Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, June 15, 1886, Image 1

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." it'll- r ,.! ?VJl T- ' "-!" VV ' .' I
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1ffi YWMtf
Jassasak. 'fv 3sTaH
n.U itmIii at Hi franklin jnl Miu.liall
College Chsptl-A Larue Allcllenre I'res-
nt W. II. Peter., Itaiirllln, I'm,
Take Hi I'rfre Th (Irillleiia.
The fourth annual contest or tlie Junier
clas was held In tlie cellege chapel en Mon
day evenlng, in Mjiitu of tint threatening
woatber the chapel was well crowded with
ln interested atidtonce, cninposed et tlie stu.
denU and friend or tlie Institution. Tlie
emblems or tiiuuriiltitf which Htlll drnjxi tlie
chaucel cast n gloom evor this interesting
occasion mul prevented auy inimical display;
It liavliiK lun thought best net In luive tlie
usual music nil account of tlie sadness mid
Kloem that recently canto upon tlie lnstlm lnstlm
tlen. At eight o'clock Prosldent Apple anil tlie
speakers or the evening entered tlie chapel
aud took their seals within the chancel, Im
mediately aRer which Dr. Apple arose mid
Rtated that the ohlect et this irathnrlmr wai te
award a prize, which had been nllered rorthe
urKwe or Increasing Interest In oratory, and
that Ilev. S. Stall, A.J. Kberly mid K. K.
Martin, esqr., had Imen Holectml hi h com cem com
tulttve erjudKUi todecldo te whom the prlze
Mheuld beglMin. Altur nuiieuncliiK that en
account or thu death el n near rolatlve Mr. II,
F Dltiuar was unable te take part In the con cen
ttwl, the Jlrnt orator, W. U. l,oter el Dan-
III", I'M., was introduced, whmeHUbJtct vtnt
Of nil the uxorieiicai purhapt the mtmt
uupleawul In te liciradlHagroeahlo truth.
Ne ene lias vllneiM)d the ovorthrew or hN
own doeti-rorited oenvlctUius without ruulliiKi
et diiwatliiractlen, tint IIiohe theucliU are neon
dU4liated liy the liilluvncoet the truth. Se
It U with neulal cinteininiid ki1IIU'aI ruferiui
which at the outxet arenluruiinK, hut in tlie
end bocemo a hleviliiK. Klrxl or all, why U it
that In public and pnvate llfewi muii
"liave Lxhjii WdlKhed In the tialance anil
round wantliiK"? The trouhle la they are
laboring undur n faUe couceptlou or Ilia
The traille In huiiiau Meth which tormerly
oxIMeil In our land wat net hall feb.ul as the
tratlle In iiipii'h principles mid honor
new exlsta In our inldHt, Tlie Unit npecl
uuder which this quoslleii challeiiKOu our
attontleu la ene which couceriiH us Individ
ually, hut orten lifcetni's a national ell. A
uotable oxample Is hoinage paid te neclal
citste. Keciuty is the prepur oleuiunt or iiikii,
but whau It Is open only te "bltie bleed "
thatcatue or in the " May I'lower," thun
aix-iety la an errer. When society uxcludes
theso who are Umenth their caste, but who
may 1h) mentally and ir.urally their HiiiKirlera,
then llrai-class society bvcemus a oentdiuptiulo
Hlavoer tiarrew-uiliideduti-Hs and projudlce.
Tliea next te aecial uiste w.mes the prextlj;e
efwcaltli, "Menoy makes the man," is
new adepted as an axiom. A man's
Importance Is Kovemed by the atate et Ills
exchcfpier. Corruption In (vel I tics Is another
Instance of the doeleuiout el lmlMiluiI
error Inte n national uvlL We mlht apeak
il bribery at tlie polls, or traille In wnnlerUl
votes and of ceuutlvsa ether corruptleiia.
Oladstone has ahewn te the world what a
man can be and should be in politics. Thern
la also alavery In religion, te dogma, creed
and ritual. The Kraxplnir Hellishncna and
nvarice el the Tuw Is d-uigureu te ttie In
deendpnce and liberty et the land and ap
pears In the form of moueply, which cause
htrlkiw. lncrtMse depression
and inisery. We llnd also In the pet ellcy
or the monepolIitlH nominally protection
ene or the greatest evlln. The xsiple have
been beguiled by the moneollsl Inte the bo
iler that they are beneilted by protection.
There aie many ether lnstancex et medern
alavery. It Is net our sphere te aiiKKest
pluus ler a modern Arcadia, but we all Ih
lleve there Is a better tlme ceuiIiik. In the
besom et overymau there is an iiiHtinctUe
belief that an epoch or hapnlnCHs Is In story.
This may couie nlew, but It Is as aure as the
law el right.
"or it i.viiiiuirANciu"
This was the title of the oration by J. u
Keush, Madlseuhurg, l'.u Tlie proudest
uienumeuts or earth and the nohleM achieve achieve
meets of its Inliabitants ruprcsent man either
as gathering or as ruling. 11 Is strength and
greatness are ineasurlsl by his wisdom In
kuewlng what te gather and hew te rule.
And this qualifies him te till his Intended
position, te bocemo the head of a family, the
building of cities and the founder and ruler
et nations. Met only is wealth and poner
transmitted from ene Individual te another,
but certain laws and rights, based en eternal
principles, becomes the hereditary posses,
alonset communities and organizations and
lead te the formation of civil government,
The fundamental principles are the
factors which doternilue Its character,
spirit and inability, while at the
satne tlme they decide what form
of government shall exist ; of all the
ruling principles that undorlle the ilillerent
forma of government, noue Is mera grand,
none inoieuoblo than tliat of liberty. Tills
liberty Is for meu alene and Is found nowhere
else In the tinlvorse, yet hew little does man
knew el It, hew little does he appreciate It.
Ask the politician what liberty is and he will
answer tliat it Is the right te vote ami the
privilege or a people te have a volee in the
government. The intldel Interprets it as the
freedom of thought and speech, while te the
reckless It means change. Freodein is of dl
vine crlgin and in Its highest form can be at
tained by man only wheu his will is In har
mony with Ged's will. .Freedom must con
slat In man's obedienco te the right
Hut in attaining this principle a high do de do
greo et moral and intellectual uoveiepmeutls
necessary. National character la the aggregate
or personal qualities. It should 10 thu duty
of the state te provlde for the education of
the masses. We ltve net for ourselveles
alene and It is for the geed of every ene te
recolve moral and rellgeus Instruction.
When;thls Is brought nbeut the Angel et
1'eave will sway her sceptre evor the land
and blossoms of poace and geed will te men
will spring up en every htll-slde. "Our
own ceuutry, the fair daughter or the Wost West
ern seas, the land of rare beauty, will be the
seat of a nation In which every man shall
leek up te Ceil as the chief ruler."
"I'Laduui en Tin: iionizex."
"Flashes en the Horizon" was discoursed
upon by A. S. Decbant, Fennsburg, Pa. We
live la a world whose watchword is Progres
sion. We llve in ail age whose motto Is
Chnstlanlzatlen. We llve In aceuntry whose
guiding lights are virtue, equality and
liberty. When King Chaes ruled supreme
ever tills earthly Kill It was net Inhabitable,
but It was net te remain in thlscouditien. The
saine Lord whom we new wernhip wrenched
thOBCoptrelrem the giant and brought fertli
the beautlful world. Itwasnosuddeu transi
tion J the world gradually boeaine and Is htlll
becoming mere beautlful, mere productlve
and beuce mero desirable ler the abede of
It Is net neceswiry that we should leek into
the far distant future for this purification.
History Is about te complete Its cycle.
Christianity started in the Kast and lias come
te the West, and Is new again returning te
the Kast and Is undermining the ancient reli
gious of Urahmanlsm and Itiiddhlsm. It will
seen have lived up te lis motto Christian!,
ration. Who among us is net proud of being
en American T Where is the American who
does net roverenee his country with lllial
affection. It seems as if we had left the
geed old times when honest men were
sought for efllctal honors, and reached
tliat era or civilization in which law break
ers and criminals are glven high places.
These who have totled dally in lowly ser
vices whose bodies are bowed with the bur
dens of life, whose hands have become
roughened, have they net built theso mighty
Mructures, and thus accomplished pirt et
their mission in elevating human nature T
Much men have contributed mero te the
world's glory than the fashionable fops, who
shiue resplendent in the giddy circles of
high life. Upen the world's horizon may be
Been the glowing Hashes of progression,
clothed in the glittering colors or the spec
trum. Upen the age's horizon appear the
long continued llashes el ChristlanUatien in
the purest of all colors white.
This was the title of the address by A. II.
Kothermol, jr., Monecaey, Pa. JJearly thir
teen centuries have passed Inte history since
the Eastern world was agitated by the rlse or
new prophet and law-giver, lie was the
kvndd of a doctrine fallacious bat fascinating.
In an age when nil religious sj stems worn In
confusion, when nearly overy Individual
conterod his foeblo worship iikiii seme sep.
nrate object, the seu or A bdallah arose among
the sands of A rabla, declaring "There Is but
ene (led ami Mahomet Is the prophet el Ued."
The teachings or the Keran touched the pop
ular lieartt it was a iKilitlcal platform rather
than n religion. All Arabia seen rallied
around the standard or the new prophet.
Persia and .Syria were conquered In quick
succession, ligypt was red need te submission
and Heme was fearful for her long estab
lished power. All Christendom steed
breathless hi the presence of tills new and
Kiwerful feu Hut tlie battle Is net always te
the strong, in the very height of Meslem
glory, when the ower extendi d from ocean
te ocean, wheu men began te (ear, en account
el tlie Increasing success or Islam, that tiller
all Mahomet might be right and Christianity
a myth, then the Naraceu swer received a
blew which forever slepimd Its movement
westward ; which droe It luck te Its native
deserts, a blew which established the supre
macy or the Aryan ever the Kemltlc race.
In the autumn of 73 Just a century aflur
the death or the prophet, the successors or
Mahomet planted their standard In front or
the city el Tours, In France. It was hore
that Charles Murtel, the duke or tlie Austra
siau Franks, resolved te meet them. The
Meld or Tours is forgotten. Tlie val
limit martyr troops et Charles Martoi
sleep in au unknown spot. Notucelumnls
raised te mark the restlng place or theso
neble dead. Hut history has erected rer
thorn a imiuder memorial, a monument mero
endurlng than marble. It grows largeraml
brighter with eacli succeeding generation.
13 very act et Christian kindness, overy step
or progress, every advancement or clvillza
tleu adds volume te Its structure.
uKL'iniNiiTiiii ce.NTi:sr.
After a few moments of consultation ltev.
8. KUttl arese and In behall or tlie judges, in
a few well chosen words, presented te .Mr.
W. It. Peters tlie beautiful geld badge which
had Isvui provided rer the winner of the con
test. Hev. Nlall remarked that the task put
Uien the judges was no light ene because of
the oratorical abilities that had been shown
bv each one hikiuir isirt In thu . tin Inst
ill Iwhalfef the committee en Oermauprl70
Dr. Apple called Mr. (Jee. Ijtisborger forward
mul presented te him the Carman prle and
then dismissed tlie nudlouce with tlie bene
diction. UliM-f)jr i:rrclr.
The class day exercises el tlie graduating
class are In progress en the ciuiptis as we go
te press this alteriioeu.
Til iileiuilal Oralleu.
Charles ISmery Smith, esq editor or tlie
Philadelphia I'rcft, arrived in Itucaster this
attorueou, accompanied by Assistant Post
master Parker. Mr. .Smith, who is a scholarly
writer and au able and elequent Mpoaker,wlll
delhcr the bieuulat oration in the court
house this evening, and the general public
has been invited te attend. Ills subject wilt
lie "Aspirations and Inspirations."
The oxercises en the college campus will
begin te-morrow morning at H o'clock with
reunions et the societies. At lUi'SO meeting
or the alumni. At Vli0 alumni dinner, and
at 0i) the dedication or the observatory : ad
dress by Prof. Yeung, or Princeton college
Thern will also le au address te the alumni
association at 7; 15 ill the college chapel.
niitii's i:vr; mkw ei'mtati: rei.irius.
Jehn l.oaien defeated ex-Speaker it. 1.
Hewitt, for tlie congressional nomination in
lllalr county, by 81 te l.
Washington and Cumberlaud llepubllcaus
declare that they want Iteaver for governor.
The laller are for K. 11. Themas for llouton lleuton llouten
ant governor.
In tlie Iiwrctice county Democratic con
vention, a motion te Instruct the delegates te
the state convention te vote for Curtln first,
last ami all tlie time was lest by an over
whelming vole. The ticket placed in the
Held is us follews: Assembly, J. Nerman
Martin and Dr. II. Nyej assoclate Judge,
I3llas Leng and Jehn MrConnell; coroner,
J. D. Weed j reglster and recerder, Frank
Johnsten; member of state central commit
tee, J. II. Cooper; delegates te state conven
tion, J. H. Woakley and James A. Fleming.
The Adams county Democratic convention
nominated William A. Martin for state
Keuatc, Dr. Ooergo I, Kiee and W. Heward
Dicks for Heuse of Itcpreseutatives, (ieorge
It. II. (immuier for prothenotary, F. s.
Cremer for director of the peer and Dr. J. C.
Felty ler coroner. Dr?K.K. l'ereiiiau was
elected chairman of the county committee,
The resolutions coucede the congressman te
Yerk county and claim the senator, as in
regular turn. They favor Lieutenant Gov Gov
ereor mack for governor mid indorse Con Cen
gressmau .Swelsj.
riertn Notes.
Fi.emx, June 15. Andrew lleutzel, of
I)oer, Yerk county, was the guest or Hev.
S. it. Oipple during the past week.
Tobacco planting in the vicinity or Flerin
Is about evor new. A great many farmers
who Used te Tarm Havana planted soed leaf
this season,
The leve feast at Mr. Musser's was well
attended, considering the Inclemency of the
Mrs. Jehn Leng has been en the sick list
for soma tlme.
There was a festival held in the Flerin park
last Saturday evening for the benefit of the
cornet band which was well attended.
Anether lestival will be held in the same park
next .Saturday evening ler the benefit or the
V. H. church.
The colored band of Lancaster city was in
town yesterday.
Dunkanl. On Their Wajr te l.eve Fea.t.
Frem the Ilarrisburg Patriot.
Monday night a large delegation or
Dunkards or Klver Hrethers from Yerk
county arrived in this city and were Joiued
at the Pennsylvania depot by an equally large
number from Lancaster county. These noted
Christian people are en their way te Curry,
lllalr county, where a leve feast will be held
at the residence ofaee.Latshaw, at that place
en Wodnesday and Thursday. Among the
Lancaster delegation Is tlie eminent minis
ter Jacob Hestetter. Jehn Keller, another
distinguished divine, will also be in attend
ance, representing In part, Yerk county. The
two counties combined uumbored probably
75 persona. They will return en Friday.
I.lriulU I-ove anil Taper Kluea.
Letters Head In a New Yerk Court.
Octobers, 181.
I shall been tlme te meet the contracting
parties nt 3 p. m. With 178,375 kisses, I am
your Wilmij.
Te Mi i.i.i i:.
Novembora, 1SSI.
I send you a gallon of pure love, pure as
the honey 1 sent, and a thousand and ene
kisses. Yeun Wii.lii;.
A Hene Thlel IaiiIsmI In Jail.
Uoiibtable Lewis lleyer, or Schuylkill
Haven, arrived hore this morning with
(ieorge Ilreldegam, the thief who stele Kd
ward Keller's team at LltlU en .Saturday
nlghu He was arrosted In that town by the
ceuntable en a telegram giving a description
of the team, with the stolen team In his is is
sesslen. He was taken boferea Justlce of the
peace, given a hearing and committed te the
Lancaster veunty Jail. Mr. Keller will make
formal complaint against hlin befere Alder
man Fordney.
Forty Heur." At St. Mary'..
The " Forty Hours" dovetlon at HL Mary's
Catholie church continues te be largely at
tended. At last evenlng's services ltev.
Father Kenten, of Harrlsburg, preached an
able bormeu, ami llev. Mellride, of Harris
burg, colebratod benediction. These clergy,
men wero also within the sanctuary : Itev.
Legue, of Harrlsburg, and Hellly, or Yerk.
The services clese at 720 this evening with
precession and benediction.
Anether Charge Acalutt GUsere.
William (Jllgore, who was arrosted en Sat
urday for assaulting his wife, was again ar
rested last night. The charge against him Is
failing te provide for ills children. Alder
man Mcaiinn will dispose of the case.
Went te 8jne.
Ileva. Fry, Houpt, Keed and Mayser, lei t
for EiSten Uwlay te attend the sessions of the
130tU annual oenv entleu of the XjUtUeran
or i.Aur vr.Ait.
Til 'HI C'rnp ViirlnB I'lnrljr rih Itrailr lur
Mailiifscturlng llnaliifia. In lll (leixl.
Nut rrf Artlir Tlifi Markcl. In New
Vurk, l'lillilcliliU anil lUillniere.
Tim only Imiiertant sUtoment te make
regarding l'eiinsylvanla tobacco is that a
great proportion of tlm crop of 'fid haslioeti
planted, that the young plants leek well, and
that the Bcroage devoted te the culture or
tobacco wilt be as large If net larger than was
glven te the aame crop last year.
Theso facts have been gathered by ropro repro ropre
sontatlvosof the I.vTKM.icii'.NCKii who have
traversed a goodly portion of Lincaster and
adjoining counties. The writer, whehasjust
roiuriieu inreiigna lourei me upKir town tewn
Hhl el ltncaster county and the lower
townships of Dauphin, and through the
Cumberland Valley as far as Carlisle, reports
an apparently Increased acroage in these
localities and many farmers yet ougaged in
setting plants. Heme tanners say they have
net yet begun te plant: that .after they take
tlielr hay oil', which will be within a week or
two, they Intend te plow down the sod and
lilaut tobacco. If tliev shall be favored with
as geed w rather as tlie early planters have
had there Is no reason why they should net
have equally geed crops.
Wo'seo no reason te recall the advice we
gave our farmers a fortnight age; Plant a
lull crop, take geed euro et It, and there will
be a market for it at fair prlces. 'i'hore need
be no fear of au over-proiliictloiiorooif sood seod soed
lnifor Havana soed tobaccos.
Net lunch trade was done lu old tobaccos
last week, Imkuiuse there Is net much of It te
be found. We met a gentleman from Ceney
en Monday who was looking ler a purchaser
of !1M) eases of 'Kl leaf which he says Is geed.
The 'be crop Is curing llnely, and is already
coming Inte market. Mkllnsv. FroyseIdHU
cases ofthelr packing or Havana seed a row
days age,, ami mero are inquiries ler tee
saine kind lu ether quarters. Wome ' Beed-
leal also has been sold, but net much.
The Xeir Yurk Mnrket-
The Tobacco Lett says; A steadier busi
ness was doue eud a hotter feeling porvades
tlie seed leaf market. Although we are net
at liberty te glve details, we cm say nearly
I.OUO cases or 1831 Wisconsin changed hands.
The price for ene let is 1-U cents. There Is
a general scrumble ler old Pennsylvania, but
tlie market Is almost bare of them. The new
tobacco Is being discussed, and tlie faverites
with the various packers happen always te
tie the kinds they held most or. This, of
eoume, is qulte natural, but It does
net aid ene In forming a correct
opinion as te which tobacco Is the IkjsL
'luelve hundred bales Havana tillers
were taken at from ) te f 1.05. The Havana
market enjoys semewhat of a lioem this
week, mid the long predicted advance lu
prices for old geed may result from the
activity. The sale by one large concern of
1,000 bales, MM of which wero taken by a
local jobbing firm, created a broeMi that re
freshed the trade.
Of Sumatra Km balm wero disposed of at
from ?l. HO te f 1. 15. We saw this week some
samples of beautiful new tobacco, but there
Is Heme doubt as te whether tlie tobacco
they represent will pull through at 35 cents
The trade lu Western and Virginia leaf, in
plug tobaccos, cigars and smoking tobaccos
shewun Improvement.
(tan. Weekly Itepert.
Sales of soed leaf tobacco roiertod I py J. H.
(Sans' Hen V Ce., tobacco broker, Ne, 131
Water street, New Yerk, for the wcek end
ing June II, lted:
5'-"Jcvses lsl Pennsylvania, 1I'-,C1 tc.; f-'OO
cases ItAl Pennsylvania, (c.ll ; IbO cases
lJSiain Havana, ',fsl0a; i!00 cases 1S.S-I
Wi&Bin Havana K-i 1 1 ' , c ; loe casei ltS5
Wlseeiain Havana, p. u ; Uoe cases sundrles,
ofeJ.-jc, Total, I,loJcases.
llatiiinerKtelu's Weekly Tnlk.
The Tobacco Journal reierts a very on en on
ceiiragiug state of atlairs in New Yerk; an
unusually large number of cigar manufactu
rers from abroad are in the city replenishing
their supply of cigar leaf which they had al
lowed te run dewn: 'l Wisconsin, which
went begging at 10 cents a month or two age,
Is held te-day at nothing less than 12", cents
and large holders w he were preparing te un
load have reconsidered and new decline te
treat except at higher ligures ; ever 1,000 cases
of 'SI Wisconsin were sold last wcek, and Is
taking the place of new Connecticut seconds.
New ('5) Pennsylvania took a fresli Btart
this woek, showing sales of 600 cases tit, ro re ro
grettable te say, private terms. A mero ex
tended Investigation convinces tlie Journal
that new Hotisateulo is net as geed as it was
reKrted a week or two age. Sumatra and
Havana have au upward tendency In prices.
The New Yerk Tobacco Leaf Is deetily
concerned lnbehalf of the cigar jobbers, who
will be boycotted by the Internationalists If
they use a Knight of Liber label, and by the
Knights if they use au International label
and by Ixith If they use no label. Tlie Leaf
proposes te the jobbers the dreadful alterna alterna
Ue et consigning off labor labels te the bot
tomless pit! This would be werse than the
boycott te which the Leaf Is he bitterly op
posed. The t'tillartelnlita Market.
Tlie business of handling leal tobacco suit
nble for cigar purposes cannot be claimed
the last week as satisfactory ; and yet when
It Is considered that the present is the oil
season or the year for seed leaf (for It is tee
early te oxamine new), when common pru pru
dence requires the dealer and manufacturer
te abstain from buying old only in such
quantities as te till immodlate wants, the ag
gregate pales feet up very encouragingly.
Prices still rule low and favor buyers.
Sumatra Is salable, but mero closely exam
ined. Havana Is markotable always, especially
If quality Is shown. Old has the llrst call.
ltecelpts for the week m cases Connecti
cut, 300 cases Pennsylvania, 10 cases Ohie, 73
cases Wisconsin, 82 cases Yerk state, 75 bales
Sumatra, 103 bales Havana, ami 431 lihds.
Virginia and Western luaf tebacca
Sales show 10 cases Connecticut, 13- cases
Pennsylvania, "il cases Little Dutch, 39 cases
Ohie, 102 cases Wisconsin, 10S cases Yerk
state, rS cases Sumatra, 133 bales Havana and
17 hhds. Wostern leaf In transit direct te
Kx ported or leaf tobacco Te Liverpool,
or str Hrltlsh Princess, 200,931 lbs ; teSagua,
per bark II. U Oregg, 1,37 lbs. ; te Havana,
ler brig J. II. Cranden, 702 lbs. ; total, 200,
113 lbs.
Trade in line cut and smoking tobacco,
snutV and cigars remains satisfactory with
gradually Increased demand.
Ilultlmure Market.
Under liberal receipts and small shipments
stocks in warelietibes continue te increase,
and present additional attraction te buyers.
The inquiry from slilppe.s for Maryland Is
geed, but Bales reported are small. Ohie Is
in geed receipt and fair inquiry, with sales
eP200 hhds for Italy and 112 Marylaud for
Duisburg. The French contract for 0,500
hhds Maryland tobacco was awarded yester
day ami will be executed by Messrs. Honlncer
llies. This, no doubt, will bring new lire
Inte the market, and au Increased activity
may be looked for seen.
Kinlllullle Nete..
SMiTiivn.r.K, June 15. Quite a number
of young folks met and surprised Mr. T.
McAIoe, of Hawllusville, en Saturday even-
lug. A line tlme was had which ended by a
bountiful repast belug partaken of.
Wm. MeFallSjOfMartlcvllIe, showed your
correspondent ene of the largest strawberries
he ever saw. It measured eight indies in
circumference aud is a monstrous-looking
berry. It is new in posjesslonor Mr. J. It.
Mr. Goe. Aitheu&e'a wlfehas been lylug
very ill for miiie time with llrlght's disease
and heart disease.
Mr. J. Cenrad, Mr. ft, Herr and Mr. Wm.
Met-alls are each erecting large barns en
their farms, all three or which are lying ad
joining each ether.
The plcnie keasen has fairly opened. On
Whlt-Slenday there was one at Yerk Fur
nace and at Martlcville. On Saturday, 19th,
there will be ene at the Buck. Surprise
parties, tee, are raglnjj, theugU Uiey are dr..
dining in popularity.
Una Mnu anil Three Wmneti Arrested by tlie
1'ullre In a ' f Infamy,
Last night the pollce olllcers of the city
made a doscent upon a dlnreputable heusn
and the occupants were tricked up. Fer soine
tluiepasl Alben ingrain, whose occupation
is given in the directory as a carpenter, has
been residing at Ne. 20 West Lemen stroet.
The place kept by him Lecarno qulte notori
ous, and women, men anil even little girls,
with the worst reputations, Islled the house,
They made It it sort of headquarters and
their conduct was at times disgusting. Thern
was a great deal of drinking and as a result
mero or less lighting nnd disorder at the
place. Mrs. Ingram has been a leading spirit
In the fun and disorder, ami shu received
great assistance from her daughter Mamie,
who Is net yet fourteen years old, but well
hardoned in crlme. Thofmuate liearders "
at the house and their callers often as Ms ted
lu raising rackets.
Hosldes Mauile tlie ingrains have soveral
ethor small children, who were often oye
witnesses te sights which wero calculated te
shatter the norves of much eldor poeplo. it
is said tliat tl.e occupants of tlie house wero
net only disorderly, but have been guilty of
morn serious crimes as several men after
being "reped" into the place were robbed of
tlielr money and valuables.
The heuse boeaine n nuisance te the nelgh.
borheod aud complaint was made te the
police. Yesterday, It Is said, the poeplo
or the place caught a "sucker" and obtained
considerable money. They at ence proceed.
ed te get drunk and bocemo noisy. At ene
o'clock this mnrnlug,attorebtalnlug'warrants
from Alderman McConemy, Chler Smith and
Olllcers Pyle and WalHh raided tlie ranch.
Thoyleund the (rcupants drunk and took
Ingram, his wlfeSarah, their daughter Mauie
aud If little Wilsen te the station house.
Miss Wilsen; Is a rnther nice looking woman.
She wero a brown silk dress and said her
home was In Harrlsburg. She did net see in
te be a great deal worried evor her arrest,
but admitted tliat the "crib" she had been
brought from was a bad one. Mrs. Ingram
claimed that Ilattie was her seamstress.
This Miss Wilsen denied hut said she was
the " star bearder " and iald Mrs. Ingram
W.C0 per week for her accomedations. Mamie
ingrain Rim .miss Vinsen were placed
In a cell together, but they did
net sleep a great deal. They Hjicut
the night lu a rather rich conversation. Mr.
aud Mrs. Ingram wero each placed In dlllor dlller dlllor
ent cells, whero they yet remain. Ingram
will be held for keeping a disorderly house
and the ethers for drunken ami disorderly
conduct. Aldennan McConemy has net yet
set a tlme rer a hearing and before it comes
oil ether charges may be brought.
On Sunday morning about two o'clock
there was a great deal of noise at tlie Ingram
"castle." A party of young fellows, who
w ere out en a lark and had been drinking,
visited the heuse mid kicked in thu deer.
Ingram brought suit against u number of
them who are charged witli drunken mid
disorderly conduct and malicious mischief.
Jeseph Dally and James Dennelly, of the
Sixth ward, and Hart Williams have been
arrosted aud held for a hearing liefure Alder
man McConemy.
Children's !ay In Mount .ley.
Mount Jei, June 15. Children's Day
was appropriately observed in the M. 10,
church hore en Sunday. The church was
llnely decorated and an interesting pro pre
gramme largely devoted toaddresso", recita
tions aud singing carried out.
The Church of (led here also ebserved the
day set apart by tlie goneral eldership ei the
Church of Oed in North America for the
bottom of the college of tlie Church of fied
at llndlay, Hancock county. Ohie. The
church was llnely decorated. Oier the
pulpit recess was the motte: "Our
College Day" lu black totters put en
gilt background. Threo shields covered
with evergreen, en which were the words,
"Leve, Faith, Truth," covered with gilt in the
order uamed, wero placed en tlie back of the
pulpit recess, and under the gas light pro pre pro
seutod a line appearance. A little away from
the shields wero two gates covered with
cedar and myrtle. On the gates were the
mottoes "Werk" and "Prajer," en a pink
background. Aside from these tlie decora
tions censisted of petted plants, iKiiiquets,
Ac In front or the rostrum wasu beautilui
cniss covered with white Ilowers and ever
greens. A ilne pregramme or recitations,
Ac, was carried out.
The decorations of tlie church wero the
work of Phil. J. Dieter. Tlie two most
notable UvUures of the evening entertainment
wero the singing or the two soles by Mr. II.
C. Hrtmmer mid Miss Annie ltelh. Beth
are line vocalists aud rendered geed music.
llasn IMII Uriel.
Threo Leaguo games worejpl.iyed yesterday
and they resulted as follews: At Dotrett :
Detroit 11, SU Leuis 0 ; at Chicage: Chicago
0, Kansas City 1 ; at Hosteu : Washington C,
Bosten 3. One game only was played in the
American Association, the Leuisville defeat
ing Cincinnati by 1 te 1.
The Willlamsert club made a miserable
showing bolore Scranton yesterday, and the
latter wen easily by 18 te J.
Umpire Tuiilsen, of the American Associa
tion, has received notice trem President
Wykeil notifying him of his release. Tuni Tuni
seu had given outlre satisfaction in all the
games which he umpired, aud no cause fur
his reloase Is known.
Farmer, catcher of the Hrandywiue club,
will be given a trial by thu Athletic.
Klrby, pitcher of the St. Leuis club, had no
less than ten errors yoaterday.
The Louisville team Is playing great ball
Just new, and are likely te push the Athletics
out of first place In a short time. Yesterday
but ene hit was made oil" Kauiey.
The Suit That Cliarle. A. Iteeie Has llreugtit
Acalu.l Isaac llaeh, et eu lurk.
Isaae Bach, eon of Llias Bach, tobacco
dealer, el Ne. 100 Water stroet, New Yerk,
was arrested at the Stevens house, by Chief
Smith, this morning, en a chargoef false pre
tense proferred by Charles A. Hcece, of this
city, before Aldei man Spurrier. The facta as
alleged by Mr. ltoeco are as fellows : On Jan
uary 8, Hach came te this city aud purchased
77 cases of leaf tobacco and did net have the
ready meney te pay for the same. He called
en Mr. Heece, with whom he was well ac
quainted aud represented te him that he had
tbe meney te pay for tlie tobacco deposited In
a New Yerk bank and asked Mr lteoce te
pay for the tobacco and he would settle with
him. Mr. Hoece advanced f2,775.22 and he
subsequoutlylearnedthat Hack did net have
any meney en dopestt. Bach gave ball for
a hearldg en Thursday afternoon at J o'clock.
Bach's father Is the New Yerk toliacce
dealer with whom ltoeco had some trouhle
soveral months age, about selling tobacco,
which it is alleged was cllpied by4 lteexv,
thereby Imposing en llacli. Ileece Is under
indictment for that ollense ami it was en tlie
trial list at the last term of court.
Urunned In the Utter.
The decomposed body of a young man was
found recently In the river at New Helland,
Yerk county. An inquest was held and no
papers were found te identify the deceased.
Semn time age, two young men stelo a beat
atGoldsberoand ouibarkedeu the t or with
the object of taking a ride down the river,
and perhaps net knowing anything of the
Couewago falls, had their beat upset, and
ene of them saved himself en the rocks. He
went te Yerk Haven in a uude condition and
related tbe circumstances, anil expressed his
belief that his companion, who hailed from
Middletewn, Dauphin county, Pa, was
drowned, whom, he said was a young man
witu very ligiu nair, wmcii exacuy corres
ponded with the body found. After Ixsing
clotbed by the geed peeple of Yerk Haven
paper mills the survivor left for parts uu uu
knewn. Our lllram In Hie lieiit.
Hiram Lutz, formerly f this city, new
chairman of the arbitration committee of the
Street-car Empleyes' association, Philadel
phia, has been requested te bocemo a Candi
da te for the leg slature in the Nineteenth
district upon a Labor-Ueform ticket. It is
likely he will consent.
Came 1'er Congratulation,
11 Kentucky has tent the best delegation te
O ougress of any state In the Union," said
Representative Kebin&ou of that happy atate,
at Wiilard'a the ether night. ' There ian't
a d n feel among us,"
15, 1886.
Tlie I'nrltsii, l'rl.cllla and Atlantic Contenting,
A Heed Htart Mails Ilnlletln. Hliew lug
th rn.lllnna f Ills Ven.el. at Vari
ous Timet In Hie Content.
Ni:w Yeuic, June 15. The special class
race or the Atlantic club regetta, in which the
contestants are the Puritan, Prlscllla and
Atlantic, was started exactly at 10:18 a. m.
from the anchorage el the clubefl'Bay Kiilge
The ceurse evor which the yachts will sail Is
Irem the Atlantic yacht club ancherage down
through the narrows, te and around the
stake Isiat, near Huey Ne. 8, oil' the norlheni
point of Handy Heek, passing te the west or
the saine, tlience te and around tlie Scotland
lightship, keeping It onllie pert-hand, tlience
te and around the Sandy Heek lightship,
keeping It en the pert and back te Huey Ne.
15. Distance, 37 miles.
The start was a geed ene, all threo yaehts
crossing the Imaginary line lu clese order,
the Puritan slightly leading. The weather is
cloudy and hay with a slight seuthwest
AHI.-OSa. m. the Puritan was leading as
the yachts wero beating down through the
All morning the scoue oil" Hay Itldgewas
ene of great activity. Cniits of every de
scription wero there, tugs, steamboats, and
the lleet racers of theyaching lleet. The
shore was lined with spectators, and the
chances of tlie big beats were eagerly dls
cussed. Kvery point was noted aud overy
line marked. The wind held steadlly from
the southeast aud gave overy ovidencu that
It was blowing a 11 vely breeze outside.
Sanhv Heek, N. Y., Juue 15.-1:05 p. m.,
Buey 5, eir Sandy Heek Point. Purltau,
12:11 p. m.; Alluutlc, 12:17 p. m.; Prison la.
12:'1S p. in.
Hiiiui.AMis, 1:10 p. m. The Puritan still
leads. She has Just passed this point, The
wind oll'the lightship is very light, aud the
Atlantic Is gaining oil the Puritan.
At the lightship thu Prlscllla was nppar
ently leading, followed by the Atlantic; both
have passed the Purltau.
Sa.niiv Heek, Juue 15. The Priscilla
rounded at 2:20 ; the Atlantic second at 2:25.
Saxhv Heek, June 15. 230 r. m. Tlie
yachts are new homeward bound. The
Puritan Is again ahead.
Warm Time In the Hellar.
Washington, D. C, June 15. Heuse.
The legislative appropriation bill was under
discussion te-day. Mr. Randall resisted the
amendment te restore the salary of the as
sistant treasurer at SU IjOuIb Irem 51,000 te
f 1,500. Mr. Hiscock said thore was new a
deficit of appropriations, as compared with
expenditures of mero that f 1 1,000,000.
Mr. Kaudall accounted for the large In
crease in expenditure during the current
year by stating that ?15,750,000 mero had
been expended en account of ijnslens
this year than was expended for
that purose last year. Anether cause e r the
Increase, he said, was? 15,250, 000 appropriated
by the river and harbor bill. He thought,
howev or,that tlie ligures given by tlie gentle
man rreiu New Yerk were tee high.
The umoudmeut was agreed te as was also
oil amendment oilerod by Mr. Folteu (Cal.),
increasing te f5,000, tlie salary or the asslstaut
treasurer nt San Francisce, and auether by
Mr. Woodburn (Nev.) making prevision
for the Carsen City mint.
The Yurx lleiuilillcau.
Yoni:,June 15. Tlie Republican county
couventlen met here te-day. Smyser Wll
llams,esq., was elected as senatorial dolegate,
and Jehn Kirk, James Wells, Jeseph Keagy
and Kebt. J. Parks, ropresontatlvo delegates.
The delegates were instructed for Dr. Chas.
II. Dressier, for coiigressinau-at-Iarge. On
ether candidates they are uniustructed, but
unanimous for Heaver for governor.
Ruminated As.l.taut burgeon.
Washimiie.v, I). C, June 15. The presl.
dent sent te the Sen.ite te-day the name of
Themas Andrew lUrrylitll, of Peuna., te be
au assistant surgeon in the navy.
itv wnti: FA 1 1 AN'lNi;ll.
Prluce Leepold, grandson of Dent Pedro,
empernr of Brazil, was presented te the pros
dent this morning.
The enate committeo en agriculture to
day granted a hearing te opponents et the
oleomargarine 1)111.
Civil Service Commissioner Kdgerten says
hehas "no thought of resigning; net the
man te retire lu front of au enemy." He In
tends te remain en the commission until its
fees are less in number than new particu
larly In the Deuiecratlu party.
The Blair " universal " pension bill was ro re ro
erted te the Heuso te-day Irem the commit cemmit cemmit
tee en Invalid pensions. As amended it
llxes pensions at J 12, uniformly, Instead of
grading from ft te f21 a month.
vv ami uewN Tin: stati:.
.Stanley Jacobs and Themas Dnlan, two
well-known young men of Haloten, were
drowned In Pend Iake near Shickshiuny en
Sunday morning.
The Pennsylvania, Poughkeopslo A. New
Kngland railroad was sold at Fasten by the
shorlllte L. O, Clioney, of Philadelphia, for
f5a The read was chartered te run rrem Har
rlsburg te the Delaware.
Colonel Daniel S. Lauient, prlvate Secre
tary te President Cleveland, wrete te the pro
prietor of a summer resort near Werners Werners Wernors
ville, Berks county, In reference te engag
ing rooms for the president mid his brlde ler
it few days.
The treuble botween the llrm or Themas
Kent it Sens uud their empleyes at Cliften
Heights, Philadelphia, was satisfactorily
settled yesterday. Tiie red-headed aud hoio heio hoie
tul chairman of the Kepublicau state com cem com
miteoo acted as arbitrator.
NurprUe I'urty.
Last evenlng a large number el young
ladles and goiitlemen met at the residence of
Mrs. .eigler, Water street, this city, te sur sur
prise her eldest daughter, Barbara, a
pleasant tlme was had by the participants or
the occasion, and a bountiful supply or
seasonable refreshments added te the enjoy enjey enjoy
ineutofthosamo, The party was under the
management of the B. D. W. 13. club, and
tlie success of it was largely due te tlie excel
lent arrangements of Kd. Temllu mid W.
Clillilreu'a Surprl.e I'arty.
Laura, a little daughter et Harrison Shirk,
or Ne, 131 West Walnut street, was thirteen
years old yesterday, and in thu evenlng her
parents gave her a surprlse party. Thirty
lour of her young acquaintances were present
and au oxellont supper partakeu of. The
happy daughter was presented with a watch
by her father and a geld ring by her mother.
Itlpe Old Age.
Kebort llose has dled at Berlin, ()., aged
101 years.
Mrs. Calharlne Marx died lu Heading en
Monday at the age or 93. Showastheinothor
of twelve children and an unusual number
or relathes mourn her less six surviving
children, eighty-eight graudchildren, 118
great-grandchildren and four great-great-graudchildreu
; a total of 210 descendants.
Deceased was the widow of Jehn Marx, long
since deceased, who resided In Lancaster
county. The surviving children are Mrs.
Kate Eyrirli, Hachel Conder, Mrs. Paul
Stauim, Jehn aud Ooergo, et Heading, and
Mrs. Hannah Kuendlg, of Lancaster county.
A flood llauit.
The Perseverance band, of Lebanon, an
excellent musical organization et twenty
ft ve pleces, arrived lu town at 2 o'clock to
day and went te the cellege where they will
furnish the music ler tbe class day exercises.
This evening they will be at Mwnuercher
William I'.lkinn wiie Aids Wldeucr te Capture
I'rauctilMM Kau and West.
Piiir,.vi)Ki.iMiiA,.lunel5. The frlends of
LlklnsandWIdoner, the Philadelphia poli
ticians and siwulateni who yosterday
captured Jake Sharp's railway In New Yerk
are in high gloe today bocause or the opera
tions of their chiefs in this city, Chicago and
New Yerk. They claim that tills combina cembina combina
tlen Is about te bocemo the strengest lu the
country in politics and business, and will
seen "run" the threo leading cities lu the
North, lllklns, whose picture as glven
only needs the (loop llerld tint or ids
countenance te make Itporfect, began as an
oil operator, but he certainly has uiadu piles
or meney and is a bold operator. He tickings
te the " quiet " order of men, but has bus!
I10H1' Paclty aud daring in high degree. He
and ldcner have been long associated to
gether lu street railway and ether enter
prises ; and It is said Klklns wants te be
governor miiie day.
VETER A. 11. WlllENEH,
In their Philadelphia enterprises Peter A.
ft, Wldener Is president of the West Phila
delphia railway company and W. L. Klklns
or the Contlueuiil branch or the Union rail
way or Philadelphia. The history of the
II read way Surface read Is well known, but
it is net se well-known tliat the Philadel
phfans would have been the losers of
f2,00O,000, had they net secured control of the
Seventh Avouue read. The syndicate had
dofiesitod $2,000,000 Willi Drexel, JdergauVk.
Ce., ler 10,000 shares of stock, upon which
f 1,000,000 yet remains te be paid. This stock
could be veted until fully paid for aud
was thorefero " (lead. " Thore wero
11,000 mero shares te be veted and
of theso the PJilladelphians secured
a majority nnd in New Yerk put through
tlielr ticket yosterday. Wldener was formerly
a butcher and steed nt his block In the
market. He went into ikjIUIch, bocame city
treasurer, made a raise, get Inte stroet rail
ways and ethor operations with Klklns, and
new he and Ids partner are talking about
putting up halt million dollar residences
that will eclipse anything evor attompted in
this city.
One .Mau Dies Frem Tlielr Nelarleus Werk.
Threats or Lynching.
LoeASsi'oitT, lud., June 15. Threo
weeks age yesterday a Pan Haudle passon passen passon
ger train was wrecked at Windfall. Threo
men, Vice, Justlce mid Berry, living there,
were arrosted and wero yosterday glven a
preliminary hearing. Burke, the injured
foreman, died Irem his injuries yosterday
morning and mob vlolenco was feared
against tlie priseners, who wero removed
from Kokomo, whero they had been taken
for safe keeping. The excitement was great
at Windfall, several thousand poeplo having
assembled. Kxauilnatlen was waived uud
the meu were bound evor without ball,
charged with murder In the llrst degree.
Justlce made a confession soveral days age,
giving the particulars of the dastardly work.
The feeling Is se strong that the priseners
will probably be removed te ludianaiKilIs
for safe keeping.
Haw a Knai I. Ii Lawyer Was Treated lu a
Town lu Nebrtuka,
Omaha, Neb., June 15. Au exciting tar
and leathor aflalr occurred at Itushville, in
Northwest Nebraska, Sunday, a man uamed
Iken, lawyer and land agent, belug the vic
tim. Ikenhad made himself disliked by a
large number of settlers, by getting their
confidence and thou contesting their claims
by means of information thus surreptitiously
obtained. A number of his victims took him
from his olllce, stripped him, andapplieda
coat of tar and feathers, forcing him at the
jielnt nfroveliors te assist lit decorating him
self. He was then marched through the
streets with drums which hoaded the proces.
slen. Finally he was ordered te loave the
country, uud proceeded te de se an seen as he
could get the tar and feathers oil.
A lllg Lumber 1'urctia.e.
13A8T Saei.vaw, Mich., June 15. S. J.
Murphy, of Detroit, yesterday, purchased
from Sibley .v, Beanuger, of this city, a tract
of plue timber land ou the headwateim of
Peshtlge river, Wisconsin. Thore is esti
mated te be two hundred million feet of
lumtier en tlie laud. The consideration is
t7 12,500. This tract was purchased by Sibley
k Hoaringer, threo years age, for rlSO,000.
I'luiu. fur New .paper Slen.
Cer.i mih h, Ohie, June 15. Gov. Ferakor
yosterday appointed Frank 11. Loeuils, for
Bome tlme connected with the Cincinnati
Commercial ai:etle, state Ilbrarlau te suo sue suo
ceed 11. W. I'iomeu, resigned. The change
takes eilect July 1. Jehn M. Deaue, city
editor or the Ohie NUtfe Seurnal,Y(M selected
as assistant librarian.
CWahuinotem, D. C., June 15. Kcr
Eastern New Yerk and Eastern Penn
sylvania, New Jersey and Delaware,
local rains, followed by fair weather, north
easterly winds becoming variable, stationary
Feu Wednesday Lecal rains, followed
by fair weather, are indicated for the New
England and Middle Atlantic states with
nearly stationary temperature.
PKICE TWO eitym.
mm LIVES LOST BY flfc(
- w
TANTM IN Vimm WlfllMi
-1 "nt'Ksf-.
The TlirMim MrllKh (MlnmM ma 'trii"tH.
A.ues iiy rire-A (Isle Carrie Mm Mf
HieTenn. Scene. orttatuUMea
Make ihe Meed Cnrdla,
f M. Z'J.i
tles arriving from Vancouver, state tha a hB
.. ...n. jumuruny aiiorneon, lbs
rese te a
gaie and can sod the firea wkkkt;
wero burning en the Canadian Paelfle
nurvi', ie spread toward the city. A.
In the oxtreme west end of the city oaefcT,
llre and the llames spread rapidly te uwlt''
iu:iii. uiiiieiugH. ai 4 o'cleck: tbe last be-Ms W
In Vancouver was In ashes. Hawing' aawAVi
mill and the Keval CItv nlnnlmr mill. tm.- V!
ted oil lwlntsefland euUIde the city, wwc '4m
s.ived. Seino jiorsens are reported dead, '" ffi. .
The llrm or J. M. Clutn A- Cn. Inm UAaM-'iil
Insiirancnnfeiwi m.. .....i . v!LV .iJ1;' ( B
matedat, while the luiuranee wyiW3'j
net oxceed 10,oue. ()0 thousand peepl.aWtlM-'
...... ii is imixissiuie te obtain rmtttt-Mrt vl
ulars, en account or the wlnw hnlnu h- fiM-'Tj
Last ovenlnir Mavnr MnT.n. ii -j
the mayor ofTeronlo an anneal of aid rmik.' '- $kO
llre auilorers. Tlie city will be rebuilt
Bosten, June 15. A Oleba apeciat freui
Victeria aaya that 60 lives are known te be
lest In the destruction of Vanoeuvor by Am
en Sunday. Fourteen bodies have been tm.'
covered. The ldontliled are: Jehn CMwVr$fr!3-
Mrs. Nash, Ooergo Halley and Fawcett. Tkar :(iHf
niyui i v icieua is lerwaruing roller in n- a-ycay
sjioiise te 11.0 appeal for aid received hwi ivVjl
'"K'hiiii" luugoverumoui is aiding in con
junction. The steamship Princess Leutee
arrived te-day with 200 passengers who saved
nothing but what they had en their persona.
Viutehia, ii. O., Juue 15. The city of
Vanoeuvor was obllteratod by lire en Sunday.
Only four houses are new staudluir. Haat.
Ing's and lteyal'it city saw uillhi are aaved.
The less Is f 500,000 and tbe Insurance 8150..
0. Flve hundred houses were swept away f$$fll
In dh l,. .. rt.. ii. ,- .tJTT tiCSsi?
. .. u.ii, mtiiuiwniH me gie. Ataen &7i?tFh
saiiu meu are at work cleaalng up the Can- fJSSi &
dlau l'acllle railway. , W&M
Heroism and hardship characterized the
whele dreadful ttllair. Families were mm.'
pelled te abandon tlielr homes at a moment's
warning aud Ilea for their lives. Uusinew
meu lu search of valuables wero compelled
te abandon their search or perish. The
whele city was ablare aud the panic-stricken
Imputation sought refuge In the water. On
man was found in a well wliorehohad sought
rotuge. The borrlble sceno dofles descrip.
tin, St.. !, . ..
clothes thev stand In. The fnimn luilMIn I'iVriV
will be rapidly rebullt, mostly of brielc CeBMiM
tracts for a large hetel and ethor exteniyf iJ
buildings, representing hall a million. mmm'W&hm
let Just borero the lira "'J
Twenty-ll e llrlilee. Hnept Away. ' -aS
Sr. Cr.eiID. Minn.. .limn IS . Tlrent ,limuMiv
has beeiidonelu this section and through jfffcC',
Steams county slnce Sunday by high water.ij:
cauwni uy naiuruayn aim nunuays nearr -vt
ralnu l.nlltr or. I,...l.,a I., it.n ...HM I ?
lieen swept away uud soveral flour and sw, jfcm.
mills partially wrecked. Tbe streams and v&fei
lakes are hiuher than ever Been before. ""&;,-1
- .Wrlfii
HI iiC I.uilnls'a 1'brsli.ten. -i' 'M
Osiikesii, Wis., June 15. Dr. Ven iS&,iS
Oudden, the physician who lest hU life wHh vi
that or King Ludwlg, or Bavari, Is tbe 2fe
father of Mrs. Dr. H. Ven Oudden, of this, "Sk
piaceanu a oreliieror Dr. Win. Veu Ouddea,- -f ft J
of the town of Hlackwelf. Wis. The daad' 4 i W
-prrysictaTrwas-tW-years of age.- He -leaves
eight children. He contemplated visiting
the United States during the coming au
tumn. letters Granted by the Itegl.ter.
The following lotters wero granted by the
register of wills, ler the woek ending Tues
day, June 15th :
Tkstamkntakv John!Hrighten,deceaed, '
late of Kast Homplield township; A. O.Uyu,
Nftitilinlin tnivtiHlili, nTHMitni,.
Ulricli Shirk, doceasod, late or Manheum k.if&
township; Lemen W. Shirk, executer, JSW1
Kllzabeth Weaver, d(xsed, late of Blni,JSt!
uurg uoreugu; uyrus j. weaver, Chester
county, and Jacob O. Weaver, Strasburg ber.
eugh, oxecutors.
Dr. 13. K. Yeung, late of Lancaster city;
Angelica ieung, city, executrix. ,"5KT
.IninpH ICfwOTinr. tlfw.nHn.1. lnfrt of fanrtr -'.flAV
township ; Henry (. Keomer, Maner, execu. X';4zS
,or- Ss&5
Jacob N. Neli; doceasod, late of Maaer K!?t"J
uiwiisiiip; Aurnuaiu, nenry auu vuruHiasttS'M -,;
A.U.J, .-4.1IJU1, UAV,U,Utl9. V !r(.T;
i-eier eueiiy, uoceaseu, late ei itapM , pi 1
township ; Jacob Shelly, Mauhelm borough. &$ 'J
Jeseph and Petor Shelly, Uapbe, exeouten, wl '
Aiiministiiatien-. Anna Becker, tfr$i '.
Hertzler, Warwick, administrator. "iW?
Jehn Yeundt, deceased, late of Bricknoek ftj. u',.1
township ; Lomen Yeundt, JJrecknecK, aO-'K' r
mluistrater. s.1k!
A. 1). Dittmar, doceasod, late of Lancar' r.
nil... r w ii ii... u...... ..(.- nj.i-MHi.erX!
vr , m. i,. a, uaiwiiiflji, I'-jt nuiiiwwiBatat;; m
Jeseph flood, doccased, late of Mt Jey,a' , ' ffl
borough ; Michael Uoed, Mt. Jey, adlBla-'vi' n -, "
Irater. TS1?!?) &
Mary Geed, doceasod, latoel Pequea tews-VS1?!
ship; Jacob K. llarnlsh, Pequea, admula-A W& ,'.;'
irater. '" fe
m -vis-
Accidentally Fol.eueO. ".;
On Saturday night Mrs. Jehn Landau, Hv- J
lug en Hecklaud stroet, sent te Jehn Black's $M
was net told what use was te be made of th"j,r-
dniL'. Mrs. Landau took what she consider
ed a dese te make her vomit, but it did Bet-i'jffe ,
accempllsli the pur(ose and sbe took .$''.' !C
second dese. This made her deathly slek' HV'
and Dr. r A. Warren was hurriedly .; j '
ter. He has attonded her slnce then and te- vv
day she is pronounced te be out of daeger.bttt' ,
she was considered te be critically 111 en Hbb- Jc,:
day and yesterday. Tartar emetle is IhVvvvj
quentiy useu ter uie same purpose as Mrs. -ir-773
Landau used It, but It is a poison and Vt,ff,l ,m
qtiaiuiiy ie ue laKen sneutu de prescribed uj v t - -fM
a pnyniciau. , JWV
A Colored Furl at ML J or.
The Uoed Will band and a large number of ''-(
colored peeple went te Mt, Jey te attend ,jS-,
cake walk last evenlng. There were lg-i"
coieruu peepiu iirunuui, nuui vu,.wii, tt
Marietta mid Harrlsburg. Tbe cake walk - s ,
did net come oil' but the party Indulged
dancing. There was ceusiuerauie egw
caused by white men mixing mum
colored ladles. A Columbia uarasy i
a. mvnlvnr In the ball room and
glistened in the lamp light. lany el
preseut wero uruuK anu iuoijuiehwi
are gradually coming home In UM
WUlcn joy ie-ujr. ,- -,
Th Mayer' Coats, i''',1.?'.
The mayor disposed of tear dtvmkamiit,
threo vagrant this morning. Three of Ik
drunks were young bleeds who aaiSMMl
themselves en tbe main atreets yeaterOajr Jk '
Jostling ceuutry people and 1buIHhk
They wero compelled te par oe4
leunu was a uey in years eiu, wee a
get drunk en whisky, he bought at a
store He was hauled te tbe m
ou a wheelbarrow, Tlie mayor
was BUillcientlv imnUhed sad
bim. Tlie vagrants were ataec
Kxcur.leQ te At!
Till ifinrnlmruiaxCUrstOH J
this city te Atlantic OUT ' t!
Ure cemiairy, of Ueat1 W
.... ..u...,i, tram tkit OHTt MM .
down the read, aad espeeMBiy vj
people. m r
BaJ ml m VlW9 '
Henry ( J.
iiesiftaa: te tbe tatil,Mi tt j
BlasW, te amm , Mt "
M. J
i tirr
. &
fls- 1 1
." AH
; --. i..
. -- -