irrmiwijiiMiwiwajnaTHjftjywy !T,3S-r- r tjtFtwMrmn" &&&&'' wjj v.1 Igi)ps4 - THE IiAKCABTER DAILY USTMCliLIGENOER THURSDAY. JUNE 10,1886. J., l'. tfWSflW 1 NEW SCHOOL BOARD rjiYM metv vv cut.VMiitA's rvntic SV MCHutit, inarm, iff of lh Iteming Itedy tlmlnm Tmtil- clcd ij the Hmm Ofncrm Jkntr Orgnnl- rittlnn HtUrlrs FUrd-strnck hy An Engine-Nate Abenl Town. HcmiinrCorreipetiflcncoof Ihtiiuemceii. Cei.Umma, June Jft Tlie llnal tncetlng el tha Coluinbuncbeol beard m held In the council dumber litat erenlug, with thuenllre meraberafalp or tUe beard present. The Aminea cottimlltce prctouleil tlie unnunl Utowcatef rpcelpla nnd oxpenses of tlie mboel term of lSSJ-fl and n ntatement of tlie llabllltlen and resources of the school district On motion It vn referred te the lmreimb auditors and tlie 11 n unce committee was In itructed te Imve fiOOcoplen printed ler dis tribution. Tlie miperlntenillnn commit tee reported the school term closing en Friday, June 4th, nuil the unnunl com. tnencement te be held en Thursday ovo evo ove nlng, June leth, In the opera home, ten pupils graduating; Hen. Marriett Hreslii", or Lancaster te deliver the annual address te the graduatcn. The library conimlltee re ported the receipts of the Sliecli library for year te be 1R0.S7 and tlie miiciiseh JltaTG, leaving a balance In the humid of the coin cein coin mltteeof tit 11. Tlie account wai audited and found correct A nutnber of bills were read and ordered te be paid. )r. Markel offered a resolution In behalf of the retiring members, extendlngs thankH ler courtesy and repect shown the retiring beard and wishing the beard n happy limn a, 1'resl dent Tayler tuaile a lew timely remarks thanking the beard ler the count sy shown him during his lncumliency or president. On motion tboeld beard adjourned, Mno die. THE SUW IIOAItD IWM.NCS The new beard at once luotierorganlzatlon and Dr. Tayler was elected temporary presi dent and J W. May temporary secretary. The secretary read the certificates of the following new members : First ward. Win B. Fasig ; Second ward, Then. I I'rlun ; Third ward, M. S. Wolfe. The ivrtillcitei ri ere accepted and the roll call show oil all tint new beard present. Dr. Taj ler w:vm elected permanent president and 1j. V. May porma perma porma uent socretary. The bend of the treasurer was fixed at ?10,000. The salary of the secre tary was tlxed $10 per mouth and f ib ler making out tax duplicates. The Columbia Rational bank was elected hs treasurer of the schoeldlstrict Jehn Klingbeil was electodjan electedjan electodjan iter of the iuslltute and Cherry street schools, salary J37 per month; "William linker whs elected Janitor of the Filth street school, sal ary S310 per month ; Jehn Welsh was elected Janitor of the Poplar street school, salary J20 fier month ; S. 1J. lleinnan was elected the Ibrarlan el Sbech library at a salary of SlOO per year. On motion of Mr. KUde, the mun tier of schools will remain tbu Hauiens last year. On motion of Mr. Slrlne, the school term will be eight and one-half mouths. The annual slatuuuutel the school district was ordered te bu printed iu theAjJjnud Ilcrtthl An additional teacher of the grammar school was elected ut the sttne salary as the first as ulstanL The beard then elected the follow ing teachers for tliu public schools of Colum bia. High Scheel Department S. If Heliuiiu vlce principal, JsO ; Miss Mary Welsh, assist ant, f57 ixsr nientli. (Jnimmnr Scheel Uejnrtinent MNs Anna S. Urewne, vice principal, ?G5 ; Miss Flera M. 1'fentz, 1st assistant, J.VJ; MKs l.tum.i M. Schreeder, 2d assistant, S.10. Secendarv Department First Dlvlslon. Dlvlslen. 1. Miss Ilec'kle J. haurber, fll: Z Missbarnli V. I'alne. Ml ; 3. .Mi-s Lydle J. Haker, $11. Second Division I. Miss M. l.illie Stevon Steven son, f40; 5. Mr. II. V. Zerger, flO; 0. Ml-s l.illie S. Smith, $-10; 7. Miss Aiiule It. Hinkle, 510. Primary Department First Divi'len. 1, Clara J. Leatunii, f33 ; 2, Atiuie I. Hurshey, $J5 ; 3, Macaret J. Purple, ?. ; I I'-innm .1. McDowell, fcl& ; 5, F.mlly M Oberlln, S3.'. Second Division 0, Francis CrHty, ?G0; 7, CallleJ. Wills, tOU ; S, Male S. Williams, S;30 ; P. l.illie Stemheleer, JfSO ; 10, M. Hess, 30; 11, Mary Tide, f. 10 ; li. Delilah Gladfelter. 8.S0 ; 13, May U llnner, 5.(0 ; II, c.rnce . 1 . II., M0. Tilth Street Schools Miss Katie Patter-en, giHinmar, $-13; CbarlesS. Sweeney, primary, W0. Atctdent te u Iriinp. Last night alwut 10:30 o'clock, eugiuu sl3, of the Pennsylvania railreid, struck a tramp who was walking en the tracks, a short distance west of the Columbia dlspitcher's elllces, Tlie man tre his naine as Samuel Snow, nnd was hit about tlie breast. Ills in juries are supie-ed te bu Internal. He was scut te the I.ancHterceuuty hospital. Kun line it Muck. Freight engine Sel, el tlie Columbia A. Pert Deposit railroad, Jehn M. U elu, engineer, etruck a rock during esterday, some dis tance south of Haines' station, while ou a trip down the read. The train was running at the rate of about 'JO miles an hour and the rock, vus net noticed until when ery clese Un 1L Thoceerofthe cylinder head and the pilot of the engine was semen hat broken. Thu rock did net ces or the track but only extended partly eer IU 'Ihede bris was cleared away by tiie train bauds. Uunuutti. The fourteenth annual cemmeiaeiiient of the high school will take place In tlie ejieia lieuce this evening at 7:15 o'clock. Hen. Marriett IJresius, of Lancaster, will deliver the annual add toss te the ten graduating pupils. The music for the occasion will be I lurnisneu ey Worrell's orchestra. The tuneral of the Inte Mrs. Jehn Fry took place en N edne-day atteruoeu from the resl deuce el Mr. Jehn ti. Ilenner, en Walnut street. Interment was uiade at Mount Bethel cemetery. The neighbors in tlie vicinity of Third and Union streets were much excited this morn, lug ever h man beating his wife. The unfor tunate woman's taco bears marks el a cruel beating. Heavy iron girders nre being erected at Haldemau's new steie en Locust street. A lame pulley is being used for this purjMc. The Washington ttmi Columbia Church of Ged Sunday schools will picnic at Peiiryn ou July 11. A small son of Hiram hlicalier pushed a bean up its nose yesterday athrnneu, which was removed alter seme dllhculty hy a phy sician. Michael Jlurk denies tliHt he assaulted Wesley Auuient en lait .Monday night, but that Aliment had been making threats against him and came Inte his place and de manded liquor. He was leld that there wero net any iu thu house, as II uric had no right In sell it. Aliment then became abusive and Ilurk ejected him from the lioin-e. Hurk also stales that Aumeut threw a brick into his premises. ltsie Declares! nir. The race which was te have taken place at Hanover te-morrow between Joe Ocker's He Calm and Dan lagan's Kinney, has been ue- ilared oil. Mr, Legan went te Hsueer, yesterday, and he tilcgrapbed the uews te Lancaster this morning. It apiears that Ocker backed out ami would net put up the remainder el the money. He w ill forfeit tlie SlOOnew In tboliaiidHnfllliluiieiirASclMuin, proprietors of the City hotel, who were the stakeholders. It is said that was alrald te match his horse hg.ilnst Kinney as he knew that be would be ileteated. In trials uiade wlihlu the past eouple el weeks his horse has net deuu ne.irly as well as he ev- pected, and he did net want te rial. SlMmore. lUe owner and backer of Kinney hae been Aery ceiilldent since the bet was madethat J 'fj e" u would win, and thore is a great i',iWmweull,ere '",r "' failure u lie l-altn a owner te come te time. l'Meiit Olituiueil. loes te bold them tightly l their plw, i case of the r shrinkaKe from heat'Mi,!', causes and te allow for any expaueie i, may take place in them. c,"1Bl0 WvWh Nw lira Lift) AmuiihIIuii SulcuiuI,,, TliecauoefthosUto agaluat thu Newr.ra Llfu Hssoclatteu, of Philadelphia, an action te ueuiikiI the company te show cause why iia charter should net he surrendered lociue or violation of the lusiiraiiLe laws, came tea audden termination iu JiarrUburg, en Weil, lltwday afternoon wheu the defense, belng that their cae was hopeless, agreed te a ills. Holutleu aud aaked ier tbu apjieintment of a receiver. A I'elulrr fur Mr, Itljlue. Krem the Philadelphia 7 linen. It lias already bcoeuiu a pretty well accepted theory that tiicw who most desperately feck Ui preldcncy iiover attain IU JtVHtll.AHl OUT tTAt.NVr KTHKKT. Tite IIeiims Kntrrd ly ThlnVM AVIie Hrcniv Hut Hix Crnts I'ur Their Treulile. On Tuesday night two residences en l'ast Walnut street were ransacked by burglars, who did considerable work and get very III Ue for their trouble. At the house of Mrs. Mary Hltner, Ne. 121 Uast Walnut street, the rear deer was pried niwii. The thlev cs w out alt ever thu house, but nothing has been tnlssed excepl six cents, which were lying en a labia down slslrs. The sllver-ware was strewn around the beuse, drawers were opened and raiiackcd and tbowlielo heuse pretty well disturbed. The small sum el money is an inav was un let!. It Is bellei ed tliHt the thiel es were net alter anythlmt but money. There wasnoeno In the house but Miss Hitner and n lady Irleuil who Is (.topping with lnr. The thinvts also vlslled the heuse of M. It. Weldler, who lives next deer. They entered several el the rooms in the heuse in which they opened bureau drawers, lere the lids from Isixes and scat tered eier.vttilni; around the Meer. Nothing wasstelen i"tcril.iy merniui; wlieti Ml. Weldlr's family aroe they found the front and back doers locked the same as they had been the night belerc. It is believed that the thieves entered the heuse hy the front deer, which was eis'ii beloie the family retired, ami sectuted themselves until a late hour. A UKJVtll U. I II I! .VA I (IK. Monumental Association Wimtle slop l,ouii; l,euii; Inguml srllhif; at tlm Meniiinciit A liiietlug of the Menumeiilal a vlatieu was held at llioelll.-o of Mil ir A. C. Keln elil, yctenl.iy alternoeu , 1. e President Win. 1). Manlier, occupied the chair. All election el "Ulcers for the enuing Jtvirro Jtvirre sulted as follews: President, William 1. hlailller ; viee prt"idenl, Marriett UreMus ; ecrel.irv, H. II. lln nemaii : treasurer, Jas. II. Marshal! . solicitor, Majer A. C. Ueliuvhl ; tlnaticu and exot'iitlve committee, Charles Denues, v-l , Captain lMwnrd H. Kdgerly and Henry Miller. The treasurer's reimrt was read and showed that besides the Invested fundef J I.oen, there Is a tnlanceefSl'JT, el. Willi unC. Pyler was elected te take care of the em lowed grounds around the monu ment during the next vcar. The eecutive committee were Instructed le examine the Krauite pels and coping around the monument hae, bavn the Iren feuee painted and put everytliini; Iu order. Tlie fellow lug resolution" w as adopted : Jteselvcil, That the tim or of the city be requested te prevent lounging ariiuud the monument ami also le prevent the iuclesure and coping Ireni bciug u-ed by huckster' and Itinerant peddlers. Cows lllttcii l) ii llne lll.iiK suiiKe. 1'iem the I'.el Air (Mil ) Times Jeseph A. Hall, of Themas' Hun, liar foul county, has ban two cows rendered valueless for milklui; puririi, it Is thought by snake bite. Iu both cases a teal Iks line swollen and inllamed, the cows iHtame very sick, nnd tlie bags continued te swell until they burst, in spile et the assiduous application of pi even Hi es. '1 he boy who drives up the herd dually came acressa 1 irge black snake, about seven fet In leugth, celled up iu Hie path out which the cows were act iilemed le uss le aud from pisture. The snake was killed ami there has been no further trouble. A farm hand w he ebserv ed tbese cows, sij s be knew of et snako-blte wnne yeirs age In which the symptoms were precisely simi lar. llc.irliic PiMtpeiifd. The cases of W. F. U.iuibnlit and Henm lulu F. Howe, who are charged with ctutnz ctutnz zlumeut, was te have Ihs-ii heard betore Al deruun Uarr this morning, but the hearings were jioutpened ew lug te the abseuce of coun sel. ItiAtalleil a PMter. Ilev. Martin I HesS was installed as pastor of the Pequea church by the Presbytery el Westminster at an ml ion rued meeting iu the Pequea l'resbj teriau church, ou Tuesdav afternoon. il ltlllx sl,,,HiiK. Owing te the disagreeable wialber v ester day the North Hud rltle club did net have any slioetini;. Nine members were present, however, ami ('. S. Wcuger was elected a member of the club. I he Columbia Dun 1 ptik. Frem the Perrj teiint) IH'Iikm r:il Twenty-two shad weie ciughl iu the Ju niata river above Newisirt, one daj last w eek. I Jee llar CaiiKlii. Fred, tfcsirge caught ut Slackwater seven line bass weighing from 14 te .'', pounds, among the finest that have been caught this season. 'Iliw Male Teal lirrs' AMonalteti. The bulletin of the Pennsylvania hlale Teachers' association, announcing Iho thirty second annual meeting at Allcnteun, July nth, 7tb and Mh, lssij, j,as (JW, received VtelhlllK Will lln (.oeil, A minstrel and variety i-euipiiiy u Iwfng erganlred In Yerk te take the reail. People Iu small tow ns should p-tste this warning in their hat. Iletetimml sprvli- 'I lie H . C. T. Union u 111 he'.l i duv ellunal er lieu liem 2 te S o'clock en tiiitaj alternoeu In I lie 1. il C. A. parlor. Kxiumiuu le Icuijn lo-inerron. the excurhlen of the I iden llc'thl feundaj school, el this city, te I'euij u Park, which was te hive taken place this ineinlng, wai po4t pe4t po4t peueil until lo-iiierrun uiernliu; en account et I tut threatening uppearanie m the weather, hlnce uiuiuliiK lliu vic-atbui ha beconie cleir, and the sun which In kuii te ulilne will have the eireel of drj Iiib the tnimid nice ly The special train will luavu the tipH'r lieidiiif; depot ats o'clock in thumernliiK. Iteturnli b, II will leive I'eiiiyual p m The tlckels will lm genil en all tndns 'J'humles for thWejiciitelen am vtry Ien, and ns this will he thi epcninj; picnic at I'eurj u thtic should be a lai.-eaituudance. ma nni.ui i:.s. lluiiristi Wkaver. J line ",sst., l the niirin. iiairu et the tiseud chinch, hy llev Binltb, Ml. iJenl t lleiilni; and .Mi-a hnilna AVe.ivur, both of term Hill, li tl KAVKU-ctiMK. At Iho Kiiine time and plniv. liythesuiiu ill Harvey I. VV eavci u lid Jllan Llbhle Clinic, belh el Term Mill. Pa dw 1IKATH IIeik 111 this uty, Junes, lhv, Jehn Dean, lu the I Jlli j ear et hl.t 111,'c (Notlie of funeral heiealtei lUl'WAS -lu IhU city, ou the mil lnau, hullo LeuUa, (taiiKhterut Lewis and Lauru ilaunmii UKcd wcek aud I ilajs. J-'iiucnil private fuim the rtBldeiice et her parents, .Vu u Maner stixct. HAUKHla. flilUdrilpttl I'riKlure Vlarkel. I'liiLiusLi-aiA. .lunele flour Maiket i, stiaii) saliw el nt bum-Ns Vlnn. Imkir al Uaitil.Vi; Peuna. tauitly at H 7jj1I . Western al UiKflT'.i l'at..nts,i.VK(V(... " ' Hye tlutii uiuiiulct ulf.l3.V(7ij ii, r) p. in, call Wlirut .liiue, MUc; Jul). CDJc ; Aug, b.ljjc s Sept.. sic ce'n Juue, IJi4c : July Jllij,-, Aug., lie.; its -June, ase; Jul, :ji. Auk . Sir.: epl.JJu Aen V nrk I'riHllli .VlKrkvl. A w Iekk, June Hi Fleur in irknt ami hut qulet ; inu, oi"ueij! sunnrniiii, r: .vni i i , te l.nfMl Ktnt WmmIi.p.. t uj.ii.. t-onimen illLA1 ''- iiuBiti no. i uisi state en Spot. (1 CI . N'e. 1 ted, Ste, Ne. 1 White, state. w. i , Mi i Kj, sii" ' " '',0' Ne' ""''' ""'lur' Au- Aj"n'-Ne. 2 Mixed, cash, I. .luly, Ue , uais-Ae. 1 White State, de. lie. spot, J7Ci Ne i. UvedulliMslc, ftic. Hurley nnuilmil Perk dull i Auw Mens, I Infill) 5 laird-July, t;li : June, . Uelaases dull; l"e lur Ui shick texl IhiIIIuk Turiwntlne steady at Jlc llesiu dull I atrulm-d te kikI. II '.,K8l 0714 I iilrulumu dull ; lellned lu cusi. s)n. fnltfhU uiil.t; uralu te LlVeiiM.i,ir0. nice iult ranue, fnun 3K,i!e. 0370 ; Bent Oats June, v. i - my, w& , aub , ij0 . bcpu.xc. rerK J ulr.t37iKAug., WW, Bvpu, w. OniMKoMHrket. W"l!Srsir-t "Honed Bept , -.tfjic '" ' Uly' 7W i Aug , 7W;c; corn .lune. sil'n .ii . ,-.... ., 37je. '-ihik, Uli I.snl-Juty, te 10J Aug,,sli;Kl bept, K'iTiti-.iui , its i Aug , .v M i sort., u t:x. CUwtSll. VUicat-.liiiiciJ'Jc; .lulj,;i!,,c . Augut,Tic, brpt , Til'fe. Inm Jiiiif, "llt.c : Jul), Sl'.c i August. ',37ci sept, .i;jc Oats-June, STSvi July, i'c; Auc., Si.Sjci Pent . Sic Perk June, M w i : i SfiiL.tjiKK. July. s MX; Aug., Auk . .Mini', rne i Jiny, this; AugH Sent-. WSI. ltlbs June. JV 5 M i Sept., f S r, July, MS. dram mi. I t'tsmnlim. rurnlshtstbr S. K. nndt, Ureker, Chlcaye. June te. I o'clock i in. Wheal, Cern. Oals. Polk. t.r1, tnne July AuKist fcriteinlcr October , December...... Winter Wheat Syirtnij W heat Cern Oats tire Barley OUCIty Crude OU..... .74 5I .;vt ! t (4 ( 15 H S'LJ S 'IV 9 16 S.'4 .i.4 ii KS (.MS m llecilpts. tar Lets. . . . . ! V .... 4t lleail. Becelpts llerf. CliMtug Price-' 2 o'clock p. u . UrteU. Uiini. Oits. Perk. lArd June July August.. ... September.. October s li s -u b O.V B.1S ;i 17 .sr. S."!' s m'S .T I'?- 3 (. : (. je llecemecr OU City Crude Oil t.H I.Ite Meik slarkets. Cihcmie, JnneK The J'reirrt' Journal report Cattlis lleis'lpts, 7,l"i hisidj hlpinciit, !,i0u market and prhes wire stead) shipping tcer.930 te 1-svitM, (I .VNElbl . stockers and feeders, fJ7Mr7v: ces, tnills and mixed, i0" eiee; bulk, t: TvfJOi. thieugh lexans, J A ifi 5 gr-v-.s.irs, il wvfl.v 10 Hers Kecelpts, J7 urn hisid; shipment, a,M lusid . market slew and lvfl.v loner reiiKb and mixed I J '."St I IV packing am! shlnelng, tlinfil W.tluht, jvivei': Bklps, IJOn 03 70. Shi op ltecetpt. SJiOhead: slitpmenls, I km nisrket streniser : native, HHil ee . T'eian, t Oiii. Lamb, lift I Kast Lissrtt Cattle receipts, I'll head I tptnenU, W2 head , market slen . pitnic, i Se Ct3 73 fair te KOtd. ft 7Vt(V i." , lomiuen, IIG5 shipments te New mk, picarleuK Heus risrelpts. l,il Unul ; shipments, 1,101 , market firm : t'hlla telphlss, It nefll V j erk or, fli($ia. shipments tu Aew lerk, car lead9 Shetp receipts, J head : shipments, : ): market slew prime. II &n,l iv rail te oed, 1)75013; coniineii.llioa.Sa. Ian ls, i((s Aew VerK mecsb- Aw ierk, 1 tine lu Wall street, 1 jn p ui. Meney evsy at 2,S' iwr cent, lelclun ex chanKO firm at II sJl '."0: Governments steady ; Currency ', fliT. bid ; Is coups. Il bid. IS'slUI'S bid. Tbe stock miikit opened' ,0'j per cent. lower than jisterdij iIesIik "Ut alter the llrst iall Un.tsttad) MilJlny np el Ibc ill(Uii- the de cliue wa uieie than lecevercd, prices at neon showing an advance ei H te 1 percent, Since then then' b.i been some teictlen StecK viarkpts slnntatlens hy llisjd, McUranu A Oe , bankers, Lancaster, l'a. KKW TOSS LIST. Hi . Il 3 ret. Canada Pacific C C. C. I Cel. Ceal Central Paeltlc..j C&nada bouthem Chi.. 8t L. A l'ph. Denver A UloUrande Ob . Lack. A Western Krle Krieid New Jersey Central K. A T Leu A A LateShere Michigan Central Miivnrt Pacific Nortrem Pacific N P. Pret S. VV 5JS IS ui :i s:-; SS, 7K 1 IH 1?.H 2sJ Si ll.s t t '' 27s! yp, 5 IV, 74 NowlerU Central Ohie Central Omaha Orisen Trans OutarleA VVcjtcin Psciac Mall ttechesterA Pltueurg st. Paul .... Telas Pacific Onion Pai'lni Wabnsb Common Wabash Prdi-rrvd .... Western Union Telegraph. West shore rHiLADs-.rau list. LehlKftValiev II, A. 1 A PMla Pennsylvarla liUJUllQif LetUtca Aavlgalle.1 llnstenvtlln PWJadulphla A Krle.. Northern Cent People's fasBm:er lt'd'g Uenls JPtif s i(s en. . .. .T. IC, Wi i Hi II H-V, 3-JS 'S3 lUi ML, MS 1W' bl. KO'J 67 ii. ' H (51 v, bl. bl4 .VA II' Al) IEKTJSJIK. 7'6". TJAKINO PJWDKH. ROYAL BAKING POWDER. Absolutely Pure. THIS powdernevervailoa. A marvel et purity, alrength and wholesoiueuesa. Mere ecu nemlcaJ than the ordinary kinds, and cannot Is) geld In competition with tbemulUtudoet low teat, short weight, alum or phosphate IKiwdetn, Held only in cam, HeviL JIakike 1'uwuxr Ce., 106 W all Btreet, New Yerk. mav?7-lVdAw SAI.VATOH ! SA1.VATOH ! Sly iiistemer will befiervid with 11)5 Cele brated sal later Hcer to-inerroK (Satuidayl and Monday. JulUSt J A. Kl h hE I blat Iliewery, Q1 fCif KAl.A iKY CO AI.KNTS. t .7 M. fWW ill! t-..-j u .... UK. SCOTT'S KI.Kt TIHC (iOOllS, Ae.SU llrcudnay, Aew lerk. The Only Genuine. upg Sindied A TI.ANT1C CITY'. 1HK OLII K3TAIII.ISIIKI) Chester County Heuse, Centrally lectcd, convenient, vcrv nenr the tea. comfortable in eveiy way, und home like. AOIV OPKN, J. KEIM & SONS. maySb-Znid T.IP0llTAN'I " Toiheuiany aiillciuU fur the KALI, 1 i:KM of the Lancaster Business Celldge. If j eh wlllcalloueraddiesa the principal you can obtain such Information a will bn el Kieat S!!:?."1UB0 "" In punuilnu the I.OUKHK Ol' MIJ1JV. asiequhed at this inxtltuileii. It villi mabln you te make Kiuatnr prowres, and a Hav. Iniref tltne und labor Is guaranteed If veu will fii rrv rtn I liidlrtwiiliniLi .!.-.. carry out Instructions nuuivea, WEIDLSR. Principal, H. 0 PHOPOSAl.S FOH 1THNISIIINO STA tlnnery, Kurnlture, fuel and ether sup. In i compliance with the constitution and laws ni thucouimeuwialihor lViiiMvlvaula, I here by Invite kt alt d propeials.ut pi lets below maxi mum rates lined In schedule, te fiirnUh ta tfjiiery, funiltuie. fuel aud oilier auppllis for ttie bevural denarluieiiiH. umi i. ti....;i...4i... lien of public documents, for the vcar endlnJ the nrst Monday of June, A li lwT beparutu proposals will he ivielved aud scna rate ceutmclH awardid a announced in mid schedules All pn'esaU must he accompanied byu bend with approved security, cend tleued forlhefaithlul muforiuaiieeof tbcientract m 1 uddresscdaudui'llitred te 1110 licl.'ie Uo'deck a 111. of Til KS1IA V, Iho -."Jlli day of .1 uue, A 1 l!-i, at w blch tliue the preiMisals will he opened audceDtraclxawardi'd,!!! thu exectillve cham ber at llairiiihuri;. Illauk bends, and schedules ceutalnliiK all nece-sary Information can bu obtained 011 ap plicatien at my eillcu. W 8. STK.VOElt, Jc7-lstd Secretary of thu Coiiinieuiiealih. JJOTK Is MAKIMJ " CABINET PHOTOaBAPHS AT H3.00 A VOZXH. i.Lw?' lW ttTll slUJSEN BTitBKT. jauietia LftucMter, Pa; ,vrN AHI 1 HIIKtMrMti. rAMi:l-AJOFUNi:YMANTAI1.01t TT te make Civil Applv Inmiediately le juue7-ltd UAI.lhllll lit I II. I ttlt -VITANTF.D- A S1TI ATIDN HY A V jeuiig in in todelahorliiK work pply at the 11 IMK1.I.IUKM I I! tiHH K CI1AI I, MOO tlHA. .Iut ivielied anolhcrletot lu "oinfiiiii "einfiiiii Mcdliliu, laleer the Uinesstrr lllnk ler sail only at K VCKIMA.VS Dill u tOllh, AlAerth IJmt u sirn t Hve tUHM .North of the Posteltlce jv ld" B1H1) HIMM'MKS CAN H, III'MP and Itapo seed. Mixed lllrd sc, ,;, w hlle and Ut d unn el, lllrd Manna, II litis, llild llll ters and CuilU t lh Hene, lit HUJII,B.'s OKI II STOUK, -Ne. 3e We-I hlnn MnsM. AUKI.F.N'S ""yiuTi.OW FKONt"' lllMI tlllrr Itsvuii'i .V . i.nt I limr U ttnv neunred by sinekurs the b, t- In the mai kit, at MAIthl.KVS 'Mellow limit," Ne. SI Aeith yueeii Sttist. (tetmutly Ilarlinan's) TOHACCO CU'tTlNtlsT'sUKAPS, ".Mlvf IMP ASH PACKKKSMV ASTK, i)r and Clean, beuuhl ler tush. ,i s Mlll.lNS, Ne i7J Pearl s-lreel. New Verk. llolerence ivd. bchulte, Ae. SIJ IV ill street, New erlt. Ielil7ld UTUKAHK ASU - OOMMiaaiON WAHKIIOUaB. I V.Mhl. M V hit. decMTd Aa IB Vit rhestnut sius't. el ,VH PFUi: KYi: WIUHKY 73 t KMs I'fcK op All I l splendid. Tr It. UOllHfU'LIl'K!'ilHl(. ii centie scuisre, Lancaster, l'a. aprU-lvdlt AIAl!Kt,K'S "YAKA unArriKb'" IT I. ii,r llllid of choice Ne 1 llivana, me rtM emmt uded te levers 01 k.'uniue Havana Cigar, at M MtlvLKV f. " ellew Fituit," Ae il North cpu'cn StKct (ITormerly Han man's) Fc lOH is ALU One New h sun' V auen. New Strem; uunuiuf; i.euis. snimbie ier market wapen. em No-Tep nugcj, one new l'uh Cart, tarts. Ibs'j, PlcUv. Aes, I'tKgint? Irons, tweJnikMixww aud a let of Illumes Conn and see thein (.IDKl.K Kl)sh. Juueleind Ne I il llecklniul bticet C" FKK FOKTIIK OFAF. Picks Pnti'iit Improved Cuhlened har Priim perfeetlv resten henrlnji and perform Iheworket tin. natural drum Invisible, ceni fertabli amlalHtijsln isjsttlen All ismvi'i-sa Hen and evt n whimpers heard dltlnctl st.m! 101 lllasiratisl book null testimonials, I'UKL Vddriss ei mil en K lllsee, Ns, llreaitw ij New I eik. Mi'uttuu tlit paper JuniKVljiedAls w T K VAN'S FLOUR. LEVAN'S FLOUR Always Uniform aud Reliable -piUVATi: SALK OF HOtlhUS. I will h i e !v Menda a of IOWA HORSES, censtiit of drlvi'rs and workers fit ter gene ral farm use, which 1 will dispose of at PlllVATK SALK. UtOKGK C.llUSSMAA. FIIfsT i.KVNIt KXCFKSION foPF.N fePF.N ll N P VKh L ndr uDlci-9 of the L nlen Itetbvl (l hurt h of I, i s)jniixy 1.V , II NK U. l?S -Ductal train leaves L'ppr KAaillni; I'pnt at Penrvn at 7 d m. s m iiiurninir ireivfsi Tlrkma irrsxi en all trains Ueundtrtp, vil cent cbUdren.T, r-nt TlrkFt for tal at Orim musln suith. cntrw s0,.ar. and sinter's 'rail csvp'T store. North vineen vtreet. Th abr vr excursion ws pistprmil uatl Frtday en account or ihe run. 3umB tick't w til Xnt geed en I rtda ltd FOP. STAPLK i.eODs, ST ITF.D FOH Mechanics and VVerkinfrmfn, re te UKCII TOLU'?, here 5u will find Mnrfclna Punts. Overalls, shirt et any kind. Jackets at pries te bult tbu times, underwear and HeMcrs, suited for all m'hxeus, ut price? less than ever Lute btjln cellars. Cell.. llandki rchlef, bu pendcrs and NotietisKeuerallv AT IIKCIITOLK s, Ae North yue-en stitct. t"lgn et ihellltc bteiklni; P s choice lUlililtiig Let . bteue aud Sand ter bale. AWNS HKOL'I.IIT HOW N. The- eiitlnuc'd Coel H either h.i brought Lawns Down te 4 Oents a Yard, -AT THE North End Dry Goods Stere. J. VV milNK. uev5-lyd Ae. Sii North Queen street. SI' R I N O llAlll'S. OPENING AT H. t.ER FINE TAILORING. The lairueHt and meit complete Assortment of M.N'K UOOLLK.NSforthei-prinKTiadetobo found In the City of Lancaster A Choice Line of bprln Overceatings and Pantaloeulncs In all the Latest Pattern Pi Ices Lew, Uest VV erkuumship, and idl Reeds Warranted aa represented. H.GERHART, .NO. U A'UKTIl (JUKE.VSTUKKT. -0ipealtu the l'osteitlce. mart7-ljdU O1' kn allthi:m:ar. "Tm MANSION' ATLANTIC CITV. A. J. the lamest and most piuinlnenlly lecatid Hetel Kieicautly furnlslit d and liberally m in aired. Thoroughly llKbti-d, dialned and ven tllated. Open all thu j ear. OHARLES McQLADE. 4-IIiepby sOrchejtra. Je7-3md AAK HALL. As Much for a Dellar as Cost Us Twe. A nunntlty quite a quantity eneujjh variety for half a da) 'a search (anuunUand Hults, isld lu nlzis; ene of aklnd, made en thoerdorof customers. Left en our hand for this and tint reason people chanulnK thilr inlnds, iweple fiirnt'l tllif, pi epl uifsli-d In the fltllni,', people whodldmtllke the cloth uftur It was made Inte n null and be forth. Custom tailoring materials and w erkmanablp. Ve cut the cost lu half. Althe price they'll notbe loll with us lung. Vestentay trade In them was lively. hulls, biipcrflnu In every wuy, cestliiK usils, i. (11 and ISO will cost Jim (15. Hall te two thlulsuf tbu price te pay for your patience. Suits, line In quality. Cost piice, .'5, fji, l. Our let price per Suit, (lu. Custom niade trousera. Kicry pair worth ileublu price A'e two pair alike. (ISOleflM saved ou a pair. Odd Coats at Halt. Te make a clearance quickly of these we'll let the half el our own money (hit Is In thein (?e. Vuu'll double jeui money If jeu nnd jour lit In them. WANAMAKER & BROWN, OAK HALL, Seutlieiist Cerner Sixth ami Market, I'lllLADKI.PIIIA. rjtIIIH PAPKR IS PR1NTKU WITH INK Manufactured hy J. K. WRIQHT 8s CO., uiaxl-lya Kth nna JUre 8te l'hUaaelpala, V Ai' II' Alt VKK TIN Kit K.V7VS. WHY PAY fl5 FOUA 8F.T OF TKI7T11 when veu can gel lw saiun at M, at M.l nsllKIPfJ Heiiial llimuis, .... . AO.W Meilh ijiieeu Htns't. lias admlulsteivd apij ; j a w NTK1I -TWO HOOD ClUAU PACK Kits, al the 1. VII 1 K I III A 11 FACT Hill, Junes 31 tnlutiRa, I.Miicaster Ce , l'a. llOlllMHt'S LV LIQUOnSTOME, Ne JM KNl UK 81)1' AUK. SCHOOL TAX FOR lvs,. IhndHplli-ntii I lulhe hands of the "Ilea uivi Thlce per lenl eir for prompt payment It . O. MAltsil Al I , treasurer. Ne lsiiMitleH'inam. Olllii limns freui'ia. 111 te I p. lit Jl iiiidll riteTHi "1oii.ccethai)i:wi:hkrf.- A bv islviMuilhelhu Philip llerncisser 1 no lemicr our hi ul let Hie siiuplliiK of leaf le baice. I rum this date Mr I' bchiviedi r, one el our New erk m-p itms, will locate at Lancia tcr, l'a, and ivpu -ml 11- In thai iiipacll). lll.s. tlNKr. A CO.. JcMwil Inspecteni. pATUNT b I'UAP PASTA LOONf. Th OrstMt Inveaticn of the Ag. t'aiilnlistut' luadn with Iho Patent Mrap tit easj.donet It 1 out at the kners, don't diaw up wrnen biiihik uen 11, sud tttvu better suttsi 1111011 than any ethers Place veur erdci wllh A II Uesensteln, tlie Men haul tailor, who 1ms tlm sole TlRht for laincaster for the Patent limil'le tilmp Pantalisin 1 oileranunusuilly lull "link of iiubbv mssls ler l'autiiloeus, .suits, V estltiK andfpiiiiK Oielcoets.audamdevollni; my en tlm attention 10 my trlend and patrons, and w HI hiuii! ue ettei t te retain the nosliien I lmi 11 u lone held as Mrst line Metchaut tailor et Lancaster ttespecttully veurs. rs, erth Queen 8L -V. II I.W3r.. l r.l.N,37 A IS 7AN.S! I ANs! FANS! llll U llh U'Tlll't. 1IK.S10N8. IllhllltSlOt 1HK MKUIKS. A Beautiful Banjo Girl. lll hN AllAl AT CLARKE'S TEA STORE. 4r Orcat lLirpains In lias, letlie.. sucurs, htc telephone in u-JMvdA w CHOPS ' MlOLs! New Red Frent Shee Stere, Ne. -10 NOUTH QUEEN ST., (Next Peer le Pestottice) IV e h lie lust ivielved one of the ltest I uies el Men s lte a. leuth- . Ladle', All-ses aud (.hlldreu a SHOES 1 .Mt i in 1 nut tei 1 1 mom . thus retnplt'i ITIK 4 Mil tklU t,,l III te k We t All KUtruiT4i th .iht.i in -li'MlM Mul Uh We biM' ttu U "iSh I'llHh ami Kunrnntt'O iu 1 1 rv yalt-slai wen l! ou Mnnt tlm or co iti sliiHwertlipiHi' tf jeu wunt hmuler umt htm htm uiAtle !-Iii.h, In Mtt U jmi w tut nu thln iu tbu ehfH- It no, Unit cud Ih letinit inl) In first .liu4 t'StAblthuicntv al teuilar l'tiiti, cult Ht the NKW Uhl) UtOM hilOK sleKK, Se. IS XOUTJl qui:ex stkekt, (Next Doer te the Postefllce ) CHAS. A. REECE. aprll JuiiUa It lUIIJUKFUItMllllSil OUUIM. "yi- ha i: A l.vri.i: SlOl K Ot THK IlLsr REFRIGERATORS IN THK tin. Ths Fierce Dr) Air Ktrngtraler. UA HDKS HUSK, 11 A THU LUOLKRH. 1CK VKliAM FRKK.EKS, AiHlalnllllnoelllOUSKl UIl.VlSIUNUUOOD.s The largest sleck of O S KlTL'l'.k.s in the lty. Special attention paid te tias-nttinB, lln Hoeting ami jMjullnir iv'ehavejust received another let of these .c. Ul.Olih-i. JOHN P. SOHATJM & SON, 24 SOUTH QUEEN ST., LAN CAM Kit, PA. F LINN A BRhM'.MAM. GREAT Refrigerators. Water Coelers, Ice Cream Freezers, AND- Baby Carriages. Great Bargains te Reduce a Large Stock. FLINN & BRBNEMAN. Ne. 152 North Queen St., I.ANCAbl'EK w JL A. KlHFFF.R. ALDUS il. HHRR KIEFFER & HERR, Ne. 40 East King Street, (Opposite Court Heuse). Invite all Housekeepers le Call aud Inspect their ateck of Heusefuriusliing Goods. A toiuiilele Line constantly en h mil. COOK B'lOVKsand UANChs, P Vltl.Olt MOV K9, HhATKltyuud rtltNAOKb. SUMMER COOK STOVES. After carefully eiauiliilnif the lneriu of nil elTcicd te the trade, we h ivu selected CLOSING OUT SALE TPfE ''ARGANiV' Ker UASOI.INK.iind THE '' DANGLER," Km-COAL OIL, , As the Ileal, when all points uie ceusldcied, te elfei toeur palieuK. Call aud me ua. Un love touhnweui rikxIc, aud are net etriindcd If s u de net purchaoe, lleuieiuher, we are ucunui ler The " Splendid " Heater. Slauufacturetthy Fuller A "Warren Company, Trey, N. .which haa no rival In diimlillliy, economy of fuel aud control of pis. New la thu time tnexaiiiluuand hcunuie peslisl for Autumn purchases, UKMKMUKU 711 1. PLACKI 40 EAST KING ST., (Ol'I'OSlTF, COUKTJIOUBK.) til-tMAw Vl.OTIIIHU, IHUri'ltKH n IltHII A VVK01HCU lOII.VV KOMK UNIIKAItllOr llht Kill. BARGAINS! Men's Werkinghi; Suits, Al ill'. 1 1,91 "ml JWi, A MAN'S ALL WOOL SUIT, v w, ft w, V ', up le Jie m. NEN'S DRESS SUITS I MW, tle.OO, f ll.en and Mini Meu's Perfect Fitting Dress Suit, ll.ixi U?17U upteM.0i. Our si phUll CIIIIUSLIIKVI.S, HV,101V, Him, tllT.lTtiiindfJiii. Men s 81 hllSUChl-lt I OA is nml hslh, l 5A Jl ;andrMi. 1 t,M'.r9.Jl' MERCHANT TAIL0BIK&. no s s-i'trs. Ol IllS-Ht'lls, (.HlLDlll. .N S SHU klt.l nl Hi OKNTS' rUUNiaHINQS-All at the Lowebt Prlcea. Hirsli & Brether's ONE-PrvICE CLOTHING HOUSE, MOUTH Ul'KKN hlltKIlT CKNTKK SUUAltK. w ILL1AMSDN .V MJSTKR. 32 te 38 m KING STREET. A t'Kltl hCl SlOth Ol CLOTHING Thiii But Substantial Fabr-ics -reit- SUMMER AND MEDIUM WEIGHT, Suitable ter All Souieu. PATTERNS SUITED TO ALL TASTES. NOBBY, COtlSBRVATIVE OH MODEST. Shrewd Buying han enabled ua te devhite from the Keguhvr Line of Prlcee and murk every nrtlcle ut the LOWEST POSSIJIIjE FlUUKES Clothing, Pui'nishings, HATS AND GAPS, BOOTS Sc SHOES, Rubber Clothing, TRUNKS, VALISKS, CAIIBAS, HANI) SATCHELS, Liip Dnsterfl ami Whins. IsrOpen te-day a Cftse of Men's Whlte DreBB Slilrts for 44c. each. 32, 34, 36 & 38 East King St., LANCA8TEH, l'A. J-AltAtiUl.H se. TJ0.HK IHvOS. it IIARTMAN. PARASOLS. Geed Satin Parasols, 76 Oents. SUN UMBRELLAS. Inches, All Silk, $1.60. 24 -WAJON US1UUKLLAS A .SrKCIALTV. Thu JlnuilUctllli'ls. Rese Bres. & Hartal, 14 EAST KING ST. apl-cma Williamson & Fester, rillt tlH It K PIT. V .itiit ri:m'. A liilmii e W ini'liotise wllh Penn'ii It. It. MldhiK Ciip.ull) leiitiutUK J,tuicaaen. Apply "mii'rietld IN I Ft.l.HIKNUKU OfriOK. IJIOR RF.N I'. 13 i ni sri mi i.i Nils iMiiiiulv'll Vt LSI hl.NII HlltKKT, tot llalla, t iilis nnd l.uli'itiiliiuu ills. All pel pel heus hallux slal In 1i.m s ale Ieiii(i4lul te in in uieie lliein In Ii u ilnVn Olllieepeli into Un. In. Iii Hud l?OR RKN'P. . - Hhep In u.,ii Ne v MestlliiHtniilstlwt, '.'.".".' iwii viiiai lie lai tun. and a "Hep un INTKI.I, OKITIUIC. P'Vi.V!.1' N;"-'--WIM. hi: held at jse J.U l.iljl ( liiwtlmt strint, Ijviirii.lni I'n tlm iml'Mrdl .ln,ri.!.,,.,l !i',""";. "uc i'iTk li ami iicddliiK caipels, Minves, 1'uldes. t.eunire. I !ii '"ih.V'iu .'mVi'" ".TA ,"" V'"iu.' t. e i' lien, inn pienirl or tlin estaiu cit Mrs hatle hint, lll'Luuu d .! le heuln ilome'elork p in leruisinad" known al .Ue""tlr JOHN II HKTI.KII. JONAS HWAUTI.Ki; Jl!S ltd .Micnuim lJl ,u.l;i.','?.-V,,! W v i.i-aTii-hmT I KOI 1. ii I iiHi.,t ,v ), ( tty nr l.nti Hr. .ill H.MllllllAV. ,ll!.NK llllssl. LL ,m ha i iiuiiA v .iiiw hi , .: v:.".: I minis lluuwitii KiistMnirMiiMit. wIIIIhimiIiI all ttmi ivrinin tnut in lauil, slnmlii nt lntfrsw lUini.l Itii- l"iii'sii,R,.,imi inu tiirliiK tiiiiitilkit iiinl iniiiHinMt "!. in l.uirimlur niut VV i-.t liuiipuii t..iii.hli, l.iuicjuirr e'liiiiitv, I'll., kn.iMiiicsil.. elit tucleiv n.iuty. itinlnlnliiK s,.v,n v iisiimlOiHillmiilmliiitilMnit IVrthiiit llll. hllllilliiKsnll Hum 1IHMIII.CS ii.lU(il ihn ii il,. ti.ui-1i.iry Mimii fiu'tmv uhleli s iU si i.ii isi iij it u n n ii mWr et vcumiiKe, hut 111" W tils II lliulll sIiiihIIiiu us linn in hi lln, tlutii t tin tltsv nuil inn lm htlllt tiien iiitiit ' im ititti'i iHi.t.i te ic iilitnlne.t li.'iu Is H.irfinil te limn in thu tini Tin lip.i.t nuil tail men ntaiiit InUti I as t,rtMi the mill mis In hi tlvoep. I'mtlnn nn.l inn Ih un ni-.l hi ti uhhIuiuId eiitlny IlltilHtli nl lite lis.l i.i wi VI lllil In tlm county. I his l.rt'iH rt Is nut iiiiit-ti tlutii ti iiillt. Hum I niit'iisier III), itltli ii uixsl turiiilkuriiiiiiltiK lute tiiiiu,iiiitl lis iiumI In tin inttlAt of purhftixi Ihn tletitstl atriletlltuiltl ami M lit'.lt grelllllK ills, irlrls In he ei lit silt. I eiiimt-liic nt ,'kin Iik k Vi til I I r lm ititir (Hirtlculais uill en U .1 vviintt. Chairman I'lupiilvl etuiiitlUe, Or IOKI. I. 11. V INKS. .Nu i North HiikiiMitvt, tsinriisti-r, t'u. Ill 1 ''lit l BltT AltCU is,i,iu,,ist r.iuhF. .tr. P1 MilN I I.K D Di .eiirp ran en Tin: mimvAi.ii .mount UOri: ItAlLHOAl): In I liulilie. lsl.H, Hiielellni, unit ethr htv leit iiiHHiitf tieii i ititiuiiiiliitliiK 4'tcurtflnnj UurlliK 111' 'I lsi) OK Issn, tlm coin i til V hcK toanneiiiu.i tlitl titr Wtillty has hum pet ieeiitltei enillliiR the imlillr te teach thU In veiiicresmi nuil no eirerl lim liemi spaivit le make l't.NUVN I It K nnm attruutlv.. thnn eiei lHi.n tin lit. ins. usi of uxcuralenlst arw I'teilili il IIOAIHON Till. LAhK, CltOOt'K.l, LAWN 1'KN.MI Mi 1IVHK IIM.I. liHOl'NIIS. T MILKS, IlKNcllKs, bWLSt.M, 1.NI 1NI1 1' VV II 1U.V II.V.Ml Ml' VMI.LAIIUK 1101 ah, lit 1'i.ll h.V, llASKt.r VN1 I I.OAK KOOMK, AMI OIHUIV AlUl( ON lel' Ot MOUlllMOUN I VIN Ih. i. lanlseu UKKI'.hsllSlK.S I' AMI DIN hii IIOHVI In i harve el a ceiniHituut citerer, Hlitri in. als.aii tifprecurtslat luettumui rules, te stilus l'ti.itiirfi'aph (jallfi), .Nuun HUiiut tiuil li'lcunipheincp. I.'.ie tntevii-sitfuf; l.hiumi. Allewctl uu the tireuuils Arrttnueiiwiiln ler Kc ursleun tiuui all points lUllb' lu lite 111 rtppiltnule L Allh VUN st lllAI,h.N8KK, nipt lemitnll A ML IIiijhi ll.'K., L.ibaueu, l'a. Or( 1. II VUOl K.iii n l'au. Aitt. I'hll. A Keiulinc It It , Ne ttTfteuth fourth St., I'hlhi iunvl3 3uid AIT. t.KLTNA l'A UK. MT. G-llErlA PARK, -IUII- EXCURSIONS & PICNICS. This uik I-I.k it, ,i in tlie t, n-t of thu Meulh Meuniaiu ou Hi, Lint et thu Cornwall & Lebanon Railroad, MllP llilles south of tlm cllv et J.elinuell, ittttilit m.) itiMtun.ti of Ilrtrtl.ijui, llemllnf, l.nii(.k.ui. Cel ti in I i.i ami til point en Iho i'lill ml'lphia A Ui ulhitf ami l'. tins) Ivanla ILill mails lliu kiduii.Ih aru lame, cel erllif; hull tiled el aclf ami tiiiUKK Kl VI.L lliu CeiiVPnlcnccs aru A I.AIidr. I VNCIMI I'.W ll.lll.N, A hl'.Vt.llll H Ill.NI.NO HALL, 'UNO M TI IIKNS, II Vl.e. Vllh AND lOV'I KOIIM. rilDTlK.UAI'll UA1.I.KKV. While Uie Aiiani iiuuiln ler Auiusvineuit con sist el CKOOt KTAMillM.I liltOl.NOs, HOW LINi, VI I.I.V. bllOOTINt, UAI.I.KitV, riA I Ml HOItlKN gtlu ITS, Ac , Ac lalilisl.ii I ii iii-Iii rs, Uustir seau unit lleuit hi s ain nuattereil throughout thu grounds. A .Nuw Attniclien Ier thu of Ins, Is I.AKK CO.NKVV AliO, Cevering nearly Tiicnty Acres, en ntilchaia placeil a ntiinliur or hlitriut .Nuw Hunts, amt alens Iho liankn of hlch aru pie cum walks auU Invelj htenery. I'artlcs iIusIUiik It i un precuiu Mictlsat the I'ark, aa thu Dining Hull nil I lm unilur thcsupi ivUleu of E Jl. lJOIl, of the Uiuaes V laiv IIiuhk. 'Ihose who wish lu spcml A lV IV THK MOUNTAINS ran llml nu plutene lii'.ititKuloi-uirm(llnt,-i.e much pleas umas MOII.N 1'UltKT.NA SO LNTeAICAtlM. UlllVKh ALI.OWEH ON '1IIK I'll! Mls;s. Lxciirsliius from all points en the l'ennsyliu till Kiillre.ul. mil lw carrica tttrcul te tne I'uik without chunire et earn Kicumien lillfi unit full liifonnatleii can lm ehtatuiil utien aptillcitlnii te tiee. VI' lid, Assistant tiunural rassciiRer A(junt, l'unniilva nla llnilretit, iKl south leurth iitreet, I'hllailcl phla.orte .1 e. J N.N M.N US, Hupt. C. A I, U illreatl, Luhaiiuu, l'a. nav -V 3nul UltV UUUItH. I'.W A'I'lHAlTION.S N BOSTON STORE. EVKI.v. HAY sOMKIHLNIj NKW, 1U llll lnenl ul nuw shun lit); an liiimciise Assert WHITE DRESS GOODS. Cerileil l'f'iui s, Criullu Checks, liullii Llnuii. t'rlscllla Check", Victeria Lawns, In fact everything nuw nuil tteslrnhlu I'lliiteil GutlnuH, Printed llaUste,C'rlnkleil Set i. tuickcrsi, Ihucruld Cheeks, At Less Than City I'llecs. JustOpciieil te Duuii of our Famous Uvnt's ITnhiiimirlril Hhirls, llc'liifiirccil flack and I'teiit and will ranted W miiailtUi Muslin, Sue, each. STAMM, BROS. & CO., Nee. 20 Si SB North Queen St , LANCASTEK. l'A. T H. (ilVLHftiVUO. fl. June Clearing Cash Sale ! blOLKMtUT 11K 80L1I. Bargains iu Every Department. Ilc.t American HUlnus, )c ; winth Ijlyc. ifiecnilii IIhIbiw, 10c worth u Heetch Plutil.eplijrs.llKj orth25e. I rimeli uphyiH.Mc i worth m. Ciliikluberuckurii,7e, worth WAe Chick unit strlpcil Cilukluu, l;uu , neiihlsc. " IHuek t'aliiiieie3, J.V;, 60c, eSe, 75c, 7!(i ; iiilucid 3e le 'iie per j mil. Ilicss all Umlaut prltis te luloutdliuiijeiie' Mhuknewt. thu vuluu of iroetli .NieillOB. Jc : north lc, ntul HmwIiik ilarhlmi Nti'ille ler nil the (llircreut kliulnei Umlmr MiichlucH, Seu paper, Cumeuiitl teueur buiiiI. iinil prlie's. Ue u 111 mve yen money. Jehn S. GiYler & Ce,, Ne. 25 EitBt King Streot, Laxc-abtxb, Vx. ... . .""''oelwieiiHeulhOiii'i'ii and I'lliite l,.el.',. lB,,,l "'cit as n ennliiKii hiclery. Al.eii I ii.. V? n,,,, "I""' HHiiii new iHcilpled hy A, Applv iitfii,U' " ,,niK ",0"'. West liluKtet. tlVKd