gtjsiLasg''MWC V0mfrmqQ!umwKm tHtymimm 0mm pr - ,"'' , t,- i. -r ITM LANOASTEB DAILY INTBLLIGgNOEB, MONDAY, JUNE 14. 1880. If Hi Wtelligencer WHIT DAT IN THB TEAR (Atndey Stitpttd.) - e A-wmb. rrre dem-am tztn, nrrr A MOKta. DtltttUD BT CARMEM In - ABB ALL AMOtHllKt riACES. Ari mC LlnMAL OOMMIMIOK Alte" TV .t.CAOT. TlLrilOR COKSiCIlOlf. ADVBRTISINa BATB8: )ie.ii-f2in-j2!l 4ln8"1, 3 00 4M dO. Ml m nit am SCO DM 7 CO 8 940 10(0 10 Ml 91 M 4 An AM 8 Ml 7 M) 10 Ml 1.1 Mi 10110 IS Ml 17 011 it ni in ml seen 17 mi ?l (ll 27 en 84 00 SI ) seen wee wee asm 28 (XI 30 011 1100 82 110 4.1 00 65 00 M H) DO U) The Weekly Intelligencer Published Every Wednesday Morning. flOOAYiAmtt.OOreRBtx months. citrus or tin, I300, AKOAcerrFntBTO temeics oeiiike cr citrus. comcsrekDknca solicited fbem evert taut or the TATB AHD COUHTIIT. Alt AHOJTTMOCS LETTERS WILL SI GOBIIOKED TO THE WASTE BASSET. Addrec all lUert and Ttlrgrami te THB INTELLIGENCER, Intelligencer Building-, Lnncnster, Pa. ljc fnutasicr -Intelligencer, LANOABTKH. JUNE 14. 188b The State and the Estates. It seems te have cscaieil general notice that, whereas when the late Gen. A.I). Dltmars died, leaving a testamentary dis position of his estate, tbe l.iw as te the ilis ilis ttlbutien of an estate devised by a whT'veIiI for uncertainty " steed one way, when tlie time came for the will te be se formally declared by courts or agreed te be se by contestants the law steed quite another way. Te be mere explicit, Gen. Dituiars made his will Teb. 2, 1SS3, leaving the residue of his estate, which subsequently amounted te $00,000 or $70,000, " te be used in means te ascertain what chllJren were created te de ; what the child may be directed te and instructed in what he or she is best adapted te de, my executer te use the sum te the best of hl3 judgment and means te carry out my herein expressed desire." lie died June 10, 1&S3, and his will was admitted te prebate June 10, 1883. Had it then or at any time within the next two years been judicially declared te be "void for uncer uncer the object of the trust be net as certainable," the esUtte might hae es. cheated te the commonwealth of Fennsj 1 va nia, as provided by the act of April 20, 1S3, under which if the objects of a charitable trust were " net ascertainable" it shall be taken te have been made " subject te be further regulated and disposed of by the legislature of tills commonwealth, in man ner as nearly in conformity with the intent of the donor or testator and the rules of law against perpetuities as practicable, or otherwise, te accrue te the public treasury for the public use." Curiously enough the following law get upon the statute boeksof a later date, July 7, ISSe : He it enacted, t&, That In tbe disposition or property by will made or te be made ler anyrellgleuH, cbarltable, literary, education al, or scientific use or purimMO, If tbe aame shall be void for uncertainty, or tbe object of tlie trust be net ascertainable, or has ceased le exist or be an tinlavvlul perpetuity, micli preKrty Hhall go te the heirs at law and next of kin, of the noccdent as lu the case of per sons who have died or may die lutestate. The coincidence of its appearance at the particular time of itspasaagu and approval, when it controls the disposition of the .Jit mars estate, suggests very strongly that it was especially passed for the benefit of these interested therein. This is net, how ever, any objection te tlie new law, which seems te be reasonable enough. If a will be void for uncertainty and tlie nature of the charitable trust which it seeks te estab lish be " net ascertainable" there is no just reason why the estate should uet fellow the intestate laws, subject of course, where there are no direct heirs, te the collateral inheritance tax. Even against this tribute of ile per cent, te the state from property that gees te collateral heirs theie is a geed deal of pretest, and tiiere lias been et late years a ; strong undercurrent of feeling for the re peal of the law. It is doubtful if it will ever prevail. The idea that the state has a share in inheritauces when they de net descend directly Is a very strong one ; and there is a growing feeling that the state should have a considerable slice out of nil large estates, irrespective of the re lations of the heirs te them. An interesting case is likely te arise in the matter of the estate of old Jehu Du bois, of Clearfield," who left an estate varl varl eusly estimated at from eight te twenty flve million dollars. Before his death he conveyed it te his nephew for a nominal consideration, with such leservatieus that he is said te have controlled it te the last and could have revoked the grant. Under these circumstances the question arises whether it is subject te collateral inherit ance tax. The amount at stake is very large ; the commonwealth, if entitled te the tax, would get nearly half a million dollars, and the register of the county tweuty te tweuty-tlvQ thousand dollars. It is net likely such amounts will be left slip without challonge; and the probabilities are Jir, Jcnks has come home for a fight. The Clril Senlec Kules. The chairman of the Heuse in committee of the whole, Mr. Ulount,ef Georgia, ruled out of order the Helman amendment te the civil service appropriation providing that hereafter persons of ever 15 years of age might be eligible te appointment, and that all who successfully pass the examina tions be placed upon the list and sent up for the selection of the appointing power. The technical objection te this " rider " was that under the new rules of the Heute no legislation In effect can be hooked en te an nppropriatlenbtll ; and this seems te be a wise pre visieu en the whole, though at ti mes it might be well te putupen the expenditures of public money some restriction that can can net be secured in the regular course of leg leg islatleu. Moreover, the civil service regu regu latfeus are rules net laws, and a modifica tion of therubyCongressIstebougarded with roeie leniency than law-making in the etrlct Dense. Mr. mount's ruling is, how ever, acquiesced in, and that is the end of the matter for the present at least. This determination of it does net ludl ludl cate.te the reorganized civil service com cem com mMea ny approval by Congress of the pld Eaten system ; Indeed, few members Weeded it and very few sympathized with ,t Jt. There is little reason and a great deal Uwtje unreasonable in it. The country CilM ue iJmecratic party ioek te me new BMinlnk)iieis for better rules ; we have OlteHWtUeprtildent will approve some r'is- w . OM DA,..,..., K rs TsraBftVE ' - TtewMMlSa- coe'200 changes. Give Oberly a chance. His batchet is new and sharp. -- Foreclose the Land Forfeitures. Whatever may have been the wisdom of the lavish land grants te railroads when they were made by Congress and it Is by no means certain that they were necessary for a timely development of the country the American iieeplu have- pietty thor oughly made up their minds that the un earned grants shall be forfeited. Since the Incoming of the first Demo Deme cratic: Heuse of recent years, there has lieen no land subsidy granted te any corporation and it will be many years liefore any party has the temerity te vote another. Hut there Is only a- diiTea'iice in termsand form between a new grant and tlie iudulgence of an old one of which the conditions have never been fulfilled. Tlie neuse shows n commendable dispo sition te hurry tip the forfeitures ; the Sen ate is inclined te obstruct them. The Heuse Is moie nearly responsible te the peeple ; the Senate has moie corporation lawyers and bigger stockholders. It has had te pass a bill prohibiting its membets from being representatives of the people and counsel for their plundeiers at the same time. Presently some of the mem bers of tlie Senate will have te cIioems their positions. Wiui.k sporting paiiers nre growing up en all sides and are apparently prosperous. Hell's Lte, the father of them all, has thrown up the sponge tu Londen. Matthkw Aunelu, new iu this country anil the object of distinguished consideration wherever be visits, seems te be a pretty geed political trimmer, llefere leaving Kuglaml he delivered hlmself of seme nutl-trixh sen timents In connection with the present home rule fctruggle lu Ireland that were ery se verely criticised. A change new appears te be coming ever tbe spirit of his dream, ler he is new quoted us having theso sentiments: " 1 am in favor of home rule for Ireland. 1 would gie much the -ame rights as your states have here. I would make three prov inces one of Connaught and Monster, one of the Leinster, which includes Dublin, and one of Ulster, tbe Protestant North of Ireland. I would gie each provlnce a legislature with power te control Its internal lUfalrs. 1 would have them se constituted that ene could net h wallow up another any mero than your state of Georgia can swallow up the state of Illi nois." It is wonderful whit an ellecttbe brac ing airef American Ireedeiu has tijieu the most ultra of Teries. Gladstenes trumpet liasHKaln snumled te the electors of Midlothian. One blsst upon his bugle herti is north a theusiud speeches by ethors. - Ay enterprising fellow has secured a patent en arched chimney caps and Is new beginning his operations against unfortunate citizens et llarrisburg who hive worn them en their houses slnce tbe days of our fathers He proposes te collect f'2 from every In In Irlnger of his patents. Why don't seme ene intent the chimneys? Our patent laws are liberal enough. PuiVATK parties in Glasgow, have nearly completed a war vessel w hich is pronounced by experts te be ene of tbe most formidable ever built. It is provided w ith elaborate tor pedo apparatus and guns te threw shells rtlled with an explosive gulatine of great power, 'lhls vessel Is for sale te the highest bidder, and en the next alarm et war her owners wIlluodeuHdisposoof her at hand- BomeproUt. It is te be hoped that seme of our ship-builders will undcruUe liKe enterprise-, as our navy is slew in build ing and when needed will be needed badly. It is probable that that eneralilu chestnut "the sweet girl traduate with her golden halt" will be vigorously worked this week. WuiT-heNiiAY or 1'tlngsten was cele- brated yesterday in all tbe churches that make a practice et observing iinperMiit events of sacred history. It commemorates tbe descent of the Hely Spirit uhu the aiiostles. It is ene of the greatest of the great events uieii which Christianity was founded and It is right that the day should rank with Christmas, Geed Trldny and Kaster. It was observed by all Jew s ascom ascem ascom meuioratho of the giving et the tables of the law te Moses en .Mount Muni, and that this mysterieus gilt or the Hely spirit of tbe power te speak In unkuew u tongues should have ceme ou that day is a fact lull of signifi cance. It proclaimed that the new dlsHina. lien came uet te any ene nation et mankind but te nil. It is right euuugh then that the Monday following this holy day should be a holiday, a gala day iu the same sense us Christmas, though In les-s degree. Yeni c'OU.vtv has declared for Heaver. but net for llresius. Hut the Democracy would Justas seen deleat any ether Repub lican candidate for congressman-at-large us the Lancaster county aspirant. The fostlvelittlo bird new begins his an nual pick at the best side et the rlpe cherry, Daniel Muller, et Doylestown, has hit upon a novel plan te prevent this devastation. At break of day wheu the birds begin te war bio their songs, he arms bluuclf u ith a shot gun and u set of sleigh bells, and, Uking his station under the tree, awakens the slumber ing Inhabitants by the merry tinkling et the bells and an occasional shot at a bird daring enough te alight in the neighborhood et the forbidden fruit. A high price should be ob tained ler fruit se zealously guarded. Jehn L. Sulmvan'h training new is said te consist et lying abed late in the morning and sitting up Inte ut night ; which areeasy and demoralizing habits te acquire. PERSONAL. Uieiit Hnv. Themas !'. IIkmui i;ev, bishop of the Reman Catholic duesu of I'rovldence, Rhede Island, died en Friday night, aged SO years. Tub Piiesiuent's salary is paid him In monthly installments f 1.1C0 01 en the last day or each mouth and the treasurer al ways makes it u point te send him uetes of the latest Issue. Coneiikssma.n llevi.nS I-'ayette county frlends state It as u isisiilve (act that the moneyed politicians bought up ten of tbe lleyle delegates te the Westmoreland ceuii. ty Democratic convention. PitorKssonJAMKsMAOALihii:H,8iiKjrin PiterKssonJAMKsMAOALihii:H,8iiKjrin PitorKssenJAMKsMAOALihii:H,8iiKjrin tendent of the public schools et Philadelphia, la ibeltig discussed as the probable successor of General Kateu as commissioner of imblie education of the Uulted SUtes. AiicimiALii l'euiiEs, the English war correspondent, and Miss l.ula Melcs, daughter of General M.C. Meigs, U. 8. A. are te tie married at Washington this weak. 1' orbes is 47 and a widower, aud MisH Melus la about 3a Reiikkt IluowNiNe, poet and widower, is new reported te be about te marry MrH, Arthur Iironsen, who was the beautltul Miss DeKay. a belle of New Yerk. Alter her hus band dled crazy she became a philanthropist aud patroness et linearis. Tin: Piiksidunt and Mrs. Cloveluud at tended divine servlce at Dr. .Sunderland's church yesterday morning, being the only occupants of the presidents pew. There was the usual crowd or slght-seers at the deer when the president's ceupe drove up. J. Dun en Htiiki.k, well-known ler Ih last rerty years as uu eminent civil engineer, !iii i i. .,mer uml irea manulacturer, hid ! ,V , Ml?wn, " "y morning. He Sifc" m about four weeks with nervous paralysis. aCCU',,a'1 ,,y B''"ltems of I'oatlbleTenrotuUvaUnil ui.,1 III. ur,l Prosident Cleveland and hi, bride have under was deratien a preposition te make a lour of the lakes with a Belect party et friends In a steamer during the summer. As seen as Congresa adjourn they lutend te snend nnia Hi. in nil Dm -Vew I.'i 7.i -- "l'"U and mountain regions and 'tirence ke teffn AdiremiackB ler a low days. nABK iiAi.u nmns. Seme f plry l'nl5lnph i,r 1'Ujn unit lMajrrn. Ihe 8oer n! Hrcetit (tAtntn-lttlPAAM ami New KugsRCinrtii. On Saturday nntnoef tbe LmiUir high school defeated the New Helland club, by the scere of 15 te 11. It Is said the home club get the best of the umpire's decWnns. The New Yerk irerM gets tbe base lull chestnuts when they are meuldy. This morning It published the story as original about Vete Drowning blowing the water through his ears. The League games of Saturday were as follews: At Detroit; Detroit II, SL LeiilsT ; at ltrnten : New Yerk 3, Hosten 1 : at Phila delphia: Philadelphia 3, Washington -, at Chicago : Chicago S. Kansas City American Association teams of Saturday wero : At Staten Island : Mets 2, Athletic 0 : at ltaltimere : Itroekl vn ft ltaltlmore fi ; at St. Leuis: Loulsllle.l, SL Leuis t ; at Cincin nati ; l'ittsburc Is Cincinnati 5. The largest crowd seen at tlie staten Island crnunds this seaen went te see the Mets dereat tbe Athletics en Saturday. The latter bad but two hits oil L.Mich. The Detroit St. Leuis game ou Saturday was ene or the most wenderlul en record. The home club did terrific hatting and had twonty-euo wltli a total of forty-eno hits oil Sweeney. The Wolverines hail no less than seven home runs, of which Thompson ntid Koweeach had two. The ltaltlmore correspondent of Aixirrnw l.fe thinks that the Hroeklyns are a tlne bai ting team aud they can nlwass hit Kllrey. He says, however, that they cannot run bases, ami if they could de this part of their w erk as well as ft irnleS meu they w eulil w in mere games. This does net tally with the Associated Press dispatches which are -ent from ltaltimere w hen the home club lee. Almest every time it is charged te stupid base mini I m;. The liosteus had .i,l(Kl jieople te see their game en Saturday. The lieuie club had the same number of hits as the New Yerk, aud played an errorless puue yet they lest. Kllrev, besides belneali excellent pitcher, is a wonderful bae runner. It is admitted that Dennett, of the Detroit, is the most wonderful catcher en the ball ground. Hut six hits were made oil Powell, who pitched his best game ler Baltimore en Sat urday. In the Cinciunatl-Pittsburg game en Sat urday Mullaue was put iu te pitch for the home team and was batted considerably. Merris wen tbe gsme in the ninth Inning. Alter two men were out be lilt te right Held for n home run, bringing in two men en bases. The Wilkesbarre, knocked Lewistewu out by 1 te 0 Saturday, and Williamsport de feated Alteena IT te 12 The New Yerk club hw at last secured Devlin, the lett-hauded pitcher. The Athletics received fielr lirst shut out Saturday. Manager sinned Jimmy Clinten, the old reliable centre tlelder, whewill take HoeverS place, the latter having Is-en lstd oil'. Hoeer is silJ te tie a dude player. The ether day l-'ester, of the Mets, struck a home run te centre Held. lioeer ran ler it and felt. Instead of fellow lug the bill he slopped te brush oil" his pants. Geerge llradly has already been released by Rochester. Bancroft lias soieral mure old-timers who are no geed except te draw big salaries. Menk Cliue, et Atlanta, leads the Seuthern League in batting. On Saturday atteruoen the empleyes of R. C. Suaderaud Samuel MoeroS cigar factories played a match game of ball en the Ironsides ground. Moero's men were defeated by L.7 te X The Terente club wauls te uvure l'yle, of the Newark. The bt. Leuis League would like te have Coeganand Ca-ey aud the Ath letics want Hilly Greenwood. Waterbury is leading the Hasten! League. This is Joe Simmons' team aud contains Derby, Hlgginsand Harney McLaughlin. The Newark club of the Uasteru League defeated Waterbury by I te e ou Saturday and the New Yerk l'urhl says of the game. "Through 1'yleS phenomenal pitching ler the visitors and Illugins costly errors at sec ond base for the home nine Waterbury lest her first of twelve cetieeutiv e games, her closest rival winning. There was a general feeling that Newark would win, but a shut out was net looked ler. Hughes did very well although quite lame, aud if the Water hury's could have hit Pyle only a little bit, they would have wen. " Tlie excitement was Intense, its theclubs were seuveuly matched, both working llKe clockwork, except wheu Hlggius made the errors which each tlme al lowed the visitors te get around far enough te scere en sate hits at the right time." Hut three hits were made eir I'yle. Jim Knowles is the bet bise stealer et the Washington team. The Syracuse team, which includes Tum Tum ney, Je'hn Green, JacWiy, Alcott, House House eolder, all old KaMern League jilaver, leads the Association. On Saturday thev defeated Hutlaie 11 te 1. The newspiper reporters of Memphis think they knew mere about the manage ment of the c ub than the manager, and they keep sheeting at him. On Saturday a picked nine et young men of this city calling themselves the Ironsides, and wearing the uniform et that organization went te Columbia, where they weredeleated. King and Resh, of this city, termed the hat tcry ter the Columbia club,aud Maynard aud Gibsen ler their opponents. King pitched a splendid game while Maynard was very wild and gave niue men bases en balls. The score w as : Columbia .... 1 5 e u 0 1 e l II Ironsides e e i a a e l e e 3 harnedruns Columbia, 2 Ironsides, 1; lleine nins Cnliimhii, 1 , lreusldea, 1. Total ba-e till s Columbia, II . Ironsides, 5. Struck out lly KiiiK. 1- by ilayniinl, 5. Krrer.s Columbia, I IreiiMlrk-i), 7i I Uses en lulls ( elumbli, !i . lrou lreu sldesi, -i. Ijincaster has mere bill clubs at present than it has had ter years. Charley Shay writes that he arrived safely in Norfolk aud Is pleased w ith the town and club. The latter has geed backing. Dtinden, the inutu pitcher et the Nash vllles, was recently lined for kicking. He must iiave done tlie act with his feet The Detroit wanted .Smiling Dick Conway, of the Lawrence (Mass.) club (of the Yerk Kastern League club in liSI), but the young pitcher, who is one of the met gentlemanly players in the prolession, said he would rather remain w here he is. Had he been desirous et going he could uet have gotten away without trouble. Robinson, the second baseman of the SL Leuis Drowns, went en a sproe at Louisville, and talked back te Capt. Comlskey. He was lined 530H, about f25 a w erd. Oscar Walker, of last years Newarks, has joined Nick Bradley en ihe Kingsten team. O'Rourke leads the Leagutjiu batting with Dennis Hreuthers second and Hlg Thompson sixth. Reger Cenner is down te tweuty tweuty seventh plaea The Hroeklyns had the pleasure of holding llrst place for ene day. Yesterday they lest aud the St. Leuis w en, giving the latter the lesd again. In St. Leuis yesterday the home nine de feated Pittsburg by -1 te a Four bits were made oil Carutliers and tlve oil ( ,al vln. Tlie last named pitcher had three or his clubs bibr. At Rldgoweod park the Mets doteated the Brooklyn by 6 te 0, although each club had the same number or hits and errors. The Leulsvilles are keeping up their geed work, and yesterday they downed Cincinnati by 1 te : A Hlery of imii O'Leury. Jimmy Galvlu tells this story ubeut Dan O'Leary : "Dan liad been released somewliero an' in huuiin' an engagement he was writin' te all the maiiiigerM Iu the country that he was just inurUeriu pitcliers that season. Well, he get a Jeb an' ler several games he couldn't hit nuiblii'. Se all the Heys was gliiu' him the grand laugh ubaut bis blulls. Well, at the end et a game bis side bad tbe bases full uu' two meu out an' needed a hit bad te win. Dan says, 'boys, here's my tune,' as lie went te the bat. They kept kiddin' and laughlu' at lilm, but siire enough, bang she went for a dandy bit. Twe men came sallln' iu home, whlie Dan steiiped te shake his list at tbe gang en the bench an' bdloreut, 'leek at that, ye sons of guns; ye thought 1 couldn't lilt it, dldve?" Then Dan Boemod te remember that he' had an en gageineut at llrst, but his liltln speech had laken up se much time that the ball get there berore lilm an' the two ether lellers' ruus didn't count uu' the game was lest." A MeMage te I'aruell, James Moenoy Sunday night cabled the following from Hiill'ale te Mr. I'aruell ; "Te I'aruell, Heuse Common s, Louden Branch 103, et Bullale, iu meeting nssembled, renew their plodges te their brethren In Ireland, and, as a beginning, have this day sent te the Rev. Charles O'Reilly six hundred dollars for the coming election expenses, pieiulslug te fellow It up witli larger contrlbutienf as long as Irelaud's Htruggle for Justice ceu. tlnues." TmcRuUnoprtcesuten the lavish summer, And June may be had by the poorest comer. -. II. LendU IIOHOI.INKV CII.VrtT.ll lN.U'M'- One day In the bluest et summer nealher, Sketching under a whispering oak. I heard rtu' bobolinks laughing together III ci sonieoinllhotoulcil Jeke. H list the fun was 1 couldn't discover, laiuguiiKO of buds Is a rtilille en eaitli . What could they flint In nhlte weed and cleinr Te split their siJei with such musical mlrlti ' Was it some prank et the prodigal summer Km e lu Hie cloud or voice tu tliobiivre tjui-rulens cut bird-woodpecker diuiiiiiiei -l awing et nms lildti ever the tree ' as It some chipmunk's chatter or wrvsel I' inter the stone wall stealthy ami ! Or was It the joke about me and ln easel. Tr Ins te rati h the lints et tliesk Mill the) flew Upslly, shaking all eci, lliibbltug with Jollity, brimful of glee - While 1 sit ll-tcnlug deep In the cleiei W iimlfli Inn w hat llielr Jirvim could tie. Twin but the voice el nuieriiliii; the lirlchtcst That ever d iw lied ei er you h uten y hills ; 'Tuns but the senit of alt Jey that Is llsititesl Sunshine breaking In laughter and trills. alii te conjectuie the welds the are singing. Only liy tones can w e fellmv the tune ; lu the full heart et the summer llebls rtnglni;, ItiiKing the ihythmlcal gtvluesd nt June lir S.igi,-s Catuirh Itcincdy nil. M.TuAw teething lUtiies are happy It their guun are bathed with Hit. lU:n"s Teething Lollen. Siiniiner Mothers be earclul of jour babies wlthdlarrhiei. Dr. Hasp's Dtirrhivi Mixture cures when everythlni; else tails, l'ttce 15 ets. Fer situ by 11. Ik Cochran, .Ne. 117 and 1 -North ljuuen stlx-et, I.anc;wter, l'a. ImdAw Hj-pepsl i wines fiimi Torpid l.lier and ens tleiie-s. ou iHiiniil digest your feed well unless jour llier and bowels act properlj-. llrainlivtir Tills, taken one or two at nlht for a wiek or se, will regulate the bowels, stimulate the ltier and ensure a iuick and healthful di gestion. These Pills, are puiely m Billable, con tain imminent and are abselutelj harmless for old ami eung. The Same llumaii Nature. Many vain attempts are m.ule te ieixat the temarkable success of llensen's Capvtuv Plaster. This splendid remedj Is known, sold and used evervwheiv, and its prtmpt action and mil trai led curatlie powers have wen let It hosts of friends, lmttitlens hsve sprumr up under similar "iimnllii names, such ns "Capslcin," ' C apslcum.' etc , lntemled te deceive the care less and unwarv The-e articles pe-es none f the virtues of the genuine 'ihervfote we hope the ieplti wilt assist us te protect what are at once ttitlr Interests and ours Ask for llousen's t'ltister, and examine whit Is given j ou, and make sure that the word" I apclne " (scut luth middle of the plaster Itseir.aud the rhnei sells ' tmtle-uark ts mi the tace cloth Any reputable dealer will show- you the safe guinls uiiheut hesitation If jeu cannot re memtier the name. Itensen's Capcluu l'lasti-r cut lhls paragraph from the paper. (1) lhrt, Is Netlilni; siirprlKlnj; lu the la, t tint Ileusen s Capclt.e Plasters are widely Imitated; Ihit cheap and worthless plasters, with names of similar sound and sim ilar appearance In type, are freelj" offered for sale. Articles of great andertglnit merit always liavti te tsmipete wlthtrashj Imitations. Hut as thej become known thej die out through tie sered negle I. Meanwhile we warn the public ngalnst the se railed ' Cnpslcum," " Capslcln " c'apucln " and ' Capstelne " plasters, whether " llenten's,' llurten's " or etherw tse. They have no luediclnsler curative virtues whatever, un.l are made te sell en the reputstlen or lien sons. When en n-h-islng ask for lleu-en', deal with re-pectuble druggists only, ane yen can not lie dei elM-d Thoirenulne his the "Three seals trade mark en the cloth and the word ' Uvpclne " cut In the centre. JH-JI.W.Sw .11T.VIAL XUT1VK.S. Klekrd Out. Hew man v peeiile there are who am struggling te rise In lhls world that uie kicked down and out bj" envious rivals. 77iemii' J-Jclectrtc Oil never " kicked out" IU rmt roils. It Is true blue. Ker thriKit nirettlens, asthma and catarrh It Is a certain and rapid cure. Ker s de by II. 11 Coch ran, druggist, i IT and !.' North ljueen street, lain easier. some strong Mludcl AVemeu. Can regulate their husbands amazingly fast, bhetitd they net de their dutj'. H urdeck lltoed llittr are a geed regulator of the circulation. They are exelusivciy a bleed tonic, and con-e quetitlj- strike at the root of tnaiiy serious all im-nt. Fer sale bj II. It. Cochran, druggist, 127 and JJ -North Queen street, Lancaster. I'ut I (sill Ills I'eet. ".set up In bed and coughed ttll the clothing was wet with ersptnitien. My wile Insisted that I ue 77iemm' Kclertrie Oil The tlrst tea tea tea spoentut rellevisl me and two buttles have cured me 1 hene-,tly recetnuiend It " K. 11. i'er kins, Cr k Centre, V. Fer sile by II. Jt. LiK-hran, druggist, XT, and 13) .North Queen street, l.uic.i-ler. KAl'II) Tit A.N sir. latent and ticst form of rapid transit ts trir The a pt-r-'in tifiubleu w 1th a sick br.ul.iehe te take a doe of lr Leslie's K-ct.d Prescription and what i rapid transit train the alllii lien lakes for Its depailuru. Ste advertisement In another column. ili-i-W-ljUU) (illonie hweet lieuie.' This song Is verj' pesl In Its waj-, but Is there any sickness In the household- If se, home can net be ulwnj s pleasant. We take especial pleas ure In recommending Jlurdeck Jlloed HiUert.a. bona tide und certain cure for dyspepsia, and all diseases et the liver and kidneys, for sale by II. II. Cochran, druggist, 137 and ItJ North Queen street, Lancaster. Ilaj- I'vver anil Kese Celd Are attended bj an lnllainc-1 condition of the lining membrane of the nostrils, tear-ducts and thniat, nllecllng the lungs. An acrid mucus ts secreted, the discharge ts accompanied with a burning sensation. There are severe spasms of sneezing, frequent attiioksef headache, watery ana Inllamcd eyes. Kl's Cream lialui Is a remedj-that can be depnnded upon. Mcntut druggists: by null, registered, feu cunts. Elj Elj JSrethurs, druggists, Oswego, N.J. Jll '-WdlSKl.lw Ilen't !!e Falnt-heartssl, If jeu are In trouble lookup, held en, give the blues geed bj Ifj-eu are iu pain, have lumeness, have an achu of uny kind, go te the druggist and ask htm for Themut' Ecleetric Oil It will de you geed every time. Ker sale by II. II. Cochran, druggist, LIT and 1JJ -North Queen street, laiucaster. Hear lilm. "I feel new. I was afflicted with sick head -at he and general debility, but Jlurdeck llloed Hitters brought about an Immediate Improve In my general heallh. 1 consider them thu best family medicine in thu market." Adnlph Lalloz, Iluifale, M. V. I'orHalebyH U. Cochran, drug gist, 137 and 133 North Queen street, Lancaster. i'ttOi'UHALlt. Nerii'i:. 1 have been requested by the Hnance (Jeimnlttee. eflheCttv of Lancaster, te cull In rer thu Mluklng Kiind, tbe fellow lug bends of the lean authorized by ordinance, et the City of Lancaster, l'a .approved -March 3. A, 1). Is!, te refund JAjUOU el the existing Indcbtedncsi et the City et Lancaster at 4 per cent , and amended by ordinance approved March , ll Of the series enu te twenty years, viz N'es. f, II. W. 17, 18, 21. "i, !,!, 41, il, 60, fcJ, 6, S7, M, CO, Ml, III, 'Jl. of one Ibuusand dellareeach. Helders will therefore prusent the above num bered bends at this ofllee en or befeie JULY I, lsi. for payment, alter which date interest en said bends will cease. W. A. JIOKTO.V, JIayer. Mateb'8 Orrtce, LAScaSTEB, l'A , June, JltJylJI,WA3 NOTIOK TO URIDUK HUILDKRS. Healed proposals for the election of the fellow Ing bridges will be received at the ofllee of the Count J' Commissioners, Lancaster, l'a., until 12 o'clock, neon, TUESDAY, JUNK , 1-SO: 1. Ilrtdge ever Cocnllce creek, al Leluhach's mill In bast Cocalico township. 2 bridge ever Mill creek, at itesslcr's mill be twccii Lejiceckund Upper Lcaceck townships. 3.llrldgu ever Conewlngo creek, at Weed's mill. In 1 ultiiii township. The plans and secitlcatleng prepared am for Weeden llurr Truss llrldges t iron bridge men must ptcsent their own plans and speclUca-Uen-j. 1'iopesaU for uiaseurj aud superstructure will be recelveil separately or combined. Ma sonry bids should designate whether they uiu fur Iren or wooden biidges. A lorfeltbend of wee must accompany bids. Wanks forbid and bend can be procured from rxiuunUsleners. lly ouler of COUNTY CO1IMI3SI0NK11S. Attest: Kiiask Uuiest, Clerk, luayilS.M.lVld PROrOSALS KOR FLMtNlNIIINQ STA STA lienery, Furniture, i'uel and ether sup plies, etc. In cempllanca w 1th the constitution and laws elihu commonwealth or Pennsylvania, 1 hero here bf invite kt-uled proposals, at prices below maxi mum rates lived lu schedule, te furnish sta tionery, furiiltuie, luet and ethor supplies ler the feuvend dupaitmuuts, und lorthudUtrlbu lerthudUtrlbu lorthudUtrlbu tlenof publlu documents, fur Iho year ending thu llrst Monday of June, A, 1. 1NJ7. Separate proposals will be received and sepa ru'e oentmctH awarded as announced in said schedules. All proposals must be accompanied by a bend with approved securltj-, conditioned for thu faithful puiloruiancuef thuceiitract.and addressed and delivered te m bcterii 11 e'clix-k u in, of TUKS1JAY. theSUthday of June, A. D. iMii, at which tlme the proposals will be opened and contracts awarded, tu the executive cham ber, ut Harrlsburg. IHauk bends, und schedules containing all necessary informatleu can be obtained en ap plication at my eltlec. JeMstd Secretary of tbe Commonwealth. WHEN YOU OATOU COLD. HEN HEN seu's Capclne Plasters quickly drive nwuy pains nud achcn resulting from cold. Try tbciu. S3, JIKMlll.ti.. YKK'H HAIR VIGOR. PERFECT HAIR Indicates a natural aud health)- condition et the scalp, and of the glands thleugh which nourishment Is obtained hiiu,tnreneiiieiu-e of age and and disease, the hair becomes weak, thin aud graj-, Ajers llalr Iger w 111 strengthen It, losterclts original color, ptoutete Its rapid aud ilgoteus gie 111, ami impart tell the lustte c and trustiness et jeuin. I have used Avers Ualr- Iger ter a long time, and inn convinced nl lis value When 1 was 17 M'ais of age my hair began te lurn gray t coin meticcd using Iho Viger, and was surpilse.l at ..... , ...r... t. I, ..,.b,.,.u..1 ,, ,n i,,,lv e .toted th' roler te mv hvlr, but e stlntulnttsl Us growth that t hse lien mete hair than eier be V .. ,,.! I .!., ii ..(,. Slid-. IOIX' ' .."lllHI ,.--. AYER'S HAIR VIGOR. Sold l all Hrugulsts and rerrumers. It yeuaresullerlng trem debility and less of apiwtlte i If your stomach is out et order or jmir lUlllll COlllll-M'U . U,V .,,- - .-.-..,-.- - -" iiiedlelue will restore physical teree and elastic ity te ttiesj stem mere stirvtj and spedlly than mi j tonle jet discovered. rer six months 1 suiTcred from liver and stom ach troubles. My feed did Jiet nourish me, and 1 became weak and verj- much emaciated I took six bottles of Ayer's s-ursaparllhi, and wss cuicd Julius M, Palmer, Spritigtlelit, Mass. Ayer's Sarsaparilla. l'lx'iurvsl bj Dr J.C. Aj-erA Ce, Lewell. Mass, Sold tiv druggists. Price, II i six bottles, fS. June 1-17 ir.TIIK9. I'.. CALDWKLL.V CO. J. rillLADKU'lIlA. FOUR FINE WATCHES The Ekegren A thoroughly accurate h'gli gmde waicn ituirantted telst aiinbo!utel)cerrci t tltneki eker Messrs Caldnell ,V. Ce aie thesolesgentslnthe United States. The Audemars A high grade time piece made bj Louts Audemars, Ueueva, and seldevclu-lvclj In l'htl adephta by Jlcssrs. Cald well te. The Century A watch u.ade te our special order, cised in Is karat geld and guaranteed te be a cor rect timekeeper. The best iratch everettercd terOne lluu died Hollars. The Vac heron ThmllntbutUt of wiUcht'! that :ir rntltlt'vllobettnnptl hlRh grntte, lmulf by ttclieren A Len stnntln, of -it'imva, anJceldln l'hlltulfl phlabyMes-jiv Lall well t Ce. fxclu lely. J. E. Caldwell & Ce. 902 Chestnut St. Careful Attention Given te Orders Inquiries by Mail. and ULAHMHAHe. H Hill A MARTIN. IMHAII b Jelly Tumblers, Jelly Cups, Jelly Jars, Fruit jars, &c. THE BEST IN THE MARKET -AND AT- LOWEST PRICES AT- n lpMBlill 15 EAST KING STREET. LANCASTKlt, PA, NOTIONS. -pRISMAN'S. GKNTLK.MKN' Balbriggan and Gauze Undershirts. THK UKST White Shirts! NEC'KTIKS, PLAIN AMI FANCY U08IEUY, bCAltK l'INs, SLKKVKiIIUTTONS, hUai'ENDKUS, AT ER IS MAN'S, NO. 17 WEST KINO ST., LANCAHTEIt, l'A. yuuNJTUJtts. F URN1TURK WAHKROOMS. HOFMEIER'S us, m 26 East King St,, LAHCASXKU, l'A. Furniture Waroreon Ltrm iHHVHANCm AR1). CARD. The Bubsorlber would roepeotfXilly tnrurm his frleiuta nnd the publle Konernlly thrtt liehaa aoeoptod the Aitouey or THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO, OF NEW YORK. The Oldest Life- ItiBttrnnoe In the U til ted BtrUee nnd the LAUOB8T ittul STRONGEST lu tbe World. It wrltea the meat llbernl oentrnot evor leaued, nndlina nlwnyB rtrnlohed Iiisitrnnoe tvt the Lewest PomI PemI PomI ble Ceat, JAMES H. MARSHALL, OO North Duke, or 20 Enut Wnlnut Btroeta. VAHHIAUK A MOITO THAT ALWAYH WINS. HONEST WORK ! HONEST PRICES ! Philip Doersenfs Old Reliable Carriage Works, 126 and 128 EAST KING STREET, (NKAUbY Ul'l'OSlTK THK LKUl'AUll IHUTKl.), l.ANCASTKlt, l'A. Neue But First-Class Mechanics Employed. A 1 Material, and That Only, Used 1'UICKSTOSUITTHETIMES. Al.bWUUK OUAltA.NTKKl). BUGGIES, PHOTONS, BUSINESS WAGONS, MARKET WAGONS, And Vohleloa of Bvery Doeerlptlon Iluilt Promptly te Order. A full l.tnnef Vehicles tn Stock, lirenareslesiveelatlv for the Sluing Trade. A Large and Varled Asstirtnieni et SECOMJ-HA.ND W Ollh. ON HAM) 1'HlCtS. r.yrricuLAii attention' -l)lve tu a call and examine the work, TUral'bALK. Philip Doersom's Old NOS. 126 and 128 rUU UN MKMT. TTiOR RKNT. X? A Tebacm Warshouse with I'enn'a It. It. Siding Capacity ter storing 3,ue cases. Apply anne marle-tld INTKLMUKNCEIl OKriCK t OR RKNT. l.ANCASTKlt HALL. .Nes .'-'Diinil :JI 1 KMT KIM) STHKET. ler lUlls, Fairs aud Kntertaluinents. Alt per sons hav Ing skates In boles are requested te iv mev e them In ten daj-s, Oflleu ej-n 10 te 12 a. in. in.7 lind T7K)R RKNT. JL' S Shoe in rear of Ne. 37 WestCheslnutslrceL used as a cigar-box facterj-, and a shop en Mllltln street, between Meuth Queen and l'rlnrti strcts, lately used B-s a carriage factory. Alsea dwelling and storeroom new occupied by A. A. Hubley as a drug store, est King street. Apply at the fivtra l.NTKLLlllKNCKH erriUE. Pl'HLK SALi: OK VALUAHLK MILL l-KOl'KKTJ owned bv the llty of Lancas ter, ou SATIIUIAY, JUNE 19,, at the County Heuso en East King street, will be sold all that certain tmet et land, situate at Internee tlonef thu Conestegaand IllgiHprlng turnpike and Conestoga creek. In Lancaster and West Lampeter townships, Iancaster count j, l'a., known as the Old factory property, containing Seven Acres aud One Hundred and Ten Perches. The buildings ou these premises conslstef the re mains of the 1 our-Story Mone Factory which was destrej-ed bj tire a number of j-earsage, but the walls rumatu standing as (Inn as at the time of the lire, and can be built upon again. The water power te be obtained here Is second te uiiuii lu thu ceuntj The head and tall nice stand thu mill was In acUve op eration, and can be turned byaiuederate outlay Inte one or the best Urlst Mills tn the ceuntj'. Ttds property Is net mere than a mile from Lancaster City, wlthagoed turnpike running into town, and located In the midst of i-urhaps the richest agricultural and wheat growing dis tricts lu thu world. sale te cemmence at 7K o'clock p. m. Fer further particulars call en C. J. WHITE, Chairman Property Committee, Or JOEL L. HAINES, Ne. a North Duke street, Lancaster, Pa. Hk.iri sucbkut, Auct. leJ,7,10,lll,18,bd WALL 1'Al'EH. A RT WALL I'Al'KR STORE. Art Wall Paper Stere, NO. 134 NORTH 0.UEEN STKEET, LANCASTEK, PA. AnetLnr large let of GILT l'Al'KKS just ar rived will bu sold cheap. Cidl early and leek at thein and get prices. Will net keep them lung, ter the price will sell them. Window Shades made ready te hang. Plain Simile Cleth all colors. Window Shades made and hung promptly. Luce Curtains, Poles, Chains, Heeks, etc. 4sT.Ne trouble te show goods. ALFRED SIBBER, NO. 134 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCAHTEIt, PA. w IRK WINDOW HOREKNH. WE INAUOUKATE A New Price List -IN- Wire Window creens TO-DAY. a-Ue have them at ssc.aploce, up telt.iw, according te slze und kind. Leavo your orders early. PHARES W. FRY, NO. 57 NOIITH QUEEN BT LANCASTEU, PA. MAVMNMMT. jyTAOHlNKRY, 40. STEAM HEATING Latest and Meat Improved ENGINES Traction, PerUbl or SWetiry. Mew or Second-llend UOILEHS, WATER TANKS, 8EP4IIATORB. Maehiki or HrAiii Week such as done and keptln Machine Sheps. 0AU. OH OX ADDEBSS, Ezra F. Landis, WOEKB 537 NORTH CHERRY BTRBET, .UtaauTM, Vk, n7-ua vemvakt. "VVA CARD. HUHIIM. which will Iai sold at MOST UKASON A11LK paid te helmhunu. huthur you purctuuu or net. DOM'TretlUET Reliable Carriage Works, EAST KING STREET. r:;-ijdAw l'A H lis. AV. IKNRYN PARK. tan Parle. OX THE CORNWALL & MOUNT J.OI'E H.ULK0A.1). Te Churehes, Lislges, Societies and ether se lect organizations eentemplallng excursions during the SEASON HF lssn,the company begs toaiMieunco that everj' facility has been per-fecti-d for enabling thu public te reach this fa verlle n'sert. and no etrerl luvs b-en spari'd te make PE.NHJ N 1'MtK mere attractive limn ever before. Fer the rree use of excursionists ere provided UOAT-S ON THK LAKE. CltOQUET, LAWN TENNIS ANH BASE HALL tiltOUNHS, TAHLES, I1ENCHKS, SWINGS, DANC1M1 PAVILlON.HANIISTANII.LAllUE SIIELThlt HOLSh, K11CHE.N, IIASKET ANK ll.OAK IIOOMS, AND UHSKltVA'lOI.Y ON TOP OF SOUTH MOUN TAIN. Therelsalsen UKFUF.SIIM KNT AND DIN. IN(, KOO.M In charge el a competent caterer, where meats can lie procured at uioderate rates; Is-sldus Photograph liallery, Nuws Stand and Telegraph Other. Ir .Ne Intoxicating Liquors Allowed en the U rounds. Arrangements ler Excursions from all points can be made by applying te caul Ven schmalensee, hupl. Cornwall X ML Hepe K.'lt., Lebaneu, Pa. Or ( . (i. HANCOCK, lien. Pass. AgL Phil. A Heading 11. It , Ne. 227 Seuth Fourth St,, Phlla. mayl3 3ind Apr. GRLTNA I'AltK. MT. &RETM PAM, reit EXCURSIONS & PICNICS. This park Is located In the heart of thu Seuth Mountain en thu Lluu of the Cornwall & Lebanon Railroad, Nine miles south or thu city of Lebanon, within easy distance of Harrlsburg, Heading, Lancaster, Columbia and all points en thu Phil adelphia A Heading and Pennsylvania Hall Hall reads. Thu grounds are large, covering hun dreds et aero, and am FUKE TO ALL. The Conveniences aru A LARGE DANC1NU PAVILION, A SPACIOUS DINING HALL, TWO KITCHENS, 1IAUUAC1E AND COAT KOOM. PlIOTOUltAPH UALLKKY, While thu Arrangements ter Amusement con- CKO0I7KT AND HALL UUOUNDS, HOWLlNli ALLEY, 81100 1'INll DALLEUY, FLYINO HOIWKS, QUOITS, Ac, Ac. Tables for Lunchers, Hustle Seats and Henehes are scattered throughout the grounds. A New Attraction ter the i-oasen nf lSwi Is LAKE CONEWAOO, Cevering nearly Twenty Acres, en which are placed a number of Elegant New lieats, and along the banks of which aru pleasant walks and levely scenuty. Parties desiring It can procure Meals at the Park, us thu Dining Hall will be under the supervision or E. M. llOLTZ.ef the Lkiuhem Vallkv Hecsb. Theso who wish te BpendA DAY IN THE MOUNTA1NH can find no place se beautiful or affording se much pleas ureas MOHNTUHETNA. . NO INTOXICATING DKINKB ALLOWED ON THE PHEJIISE9. Excursions from all point en the Pennsylva nia Itatlread, will he carried direct te tee I'aik wltheut change et curs. ,, . Excursion rules and full Information can be obtained upon application te -" 'i0.)?' Assistant IJenerat Passenger Agent, 1 ennsyiva. ntallallread. BU Seuth Fourth stn;ct, Phlladel- nhla.orte j e. jisnninue, BupL O. A L. U.dlread, Lebanon, Pa. Uiayxamu 311I.I.INKHT. JMMKNHi: ASSORTMKNT. A. RIRSIi NOS. O & 8 NORTH QUEEN BT. In our limncn'ie assortment of elegant HATS AND BONNETS are greater bargains than can be found any. whereelse. We have an endless variety of un trimmed Hats and Ilonnets at the lowest prlc. The very latest novelties In Klhbens. Feathers, lowers, Hallns, Laces of all kinds aud Hats and Hen nets Trimmed Free or C'liarge. . ., We havu 11 large assortment of JKWKLllir, WATCIIEH, HPECTAOLES andOLOCKs. oVrllOOTANDSHOEDEPAHTMENTIscem. PlAl'e our QENT'8 8THAW HATS and FELT II AT8 at the lowest price. Call aud see. al l-2ind fy KOROK KRNHT, JB., Carpenter, Contractor & Builder, UES1DENUE-NO.KB WK8T KINO ST. 8HOP-EABT UKANT ST., Opposlte Butten Heuse. AH -work receives my prompt and personal at tentlen. All kinds of Jobbing attended te ut short no tice and en reasonable terms. Drawings and tCiUinatoslumlshed. e-27-lvd CALIi AT BTOKK KEIUART'H OLD WINK -rem- LISTON-S EXTRACT OP BEEP. nvisr Ik TUI WORLD, Established, 1783. H.E.8UYMAKER.A0T., Me. XMt Hiss Street. I