.,a StT Vv. ' -V LAKCABTKB DAILY IOTELLIOENOTR, TUESDAY, JDLY 6, 1886. -.- m ?' .KM "i, r i&t tf Ifr i isv. f i r- ! ! ' -tlGENCER mT DAT IN THK TBAB "(tMNtaftftrp(-) I a ww. rm dollars a tkih, rtrrr tUmerM. PtrTEDBTCi11BIIfU! !!- I A At ADJOIKIWO TLICMH. MH L LMMUL CUNMI8I0 AltOWB TO lAvnr. tblbtiiehb oexxacrio. P ft " ADVBST18INO BATE8: r"r ktn.lln,jjn.j;:22:J lESiTCv. M tee 4 se n. 700 WS?wZ?"" IM 1 JIB" IS 0W 84S ggg.'""" fjl 910 4) W 7H 940 Ml?2t 18 IN 4M 6M 8 BO 1010 KlSi IM 4S0 750 1080 1350 1(150 & 2.. w line loeo is se 1; en an in BUTT,, sne 7ei wee moo med med KSi,,, cm loeo 17 ou moo 5700 aim IKBaBtBt. 600 1J0U 20 (tl WOO 100 MM) JBRfht.... son 8oe shoe aoen Hen wee JMlTfir 1W 28 WJ 43 00 65 W 61 00 W HI &The Weekly Intelligencer PvtutHED Every Wednesday Mernine. HATmAR.l.00reiixacRTn8. cum or th, t JtUMa, AD A COTT Hit TO r-KBSOIis nllTine ur i MaanrenDBKca solicited mex smr PAnTOTn VttATB AKD COC1ITRT. ALL AXOKYMOUS tKTTHM W1U, OOKSIOHIO TO THC WASTX HAHAET. ' if 'AMrttt all Letter and Telegrami te '-; TBI HTTHLLIOHNOBR, JatoUlgenoor Building, Lancaster, Pa. ip Cowaetct Intelligencer. LAHCABTKR. JULY A, 18SS. A Geed Exhibit. ,-!; una 01 me strung points which me jje :j publican stump orators and newspapers , '' have been in the habit of making for their V. party's administration of public affairs is ), tire reduction or me puuin; iieut, mm ura 5& generally healthy condition of the federal v treasury. As we have often shown, the tee V raptu reuueuua ut iuu uem, u) pavmeuia In excess of the sinking fund reiiiire ments, is net in itself mi unqualified blessing ; and this circumstance, in con nection with enormous treasury balances, may often indicate a false and fallacious system of finance, which over taxes the people and draws tee heavily upon the resources of the present generation te carry a burden that posterity might reasonably be asked te share. Hut, as the laws of finance and taxation have been unchanged since the Democratic ad ministration came in, it is gratifying te see that it has fully measured up te the task of their faithful administration. y" The New Yerk Herald's carefj'Wash carefj'Wash ingten correspondent peinrfut that from July 1, 1SS5, te Juls-TT 16S0i the public debt proper was -decreased by $ 11,012,230, andthe j'hin the treasury increased by 1,485,479 se that the real decrease in the debt, deducting from it the net cash in the treasury, was in fact $90,097,760. In the same year the clear geld and geld bullion were increased by $R0,l9l,Se3. When the Cleveland administration came in, March, ISM, the net balance in the treasury steed at 38,764,090. After six teen months, en July 1, 1SS0, it stands at $75,191,109. On March 4, 18S5, the debt, less cash in the treasury, steed at $1, 603,. 711,813. On July 1 it steed at ei,3S9,lS0,. 383, which shows a net reduction in six teen months of Democratic treasury ad ministration, and during a period of very hard times, of 9110,373,130. On March I, 1885, the treasury had net or clear geld, 4120,358,012. After sixteen months, en July 1, it had $lei,793,7 lb. " The danger of a redundant silver coinage is net ever, but under Democratic management the treasury has gained se largely in geld that, while the requirements of the sinking fund have been fully met, aud the exting. ulshtnqnt of the national debt lias geno en, the treasury is at thii time in a condition te meet any extraordinary demand which may be made en it by reasons of pessible geld shipments te Europe by calls of three percent, bends." Sound Minds, in Sound Itedics. It is said the proportion of suicides in America is about eighty te the million of population, about half the rate of Germany and France, and the crime is far mere fre quent among the wealthy and well-to-de than among the poorer and mero indus trious people. In this fact appears te lle the secret and its remedy; for it usually occurs with men and women of peer health and nervous temicrament and doubtless arises from the failure te exercise the muscles of the body and te maintain the physical health necessary te support a Bound mind. The people who labor most with their muscles have te endure great privations often, and suffer from hunger, cold, and such a lack of opportunity for pleasure that it is a common, though false maxim, that "uone but the rich enjoy life" ; but as their reward they have minds which if net trained and 'powerful are at least healthy, and tliey are net driven te Insanity and suicide by the misfortunes that the luxurious ricli could net endure. It is high time that our men of business or professional life should give meie atten tion te the laws of health. They have been violating them for generations by the neglect of bodily exercise, and are reaping the reward in the rapidly increasing preva lence of insanity and its child, suicide. There are ether causes, only te be ie ie meved by the influence of religion, as im - morality and the all-abserbiug passion for wealth or for liquor and the gambling fever that claims se many victims; but with these the pulpit has te deal aud It lias a tremendous task before it. Among sci entific rationalists and atheists, sulcide is most prevalent ; but there is an evil that lies nearer home and is mere easy of lelief, the neglect of physical health by the neglect of bodily exercise ; net of the limbs aleae,as many people seem te think, in t walking, but In the development of the i' whole body, symmetrically with the mind. Misrepresenting the Case. Seme et the Republican newspapers that are ignorant, and ethers that are simply malicious and mendacious, keep hammer ing away at Gen. Black for refusing te grant a pension te a slave woman whose slave son was a soldier. One of our con temporaries is hardy enough te say that " under the pension laws she is entitled r. - a pension at his death, and accordingly uu fp piled for it." This is simply net true. Un--.i der the pension laws she is net entitled te a pension ; and ns (Jen. lllack is sworn te administer the law us it is, and net te change it as Ills heart and sympathy might 3 move him, he would be it scoundrel and fe 7- perjurer if he took the course which he U blamed for net taking. In their z-al te make a partisan point the organs will, of a earse, pay no attention te this nor te the let that in this decision Gen. lllack is ffcUMing the opinion of his Republican w4KiNwr, Gen. Dudley, Keep It Up, Iferrls. Majer A. Wilsen Nerrls, Republican candidate for auditor general, opens the campaign with a furious assault at Gettys burg upon the Third Army Cerps nnd upon Gen. Slckels, who with his friends has replied in jicrsen giving Xerrls the He They go further and say Xerris knew he was mistaken ns te alleged facts related befoie he made his speech, but said it was tee late te avoid the error, us his address was In print. Of course the old soldiers are Intensely nngcred nthlm, net only for his misrepresentation but for the ill-taste he displayed In turning the occasion te ene of controversy and altercation. The reception glen te General Slckels nnd the increased affection shown him since the Xerris at tack, go further te prove with what disfa vor It lias been received. The ltepubllcan politicians nre apprehenstve that Xerris will continue te makoafeolof himself; and if he carries out his threat te attack the Democracy in every county the recoil will be vastly worse than the discharge. m m In one column et "literary crltlclim" tlie Xuw Yerk Times speaks of the nuon.vmetn novel "Face te Face" ; mid In an ndjeiulng column tells that Hubert (.Jraut's authorship or It is veritable. Wavsr MacVi:aeh Is sahl te h.ne por per plexed the state beard of public account with the query he raited In a tax appeal a te whother the cultivation of reses at West Orevc, Chester county, h net a iiiaiiufActure, and thorefero exempt from taxation under the previsions of the retnueact of 1SK, which e.iempts all manufacturing corpora tions from state taxation. His argument was that the mother plant, a leatless s;alk, was brought here from Kurepe, and alter under going various kinds of treatment was tlually uiade te produce plants upon vhlcli rekcs were grown; hence it Is strictly a uianutac ture. It se, certainly all farming is manu facturing and the istue raised is at least im portant enough te show the absurdity of ex empting ene clas of Industry from taxation and piling it upon anether. Titn banlshment et I'empte de T.irls from France will delay the completion et his In valuable history of our el vll war. He is de prived of his home and library and wauls no mero Ixieks sent him from this country te aid bis work until he gets better settled. l)K.vn Nenius Keep en talking. linUM.v dispatches speak of.trTe gathering of war clouds ou the TucknTliiiisian frontier I and say thatttrtfan advices point te a Busiiciu)i--Yrsuiiipi!nii ei mis.ian ncnvny in i CejTaT Asia j but this last rtateuient shows "That the whele thing is a baele-s rumor fabrlcated by sorne enterprising correoii cerreoii correeii dont, for the fact is that sluce the Aigbau incident there has been no cessation of Hus sfan activity iu that quarter and thn linildiiic et railroads southward from the Caspian has been pushed with feverish activity. The Kussiaus knew that net far in the luture there lies lnevitable war and they also knew that en the rapid transportation of large masses or troops their success will largely depend. The treuble may coine any day or it may net come for several years,and when it does come may be complicated by civil dUseusleu, but the czar, like a man en the ocean in an open beat, will be prepared for the Hturm te the best of human ability. Sknatei; I.oean belug sharply taken te account by seme of his rabid Hepubllcan constituents ler net etlug te lnestii:ate Senater Payne's election, gives notice that the Btihject had better net be pressed tee strencly or there will be some Hepubllcan dirty linen te wash. Hebays: It appeared iu evidence that money was used In a c-iucus at which a senatorial nomi nation was made, but it did net appear that a dollar was ued In the senatorial election itself. The Senate cannot invetinate the proceedings of a caucus, ami nothing but caucus proceedings weroeiliireU lne lilenc.e. Thorewas no proof of briber iu either Ilouse et the leslil-Uure after tht caucus h id nomi nated Mr. Payne. "We steed upon that jirnuud, and tnade our majority rejiert iiKin that ground. Why, it they waut te investigate) the usoef money outsideof a hull toinllueuce n nomi nation I can show that Grant was beaten In Chicago in 18S0 by the ue of money, "y sir," said J,ngau, growing still warmer and pointing te u islter from Central Illinois, "'adelegate from your district get flue ler violating Ills instructions te vote for (.ninL It was a cheap sell-out, but I knew all about It." "Se de I," said the gentleman who was pointed at. "The fellevs took the money and voted against Oraut, but he's bvtn adead man politically ever hiuce." Hi rid It. Wilsen, a bright young news paper man from Pittsburg, who went down te Washington, Pa., te run the Ilertfw mul JCcammer, lias established a blooming dally called the Eiemwj Jlenrw which gives every promlee that It has ceme le stay. In the patriotic language of the soAsen "long may she wae," Tin: nomination of Heaver has sent a cold chill all along the Hepublicw line. Hist nn swers West in terms of apprehension and anxiety. Here, ler Instauce, Is the Pittsburg Lender heading its comments en the Harris burg slaie witli the staitllug caption "A Ticket te l,ose "; and going en in this style about it : Leeking at the ticket and platform from a non-partisan standpoint, woure et the opin ion that both ure very weak and are deemed te defeat In Xovembor. The Hepubli can party et Pennsylvania, through its duly elected delegates iu convention assembled, has boldly announced te the world that it Is In favor of enforcing the previsions or the state constitution. Next comes the sUlwart .Samtny Tran script, or Philadelphia, aud damns the head ofthe ticket with this faint whisper or pro pre tended praise : General James A. Heaver, who carries the gubernatorial banner, is a geed, honest, well meaning heul, who continuously dins the right thing, vel whe.sueminglv without vari atien, iiiu me uuil's-eye en the target of wrong tluie every shot. He will govern the state well, II elected (that "it" gives us poignant pain), anil be a proiieunced Im provement en the present tenant. II his managers keep him oil the hustings and can keep him muzled, he, lias a chance et secur ing the prUe he se yearningly covets. "1'oeh'h I)iui:cTOitr, of IUilvvay Olllclals and Hallway Directors for Ism!," Is the stand ard publication of that sort. The current Issue, from Peer's lUilread Manual, .Ne. 7e Wall street, New Yerk, Is the most compre henslve work of the kind ever published, aud is Invaluable te railroad and geueral business Interests PERSONAL. Adelina I'atti knows forty-seven operas " Ot'Il TOM" WaI.I.IMI. consul iwmml t Londen, is writing a novel. IlEI.KN AltMHTltONO, daughter of Hums, died aged U7. and Illegitimate lately lu MutUI, LrFiu Lllslkii is broken-he med ever the death el her lirst child, whlc i was born en SL Patrick's Day. Hit. Ai.riu:i) H. Wai.i.ack, the r.uneiis Hugllsli scientist, Is coming te this country te lecture this fall. Wells H. Olkn-dknnin, a leading young Democrat and business manor .XewcaMIe, Lawrence county, was recently married le Miss Mary Hoj lea. Sui'iJitiNuiNliKN'r MoAi.i.isiuii.et Phil adelphia, te-day gees wlib lilty teachers from the public schools te Tepeka, Kan., te attend the sessions of tliu National Kduo.itlen iisk- ut&ueil. Coneuhssman-at-Laikih Omieiim.-, re re nemliia l by the Hepubllcan state ceuveti. ?i'. !?t,..m'lm., voted ler the cnntlnuHl dollar. " 8llver 'sollar-the 77 cent Leoan, looking te 1888 icivh- (i I'm ,,nt a caudldate ter a placed Urn ,'lckei I net a candidate f,,1, anymlng but new! I think, the peeple will decide between new and then who hid b0 the caedldateT" rner. Oseah miuauamseun Jaloekiug about thla country for American women who de outdoor furrn work, and he will write a Berlenef lottere te a Berlin Journal comparing the Herman women field hands with the American women who labor en farms. W. W. ConceuvN has given $2.000 te the Columbian university, District or Columbia, and a line oil painting. The money Is te be added te the endowment fund et the univer sity, aud the painting, representing the boy nrS'ew Hngland en the Hestnn Commens, gees te the new preparatory building. Ci.i:tr..Nr A.(Iiiioem, president or the In ternational Navigation company, nnd Frank Thomsen, vice liresldent et thu" Pennsylva nia railroad, will purchne whlle iu Hnglaiid two steel steamships built en the Clyde for the Hed Star steamship line, which llle Ih tween Jersey City, Philadelphia and Ant werp. ItEV. SAMVKt, I.ONOlKI.t.OVV Is like hi distinguished brother u poet by temperament and a man of thn most lellned nnd scholarly tastes. Helsnl'nlUrUu clergyman, but net new In charge of anv church. He make Ids home at the LongfelFeiv house, w ith the poet's eldest aud only unmarried daughter, Miss Allee Longfellow. Ill m 1H1I Clrrlrs. The League games of Saturday were: At Kansas Cley : Philadelphia S Kansas City '-'; at Detroit : Detroit 7, llosten ft ; at Chicago : New Yerk 7, Chicago ,5 j at St Leuis (eleven inning) Washington 3, -St. Leuis i The game yesterday were: At St. Leuis (morning) Philadelphia 0, SU Leuis 1 ; (af ternoon) Philadelphia 3, St, Loul il; at Chicago (morning) : Chicago 10, ltosteu t; lallernoen) ltosteu (1, Chicago 1 : at Kausas City (morning) : Kansas City 7, Washington t ; (atternoen) Kan.is City S Washington 1; at Detroit (morning) : Detroit s New Yerk 0 ; (afternoon) Detroit 11, New Yerk 10, Saturdvy's Association game were: At Cincinnati; Cincinnati 8, Athletic J; at U St. Loul : St. Loul I, liroeklyn 0 ; nl I.euis. vllle: Met 15. Louisville 7 i at 1'lttaburg: Haltlniore 12, Pittsburg 3. Association games yesterday resulted a follews: At Cincinnati, (morning) : Cincin nati 11, Athletics 7 ; (alternoen) : Athletics . Cincinnati 1; at Pittsburg (morning) : Pittsburg 15, Itiltluiore 1 ; (afternoon) : Pittsburg 1J, Hdtimnre 'J ; at St. Leuis (morning) : St. Leuis 7, liroeklyn 3: (after noon) : Hroeklvn 0, St. Leuis 4 ; at Ieuis. vllIe,(nierning)": Loulsvllltle ; Mets 3; (after noon) : Mets 3, lyoulsville". The Sundav games in the Association were : At Cincinnati: Cincinnati, S. Athletic 0; at Louisville : Louisville S, Met (', ; at St. Loul : St. Leuis 7, Brooklyn 1. On "Saturday Danville defeated Alteena by 0 te 3, and Wtlllanispert get the best et Lew Lew Istew n by 12 te A Yesterday tho.State League games w'ere: At Wllllamspert : (morning) Wllliamspert II, Alteena 5 : (atternoen) Willi unspertn, Alteena 4 ; at Wllkesbarre : (morning) w llkesuarre l'A scranien u ; at Scranton : (afternoon) Wllkesbarre , ScrantenS. - ' "' " l)W.V. Daw n, with fliuM feet upon the mountain-tops. Stands beckoning te the Sun god's golden car. While en her high, clear brew the morning star Grews fainter, as the silver misty cepe And rosy river-bend and village white Keel the strong shafts or light. The tlde of dreams Ins reached Its utter ebb, Tbe Jey et dawn Is In my lady's eyes, VV here at her window with a halt surprtse She sees the meadows meshed with fairy web, And hears the happy skylark far above Mnglng "I llve' Hive"' -1erfimfr fieMinj. Confidential advice, te either ex, en delicate diseases. Heek 10 cents In stamps. Address, World's l)lpenary Vledlcal Associa tion, WJ Main street, liutTale, X. . Tii.r' Aw DnNet lie Deceived. Hypocrisy Is the compliment that vice pays Ovirtue. Imitation Is the compliment failure pays te success The name net the character or ISonsen's Capctne Plasters is Imitated by unscrupulous parties, who make and try te sell plasters variously culled ' Capslcin." Capsi cum," " Cupslclne," "Capncln" plusters, with the manifest intention te deceive, se cunningly and boldly Is this done that careless peeple urn doubtless sometimes beguiled Inte buying such nrtlc'es in plncn of thu genuine, llanpuy the number who fellow this vocation uecreases every year through the rernsal of reputable dealers te handle thu Imitation noeds, mean while be cautious In thu middle et the genuine Is cuter poieused the word "Capclne'and en thn lace cloth Is the Three Seals " trademark. Ask ter Helicon's then examine. One lleuseu U worth nderen ntimy ether kind (2j HfXOIAI. XUTltlEH. Iumdklies Liver Pellets for sick headache erp Id liver, biliousness and Indigestion Small and easy te swallow. One pill a dose. Price, 25c. Ily all druggists. ft 3s-3indTn,Th,9 A ItemirkablH Geed Man Is he who attends te the comfort of bis tamlly nnd will net let his little ones suffer wlthairec wlthairec tlen of thu lhre.it and Lungs, wheiehy their lives inav be endangered, but w he nheulil at all times give them th it sovereign remedy, hemp's llalsam. Price 50 cents and tl. Trial me free Fur sale by It, 11. Cochran, druggist, 137 North Queen street. (I) ' HACKS! KTACK " a lasting and migrant per fume. Price 25 nnd BO cents iersileby II i!. Cochran, Druggist. Ne. 1J7 North (Jueen street. .Most excellent. .I.J. Atkins, Chief or Police, Knexvllle. Tenn , writes: ' My r.imlly and I uiu benetuiities of jour most exrellent meillclne lr King's New lUsciivery forcensumitlon j having found it te beallttmt you claim ter It. deslie te testily te Its virtue Sly Irlends, te whom I have recem mended It, pnil-e It at evervoppertanlty " In. Mnj,' New Discovery for consumption Is guiranteed te euro Coughs, Colds, bronchitis. Asthma, Croup and evi ry affection of Threat, hest and Lungs Trl il bottles trie at Cochran's Drug store, IJTund I ft North tjueeiitrtet, Ijvn casUi,P.u Luigu sue, il uu. (J) SLKKPLESd N1(jHT, made inlserublu by that terrible cough. Shlleh'sCurwls the remedy for you. Porsaleby II. U. Cochran, Druggist, Ne 157 North (jueen street. The Mjstery .suited. It has always been understerxl that consump tion was Incurable, but it has recently been discovered thnt Kemp's llalsam for the Threat and Lungs is glv Ing mere relief thin any known remedy. It Is quuniutcd te relieve aud cure Asthma, bronchitis and Coughi. Call en 11. IS. Cochran, druggist. N'e U7 North Quien street, and get a trial bottle tree of coat. Lare size 5ij cents and 11. () SltlU)IP3 VlTALIZKIt is hat von need for Constipation, Less of Appetite, Dizziness, and all symptoms of Dyspepsia. Price 10 mid 75 cents per bottle, ier side by H. 11. Cochran, Druggist, Ne. Ill North (Jueen strecu AN L'NKOinX'NATi: PKItSON The most unfertunate person In the world Is enearlllctid with kb k head lehe, but they will bertllevedutente by uslnif Dr Leslie's Special Prescription, fceu adrertlieinent lu another column. (i) SllII.OII'S CATAItltll UK51KIV-a poslllve curu ler Catarrh, Dlptberle, and Canker .Meuth or sale by II, II. Cochran, Druggist, Ne. 137 North Queen street. llucklpn's Arnica hitlte. The liest Salve In ihe world for Cuts, bruises Boies. Ulcers, fait itiiuum, tuver routes. Teller Chapped Hands, C'bllhlaliis, Cerns, and all Skin r.iuiiieiui,iiiiu positively cures riles, or no nay rciulitd II Is guaranteed te give i.rr. ct sails I. u lien, or money retunded Price il cents per box. or sale by II. 11 Ceenrun. Ilnnrirlst 137 and IT) North (Jueen street. I-ancaster. pS ' rOK DVSl'Kl'SlA nnd Liver Cemnimnt -,, havi u a printed iruamntee nn niKn il..,h.. n tt ion s v lianzer, 11 neverlalls te ram. I'nr ..i by it. II. Cochran. Druimlit. Nn m.vnrii, ,i...n strisit. .-, KIIINKV TliOUIILKs. A Case or .Many Years Mantling Cured vVltli 8U llettlem iu Slau OO tears et Age. ALLKXTOH-K, l'n., Slay t, iBdS. Davdhlies Hittkks Co.-(ients I had been troubled with my kidneys foranumberef years, used almost everything without much benerlt until 1 tried Dandelion Hitters. 1 us. d six bot bet tha and am pleasud te say 1 urn entirely rid of thu kidney trouble, besides my m stem being toned up he that 1 f,el Uku a dlffeiuut person. I cheerfully recommend the same te all mulcted 1 VK&,r1Th18 J AC0" -". -mi11, ;I1',',Y.0U cough when Shlleh's Cure will give Immediate relief. PrlcelO cu..S0cU.. H.."d.,l.ter ttl uy IL It. Cochran. Druiritlst. Ne. 187 Werth llueen street. v"-u""'' "ruggwi. JINr.HAL SPHINO WATKH. BLACK BARREN Mineral Spring "Water Is strongly imptrguated with tlie suliihatesef magnesia and soda, slllea and ehletlile. These eleiueiitsaieiia'.urally combined win, Uie water and aru net piuclpltated by eidlnary cau.es' 'I hey maintain thu purity nl the water ler icais and llnevergetsstaitiiaiiter Hat. Its mcdlcul prepeitles am sttengaud nctlre. It mnnlfestsltseir tlrst as n dluietle. ceriecilug tliiikldnejn, expelling the urle ueld promptly, decomposing cilculus sugary and renlgn de lieslUuud removing Ihem Irem thu system. It invigorates the stomach, tones the general healther the body. The water is cheap, reliable, pleasant, effectual. Sledleat tertlmnny and lefei'uiu-e given. P. b. UllODVlA.N, Slanagisi. N". 37 Kust (irant Htieet, (rear ofC'emt Heuse.) llLAC'lt llAltltiCN 8PU1NU 110UHK new open. JTer terms, etc , address , J11SS MIlltlsTIK llOSIUKIiaKlt, Pleasant Orove, Lancaster County, Pa. junel8-0md JWKOitME. V"qui:snex aheft Brown's Iren Bitters AXSWEUKD Thennt'sllenliM probably been nUed thou sands uf limes. ' Hew can brown's Iren Utllers ciiitievetjtldngt ' Well, tt doesn't Hut It does cure anv disease for which a ieptitatilepnsl ieptitatilepnsl clanwei'ild presertbe llte.S. 1'hjslelin weeg nlie iron as inn ut'si rvsionuive nielli nm'"" -the profession, and Inquiry of any lemllng rhenilral nrui will substantiate the assertion that there am morn preparation or lien than or any ether substanee used In inedletiie Inl shows conclusively that Iren Is acknowledged te be the most lmnertaut racter In since"" medical practice It Is, however, a remarkable f ict, that prier te the discovery et I1UOVV N s lilllX lllTTKK! no jwrfectly Mtlractery com Mnstlnn hudeverbwn feuiui 1IISUVV N'.s IKON lllTl'KltS does net Inlure the teeth. caue head ache, or linsluee constipation nil ether meul cine de. IIUOVV.N'S IKON III rThKM cures In digestion, llllleusness. Weakness, lijsix'l"'4. Miliaria, cuius una revere, itreu reeling, erd Debility, Pain In the Side, Hack or l.lmbs. Headache nnd .NeuraUia for nil these ailments Iren Is prescribed dally. ltltOVWS IUO.V HIT TKKS. however, doe net euro 1n aniinute. l.tku all ether thorough lnedleliies. It net slowly. When taken by men the tlrst niytnui of bene tit Is renewed energy. The muscle then become nnner, thedlgestlnn Improves, the bowels nre active. Iu icemrn the eltect is usually mero rapid and marked. The eves begin at once te brlchten i the skin clears up i healthy color - .. ,,.n i i . ....p. rti.sn.i. fllsillH pears s functional derangements become regit Ur, nnd if a nursing mother, abundant tiu imnce Is supplied ter the child llememlM-r llrewnV Iren Hitters is the OM.i Iren unull line that is uotliijurleu pvic(iniend ilriip uittsrecemviemi (I. . , , mil ueiiuine nas i raun Jium """ .v lines en wrapper. T Ik l Nil OIIIKIl mal-3-lvd.vw l ULUTHtXU. Ol'KNINO AT H. HKK Cl'KI N U U 11A1 IHT'S. FINE TAILORING. The iJireest and most Complete Assortment nf KINK VVODl.l.hNSfortheSprlngliadetobo found In the City of Lancaster A Chetce Line of Spring Overceatings and Pantaloenlngs tn all the Latest Pattern. Prices Lew, llest Workmanship, and all goods Warranted as represented. H.GERHART, NO. HI NOItTIl U.UJ5KN STKKET. -OlUHwlte the PosteUlco. tnar-.'Ml dll L. OANSMAN A I1KO. Reduced Price List -OF- Gustem-Alade Ciotliieg. VVK MAKE TO OltDKIt All Weel Men's rants at Hen. 3.5e, l W, $J.W, C en, J7 00, f s () and tl in. Ail-Weel Slen s Sulls at 110, t U HI, 1 17, lis, f.i) te t.W. These goods cannot be nppreaehed anywhere .n the city as for price and werkuiaushlp ter less tl.an W percent, advance. Seersuu -- Coats ana v est selling irem i. a and upwards Large a-ssertmcut te select from. Ueady-Made Men's Sulls. Our KM) and ts.00 Slen's All-Weel Ca.s,lmcre Suits are fastselllng. They are really worth the money wholesale. Slen's Corkscrew suits. In lllack or Ilrewn. sack or C ula w ay at I- ou. Inducements Kxtraerdlnary ter the next few days. Early visitors w HI And It te their advan tage. L. GANSfflAN & BRO. MEItCIIANT TAILOUS, SlANlfACTl KKUbOFMEN 3 11018 AND CHILDKKN'S CI.07Ill.Ntf, 66 & 68 NORTH QUEEN ST., ( Ulght en thoSjeuthwcst Cor et Orange st.) LANCASTKlt, PA. Mr Net connected with any ether Clothing Heuse tn the city. l'AKAHOIJi SU. R OSK HKOS. UAKTMAN. $4.00 P5RIS0LS UKDUCEl) TO $3.00. - $3.00. VKUIMIKST SATIN"' ALL KINK SILK LIN INGs The Manufacturers. Rese Bres. & Hartman, 14 EAST KING ST. apl-6md CAMHIAUEI. GTANDAKD CAHKIAGK WOHK. Edw. Edgerley, CAEEIA&E BUILDER Market Streot, Rear of Poatefflco, Lanoaster, Fa. My stock comprises a large variety or the Latest Style buggies, Phaitens, Carriages, Mar ket and lluslness Wagons, which 1 offer at the very lowest figures and en the most reasonable terms. I call special attention te a fowefmy own de signs, oneor which is the KDGKKLKVCLOSKD PHYSICIAN COl'PK, which Is decidedly the neatest, lightest and most complete Physician's Carrlagu in the country. Portions wishing te buy a geed, honest and substantial article, should bear In mind that they take no risk in buying my work. Every Carriage turned out In eighteen years a geed one that is the kind et guarantee Ihave te offer the public. All work lully warranted. Please give me a call UEPAIUINU PllOMFTLy ATTK.NDKD TO. Onu set of workmen especially employed ter thatnuriHMQ rUU HAJ.K Utt UKlfT. FOH SALH. " An entliely new "Hall Type Writer." with cemplute st Is ei t) pe. Including eight different styles, capitals ami small letters, plain, fancy and scroll. Ceat price, 110 : will lw sold for fM. Address, " K. SI. L.." Juneistfd lNTELUuecxBOrric. TTtOH HKNT. 2 Bh( Bhenln roaref Ne. 87 Weat Chestnut streeL nsed as a cigar-box factory, and a shop en Slltllln street, between Seuth (jueen and Prince streets, lately used as a carriage factory. Alse a dwelling ana store room new occupied by A, A. HubTuy as drug store, West King atreet, Apply nt tee IlK-ifd INTKLLlOENCKIl OrriCK. TQHIVATKHALK OFHOHSES. 1 have a let Of WEBTEItN NO RMAK HORSES, Irem Indiana and Illinois, purchased by (ilven, 1I.IUU1 S. Ce., consisting ur heavy drafts, farm horses, and a lew nice dll vers. 1 also have a ear. lead of Kentucky and Ohie llnrses.goed drivers, which 1 will dispose of ut private sale. OLOKUK U1COS8MAN. FOH SALH OH HUNT A MODIUt.vj convenient three-stnry I1ICICK DWhLL 1NO, with basement. Ne. 111. Seuth Duke street, 'I his property centalus'J rooms, besides u bath room, and Is provided with all the modern, Urst class Improvement., such as water-closets, sta tionary weahstand, hetund cold water, together with u certain portion et household fixtures, such as blinds, etc. Geed furniture can also be bought. Terms reasonable. Apply upon the premtsea. Parler a specialty. Jyl-trdeed TrNUKlt THK I1LUK COATS KVKHY U United Statta military pest la supplied 'ltll liUlliOll's Cunclnil l'lik.li.ra KrlRIllllle. -i United quick acting. nnr hiieii. mllK NHW CASH H'lVllK. NEW CASH STORE, Opposite titn K"vtone Iteusn and Northern National Hank, 247 k 240 Xertli qurrn SlrCM)!. Opening today new and reasunnhlc Pics Uoed. WIHTK MCTdltlA I. AWN. W III P K I'l.AlllNAl.NSOOk!, WlltTK l.l.VKN llhlNKKs. LOIUIKU PllllIK. 1.ADIKS' OAHi: VKSTS, Uh.NT'silAl K KS1. Cllll.llllK.N'StlAlK, AM.St.KS. H lllack and tolend Silk Milts New Sleck et Itlbbens. ulllliuMiI Notions and l'e luestlcs all at low prices N It. All icren Indebted te the lain linn et llewer Hurst are ree nested te call at the More et the undersigned and settle their nrreunlsat ence, as alter the isth et July thn bonk go Inte the handser an alderman ler collection. letv-lyd W. 1L ltOWKUS. S' I'MMF.U tlOOD.S CLOSING OUT. Net te Clese business !ut te Keduce our Im mense (Stock et M MM Ml l.OODS. Goods Marked Down In l.very Department AT THE- BOSTON STORE. JKUSKYSI JEUSEtH' Fer Ladles, Misses and Children Indli linen, V lcterla Lawn, Corded Pique, Cradle (.link SNO.V DltOP SATIN'ES Crinkled Seersuckers. Printed Valines, Pi lute .batistes. 11LACK hlLKS. liPD lllack Silk for II 2V; f 1 s?X lllack silk le l 00. Every jard Warranted. LADIES' KEINFOIICEI) nOsSAMKKS. H"c Each. Cltj Price, s3c Each.; STAMM, BROS.& ?0., Nea. 20 nnd 28 North Queen St., LANCASTKlt. pa. J S. U1VLHH A CO. GENTLEMEN. We nre Showing the llest Line of LAL'MilUED AND CNLAUN DUIKD MUKT- In Uin- caster. We will let you be thejudgeaste juallty and price. I.cm: at ourSee, 7Se. and II 10 Unlaundrled shirts. Ktamtne our 7Sc, tieu and 11. iv liundrled shirts Our Percale shirts; ere Elegmt GeihIs. Men's Cheviot Werklng-hlrls at .We. Full length skirt aud sleeves. Well made and fast colors. U05 's p nlaundrlcd Shirts, 51V. Ele gant goods. dent's and Itey's Oauze and Sum mer Underwear, 5S, SS. Sound 75c. Jean Drawers, 2S. sound 73c Neckwear, Hosiery' ami Uloves at Lew Prices. Jehn S. GiYler & Ce., Ne. 25 Eaat King Streot, Lascastee, Pa TylllTE DRtSS HOODS. W3TT cSc SHHND Invite special attention te their popular lines el INDIA LINEN'S ICTOKIALAWNs.COKDED 1'iyUEs, PLAID NAINSOOKS. Open te-day a large Inv olce of SWISS, CAMItl'.IC AND NAINSOOK ESI IIHOlOEliED FLOUNC1NUS In new designs at very low prlcea An immense assortment of 5VIS, CAUIHlIC AND NAINSOOK KM llltOIDKUIES In all Widths and Quality. EGYPTIAN. OltlENTAL AND KsCl'UlAL TK1MMIM. l.VCESund LACK tLOl NLl.NOs. Parasols, Parasols, AT QUKATL ItEDUCED l'KICES. In order te close out the balance of FANCY PAKAsOI,H we have gene carefullj ever tin whole Hteck und m irked them down te prii ei that must effect a speed) clearancc LACK TItlMMKD PAKASOLS EKEDPAKASOLS.COACHINC LAC K CO PAUASOLS At less than manufacturers' prices. New Yerk Stere, Neb. 6, 8 SS 10 Eaat King St., LANCASTKlt. PA. R KM'CTION IS DE1SS COTTONS -AT- J. B. MARTIN & GO'S. Every day brine te the store new and ileslru. bio goods, and the iirlces quoted Imlew show that we are selling them lower than city prices. lOtfti&RAI BATISTES. The finest and most popular Ilatlste manufac tured.lna large assortment or styles, icduccd te 12H cents , termer price, Is cents. BATISTE DE'INDE. A large assortment or styles and colorings, re duced te 10 cents per yard They are Si Inches wide, havu cream and whlte grounds, and thu former price was 15 cents. American Sateens One mera case nnd the last rer the season te tell for 6Ji cents ; ethers are selling them at 8 cents. lllack and Whlte Satccns-a choice nssortinent for mourning wear. Pine American tatcens lu a full line or styles and colorings, reduced te UK cents a yard ; inrmer price, IS cents, A case :ti Inches wide, at 10 cents a yard. FRENCH PRINTED SATEENS. We have all reason h"wn nn extensive line, and new styles are constantly arriving, and will arrive uutll end or season. Tycoon Crinkled Seersuckers. The city stores arn advertising at 'JO cents i we have them at 17 cents, all styles and colorings. CRINKLED SEERSUCKERS, In full variety of stripes, at 1, UK and 16 coat a pieces of cream ground utbji cents. J. B. MARTIN & GO., Cor. West King & Prince Sts (OppealU) Btevens Heuso.) LANCASTKlt. PA. WHY PAY fl5 FOH A HET OK TEETH when you can get the same at f. at W, L. milKlt'S Dental Kooms, Ne, W North Oucen mrueL Oas aauilnljlcrcd. ap!7 lyd nnr utiunn. AHHil ,V IIHOTIIKlt. SPECIAL! WALL PAPERS AT EXTREMELY LOW PRICES. 5,000 Ploeoa Btivnka, C, 0, 7 oentu per pioeo. All new KOedB of tlila eonneu'a mtiiiuritoture. Uronze Papura. la 1-U, IB, 10 oenta per ploeo. WASHABLE ENGLISH OAK PAPERS, ler our own importation), Bitltablofer Uttllwaya, Dlntug rooms, Ollloea, KltohenB 11 tut Uath-roeniB, or whorevor a eorvleoabio Wall Dooora Deoora Doeora tion le reiiulrcil. Damp Walls Buoeoesfitlly romedlod. DEOOUAT1VB WORK A SPEOI A I.T Y. KIT All ortlerB will roeol ve prompt and careful attentien. HAGER & BROTHER, Nes. 25-27 West King Street. -Jt prra.KK A HAUUHMAN. Metzger & Haughman Have the Best 50 Oent MMMIED SHIRT That has ever been sold for the new sold at 75 cents. METZGER & Ne. 43 West King Streot, Between the Cooper Heuso and Serrel Herso Hetel, Lancaster, Pa. N TEXT DOOH TO THK COUHT HOUaK. FAHNESTOCK'S. Wbite Goods, Lttcea and Bmbroiderioa. up. Summer Undorwear, all bIzeb. Summer Hosiery Lare Stock Seiling Prices. of thcBO Qoeda new R. E. FAHNESTOCK'S, NEXT DOOR TO THE COURT WAl.l, PAt'KU, AltT WALL PAl'KK 8TOHK. Art Wall Paper Stere, NO. 131 X0KT1I QUEEX STKEET, LANCASTKlt, PA. Anether large let of OILT PAPKItS Justar rived will he nld cheap. Call early and leek at them ami get prices. Will net kiep them long, ter the price will cell thern. Window bhades made ready te hang. Plain Shade Cleth all colon. Window Mradcs made and hung promptly. Lace Curtains, Pules, Chains. Heeks, etc -N e treuble te show goods. ILFKED SIBBER, NO. 13-1 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTKlt. PA. MIAHHS W. IHY. CURTAIN POLES, 15e, te 50e. Aploce. many left. Net Wire Window Screens, Made te fit your wlndowsfrera 2Ce. aploce up. WINDOWSHADES Very Oheap. WAL-L, PAPERS, 4c, 5c, 6e. and Te. PHARES"W. FRY, NO. 67 NORTH QUEEN ST., 11UTKI.H. A TLAM'HJ C1TV. THE OLD ESTA11L1SHED Chester County Heuse, Centrally located, convenient, very near the be i, comfortable lu every wuy, and home-llko. NOW OPEN. J. KEIM & SONS. maySfVSmd 1AI'E MAY. THE STOCKTON. CAPK MAY, N. J. The rinrst Iteach en the CeasL The Largest and Most Elegant heaslde Hetel In the Welid. IIKMtr CI.A1II, Prep'r. Lnte of the Grand Union Hetel, hnnitegu Springs. JuneSIOwif VPEN ALL 1 HE YEAR. (( TFE MANSION," ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. Thn largest and most preuilncntl t located Hetel Elegantly furnished nnd liberally man aued. Thoroughly lighted, drained and ven tilated. Open all thu year. CHARLES McQLADE. f lirephy 'a Oi chestrn. J u7-Sind Hll LANhI KHhTk, ATLAViTK' JlTYi reopens JULY 1st, under new manage ment fclectrle lights, elcctrle bells, city water, llrst-classculslue. Terms moderate. I list-class biratuiched. HKNUY KAIll'Kll, Jyl-lmd LatoerOrape Hetel, Lancaster, Pa. rpOIIACCO OU'ITINGH, HUKArS,HrPT. l.NOS AND PACKEKS' WASTE, Dry and Clean, bought for cash. J.8.MOLIN8, Ne. 27S Pearl Street. New Yerk. Uolerence-Ercd. Schutte, Ne. 21J Pearl stroet. Wew Xerlc reb!7-lya SPECIAL! menay ; equal te Sizes, 12 te 17. many HAUGMAN, Whlte Embroiderod Reboa, Q2.60 Summer Gloves, iu Store, and all Marked at Quiek HOUSE. LANCASTER, PENNA. CLOTH .Yd. B UROKH A SUTTON. YOU WILL FIND Men's, Bey's and Children's CLOTHING Marked Down M LOW that It will be greatly te your Interest te call and exauilue the (iUOI).-i and PltlCLS II In need or any mere MEDIUM or LIGHT WEltilll's this season. We Manufacture All Our Qoed3, And Ou.irontee them First class In Every Par ticular. W B HA E A rULL LINE OP SUMMER CLOTHING In Seersucker, .Mohair, Alpaca, Orappette and Linens at I'rlciw Astonishingly Lew. Uoedsoa lleprescntcd or Meney Iteiunded. BURGEE & SUTT0U, NO. 24 CENTRE SQUARE, LANCASTKlt, PA. -,r Y EKS"AK ATU VON, Summer Reduction! Ituluctlnn must come ut thcsu times, and If our stock Is tes large DOWN GO THE PRICES. Uoeds just as geed as when hlgher, but tee many tecarry ever. VVeden't waiitany Spring Stock left fur next Pall's trade, and It Lew Prices will move them tbej'll be sure te go. This Is no Fictitious ilurk-dewn ; ltlsun Actual, Ileal, Slaughter, and U you ate doubtful, coma und leek at our sleck and wu will convince you. Lew us prjees were at first, we knew these Mark-Down Prices w til captute everyone he leeks at them. Lan caster county peeple WANT LOW PRICES. They must have Lew Prices. We are aware of this fct and have PltlCED OUU STOCK AC COltDI.NOLY. el First Class Clothing, NO. 13 EAST KINO STREET, LANCABTKK. PA r-Our store will be closed during the months of duly, August und September at six o'clock p. in., Saturdays excepted. Open Satur day till ten. rpHK ONLY (JHKAT KXTKHNAL HK- A. niedy. These eminent chemltu, Professurs Deremusund llatturshall.uudonie llensen's Cup Cup clne Plaster NOTICE TO TKKSlASSEi.S ANL UUN.NKIIS.-A11 persons are hereby for bidden te trespass en liny of the binds of tee Cornwall or Speedwell eslates, In laibanen and Lancaster counties, whether Inclesed oruiiin eruiiin oruiiin clesed, elthur for the purpose el sheeting or nsh. ing, as the law will be rigidly enforced against alftrespasslngonBaldlandsef Uie undersigned after Uxls notlce. ,,., . WM. COLEMAN KHEKMAN It. PEKCY ALDEN, KI)WAUDC.irUKtMAN. '.Attorney ter IL W. Ooleman'g heirs OOUl-UnJsW MYERS & RATION, A. -, i . -2ftJ j 4 -' '- $& . .' 'feji-.'v .. .' if 1si .f5?D!S5r j 4 V -sw-,s-t -"?ili.4wl: fttvt ?".' 4' $ WJ jjaiaPS.' ju4 . J3 J& liM&sMt&mm&i t.ylijg-tj ?--? J: