irrj. Frem the bclentltlc Auierlc 111. The wenderlul growth of American news news nows papers ls shown by a compirisen between the dirocterios published In 177(1 and In the pros cut year. The one contains in its sixteen small juges a list of J7 nowspapers which were published in this country one hun dred and teu years age. The ether is almost as large as au unabridged dictionary, and iu Its two thousand pages contain the names et 11,100 newspapers and periodicals of all classes. Ol this large list only seven w ere found In the directory or 1770. The net gam or the j ear ha been Ced. Tlie dally nowspapers number 1,210, a gain or 33. There are about l.JuO periodicals of all kinds, which presumably enjey a circulation of mero Mian ,,U00 ceplee. The Increase in the rural w eek )y press, comprising about two thirds et the whole list, ha been most marked In states like Kansas and Nebraska. Kansas is also accredited with the greatest gain Iu daily newspaiers. In Massachusetts the weekly press is growing but magazines aud monthly publications are losing ground. The tend ency of this latter class seem te be toward New v. erk city, as at least Z monthly purl; (Klical have been established here during the year. Among the many nowpipers pub. I ished in this country, almost every so se cl.il movement and industrial Dud ox ex ox presslen. A glauce at the long ll.t revcals many curious facts. Thore are about 700 religious and denominational iiewsnanerH nearly one. third pi which are publish,!,! in .New Wk, Philadelphia, llosteu and Chi wlfd., uH.Airk U f'4rlHllfi, ' thlsrospect, m, nl! J"lib?aw"rl'rlsote ""' te knew that llosten I behind Chicago, q'hree news paper are devoted te tlie silkworm "six te Me honey bee; thlrty-twe te poultry 0 ghtejm te dentistry, and n0 te p he egra liy. Jiere are three publicatlons'issued in he exclusive Interest of jostage stamp cel ecters, and one or dancers.' Tl.e l'rehibrtlm i-l11V.,ayu,-J,',,er'am, ",0 "I "or dealers eight. 'J he organ of vvomeci's suiirage nuiii berj, or candy makers 3, or gastronomy 3 aud K.,H.,-i,.f.t"2,rert,'" wspaira, there are alsjutCOU In German and il In French. New Yerk, New Orleans and Worcester. Macs each has four Prench publications. Twe dal'. lies are in Bohemlau. Hesldes these, there are papers In the Swedish, Finnish, 'e. lsll lltld Wi.luh Iiiiii.ii.ii,..u ret...... 1.. ' . i. .. . .......,,, -r. luuiu IS UUU 11111). llcatleuin Gaelic, 0110 in Hebrew, unci InChl- l.at.1. e.t.l ......I.. .1....... . .. vav uiiu uiiu iu iuu cviiuruK 00 language. Cel. llenrjr StrCermlck'a UUU. TIlQ latOSt donation In ha Unrrlaknr.. I..... pltal by Henry McCenulck, one of that city's most progresslvo cltlens, was the large let adjoining the 'institution. Within flve yeara he has given U5,oeo te the hospital. Tin: ,mii.i:u-.i ali-iia iiait e 1 r .A , the Aug. lers all I einfe j U Hie ltnttles (J lull et licit: J ilm Cerks sll In tliein stuck t ir the ti tints Drink ler luck . . s t nlev Iiik one. again : t the rih (hat tiltitiied iron u Ihecirat) te lilt th,, ,(,! , it,,, hisik i nailed whole; l'slintiUiiiitf all around . .Psihe Jokes that new al'ennil K' the Knili thvt niHkex em yell 1,'s the l.livi these Anslers X tell 1 M's th Stnu who hands hi. Ibc-k . .S' the ext the l.ey te ii.k 1 C) s the ethers ic 1...IU1. J"J the p..U-s forgotten unite. . -e the Ouwris or but run x low , I: ts Keeling up te - go. ? Is tl.h str.nd where the) step. T another-. '1 rent 011 top U'slhelr " I I'reartnthcstiwU V's llietr Vnliff -liiKlngBwi el, V ' morn VV ht.ky strnlBht is their pen ses great V. 's the Varus 'Ihcy spin next day : Z's their lit- 1 a g 9 home se g a . I -It. fiaili'. Tjphnld rrr, Charles llnrtlord.ef Jeir Castle, We-tehester county, .S. V .utrered with typhoid fever and w isgtven lit) tedle. lie was restored te health in one week b taking tlve llraiiilrcth I'lllserery nlKlit and drinking plentlfullr ofeatineil gniel A tew doses r llrandrvth's l'llls will lmarisbly cure any kind of fever DVKUIAL yUTIVKH. A Keinarkalile (loed Man U he who attends te the comlert of his timlly and will net let hi. little ones jutter wllhnirco wllhnirce wllhnirco tlen of the 1 tin) it and Lungs, whereby their lives may he endangered, hut who should at idl time give them thu sovereign remedy, hemp's llilsam Price fe rents and l Trial sitt frrr I or -ale by II. U. Cochran, clniggtst, U? North Oueeii street. () "ll.VCkVtKl.icTK-"ft lasting and tmgncut per. Iiiiiie, Price iV anil M cents, tersitetiy it it, CetCrnn, Druggist. Ne. lJT Nerthyueen .trcsiL SLKtrLhS Mc.llTs, made lnlsei-ible by that terrttile cough, shlleh's Cuixi Is the remedy forveu Cersikluby 11. It. CiH'hmu, Druggist, Ne It; .Serth yuisjn stivet- The Mtery e,e.l. It has always been understisxl thsl I'.iHjniiip I'.iHjniiip tlenw.is tnenniMe, but It h.u recently been dlsoecerist that hemps Ucl-iim for the Threat and Lungs is giv tug mere relief lhan any kuewu reined It Is in.iruntscl te relieve and euro Asthma, llrenchitU and Coughs. ( all en 11 H. CcH-hran, druggist. Ne IS! North Qui en street, and get a tn.il bettle free of cost. Large size W cents and fl. (() TUB IlKV CM). 11. TU.Whll, of Itourhen Ind.,sas ' lioihinvselficudwlfenw-eeiir lives teSIUI.OU S t O.SM'Ml'TIU.S CfltK." t or sale by H. 11. Cochran, Druggist, N'e 1J7 North Queen street. t-'er Hay 1'eter. "Live Kly'i Creaui IUI111 a trial. This Justly celebrated remedy for th cure, of catarrh, hay fever, cold In the head, Ac, can be obtained et any reputable druggist, and may be rvlted upon as a safe and pleas 111c lemedy ter the nbovecom nbevecom nbovecem pl lints and will gire Immediate relief. It is net tiliiuld, snutTer powder, has no cilTendve odor and can he used at any time with geed results, as thousands uin testify, among thorn wnneet thcullnchcser this oltlce." inr(t 0 the Times, May ."J, Ins,. JJS-iwdeedAw Osb Kettls KrrKCTS A CCBK Mr. Oscar K. 11. Kech, of Allentown, l'a, was bedfast with In In ftamniatery rhuuiuatlsm lu the winter of lsvl. Doctors could de nothing te relieve hltn. He commenced using Gress' Kheutnatle ltemedy. lly the time he had used halt a bettle he could leave his bed; when he had Uni-hed the bettle he was cured and has net had a return of the disease since. In his own words, "1 leel better than ever before. ' Price II, by oil druggists tclHS-JindMW.tr AUK YOtT MADK miserable by Indlgostlen, Constipation, Dizziness. Less et Apnetlte, .el. ew sklu T fehlleh's V ltallzer ls a positive cuie. or sale by 11. 11. Cochran, Druggist, Ne. 1J7 North cjueun street. A Captains Fortunate DNreierr CapL Celeman, sehr Weymouth, pl)lng be tween Atlantic City and N 1 , had been trou treu bled with a cough se that he was unable te sleep, and was Induced te try Dr htngsNew Dtscev cry for Consumption It net only ga e him In slant relief, hut allaj ed the 1 xtivme soreness or hts breast Ills children wcru.itnilarl) affected andaslngle dose hail the same happy effect lir King s Sew-Discover' Is new the standard reined in the Cele man hoUM'heldand en heard the schooner Kree trial bottles of this standard remedy ut II II Cochran's Drug Mere, 137 and 1J9 Neith (Jueen street, Lanctster, l'a. (4) ""sillTeirs Vlf,vT.lZKiris whafl-eu needler Constipation, Lessef Appetite, Dizziness, and nil symptoms of Dyspepsia l'rlce 10 and 75 cents pur bottle, ter sale by 11 II. Cochran. Druggist, Ne. IS) North Queen street. AS LNrOKTUNATh 1'hKsiTv The most unfortunate per-en In the world ls one allllrtcd with nick head 11 hi , hut they tn Is relieved ut once by using lir Leslie s -pedal Prescription, bee adrertiseuiLiit in another column. () Dr. IIabsleb Werk Svncr, 1'urely vegetable, pleasant te take, will expel worms If any exist, no piirpattve reqnlivd .after using. Price, a cents, by all druggists. feus-amdMW AK SHILOIPS CATAllKH llEVlKliy-a positive cure for Catarrh, Dlptberla, unit tanker Meuth. Ker svle by II. II. Cochran, Druggist, Ne. 1(7 North Queen street. KeiiniTS Ilrr Vnutli. Mrs I'hu be Chesley, Petersen, Clay Ce , inwa, tells the fellow lug remarkable story, the truth et which Is vouched for by the residents el the town "lain'J ears old, have been troubled with kidney complaint and lameness for many years j could net dress myself without help New I am free from all pain und soreness and am able tn de all my own housework. I ewe uiy thauks te fclectrle Hitters for having re newed my youth, and removed cempletily nil disease and pain " Try a bottle only Wig: at Cochran's Drug Mere, 137 and li) North Qus-n stiuet, Lancaster, l'a. (,j roil DVSl'KI'tilA and Liver CemplalntTynu have a printed guarantee en every holtle of faht faht leh's V ltallzer. It never fulls te 1 lire. j. or side by II. U Cochran, Druggist, N'e. IJ7 North Queen street. VMI UILLV.OU cough when Shlleh's Cure will gtve Immediate rellet. l'rlcelu cts.,Su eta , and It, for sale by II. 11. Cochrun, DrugglsL Ne. 1.17 North lIuoenstreeL bB T3 B. MARTIN, WHOLKSALI ADD BITAIL DSALIB III All Kinds of Lumber and Geal. 4)2-Yard: Ne. 430 North Water and Prince Streets, above Lemen, LancasUir. nJ-lj d J3AUMOARDNKR.S A JKFFKRIEH. COAL DEALERS. Urries Ne. 12) North Queen street, and Ne. &l North l'rlnce street Varus: North l'rlnce street, near heading Depot. . LANCAbTKH.l'A. auKli-tia TDKMOVAL. M. V. B. OOHO has removed his Ceal Offlce te Ne. 1M NOItTII QOKEN STItKKT (lirlmiuer's New Uulldlng). where orders 111 be received for Lumber and Ceal, WHOLES. LK ADD KCTAIL. M. V. It. COIIO. inS-tfd tAOUIlfMMT, TITAOU1NKRY, 40. FOB STEAM HEATING Latest ana Most Improved KNGlNES-.TrwUeD, Portable or Stationary. New or Socendlland DOILER3, WATER TANKS, SEPARATORS. u&i'iU'ul'?, HllXXR We" ,vieh Maoneand opt In Machine Heeps. call unei ADDiaaa, Ezra F. Landis, WORKS-637 NORTH CHERRY STREET, LAKCAsru. fa. n7-ua MKDXOAU AVKH'S HAIR VK.OR. PERFECT HAIR Indicates a natural and healthy condition of the calp,nnd of the gl inds through which tienr l.luncnt lscbtalni: When, In censc qi.euce of age and dlcase, the hair becomes weak, thin, and gray, Aers llalr Viger will strengthen It, rcstete Its 01 Iglncl color, promote lln iiipldnnd v Ueruiis grew th, and Imp el t te It thu lut re unit freshness of veuth 1 h'lve ueil A)ct s Hair Iger for along time, and nm convinced of Us value W hen 1 was 17 jearsorage my hair began te turn grav I com menced using the Viger aud was surprised at the geed ettects It produced, it net only re steud the color te inj hair, but no stimulated Its growth that lhaveuew iiiete hair than ever before 1 W I dwards. Celdnatel, Miss AYER'S HAIR VIGOR. eidl all Druggists and I'crlumecs. Irvei auks luntvii rreiu debility and less of appetite, 11 join stomach ls out of orderer Otil mind tentusiil take Aer's Onrsipa lllla. IhlsmedKIni will restore physical terce iindelasttelt) te the win tnere surely and spee-dily than any tenli m i discovered ter six mouths I -uttered fiem liver and stomach troubles lv tisst did net nourish inu and 1 became weak and vr neuh t maclated. 1 took six bottles of Acr s sur-aputUa and was cured. Julius V rainier, Spitngui'ld, Muss Ayer'sSarsaparilla 1'reinreHl bv Dr. J i! Aver A Ce , 1 ewell. VI ass. l'rlcell ;slx bottles,.. old by cirugglsts. Jul0- MlLLINKHf if-ioiNe r.v.vrt GOING FAST -AUK HIE- ELEVEN-GENT M AT- ASTRIGH'S ) Palace of Fashion, NO. 13 EAST KING ST., 1 ANC.VS1KK, PA Seme lore Reductions! ONE 1 01 Of Children's Trimmed Hats, DOWN TO 41 CENTS. 41 ROUGH - AID - READY, 25 CENTS. Te-da we have opened arm dozen lleminid, Colored lierdered llANliKKKl II IKH, Asserted Patterns, utl UK hi. CENIs Al'lLCfc. Ucdles' LINKS' CIIKVIISKTrES I'lutn and 1'lt.itcd, at TW ENTl tlV fc CKN 1-. l'leatedand Etnbreidircd CHKMlShlTES. SPECIAL IIAUGAIS'3 IU Ladies' Muslin Underwear, Chemise at lie ; worth 0c CheuiUu at Sue j worth 71c. Chemise at 7c , worth H i"). Chemise at II (j werthll.Si I'anUilcta at JOc j worth 75e. bklrts at See , w erth 7Sc Skirtu at 75c ; worth II ui. 'Mrb. ut II w 1 worth (1 .V). line hundred dozen Ladles' mil Kcgiilnr Made IlAlbrlggans, extra gisjcl iiuiility, at 15c. a pair. Hfty dozen uxtra ftne 10 l.auge Halbrlggans Twenty-five dozen IJidhV llauze V ests, elllt bound, Kleevuless, high neck und low neck, ut IVc worth J7c. Twenty flve dozen Genu' Extra Quality Un bleached Cotten bocks, full regular made, l.'Wc. a pair. Children's French Hlhbed Ulack Lisle Thread Hese, 30c. and J3c a pair, full ltegulur ilade. The 11EST UNLAUNimiKU blUKT In the city ler nT. CENTS. (Jeed Muslin, Linen llosem, Well Made, Ucluferced and Lined lluck. -Closed every evenlni; except baturdiy. VA11ASOLH ,tO. "pO.SK BROS, ct HARTMAN. $4.00 PIRISOLS KEDUCEDITO $3.00. - $3.00. VEUV:ilEST bATI.V ALL riNK SILK LIN ING3 t The Manufacturers. Rese Bres. & Hartman, 14 EAST KING ST. apl-Cmd 'fitAriit!. FURNITURE WARUROOMH. The Camping Season IB A1I0UT IIEUE, And you will find a oeinplnto assortment of suitable. Cots at prices within the rouchef all, AT HeiTmeier's Furniture Warerooms, 20 HA8T KING STREET. TMI'ROVE YOUR VACATION DAYS. SPECIAL CLASS l.V WHITING AT TIIK- LANCASTEIt COMMEIICIAL COLLKUB, Ne. I0X East King fatteet, ON JULY 19, 0 TO 10 IN THE MOBN1NO. Ker particulars call en cr addreas It. c. WKIDLElt, Principal. rU Tena wUl open JlenOay, SpptejnberS. ih'u.4 d jmr jyAnr.it .v RROTUiiR. SPECIAL! WALL PAPERS AT EXTREMELY LOW PRICES. 6.000 Piocea llltuikB, 5, e. 7.oenlH or ploeo. All new goecta of this Bonseu b iimuumature. UrotiBe VnVera ia i.a, 15, 10 oenta nor JllOCO. ' WASHABLE ENGLISH OAKPAPEES, (of our own Importation!, aultablofer nttllwuyB, Dinliur rooms, Ollloea KHohetiB nml Uutli-roemo, or whorevor u aorvleonblo Wall Decora tion ls rociulrecl. Damp Witlln BiieceaHftilly romeiUod. DHOOItATIVH WORK A SPECIALTY. KVT All onlerB will roeolvo prompt timl careful nttontlen. HAGER & BROTHER, Nes. 25-27 West King Street. Jtir.T.i IKK A .HACOIIMAN. Metzger & Haughman Have the Best 50 Oent VMUUNBRIED SHUT rimlhti3 ever been sold for the inouey ; equal te many . . """ new sold at 75 cents. Sizes, 12 te 17. METZGER & HAUGMAN, Ne. 43 West King Street, Between the Cooper Heuse and Serrel Herse Hetel, Lancaster, Pa. VTKXT DOOR TO Till: COURT UOUHIi FAHNESTOCK'S. White Goods, Lucea uud Embrolderloo. Whlte Embrolderod Reboa, 82.60 up. Summer Undorwenr, all slzca. Summer Hosiery Summer Gloves, LnrKO Stock or thoee Qoedo new iu Store, und all Murked at Quick Seiling Priced. R. E. FAHNESTOCK'S, NEXT DOOR TO THE COURT WALL fAVKU. A KT WALL 1'Al'KR HIORK. Art Wall Paper Stere, NO. KM aNOKTH qVEES STKEET, I.A.VCASTEK, I'A. Anethor laruii let of (,1LT l'AI'EUS Just ar rtcret will en ruM etitum call curly unci loe at tuenn anil ltd iirlci'n VV III net lutein them lone, lur llj..irlic ili -HI them. Window fchaii miilu ri-ailvl l'laln "3jijii ..V-- .. A .rWKKKm liiailn ana bimir irempU l.ite turlutna, Poles, Chain., Heeks, etc .Ve troulile te show goods. ALFRED SIEBER, NO. 134 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LA.N'CASTEIl, l'A. HIART-S W. FRY. CURTAIN POLDS, 16e, te 60e. Aploce. Net many left. Wire Window Screens, Made te lit your wiudowafrem 25c. aploce up. WINDOWSHADES Very Cbeap. WALL PAPERS, 4e., Ce., Oe. and 7e. PHARES"W. FRY, NO. 67 NORTH QUEEN ST., lttiTKLH. A TLANT10 CITY. THE OLD ESTABLISHED Chester County Heuse, Centrally letitcd, conrenlunt, vcrj' "'"r thu tca, coinfertublu In every wuy, unci homellku. NOVVOl'EX. J. KEIM & SONS. jnay35-2iml riAl'K MAY. THE STOCKTON. CAl'K SIAY, N. J. The rineat Hiach en the Count. Tlie IjugeU ana Most JCIngiuit bcuslan Hetel In tlie erla. -erEN8. JUNE se-se IIKKItY CLA1K, 1'ren'r. I.ute or the Urn ml Union Hetel, hnrnteuu 8prtni;a. JuneJItlnU e PEN A LI. THE YEAR. 11 TFE MANSION," ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. Thu lurucat uuil meat pieiiilncntly lecutea Hetel KU'Kiililly furnljlit'd nud llberully limn. auiMl. Thoroughly IlKbtcd, diulned unci von ven von llluted. Ojiun ull tbe yuur. CHARLES McQLADB. Krllrephy'i Orchestra. J7inil AHIILANI) IIOUHK, ATLANTIC CITY, reopens JULY lt, under new manage. inenL Klurtrie llnbta, elcctrte lielU, city water, tlntrlusacuUinu. Terms inndHnite. KliBt class biirutUcebeO, IIKMtY HAIITEK, jyllmd l.atu of Ornpe Hetel, Lancaster, l'a. T OHACCO CU'rriNOH.fclORAl'MrHII"'' l.NOS AND PACKERS' WASTE, Ury ana Clean, bought for cash. J.B.MOLINS, Ne. OT l'earl Street, New Yerk. Beferonce rrea. Bchutte. Ne. 21J rearl stroet. New Yerk. leblWyd" -i,i tiuet!. SPECIAL! HOUSE. LANCASTER, PENNA. VLUTIUXtl. turui:r a suti'en. YOU WILL FIND Men's, Bey's and Children's CLOTHING Murki'it limrn -0 LOW that It will be ereatly 1 V'.'I'.r 'ntcTcm te call and eiamlnn the (ilKIIH "5 !,!.I.y'.J".,.!"',", of "" ",or medium or L11II1T W EK.ins thl Reason. We Manufacture All Our Goods, AuiIUuanintre tbi'iii t lrnt-Lla.is In Every 1'ar tlculicr. W E HAV E A rt LL LINE Or' SUMMER CLOTHING In Bcersncker, Mohair, Alpaca, Ilrnpnctteiimt LlnenH at l"rliit AHlenlshliiKly Lew. UoeiU ax Uepresenteit or Meney ltclumkd. BUEGER & SUTTOU, NO. 24 CENTRE SQUARE, LA.SCASTEH, l'A. M YERH 4 RATH VON. Summer Reduction! ItcMliietlnn nunt come at tlicwe tliniw, nnd If our stock Istoelaiju DOWJl GO THE PRICES. (feeds Juat as kquc! as when hlRlier, but tee many te curry ever. We don't uuutany bprlnir Bleck lelt for neit Full's trades and If Lew I'rlces will move tlii'tu they'll be sure te go. This Is no Fictitious Mark-down : It ls an Actual, Ileal, Slanghler, and U you uie doubtful, ceuiu und leek at our stock and wu will convince you. Lew as prices vreru at first, wu knew tbese Mark-Down Prices will capture everyone who leeks nt them. Lan caster imiiity people WANT LOW PRICES. They must have Lew I'rlces We am aware et thiifact and huve I'lilCEI) OUR bl'OCK AC COUIllNOLY MYERS (I RATION, of First Class Clothing, NO. 12 BAST KINO. STREET, LANCASTER. l'A. -Our slore will be closed during tha months of July, August and beiteinlieratslx o'clock p. m., Saturdays excepted. Open Satur day till ten. T UK ONLY (iRKAT EXTERNAiriliT. inecly TliiHe eminent clieinl.ts, rrofessers Deremusnnd Uutturshall.eiidursu lleusen's Cup clnu Fluster NOTICE TO TOESPABHEUS AND UUNNEItS. All persons are hercby for bidden te trespass en any et the lands of the Cornwall or Speedwull estates, In Lubunen and Lnncastvr counties, whether Inclesed erunin. dosed, either for I be purpose of sheeting or Huh Ing, us the luw will be rigidly enforced agulust all trespassing oil said lands of the undersigned after this nollce. WU. COLKMAN FUEEUAN, K.rEllOYALDEN. EUWAItU U. FKEKUAN, rAtleruey for Jt. VT. Celeraaa' heirs eelU-uafctr &aj!!kk&&, i$fUrJll -Cvuni 'ifcil-a'-l