rt t , v ' .$.f75 THE LANCASTER DAELY INTBUiIGENCEBf WEDNESDAY, JUNE 0, 1886. I'ltAM'.U AMI AI.Mjl, Kneli wni.lel piayeri inch lilN, Iho pledge or gratitude, ti .Iu4im Kl Hhnll liu ler tlii'im (lain v.edgu llctmi'OH tliii golden gates ' ""V,'" , lrytnlu 11. Vuri lien, IIHAftTISO TIIH VAIIIHS.il.A1K. IIiih I'gim I.e.. Unlrr llm llUHnrll Ills l-rliii" ' '"" Clinnli. Heme lllmtfli I" Haltlmore Hun. Tim m I1"''' ll mnHlitery Metulny morning ler tlioereatloit orne,cn new cardi nals, iiitmi r whom e te France, two te America ami two remain In Italy. Tlincon Tlincen Nliitiiry wni or n private nntiire, iieim tint inemlHiiH of tlie Hiicrul collego IieIiik present. It m held In CoiiHlMterlal hall, his IioIIiiem IxiIiik M'atiil en Ills throne, uml nuilltiuls KteiiK'il nUml lilin. At nlnvnti o'clock thu ik, iitllred In wliltaiinil leek. Iiik M'ry feeble, entered the hall. CarillnnlN iiiimhiTltiK tlilrlylwe knelt iw IiIh liellmeet ('Meted. AfWir having received tlin lioiliuge or tlin cardinals tlin fouslstery was formally opened ly nil aildroeM by tlie mti. lln NHikn In Latin, hihI In Itmi'ourMeof ills mlilie.-w le tlie cardinal! inaitu IIiih rntornnce te tlin growth atiil lniNirtaiu'oer llivlr C'atliellu chinch In tliu repuhllcs or I'rmire ami America : "An our aiilolle Hollcltllde oxtentiM te tlie CatlielirM or every nation, we liave thought It proper en this occasion te nelwt koiiioiIIh keiiioiIIh koiiieiIIh tlngiiMiotl bishops IhiIIi from tlin old mill from tlin new world te lie ulnvated te your ranks. In tlin Ural place wu turn oiireyoH te France, wheru the church proudly powe,nos a neliln band of prelate rloely nulled te llm nKiMtolle moo, worthy or hlglMwt praNe and ralthtlil te tin chargn committed te tliem, discharging, thelr iIiiIUh hoinellinox iinder great dllllciiltleH and employing all thelr (Minera In ilofenfo or the holy we. On till account we liave resolved te add u low el these l'ruiieh prelates te the sacred college III erder te draw that generous nation i Inner te llm Iteinan peullll. We ceme new te America. In the sin-end place the I 'nlted statei and Canada attracted our altentlnii. Tim Mtnirlililng statu of C.itholl C.ithell cliu III that eoulmleracy, which dovelopos itself dally mere and mere, and thncendltinn and form according te whli-h tlie iliHlantl c.d cumins of that country are formulated, iidtlsu UN, or rather dvliiaud, that neliln of their prnlalei lie ricelVed Inte llm sacred col cel col lego. New with regard te Canada, 11 ll a known fact with what resolute adhesion they I'lhiKte the true faith, with what leve limy adhere, uud with what loyalty, lallh anil allectleu unlte their hearts mill mind te the holy we. Wherelore we herniate net te en roll among llm inemlxin of thusaored college oneol the nrchlilthniM el ('.mads, knowing that 11 will redound te tlie glory of thol'.itho thel'.itho thol'.ithe 11c faith anil the spiritual welfare of millions en the ether Hide of the sea." HI Hellniws then announced the names of the new cardinals, at fellow : Victer I ellx llernadeii, el Sen llcncdlct . Maria l.angou l.angeu leux, of Hhelins : Charles I'luHps, I'lace of llcuncs : .lames (iiMxiiih, of llaltiiiiere, and Alexander Taschercaiix, of tjnetw, all arch bishops ; Mouslgner Theedell, of Iteme, o.x e.x HiMiretary ofthe Vatican, and lather ('ainllle Marrela, of Naples, Jesuit, who was formerly professor at Wixslsteck, Mil. 1'ather Maella Is the Unit Jesuit cniilcd cardinal by Lee and ceceiid te thone'red college. Tim xiki alter nominating the cardinals turned tethe menilierset tlieHicred college, pronouncing thce werds: "Juld voids videtur ."' ( " What Is your with ?") There ImiIiiK no dlKsent, the uemlnatlnUH -nole rati fied ly tlmcollejje. ThoninsNtery ww there upon tenulllRtisl. A public cen-aislnry will N) held Tliurmliiy, when rml hats will Iw con ferred uN)n the new carillnals. Sulei; llrr KatltMr rur llrMdi tl rriinilm1 A curious Null fur briwh of prnuilxe will U) trlcsl at the next term of the llurllngtnu fetinty N. J.i supreme court. MKs l!lla Wilcox, a yeiuii: weiiinu well known In the Meciety of Mount Helly, becamn eiigaKed te be married te Jehn Cook, of llm hniiiii place. Mr. Cook went through all the regular lur nialltles, and nskisl and obtained Mr. Wil cox's consent te mnrry his daughter. The MixtdlnK was te hae taken place en May IS. ThreedyH Isjfore the wtsldiiiKilay, forneuio unknown reason, Mr. Wilcox changed his mind aiieut the desirability of Mr. Cook as it seu. In-law, and ald the ceremony would net take place. When Ml-s Wil cox told Mr. Cook eftlus clmuge in tooling en the part of her lather, the presHstln bridegroom get angry and loll the house, saying he wasdlsgnMed anil was gelngaway, inner te return. .Miss Wilcox thought this all ever, and the mere nIie thought the mere angry mIie became at her father. Last week aim hunted up a lawyer, and with his assist ance nhu began a Hull for $10,000 damages ler breach of premise against her father, alleg ing that he was the nole raiw of her liner's estrangement, and that Nhe nendisl atHiui that amount te patch up her broken heart and hunt up another fellow. His IhiUoveiI that this is the first Mult fur breach of premise oer begun in which tlie girl's own lather Is the dclend.tnt. A l.uthy Man. A lucky man N rarer limn a .liln , ni;' -.im Juvenal, ami r think lie knev.. IIeai,.ci. .! haw hiviitl el thuusundn el luck, eurn hihI we pniplwe Intel Dlell' Heeiet out. 'I hey wi-le people hreki'll ilewn In heultll. Nllirerlu Willi iler, IiUhkI unit ekin tlUiuuen, Ncretitla, drop,' anil conieiuiplloii. anil weie lucky ennuh in hear of una uImi ineiiKh te iihe ir. Vleice'H " Uelileu IMTjcevery," tlie Mivcrulun IiUmwI duii tier, lenli. ami .iltur.au e ei thu une. j'J-Vt.S.lw Tcctlilntr ILdilcs ure happy if their Ricns lire bathed with lln. 1 1 ami's Ts;thlng hollea. HiiuiinurMolherii be ctirelul of your liable vrlthillarrlnea. Uru II a mi's Dlarrhe'i Minimi cures when everything ulse rail. Price ll ct. Ker Hitle by II. It. Ueclimn, Xoi. Pt7unil IS N'ertli Queen street, I-anc.lslcr, Pa. InuLVw (Jko. IV. Tehi'Iihh, M D, "f Uiiiiibuilnml lict, llroeklyu, N. X , writes June , 1H1 " 1 take ptciuuim In leceiiiuieuillnt; Allcock's Poiou Peiou Poieu riaitcri In all cuns of licurrul Heblllly, esie clatlywhcru the pains are ueveru ever thu lu Klens of the hlilneya, I.Uer and Cheut ; maikcd luipievemeul eceiiii as mniii iw roller from iul lerlng U obtained. I'er l.mubae thesu Plat tertieurpasa lltiliecuti. .xc." HVKVIAI. NUTIVKH. litCKlMl Out. le man iv ieei)le there tile wlieute sti uuullni; le ntu m ini weiiu iriui uic . . . ...... t . -. . .... ... ........ ....--... klrkcil (low a and out by envious ilvaU. 'i'hemnt' J-'rlectrir ittl never "kicked out" 1U pureim. 11 1 Hue blue, for threat directions, usllmta anil catarrh it l a certain and rapid curu. Fer uale by 11. It. loch lech nin, ilriiKgl'iti 1J7 and lr.) .North (Jucun ulicet, LancaHter. Seme Strung .Xllmled XVeiiicn. Can regulate their husband) amazingly fant, nheulil they net de their duty, llmilerk Jlieuil IHtteri ere a geed regulator of the circulation. 'Iheyaie exclmlvelya bleed tonic, uud coime ceime iiiuntly strike at thu root of many norleun nil ineiitH. Fer sale by 11. It. Cncliruu, druggist, 1J7 and IX) North ljueeu stieut, Lancaster. rut ipuu His rrft. '"'el up In bed and eeunUuil till the clothing was wet with perplrntun. ,xty wile Insisted that 1 use 77iem(U' J.'elrrtrie Oil. The llrst tci HpiHinrul lelteved ine.und twobettles have cured inu 1 cuu honestly leeetiiinend It " -,. II. Per Willi, C'ri'ek Oiiliu, N. 1 . Fer silo by 11. II. Cochran, ilrugglut, 137 and 1X1 North Ijiieen xtruet, liucietter. "Unmu Sweet llntlie." ThUeengl-j very geed In Its way, bill 1 tlidie any Hlcknesu In the heiliehnld It no, home can net be ulways pluaiant. We tiike especial pleas ure 111 receuuneiKlIng Jliirileck Jlleutl Hitters, a bona (Ida uud cm tain euro ler ilyspepla,and ull dUeases el the liver uud kidneys, for Hale l,y , II. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 13J Neith lJuuun Htreut, I.uiiciuter. Iell't lln rnllit-liiiu Icil. If you urn In troulile leek up, held en, give thehluen giHMl by. If you are in pain, have a lainuneK, have mi ache of any kind, go te the druggist unit usk him for Thumat' Jfclvrtrte Oil 11 will de you geed every time. Fer vule liy II. 11. Cechmu, druggist, l'sl uud W Neithgueeu Htteut, Lancaster. Hear II bit. "1 feel nuw. I win mulcted with sick head head uclie mid general debility, but Jlurtleck 11 loud Hitter) Ijiiiught nbei.t ui linnicdlile liuprovo liuprevo liuprove In my geneml lutiltli. 1 censlilur them the best family medicine In the market " Adelph Lullez, lliiirule, H. V. FerKAlu by II II Cochran, drug gist, 137 uud 130 North (jueeu atixiet, Lancaster. MOTHKimi MOT11KI13II MOTHKllSIII Are you disturbed at night and broken of your 'St by a sick child BUirnriinr uud nrvlnv with rest, by a sick child tlie excruciating pain et culling tenth t If se, goutencoanduetabottlo or Mra. WINSLOWti SOOTlllNU SVItUP. It will relieve the peer lltlle Builerur luiinedlately depend upon ll i theie U no inlstake ubeul It, Thore Is net a mother en earth who has ever used It, who will net tell you nt ence that It will regulate the bowels, and glve rest te the mother, and relief and health te the child, operating llke magic It Li perfectly sale te use In all cases, and pleasant te the taste, uud Is the prescription or ena or Hie eldest and best temaln physicians In thu United Stites. Beld everywhere. cents a bottle JUbTASUOOl). Dou'tnllew anyone te uiake you belloveany ether remedy Is Just ns geed for sick headache as lr, llr. Leslle'u specuu i-icsciipiieii, ler 11. is mil. true. This is the only remedy in the vteild that strikes at the root et thu disease and drives tt out. Ulve It tt trial. MKhlMAU B uuwn'n 1KHN iirrriniM. BROWN'S IRON BITTERS! WILL CURE HKADAOlli:, INIIKIKSTIO.V, lltlilOITSNKNN, HYHI'KI'MlA, NKUVOl'S I'UOSTUATION, MALA III A, (miii.lhane i'i:vi:us, tiui:i)'i:hlini, ii:ni:kal dkihlity, l,AINMlNniiKltAOK.V.Hll)i:.S, iMi'imi: iii.oei), CtlNHTM'ATION, 1'KMAl.K INKIKMITIKS, UIIIUJMATISM, NKIJUAHJIA, KIIINKY ANI LIVi:it TItOUIILKH. -K)llSAI,K 11V ALL MtUI.UIH'lrt. llieflenulne hasTiiide Jlmk and cncd Itcd Lines en w nipper. TAKK NO OTIIBH. (i)iut7lyd.w rjllAY'H HI'KUIKIO MKOICINIC. TIIKllllKAT KNULIHII IIK.MKKV. All unfailing cure rnr liupelency, and all lllo llle eases that lollew Imms et Aleiuery, Universal Lassitude, 1'iiln In the Hack, llluiness of Vision, l'remntine Old Age, and many ether dbicacj that lead te Insanity or Consumption mid a Premature (Imvfl -Kull iiarttciilarsln our pamphlet, which we desire te pond free liy mall toeveryene. Mt-rtn tjH'Cllle .Medicine is sold liy all drugKltji at n wr pnckiige, or six packages for t- or will he sent tree by mall en the lucelptef the money, hy addressing the agent. II. It. C'H IIIIAN, llnigglst. Sele Agent, Nes. 137 uud 1JJ North yuueii btieet, Ijincailcr, Pa. On account of counterfeits, wn have minuted till. . .11... u U'hi ........ ............ ............. ' ...UAU.M.T. II (UJMI.-I . ,111- IIMI V KI'Ulllllll. IIIK U KAY MKIXCVLCO., Iluirale, N. Y. apW-lydAw H, I'LASTKIIS Clllti: (HJICKKHT1 IIVT 11,-cauMO cnmoeicd of medical iiiallllestliat are known te pusses gn'ai power In relieving p.dn curing dlscuse mid wonder fully weak and worn out parts. Kresh Heps, llurgumly Pilch uud (linns cemtilncd In a flesh, clean undsweei porous plnstci. Alwnys icady te apply te sudden pain, iicImh, strains, eniinps, sllli hi's, irlck, swollen leluis or muscles, or SOICIH5SS In any pari, ic , !i for II. Ol, every- W1MTI1. Hill' 1'1.,1-lir.ll LU.Mt.l. 1. IHlNli Ill, AIuss. () HOI l'LANTI'KS. sir hack aciik". HiMts of people or all uites sutrer with pulu In the small of the tiaek commonly ealh'd ' Itick--uclie." del or veurdruitBlst a llltP PLASTKIt and apply It directly ever seat of tumble. The seething and p-ilieklttlng properties et Heps eemliliied with lliirgunily Pitch and Kxti-arls make tills plaster vastly heller than ethers for driving nut pain mid strengthening the parts. A tilal will demonstrate tills. Alwas ieie.lv ler use. Never falls s-ls., t- for II m. )IOP PUSTKIl COMPANY, Proprlcteis, lloslen, Mass. (!) NOT LIKKOTIILlt KIN'D.S. line PlastkkmiicI instantly when npplled. Tiy them for Ikirkiirhe. Piilliln I he side. Si itches, IthiMiumtlsm, Sclallcu, suie and weak clti'st, uud all lis ul in ties and pain e nisithlng and sticiiLrtle'tillig te weak and tired iwitts. foin fein foin pesidol natures best known ri'tni'dli's Xiilues of ri'tl Heps, lliiigunily Pltchi'S and C'liuuda lUNam. Seldevi-ri where i:. '. ler ll.ie Hill' PLASPKIICOJIPANY, (10) Proprietors, lloslen, Miurs. ZlOItN UKMOVKH VICTORIA I'OKN KKKOVKK. Warrnnled te eradlcnte completely and In a short time, the uux-il olelurute corns, hard or soft, without pain, sold by lice. V. Hull, Chas. A. livelier, Jehn ll. KuntlmHii, Dr. Win, Worm Werm ley, And. II. ;Knv, has. .1. Shulmyer, mid at UKClheLll'S HltUll STOItK, decliMyd Ne. Wl West Orange 81. -IATA KHIl 1IA Y-FKV KK. CATARRH. ELY'S CREAM BALM lilves Kellef at Unco and Cuies. COI.K IN IIKAH, LAl'MtKII, HAY FKVhlt UOSIi-COLI), HKAKNKSS, HKADACIIK. .Vel a l.l'iuid, Snuir or Powder, lice liein lu lu iuileus Diugs and etteuslve l(Yei-s. A purtlcJn is ujiplled te each nostril uud is agreeable le use. Price M cenU at druggists by mull, realteri'd,i)ets. Circular sent liee. KLY HHOI'IIKi:s, DrugglsUi, Owego, N.Y. lulr31yeedAlvw Dit. dausi'.n, 0-KICKS A Nil IMtlK. STOIIK, lKiN.Vlh St., t'hllad'a., lb'gtsti'nsl PhyhicUin tiud (inidiiatu Jeirersen College, gnanintees te cure all IIIeihI, Skill and Nervous Dtscesus vvllh palely vegetable reme- 1)11. DAI.SKK'H PILLS. Safe,suri and eirec ttnil. Scot only hv Kxpiess en rcceiptetli. Ne Pi'iuiyiieal ei daugeiuus dings. lNi-UN.Mlist l'hliudclphl.i. f.7-lyd Arail ALLOTIUIUS FAIL, CONSULT DR. LOBB, JilNOllTII K1KTKKNT1I 8TKKKT, I !!.. fal- lewhlll sirisit, Phlladeljih'.i 91 YKAUS KXPLlllKNlK. (iusi l. il le i urn the ullllcled and mi teri u unto w eh I'uti u eae table Medicines. Heek en -ii I ' li-i..i-i .- Iiee , send ler It. Advice Ins unit ii.ntly coutblen ceutblen tlal. Ottlce hours, II a. in. te i p, In., 7 p. m. te 10 p. m. Treatment by Midi. ml-lvd.Vw e iL'UK liUAKANTKKH. RUPTURE. Cure guaranteed by Dll. J, II. MAYKH. Kase ut ence: no operation or delay from busi ness ; tested by hniidiLdsef cures. Main oliice, eJl AUCU ST., P111LA. Scud for Circular. t'JO-lvd.tw JOHN 1IA ICU'S SON'S. NEW BOOKS AriMiilenviutulitjunililUcetmt lieiu the pub li-jliura' iirkea. SUNDAY SCHOOL BOOKS In Llhniry Sets, Class Heeks, Itcceixls, Ituwurds, Ulblcs, TesUimunts, Catechisms, etc. QUARTO BIBLES Counting King Juuies and llm Itovlsed Veislens et both Old uud New Tostuineitta in parallel columns; also, with the two versions ofthe New Testament, or with the old version of tee lllble only. In vatleus styles of binding, ut much lower prices than by traveling agents. AT THK HOOIiSTOUK Or JOM BAEKS SONS, Neu. l(i uud 17 North Queen Streot, I.ANUAHTKIt, PA. ruu.yiTVitK. H i:ki: tiii:y aki:. ANOTI1KK LOT OK T1103K FOLDING DRESS PILLOWS our neighbor was speaking nbeut, and you should net be without a pair. They aie only te be hud AT FtOFFMEIER'S Ne. 30 East King Streot, LANCA8TK11, I'A. XMl'OHTANT. Te the many applicants ler the KALLTKltM of thu Lancaster Business College. If yen will call en or address the principal you can obtain such Information us will be or great ailvuulngu te you In pursuing the COU11HK OK STUDY us required ut this Institution. It will enable you te muke greater progress, and a sav ing of tliue and labor Is guaranteed If you will carry out instructions. Address, H. 0. WET.DLER. Principal. iiuvHitrUMmmiiifO uuudb. w V. 1IA.VH A LAHOK HTOUIC OK TIIK IIKHT REFRIGERATORS IN THK CITY. The Pierce Dry Air Hefrigeraler. UA IWK.Y JIOSK, WA TIK VOOhKUH, JUll Ulth'AM FHKK.EHH, And afullllnoerilOUHKrUllNIHIIINd 0001)8 The largest Meck of HAH KI.XTUHKH In llie clly. Special attention paid teOiwi-rrittlng, lln lloeilng and SiHiulliig ..... .e.. We liave I list I cuilved another let of these . ULOIIKS. JOENP. SCHA1TM & SON, 24 SOUTH QUEEN ST., LANUABTKK. I'A. F LINN A HKHNKMAN. GREAT -OK- Refrigeratera. Water Coelers, Ice Cream Freezers, AND- Baby Carriages. Great Bargains te Reduce a Large Stock, FLINN & BRENEMAN, Ne. 152 North Queen St., LANCASTKII WM A. Kl KKKKH. A I.DUS U. 1IKUU KIEFFER & HERR, Ne. 40 Enst King Streot, (Opposite Court Heuse). Invite all lteusekeepers te tall and lnspccl thilr stock of Heusefarnisliing (reeds. A ( Mlllllll'tti I..1H1 COIlHlHIltly cm h.nut. (JOOK m u r- aim u..tir? I tl.JltsTO KS. irAir.un una r iJ..iirA SUMMER COOK STOVES. A(1t cainfiiUy tttuiiilMiiiK ttm intriu uf till uiTeriMl te the tnule, v tiuvn Bvluetfil THE "ARGANt)," Ker UASOL1NK, and THE ' DANGLER," KurCOAIiOll,, At tlm K"t, vi nil iK.tulf nit) tenstdeicil, le eiFit te our p;itrena. Cull nml m- ih. Wi leve te sbew our kikmIh, uinl inn net etTi'mluil it .m Ue nut purchmi1. lU'ineinber, we nre tigeitrt Inr The " Spleudid Heater. Manufactured hy Kuller A Warren company, Tre,N. i ,hlth Iris mi ilval et duruljillty, economy et fuel ami cenlin! of gas. New Is the time te examine and become posted for Autumn puichases, llBMKMIIr.lt TIIK PLACK' 40 EAST KING ST., (01'1'OSITE COUK i IIOL'SK ) upJvltdAw uuuvr.itir.a, Hum liiiADK rei'i'i:i:s. line old (ievernmeut Java and Mecha (,'ellees, the best in the miirket. Our Java illeu dt'd Cetleu speukH for Itself ; rich and fragrant, Sv. per pound. Very line Plantulleu ltle Cettces, our best only 'jee. per pound; one very popular til 15c. We vvanl you tecall and try our lJV,c. Ueilee. The excellent iiiallly et our Cedecs and line Teas Is making Irlends fast and firm. Our dally sales show a steady increase. Flesh Keustcd overy day. A full lltiuet luucy Cirocerles. l'lcase gfve us a trial enlur. UKO. WIANT, augw-lyd Ne. 113 West King SUxvet, AT ItUHSK'N. JUST KKC'KIV Kl). A riesh lel of Dmkee's talad lliesslug, line olive Oils, for table use; the Mettet and ether biauds (jueeti Olives, Imported Kdeiu or IMilchhead Cheese, Macaroni and Vermicelli, 1 1 en .t llhickwell Plcklusillld Hauces, ,Vc. X'UKSKIIVKS-KIIUIT I'UKSKKVKS. .1u d received, a Jeb let of Krult l'lcservealn J :.. heves usual price, te coins, selling ut a cents a box. JKLL1KS. JKI.I.1KS. Thlrty-iKJund buckets at 5e. a pound, or by the pound letall, Uc 1'llC K11U1TS. I'td Peaches, quart cm, lue. Kicsh Apples, quart cau,tvu. KKLL'3 and WM. I'KNN COUN, 8c. per can, BURSK'S, NO. 17 EAST rsUNG STREET, LANCASTEll, I'A. -Tolcpheuo Connection, MUrlUMt. GK AND DISPLAY or NECKTIES. UO TO KK13MAN';. OAMBL'S HAIU UNDHHWBAU, UO TO KlliaMAN'8. E OK L.ATK8T HTYIjUS COLLAIIS AND UUKK3, IO TO KltlSilAN'8. c HKAl'EST AND 1JKST SCARLET UNDE11WEAH AT ERISMAN'S. NO. 17 WK.WTKINH8T.. I.ANOASTKh. HATCH, All. VyATUllKS, UtiOOKS, At'. WATC'HKS, CLOCKS, Ac. Hl'KClALSALK OK (lOI.D-KlLI.Kl) CASKS (Ueh.Vs slanutucture), hunting or open-cased watch, nlckle works. 15 Jewels, stem winding uud setting (limited number) at I.UU). Alse 73 lu sll vtjrcd hunting cases, sumo works, at 17.60 each. ureal bargains in Lancaster Watches. All the best Klglns and ethers. Correct time dally by telegraph i only place in city. Dest watch and jewelry repairing.! U WKUKIt. (Near V. 1L ,'.. Bfcle NOrtU QUn 1 1 JTHpeelacleg und Kye Glasses. Optical CLOSING 0 Iff SALE MI.t.lttKHr. CMJMMKH IIA'W AND J10NNKTH. Trimmed and TJptrimmcd ills -AND BONNETS In Iinmciise Variely, -AT ASTRICH'S Palace of Fashion, 13 EAST KING STREET. We Kitcnilun Invtlalluti te all te Visit our MILLINERY PARLOR And See Our Immense Large Hteck of MILLINERY. Never before has such a variety been sean In Ijincasler. All trimmed hats are marked te the lowest price. Positively no fancy prices, as vve only charge the actual price of material and work. Our Order Department Is most reliable (or the reason that all our goods are inaiked in plain figures, and It Is Impossible te charge mero for iinvthluglhan therluht pi Ice. We have opencd this wci'k a large (docket White, Cream. Kcru and Ilicge Tips, which we sell nt'Sc., Jl.oe and II. M u bunch; they are the tilccHt vve ever liail for the money. As the season for Lace Jlltts Is opening, we call your attention te the following list, which gives you an Idea that in this article, as well us any elher, we are the lowest in price. l'urosllk.lerscy Mitts, in l!!ack,Crciun, Kcru, ltelge and ether stylish colors, at 'i.c. a pair, Hlx Mutten Length Pure Silk, lu black and colored, t"c. a pair. Kxtra Klneand Leng, lllack ami Colored, 50c. a pair. v hlte and llelge Orli'iiUd Lace flouncing, n'x- , ll.ne. i. .3, II ;I7, 11 V), 12 1) and lis a yard. Kerty-lnrli Wide Kmbrnldery, 85e., tl.Ul and 11. a yard Spt'dal burgaln ut II..M a yard. MeIal barg tin tn W hue and lli-lge Kgyptlan Lace, le'J Inches w Idu, c. a yard. Parasols and Sun Umbrellas AT SPLCIAL LOW l'lllCKS. White K.mbrelileied Kobes ut ll.ui,J i"i,i.'iO, tl . 3.IKI nud higher. Linen Cellars and Culls, White and Colored, In all the latest styles. Three-ply Linen Cellars. with Cape, stitched and worked button heler, kus 11 tellX.aisc ; Cud's te match, I'.hj. a pair. The besllJent's Uiil.iiindrlcd White Shirt, for filly cents, in the city- Linen besom, leliitnrccd linen back, linen bauds, geisl muslin and well made. ltargains In Ladles' and dents' (iauze Shirts, at 'J:. and 'XiC. uplece . eS-Durlug the ijenths of July, August and September, our store w 11! deu al bll o'clock, every evening, Saturday- cxcuptcil. TMM KNS U AHSOH TM KN T. A. FIRSP, NOS. 0 S: 8 NORTH QUEEN ST. In our Immense assert ment of elegant HATS AND BONNETS ale greater liaigalns than can ba found nny wheteclse. We liave an i ndlei-s variety et un trlmuicd Hats ami Ikmm-tsat the lowest price. The verv latest neveliies In Ktbheus. Keattiers. Klewers, Satins, Laces of all kinds and Hats and lienneU Trimmed Kiee of Charge. We liave u large asxirluicnl of .IKWELIlY, WATCIIK.!'. Sl'KCTACLKMin.l CLOCKS. Our HOOT ANDSHOK liEPAltrMKNTiscora liEPAltrMKNTiscera plute. Alse our (iKNT'3 STIt.VW HATS and KKLT HATS at thu lowest price. Lell and see. al I Juid OUAL. T H. MAHTIN, WtlOLKOALU AMU KITTA1L OBALKR 1R All Kinds of Lumber and Oeal. -VAnD: Ne. 4 J) North Water and l'rlnce Stieela, above Iaiiiieu. Lanc.isUir. ni-ll'd T3AUMUAHDNKHS A JKKKKKIKS. COAL DEALERS. Orric'K : Ne. 12) North 0.ueeu street, and Ne. K North l'rlnce strxet. Yaiu: North l'rluce ulivet, near Heading Depot, LANCABTKK, I'A. auglMtd R KMOVAU M. V. B. OOHO has leuieved his Ceal lllllie te Ne. l.V NOIITH O.UKKN STKLKT (iliimnici's New llulldlug), whote erilent vv HI be iccetv ed ler Lumber and Ceal, WIlOLCaALB AlfU KBTA1L. M. V. It. COIIO. mS-lfd B .VST KND YAltD. CJ.SWARR&OO. OOAL. - KINDLINQ WOOD. Offlee: Ne. 9) CKNTItK SfJUAHK. Heth yunl nd oltlce connected with Telephone KxcUuuge aprl3-lvdMAK.il MAtlUlNKUT. TyTAUHlNKKY, Ac. FOE STEAM HEATING Latest uud Most improved KNGINKS TraetieQ, i'erlalh or Slilieniry. New or Second-Hand DOILEKS, WATEIl TANKS, SEPAUATOH8. Maehin or Ksi'Aiu Wees gucn as done and kept lu Machine Sheps. CALL en OR ADDRKW, Ezra F. Landis, WOUKS 637 NOHTH OUEIUIY ISTBUET, LAH01BTBB. I'A. u7-tta CALL AT HTOUK KKIUAKT'H OLD WINK LiaTON'a BXTBAOT OP BKBF. HKMI in TH WORLD, Kat&blUhed, 1785. H.E.SLAYMAKEn.AaT., Ne. a Kast King BLre leDW-Ud IngBLreet. VTOT A PATENT MED10INK KID- XT ney alTectlena are ut ence abated by Hon Hen Hon seu's Capclue l'lUMtcrs. Better than nauseeus doses. pme DMT H AUKlt A. HUOTliKlt. SPECIAL- I WALL PAPERS AT EXTREMELY LOW PRICES. 6,000 Pioeos Ulanka, H, 0, 7 centa per ploce. thla soeaon'a mnnuructure. Bronze Papera, 13 1-3 ploce. WASETBLE ENGLISH QIK PHPERS, (of our own Importation), sultable for Hall ways, DlnlnK-roerasfllooB, Kltchena and Batb-roema, or whorevor a uorvlcertblo Wnll Decora tion Is roqulretl. Damp Walla suoeosafully romedlod. DECORATIVE WORK A SPECIALTY. ttiyAll ordera will rocelvo prompt and careful attention. HAGER & BROTHER, Nes. 25-27 West King Street. W EXT DOOK TO THE COUHT 110UHI-; FAHNESTOCK'S. ladies' Dress Goods I Having enlarged our Dress Goods Departmcn t( we new occupy space of lnefect for Dteaa (Imxls alone) which gives us umpln room Ui show a large sleck et thesn goods. We havonettufllclent srace toeniiuierateall the dlilerent kinds of Dress (leads we new keep, but would say It contains all kinds from te. up te the best makes. .'mr Whlfitloeds Department liospeclally noticeable, having Just opene dover aoeptecoiof Wldte Heeds, In ttddlllen le our already large stock, from te. te Hec. Uaudsome White Kmbrolderod ltebcg, .1 00, l.(x, $S.ue, up te JW.OO. R. E. FAHNESTOCK'S, NEXT DOOR TO THE COURT M ETXIKH A HAUailMAN. Summer Dress Goods -AT- METZGER & HAUGHMAN'S. We bave new In stock Speclal Bargralns lu WHITE DRESS GOODS, beuRbt under Regular Prlces and te be eeld cbeap. Victeria Lawns at 10c, 12 l-2c 15a,, 20c, 2Se 31c. 37c; India LInens all grades ; Strlped and Plaid Muslins ; Oorded Plques ; Crinkled Soersuckors ; Vigil Lawns ; V;11 Batlates, letzger & Hauglimaii's Cheap Stere, Ne. 43 West King Street, Between the Ooeper Heuse and Serrel Herse Hetel, Lancaster, Pa. KWMiKUf, xv. H. Y. HllOAUa, JEWELElt H. Watches. Diamonds, Jewelry, Silverware, Oil Paintings, Statuary, Musical Bexes. Bronze Figures, Sterling Silver, Geld & Silver Head Oanes, &c, &c, &c, &c. -A roll Line of Progressive Kuchre und " The tlcruran" Prizes. H. Z. RHOADS, Ne. 4 West King St. HATH, KADlNt: HAT STOKE 01' THE CITY. BEi SURE TO READ THIS TWICE ! De jeu HKe seiuethlug Coel, Comfurluble und Stylbh ler your head t If se, call aL thu LEADING HAT STORE OF THE CITY, Nes. 31 and 33 North Queen Street. And (?et one et the lieaulltul, Might-Weight. Self Confermim; IIOSTON UE1UIVS. Only place In Laneaiter where the piodiietleuiif" WII.UOX," the Leader of Uodeu. can he had. Alie, bole AKuntfnr-K.NOX," the Leader et Sew Vel k. bTHAW UOODH and LlUllTSTiri' II ATS In all the Leading btyles, and lu all madea deil(;ued liy the Leaders of fashion. OIIILUIIEN'.S UATd lu Large Asjei tment and al All l'rlces. - Wu take special pains te pl('U40 each customer, and always ylve ryidil pre quo. Telephenu connection, W. D. STAUFFER & CO.'S, Nes. ttl nml 33 North Queen Sheet, Liuuuister, l'iu yVltSlTUHK. H KlNlT.SU'a FUKN1TUKH DKl'OT. LANCASTER, MAY 17, 1886. Te my friends and patreuB I doslre te Bay that we are botter propared than ever te de your repairing of all kinds and In the beat posalble manner. Hair Mattrosaea made evor at the lewest prloea consistent with geed work. If you want your Parler Suit Ito-uphelstorod In Flushwocandeltohoapor than thoae who buy thelr niaterial by the yard at retall prices, aa our goods corue from first hands and tire bought for Spot Cash. We have the oheapoat and beat new Parler Suit In Plush te be found in this or any ether city, whleh we are making a run en for the uest 30 days. NOS. jiuuimrvuNiNuiftu tiuuva. S1 UlItlx'H UAKfET HALL. CARPETS! CARPETS! KKOl'KNINU OF SHIRK'S CARPET HALL. Wn are new liranared te show tne trade the largest and Hest Selected Line of CarpeU ever m, hlbltiSuSrc tyWILTONsT VKLVKTS, all tie Tntdlng Makes el UOUV ANlJTAl'KSTllV BltUHHKLS TilU&K-l'lyTAuVoeland Cotten Chain KXTUASUl'KItS, and aU iiualltles of IN. UUAIN OaIu'KTS. VAMASKandVKNKTIANOAlll'KTa. KAU aud CHAIN OAUPKTB of our own iianulacture .a iiwcLdtty . Siwclal Attention paid te the Manufacture of CUSTOM OAJtl-KTS. Ms" RfSu LtllOOl oil. t-LOlUS. &U08, WlNUOw'siIAWKS, CO V KULKTB, AC, AT SHIRK'S CARPET HALL, der. West King and UOOfM, SPECIAL, I All new goods or 16, 18 centa per ladies' Dress Goods ! HOUSE. LANCASTER, PENNA. Z. RHOADS, JEWELER. VAVH, JtV. HEINITSH'S Furniture Depot, 27 and 20 SOUTH QUEEN ST. insiivd Water Bta., Lancaster, Pa. UbtmOMn mAVMmtt mviBB, "V. "l TlMI (TAHI.K. . l-r leave Unnumr lur mitMllla at Ma r. i.-iX V.Vi' .. -i nrt m , E?!!!!01: ?" m, $m, ie and TXBfc. w RKA1HN0 UOUmntA KAtf.KOAD AN0 1IKANCMKH.ANII IVKUANUNAMU On nd anr SUNDAY, MAY SHh.lM. TKAINS LKAVK UKADINlt rer Celiitnhl.i and Lancaater ut 7.M . .. UW neon and Me p, m. rer Oimrry vllle at 7.8.1 It. In. und MO p. la. rer Chlcklea at 7.l ft. tn. and liaip. m. T11A1N8 LKAVK UOI.UMIIIA rer lleadhiBat7..10i. in.,llMnil J.I0p.in. rer Lebanon at ll.M and 3. W p. in. TKA1NH LKAVK qUAHUTVIl.I.K rer Lancafiter at Ml and 7.15 a. tn. nd SLSS t, tn. rer Heading at . a. m. tutfl U.aa p. tu. rer lAilmmm at p. in. LKAVK KINU BTKKKT ( I Jineaater.) rer IttMidlnix at 7.ai a. m., llie and s.40 p. in. rer Lebanon atcw n.m., iteand MS p. tn. rer uarryvllle at ..m a. in., .() and .! p. tn. I'KAVK PlttNUK 8TKKKT I.noWter,) rer KemllnR at 7,a a. in, liiMiand 8.SH . in, rer Iibaiien at e.j a. in., uui and H.S1 p. in. I or Quarry vllle at ll.jn a. m., i.rtt una MI p. ir. T11AIN8 LKAVK LKIIANON. rer I.ancimler at 7ia. ui., 13J and 1M p. m. rer Quarry vllle at 7ae a. tn. BUWUATTRA1WS. TllAINS LKAVK UKAIUNU rer I dincunler at 7.9) a. in. and LM p. lrt rorguarryvlllent4.oop. in. " TKAINS LKAVK ":AnUYVlI.I,K TerJ.'e.r,JfnV-"a ftna "eauliiRat7.10a.tn TllAINS LKAVK KINU ST. I .ancanUr.) r I'wf' Dg '"na roUaneu Rt lW-m.anaa,!tt rer Qnarryvllle at 8:M p. m. TllAINS LKAVK l'lllNC'K 81. (Lancaster,) pVm?1 ag ttna Louanen ai,a H.10 a. in. ana tel Ker (lua'rryvllle at X.U p. m. 1'1'AINB l.KVVK LKIIANON. rer Ijincaater at TM a. in. and s: p"iu Ter yuarryvllle at 3:1.1 p.m. ' Ker connection at Unliiudda, Marietta Juno June Juno lien, LanciuUir Junction, Munlielm, Iteadlnir and Lebanon, bee time tablen at all ntallenn. A. II. WILSON. Situeniimndent. PKNNHVFiVANlA KAlIiKOAD HCUKdT II LK. In eirectfrem May 31,181. Trains lravr Lakeartkr and leave and arrive at Philadelphia an fellows : Ltvtve Leavn WKSTWAItl). l'acltle Kxpresst News Kxpresnt Way Panne iiRert Mall train via Mt Jey! Ne. 2 Mall Tratnf ....... Niagara Kxprest Hanover Accem rust Line) Frederick Accem Lnnres ter Accem llarrlshurK Accem... , Columbia Accem Harrtibnri; Express.., Chicago and On. KX..I Western Kip roast EA8TWA11U. Piille. Kxpresit rant l.liiul Ilarrl.burir Kxnrex4... 1'hlladelphla.j Itncastvr. iiaajp. in. 4::ma.m. 4:30 a. in. 7:l)a m. 19. Ut. n:M a. in. tSMn. in. t:3l a, m. e..T5a. in. iwia. in. fl..vi a. m. 2.10 p. in. 2:10 p. m. 2:.vi p. in. ft:30 p. in. 7:ai i. m. 7:4u n. in. via Columbia 7:40 a. in. via Columbia U:V)e.m. via Columbia viaiui. Jey.. a;i.i i. ill. 4:40 p. 111. 5:10 p in. 80 p. in. 10:03 p. in. Ihiiive Ijincaster, 2:4.1 a. in. CM, iu in. 8:10 a.m. 8 Ala. in. e.ui a. in. VISA p. in, S.ed p. in. 3.oep.m. 4:4.1 it. m. 10:43 p. in. 12:10 a. ui. Arrtve at l'hlla. 4:43 a. in. 8:23 a. in. 10:20 a. tn, via Mt Jey 11:43 a. in. Lancaster Accem ur... i;oiunieia Accem Seashore Kxnrnfla 3:13 p. in, 3.00 p. in. 5. 13 p. tn. RM p. in Johnstown Expiens... . tsMituity Jiluu....... Dav Kxnrennl Ilarrlslmrir Accem I G:4S p. in. i).3 p. in. TllO Lancaster Al'mnnnnilnllnit Inawn, llnrri.. Imrg at 8;lu p. in. and arrives at Luucualer atth33 p. in. The Marietta Accommodation leaves Cetum bin at C: 10 iu m. and reaches Marietta at Via. Alse louvei Columbia ut 11:13 a. lu. and 2:13 p. ui., reachlii); MarietU at 12:01 and 2:33. Leaves Mnrlettunt3.-05p. in. nnd arrives at Columbia a. 3.-20 ; also, leaves at S:33und urrlvea nt 8:30. The Verk Accommodation leaves Marietta at 7:10 nnd arrives nt Lunca.iterat8:00 connecting with llarrlsbuix Kxpnssat8:10u. m. The rredoriclcAceoinmodatlon,wost,coiiiiecl rredericlcAceoinmodatlon,wost,coiiiiecl rredoriclcAceeinmodatlon,wost,coiiiiecl ln ut Lancaster with Fast Ltue, weal, at 2:10 p. m., will run threiiRli te Kroderick. The Krederlch: Accommodation, east, leaved Columbia at 12.-.3 and reaches J-uncea ter at 12A3 p.m. Hanover Accoinmedation, west, connecting at iJinciLiter with Nlagaru Kxpresa at 00 a. in., will ruu UireuKh te llanover, dally, ozcept Sun. flay, ast Lin. west, en Sunday, when flagged, will atop at Dewiilngtiiwn, Coatcaville, l'arkes burg, lit. Jejr. Kllzabethtiwii and Mlddlotewn. tllie only trains which run dally. On Sunday the Mall train wewt runn liv way of Celumtila. J. It. WOOD, (ieneral Passenger Agent. CHAS. K. l'L'UH.Ueueral Manager. VLUTItlKU. NSMAN & I5UO. L.G Custom Department! LGANSMAN&BRO., Cor. North Queen and OraDM Sircels. Kciliii'Ctl Trices. ilesl Werkmnnslilp. Wuiuake te order Men'a All-Weel Sergo SulU atlio.eo. All-Weel Casslmere Suits attl2.Ul. All-Weel WeiHted bulla at 14 00. AII-WoelCheckHand Plaid Sullsat JI3.00. AllAVoel Kiigllih Worsted Units at I8.W. Kxtra Kine Imported All-Weel Worsted at y.-u te je. UKAIKJUAUTKltS 1011 SEERSUCKERS! Seersucker Mcu'aCeala uud Vesta from fl.23 up. Fifty tlltleraiit Btyles toHOleetfrom. Hey's tieenjiiekera from f 1.13 up. Hey's nnd Children's Clothing our great specialty at reduced prices. Cull eatly uud secure liargulns, as they must go this month. L. GANSMAN & BR0 MKUCHANT TAII.OIUJ, MANUFACTUIIKHSOK MK.N'S HOYS ANU CIIILDHKN'S Cl.OTlUNl!, 66 & 68 NORTH QUEEN ST., LANUABTEU, I'A. Net ueuuecled with uuy ether Clothing lloiiBeln the city. TJUUQKU & HU'lTOW. - Spring and Suuinier CLOTHING -AT- BTOGBE&SUTTOFS. We can show one et the best slecks of Heady. Made Clothing lu Iho state and guuruulvu our 11 llushHs7sulU at W, H. 110. Ill and 113. Flnel)iebsSuitatttll2.lland15. Compare our gmnls und prices with ether houses uud be convinced that this is tlie place AU fte Newest and lUist Styles of l'lece Goods for Custom-Werk, which wu will uuiku up iu the Hest bt via Fit guaranteed. A lull Line of youths' uud Children's Clothing Gents' Furnishine; Goods. BURGER & SUTTON, Merchant Tailors and ClelMcr Ne. 24 Centre Square, LANOASWILrA. p KOKUE KUNST, tu., Carpenter. Oontector BnUter, . liKSIDKNCK-NO. BU WB1 KINO T. HUOP-KAT UKANTT, Op,KIU. U All work receives m 7 prompt M Pl Wiiiwndi ex Jobbing attwe W at rtwrtB lUUmatM farnuhad. " ""H veu eatcii cei.D.-inai wvtrev VV , cMnclne I'lutera eulaily ltf son", Capclne I'lsJitern eulailv war pains and uctMM rutulUpg from eeM.r thou. HHe. i