? ' ''' ' ' THE LANCASTER DAILY INTBIiUGiaCBB, FBIPAY, JUNE 11. 1886. . 'I: h y TIIR MAN Willi ADVKUTHI. lie's Just A bit m-alatlc lint net wlill rim"' iimlle, and lia iIihw II up uniptmtle whin '" sends iiliiilne "Ml " . Ami tin rut ik knowing l'"lM,r'"")V""i....... r t.tllir, paper, nt lop tiMilHl'i'l elm'"'. If jcii vtnut lit limltn nut ulinl Hurt II with nur '' JTiXrl ac,,.i belter. Hi" tli tt tilliui l'"r nil. acinus tlld WrtV 1 want It It nd "P '0 "' Hi" l'et Mini of pille-l'm KI"K te " lf n'lvi'ltMlliK itiit-n'l pay." .... New every spilng i""' winter lie unites lelhn prliili'i.ainl In tlietliiiniifiiiiiiiiiK'rniiil tlin . Mil, Ami liliipy Is e plain jeiiean niaituiul muni again i Oil I tliu limit lieilviiilli'i knows Hull, lln'ii I lie paper man ullsilitwn nnit ihi id lid en lil cum n, imil litis liU scalp il feat lilt kind et Until He's thluklnga lie's winking- " Wete columns iniuleiill top my tiiiMiiiw I inulil drop, lie tit ami skuknnil rlclnn mini " Drum Me .jynil t Meil. Tin Heg Crep. It wnillil deem as It tlin lintf Clep wellltl Ihi (xitilpuratHely niiiiiII, I1mmse liaiinaileNiicli raiHgui that many luitu lieen iloterrol Irein lrtuilliiK ui iittunilwly in iihiiuI, mill tt In mM llial abortion Is wry piotalent in many hoi'IIeiih. Tim iiiiiiilxir of pig "HI likely, llmruleri', lietiiiicli Hiualler tlian.N oeiiiinoii. Tim natural ixkcUiIIeii tliun 1h, If tint In trni', llinl prloei Milt lm higher ; mill If llnire hlienlil lie iieiIKmmi te curry oil our hivIiie, tilled who nlll Ii,i tilings tn will will IwiiihiIe tt foul goeil. Then ux iihiiiiI OMirjIssly will Hiite l)ii'iillii; hog ii.iln, unit iliiwn will iiniKi tlin prlce en i'e morn. Aemriliiig te tlie theory or tliu Chicago Ixniril of inula tlin luitlurine luiHliitmMeiiglit In inake xnlne liiceillng M'ry irolltiilile. Last week tlie Imiril through ufturlimnr roielutlOliH liiHtruut i'i! (.'uhriim Unit tin) iiiiiiinfiic'timi el nloeinar Kurlne tulileil til leii.it lour Hollars te tliu initie ir every liullnek. Tlie Miry fact tli.il tliev nclirteil iiloeinatg-trllin as Hid subject of tlielr iiiliilnlleii slum oil Unit tliry illil net knew iiiiilliing nlmnl what tlwy v,ero rnwilv lnif uhiii. Ills very curieiiM that n I'lilt-age iMMinl of tnnle hIiiiiiIiI pritlse oleomnrgnrltio mill inner Munitien bultorliie, whlrli la maile here in inucli lnrgur iimntill(i than oloo eloo oleo limrpirlnn K ieiv If tlin elixiiiinrKiirinii business Increa-stm tliu Milnoef IiiiIIim'Iin, tlin Imtterliin Inmini'HH limit lncri'ii(i tli vnluent Hwllie. Hilt If It I mi liml Hint t'lloel, tliu awlne liroeilnr Imi lulled loaee It. Hut tlin HttiirViit HMinu liriHiliiiK III till 'eiiiitr it tiy mi iihmii mi iinpreuilHlii one, IT hruiiilurw will tmiri'lm IihIkiik'UIhiiiI earn mill our neii'riiiiH'iit will hvii te it Unit no lujilitlcn it iteuu te tlin iuerlcan liOk' liy reniln nemriiinuiitx. We but rulloi rullei iitu what we Ii.imi nlli'ii m-iIiI. Unit tliu Iiek IndiiKlry et tlin I niluil .Sl.ilca ilu h'IuIh for Hiiivi'tw iiimiii a mero JuillcleiM h,kUiiii or Ifi'illnp it limit llinl lu-noerii, or tliu Iniluilrv will riiche iiieiu n'tleni Htitlint'kH Until It mi'r h ii lle;i tliat iirn inllinl m ltd rorii.KniKiriitlen nller i;uiiiiriitleu, Mill niiiviiuih te iliK-in" hoeiiur or latiT. 11 In liinvltahlu. Until we will Im'Iii ami mru vcru in ntruiiKtlicnliiK tlie itiiiitltulleiml vlKiir of our iwlnn, thu lintnliuer our Iieki must lii'emt' lU'.nllly prolltable. Tliuuiillre werlil W keIiik tohax'e Aiiuirli'.in imrk Hoeiiur or l.ilur. It ii .11 koeiI (xirk ivi thu world r.m piixluiii, ami it cm or ceurm) Ihj selil clicipcr Hun thu iloint'iitie Mirk of fernJKti imtiuni will, ir it Imi no AniiTli-an rem petition. Tills will Mittlii tint inattcr Heiiin tlinu. Tin) Imh). pluotnueh niitleui will lmu our perk or rnliu ,i row ; he tuny leek te feruiKii coiihu ceiihu coiihu iiieii te ile Hi Jii.itk'. if our KOMirninmit will net ile It. It welilil Imi n Hurieils blew te our j're purity, te iwriu.inuutly cripple our in Inn iiniUinilry. Thinking pmilu liavn uu uu ilu.iveriMl In Inipnmi t'engri'M with thu fact, hut it minis te lm tee luplit te hcu iL lliiiit c'rup) KlKiu tlie (icruiunlen n Tt'h'Krupli. II n rcaiennblu ileurcu et hiicwhh In beev! for in thucultlMitlen el root crepi, tluiy tuunt rivuiven fnlrhliaroeJ ntti'iitien. i;uu ioUi ieUi ioUi teon, treiu h littlu neglect, limy he ruiliuud cry iiiuch In jit-hl, ami then coining te ouieni, Ciirret.i, lxttM anil turnips whim nog neg nog lectixl, a Mtreii(-(r onie l pruiuntuil. Am u j-eneral rulu, any meII Unit Ii ikvuiiiI nat-m-ally of a high Ntatu el rurtllity, or in ton ten Jerud he liy uieaiiH of maimrtu, will giu growth te mero or luin wnxli. Anil it tlie rulu that cultlatiHl crnpi ami wunliappltui with any ferce in tliogrewllicif iinllimry Held crops ilnppllei with ileulilu fmce III thu rami of root crops anil unpticially " Willi onions ter tliu ruaiKin that thuy li.ne no hciiy loll lell aRU, which, hy 11m ovuriHiwerliig intliiuucu, uiila in tlie atrugglu for uxlituucu Willi thu growing wculi. That ouieiii or carreti cm la) grew n wltli wuwIm may net be ileniml, lint llcan Ihi wald with wry much truth that thu crop w 111 be very much minced. I 'or that rctwii tliu faruiur had buttur attuud te his root crejis hi u'mh, rathur than le let thu wt'udti gut Hiich a ntart :vi le gut tliu lead, and after (Oiitinulng thu racu tlireughuut tlie un- tlru mcumeii cemu in juil a llllle uiiuaii nl la-ii. It Ii thu work In timu that iicceuipllihui tlie ine.it geinl, A fuw heurV latxir in fuinen may Ihi thu mu.nii of haling dayi' of labor latur en. lmk te llm 1 r n. It is nutii bad tinioef tlie year new it it Ii.M Imuii ncglucteil bolore te attuud te thu cleaning of tlie rough and muity bark et fruit and ethur trttw. Tltoe placeM are liar Ixjrs ler miinlierluMM uggi el Iniecti and el the iiiHcvtM thpiineHt'i. Tliuy will new hoeiicoiiio into lite. Ileitreyliign slnglu ei:g man new limy jirnient thu hatching et many. It N net meant by till that thu bark in te lie craed down te tlie green Niirfacu, in Is HeinullmeH neon, nor nny whure near IL It in only neci-i-n.iry te roineio the Healyb.uk ready te lull away. Tlie work alieuld ro.illylue buun deuu early In the Hpriug, but It in net tee iate new. Wliun ole.uii.il II will bu Itettcr II thu truukM be Hcrubbud with milt HeapHiidi viHtreng us cm Ihi inade. Wliateier may bu the HyMtum or orchard oiilture It ii unuu tial tli.it grass ami trnsli be kept iiwaylrem tliebinoef thutrutikHef trues. This alene will etteu prei en t the uitnckH of borerB, ONimelally if during thu hoaseii of epgdeoilt epgdeeilt iug thu ui ikimmI places are occasionally rub bed wlUi hard soap. t'liilerKruuml Kterlrlu Ciibltn. .Siieakingef thoexiiorlmonlal undergreniiil oluetrio uiblus which liniu been laid In l'hila dulphla, Kiectrlciau Walker i-jyH : Tliu olio elio olie trlo light cable is oeored with lead and is half an inch in diameter and thu telegraph cable is three-quarters of an inch in diameter, both of them weighing about twenty tens. We have had it in tlie norvice of tlie Hrush Lighting company fur neieu months day and night, and It is new as geed as ever. We liae every reason te believe that It will accomplished its purpose perfuctly. Tlie lights are te be furnished by the United SUtes Kluotrle Ugh! company at Ulty cents perulgliU Thu samu system Is new being used in a measure by New Yerk, Washing ton, Chicago and l'lttsburg, and from Inquir ies I hav'J luunil that it is giving complete iatlractlen. We have given theso two cables a severe test, and I have no doubt whatever but that thny will work as well as above ground, providing lliey receive no mechani cal injury. Our cables are warranted by the Pittsburg linn for two years This Is the starting el underground wires in this city, and I think that il will prove salistactery In every respect and bu thu cause of placing all telegraph and telephone wires under ground." Threning lllrs at Weddings, from thu 1'all ilall Uazctlu. Tlie danger of throwing rlce at weddings litis just been oxeiupllllod. The Vicar of Hi James tliu Less liuthnal-green, has for many years solemnized the ceremony of luurrlage frisi te any who choesu te avail themselves of his kindness. It Is usual for the Iriemls te wait otilslde uud give the couple a reception witu u suewer ei rice and te Hiich an ex tout has tlie prac tice grown that tlie neighboring grocers koep parcels ready packed for the occasion. The brides are generally prolected by the veils, the bridegrooms are luss turtilimte, and yesterday ene et them received several grains lu Ills eyes. Alter a valli attempt te clear his eyes he was led te a surgery adjacent, and lie will new liav e te pass In the ward el a hospital what would have been his honeymoon. It appears that this is net by any means thu lirst serious accident caused in this way. Assert That Opium Is Net Harmful. Mr. 0. Scott, Iho travoller, In his book en Teuquiit assertB that opium used moderately Is at least no mero harmful than tobacco or alcohol, and that the opium plpe la a posl pesl posl tlve blessing alter a hard day's inarch, or In countries vvliere lever fumes rise thick out of the marshes and Jungle. He ayn that It Is euly when a man puts himself te sleep with a half dozen or mero pipes that It becemes a curse. '1'he opium habit Is very prevalent among tUe French soldiers m inde-t-hina. ViirliiiK, Hut Tru. Frem tlin llentim Courier, One who fre'ueiits tlie bennliftrt In the bathing season cannot help wondering hew It Is that stout moil get the small bathing hiiIU, nndiill tliemuall, Ihln ineii, the large onus. A lull man gisis Inlo tin) water llke a striped llolegna nniisaKO, while Ills neigh neigh lier, tlin llllle man, when lie strikes a wave, leeks llkeiiu Inflated balloon. I'll ere seems te be a oeimplrney among batlilng-lietisi) Inoprieters le render tliulr patrons ridicu lous by iiiislUtlng tlielll. Observing Iho lialliursas they go lulu tlin irf, ene Is ro re iiiIiiiIihI of Mr. Aifrtsl Jingle's remark te Mr. Pickwick, concerning the Londen isluieu's coals I (Jueer lints lliose made hy con tract un measuring inyHtorleus ilispeusa liens et Providence nil thu nhett men get long coats all the long men gut sliert coals," Vnlllirn nt tllsil Mone's 0iiuiiH. Lord HlaUhrlilge (Ulchard Urmvuner) as llhamioref the Liberal pirly knew nil about Its iiiaiiageineiiL Htsently soineenu showed him n list of tlioseineinlH!iH who would up up K)se Mr. (Hailstone's home ruin hill. " Why," he exclaimed, " it inntalns the name of overy liniu who lias oier suliscrilieil a jiniiny te tlie clwtlen cxikjiises of tliu parly I ' KnilMrrnmeil llrr .llntlirr. Irent lliu Hnrper, Ikirar. Mrs. Maternal (conversing with a friend at whenu house shu Is calling, Is (llsturlsid hy seeing her little daughter In aiinthur iirt of the room examining heiiiu oniainenbO "llortense, dear, I wouldn't touch theso things" llortense "Oli, thuy'ionetsotory dusty, mamma I" Tite l'rtwlilaut U.Niillfml llrsil. Kioto thu Kliulin thi.utt". I'resldeut I'leveland Is net dead heading during his honeymoon. Ile pays for Ids peclal train le Heur J'srk, pays fur his cot cet tiigu, mvs for his Ismril, and iinys Inr his liorses. 'That is the kind el president hu Is. A llutishrit Allan lt lienltli Is te bu leitnit In llr It V Pli-rru'n taverlte I'leaurlptlim," te I lie liieillj.nr I Icli ua'ii ri'tmily for fnmiilulwcakiicis anil kindred altuctluus Uieiimmls testily. Junes-1 n K.tw 'leetlilng Jt.ililes are linppy II tluirKii nsuiu tnitlied with Hit. Hash's Toething I.ellen Hiimnier .Metln'ra bu careful of jour huhles wlthillarrluei. I Ik. Hasiis Dlarrlnei MUluiu cuius when evuryUiIng olio lulls. I'rlce 'f cts. t or Hide by II II. (,(K-lirali, Nin. 117 ami lifl Nerlli ijiuiiiii strn't, l.anc.isler, Pa. liud.tw Hj'ifpi'psl.ieuiiiin Irem 'lerplil I. Iver ami ios ies llvencs. Vim cannot illni'tit your fissl well itulens your lliet anil lienels act irtsr!y. llnintlrutli's l'llls, taken euu or te at iiIkM for a week or an, nlll legulale 111" lnmelii,slluiulntu the liver ami ciiiuie u iiik'k mill lieallhrurill geitten 'llieml'lliH un imiely veKi'lsltlii, con lain no mineral mid urn tiln'ilutely bariulcfi fur old ami vti iin. HVKUIAL NUTIUKH. "HAOIiMKT.VCh " a tailing anil fniRniut ixr. tiime. Price luttil M cettti. ursiiluby H. It. tiRlimn, HruitKUt. Ne. SI North (Jiieun trout. Ilu Hasilkh Werm Svni'P, l'ttiiiy vcgiitable, pleasant te lake, will expel worms If any eIaI. no purgatlie re'iulnil aftct uiliig. Pi ice, , lems, by allilrtigKlsts. fvbvJuiilMWAI' HIIll.Oll'S Vlt'AI l.KIl 11 wlial vnu ini'd ler Constltvitten, lixier AlilK'tlte, lilclneis, ana all yiutitems of Dyspt'inln. Price 1 am S (nuts tier betllii. ler sale by 11. II. Cochran, lirugk'Ut, Ne. l.U Nurth 1J1111111 strinl. A Very Nsrruir lrai. lcs, 1 had a very narrow upchihV said a nreinliienli.lttxeti ten fileiid. "lmw cenUued te my bed for a vcar nut my friend gave ine up fnriiceninimptlve's Krave, unlit 1 began tulng Ketiin's ltaliam for llm 'I limit and l.itngi, and Here 1 am, setiuu anil iieariy." Price "ec. mill 1. I'er nale by II. II. Cectinin, I)rugglit,Ne. 137, North (jueen tttreet, laiucaatur. WHY W tl.l, M)U cough when Shllnh'ii Cure will glv e linuii'itlatu ri'llei. Prfre lu cts., M cts . nnit II, I'er milu by II. II. Cochran, UrugKlsL Nn. 137 North lluuuu slriwU Oss ItirrrLB KrrncTs a curic. lr. Ocar K. II. Kecli, of Allontenu, I'll, was beilfait with In In ftamiuatery rliiuiiu.itlsm In thu winter of Issl. Doctors could de nothing te relieve lilin. Ilu lemmunceil nulng tlrms' Itheumatlu ltcmcily. Hy the time tin hail timl luilt u bottle tin could IcavehUbcit; whentie h id llulilird thu bettle he was enroll ami has mil had a rutin n or the dlieiisu since. In Ills own wents "1 leel better than ever bvlutu " I'rfiu II, by all druggists. lubs-lnnlMU.tr HbKKI'l.hSS .NII.HIS, ininlii mlierabtu by that terrl bin ceuuti. Milleli'a L uru li the roineily ler von. torMiiteliy II. It. C(K.hran, Druggist, Ne 1J7 North liteen streuU The Imprinting IMugtr. The recent statistics nt the number el deaths show lhala large majority (Ilu with Cemiuup. linn This dl-eaiu may Leuuueiici) with an tip parcutly Iiarmlcss cough w hlch c in be cured In Htiintly by hemp's lUlsmn for thu Thre it ami I.iitiK-, which Hguamuteed tectuil and lelleyu allca-es. Price hi cents and II. Trtnl tize free Ker i.ile hy II. II Cochran, druggist. Ne. 1J7 North (Juccn street- oe-lwd.tltw AUK lilt; JIAI1K tnlieralite by Inillgestleti, Ceiiitlnatliui, Dlzlneis, Less et Appetite, leb en Skill t bhlleh's V Utilizer Is a pint tlve cure, ter sale by II. II. Cochran, Drugglit, Ne. 1.17 North yueuii street. Irnm His l'aliir of the Olivet ll'ipttst church, liiliiulelphla. Pa. 1 was se treuhleil with ca tarrh 11 MMlemly alfecteil my voice. One tHittlu nt hly'n Cic.iui Ilalui did thu wutk. M) velculs fully restored. It. V, l.lcpiiier. t'lxun Jliijer Hen in, Slut; hi. V. Y 1 wras HiiirerttiK nvurely with catarrh. Kly's Cream Halm was euggeitctl. Within auhouref the first ii)illcatleu 1 tell relieved. Was entliuly cuicil hi a luw days. . A. Downs. Jl-Jwiloetl.Vw roll DYSPKPMA ami l.lvnr Ceinplaiiit. you have a printed guarantee en ever liettln el Mil lull's ltalfzer. It nevui lulls lit line Ker hale by II II. CiK-hruu, Druimlit, Ne. i JJ North (Jueuu slrisiU jusr as (jOed. Ootitnllew nil One te make en bellcvn any ether leinedy Is Jiii.l as geed ter sick headache lis Dr. l.eilhvs.specliI l'lcicrlptleu, for It Is net tnte. 1 his Is thu only remedy In thu werlil that strikes tti. inunHiiui thu dlseasu and drives 11 out- Olve 11 a trial. HIUI.OII'S UATAltltll UK.MKDl a poiltlve ouie for Catarrh, Dlptherla, and Canker Meuth, for satu by II. II. Cochran, Druggist, Ne. S1 North ijuiiiii sticeL THK KKV. CKO. II. THAI Kit, el llelli lien I ml .hsvs ' Ikitlt m v set rand wife ewe our Hies te hill I.OIl'S CONS tMl"tiONCU UK." Kers-ilu by II . It. Cectinin, DruggMt, Ne. U7 North Ijueen stiuut. MAOHIMSHX. -jy-AUHlNKKy,AO. run STEAM HEATING Latest and Most Improved ENGINKS Trnclioe, I'erlible or Stationary. Mew or yocenailand UOILKIta, WATER TANKS, BEI'AUATOItb. MiciiiHi or llsi'Aia Werk euch as done and kepi In Machine Uhups. CALL OS ua ADDEEBS, Ezra F. Landis, WOUKH-637 NOHTU OHEIIUY 8TKEKT, URUiBTlB. l'A. n7-tia VAUAHOLS ,tV, ROHK HUOS. A HAKTMAN. PARASOLS. Geed Satin Parasols, 75 Cents. SUN UMBRELLAS. Inches, All Silk, $1.50. 24 -lVAOON UMII11KLLA3 A LSl'fcClALTY. The Maniiractiiici-s. Rese Bres. & Hartman, 14 EAST KING ST. apimmd MMDIOAL. , YKK'H 1IAIH VIOOlt. PERFECT HAIR Indicate a natural and hnalthy eandltlnn of thuscslp, and of I ha glands through "hjeh netirlihineiit Is oliUlned. VVhsn, III conseituotiC" of age and and dlseium, the hair biioemus weak, thin and gray, Aynr's Hair Viger wlUr!ngthn II, roslern Its erlicliial color, nrometn IU .rapid and v iKeniits grim Hi, and Imparl te II the lustre and fruslmess of yeutbj I have iimmI Ayer's Hair Viger for a long tlmn. and am eiinv lined el Its valuu When I si 17 voarsefsKiimy hair b gnu le turn gray. I coin liiiilil oil using thu Mger, uud wiw siirptlsea at Iho gisHt I'irects It ptistueeil. It ItotenlV n n terr.l th color te my hair, hut e stlmulalea us grew th that I havn new mero hair than ever liu liu liu fore. J. W Krtwan1,Cehlwatar, Miss. AYER'S HAIR VIGOR. Held by all Druggist ami IMrfumers. If von uremillerliilJ from debility and Ien el l pein . If yeVirVt. !ii.mt)lilnil el order or your m It d ceiiluiert inke Ayer's Harsaparllla Thu "llVh wMI "istiiri- physleal force and ulaslle Itv le tliu "ystetii inerusuruly and spudlly than any tonie yd discovered. mridxmenlli suireied from liver and stom ach troubles, sly reed did nel nourish me, ami 1 became weak and very much eimiclated. I HKik si bottles or Ayer'sMarsaparllla, and was cuied Itillus 11. l'aliuer,Hprlngllld, Slass. Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I'repaiedbyDr. J.C. Ajer A Ce, Lewell, Mas. Sold by druggists. Price, II i sli bottles, V. June 1-17 NO DOUIIT AIIOUT IT. The strongest and bent potireiu lilailer liver known. Tim HOP PI.AhTKH Is highly medicated fur tin) Instant curu et palus and aches and thu ntreugtheuluger weakpars. Pru paied riiim fn-sh litgreilleuls. burgundy Pilch, Canada llalsam ami thu entire medical iiuallllc of linns, Ifjeu am troubled with local or deep, sealed pain, severe wienehes. Iliickache, Ulicu matliin,Htllches,8iiiu Chusl or soreness or any natiire.aiiplyeue or these plasters and nutiilts miigle elleef. All drug steri'i, Be., .1 rerll uu. HOP PI.ASTKIICO., llosten, Mass. (II) AMItKAT HUCCLHH. VOII WILL HAY M). What Is tlin use of suffering with Itatkachc, Hciatlca, ltheumiilliiii,ldeiiclie. Crick, Kidney Troubles. Hore Chest, or mii-oiiem In any part, when allot' PIjAHTKU will give litsUnl ri'llet. Apply one directly ever seat el pain and nete Us siMithlng, stlmulatliig anil strengthening elfect. lilueset lletw. Canadii Halsiitu mid lluigundy Pitch cnuildiipil. Hosts of people iisn and rec ommend tliem. Sold every whom, ffile , 6 tnr H.im. Mailed ler prlce. II OV PLA8TKH COM-, PAN Y, llosten, Mass. (13) mm: MAHKKT IS I'L00I)i:i) X With old faihlened slew actlitg plasters of deubtrtil composition. Here we preient. you tlinoiimplele virtues of ! reih Heps, Iliugliudy Pitch and Canada lials.im as tin) Ingredients et thu HOP PI.Asl'Klt. Pure, hwiut. trcsh and never falling for all palm, aehes and sorencis, IimmI or ilt.ep.ie.ited Absolutely thu best and stmngeit potem plaster ever known. Thou Theu saiiils say se, w hy net you T Only ale , or a for II i), everywhere. Ment bv mall Inr price. HOP HKA.STKUCOMPANV. llosten, Mass. (16) X l'TEH ALL OTH KHS FAlLTcONHULT DR. LOBB, 3UNOUTH HKTKENTH STHKKT, (Helow Cal- lewhlll Htreut, Philadelphia.) 31 VKAKS' KXPKKIKNCK. Ouaniiitoedlocure the iillllcled and unrerluiiatn w Ith Purely Vcgo Vcge tabln Medicines. Doek en sjiecliil dlsuases fnni nvmlferiu Advlciifns) and xtrlctly conMdoii cenMdoii conMdeii tlal. ertlcu hours, 11 a. in. te : p. m ,7 p. in. te 10 p. in. Treatment by Mall. ml-lvdAw lUKK OUAKANTKKI). RUPTURE. Curu guarantwd bv DU .1. II. MAVKlt. Kaiualencu; nnpinilloiier delay Inim busl- miHS tiwteil uy iiuniireusei cures, nam uuiie, Kll AKCI1 ST., PillLA tMitut for Circular. fJJ-lvdAw piOHN ItKMOVKH TK7TOKL1 CORN KEHOVEK. Warranted te eradicate completely and In a short timu, the most nhdutitlu corns, hard or selt, without pain. Held by Gee, W. Hull, Chas. A. Jim ber, Jehn It. Kautruiau, Dr. Win. worm werm luy. And. 0. IKiuv, Chas. J. Shulni) er, and at llKCHTOl.D'8 DltlHI TOUK, aecllHyd Ne. 401 Wvat Oniugu 8U DIL DALHKN, OKKlChS AND DUUf) HTOllK, l.vmN.sth St., I'hllad'ft., Heglstored Physician and tiraduale Jeltcruen College, guarantees te euro all Meed, Hkln and Nervous Dlsuaics with puiulj vcgeuihlu retne- lilt. DAI.HKN'8 I'll. I.S. Safe, sum and ullcc-tu-il. bent only by Kipiess en receipt eril Ne I'ennynii a! or dangerous drugs. 1'mUN.Mhut, Philadelphia. f-7 l'd UMUVKHlMlt. Hit) II UltADi: rOl-TKKS. Klnn old (jevernment Java and Mecha Coffees, the boil In the market- Our Java blen ded CeHeu spunks Inr Itsell; rich and fragrant, 'Zx lHir pound. Very line Plantation ltle Coffees, our best only ie. per pound ; enu very popular ill 13c VVu waulyim lecall and try our WKe. Coffee. Thu eicelleiit iiiatlty of our Coffees and line Te n Is making Irlemts fast and firm. Our dally .tles sltew a steady Increase. Kresh lleutiil every day. A full line of fancy liiecurles. Plcu-e glve ua a tital order. UhO. WIANT, aug'JU-ljd Ne. 113 West King Street, -iti:w tiKecKKir.'s. " IIONKbTV Is THK IIKST POLICY " Preients uie.iu deception The inline, lu Its liuslnesi ue, Isn tiveat of the act. Perspica cious and I ir seeing people knew this. Kfther in iiiuntlty or iiuallty, or through trickery, dupes pay for their delusion The piuchaser mtiif and alwajs does pij de.ulyler thu sup. lie-cd gilt. (T) A New Sleck el the HKbT IHtANDS Of '1KAS AND COtrKKS, Te bu Sold en Their Mellis OUANT1T1 AND tJUAI.U'Y UUAItANTKED AT Charles MacNay's Choice Family Grocery, Nes 11. and 117 North (jucen btrcut. Just recelvtd. n large ituantlty et Petted Duck, dame Chicken, Turkey, llatn, tongue anil licet ler picnic pintles, imported Ulnger Alu, t Ml kt dozen delivered. nips for hittif tier Drinks. All kinds of Imported Cheesus. Durkee's Salad Drcsslnu Imported Itellshcs. I'eiiis A Cetupaiiy'sNuw leik Hams and Hone Hene less IUleii Junes lmd AT HUKhlCS. JUSl" IlKCEIVLD. A triHli let et Durkeu's Salad Dius9liig, tine Ollie Oils, for tablu inu; thu Mettet uud ethur bunds. Queen Olives, Imported bdeui or Diitchltcait Cheese, Miiiaieul and Vermicelli, Ciuss A Illackwcll Picklesand bailees, Ac. PUKSKUVKi-l' UU1T I'UElKUVKS. J list received, n Jeb let et Kitilt Piescrvea In .lit. beves usual pi Ice, IU luiiIs, selling at 'A cunts a box. J ELI, IKS. JELLIES. Ihlity pound buckets al De. a pound, or by thu pound ictall, is:. PIE ElllU'lS. Pie Peaches, ijuarl cm, 10c. flesh Apples, limit can, fc. t'ELL'S und M. l'ENN COllN, be. pur can, BURSK'S, NO. 17 EAST kUNG STREET, LANCASTKU.l'A. -Tulcphone Connection. TOUN JIAKK'S SONK. NEW BOOKS Ateiilletcil at illiberal discount liuui thu pub lishers' pi Ices. SUNDAY S0H00L BOOKS In Library Sets, Class Heeks, ltecenls, Ituwauls, lllblus, 'luslauiunts, Caluchlsuu, etc. QUARTO BIBLES CentaliiK King Jaines anil the llovlseil Verslnns el both Old and New TeslameulH lu narallel celuinus; iilse. with thu two versions of thu N'uw TiMiiiuiunt, or with the old vorslen of tlie Itlble only. In arinus styles or binding, tit much lower piIles tliau by traveling uhuiiU. AT THK U00U8TOHE OF JOM BAEll'S SONS, Neb. 16,Qd 17 North Quoea Streot, LANUASTEK. l'A. Q.EOHUK EHNHT, ja, Carpenter, Contractor & Builder, UESIHK.NCE-NO.5w1 WEST KING ST. 81I0r-KAST OllANT ST., Opposlte Station llOUHO. All work receives my prompt ana persenal at tentien. All kinds et Jobbing attended te at short no- uce huh uu niasunuu;e tonus. Drawings ana Kstlmales turnlahed, Oij-iye. MtLLiirxKr. S' UMMEH HATH AND HONKTH. Trimmed and Untrimmed r Hats -AND BONNETS In Iniiiieiise Variety, -AT- ASTRIGH'S Palace of Fashion, 13 EAST KING STREET. We Kxteud an Invitation te all te Visit out MILLINERY PARLOR And HteOur Imuiense l.arge Stock el MILLINERY. Never botern has such a variety been seen in bancaaler. All trlmined hats are marked te the lowest price. Positively no fancy prices, as wu only charge thu actual price et material and work. OurOrder Department Is most rellahle for the reason that all our goods are marked In plain figures, and It Is Impossible te charge uietu for anything than thu rlisht prlce. We have openod this week a large sleck of White. Cream, Kcru and lllege Tips, which we BellatT's.v.tl.u) and tl .vi a bunch; lliey tire the uiiesl wu ever liad for the money. As the season for l.ae Mitts is opening, we call your attention te thu following list, which gives you an Idea thill n this artlclc.iis well as any ether, we are thu low est In prim. Piire Silk Jersey Mitts, In Illaek.Cream, Kcru, llelgunnd ether stylish colors, all's;, a pair. Sli llutteu Length Pure bilk, in black and colored, .17c. a pair. Kvtra Flne and Leng, lll.tck and Colored, W)c. a pair IVhlln and Hclgu Orleiital Lacu Fleuucliig, 83c , tl.ei. II. a. (I 37, II 'hi, II "1 and :.2j a yard. lerty-lnch Wldu fcuibreidciy'. sic., 11.00 and 1.') n vaid. Special bargain at tlO a yard. Siicclal lurgslii lit Whltu and llelgu Egyptian Lace, tell inches wide, u. u yard. Parasols and Sun Umbrellas AT SPECIAL LOW 1'KICKS. White Kmbreldeied Hobes ul ri'O.tiSV.ri'iO, tJ.75, f.0J mid higher. Linen Cellars and CtilN, Whltu uud Colored, lu all the latest "tyles. Three-ply Linen Cellars, with Cape, stitched and worked tuition hole", sizes 11 te UK, alSc ; Cuffs te match, hic.a pair. The bcstUcnt's Uulauiidrlud Whltu Shirt, for fifty cents. In the clly Linen besom, rolnlerced linen back, linen bands, geed muslin and well made. ltargalns lu Ladies' and Uents' Uailzu Shirts, at auc- and U.c. apiece -During the mouths of July, August and hepteiuber, our store will cle-e at six o'clock,, overy evening, Saturdaj s excepted. TJLMKNSi: A8S0KTMKNT. A. FIRSF, NOS. O & 8 NOriTH QUEEN ST. In out lutuionieastortuionl or elegant HATS AND BONNETS are grualer batgalns than cm bu found any where else. Wu have an endless variety of iiu Irluuucd Hals and lkiuin ts at thu lowest price. The vury latest nevcltks lu millions. Kuathers, Flowers, Satins, I.aees of all kinds and Huts and Hen nets Trlinmed Pile or Charge. We have a large itisiirluicul. of JKWELIIY', WATCHES, SPECTACLES indCLOCKS. Our HOOT ANDbllOE DEPAItl'MENTIscuui plcte. Alse our ir.. l a a 1 1. v ua t a uuu r 11.1.1 HATS at the lowest prlie Call and see. iill-Siiid ULAMHHAUK. H 1G11 it MAHTIN. PAHA Li Jelly Tumblers, Jelly Cups, Jelly Jars, Fruit jars, he. THE BEST IN THE MARKET AND T LOWEST PRICES AT Hiah 5 Martin 15 EAST KING STREET. LANCASTEU, l'A, rXAlili AT J STOIIK KEIQAKT'S OLD WINE FO LIBTON'S EXTRACT OP BEEF. VIHBST I TBI W0KLD, UtablUhed, 1785. H. E. 8LAYMAKER. AQT., (DIMM Ne, fflKut King Street. Sumiu Bur M ETZOKU A HAUUHMAN. Summer Dress Goods METZGER sThAUGHMAN'S. We have new In Btoek Hpeclal DartfnlnB In WHITB DRESS GOODS, bought under Regulnr Prloen und te be Beld cheap. Victeria Lnwun Rt 10e., 12 l-2e 16e 20e., 25e., 31e 37c; India LInena all ffrades , Strlped and Plaid Musllna ; Oorded Plquea ; Orlnkled Soerauekera ; Vigil Lawns ; Vigil Batlatee, -AT- Metzger & Haiiglmian's Cheap Stere, Ne. 43 West King Street, Between the Cooper Heuse and Serrel Herse Hetel, Lancaster, Pa. t.irm iNHUHANVR veMt'Anr. QAHl,. CARD. The BubBorlber would rospeotfully Inform hla frlenda and the public gonerally that he baa aoceptod the Agoney of THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO, OF NEW YORK. The Oldest LIfe InBUrance In the Unlted States and the LARGEST and STRONGEST in the World. It wrltea the most llberal contract ever Issued, and has always furnlubed InBUrance at the Lewost Poesl Peesl Poesl ble Ceat. JAMES H. MARSHALL, OO North Duke, or 20 Ettst Walnut Stroets. JEWKLKHf, XV. H. HHOAUfc), JKWEtilSlt. H. Watches. Diamonds, Jewelry, Silverware, Oil Paintings, Statuary, Musical Bexes. Bronze Figures, Sterling Silver, Geld & Silver Head Oanes, &c., &c, &c, &c. jut A full Line of l'rogrcsslve Euclire ami " Thu aennan" rrlzen. H. Z. RHOADS, Ne. 4 West King St. OAltKlAUB A MOITO T1IAT ALWAYS WJNH. HONEST WORK ! HONEST PRICES ! Ptlilip Doersom's Old Reliable Garriage Works, 126 and 128 EAST KINO STREET, (NEAllLV Ofl'OSITK THK LEOl'AHU IIIOTKL), LANUASTEll, l'A. Nene But First-Glass Mechanics Employed. A 1 Material, and That Only, Used intlUES TO SUIT THE TIMES. ALI, H'OKK UUAKANTEEU. BUGGIES, PHMONS, BUSINESS WAGONS, MARKET WAGONS, And Vonleloa of Every Doserlptlon Built Promptly te Order. A Full I.lnnet Vulilelcs ill Stock, nronareilesiiflclallv forthe Snrlnir Trade. A I.arire and Varlnil Assnrtuteul et SECOND-HAND WOUK ON HAND which nlll bu seldatMObT ItEAhONAULE 1'UICES. VAUTlCULiUt ATTENTION PAI TO IMPAIRING. 4lllle us THEl'LACE. a call ami oxiuulne the work, Philip Doersom's Old NOS. 126 and 128 JfUlUilTUKB. H KlN'iTSLTS 1'UJtNITUllli DIU'OT. LANCASTER, MAY 17, 1886. Te my friends and patreiiB I deslre te Bay that we are better prepared than ever te de your repuir lug of all kinds and in the beat poselble manner. Hair Mattrossea made evor at the loweBt pricea consistent with geed work. If you want your Parler Suit Ro-uphelatorod in Plush we can de it cheaper than thoae who buy their material by the yard at retall prices, as our goods come from first hands and are bought for Spot Cash. We have the choapeat and beat new Parler Suit in Flush te be found in this or any ethor city, which we are making a run en for the next 30 days. NOS. 27 HitutuuruurtiHUiNU uuvva. S' UIIIK'H 0A.KPKT 11A1.U CARPETS ! UEOI'KNINU Or SHIRK'S CARPET HALL. We are new piopaied te show the trade the Largest and Hest Bolected Line of Carrwla ever ex, hlbltedtn this clly. WILTONS, VELVETS, all the Trading Makes of 1IOUV ANUTA1'K8TIIV BKUSSELS.TllllEK-l'LY, All-Weel and Cotten Chain EXTUA SUl'EUS, and nil qualities of IN. OllAIN CAltl'KTS, HAM ASK and VENETIAN CAIll'ETS. HAG and CHAIN CAUl'ETBef our own uianulactuie a speciality. Special Attention paid te the Manutacturoef CUSTOM CAUVKTH, Alioarell Line 01 OIL CLOTHS, UUUS, WINDOW SHADES, CO VKULKT8, Ac, AT SHIRK'S CARPET HALL, Cor. WeBt King and WATVHJCH, V. vyATOUES, OI,OUKH, Att WATCHtS, CLOCKS, An. Sl'ECIALSALE Of OOLlJ-l'lLLEO CASES (lless's Uanutactmu), hunting or epeu-c.ised watch, nlckle works, 15 Jowels, stem wlndlug and setting (limited number) at I.U0U. Alse 75 In Bllvurud hunting cases, same works, at 17.50 each. , ...... .., Great bargains lit Lancaster Watches. All the best Elglus and elhurs. Correct Hum dally by telcgraph t only place In city. Hest watch uud lewulrv renAtrlng.t L. WKUKit, jewuiry repainu,. j5QKNertu gUecn Streot. (Near V. 11. It. Btatlun.r r Spoctacle aud Eye Ulasscs. Optical Goods. -VTOT A PATENT MEDICINE KID- Ji ney arTectlens are at once abated by lien. toneo abated by lien lien Dgtter than nauseQus son's Cupclne l'laaters, aoses, OOM, CARD. Z. RHOADS, JEWELER. HI) It II H. whether you purchase or net, DON'T reilfJKT Reliable Carriage Works, EAST KING STREET. fH-lydAw HEINITSH'S Furniture Depot, and 20 SOUTH QUEEN ST. uiSMvd CARPETS ! Water Ste., Lancaster, Pa. rabS-jmlLtw irUKSlTVHMS. H EKE THEY A KB. ANOTIIKIl LOT OK THOSE FOLDING DRESS PILLOWS Your neighbor was speaking about, and you should uut be without a pair. Thoyate only te be had -AT- rlOFFMEIER'S Ne, 2a Bast King Street, LANCAJSTXB. fA. tMrMMM'ttfOMMif - - " v w , Rwanaiijua,, OanifMveli lliirillirWlaar.iJr, pu. ana t!g wKaTiMrtipa. j, ww ana ivmi DISADINU it..RlAKMX.IIOAB JLI) AN 1.AK0ASTKU jellfasaM.1k?"J"'l", mnm On and after SttNPAT.MAT Mlli.lM. TKA1N8 I.RAVB WlleiW ' rer Ceinmhta and LaneMtat at T.a,L.H.M rer utiarryTllle at 7.11 a. m. anfl .W a, m. rer tJhlolre at 7.S3 a. nt. and limn, m, TUAIN8 IiRAVK Odl.OllIllA rer KradlnK at7.!Ma. m., ItJBanfl J.Wp.Bt. rer ltmnen al 11.31) and . p. in. THAINS 1.KAVK gUAKMT Vtl,tH Jer Ijincanter at R.S8 and 7.15 a.m. and.AMn.ni. rer itnaaiiiK at . a. m. and t. p. M. rer I.elianeti at us n. m. -.kKAVK KINu'BTRRKT(LanMtar,) SS- J,,'a',,nK at 7.M a. nt., law and x p. m. ESS ,I,l,RnTn"i '. li) and MS f. m. Fer Uuarrrv 1 1 at tt 3! a. m, H.W and MO p. m. . ;;"" " 'i'" a- m i'i.iann imin, in. .... ........s.... nbi.wn. a vc vjuarry vine at 7.-W a. m. BUKUATTBAIKS, TKAINS I.KAVK UK A III Mil rerl.anciMU.rat7.Ma.P-, andi.00n.m rer yuarryville at ten ,,-'; ana .w p. nu THAINS tr.AVR QUAKItTVlM,R rnMni EAVK KINO BT. (Unra.ter.) p!jnK ana ""'en l 8.wa.m. and rr, Qnarryrllle at 8 SO p. m. TIIA1NB I.KAVK 1-ItINCK ST. (LanOMUir,) p. m?'"K ttna Lel,anon uid aid a. rn. and tot Fer (iua'rry vllle at B.t.1 p. in. rer 1 . ?UAINB ''KAVB I.KIIANON. rer guarry vlllu at 3 e . m, '" "'" ' " rer connectlon at Uiilunthla. Marietta J unn. lien, lncanU-r Jiincllen7tanl!el2, Uejuin. and Lebanon, son tlmn Ublm at all taltetuh A. M. WtLHON.auDcrlnUnaent. PENNSYI,VAN1A KAILKOAD 8CHKD. U I.K. lu iifTcet from May 3I.1S.-0. Trains Liv Lakeabtkb and lonveandarrlra atl'lilladolphlaasfellowai uarriTO Leavo Leave Lancaiiler. Ml. IH. 8.-SI a. m. e.lti a. in. VM a. in. 9 35 a. m. n-.aia. in. HAS a. in. . 2.en p. in. 2:111 n, in. 2-..V) p. in. ft-no p. in. 7:au p. in. 7:lil n. m. WKSTWAUU. ravlfln KxpreHat Nnw.i KxprcaM Way ranaonifert....... Mall train via MU Jey! Ne.SMallTnilnt ...... Niagara Express llanorer Aiceui re.it l.lnct rroderlckAccnm Lancaster Accem llarrlsliurfr Accem.... (Jelumtila Arcem llarrlsburi; Kxprnns... Chicago and Cln. Kz.. Western Kxpresst Philadelphia. ii:ip. lu. 4-Mu.id. 4.-.10 a. in. 7:00 n in. via Columbia 7:10 a.m. via Columbia 11:50 a.m. via Cnltiinbla viaMt, Jey.. x ii, p. in. 4 40 p. in.; 8.40 p in. 8.50 p. in. 1005 p.m. Leave Lancaster. 2 4.1 a. m. 0.05 a. m. 8:10 a. in. 8..M a. in. 9110 a.m. 12A8 p. m. 2-01 p. in, 3.eap.in. 4:4An.m. le-lft p. m. 12:10 a. in. Arnre at 1'hlla. 4:15 a. m. 8:i1 a. m. lean a. m. KA8TWA11U. I'hl 1 11. Kxpresst rant Unci Hurrliburg Kxpress.. Lancaster Accem ar.. TlaMtJey ueiuintiia Accem u:wa. re. 3:1.1 p. in. OUU) p. in, 5.15 p. m. 0.5H p. m, 9.U n. m. Boasbere Eiiinw.i. Johnstown r.i ptcss... Henaay MaU. Day Express) llarrlsburi; Accem... 8 4.1 p. in. The Lancaster Arrnminiwlittlnn InAvnji llicrrla. burn at 6.W p. in. and arrlycs at Lancaster at a J8 p.m. The Marlutla AccommeOalton loave.1 Celum bla at 6 10 a. m. and reaches Marlulln at M. Alse. loiivei Columbia at 11:15 a. in. and z.ll p. in., rnachlnfr Marietta at mil ana 3 38. Jxiavei Marlutla at 3.05 p. m. and arrlvua at Columbia at 3.W; also, leaves at SUB ailil urrlvea at 8 JO. Thu Yerk Accommodation leaves Marietta at 7.10 and arrives at Lancaster nt 8-flO counectlnv with llarrtsbunr Kxpress at 8-10 a. in. The FredericKAccommedatton, west, con noct nect In(t at Lancaster with fast Line, went, at 2:10 p. in., will run throuirhte t'roderlck. Tne Kroderlctc Accoinmeilatlon, east, leaves Columbia at 12.-25 and reaches Lancaster at 1231 p. m. Hanover Accommodation, west, connecting at Lancaster with Niagara Expretd at V-.&0 a.tn., will run thruutjh te lianover, dolly, except Ban day, Fast Line. west, en Sunday, when flagged, will step at Dowiiliigtewn, Coutesvllle, l'arkea. burir, Mt, Jur. Ellzabutlttiwn and Middle town. tr lie mil trains which run daily. On Sunday the Mall train wiml runs bv way el Columbia, J. It. WOOD, (lenerat l'nssonirer Aent. CHAS. K. l'Udll.Ueuei-nl Manager. VAHKB, A V. pENKYN l'AlUC. r " enriiii M. ON THE CORNWALL is MOUNT HOn: RAILROAD: Te Churches, Ledges, Societies and ether se lect organization vtmliimplallii excursions during the SEASON Of tNl,tIie company ders te uniiouiice that evcry facility has been por per tuctcd for unabllitu; thu publle te reach this fa fa fa vorlte resert, and no ottert lias been spared te make l'ENHVN l'AUK mero attraotlve than evor Iiofero. Fer the iroe use of oxcurslenlsta ai-e pru lded 1IOATS ON THE LAKE, OUOQUET, LAWN TENNIti AND 11ABB UALL UllOUNUS, TA11LES, r.E.NCHErt, SW1NUS. DANCINO PAVILION, HANO STANn.LAKQK HHELTEll 1IOUUE, KITCHEN, 11AHKET AND CLOAK ltOOMS, AND OlISKHVATOItV ON TOP Of SOUTH MOUN TAIN. There Is alsen KEt'UESHMENT AND DIN. INU UUUM In chaige et n ceniiiutunt caterer, where meals can boprecurailat moderate rates j licsldes l'ltotetjniph Uallery, News Stand aud Telegniph Ofllce. Mf Ne Intoxicating LlQuera Allowed en the U rounds. Arrangoinenta ler Kxcursleng Irein all points can be made bv applying te CAUL VON BCUMALENBEK, Sunt. Cornwall X Ml. Hepo It.lll., Lebanon, Fa. Or C. U. HANCOCK, (Jen. l'ess. Agl, t'hll. A lteadlug It. It , Ne. .7 Seuth Fourth St., 1'hlla. Uiayl3 Sunt TITT. GUETNA l'AHIC. m. swmk pauk, -FOlt- EXCURSIONS & PICNICS. This park Is located In thd heart of thu Seuth Mountain en the Line of the Cornwall & Lebanon Railroad, Nine miles south of the city of Lebanon, within cn.iv illstnuce of ll.irrisburg. Iteadlnir. Lancaster, Columbia and all points en the l'hll ailulphia A Ueaillng and Pennsylvania llall muds. The grounds am large, covering hun diuds et ucreH. and ara FHEU TO ALL. The Conveniences are A LAItliK DANCING PAVILION, A SPACIOUS DINING HALL, TWO KITCHENS, HAUGAllli AND COAT UOOM, l'HOTOUUAl'H GALLEUY, Wlille the Arrangements ter Amusement con sist of UllOQUKT AND UALL GltOUNDS, HOWLING ALLEY, SHOOTING UALLEItr, f LYING HOUSES. O.U01T8, Ac., Ac. I'tiblea for Lull chcrs, UiistleSuaU and Uuuelie arecatluicd throughout thu grounds. A Mew Attraction ter the foasen of ltwi Is LAKE CONEWAGO, nnvnrliiifnearlv Twenty Acres, en whlcharfl placed a number of Elegant New Jteuts, and along the banks of which are pleasant walks and "P elv of wtiicuarepiuasaniwaiKsana il Parties deslilng It can procure II Imuly scenery. Meals at the nil urir. ns ihe Dlnluir llall will ba uniler the sunorvlslen of K. St. JiOLTZ, of the Lkiianen Valusv JIedsis. Theso who -wish te spend A DAY IN THE MOUNTAINS can And no pMcose beautiful or utrordlngse much ploaa pleaa ploaa ureas MOUNTOKETNA. NO 1NTOAICAT1NG DUINK8 ALLOWKD ON THK PUEM18ES. Excursions from all points en the Pennsylva nia Uallreud, will be currlea direct te the task without change of cars. Excursion rates and full Information can ba obtained upon application te Gee. W. Heyd, Assistant Uuneral 1'ussengar Agent, Pennsjlra nlu Itailread, 'id Seuth fourth street, l'lilladel l'lilladel l'lilladel lihU.orte J. U. JENN1NU8, Bitet. C. & L. Uallreud, Lebanon, I'e. :iiay253nul jforiej. Q.KAND DlHl'IiAY OK NECKTIES. OO TO KKUMANV, cieu OAMHL'S HAIR UHDRWA, " ue te BUSMAN'S, jkiatkhtstyxmb; ""asi-sHfc,, jrYHKAPJIBT AND BIWT ', HCARLCT UNDEHWUaM '- $.' . AT ERISMAN'S. NO.nWKSTKlNQBT t- ' l,i r-'-i