Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, May 31, 1886, Image 1

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f 1
TUB DIM 01' Tllli WAH.
FI.UtlKnH, lHlfHIH Attlt AlWHKMKb.
A l.sritn AhiIIii nl IlinC'iiiiil lleu.iiiiii Satilr
iljr Nliilit slut rn' dram Itriiirinlinril It) it
l.ltll'K Unlelnl I'lKt-Hllrtlnu NrrllKlll nl
H r .
irltilty lAiliiariin-ln I tin ('utility.
Tlie llnnl exercises of Decoration Diy, as
provided in tlie pregramme et Uie Joint
loinmllteeul Pints hi mid I Oft, (1. A. II, lKk
place In the court Iiiiumi at .4 o'clock Hatur
day evening, In prociue nf t very large
itiulluiu'u. Net mil ni every permanent
scat hi thu court iihiiii occupied, mi hiding
tlie pellt mill grand Jtirj- scats, litit n great
ninny i linlri ntiil iMinMiteln were brought
In nml placed In Uie aisles tciiicommndate
Inte comers.
Tlie I'eiirl loeiii Hilt lie illy hut net
elaborately decorated. Tim speaker's desk,
placed willilu Hip bur, wasetivefed wild tlm
national colors, dn tin- Judges' desk was
placed it large ami liauilnemely-framtil
htoiie representation of tbe lMl;n f iliw I.
A. It. In limit of Hut clerks' desks worn two
stacks of muskets. Smnll Hags clustered In
llin 'chandeliers mul iiIkiM) tlioileom leading
In tlie lobbies.
Te tlie right of tlie entrance te
the bar win plated ii tahlilet organ
All orchestra occupied seats en tlie lull
li.inil side, ami In rear el tliem tlie thelr el
tlie Duke street M. 1. cliurcli had seats, tlie
committee of arrangement and tlie speakem
of till! OVeillng is'lng MPlltftd further te tlie
Comrade J. K. lUrr, of tlie cemmltttm of
nrratiguiutmts, called tlie meeting te order,
mul Intnaluccd Kev. J. T. dray, who tillered
'I he national .ititliuiii My Country 'tin el
Thee," wits next very dimly tenderisl lv tlie
Duke street choir under lead or Dr. .1. I..
Wlthcrnw, with en host iieeoiiipanlmeiil,
the audience Joining lu and adding much te
tlie ellect of Uie music
Chaplain A. C. l.venanl, of l'est 81, being
lutrtstuced complimented (ion. Jehn A.
Legan as the author of Decoration Di the
il.iV of all da a In the II. A. It. Mr, Leen trd
etilllucd the principles and patriotic purposes
nt the elder, which Includes In its member
ship men efiill sirtles , It It no respecter or
pervniN, lint extends the right hard nf fellow,
ulilpte all who rescinded te thulr country 'it
rail when tlieir services wero needed j ami
today Mt.OUU graves el these who lest thelr
Ilvts we who IImi might have Iltierty,
ure being strewn Willi flowers. May they
rrit in iMitrri until thntiraml Coiiimamler of
the uiiImtmemIihII call tlieiu upumlHav "null
iloiie, K'xnl and fulttifiil MTvautx." ' I'M our
prlwli'e nml iluly tek(L)Krit'iitliulrj;rrt(M.
Nla llimriiMicit nwt lu poai-e.
"liUt I 'it WfopO'er IhoTeinb," wat Mini;
lu i linriit by the rhelr, alter which Mlsi
Aiiiautln l.iuiik', Uie well known olouu elouu oleuu
tloulnt, rcs'ltitl the "Dccorntien Il.iy Oile,"
anil wiih leuilly applauilLHl, at alie iliHurtinl
te he.
"riiluk etThuiuljr.iti'hilly, ' a piutiyipiar
tctte, watiuixtjjlM'ti ery Boetly.
A. . lluriV cou'emmlfr of 1'est SI, wat
en the prrKraaioie for an oration, hut having
Iji'imi ukeii Hinhli'iily III ilhl nut apar.
Jehn Ik I.0111;, coiiiiuauiler of I t IU.1, wat
mt Inlrixlin-i'il Hint renil an oratlea el con cen con
atili'r.ilile length. He rcunnleil Uie Htrowle
of Hew era fin the j;rawH of the hornet u
Ih'Iiik Uie ttrengtxtt olilenco of allti'tleu oil
the irt of thniurvUers anil hewntKlail te
bee the btmutlfiil ttiroiueny lncre.i.lnn lu
Inleri'ht Iriiin jear te year. Ile ptve IiIkIi
pral'O te thoe who hail iliiil te xate the
country Irtnn ilitMeu en KMii;raphical lluet.
Ile rt'Jeii'i'il that l,t.M,(X)ll aatilo-Hklunetl 111011
anil wetnuu hail Ikiti llUiraUil. Ile rouount reuount roueunt
l wiinii of the prliiL'ipalewutit In hhtTiilaii'a
inoinerabtn aiinp.ilK'1, ami ouIerIhI him
ami hltariny. IIeciIUhI iinin lilt coiur.nlet
ami hit atiuliMice te m act that the great
dwtlaef the I'nlen nulillerH chall lioterotor
'oiiiiiitituer.itiil, and that luture KMit'ralleit
Nhall slaml ureuuil thelr luauseluuuit with
iiiicoeretl heuds.
"Sold lore' Mimierfal Day," n Holeand ipiar.
ti'tli', wat next gl en with orchettral iiivciin
lunlnivnt, Mitt I.cila Hear Hinging Hi"
jiraue Mile Jrt lu ojii'eltunt Miiie.
A ery pretty and ry allectlng army
Htery, vutitliHl "'lotje'a Menuiimnl," wat ro re ro
clteil tiy Mrt. Amanda Uiudet, who lireught
tcara te the oyet of many el Uie rugged old
Miteranx at well at her mero mjiihIIIve audl audl
tera by the pathetic toue iu which Uie nurrl nurrl
ttte waa told.
The choir hang " We'll deck thelr gr.uet
with Hew ens" alter which Dr. b. T. Davis
ilollvercit a ImlMieur oiatlen en "Our l'allen
lloreea." llegiiiulug away luck at the
tiine when Adam mid live wure created
and formed tlie nucleut of our race,
he Haiti thure had bceii a reiiHtaut xtrug xtrug
gieaiiinug men ler aupreiuacy, and that in
nothing else lias mankind lalled iu all the
nget me luiturablyat ill aelf geMiriiiniint. He
cited Iriiiu hiatery te kIiew hew ancient 1111 1111
tlent had fallen through inttmtlue tmuhlet ;
lnw- iu mero modern timet Poland, the
champion of Chrittlaulty, hail leu wlpwl
out of exiittunce by irefuMlng ChrNliant;
hew Hungary, the champion el liberty, had
laeu Iwtraycd by thote proletsing toupheld
lilcrly;hew Kolietplere mid hit fellow ert
had nearly ruined rraiiceiiuU hew the arch
traitor Jell D.nlaand hlsiiBsuclateain treaten,
hid in the iiamoef liberty at a time when our
I iilnn win in the enjoyment of jkiice mid
tranquility, with 0110 Hag Hailing etr her
from ecean, lucileU liiHiirrectieu mid had
milled around him the tnaithet of thu Seuth,
and for nearly live yearn had wgged war
airalnst lilt country ami dotelatod itt fair
iii'lilt with IjIixhI aud brought Merrow ami
despair te uvery section of it. Dr. Davit
pitched into hit illiittrieu.t namesake un
Hparingly, and ouleglzinl thoae who had
Hiiilereil or Hacrillced thelr country. Hu
e.itliunled thu killed at -',000,000, mid xaid
that If they wnre new allve 11ml put in Uue
they would extend u dUtauce et UJO mlles,
aud it would take nearly 'M days te pais
them In rovlew. Dr. Davis rofurred te the
geed fuel lug new existing botwueu tlie North
and .Seuth, esjieclally lietwoen the Union
anil ("oiiledemle HoldlerH, mul calleil atten
tleu te the fact that Koliert K. I.00 l'est
appointed a couunltteo te decorate the grave
eMicii. Urunt. In conclusion he hoped the
reign of poace new existing would la for
ever. Tlie late war was ondeil by lien,
tiregg'a command singing " 1'ralse Ged
Ireiu whom all blcstiugs Hew," aud hu
proposed that lliete corenionlot be endwl In
1I10H.11110 way.
The audience rese nnd with the choir Hang
thodexoloy lu strong chorus after which
the benediction was pronounced by Hew
Themas Thonipen, et .Seuth Queen street
l'retbyt eriau chlinh.
at ttrr.rjixti' him it
A Mrinlier r a w Vnrk l'it .Nauird Allvr
Ilia (Hit Cuiumuiier l)ellter an AililrrM.
M. H. D. Honilenjen, past sonler vlce com
mander of TlmddeiiH Ktovens jxiit Ne, !ir5,
department or New Yerk, (I. A. 11., urrlved
lu this city at 9 M en Hunday morning. He
was met at thu railroad station by A. V
Leenard, Dr. J. H. Smith, J. K Urawlerd, D.
M. Moere and II. 11. Heir, the comtultteo
appointed for that purjiose, representatives
el l'est 81 and l'est ls7, of Christiana, and a
large number of the members or l'est Ne.
105. He was oscertod te Hhreiner's cemetery
and with thu committee aud ether members
of the'iraiid Army formed a clrcle around
Btevens' grave.
After the order had beonglveuto uncover
Comrade Hendersen read tlie lollewiug ad
dreas: Comrades : With the intention te hu brief,
cm 1 deuny lets than siy a few words com cem com
uieuieratlvu et him whose dust lies here,
mingling with its mother earth, under the
Hag lioleod,plaulodby the jioeplo he loved
AHsouibled as woare te pay a tribute el ro re ro
snect tolarge-hoartod, philanthropic Thul-
doiisBtevena, we must purlorce regard the
occasion as- 0110 touching in IU soteumlty
and Iraugbt with tbe deepest Interest te
tbose people the btuelioratien of whose con.
dltleu occupied such a large part 01 his Hie.
It Is meet and prejwjr that at least ouce a
year the lepresentallveH or the people Ter
whom he ieught with tongue and pen,
through long years of opposition and at great
personal rhk, should asseinble te honor Ins
inoiuery and te drop a tear en his sod. Hut
no tears of sadness nhetild be shed liore, only
theso et Jey aud thanksgiving. hat I shall
we weepat beholding the utructurepr alie-
meiuu, uuui upon . 1
integrity and philanthropy T Shall we weep
at thu knowledge that el the virtuous
men lu nil cllines and of every aim
who iKHsessed thu three gracet Kallfi,
Hepo and Charity 110110 ietievd them
le a greater degree thnti the Hen. Thmlileiis
Hlevens? We read el limoet of,
Hclple. On itw, l'euiHiy, Ciimr de I.e Mir
Wm. Wallaceniid a hint of nlheis but they
only fought for reputation, ler glory, fur
cnuiiinl or for patriotism, mid the world,
forsooth, mils them heroes Comrades, the
word Is misused. Only he and such at he
who lives and breallies among us tr Het
tinder thu consecrated ground iiIIihI'hviii
can Is) n here : who has fought 11 battle ler
humanity, whohasisiurteil the M-owls til Iho
dumagegue, the hate tt the nppretter nml
the persecution ir the tyrant Hir the Make of
Ills lellew niani who hat with le-lgnatlen
btirne Mceru and contumely, hatred, sue'irs,
imrtenal animosity anil less or social pros,
tlge for the sake or a people, who could only
repay him with heart-broken sobs ami tears
of gratitude. - ,
This Is the still) of, which heroes .ire made.
A man who from n.twirldly point could sic
Illicit his best Interests mul iiiituolate him
self tiHiu the altar elj philanthropy, for a
peer, down-trodden race, It 11 heie indeed.
Huoli an one wat Thadtleut Hlevens, thu man
whose mortal reilialus Hu heru ; the
man who sustained rn almost liolet light
against tlie seutlmeul or a country, wliee
Declaration or independence tleiihired all
men te be froe and etuml. Ileauly anil wit
will die, learning wlh vanish away, and all
the arts or lilu Isi seen lorgetlon, but his
vlrlueanil the world's memory ul Ills 1 vlilue
will nudum wi long as time Itself. It pro
cured him the leve of all wise pud geed
beings anil made led his rrleml Oli I Iho
world ewes him a tlebl of gralllmle ler help
lug te advance Its civil ljillen. Winds tan
nut portray thu trials, the privations, the
neglect, the reproaches and llin n-wriliccs ha uncomplaining bore, and which
he had te combat with unlliucliliig tlelermln
niten, and resist with iuieuerg prosirtnme-l
te the severity el external pressure, but at
lenuth he Hlbiiuetl the high vantage ground
of well earned ami nobly mutinied viilery.
Who can learn without leellugs el emotion
Hiillielcut te insplre courage lu the most
timed and Irresolute or the career or him
who despite circumstiuces thu most uulav uulav
erablu becamu the artillcer nf bis tuvn hu coins
anil r.dsinl Uie solid superstrucliire el
character wlileh Is dellbly mi the
he-irtsef six millions of (KHjpIijT
Comrades' It It should he tnii let agtin
te mingle In thu horrid din, Iho ilnss)rale
struggle, the madileiiliig feieclty, Iho trnuilc
tlesieratteu, thuceiitusiviu mitt self uli.inden
merit of war, even lu tli'j midst of a struggle
fur very llle, we can never forget thu lllus lllus
trleut uiau who owed his olevatlen te indus
try, talent anil iHirseveraucf, tlespite thu ob
stacles which siirrtiundudhlm; the man who
cired nothing ler the obscurity of birth, nor
for the humbleness of parentage, nor for the
lash of Hiverty or llitwe he sought te Umelil,
nor ler the sneers of these who opposed 1 1 1 Hi.
1 or he has 1I01111 honor tit the land of his
birth, hatceiilerreil a lasting Imnrtlt en mttu
kluil anil has left a name which will be hand
ed down te 11 graterul posterity as a national
benefactor. If I may paraphrase Joretulsh,
the dead ever whesu grave we stand, did net
glory In his wisdom, neither did he glory in
his might, nor yet in his richness, but be
gloried Iu this that he understood and knew
tlie liril who exercises loving kiuilucs.s,
lodgment and righteousness lu the earth , for
lu theso things I delight, saith the l-erd.
Wlll)erIeris, Cewisjr, Sumner, I'lillllps, I. In
coin, Stevens' What 11 galaxy or names, higli
iipiu thu niche or fame, illustrious lu the
history el the world, and ws'end te notie the
sllvor-teiigtind ornter, the iMwrless Thaddeus
stev ens, mIihhI sheuKler te shoulder w llli the
liest or them, and cast his gauntlet at the teel
el a nation and Inv lied a contest for the cauie
til humanity. Then let us honor his memory,
emulate his example ami imitate his un un
beiiuilisl charity,
liv lilln low, hN uetU l iletie
lial cares In ler Irlenil or levinan
Hle of misin nriet of Min,
Maud of iiisn nr kls of wmnati.
Ile ceiicIuiIihI by planting a hauiNeuiu silk
Hag en the grave el Stevens, 11s a tribute te
his memory from tint l'est which bears his
mime, lie also placed a Hag en the grave or
Majer 'I'll uliletis Slev ens.
At the conclusion of Comrade Hendersen's
address, A. C. Leenard, of l'est 10.1, made a
brief address, llonaidtlie simaker who pre
ceded him had paid it worthy tribule te the
memory efstevens, the champion et mual
riglils, a name tlear te tlm colored racu. It is
titling and prejs'r te jsty tribute te surli a
friend. Willie he was net a soldier during
the war, In the halls of Congress he did grand
serv ice iu tlie Union cause.
Comrade llendorseu then rontiestod the
comrades present te sing a verse et "My
Country, I'ls of Thee," which was done,
alter willed Comrade Win. II. I'rocter.el l'est
IS7, proiieuuciHl the lienetlictien. There was
a large crowd present at the cemetery during
the exercises, l'lie (irand Army men then
relermed and marched te the Stevens house,
where the visiting comrade whs entertained.
Hendersen Is a colored niali of gissl mi
ll rest, were the regulation New Yerkraud
Army iiullerut, and has 11 gtssl clear 01ce.
He read his address lu gixsl style.
UHTKsmu te -i nxitnus.
Km. Clint lis I Try A ill the Xetrtaii "I
the l.i ftl I'luttrt,
I'tMtshlaud IO.1 li. A. It. met at "' ur halls
Sunday eveulug and niirclied In Trinity
Iaither.iu church where thet listened te the
pillowing sermon by Kev. Charles I,, l'ry :
The underlying priuclplunt Die oration Day
is net 11 new one. We aronet tlie tlrst nation
iu history which annually designates a simj.
cihuday as lucmerlal te the patriotism or the
dead. As far Kick as a thousand years bo be bo
rero Christ, In tbe first republican lerui or
government the world oversaw, the Israelite
nation In the days of the Judges, we read
these werds: "It was the custom iu Israel
that they went yearly te lament thu daughter
ef.Ieplithah." We recall the story of Jeph
tlutli, lsrael's political treubles ; the slavery
miller thu Ammonites; tlie sullermg ; thu
wrong, the vow efjeplithah that If the Lord
would vouchsafe v ictery and emancipation, he
would eiler 11 sacriuce, vvmcu viriuauy 111e.un
the Kacrlllce of his own daughter. Hence
by that wherein Israel obtained x Ictery
and freedom and Ien, alie rocelvod her
deem; se vvilh iiitny of our heroes. 8I10
moreover wat sacriliced In the morning or
life. Se again with many or our hnroes.
Yet "let it conie," was their patriotic re
sponses te the challenge or their deem ,
spoken from hearts that quailed at thu very
thought, It is true, far they were but human,
yet with lips that did net tailor. "Dulceest
pre pairiauigrt." Their nalive country was
the gainer. They were dying as martyrs te
a righteous, sacred cause, aud the riitttr,
(iod'scuiiHe, had trluinplied ; they were will
lug it should be se, though It Involved their
own perishing.
All this may bollfled intaasiiblliiinrsphere
and applied te Christ litmseir. Karth h is no
higher military title than that used by the
apestle : " A geed boldieref Jesus Christ."
it means 0110 who euters limit the
cenllict with the jHiwers el darkness lu
Christ's spirit of heroism aud soil -sajrl lice ;
the weapens of whose wurrare are net
carnal but spiritual, mighty in the
pulling down et the monstrous system or
sin's tyranny, and iu the emancipation el the
millions groaning miner us mnmi.
great -war or rebellion Is ttorcely waging still
en tlie battle-Held or 111011's souls. There ure
mighty spiritual feos of our country which
have net as yet been conquered. The thrie
great arcli-ouemio et any nation preiauiij .
drunkenness and licentiousness Instead
of being suppressed by that ssinu war
which abolished negre slavery were,
en the contrary, rearrully augmented
by that war. ily that same means
therefore vvhoreby 0110 siiecles or slav
ery xv as exterminated nnnther was engen
dered the shivery or personal vlce which
in kind, Hiiet In degree, is equally as hateful
iu the sight or tied. This must be oxtor extor oxter
initiated iu time, mid thu emancipation can
not be ellt'cted without a fearful struggle. A
call la going forth ler patriots everywhere
te enlist, uoeu soiuiers ei jusus t. urmi, wru
as need no drum or lilu nor smell of jsiwiler
te give thent nerve i but moil uerved by
their loyalty te the great Captain and their
lev e or thu souls they are struggling te emau-
,.l,..l... ullllnif Insaerillce thelr OWII lives, at
Christ was ami did, that this victory may be
aehleved. ,
I honor the memery of the men vvhe
reught and dieil in this spirit of sslf-sscrille.
liiB liatrletlani 25 years age. I lay llovvers
en thelr graves, as einblematie of their
bloom In the rosurrection springtluie. Aud
I pray Ged te till via xvltu the fame xvholo xvhelo xvhole
touliMi devotion in the batlle for the free
dom of human aeuls from thelr slavery te
the world, the llesh and tlie devil.
MUitititi.ii. ;mi'
L-L -- - I
All Ullllrlltllr
line HliMirMis'ei-TliB
II e Klllfil Ml KlllM.
Ctil.trMlii.v, May III. Memerial Day was
observed lu Columbia In a mero general
maimer U1.111 has been customary ler soiue
yeara past. Thu tlay ojieucil blight and clear,
mul thu wealher was all tint could be do de
slrtHl, The dlllorent committees' nf the local
(Irand Army jsist had jsjrlected all Uie nccos ncces
Hary arrangements for the projer observance
nf tlm day, and lliu 101 onion let were carried
through lu linn iiimiiicr. The empleyes ei
many of Iho illllermil Industries or tow 11 were
given 11 holiday, and the plni-es uf business
had a general closing Iu thu aflernneii. -During
the entire day tlm town was Idled with
strangers, mul Columbia presented 11 very
lively nppeiranco,'eI'e:lally durjug the uf uf
teriietiti. On the 10.4n a. in. ti-itstjuger train
eighty meinlsirs of fien. Welsh 1'iist went te
Washington iHireiigh, mid cendlii'ted the
memorial services at tint place. In the
afternoon at '1;W eVl's-k, the firade
wits furtiied oil Li ist stieel, with the
right resting 011 Second, and moved up
Locust street te Mount lletliel leuictery lu
tile following order : Iroimlle baud ; n llring
squad, cnuijMised el eighteen members of
company (', under ceniiii md of Lleuteniint
H. It. IVKiuan . Ilrst sifium or (Jen. Welsh
l'est, Nil, lis, (i, A. It , in me:', under com
mand of l'est ('eiiiiiiauder ( . yteu Ilarttuau ;
(Irand ruiy ilriim corps . second section of
(leu. Welsh l'est, Ui me!,, under command
of Seuler Men Coiutuauder H. II. Clepisjr,
and lutiler Mce CommaiMler It. I'. Mulfnii ,
Celuuilila ilriliu corps j (ten. Welsh camp Nn.
's, Seus of hUirnns; c-trrlage ceiitalnlng
t'el, Sauiiuil Sills li,' mid IWe iiieiiibers et
the pest. At the ceinelery tlie precession
moved te tlie soldiers' plot where tlie regit sorvlce its lild down In tlie
ritual el (fraud Army I'esls were (enducted
bv the dlllureut ellh-ers or the town pest,
A'lter the conclusion or these corumenles,
while n dirge was b.linicp'.i.ved by the bind,
the members of the pest were stationed lit
tlm gravis of Uie soldiers lu the cemelerv.
Tlirie volleys were thou llnsl by thu squad,
mid a bouquet of llewers was deposited en
the graves. Tlie ptrade then refurineil and
iiiarcliiHl across Seventh, dun 11 Walnut mid
across Second te Odd i'ollews' hall, wheru
thu parade was dismisseil.
iri'.0 p. 111., 115 members nf Weisli pest
went toMeiiutvillo, v here they pirtiPlpatid
iu the exercises at that plm e. Tlie pest
returned hmne at s:lu e' hs'k.
1111. iii.i.Hiiiii s n; vii 111 s.
Tlie special religious wrvlces of Memerial
Day wme held 011 Sunday evening in the
opera house, commencing promptly at elglit
o'clock. The audlterhiui wus completely
imckeil with H)ple. Weisli l'est, "Ne.
llh, stteiided the exercles iu a Issly mill a
very large iiumber were pre'Otit, the iniddlu
block til the parquet being occupied by tlie
members e! tlie imI. The slagu was very
appniprlately triiiitued and iloceratod ler the
tss-asimu On Isitli sides a tiiimlMir nr flags
went hung iu a tastelill liiauner, mid acrusn
the Pip, from side te side, tlie "slarsmid
stripes " ismiplclisl the iile.Lsing appear appear
aeie. lu tlillerent p.trls of tlie stage
tents been iilji,cil ami muskets
were sun ked, which Mete itpprojirlate re
minders of tin) oe-asioit that wat being tilt.
ervtsl. The iregramnie, as piiblislitsl m the
iNrin.i.mi M I uef I tsl Sittirday evening,
was carried out under tlm dun tl-m of Kev.
.1.11. Pjiinebvcker, ami was ninth enjoyed
by all pr sent The singing el thu tlillerent
M'lrcllelis of music was very line. Tlie ad
dress whs delivered by ltev. Wm. I'. Lvans,
and maliv x Billable thoughts were presented.
Tlm spmker net only ret ailed the dtetls tlone
by tlm "boy l lit him?' lint pruheiitodqiicsUcies
et the ptt'tunt time for thu tonsiiluratietl of
his lieners.
MthhKiti' ii.i.t.:t it 1. urn 11 it I.X(,
A rule PriiSf'me'eet ltrrt 1-fsTII It wis .Silts
1 ei.lulljr t'ltrrltsl (lilt
MH.1.1.U-.MI.I 1:, May II. Mlllorsvllle-s
ob-mivaine el Memerial Day was greiter
than ever tmfore. t Z o'clock en Sittirday
alteniDOii, a l.irguniiiuliur of soldiers and ell
Irens assKitihled in Itethany Lutheian
cliurcli, where they were erg.tnii)d into sev
eral companies. The Ilrst enmiMiiy, consist
ing el alioiit-0veteiaueldlors, wasinchargu
of Henry Nehr, who wasal-i 01II er el the
d iy. Th stsjeiitl ceinpanv, iu 1 dirge of Mr.
Henry (iremiwall, ismslsllug of about forty
daughters el vuterant. 'I lie third company
ceiilaiui d iilsnlt jU sous of veterans, and was
lucliargu of Mr. 1 1 t ten, or l'est I'', Sonsef
Veter ins. Tlm Mtllersville cruet bind
playetl, and at the Lvaugulical cliurcli,
the . A. K. serv net were conducted
by Prolesser L. O. Lyle, who had charge
el tlie general observance. At lltthany
Lutheran church the exercises were esiued
with prayer by Hev. Otte Itrandt, whuse
I ither died iu the army. I'rnr. L te then lic
it vered all address 011 the subjects or Memerial
Diy and thu lessens te le learned from its
observance. An essay was next read by Mii-s
l.uir.1 (ireenwalt. aud this was followed with
a declamation by Mr. Jacob Williams. A. ().
Newpher, esq , then sMike of the duties of
citiens Willi respect te the day, mid urged
the young te continue the serv ices la-gun by
their lathers. Mrs. Westlake read Will Car Car
leten's beautiful ptsjiii, " Cever lliein Over,"
and the services closed with the lieuedlctleii.
During .Saturday forenoon, committee 1 ei
soldiers decorated all the graves of soldiers
bulled ill the vicinity el Miller.sville. There
Isieuiu ler aO. A. K. pest at Mlllersville.
llin ll.iy at Marlitl.l.
Mviukiiv, May .11. Decoration Day was
hiUnglyolnerved here en Saturday. The
pirade formed at 12 o'clock lu the billowing
erder: Html, l'est Ne. tSSi, . A. II.: Mo Me
ll illev ivimp, Ne. 7 1. Sen of Veterans ; W ator ater ator
lerd council, Ne. "Z, O. C. A.M. Denegal
ledge, Ne. I'H, I. O of O. I'.; Denegal ledge,
Ne. IU4-, K. el 1'.; Marietta castle, Ne. 1JU, A.
O. K. tit thu M. C; Pioneer lire company;
borough authorities, school bend and citi
zens. 1'liu route waslrem Llbew and Second
streets te Market, te Hay, te ceuieteiy. At
the cotnetery there coieiuonles were geno
through with :
Memerial hymn, mullein e with band in' in'
ceuipiiiiinent ; prayer, Hev. ii. M. Hickman;
(irand Army service at tlie grave ei Private
Jaoet Peters; address, Couimde It. Ij. llal
ileman, pest ceuiuiauder; prayer, Comrade
S. i:. Wlsuur, iiUlng cli iplalu ; dirge, baud ;
Hentl mrvlce : 1st nart. Comrade W. L.
Smeilley; M ptrt, Cemradu il. D. Heath ;
,td part, Comrade A. Heniiett; 1th pirt, Com Cem
rade S. IJ. NVisner. tlecorntien of graves by
Pett ij, band playing a dirge during the
decoration ; salute of the dead of U guns;
Iu the evening this pregramme woscar wescar
lied otitsuccesslully : I'rajnr, Hev. .1. Duu
gau ; music, kind ; music, "We (lather Here
With Hoverenco," (iiee Club ; oration, Com Cem
radu W. It, Househelder, of l'est 12, Leba
non, I'enna.; music, band ; music, "Heroes
Unloved," (ilee culi; address, Hev. .1. M.
Wheeler i music, "llyinti el l'caui," (ilee
club; music, baud.,
t.irtis. i'axh vuinvi'K.
llFdirittlen Day -Nulalily llliscrttil In t'nlillu
ituil 1'rlVMtii I'aslileii.
Ll ft 1 -, May 31. Decoration Day was no
ticeably observed here, l'lags wure displayed
all day from qitlte a number of public and
private houses. The afternoon train brought
from Manhelm (leu. llelnzelmnn Pest, (1
A. H., and the Hepo Flre cempmiy, escorted
by the Llberty Cornet band.
At live o'clock the precession was formed
en Main street, lu I rout of thu K. et 1', hall,
In the fellow lug order :
Hothsville Comet band.
Slevens Pint, (i. A. H., of Lltitz, uuder
command of Capt. .1. IC llrloker Ti men.
Ilulnzeliuiin Pest, of Manhelm, Com Cem
mauiler llouaer about uO men.
Liberty cornel baud.
Hepe lire company uf Maulielni.
Knights or Pythias, l.ltll, under com cem
maud of Chancellor II. M. stuigls-;U men.
liartleld C.vslle Kulghts el the (ioldeu
Kagle, under the command el Sir Herald T.
II. Alllchsack 33U10I1.
The srsiletles in their new uniforms made
a very line display, and CapLHrickur proved
his elllcacy as an olllcer by the promptness
with which everything was accemplshed.
The precession marched te the Moravian
cemetery, whero a hollow square was lermed;
then the graves or thu tloparted teldlers,
InclndliiL- that el (Ien. J. A. Suiter, -w ere dec.
erated with llovvers.
A prayer was oilerod by Kev. D. 0. Tobias,
and an address undo by the Hev. Dllabar.
The benediction wits pronounced by the Her'.
' On Sunday morning tlm members of the
(1. A, It. I'il, ' " Issly, attended tllvlne
service ill the Moravian church, mild wen)
treated lijaserineu by the lliiv.C.UHulucke,
freiii'Jd LiaplerT)nielliy, ltd verse.
VmlltVAJ' tMHKHVAmitt AT l:illlt.lTA.
1 It. Marllti Ilrlltttrs Kllrrlng AtlitrvM til a
ltrgn AnnrlilliliiKat n HUInrlc Nmt.
r.i'iin.vTA, May .'II. Decoration Day was
npiireprlately observod heru 011 H.tturd.iy for
the Ilrst tiine ill ninny yeaiit. At an early
hour the cltlens begun te unfurl their Hags,
and It was net long until lie tlay presented
theasptsnf iigeuetal holiday.
Promptly at - o'clock the precession
started lur .Ien's Hill, ner thu "Old Clels-
ter I' buildings. The precession consisted or
the following :
Marshal with three ladles en horseback.
Lphrata Cornet Hand.
Kphrata Schools.
eteran Soldiers.
Cigarmnkers' Union Ne. 13k
Knights or I'ythlat.
Washington Camp Patriotic Sens or A inurica.
Arriving ut the uiillnishfd moudinent al
ion's Hill, the exercises were opened by
tlie band playing nil appropriate dirge. Hev.
l;. N. iirowummer enereu a lervent iiruyer,
iKiseechllig the people te trust la Almighty
(ied. whatever their trials may lv oiiecial!y
It iiatieiuil.
The school children then Ham: a beautiful
plwe, which seemed t reach the hearts of
many of theso preseuL After the singing the
nieiniment was Htewn with (lowers and a Hag
was raised te a high pole temporarily erected
011 thu monument,
Alas 1 hew ungrateful we are. There 011
that hallewed spot whero sleep about three
hundred of our Revolutionary ueldlers
there Is nothing te recall It save the tiase or
litonumenl already criltnbllng te time's
devastating liilluonce. There sleep the sous
of Virginia with the sons of Pennsylvania,
and had the records or all the soldiers liurled
there been sirsorved we probably would
llnd sons or all tlie colonial st-dea.
It H tru'y a historical spot, nnd
hew lilting It would Ui ir our govern
ment would I111HI1 the work alrcidy begun,
Adjeiuing .ion's lull, iu tlie orchard of Mr.
Wm. Shlmp, If. H. Keller, esq., called the
vast assoniblage te order, and utter making- a
row remarks uieu the object el Decoration
Day, introduced the orator of the tlay, I'. K.
Martin, esq , or Lancaster. His address was
listened te attentively, nnd was greatly
enjoyed. Ills description of tlie trials of
nations, and hew tliev overcome theso trials
and reach degrees el higher and nobler
lilwrty xves scholarly isirtrayed in line
language. 'Iho peroration en which buiipV
INiaied te his old associates lu arms, and thu
litriotle seiiH te ever roverrneo theso du.ul
coinrailesaml ull who laid down their lives
that this country might live, was very Im
pressive. Hev. 8, Swoitrer fotlen'Ml Mr. Martin iu
a short address, which was also very well
1'reui .ion's hill, the profession moved te
tlic cemetery adjoining the Lulhuraii church
aud the graves (r all the suldiers buried
Uiure were decorated. Addies.sswore made
by Mr. .lelm ltts'litle, aud ethers. Tlie
1'idrintir Sens dcberveall tlie credit for the
line display and proper observance of thu
. inli'.M' .mm vi vr.i.xnitArie.
I'lue I'aiuilM railltlMinl lii ly nliller! anil a
1 1, tsunilicr ! l.mal (IrB.tliitlliiiiii,
Min -'i ,!ev, May U. 1'er a week or mero
Lieut. Dav id II. NisIey J'ml Ne. s, (i. A.
It., had been busily engaged making prepara
tion for the proper observance of Memerial
Day which daw nod dcir mid bright en Sal
urdiy. Promptly at a. 111. the mem mem
berserNISHley Pest 17s could be seen wend
ing their way towards Market street xvhore
at e o'clock tliei" lermed into line. They
moved tip Main street te l-'airv low- out i'iilr i'iilr
vlew te cemetery rfut where they were
formed into thrt-e squads, one squad going te
nch ei tlie tliroe (.uuieterics, vi-, Mt. Jey,
Lincoln (tolered) mul 1 lerui. Alter deo dee deo
eratlng the graves or their fallen comrades
theU. A. It. than tcturned te town te take
put in the afternoon paradu ill which sevcral
local stxTCt MicJelieM took nrt.
The diforatieu et the soldiers graves' were
tine, the llowei-s ler tlie mi-asien lieing
furiiislied by the scholars of the ditlercnt
Sunday schools.
At l':le p. 111. tin! I lerui band niailu Itsnp Itsnp
IHurance and ui.iicjicd down through town te
the pefct room nml ecerttsl thud. A. H. mid
thu I. O. O. 1", ledges and a large delegation
or Uie Boldiers orphan Isivsup le Market
street. Frem thenee tbe bind went up Main
street tn the ball el tlieC I . A. M. and the
K. 0. K. mid escertptl them tl mil te Market
iitruct, xthore the parade lurmetl in the lollow lellow lollew
iug order :
I'lerlu baud II men.
Lieut. D. II. Mssley, Pett ". ITS (I. A.
It. 27 num.
Amelia Council Ne. !'-, Order Ulllted
American Mechanics, ii, men.
Hermit Castle, Ne. ti", Knights or the
(JeUlen Kagle 'M men.
Mt. Jey liedge, .Ne, -17, 1. e. O. b lts men.
Soldiers' uriihati isiys le the number or
Tim precession then moved ever te foltnw feltnw
ing reute: Down Lust Main street, te Last
Denegal, le Jacob, te Mt. Jey, te Harber, te
Hast Main, tu W est Main, te Lembard, te
David te New Haven, te the I borlocomo berlocomo borlecomo
tery, w here the mumeri il sen ices el the (i.
A. H, was perloruied by Pest Commander
Hippie, K. tl. Ponnel, mid Dr. J. L Zelgler,
alter which the preeex.,wn eeunteniurched
te the corner el New Haven street, thence te
Mtrluttu, te West Deucgid, te M irket street,
and thure tlismlssed.
In tlie Horeugh lurk the remaining por
tion of thonltnrueoii spent in addresses
by the following iorsenn: Hev. O. it. Heek,
tuvtiipul m. 1:. elinn-li : d. W. (Jet, mster
of Church of Hed ; J. T. Scluller, ivster of
V. i. church.
Music lermed l'.irtei the preummma
On Sunday morning Hev. L. J. Millor.pas Miller.pas Millor.pas
ter e the kvangeliuil cliurcli, preachcil a
sermon le thu jkisI 17s, of which he is a
Asa whulothe ullalr el Saturday was a
complete, success and all or thesu w he par
ticipated lu the parade showed te advantage
mid ri'ilect credit en the iiiuiageinent.
Ilia .MetllitilllK Olisort.UK'e.
MefNivti.i.i:, M'iy il. Decoration Day at
Mount vllln was npiirepriately observed, all
nocesKiry preparations liuv lug been made.
At (i p. 111. a special train arrlved from
Columbia, briuning ene hundred and forty-
live uiombers irem Hen. Welsh ixist, Ne. US,, hoailed byaclUzens oemmitteo
and the Moitiitvllle cornet band. They pro
ceeded te the cemetery where thu grav os were
decorated, mul an oleqiient address given by
oue ut the incnibera, J. II. Wltmer.
A rrlv mg iu tow 11 n liiiiiilsome coiiaueii uau
been prepared by tlie cltlens, consisting of
fiirty-ulue lurgu cukes, two hundred and
soventy-Hve sandwiches and un abundance of
lemonade, which clieeretl the heart of the
weary soldier. In general all business was
suspended during the decorating of the
graves, and this day will long be remem
bered In the memory et thu hearts or the
people. ,, . .
Sunday evening an lacolleut mouienal
sermen was preached by the pastor of thu I .
H. church, Ituv. K. Ludwick, who babetl his
remarks en Matt, xxvl, .-', "Put up again
thy sword Inte his plate."
rilK MAlillKIM UlintSltrAXVK.
A Mt-i'tlPC lu Market Suiiam Willi a lthi;lii
I'ubllc Attdrew by the lie. W. II, Itlce., May 31. -Tlie piogramnie hore
rer decorating the soldiers' graves was held
under the direction et (ieuer.d lluiiitzelman
Pest, Ne. COO, (3. A. It. 'Iho pest asoeinblod
at tlieir ballen Seuth Piussiaii stieet at 1
o'clock, aud vveie headed by the Llberty
cornet band, uuiler tlie leadership or Prok
Wlilte Yeuug, nml proceeded te decorate the
The meeting at Market Square, presided
ever by Abraham Kline, was eieiicd by
Hev. Jehn Graham with prayer. alter which
Hey. and Colerado William H, Kice, et New
Yerk, delivered a stirring address.
Alter the ceromenlcs weru concluded hore,
the Past and Hepo lira company of this place.
I accompanled by the Liberty cornet bund,
I left for LltlU en the I'.'ii v. in. train, te assist
I thelr liroUiren lu decorating Iho graves of
I tlieir oemrados at thatpliice. The pest cai-
rled a beautiful silk ila; which was pre.
wnled tolliem rocenlly,lts crimson liars lielng
iinlurled for the ilisttlinenii this occasion.
Later lu the evening Mmihelm council Ne,
3J.Ir. O. or IT. A. M., tlot:eratcd the grave of
or thelr late brother, Daniel H. Krlcker. A
Isiautllul lleral design which was gotten up
very art Istleally, was carried by lour small
ley a dressed lu wlilte costumes. Thu pro pre
cession te l''nirvIowceiuetery was headed by
the CHImiiis band, el which (let eased wan
also a member.'H llltl Ml'.
A I'luer I'ltnttl 1 linn Has Kver Itefurn lltieii
(llfnu en Slrinerlnl Day,
Hi.izAiiiiTiiTevv.v, MaySI. Memerial Day
was a bright oue hore. At 8 a. in. the streets
were illled with poeplo, all ready te proceod
te the dlllerent graveyards te deck the rott rett
ing placeH of the heroic dead. Four members
or Jehn M. (ioedl'ost, Ne. fittt, O. A. It, In
full unilerm, headed the parade, followed by
the Klinibotlilewu cornet baud, willed fur
nished excellent music Theu imiiie tlie
Jehn M. (I001I pest, Ml (1. A. It, lu
grand army array, with Isstutirul hou heu hou
iiiieLs In their hands. The Friendship
lire company were next in order, ami
were very attractive In thelr line uniforms
and be.1utlP.1l hats. Following the Dremen
cainu the I. O. O. F. Ne. 1'JS, in mil regalia;
Uiencaine about 'JWliltle girls and boys of
the dlllereut Sunday schools, tinder the
chiel uiarslialslilp of .Mr. Daniel Miller, the
genial proprietor 01 1110 "liiacK iiorse'-iiotoi,
asslstetl by Mr. J. W. Hoeting and Mr. I. P.
It was a lengthy parade and the largest
ever held here en "Decoration Day." As
the parade started the baud played, "The
12th Hatalllen," and lu succession the dir dir
rerent graveyards or the borough were vis
ited. Alter the graves were decerated with
Hew era and Hags, all assembled te the shady
groves, In the south end of tlie cometory, te
hear the orator, Hev. James Fager, of
ijUlmihiii, ra.
merit P. V,
,t uiuiiiiier tu iu.. it. iii reui-
V. Hu uuokexory oleuiientlvnnd
paid glowing tributes te these soldiers xv hn
did mera by thelr death than by their wliole
lilu. ThoHpeakor criticised Jetrersen Davis
for his speeches delivered In Mougemery,
Alabama, aud at Atlanta, Ocergia. '1 hose re
tiiarKs Vfere a llttle Iniippropriate .en this oo eo oe
cisiou. Atthoclesoof the ad dress the benediction
was pronounced, mid the parade marched te
tewii.iiutl dismisseil. The town presented a
holiday appearance lu the morning, as the
stores, hotels, etc, were closed during theso
exercises. The event will long be pleasantly
At Trrrnlllll.
Ti:uui; 11 1 1. 1., May .11. Thu xilluge was
well filled with people en Saturday, and in
the nflcrnixm the day was appropriately cola cela
brated. A street parade took place at 5
o'clock. It was headed by tliol'alrvllle band
and next came the xeterans of the war. Fol
lowing was a large twoherso wagon laden
with Hew cm, 011 which were four young
ladled mid the color bearer. The I'. O, S. of
. dine nexl. They turned out sixty men
lu foil regalia, unit each carried a handsome
bouquet. Hey, Win. Kegers had command et
the soldiers. Alter the urade passed through
tlie Htrcets, It went the cemetery whero
Uie graves were decorated. Addresses were
made by Heys. Hegcrs and Woodring.
There were hundreds of imopleln Iho ceme
tery, ami all listened with attention te the
addresses. Alter the addrotses the line of
inirchwas taken up te P. O. S. or A. hall,
w hore the precession was dismissed. Decor
ation was net observed iu this town until a
few jearsuge, but our peeple are all Imjceiu-
llig lllivresieti 111 iu t e llltl) it iiiiiuiiei m
soldiers buried here, ami among them is Dr.
J. I- Shebcr, who was a surgeon In the Mex
ican war, who died about a J ear age, having
lieen a proniinent physician lu this commu
nity ler about Stir 10 years.
At Mnudiiitg ami I'arailUe.
There was 110 public demonstration nt
Strasburg en Saturday, but the members el
J. N. NtlV Pest, Ne. im), visited the tlillerent
cemeteries and decorated with llewers aud
Hags the graves el the dead herees. In the
afternoon thu Strasburg Pest, accompanied
by tlie Sens of eterans and a drum corps,
went te Paradise, where a large celebration
took place. Huskies the Strasburg tieeple,
the Paradise ledges of Knights or Pythias
and Odd Fellows, Uie Sunday schools or the
l nited HrcUiren and Presbyterian churches
took part iu thu lurade. The precession was
headed by the Paradise baud. The l'rosby l'resby
tuii.m and Lplscepal cemeteries weru visiteit
and graves decorated. Addresses were
made by Kovs. daylerdaud Sault, unit the
vocal music was furnished by the Kplscepal
In the laiwrr Kml.
Qi vitnx vii.i.i:, May 31. On Decoration
Day, Captain Snow Pest (ill, of Pleasant
drove, went te Fairlielil, whero they decora
ted the seldleis' graves lu lleyd's and Alt,
.ion graven unit, thence te I'eiin Hill te the
Friends' burying ground. Frem there they
went te Little Britain, where tliev leek din
ner ; tlieme te Lasllaud, Het U Springs uud
Tlie Ouarrvville Pest went te New Provi-
tleme, ML Hepo, Chestnut Level, Coleruiu
Haptiit chtirih, Wesley and (juarryvllle
Catholic j J Willi nppiopnate servicea at Alt.
Hepe church in theeveniug.
Owlet Hay at I. ip.
O vi', May 31. Saturday being ebserved ivs
Decoration D iy, the town was very quiet. A
lew of the mero patriotic, 1 ltlzens showed
tlieir respect by bringing out their Hags.
The Spring Harden cornet baud came around
and gave some most excellent music, under
tlie kndersliip or Air. Harry Llmer. This
band, though xery recently ergatned, de
serves much credit for their wonderful pro-gre-s.
At Atclrn ami 1'arkrsOtirg.
Aitli.i.v, May 31, Jehn A. Hess l'est J38,
1.. A. It, of Alglen, met in the morning
nbeut s o'clock and proceeded tel'arkesburg,
whero they were Jel nod by the Purkesburg
band aud must of the inhabitants of tlie
borough. They proceeded te the cemetery
counts ted vvitli the Fpper Oetorare Presbyte
rian cliurcli and doceratod the graves el the
lalleu herees and held the usual serv ues of
the pest.
About the wme hour Wm. Hoberts Pest
(colored), IS7 (LA. H.,el Christiana, form
ed In line, and accompanied by the Chris
tiana cornet baud, proceeded te the cemetery
counected with .ion A. AI. K. church, and
porfermod the usual ceremonies. An ad ad
tiress xvas made by Hey. A. Alarcellus, of
Atglen Presbyterian church.
About - p. m. Jehn A. I toss Pest and baud
arrived by a special train at Atglcn, aud
were Joined by Win. Hoberts l'est. They
marched te thu cometerlos of the Al. K.
church aud the Presbyterian and HaptUt,
where the usual sorvlces were ebserved.
Hey. Alarcellus made an address thore.
Ne Olmerwiure ut New Helland.
Ni:w Helland, May 31. There was no
Memerial Day observauco here en Saturday,
and the bank was the only business place
closed. At Cliurchtevvii mid Lplinit.i the
soldiers' graves were doceratod.
The Kepubllcaii politicians had quiloatlme
Saturday evening at the Styer house. A
Stehmau HepublUxm bought n lambuud Air.
1). if. Umbe had it roasted and served it up
for lunch lu the evening. Ol course sumo of
the Summy meu helped te eat it.
Airs. AtartShottller, et It irux Uie, was buried
Sunday morning at (irellsdule. Theluueral
was very largely attended. There were
teams hitched along- both sides of the plke
for a distance of oue fourth of a mile.
Itev, (leltshiger In l'ldladelpld.t.
Hey. 1). It, (iolssluger, formerly of this
city, dollverod the address nt the decoration
by (loergo (I. Aloade Pest of Philadelphia, of
Lincoln's monument In Fairmeuut I'ark,
Philadelphia, en Saturday. His subject was
the day aud its hallowed purposes,
Seuler ice Cemuiatidtir J. II. Drucken-
uiiller, of .Marietta, delivered the
the naval plot iu Alt Aterluh cemetery. Phila
delphia, The decoration of the gruvuswas
uuder the direction et Naval l'est, Ne. 100, of
aud Navul Pest, Ne. 6lt, of
sew ierK.
bleriulut Nelianllle.
This morning about 5 o'clock thore was a
heavy storm of thunder, lightning and rain
In Nellsville and vicinity. On the (arm or
David Shaelier, net far Irem the village, a
cow belonging te the tenaut farmer, W 111.
(Jel(z,was struck by lightning aud killed
while tbe milkmaid was milking her. 'the
maid was only slightly stunned. The belt
set flre te the him near by, but Iho llames
wero put out bofero any horieus damage was
a vt.r.A run XAiu.r vlvmhu.
Itav, lliultiat T!i(iniMt)ti llellver a Ftirr!ul
Sermuii nt lite Memerial Cliurrh. !
In the Intercst of early closing of the steres,
Hev. Tlieinns Thompson preached an oarnest
sermon 'at the Memerial Prosbylerlan
church Sunday uv oiling from Psalm, 101 i'SX,
" Man gncth forth unto his work anil te his
labor until the evening."
Hore we have a posltlve limitation of work
"until the ovenlng." Te make the time
mero speclllii when xve should clese our
dally work, (led has given tin Uie ami toglve
light te work by, and wlien the day'H work
1h done he withdraws It irem the of
nature. Fer evor six thousand yearrt the
ontlrevolco of nature has called unto us te
rest and te clewi our worldly employment at
thoevonuig. ll has been tested tlme and
again that mero work can be secure.1 In a
year by working six days Bnd resting the
se von th than te work the hev en days of the
week. The same Is true or work from the
morning te the ovenlng, Te work ever this
allotted tlme only onleeblos the body, niu niu
lierves the man, and opens the way te ills ills
eaue, discontent aud eruptions with names et
hard Kirvntlan task-masters.
Thesiiu knowetli its appointed tlme, the
moon its tlme tocliaugeaud yet man wilfully
disobeys a law that nature teaches us te
oliservo. Let us leek Inte hoiiie places of
uusuiess aud soe hew they obey the text
"man goeth rerth unto his work and te his
labor until thoevonlng." Take up the great
banking Institutions of our land. -They llnd
tlme te transact tlieir business and comply
with tlie language el the text without any
inconvenlonco te the public, ir we turn te
our contractors and examlue the thousands
of mechanics we llnd there Is no noed of
night work te supply tlie people with homes
or tlieir families with dally bread. The
fartuer dees net need le keep his hands at
night work te gather lu the harvest from the
field. All our institutions or learning, all
our professional men, editors tle the same.
" Why should our live huiidred men and
women or this city be taxed three or four
hours overy flay te remain woek In and week
out In their master's employ until they are se
tired that nearly the en Ure Sabbath Is lest or
greatly robbed or that ztal ami pleasure
xvhlch they ought te enjoy In tlieir prepara
Hen Ter the eternal world. Dees net nature
pretest ngalnst It? Dees net the best Interest
or these young people call ler Iho closing or
tiui stores at tue evening or the day 7 Dees
net the mind and the body call ler these
hours for recreation, ami would net the
moral and spiritual and Intellectual Improve
ment or our city prellt by It 7
"And new te you young men and maidens
let 1110 as your friend ask you te se live that
these evenings will prove a stimulant te ro re ro
newed work during the tlay aud prove your yeur
seir(as 1 belloveyou will.) happier aud mere
contented iu the work In which you are
new engaged. Alay I ask you te leek with
1110 te tbe great of the church rer his
blessing upon this movemont and ever re
member. "Atau geeth forth unto his work
and te his labor until the evenine." And
may the (ied of all bostevv upon this
evening rest and may the blessing you be
much need be speedily granted."
LanranlerCaites llcttifiMi liytlieSiq remoCettrt
Special dlstritch te Hie IsncLLiiiKtixii.
llAIuUMiiiitii, Alay 31. The following
Lancaster county cases have been decided
te-day :
lu He.: Head in township of Drumore,
L.inca-ter ; athrmed.
Stokes vs. Aliller, Lmcaster ; allirnied.
Sonsenlg vs. Parry, et al., Lancaster;
alii ruled.
Hush vs. Ilemler, L.inctsler ; allirmed.
Hroekley's appeal, Lancaster ; alllruied.
McDevitt'.s appeal, inc.tster ; reversed.
Hank Nulvs (lutslanilliis.
Wasiumiies, 1). C, Alay 31. The comp
troller or the curreucy reports the amount or
national bank notes outstanding at date
311,10,-15, being a decrease during the last
mouth effiV-f-M'-'IO, and a decreaseslucu June
1, 1n,, or fjtijlkisg. The amount el legal
tendui notes un deposit with the United States
treasurer te redeem notes et insolvent and
liquidation banks, ami banks retiring circula circula
Uen Is reiHirbsl as being fi.l.'iVOl I, being an
Increase In doiieslt during the last month et
SOTJjSsl, ami an increase in iteiiesit sluce
J, me 1, ss5, or ?A59,&01.
A .Mint Ilr11l.1l Murder.
I'm i. viini.i'Hi v, Alay .ll. Mrt. Seratino
Couilertl, aged JO, residing at J07 Seuth !)th
street, tiled abeut.mldulglit from frlgiitful In.
Juries received by being klcked aud beateu
by Henry Ilossell, who ciused a row in her
husband's saloon by insulting a woman. An
examination showed that Hessoll had ac
tually kicked a hole in the woman's stomach,
aud thu intestines pretruded. Slie had been
lu a dulicate condition ami the unborn babe
had alGe been killed by liessell's brutality.
Thu police arrested Henry Hessoll and four
ether Inmates uf the place.
A (.ambler's .snltnln.
Iniii XNAi'OLis, Atuy3I. .Majer 11. C. Hus,
sol, 11 cambler well known In the Ailssisslppl
Valley, was round dead in his room yosterday.
Hu had taken iiiorphlue mid thou te make
Htite of Ins cud be wed handkerchiefs in his
hat, Hituratcd thorn with chloreforni aud
placed the bat evor his face.
HaiiKCil fur Minder un the lllclt beat.
LoNiieN Alay 31. James Whelau, n sea
man ami a uative of Neva Scotia, was hanged
at Winchester, P.ugtand, this morning for
murder en the high seas. Whelau killed the
mate of the vessel upon which he hud
A Hunt or thu j'epe.
Hum. in, Alay 31. The Catholic sculptor,
Spandauhas, seut a bust or the pepe te Prince
Hlsmarck, who wrete te thu sculptor an auto
graph letter expressing his grutltude and
Why I'helps WasNet Tliere.
Londen, Alay 31. Uuited States Aliulster
Phelps' absence from the state banquet given
iu honor of the U7tli anniversary of the birth
or Queen Victeria, en Saturday, is explained
by the tact that Air. Phelps was slightly lu lu lu
dlsposed. IIjIiir I'rem An ISplileuilc.
IluiiMN, Alay 31. An opldemiols prevail
ing ut Cheuiuit;, arising from the eating of
raw beef by the inhabitants. Thus far 1-5
victims have been reported, und the plague
is spreading.
Alter the Apache.
Kit Pase, Tex., Alay 31. The commandant
of Fert HlLss, near this city, rocelvod erders
irem fien. Allles yosterday artorneon te at
onceuiove his troops te hoiiie Kilut le Ari
zona te aid In the war against th e Apaches.
A New Mutual I'lre liiiuratice Cempauy.
Tliere was a meeting of the citizens el Hest
Lampoter township held at Greonland, en
Saturday, Alay 22, for the puriose of starting
a Mutual Fire lusurance cemiany. Twelve
persona outeiod lute articles ei agree
ment te be submitted te the iusur iusur
ance commissioner and the governor.
Thelr names are A. I Leaman, D. U. Krel Krel
tler, Hen'J U Lauills, Tobias it Krelder, A.
II. Dlllenbaugh, HeuJ. V. itehrer, Aleses N.
LandlH. llenry Doner, Henry K. If udis.
Jacob S. Landls, Jehn N. Landlsand David
Denllnger, Irem whom the following elllcers
were elected: Prusideiit, A. 1 Leamau ;
treasurer, D. H. Krelder; directors, Tobias
It Kreldor.-HenJ. Ii. Lmdls. Juisib H. Lan
dls and Alosed N. Laudls. J. K. Urn
bio xvas elected secretary of the company.
The slgners or me agreement roseiveu
te adept the name of the Lampe Lampe Lampo
eor .Mutual Flre lusurance company, and
that the business would be conducted and
located at Greeniaud, F.ast Lampoter town
ship, and that the company would net apply
for "Leiters Patent" uer lssue pollcles
until applications for Insurance, te the
amount el ene million dollars wero received.
Slips of jKiper for Blgnera have been dls-
t ! I ii t t 4i imivatiiiAiPii t-k ultnlf urrxlIiMi4 Intiti
for lusurance in the new company.
1 UL' "
A fins Turnout In llrueKijii en Manorial Hay,
tlm r-.atiiuiiuin til Width Wltartoerf a
Italn l.llaUeiwTh fall ,a Wat-
term Catiami Heme KirittaMat,
Hitoeio.vN, N. y., MaySI.-The Decera
tlen Uay.coremonloii were observ oil hereto
day with mero than usual Inlerest. The
grand inrade of the numerous Grand Army
pests, military regliuenU and United State
troops was wltnessed by an luimense con
course of peep le.
(Joneral J. N. Call In and hlsaUIT recelvBd
the prosldent and Ills party, and alter Uie
greeting they repaired te the reviewing
stand. The liue then iormed at Junction, of
Hreadway aud lied ford avenue, and imssed
tlie reviewing stand Which was occupied by
President Clovelaud and his party. The
president romarked tluil he waa much ,
pleased with the appoaran'ee el the nien'an'd
the parade,
There was a grand revlevviiiKsUnd at Clin Clin
eon ami Ijafayotle avonues, aud se many ihm ihm
1Ie crewded upon It Uiat it was unable te
bear thelr welght, and tut the precession was
passing It came down with a crash and the
occupants were thrown togethor lu a con.
lused heap. Thore were loud screams from
the ladles, and It wan at first supposed that a
numbor'were injured, but when they all get
nut of the taugle It was found that only four
had received bruises. The various (Irand
Army Pests wended thelr way te ihe various
cemeteries whero appropriate ceremonies
were held,
Cleveland at'fl runt's Tomb,
Nkw Yerk, Alay 31. Alter the prrmldent
had tin lulled rovlew Ing the parade )u llruok llruek
lyn, he then went te Hlvorslde xtrk where
he lent iihi presence le make the homage
or the country at thograveof Ooneral Grant
additionally Improsslve by his great dignity
as the nation's chlnl magistrate. When
the tlme rer the memorial exercises at
Uie tomb et Ooneral (J rant had urrlved,
Htverside park had assumed a picture
of beauty which deficd description.
Frem early daybreak enormous trucks had
found their way up the drive and depesited
leads qr llewers wrought Inte beautiful
dosignser all bIzer, shapes and colors. Nearly
overy part et the glebe had contributed its
girt te the memery or the dead soldler. The
tomb was surreunded by a canvas screen
which hid the disposition of tlie v axt mass of
flowers constantly pouring in and being
tastefully arranged by skillful hands. The
cress en the top of the tomb was wreathed In
immertelles, carnations and calla llllea,
wlille around the front, in a soml seml soml
clrcle 19'f root lone;, was a wreath
el HoWers bcirlng the Inscription of
large ehantctera in wlilte .Ailgnonetle,
" I'althlul until dentil." Over the deer was
a triple crown. On each slde of the deer
way, and surrounding the letter O,
wure graceful eutwliiiugs of natural
green Ivy. Twe large scrolls of
solid wlilte immertelles arranged en either
slde el the deer bere the words "Peace" and.
"Finis." The pictures presented by the
bank of Hew era which, siirmouuted and sur
rounded the sepulchre en overy hand was
such as this ceuutry nover saw before. It
Boomed that as If overy state aud nation was
represented, se numerous were the lovely
Probably the most olaberato represented
was the tribute el the U. H. Grant Ptat 07,
C A. K., from Hay City, Michigan, a descrip
tion of which was recently published. 8ur 8ur
meuutiiig the tomb In the shadow of the
trembling cedar cepse steed conspicu
ously the tribule Ireiu tlie emperor of
China a column of luuuortellos ; and
roses. On ene slde iu Chinese characters
wero the words, "Chung Wall," meaning
China, white 011 the oppeslto side or the shaft
were the words. "China's affection for
Ainerlca'u Illustrious warrior." The ether
two sides bere the Hags of the two nations.
it Is ex peeled that the president will diue
with AUss Folsom at the Gilsey heuse alter
olllciatiugatlhedocoration of (Iraut's tomb.
He leaves for Washington by the night train.
The Day In Washington.
Wasiunuten, May 31. Alomerlal Day
hore was generally ebserved. The exer
cises at all the cometorlos wero well
attended dosplte Uie Inclement weather.
As usual the principal points of
attraction was Arlington, where Hen.
Jehn I). Lenir. of MassachuetU), de
livered the oration aud Air. James M.
Stewart recited a poeui.
What They
Will Ak Gengrew te
Hat IU
Approval Un.
Cr.uvKUVND, Ohie, Alay 31. This morn
ing's sossleu of the Knights of Laber con
vention was by far the most Innrertant in its
results yet held. The coininlttee ea legisla
tion presouted the following preposition In the
nature or demands of Congreas which were
ratltled by the convention :
First That patents for tlie publle lauds be
given te actual Bottlers only.
Second That all land ewned by any in
dividual or corporation in excess of 100 .
acres, whotlier Improved or unimproved,
shall be taxed te the full value of improved
Third Calling ler the immodiate forfeiture
of all lands whero the conditions el the
grant have net been complied with.
Fourth Asking that patents en lands
whero the conditions have been compiled
with be issued forthwith, be that taxation
may take ollect at once.
Fifth Calling rer the romeyal of lences
from the publle domain.
Sixth That arter 1800, the government
shall by purchase and right of eminent do
main obtain possession or all lands new held
by aliens.
HevenUt That after 18Su, allens shall he
prohibited from acquiring title te lands.
Eighth Asking the abolition of oil laws
requiring a preperty qualillcatien for voters.
Nluth Requesting the passage efa law
levylng a graduated Income tax.
Teulh Protesting against the cutting
down of the appropriations ler the labor
vievnnili Askiinr for the passage et the
bills approved by the congressional labor
Twelfth Asking for the passage et s law ,
prohibiting the employment lu inuiea.ahena,
factories, Ac., of miners for mere than 8 hours
per day. In this connection tlie lollewlng
resolution was adopted :
lleselvcd, That xve will bold responsible at
the ballet-box all members or Congress who
neglect or refrain from voting la compliance
with these demands. The comtnlltee ea
strikes and boycotts presouted thelr report,
roceiiimondlug that all authority te eruer
boycotts and strikes Imj veated In the cxeeu-
live committee.
Ah t lie hour for the neon recess had I
arrived their report was laid ever JJ
afternoon session for discussion and a
At 1 o'clock the convenUea took "f?', '
until 2 p. in.
WtuittNiinil, O. Ui 7 -"'
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