MkW J ! . - .. " - O . - .. i . .-- - ... - m --.. . .... ..-... fc- - " " "- ' " -- - . - ' -- ' - L - -l JB f ! AXJPS.VV JJVS"m,"V y1. t -ftPS1 "" " -.--. -- i 'v-ii--m-jv , 'fV&ttKV'ZriiJVSi: H rtrmpxw, rj- ?- a - hi- " j- -., -s--y a.-. i -J -v-.r??i l-fc m .V J. - ' Sl- 1 ' 'rS FtrJ1 "fcUTT- ' W WTsSVVii t ,, --.., . . ifr - i- THE LANCASTER DAILY INTBLLIGBNOBR, THURSDAY, JCLY 8. 1886. n- JWJ8WS3tUffipi; ffi TSTt n 5 , ,' J j" '" -f '- iii 'nwr Wfi".' aj.wt3 & Pk S! i I ts LV a m te K4' ?f js. H- IrtTELLIGBNCER VIBT DAT IN THBYEAB (Sunday JCztepted.) I a wane, nv mtuu a teak, fittt lABerra. iiuvDBTCAiiiuirtsi!i-Ai- I 10 1U ADJOIHIHO rLiCTtS. BAVrL L tlBUAL OOHMIS'IOI. AlLOD TO tMSAVIKT. TBLCrBORI OOHKHCTIOir. Apvmmame rates : 7"" Hln. lln, ain. 8ln, In.) 6 In, 4m Day I 5" m iw2m re I s n tweDTS ttt 115 IM 3 23 4 DM Km Dm,,,, W 1MI 3 00 4(10 6 01, 7 CO JSarDayiv..... ' m 1 " M tm n Mr pars no wh 4(0 i 7 no 940 bMffmk 1SS 250 8e CM) 8 M) 10 60 fnWMkl,,,. S 460 7 no 10 M) 1 J 50 low jfkm eeki sod (i oe loco 13W 1700 an in Om Menth .... S6e 7 oil 12 no! moo aioel 24(0 CjTWOMenthS... 500 1000 1700 Hen 2700 31U) S-Tr Months,, eon wee aoeo wee Jim wee 1 Months .... 900 1800 a 00 8000 44 011 6200 OmaTcar 15 00 aoel 43 00 tatfl moo wen The Weekly Intelligencer s Published Every Wednesday Mernine. HOOATAR,1.00roBime!mi. clcds or tin, 150e, axd a oerr tiiibte rxRBOns iiimxe rr ' CLtJM. 00BrO!TDKC SOLICTTID took VMIV TAUT ertii I TATI AKO COtJKTOT. ALt AHOSTMOCS LETTERS WILL BB COlfSlOKID TO TUB WASTg BASKET. Addreet all Lttltrt and Telegram) te THH INTELLIGENCER. jigy InttlllgcncerBnlldlng, Lancaster, Pa. l)c Lancaster 2mtclugcwer. LANGA8TKH, JULY 8. IMC Standing by the Indian. The president has very properly eteeil the bill granting te railroads tlie riglit of way through the Indian reservation of Northern Mentana. Thirty thousand square miles Ls a vast territory te be kept only for a horde of savages te ream ever, but as both treaty and act of Congress have reserved the land for this purpose, it is net right that it should be appropriated for any ether, until the pressure of population in our country makes it advisable te threw open mere land for settlement; or commer cial development makes the building of railroads across It necessary. "When this time comes, the Indian must stand out of the way of the locomotive, but he will have the right te demand that the people who take the land, from which he has drawn a miserable subsistence, shall give him some equivalent. The bill gives no reason for its existence in the contemplated building of a railroad or the necessity for one, and makes no pro pre vision for securing the consent of the In diana. I3ut the latter point would readily De settled, it tue lermcr were esMtujsuea; for in spite of solemn treaties and acts of C(Tess !" "TStrfs would be built whether the sapges gave consent or net. And for such action this government could take no blame, ter the fault lay in the making of treaties that we knew must be broken. The only atonement we cau make for this national wrong is in putting off the evil day as long as iossible and meanwhile doing as much as possible for the improvement mentally and morally of our Indian wards. We may net be able te bring them near te our standard of civilization, for that is a work that has taken us thousands of years te accomplish with eursehes. Hut we have It in our power te confer mental and material benefits upon them of vastly greater value than all that we can rob or have robbed them of. Te neglect this duty, no matter hew great the trouble or expense will be te commit a national crime far greater than the conquest of their territory could ever be construed te be. The Chinese and Suicide. We are accustomed te speak slightingly of the Chinese, jet there is a custom in vogue with the Celestials In their treatment of suicides that has a practical side worth a thought or two. In the old English common law days, a suicide was buried at a cress reads and a btake driven through his heart In testimony of the ignominy with which he had leaded hinwlf 0n do de parting from life. In the present day he seems te be us geed a corpse as any, and his funeral, owing te the sensational man ner of his death, attracts vast crowds. The effect of this pseudo sympathy must be bad upon these weak-minded creatures, whose actions are largely the result of out side forces. One suicide begets another. If the firbt were treated iguomiuieusly, the second might never occur. This is apparently the Chinese idea, for they believe that the spirit of a Biilcide is excluded from the feasts and enjoyments of the life after death, and the deceased is held te have unutterably disgraced himself. A Chinaman who committal suicide in New Yerk was buried by his fellows with out honors, and they would net leek upon his face because of his act. If civilized people made suicide mere disgiaceful, it would net become se common. A Lamp Committee Usurpation. Select Councilman Itemley placed him self in an unenvlable position last evening in his attempted explanation of tlie io ie mavai of the electric light from Ann and Keckland streets in the Seventh ward te "Water and Chestnut streets in tlie First ward. Mr. Bemley says that in his judg ment the light was net necessary at Ann and Iteckland. Mr. Berger, in whose bailiwick the lamp was situated, took Issue with this statement, declaring the light at that point te be of the utmost im im pertance for travelers, owing te the lack of pavements. Here was an issue raised which should have been settled before action was taken. But it appears that Mr. Remley, and some of his fellows in the lamp committee, concluded that the light would be better elsewhere ami se ordered it. It has been the popular Impression that the lamp committee of councils under the direction of councils fixed the location of the city lights ; and it is also popularly be llevedthat only the same authority may revise the same. Mr. Bemley's usurpation of authority would be absurd, if it were net positively annoying. rrem tlie ether testimony as te the workings of the lamp committee, it ls apparent that a big re. . form in its methods of procedure is im. peratively necessary. 'ercr Mill He Mlhsed. Jelin Cessna has rolled up his pants high enough te And time te say that " we would have had much easier sailing Tjuid we nominated Jlonteoth and Grime. uj The venerable boatman might also have remarked that the Republican craft would be in lar less danger, if it did net have - timid General Beaver as the figure-head at thehlm. The manner in which he ex- njzxr?jrr? . ,.-- r c HH ..vm wivu te get away from its effects, is still fresh in the memories of the people. Neither have they for gotten hew at llellefonte l!eaer took a bold stand in favor of the enforce ment of the constitution against railroad tyranny, which he was cemiielleil te recede from at the demands of his political mas ters. Verily, there would be plainer sailing without Heaver. Then the lledfenl statesman would prob ably ilnd his vessel In less danger from the rocks if Colonel Xerris had net been allowed a place therein. The latter has effectually cooked his own geese by his Gettysburg speech. Thcre are ethers en the Republican ticket whose absence would lie n decided gain te the party, but of w hat use te dis cuss them V They will all be sunk deeper than plummet cau sound in the melancholy days of next Xe ember. It Is given out tlmt Mrs. Cltnelnml bntes poodles; which will confirm the general public impression that hbe Is n woman el Bound sonse. Tukhe are Heme Intenvstlnp features In the tlrst pear's report of Collector lierker, of tbe Philadelphia reveuue district. Nearly eiv 000,000 glasxes el beer were brene J ami .V, 000 gallons el whisky maiitir.ictiirtxl during the Ilsral year ending June .W. There w ere 1,30,,079 barrels of beer and ether fermented liquors browed In the district during the period named, for which tlie co eminent re re ceclved In tues Jl,300,irU.5.i. Aeragtng 450 glases te a barrel tbe grand total reaches C2",7S5,550, or BO glasses for eery man, woman nnd child lu the eight counties that comprise the district. The people who drank this had te pay $.11,-5i'i,277 50 for the pleasure. This is nearly tlireotlmesni much moQey as was paid In taxes by the people of Philadelphia durltif- the year Ks". TllK death el Paul 11. Hniie, the poet, at Orovetewn, Ga , en Tuesday night, remees from life's stage one of its most interesting characters. He cime from that lameus family that produce 1 Cel. Uayne, the antagonist of Webster In the United states Senate. Like Pope'ho lisped in numbers and the numbers came" ; for he was tint a hey when his poet ical contributions te the Aetiliern l.ucrary Messtnrjer and Ortih'im'a .Ui:7iijtncbei;au te attract widespread attention. Iu 1Se6 he publlshed his tlrst collection of poems, hlch Included the "Temptation of Venus," a work that made him known w herover the Kngllsh languane Is spoken. Other elumeswere published in 1SJ7 and 1S51 aud etuce then he has had numerous short poems in the teriod teried icals. The latest of his collections Has pub lished in Philadelphia In ls73 umler the title of "Legends aud Lyric." Tuee latter, like these orthelateFatlior Ryan, were erystlr rlng In character and established lltyne's U'tlUUIimu fi-t n . -.. u. vliv iniui.viuri, ... passim; away el Ityan and Iliyne -within a I brief jieried leaes vacancies in Souther literary ranks that cannot be easily tilled. Fortunately lu Hayne's tse. a son u literary tastes survives te gather together the produc tions that made his father's name a welcome ene In every literary household. Thk young man still ierslst in treating his best girl te ice cream, theuiih seventy persons were poisoned at Ceulterille, 111, by eating this HeductUecomieuud. Mn. McAnoe ls a member et thena'.al committee and has iioen trvlng te raise a breeze in the dally press ever the of a Democratic Heuse te listen te his proposal te appropriate ?125,000 ler the repair of tbosteno decks of the ISroeklyn nay yard. Mr. Handall very promptly and preerly lelused te aid him, and In lew et the notorious tact. clearly demonstrated, that eilicleut wooden decks can lie built for about the sum necessary annually te keep the stene ones in repalr and that these particular steuu decks have been dismal failures and a source of great expense, we marvel at Mr. McAdoo persistiug lu such a suggestion. When these decks were built thev were fully equal te the Mandard then set b" naal architects aud stone decks were uniersilly considered the best ; but a prolonged trial has demonstrated their many weak peluts, their inability te withstand the exticmes of heat and cold of our climateand tueceaseless hammering of the waes. The foremost authorities in these matters ndecate the abandonment of stone decks and the building of wooden structures, alter the most approved models, which cau be repaired at compara tively slight espouse. Till. Texas papers.eemmeuting with much self-satisfaction en the relative sire ei Ori-t llrituln and their greit state, think that the Islands are making mere noise lu the world evor their iKilltical issues than is consistent with proper modesty, but ether eople may consider it iu worse taste ier Texas te com pare nations by the size et their territory. The vastuess of Africa or et Central Asia and Siberia or the regions surrounding the poles, Isa very impressive fact, but the whole of them together are et lar less luiiertauce in human atlalrs, than any little district of a low miles square in a civilized country. The neise of the Uuglish struggle is listened te with Intoredt by thinking men the world ever, for they see in it tbe prolongation of the struggle for gev eminent by the people that has been going ou since the overthrew of feudalism. The majority et men are here worshippers and there is something fascinating iu the spectacle of Mr. Oladstone, with tlie shadow el death net far before him, manfully leading the most progressive and nggressiv'e of his countrymen, in an ellert te overthrew the obstructions te the advance el the nation in the path thv leads te liberal ielltical develop- inlllli TllAll lllulln,, 1. t . m ...u.,w ,,.,,, jii-miuiias neon uone te Ire land, when ihe laud absorbing temloucies or the aristocracy have been checked, then will the Kugllsh people rosuine their lest ikisIUeu 111 the van et a clvllUatieu that is progressing surely towards the realization of the Trench Trench man'sdreamer "Liberty, Kqmllty, 1 rater uity." Tlie defeat et the Liberals te-day will only tend te reuder their final triumph mere oemplote, and nothing us well Insures careful and well thought legislation us the close rivalry of parties. I'uem Oakland, California, comes it noisy paer called the Jluycett A ties, winch it devoted te the destruction or tlie heathen Chinese and the Introduction of tlie heithen boycott. Glaiistem: can have the satisfaction or re membering that he carried the United States solid. Mn. IIai:m has Indulged iu criticism of President Cloveland's voteos that will arouse but little comment, ler the slight practice el the critle lu the matter or vetoes Las net In spired the publle with conlldence in his ability te discuss thorn, aud his assertion that the veteing of poiiHien bills by the president was unpatrletin and unjust, is net hall as In teresting as a few remarks would Iki from the master orthOBelonco or chicken raising upon the latter topic The kind of patriotism that permits our Hag te vanish from the seas and ouruavyte become a hejieless wreck, that lias refused ler mauy yearn te listen te the nppeals el ene of lu incut gallant soldiers te be relieved from the unjust dishonor cast upon him mid that has et lute been doing iu best te keep ullve the sectional hate engen dered by the civil war, does net upiiear te worthy of admiration. wI11Lc,Uau.Ler8bur l'ut'fy "-" week begins lu fortieth volume. One of IU f."t"."- .8.fu"" 'O' "omeless c.. .7e. .;;'..: ': ,""M w ' s pa- . . w,m,.,uuie n,lU7.a8. Geed Geed works. painir. Tue Prohibition mlllstone Uonlyenaof nS!! ,s vkzsx - iaii-uurru PERSONAL. Mns C'.kvklan'I) Is wild tn have given special permission te a photographer te print mid sell his likeness or herself. Moenr opens te-dav at Mount Herman lu Nerthlleld, Mass., a sum mer school ler the study of the Hlble. 11. W. Mll.LK.u, or ljampeter, writes te the Philadelphia iiuifj contreverting the theory that the IwMikseller in the shop need net eil e high as the canvasser who sells by siitt siitt scrlptleu only. Pei.ibk St hoi.en, of .lersev City, rerused te attend u 'sillce oilleerwho was terribly hurt whlle placing bvse ball He claimed that he was only req u I nsl te at tend elllcern who were Injured lu the dls dls charge of their duty. Turn the rascal euU Mn, S. S. Ce, has bcoiibltten In the wrist bv the watch deg of the house he his rented at Prlnklpe, Turkey, in renting his house no nan enjeclisi tciiaKoeveriiinui'n. i animal was accerdlnglv removed. Hut alter Mr. Cox had been a week in ivsslen el the house the deg returned te his old haunts, and finding Mrs. Ce In the girden attacked her. Mr. Cox went te the assistance of his wlte, and in delending her rrem the lero lere lero cleus brute received tlie bite. Jen.N W. Macka, known te fame as the Ileuauza king. Is understood te he the finan cial power behind Mr. Udward S Stokes in his telegraph deals, as well as In some of his ether enterprises. At all events, Mr. Mekes is carrying things in a large and lefty manner, and there seems te be no end tehis r sources. He spent about fl,P0O,lXK) en the Hetlman house, New Yerk, bought the IWnkers and MerchanU' TelegraplHsmipany for ImU a mil lion mere, nnd is new said te' have planked down another large sum Ter the lease of the Demestic Sewing Machlne company's build ing, at the corner of I oiirleenth street and Broadway. Perr. Lee's new iiertrait is by Harry Thaddeus, a veutig Irish artist. Illsheliness ls shown seated lu hlsntudv preparing ene of the admirable I.atin encvclicals which have wen him the reputation of ene of the greatest classical scholars of his time. He is clad in white. He sits iu his favorite armclnlr, ien iu hand, with his head bent slightly forward, as though listening te some literary inspira tion. Ills delicate, intellectual features are stamped with thought. One hand droops lauguldlv beside him ever tbe right knee. The artist has skillnlly disposed the ml drapery. Keutid the pontiffs neck hangs a golden chain, terminated w ith a cress "ArOIIJIl- .'UIJD.l.V A specimen Iowa haKen-leeier 4iii,er XV Ith a Centctenrc. Frem an Ottumwa (la ) Letter Perhaps no saloen-keepor in the slate is mere widely known thau "Stenily'' Jer dan, and probably uoue of them have semut less te dlgulse their hatretl for the im'keye Prohibition law or violated ft wen'ppenly. llut "Stormy" has resell e.1 the fU of his rope at last, and is new in the V,-Xik)11e couu ceuu ty Jail, sentenced te undergo" imprlseuiueat fei JQO days for putting that into his neigh bors' mouths which i! has been stated takes away tbelr bralns.rltut Jerdan, although a law violator and generally tough character, with yards upon vards of profanity ready te unroll en the slightest provecaUon, and with such a violent temper that his Christian name. of Kinsley has Ixen corrupted into my," nas, nevertheless, seme traits ich te a certain extent redeemed his short comings. Excessive lraukut'ss was one of them. .Se highly developed was this faculty that seen alter epening his saloon, some fifteen j ears or mere age, in a basement beneath the L nieu depot bore, he created a sensation by placing a sigu ever the stairw ay leading te his bar which was a startling novelty. Surrounded with grinning devils, twisting serpeuts and grinning skeletons, and ending iua huge hand pointing downward, were the following words . Ueul te Hi U r The thirsty mortal who dared te run the gauntletafter being confronted with such a warning, nnd found himself bofern the huge mirror backing " Stormy's " bar would tiud further cause ter curdling up his bleed by readlngsuch notices here and thoreastbe following : Nese pulnt sold here ' As if this was net sutlkieutly startling, something like tlie following would boldly obtrude Itself uimn tlie view iista.s one hnil raised a glass te his lips W arr-mted te ret ) our stomach in ; nve)eurs if )ou stick te It Iu ether wavs than this "Stormy ' sought te impress en" the bibiileusly inclined that the Apostle Paul was way oil when he made the assertion te the etlect that a little some thing was geed for tlie stomach's sake. Sometimes a young bleed, en a hurry with a crowd, would enter Jerdan's saloon nnd sing out : "Old man give us the best veu have in the heuse." Without changing a muscle of his lace, "Stormy" would quietly size up the num ber ei the crowd, range an equal number or glasses Ulllng thorn with water en the bar, and thou, as if te relieve his ieellngs would breakout with a series of emphatic dashe, thus : ' " There, you ! if ou are really men, that's the best drink ibr you in th s shop; but ir you're beasU, 1 cau give you something that w 111 make you a sight beastlier ir jeu'll try It long enough ! " In these days it was recorded te "Stormy's" credit that 110 miner had ever been permuted tedrink ever his bar with his permission, and wee betide the bar-keoper, who, in his absence, broke the iron-clad rule, for it net only cost him hissituatlen, but brought dew n 011 his unlucky head u sulphureus stream of prelauity that lie would inner lergeL When a lad or a party el them entered while "Storm," was presiding behind the counter, beer they would sometimes be attacked with such savage language that it took but a mo ment te convince them that the outslde nir was far healthier, at ether times "Stormy" would talk as.gently yet firmly or the evils of strong drink as irhe was lecturing his own children. Ner could 11 man already Intoxi cated hepe te sink still further into tlie gutter through the medium of "Mermy's" bar. It is also a matter of common repert that "Stormy" put aside a certain portion or his earnings ler the relief or the families if drunken men, and that he freiiuently con tributed Ter weeks te the entire support et such unfortuuates. Yet, w ith all his contempt for the business lu which he was engaged, he presented the strange contradiction of brooking no restraint In It, and when lewa concluded that the saloon must go, none of the whisky men went te greater lengths in denouncing --miiHiica, s me rroiiieitloulsts were termed, and none have violated the law mero openly. Asaconsequence "Stormy" has at last found hlmseir in the situation described In the beginninc of this dispatch. Many stories have been told or Jerdan's past, mostly rounded en surmises. The ene most current was te the ellect that he belenged te a wealthy family in New Yerk and began life with every prospect of a bright career. Lventually, however, he gave way te an ac quired apjietite for liquor, sank very low, and then drilled West, linally landing In Ottumwa when it was the toughest town bo be bo tween Burlington and Omaha, and engaging iu the business which he has labelled "the read teliell." Lesing Ills lirlile by l)ely. Geergo Yeung, a farmer lu DelCalh county. Georgia, was desperately la leve with Luey Kllgore, a uolghber'sHixteeu.yoar-old (laugh ter, but the girl's parenU lorbude 11 union bo be bo tvveen the pair. Tuesday night Lucy went te a singing bee at the church and afier tbe exrcisesslljnd away Irem her aunt, who waslierchapereiie, and jumped intna buggy, which -ieung had cencealed In a grove near tlie church, veunir drove tnnliilv in a,i..,.. and lell his intended brlde with some Irlends, Intending te obtain a license aud minister -Next mernlngthegirl'sfatlierentered Atlanta iV,',!!.T,1iS!.'lls,,,.lan?.,'ter. rriv lug before .".. "..... 1 rii ..: ,ull"tf. no net enlv imuiiiiichi luu wiiiciing nut had rested charged with kidnapping. Yeung ar- Hurses te Jtuii at I'uiutunii. A great ruunlng race is aniieunceil te 101110 oil en the line 111II0 track et the Montgomery, Iterksand Chester Agricultural society, at i'otutewn, en Friday, July 21d, at ji. m. It Is te be between Jeseph It Ocker's horse "He ('iilm,"orLlttlestevvii, and Jehn It. McClel. Jau's herse " Armadalu," of Gettysburg, both of Adams county, l'a. The race w ill be a dash of a mlle nnd a hair, fur 11 purse or f-MJOO, or f 1,000 a shle, made up by the own ers or the horses, both or which are celebrated Kentucky thoroughbreds. They 1110 fast runners; have run against each ether lu three or four races, with each wlniiliigoneor mere, lhisracewillbea big oveut among sport ing men, bocause or the reputation of the llyera "entered, anden account or the large stakes put up ou the result. A great many people will attend from Gettysburg, LrUlei town, Yerk, this elty and ethor ptoees, where the tw e horses are knew u. A UV.0 tllltl.llltlAI't'KAHII She, I rates a Tiiiirlilng ote ler lUr Mether Hinting al suirhle The police alsiut Pittsburg hive Ishmi untl untl OtHlle leeu Ihe lookout for Llxle I inhlll, agisl seventissn jears, who lell her home uivsterleusly Tuesday morning, alter leav ing the following nole: Mamm v If you can please Torgive me my sins and ask uu ir he will, ler 1 new see bow gisnl you w ere aud I am v ery sorry for It. If vmican lerglve me then please prav te Ued,aiid ask lit tit tn forgive tue, ler 1 am going te commit a big sin. New, mamma and papa, i namjirn in uwi wiii"' "'"'m and think no mere of me. Shed no tears, for lam net worth n tear. Geed t'je te ou all, for v ou w 111 uev or see me mere. Li rm-- A postscript te the nole Mid " I" tll,w" te Maggie," w hlch ev identiv referred te ear rings which tlie girl w.mtisl te linve ler her younger sister Maggie. Llli is deserllnH as a pretty, fair-balreil, nvsy cheekwl girl and obedient child. Her lalher, a wealthy German, gave his daughter a fair education, but would net allow nor mucn cuuipnii. Yesterday she attended a plcni. with a young man, and because she did net get home until nightfall her mother upbriided her. She w ent te her room and h is net tsH'n seen since. Sim took unclothe with her except these she were, and were no h it. The I'raKe el sio.leni l.ike the lameus urtUle it-ilt. l in utmost ev crj body's mouth the iseple knew thst It jireserves us well as tieaiillfles the tsth lluncc U t thesiandiird lsth W ash et the 1'crtCKl i. Tu.lD.sAw Typltehl l"eer Chirlcs llurtferil. of -Sen Castle, Wjwtcbester rennt).S , siiirereit with tj plield lever and wn given up te die He w s restored te health In one week b taking Hvu Itrnn lreth rillsoverj rillseverj night and drinking plentirnltv oleitmeil gmel A U w ilosesef Itrmdreth's fills will Invariably line iu kind of fiver Mi'XVlAh .lurivrn. A Iteiu.irkahle tleMl Man I h who attends te the comfort of his family and will net let his little ones sutler wltliatrtc wltliatrtc tlen of tbe Ihreit anil I ungs, when by their lives inav be eiuluntfeivd, but who should ut all ttiiusgtvi them that sovereign reinedj, hemp's naisim rrue ') rein ami f i jt-icj iiirrrr Korileby 11 U Cochran, i, urnggtsi, 13. .Minn iiliH.'nsirieu HI ' HACK VI KTACK " a I ntlng and fragrant per fume. I'rtce iv and IM cents t or sale by 11 If, Uethran, firugglst. u 137 .North Quisjn itreet, UiTinELies l.ivsn I'KLLtTs ter sick headache erptd liver, biliousness andlndlgtvstlen tiuiall and eay te swallow. One pill a de-e l'rlce, JTs.. llv all druggists. I e 0-3mdl u.l h,S SLKhl'I.hss MGlITs, made mlerable by thit tirrlble tough shlleh sturels the touted) forveu lersideb) 11. II. Cochran, Druggist, .Ne 131 North (jueen street. The M)tery soiled. It has always been understood that consump tion was Im ursble, but It lias recently been dlscevired that hemp s lUlsam for the Threat and Lungs h, t lug uieie relief th in any knew n remedy it Is nuarunteed te relieve und cule Asthms, ltreuchltls ami Ceuuhs Call en It It. Cochran, druggist. Ne 1J7 North Queen street, and get a trial bottle free of cost. Large size M cents and II. (I) TUK ULV. (5LO 11. THAI Kit, et lkmrben Ind , sa) both mv-elf and wife ewe our Uvea tesillLOU SCONhl'Ml'TlOVCUUK." rersale by 11 U. Cochran, Druggist, Ne 137 North Queen street. Kur Hay I ever, '(.lve Fly's Cleam lidmatrlal This tustlv roll brated remed) for tb cure of caturrD, hay fever, cold In the head, A-c , can be obtained et an) reputable druggist, and may be rellfd upon a.s a safe und pleasant remedy ter the above com plaints and will give Immediate relief. It ls net a liquid, snutr or powder, hss no offensive odor and cm be used at any time with geed results, as thousands cau testify, among them bomeel the attuches of this etllce " Spirit 0 the Timet, May ii, Ijs; Jjs.'wdeedA-w KIMM'.Y TltOUIlLKs. A Case nf Many tears sum, ling Cured With Six ltetllrs, lu Man IK) ears ill Age. Allestew , l'a , May s, lsi. DiMDitius Hitters Ce. Genu I had bien troubled with my kidneys foranumberef )ears, used almost ever) thing without much benefit until 1 tried Dandelion Hitters. 1 ued six bot tles and am p iicd te say 1 am untln ly rid of the kldne) trouble, besides my sjsum bt lng teuid up se that I feel like 1 different person. I cheerfully recommend the same te all mulcted tnthlswa. JACOIJ MUSCH1.1T. lebiUmdTu.Th.S AUK 1()U MADE miserable by Indigestion, Cnnktlnatlen, Dizziness, Less el Appetite, 1 Bl Bl ow skin? shlleh's V Itallzer Is a positive cure. or sale by 11 II. Cochran, Druggist, Ne 1J7 North Queen street. A captain's fortunate Discover. Capt. Celeman, schr Weymouth, pi) lug be tween Atlantic city and N ) , hail been treu bled with 11 cnuzh se thst he was unable te sleep, and waslnduced te try Dr king s New Dlscev er) for Consumption It net only gave him In stant ri Ilel, but allaved the t xtrenu soreness of his breast. Ills children w ere similarly alfected und a single de, a had the same hippy effect Dr king's "Jew Discovery Is new the standard reined) In the Celeman household und en beard the schooner 1- ree trial bottles of this stand ira remedy at II fl Cochran's Drug Meri, 1J7 and 1 J North Quetn street, Lancastei , l'a (I, SHILOH'S V1TALIZKI: ls what )ou need for Constipation, Less of Appetite, Dizziness, and all syjipteins of Dyspepsia l'rlce 10 and 75 cents per bottle, ter gale by if II. Cochran, Druggist, Ne 1X1 North Queen street. AN I NMJllTUXArL l'hllON th" most unfortunate person In the world Is one ntlllrti d with sick head hi but the) will be relieved ut once by using Di 1 she s speel d l'rescrlptlen. a, ndvcnUeiiient In another column. (i) 9I 1 1 LOU'S CATAHUII IIKMKD1 a positive cure for Catarrh, Dlptherla, and Canker Meuth, for sale by If. 11 Cochran, Dmgjlst, Ne. 117 North Qui en street. Henewrt Her uutli. Mrs l'htrbn Chesley, l'etcrsnn. Clay Ce , town, tells the following reinarkuble story, the tmth et which ls vouched for by the residents et the town I am 7a yeats old, have in en treubb-d with kidney complaint and lameness for many years; could net dress in)silf without help New I nui trie from all pain und soreness and um uble te de all my own housework I ewe my thauks te Klectrle llltti rs for having re newed my youth, and removed cemnluti ly all dlsi isenndpalu" Try a bottle only 60c , at Cechian's Dmg Stere, 1.17 and Ir.i.Seilli Queen street, Luucastei, l'a (!) Olt DYSl'Kl'MA and Liver Complaint, you have a printed guarantee 011 every liettle of Bhl Bhl leh's V Itallzer. It never lulls te 1 ere. )or salu by II. II. Cochran, Druggist, Ne. 137 North Queen street. WHY WILLOU cough when Hhlleh'a Cure will give Immediate relief, l'rlce lu cts , ,V cts , and II, r'er sale by 11. II. Cochran, Druggist. Ne. 1J7 North llueen street. ll'ar'JK, TyATOliia, ULOOKH, Ae. WATCHES, CLOCKS, At SPECIAL 8ALK OK UOLD-FILLKD CAbKS tlUws's Manufacture), hunting or open-cased watch, nlckle works, is Jewels, stem winding and setting (limited number) at I JO (11. Alse 75 In sllvured hunting cases, same works, at 17 se each. Hrtat bargains In Lancaster Watches. All the best KIglns and ethers. Cornet time dull) by tnlcgniph ; only place In city. Dest watch and Jewelry repairing. L WEIIEIt, Ne 15UX North Queen btreet. (Near P. It It Station.) - SiHictacles and Kye Glasses. Optical Uoeds. Q.KOKUK ERNHT, JK., Carpenter, Contractor & Builder, UKS1DENCK-N0.5S) WKST KING ST. SHOP K AST O It ANT ST., Oppesltu Station Heuse. AH work receives my prompt and personal at tonlleu. All kinds of Jebblne attended tn at abort no tice aud en reasonable tonus. Drawings and rings ei. Kstlmntes (urnlshisl. IVd CAliL AT UIOUK KKIOAHT'8 OLD WINK roc LISTON'8 HXTRAOT OP BEEP. VIKBST IU THI WORLD, KsUbllshud, 17b&. H. E. SLAYMAKen. Aqt., fflbU-ua ni. -ffl East Ktng Sln,i. JMPHOVE YOUlt VACATION DAYS. Hl'ECIAL CLASS IN tVUHINQ AT THE LANCA8TKII COMMEUCIAL COLLEUK, Ne. 10X Euit King Stiect, ON JULY 19, 0 TO 10 IN THE MOIlNIN(l. Ker particulars call en cr address II. C. WKIDLKU, Principal. fU Term will open Monday, Beptciabcrti, 31KIHVAU A VKK'8 SAItSAi'AltlLLA. Scrofula Is one of the most fatal scourges which afflict mankind It Is often inherited, tint uinvbnthe result of tiuttre per riu dilution, mercurial poison, I tig, unclranlliirss, nnd various ether enuses t hrenle Mires, t lers, lni"e, Cnnrtirinis Humors, ami, In se no caes, hmnclallen, and fiinsiiiuntlen, result liein a scrofulous cenill tlen of the blisnl. 1 his due ie can be cutril bv the use of AVer's s(MimHllu I inherited a afnifiileus i omUtten tif the bleed, wuilii inuseii a iieniugi meui el luv wnoie svs tcm Afler taking Itssthuntourbetllesof Aver s sarsapattlla I mn Entirely Cured, and, for the past ear, h uc net found It neces ary te ue any uuslletne wh never 1 am new In bitter health, and stronger, than ever before O A. W lllurd, J13 'lruineut strict, Ilosten, Mass 1 was treutiled with Scroliileus Seros for five j ears, but, afler using a few hettlesiif AVer's sarsipirtllu, the orts helled, snd 1 have new gissl health hltr ibeth W arueck, M Aiqileleu strvvt, IawellVtus '.ome months age 1 w as troubled w Ith Soreiu leus Seres en my leg 'the tlmb was hudly swollen and lull imcd.uml the sores dlsehargtd large nuantttles of eITemlve matter Kvery remedy failed, until 1 used A vel s Sarssparllla. llv taking three bottles et this medicine thu -ores liive been entirely healed, anil in) health 1 fully restend I am grateful for the geed this medicine has done ine Mrs. Ann O In Inn, 1 Sulllvaustn-et, New erk. Ayer'sSarsaparilla, 1'ivpsnst bv Dr. J C. Aver A Ce, Lewell, Mass Sold by i uruugisis irieefirsi: ! all bottles, v June :i-Jl ji ti.. i.vjeNr HOING KASTI GOING FAST -AUK THK- KLEYKX-CENT HATS AS' S bJ ) Palace of Fashion, NO. 13 EAST KING ST., LANCASTER, 1'A Seme Mere Reductions I ONE LOT Ol Children's Trimmed Hats, DOW .110 41 CENTS. 41 E0U&H - AND - READY, 25 CENTS. Tedav we have epent'd Jul dozen Heinimd, Colored 1'erdereiUI NDkMti lllKr t. Asserted l'atterns, at THKKh Ch.NTs Al'lLCL Ladles' LINEN CHEMISETTES I'laln and I' 1 LNT1 I E CENlS. rieatedaud Embroidered CHEMISETTES. Sl'hCIAL llAltOAI.NS IN Ladies' Muslin Underwear, Chemise at 4lc ; worth 60c. Chemlse at Sec ; worth 7V Chemise at 75c , worth fl lJ. Chemise at 1 no ; worth 11.3 1'antaletn at Wc ; worth 75c Skirts at One , w erth 75c. Skirts at 75c , worth 11 1 skirts at fl t); worth 1150 One hundred dozen Ladles' full Itigular M.ulu Dulbrlggans, extra geed iuallly, at I'm. a pair. Hfty dozen exira tine 10 Gauge lialbrlggans at iic. Twenty tlve dozen f.udlis' Gauze V ests, stlk bound, sleeveless, high nick and low neck, at J5t w erth J7c Twenty five dozen dents' Extra Quality Un bleached Cotten Socks, lull regular made, l.'Xi. a pair Children's French Itlbbed Itlack LUle Thread Hese, .JOc. and J5c u pair. till Itegular Made The I1EST UNLAUNDItlED SHIUT In the city for I'llTY CENTS (,oed Muslin, Linen llosem, dl Made, ltelnfened and Lined llaik. -Clesedi!V ry evening evti pt Saturdi). J'AItANOM ,tU. K OSE lUvOS. A HAHTMAN. $4.00 PIR5S0LS IthDLCEDllO $3.00. - $3.00. VEin:ilEbt SATIN ALL UNE SILK LIN IMIS ' The Manufacturers. Rese Bres. & Haitman, 14 EAST KING ST. apl-und JfAUUlHMitT. Tyj-AOUINKKY,ie. STEAM HEATING Latest and Most (uiprevea KNOINKS Tr&ctien, PorUble or Slitien&ry. New or Second-liana BOILERS, WATER TANKS, SEPARATORS. MAcnuii or ltirAin Wexs tacn as doue and kept In Machine Sheps, CALL OH OB ADDRBSa, Ezra F. Landis, WORKS 537 NORTH CHERRY STREET, Ltneiirii, l'A. n7-ttrt S' TOIUGK AND COMMISSION WAREHOUSE. DANIKL MAYElt, aecs-Jya ie, wen cuestau; utrcet. nur H Gi:il A ItllOTllKlt. SPECIAL! WALL PAPERS AT EXTREMELY LOW PRICES. ti.OOO IUoceb Blttiikts, G, O, V .oeiitn per pioeo. All new goeitB of thla eoiiHetra nmiiufitoture. Brotir.e i'lvjiera la 1-tl, 15, 10 centB per liioce. WASHABLE ENGLISH OAK PAPERS, tef our own lnitiortittleu), Biiltrtblofer llitllwivyB, Dltiltie; roeniH.Ollloos, KltoheiiH ttml Uath-roenis, or whorevor tv eorvlceiiblo Wnll Dooorn Deoorn Doeorn ttou la roqulred. DitniD Wnlla BticoetsniXilly romeillod. DBOOUAT1VB WORK A SPECIALTY. attention. HAGER & BROTHER, Nes. 25-27 West King Street. -JirKT.i.r.K A llAfOILMAN. Metzger & Haughman Have the Beat 50 Cent UNLAUNBRIEB SHIRT That has ever been sold ler the mouey , equal te many new sold at 75 cent. Sizes, 12 te 17. METZGER & Ne. 43 West King Street, Between the Coepor Heube and Serrol Herso Hetol, Lancaster, Pu. N jy.xr doek te thk count FAHNESTOCK'S. Wblte Ooeda, LttceB unil Etiibroltlerloa. up. Sumuier Undorwear, all elzea. Siimnier Hosiery Large Stock Seiling Prices. of theHO Goods new R. E. FAHNESTOCK'S, NEXT DOOR TO THH COURT WALL I'AfBU. ART WALL l'AlT.K STOKE. Art Wall Paper Stere, NO. m NORTH 0.UKKN STUKKT, LANCASTEH, l'A Ai. ether large Im of HILT I' M'KlfS Just ar lived will be Mild i heap Call early and leek at them mi I pt-1 priies 111 net keep them long, for the pnee will .ell them. Window xhailcs nude ready te hintr I'laln Phide Cleth all colors. VVlndew Shades made and hunx prempU). Lulu Curtulus, I'eles, Chains, HiMjks, tc -Ne treublu te show rixhIj. ILFRED SIBBER, NO. 134 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANOASTKIt, l'A. TDUAI'LS Y. Plfi. CURTAIN POLES, 16e, te SOe. Aploce. many left. Net Wire Window Screens, Made te lit your windowsfreui 25c. aploce up. WINDOWSHADES Very Cbeap. WALL PAPERS, 4c, 6e., 6c. and 7e. PHARE8W. FRY, NO. 67 NORTH QUEEN ST., 1IOTKI.H. ATIiAM'lf t'lTY. TIIK OLD K3TA1II.1S11EI) Chester County Meuse, C'entrtilly lecatid, convenient, very near the boa, Lomfeitable In every way, and home-like. NOW OI'KN. J. KEIM & SONS. nmyjirSind lAl'i: MAY. THE STOCKTON. UAl'K MAY, N. J. T hi) rinest Hi ach en the Coast. 'I lie Ijii and Meat Klejjant Seaside Hetel In the W'er Thu Ijireest Id. jftruraxti. jujmk te-na UhNK ULAlIt, I'ieii'i. Late el the Urund Union Hetel, baruteKa Bprtnus. JuncilCwif QI'KN ALL Till: YIIAU. ii TflE MNSIOn," ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. The largest and most prominently located Hetel hlerfaiitly furnished and liberally man. aired. Thoroughly IlKhted, dmlned and vun Hinted. Opunull the )eur. CHARLES McQLADE. Wllrepli)'s Orchestra, Je7-3md A s 1 1 l a NiTi ic jh b, atlantTcci ty! icenens JULY 1st, under new lnunHi;e. ment. Electric lights, electric bells, city water, tlrst classculslnu. Terms moderate Klist-class baratlathed. HK.NKV UAH IKK. Jyl-lmd toteofqrapo Hetel, lancaster. l'a. ToitACce eurriNGs, hekaps, siftC 1NUS AND I'ACKKUSMVASTK, Dry and Clean, bought for cesh. J.8. MOLINS, .. . Ne. 273 Pearl Street. New Yerk. UOIsrencc rrea. benutte. Ne. 213 Pearl street, New Yerk. lebn-lyd tt(ii. SPECIAL! C-yAll orders will roeolvo pretniit nnd cnreful HAUGMAN, Whlte Hmbroitlerod Ilobes, 82.50 Summer Gloves, in Store, and all Marked at Quiek HOU8H. LANCASTER, PENNA. Vl.UTHIXU. B UIIOKIWV SUTTON. YOU WILL FIND Men's, Bey's aud Children's CLOTHING Maikcd Down Ml LOW thit It will Iki te veur intirtMt te cull and eiamlnn thin ami l'Klch-, If In need of any mere Alt or LIU 111 WKllilflS this season. We Manufacture All Our Goods. And (jiiarnntee them Unit Class In hv el y Par ticular W K 1IAV fc A I LL LINr, or SUMMER CLOTHING In feersurker, .Vlehalr, Alpica, lliaiiiieltu and Linens ut 1'rlces AniunlshliiKly Lew. Uoedsus Kepiesenledei Mene) ltelundid. BUEGEB, & SUTTOI, NO. 24 CENTRE SQUARE, LANCAhTKIt, l'A. M YKKH ft ItATUVON. Summer Reduction! Kftluctlen Jiiiwl ceimi ut thvue (linen, nna If eui Htuck U tee lu re DOWJ GO THE PRICES. (oeds Just us geed us when hlglier, but tee many te carry ever. VV e don't want any sprlux stock left fei nest Pull's tiade, and If Lew Prices wtll meve them the) 'II be sum te go. 'Ibis Is no fictitious Murk-down ; It Is an Actual, Itcnl, Slauhter, and If you ate doubtful, ceme and leek at our sleck and e will convlnte you. Lew as prices weiu ut nrst.we knew these M ark-Down Prices w III cap line ev erynne who leeks at them. Lan caster leuuty puuplu WANT LOW PRICES. They must have Lew Prices We am aware et this fact and have PltlCKl) OL'll Bl'OCK AC COUDLNULv. of First Class Clothing, NO. 12 BAST KINO STREET, LANOABTKlt, PA -()ur store will be tlnicd duilug tlie mouths et July, Aujrusl andSipteuibcrat six i; clock p. ui , Baturdays excupted. Open Satur day till ten. 1-ini: e.n'ly gii:at kxtkhnal iu: . inedy. Thoseeintiinntcheudsts, Piofeasers Dereuiusaml lliittorshalLendorso ilonseu's Cap cine Plaster NOT10K TO THKSl'AHHKHS ANIJ GUNNKItH. All persons are hereby for Iddden te trespass en any of the lands of the Cornwall or Speedwell estates, In Lebanon and closed, either for the tiuniose of shoeunir or nsh Inir. as the law wtll be rigidly unforced against all trusruuslng en aeld lands of the unaersigned after this nelle vv'u fiVI.KMAN KUEE1IAN. 11. l'KUCY ALDKN, Lwaiiii e. runujLV, .Attorney fox Ji. W. CelenuA't tu eeui-udkw MYERS & RATHFON, m y &iW r' t& ,&&.i