(ftje jtwifta; rm, wr Ul ,8CIAC .iiipp fttw v "-P 'vaiFSjITTCh. I 'fc ' iU'UU0'Sf tf i. VOLUME XXII NO. THE l'KKSlDKNT MAIMIKI). a yiitr mihuhmu vicuKMem- rit HtWHim AT TIIK H II ITH IIOVHH. Mii!l!inl I'liiml Dererntluni linn MlM I'el- ciiii and Iho Other I-mllea Were Attlrril. I'migMltiiUtlnin I'rnni ijtieeii vhtutls. Tim HuiixjiiitMiii in llrxr rrN, Mil. tlroierClovoland and Mini I'ranklu l'ol l'el w mi Hre one. "It In ever," came from the Whlte 1 1 ohm, ntul tliu ever-moving mark of time scorned leth te test lu happiness al tliu peintings te 7:30 o'clock Wednesday evening, tliu moment tliu distinguished couple wero pronounced iiiiiii nml wll. It wanted a few id ImiteH r IImi eMiK'k when thoseclal iiuwspamr corresoudnu( wero Invited tovlew the Whlte Heuse deee rations. Knterlug the tusl room by llm doorway nt tliu toot id thesbilrs, tlui Irsgrmice efail Immense uonservatory nteucn vv oiled U. Massed in iisomlc-irclelii tlui imiln window, looking out en the east lawn, was it grand col cel col lectien of tewerlne iwilins. fern mill iiiiiinx eluw, with alringoei varl-colerod small plants Ht the. base, c The mantles upeu which iet tint two. lame, miner oil uitlier side wero bedded with lluwcrs, including rose, pink mid orange blossoms. In tint tlirtn smaller W lllllOWS lit till) lllirtll Ullll KOIIlh Wills flf till) room plant with also gteujKid, anil en every ene ei tlui enlliiiirlly solemn pillars, Ireiu lloer In celling, was Urge shield of toil, white mid blue1 Motions and enclrellng the pillars were cIiuImn of evergreens, studded wlthnwes. Only low plants were placed In tlie irroen room In the rear of tlie corrliler ami te the west, ami tliure was llttln utlumpt nt iles-nratlng tlie rtil room, further te tlie west and also en the north slilnnf tlie build lug. ' f tJllKTOltll IttiVI. IIIIOM. Hotwceii tlinse two apartments Is tlie lilrt terle blue room. It was made n marvel of Is-auty, it jxirlivt gem, novel surpasses! in tlie oxlsteiion of the mansion. The cholrest growths of the national conservatory wire plucked te form tlie picture. Tlie room It iHitimltHl by curved walls anil the rlchcstiind most costly dressing lu lilun ami sliver, with crystal ami silver chandeliers nilriit Irem asllver-gruy celling and prejw ting Irem the walls. Te till Imiutllul picture in art was .uliteil tiiiimuit untliantliiK Kllli from Hern' nlirlnu. The tliroe windows eiMinliiK en tlie north wt'ru hlililcn Imliied ,i cdltUir el p-iluiH, h'rnii and ether tall plant, alwint UmliraiiclitH nt which wure ontwined arlaiHlerr(-cr,i.ii IIm-iiiiik the lu;ki;reiliid or niccn. lletWLcn tlie threo iloerways leading te the a.tl and weNt rooms and the corrlilers rospftUely wtiroalne c-ollccUenn of planui, nlilloiteoo the nilildlii doerwav was .1 ller.il plxcewllh " I! I'liirlliiiH Tiiiiii " wrein;lit in red Mr nations, (lelili'ii-franu-d mirrors ronealKiM) lh lit" pla e 011 tlie t'a.t and west nules of the risiiiu At the huse of that backed te the xf Mini; nun was a mantel of red iemik, with tliu letters ' ('. V," worked In a monogram with whlte roses. 'II10 mantel el tlie east mirror wasUinked with pAlulen, vrllh " I11110 J, Ism," fashleiied In whlte en 11 purple Kretind, (ringed with jcllew and 11 border of pink roses, a wealth el begonias spronted Irem each lire place. The floral doeoratlons did net end hore Te the Henth of the red room Is thn apart ment w here the collation was nored. Tlie table was net "A I.nMtand Up " The centre piee was a ftlll-rl!Ked lleral nliip iLstinK Ilia jilacid mirror sen encircled by a het! ei red taw. On either mUIe of the hull of the owel wasthnwerd "lljincn"ln,red lleHeis. I'min the mainmast tlie htam mid Htrlivs lleattsl proudly, while Irem the lore and iiil.eiiinaits waxsl tiny whlte natln llas ntamped with tlie inennKrani "t". V." In (jilt. A large Imiich ei long Htumined I .a 1'rance rosea was held In a aseat ene end of the table. IICt'AIITUUK UHl IIKKIt I'MIK, MP, Then) was a great crowd waiting outside nf the Whlte llotise nntlclintlng the dnirtiire of the pteihlcnt mid Ills brlde en their wed ding trip, and oxectliig a gllmpe of (he party as thev passu! out. They lingered until all tlie giiista had gene, and iitl.nl, giving op all hope, or seeing Iho h ipp 1 oil pie, m my ileirteil, Wlille this ast as.seinhliige was Nieciilattng en the miiiemenlM or the president and wiie the pair Was npeeding miles away en tlie llattlninre A Ohie rullnxul In the direction el Doer I'ark. In order te avoid the curious crowd the president hnd taken hisyoiingwlfe under his wing and quietly slipped nway by the rear entrance, where a carriage was In waiting They were driven atome te the Baltimore A Ohie railroad depot, where a Hpeclal train was lu reailincuui te ktart at n moment's notice Colonel Iainent said the president will pre. halily remaln about a week at Deer l'ark, here a cottage connected with ttie hotel has Ishiu leiksed ami titled up Hjieclally iei the honeymoon. Although the prcHldeiit HucceeJed lu elud ing the newspaisir 111011 nt Ihoeieoutlvo iiiuu iiiuu hIeii, a arty 01 alwut lllty corresisimlents Htarted In pursuit ou a train lollewlug an hour later. When asked about the presentH Colonel Iiuieut stated that there were ipiUe a numlier, but he refused te give any furthei iuformatlenou the subject ether than te aiy tliat the president presented the brlde Willi .1 handsome and ceMly diamond necklace. About, two hund roil congratulatory tolo telo tole graniH were recived from all nuarters of tlie glebe. The dei orations will be photographed later. Secretary Oarland was the only ineinbur of tlie cabinet v he did net attend tlie m irrlage lerotnenv. Ills last visit te the president was en Tuesday, ami his absence Irem tlie wedding is asrited te his determination net te wear a full dress miiU ONI! 111 MIIU. II TIMHSVNIl llOI.I.MIs' vveitrn 01 1111 is. AImiiU midnight Mr. lleiiaiiilu I olsein, iniiMiii el the brlde, said that ID ier lent, of the packngea containing the presents had net been opened at that hour, mid that tlie aggre gate vulue el the ollerlngs would prelialily iimountteovbrf lOfl.tHW. The table in the prl vate dining room was ceverexl with auilsceUa auilsceUa auilsceUa lioeus nollectlen of costly articles ei Blher- WHre. Uottage e- 1, which the president I) aim oriue wm occupy, leaswi uy air. Helxirt Qarrett. It was remarked that the nrosldeut neg levied te kls IiIh vvile. LIST op 01 1ISTS. Tlie following Is a completo list of thase present at the ceremony Mrs. I'olseiii, mother of the brlde ; Itev. W. N. Cleveland' the president') brother ; Ml hh Cleveland and Mrij. lleyt, the president's Hlsters ; Theinvs V. Ilnyanl, secretary of Htate , I) uiiel .Man ning, Becretary ei the tre usury; Mrs. Man. nlng, William C. llnilicett, aecretary el war ; Mra. nndlcett, William C. Whitney, hecro hecre lary of the navy j Mrs. Whitney, 111) 1111 I . Mlas, tlie iKwiniastor-geiieral ; .Mi's. Ml I. .' Jrfiiuar. Buurelary ei the Interior Daiiiol'tA'tiRUleiit; jirlvate xecretary te tlie prosldent,;'Mrii l.raent, lleiilamlti J'ol J'el HOin, ofiIullle,Ts.Y. ; Mr. and Mr.vltogers, of Seneca Vpn, N. Y. j Mra. Cadinu and Miss Hudillesen, of Detroit, Mich, j Mr. and Mrs. Harmen, of llosteu, relatives of the brlde ; Mlas Nelsen, of New Yerk ; Mr. W. H. Itissell, of llullale, N V., the president'H former law partuer ; Dr. and Mrn. Hyren Hiinderlaifd. l'era few minutes the giicntn dialled galy, but conversation was quickly suspended at 7:15 o'clock, when a selected orchestra from the Marine hum), stationed in the corridor, struck up the Mralus of the vveddlng march Irem Aleudelsselm'H Multummer Jtiijht'a Dream, mid all eyes were turned te the door way te catch the tlrst gllmpse of the coming biide mid groom. (starting irem Iho western corridor en the upper lloer, the nrenldeut came slowly down me iwicm mm jus oriue leaning en 111s arm. They were uiiaccompaiiled-eveii tlie brlde'a mother awaiting her with the ether guests. Passing through the central corridor the brlde and groom entered tim blue room mid took a position near its southern wall, which was completely hidden from sight by a mass or nodding jilants, tropical grasses anil an endless variety of choice flowers. TIIK CKKBMO.NV. 1 Tlie crystal chandelier poured a iloed of mellow; radiance upon tlie scene and the colors of the inasglve hanks of scar lei begonias and Toyal Jacqueminet roses mingling with the blue and sllver tints or the frescoed walla and celling gave a warm and glowing toue te the whole brilliant interior. The delicate Ivery shaded of the bride'H wedding gown found au oxquUlte setting lu the masses el 2'M). crimson roses Immediately bnjeiul. Tim president w In filll livening dress with lurnilnwn cellar, 'whlte lawn tiecktle and white cnauiel studs. Ituv. Dr. Sunderland performed the ieio ieie ieio llieiiyalnld umeIiiiiiu hush, alter which Itev. Mr. Cleveland, the presldeu't bretliei, pn pn pn noiiticed a benediction, C'ONdltV it 1, VI IONS. At tlie conclusion of thn ceremony Mis. r'olsein, showing traces of deep emotion, was the llrst te tender her eengrHtiilatlnns te the iuwij luarrien j'Sir, ( duevws iihihwisi or MlM Cleveland, lhe,Hev,', Mr. cjlevnland, and the ether relatives ami fi lends lu turn. While tliecongrstulatieiiH weni In pregress, the bind, under the lealerahli el I'rolesser Seiim, performed the bridal chorus and march from ,eif lerm. and te thlsiiiusie the president and his wife led the way Inte tliu utately east loom. , The iiderninents el this lidtile hsll wnrti In Keeping with its iiihjosIIe piesiri iih, mid Its mnple space and brilliant Illumination atlerded au epiKirtiiulty lera titling dlplay of tlie ladles' toilettes. ,-rreiu the east room tlionniipiuyjireitHHl ed, attei a season of pre.neimuiiig ntul con cen con vers.itlen, te the family dining 01 the iiiiiii iiiiiii hIeii, where the wedding supper was served, Thore was no formal order obsered In the HiiniHjr rtsmi. hut 1 collntlen was servul, hiiiI the gnosis sal at tlie small tables or slowly lireimitmdlng the room as they discussed Iho men 11 mid chatted ever Iho event el the even, lug. The elegantly designed souvenirs of satin boxes, containing dainty sllcis of the bridal cake, and each 0110 hearing tlie h mil- painted monogram "U. K.," were leeelvul with gnat admiration. Till. 1IIAM.I.IMI lllll.ss. Whlte the orchestra was playing ene of Its happiest selections ami the guests were gathered iilsmt tlie tables; the bride quietly slipped away te her room and changed her wedding dress for n heavy gray silk traveling dress. She then returned te her cempmy and was sisin alterwards Jellied by the pros! dent, who had hi the meantime cliincul ins dress suit fefn traveling costume. , This win utiotitH:30ei!ock, mid the presl dent and his briilu said a haity egiKHl-b " te their friends, and left tliu heuse through a irlvateexlt from the red risnn iule the south grounds. A close carriage awaited them, and as they entered the herses started nil, a shower el rice was thrown en the carriage, ami their Irlends wavtd tlielli a llual "lied speed" from the teir Minh. 1111 (ilieciM s i,n 1 m tin. iii.ini. '1 he groom's gift te the bride was 11 hand some diamond nm'klaCe, coiiiies(hI of 11 sin gle string of brilliants. 'J he presents Irem tliu cabinet nllheis and thelr wives were mostly articles of Jewelry, though ttiore were several beautlllll prusuiilsofsllverwnro. lustiis the w (siding coreiueuy began,a presl ilentl il salule was llred by 11 battery of artil lery near the river, and the chime Isdls of thn Metr(s)litaii Mettiislil!piseiiKilcliiircli issihsl forth the MutultilHsebn " Wisliliug Manh," mid bells lu ether chuahes Joined lu tbe alsive happy salute. (Jucen iitnrla sent the lollewing i-able inesMge te President Cleveland 1 ' I'ri in opt my sincere congratulations en tour mariiitge, mid my lsst wishes for.vetir hap ploess. 11 ieui ." cesri mi.s nt mum. vnii i.vnv m i.m. The brlde were au enchanting wedding dress nfjvery satin, simply garnished 011 tliu high corsnge with Juilla luuslln crossed lu Orxiau folds ami (UrritHl lu exquisite falld of simplicity ever the petticoat. The erangu blossom garniture commencing upon the veil lu a suburb coreucl Was eon tinned tliruiiglioiittlieoitiiuio vjlth arthtlc skill. Her veilef uiiltl, alsmt live yards lu length, completely envelessi her' tailing le Iho slge orihepo'ttlcoat in (root mid extend ing the entire length or her fnll court train. Shecirried no Hew en and vvore 110 Jowelrv except an engagement ring, containing a sapphire and two diamonds. Mrs. Kolsem vvoreasuporb droser vlolet satin, garniture lu whlte lallle, with crvul Iled v leliit drops in pendants every w here. Miss Cleveland vvore au exquisile dress, a combination of Nile gieeu and cmuee-piuk duchesse s,itln, with silver ornaments, le corsage garnished with pin roses, short sltHites lu denil length, gloves In light sitiu. Carried 11 fan ei pink curlew fentliers. Mrs. Ilejt, the president's sister, were ,1 dainty cestume ou train of china crepu lu robins egg blue, most ellectually gartmured with rare old lace. Her llowers were li 1'rance roses. Mrs. Manning's dress was of white satin, Heimccd across the trout with duchesse lace, trliiimlngs finished with sea pearls, square nis'k and elbow slcoves. Diamond erua ineutH. Mrs. Kudlcett vvore satin with sliver and vv hlte sapjihlrc, dnqicsl w It ti black 1 hautllly lace, red s)iiipeu lu hair mid diamond orna ments. Mrs. Whitney were a bodice or violet velvet with whlte satin and tulle skirts trimmed with violets. Diamond ornaments. Mrs. Has' dress was light blue silk with long train, strewn with daisies, of si Iver I rout of en, stal and point lace and icail trimming, low neck and elbow sleeves. Mrs. Lament vvore an ivory tinted satin dress, denil train, with a pinel et crvstal ami iKiarl oil the lelt side of the skirt, square neci corssge edgcsj with crystal and Ji I u .in, ellsiw Hlcevesaud.i boautllulcersa, 1 input el I.tciiieinInet roses. MtJ. Jlogers, cousin el Iho bride, was dresned III a costume or dllicatocatueo pink, with brocaded lruut. Mrs. Cadman, relative el the bride, were 11 whlte sitln dress en train, with black lace dmories mid Jacquemliiels. Mrs. Ilarmali wure a satin dress et light eringe. Miss Nelsen vvore acostumeef corn colored satin, with overdress of whlte antique lace, cut pompiilelir, with low oersago and elbow sleeves. Her Hew cms vvore Jacqueminet roses. Miss lliiililtesloue was dressed In pink silk, with blue trliiimlngs. Mrs. Sunderland's dress was gray sitln, trimmed with lace, lung train, square neck ami elbow sleeves. iWimti tlit rrenlilteit Hpemts the IIonsyninena Deer l'ark is situated ou tbe creator the Al Al leglieples, about .1,000 feet above the level of the son. 1 1 is a popular resert for Washington people, mid la reached by a tuebe hours' run ever the main line of the Italtlmore cV Ohie railroad, te Cumberland, and theme by a branch line te the deer nf thn big hetel erected there. It was founded by 1'resldeiit Hebert tiarrett, or the ISaltlmore .t. Ohie rallreul cempnuy, which built n large utimber or haudsomeMiimuior cottages, 0110 or which is owned and occupled by Mr. tiarrett himself. Tim cottage occupied hy Presldent Cleveland and bride Is a picturesquu structure in clone proximity te thn hotel. Thore are numerous beautiful drives in the vicinity, mid tlie park is within easy access of romantic nooks and lakes 11 ki avvny 111 inn mountains. uaKlauu, another famous resort, is only six tulles dis tant, and tliu mads connecting them, like all ether? embraced within the lerty miles open te use, being particularly well constructed and siueth us a race-track. Arrived at Deer l'ark. DKDlt l'wtic, Mil., MayU The presldent and Mrs. Cleveland arrived here at I o'clock this morning, and proceeded te a cottage ad jacent te that occupied by President Onrrett, of the liiltlmore A. Ohie' railroad, which is situated about llye hundred yards from the station en 11 very picturesque spot. There are but fey peeplu here. The president has given dlrediens that he will receive no callers, and detectives are stationed near the heuse te koeji all per sons from approaching It, The president will receive no papers or mall matter while here, ami Ids stay is expected te extend ever this week. A train is waiting at the depot, however, lu the event el ills wishing te go aw ay. Iren Workers Congratulate. PiriHiii'ite, June J. Tlie Amalgam tted Absoclatlen of Iren and Steel Workers met at thelr hall this morning and ufter udeptiug the following resolution adjourned until j o'clock this afternoon. The Interim will be occupied n coiuinitteo work : 'i Jlcaelveil, That this convention extend Its most hear tie It cougatulatiens te President Cleveland 'en tbe event of his most happy Journey te the state of matrlmonle bliss. We nope nis journey through Hie will be both proiperous and happy, nnd that all bacheler presidents will prellt, by his example. " Tlie introduction or the abeve caused con siderable hilarity because the uleslng sug gestion was alined directly at President LANCASTER, Welhe, of tlui association, who is also n bachelor, nnd n bigger man physlclally than Ml. Cleveland. Tlie resolution was unani mously ndeptsl, and the Iren workers were 11 unit lu the cordial expression of Kip Van Winkle, that I rover and his brlde " may llvd long and presjHir." UlLLVW VltKKlltr.STIAI, I'HttUKIUCNT. Thn Mnrrlsgn In Columbia "' Heward II. v Itlieilcs le Jlllu Martlm W. (Ilveti. Sjiceliil Correxponildiiro of I he Iktki liiiknceu Cemiviiiia, June 3. Columbia's most rashlonahle society was present eu inasse lastoveiilngattheiiiillls et Miss Martha W.f only daughter 01 -Mrs. H.A.uiven, widow of tlie bit" Wllllaui V. (liven, IiiuiIst inefi bant nf Columbia, and Mr. Heward II. Hhedes, with the llrm of W. It. PfahlerA Oe., hardware merchiinls of this borough. Tim wedding lias long been talked of, mid these honored with an Invitation anticipated the event with feelings et pleasure. 'I he sisinu en the exterior or the (liven mansion, at 1 eurlli and Chestnut streets, was nttractive In the oxtremo. A hundred gas Jets threw thelr rays il'ien the spacious mid beautiful lawn, dolled here and there with choice plants, llewers and Ivies ; cils mid carriage dashed up te the front oiitrauce and elpgiiitly dressed I idles with thelr male escorts alighted. Seil, sweet strains of iinislu IssiksI from tlie os)ii windows, and llm Interior was a sceue el beauty. Ou every side was tlie handiwork nf the skilled IteiisU llimdsome chandeliers were entwined ami festooned with sihilax ; htskels of cut llowers were suspended in 11 neon niches; alxive each deer was a srfistlv sliaissl herseshiHi of rose buds, semn pure white, ethers wlille and red. A glmice Inte the parlor revealed a liank el iKiibsl Mowers and rerns eight feet In height, and near hy a pretty butterlly or pau ses The library ami dining room, separated by wide leldlng doers, were also lliiely dec orated. Ou either sides or the leldlng dimrs were the letters "(!," ami "It." In red gera nliitns edged with whlte cut Mowers. At the ten of the high and narrow I'renili plate mirror 111 the dining room was a hirge fni' 'imIiii leaf shajKi) or white Mowers with gilded ribs, ami lieuquets and biskets or llowers stand In ether parts or the room. At a quarter pvt Prof. Werrell's orchestra played the Mrst strain et Metuh Issehn's wed- ling march, and tbe bridal party entered Iho library lu the following erder: A. C. Ilruncr, esq , and Mr. Win. Ceuaril, Miss 1,1111 111 Hills and Miss Annie M. Ilruncr, Mr. Crank S. Oiven, brother of the bride, ami Miss Trances K render, brlde ami groom. Ileiieath a beautiful lleral wishbene tliu couple-s parted, the brldesiiulds sUmllng ou the lelt of the brlde and groom, and the groomsmen ou the right. The bride vvore a white Otteman silk trimmed with Ilinhesse lace en train, (Jueen i:il.itelh pattern, tulle veil ami orange blossoms. A Isjiiquvt et nophetos cemjileted her legniit toilet, Mlts K render, whose home is at Haver straw en tho-lludsen, New Yerk, vvore blue sitln broMile and surah trimmed with crys tal beads and Duchesse ta"e. She carried a bouquet nf Mermets buds. Miss I'llis, of Summit, New Jersey, were cream colored silk trimmed with brocaded velvet of S.11110 color. Her bouquet was of Jacqueminet roses. Miss llruner, of Columbia, worn pink surah, trimmed witli pink cm--, and carried a iHsiquet of Peart buds. The dresses of the bridesmaids were walk ing length. Tlie groom was In lull dress, as were also his groomsmen, Mr. tiiveu, of Phlladelphit ; Mr, Couard, of Trenten, New .fersey, and Mr. Itruner, of Celumhl.u Itev. Hdwin C. (ritnths, astorer the Co lumbia Methodist Kinwepal church, of which tlie bride mid groom .11 e liieuibers, iHirfermed the ceremony, and the knot was made stronger hy the use el n plain geld ring. Tlie ceremony ev er, the guests hastened te congratulate tliu happy couple, Uurrosh Uurresh nieiits vvore served In a large tent IOxZi feet, erected te the rear of the dining-room, and a table liuded w ith all the delicacies the cater ing I Htabllshment or Dexter, el Philadelphia, could provide, extended Its lull length. After thu inner man hid been satislled tlie guests sisMitau hour in feasting their eyes uieu the bride's numerous and elegant prrseubt, kind remembrances or relative ami friend, which were displaced in an upper room. t lOiWl the bridal pirty entered cabs and were driven te Lancaster, wheie the happy couple IsMrded the IJ:le train for Phlladel phi 1. Their trip liuludes New Yerk City mid several smis ei interest in the New Kngl mil suites. They expect te be absent ten d is or twnwei ks, and iiK)ii their return te Columbia will eutur their own home, Ne. I 'l aluut street, wlilch his already been h iiidsuiuely rurulslied from cellar te attic 010ng the guests present Irem aoreul were ltev. Dr. lluiupliriss, Win. Itarnes, esq., Dr. J. II. Debbins and wife, (iOorgeS. Cook man, tuq., I'ranlc S. lSutlurand wife, of Plill Plill adelphla, Oeerge Naumau, esq , Hugene (1. Smith, esq , and wife, Mr. and Mrs. llenry Ilaiiingarduer, el ijine.aiter ; Mr. Jehn II. Weiss and wile, Hev. T. T. l'Aerett, D. 1)., Mrs. Kelker, et Harrisburg ; Ilea W. Barnes, et Des Moines, Iowa; Mr. and Mrs. Jereme lu Hever, of Heading; Miss )'.. diven, of Washington, D. C ; lien. S. T. McCiilleugh, assHtant attorney general, or Vnnaiells, I ml. 3llhl.KIHKS-t'LKt VHKIS. A I alilmialle Wetbllng In 1.11 llm thtiiwii lhat Caused a Sudalsllr. Hi I7Vhi;tiitevn, June .! A billliaut wedding took pliceat I uieu Iletdel church here, at h',0 test night in tliu uupti tls of Miss Ada I'lolclier, daughter et Win. Fletcher, a prominent local merchant, and Mr. Martin MUlolseu, teller of the Second Natien il hank of Mechatiicshurg, Pa. Tlie ceremony was iiertormed by Key. Kleegal. The church was handsomely decorated, the Meral adornment K'ing the skillful hauilvveik of A. D. ilohrer A Hre., the lame-aster ilor iler isls. The best man was Mr. I. K. Kaiitimuu, of Mechauicsburg, mid the bridesmaid was Miss Addie Druckeumiller, nt Mount Jey. The maids of honor were Misses Minta .00k, of Cottesvllle, A17u (louder, of Strasburg, KinmaSwarr, et ltoh lteh ltoh rerstewu, and l,iura Mumiin, el McchanU's hurg. The ushers vvore Mej-srs. Helkes, Mllleisen and Keidel, el Mechauicsburg, and Stehuian, of Mlddlotewii. Tlie bride was attlrenl In a ere 1111 brocaded sclin, trimmed In point lace. She were 11 v eil with w re ith of orauge blossoms and car ried a bouquet of wlille iesh liuils. The at tend nits were cream alliatress, mid each cir rled 11 handsome bouquet. V Uue supper was pir taken of by tlie wedding gnosis at the KleUhcr iiuusten. the catering ler which wassupplied by these artists in their line, Cenlaud and Kckerl. of Lmcaster. The happy pair left at midnight ler 11 short bridal trim reluming Irem which they will make their home in Mi 1 h mieshurg. '1 he presents te tlie new ly-iiiarried couple were many and handsome. Kopii-llellui 111. Mr. Jacob Kepp, .1 well known young man of this place, was also married hist evening, te Miss Aunie Hedman, 11 pretty young lady of this place. The ceremony was performed by lluv. Mr. (ilbbler, pastor of the It. 11. church, of this place. The IHiatiothtewu cor net bind helped te enliven tbe occasion by rendering geisi niusle ou both occasions, alter which thu cilithumpUiiis put In au ap pearance and discoursed sumo 01 thelr never ending strains el sweet dlMOid. A Coming Wrdillug, Cards ure out ler tlie wedding of Miss K.itle A. CiK.tig.in, of Philadelphia, te Jehn M, tiallaglier, et lliltimere, for Wednesday, June ID, at7.eU p. 111., at St. Agatha's Cathe lic church, rnilaueipma. iiouinave nuiuor nuiuer 011s friends in this city. Te llrlllge Iho MlMiaalppl. A company has been ergmlzed ill Mem phis In l) known as the Kmisjis city mid Memphis Hallreadand Hridge Company and having ler its object the construction of u bridge across the Mississippi at Memphis. A meetlug of capitalists ami railroad men was held lately te push tlie scheme. A thor ough investigation of Ihu practicability, loca tion, cost and plana rer the preswed strne. tine had been prepared by a competent, ex perienced eugluoer of national fame, and the ruiids.vhetween ?.i,&00,000 and f l,0UO,W, had been pledged te the enterprise. Named ler Uuierunr. Tlie Maine Domeorats have noiniuuted Cel. Ciark ti. fdwards for go oruer. PA., TllUltSDAY, JUNE TIIK FIIIK KXtiINK FUSS. HKr.KVT VUVSUII. HKtllnKH TO AVVKI'T, HVV t'OHJIO.V NVXVVNVVHH. I lis AlqitiuirlallnliK ,VUin ler llm V ear I'ellcn AiHitiiinuis ceiillfinii,A Niimlisr of rtltlnns I'rrsciilnl ami Itnfarrisl te CnminllcKrii,t, f, penied. Select and common counelH inetslaledly oil Wednesday evening In thelr tospectlvo chambers, lu select council Ihere were pres ent, Messrs. llelenlus, Deerr, Ijeng, I loin ley, Whlte, Wlseand Kali, president. 'I he lollewing petitions were presented : 1'er crossings alShlpKin and .Middle, Ship pen nnd Church and Shlppenuud the laisteru market. i'etltleii from owners or preperty en Mrst square en West King street for p-ivlng same with Jlelglau bl(s;ks, the preiwrty holders agroelng te iy $1 each per lineal feet or their rnsnectlvn rrents. The iKJtltleii was accem panied hy a resolution granting the prayer ei the lsjtltlouers and ordering the work te be done. Petition of property ewners ler macadain ly ing Mulberry street irem James te the Har risburg pike, lteferred te street committee. Potltleu te relay crossing at West King ami Mulberry street. Te lay gutters ou Marien alley from Con cord alley te MullMirry street. A resolution requiring the Millersville railway ceuiany, when they relay tlieirtrack oil Went O ran go street, te use Mat rails and keep the roadway in geed condition betweeu the rails and for iidlsliuice uf onnreotou each side of the rails ; or in detuult of their doing se tlie same te be done by the city at the extKUiHO or the railroad company was passed. 'I he monthly riqMirt et the street commlttee was re-ad. It cenUilns nothing of Iinjiortance that has net heretofore been published. Dr. llelenlus moved that the oxeciittvo committee ofaeloot council having failed for two months te take action en the police n n pelntments et the mayor, that the matter be taken out of the hands of the commlttee and placed hi the hands or council. The motion was agreed te. Dr. Holeiilus then moved that nil the olice apH)inttnents Is) continued. J no motion was unanimously agreed te. 1111. CLUT A J OS US L,S(IIM- On motion et Dr. Holeiilus the contract between the city and Clapp A-Jones ler the new engine for cemany 1 was re id. Dr. Holeiilus then moved tint the Clapp A Jenes engine, having failed te ceme up te the standard guaranteed hy the luaitu luaitu lacturers, be sent back te Ilium. Mr. Kemley moved te amend by referring tlie mutter te thu city solicter for his opinion. Mr. Wise favored the amendment. 'Iho city iiad had the u.se of the engine ou several excisions when It was badly needed. The engine had shown Itself te be a geed ene , it had been nnpreved by the lire committee that had ordtred it ;and irsent bai k new a costly law suit would probably result. Mr. Kouiley said the proposed action el Dr. llelenlus was ten) sweeping. Iho engine ou trial hore under disadvantageous circum stances had fell but 10 feet bick or the guar antee; thore is ovldence that In atrial at Hudsen City It had thrown water '.Te leet; lr there should be a law suit between the city and Clapp A Jenes this ovideiice anil ether would Isj ollerod te the damage of the city. He belfeved the engine te be a geed ene and thought it ought te be accepted. President l'.vaiis lavered sending the engine back. It h id filled te ceme up 10 the contract. The Mre committee, ou account or their neglect ei (lul, were responsible for the present condition el nllnlrs. It would de no gcssl te rcler the nutter te the solicitor ; it was 11 matter with vvhiih he had nothing te de 'I he question being c died for Mr. Iloiuley's amendment was voted down and Dr. Holeiilus' resolution adopted. Common council non-concurred. Dr. llelenlus said that as common council had non-concurred in the action et soled council he was In doubt as te whether the Clapp A Jenes engine should be used in case el lire. He therefore oilered a resolution te the ettect that the Clapp A Jenes engine shall uet be put In serv ice until it shall h ive been accepted by ceunc Us. The resolution was adopted, 1 ut common council having adjourned no action was Liken by that body. Mr. Wise said, ironically, if the opponents of the Clapp A Jenes ougme vvore deter mined te have it sent back, they might think it in eritur te re-piirchase the old Cnieu en gine. Thu annual mossageol the mayor w.u read. It will be found 111 lull elsewhere. Adjourned. COMMON cot sen.. Common council was called te order at 710 o'clock with the following member present: Messrs. Adams, Auscr, Haunigardtier, Hradle, Cenneny, Cuminings, Diis, Diukel berg, i'aby, Kbermmi, l'ralley, Haruisli, llershey, Leng, Metrger, Moere, sing, Storm felt, Winters, Zimmerman and Ileal d presi dent. i-iu.si.s iaiies 01 I'l.TirieNs. Hy Mr. Cermeny, for the guttering of the east side uf Seuth Prince street between I lager unit Seymour. Hy Mr. Auxer, ler the guttering el Kast Marien street betweeu 1 ranklm and Mar shall streets. Hy Mr. I'ralley, fera lamp at the extension of I Jincaster avenue north nt Lemen street; for a crossing from tlie Northern market hetel te the opposite side of the street , for a Hre alarm box at thoceruor et North Queen and Clay streets. Hy Mr. llatiiugariluer for the opening of Cherry alley from Jmuesstioet te l'rcdeilck, toils surveyed width and for guttering ami grading the same; ler the extension el the water uialu en Neitu Duke street from New te Clay. llyJIr, Cuinmiiigs the petition et Jeseph S. Zeek ler the grading and guttering et Ceral street. Mr. .00k stated that he in tended te erect 1,1 houses en that btreeU All tlie above petltltlens were referred te appropriate ceininlttecs. commit n.i: ni.i-euis. Mr. Haiimgardiier presented the report of the city treasurer and recoiver of taxes TI101 receipts of last mouth were f.ls,K0.ls, last mouths pjymeiits J3, 109 t- and tlie balance in tliu tttasury ;.,&JJ.JI. Tliu renerts of the lluaiii , water and Hre committees or the routine work done during the past month was read. 'IhoMrecommittou roierled that the bill for the new Mre engine, HfiOO, was laid ever te await the action el councils. vi'i'itui'iti vitsfi mi: itiimc mom;k Common council ordinance Ne. 1 was read a second ami third tlmu ami adopted by a unanimous vote. Seiect council concurred, following is the text et thu ordiuauce : Mi oiiliniince appropriating thn public moneys of the City et l.aiiuislur te ihe buvciiiI dupati incuts thereof, ler tlie ilscul cur commencing en the first day of lune, A D. Isni. sec. 1. lle lluiduliuil uj the sulcct unit (Jein 111011 Councils of the City of Lancaslei, thai the sum of ene liiiudn d and seventy live thousand, two hundred and lllty iletlam (l7i,-'m te) be ana tlie same Is ispi chilly ui)uiirlnlud te tliu sev eral objects herulimtiur iimncdiei tliu lUculv ear ceuiiuuuclng 011 thenrt day uf June, A. D.lboe. Sec. i. Te pay Interest en leans, including sinking fund r t 3S,V) (O I'rlntlisiletiliHUisasii-quliedby law . i.uju ou htate tux en leans :,ii i) ei stieetdauiairea .. i.,tO) l) Itepalis te streets .. .. 7.0UU 00 (j null 111;, gulleriurf.cressiiigs ami ma euuuiuuing Water erks guncnil Laying water piped, liicluillug Uiimgu slreut uiiilii .... Olie square llelglan block payuicul.. Sularlus Police und turnkey .... Lkthllugclty hltedeitiirtiiient irenend . . in.enii no 11,101) te lO.oen Oil J.UK1 01 7,w mi 11,'IIDOI JI.IM0 OJ 1,1110 ll J,000 00 C,sS0 (10 2.IIUO Ul Neweuglnu Ne. 1 Company Kiiglneurs, drivers, etc., el the tire lie purtment IlcllcleiiclusinilKhllng te June, Ismi . Dctlclenciculn wiuci ilL'pt.teJune, lv-l. Abateruant ler prompt payment 01 city tax Abateuient for luuiimt luymcnt of j.eju tu 2,750 00 water rents ,, , 000 (10 l'crcenbige ler collection or arrearages of city iix aviiM CentluKuniies IO.MjU ee, 'total fi;5,2'.e 00 Tin; eii.Ai'i' a, je.ni:s iimiini:. WI1011 select council resolution te ship bad; ship bacic read, Mr. the Clapp & Jonei ouglne was 3, 1880. Dalsr. moved toecuctir, and It was see-onded by Mr. Moere. Mr. Kberman said he did net see hew the ouglne could be sent back as It had been put I11 servlce hy tlinclty at the Oroetlugor and ether llrcs. The motion te concur was de feated hy a large majority, uet morn than half a d 07011 moinbers voting te concur. Adjourned. UUAUTKK HKtltUONX VUUIIT. An Awaiilt ami !ltlrjr Cnan IJerliteil A Trial fur ISelllug l,lfiier Without License, ircifnrtrfrii Alcriioen. Court re-assom-bleii at 'Jtlil o'clock and the trial of Banlel and Jehn McLaughlin for committing au assault ami battery 011 0. J. Illldebrand, was lesiimed. A few witnesses were ex- ntiilhed by the commonwealth, but no new facts were elicited. 'I he dolenso was that Duulel McLaughlin was passing lllldehrand's hotel, vvhoelllig a barrow leaded with reed for his pigs, when lilldebmnd came out and ordered him oil the boardwalk, saying that It was Ills private property. McLaughlin refused le go oirthe walk and Hlldebrand tried te push him oil. Jehn McLaughlin urrlved at this time mid interfered, claiming that his seu had the right te 11 se the boardwalk. father and seu denied that limy had run the wheel barrow against Illldebrand. It Was also proved that the boardwalk is ou tlie public read and that It was ptld ler with money contributed by residents of the village before Hlldebrand moved te the taveru property new occupled by him. The Jury rendered a verdh t or uet guilty and Imposed tbe costs en 0. J. Hlldebrand, the prosecutor. erdlcts of net guilty were taken In the cases el commonwealth vs. Harry Smith mid Jehn Wuhl, indicted for larceny. Thcoepar. ties were convicted at the lest term of court orrebbliigtheisafoatltaumgardnorAJellrios' coal ollleo mid were sentenced. 'J.he Indict ments en which verdicts were taken also charged tbe larceny of money rreiii the safe en ether iiiys, but the Urm did net press the cases. A similar disposition was also uiade of the i.use) pretense caseagainst 1,. Simen, the par ties having bellied their dillereuces and paid the costs. Ceunsel for K. J. Kuius, indicted for 0111. lK7lomeut ami false pretense, presented a ccrtillcalu el Dr. Netclier that Mr. i'viuis was tei ill te stand the ordeal of a trial uud asked ter .1 continuance of tlie case. Judge Living, slen said Mr. Kvans wasiuceurt this morn ing ami did net leek like a very sick man. He dins. ted that thu physician be in court for examination at o'clock Thursday morning. Huujainhi Llutner was put 011 trial ler being the father of an lllc-gltiuiate child, of which Naemi J". Wissler was the mother. Tlie accused was tried ami cenv icted for this olleuse souie mouths aue, but was given a new trial. On cress-examination the prose prese cutrix admitted that she had been intimate with ether young ineti Isiut the timu thu alleged olleuse was committed. The jury acquitted accused of the bastardy, but con victed him el fornication. Sentence was deferred. Jehn Stecker, olltehrorslovvu, was indicted ier sulling liquor without a license. The defendant kept 11 grocery btoreundthu testi mony was that prier te April, lbsT), Stecker sold beer te dlllureut p-irties. The case came Inte court en a conslnble's return, ou informa tion furnished bySemuel Dlsslnger. It was show n that Stecker did uet hav u 11 license aud that every two weeks bottled beer by thocase wasilolivered atSle:ker's heuse. On trial. Wednesday i.'rcmiij. Court met ut 7t!0 o'clock and the trial et Jehn Stecker, for sell ing liquor without license, was resumed. Thedelene was a denial of Stolker that he had ever violated tlie liquor law. It was ad mitted that beer was drank at his heuse, but it was given without pay te friends when they i-allcd thore. It was also shown that the party who had given tlie also te the con stable had licen prosecuted by Stecker and had this ease returned for spite. After the casewas given te tlie iury they retired te de liberate. Tuesday Mermntj. Court met.it 1) o'clock. Dr. Notcher apiieareil in court and toslllied that Uobert J. Kvaus was tee ill te appear for trial. The court continued the case until to morrow morning when tlie doctor is again te appearin court te rejKJrt as te 1 vans' condi tion. Henry I sner was indlited for perjury. According te the commonwealth's testimony Henry alias "Scabby" Smith was arrested ier chicken stealing. Justice caver heard the case and returned it te court. Henry Csiier ollerod te go hall ier Smith's appearance ut court. He was objected te audi sner said he was w llling te be qualiiled as le his preperty aud he was sworn te make true answers by the justice He testiMed that he was wertli inUO ever mid abeve all debts. 'I he com monwealth called witnesses te pVove that the only property ew nesl by Usner was live or six acres of mountain land, for which he paid tlG-', that a judgment for the purchase money was given, he had ether debts and was wertli nothing. At the hearing I sner admitted that he was net wetth the amount he had sworn te. The defense was that I slier lieught seme mountain landsoiue yi-aruage, mid bus made it 1 inn laud ; tlie crops ra'sed en the laud realize from 5100 te ?iru er year, and th it he had 11 right te value the property according te tlie Income revolved Irem It, which would make Its value far 111010 than ?i.00. lie was solicited te beiouie Smith's bondsman, mid did se, beheving himself te be worth the amount required by the justice. In addition te the 1e.1l estate it was sunvvii that Usner was tlie owner et personal prepiirty. His coun ceun ceun eol urged that accused did net commit por per juiy, under the iiu-ts as developed, mid lhat lie should be acquitted. Jury out. The jury in the Stecker liquor case, vv he retired last evening, had net agreed upeu 11 verdict when court adjourned. e-i Ulti-.Ni 111 sivnss. William Kusenteld, who was piosccuter in au embezzlement ul-c, failed te answer te his name this morning. An attachment was issued for him and lie was arrested by the short!!. Tlie court imposed a tine of fa and costs oil llesenleld, as he could notgivea satisfactory oxcuse for his absence. Aleilhat Seclely Meeting. l'lie ljincister City and County Medical society met in G. A. It. hall, Wednesday altorueou. The attendance of members was small, many of them being lu attondauce at the State Medical convention, at Willlains Willlains pert. President .oil occupled the chair, and tlie following were present: Drs. lleau, Hlack Hlack Hlack woed, Carpentor, Compten, Charles, Deiver, it. l'. 11 err, A. .1. llerr, llyu, Mowpner, (i. IC Uelirer, Heed, ltelaud, btewart, T. Thomp son, W. J. Wentr, T. 11. Went, J. M. Wit incr and Welciians. Keperts from the ceuuty as te the state el the public health being called for, showed that there are no epidemics prevailing, and very llttle sickness et any kind except coughs and colds. Owing te tliu small attendance, the month ly reports were postponed ; 110 essays or pa pers were read, and idler some routine business had bcuii transacted tliu meeting adjourned. A cbuuiu for home One tu Pay lllg Cents. Ou Woodward street, Henry Miller and n family named Mric-klur live next deer te each ethor. Yesterday they had a neigh bers' quarrel, and blows were struck, pistols drawn uud bricks thrown. Thu result is that enough suits have been brought te keep a quartei sessions court busy ler severnl ditvs. Hofero Alderman A. l Dennelly, of the Seventh ward, Miller lias brought suit against Charles and (leorge Strickler, for ns s.iult mid battery. He also charged the lat ter with carrying concealed weapons, point ing a pistol and surety el the peace. t Alderman McConemy's Charles Slrick ler charges Miller with assault aud battery, and tieorge strickler charges hliu with surety of the peace. llelore Alderman Doen, Charles Strickler cliarges Mlller w 1th surety of tlie jioace. Thore was n great deal of oxcilemont en Woodward street ever the row and mere may be loarned concerning It when the hearings are held. Ijitujelle Colleee llnuert. Tlie honors for tlie e-oniuiencemont oxer exer oxer clses of the senior class at Lafayotte collego have been aiinouuced. Alexander Parsons, of Wllkesbarre, Is the aalulaterlan, and Jes. Tininr. of Florence. N. J., tlie valedictorian. tieorge Hern, or itolvldere, N, J,, takes tlie R A. March prUe and deilvers the pliile- 1 logical oration. These three are equal lu 1 rank. IILAIXX'H VUlUtKVTIUS. What lie Kcnllr Held of Lord Hallnbury lu m, AiiKinla npcirrli. AtxiiTHTA, Maine, June .1. The Konnebeo eitrnnl this morning publishes a lotler te the editor from Mr. Maine, denying that the letter in his recent sjieecli at Portland hadnp hadnp plled the words impiident insolent, brutal" tolerd SiUlsbury Mr. HlalnowTiteH: I was rolerrlng te his lordship's declaration that tlie "Irish might remain as they are new sltuated or emlgrate," and 1 said intorroga interroga intorrega tlvoly, "Ih net this mi Impudent proposi preposi tion? Ih Itnotlnselontinltstorms? Does it, Indeed, step short or liclng brutal In its cru cru elty?" s:"itls parllainenbiry U) say that n sUto sUte sUto menl Is net true, but iiltogethox unparlla. menlary te Bay that its author Is guilty el lalsehoed ; the Mrst describes the thing, the second assails the person. My charactorlzn characterlzn charactorlzn tlen wns aimed ut the preposition mid net at Lord Salisbury isjrsenally." a. reusti uiKi;HFHiauTFur, wall. Dropping Oir 11 Tener te the Ureund Sixty Feet Ilelntv. Ahi-kv, Cel., June .1 Lastevenlnga party of young ladles climbed te the top of the Mre belt tower, CO feet high, for the purpose of obtaining n geed view or the city. Miss Kppa Stewart stepi-ed te the edge of tlie tower and was leaning against n corneriost looking ever tlie country, when the Janitor uet knowing the presence or the ladles, seized the bell ree te call a meeting or the Hre company. The sudden clang of the bell startled Miss Stewart, and losing her balance, she plunged te the pavement. Shu was car car ried Inte a neighboring house, wliore It was ieiind that both legs were crushed te such an oxtent tliat both feet had te be amputated within a lew inches el the knees. Her lelt arm was broken te splinters, mid live ribs en tlie right side were brokeu or lern loose from the spine. She is still alive, hut recovery Is luiposslble. The Sleep .Mayiluner. Hosies-, June The Mayllower went te Marblehead jesterday allorneou en her third trial trip. Her ballast has been shllled and added te. She was in better trim than en Monday, and although still 11 little bv thn huid, showed te much better advantage. She will loeoivo another ten or ballast, which will about balance her. The mainsail Is net yet prepnrly lilted, hut it Ls thought that the defect will be easily rotnedled. It dees uet new sewn probible that the sleep can be put in condition te participate In the Atlantic, Kewnnluka uud New Yerk club regatta. All Attempted Htllclil. Nl.vv Yeitic, June 3 The poeplo living In me leuement heuse Ne. i'JI KIdge street wero startled about i:te a. in. te-day by the rojiert of pistol shots. Investigation proved that tlie shots vvore Mred by Josepli Igarr, occupying apartmenls en the sc-eend lloer, in mi attempt te take his own life. He had Inflicted two dangerous wounds, 0110 in tlie left breast about an inch te the right et tlie nipple, and uuothcren the right side of the forehoad. He will probably dle. Drink and domestic trou bles are tbe causes assigned for the act, llililileiialrk Taken te Slug Sing. Ni vv Yeuk, June'!. Charles a. Huddou Huddeu Huddou siek, round guilty et the charge of man slaughter 111 causing the death or Leuis Wnltber, ene or his workmen crushed by the tailing or ene or iSuddeuslek's mud plastered tonemeuts, in fast (KM street, seme time age, and who was bontenced te a term ollenjears imprisonment in state's prison, was taken te Sing Singeu the eight o'clock train this morning te serve out the sentence imposed, ills counsel made strenuous ollerts te procure a stay but tailed. Laber Troubles lust. Leuln. St. Let is, June J. The workmen em ployed en several buildings In this city have been refusing te handle material irem sov sev sov eral planing mills where the men are ou a a strike. It is nuw said that unless this boy cott be raised that thu Master Builders' asso ciation will order a susisjuslonerall building ouiiextMond ly. Should this occur it will threw 10,000 men out of employ ment. Mr. Arthur u lletter. Nl.vv Yeuk, June X On account el the inclement weather josterday ox-Prealdent Arthur was afraid te go out, and coubequoutly did net t.ike Ills usual ridu lu the park. He did net sleep very well last night and did net riseuutll after n o'clock this morning. Uuliss the sun comes out and clears oil the rain he w ill ruiuiiu in the heuse te-diy. Illlillllii; Ter 11 Villain. Ci.smu.i , UK, June .k Ciee. Wesley Weed, vv I10 had.beeu living in the house of a Mrs. Andrews, 11 berry picker, for two days, it is said found 1'llza Andrews, the 13-v ear old daughter of his hostess, alone in the heuse yesterday iuA assaulted her. Ofllcera are searching for the wretch uud If he ls ieunil he will undoubtedly be hauged. Terrible Ilesults el a Spree. Citvi ianoeoa, Tenn., June;!. Nowset a shocking crime in Walker county, (ia,, has roached this city. Kess Wornek, a farmer alter a prolonged spree, was taken with delirium tremens, lie attacked ids vvifu mid cut horthre.it Irem ear te ear with a razor nnd then Iwat his 10- ear-old son almost te te death. He was arrested and placed in jail. l'relght llense llureed. Si. Leuis, Me., June 3. The large freight heuse of tlie Vaudalia railroad near the brldge in Lvst St. Leuis was burned at 11 o'clock last night. The less Is estimated at 70,000. Ceuti derate Memerial Iuy. Noui'ei.K, Vn, June J. Conlederate Me lunriid Day is being celebrated here with great enthusiasm. The city is illled with vis Itiug military companies, Including several l.rand Army jwsts. Appnlutcd C'eiiniilar Clerk, W.vsiiiNiireN, D. C, June 'J. Horatio CaU.H Weeds, of llhode Island, has been up peiutud by tlie president, consular clerk te vlsltaiid inspect t nited States consulates. A Clin age Tailor AM'gu. Ciucaiie, June X Dane V. Waterbury, 0110 or the eldest tailor merchants iu Chicago, has voluntarily assigned te Win. Ashton. Ills liabilities are $1 55,000 assets ?17,300. The Hume ltule lllll. Los-neN, J uue 3. Mr. Oladstone hasllxed 011 Monday us the day for the div lslen en the second reading et thu home rule bill. Outlaw Shet uiul Killed. Liti f.i: Kocir, Ark., May 3. Jim Heed, a notorious outlaw, was shot aud killed Tues day by two men lu ambush wlille riding out ei Yeunger's Hend, Creck nation. II KATll Kit I'UUIIAIIICITIKH, t WAHitlNiiieN, D. 0 June 3. Fcr "Tr Kastern New Yerk, Kasteru I'euu- Bylv aula, New Jersey, Deluware aud Maryland, lis-al rains, followed by lair w eather, coelor northeaf terly winds. I'eit I-'nin.w Slightly coelor, geuerally fair woather ls Indicated for the New Kug. laud and Mldille Atlautlu states. A Yuaug Weiiiau'a Oueer Autlcs. A young woman school toechor from Good Geod Goed vlllo, and au In ma te or St. Jeseph's hospital, attiactud uonslderable atteutlou;en Uast King street this afternoon by her strauge freaks. She was arrested In the neighborhood of tbe reservoir by Olllcer Luwars, or the Second ward, and taken te the Lancaster county hospital, from which place slu was taken te her old quarters St, Jeseph's hospital. PJUOfiTWO CENTS. U ITS CAKEKR'CUT SHOUT. a, LANCAtTXH HAIK HAtt. KAIMTH nu LOKlim. f ttkVtt Tli llsjer, Htnntad In m CMjr Will ApfHMl le the I'uldie for l'mnU le CM Hern-A Klery ur (ireM MUmanagMnaat lhat Kniudin uiuut.r. TJ10 Lancaster dub has disbanded, at though the players are still In till oily. Tha club started out with -very little esplUt the ilrstwoekliiMayniidlUrryOsilairherundor. took te manage it, Hefore thoteatn had bera hore more'than n day they were taken en a trip, openlng at Wllllamspert. Whlle away they played seven champion ship games, and an oxhlbltlen bkiue. 1 or each or (he champion games they r ex 1 veil fl5, aud iialr.ef the gate receipts for thuexhlbltlen game In Wilkosbarre. The club came home last Friday a week age, but the manager remained behind te altend a meeting or the Slate Association, and arrived en y following Saturday. It was oxpectod trial he would bring some mouey home Willi him, hut It was seen learned that Instead of making money he came back in debt. The Mrst games here were played with the Al Al Al toelmcllib. It was au oxhlbltlen coutest, and the second was n championship game. At tlie latter thore was but enough money tkeu in te pay the guarautee. On last Saturday two games vsre played with the Wllkesbarre club iukI a little ever fIJO was taken In. Of this amount the Wilkosbarre iieople get f'JO. On Monday the Scranton ioeplo played and, although the audience was small, (iallaglier promptly paid Iho guarantee. Alter the secend game Oallagher.couliluntberouiid. Dave Wheeler, who represented Mr. O'Leary, sent his club hoiiie yesterday but he remained behind te see Oallagher. He caught him near the Pennsylvania depet and a compromise was ellocted. (Iallaglier agreed te pay Wlioelem bill ei $33 at the hotel where tlie club had been stepping and ferw ard him the remainder or the guarantee ns seen as n meeting of the club could be held. This was satlslactery and Wheeler lelt for Wllllauispert at 10 o'clock yesterday. Tlie hotel hill has net been paid. Tlie players el the team are all left in a hole. 'Iho men wero playing en low salaries', and none of them have received but a low dollars. On tlie trip llallaqher would glve none or theui any mere than a tow ceuta at a time, aud In every town they wcrocempollod te walk te the ball grounds. Ker seme days last tlie men have been mi-Jer- the impression that they would net be paid. Theyspoketo Oallaglier but he put thorn oil, by making all kinds or excuses, front ene day te iiuother. The players learned, however, that he hail no money and had no possible way or getting any. Gal lagher did net seem much worried ever the wafer, hotvevor, and had a plausible story for ev ery one. Sev oral of the team asxed for thelr reease. but tliev worn rnfused. Te-dnv the month wus up and the wen should have been paid. At neon tiallaglier wenttothe Pennsylvania station where he purchased n llve day excursion ticket for New Yerk. Te seme parties he said he would be home te-night while he told ethers that he would remain away until Saturdav or Sunday. a"he liowistewn club were te play here te-morrow but no bills, have been up announcing thelr coming. One play or asked (Jalhigher what they should de about the game, and he told hlui te play the game and Instead of paying the guarautoe te keep the ifioney and dtvide it. Of the moinbers or the club, Shay, Zecher and Gibsen reside In Lancaster. The ethers hail liem dillercut cities, ene living in Clove Cleve laud, Ohie. All are left here penniless, and they intend te appeal te the sympathy of the cltlzena of Lau caster toralse oneugli money te pay their fares home. One of the men told an iNTKr.LiaEifeisn reperter te day that he had received but 35 ceuts since he joined the club. The ethors are almost as bad oil, and it is certain that they have been badly treat ed. The club w as started by Oallagher, who collected a small sum el money te commence operations. He took control of everything, and when his modeof conducting alluirs be came known, every one refused te de auy; thing for the club wlille he was nt its head. It is a ery unfortunate state of aflalrs, and It nil seems due te reckless management. The poeplo who were said te boellicersof the base ball association say that there never were such oMlces. Gallagher had control or everj thing, although he represented that thore was such au organization in the city. This morning the proprietor of the Orape hotel oudeaverod te collect tLe amount of the Scranton club's bill irem Gallagher. He refused te pay it. Werd was sent te Mr. Whoelor, and this afternoon he tolegraphod that he would pay the bill lu full, aud would send a money order at ence. Ou Saturday afternoon the players of the disbanded club will give 1111 exhibition game at the Ironsides grounds, llyndman and (ib&en will be the Inttery ier the plcked men nnd Driscell and Knox for the Laucaster men. The proceeds vv HI be for the beuellt el the pliti era. llase Hall Uriel. Tlie Association games yesterday resulted us follews: At Philadelphia: Pittsburg n, Athletics 1 ; at llaltlmore : Si. Leuis 11, Bal timore 1 ; at Hroeklyii : Cincinnati 0, Hrook Hreok Hroek lyn 2 ; at Staten Island : Me Is 7, Louisville The .League games wero : At Philadelphia : Phil tdelphia b, St. Leuis 0 ; at Bosten : Chicago !, Bosten 0;at v,ishliigten : De troit tl, Washington 1 ; at New Yerk : New Yerk 7, Kansas City 3. Jimmy Ualvln pltched a tine game for Pittsburg yosterday, nnd the Athletics made hut six hILs oil him. IConnedy was hit ten times. Oldlleld played miserably for Brooklyn j esterday, having lour errors. The Mets hit llamsuy very hard yesterday but the Loulsvllle could make but three hits oil Mays, a pitcher that they released last year. In yostenlay 'rigame vvlth'.CIilcage the Bosten club had no less thau eighteen errors. The Wllllamspert club gave siouteueorg, tiioScrantenpltcher,alossou lu batting yester day. They made lirtoen hits, yet lest the game by h te 0, en account or Melding errers. The Wllkesbarre club lest their Mrst game en the trip yesterday utAltoeiio, by 5 te 3. The batting was equal, but the Altoenas out Melded the visitors. Oanrel's release by the Philadelphia club was net made ou account et ids peer playing, hut simply liocause there was no use for him. Manager Wright says that Gaiiiel will strengthen any club if he hi kept In steady practice. VtWuifejiifu Tunes. The 'chest nut" or recommending a man after releasing lilni In order te get him a situation has been worked tee olten and managers lu search of players will pay little attention te it. Yosterday Mulvey, of Philadelphia, made a home run and it cost the club flu. The ball brokeu window iu a prhate rosjdeuee en Twenty-Hub street. Tem Hums, the third baseman or the New ark club, who made un attack ouaresiwct euaresiwct ouaresiwct able clllreu et Harrisburg last wluter,had tha suit which was brought against him, bellied. Mix king the HuKiueluuuia. The Culled States Ush coiniuissleu; con cen con tiuue te stock the Susquehanna freely with young shad. In addition te the several large shipments made last week from the battery station new Havre de Oraee, Mr. Frank L. Douuelly has this week inade the following distribution of slid free : 750,000 at Peaeb Bettem, 500,000 atConewlngo and f00,000 at t'lte's Kddy. Other lets will be placed at various points, and a litle later a large quantity of young rock llsh, which are new being hatched at the station, will be distributed. Hudden Death. On We.l11ehA.1v altnmenn thn wlfoef Dnll Uloaseii, who resides en the rcunsylrwij railroad Just east or Ueuk's Station, fPfJ dead In her yard. Apoplexy ' "uPJi !? have been the cause of her 1'"' ,?,SSJSd' un old woman, and beshle- er ?!!& who Is a track walker en Iho 1'eatwylMBi railroad, she leaves a son. Piem tlie rulten Democrat. ,,,.u,rui .... .,i h reurace aud truthful ness of the Lancaster ITM.uaK0KH ta . ness i l"V.lA,i,.a caution the we- ' lr:.. " ,' ..n.ier the above caption U we- . riXiVefwectrnKasUlue te 6e who te hl Ingratitude and treaebwy te tbet te whom heewed the responsible poslUeaj ta f bold during tbe war and whJcu'M. w m' te 011. i.