ly-r !J A -V ft " s .fr r & WSgWZW ("? xW'&jWi ah je tama$te - j. m- iVt j i i . A kA f1i " ,i; -v TvS u KcR - Nn&l i1LiLlrTjir . -t 1J tl J " i ' . -' , fSSMH ' ' ' ' .! " ,'fjj VOLUME XXII NO. 247. LANCASTER PA., WEDNESDAY, JUKE ;t, 1880. PRICE TWO '.OEOTB. OLADST0NKTGASG0W. AN KNTIlValAatIV MVI.TITVUK UUKKT HIM ATTIIKHTATWN. lie HT" '"",' '" '""""K Vlllli llie Milijpit nl Irfiiitl liirutiiint tlin iperlil WiiiiU mill lllilnr; "I the nutrient Pennies Must Ha Carefully t'nnalilerr.l iHKAVVvaKUvnii.Aimi.vniA I'Asimt. The arrival of Mr. hiiiI Mis. fllailstoiie In Glasgow, Scotland, mi riitudny, was llie signal ler a great demonstration. ThetiMtuls or poepto hid awaited at tlie station l(i greet tliem, ami w lum tlmy alighted from llm train ami entered thelr carriage tlmy worn cheered nnil cheered again by llie enthusiastic multi tude, lleugler's circus, In which Mr. (.lad (.lad (.lad Rtonewas announced tn speik, was packed from llixir In dome. Mr. Illlbert llullli, motuberof Parliament ler central illagew, was chairman nl the meeting. Whim llm irumlur inul Ills tvile inn) I.uly Alnirdeen entoretl lliu building, tlmy mut wllhhiirrl canes of applause. The aildloiue sang ' Auld l.iiiit; Nvne," uml "Ile'sa Jelly Heed l'el- IOW." Mr. UlaiMone, upon rising, raid I hi van confident that (llasgew would iln truenml solid Liberal work ut thu coming olectlmiis Ile would te-day deal with ' portion of tlie great I rluli question which had hlthorte liet'ii iiutouehi'il, i.aumlv. that portion which isjcullarly utlocted Scotland. Ile would take lili tint from tlie famous Docter I hiiliners, who In IslS rolerriil te tlie impossibility of crushing thu 1 rlsh weplu, and milled that tlie "almighty arm or kindness would he Irre sistible." (Cheers.) 'IhiiMe words, tlie K)aker tuid, were words of high Christian wisdom. He asked hi auditors te approach the question Inspired with mucIi miiiiIiueiiIm. He wished te dual with lliroe points the Hcciirlty of Protestant In Usler, llie argil, lueiibt deduced from the union ir Scotland and Lnglanil, and the question of home rule for Scotland. (Cheers.) , IIiii1iimI.n1 tlmt lllllllir tllO llOIIIO mil) Mill Irelaud would Iki mi Independent country. Thern wure clauses that lorbtide Ireland te legislate for the establishment or endow inmit of any religion. The ParnulllU'S e fully ac cepted the ilauses, and limy had alw.ijs proved that they wure In favor or religious Ireoileui. Besides, the rujiil ele would ro re in.ilii Thuri'lore alaruiH wite KreiiiulluHt and IriMileii'. Lord HarlhiKteu ciiinplalni'd that he uiade ue adaiuoeii the I liter pn i wall In the original u home. ill, lird HartliiKteu uiade no tllert te lmlp In de no again. Majer .Hauuilerxeii, Hi liohairer the Oraiigt'liieii, iiil.iuiil llie lnn that a majority el llie Irlth nhmilil be ooiii eoiii oeiii polliil te adept the will or the Ntn ill miner Ity. Mr. l'arnell wanted the usniiUiue of ecry Iriihiiiiin In the work el uevurniiiK Irelaml. ThoKOiernmiint was en le ron ren ron nlder oeryroa)iiablo propeail, it Much could bodetlsoif, for the puriKwe of nlviug nepa nile satisfaction te that K)rtlen of I Istur In w lilch l'reuvstaiilsm nrevalls, but the fearn that CithnllcH would pumiiute the north, whiTothe PrelOKtantu worn htreiiK ineuuli te protecl thcmselM'K. wiutiilte 1ii.e1h8. The union 01 I uxlniid and Sisitl md was osseutlally dlllfreiit Inmi that of KiigUiiul and Iruland. I'he ImidamviiUl dllliirume was that Scotland was always able te held hr ew n. Scotland met Knylnnd en a footing of eipiallty, and the union with the lajisoel tlme commended Itself te the iniudx and hearts of Scetchmen, wlillsl the tmtire Irish nation against the union el that country with Knglund. New lie had nald that Snit laud had txs-ome gradually Mtlslled with the union; but If a great uiajerllj el me joepio of Scotland wished te manage herlivalaHalrs within horewu border-, did they think, if they arrhid at .1 clear conclusion te tliat clfis-t, that irofHetetity.lwn Scotch mnmliers of the Heuse or Commens sixty uiillisl as ene man in a demand for a i hannt, that Imgl md daroer would wish te rofue thein ? (I ries or ".Vel") He ridiculed the preHwals of the National ILidical t'nleii. te lisie uudealt with the qiiextieu el Irlnh lecil Kolf-geernmoiil. a Hiiulect which was ripe for discussion, wlille thoceuntry dealt w llh local go eminent fur Kngland and Scotland, a niioslien wlilch was net ripe for discussion. Mr. i.lidstone thought that this presieil ist-irin tuilf ir mitv ut Institutions ler Kuglind, s etl mil, Ireland and Wales was a bad, filse and vul gar principle. In dialing with llie suliject or Vecal ginenimtnt the sIal wants el the dlllerint peeples must be considered and tlie 8Hx-lal history of these oeplos. '1 he main question was whether Ireland was te hae tree government or be overridden by lug land and Scotland. lhey knew new whit Ireland wished. Ireland had net asked for an innovation, hrcnune she had a Parliament until it was taken from her In lsui by a mixtiire el fraud and lorce. Slioeuly said " luied'sname, asyoiihiive failed, allow us te endoaverto gevern eun-eUcM." "Scotland," the speaker continued, "had always sent refermers ten reformed Parliament. Would she de se again ? (Cries of 'Ye-'1 ) Or would she send Conservatives If she chese the latter course, the responsibility would be hers, net his." In conclusion, he appealed te bis audi tors te give their v olio in laver el a work of poaie and Justice. Mr. iiladstone's closing words wero hailed w llh loud and prolonged cheers. Ills C'mictCKiillini lll I"iniiite M w IIhbIuihiiiU Porthreinliig. Kev. Mr, MoMsares' congregallen have, for tlie most part, expicssd the opinion that In tlie proaecullon el which he Is new the olt elt Jcct he Is tlie v li llm of clrcunisUnreM whli h will be leillid Buscoptlbleor otplaliatlen. Maglntrate C'liunont'sstatemenl Uthat Mis. (.'million rushed Inte his olllce Just before olevou o'clock in a great hurry. Hlie was laboring under great eviltemenl, and drank lourglassesor water, nun aflnr the ether, Iki Iki Iki loreshooouldM.iyiiwonl. She had known the inaglslrate belens whim Jehn Scellay, esri., who Is her counsel In this cise, was her counsel In a family coutreveisy about heiiiu property. .. , , , , Hhe went a soueud tnnoteMaglstratot lem mil i,v mil lentil Mr. ScellaV. She told llie snulre tlmt she w as v cry leth te prosecuto ene who had been her Idel, and loll dlstrossed lucause he had lorfelled her esleeni She went away In tlie cab with the conslables te k.trii tin, WMrnitlL Mrs. Uoulslen, In couversntlen en the oc ec oc curremo en the day or the arrest, sild that lier clilef iipprohenslen was that the un godly would llud occjisien te make a mock el rollglenoii account of "auollier gissl man gene wrong;" but slie lonseleil lierseir ny rellectlng tliat Mr. Messares was net a stray sheep, because, In her view, he i had no or lioen a sheep, iiever was within the fob .but had all along been a wolf in sheep si le hi ng. l must tight this imuiii hiehw, " ndy. " I am far from being the only ene 1'KNSIONS AND TUB TARIFF VAVMK AN JKTKHTAININII HUVAHHI.K IN Tint NATIONAL IIUVHK. Th IiiIIhII Tariff Imiiii. tf anil Mnrm C'iiiilriitenr H'B'" rHlil'lt " liy Mer- Isuii, llnnlltanil Itanilall i Iteeil ami llimurk ler llie llrialilU"". 1...1.. vvho'inlglitceuio forward, but hh)jiIe siirlnk Ire.n publicity. The duty has fallen en me . ,.., ... .... Willi II " anil l am prupaiw. "".;,.... Yesterday, hewever, Mrs. Coulsteii dvcllued te l)u lntorlewod any Itirthoren the subject or the case. Mr. Charles W. ( oulsten, her hiisbiud, re celvisl theso who calledat tlie house and said courtoeusly that Mrs. Collision, by ml vlce of counsel, had determined le be retlcenl, and that in addition le her resolve te talk with no oueou tlie subject sliewas really prestrate, and in great need of eutlre reiKiseaud ipileU llev. Mr. Messanw was foil nd nt his resi dence last eveulng, surreundid by the prominent men et his church. He said ; " Y en can say that 1 will net preach next Sunday. That I ha e already announced. Hut I w 111 ls in my pw, as I consider that my place. I will net islt for I de net w Isli te makomvseirasliew ; but I am innocent of this cliafgu (and as a private man I liaven right te be In my seal in church, lejulii in worship and listen te my supply." Kev. Dr. Urahjin will oiliciale In Mr. Mes sariis' ihureli next Suud iy. The preacher sioke Willi gratitude of llie sjuipuhy and confidence maiilfosled by his people. Ihus far, lie romirked, huh til been happy , involved In mero than ene false aoou aeou aoeu satlou, he said, he had ceiiin through un scathed, and he bad every eoiilldence Unit he should be equally lucky in thisiase. It lsoxpeciod that IhOBiihJect will come up at the minting of tlie congregation tills eve evo ove lug, w lum further action may or may net be taken. , . Mr. Miws,ire.ssald last evening inai new iivldeiice in the case had beoiidlscevorod, and that wltnesses, whose names are ler the pres ent withheld, had been found wlie were pro pre pro pired te turnlsh tosllmeny tliat would corro cerro corre borato his own version el the allalr. 11 is further said tliat Mr. Mossares was et pecliil at Ne. 1,M0 Master street en the pre I eus I'rlday morning at 10 o'clock and that two gentlemen, imoel whom was Mr. I. ill ill caster, an ollicer of the Sunday school, wero at the house en that ds.y and that hour in compllaiice with Mrs. Collision's request. Mr. MessariH, however, did net appear, and en the Sundiy Mrs. Collision agun asked Mr. l.aueaster le be present at her liouse en Monday morning at the same time, a request which he declined en the ground lllal 110 COUlll UO! lliuil ie.IV u ins im-iims-v Although Mrs. Coulston duclluud te tie in in terv lowed, It is understiHwl til it her position leuialns unsliaken nnil that she his express ed her determination loge through with the cie te the end. a;ii.i ok rnr. in a iv In tlie Heuse en Tuesday, Mr. Morrison called up as a privileged question the report of tlie commltleo en rule, amend ng the rules se M te provide that It shall be In order when a general iien-len bill Is roiH.rted le tlie llouse te attach thereUi a prev Islen for rals lug llie revenue necessary te meetlng the ex. poudlture Involved. In advocating tlie proiesltlon, Mr. Mor rison argued that Its adoption was aliso alise aliso lutely necessary unless Congress wivspro wivspre wivspro pared te grant pensions and leave the government without the means te jciy thorn. Hlncelhn war the government has paid out $M),uOO,oeu In pensions. When It had paid eutfsxKl.lMXt.OUi) meie, Ihere would be pen sions yet te pay. It had been ostlmated when the arreirs a t was passed in IS70 that It would cost fS.,000,UOit. Thore bad already been paid out nearly f JX),000,CKJi). and by the tlme tlie act was fully executed there would have ln'en wld out ?J,0e01lKiO. it .. .u ...iiinniiul Hml llm reiK)al bill would roiiulreaii exmdlturu el two hundred and twenty two millions, anywhoie trem lllty te syveutv llve millions of which must be paid In thellrst vear. He need net ugaln go ever the question or rovenuo and the auiouniei surplus. 'Iho gentlemen frein New Yerk (Mr. Hiscock) and oilier Roiitleiiieueii both sides or the llouse had prcdic oil that for the next llscal year there would be a dellclt el fourteen millions. I'er lilmself he thought that there would Ik a surplus, but certamly no surplus te cominre with tlie large num. ber of mmsiens asked. If bis or the gentle man's prediction should prove true, and these general ikhibIeii bills should s.s, lliore would le no money te meet tlie tlrsti ear s A TJlilcll I rlaliiiii.ii. Kreni All tlie eur iteuiiil l'at Power, or Denegal, w.w furious. Ure eater, but an aiuusitig character w itlial. Ile was or rough exterior, had small regard te bis dress or personal appearauce, and was possessed liCbldes or a most mellillueus brogue. Three peculiarities, while traveling In Hnglaiid, inade him the object or some practical jokes which, however, rather ro-i-ellod en these designing them, ter in stance, en ene occasion, w lieu seated In a tavern, a group or "bucks" or tlie peried honored hlin w Ith their regards. They sent the waiter te him vv ith n geld watch, liolong lielong lioleng Ing te ene of them, with the request that he would tell the tlme by it. I'ower camly took possession of tlie watch, sent hlsservant te fetcli his pistols, and, with ene under each arm, approached his weuld-be tormenton and politely requested te be Introduced te n.nnuniirn'r tlie watch. '1 he request was recolved In sllonce. Ile then put the watch in his pocket, declaring lhat lie would kiep it safe till called for, at the same time stating his name and where he was te be found should the owner desire its return. It was uet claimed. On another occasion, under similar circumstances, a waiter was sent te blm withaplatoet potatoes, which lie ate with apparent relish. Then, ascerUiinlng lrem the attendant te whom he was indebted for the repast, lie caued his servant te bring in two cevered dlslus, oneot which wics placed belore the gentleman in question, and the ether en the table at which he sat. The covers wero renin oil, and under eacli a leaded pistol was seen. Power, taking up his weapon, cocked It, and luiiled his volun teer entertainer le de llkowise, assuriug that gentleman that H no Kilted mm no was per fectly ready te give atlslactien te tlie Irlend who sat behind blm. Noedloss te say, tlie practical Jeker doclined the Invitation. Onlliintluii at Hit) Lutheran Alliileterlum, Wheu the Lutheran luinlsteriuui bean lUt sessions In i:asteu, en Tuesday, It was locon lecon locen tlnuo debating the quostleu of granting the potltleu of twelve derm in congregations ler a C.erman synod. The debate cousumed the ontlre morning and ended with a motion by Dr. Humcker te roler te the committee en re vising the constitution, the doctor arguing that it was a constitutional question. The billowing wero elected directors et Muhlen Muhlen bere collego : Hev. Ilmterbltner, Keiglnluss, Cooper, II. Wampole and Ohie and l.iymen J. K. Messor, C. I". Hchaller, P.. Albright, It. Ilauer, T. Haeger and It. V,. Wright. The congregation of Christ (ieruiau church, I'hiladelplila, was received Inte fellowship, as was Christ church of Douglas, Mont Ment Mont Keinery county. The claims of the Ciermaii 'T, ii.,..lnn nullnt. aid tnr m iiimlliif HOIUO OII3TIUII, ..(, ... . ..w.... lninlsteis at Krupp, Germany, wero dls. cussed without llnal action. in the evening Hev. Dr. Fry preached the sermon at the ordination of the following Snilldatei : C 1'. 1- Ilullerman, of Ger- many : W. It Brown, of Virginia; J. E. lerly, Heutli Carolina; J. J. Teust. Allen. own 1'aul V. "YJ.MT Vhlladelphia; T. Kelster, '6nh J- J J Kllne, Meyerstewn; E. O. liroeling, l.fir. many t J. O. Kchlonker, llerks county t J. W. rfmlth, Virginia ; W. P;" tan. town j Jehn HEunk, Canada ; 11. fl.'tt elder, Berks county, and U. A. Trexler, Vlrglula. IVw Oainis riajnl en Tin mIajt Di-lrull .VkiiIii Finds Clili ige Itrmilt el Oilier Content.. Yoslerd iy w.w a very bid d iy for luse ball all oer the country and but three champion ship games were plaved. At Detroit the home club aualn deUulcsl Chhuge and the score was e te I. The SU Leuis deleiteit Kansas City at the home of the latter by 0 te J Ne gaums were plajed in the American Association and in the SUile l.oague the llkesbarre downed Scrauten by e te 1. The lines of $100 eaili, imposed upon l.itlisiiintid ltusheiu! for disgraceful conduct en the liamniore dash e-iu gtuuuus, u,u lieen palil te Presldent Wheoler C. Wikell, of the American Association, and the ewe Is thereby ilellultely concluded. The Philadelphia club stepped oil at (uelph, Canada, vosterdav en their way te Detroit. They wero easlly noateu by the Msple Lear and the score was il U) II. The tjuakers had but one hit. Charles 1). Ilnrlsir.ei tlie Alteena club, has been suspended for ilrunkenness and insub ordination. .... Tim Wilkosbirre and Scrauten clubs had the sime number of hits and errors, hut the lilts of llkesbarru counted mero in the teuls. Detroit new leads Chlnign bv IHegiums wen and liave lest two less. Ol the Detroit club. Manning, Dennett and Itowearo laid up with Injuries, jet the loam downs Chicago, Although the Kansas City had ten lilts jes jes lerd iv they only scered two rims. MeKee's home run was the feature of tlie game In Wllkosuarre ester lay. (Jllisen. latoef tlie Laudater, has accepted Norlelks eiler and gees Seuth. Kin', or this city, who is new pitching for the Columbia club, te day had an eiler te go away and play professionally. l'atsey McDonald has signed w ith tlie new Dan llie club. The Wllkesbirre piper8 ha e tlie laugh en sisranten te-day. Johnny Trev leads the kicking for llie Scranton team," and he makes the Wilkes barre people very sere. Te morrow altorneon the "lllack Dia monds" and WhackerH, two colerod base ball clubs, will play en the enclosed Ironsides grounds. Mr. Iteed.ef Maine, said he had lietoned with boiiie Interest te hear llm reasons wlilch had governed the majority of the committee en rules In reporting the propesou ciiiiiiguui rules. I le admitted tlie gravity or the quos quos lien, and had no desire te disguise It ; but be was surprised te see the action which the ma jority proiiescsl te take. If thore way any thing In the logic presented in favor or the change, It would lie equally app Icabli) te all subjects el appropriation as well as that or iHinsleiis, and jet this rule was proposed te be confined te pensions alone. What was the real object, and wh it would be the practi cal ellect of this action ? Mr. Hiscock regarded the proposed Pileus au attempt te make an Invidious distinction against iwnsien bills. It was an attempt en ..... ....... r , i. .....illeiimn from Illinois te avoid the resiHinslbillly of the dele it el the piinsleu legislation by a direct vote. It was '..,.1.1... i? ,. w r,m,r thill a IKIIIRlell bill should cury a plislge of a pirtlcular li ml rer Its inij inenu Tills was a strange position te lie taken by the gentlemen from Illinois. Mr. Ilimlall- Have we net already pledged the geld that cemes Inte the treasury for in- Mr. Hiscock-Yes, we have, and that is the only plodge that Congress has ever made en the rovenuo or the general government. Ile cenceded that thore was a likelihood that thorn would be a dclicleucy ler the next llscal jear, but was that, lie asked, a geed reason why the government should repu diate Its sefumn obligation ' Mr. Cannen, or Illinois, gave notice that he would oller an amendment miking it in order te amend river and harbor bills and bills ler thu erection of public buildings by attaching tlmrote n prevision raising roeniio toineetlhooMHjndlturus. 1- lriitijle.11 U.tlll Ill.LLIl 1IV1 1 ttJ ikt.uiT thore was no gentleman en the lloer who was net ready te de Justice te llie soldier. Sume might dlller as te the method or the extent te which Congress would go; none would diller en the preposition that it l on en gress did gnint pensions it euglit honestly te pre ide the money te p iy them. I he proo preo proe alilorovunuo and the amount of appropria tions approached equality. 'I he pension list already required eighty million dollars, and this proiiesitloii merely said that if Congress addiil te that eighty millions It should at the miiie tlme provide a way or payment. I hat was the iiiaulj', the courugeeus .ny te de it. McKiuley, of Ohie thought that the prop prep prop esitlon, if It meant an.v thing, meant that the government b id net revenue enough new te imv the pensions of deserv leg soldiers. U il 1 J ..... ,... ,.n .,, r r t.nrlulll ltieill- meant lliai, men mu .u......". - - - - ----- l.rsofthlslleu-owas quite unoxplainable. itbhi the last ten dajsan ellert had been made en the part of the majority of tlie lead lug commltleo of the llouse te reduce the revenue of the government f JI,e00,0cHj. Mr. Hewitt, of New Y'erk, said that the Demivratlc pirty hid made two great pledges in Its Chicago platform. One was that the Democracy pledged itself te revise the tarill in a spirit ei iairnes.1 h, mi n.. ests. The ethor was that se long as the gov gev ..,....., .rvMiimiiul te low war taxes under the internal rovenuo sj-stem It would devote that money aacredly te the paj ment et pen pen siens. These two pledges wero henest, and the Dnmocratle parly coming into ler was bound te lulhl them. Ithlu a week it bad atteinpted te begin the iulillmimt of the llrst oledgo, and by a combination between liiom liiem Iwis en the ether side and gentlemen en the Democratic side It had been pre ented lrem going into that question. (Applause.) Mr, Hisc-eck said that the preposition was .i direct conlessien that tlie Democracy could ....i....... Km ,, i.uli. ii In nuliiLO taxation. It was an admission that no mero taxes were lielng collected te day than wero uecessiry te tlie economic administration el the gevern- the ropett or Iho comiultU'e en rules, upon which yosterday'adobato ixxiiirred. Mr. Heed, of Malno, ralsed tlie question of consideration. Mr. Hiscock vvlshed le go en with tlie sun dry civil bill. Mr. llaiidall ealil he could takocareof that measiire. On a standing ote the Hoiihe rorused W) te IW le consider the report, but en a yea and nay vote the llouse determined te consider the nqsirt. Mr. Heed changed Ills vote te enable him te niove te reconsider. He made that motion but yielded te Mr. Hiscock, who moved te adjourn until I'riilay. Mr. JlurrewH Ironically remarked tliat Friday was tee early,and moved le Htibstitule Saturday. Then began a regular llllhusler proceeding. The Republicans rorused te vete and leU the llouse with no quorum. Mr. Morrison moved a call of the llouse, Mr. Heed suggosled that the llouse might consider the sundry civil bill. " I will hike care of the sundry civ II bill," said Mr. Morrison. "Yeu tee," oxclalmed Mr.Hoed, In allotted Hurprlse;; "I am afraid llie sundry civil bill Is lielng Li'keu tee much care or." VI1ICAOU ANAUVlllHTH. I'aniiius anil III. Wife Writing a Henk en the Helen el Terrur, Doing asked as te her husband's whoro whero whore alKiuts during his protracted absonce from Chicago, Mrs. A. lU'arKens said : "I shall net tell j en. The police would simply persecute the lrleuds with whom be was staying. Ile was in the country rusticating and writing a a pooch, which Is two hours' long. He In tends te ilellorlttethojury in his own de- lonce. 'I hew who Knew Ills power ever men can lest guess Its ellecls. He ha.s Ijceii In the city, however, rer a number or days." "Are you writing aboek?" wasasiced. "I am my husband and I logethor. Ills part will deal with Socialism and reform, and I will wrlte about tlie police and tlie reign or terrer." "What de you oxpect will be llie result el the trial?" , , "Of ceurse l de net oxpect my husband ,., ii, friniii ifiiiiiv nl nltlier murder or con spiracy, lie did net belong te the bomb bemb bomb threwors' organlitieu. Our cause will never IxiaciuseuntU we hae n few martyrs te wrlte alxitiL That is what we need. V e knew imsitlvely Mr. (rlnnell's tlieery el prosecutlon. Ile knows nothing or ours, net even our w itnesses." I'er the llrst tlme sltice tlie trial, interest in tlie Anarchists' cases c-ausecl crowds te con cen con gregateiu front or tliecriutlnal court building en Tuesday. A muscular bdlill at the deer barred the deer te all mere curiosity scor ers. Should ene or tliem giin an entrance under the cloak of hiving " business" up u..iru .....iiiiip i,iiuii il nr tinllltt makesliiui explain what bis business is, and finally a third mail is stationed at the deer of tlie courtroom with isltlve orders te let In no strangers. An extra veulre of MoveutjMlvo men was in waiting, but nearly one-haltof thorn were excused by the court for valid roisens. 'I he work of obtaining Jurymen was then re sumed. Hani te Oet il .lurjr. Ciiuwoe, June 2.1. Judge (.ray's court was thronged when the work of selecting a Jury in the Atiarchist cases was resumed this morning. This is a tedious piece of business, and rrem the number of men ex amined and exensed, It is net beyond the ran go of probability that It may be iintiossl iintiessl iintiossl ble te 11 ml within the limits et Cook county twelve men who can pass the ordeal te which they must submit belore being accepted. I'p te this morning net less than rortj'-lhe men bae U-en called, examined and re Jected. Twe had satisfactorily passed me examination or counsel for the defense, but still hae te run tlie prosecution gauntlet, i'rem tlie questions put by counsel for tlie defense it is obleusly their Intention te shut out Irish Catholics ami very pronounced church members orevorj' denomination, all large employers, foremen In shops, and old soldiers orthe Union. KILLKD W1I1LK ARRESTING. t tTICHT V I ltd IN l AN VAHTUH HllU UAH AI.HU VIIIKF t)V VUt.lVH. Itev. .1. P. Thalilier, Willi" IIiuleaverliiK Arrest ItageiieJohniieii, a Chronic Ijiw. breaker, Is lii.lantly Killed Willi l,eail Frem Shelgun. In Wiu:i:i.iMrt,W. Vn., June '1 At hoveii o'clock last evenlng Hev. J. l'.Thatcher, was shot and killed at MeumlsvllU', Marshall county. Mr. Thatcher was (uster of ail In dependent church wltli u geed following, known as " Holiness Church," and was also chief of poltce or the town. He went last eveulng te arrest Eugene Jehnsen, a chronic law-broaker, who was charged with assault wllh Intent le kill. Jehnsen win In Ills lioiise and his wife refused b) let Thatcher enter, and when he Insisted she attacked liliu with a halclieL Ile disarmed her and leek her Inte custody and as he was leavlng the hoiise Jehnsen eaine up with a double bar reled 'IThetgun and ilred, the leid faking of ef of fect in Thatcher's liearLkillliig him Instantly. .Jehnsen escaped. Kll.l.KU A NBOIt O IN YUUK. .Iiilill Ililiul PellreimiH tlenrge I'enell MineU Thrnugli tlin Heart. Y'eiik, l'n., June la-Jehn Heed and wife, (colored) el this place, were quarreling this morning w lien I'ollce Olllcer Geerge I'owell, hapienliig that way, wascalled in. Heed, who Is a dosperato cliaracter, drew a knlte and saying "jeu can't arrest moallve" rushed at tlie olllcer who drew his rovelvor. During tlie scullle that followed the olllcer's pistol was taken from him but he managed te regain it and as tlie negre rushed at him again, shot him through the heart killing blm Instantly, Heed bad been drinking heavilj-. a lu.uunr iiueTiimt. tlala Oar III a Pnililliltlim Cltr. 1'iiev inr.NCi:, 11. 1., June l. l'rovldenco presenU a gala apponrance te-day In honor of the ir)0th annlversary of the Hottlemont. Nearly all the buildings, public and prlvate, are covered with Btrenmers, bunting, Mags and Fcones or the landing el Hegor Williams. Larly this morning the weather was threaten ing and the sky overeist, and later a light rain eoinuieiKod falling which dampened the anler or many of theso who wero te take part In tlie celebration. A procos precos proces hIoii was formed at the city hall nt 9.U0 a. m., and proceeded te the First llapllst meeting houre, wliore appropriate exorclses took plai e. A grand concert will be given at infantry ball this evenlng by the Hhode Island Cheral association. Te-morrow thore will be a military and civic parade In the morning and a grand trades precession In the afternoon. The two days colebratieu will clese with an Interesting exhibition of hand engines under the control or the Vet eran Dremen's association. I'er I'loeil SulTerers. Hkkmv, June M. The Prussian Landtag has voted 7 iO,O0O marks for the roller of the sullerers by the Heeds of the Vistula. HNKA, July 2k Heeds are increasing invlolenco and oxtent In Hllesla, liohemla and Hungary, Hridges, heuses, trees, rail way tracks and crops Jiave been washed away and several lives are reported lest. The datuage te property cannot new be ostl estl ostl maeod, but it w 111 be enormous. Hains con tinue te fall heavily and the vvaters are rising. The inhabitants of the tloedod region are moving te higher ground as rapidly as posslbie and many are sullering rrem hunger and exposure. IIAILIIOADH IN amy A. A POLITICAL MACHINE. M Till IN TltK I'MNHION OWC ir.lS VNIUSK'AN HVLK. CeminlMlaner lllick lell of Nema riactsmt lii.litmes VVIiern I'lillllrs Knmsnleil or ! tsrileil Vlaliiinnrs Hunt ler a Peiulen. A Si"eliliir ter (JungreiisiniMi Hunk, WvMMNdteN, 1). 0., June it The com mittee en expenditures or public moneys of the Senate te-day continued tlie Investiga tion or Commissioner of Pensions lllack en his charge that prier te his administration the pension olllce had been run as a political machine. In substantiation el this charge, the commissioner this morning cited the tension easa of Congressman lleuk. He showed that notwithstanding thu ontlre heird of rovlew and medical exatnliiers of tlie department had found that thore was no disloyalty in the case, the pen sion olllce allowed the applicant M,(RH) arrear ages. The case or (loe. W. Wyatt, of the tl Indiana regiment was thou taken up. This, said the commissioner, was a meritorious case, and It remained en the files In tlin bureau for lOer VI jears, ulterly ignored. Hut finally a letter from a Mr. Uraliam wasroielvod bj' his (Black's) prodecosaor, urging action en the case and concluding with the assertion that "Wyatt Is an nctive friend or eurx audit political hustler." Im mediately alter the receipt of this communi cation the commissioner said the case was passed, and tlie claimant recolved f 1,193 ar ar ar roaages. The Invostigitien will bocentinuod. itx'A ' t. TV M H$-i 'XB&a , Kinliiikv Frnlrlilile Who Killeil 111 llretlier anil Delles Arrest. Ill.Mii:ithON, Kj-., June 21. A few dajs age irgll and Lee UrlfUii, brotliers, near .Ien, quarreled evor the possession or a watch. Subsequently the brotliers had an other quarrel about a lelt. Monday night while passing Virgil's nxmi a meuiber of the family heard groans. I pen ontering the room, (irillln was found lying en tlie bed weltering in bis bleed, his skull having been crushed by a blew from Miine heavy blunt iiistritmenk Orly jts jts terday morning and just previous le the death of his brother, Lee apeared at the house with a brace of cocked revolvers In his hands acknowledging that he committed the crime, and warned peeple net te billow him under threats el uealli. it was uoveiepou that whilelrgil was asleep In the cot Loe entered and dealt him a blew en the head with an axe. Dentil et a .leike). HitoeivLV n, N'. Y., June a!. Jockey Herbert Meaten, who was injured yesterday while riding Asteria in the three-quarter race eti the grass course at Sboepshead Day, died this morning or concussion of tlie brain. The races at Brighten He ich te-day liave been declared oil en aci eunt of the storm. I.leveu Vlen riilseneil lijr llimli.', Malno, June it. Llev en men in the employ or Morien A l'urlngten, partook el hash for breaklast j-esterdaj', and wero suddenly prostrated w 1th ielent purg ing and vomiting, exhibiting strong symp toms or poisoning. Their recovery soems doubtrel. THIS JSMXUVUllHNU IWllULAIt. M V VN T ,Ht NUTXH. the Tim n rcriennl rarasraplis Ihrntish Alinutt Leut Ilia I.lle. Met m Jev, July 2.!. services wero held in the Holeriuod Monnenlto church en last Sunday oveng. The funeral et Miss Snyder took pla e lrem lier late resldouce en Kast Main street en Monday morning, and net lrem the Ho He formed Monnenlto church, as was stated. It was largely attended. Tlie iKireugli authorities are building sink en Delta stroet le carry oil the water which forms a pond during a heavy lati in nun, thereby making llie stroet almost im passable . , , ,. Andrew Kloser.atelegraph operaterof the Pennsylvania railroad, spent Sunday in Ml. in,. 1,11 r,,riuir liniiin. visitiiur friends. Miss Miiuiie Oreiner, of Lancaster, for fer inerly el this place, is visiting the family el Mr. A. 11. Cemp, living en Marietta street. P. H. N. Heller, boekkoopor Ter 1). II. Heller, hardware and Ituplotneut merchant, of this place, spout Sunday with his parents, near Middletown, l'a. Mr. (loe. Sides, of ilalnlirldk'O. was en Men day the guest or Hev. ). W. Uet, living en the corner of Marietta and Denegal streets. Jehn Schell, of KlUabotbtewn, came near losing his llfe ou Monday afternoon, while crossing tlie track near the passenger station. Ills lire was nt est ny a man pulling mm rrem the Irackjustas l'ast Llnewest brushed past hlin. . UergnurA Hngle. the chauinleii brewers of Philadelphia, arotheguost et l'hll. Frank, maltster. A Lancaster Wagen Maker In Hie Wit Sterling (HI.) Coir, llairisburg Telegraph. Many years age, Mr. Adam II. Spies, a wagou-maker, et Lancaster county, came West and located here. Alter being empUry empUry ed nvvhlle at low wages he established a little shop rer repairing vehicles, and subsoquont subsequont subsoquent ly began te manufacture en a small scale. iirauuany ms business increaseu, uuu nui tlme te tlme the building was enlarged. S'ew Mr. Spies Is sole proprietor of the Stor Ster ling wagon factory, ene or the largest ostab estab ostab llbUmentaot its kind In the Northwest, uud Le Is oue of the solid mcu of the city. Mr. Handall-Hew Is this quoslien Some ears age w e had the same contre ersy, and 1 cist my vete then as I cast it en 'lhursday riem conviction. 1 resisted anj thing that tended te free trade iu tlie Vnited States and llie lowering of wages te American laborers. I iiplausoen the Hepubllcau side. 1 was condemned In some quarters ler that vote, 1 went with the rest of jeu (ad dressing the Domeeratlo side) te a na tional convention, wliore 1 was told mat i .. .,i.i i.aui ,ir, iieiiuiiltciuis te hell) me. What was tlie result et that convention T Dees any man bere attempt te say that tlie measure reported te tills llouse by the com mittee en ways and means Is lu harmony with the spirit of that convention, or tlie enunciations el these who took tlie stump in llsbehair? Ne. I am Just today where 1 Bleed then. 1 am In lav or of a revision et the . .-.,, I il.u l.,v. nrltif. n( r.itps of lllltV. ItUU uiiiii, nil, ,i ,,,.., ... -.--- v . . a repeal iu partet iuternal taxes, upon which i, ,v..i u ,,.i imiuiis imiiiiiilttee of this llouse has denied any oue the prlvilige of a vete. ( Applause) I declare that 1 am ready and w llling te vete w ith anybody who will seek Intelligently te reform the inequalities or tlie tarill. Huthowhave we been met in tins particular T We have had te take ene par licular bill or nothing. ,. Mr. Morrison 1 de net intend te be ilrlven away lrem the subject uoiero iuu nu.., us the gontleman lrem l'eniisyUanla very ii niiiiiirsLaiiils. liu verv well under stands that 1 cauuet go into the tarilt quos- Mr. Haiulallaskedlfthogeutlomanboliovod Ibat Presldent Cloveland could liave been elected H thoceuvontlouhad declared ior.ine Mr. Morrison replied that Mr. Clev eland would have gotten mero vetes than he did. il.. I....I ,wit .nrrliul Ollle. nllVllOW. Hlld had net cirried Pennsylvania, by eighty thousand votes, and would net have carried them u the tarill en wool had been piled a mile Deiore a vete could be taken en the original motion Mr. Heed moved an adjournment, and tlie Hepubllcans by dilatory tactics man aged te consume the tlme up te 11 e e clock, when under the standing order the speaker declared the Heuse adjourned amid " burki oranplause and dorlsie laughter lrem the Hepubllcans. Iruli-lteinarkntile I'rugren riemtliu Sew erk Tribune. The Iren furnaces or the country w ere pro ducing mero Iren June 1 than at any pro pre v Ions tlme In the history orthe I nlted States. The number of lurnaces iu blast was Jus, anil tlie capacity weekly 110,770 tens. It is te be noticed that, as te a part el the furuHcOS the capacity reported is a little in ex. ess ei the actual output, w kilo for the ether furnaces the returns represent the quantity actuaujr preduced. Ol the aggregate output, 71,700 tens were or bituminous or ceke iron, M,if tens or authracite or anthracite mixed with coke, and .i,bsl tens et chanea Iren. Ihe lncrctse in capacity or furnaces in blast dur- !.,,. il,n ..mnlli WM ftWellt 0. i00 tOUS, .Hid SlllCO January 1 ,T 10 tens, or about il per cent, a most remarkable change. During the past v ear tlie increase in output or .tntlir.ic ite lur lur uaces has been nearly M) lier cent and In bituminous furnaces about , .percent mi.i.. ......ri.,i,in liii.r..iis() naturallv sug gests tlie question whether the output is net St this tlme much In excess of the demand ler consumption, and the monthly statement el the .Imericmi Juiii.iicriei'', lrem which tliese figures are taken, gives sotue lnrorma lnrerma lnrorma tleu en this point Though tlie returns it is stated, de net glve the iiecc.5scry dati .ter an accurate account et stock en hind, Ithtie Ithtie lieved that stocks " are increasing ra idlj in per cent, though at the present tlme thuyare by no means as great as they ha e been at i.i ,,rie,i in llm n.cst 'Iho lniiwrtant feature In the increase Is tint sre1r'0"la80, Is large." It Is much te be regretted that the ?..... ,,... .im ,mi eiiinv the advantage of a correct and reliable suteuient et ec'0" hand mentblv-, which would be of Invaiua Me Sen ice at limes in guiding ttoelloiw of producers. Thus lar, though the irese in stocks must liave been relatively large, tlie actual quantity en band does "etl'lfii0 have become se great that prices have been materially ailected, though 'jre arosemo 1"-.ii-.,..u'r uI:iim in the Philadelphia market, where Southern iron is ollered troo treo troe lyatpricos lielew Uat el Pennsylvania furnaces. A. MAN NKAlll.Y IIVIUXH AI.IIX Iu a Ci.llln I'er Tweiilj Four Heur anil 1,011 1,011 cleu el Kverjllilng Almnt Hlin. a vinmiiuminrv comes from Clinten, Ky. It appears that Oeo. O. Diulels, of that place, had been ill for soveral months aud last ed nesday, te all appeirances, died. The re mains were put iu a casket, where they remained twenty hours awaiting the arri val of relatlves te aueim ' midnight Thursday, the w ateliers who stir rounded the celli.. ' ere start tail by dee. groan emanating 'runt " ---. a aerman naine,r Wabbeking, ftAlvMey rushed from tlie room. W abbeking re mained, and as tlie groans continued he ralseil the ceiUn lid tmd saw that ""' was allve. Seilng the body, lie placed It upright A low spismodle gasps, a sliudiler, ai'id the corpse speke "loud, 'rbe relat Ives returned te lliul me man " " and conversing with reasonable strength. Mr. Daniels claims te have been perfectly conscious of overj thing w bleb passed around him, but says be was unable te move a muscle. He heard the sobs or his relatives when hew. is pronounced dead by doctors, and noticed the preparations for the funeral. Ile Is about eigtuy jean, u. .. Ilie Twe Kullrnail Matli.ns at Cornwall ltrekeu Open en Tuesday Mht. On Tuesday night liurglars wero busily at werkal Cornwall ; from the manner In which they operatod it is bolie ed they wero pro fessionals. 'Iho stations of betli railroad companies were broken open and robbed. The thiees lirst visited tlie olllce or the Corn wall A Lebanon railroad, whero II. 1!. er lurt is ntrnnt. There was no ene iu the building and the doers wero forced open, the locks of the drawers broken aud about f Is In money was taken. The station of the Cornwall A Mt llope read (which connects with the ltn caster line) was next v isited. One of the w lndew s was ferced up, and In that manner the thloves ontered. In the building was an old safe or the Lille make. The burglars drilled a three-eighth Inch nole iu uiosaieuoor just above the lock. Powder was then placed lu the hele and it was llred. The doerot the sale was blown oil and shattered te pioces. that a glebo en a light fastened te the ceiling, eight feet from the lloer, was blown oil. The thioes stelo thirty dollars iu monej'. from the sate, and although thore was consid erable clothing and ether valuable property i ti,n l.iilUlmr. It was net disturbed. Mr. i:. L. Gretl is agent at tills statiei),and be lelt for home last evening at hair-past eigut o'clock. Ne ene beard llie neise which must have been uiade by the explosion of the sate. A chisel, brace and bit ami a inoiiey dravver wero lelt beiilnd bytlie tblees. Tlie drawer was ene which was takeu from the Cornwall A Lebanon station. The chisel had been used bytlie tbieves te lorce opeu doers, drawers, etc. l.dO.l I'mt lira Stunting. Dosplte the bid weather yesterday altor alter altor eoon thore was an intorestlug target practice at Tells Haiti. A series or six matclies, ei three rounds each, was started, resulting iu the following score out of a possible aid, i : .inim T. Unarm. 113: Jacob Wolfer, 139;S.T. Davis, M. D., VII ; Henry J. Hegel, IW ; Wil lisii.. H;il. SO : Jehn llertine, 1 1. JehnT. Hnapp uiade two contres ene en a trial and oue iu the score ; he wen 1st prire In 1st 2d and uth matches ; 2d prie in 3d and ith matches ; and 3d lu 5th match. Jacob Welter alsomade two contre shots ene en trial and ene In the score ; wen 1st prlre In the 1th and uth maiciie ; -a m nui, and 3d In 3d matches. Henry J. Hegol made two centres oueou trial and ene lu score j wen 3d prle iu ith match. S. T. Da Is, M. D.. wen 1st erue In 3d match ; 'Jd in 1st and lib, and 3d In IM matches. William ZiX prie In -d match. limy May Net Ite llullt Until lliu People Can Make the Material. Hiiui.iN, June -5. Tlie (.ieruiau Colonial association has lietight llve hundred Kilo Kile metres of theVItu territory, located In the northern part of Zanzibar. The Vesiichc Cfitumi says: Hoperta from the German delegates te China sent te that country for the purpose or opening up the commerco of the Chlnose ompire by tlie means of railroads are te the etlect that there is no chance of obtain ing grants for the building of such reads, until tlie present emperor attains ids major ity which he will net reach until the latter part of lhb". Tlie reports further state that the tice regent luforiued the delegates that he would only allow the building or railroads lu China when the Chlnese isjople would be able te manufacture the material therefer. A Ship's OIllierl'iitHlly Slalibeil. Ni.w Yeiik, June S3. The American brig May C. Mariner, or Portland, Malno, Jrem Vigues, arrived at quamnline this morning. Her ensign was union down lrem tlie gall. Tlie pelice beat steamed aleug side and the oillcersoti going aboard wero iutermed by Captain Wharten, that a sailor named Krank Pakeloten, bad ou the leth Inst, stabbetl the clilef efllcer, James C. Lew Is. The tw e had a quarrel concerning a pet of far, which was accideutill' upset by Pakoleten. Lewis had created 111 "feeliug among the sailors by his brutality le a (iermaii seaman named Jehn II. Herger, en the voyage out Lew Is died from Ids injuries. Tlie French Primes Departing. Putts, June J3. Ill accordauce with the bill passed by the Senate and Chamber of Deputies providing ler me oxpuisieu ei tee princes, a decree w.cs promulgated te-day ordering them te leae 1'rauce forthwith. Three of the princes leave te-night. The Hoyal Heyal Ist senators and deputies te-day awaited lu a body en the Cemte de Paris at his residence, the Chateau d Iln aud extended their sym pathies with him aud took lermal leave of the comte. llEOh'S ltlt.1. IN TUB HKNATX. Te lli'fttraln C"ncreiiien Frui.i Acting ni the Atlernejs rer Corporations. WAsiiiNiire.v, 1). O,, June 21. Senate. Mr. l'rye reported favorably from the com mittee en commerco a bill auioudlugthe laws relating te Btoambeat insjiecters, similar te the ene Introduced iu the llouse yoster yester day. After explaining that the bill was in accerdance with the president's recommenda tions in approving the shipping bill, Mr. l'rje tald the vessel ownets of the country were under obligations te tlie presldent for bis action in the matter. The bill was passed I without dobate. Hesolutiens woreHiibmlttodby Mr. (loerge, and referred te the judiciary commlttee, Ini strtictiug that comuilttee te report a bill re pealing all laws which have bceu declared unconstitutional by the supreme court, and providing ler a goneral it-dex or digest of Iho statutes of the United Slates including theso of the present Congress. Mr. Hawley's motion le ricensider the vete en the bill prohibiting members or Con gress accepting ompleymoiit lrem subsidized railroads, was then taken up. Mr. Beck resumed the fleer and speke against reconsideration. He donled that he Intended te Injure anybody by the introduc tion or the bill. Mr. Beck said that if the Sen aeo agreed te the motion, te reconsider, that would be the end of the bill. He read Mr. Mitchell's amendment proposing te prohibit members or Congress from doing low busl ness for bankers, imperters, or manufactur ing or oleomargarine, tobacco or whisky, and characterised it as "taking a lick at crea crea tleu." He deprecated such auioudmeuts. Winded te I.j lull Pruliltiltleiiial. Cr.rTiiN. Iowa. June J3. A mob of sa- loenistf attacked the jail early yesterday morning, intending te lynch the Prohibi tionists lie are underarrest for alleged par ticipation In Monday's riot The sherlll and deputies llred into the mob, wounding four meu. Most or the crowd wero druuk and lied when the sheeting coininemod. The two prisoners were afterwards removed te tlie state prison at Anances u The Men saved The lilrl UreiineO). G l.KNW oei. StMtlMis, Cel., J 1111623. While Miss Bella Sager and two moil wero crossing the repe suspousieii bridge across Hearing l'erk, Monday, ene et the pests te which the cable w.cs fastoued pulled out ei the greuud and the three wero thrown into the swift current The two men clung te the ropes which were washed against a bank and escaped, but the j-eung lady was carried into Grand river and drowned. l-utlllial rreutilc In France Pvnis, June J.5. The pelice have been ordered te arrest all Loyalist sympathisers who In any way demonstiate their displeas ure at the action etj the government in e.xpoi e.xpei llng tlie princes. M. droll, the Krench em em bassaeor at Vienua has resigned from that pest as n pretest en his part against the ox ex ox pulsiens. Tlie resignation of M. Wadding Wadding ten, ambassador te Louden, is also said te be Imminent A Supreme .ImlRe Married. Ni:v Yenic, June 2.5. Justice Htauley Matthews, of the United States supreme court, whose wire dled In January, 18S5, was married te Mrs. Mary K. Theaker, of Cleve land, nt the heuse et the latter's ceusiu, Mrs. Charles Parseu, jr., Ne. 27 WesUS street, to day. Thore w ere about Ut ty persons present, among whom wero Morliuier aud Henry Matthews, brothers of the groom ; Mr. and Mrs. Herman Hitchcock, Judge Bourke, el Cleeland; Justice Blatcbferd, Mr. and Mrs. Jeseph H. Vilas, of Wisconsin. Ti0 bride and groom loae for Hurope to-mer row. Wauled loe Many Wives. Cv.NiiiN, O., June 23. Koinheld Wilhelm, a young Germau baker, v he came hore from New Yerk rocently, was long Iu leewlth Mary Neck, aged nlnoteeu. Her parents were oppesod, aud finally forbid him te enter the bouse. This morning Holnheld. sat down ou the doorstep or Mary Neck's resldouce and shot lilmseir through the lungs. He wilt die. Wilhelm already has onewiloaud child at tlie county inllrmary hore and anether wile In New Y'erk. A TKItUlKLK DlaASTXIt. Filly 'eraeus Thrown Inte Hie ltlver Near 1'rHCiia anil Nearly All Drowned. Pitviu i:, June 2k A terrlble disaster oc curred en the Sazawa river uear this place to day. A rerry beat leaded with passengers was crossing the river when It suddenly and without the slightest warning capsied, pre cipititlng lllty persons into the water. Nearry all woreurownou. iweiiiy-iivuuDuu bodies have thus far been rocevorod. BaU CONTINUING 1IIX VlllVVD. Anether Karnest Oellmiuy lu Which l Pound Heme Kepnbllraii Flllhuaterlug. WvsiuNfiTON, June 23. Heuso Tlie speaker announced the couferoes en the con suliir and diplomatie appropriation bill. Mr. Wise, of Virginia, from the commltleo nn naval allalrs. reported a bill restoring cer tain cadet englneers te thelr legal right and preper olllce and rank In the navy ; com. mlttee et tue wnoie. Mr. Morrison, of Illinois, thou called up Te llrlug Hniiie it Hail lluy. Ltvcer.v, I une 23. Mr. Krank Stahl, an uucloet Jacob l'aust, who loll his home ou last Thursday, went te Alteena ou 'luesday evenlng, te bring back the boy who has been captured by the pelice authorities, en a suit brought by Mr. lMiuund Mehn for an attempt te rape a j'eung girl. The suit has been wiinurawii ami .nr. mum wm umivu .... oilert te have the boy placed lu the llouse of Hetuge. Cigar business Is again booming slewlj. Mr. Ben Wlssler shipped 00,000 last woek. l'armers are busy making hay which will be a geed crop. Hev. Sweitzer and L. li Miller will attend the Lancaster classisel the Hefermed church, w hlch con enes at Marietta en Tiiursuay. Hev. Denal is the guest of Mrs. Meekly. A district campmoetlng, under tlie auspices of the Hv angelical association, will be held at Brovvnstewii. commencing en August 6, Wit- I nnil eudiue en the Uth. The Brownstown cornet band passed i.rrir witi.ier. llv lug near New Helland, through our vlllage en Saturday eeniug te ""L :& 'ii accident en Tuesday Denver. They ptajeu seerai u.m vm. '" .... ..j - , I inilHlC. morning. He was cutting down a tree aim wheu it foil It ledged In the forks or auother tree for a inemeiit Mr. Witmer did uet think It would fall te the ground at euce. no was slew In cettlug out of the read, and be. fore he could get away a part el tue tree struck him en the leg. That uiomuer was -.wi,n,i u IliiII v that ammilalleu was neces -' w -.. e ., t.. ...n sary. ihe operaiiou was poriunueu iu iue afternoon by Dr. L Bushong, assisted by Dr. B. Winters. Mr. Witmer Is a young mar ried mau aud he and his family have the sympathy or the cetnmuulty iu his atlllo-tien. The Cattle Must Ue. MisKOdi r, Indian Torrltery, June Ilk itmnmer Wolf, of the Chickasaw nation, j esterday issued a proclamation ordering the limned late removal of all cattle from the na iinn. and imposing ene dollar per head for grass cousumed by Bald cattle. Many of theso cattle have been purcbased by Chicka saw citl7ens, but this proclamation nullities the purchases. Humors et Ijirge Cmtum Frauds. tuvinnv. Ont. June 23. Humors are current hore of gigantic custom frauds by im im lerters of fruit A customs olllcer says that the frauds have been carried en ler a long tlme all evor Canada ami that most el the large Imperters are In the sohemo. At least threo large tlrms of Terente are Implicated. Settlements are likely te be uiade by the firms pajiug large forfeits. Toek Murphtue rer Cramp. Hfi'i'Ai.e, N. V., June 21. Themas Dyer, night clerk iu Lyman A Jellrey's drug store, took a dese of morphlne last night te re lieeo an attack or cramps. This morning he, was found in an unconscious condition aud dled seen alter. He had taken an ev ordeso LRU VltUHHXn 111 A 1UXK. Iho Terrible Aichlenl Tint Helel Harry ,.ir. I.lilnc Near New Ceal Works Horned. L i lieni, l'a., June 23. At a late hour yesterday afternoon, the trestles, tipple, scale hniisn aud olllce building at the Leyalhauua coal works, near this place, wero entirely de stroyed by a lire of unknown origin. Less, 30,000 ; partly insured. A Terrible Accusation. iv,.,, xv'vwi.. lud.. June ih Themas Bradbttrg, it well-known farmer of this vicinity, was couvicted te-day of attempted rape ou his 11-year-eld daughter, and was sentonced te 11 years lu the peuiteutlary. The testimony w as brief, ceuclusiv e and extremely disgusting. A litter limit Culllalnu., June 23,-A cellis en took place ou the riv or at 8 a. in belw con he Ingemar and The Veterau, the latter having a heavy tow of barges. Ne lives were lest but there was great damage te both beats. bull Agal'int htnulnirg Horeiigh. Mnrv l' Hnlehlmaii. through her attoriiev s, A. J. Kberly and Jehn W. Deuiluser, te-day entercd suit in the court of common pleas against the borough of Strasburgferdamages. The allegation Is that plaintilPs pronerty Is damaged by reason et tne coiisirucneii u erectlSn of a drain through preH.rty adjoin lug her'sen the east ; that whenever there Is a heavy rain this drain Is net large enough te carrv oil" the water, aud in consequonco plain tlil's land Is tiadly washed. The amount of damages claluied Is $1,000. WXATUXU VHOIIAUH.ITIXH. . Wasiunutep., D. O., June23.-Fer "4t lVwinm New Yerk. Kastern X'enusyl- vanla. and New Jersey local rains, followed by fair vvoather, stationary totnpora tetnpora totnpera turo, varlable winds, becoming westerly. r'euTiiunsDAY liOcalralusandstatlenary temperature are indicated for the New Eng land states and gonerally fair weather with stationary temperature for the Middle Atlantle statea. . Hurt in a Wreck. Seuin I'liAMiNOHAM, Mass., June 23. Conductor Carlten's freight train en the Old Colony railroad, which lelthereat JO o'clock this morning, Is derailed at Seuth Sherbern, and the head brakeman, whose name cannot be learned at this hour, Is Horieusly injured. A w recking and relief tralu has just left here for the sceue of the acoldent . ' The Trey Cellar Manufacturer. Titev, N. Y., June Si Tlie Cellar Manu facturers association met at 10 o'clock this morning and adopted a resolution ordering all the cellar facteries te rostime business te morrow and requesting ail the empleyes te report for dutj'. The meulders will resume te-morrow. The llar'n Animal IMcnlc. Many inoiubers of the lueaster bar who intended going te Penryn yesterday, te par ticipate In the annual plcule and dinner, re mained at home en account el the disagree ,.i.. ,. Thoherirosontworocompella te stay hi tnopavllUen thOBreater rteT J t & tee The' ah,USrbig Imich w7prii . all day. and at 3 o'clock the lawyers sat dem teasi.letidId dinner which was prepr4 la Conland t Hckerfa best style. The menu , was as follews: Little Ncclt Clams. Clam Chewdur. Jlreilcdhnrlng Chickens. Uaked Potateos. bllted Tmnaleus. Ci reen l'eus. Doviled Cruhs. ijanttega Chilis. Lobiter Baiaa. Cotisldentble tlme was spent at the tei?S imei ,&it m a i.-iwim Accident 'if This morning about e o'clock cc4lliteit ........ a. A. Myert' ui OIXUIIWl-lu-."-- ibi wagi Chit driven 4t if i'V c;ensiiieriuiu nuiu Brv... H .-. - l.vj and speeches wero made by JjremU; iwirw or tue ear. xiie imiijr im. -r-j- homes ou the eveulng tram. gen, In cnarge of ?j?.u ,ht wm.. fef fcng jnr Vendg "Wffll1 -von byhlmwlt T "rnhMrteul Cf ' - .."-.,. - -IMU UIHIIV w - -- . - Venijteei aumrr- SnerllT l , , lJ The sherlf. dUr-ed et theaUJefc., a. Lee. el tt - r.V.-T' morning. '48 K5 SSS "l from the doorway u "".T' S.wd. fair prices were realliwl. 11 vA m ?i ss H? ffi UM .."ftffi SJ SI ?-l a Sa iT?a ll t )l -P. -Vf -? SfS jr t