V.?' v. THE LANCASTER DAILY INTKIXIGByOBB, THUBBDAY, JUNE 10 1880, "& '1ttiaMi iiikciiahmicii l.lfK. Tliti line of fuU'liil wur note sol In Imllle's glim array, Ami coimelmi lell Iho shot and shell Thieugh lilt Itiu ghastly ilny. (In t'ltherslOu lli(iiriuy uliotehed Along the lnnnilnnr given, Anil bread and IiHk, Itnm lU " ' Tlra mad-way wound between. 1 lit, ulr was blind wllh Ihmbhliig '""" And.iuithniiun i""1'1''""1'' The mitiiiner blue et heaven shone thtniiuh Alimetiflii'l'li"! 1 he curving m"' was dashed itllhgote, Anil mmy "P turned clod WiisntnliH'd with bleed whose living Heed fenk.-.l nil Hi" grnmy mil i I Im shrieks and gteniKiir tl)lug liifll IdiiiK llneuitli IIki tumuli's mar, Tilt n wlmiu i'iir nin luitut Id licni Tholrcrleieenhl bcarun mute. lle milled In whom Iho general steed i M crave our Icaie te bring, Knr wen Him 1 in In iignuy, Water from j emlur springs "1 hey muni itntl shilek wllh inadiletiliig Ihlisl, 'limy wrlllie In their itiMpnti, While. 1 might take Uie draught te shiku 1 he torture tlml tli"y bear." " .Vity, Pergenal Ulrktaud, jeu will gel A bullet through your howl Ami, UmiIMi lad, you will lull int. 1 Aniitliul In tin) ilintil." " Net be ' I iliiy J mi lt me go, Ithetiln mini nl i hale, for Und, wIkhe e;ilii N oieli whole, I t 111 II W Will kl'l'p lllll Mill." " U liy will jeiinik my Intiu loge, H hum net n lit Ing man COIllll IIICOl lllOBlrllOM'l'lltl) nl lle? Hill lleimiy keep wlui Cull t" He sprang with lliiry haile uwiiy, Hut In it memt'iit iiidii! Tim nlnlnntt Mini, nil lliinhed nmt naiiu, Mas luck wllliln Uie ilenr, Hh IIiiiik haudkeiohlef alumni , ' I lain t )enr Icaie te waiu T bl signal while amid the light A sign 1 tome te sill u " " Ne, no '" Uie tlencnil Blioek bin lii'ml ; llctwlit n sigh and groan " ten cheese loge, bniie fellow ! se 'I he risk mutt he jour own !" I lie thundering nuns bIIII lent the nil, 'the Initie ntged tt het. Ami nil iireuml tliu sohlen giiiund ttns plow t'l with hllng Bhet , let straight between I'"' belching lines. Leaping the rivut tdu wall, lllghl through the clnng the (lergi-iiiit spuing. Ami ilnnd te face It nil. In cither steadtat hand hu held A brimming water enti, Uhluh thinuch tliu cinih el cannon Itiinh llu liore from tniiii te miiii. Ith bit-need draughts the fainting soul He timm il te lltn again, Ami parching lips were seethed with ntpj Thnt dulled the stress or piilu. llu mlmd the dying te hi Mini t'lein oil the weltering 0, Anil with a wenl uone olher hitnlil DNinUstHl hiM kiuil totleil. II inntleit'il lint, ni en he iiiei1 t hi'tr iti-uil iuiiI weiiinlcil lay. If, tilt'il mill trui', thtiy worn the lilue. Or tiiienml trlntl, theKmy ! Ami, in te nmny iv Kinpliilt imiutli llu hvlil the lull ciMiti'vn, HU hurrying feim nmltl tlioatenn Of mkliiR shot was renn, A Kniitual lull Imilii'il down thu reni, A paue loll en thetlrlfr, A though It i'ie foul wreiiB ledniu Te touch HOiluiniied n llle ! And Blew nml Blewer tjoemml the UHu Aleiifi ruch w.itchlut; line, Ab te and Ire they b.iw hliu ii tin errand be iIUIiic. And when the Biiltry heuni woie pnunl Ami 'mid the wounded nene 11ml lulnked unqu ittt d thu IuliIIiik lUuiiyht, nd hliktnud h work was duue. A shout th.it irnt the vi r liisniuu Kreui flther unity runj;, A e or the wall, nlert mid tall, 1 he BiTKeanl lightly BpnuiK. tul net ii lunn ntueiitf the miikB, he inw thu ihIiIb he hniied, In Mini or Km, but hormed teBiiy, Ihunk ttutl thnt he tM sttteil '" .Uiirfiirfl J J'rcttun, in ,une Jhi-vmic A TALI. VlllSVt.Ha. Ami the Irt'itifudiiiiii Irutilile Tlie Had III IlrrMlne Iter t'p. A 1'arH cnrruijieiiiluiit writei an fellow oencornltiB tlie brlil.il enllit of tlie rnnccHi Aini'lie, ii'Ctmtly uiarriCHl t I.IiImiii te the frown I'rlticoef Pertugal: The t'ehilu mill t'otnteHso 1I0 Pat 11 tnaile a blnmlurlii luttlttc I elU, tlie niale iiiaiiln.i 111 ikur exhlblt their eldi'Ml dmiKhter'n trmiM trmiM neatt In I1I1 warcroeinx. The coiiclnslen that Hien riynllxtH hail teiltaw lriiinltuaitli.it real brains nrn net able toiieiplro he iniieli um it ilrt'Mmnker. Tlie kewiih, blettsft, robeH iloeenr, mul woiltllttKtlriiH'iel the brlile uere en lileckH," which wero itnulii te slinulate thu liuiiian IlKitrc, anil uhlcli i-eulil net luuu been k'MM than m1. feet high. 1 reinnrkeil te thoHliewinan who took l'iller.s nljetit that thoie wan n great lack of elepint lleht gar gar iilture. "Hew In thu world," he itaid, "could it boetherwlso'' The print 01s ii bound by lier tall h tat urn, and alwi by her I'lieral una una teutlcul strticture, te w oarwrleiia hIiiIN Hirl Hirl ettily iiiidu.rlhohiutiiHWctutlacu.lliithurlHineM are lurKC) mid thure Ih no hhllii); theni. The arum are Htrenp, and net Ntatnoiinie. l-'rixe-I0111 ulegancc, mul, Indeed, nil tltat(;it'H llle mid nieMiuiunt te 11 f.islilon.vble oestuuio, wero out el tlie qiientliin. They would hae tnaile lier leek n caricature of fathlen. It niw tltoreforo tlecldetl that the NtuIN worn te be rich, the triiiiinlUKS when tliere werumiy, te be iu maisu, mul net toelie,ht, ami that the HkirU wero te bemtlpld. Ah Hhe iHarcat walker anil HllldioacetiMmloiico, hIie iuriitvd en hur dreaMia IhiIiii; nhert iu which hhe waswrene;. A porneu of her heiKht Hlietilil wear I011K ulilrU. At her ae It ii net poi pei Hlblu for lier te tlrni iu black." "Why iu black Y" I asked. " JlecailHO light colors hoeiii te Ineroase lier heibt. Were Hhe outlrely in black Hhu would appear an inch and 11 hall Hliorter. Hut beuiK a bride el twenty, we hail te make Iter drohhes Iu tender colors. Hhe ii alie KeiitK te a (ilace whete thcre are nlne nieutiiH of Hinniner mid a purmmieutly bright Hky, llorceHtunioH, therefore, Itad te be of Hhadeu Miillable ler miuuuer wear." .lului ITfttlier'B Stare. Kreiii the trtjlnl.i (liy M011U11I ui. A runiarkable instancoef tlie HaKacltyefa limre has cotne te our notice. Mr. Jehn l'Motchureniisa inure, wlileli runs In a wt wt ture ailjelnlng bis house. The iti.ire lidia young colt at lier ulile. A few nights since, alter Mr. Klutchur had retired, he w as aroused by the mare coming te the window of his IieuBO, and by pawing, neighing, mul in eery way possible trying te (jet Ills atten tion. This continuing ler sumo tittii', he get up, mid went out and tlrove lier away, and returned again te lied j but she iniuio iniuie iniuio dlately returned, and If possible, In In creasetl her demonstrations, lle again went out, when the mare caine up te him and rubbe.l her home against htm, although always ueioresiiu uau. oeon very Htiy, then ran en 11 lew yards before hliu, ceuiluuiiig her neighing ; then, as he dlduotlellow iter, Hhe returned te hint iu the most ilemonstra ilemenstra ilemonstra tle manner, lluattemptetl te drive hur oil', struck her with a stick, and followed her a low yards te Irighten her away. As seen, however, as he turned toward the house, Hhe returned, and tried in exery way te pre- out him trout doing he. He then remarked that her colt whs net with her, u fact he had net noticed bolere, as it was (uile dark. Jt occurred te hint then te lollew lier, which he did. He Hoen as she wiw he was doing se, Hhe rati eir before him, Hteppiug every few yards, turning around te hee that he w as still fol fel fol lewing, thou again running en, keeplng up her calling, until she reached a distant part of the Held, whom Hhe stepped at au old lirospeut liole." On eemiui: 1111 with her. Hhe again commenced rubbing against him, and drew his attention te the hole, whero he seen discovered Ihocelt. It apimars it had HlipN)d Inte It, mid wax tiuable te get out, and the mare hnJ taken this method te ob tain assistance. Ilelng unable te get it out alone, Mr. Hotelier went ler hoiue of his neighbors, nml with thorn returned. While they wero taking tlie llttle fellow out, the mare manllested the most Intouse dellght, and seemetl almost uoslde horself with Jey ; and afterwards, when the mew had get out of the hole, suocaineup teMr. Klotcher, and, placing her nese en his shoulder, gave every sign ofgralltude that a human mother might undet Hlmllar clrcumstauces. Who will nay the home does net reason ? lleic nptln In llerira, Tim M'lni or ii lioine, hIIIiiiiihIi tliilr ceiiIh ntu Ihlil eijiiiiihiuiI tvltli lliein or Hid iitttirlux, iire net HiUiJt le llieinilurmnmiU (vnrlueiu elni), wlikli tire no riciii('iit nml ullim me lutliiltil In UiuU'kh nTllie Iiiiiimii heliiK' 'I''"' li'Kiotllie liorne limy exlillitt imiiiy or tliu liiJiirliiiincoiieiiaiiu'iwi)r lintil work hut Uie wiim will with eiui cxeiipt Ien I hi iim.iIIiteiI In htriii'ture. Allm-luitl In tliu lriiiiiHluH of immt el llin tonileiiM unit Imtwei'ii llin tciuleiiH, umlelliiir iirlH urn lltlln Imkh run bilnlllt; ii iiuioeiih Mtilistaiiiii te mntlile tlie liiiiiliniH tehlldn oer eiu'li ollier without trio trio lien nml li inine mom enully en tlie imlttli imlttli lierlnu Mtl, I'rein lelfiiA. oxi'trlie llifii llttle Iiiij?h urn llnble te enlnrKC, S'IihIiiIIm mill tlioreiiKliplmiitoliintiiiieMMoftliln. 'Iliure liiiuoer IIkhii en tlie Innlile of III" lieclt lit IxiiulliiK, llili miiiiullineH liiiiinini ronslilor renslilor ronsliler ulilo Ineriuiwil In hIu nml tlie iinl.trKnimiiit Ih nilliHt nlxiMpnvln. A uln paHWieMir tliix lujf, wtilrli m proH.ieil liutwoen tlie I'liliirno I'liliirne inwij mill tlie itkliii mul tlie Imhihue of the MikmI tlireiiKlilt IninipKiliMl, tlioxeln Hi-oil-neiiiontly (llntiiiiileil liy tlie iicfiiiiinliili'il lileml mid the iIIhIkiibIeii riMi'hui limn tlilH lniKnilowilewil in tlie iinxl Mile. Thin Ii I'allml bleed Hp.ivin. Illoed np.ivlu tlinil Ih thuoeiiMaqiionco el l Bpivln, lien bleed mid Imiihi bv1ii, iih wull 111 UiikIhiiie, eiui be cureil by iihIiik 'H.ttnrii Hln." Any Infor mation ilcnlriHl en tlie luithe Ment fme ler 11 e it i it, by J, II. Iionuuker, Llmerlck Kiinare I'. (., I'.i. Dei linn of mail or weiniiii, pii'iiia tiin'ly Indiired by oxcuhkeb or bad pratllc'", HiH'Uillly iimlruillrnllycuiml Heek (llliiBlinK'd) liKniitA liiBbiiupi. UoiiBiilliilleii Inn. WKJlil" HlBpviKiiry Mrdlcal Awnnlatlnii. Iliiiralu, H. l luiie; ilIliAw Te Nrultiilln llll.iiBlri'iir llilputn bri'ftth, (Uiivcil by bad lii lit, lobiute, Blilrllnorcalnrrh.lBiieutriUIodbyfO.OIiilNT. riB n liiialllifiilliiiiiutllliir, mul u Riuiil luxury iw adontllrlce. The ropul"le brealh U by IN ii-tc UMiilincil an Jinjcnuil una 1010, mul ruldncHi b IrlcniUer lovem will net be noticed, Jiiiu'Tii,Th,tJAw Ti'Clhluit lliblivi me hippy II tin Ii 1:11 nn uru bullied with llu. HAMi'itTi'i'thtiig l.elli.n HiiliiiiHir Molhen be uirrlnl el jciui IhIiIct wlthdlurrhe"!. llu, llAM.n IIU11I110 1 JIUlule rurei when i'erj llilnjj rlse fullB, PiUn 1 ( tB. Kur nail) by II. 11.1,'echrun, Ni. 117 and I" Ninth Cjuecn atH'rt, l.nucasttir, Pa, liml.tiv DyBpepila coineB from Torpid blvei mid (en tlveues, mi cannot dfet your feed wull iiiiIei-i initr llier and tuiwcU at I ptoterl), llrauilivth'B Pills, takeu tme or two at ultflit for a wifk hi be, will H'Kuluti the linwiN.Htliniilati) tlie llMir and rinnic a quick and licallhlul ill KDxtlen, Tlii'se l'lllrt aie piiicly vi'KAlabli', ten lain no lulnenil unditte nbtelulrly liarmliai- I01 old and yetni. uvjsuiai. .son eki. " II At l M KT M'K " a laittiiit and lliimanl per. Iiiiiie, l'rlie 2.and M (i'iiIh hornaleb) II II, Cucbrmi, llliiKilt. -Ne. 1X7 .North (Jiiicn etn el. Iln. IIabblgii Hiiiim Muur, Puiely it'Kutabh', plciuant lotake, will I'Kpul werini If any I'Xl.il, no purgitltn ivijubi-d after iihln. I'rlre, 'i uOlilH, bj ullilniKKlit'i. febSJilldMH ,IK 1 hniiiaiiilB ,s He. Mr T W. MkliiB, (llnird, lMina, wrllin "1 iii'ver lit'ntlaU! te li'Ciiuiiiieud join l.b'clilu Ittt IflM te lll olMlenirrN. thi'V K'ie rnllle i.lllsfli II'MI and an' rapid wlicr '' Kb'i'trle llllti'pi an the pilii'nt and bi'Ml inoilleliiM known and will pHdtlt i'l 1 ure hldiii') and Mer I iMiiplalutH riirlli tlie bliHxl and 11 iilat' tlie tNimiH Ne (amll urn atlnril te bti without thorn I hey will au huudti'iU of dellarn In iliiturn MlM i'i'i yt.it, iild at flflv 1 tit a oiiitle 1 II II (ih hi-an, limuirM, I3t and 11 Nnrth ()ui't 11 Btitt I, Ijuk. inter, l'a. I ') Sllll.OH'H VIT M.I.K.ItH what )nii need for CotlHtltMllleIl, 1.IH1 of Appetlle, l)ltlli'H4, and alt iuiileui4 of Dvbjh pIa. I'rlie 1) and 1J (tils per bettle. ter biIu by II. II. L'ethrju, llilii;l?t, Ne. IS) North yiieen HtniU A cry Narrow luipe. "lis, I had a very narrow i!scajM,'B.ild 11 prominent citizen te a friend. "I was teufliied te 111 In d fur a eai autl my fi lend -i;a elite up tnr a con Bll III l tie's gnixn, until I In K'WI ll-lll huuiiiB lUlium for tlie riiteit and l.iitiirs, and here 1 am, pound ami hearty " Prltti Fne and II I or i-.ilii by II. II, CiN.hr.111, DniKl.it, Ne. 1J7, North ijiiieii Bttiet. (.aiiuister. WHY W'll.l. OU tniigliwlien Millidi'it euro will kIvii linuivdlati) rellet I'rlce IU (ts., !u cts., nod tl, for Bnle by II. Ik (.eclinui, DruggUU Ne. 1J7 North lluecii striel. Itilcklvirn ArnltH Nrtlrr. The Hosts il vel n the world ter Cubi, ItruUcs. iiores, Titers, Walt Kh 11111, revtir Himu, letter, (Jliupiwd Hands, Clilllialiit, llitrns and nil 8M11 Kriiplleus, pOHltHnly cures I'IIeb, or nepii) 10 HHlrett. ItlnguanttiKssl togtveiorfoet8utlsfae tleii, or money rufuuded. I'rlce JS coins per box. rorsaleby Cochran, the DniBidst, 1T7 and 1J0 North Uuoeu street, Lainiiutur, l'a. T 1 liA.1 HI.KKI'Lhss Mdlll'S, inade iiiUonible by tluit terrible cough. blitleh'B C 1110 Is thu 11 mcily for 011. t'orHn'eby II. Ii. Cochran, Druggist, Ne 1T7 North (jueun stivet. The Impt'lidluc Dancer, II10 luicnlBtatlstlis of the nuiubi v of di aths Blum thit a lari;u majority tlie with t tiiisuinp tiiisuinp tleii 'I liN dit ae may cimimniice with 1111 iii pun ntl hannlesH nuih whit h c 111 be curtsl 1 11 -glumly by hemp's Hal- tin for thu I hie.it and I. tut!!, whli h ts l'ii iniutei d te 1 1110 ami ix'llee all unit's. 1'ilte Ni tents and fl T tut tizr jrre rei "i.le by II. II Cochran, diueclst. Ne 1J7 N'erlh Qiievii htleet, tx-lwdAltw AUK 1UU MADK mlienible by luillgKsllen, CtMiMtluiiit)ii, DlrrdneNB, boss til Apiielllti, tl nw hkln T 3hl!eh'ti ItalUer Is a peiltUn cme. tnr b.iIu by II. II. Cet.hr.in, DiUKgist, Ne. 1J7 North yuwn street. I rum tli l'Htiir id thu Oltvel llspllst ehiiri h, l'lnlatlt'lphia, I'.i. 1 was be tumbled wllhca tarrh liM'rleusly itllet lid my itilte. line belile el I'.lyV Cieam iLiluiilld the weik. My 0lccl.1 1'ivui Sluler Downs, blug hln, N'. 1 was BiHIerliiL: t.everely with (jitaiih V. ( lealii llulm was Biii;uen1t il lllilu utihmirel till) llTHt aillllltulteu 1 tell ivlll'ii d tin 11)1 irt Iv lined In u tuw dujs. W. A. In 1 Jl :.tdmiUtv rOlt 111 sl'KI'si .ind I.imh (.iimpluint, yeit have a printed i;uuruutisi en e 1 ry bettle et hhl hhl leli's (tiUIiT. It neiurlalls tu t inn. Fer t-.iln by II. II. Cechruu, lUucuUl, Ne. IJ7NeltlHJueell BlItHlt. JUSl" AM l.OOl). Den tallow aiiviinii te iiiaku jnn bolleve any ether is'ineily Is Just us kei1 ler Bit k heud iche us III Leslie s hpei I it l'leserlplliiti, tin 11 Is 11111 true 'this Is the only leiuedy In the weiltl that strikes at the loot of thu tlUe.uu and dlhes It nut. tjliullulii.il. hill I. (Ill ri CATAItltll KKMI.IH-11 posltlve eiiie ler (.atari h, llliulnil.i, and Canker .Meuth. Fer Mln by II. II. Cochran, Drufglsl, Ne. 1J7 North (jiieun slteeU THK KKV. (.1)0. II. Til Kit, tit lliiurben I ml , Hiis " lint It 111 sell unit wltn ewe tin r Hi i'b tehllll.dllb CDNhlJMl'TIUS Ct'HK." I-el tale by II. II. Cochran, I)rut;gUt, Ne. 1.17 North tjuet 11 Btreut. A Walking Skeletmi. Mi K "prtiiger, of Mechanli'sliiinri l'a ,w litis "1 was utllliti d with lung rever and ubsiess en leugB, and rcdutt'tl te ti wulkiw sktli(en. Out 11 free tilal bottleof Di King's King's New Ills. ceiery for t'oiisiiiuptfen which tlld uiobe nun h l'ikki 111.11 1 utiiiiu. .11cr using iiilee iieuies feilinl nijBilf ente lueiii a man, completely 10 10 10 atoiedte health, with a hearty appclite and 11 gain In Hush of IS pounds. Cull at I echmu't) drug stele, J7and l.fi Netlh ueen street, ban cislei, Pa , ami get a lieu Ul.il bettle et this tor tilla cine let all i.ung Diseases, l.arge hollies, 1.. (J) nuuiiti. -1011N ha nit's sons. NEW BOOKS Aititiiluied at a liberal discount fieui the pub llahurs' prices. SUNDAY SCHOOL BOOKS In I. Hilary Hots, I lass Heeks, UcceiiIb, llu will lis, 11 lb I en, TosUuueitls, CulcchUiiiui, etc. QUARTO BIBLES Cenliilng King Jaiiies ami the lliiilaeil Voisleus el biilh Old and New Toslaiuenls In puiillil celuiiinsj uUe, with the two voisleus id the New Testament, or with I he old version or ttie UlblUOIllV. Ill VurlllllH Btvlfiuer tilmllnir. Hi. iieieh lower prices than by traveling agents. AT TUB 1I00UST0UK Or JOHN BAER'S SONS, Neb. 16 uud 17 North Queen Stretit, I.ANCA8TEU. PA. IIATVllBM, JtP. W ATUII1W, 0L00KH, 1V0. WATCI1K8, CLOCKS, Ac. Sl'KCIALSALB Oh' (lOLD-KlLLKU CASKS (boss's Manutactiite), hunting or open-casod watch, nlcklu works, 13 Jewels, stum winding and Belling (limited number) at .M CO. Alse 751u sllvured hunting cases, game works, at t7.se each. Creat bai-galna In Lancaster Watches. All the Jxwt Klglns and ethors. Correct ttiua dally by telegruph t only place In city. UebI watch and Jewclry icpalrlng.; L. WKIIKIl, .. .. " li North Queen btieet, ( Near 1. 11. It. Station.) bpectucius aud Eye (Jlwacs. Optical (jyeds. DYHI'HI'.SIA IH A nANOI'.Um'H AH well im tllstri'BBliig veinplnlnU If nr;K' lorled, HlemlBby liiiiiiitliigiiiitlltleiii mid do de do preBBlng llin tenn or tliesyalviii, te pii'imrolhe way of Itapld Detllne, I'll) sleliiiis ami llrnggisls lltteiiiiiiintl BROWN'S IRON BITTERS! ASTHE BE8TTONIC. Ilriulckly niHlciMiiptrlvly Oiiim lyptipm In 1 . ii.,i.iil..ii-n i!..l It tu ii. Timlin If lIlO nil it f.kiina ll.uu tlinrii. fl.-li liiiur. TiiNtlnit ine KimmI. iiiii. IL mirlLhc ami nurltlng inn iim" im iiitiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiii .iimui . .". T" , -- -,,, .,.....!, Hlliniilnlesllie lipiM.'llle, mid iililn the umiiiiiinv lllllllll IIHIU. - ,, Itt-.v. T. .). KesniTrii, tlie honored I""'"' "'., 1 IibI Itofenned Chun Ii, llalj'"'01"' ,'i1,,' .'Jli'i. ' Having iiii-it llreiTii'B iron in"'"l1lH (In mill 1iirlli-BtliMi. I take urent raj u 1 rn In .,.,,, .in,? 11 nisidv. AIbii teiiBld er It ri Biilendld I011T0 nniV fnvlgoniter, mm very ' li'iK! jS!A?"0. Ht.iT. .IndK" of Ulmill Cirarl, nteii Ce, ijel lieut iin.ie. t.,'!vi. tt'Btliueny te Ihn iiliicney 01 nnjiii " 1- tern for I)j .. ii.V Nerma v. .Merrill. Wis. Bays "I r...J., Vnt-'liuii vem-u wllh llVNiintisla. Used iiiiiny dlllerunt itiiinilles without betit'lll. ly phyBlclun advised me le Iry lliewn'a Iren llll llll ters. Tlin n hollies enti'd 1110 " , ThogeniilnoliBBTrailo .Mnikmtd irescd led Hues 011 wrapper Take 110 et her. M111I11 only by IIHOW.V CIIK.MlCAIiCO, il.iltltnore, ild. (3)ml8-lyd.tw ltAUl" Oil nt'Itli I'AINH. Hhep KlrlB. Balcs-w onion mid lioutie wlvm all Biuret Miiruerlcss from weak back or sldo slde sldo iiche. A lady nays One Her 1'tASTKn worn 41 linn rs did my back inoiegood than nil the reme dies lovertiBcil." Knr any sort of pain or sero nesser whntever natuie, IiiBlant relief W given. Hiiperler te chest ptett 1 ters for weak mid soue lungs, lier I'MHTKimiim iiiaile fnini lliirgundy I'llili, CntiHd.i Uilwuii and tlie oiitlie vlrtiifBtif gaideii iluin. Kehl everywhere, i'm., or r for II.iii. lIet'l'l,ASTi:iH:OMl'ANV, (II) lloateu, Mima. "T" IiaTTiieai)- i-InhTnkicii i-ivrNCJ V 111 I entral New 1 erk, was rured or 11 tlls IriBaliig hlduey ceiiiplaliit by thu lier I'tASTKR. lle Bills: "1 knew what thev urn and rt'toin rt'tein mend them le all the boys 011 the riid." Ap piled te pain In any pal t Inslatil relief Is Klven. Fer wetik mid tiled lnu.tles or i'lut". Vilest Hlllt lies, Hldcache, Neuralgia, "unit host, llheu liiutl.ni or lecil weakness the etrect Is magic 1'iep.iivd from llurgiindy Pitch, ( uiiadii llalsuiu mil ilrtuesel gulden iiup " ",,", ","'.0 mil t eiinlry Bletes, iie , 8 for !.. IIOl IM. AS- nn TKUCO 311'ANl, Uoslett, .iins. lii) rtOl' lTiAHTintN IL lleinovep ibis and oreuestiilckly Cotn Cetn IMiundeil from Iresti Heps, Iturguiidy l'llchnnd Cumiil.i lUlsaiu, they are, n tlieuMnd of people tctir,ihobcel mul slitiugijit perrnu plusler oier iiiiule. Always noetheu nml Btrcngthens weak nml tired paitB. lUekacln", Hclatlcn, ihk, Milney Dl-eases. Ilht'iiinallsin, Miarp I'alns, Sere Chest, Hlilcui'fie mid all paltiB, local or ilit pn'iiteil. iiredpi edlly cunsl. A trial will diMiioriBlrule their worth. Held by druggists iV , fl for turn. HOI' 1M.AS1 Kit COMPANY, Husten, Mass. '!) ZIOllN ItHMOVKIt vicreniA cehn ItKHOVKK. tVarranlcd le nnidlcale (jmiplelely and In a Bhnrt tline, tlin most obdurate 10ms, hard or Bell, without pain. Sold by Uee W. Hull, C'has. A. beclmr, Jehn It. Kauirman, Dr. tVtii. Worui Werui ley, And.O.IKnv, I h is. .1. Shultiijer, and at llKClhel.D'.S llllllU STOIIK, dnel'J-lyd Ne. 1)1 Weat Oninge at, lATAIlllll II A Y-l'KVKK. CATARRH. ELY'S CREAM BALM lilies Kullef at Once and Cures. COI.D IN HKAD, CATAKKII, 1IAV KK KU KUJK COI.D, DKAFN'KfeS, IIBADACIIE. Net 11 l.lililhl, Mliilf 111 Powder. Free fieui ln ln liiileiis Drugs and inleiu-iie Odets. A imrtlcle Is applied U each ne.trll and Is agivuiililu te umi. 1'rlii) SO (wills at druggists by mail, inKlsiereil.iiOi ts. circular sent live. hl.V IlllOlIIhUS, DruggHW, Owege, N.V. lulyvaiyeetlAlvw DK, DAUSKN, OrtlCKS AND IlltUtl STOIIK, 1 ..'.) N. Mb .St., I'hllad'a., lleglsteivd FhyslcUii and (.mduale .loHcrsen Cefiege, gu ininlees te tuiii all Illoed, Skin and Nervous Dl-uasea with purely vegetable rouio reuio rouie dies. Illl. DAI.SKN'S PI I.I S afe, Biini and oirec eirec tun!, font only by Kxpiiwseu leteipteti Ne I'enin lejal or duiKUleiia drugj. 1VJ N stu t, l'hll.idelphla. r.7-lyd A Ki'KIl AliLOl'lIHllSFAlIi, CONSULT DR. LOBB, S.'JNOIITH KIKTKKMTI Ul'KKKT. (IIolew Cal low hill btioet, l'hlladilphia.) Jl K MIS' ENTKlllKNCK. tiiiarantecd te cure the mulcted and unfeiiun lit) with I'tilt'ly ego ege ege table Medicines. Heek 011 special dlsuases Iree ; Bi'iidterit. AtUlLO freti and Htrlctly cenfiden tial, omen lien 1 s, 1 1 11. 111. te . p. ui , 7 p. in. 10 lu p. 111. rri'.UuK 1 1 by Jlall. Ull'lVI VdAw CL TUKK (iUAUANTi:KI. RUPTURE. Ciue guiraiittcil by Hit. .1, II. HAIKU, r ase at encii j noeieruilon or deluy Hern busi ness ; tesleil by huiidi-edsef cures. Main ettlcc, KJ1 AUCU ST., 1'lllI.A. send for Clrcul ir. IJe-UdAw uiivvmtwH. Hum cKADi: i'ei'-i'i:i:s. linn old litiveiiimeiit Java and Meclia Collies, thu lu'Bt Iu the market. Our Java llleu iled Coilee speaks ler llsuir; llchaud fnigrnut, '.V'. per pound, i'ery flne I'laiitalleti Uie Celli eh, 0111 beat only Jue. pur pound; one very pepulai 111 15c. Wew ant you lecill and try 0111 IJ'Jc. Coilee. The tucellent inullly et our Celli ea and line Teas Is making 11 lends fast mid firm. Our dally wiles Bliew a steady Increase, tiesh Ueaslcd tiiuiy day. A fulllluuel fancy (iieceries. l'luiwe give us a tiltl order. Ol.O. W'lANT, aiig-M-lid Ne. IU West MugUlioeU -jVTKW oilerKltlKs. "IIONKVl'V ISTHK lll.M rei.ic " I'leseiits ine.iii dot option. The name, in lis bulni'BH use, Isa tnivesty of thuiict. I'eiBpltji 1 Ions ami Ut-Bcelug people knew this, hither lu iiiaullty or eualliy, 01 threuifh Hickory, dopes pay ftn tlielr dtlusitm Tim puicheser nut and alwtiis does pt deaily lui Iheaup posed gill. ) A New Sleck et the HKsr iiuVNDS or ti.as and cekfices, Te be Held 011 Thill Mi'ills tiU.M'lT AND yUAI.Ill OUAItANTKKD AT Charles MacNay's Choice Family Grocery, Nes 1 Pi and 117 Ninth Ciicen btreul. lust lecclit'd, a laigu euanllty et Petted Dink, iiiiini! Chicken, Turkey, Dam, Tongue umi I'.ii'l ler plcule parties. Unpelled Ulngur Ale, fl Super dozen delivered, hj rups rerhmn. uii'i Drinks. All kinds or Impelled Cheeses. Duikee's s.llail Diessini; lminrled Uellshcs. Ken Is A Ceiupany s New erk Hams and ltonu ltenu ltonu Irsslliteu Juncvlind AT lll'KSK'rJ. JUST ltKCKlKD. A lieshlnl el Duikee's Salad Dressing, Flne Dili e oils, for table use; the Alottet ami ether biands (jiieen Olives, Imported Kdem or Dillchheiiil Cheiwe, .Muuireul and Vermicelli, Cliws A lllackwell 1'lckles and Sauces, ,Vc. I'ULSKItVH-l'UUlT PHKsKUN 1.8. .lust lecutved, 11J0I1 let of I'rult I'leseiveslu 3 0, boxes usual pilce, lu units, Belling at 'A tout it box. JKLLIhS. .1 i:i,l,l KS. T hlrly-peiind buckets at 5c. 11 pound, 01 by the pound let. ill, i.e. l'IK I'KUITH. Plo l'tat'hus, iiiutl can, luc. fresh Apples, liiiill can, be. t'KLL'a and H M. 1'UNN COK.S.bc.pet urn, BURSK'S, NO. 17 EAST KING STREET, liANCASTKU, X'A. -Tk'iilione Connection. NUflONH. r HANI) DISl'iiAV OK NECKTIES. UO TO KltiaMAN'S, CAMEL'S HAIR UNDERWEAR, GO TO EKISMAN'3. FOH LATEST HTYLKS1 COI.LAlta ANIl CUKF8, Q TO KltiaMAN'il. lUKAPEST AND BEST SCARLET UNDERWEAR AT ERISMAN'S. N0.17WKSTKINU8T., LAKUA8XK&, Mir.hlKKBT, (3UMMi:U HATH AND UONNKTH. Trimmed and Untrimmcd umier Ifnts -ANU BONNETS in IiiiiiiciiHO Vatiuty, -AT- ASTRIGH'S Palace of Fashion, 13 EAST KINO STREET. We KAleudmi Invitation teall te Vljlleur MILLINERY PARLOR And BeuOur Immense- Large Hleck of MILLINERY. Neierbelore liassuf h n variety bcmi Boen 111 Lancaster. All trimmed hats are marked te the lowest prlte. l'eslllTuly no fancy prices, aa we only charge the actual price of material and weik. Our Order Department Is most reliable for the reason that all our goods are marked lu plain figure, nml It Ii liiipoiBthle te charge 111010 ter ani thing than thu right pi let). lVn have epent d this weuk a large stock or White, Ctiam, Ecru and lilt go Tips, which we eell ul 73c , ll.ie and 51 W n bunch ; they are Iho ukiMt we ever had Ter the money. As thu season for late Mitts Is opening, we call your attention te thu following lltst, which gives you an Idea that In this article, as w oil as uny ether, we are the lowest In price. I'liieellk Jersey Mitts. In Itluik, Cream, Kcru, Ilelge and ether stylish tutors, at &'ic. a pair. Pix Hutteu Length l'uiu bilk, lu black and colored, .T7c. a pair. Kxtra tiuu and Leng, black and Colored, Mc a pulr iVhtln and Ilelge Oilental Liu 11 tleunclng, NV , II.UL tl ii. i J7, 1 V), ti inland tiiSa yanl. lertyineh Vt Ide Kinbreldeiy. sx-., tl.M) and tl.Sn iiinl. Special bargain at tl-SO a yuid. bpecial Inrgiilii In t hlte and llelgu Kgypllau Lace, s te 'J Inched w Idc, i.u, a ymtl. Parasols and Sun Umbrellas AT Sl'KClAL LOW l'lUCLS. While Kmhroldetcd Hebca at f.'.m, tiJJ, tiM, ti.7 tJ.ll and higher. Linen Cellars and CuUN, Whlte and Colored, In all the latest styles. ThreC-ply Linen I'ell.iis.wlth Cajie, stitched and worked button hole, slcs 11 te Uf, at ic ; Cutrs te inalcli, ISc. a p ilr. Thebesttlenfs Unlaiindrleil While Shirt, for fifty cents. In the city. Linen besom, relnrniccd linen back, linen bands, geed muslin and well inade. bargains In Ladles'. md l.eiils' Uauzu Hlilrts, at 'iue. and i's.'. nplece. te- During the uienlhs et July, August and t-eptriuber, our store will cltwe at bll o'clock, ui cry evening, Satin d.ij s ciceplcd. tm.me.nsi: assehtmi:m A. P-IIRSH, NOS. O & O NORTH QUEEN ST. In utiriimneiisoasaeriiiicnt of elegant HATS AND BONNETS are gicater baignltiB than uu bn found any any wheieeNe. IVn luive tin 1 uillt-s variety et 1111 trlmined Hats ami bonnets at the lowest prtie. The sery latest neicltiis in Itlbliens, Keaihcrs, r lowers, hallux, Laies.,r ill kinds and Hats and bonnets Triuimcil t'ue or Chaige. We have a large asstatiuent of JKW KLKi, WATCH Kf.Sl'KCT'ACLKs and CLOCKS. OuriiOOT ANDSHOEDKl'AltrMKNT'lsceui- ''Xlsii our tlENT'S STU W II T'S and KKLT HATS ill the lowest price. Call and see. all imd VUAh. T 15. MAHTIN, WllOLKSiLS AM) l.KrAIL !) IR All Kinds of Lumber and Geal. -'AnD: Ne. 4J0 Ninth Watel and Prince tJUecls, above Lemen, Lancastur, uJ-lyd B AUMOAIIUNICKS A JKl'KinilliS. COAL DEALERS. OrricB: Ne. 1) Neith (Jueen stieet, and Ne. fit Ninth I'rlncoBtieot. Vahds: Neith Prince Blivet, near lieadlug Depot, LANCASTLK, l'A. aiilMId RKS MOVAU M. V. B. OOHO luu louieiod his Ceal Olllce te Ne. IVi .SOUTH UlfKKN HTKKKT (llilinmei s New llulldlng), whurueiders will beietelied ter Lumber and Ceal, il'UOLltSALK AHU HKTilL. M. V. II. COllO. lnSUil E; ST KNI) YARD. 0.J.SWARR&00. GOAL. KINDLING WOOD. Olllee: Ne. at UKNTKK sgilAUK. Helhynrd nil olllee conneetod with Tolepheno Kich ange apilJ-lydMAF.K stAimiNr.KY. TiTACUlNliKY,AO, I0U STEAM HEATING Latest and Mobl.Uuprevoa ENGINES TractieD, Terlslle or SI&lieDiry. Ne or tJecend-llaua IIOlLJiUS, WATER TANKS, SEI'AHATOlta. Micniits or IlKrAin Ween such as done and keptlu Machine Sheps. ALL OH en ADDRSB3, Ezra F. Landis, WOHKS 637 NOHTH ODKUHY 8TRKET, iiADOiSTIE, VL. n7-tm CAIjTj AT BT011K HKltlAllT'H Oi.D WINE LISTON'S EXTnAOT OV BEEP, rlMBUT IH THl WORLD. KiUbllshesI, 1785. H. E. SLAYMAKER. Aqt., Ne. 23 Kast kW Street. ICDl'UU TCTOT A PATENT MEDICINE KID- jls ney airoctlens are at ence abated by Hen- Ben'a Capclue l'lttstcni. butler than nausoeua iiter H AOEH it IUtOTHKlt. SPECIAL. I WALL PAPERS AT EXTREMELY LOW PRICES. 6.000 Plocea BliuikH, t, U, 7 oentu Der ploeo. thla Boafleu'a nmnurnoture. Bronze Pairore, 13 1-3 ploce. WASBLE ENGLISH OfiK PflPERS, (ofeur own ItinortnUeu), aultablofer lIivUwriyD.DiiiliiK-roeniB.Oniooa, KltcheDB und Bath-rooms, or whorevor a sorvlceublo Wall Decora tion la roquired. Damp Walla BUoeoaarully romedlod. DECORATIVE WORK A BPEOIAtiTY. tfr All orilerB will rocelvo prompt and careful attention. HAGER & BROTHER, Nes. 25-27 West King Street. N iiX.T 1)0011 TO Tin: COURT HOUSl- FAHNESTOCK'S. ladies' Dress Goods ! Itavliifr eulnrrii'il our Dnsn tlneds ltpailmunl(nii new eccuiiy spacnef im fret for Ureed floods alone) which Klvcs us aniilt) room te show u large Bleck et theso uetnls. We havonetmniclonl npnee toenumeraltiall the dlllerent kinds of Uiess OoetU we new Keep, but would Bay It contains all kinds from Cc. up te thu best makes. Our iVhltoOeodsIX'pirtinciitlsospocUtly iiollceablc, hnvlinr Just openo devcr pieces of Whltu Uoeds, In addlllun te our already large Bleck, lrem uc. te rwc. Hand, ome hilt) Kiiibteldurctl Kebe?, ("1, l uu, fj ue, up te IW.ue. R. E. FAHNESTOCK'S, NEXT DOOlt TO THI3 OOtTRT M ET.OKIt A. HAUOIIMAN. Summer Dress Goods METZGER El HAUGHMAN'S. We lmvouewiin BtockSpeclalBiirgHiualnWHITB DRESSOOODS, bettRht under Regular Pricea and te be ueld cheup. Victeria Lawns at 10e., 12 1-2e., 15e,, 20e., 2Gc, 31c, 37c; India LiueuB all grades ; Strlped and Plaid MuBllns ; OorUed Pltiuea ; Orinkled Soerauckora ; Vigil Lawns ; Vigil Batistea, letzger & laughman's Cheap Stere, Ne. 43 West King Street, Between the Ooepor Heuse and Serrel Herse Hetel, Lancaster, Pa. .mirnLxitr, .if. H. Z. IIUOADS, JKWKLKll. H. Watches. Diamonds, Jewelry, Silverware, Oil Pulntings, Statuary, Musical Bexes. Bronze Figures, Sterling Silver, Geld & Silver Head Canes, &c, &c.. &c, &c. liM r nil Line nl riturieaalre Kuthiuiuul " 1'he t.eiinau'' l'rlc. H. Z. RHOADS, Ne. 4 West King St. HATS, UADINU 11AT KT0U13 OK Till: CITY. BE SURE TO READ THIS TWICE! He you like aniuethlug Coel, Coinfeitablo and tJtylhth ler your heud T If se, call at the LEADING HAT STORE OF THE CITY, Nes. 31 and 33 North Queen Street. And (jet one of the lieaiitllul, !.t'ht Weight. Self Unnfeiiiiliii; 1I0ST0N DKKIIVS. Only place in LaticiMtur uheie thu liiodiictlen of II.UUX." tin) Leader of llinlen. can be had. Alte, bole Airontriir"KNO.-,"the Louder et Nuiv leit. bTHAW OOOlKS and I.1UI1T ST1 r K II ATS lu all Iho I.oadliitfMyle, and In all unities designed by Iho Leaders et rajhlen. CHll.UHrJN'.i HATS In l.arge AB30lliui.nl and at All l'iKed. - iVe take sieclal palnu te iilciue each coitiieclleu. W. D. STAUFFER & CO.'S, Nes. 31 nml 33 North Qudimi SUecl, Lauwisttir, Piu JfVUNlTVHK. H KINITSU'8 KUUN1TUU12 DKTOT. LANCASTER, MAY 17, 1886. Te my frleuda and patreua I doBlre te nay that we are botter prepared than evor te de your repairlng of all kinda and in the beat posaible manner. Hair MattrosBea made evor at the Iowest prloea oensiatont with geed work. If you want your Parler Suit Ro-uphelBtorod in Plush we cau de it oheapor than thoae who buy thelr raaterial by the yard at retail pricea, as our goods oemo from Qrat hauda and are bought for Spot Cash. We have the chonpest and beat new Parler Suit in Plush te be found in thla or any ethor city, which we are maklug n run en for the next 30 days. NOS. jiuvtmiraiiNiHii mu nuuvs. s HIHK'H OAKPBT HALl CARPETS ! CARPETS ! UEOl'KNINU Or SHIRK'S CARPET HALL We are new nrenarcd le show the trade the iJirgest nud Hest Seiected Line of Carivebj ever ex, WMtiSIn 5d7c : iv.1 W1LTON8; VKLVKTM, all Iho Trading Makes of 110DV ANeWrKSTUY Itv r WILTONS, VKLVKTM, all Iho Trading Make el 1JOUV ANU TAl'KHTKI ItfcKI'LV. All-Weel and Cotten Ohaln KXTUA HUl'KllS, and all qualities of IN .!18.1)AMAsiland.Vl!NJCTIAN(JAlll'hTS. UAU and CHAIN CAUl'KTSef en . ' ..ii... Hmu.ln1 AILtnllnnnuM li Ihll Mttnilfeet Ultl nf I'.IIH'rtlU fAll.K'TM liltUHSKLB, Till .11, M lltlMIL1 "- ,W. .,, . - , ,....,,.,, j Inthi.Uunl.rnnl.nunrKllttT.lll I.1IIUVW. own manulaclureaspecuuiiy. dihiw nyiV AUe rull Line oft UillUllUiltOt MUUH t1AVt? UiMJ. WW. .MJM, .V SHIRK'S CARPET HALL, Oer, West King and vuuDt. SPECIAL, I AU new koeUb or 16, 18 ceutatwr ladies' Dress Goods ! UOOSH. UANOA8TEP., PENNA. C Z. RHOADS, JEWELER. VAVH, ,tv. uMenicr, unit always give ijulil je e 3110, Telephone HEINITSH'S Furniture Depot, 27 and 20 SOUTH QUEEN ST. tnJllvd '."t.'t.. . .;i rr..ti.T.Ji," VWMW n . -AT- Water Bts., Lancaater, Fa. rjurjKWM mvimm M,U- Ca l'S tt! ?.?i WW 4 Mk fcE swana i,cmT vT.ss'ssvart' RKANmA..!lJI,llMn,AAttiKOA LAN,xiu'5Sula,ju"AN0N A On tmn nor 8UNIiat.may seth.lMr XKA1K8 LKAVK kit Al)IN ' ""' ret Columbia ana Lancaster l T.1IK.UL.11.M neon nnrt Me p. in. .! Fer Ouni-ry vllle at 7.81 ft. tn. n(l MO p. M. rer Ohlokled at JM a. in. nntl llutip. m. TUA1N5 LKAVK COI.UMU1A l P0"" al 7-10 a. m ., uau ana S.40 p. w. or Lebanon nl li.ss and H. 40 p. m. XUAINS LKAVK UAKUV1I.LH HI! ;.'anjr!Ml"r nt n'n una 7.l . in. imHUMn, 1 or Lehannn at 2 .it p. m. Hi 1 iS .""K Bt.7:' " '14" "'' awn. in. rer lit an . nl '.!., " ' Vi? " i- ' '" a.m, BUNUAT TRAim. THA1NB LKAVK 11BAK1NU rer Lancaster nt 7.-J0 ft. m. ftnfl 4.00 p. in. roryuarryvllleatLOUp. in. TUA1N8 LKAVK UUAHUYVILLR rer LancasUir, Lebanon and Headliifcat7I10ft,ni TltAlNS LKAVK KINO 8T. (LancaalflrA rorlteadlng and Lebanon at 8.1M a. m. and llWi p.m. rer guarryvllle al 5J p. in. TltAlNS LKAVK IMIINUK ST. (lAtlCftller.) rer lteadltiK and Lebanon and 8.1U a. in. and 4.01 p- in. r or tjuarryvtlle at Ml p. m. rer l.ancasn-r at Ja a. in. and HilS p. 111. rer Ijuarry villi! at 3 is p. m. rer coimeclloii at c'tiliimbla, Marlella June, lien. Lancaster Junction, Manhelin, lteadlnir and Lebanon, see tlme tailing nl nil stations. A. M. WILSON. BuDonntenaenl. KNN.SYr.VANlA KAIWUUI) HOUHD ULK. In n Heet from May 31, is!. Trains r.nv Labeastkr and le ve and arrlTa al i'hlhidclphhi aa fellows : Leave lAiavn WKSTWAltl). raclfln Kxpreis Newh Kipresst Way l'aoiiBer( Mail train via ML Joyl Ne. 2 Mall Tralnl ....... Niagara Express Ilaiiover Accein Kest Llnct rredurlck Accein LnncaslorAcceut llarrlshurg Accein.... Columbia Accein llarrUDnrir Uxnress... I'hlladolphle. Lancaster. ii.-jip. 111, 4:30 11. m. 4:30 a. 111. 7:00 a in. 1 una. m. (irSle, in. O'jen. in. D3IO. 111. 0 33 a, in, 9-.vi n, in. 0 1 a. nt. t2.ne p. in. 'iie p. m. 2 m ii. in. an p. m. I'M p. in. 7.4U n. m. via Columbia 7:iea. 111. via Columbia ll:.via. 111. ill Cnluinbla vlnMU Jey.. i ii p. in. 4 40 p. m.; b 40 p 111. 8 Ml p. in. 10-U5 p. in, Leava Chicago and Cln. Kx.. 10.13 p. m. li.iun. m. Arrlvn nl iTeaturu E.iir.usdj.. EAHTWAKU. I'hlla. Kxpresst rast Llnct Ilnrrlabiirg KxpruiM., Lancaster Accein ar.. Columbia Accem Seashore Kiniesi Johnstown Kipreas... Sunday MnlL l)av hxnn,i Lancaster. l lle. 111. K.-efl a. in. 8: in a. m. BM a. in. 0.i)a.in. 12AH p. in. 2 us p. in, 3 1111 p.m. 4:4) i. 111. i'hlla. 4 '4 It a. lu. H.i". a, 111. 10.20 Ii. 111. via Ml Jey ll'l'in, m. 3:1B p. in, IWH p. 111. ti.es p. ui, 6 an p. in. Ilnrrlsburg Accein. G-Hp.m. The Lancaster ArpmitmrwlntlMn I. in v.. 11 ifnrrld. i,n. m. burg at 8.10 p. in, and arrives at Lancaster al IMS p. m. The Marietta Accommodation leaves Cel um blaatC.lDa. iii.niidrcuchesMarlettaatCjn. Alse, leiiVOT Columbia at ll:n a, m. and 2. lip. in., reachln? Marietta at 1M1 and 2.M. Luaviu Marietta at 3 05 p. m. and arrives at Columbia at 3.-20 i also, leaves al 8 M anil arrives nt Sjsn. The Verk Accommodation leaves Marietta at 7:10 and arrives nt LancosteratS.'OOcounoctlnir with HarrlsbiirgKxpress at 8:10a. in. The Frederick Accommodation, west, connect cennect Inif at Lnncaster with rast Llue, west, at 2:10 p. m.. will run through te Frodeilelr. The Frederick Accommodation, east, leaves Columbia al 12.-2S and reuches Lancaster at 121 p.m. Hanover Accominedntlon, west, connecting at Lancaster with Niagara KxpreK at u.50 e. m., will run through te ilaiiover, dally, oxcept Bun flay. aat Line, west, en Sunday, when flagged. wnisiiinui uownniKiewn, uoaiesvuie, t-arKe lu.ier. t.uz.uit ler. KUzaliethlswn and Mludlelewn. tineeni) trains which run daily, en uunaay t be Mall train wust runs bv way of Columbia. J. It. WOOD, General I'asscnaer Agent. CI1AS. K. l'Utlll, Ueuursl Manager. vi.utiiinu. L. UANHMAN tk UUO. Custom Department! LGANSiNMiTScTBRO., Cor. Xerlli Queen and Orange Streets. Ki'tliicctl 1'rk'i'S. Itcst UerKniuiislilp. We make toeulorMcu's All Weel bergu BulU al$10 0e. All-Weel Cas.ilinfra Suits at H-'.OO. All-Weel Worsted aitlts nt tl4 tw. All-Weel Cht cks und l'lald Hulls at lS.uO. Ail-Weel F.nglUIi Wemttsd Suits at l8.txi. Kxlni mho liutieriea aii-weui worn tea at f JO te tn llKADltUAUTliUS 1'Olt SEERSUCKERS I riecrsiicker Men's Coats and Vests Iteiu (1.23 up. Filly (lltrei-enl stiles teelectllOlu. Hey's ieorsucKers fieiu $1.13 up. Ilny's and Children's Clothing our great slK'clnlly at reduced prices. Call early ami sccute bargains, us they must go this month. L. GANSMAN & BRO, MEUUUANTTAILOK8, MANUFACTUUKllS OF MEN'S UOVB AND ClIILIHtKN'S CLOTIIINH, 66 & 68 NORTH QUEEN ST., LANCASTER, l'A, - Net couuecled with any ether Clothing llouse In the city. TJUKUEH tt BUri-ON. Spring and Summer CLOTHING -AT- BURGER &SUTT0FS. We can fhew ene el the best slecks of Iteudy. Made Clothing lu the statu aud guarantee our l'l Ices Very Lew. ltuslness Suits at $. V. HO. IU and 112. riiie Dress bulls at ill. lit and IIS. Cemitate our goods and prices with ethor hoiibes and bu convinced that this Is Iho place "AUUioNewoHnnd Hest Styles of I'lece Goods for Cuntom-Werk, which we will muku up In the ItestStyle. Fit guarunloed. A lull Line of youths' and Children's Clothing Gents' Furnishing Goods, BURGER & SUTTON, Merchant Tailors and Clethttft, Ne. 24 Centre Square LAMCABTKK.rX 1 KOIIUK KKNtff, JM-j Carpenter, Oontracter A Bulldw, HKSIUENtJlf;-O.M VrIKHIUBT. gilOI'-JtAST UUANT ST., OppesltO KUllea situi ma- Heuse. All wert wcalTM y prompt and psnwaal M- US and en reasenaClu terauj. ilrawtaM u4 tUUniatatarnisaeL e-' VirHKN YOU OATOU COLD.-HIW. V son's Capclna I'luUirs nuhiklr itrt away palus and tw:hosreiulUiiKtwuiW4l. Trf ' theui. 25c. "" " r,i,2.",?,l'uvi! LKIIANON. rer Lnncniiter at 7.2nn.in . lias nnti 1 vt 1, m rer y itarryvllle at 7. i m? "" 7 M m' tiI uvnvs. MbSJBUUW