1 r I? is .1" mt MELICENCER. Yca. N1ILLIEN0tfl UILDINQ. tfc W UCWBfl liAMuana. Pa. rMrw-JVty "'' Jfettagitm. ABTMnTBMMMimr rm te JVly Omtl WCIKLV INTELLIGENCER, JRM Alll.1 PMUtMtB CVUV WEDNtSDAV MORNINO, IW Bitlmi a rar in jtdvtme. (V0JIJIaMffJrc(eltelctf Ae nwrypet t ltfMsMcsMslMiMtfry. Cbrrfenln or r. fWsKwfewrtt Uglbly and en en id efA jnr nty; and te titm JArtr nemn, net or trxMlMsUew, out In prea 0 poed Aua. AU mmvmeim Mterf w(U 6 eonKenfd e M Mur sKMrui all JMtert and IVUaramtte THE INTELLIGENCER, IiAsreAmi.PA. I)C Cfttuofite: intelligencer. LAXOASTBB, JUNK 2. 1888 Jehn Kelly. There is no occasion, in speaking of Jehn Kelly, te remember the injunction te speak et the dead nothing but geed, for there is no temptation te speak evil of him. It is net denied en any hand that he was a square, straightforward and honest man; courageous in a very remarkable degree; intelligent and sagacious. lie was a strong man beyond dispute ; with the strong feel-1 ings and prejudices which prevatl in strong uira, uu mm juek luwuuuus 10 lumper them. Jehn Kelly was a great leader, as his successful leadership showed ; but his power did net lie in plotting and schem ing ; he saw his object and broke for it straight through interposing tilings. lie did net stalk his game, but pursued it in open sight and wen it by thegameness and vigor of his effort. He was net a very geed judge of character, and his generous confidence was often betrayed. Sometimes he was right and sometimes he was wrong in the men he supported aud opposed ; but he was never found upholding men who had once exhibited a lack of integrity in their public or private undertakings. "With such men Kelly had no sympathy and for them there was always his hostility. And it was an enmity which did net yield te persua sion, lie was net a persuadable man. He was inalienably hostile te anything or per son that his judgment or feeling did net approve; and there was little power in him tekick against these pricks and subject him self te the judgment of ethers. He was a natural rebel; one of the class who when thev are right are great and when they are wrong are little. He was generally right. A mere fearless, determined and incorruptible leader the Democracy which enjoyed the full fruit of his life's labor and in whose cause he diwl nnvpr had and never will have. It is perhaps tee early for history te record of just what Talue Jehn Kelly was te his party and bis country; but when it is told, his lustre will be greater and the lustre of ethers less. The truth will expose him en a pedestal, amid pedestals that it overturns with a cy clonic force. A Peer Plea Ter a Preacher. A Baptist preacher in Germantown, named James, whose vocation does net prevent him from being illogical, writes te the Philadelphia Press complaining that some jeiier carriers out Ms way have been removed for reasons which de net approve themselves te his judgment ; their integ rity and faithfulness have never been ques tioned, and two et them at least were soldiers in the late war. It is the subject of the preacher's bitter complaint tliat " honorably discharged soldiers, sober and industrious public servants, are te be sum marily dismissed te make places for raw hands who are unproven save in the com cem com plexien of their party adulatiens." This preacher should take into account that for twenty-four years one-half the citizens of this republic, whatever their integrity, qualification, public service or private worth, were debarred from em ployment iu the federal service simply lie cause they were Democrats. When the vote of the people and of the electoral col cel col lege transferred executive control and the appointing power from ene party te the ether, these who came into the direction of public affairs found that Democrats had been almost universally barred out. In the Philadelphia posteffice, for in stance, with some niue hundred empleyes, scarcely a Democrat was found ; and it was Bhewn that upon one occ:islen when an ap pointee of that faith had accidentally get upon the list his appointment was re re veked by Postmaster Huidekoeper, en the plainly avowed ground that lie was a Democrat. In the departments at Wash Wash ingtenand the subordinate places ever the country the proportion of ene iu a hundred wa3 probably the extreme representation of Democrats, although fernmny years this party has comprehended a plurality of all the people of the country. Even these who made the civil service law made no restriction upon the executhe power as te removals ; Geerge William Curtis, Carl Schurz, Derman B. Eaten and ether promoters of the movement left the heads of department full power te swing the axe; it was only provided that apioint apieint tnenta should be regulated by merit us developed by the competitive examina tions. This was manifestly demanded by the consideration that these who were en joying these places had get them without any examination ; Jn ninety-niue cases out of a hundred they were appointed because they were RepubUcans, and Democrats were excluded from every cluines at them because they were Democrats. Under thU state of things it ill flU these who are in office and their backers te lament aud rail as they de when they are turned out. Atmest when they went in they were " raw hands aud unproven save in the complexion of their party affiliations If they are succeeded by imilt or even hg lit men, that may be made a standard of fair comparison and subject of just com- plaint ; uui ineir removal in itself ia en tirely justifiable and demanded by every consideration of justice nnd a properly regulated civil service. 1 1 is no fair system th.it would let men stay Iu simply because tasy are found in place, when it is notorious t tat Ibey were net appointed for merit. When the different department of the public t ervlce shall be even half fil'ed with Damocraie it will be time enough te talk ftwut checking removals At present the I te& t M0MMH9 SVMT KVBMNt M T M I ti'r I4M4MM JBMMlMl) THJ prapertWls scarcely one In ten. Turn the rascals out. All the World Leres a LeTcr. Fer one day at least, criticism of the president of the United States must yield te courtesy. Prem the day that the strong and original man of destiny who is new the head of the government came con spicuously before the American people ns a candidate for their highest honor, there lias been visited upon his ways nnd ersoti erseti allty all the llerce llcht that Is said te beat aoeut a throne, blnce Andrew .lack son's day no public man has had such ir- suiiui ui;nai;iiuii,c;iiuuiii aim iicrceassuuii made upon him ; and ns the newspaper luesM unu means 01 quiCK communica tion have multiplied since Jacksen's time the attacks upon Mr. Cleveland have been mero intense and widesnread. He has survived them and strengthened under mem uccause ne is a man 01 great strength of mind, of original manner, and because his words and methods appeal te the com mon sense of the average niau. He has gene about his matrimonial affairs in his own way ; they have been the subject of much gossip aud criticism, of great newspaper enterprise and greater fabrication ; all this ought te cease in the presence of the acknowledged fact. The president of the 1'nlted states is te be married te-night, as is his right and duty. All of the people forget politics and wish him and his bride great joy and lengthened days. Beyond this no mero can be said. The Prohibition Policy. Neal Dew. the temuerancn rpfnrmpr nnil practical Prohibitionist, refused te occupy a seat en the platform with Mr. Blaine at the Irish meeting iu Portland, last night, lest, me association might be interpreted te mean that the Prohibition opposition te Mr. Blaine would be withdrawn 111 isss. In 1SS-I Xeal Dew was used by the Blaine people te conciliate the Prohibitionist suffi ciently te support Ul.tine, without offend ing the large class who differ from their principles. been after the election Dew announced iu effect that he would net again permit himself te be used as such a catspaw. Jn "ew Jersey the Prohibitionists have nominated for governor Gen. Clinten U. Pisk, a leading member of the Methodist church, a rattling campaigner and a man of affairs. In Pennsylvania some of them favor Gen. Beaver as the candidate, a geed enough Prohibitionist for them until after the elec tion ; ethers want Charles S. Wolfe as the candidate and a canvass with plenty of lire in it. We will wait and see. The Oleomargarine Tax. Itiselaimed by the friends of the bill pending in Congress te suppressoleomarga suppresseleomarga suppressoleemarga rine.by taxing it out of existence, that no further amendment te It can prevail than that which has reduced the proposed tax from ten te eight cents per pound ; in this shape it is expected it will pass the Heuse. It can hardly be hoped the Senate will beat it. It is scarcely te be feared the president will approve it. Such a tax is mere than oppressive ; it i3 outrageous and contrary te the spirit if net te the letter of the constitution , for it is net levied te raise revenue but te extermi nate an existing industry ; and that only because it rivals another industry. If such a law as this ever gees into force, it will be quite in order for these who make shoes by hand te demand that machine made shoes be taxed out of the markets, and these who keep bees te have a dollar a gallon tax laid en molasses, te keep it from cemj)eting with honey. In the death of Jehn lvliv. tim Tumm.ne leader, the Democracy of tlie country sus tains a serious less, lie was a man who had the ceurage of his convictions, and his worst enemies L-lve him rreii it inr m... sively honest defense eftheui. That venerable old Institution of classical learning, the Methodist college of Dickinsen, at Carlisle, is experiencing the occasional revolution in Ps affairs which occur in the history of miht institutions or Us kind. The radical and conservative lerces among Us alumni and patrons colliile j the old must always give way te the new, aud the lneviU- uiu rami js uueciumi advance, irtheele ments of progress are successfully resisted a retrograde movement is inevitable. Col Cel leges no mero than individuals cannot stand stilL The trouble at Dlckinseu, which has culminated in the determined moveiuent for achange iu its presidency began with the discord between Kev. Dr. J. .. McCauley aud three of Ills colleagues in the faculty. It resulted In their withdrawal, but it left seeds of treuble behind and Iu the w Ide con cen stituency which the men who were crowded out eujoyed. Hince then the presidency of Dr. McCauley has net been crowned with ro re sults te justiry his continuance at the head of the institution, In the Judgment or a great mauy of its patrons. The average num. bers of the graduating vlttwt have decreased; new buildings and new proressors have net sulliced te draw Htudents and from that part et the church In which the loudest demand is made for Dr. McC'h retention the least sUreuaire is secured for the institution. The deviation from the old classical standards and the ad mission of women te the college hae net en- uauceu us popularity ; and Us iulluonce upon and relations with the church which directs IU fertunes are said te be altogether uusall. factory. Under these circumstances It is net surprising te hear that Dr. McCauley coutom ceutom coutem plates resignation at the appre tching com. uiencement aud that the friends of Dickinsen are stirred up evor the selection of a tit suo sue suo cesser. As the day melts into evening it is net Im probable that the president may be humiiiin" te hlmseir these beautilul lines et heett : '?.V,0.r,,1,',l,;e cert. the cuum, the glove And mail below nmlaalul. i.i.uie" ' Inr love Is nuawu anil heaven Is feo. Tin: Seuth Pennsylvania railroad deal Is uew bofero the supreme court in liar rlsburg. Mr. MaeVeagl. Insists en the puer lie argument that it was net the Pennsyl vania railroad company, but the l'ounsyl l'eunsyl vanla company, which contracted te purchase the controlling Interest in the Seuth I'enn, though the oxecutlve officers of the two com' panics are the same. Fer the Heech Creek part et the deal, he conteuded that as the Northern Central was the purchaser, and It was net a "cempellug or parallel Hue," It had a right te the ownership. This he main tained, despite the fact that the Ceniiby -vanla railroad coiniauyew nod fcU-tlilrtreiiit-s u"ue neriuern central stock. It will be queerll the supreme court does net knock ly arguments et this kind Inte a cocked i.vVlKW ,la,s aR0 1'l'lladelphia was sheckeS MnertT' f ." ,nre,t b"lUI murder, U uTrlty ?WKu ' WllJ' clf'""t"tll Partial- ha. dlscharge.tVhXt'if, Kffi woman came te her death fro n fa Jth which ezzell had nothing te de. u thU had happened Iu the far west, Herelll wnni 1 probably have been lynched, andlie ". ascertained afterwards, which hews that it charge " ' " wuraer LANCASTER DAILY PitEPAiiATieNs en an extensive ncatenre being made In Chattanooga, Tenn., te drill for natural gas and capitalists are contldent el success; but mero tangible ovidcuceof prosperity is aflerded by the fact that Beernl Urge Western Hrms, netablv the St. Leuis Pipe cemiiany, anil Dentils, l,eng A Ce., have purchase,! land aud will at once erect large shops giving employment te evor 1,000 men in me manufacture of ple the largest works of the kind In the Seuth. Klght railroads ceutre In the city and the dredging ei the Tennessee nver will glve an outlet by water te New Orleans. A test or Tennessee ores for the. llessemer process proved entirely satlslacterv. The lIasle unv oesa has been tried, but the Bessemer is pre ferred. The bulk of the finished output is sold at Terre Haute, Sf I.euls and Cincin nati. There is a tannery lu Chattanooga which Is lieasted the largest lu the country ; also a large stove foundry, a plow works and numerous ether liuluttrl.il enterprises. The colored men are developing a talent for skilled labor, ever 200 being employed as meulders. At the annual meeting et the stockholders of the l'ennRylvaula railroad company iu Pittsburg en Tuesday, an increased less of J3SI,151 ler lssj wasshewu In the operatlng of Its Northwestern system of line, com posed of Pittsburg, Pert Way-no A Chicago rallwayand Lake Hues, Jellerson, Madisen A Iudlauapell' railroad, and Indianapolis A Vlncennes railroad. There was n reduction In the volume of the passenger traffic, aud the rates received for the same, both In the Northwestern system, including the Pitts burg, tort Wayne , Chicago rallwayand Iake lines, ns well as en the Southwestern system, Including the Pittsburg, Cincinnati A SL Leuis ndlway uud the Chicago, St. I.OUIS A' Pittsburg ratlreuds. There was a general decrease of revenues 011 the 2,771 -1-10 miles of read controlled by the company, which may be largely laid te the score of hard times. PERSONAL. Hit. W. B. Renr.KTs has carried Craw ford county for the Republican nomination for Congress. Jehn B. Kilk, of I'lattsburg, New Yerk, hr s been appointed Indian school superin tendent, vice Jehn II. Oberly, appointed ti civil service couimlssleuor. Mkismwikr the great French artist, at 72 years or aiie, has quarrelled with his picture dealer aud cashier ; he is heavily iu debt and apprehends he will have te go about with a picture under his arm, as it he were a be ginner Instead eriielnr; a et?rau. Miss Katit A. Lkiitk, daughter or Jacob A. Leippe. proprietor or the Ancher Bending works in KemliiiKi formerly of this city, has caused astir In Beading by marrylug Hetrt A. Klegel, a peer but handsome young shoe maker. Her father threatens te disinherit her. Urniiy James declared that he could net live in Bosten, because the climate is se ex hilarating that It was like a continual cham pagne Intoxication. Whether this represents the case or the novelist or net, it H a most unfair statement of U10 case of many ether people. MANAemt IIenby II Ali.kn is about sail ing for Kle Janeiro. lie says: "I have slimed with Patll a contract te eism In New Yerk, November 15th, a ories operatic con cen con certs. She will sing In costume. She will travel under my management as Mine. Patti Patti Nlcellul. I contract te furnish her a ic:iat saloon car, lilted wltn eveiy convenience 1 shall take this car te Mexico aud California, where she will also make teun?. This Ainerican tour will net only be her last her farewell tour but positively her veryiiual American farowell. Dr. Baxter's wile, a lady of fashion in Washington, "has as a iet a voting Texas wildcat, which is very tame, but ter which the doctor has had te have a large cage built in the yard, as it would oc-isienallv visit the neighboring kitchens, terribly frighten ing the Hibernian or African cx'iipauts thereof. Senater Edmunds' daughter has a Httle bull terrier named Clrip, en whom much attention is lav Ished, and who has a covered walk built expressly for him, lead ing from his room In the s'lble te the back parlor window, se that he can go and come in stormy weather without getting wet. THi: NKVf ST. lMTItlUK'.N WAV. The harp that ter ajjes In silence hath -lumbered Again te the antheui of freed 11 m shall akc, The hours of oppression lu Erin ure numbered, Her sons have uprisen their fetters te break, Ana seen snail bv seen l'reudly waving the green And patriots long exiled home Uiklug their way. And llierty's strains Will be heard en the plains And the hilltops et Krln next Patrick Day. Vem the Jloiten Courier. WttheuLManiirerthrt bntivTa rnmrh p.in tiM rnruii by lied Star Cough Cure. .Se poisons, Teething llablcs are happy If their gums are bathed with Dn. I U Mi's Teething Letien. Summer Mothers be carerul of your tables with dlarrheji. Iir. Kami's DlaiThcea Mixture cures when everything else falls. Price 15 cts. Fer sole by II. II. Cochran, .Ves. I'i7 and 13U North Queen street, Lancaster, Pa. lmdAw J. I.. Norten Carrell, residing at far Kocka n uy, (Jueens Ce., .V. Y., w xs se crippled with In In tlammiitery rheumatism, of ten years' standing, that he had te use crutches. He was completely cured by taking Urandreth's Pills every night for thirty nights, aud will answer any written or personal Inquiries. M'XCIAX. XUTlVKa. What Can He Cured, Lt's Net Km! ure. If we can cure an ache, or a sprain, or a pain, or a luuieness, or a burn, or it brul-e, or 11 bite, by using raemai' Kclecrte Oil, let's de It. Thorn Thern as' Klectrie Oil Is known te be geed. Let's tri ll, r ur mlu by 11 II. Cechnin, druggist, 1J7 and lai North ueen street, Lancaster Frem srHcuse, N. 1. I felt wcjik and langulu: hid pilpltailnn et the heart and numbness of the limbs, llurdeck Meed II Men have t-urtalulv relieved me. 'they nromeit excellent." Mr. J. M. Wright. Pur sale by II. H. Cochran, druggist, 137 and U'J North tjucen street, Lancaster. honing Wild Oats. Hew many waste their time and resource in toellsh experiment, with nasty worthless med icines that can never de thetnawhlt of geed If you are sick nnd want help get a rcputable remedy of established merit. The curative vir tues or Jlurileck mood Jlttteri have neier been questioned. Ker an eulteblttl circulation ern 7l!?.,'.,",".mftch lhey ttre splendid, for sale by 11. 11. Cochran, druggist, U7 and IU North euecn street, Lancaster. Glad te Hear II. "Ker several months I endured a dull pain through my lungs and dhouldeis; lest mv pints, uppi-Ule aud color, and could with dim dim cultyretiminfremmy bed. My present health, till condition 1. aue te llurdeck J Heed Jluieri." r.!!, i.Av"'i.ll,,ill,.Klm"1"en. N. . let sale by It. 11. Cochran, Uruggut, 137 and LO North (Jueen stroet, Lancaster. Mr, Geerge Dedge .Speaks. This gentleman Uvea In Emporium, Pa., and ays, "tine of my man, Han. Lewis, while work ing In the weeds spntlneil his ankle se bail he could hardly hobble te the home. Used VAom VAem hi' AcltctTie Oil and was ready for work the nex t morning. I have never yet seen se gnea a inedlehie " Ver sale by II ft. Cochrun"drug Cechrun"drug glst, 1J7 and 13M North (jtieeu street. Lancaster. A ikiptl.t Minister's i:tp,.relire. "I am a llantlst nilnlsier, nnd before I ever lluiiight of being u clergyman 1 gradiialed In liiedklne.biil lelt 11 lueratliu pructlie funny ire-eut profession, forty jearsage. I was ter many jnin sufferer from .iiilnsy. Themat' iw'ItJ'?0 '' cu,rcd tue. 1 was also troubled with i .iii"iV"' U,iil i0,";,. Kleclrie Oil alwitys relleied 111a M y w lie u.id ehllil had diphtheria, and Themat' 1-Uclrlc Oil cuieil them atidlf taken In tl.ne It will euro sev en tmeseiuf ten I ,im cenlldent it Is u euro for the me,t ebst 1 at, cold, or cough, and If any ene w 111 take as ill l.-aspiM,,, and lad f llll I,? wl.h the O.t.Snd he. .I.1.,!'"A,!l'le.f thospeou lu ene nostril and Oraw the Oil out of the Bp.Kiu Inte U.e be'td, I y ni r"t?ift .hh1,,,,.f" Ul' -. until theOiJiairi u.v1 he, tl'riwt, and J.raetlie It twice a week, I dent euro hew elfenslvu their head !!!rLe'i. l,w " ?luun H ""t d euro their ia. Uirrh. r or deafness and earache. It has de. e w nnilers te my cerUUn kne ledge. It Is he only inedlelne dubbed patent medlelnu that ; h" u ,. er felt like recemmciidlug. nnd I am v erv iinx Ions te sce U in every place. Ter I tell J011 tlmtl would net be without It iu my house for any I Ollslllerutletl. I mil nnw b,ii(..ri.... .. ..... ".' Ilkoiheumiitlsiulii my right limb, aud utitldi g relieves me like 'Jheiiutt' J.'cUclne oil." lir p r. Crane, Curry, Pa. Persaln by If. 11 Ceehmn, druggist, lJ7and ) North Clueen street Luncoster. ' IJIIOWN'8 HOUHK1IOLI) PANACKaT la tliuuiest effective Pain Destieyerln the world. Will most surely qulckuu the bleed whether taken Internally en. uiiplled externally, and tburehy mero certainly UKLtUVK PAIN. whether chronic or ucute, than any ether pain alleviator, and It Is warranted deuble the strength of any similar pruiia ration. It cures pain In the HlJii. flack or Uowels, Sere Threat, Uheuinatlsm, Toethacha and ALL r,.!!sJVJ:.,u..Tuu.(,r,,at Uellover efPaln. "UHOWN'ailOIJSKiniLD PANACKA" should be tn every family. A teas poenlul of the Panacea l2r. "JPl0' 1.1" .WUUir Inweotenod. tf pre- COLL). eenta a bottle. um.lyaM,W,ASW INTELLIGENCER, WEDNESDAY JUNE 2, 1886. MltltlVAL. AY UK'S PILLS. Constipation a universal ami most troublesome disorder It caines Hcadsetae. Mental l"ireten, Impairs the SUM and llearlnir, destreys the Appetite, and, n hen Iehr continued, causes Knlargvinrni or the l.lver, lntlsmmattennr the Uewels, nnd Piles, Constipation U 9ecdlly cured by A er's for a number of mouths I win treulilrd with CestHenesa, In conseiltienco of which t sullerrd from boss el Appetite, l)ippsln, and i dls ordered liver My eyes aluotteiihud 1110. 1 was compelled te wear a shade eer tttein.anil.it times, was unable te bear oipesuro te tie light. 1 was entirely CURED BY USING three boxes et AVer's Pills. 1 have nehcslta tlen in pronouncing this modlcltie te be the best cathartic ever made. James Kccles, l'e- iniiii. 'iih. 1 surfer from Constipation, ami, consequently, from Headache, indigestion, and Piles, ler years. A er's Puis, which 1 took at the siiRgestlen of a friend, hne Riven me effectual teller, lcem iticurca taking this remedy two mouths age, and am new (ree tmu Constipation, the luminal of which has reused mv ether tmuhlrs te du.it- pear, and givntly Improved tny general health. w . heeler, Amherst, Mass. 1 suffered titmi Constipation, which assumed such an obstinate form thU 1 fe.urd It would cause a stoppage of the tMinels Twe bees nr Aer's Pills cured me, lemplnlely. 1). llurke, Sace, Me. Ayer's Pills, Prepared bv l)r J C Aver A Ce, Lewell. Muss bold by all Druggists and Pealets In Medicine tui-teJJ T 1HKD OIT! l'liTslilaiis and Druggists Iltt'etuuieml BROWN'S IRON BITTERS! AS THE BEST TONIC. At this ea-en nearly ever)" ene needs te u some sort of tonic lKO enters Inte almost every phjslclan s pres. rlptteu for these who need building up. Ker We.ikiipKs.LsssltudcJLack of Knergy.Kte , It HAS NO KIJPAL, and Is the only Iren iniitl cine that is net Injurious. It hn riches the llleial, lnxl'erates the Svstem, ltesteres Appe tlte. Aids Digestion, tt dei-s net blacken or In jure the teeth, cause headache or produce con situation its ether medicines de. lis. li II IIiselkv, 11 leading physician et Springfield. Ohie, sajs llrewu's Iren Hitters Is a thorough!) geed medlclne. I ue It In my practice, and llnd lis action cveels all ether forms et Iren. In weakness, ern low condition of the system, llrewn's Iren llltters Is usuall) a rMxItlre necessity, tt Is all that Is claimed rer It. Ha. W N. Waters, IJ19 Thirty second Stn-et. (.enrgetewn, I). C-. .i)s "llrewn's Iren Ult ters . the Tonic of the age. Nothing better, ft creates appetite, gives strength and Improves digestion " The Genuine has Trade Mark and crossed red lines en rapper, lake no ether. Made only by BKOWN C1IKMICAL CO.. (1) Llalllmere, Md. G KAY'S bl'EUiriO MKD1C1XK TIIKGKKAT KNGL19U RKMEDY. An unfailing euro for Impetcncy. and all Dis eases that foilew Les of Memery, Universal i.assuuue, i-am in me iuick. ifiinnes ei v lslen, Prema ure Old Age. and many ether diseases that leid te Insanity or Consumption and a Premature Grave -Pull particulars In our pamphlet, which we desire te send free Uy mall toeveryeno. Cf-The Speclrlc Medicine Is sold by all druggists at li per package, or six packages for is, or will be sent fiee by mail en the receipt of the money, by addressing thn agent. 11 It. C0C1IKAN, Druggist, Sole Agent, Nes. 137 and 1J3 North Queen btreet, Lancaster, Pa. On account of counterfeits, we have adopted we uaiuw itiiiiiT: idu uuiy genuine. illt EGKAY MhDICALCO.. ap5-lydAw nuaale. N. Y. E XUAUSTKIf VITALITY. EXHAUSTED VITALITY TUKSCIKNCEOF LIKE, the great Medical Werk of the age en Manhood, Nervous and Physical Debility, Premature Decline, Eirorsef 1011th. and the untold miseries consequent thereon. 3M'ages ve. IS prescriptions for all db.1-.1scs. Cleth, full gilt, only fl CD, by mall, sealed, lllustrattvesample liee te all eung and iiilddlo-egrd men for the next 90 days. Address UK. W. II. PAllKKlt, f llultlnch Stieet, lJosten, Mass. myl-lyeed.tw ueu.ir.FVityiniumi ouena. TE IIAVE A LAHGK STOCK OP TIIK UEST REFRIGERATORS IN TIIK CITY. The Pierce Dry Air Refrigerator. UARDESHOUK, WATER COOLERS, ICE CREAM FREEZERS, And a full line of IIOUSKFUUNISIIING GOODS The largest stock- of GAS KIXTUliLS In the city. Special attention paid te Gas-rittlng, Tin Itoetlng and spouting We h iv e Just received another let of these 25c. GLOBES. JOOP. SCHAUM & SON, 24 SOUTH QUEEN ST., LANCASTKlt. PA. "ly-M. A. K1EFKKK. ALDUS C. UERR KIEFFER 8c HERR, Ne. 40 East King Street, (Opposite Court Heuse). Invite all Housekeepers te Call and Inspect their Stock of Heusefuimshiiig Goods. A Complelo Line constantly en hand. COOK STOV'KS and ItANGKS, PAKLOIt STOVES HEATEltSand rUllNACES. STOMER COOK STOVES. Afler carefully examining the merits of all offered te thu trade, wu have selected THE "ARGAND," Fer GASOLINE, and THE 4t DANGLER," for COAL OIL, As the llest, when all points are tonsldeied, te offer te our patrons. Call nnd see us. We love te show our goods, nnd urn net offended If you de net purchase, lleiiiember, we aru agents for The " Splendid " Heater. Mautiractuicd by ruller .V'Warrun Company, liny, N. Y. which has no rival in durability, economy of fuel and control of , 'gas. New Is the tli.10 teexauiiueuud become posted for Aututuu purchases. ItEMKMIIEIt THE PLACE I 40 EAST KING ST., (OPPOSITE COUUT HOUSE ) ap2-tfd&w aULLlNKUY. TMMKNHi: AHSOIITAIKNT. A. HIRSH NOS. O & 8 NOHTH QUEEN ST. In our linmonse assortment of elegant HATS AND BONNETS wheSrSif V?rBHU,IU ,hi" ee found any trlmmei lI.i,l,,1Unettue,1,,l0', variety of un. iV. S1SS. 1 ".u ?na "enneuat the lowest price. PlewrsyK!t !'i ,iev"lu 1" .Ulbheni. Peathem nnneS'-?ri,',,'.,'.af.0 "f u11 kinds and UaU and jienncu Trlinmed Pree of Charge. WATl'ilit" niiI.1rP5.f.".,.0!?J,M,,,.t0.f JWKLHV, IVAICiiK!.Hl'li.CTACI.KandCLOCK8. O" "OUT AMJBIIOE DKPAllTMKNTUcem. ..VfS our OENT'8 BTItAW HATS andKLT II ATS at the lowest price. Call and ec. all '.'uia VLurmnu. H IHSU A BlUmiKH JUNE FIRST Urlngs thoughts et AltM WKAT11 Kit, which In turn makes ene think of Light-Weight Olething, Light-Weight Underclothing, LIGHT-WEIGHT HOSIERY, Ai , ,V , Ac In our Bleck of 1.10111 WKIUIITCLOTIIUINO ou lll find SEEHSUCKEIt COATS AND VK8TO At M.M, 1. and :( Alpaca, I'ongee and Mohair Ceals, and Coats and Vests. Linen and Imitation Seersucker Coats, from .vc. Pp ward. In Light-Weight Hosiery ou will tlud a Complete Line, from 23c. a dozen pair te 50c per pair. A Splendid Seamless Stocking, white or colored, two pair ferisc A Light-VI eight Ilalbrlggau or Lisle Thread Seamless Blocking, at 'iV , ',!u., 9uc aud .Vic, la Light-Weight Underwear We have anything, at 17c. Sic , liV., "., 75c and ll.K' a-A Special lUrgaln In a tlnelv Mulshed M.W.IUtUHiAN MIlltT or DKAWtltB ilSHe, each. ffirsh & Brether's ONE-PRICE CLOTHING HOUSE. COUNBB. NOKTU 0.UKKN 8TUEKT AND CENTHK BQUAUE. w 1L1.1AMSON A FOSTER 32 te 38 EAST KING ST. CO rO EverylxHly's Outlltters ! ICO ! rO SINOLEHKEASTED Prince Albert Suits, 817.00. 1JLACK AND liKOWN Salisbury Dress Suit, 813.0O. Our Special Swift ltlver CASSLMEKE SACK SUIT, 812.00. ALL-WOOL CASblMKHE SACK OR FROCK SDIT, $10.00. CO 00 CO CO m CO H CD CO H m m -H m CO 5 O CO H 33 m m Medium Weight and India Uauze UNDERWEAR, 23c., SOu. A 75c. et cities in Silk Neckwear, 23 Cents. FANCY HOSIERY, Stripes and Solid Celers, 25 cents. LIGHT STIFF WERBYS, NKW STYLES, 1'KAllLanaNUTItA. 'i. DRESS STRAW HATS, 00c , COc , 73c, Beys' Dress Straw Hats, 13c, UI'WAHDS. Our Special Dress Shee, 83.00, CALFSKIN UI'FEItS, SOLID LEATIlKIt COUNTKUS, OAK-TANNKD IIOTTOMS, Made te our Special Order and Warranted. e CO H m J3 O CO H m 32 te 38 EAST KING ST, UBAIH1NU, SV, JNDKMTUUCTIBLK OKAININU. N0C11ACKIN0, NO 1'KKLINO, NOULISTJCU INU. We have a system of Ktulntnir wu weed that mutt. In the near future, take the place or the old system ou all nuw work, IU merits being as follews: Total abolition et a painted ground work, epeed and clcanllnesa In working It, beauty and transparency el finish, smoothness and durability, and the capability of receiving as high finish as hard weed by Iho saine moth, eds. This process Is the nearest approach te natural weed that has yet been discovered. Call aud seu samples. UUTIIKIK AbON, belu Agents for Lancaster County, Heuse l'alullng and Uralnlng Emporium, corner of Chestnut una Nevln blreeu. Always a large stock of Uunues en nana. Telephone connections, niars-ltmd Williamson & Fester. Williamson & Fester, fJUIIS l'APKB 18 PRINTED WITH INK Mmufacturea by J. K. WBIQHT A: CO., nurlMya U anfl:uaw 8t 1'hiiAaelpliU, p jitwnLMttr, jtv. JJ JR. UUOADS, JKWKLRH. H. Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry, Silverwnre. Oil Paintings, Statuary, Musical Bexes. Bronze Figures, Sterling Silver, Geld & Silver Head Oanes, -A roll Line of ITigresIve Kuohre and ' The Herman" ITUiw. ' ' 0, H. Z. RHOADS, Ne. 4 West King St. MiJiuiriiiB. F1KKI KIKKI1 KIKE 1.1 WATEK WATKKII WATKKIH Great Bargains ' -AT- KEPLER'S. $40,000 WORTH or HARDWARE WILL HE SOLD REFRIGElWOIvS Water Coelers, LAWN MOWKRS, CLOTHES WRINGERS OIL OLOTBS, Ready -Mixed Paints. All Want te Take Advantage of this GREAT SALE, WOOD AITD IEMPITKPS. Special Inducements and Bargains -reit Mechanics, Builders, Farmers' GBEAT VAKIkVrr or THE I1E8T Steves, Ranges, Heaters, FURNACES, -AND- HODSB FURNISHING GOODS. ALL WILL BE BOLD. HEADQUARTERS FOR Champien Reaper ANU KKI'AIUS. A. C. KEPLER. niHrle-amdJlASA w VAMMAUma. jDTANDARD CAKBIAQE WORK. Edw. Edgerley. CAEEIAGE BUILDER Market Street, Rear of Pocrteffloe, Laneaeter, Pa. . i7 ."i00? """Pflscs a lartre variety of the Latest Htyle If uggles, l'haiteus. Carriages, Mar. ket and Iluslncss Wagons, which I offer at the very lowest figures and en the most reasonable terms. I call special attention te a few of my own de. ?!?.?,'!? P' which it me KDUE1U.K VCLOSEO I'HYSICIAN COUI'E, which U decidedly the neatest, lightest and most complete rhyslcl&n's Carriage In the country. l'ereens wishing te buy a geed, honest and substantial article, should bear in mind that they lake no risk In buying my work. .Every Carriage turned put In eighteen years a geed one that ts the kind of guarantee I have toeffor the public All work lully warranted, l'lease glve me a call. KEPA1UINO I'llOMI'TLV ATTENDED TO. one set of workmen espectalty employed for that purpose MOTIUHB. Q.KAND DIHPIiAY OF NECKTIES. UO TO KBISUAN'S, OAMHIi'S HAIR UNDHRWHAR, OO TO EUISMAN'8. T310R IiATEHT STYLES' J2 COLLAUS AND CUrFB, HO TO KUIiiilAN'S. QHEAPE8T AND BEST SCARLET UNDEBWEAB AT ERISMAN'S. NO. 17 WEST KINO 8T LANCA8TE1 4 WATOUMB, mv. TyATOHEH, OLOOKH, 40. " WATCHES, CLOCKS. Ac. SPECIAL 8ALK Of GOLD-KILLED CASES (llemi's Manufacture), hunting or open-caied watch, nlckle works, If Jewels, stem winding and setting (limited number) at rtt.OQ. Alse 7S In silvered hunting cases, same works, at f 7.W each. Urcat hargalns In Lancaster Watches. All the best Klglns and ethers. Correct time dally bv telegraph 1 only place In city. ISest watch and (Near V. B. It. .4 Nnh QUen SpccUcles and Eye Glasses. Optical Z. RHOADS, JEWELER. Kin et.urMB. glK arEOlAIi HAI.K -or- KID GLOVES -AT- WAY DOWN PRICES, -AT ASTRIGH'S Palace of Fashion, 13 EAST KINO STREET. rour-llulten Colored, Forty-four Cents. rivo-Iliitten Scalloped Tep, Ileal Kid, at Forty-eltfht Cants. r'lvo-llutten Ileal Kid, Scalloped Tep, Tan Celers and Drowns, Fifty Centa. rour-llutten Heal Kid, Stitched liack, rtne Tan Celers, nl Slzty-nlne Centa. Four llutten Undn-iised Krai Kid, rine Tan Colen, at Flfty-nlne Centa. (lie-Heek Lacing ileal Kid, Fine Tan Celers, Soventy-flvo Centa. Klfty doien New 811k Taffeta Gloves, rine Shadns, Tans, Slatrs and llrewns, six button lengths, sites, 0 te ("X. at Twonty-flve Centa a Pair. Twenty nve dozen black Taffeta Gloves, same inallty and length, Twonty-flve Centa a Pair. rortydTe Inch BMrtlng Embroidery, rine Lawn, rine Werk, Bigbty-flve Centa a Yard. 8p.'clal lkirgalnln Skirting Embroidery, Tin est Quality and Fattern, 91.26 a Yard. I'ull Width Oriental Skirt Laces, Cream and Bulge, at Eighty-flve Centa a Yard. Heavy Egyptian Skirting Laces, Cream and Beige, at 81.00 a Yard. Oriental and Egyptian Laces, nine te ten Inches wide, Cream and Ilelge, at Twonty-flve Centa a Yard. Black Spanish Guipure Skirt Lace, te Inches wide, 83.50 a Yard. Black Silk Escurlal Lace, rine Quality, 40 inches wide, 84.60 a Yard. Black bilk Chantllly Skirt Lace. 40 inch e wide, Beautiful Quality, 85.00 ;a Yard. Parasols and Sun Umbrellas, AT LOWEST I-UICE8. After July first our store will close at six e clock uvery evening, Saturday's excepted. ULAMaiTAMM. Cm: IIINA HALL, mkm 13 EAST KING BTBEET. CHINA, GLASS, -ANI QUEENSWARE. l'Batlafaotien Guaranteed. IpMiirliiii 15 EAST KING STEEET. Goods, 1