"-rWv'JV'-'4-', J '.V-- S v J-V.. ryi i'i; ;3? f v .' v '. 'W h i u HEAD I.KAVIS1 WIIWIT.lt. (Twe friend., artist ami poet, h"""1 chtfcJ en a wall In bu.y Londen, these winds i Leave. Whisper." " Dead leave whisper." no they .hew II, Chalked upon a Londen wnll Wm It writ by unknown poet t If we could 1)11 1 knew It all 1 Knew from ralrlree they showered, On what garden path beneath, Of IU beauty all ainfloweratl. In these days of mUl and ilealli Dead leaves whlM'"'"1 lfne places - Whlsperlii tlil city iiare Whlsper where no ralnUit trace t Of the summer ence e fair. And we Union and we ponder On thn day liofero tliey fell, Wbn thn world, with tutnimir's wonder, Wan luore glsd than lengtia could tell Unit leaves In the twilight glistening, Dead leaves shivering In thn breeze What pale ghost souls may bnllstenlng 'Neath the desolated trees t Dead Iciwcm whlsper, ah, my brother, Whisper down llfu'a Imgte ways Will they whisper In .ouie ethur, I.lfe of unconjeettired days t I'Mllp lleurke Mart ten n VongrtualleiuiUH. jfjta. chKrKi.MNDH Heaur. hvvekmi. Itepresentetlve Newspaprra lt and Writ 1'reclalm llrr Oram Frem the Cincinnati Enquirer. Mr a. CleTelamt wen golden opinion, and It la but slmpte Juttloe te aay that alie v alketl with a graoe and harmony or inoremont that la rarely aeen. Khe Is Ull, or alight and llnely moulded figure, modest and Keutln, with ospreMhe uvem, n ready imille, and clevor withal, rrem the Cincinnati Commercial dazctte. 8he la a typical American beauty. Mho la Ull, and haa a girlish, graceful figure. Uer ylieail la prettlly shaped, and the crown of wary brown hair la dimply nrranged In a knot at the back and rombed back from the front. The brew la low, with a tendency te lower en occasions. The new la twrfoctlen. atraliht, and net tee HinnlL The choeka and chin are exquisitely meulded, and the whele facellgbbi up well. The general oitireaslen Ih of aweetneia, and the great KalblIltleaare a llttlu dlMrnunlml bv the leek et aelf-COIincl. eu.rjees that was gonerally remarked. Hhe were the aklrt of her wedding ilrenswltli a low IkkIIoe, Inte which wan mediwtly thrust attiokerof tulle under thn mull that edgwl the top. The IkxIIce was very short, and failed te flt with exactness. About her neck ahe wero the 1A5,000 diamond uecklare, the wedding gift el the president, and a bunch of Cernelia Cook roans wero at her besom. The aklrt was trimmed a trllle abort In front, showing the aalin-allppored loot. Her I war ing throughout was admirable. ShereceUed the mauy and varied greeting, the set speeches tired at her, with the greatest com cem com plalaanee. Hhe was most cordial te all, and nollher ever nor underdid the dllllcult tatk aaalgned her. Oftentimes she took u glance at her husband, but he went right lerwnrd with the work In hand, rrem the New Yerk Time. The president's wife Is atonce beautiful, graceful, atlable and accomplished, porfect In ei case In a ostleu catling for the oxhibltleu of the nicest social qualities, and with n dis position matching physical charms of the finest type,a reelaUen of youth, uoanty,frrnce and heath. Her physiiiue, as roeated by the modified bridal gown, was statuesque rather than plump and round, as It has leen Incorrectly descrllsMl. It was a surprise te everybody that she met overy ene with an extended hand ns well as an eaiy courtesy, and It Is n geed test of her ondurance that alter shaking hands with seme two thousand persons she cemes out of the first ordeal as tresh and free from fatlgue as the veteran of a hundred receptions. Te-day Uiohe expres sions of admiration hae Un outdeuo by thousand', who ere snundlng the praises of Mrs. Cleveland In n way that ought te make her ears tingle and that doe make the presi dent Icel the happiest husband in the United HUtee. The Man Ubu Vfrete 'Ostl.r Jee Geerge It Sims talks of visiting this coun try seen. Mr. Sims has nothing of " the literary" In his personal appoarauce. He streets no eccentricity Iti attire, habit or de portment. Of the ordinary height of men, with a suggestion of roundness which be speaks prosperity, a neat outfit and a full and well trimmed beard. Mr. 81ms is atypical Englishman, with, perbap, mere than the Englishman's koennoss of eye. Wilsen IUrrett, within threo years, ild Mr. Sima JL'30,000 for royalties and rights. It Is doubt ful If any ether playwright of this or any previous era has onjejed an income of mere than fSO,000 er annum lrem ene umuager alone, te aay nothing orttie receipts constant ly (lowing into his cotters from ether thea tres all oer the world. Kllle.f Ills Fattier III Defense ul Ills Mether. Caleb Splcer, u farmer, llvlug near Kell ville, lfartlerd county, Md., has been slot and kllletl by his son, Geergo Spicer. l'er neveral years past he has been mero or lexs addicted te drink, and his domestic relations were uiade unhappy Inconsequence. He was abusing his wife when his seu cauie te the resoue of bis mother; his father attacked him and the son shot hi in in solf-defensc. Around the earth. In every land lly every stream thul Tin aware et, In every town, they understand Hew teeth may bcxt be taken cure et Kreiu Jersey Huts te Illnuih'n mount They slnir the pralse of bOODONT. Junel5-Tu,Tli,SAw afKVIAI, MUTIVMt. Nurth I'ele Kipeilltlens, Prize tights, lettcrleH, walking matches, and balloon ascensions are usuutly humbugs of thn worstsert. "Ur. Themas' Ktlectrlc oil" Is net a humbug. It Is a quick cure for acties and sprulns, and Isjust as itoed for a lameiiex. for sale by II.lt. Cochran, druggist, 137 and l.u .North (Juecn street, Lancaster. 'The I)eal Line." Many old soldiers remember "the dead line" at Anuorsenvllto. It was u mighty danguieus nolubUerbujl. DvsneDsla. biliousness, und liver and kidney dliwiues urn full of perils for the sick, but Jlurdeck Jtloeil llitteri are a certain remedy. Sold everywhurw. rorsalebyU.il. Cecbran, drugitlst, 137 and IX) North Queen street, Lancaster. Sources of I'rellU There are many sources of pietl t te these who are ingenious anu enierprisinK. jiuruecn. Jiioeti nutcri are a sourceef oretu In every wuy. . They effect- build up the health surely, Bpecdlly, and etfect- usJIv. which Is savlnir n creat deal. Fer sule by II. If. Cochran, druggist, U7 and 1W North (jucen street, i.tuiciutier. Ileal the World. This Is what II C. llubcrman, a drugulst et Marlen, Ohie, says : Tliemat' Eclectrie Oil beats the world, bold nine hottles yesterday and te day. One man cured of sere threat et eight yours standing. Is splendid for rheumatism Ver ala by li II Cochran, druggist, LS7 und IS) North (jueen street, Lull easier. First-Clan Insiiraiire. Insure with TTieniai' Jieleclrie Oil. it U the cheapest and best method of Insurance hh knew of. Hy Ita use you ure sure teescapa many plu plu veous aches and pains, l'eliclus ure obtiitnuble at all druggists lu the form of bottles at 50 cents and 1 each. Fer sale by II. II. Cochran, drug gist, 137 and 1W North (jueen street, 1-uncnslcr. Well as Ktcr. Lettie Heward writes from llutfate, N. V., "My system bccuui" greatly debilitated through ar duous professional duties. SulTered from nausea, sick headache, and biliousness. Tried Jlurdeck Meed Hitters with the most beneficial effect. Am well as ever." Fer sale by 11 11. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 1JU North (Jueen street, Lancaster. ltliOWN'S I10USK1IOL1) I'ANACKA. Is the most effect! ve l'aln Destroyer In the world. Will meat surely quicken the bleed whether taken Internally oik'applled externally, and thoreby mere cerUtnly 11ELIKVK 1SA1N, whether ohrenlo or acute, than any ether pain alleviator, and It Is warranted double the strength of any similar preparation. It cures rain In the Side. luck or Itewels, Sere Threat. Uheumatlsm, Toethacho and ALL AC1IKS, and Is The Great Uellever of l'aln. UltOWN'S 1IOUSK1IOLD FANACK A " should be in every family. A toupeont ul et thu Panacea In a tummer 01 eri water swoetuned, If pre ferred,! taken at bedtime, wUl IIUEAK UFA COLD, lb eenU a bottle. inXMydM,W,A8 MOTUEU3I MOTUEUStlt MOTUEUSIII Are you disturbed at night and broken of your test by a alclc child suffering and crying with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth t II se, e at once and get a bettle of Mrs. WIN8LO W'H SOOTHING SVKUF. It will rellevd.the peer little sufferer Immediately depend upon It t tsera U no mistake about lu There U net a aaethar en earth who has ever used It, who will set tell you at once that It will regulate the bewela. and give rest te the mother, and relief amd health te the child, operating like magic. It la iafeau uin te nee in all case., and Dleasant elite km and la the prescription of one of the Stmt aMbeet tem.le phytlcians la thellnltea ."-" r'--SSiEWfcw THE mmnieAU D .YHI'KI'HIA IH A DANGKUOUH AH well as distressing complaint. If neg. Incled, It lends by Imparting nutrition, and rtn pressing iiinioue or II way of Tlapld Decline, pressing the tone of the system, te prepare Iho riiTslclnris nml lirueRlRta Itcceinmcnd BROWN'S IRON BITTERS! AS THE BEST TONIC. It quickly and completely Cures Dyspepsia In I Its forms. Ileurttiurn. IlnlchlliK. Tasting the all Its forms, Heartburn, Knrut. nti-. It ntirlntma i reed, etc. It nurlehes and purines the Weed, stimulates the npputlte, und aids the assimlla- HUH fll KMW. ... Uav, T.J. Hessitsr, the honored pastor of the First Unformed Church, llaltlmere, Md , says t " Having used llniwn's iron Hilten for Dyspcii. sla and Indigestion. 1 lake great pleasure In locemmendlug It highly. Alse consider It a splendid tonle nml fnvlgoniter, and very strengthening." lies JebsimC. SUIT, Jiidge of Circuit Court. Clinten Ce , Ind., says i " 1 bear most cheerful testimony te the efllcaey of llrewn's Iren Hit ters for IlyspeiMla, and as a tonle " Mils. e. A, Norway, Merrill, Wis, says "I sutfnrud for two years with Dysla Used many dlrfurmit remedies wlllmut benetlt. My physician advised me te try llrewn's lien Hit Hit ters. 'I hrve bottles cured me." IhogunulnehasTroda Marknnd rrnssed led lines no wnipiHir. Take no ether. Made only by HKOWN CIIKMIUAL CO., llaltlmere, Md. ()lnlS-l)dAw MOM BALM UM MKHT. rami iiknt. J3 A Tobacco Warehouse with 1'enn'a It. It. Bldlnir. Capacity for storing 8,euO cases, Apply at the marle-tfd INTKLLIORNCBIt OKKICK piOU IIKNT. LAN0A8TKIIIIAI.L, Nes.SMand HI WK8T KINO 8TUKET, Ter Halts, ralrs nad Kntnrtalnuients. 11127 lmil e iiH am: i-ouiTiiOK.si:-reVEu Horlcental Engine, cemplete with hellar, heater and Pump; as geed as new i can be seen werklng.at Jelil lHd lOHOUTU CHItLSTIAN ST. F OH HWiK. " One New Kxpress Wnxen, New Htreng tunning (tears, suitable for market wagon, one No-Tep lluggy, ene new Push Cart, Curts, Htsis, Picks. Axes. ' IK and n let of Hinges. Come nm! sen th in. (thl)lt(IK ItDiK, Ne. t'llleckland Street. JunelO-lwd T7IOK KENT. JJ Mhepln rear of Ne 37 WostCbestnutstreot, used as a cigar-box factory, and n shop en Mltlllii street, between Seuth (Jueen and Prince strcl, lately used as a carriage loctery. Alse a dwelling and storeroom new occupied by A. A. Hubley Apply at th drug store, West King street. IlS-lfd INTKI.I.IOKNCKIl erriCK. pltlVATi: HAliK OK HUHHKH. 1 have new nlotet WESTERN NORMAN HOR3E3, lrem Indiana and Illinois, purchased by Olvcn, llnum A Ce, consisting of heavy drnfls. farm horses, snd a few nice drivers, anna let of Ken tucky HersiiH. and drivers, which i will dispose of at private sale, (1K0IU1KOKOS3MAN. Piiimc him: or .stocks hki.ong hki.eng IM, te Iho estate of Maria HtsntTer, de ceased On MONDAV, .MINK 'Jl, IS,-",, wilt be seiu ai me i.eeparu iie'.ei, Lancaster i-iiy, i a.. Twe shares et thu rirst National I tank of steunt Jej' six shares of the Union National Hunk of Mount Jey. Twe shares of the fanners 1 National Hank of Lancaster. tour shares of the Lancaster A Lltltz turn pike stock. Hale te commence at 1 o'clock p. in., when terms will be made known by I'KTEICSTAUri'KU, Executer of MartaStaulfer, deceased. IIevrt eianxuT, Aticu Junel-Jl V' A li lT A II I. I! MANIM'ACTUHINO I'HOI'EllTV AT AlCTION. Ihn Cnncsioire Steam Cotten Mill. Ne I. te tulrd In LnniAster City, l'e., will be sold at I'ublle Auction nt the Court Heuse, In said city, en WKDNE1DA V.JUNE 21, at ill. in , In erder te rlesn up an estate. The Steam Plant Is ene of the finest and best te tie found anywhere : u new set of bend's hut e been recently added that cannot be surpassed, besides there Is an additional set In fair run ning condition. Ihe mill contains 11,07: spin dies. ZHfl loom, and all necessary preparatory machinery: every department being In first c!h44 condition anil Is new In full operation. The mill Is arranged te run en I'lne Ilrenn Shirtings and 8benllngs, Drills, Jeans, Stleslas, Satteens. Canten Munnels, Ac lha torce of op eratives Is full and complete and of a high char actor, resldents of the city. Ibe Conesteso llrunds are wetland favorably known through out thu entire country for terms sad ether particulars, apply te r. ellltODhlt A CO. Lancaster, l'e., or 1' K CHAMIIKKS. jul.'.lV,'--' Ne. is Market St., Philadelphia. LEGAL XOTlVr.S. ITlSTATi: OK JO.SEl'HINE SMITH, A li miner grout grandchild el Careline Hang, late of th ljinaistcr cttj', deceased. Iho undenitgiied auditor, appointed te distribute the balance remaining in the hnnds of A. C. Ilelne'hl.guirdlati, te and among these Icgully entltlodtethe sume, will sit for that purpose en Wednesday, J line 3D, Ins,, nt 10 o'clock a in., In the Library ltoem et the Court Heuse, In thn city of Lancaster, where alt persons llltereslud in sum uismuuuen luayuuenu. II C. 11UU1IAKEK. Auditor. June.VttdS TUSTATi: OF HOIir.HT T. HOHINSON, deceased. Letters XU lutoef Lancaster city. testamentary en said estate having heen gnuited te the undersigned, ull (wrsens Indchtt d thereto are requested te make lmmealate pav nient, and these having claims or demands OKilust the same, will piesent them without dilay ferscttleniLnt te the undersigned, resld Ing In Lancusterclty, Pa EMILY II. ItOIIIMiO.v, in)tdS hxecutilx VHUVUHALH. PltOI'OS.VLS reu COAL. Pionesals for Ceal will he received at Ne. 2.1 WestChestnut stlcet, until Wednesday, .lunu 3, ISmi, at 12 o'clock, neon, te furnish the 1'uhllc Hchoelsof this city with hard, broken, egg, stec and nut, and L kens valley Hlove Ceal, te te of the liest quality, free from dirt or Blate, and de lleiedln thecellarsef the school houses during thu month et. I illy, as directed hy the Commit tee. The hlds te cover all the coal required for the entire car about 550 tens. .IOIIN 1 HAltTMAN, Chairman Committee, llulldlngsandUmiiuds. JeltSJld TII12 I'KNNSYLVANIA llAILHOAD COMPANY l'lltLAPKLl'UIA, June 17, 18M" Sealed proposal udil rested te thu underslgntd, will he iccetved at this otUce until e a. m., July J, Ism, ler turulshlng all labor and materials and rerfermlng nil thu work required te complete hegnidlngnud masonry for tracks Nes laud t between Deven und Uurwyn, en the Phlludel phta Division, a dlstanca of about i miles. Ne hlds will be considered from paille who de net u.ake u pursenat examination et the ground. Plans and specifications can be scen at nftlce of Assistant Lnglneer, KoeinNo. te, fourth fleer, llread Street station, Philadelphia. This company reserves thn right te reject nil)' or all proposals. WM. H. I1IIOWN, jelS.lu ll.iwm Chief Engineer. TJROl'OS.VliS l'OR KITUNISHING HTA- A. tteuery. Furniture, Fuel and ethor sup piles, etc. In coimillance with the constitution and Inus et the commonwealth of l'eunsylvunla, I huru- by ln lte sealed proposals, nt pr mum niuis tlxed In schedule. pnees noiew maxi- ui iuruisn sia- tlunery, furniture, luel and ethor supplies ler the nmertil denartmeuU. and ter thoutttribu theutttribu thoutttribu tlen of publlouecuinents, for thn your ending tin, II ml. Mnndav of June. A. 1). 1887, Separate proposals will be recolved and Be pa rat contract awarded us announced In atd schedules All proposals must be accompanied by a bend with upproved security, conditioned for the faithful purfeituamu of tbucentract, nnd addressed und delUered te me belnm 11 o'clock n. m. or TUK3UAV, thuVJth day of June, A. 1. IKOi.atwblch tlme the proposals will be npeuvd tnd centruits awarded, in the executive Lhaui ber at Harrlsburg. Hlunk bends, and BChodules centnlnlng nil necessary information can bu obtained en sp plicatien at my otllce, W 8.STKNUEH, Je7istd Secretary of thu Commonwealth. MAVUIXMKT. TyrAOHlNEKY, 40. STEAM HEATING Latest and Most Improved KNSINESTracUoe, Port&ble or Moeirj. New or Scoend-Uand DOJLEE8, WATER TANKS, BEPABATORS. If AOHiaa or Hstaib. Werk inch a. done and kept In Machine Sheps. eiu ea ea ADDsaaa, Ezra F. Landis, W08KB-M7 NORTH OHBBBY STREET, LAHUMM, IA. BT-U LANOAETMR PATLY miAMWJLBB. H iail A. MAHTIN. fMqILL Jelly TumUers, Jelly Cups, Jelly Jars, Fruit jars, &c. THE BEST IN THE MARKET -AND AT- LOWEST PRICES -AT- WMertii, 15 EAST KING STREET. LANCASTElt, I'A, VLUTMHU. H IHHI1 A BKCTIIKR SEERSUCKERS. SEERSUCKERS. SEERSUCKERS. Seersucker Coats and Vests KOlt- Men, Beys and Children, AT Sl..1, Wl.fiO. SI.7S, 5 0O and 2.B0. MEN'S, 1101 '3 AND CHILDUEN'S Seersucker Norfolk Jackets, rrouiM,35teisUoo. A SEEtfiUCKEIt tett A iiei or reuu 1EAIIS AND toil A MAN KlfTY INCHES AKOUND THE CHEST. 14 Different Patterns. ALPACAS, MOHAIIPS LINENS, DKAP D'ETE' AND SILK STllU'ES, -AT Hirsli & Brether's ONE-PRIOE Clothing and Gent's Furnishing Heuse, COUNKR NOUTU QUEEN STUEKT AND CENTUE SUUaUK. T H. MARTIN, WU0LSJ8AL1 AMD ESTX1L DSXLSB IH All Kinds of Lumber and Geal. j-Yabd: Ne. 430 North Water and l'rlnoe Streets, above Lemen, Lancaster. nl-lyd OAUMQAKDNKHS JEFKEKIEH. GOAL DEALERS. OrrieB : Ne. 12) North Cjuoen street, and Ne. CCt North I'rtnce street. Varus: North l'rlnce street, near Heading Depot. LANCASTElt, FA. anglMtd R KMOVAU M. V. B. OOHO Ium lemeved his Ceal Olllce te Ne. 15S NOUTU UUKKN STUEKT (llrlinuier's New ltuUdlng), wheru orders will be received for Lumber and Ceal, WUOLKSALB ABO RKTA1L. ms-tfd M. V. II. COIIO. E A8T END YARD. G.J.SWAKR&OO. OOAL. KINDLINQ WOOD. Office: Ne. 20 OENTKK 8Q.UAKE. Beth yard nd etnee cennected with Telephone Exchange aprlS-lydM&r.U WlNr.H AMI LIUUUHS. rpHE OELEURATED " BOUQUET" AND ' OLD ANCHOR" PUKE HYE WHISKIES Are rich In flavor, soft and nleasant te the taste. Pus. in quality, are excellent stimulants, and they stand without a rival in the market. Sold at all the leading Hotels and by Uru Lels and bv DruiffflBts. Ask UElS font. UUUfMEI A MA iifriN. Sele Proprietors, ., Philadelphia, l'a lanlMmd 401 N. Id St, JADEIRA AND 8IIKHRY WINES -AT- Beigart's Old Wine Stere H. 0 8UYMAKER, Ant. liUblUeea IT B. Ma bn An Branv. (tui-w IMTgLLIGgNOBB, SATURDAY, JUKE 19, 1888. UOMUVV. ,1 lWM JWUi s j- i - -ti r r r1 TJRaKR48tITT0If. YOU WILL FIND Men's, Bey's and Children's CLOTHING Marked Down RO LOW that It will 13 greatly te your interest te call and examine thn UOIIIIH and 1'KIOKS, If In need of any mere MEDIUM or LIGHT WKIUHTH this season. We Manufacture All Our Goods, And Uiiarnnlee them First Class In Every Par ticular. WK HAVE A rULI. LINE Of SUMMER CLOTHING In Beersuf ker, Mohair. Alpaca, Drappette and Linens nt Prices Astonishingly Lew. Uoedsaa lteprcsented or Meney Uetunded. BUEGBR & SUTTOir, NO. 24 CENTRE SQUARE, .ANCASTKIt, I'A. L. UANHMAN A UitO. Custom Department I LGANSMAN&BRO., Cor. North Queen and Oruge Streets. Reduced Prices. Hcst Workmanship. We make te order Men's AH Weel Serge Suits at f 10 00. All-Weel Cassitnere Suits at 112.00. All-Weel Worsted Suits at III 00. All-Weel Checks and Plaid Suits at J16.W. All.Woel English Worsted Suits at 118.00. Extra rine Imported All-Weel Wersted at 120 te e. HEADQUAUTEUS roll SEERSUCKERS I Seersucker lien's CeaU and Vests from 11.25 up. Fifty different styles te holect from. Iley's Seersuckers from 11.15 u p. ltey's and Children's ClethLng our great specialty at reduced prices. Call early and secure liargalus, as they must go this month. L. GANSMAN & BRO., MEUCII ANT TAlLOllS, MANUrAClORBUS Or MEN'S 110X8 AND CHILDUEN'S CLOTHING, 66 & 68 NORTH QUEEN ST., LANCASTER I'A. W Net connected with any ethor Clothing Heuse In the city. w ILL.1AMSON A OHTKR. 32 te 38 LANCASTER, PA. YOU WILL DO RIGHT And keep cool dot tug Summer by wear lug HCeut and Vest el tnglUh Serge or Indigo Seersucker. Serge Coats and Vests, 85.00, 88.00, 87.50. SEERSUCKER COATS & YESTS, 81.60, 81.05, 82.00. YOU WILL DO RIGHT And keep the dust off j 0111 clothing n hen driving during the Bummer b neuilng ene of our perfect-tlttlug Bust Proof linen Dusters, 81.25, 81.65, 82.26. YOU WILL DO RIGHT lte rashlouable and popular by wearing duilng the bummer thu NEW LIGHT HAT -Olt THE Stiff Pelt English Derby, $2.00, 82 50, 83.00. YOU WILL DO RIGHT If you chauge your htavy Underwear, ami en will III (d mero comfortable in n suit et thu genutne ltalbrlggau we aie Belling for 25c, 38c. and Sue YOU WILL DO RIGHT Andnecr regret the Investment If ou buy a pair et dent's Hand-sewed French Cat f Skin Lew Cut Bummer Hhoes we are selllag for U.W. WE HAVE DOME RIGHT lly supplying the Public with thu best articles at prices that ute JUST RIGHT. d liiiaiip nosier, 32, 84, 86 & 38 East King St., LAHCABTXB, PA. EAST KING STREET, BMW AAMSAX w HITE GOODH KOH BUMMER WEAlt. HAGER & White Goods for INDIA LINEN, FRENCH NAINZOOK, BNOLISH NAINZOOK, INDIA MULL, Embroideries and Laces I SWISS EMIlllOlDKItir.S, flouncing and Overall te Match. NAIN.OOK KMIIK0IDKK1KS. Flouncing and Overall te Match. CAMIIKIU EMilltOlDEHIKH. rinunclngand Oterall te Match! COLOUKD KMI1ROIDEHIE8, Dress Material t Match. KMIIUOIDRUlEs, KOIIES-EBCUBIAL LACK 8KIHTINO, lllack and Kent. OUII'OUK LAOK rLOUNCINO. lllacknnd Ecru. KOYI' T1AN LACK SKIKTINO. Whlteand Cream. KOVI'TIAK LACE ITLOUNCINtlH, Whlteand Cream. HEADED rilONTS, COHDED I'lQUK, LEON UK 1NDE, NAIN .OOK, SWISS MUBLIN. f IlENCII LAWN.CAMUUICiANDSATEENS. ia,iMi.ii HAGER & BROTHER, Nes. 25-27 West King Street. M KTZOER A HAUGUMAN. Summer Dress Goods -AT- METZGER Sc HAUGHMAN'S. We have new in Btoek Special Bargains J n WHITE DRESS GOODS, bought under Regular Prices and te be sold cheap. Victeria Lawns at lOe., 12 l-2e., 15e 20e., 25e., 31e., 37c; India Linens all grades , Btrlped and Plaid Muslins ; Corded Piques ; Crinkled Boersuokers ; VlgU Lawns ; Vigil Batistes, AT- Metzger & Haughman's Cheap Stere, Ne. 43 West King Street, Between the Cooper Heuse and Serrel Herse Hetel, Lancaster, Fa. HATS, G RAND EXCURSION ! GRAND EXCURSION -TO- NIAGARA, PENRYN AND THE SEASHORE ! They are all coming, and we would simply call your attention te the fact that you will need a TllAVELlNailAOorTUUN'KenyourJournoy. De you knew where te get the best for the money t HTAUFFEK A CO, 31 and 33 North Queen Street, haroena of the largeat and host as. eertid lines In the city, from the Finest Saratoga Trunks and English Alligator ISaga te the leweBt grades, at prices te ult everybody. Just take a peep at a few of them A Nlce 18 Inch Bag for 75c ; aNlcaSO-lnchBagferBJc; better ones at 11.00, $1.25 and Jl.tO; all prices up te I13.M. Trunks from 11.00 te fJ.OO. All made of the very best material It Is possible te put In for the money. Call and examine n Telephone connection. W. D. STAUFFER & CO., Nes. 31 and 33 North Qaeen Street, Lancaster, Fa. JF.WELKllf, AC. H. Z. HHOADS, JEWELER. H. Watches. Diamonds, Jewelry, - - Silverware, ' - Oil Paintings, ""-- Statuary, Musical Bexes. Bronze Figures, Sterling Silver, Geld & Sliver Head Oanes, &c, &c, &c, &c. J8-A Full Line of l'rogresslve Kuchre and " Iho German" Frizes. H. Z. RHOADS, Ne. 4 West King St. rUHNITVHK. H EINITSH'S FUKN1TUKE DIH'OT. LANCASTER, MAY 17, 1886. Te my friends and patreuB I desire te eay that we are better prepared than ever te de your repairing of all kinds and in the beet possible manner. Hair Mattresses made ever at the loweet prloea consistent with geed work. If you want your Parler Suit Re-upholstered in Plush we can de it cheaper than these who buy thelr material by the yard at retail prices, as our goods oemo from first hands and are bought for Spot Cash, We have the cheapest and best new Parler Suit in Plush te be found in this or any ethor city, whleh we are making a run en for the next 30 days. NOS. 27 tlUUHKITUHNlllHJNU iiOUDa. S1 HIRK'B OAKPET UALU CARPETS ! UEOVKNINQ Or SHIRK'S CARPET HALL. We are new prepared te show the trade the hlbltedln this city. WILTONS, VELVETS, 1JHU88KLS, THUEEl'LV, All-Weel and Cotten (JHA1K HAltl'KlH. DAMASK and VENETIAN own manufacture a speciality. Special Attention Alw a roll Line of ( eiLiCiiUruB, ui SHIRK'S CARPET HALL. Oer. West King and jiuuna. TOHN BAEH'S HONB. .NEW BOOKS Araoffered at a liberal discount from thu pub lishers' prices, STJNDAT SCHOOL BOOKS In Library Sets, Class Beeks, Uccerds, ll.wnrds, Bibles, Testaments, Catechlsms, etc. QUARTO BIBLES Centalng King James and the ltovised Vowlens or both Old and New Testaments In parallel column, i also, with the two versions of the New Testament, or with the old version of the Blble only, in various nt les of binding, at much lower price, than by traveling agents. AT THE BOOKSTOUE Or JOm BAEU'S SONS, Ne. 16 and 17 North Queen Street, LAMQABT, PA. moest. vsv vvV''Vyisjvy,v- BROTHER. Summer Wear ! VICTORIA LAWNS, CHECK NAINZOOK, CORDED PIQUE, PLAID LAWNS. OATS, JtV. Z. RHOADS, JEWELER. HEINITSH'S Furniture Depot, and 20 SOUTH QUEEN ST. m311vd CARPETS ! Largest and Hest Selected Line of Ca: te ever ex all the Trading Mufeus of liOUY AND Al'ESTUY Chain EXTKA HUl'EKS, at.d all nualltles of IN. CAUl'ETS. ItAO and CUAIN CAltl'KTS of enr paid te the Mannfacture of CUSTOM CAUfETB, 1UU8, WINDOW BHAUES.COVEHLETS, Ac -AT- Water Sta., Lancaster, Pa. febv-amajiw TMl'OHTANT. Te the many applicants for the PALLTEKU of the Lancaster Business College. If yen will call en or address the principal you can obtain such lnlormallen as will be of great nilviinlniTntAvnll 111 (llirMtltn ng the ceuubk ur UTIlllVuai.wnilnulHr thU Itiatltutlen. It Will Instliuuen. enable you te make greater progress, and a sav. Ing of tlme and labor Is guaranteed if you will cuiry out Instructions. Address, H. 0. WEIDLER. Principal. e I'EN ALL Til K YEAR. it THE MANSION," ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. The largest and most prominently located Hetel, Elegantly furnished and liberally man. aged. Thoroughly lighted, drained and ven tilated. Open all thd year. OBAMLMBUeOLADM. aeTJIrepby'i Orcie.tr. Je7-a ij yX HA.VK K IiAHQH 8TOCE OF THE 1HT w REFRIGERATORS ht Till CITT. Th Pierce Dry Air Wngwl, ?. i'i it UA RDKN llOSg, WA TSH COO&tM, WK VRXAM rRKKKKRH, AndatullllneetllUUBirURNMUlMaUOOM The lamest stock of GAS rlXTtTKMt Ita city. Bpeclal attention paid te Uaa-f IMafe TM Uoennir and annutlnir ,, w,?,h" Jut roceWed another let Of UI.OUK9. JOMP. SCHAUM&SOI, 24 SOUTH QUEEN ST., LANUASTKB, PA. F LINN ft BltKNKMAN. GREAT CLOSING OUT SALE -Ol"- Befrigeraters, Water Coelers, Ice Oream Freezers, -AND- Baby Carriages. Great Bargains te Reduce a Large Stock, FLINN & BRENEMAN, Ne. 152 North Queen St., LANCASTElt. WM A. K1EFFUU. ALDUS a HERB KIEFFER & HERR, Ne. 40 East King Street, (Opposite Court liouae). Invite nit Housekeepers te Cull und Inspect their stock of Heusefurnisning Goods. A Complete Line const ft nil y en hand. COOK STOVKHnnd II A.N (J EH, IM.KLOII STOVES. 1IKATKKS and FCUNACK8. SUMMER COOK STOVES. After carefully eiamliilnp; the merits of all etfured te the trade, we have selected THE "ARGASD," Fer GASOLINK.nnd THE l DANGLER,1' Fer COAL OIL, Aa tlie IScst, n hen all point, are considered, te offer te en r patrons. UluVanft-we, us. We leve te show our geed., and am net eOemtal lt.-1'nn de net purchue. Itcmomber, we are agents for ' - . The " Splendid " Heater. Manufactured by Fuller St'. Warren Company, Trey, N. Y, which ha no rival In durability, economy of fuel und control of pu. Mew U the time te examine and become posted for Autumn purchases. 11KMEM11EU THE PLACE ! 40 EAST KING ST., (OPPOSITE COUItT II0USEJ api&tfdAw SJCCiaKJMJU. HIGH GKADE COFFEES, t'lne old Government Java and Mecha Coffees, the best In the market. Our Java Blen ded Coffce speaks for Itself ; rich und fragrant. 25c. per pound. Very nne Plantation Ule Coffees, our best only 20c. per pound; one very popular at 15c We want you te call and try our 1-K'e. Coffee. The excellent quality of our Coffees und fine Teas is making friend, fast and firm. Our dally sales show a steady Increase. Fresh Hneated everv dav. A full line of fiknev.. Groceries. Please give us a trial order. ffi uw, n uuix, autfu-lyd Ne. 113 West King Street. fJEff GKOOEHIES. " HONESTY IS THE BEST POLIUT." Presents mean deception. The name, in lta buslness use. Is a travesty of the act. Fersplca. cleus and iar-seelng peeple knew thU. Kftbec in quantity or iiuality, or through triekery, duties pay for thelr delusion. The purehaaer mutt anil always docs pay dearly for the sup posed gilt, (T) A New Stock of the BEST B11AND3 OT TEAS AND COrifEKS, Te be Sold en Their Merit. QUANTITY AND QUALITY UUAUANTMD AT Charles MacNay's Choice Family Grecwy, Nes. 115 and 147 North Queen Street. Just received, a large quantity of retted Duck, titttue Chicken, Turkey, Ham, Tongue and Beef ter plcnle parties. Imported Ginger Ale, 11.50 per dozen, delivered, byrups for Sura mer Drinks. All kinds of Imported Cheese.. Durkoe's Salad Dressing. Imported Ucllshee. rerrls A Company's New Yerk Hams, Benelaea Bacen und Smoked Ox Tongues, unes-lmd AT BURSK'S. JUST RECEIVED. A fresh let or Durkee'a Salad Dressing, Fine Olive Oils, for table use) the Meltet and ether brands. Queen Olives, imported Edem or Dutchhcad Choese, Macaroni and Vermicelli. Cress A Blackwell Plcklesand Sauce, Ac PllESEUVES-rUUlT PUESEUVX8. Just recolved.ajeb let of Fruit Preservealn 3 ft. boxes-usual price, W cent., selling at cent, a box. JELLIES. JELLIES. , Thirty pound buckets at Se. a pound, or by, the pound retail, 6c. ", PIE FUU1TS. Plo Peaches, quart can, 10c rreah Applet, quart can, be. FELL'S and WM.PENNCOBN,80.pf Ml, -AT- BURSK'S, , NO. 17 EAST KINO STRUT LAN CASTES, PA. J . a-Teienhone Connection. .'', WATCHM.0. "W'ATOUKS, CLOCKS, Ac WATCHES, CLOCKB, 1ft SPECIAL SALE OF OOIjiw" riLruie'd funnfnMttrtll. DQIIUUI H.eenft, -I.LIa wnrkl. 14 JfiWBl and .ettlng (limited nninbr M Aiuinin all vend hunun " at .7.60 each. . ... wi.k.1' ilnuit banraln. W ncy "-- .! , belt Elgin. mjSSa -"Krt tatAe-ntflh t Onir IMww - --, , jewelry repairing XerUl Qlt-fJ VrnpSsafc'ssr- QTOKAQK OOMMMNBIOM DAMU tteU Me.M WM p u.7uinPMWi gMga. w waeBkek 51. . '. Kti vi m -a n M tJi- t , .' lrj&&- r- ;tt . A-