Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, June 03, 1886, Image 2

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. W. Uetsn (Jmu Scm
JjAMMTBa. 14.
HAlLt-nn OMi r. , DttarH m
ABrMKTMMMMimremTntt tWw OtnU
-M Awn.)
PuMJtNt Cvhy Wednesday Mernine,
tVe Xhtlef a Ttar in Adtane.
(jOKXagPOirDKNOiettUcUed from retry pa, I
t HHHaUmd country. OorrttpendenU art r
nutfdtettrUt legibly and en en tide of lie
paper MJy; ami te tign their name; net for
puelleatitn, but In proof of geed faUh. All
aiMHirmeiM Utter MrtJI t ceruigntd te IA utut
Htdrm aU Letter t and Ttleer ami te
&l)c Lancaster Intclltgcucei.
The Mayer's Message.
The first annual message of Majer Mor Mer Mor
eon Is of such conciseness and substance
that the general reader, tax-payer and
voter, can very well afford te give it atten
tion. It gees directly te matters of muni
clpal concern, which are invested with no
partisan color, and about which all who
havean interest in geed administration
can profitably consider if they caunotceuio
te a common couciietioii.
Following the precedents the mayor
of the city. This is satisfactory se far as
it appears that the proper additions te the
sinking fund,as required by law, have been
made during the past twelve-month. The
permanent indebtedness of the municipality
has been decreased by the addition
te the sinking fund of $12,500. This is,
however, balanced by certain deficiencies
arising from an overdrawing of the current
yearly appropriations. These, the mayor
already has bills te show, will amount te
nearly $10,000 and may far exceed that
amount. Instead of living within its in in in
ceme and keeping the bills contracted and
obligations incurred below the limits of
the current appropriations, tlie city,
through councils and their committees,
overdraw the balances. The street com
mittee, for instance, 'exhausts its balance
en March 1 and has te run three months
in violation of a sound system and indeed
of the express restriction of the law, en
the anticipation of the next year's approp
riation, lly some miscalculation, the
pay of the police department ex
ceeds the appropriation for it by
nearly a thousand dollars; the water de
partment is in considerable arrears, and se
is the lighting of the city, and a large
amount has te be paid for street damages
out of the new appropriation Thus the city
starts every fiscal year heavily handicapped.
It is neither geed housekeeping nor geed
bookkeeping. The councils propose in
the appropriation ordinance passed te
provide forsenie deficiency in the waterand
lighting departments; but make no provis previs
ion for the ether deficiencies; certainly, as
the mayor suggests, they should all be pro
vided for and tlie city ought te start its
new fiscal year with the appropriations for
it intact.
Neither is it a wise system which trades
upon the future se far as te exend in each
year the water rents for the coming year.
The individual who would fellow that pol
icy would always be a j ear behind; and se
is tlie city te this considerable extent. Tlie
error has been se long pursued that the
prospect of a change Is well nigh hopeless.
Ilut the mayor does well te point out the
disadvantages of a practlce which must
strike every geed financier as a reprehensi
ble ene.
The executive message lecurs te the all
important water ami sewerage question as
having a strong claim en public attention.
We agree with his idea that an in
tercepting sewer along the creek is
a better system than a conduit
te tap the creek at a higher point
for fresh water or the removal of the
works. The latter is tee costly te be prac
ticable at the present tune ; the intercept
ing sewer will net in itself cost mere than
the conduit ; while the latter would in
volve the city in damages for destruction
of water rights and rob our supply of the
advantages of several geed springs that
pour into the creek between the City mill
nud the Conestoga bridge. Au early survey
ought toulTeid some Idea of theiespectUe
cost of these different plans ; aud also of
the outlay required for additional storage
facilities. When a plan for these needed
improvements has been formulated, aud it
is figured out that the resulting increase of
water rents would far mere than pay the
interest en the necessary cost of the work
te be done, we believe our citizens will
cheerfully authorize it by popular vote.
The vast increase in the duties of the po
lice force sluce it was fixed at its present
number certainly justifies the request for a
house sergeant, te take the place of the reg
ular member withdrawn at every hour of
the day from ene ward or another. In
deed it may be well questioned whether the
present distribution of the force by wards
is a fair and practicable one. Certainly
wards like the Sixth nnd Eighth, aud even
te the Seventh and Ninth, require fur mere
supervision than inside wanls se restricted
In extent as the First and Third.
The mayor has some very sensible sug
gestions about the fire department, pre
ci noting the city, the expeuse of lighting
the streets, and especially the necessity of
having the macadamizing of the highways
done in better form ; the four cqiures te
which he refers de net exhibit geed Jobs of
turnplking, aud single tracks are already
cut .through them, because their surface
was net properly finished, and the stone
net well broken.
The administration of tlie lawdemrt
ment of the city government, under Solid.
ter J. W.Johnsen, comes In for well de-
served rebuke for a failure te make nuar-
. , ,,, , , "" e '
terlybettlements of moneys collected for
the city as the law directs, and for neglect,
even up te this time, long after the expira
tion of his term, te turn the same into the
cltytreasury, We understand the finance
committee has assurance of a settlement
ty July l ; there is no manner of excuse
ter tuch delay. It might fitly have been
K5t-d In this same connection that
there ought te be abetter understanding
Mtotbedtuiuet city solicitors, ex. and
active The term is for a single yenr,
and our experience Is that few cisesnre
liegtin ntid ended within that time ; Iho
consequence is that if u caw is begun by
one solicitor his successor seldom feels
called uien te take charge of it ; and tlie
original solicitor identilied with It con
tinues In direction and charges an extra
fee. Notwithstanding the wlary of $?M
per annum is supposed te ceer all com cem com
pensatien of the city's law elllcer and te lw
in " lieu of all fees," the extras generally
amount te as much as the salary , net le speak
of "attorney fees" made by solicitors by
the unueeessarily frequent issue of scl. fas.
te the oppression of delinquent tax-payers
without accemlnnying benellts te the city.
It would be cheaper te elect a geed lawjer
city solicitor, pay him a fair fee and make
him de all the legal services lequiredby
the city.
And Se They Mere Married.
The president is married, and it is u ques
tion who ii mere te be congratulated, he
and his bride, or the newspaper reporters,
who have had se very hard and unfruitful
work in supplying what they supposed te be
the demand of the public for news alniut
the wedding. They hae suffeied signal
discemllture in their clTerts te get it, te the
great delight of the public, which has been
much better pleased te lind that the re
porters could net find out v. hit was
none of their business than they could
have been te get the information
the newspipers thought it their business
te get for them. They did net understand
their business. The public wants te knew
a great deal ; but knows ery well what it
has a right te knew and what it has net.
It will hear anything that the most im
pudent man can lind out and tell it . but
at the same titneitimderstaudsthe fellow "s
impudence and laughs at him when he
ce,nt3 teRdef m h;sumU,;takl1(; te ,)10Vllll,
it with illegitimate news. The metropolitan
editor must lind it harder te retain his self
respct than theiich man is supposed te
find the eutmnce into heaven , for when
he Instructs his assistants te report matters
of private interest, with which the public
have no legitimate concern, he commits an
offense against propriety which the law
may net punish but which is none the less
a wrong that a self-respecting editor could
net perpetrate. The repmter of te-day
needs te be reformed ; and the president is
getting in geed work as the lefminer.
JfeTiiiNO se rare as a day In June eicept
a presidential wedding.
Tin; president did another poed thing
besides getting married cm Wediie-dty.
Three pension jobs received his tte. The
character of them may be inlvrred from Iho
faetthat in ene of the cases the report of the
Senate committee slums thai the nun's mili
tary record bears no evidence of the dKibili dKibili
tles ler which pension is asked, but that two
years after the alleged lucurreuus of disabili
ties he was convicted et desertion.
What fitter place te take a bride than
Doer Park !
III a vote of W te 0 ju-,t ten te one the
Amerlcus club, of Philadelphia, eted indeti indeti
uile postponement of resolutions declaring
ihatiiny Democratic congressman who did net
support the Morrison Urill bill was recreant
te principle. This was even mere signifi
cant than the TO te 111 voted the Yeung Men'n
Democratic association. Manifestly the
members of thoe clubs Knew the voice of
Jacob, despite the hand et Ksau.
All etbiT goods by r'ertuiiU'a hand are
A lfe Is the ptcullnrgilt of hvaicn.
given ;
Tin: lirst number of W. Hayes Orler's
new or revived weekly Columbia" I'cnernit
apieara te-day. It is a four page liajier, a
little smaller than the Daii.v I.ntxi.mukn
ckii, with patent outside and neatly printed
en pink tinted paper. It nnneunces that It
alms te lie a representative of the Columbia
Democracy and has come te stay. In addi
tion te ether loc-il and general news and com
ment it devotes considerable space te argu.
Ing that the wrong man get the Columbia
postelllco. Au admirable departure of Its
publisher is his nnueiiuccil puriHivj te have
no deadheads en Ids subscription list and te
require payment of the Ji.uly rate of fl
invariably in advance.
Tin: County Medical society, of I'hilailel I'hilailel
phie, has relused te admit n vvemait doctor te
Its membership. The medical faculty Ins
less gallantry than the courts.
he vi i: of the newHiapers carelessly say the
Cloveland-Kolsem nuptials vvere the lirst
wedding ever solemnized in the White
Heuse. I'ar from IL Delly Madisen's niece
MissTedd,wa.s married atthoexecutivo mau mau
sien away back in lsll, and the bridegroom
was Stonewall Jacksen's great undo. Mou Meu Mou
ree'it daughter was there married te her cousin
Kamuel U, lieiivuneur; aud Jehn (Juluey
Adams' son Jehn also married his mother's
neice in the White Heuse. Jackvui gave
away a friend's daughter and his im u neice
In White Heuse weddings. When Jehn Ty
ler's daughter was married there, "l.lzie
looked surpassingly lovely in her wedding
dress and long hloude lace veil, her Licit liter
ally covered with blushes and dimples"; hut
when President Tyler himself, in his term,
married he was jelued te his jeung bride in
Ascension ihurch, New Yerk. Next came
the UrauUSarUirls nodding in the White
Heuse In 1ST1; Hayes' nloce was married
thore in 1S7S.
1'. CAituer.t. IlitKWSTKii siys; " ler ten
years te come no man should diejiu et study
ing the law unless he sees directly Iwlore
him a certain opening as partner, helper or
successor te an established and lucrative
Jcixii: Jehn T. I Smii.ii, el MbiiiphK
Teun., will lie a coudidate ler tlie I'nited
States Senate te succeed Senater Whitthnrue.
Judge Kneed has served in tieth branches
et the legislature and en the supreme
bench of the state, aud is recognized us a
man el high character aud commanding
ability. "
Kmki.h: Victehi.nk Piei.i.i r I'ai'kuu,
daughter et Cel. Victer U. Piellet, and
widow of the late Rebert Asa Packer, will tie
married en tint evening el Tuesday, June
Sill, at her home In New Yerk, te Itlchard
llenry l.gglosten, h relative or the well
known author, Mr. IM ward HggliwUin aud
himself connected with ene ofthe New Yerk
city banks.
Hen. Wm. S. Helman, of Indiana, known
as the "WBtch-Deg el the Trea-ury," villi
net have serious opposition ler renouumttlen.
lie has already served eleven terms in Cen.
gross. The district is Democratic by majori
ties ranging from 2,500 te 1,000 umi a neiuin
alien Is equivalent te an election. Jmlgu
Helman has net been away from his pest
of duty at Washington since (Jei grcss con
vened. Tim TiciiiieiiMK claimant, lauded
in New Yerk, frankly admits that he lc here
with the Intention of making money by
lf.' t.nt.i lilu .wilt. I. -..... I .. ..... tl..
. -. ..... ..r. ...a VVIUUIillliH l.l-SU. U
of FTr ii-..,.V0.Uirt01 , ' "". .? ",no "10 V"
i et larllament which clesed hlscaae repealed
in win tneii, no iseeuUdent, boabie te have
.v,lwlralmi noircaled Willi contempt
Itarnum UU ,h' h "UeuUi traVul w"u
en Wr, f,lKCR'' H"1 ,0 prohibit inemlmrH
-J2 or nlvir?',.001,1,il,,e,,u,t relil char
States w 1 hJift'i Kra,,U ,r"w ",e lInlte,
Srai hutltwn l.ylTC?',,,8"Uw 'his ses ses
Hleu, but It will probably serve the senator's
purpose, which is te hint dellcXlv tn
kdmuuds, Dplphand etheri , thai UiJff d.
position te the lorlelture of the unearned
snds granted te tlie Northern Pcm0 ",
them open te suoplclen. ,a
II IK tlH!T A&NVAI. JtlCI f Kll OV Til It
Itediictleti at tlir city Drtit Toe Mnrh I
Injj Imltbtmliiriuaml Oirrdrann Appreprt
Mtlena DpiiihiiiIi of lli Water Werk.
The rallreund fire tH'prtmmtii.
Following l the lull tetel
message of Mayer Morten eiit te city
councils nl the June inciting :
In the Honorable the Htleet nnd (Vruiiien (Viol
ent eiftc City of Ixtneaittr
Uknti.kmkn. In compliance with Iho re
quirements of the city charter, 1 tetuniil toy
annual mosiaKe in i elation te the co em
inent of the city of Lancaster :
"the funded deht of Iho city
licarlin: n per cunt. Inu l fUl.MJ W
The funded debt of the city
bearing 4 per cent lnl l" ll.Teoce
The fundi tt debt of llie oily
hearing I per cent, tut Is ie..ii u)
J73;,:i: ui
Of which the coniulttce el II
nance nndaceeuntsn rnin
nilUinern of the (.Inking
fund hehl beml, I Iz.
Ilendt bearing 6 jmjt ci'iit.
Interest .,.. t".
ltetiils bearlUR 5 per cent. In
terest llpimw
Total miinnnt of debt eiiMtiinJIng
Total nuieuiil et Oeiii out eut
st Hiding .1 nne l,lv.v tr.VB :il
Total niueunt of debt eul
Blandlnc; Juui-1, I-nI . isa w
tiecrvase of the cttv debt fur
tba flcal ear svM-m
Total nmeunt et bend. In
f i:, j i
sinking fund June I. 1--S lit VO it
Total amount nt lstnil. In
sinking fund June I, l-0 iir.tiVi n
Increase In tlie lnklrg fund
for the tlcal vear ia-i-.
by bends pnrrha.isl ler .mil
transferred te It I- ' I"
There w ill ls no mere n l?r cenL Isuiils re
deemable until I'-W. It was thought years
age, when our leans were made, that the
rate of lntore'.t, no matter hew substantial
the security, would net fall below tl per cent.
Ilut money has choa(ened l.ipldly, the na
tional government being able te borrow new
at I pet cniiL, while states and cities with
geed credit can negotiate all they wantnt I
per cetit., nnd frequently realize n haud-suue
premium en that rate. Our city, as a rule,
has been economically governed in the past,
and the facility with which our leans are re re
luuded at lower rates of Interest bears the
best evidence el its geed crediL The lnds
redeemable Ter the sinking I'imd will Isj of
the 1 percent loin until K-0, when the re
demption of the 0 per lent, leaus in.iv Isj re
sumed. , . ..
Iho lluatirlal i-niditlen or the city with
rcference te the Uniting ltidiliteilnes.s nnd
the state of tbe current appropriations is,
however, net se satif.ictery. Tins resulLs
from ii system tliat has tee long prevailed,
and the bad effects of which seem te l)e in
creasing, rather than lrem immediate and
special maladministratien. 1 repeat the
recommendations or my inaugural addre-s
that no permanent indebtedness should be
contracted for temperaiy purines ; and that
no exindltures should ts) made m excessef
the appropriations. Te tliese I may add that
the city, like the successful ludlviduil,
should always live within its income. The
most notable transgression ei uinti n.uu,
fundamental principles et a eund municipal
economy Is te be seen in the system of apply
ing the water rents el the coming year te
the expenses of the jwst twelve months. The
long ediitinuauee of this practice makes
nothing rer Its propriety , it is nuuusmess nuuusmess
llke and improvident.
Kven mere reprehensible is the system of
drawing en the appropriations of the coming
tl seal year ter the tinixtlJ bills ofthe pist
mar. ARmrillni! te the best information
which I have been able te procure, there are
new remaining in the several appropriations
balances as per appended statement, w itti uu
pald bills te the amount herein set forth, the
dehciencies of which, according te the cus
tom ofthe jiast, vieuld h.ivote be paid out el
the appropriations ler the present jear.
diumb or Arvnei'Fi ITIONS.
I'lipjldbllls Il.d App.
Interest en leans Ji,70,s5
state Uix en lirtn
street damages ....
KuMtref strevts . ...
(irutltng and guttering
Waterwerks general . . .
l,aj Ins water jiljie
Lighting city ...
t ire dejtartinent
Ileal eslulti of tire depart m t.
alttrlesef tire deimiine-nl
l'errenUqre cel. city tax
l'ollceand tunikey . .
li imi ;ih ;
l,il A'. J.1 i
in 5 T7
l,Ts 03 1 lit
."J IU 3 t.l
'HI (.'
3,1V- '? 1-1 I"
31 17
. Il
ni Ce
It is te be remembered, however, that the
foregoing balances are mostly absorbed by
obligations already contracted by tlie city
and overdue.
I have no means of satisfying myself that
Ihis statement is completo; It net, all the
worse ter the city, llneiigh is here exhibit
ted te show that wlilltt several et last year's
appropriations hav e au inconsiderable balance
remaining te their credit, ethers are heavily
overdrawn. Prevision must be made ler a
deficit of nt least t,M in the item el street
damages; olfl.seo In repdrsef street" j 110
In grading and guttering; nearly Jl.sOu In
waterworks general fj Ski in laying water
pipe; uverfVMiO In lighting tlie city ; '.'...
jKilice aud turnkey, and S-l.aj In lire de
partment , a graud total et nearly
J10,0oe ilBllciency with which the city
starts tiien the next fiscal year. My own
judgment et a proper fiscal system is that all
remaining apjiropriatieus should be covered
back into tlie treasury, aud that nil deficien
cies should be paid out of the deficiency a a a
proprialieus. I am unable te comprehend,
despite the custom, Uhiu what prejKir prin
ciple hlllsceulractediind expenditures made
iu the several departments during the llscal
year cuiIiik; Juue IsL ISsij, should be jiaid
out of appropriations made for the year
tcfinninu nt that datu. Our muuiciality
will never have a jtrejHir system until this
distinction is clearly made, and I ask the co ce co
operations et councils in enforcing it.
The ordinance appropriating moneys for
the coming llscal year, new jwudiug tu
councils, makes prevision only ter JJ.500
deficiency in lighting and f3,000 tlollciencies
in water department. I seu no geed reason
why all dimcleucles slieuld uet be ieeltl
cally jirevided for ; If councils will start the
llscal year with a clear bilauce sheet, I will
co-ejerate in theetlert te keep expenditures
within tlie yearly appropriations.
Complaint continues te exist of unequal
assesHineiiLs et prejviny ami resulting un
fairness in tlie levy of Lixes. The fault
mainly lies Willi tlie assessors, und tlie easy
remedy is with the poepltivvlin eksjt them,
iu holding them te stricter accountability. I
bitlieve the county assessments should be
ns'elvcd with close scrutiny, and revised
with great care by the nuance committee of
The last annual report el tlie street com
missioner shows virtually the entire appro
priation for the year ending June 1st, ex-
en!ed by March 1. this seems te moon
its lace very imprudent ; and for reasons
1 have already stated, I disapprove ami
eiruestly pretest against Die exjwudilure of
money und contracting el debts iu any year
te be carried ever against the appropriations
of the next year. This report exhibits 2,ttil
feetel new crossings laid at au expense of
44 cents per loot; Hj3P4 leet of gutter laid
ut 10 cents per loot; and new streets laid out
during the year its follews: Sherman lrem
Orange te Chestnut; Lew from Kreiberg te
Jehn; Chester lieiu Lew and Jehn te Seuth
Ann ; Clay from Duke te lien feet east et
l.iiue, and Fremont lrem I.ove I.inutethu
city limits. Se far as can be gathered from
Hits report, thus uue net being set lerth dis
tinctly, the ether new work done during the
year was the luaradatullng el one square of
West Chestnut street, Isitweeu Mulbvrrv and
Charlette: one tupiare of North l.ime street,
between Walnut and Lemen ; ene square el
Seuth Duke street, between Vine and tier,
man ; ene square of West .lames street, be
tween Mulberry and Charlette. A personal
examination of this macadamizing satisfied
me that it has net been done with the com
pleteueus, supervised with the euro nor
accepted with the scrutiny that should attach
te improvements of this character. Speclti.
catiens for work et this kind should require
Hie stone te be broken line, aud the vvuole
work llnished with a top dressing, se ns te
make a smooth and durable read bed. This
lias net been done In any ene of these cases,
and oaell oue of these feursquares is iu bad
condition, considering the expense devoted
se recently te them. Councils should Insist
that these specifications cev or a iiesaable and
well finished highway.
The policy et laying out the new street,
towards the city limits as rapidly ns the
financial condition of the city will warrants
is u geed oue; ttie earl ler these extensions
are made the less they will cost.
Ah neon as isMslble, aud as fronting prop
erty owners will make tlie necessary sub
scriptions, another square of Jlelgiau block
paventetit ought te be Kid In the vetttntl
tart of the cltv ml If, a munni prekdile,
Vcwi King lfeet will claim tl.e next w w
lien te be put down, it U highly nilmlln
Unit tlie Improvement oxteud iii Urai titer
In mitnnef tlie cltle.1 nnd iHireiiBhi of the
tutu, Willi the iwiictleii of ceunclK inoiler
ute ta hiii been Uhl upon tlie telegraph and
tiUiiHim nilt't w hli'h occupy the itrectiiuul
cliiliii the protection ett he police low or. there N
norei'.oii w hy tlie corporations using them niul
enjoying thive privileges slieuld net con-
iriiuue iiieir ximrti n uie expense ei me uiu
uicipal geieriituvut.
The pawiiKer railuns eccup.iliur our
dreetH should lii lield te strict mvemituhllity
for the nmdUlen of Unit jiart of thothoroiigh thethoroiigh thotheroiigh
laro which they nre bound te keep In order,
nnd lliui preieut lu-cldents lrem ivairrlng
Ireiu their remlsiieM.
v a run.
This question has been se efteii'ntul se In
telligently discussed hi tlie last half deen
years that 1 approach It vvltti some diffidence.
Its ii.irameuut Importance, however, em
beldens me te the repetition el Unit which
has se frequently been Mid before by my
predecessors nud bv the superintendents of
the water works. Tlie condition precedent
tlie drainage of the north and northeastern
sections of the city should perhaps claim at
tention tirsL
All w III admit that vv itheut tlie proper ills
position ofthe sew age in this section that our
drinking viater must become less and less
pure as tlie city continues te grew north
ward. The superintendent iu his last un
uunl report has discussed this matter, and
points out three ways te overcome the illlll
culty by en intercepting sewer, a conduit te
n point iihevn where the city sewage enters
the Conesteg i, and the removal ofthe w erks.
1 believe the lirst ! tliese puns is me iiiesi
easily avempllshed and the lea-t costly.
Nothing Ciiu be gained b the 1 itter mode II
Iho sewage can be get rid of by the termer,
and there .no grave objections te the reudult
ever that of the intercepting sewer, some of
which are less of water lrem springs, large
damages and greater cost If the proper-sired
conduit be laid. The preparations nre new
lu hand for making the prejier preliminary
surveys, and we shall li enabled thereby
te arrive at a sitlslactery conclusion in re
gard te this very important step Iu our water
supply and in the maintenance et its purity.
A erv necessary work is new progressing
iu extending the twenty-inch maiu along
Orunge street: I thought the work would
have Iwen lstter done by laying tlie pis
along ene of the streets north of Orange, en
the higher ground, but as It is, it will beet
vast benettt te the occupants of houses In the
western )rt of the city.
The ene ether verv Imperbiut and neces
sary improvement In our water supply is
mere ample storage opacity. This will
prelsiblv be n costly undertaking; thesnir
inteudent s., we are daily consuming about
lour million 'gallons, and the storage capacity
should therefore 1st ten days supply or about
forty million gallons; the elevation should
also" be im reised lrem twenty te twenty-live
feet. I'lie stiHriiiteudent in ikes some time
ly suggestions iu regard te waste.
" That a generous outlay for water vierks
Improvement is a gixsl iuunlciMl investment
may easily be shown by comparison ofthe
increase m evjsmses wttli the iucreacd rove reve
nues lrem water rents. Wlnle Iho increase
of vi .iter supjily aud consutnitien from 10
te Ism, ins im reas"d nearly two-fold, and the
receits about 13 jer cent, the exj-nst)s et
olwratien show no such relative Increase. 1
believe that all well considered and econemi
cally made water improvements needed will
mufe lhau pay the interest en their cost.
nil. pi ui.ic m.Ai.nt.
There is new organized by ap)lutuieut of
the court a Istird or health with authority te
enforce the ordinances of the city In this 1m-
jiertaut regarii. It has already dene geed
work aud should have liberal support lrem
councils in the lurther prosecution el It
Prompt action in this department Is elten
necessary and the means te sustain It must
net be lacking. Complaint is made that cer
Lun slaughter houses w Itheut sew ers de uet
promptly clean up and dispose et their re re
luse. I'er such violation el the ordinances a
remedy is provided, and until that has been
tested aud tuiind inelllcieut I must withheld
the recommendation pressed upon me of au
ordinance te remote all butchering opera
tions te an abattoir beyond the city limits.
1IIK I'OI Ii I Dl.rAtllMIlM.
ilh a single exception, for which the exe
cutive is net re-qonslble, tlie jelice ferce is
well ergauued and eilicient It discipline
w ill be maiuLuned. 1 will make no dejurt dejurt
ure from the rules laid down at the outset of
my term for ils government. The recom
mendation of the chlef transmitted herewith
for an additional member of the ferce te net
as house sorgeant, is supported by conclusive
reasons and has my hearty approval.
'The report or the chief engineer and the
common experience el our citizens and ta ta
Iayerscentlrm the wisdom of the adoption
of the present system of Ure department or
ganization. There can be no doubt of Its
economy iu tlie long run and far greater pro
tection and security te jirejierty than the vol vel
uiilcur department. 1 renew the suggestion
I iniide ujen biking otllce tint councils give
closer attention te the mere nearly complete
equipment of the department "inellective
machinery, insulllcieiit working force or dis
abled horses Involve the city in loe great risk
te 1st neghs-ted. Keur ellective engines
should at all times be lu service, and coun
cils should bring te a prompt conclusion the
negotiations with the Clapp A Jenes com
pany ever the new machine recently lur
nished , If it is uet te be accepted aud paid
for sjsjedy arrangement should be made te
precure another. The lireirty and lives of
the taxpayers ought net te be subjected te
tlie jienl ensuing from a dispute as te
whether the necessary tire npiuralus is or is
net the property or the city.
Thecily jirojierty is new in geed condition.
The station house has recently undergone re-
jiilr. Seme years age a resolution was
jiasscd by councils authorizing the property
committee te sell the " Old 1 Victory," en the
Couestoga, and the seven acres of ground con
nected with it, a prejierty that yields no In
come aud is of no prospective advantage te the
city. It was otlered, aud an insulllcient
sum being bid, it was withdrawn. At the
May meeting of councils tills resolution was
renew ed, aud it will be promptly carried
into ellect. I am of the opinion that the
routs derived from the city property let te
privnle tenant might be increased some
what without becoming burdensome or ex
tortionate. i.tiiitriMj Tin: mi.
The jiroseut system of lighting the city is
In the main satisfactory in the quantity of il
lumination furnished; tlie cost is heavy. It
is te be he) with increasing cheapness
lu the manufacture et gas aud the erection of
a local plant for electric light, tbe compoti cempoti competi
tloiwol the dlllerent systems will euable the
city te procure a sutllcleut und well-distributed
Ught at less than the present cost lu
my Judgmeiit adequate street light is a geed
nelle e protection, nud the outer wards and
less traveled thoroughfares ought all te have
fair beuellts ofthe public lighting.
Till! LAW I)Kl'AllTMEr.
The report of the last city solicitor te
March 0, lseVi he having been shortly alter
succeeded by the present Incumbent shows
ene hundred und twonty-fetir suits brought
by the city during the year ended Kebruarv
Js, IsHit, aru An. en municipal liens or te re
vive expiring judgments; seventy-six muni
cipal Ileus entered, aggregating l,tWl."J: the
suit et ls.ue lteliihart against the city is
pending iu tbokupremo court, und judgments
obtained for street damages by Adam tin
taker for full, and by Jehn O. Moyerfer
I l,lKUt are te be paid wheu the court orders
the opening of the streets.
I find iu this rert, however, no mention
whatever of the moneys collected by the last
city solicitor during his term of olllce ; thore
has been, I am advised, no quarterly settle
ments made by him with tlie finance com
mittee, as is expressly required by tlie ordi
nance of May I, 1S7-; he drew his quarterly
salary tliroe tiines with unfailing regularity,
though he has made ue return of moneys
collected by him for his client The limita
tions by ordinance of the security te f 1,000
vi as made because of this requirement of set
tlements every three months. Ills failure te
make these during four successive quarters
demands the immediate attention et coun
cils. I'llliCIXCT 1NO TIIK CITY.
Tlie rapid increase In the voting population
of the city, since Us last division into wards,
calls for precluding these Inte smatler oleo oleo
Hen districts, llxperlence proves that from
2.10 te 3M Is au ample number of voters te be
accommodated at ene jkU j aud yet In this
city as many as 1)00 votes are east at ena
wiudew lu some or the larger wards, and in
nene of them less than IM. 1 am strongly of
tlie opinion that a system of precincts which
would incroase the number of, voting pluees
two or throefold would oeuduce te mere sat
isfactory results. If It wero posslhle te ap ap ap
jiortlen the common oeuncllmon of the elty
among single districts corresponding with
these precinct It would lie a desirable re
form. Ceitalnlv nothing can Jilstlly the
present inequitable distribution, by which
oneol the wanls or thecily, tlie rirnt.oeuro
lour inmuber, when In voting isqiufalteu It
is ttie least ; and the Klftb ward, Willi many
mere voters nud taxahlcs, has a repre
sentation of but two luomherH lu common
council. These are questions te be consider
ed hi a spirit et that rrccdem flout jurtlsau
Interest which I hale heretofore Indicated
should inspire theadmiuislnitieu of munici
pal Btlaln.
1 III. Uhl it.t 1 1 Ml.
The resirt of the HucIiaii.ui-McKv ey- Hey.
nebis relief tutuls for the year Iss, shows
that tlie amount et money lu their bauds
lrem the above tutuls ler tlie purchase et for the jsxir of the city w as as fellow s :
tnteiest en KsO" Uiirhiitan fund . l"
f.mi McKin " I""'
" (Iss lie) iields " ... 'iSi 10
Total I1"
The ovpenseswero as fellows :
hiiulTiniin A Keller. civil 'Al w
Lleiktiliv.iiilictltdug mil printing. 31 lu
I7RI is line null nut .. J '
The isi.ll was distributed as fellows, by
wards ;
lirst Ward ... Jl
second V nid ...
I Mid Ward I.V
teuith Waid il
fifth Ward av
sixth vvaul 'i
sei.'iith Ward 71
Klghth Waul .
MntliWniil Ri
I'etul Mi
K.ich family found worthy was given
three fourths of a ten el
These beneficent charities should preve au
example for the emulation of our public
spirited and philanthropic citlren of means.
Tlie expressed desire of the late Philip C.
llauninger te Increase this uvallable fund has
been trustrttled bv the osiratleu efn law, ttxi
long tolerated en 'the statute Isxiks, making
invalid chantible tiequests vvithiu thirty
d.ivs of the death el the testator.
W. A. MoureN,
LVM'VNlMt, l'.t, Juue'J, lw.
ltri'uur ur vitiKh' ur rui.ivts.
lie sliilleii lliiu.e ssrgraut tie
Aipuluttsl-isillr ter isucli Dtllrrr.
The reisiit of the police departineul ler the
vear show that the number of arresbi made
during the year was 2,U. males and I
fern ties. t)f that nuiiilier -M wero heanl ou
charges of drunkenness and dlsenlerly con
duct, 13 ter disorderly conduct and ii. IT 1 for
v tignu'ey ; 131 were com mltttsl te prison, .Ml
te the workhouse, 2 juld ciists and i, JOI w ere
discharged. They ranged in age from .i te W
visira . l.'JliI were born In the t'liitisl Shitw,
jll lu Ifermanv, 1JI in Kngland, ."is in Ire
laud . l.Vnl had no trades. Chief Smith
reeeuimeiids te council the addition of one
nan te the jsillce ferce te Is) designated the
house serge int, whose duty It shatl Ik) te to te
ui.uti at the stitlen house during the day. If
such an elllcer Is apjsjinted thou the police
men can be m their wards during the entire
duv. 1'nder the present system six of tlie
wards of the city are without their officers
two hours each day. en account ofthe duty
required el them at the station house.
Itticiiiuattsui Wills te theiuagle poser et St.
Jacobs Oil, the (treat conqueror et pain.
Teething 11 idles are happ If their gu jis are
bathed wlUi Ha IUst s Teething Letien.
S u nun er M ethers le careful el J ear babies
with dlarrbu'S. Ha. Hasp's Dlarrhivi Sllxtum
cures when mer thing else f.itU. l'rlce X eta.
rnrsalcl II It tiHhrnn, os. nj ami ISJ Nertli
ijuccn street, Lancaster, l'e. lmdAw
XV hat Can It" Cured, Let's el Kmlure.
If he can cure au ache, or a snraln, or a ptiln,
t i a lameness, ,.r a txiin, or a bruise, or a bite,
b iisliur TJtemut' Kt-Ucrtc OU. let's de It Thom Them
as' hi lectrk Oil li known te be geed. Let's try
It. Ker 'ale by II II, Ceehnn, ilrtiggl.t, IS7 anil
1JJ -North yuien stnst. Lancaster
rnmi sj rcue, . .
l Ml sell, ami languid; hid pUplUtlen et
tin heart and numbness of the limbs. Ilunleck
IWihI Hllttri have certainly relieved me lhey
aieui.'tt excellent" Mr. .1. M Wright Fer
sale bv II. II Cochran, druggist, 13; and 13'j
.v.rth stnut, LunciLstur.
Sen leg Wild Oat.
IIe many waste their time and resources in
toellkh nsperlments, with nasty worthless wed
tellies thai can never de them n whit of gneil
If j en are nick nnil want help net a reputable
remedy of established merit. The curative vir
tues of Jlurdeck Jlloed Jltttert haie never heen
iieitlened. Fer an enteeblid circulation or a
weak stomach they am splendid, r'er ale hy
11. li. Cochran, drugtflst, U7 and IS) North Queen
street, l.nnca4tr.
(Hail tu Hear It.
Ter hcvernl mentlis I endured a dull pain
through tn limits and ghoulden. lest mv
jplrit. nppetlte and color, nnd could with dim
cutty remain from my bed Mv prv.ent health
ful condition l due te JlurdeeK Jllnnd Jlttteri."
Mrs h. A. Hall, lllmthampten, . V. ter sale
by II II. Cechniu, druKgldt, 1J7 and UJ North
ijueun street, Lancaster.
Mr. tleeri;e Hedge Speaks.
This centleinan lives In Kraperlum, I'a , nnd
si). "Uiii'iil tny men, Hiin LewN, while work-
Inir In tbfa weids snrilnetl his ankle se had he
could hardlv hobble te the house. Used Thern.
at' Kclectrir OU unit was ready for work the
next morning l hive never i t seen se geed a
medicine ' Fer hilti by II. II. t'ecbran, druir-i-lst,
137 and 1JU North Queen streut, Lancaster.
A Ca..t of Afauy Y.iri stniHlluj; ChirtMt YVltli
bu Ituttles, In n Man DO Uar nl Age.
Aliisstew w, l'a., May c, ls3.
Hamixlies lliTTEns Ce. Uents I tuul been
troubled with my kidneys for unuuibui of y curs,
used almost emrythlni! without inuchbenetit
until I tried Dandcl'pn Hitters. 1 used six bot
tles and utn plcfeitid te say 1 11111 entirely rid of
the klilney trouble, besides my tem being
toned up se that 1 feel like a dlUt'teut person. I
cheerfully leceuiuicud the same te till mulcted
In this way. JACOll MUStllLIT..
A Ikipti.t Miuinter's Kxperleure.
"1 am a Itintlst minister, and before I ever
thought of beinir a tlergiinatt 1 gntduuted tu
iiieillt in, , lint kll a lucrative practice for my
pre-eut profession, forty years age I was for
man) ears n tiulleier ftem riuliHy. 7'Aemfij
K'lctrtc OU cured uie 1 wasulne treubleirwlth
hiiins, and Theini1 felectric OU ulwitvu
lvll. 11 d me My wile und child had diphtheria,
and Ynerncif' hclertric Oil cured them, nnd If
takin lu time it will cure m'Vlii times out of ten.
I am cenlldent it Is 11 cute for the most obstinate
celli, or veugh, unit If any enu will taken small
ii-.ispcHin ami nan nil 11 wnn inu un, unu men
pl.11 ethe end of the spoon 111 0110 nostril and
draw the Oil out of the Hjinen Inte the heart, by
snllllng us hard as they can, until the Oil falls
ever Inte tbe threat, and practice It twice
a we.-k, 1 don't cure hew etfensUu their head
111.1v be. It will lean It out und cure their ia-
tarrh Fer deafness and earache. It has done
wonders te my certain knowledge. It Is the only
Medicine dubbed patent uiedlclne that I have
ei r felt like leiemmending, undlniu very anx
ious te ee it In every' place, for I tell jeu that 1
would net be without It in my house for any
cenililenitlnn. I am new nuMcrlng with n pain
like iheiimatlsin In my right II111I1, and nothing
relieves me like Themut' JJctectric OU." Dr. K.
F Crane, Cerry, l'a.
Fur kale by 11. II. Cochran, druggist, 137 and IX)
-Seith Uueeu street Lancaster.
Latest and Most Improved
ENGINES Trwtien, FerUMe or Shlioeiry.
New or Seceud-Ilaua
Maciiimii or ItaeAin VVem such as dena and
kept In Machine bheps.
Ezra F. Landis,
LAncutTie, l'A. n7-tfd
Te the many applicants for the FALLTL'ltM
Lancaster Business College.
ir ye will call en or address the principal you
can obtain such In formation us will be of great
advantage te you In pursuing the UOUKSE OF
STUIiy us reuulrud ut this institution. It will
enable you te make gtcater progress, and a sav.
Ing of time and labor Is guaranteed If you will
curry out instructions. Address,
. nilOADS, JKWK.hKH.
Oil Paintings,
Mueical Bexos.
Bronze Figures,
Sterling Silver,
-A rull Llnoef rnntelve Kuchnininl "The
Ne. 4 West King St.
vt.erit inu.
1KSU A llKOTllKll
lllliiKS tliKUKhts of VVAUM V KATIIKll, w hleh
in turn makes ene think et
Light-Weight Clothing,
Light-Weight Underclothing,
Al , Ac, Ac.
5 en will ilnd
At H5U, l. 7S and flu".
AIpiui, Pongee aud Mohair Ciwts, and CisiU
and Vests.
Linen anil Imitation Sis-rsuckcrteatii, from '.tk;.
t'p wards.
Iu Light-Weight Hosiery
V ou will II ml a Complete Line, from -C n ilezell
jmli te See. tHirpalr.
A Splemlid Seamless hiecklntr. white or colored,
two pair fofise
A LIkM-Wi litht llatbrtiriran or Lisle Thread
Seaiulesjttecklnir, atc , -ise., 30c. and .xc.
In Light-Weight Underwear
We hau an) thing, it ITc . 23c., HV , JA; , 73c.
Ki, A Special lUrraln lu a rtnely rlnt.hed
llALllUIlKiAN blllllT or DKAWKIta at Wc
Hirsli & Brether's
32 te 38 EAST KING ST.
Eierylxxly's Outllttcru !
Sl.NOLE nilKASTtl)
Prince Albert Suits,
Salisbury Dresa Suit,
Our Special Swift lllvcr
Medium Weight and India Uauze
23c., 50c. A 75c.
e cities In Silk Xcckncur,
iv Cents.
Strlis and Solid Celers,
M cents.
00c , UOe , 73c.
Beys' Dresa Straw Hats,
15c. Ul'WAUDS.
Our Special Dress Shee,
Jluile te our Bpeclul Order and
Williamson & Fester,
32 te 38 EAST KING ST,
(I Fester.
uem t ssuver Head OaneB,
i&c, &c &c &c.
tlerninn" Ptltes. "
crr.uiAij haIiK
Palace of Fashion,
Kour-llutteii Colored,
Forty-four Ceuta.
i iTii-llutten bcnllepcd Tep, Ken! Kid, nt
Forty-elght Oents.
rivivllutteii Ileal
Celers and llnmns,
hid. Scalloped Tep, Inn
Fifty CetltH.
our llutten Ileal
Tnn Celers, at
Kid, Mltched
llnck, fine
Slxty-nlue CentB.
r our llutten Undressed Ileal KM, rine Tnn
Celers, at
Flfty-nlne Oents.
Kite lleek Lacing Ileal Kid, Kine Tnn Celers,
Soventy-ilvo Oenta.
Mfty dercii New- Silk TutTeta Uleven, Ftne
bbades, Tan, Mutes and llrewns, six button
lengths, slues, 0 te (, at
Twonty-llve Oentaa Pair.
Twenty Ihn deznn lllack Tntfcta Gloves, me
luallty anil lungth,
Twonty-flve Oenta a Pair.
Forty tl ve Inch bklrtlng Kmbrelilery, fine
Lawn, Mini Werk,
Elghty-llve Oents a Yard.
fpeclnl Ikirgaluln Skirting Kmbrelilery, Fin
est ijuallty nud 1'nttent,
1.25 a Yard.
Full VV lillh Oriental Skirl Lace, Cream and
llelge, at
Elghty-flve Oenta a Yard.
Heavy Kgypilaii Skirting Laces, Crenin nnd
lk;lgc, ut
81.00 a Yard.
Oi lentid and Kgvptlan Laces, nine te ten
Inches whlc, Cieatn and lielge, nt
Twonty-flve Oenta a Yard.
lllack bnanlah Gulmire bklrt Lace, 10 Inches
83.50 a Yard.
lllack Mlk Kscnrlal Lace,
Inches wide.
Kine Quality,
84.60 a Yard.
lllack hllk Chantllly
wide, llcautlful liuallly.
Skirt Lace, 4i) inch e
85.00 :a Yard.
Parasols and Sun Umbrellas,
Mf Atter July flrst our store will clrweatnU
o'clock every 01 utiltig, Saturday's excepted.
r 1 1
ITBatlafaotlen Quarantoed.
in i