W"9(Sr?77'SfPaPS T KvT- ";... 'ri' $CAC?? ". V .lllw- Ti r f -f V .(' i.. f ? ' Stye lartfate? nMixgmaef S. v f f5 m ' V5 . ' V ' ! 'rrXi K TffcJ -' f. ; rvsewrai'Ri'B VSj a- ! s f VOLUME XXH-NO, A DAY AT DUFFY'S PARK. THK.IVMK MKKCISU F THK r.lHMKHS Vl.tlH "' i'Mril,J. nema Attminl ul the Origin nl llda I'niiiniia ml Inlluentlal AKrliutlimil AaxirUtlmi. lUnkera nml rnllllrlsiia, Htstreinrn mul Wrrlir,-jdlra(lrnce the Orraalmi, M.MtlKTrA, June 18 Thore Is a current popular delu-ilnti that the Farmers' cluli of Pntinsylvauls, which lmil II origin aud has always IiiiiI most el lis members In I'hllmlol I'hllmlel phli, ws originally uonrelvod fur social rather limn Hulontllle purposes. This l net the caie. Ah developed nt tliu June meeting In Ciil. Dully rk, nenr bore, yesterday In Intcrvlnws Willi the sjle Hiirlvdr or III" original members hiiiI ns disclosed In home of lh speeches if tint ilny, It nppe.ii Hist the cluli was hmnded In IM7 liy n low goullemoii risidnnl of the Hiilnirlis of Philadelphia who had line estates, which they III led, and who sought onrhnther' society for tuamlnallen of thudllloreut nunles of farming, sleck ral'lng nml etluir branches of husbandry, 'limy in-rcHl te meet en Thursday of earh full moon, se tliat If tlie hospitality et the occasion km extended Mini the hour for the leave taking sitpeued until Inte they would have the iidvantagn of the moonlight forthe rt'u;ii journey. Jn midwinter the linpaaable reads made It In convenient fur the visitations in IhesuhurlM, nml n low city folk were t iken Inte the club, who, though farmers, tllil net conllne them selves te the ciiltlatiuu of the soil,' Ol the ehlur iiiiiin lersUeergn llllKhtenly survluw; mul he was at tlie lint June moot meet ing. Assuciited wild lil in nearly forty jnarsnge woie I'lilllp It. Kro, lain editor of the (hirinanlewu Tfltnrtifh, ilweawd ; Dr. Allrcd i:iln, (Inn. N. ltetrh, Jehn H. llalnea and lluriv lncrHell. With the mUontel the Inte (Jen. lteliert I'attorneu and Morien MeMli-h.icl conviviality locame a htlll morn illntliiKiililiinK foature of the or er or Kaulrjitleu and lit niPiulierahlp wai finally llxid at twnUe. In i-H-id of a vacancy tlie auc auc reHMir It rhoxen ly n unaiilineim xote of the xurviver'S the nainet Ix'Iiik propetod at enit Ini't'llnt,', cII-c-iium'iI In Iho uiKintline niul the nnUx-tinii ORrred iihhi at the next. Te each uiemher ! anliil a pnrtleular innntli for lilt eiitertalntucut, hut wlille the IlllliiKOln vaciney It pcncllnp, nny lucnilx'r rati ox ex rhaiiK fur hm own Iho month that IkjIeiiuimI te Iho tloce.iwd, rimlitneil or rollred ineiulMir. Nlnen Iho last June incetliiK Jehn Welnh, HX-inlutUir te r.tiKland, lin-t died and Ida Bucc-ter hat net len rheteu. Ol the ether mmnlx'rt Jmlge Cralc lllddle, of the I'iilla I'iilla delphl.i erphaiiH' court, lien, l'red, Kralley and M. M. I'olten worn net prevent yesterday. The remaining meuilajra held a hutlneHt Hireling, attended hy JiiHtlee Henry (ireen, of the HUle diipreimi court ; Krank Ceuily, prcaldeut ofthe North I'enn railroad and thlt year pretldent eftln Tanners' club ; WIN lUtu Henry Drayten, Ciee. W. Chllda, ofthe I.ttlgtr j (1 cer no IlllRlit, Konater Den t'am t'am eren, Oeo. II. Helierta, jiretldent of the I'onn I'enn M'lvanla railroad, and Cel. .Tame Dully, 'llie pretldem.y id the club retatet nnniially among the memliert. A I ITflT. n.w. I'el. Dully (Hit net bae the entirely Koreuo weilher for hit euteclalninunt which It hiijv hiijv ixwed te Im) doxiralile for n dinner In the weed, but hit urk itKoaduilrablyequlpped Willi everv comfort and convenlonco that oo eo oe catlonall. when n ahewer of rain fell the p.i p.i vllleu, and iKiwert aflerdcd ampin abetter : and the blazing fires whlcti a cerM nfcoeki and attendants kept up were given all the mere plcturexiiuoappcaraticeby the lowering I'leudt. At very frenuent Interval and stead ily during u large jnut of the day Iho aiiu beamed out upon the aceue, and the hijvect el the aky Henmeil In only lltly change with the Hplrltef the dltoeuiMi from grave te gay, Irem lively te hoi ere. Cel. W. II. Kerdnev, II. J. Mo Me Oraun, . II. Reynolds and W. I'. HeiiKel cauie up from l.aniMtter early in the morn mern ing: Mr. Leenard Jeruine, the well-known New Yerk breker and father-ln-law of Sir lUndelph Churchill; hit brother Ijirry Jo Je mine, tlie faiueuawllHiid ten viraitl, radiant ennlre el every Hcxial circle that he outers; Win. Woodward, Jr., host of President Cleveland en hit recent il te the Chota Cheta Chota peako waterH, mid Jerdan U Mett, both protnlneul buainetH men of New Yerk, had oemn te Marletla the nllit bolore. Thene gentlemen, the ladies of Cel. Diitry'a family, l.t. A. M. Thackara, Mrs Thackara, and her sister Miss Itachel Mherman, daughters of (ien. W. T. .Sherman, breakTatted In the ark at 10 a in., and from that hour until 3 p. m., the time of the dinner, tliu guest cenllniKd learrlMv. a nisTixirimiiai oeiipam, When dlnuerwnt aunoimced, l'resldeut Cenily Hat at euu cud of the table, and Cel. Dully nt the ethor. A special train from Washington had brought oer n large sena torial party, and en another from I'hlladel I'hlladel phlacamethe represenlathes of the Tonn Tenn sylvanla railroad company and ether promi nent gentlemen of that city ; se that ranged along the table were net only all theso bMore mentioned as present, hut In addition, Ulilef Justice Mercur and Justices I'axseu and Hterrett, of the supreme court ; A.J. CassatL C'ha-s. K. Pugh, J. H. Wilsen, W. A. I'atten, It. I). lUrclay and J. N. Dullarry.el the I'. It. It ; Jeseph Patterson, president of the Western National bank ; Rudelph Kills, Hen. Daniel M. Fex, director ofthe I'hlladel plila mint ; Harry Oliver, of Pittsburg; Hen. Jehn A. Illiwtand, reptesentathe of this dlttrlct in Congress; Oea F. Ktibgen and Oea W. Mehslley, of Marietta; l'aul Iaua, ofthe New Yerk A'ihi Senators Heck and litackbiirn, of Kentucky ; Vest, of Museurl ; Hale, of Maine; Hewell, of New Jersey; Allisen, of Iowa; I'lumb, of Kansas; Mandor Mander eon, of Nebraska ; Mahone, of Virginia ; Kd wards, el Vermont ; (Ien. Simen Cameron, who had driven overlroui his Denegal farms ; James Yeung, the great iarmer, of Middle town, and K. T. Wilbur, presldent of the J.ehtgh Valley railroad. The dinner was sorved by Fiuelll, the Philadelphia caterer, and It was an exiiuislts ene. I.ittle nook clams, groen turtle, salmon, deviled crabs, Diet of beef, asparagus, sweet breads, cipin, sal.idt, strawberries and Ice cream, werosemoof the triumphs of the art of cuisine; the service was excellent, and the wines of the best vintage. Over brimming glasses mid white wreaths et smeke curled up gracefully from the table the spoeches camu en. They were unusually bright wltly, serious, earnest, pathetle and humor ous by turn. Senater Kdmunds led oil', called Colonel Dully te his feet when he pat down mid had the baby of the club, little Mary Dully, Introduced te tbolable; she courteously threw a kiss te the stately Ui eon Mountain senator, and if anybody ever thought he was an Iclcle they ought have seen hew easily he wan melted even en a cloudy day. Judge Mercur, W. U. Heiikel, Senators Vest, Allisen, Hack and lllackburn ; General Camsren, Mr. MaoVeagh, Senators 1'iumb, Mahone, gnd Manderseu were among the speakers ; whlle Senater Hale and Iarry Jeremo took advantage of their opportunities te make as many speeches as the rest or the company. It was throughout a most dellgiitlul day and evoryliedy agreed that (loerge W. Chllda Is the mil candidate of the Farmers' club for president ;and that the supreme success of the last June meeting ofthe club was largely diia te the fact that for once in forty years Jadlos graced the beard with tbelr preseuca and stayed from the turtle te the oell'oo. llenare of the Wolfe! Krem the New Km, Itep. The probability of Charles 8. Welfe lielng rrehlbitlnu candtdale for govorner mcauH notice te the Itepubllcan state convention te put their best loot foremost In the formation el their ticket and declaration of policy. It is 9. lavorlle amusement of certain organs mid politicians te sneer at Mr. Weire as a political crank, but he is net the man te be put down with sneers. He Is a bold, aggressive and able campaigner, and thousands of people who will deplere the stand he has taken will admire the courage or the uian and be Insen sibly meed In sympathy with him. Mew Hand Orenliel. A baud iias been ergaulzed at Sporting IIIII. The Instruments have been received, and the memlien will seen be under the lead Of Richard Smltu, who la a geed muslcuuj. 1M.J. A KATAI4 irAt.t. IIUIfN HTAIItH. Mr. Mar 1'nnitrs Found tlfsul In Hie Collat Collat or If ctr tfmijiit en I'liHen Nlreet. Mr. Mary I'ewnrs, mi old lady, who re aided by lierself, In a linuse that she owned at Ne. .110 Hast l'u I urn streel, was found dead In her cellar Thursday ovenlng. Mrs. I'owers was last scen alene early en Wednes day ovenlng when she siioke te soveral helghlMirs. Yesterday nftorneon the letter letter cflrrler had n paper for her. llorapped at the deer, but, receiving no answer, hogavetho mper te a inomber of the family of Dennis Haley, who rosldes next deer, with Instruc tions te gln It te Mrs. I'owers. Ne 0110 saw Iho old lady during the day, and In the oven even lug a daughter of Air. Haley took the paer ever te give It te her. Mho went in the back way and found the deer standing open, but Mrs. I'owers could net be seen. Slits Haley went upstairs, but, being tumble le llnd the deceased, she informed her sister. The latter went down stairs and there found Mrs. Powers lying dead at the liottemol the steps, which lead from the Inside el the house te the cellar. The old lady's head was wedged In between the Htene wall of the cellar mid the bottom el inn steps, and her root were up the stairs; On the cellar lloer beneatli tliu head el the old woman was npoelnr bleed. Miss Haley Informed her father nr the discovery, and the latter with Aims Adams, anether neighbor, went le the hoiise. They picked up the lifeless Isxly and carried ft up stairs. 1'hiu examination It was found that thore was a very deep cut en tlie top or me ueaii, which was no nouet tnadn by striking ngalnst ene of Iho sharp projecting stones et tha cellar wall. The lace was also cut and bruised, and thore were some bruises en the arms. Corener Heuauiau was notliled of the death. He ompanneled ajurv consisting or Miles Frankford, Geerge ilroen, Martin Dally, Ilraluard Stewart, William Kess and l.even Hele. Alter viewing the body mid hearing the ovldence of the persons who found deceased, Dr. Compten and ethers, they rendered a verdlct te the ellcct that Mrs. Powers came te her death from Injuries re ceived In falling down the cellar stairs. Frem tlie appearance or the house the neighbors think that tlie accident which resulted In Mrs. Powers' death occurred alsiut supper time Wednesday owning. The table was set and It Is supiimed that the deceased wat going te the cellar for seme thing ter supper when she felt. Mrs. Powers wasoerTOycarsetnge,andwas the wile of Kiikn Powers who has tieen (lead for n numl'er of years. She had several children but they are also dead. She was ies.snsHsl of soine estate, as she owned the double house occupied by herself and the Haley lamily, and another 0110 in this city. SI10 was a line old lady and thn iinlghberH speak very highly of her. A l.tTTt.r. illttl.'H OMJff'UVf TJO.V. Mhn Onljr Altmirirft Sclinnl Fur n Venr anil Writes nt Ijiiratrr. 'I he following composition alieut Uincaster Is the work or a little girl, aged H years, In allcudaiice at St. Mary's parochial school. In originality uml penmanship It Is note worthy. I.iucaMeris a City or Pennsylvania. It has thirty thousand inhabitants. In l.au iiitler tliere Is ncotirt-heiiNeand prison. At the present time the court-heuso Is lielng painted and when It Is Mulshed I think It will leek hcaiitirul. I read In the paper the ethor day that there is a new prison te t built. The present ene is he old that any prlioner could easily get nut. A short dlstance from thoprien u the reservoir. It is illlded into two parts. The 0110 division has the stand Ple, which was put thore te lorce mero water all ever the ciiy. Itut It was round net te liave rower enough. Se new there Is a let et men engaged In laying very large pipes, rrem the roservelrthrough the western part or the City. There are three Convents In l.sncaster. Thn Sisters or Charily are at St. Mary's. The Sisters or the Hely Cress are nt .St. Antheny'rf. The Sisters or St. Franciscan are at hL Jeseph's. We also have a Catholic Hospital. Under the care et the Sisters or -St. Francis. Which Is ene of Iho Handsomest buildings in Lancaster. We have two street car lines In Iincaster. One, through the eastern part or the City te Mi tiraiins Kirk where we held our county fair. I Imve been there quite a number of times. The ether Is through the Weslern part ofthe City te Millersvllle. There la a Crematorium In lmcaster where dead Ixxlies are cremated. 1 have net been In It, but have seen the building Irem thoeutsldo. It Is in 1I10 southern part or the City. In Lancaster thore are six cotton mills which employ a great many hands. Thore are also a large number el Tobacco waro-heusos In this City. There Is an Ojiera llouseon Prlnce Street, In which we always have our exhibi tions, Hut this 3 ear we aronet golngteliavo any. In ljincn.iter we have a great in any dlllerent churches, among them three Catholic churches. Twe of them aroGerman bikI ene English. Hut thore are a great many mero Prnteaiat't churches. Lancaster is divided into nlne wards. It also has ene Mayer and nineteen police. Kach of theso wards has two police, and ever these nil, thore Is ene chief police. Tliore is also a electric llre alarm system. We have some line private dwellings. They are nearly all en Dukn Street. About a mile and one hair west et Lancaster Is 11 beaiitllul place called Wheatland. It was the residence or the late James Huclianau, the twenty-eighth Preildent et thn United Slates. He Is burled In the Woodward IIIII Cemetery. I was at ills graven law weeks age. STAUOI' liKTllI.iniKM. THIS VI. AVI' .1- JOyKH TK3T Tlili I'lin r.nKllie Davit Well anil lis Werk Ouliu for It Many Friend,. The trial or the new Clapp .V Jenes ongiiie yesterday afternoon was very satisfactory, and the machliie te-day has many mero Iriends probably than It had before. A num ber or tests wero made, and vvllli ene excep tion they were nil satisfactory. With an Inch and a quarter uozle the ma ma chlieo was expocted te threw a stream "iK) feet, and It did It within a ceuple or feet. Through an inch and a hall nozle the en gine was guaranteed te threw water 210 feet. In this test the machine did very well, mul the water was thrown ever'JiiO roeL An Inrti and tlve-elghth norzle was used for the purpese of having the engine threw '10 feet, as it was claimed that It could de. The stream was thrown 2ii feet. A test was 111 ado through 1,000 feet of hese and the nnglne threw a stream '-VI reel, which Is ill reet mere than was claimed for It. A test was also made with four streams, and the water was thrown 'J00 feet, while but 175 was claimed rer it. Afler theso tests had been made, an exhi bition of high throwing was glven, and a stream was thrown ever the steeple ofthe Reformed church, nt Orange and Mulberry streets. Tliere was a large crowd prosent at the testlng of the engine, and the majority of ceuncllmen wero pleased with Us work. It Is said that ene member of select branch who was heretofore against the ongiiie will vote for It, It will be romem bored that common council voted te accept the eugine, but Belect branch did net concur. The test of the ongine was made under the suervisieii et Mr. Clapp, of Clapp .t Jenes. A very geed louitien ler the work was chosen as the water was drawn from the large main which was recently laid en Orange stroet and there could be no scarcity. Auault anil llattery Caars. Chrlslian I.ederer had a hearing last ovo evo ove nlng before Alderman Deen en thocharge of assault preferred by Miss Kmma Fritz. The case was about being returned te court when the presecutrix said she did net care te put the case te court aud If the accused would pay the costs she would drop It. This Ledorer agreed te de, aud upon payment of costs he was discharged. Jacob Faust, driver ofenglne Ne. 3 of tlie oily lire department, was heard befere the Hauie alderman en the charge of assault and battery preferted by Jehn Weir. This case grew out of a tight whtcih occurred at the I0080 plcnle held at Tells Ualn en Thursday el last week. This case was also aettled by the parties. Honorary Degree Conferred Upen lleliuet. Honorary degrees were conferred en Dr. Oliver Wendoll Helmes at Cambridge, Kng land, en Thursday, In the prasonce of a bril liant assemblage. There was great cheering when the pubile orator, In a laudatory Latin ipoeeli, presented the degrees te Dr, Jiolmet. LANCASTER, WORK OF SPKCIAli MKKTING. THK VITY tilUllltll. IIOAIII) Aif.Kl.T TKtllllKUH I'DIt THK I'AimiMI VKAU. The .SiiieilnliiillnK CiMiiinlllre's llrrntninen. lUtlena Ailnpted ItenlKnallun Arrepteil anil Varanrle Fllleil The Aiitlntnl Wlin Were Hncr,fiil-larl Klifil. A special meeting or the Lancaster city school beard was held en Thursday ovenlng In common council chamlier, with the follow ing ineinliers present : Messrs. Haker, llntenlus, ilreneman, llreslus, llrnwn, Hyrne, Darmstetler, HtMirman, hvam, Hartinan, Jehnsen, Llchty, Marshall, Mclemsey, Mo Me Mo Cermlck, McKlllgntt, MclCIUItis, Naumali, Ohleniler, O.-hs, Pentr, Ringwalt, Schweliel, Shtmlle, Shirk, Smeych, Snyder, Sprenger, Wnrlel, White, Wlckershaui, Wohlsen and Levergood, president. 'I he object 01 the meeting was slated te be the consideration el the reisirt el the suner- Intending rnmmlttpnns te Iho equallrlng of salaries 01 loai-ners 01 1110 hiiiiie grade, 10 hear their reiKirt as le the number of vacancies te be filled and Iho election of teachers ler the ensuing year. HI rnitlNTKMIINO rnvlMITTKB'H lllil'OIIT. Mr. McCemsey presentisl the following report as te the equalization nl salaries ; In obedlonco ten resolution el the heard le report a plan ir deoined oxaidlent equal lrlng the salaries el teachers el the sumo grade, your suiei Intending committee ro re ro spectrully reiirt : 1st, That the sdarles or all the female toachers of the grammar schools llve In numler as well as the male teachers of the same grade, three in number, am new uni form at 1110 and &'() respectively, and we recommend no change in this grade. 2d. Of Iho fourteen secondary toachers ten new receive JUIO, whlle four roeelvo only WS1. The position of second assistant in this grade having been abolished the duties of all the teachers are new the same. We, there fore, recommend that the salaries ter this grude Isj made uniform at f;i'J.r. 31. Ol the fourteen toachers of the Inter mediate schools elght are new rocel vlng f.1-3 and six are receiving (l',0. While your committee wero reluctant te locntumend any reduction lu the salaries of oxperlencod and Ullclent teachers in these Impertint schools, we sce no reason why equally faithful and meritorious teachers nl the Kime grade should receive less than ethers for the same sorvlce. The reorganization el our schools having relieved these who were lormerly principals of combined primary schools of 11 large part of tin Ir liilxirand responsibility as such and In consideration el wlilch their preen t K.ilar K.ilar les wero llxed- the required duties or all the teachers of this grade are new the same. Regarding these schools, however, as otie of the most lii)s3rtant transition jierleds In the school life ofthe child, and recegnlrlng this ImiHirlance of the teacher's work and In llueuce, as well as with a view te secure prominence in thn position, we recommend that the salaries et this grade be made uni form nt KITS. Ith. Of the twenty-three prim-try school toachers six new receive f.'ll.t&O, and seven teen recelve .TOiM). Theso salaries were llxed for first and second assistants in the cembined primary schools. The position or first assistant having lieen abolished by the reorganization et these schools, and most of our primaries new being single room schools, the required duties of all the tenclicis are new nearly similar. Regarding the position of semewhat greater imortance and rosfienslbllltv', we recom mend that the salaries of ail single room primary teachers be f.tl.leO, ami for thoxe w here tliere It still a principal teacher iM W). This rr sotiimendatlou, if approved, will necessitate the transrer of several teachers at the beginning of the next term. filh. In recognition of experience, we also reemmend that henafler vvhen vacancies occur in the primary schools such teachers as shall have been lengest In service shall lie transferred te the slngle room schools, and the newly appeinted teaclurs pliceit In schools where there If still 11 principal toaehor. lltli. In our cembined German mid I'ng lish schools -a distinct system where soine special salaries nre paid, no changes lu their organization, nor In the duties of the teachers have been made, honce we recommend no change lu salaries, oxcept that the salary of Miss Rlla Muster shall be the simeas that el the ether intermediate teachers. I r the above recotnmendatlons be approved It will equalle the salaries or the toachers of the same grade at an increased annual ex pense if jliv, and having carefully consid ered lieth sides or the whele subject and 011 011 dcavered te act with due regard for the in terests or tlie tax-payers, as well as te avoid as far as K)ssible Injustice te experienced and fallhlul teachers, we earnestly commend tlieni te the faverable consideration et the beard. Respectfully submitted, J. P. Wlci.Kiisii 1 vi, Wvi, Mi'Cemsicv, Jehn I!. Waiii 1:1., J. Hay Huew.v, Gi:e. Nai-man. The repert was taken up and the recom mendations of the commltteo wero acted en Heparalnly, The rtcommendatlou as te the transfer et toachers lengest In service te slngle rooms, rrem vombined primaries when vauiucies oc cur caused seme discussion. Mr, Hresius oppesod the recommendation, and argued that meritand long service should be the crltorieu Ter trausler. Mr. Hartman favored the recommend ntlen and went en the presumption that all our teachers are elllcieut; II they are net the beard has 110 use for thorn, mid il all nre elll cieut then these longest in tlie servlce of the beard should be rewarded. The recommen dation et the commltleo was net llnal, how ever, as the beird In all cases has te pas 011 the transfer el teachers from the school te an other. Mr. Haker said It was the imlversal prao prae prao tlce in all business establishments te promote these eldest in serv ice. All the recommendation el the committee weroadeptod. The commltteealsosiibmlttod the following repert as te tlie number of vacancies te be lilted: In rofercuco te the number of new teachers te be elected, your cemmittee repci-trully roiert: That lu vlew or the numlxsr new lu the Jamas street primary school, and which It Is likely will be Increased, we recommend that Iho present arrangement in this school be continued, and the prosent teacher having been only temporarily ap pointed that an nsslstaut teacher be elected. Or the four rooms te he added te the Lemen street building It is bolieved that only three will be needed at the beginning or the next term, and we recommend the election or two additional primary teachers and ene Intermediate. There will also be two vacancies te 1111 caused by the resignation of two primary teachers. Hespectrully submitted, W.M. Mi-Cemskv, J. Ha Ritew.v, OKO. N A U.MAN, J. P. WlUljUHsltAM, Jehn Ji. Waih'iiu The resignations of Mlsses Ruolev mid Kaullmau were presented mid accepted. The beard llxed the salaries of the toachers, net Included In the above repert, at the same figures as last year, with the excoptieu or tnaiei .-tussnarau 11. iiuuueu, principal 01 the girls high school, which was raised from (OiiO te $750 by a unanimous vote. Tin: 01.11 ti:.vehkhs hi:-i:m:('ti:i. The following, all the old teachers, wero re-elected for the ensuing year ; Northwest Division, High Scheel, male. J. P. McCaskey, principal ; James O, Gi. ble, tint assistant ; Mary Martin, second as sistant. High Scheel, Female. Sarah 11. Hundell, principal ; Racbael F. Jacksen, first assist ant ; Margie II. M. Krlsman, second assist ant ; Maria K. (Ill), teacher of drawing. Prince and Chestnut, Grammar. doergio llundell I secondary. Kmma Green. Grammar. Clara B. Hubert accendary, Annie C. Rath von and Sallle Dengler, West Chestnut Street Schools, Grammar. -W. H. Levergood 1 secondary. Mary K. Pal mer and Hannah R. Finger. Intermediate. Clara O.KpIndler; primary, Llbble Weber and Carrie Ilreneman. Intermediate. I'mlly Suydam : primary. Mamie Underwood and Wllhelmina Roblfe. West Jamea street Boheoli, anunmv,- PA., F1UDAY, JUNE Fninm Powers; secondary, Hinma L. Dow ney; Ititormndlale, Annle Carter, and pri mary, Mary Soner. Northeast Division, UinouStreel Schools, Gramiinr. A. R. Shuny, Mary M. Mussel man; secondary, Lela .ug, Matilda .ug; iiiicriiieuiHi", iviue.-iuirK, Alllin MCCOlnsey, H110 llnlbroek , primary, Sadle Fleming, I.lr?leKby. B New StrtotScheols, Secondary. Kmma V. Haker ; Intermediate Sarah K. Smith ; pri mary, Augusta M. iluiheng and Sue liar kins. . A". lrel Kclioels, Secendary. Clara Llchty ; Intormedlate. Mary K. Stahl ; pri mary, Sarah Mng ami Ida McMillan. Southeast Division, Seuth Duke stroet schools, Grammar. R. S. (lates, M. a. DoiiRherty ; secondary, Mary Mc-Neal ; In In termedlate, Mary J. Ilruiilng, I.lzrle C. Marshall j primary, Mary K. sharp, Hattle McKeown, Kate Ilsrnet, Henrietta Harklus ; German, and Kugllah, Kate Ilunilell. Rockland Slreet Schools,Secondary. Kate Cliften ; intermediate, Kate liiicklus ; primary, Hella Welt70l and Daisy Snialltig, Straw berry Slreet Scheel -Frank Shlbley. Southwest Division, Seuth Mulberry, Grammar. C. Mnlr. : secendary. Mlnnln ft. Wltmer, Sue M. K. Hlanley ; German and Kugllsli liitermcdlate,Klla Musser; primary, Mary Arlimus. Iiitormedlato SalomnCarKnter; primary, Mary Guthrie, Annie Hesh. Maner Street, Secmiiary.IdaLInd; intor inter intor medlato, Sarah Stillel ; primary, Minule A. Raul) and Mnggie Ilumpliroyvllle. Seuth Prince. Secondary. LI77I0 Noepor; Intermediate, Inura Falck ; primary, Klla y.echer, Muslcial Instructors Carl Matz, high schools ; Jehn 11. Kevluskl, secondary and primary schools. Mr. McKlllgottellered the following reso lution and It was unanimously adopted : Jleselrcd, That tlie Isjard preceeds te ballet for teachers te 1111 the vacancies, 11 ve In num ber, and as each director's name Is called he shall vete for the llve applicants el his choice, nml If a second or subsequent liallet Is noces neces sary, le vete for the number required te fill the vecincles, and the llve toachers elected shall be assigned by the superintending com cem com mlteoo te the schools In this city, where, In tneir juugment, the best work will be ac complished. The names of the applicants wero read nud the first ballet resulted ns fellows : Miss Ilerner received 2S votes, Miss Hald wln II, Miss Curtis 21, Miss KtchelIs'JT, Miss Hess I, Miss Hech 31, Miss Irvin 1, Miss Shoemaker 1, Miss Thomison 111 ana Miss Yonkers 21. Mlases Ilerner, Curtis, F.tch ells, llech and Yonkers were dcclared elected, Mr. Marshall, el the high schoolcommonce scheolcommonce schoelcommonce ment committee, stated that thore would ha au exhibition of the drawings or the high school grnduales, nt the high school building, en the evening bolore commencement, Tues day next, and the members of the beard are Invited togltend the exhibition. On motion adjourned. The l.ulhptnn MltiUtcrluin. The 110th annual convention et the Kvan gel leal Lutheran mlnistcllum of Pennsylva nia and adjacent states convened In theChrlst Lutheran church, Kasten, en Thursday morning. Over 200 clergymen and 150 lay delegates wero present The members met In the session room ami held thecoufesslenal service, idler which, headed by Ray. Dr. G. F. Kietel, of New Yerk, the presi dent, the body marched Inte Iho main audi audi audi once room, where the sessions are being held. Rey. Dr. Krelel preached the annual sermon. The llrst btminess or the afternoon session after devotional exercises was roll-call, A question arose us te whether a substitute dele gate Irem Rev. W. A. Shaeller's charge In Philadelphia could be emitted, and pending discussion was laid ever. Prosldent Kretel read his annual tcert. It dwelt en minis terial changes el Iho year, the colleges and general work. A chlef leature was his re marks urging unity et action and spirit among the members, this having direct bearing en the movements lavored by seme te divide tliu sviied. The election or rlllcers folle'wod. Kev. C. J. Coeisjr, Knglish Kwretary, requested that no votes be cast ler him, ns he desired te be relieved et the work. The election was net completed, though It Is known that Rev. Dr. Krelel Is re elected president. This makes his third year. At night there was an educational meeting at which Rev. Dr. Jacobs, of Philadelphia, spoke In Knglish and Rev. Dr. Wnckernagle, et Mulilonberg college, lu German. A Fillne Ctinrse. As stated hi yesterday's paper, Constable McNUl, of Media, Delaw nre county, arrosted J. M. Ilorer, watchmaker, of this city, for the larceny el n watch twlenglng te J, M. Themas, of f aid place, and took him te Media for 11 hcanng. At the hearing, which took place bolore Magistrate Mchelas Walters, the charge against Mr. Herer was shown te be utterly groundless. Mr. Heler before he cime te Lincater had b-eu In business in Media, aud having n number or watches en hanu belonging te customer--, who had left theni rer repair, he advertised In the papers notifying the owners te call for thorn and pay charges ler their repalr. Mr, Themas failed te call for his watch, and Mr. Hefer, net knowing where te llnd him, brought the watch with him le Lancaster. It Is an old cencern, net worth mero than a dollar or two, nud Mr. Hefer was willing at auy tiiue te re turn It, it he had known where te llnd the owner. As seen as theso facts were brought out Magfstrate Wnlters dlscharpe I M r. Heler without costs, nud he Is again at his place of business in this city. An Unjui.1 Ta. from the Mew Km. Why tax oleomargarine Why slngle It out from the thousand ether products et the country for taxation ? A preposition te tax every pound el cheese, every gallon of sorghum, overy ion ml of sugar or every bushel of wheat produced In the country would be howled down from one end of the country te the ether. Oleoniargarine Is no mero an article te be singled out for taxa tion than any of Ihc-e. Te attempt it U a mlstake. Kqually n mlstake was tlie attempt te de clare it unwholesome mid unlit for human feed, Kmlnent chemists have long since re corded contrary verdicts. Te attack It en this ground was only te call lerth oxpert tea tea tlmeuy, and this the oleomargarino men have net been slew in doing. Oa the DlatnuiHl. The League games between New Yerk and Washington wero postpenod yesterday en ai-ceunt of rain. The ethers played resulted asrollews: At Detreit: Detroit 11, Kansas City I; at Chicage: Chicago II, St, Leuis;!; at Hosteu : Philadelphia I, Hosten 2. Thn Athletic Hiltimore and Brooklyn Metropolitan gamet wero postpenod yostor yestor yoster day. The Cincinnati doteated Louisville by" I te a The Wllkesbirre club defeated the Wll Wll llamspert, at the home of the lermer yester day. Hasney is new playing en the Williams (Kirt club. MeCermlck has pitched tvvelve games ler Chicago and wen them all. St, Leuis has wen twenty-eight games and lest nineteen. Brooklyn, which Is second, has lest the same nuuiber aud wen twenty- tour. The. Reading Clcariniikcr. Thirty-six non-union cigarmnkers wero at work atGUser it Frame's racteryln Reading en Thursday. When they left the shop in the evenlng they recolved the usual salute from the miscellaneous mob of 2e0 m-onle who had congregated about the place. Tlie Arm has new tired of these demonstrations and swore out a batch or warrants bolore Mayer GeU against the belligerents. This morning Chief of Pollce Fleck will start out te make wholesalo arrests. The charge against the ollenders Is maintaining a nuisance, obstructing the highways and alarming the pubile by violent demonstra tions. The Market Street Hrlilife Contract. Philadelphia councils llnance commltteo has approved tlie contract of R. A Malene A Sen, of this city, for the erection of the new Mnrket street bridge nt their bid or $271,000. The question was raised as te the amount te be paid by the Traction company, but no action was taken. Chlet Engineer and Sur veyor bmedley presented lettera from the Traolien etllcera agreeing te pay the addi tional charge?, which will be about $20,000, IS, 188G. C'tit I'liU at Bupper, There Is but ene fraternity supper at the commencement of Ftanklln and Mar shall cellege aud that was held last night at Al Fulmer's hotel, North Queen street, by .ela Chapter el the Chi Phis. Fifteen mem bers wero present and they had a line lime, S pooches worn made and toasts drank by the dlirerent inornlierH. The supper was gotten up In oxcellont style by Mr. l'u liner, who was highly pralsed for his miccesslul cllert te ploase. The menti was as fellows : l.lttle Neck CUnit. 0 Mers en Halt Shall. Til rlln Soup. Deviled Crabs. Spring Chlcken. Oldcken Croquettes, rregs. told Ham. Hwrettlrcnrt. Urecn I'eas. HarntegaChlpt. Lebster Salad. Chlcken Salad. CraliHalad. Ilinnnas. Strawberries. . Orange,. Nuts. Cakes. Ice Cream, Wolfe DtlliiM III, I'o.lllen. Charles S. Welfe has Issued the following statement te the press ; "Regardless el any opinions concerning my consistency and my motives and regard less or ether misstatements of fact, which I will notice later, be kind enough te correct the misstatement that 1 nominated my sol r rer Prohibition candldate fur governor at Hradlerd, or that I ever said I would accept such nomination If tonderod me. I have uniformly said I would net accept such nom ination though tendered me unless I was convinced such acceptance was a matter of imporative duty. As te this matter Prohibi tionists and myself will be fully competent te Judge without any advlce Irem interested outsiders. Self abnegation, harmony, wise counsels and 'aggressive action will charac terize all Pennsylvania Prohibitionists at tills tine. "Chaiu.ksS. Wei.t-K." The Central Trani.iortatieii Company', Suit, The examination et witnesses for the de fense in the Central Transportlen company's suit against the Pullman palace car company, brought te recever rental under the terms et the original lease et 1ST0, was still under way before Judge Hutler, In the United States Circuit, en Thursday. Among the witnesses examlned were General Herace Perter, vice president of the defendant company; Attor ney Charles I, Atterbury, of New " erk, and Kilward II. Geedman, the Kastern superin tendent of the Pullman company. The argu ments of counsel are made te-day. The Coneitega Plihlnc; Club. A number of gentlemen of the city and county met at Gee. A. Smith's hotel In Cen tre Square last evening and organ Izod a club, te be known ps the Conestoga Fishing club. It will be au organization simitar te the Tucquan club. It Is the Intention el the club te camp for a week in August en the Tucquan grounds. Following are the officers elected : President, Sam Matt Fridy; vice president, J. W. H. Ilaiisman ; secretary, Israel Carpenter ; treasurer, 11. K. Demuth ; executive committee, Jehn It KevinskI, Sam Matt Frldy and Goe. Ah Smith. I'resented a l'lcture of ThAildena Stevena. Frem the llarrtuburg Telcgraph. Cel. Samuel Shech, or Columbia, a lifelong frlend of Hen. Thaddeus Stevens, has pre sented a large and Unely executed portrait of him te Pennsylvania college, at Gettysburg, of wlilch he was ene et the founders and 11 trustee until his death. The portrait was made in lSTlS and shows Mr. Stavens as he was In his early manhood. Cel. Shech's gift will be gratelully appreciated by nil the friends el the college. lleferm, are en Iho March. Frem the Lltltz Recerd. Mayer Morten, el Lancaster, ought te be happy and the citizens satisfied. 1 1 Is rule le de business in the right way has given the city a medel elice force and his scheme te lessen the tramp crop is indeed a great ro re ro lerm. Te the work house and net the station Is where his honor sends the knights of the read ; and they will be made earn their beard there. Return or a Venerable Taaler. Rev. Isaacs. Demund, who was pasloref St. Paul's church nearly a quarter or a cen tury age, and who is about 8.1 years or age, Is en n visit te Lancaster te attend the celebra tion el the ene hundred and llllleth auulvor auulver sary or the establishment or the Reformed church in this city. Rev. Demund Is n guest or Judge Leng. He will preach in St, Paul's Sunday morning. Alderman Spurrier's Court. The hearing of the case el fatso protense made by C. A. Reece, of this city, against Isaac Hach, of New Yerk, has been post poned until Wednesday next. The case of Frank Shirk, who charged M. J. llenkle with steallng a watch, was dis missed, thore being no ovldence te sustain it. The charge of the larceny of a clock made by Alice Farley against Samuel Overly was also dismissed. A l'relty Mein. In laying a large water main near Char Char eotte street, en West Orange, the workmen discovered a terrible slouch inn sewer, which had te be opened. Upen making examina tion they found the intestines of three cattle In the Fewer. These undoubtedly came from seme butcher shop and the matter should be looked alter. It is little wonder that seme sections of the city hnve been un healthy. The Itscea To-tnerrutr. The races which wero postponed from Whit-Monday will take place at McGrann's park te-morrow afternoon at 2 o'clock. There will be trots iu the 3:00 aud 2M5 classes, aud six dogs, owned by jwrtles In this city, will run ler n purse. Llvely contests nre expect ed. Te He at I.ltltz oil the Fourth. Irem tholti-ceid. Resides Gen. Heaver, who will positively be here en the Fourth, it is probable that Gov. Pattlsen will come, and both these dis tinguished gentlemen will dellver addresses. Music will be furnished hy two bands the Sprlug Garden, of Yerk, mul probably the Kphrata band. Council Chambers Renovated. The committee of councils, at the head or which is Charles J. White, have had the council chambers thoroughly renovated, and the carpets new loekn-s new as the day they were tlrst laid down. The Mayer's Court. The mayor dlsposed of half a dozen cases this morning. Three drunks paid costs, one was discharged with a reprimand, mid two ledgers were discharged. Sale of Property. Te morrow ovenlng, the city property committee, through Joel L. Haines, real es tate agent, will eiler at pubile sale, nt the Leepard hotel, the old lactery property. The advertisement will be found lu another cel- Ulllll. Doinlulen Dulles Declaleu, Ottawa, Out., June 18. The Dominion government has commenced the organ) zatlen of regular customs ports lu the Northwestern territories en a basis simitar te that wlilch exists In the Kastern provinces. In the mat ter of several large seizures recently made by the customs elllcers at Montreal, the de partment has declared forfeited tlie moneys deposlted as securlty, but still held claims for the recovery of any penalty the law en such cases provided ler. A lloaten II00111 for IIIII. Hosten, Mass., June 18. Gov. Hill, of New Yerk, and ether guests were hand hand semely entertalnad after the speeches last night in Mechanics hall, hy a collation in the rear reception room. W. W. Doherty pro posed the health et Gov. Hill as tlie greatest governor et the greatest statu lu the Union, and Cel. Hcannel proposed three choers for D. U. Hill, the next presldent or the United States, and loud cheers followed the sentiment. The Wratern TOIilaky Pent Scheme. UiiiCArie, lit., June 18. The Weststn Kx. pert association (whisky peel) met at the Grand Pacllle hotel yesterday. About 1125,. 000 of the sleck of the American Purchasing and Leaslnn company, wlilch Is te exist within the Hel le pay tlie e'.nscd honses, was subscribed, leaving about t7fi,000 unprevided for. Asa geed many monitors were net prosent, and as seme who were tliere pro pre pro lessod Ihomselvos net ready te sign, the asso ciation adjourned for two weeks, te give the backward dlstlllets tlme te come in. It aeems from prosent appearances very likely that the whele schome will fall through as all mint Jein It before It can be started, and a numbore! distillers show a decided Inclina tion te stay out. Jr It tails, the peel will doubtless be reconstructed under the old name and terms, which seems te te the only basis the diversified interests can te united upon. Whelmsle Arreat of 'Intln Wrerkera. Pahsenh, Kan., June 18. Twenty-three arrests wero made Wednesday and several mero warrants issued yesterday for the ar rest of persons who twrtlclpated In the late atrlke. Ten or twolve of them are known te have assisted In the wrecking of a passenger trains, four mlles aeutu of Parsons, during the strike. Frank Feley, who was captured in Colerado, and was expected te arrlve here Wednesday night with Detecttve Masen, la known as one or the partles who helped te tnlsplace the rails that caused the wreck. A telegram just received here states that Masen had been assaulted and Feley taken from hi in. The repert has net been authen ticated, but HA) fact that Masen should have arrlved here Wodnesday night nnd that no report has been recel veil from hltn has caused a great deal of uneasiness concerning his welfare. THK flWSI'KOT FUU WHEAT. A (lenerally Ooed Outlook and Harvest Twe Week, Karller Than L'ausl. Toi,i:de, O , June IS. Messrs. C. A. King .V. Ce., during the past three days, have ro re ceived sixteen hundred reports from grain dealers and millers, cevering almost every important nheat county in the six principal winter wheat states. Prospecta are very faverable except in Kausas and Michigan. Missouri has excellent prospects, Illinois nearly as geed, while Indiana and Ohie al most as favorable, Michigan has a fair pros pect but the outlook of Kansas Is peer. The yields gonerally promlse te be geed. Next week the harvest will be general in most el Illinois, Indiana and Ohie. Dut net In the nerthern sections until the lastef June and In Michigan the first of July. Har vest will average two weeks earlier than last year. Terrible Fire In a Michigan Town. CitAitLOTTK, Mich., June IS. Last ovo evo ove nlng about 9;10 are broke out In the Kxcel Kxcel sler block and proved the most disastrous that overvisltod this place. The block was the largest In town, nnd was occupied by stores and olllces. At 2 a. in. the lire was spreading, and the lire departments of Hattle Creek and Jacksen had responded te the call for help bysendlng appiratus en special trains. Ne detlulte estimate of the less and insur ance can yet be made, but the less Is proba bly ever ?60,000. Frank SUverwoed, who was helping as fireman, fell from a third story te the pavement and sustained fatal In juries. l'retialily Uaeil Ilia l'latel Toe Often. Sintv Fi:, N. M., June IS. Karly yes terday morning JoStlnsen shot and fatally wounded Win. McCann in the former's saloon, en San Frenclsce street. The two men had been carousing all night and had a few angry words, when Stlnsen placed the murzloet his pistol In McCann's face and ilred. Stlnsen is Iho leading sporting man of Santa Fe, and had several sheeting scrapes. Ills victim will probably die. Leat or a Ounrter el a Millien by Fire, San FitANt-tsi-e, June 18. Fire yesterday morning in the piano manufactory and sales rooms of M. T. Antisell A. Ce., en Kills street, caused a less of 200,000 en their stock ; In surance, $100,000. The lass le the furniture and stock of W. G. Henry .t Ce.. adleinlmr. Is ?'i),000 ; covered by Insurance. Te the building, owned by Mrs. Mark Hepkins, $."i,000 ; covered by Insurance. Hail Damage, Creps lu Dakota. F.vnae, D.T., June 13. A hall storm Wed nesday night struck seme of the great bonanza farms of Dalrymple, Cass, Cheney, Green and ethers, seme 20 miles west of Farge. Partles lest night reported the damaged strip about seven miles long by two wide, as far as known, with mere dam age In ether localities. The wheat Is badly cut down, but will probably partially re cover. Killed lly liee Slings. Mencik, Ind., June IS HenJamlu .eh tier, a wealthy miller, a few miles north of here, met a horrible death yesterday while engaged in hiving bee. The bees settled en his head and neck aud stung him te death. Within live minutes his body swelled te an enormous size. If BATI1KU I'JtUIIAltlLlTIXa, C Washington, D. C, June IS. Ftr New Yerk, Pennsylvania, New Jersey nnd Delaware nertherly winds, station ary temperature. Keit Satuhday Generally fair weather, with nearly stationary temperature is In dicated for New England and the Middle Atlantic states. A Strange Man Mlaalng. Hl'ffai.e, N. Y., June 17. Geergo Royd, an ecentrle Englishman aged about f0, has bearded at the Statfbrd house for ever two years, rarely Bpeaklng te anybody and promptly meeting his beard bills by means or a monthly stipend of $100 which was sent him by relatives in England. Boyd was subject te perieds of Insanity, ene of which occurred last Saturday night, He created considerable disturbance and en Sunday evening left the hotel', since which time he has been missing. Fears are entertained of his having com ml Red sulcide. Iltsijr Wind Storm. Hi'siiNi:i.i., Ills., June 17. A very heavy wind storm, accompanied by rain and hail, visited this place yesterday afternoon, blow ing down fences, etc., and doing some dam dam age te growing crops. Wallace A Ce's circus tent was blown down, injuring about thirty people, seme, It is foared, sorleusly. The tent waswell tilled nnd It Is a miracle that no lives were leiL The damage te the circus Is imlte heavy. Neal Dew and St. Jelm. PeitTi.ANi, Maine, Juue 17. it was an an an nounced yesterday that Gen. Neal Dew would accept the nomination for governor If his name was presented at te-day's conven tion. Kx-Governer St. Jehn, who arrived here last evening, was presented at tbe even ing meeting and made an eloquent speech. Alter the meeting eir. nt. j eihi ueiu an in formal reception. l'aaaengrr Hales lleduced. St. Paul. Minn., June, 17. The state beard of railway and warehouse commis sioners yesterday Issued its long expected order reducing passenger rates In Minnesota te three cents per lnlle. Mgned by the freahlent. Wahiunqten, D. V., June 17. The presl presl eont te-day signed the Arthur Kill bridge bill and the bills ter the reller of ex-Collee-ters Chester A. Arthuraad W. H. ResertWM, el New Yerk. PKIOE TWO Ol THK MilTH) TO COMtlBB HIS IMMI hiu. i.ubt nr 1x7 re $. i&i A Sraue of Ktrllement In tji Teat Vete Shew, Nn Chance f t.rxUtatlnn In Tliu VengrM.W Speaker Vutei In the AITtrmMIr. Wahiiinuten. D. e.. JnnAiT ru. ll'l .1.. H .... . ' - . I 11 neu uiu jiouae was called te eMtr mmu muniing, mero was an unusually lafM Mat .1. ,.. , uiiMiiiiur. inis was due MM anticipation that tlie Uritl bill weuldk brought te the attention of the HoeM. ' Of A ller the transaction of some routine tmt nessMr. Illsceck, of New Yerk, stated tha thore was an understanding thai a BaeMenVj ' would te made te-day te be Inte the rmmA?L tee of the wholeon the tarHrblll, and Inquire ,i of Mr. Morrison as te what hour he intenl'.-'; tO lllSkn llial Itinllnn S- '. Mr. Mnrrlsntl rntilln,! II. al l. I.ImJI J? 1 4 make the motion nt uin n. m. 'J At exactly half past one. Mr. Mentana, nf '.-& Illinois, arese In his scat and addrelngttiJ i"'i meveu inai 1110 Heuse reselve Itself V lliln vmimlftnn nf ll,n etlinl. if..-.. ...-ri state of the Union, for the mimosa nl inLl.. '!. 1 , . . ....... . .. "- j. wring 1110 generai tariu uiu, ana en that mej.i lien demanded the previous question. TVi The nyes and nays were domanded and the f$l clerk preceeded te call the roll, 'the Heuse by a yea and nay vete declined "fl In f.n In nnn--UlA nf.l. t.-l.. .L- i '"t M ... jjum viriiiujiiiuQuiiiiu nuuie iur uiv) pur tmse of considering the generai tariff bill. The opposing (action have a majority of 17, jJ33 Speaker Carllsle voted In the afllrmatlve. ' "sl'St 'ihe roll call was proceeded with witheut1 f Incident until the name of Mr. Helrfiaft niw luHL-uuii. jn 1110 tuuiana Biaiesman DM vs.. 1 L been West looking after his fences It wu net iiiuugiiiiiiai no weum get back in ume te ( '.;. vine nn mr. Aiorrisen's motion, out telne .,., ;f Slimrlan or IdarnllnafTlina .Tmlfvn TTfiltnan v K I spended firmly "aye" voting te go Inte.-' cemmittee for the imrnose of considering Uta Jp, bill. Thn rnannnan tT Kft- llntm.il A "IW-.2 greeted with applause, and Ids friends fitki3 (ired nrnund htm nnd fthnnlr It la It and nr. J1-J. d'ally. Z$t&& The vote by which the consideration of IhtfiS f M ..luiMBviumuu uiu whVl UUIUUVUU wm BJW lWf Wf with deafen.!.!; choers en the He imbl ta -fe slJ- . ' "& .iiorrisen gave notice thai no would renew his motion en Tuesday next, and. McKtnlay stated that the oppenonts or the bill would be en hand. The Vele. The vete was as fellows : Yeas Carllsle, J. J. Adams, el New Yerk Allen el Miss.; Andersen, of Ohie; Jlallea tlne. Harbour. Harksdale. llarnes. Barrv. Heacb, Helment, Hennett, HIanebard, BHMfetyXJ Uleunt, Hreckenridge, of Arkansas. Breek-.i? - CabeU, Caldwell, Felix, Campbell, of New..!'- 5 Yerk ; Candler, Carleton, Catchlngs, Clriy,'v-' S Clements, Cobb.Cele.of Maryland; Compteo, "J '3 uomsiecK, iowies, 01 nerui Carolina; cram, ,-v,. Crisp, Croxten, Culberson, Daniel, DarfMi' . Davidsen, el Nertii Carolina; Davidsen, ei,r7,i j-ieriua; nawsen, uiuuie, ueuKtieny,).!- Tllinn Klulini. Print Wnrr,nir nllin Zi.V- .,'. Maryland; Gibsen, of West Va,; GUne,?? Glever, Green, or North Carolina; HaltA 1I.I..1I II.I,mnnil HhmvId tllMbl tf-H. . -.'.j" hill. Hendersen, nf North Carolina ; Hurhavrt. ,ti ' HewitL Hill. Helman. Heward. UudiL Hnt.. : ten, James, Jehnsen, of North Careliaa; Vi,' Jenes, et Texas: Klnir. Kleiner. Laflboe. .." r i , -r i ." Mabeney, Matsen, Rlaybury, AleCreawr, MnMMIIn M..1IO. Xflllai- Xlllla Mllnludl Mnrmm. fnrrtann Knal. Kaam. 'VAlann. fStWm 4- weed, Oates, O'Ferrall, O'Nell, et Mlaaeurl ;UjP, Outhwalte, Feel, I'erry, Ueagan, ReeBevSi'l iiicuarusen, ltiggs, liouerison, iiegers, eaa- ler, nayers, scett, Seymour, snaw, single-, fgSA ten. Skinner. Snvder. Snrlncer. Stewart, of - .--. Texas; Stene, of Kentucky; Stene, of , Missouri ; storm, Stewart, Hwepe, Taraney, ;i Throckmorton, Tillman, Tewnshend, Trlggi Tiiim Tucker. Van Faten. Wakefield. Ward. 1 dlana: Woaver. Iewa: Wellborn. Wheeler. 'teS Wlllla Wllann U'lnmn Winn Wnlfnivl .nl .'V Worthlnirten 110. iM Navs (ion. IL Adams. Allen, of MasaachU-.. .iJT setts; Andersen, or Kansas; Arnet, Atkinaea,! v'J telle, Heyle, llrady, Brown, of Indhuuii i'?'-vi ltrewn, 01 uiue; iirewu, 01 x-enuayiveaw s i. ltrumtn Huclianau, Huck, Burrows, Batter- -,-iA worth, campuell,er i'ennsyivanlatcampDetl, 01 unie ; Timetuy .1. campuen. et xsew xerxt . j-rj Cannen, Cenger, Cooper, Curtin, Cutcheon, M?A Dunham, KlIsborry,Kly,Krmentreut,Kvaaal &' Kverhart, Farqnhar, l-'elten, Flndiay, Flee, j?'; ger, Feran, Fuller, Funsten, Gallagher, ujr,!i,'7t3 eddes, Gllllllan, (leir, Greenef New Jereey;,- -J i.irusvi)liur, unmi, iiruumutir, xianuer, flsTtfIVjl den, Hendorsen, or West Virginia ; Uender-'Mye son. of Illinois' tin a inn av. iiAnnnrn. liarmae. n; ib ipburn, Herman, :-;; , Hepkins, Irien, fl'i Hires. Illsceck. Holines. .. . ' r. . .' . . Jacksen, of New Yerk ; Jehnsen, I ion, of New Yerk ; Jehnsen, of Indl- Vu Kelley, Ketcham, lafallette, Lalrd, Lawler, Lolevro. Leblbach. I.lbbev. Llnd-,' f-I lev. Little. Leng. i.euttlt, Lvmaa. T.vmn. 3T,1 Mnrlctinm. Xldrtln. MnAcinA. Ifn. ' aa-n', Cemas, McKenna, McKlnley, Merrinaaa, siv Millard. Mllllken. MellatL Merrill. Merrow. V Muller, Negley, O'Donnell, O'Hara, O'Neill et l'a.: Oiberne. Owens. Parker, t'avne. Par- '' son, Perkins, Feters, Phelps, Pldceck, Pm.; dar. Plumb. 1'rice. llandall. Banner. .,-' Keed, or Maine ; Wee, Keukwell, Ke-'Si? mela. Hewell. It van. Sawver. Scraatea. :"''. i Senev. Sessions. Smalls. Sewden. Hdoebm-. -C'. Snrhri.M Klnhlnnlnr. HtnelA. HtAWiirt. nf Va)r ..Ai" Wl ninnt ; HL Martin. Stnne. nf Massaehnnilla 1 r9M Struble. Swinburne. Svmes. K. H. Tavler. of 1.'?S Ohie; Ike U. Tayler, of Ohie ; Zacn. Tayler, of' M Tonuessoe ; Themas, of Illinois ; Themas, of Wisconsin ; Thompson, Vlele, Wade. Wade- -j worth, Wait, Wallace. Ward, or Illinois; , Warner, of Ohie ; Warner, or Missouri -Weaver, or Nebraska ; Weber, West, WWt- ' tng, Wllklns, woedburn 1S7. The Heuse after the vote en tbeMorrteot, tarlll' bill went Inte committee of the whole en the naval appropriation bill. An tUllter-a Death. . tl Madisen, Wis., June 17. H. M. Page, of M jiarauoe, lermeriy one ei lue ouueri ei u Wisconsin iS'ditc Journal and a man widely - known throughout the state, died Taeadavy evening el a complication of brain and lus troubles. He was the husband or the seftf stress Kose Marllanl, of the ftew Yerk i A Hhoeler Keleued. Kansah Citv, Ma, June 17. W. D. Oit-M , lisle, who shot Dr. Muuferd, Jehn llale tmA"fi)M Miss Streeter, Monday, was released Us r evening en ball In the sum or 11,000 la or the three cases. The Tliorauaen Tragedy. Kansas Citv, Ma, June 17. Ne Importance was made known ber ; concerning the Thompson Yerk. Tbe sod news occasioned . the many friends of theThempsesl'l deep sympathy is the general exp Is net known here whether Dr. ' was aware of bis marriage, but It U wib that he was net, as he had net spoken of It K his mends. Tbe lamily or the lady wfte wsff supposed te be young Thompson's fM state that there was no engagement fee") the young people, though TtttsaafsfA Mflj paid the lady attentions and featl eefsaaf ed with her until recently. 'N Tlmmnun t II III' 1 1 111 Ollalt l f '- " r Zl- .. - v uia UniM Uvea Kernan, of NeWtfMt .sjri CroekstoD, trrmmw" J".""f '-5. and Jeseph Cellins, .wimi- a, .. -i-.-L. iha Cnrmar DSMaTaMOi bytuwlfc TaetrriWWfM in th ttn wg"i " 'mmr u een .aul atLOOO. which j. T.McGulre, 1tCieum boeM la la ttlduptt, Hi X., mm .-& K X2 fsHHHMf vmr:tmm . mlilMI ' rkOaMMM eMd .. Tr - m m: - i,. i "it I ', 1 r r-i rjSfiLa-j'-r... Ji '. .iaJUi