WM sSs?yTS5W3M!cr, T"juiufutut3aeeiasa y ''jwy'"' tgi '" f THE LANOABTKlt DAILY INTELLIGENCE!?, SATURDAY, MAY 20, 1SS0. r rV S5, M A CIGAR MANUFACTURER'S '': BMrjwa enatAvmmx ABAtHMT run ci- N, Tit I . -J 1M 1 f Tyranny That It Calling te Meavtfeetarar and Wat Worker Aims. ' Aa AaaI fa fttreng Combination AfMHl UM Orgaalnllea. OttbatMlr or the many thousand whom only mean of livelihood depemls upon this branch of trad I would ask, it It net time IMtMMnM combine and call a halt en Mw merMehatnta and lnreada that the ao ae alM iMaraatloeal Cigarmakera' union are ah fait hi ear mldK. lt us meet their ne tnriMMaad destructive mlnlen and take up aba IwWtKJry of aU protection, and marshal ewlereea in wen numbers aa te hnrl them back'. Nothing leaa than the complete control or your trorkabepa will they accept If you wlsaaclgar made, whether an old or new ntyla In your factory, yen cannot set a prlre aa te what you will pay te hare it made. But you must humble yourself te them, your would-be masters, the " Onion," and ask them what they will make It ter. They gire you tbeprlce which you are bound te accept, or they will close your works. Hew many troed contracts has the writer been a witness ui mat nd te tie cancelled ana given up through the above causa. Having been an , active member himself years age, he can peak from experience. Through changes et positions And localities, 1 was lerced out, and glad I am te-day that I am. Their mission In our district U plain and easy te fathom. They have made their beasts through their venomous, creeping agents and organizers of the union, wfte are ' living en the fat of the land en the hard earned labor of their dupes, that they are go ing te drive tbe cheap cigars eat of existence,, close up our workshops and threw thousands out el work, causing misery and want where all Is new happiness and contented employ ment, and empleyes working in peace ami harmony nnder the old rule of doing our own business in our own way. Will 'we alt still and allow this demon step In te take our factories In their loathsome embrace, or shall we meet tbem with tbe strong determination or being tbe master or our own destiny 7 WHAT IS THE ''UMIOX"? What Is this oe-called great International Cigarmskers' union composed of? 1 dare and will hit the mark pretty close when I tell you that fully two-thirds are net natives of this free and ence happy land. I beg leave net te be understood as being opposed te a person or any ether nationality. Far lrem It, us J. respect a geed naturalized citi zen, one who obeys our laws and has made this his home, aa much as I de any ether citizen. Butte tbe ether points, ir yen will rellect a moment you will And that the num lier or wage workers at our trade in the Oth district, men and women, number nearly as nisny persons as tbe geed standing members or this great loud-mouthed International Ciiiarmakers' union combined. Can xve net defeat thorn in their pernicious and ruinous Invasion. I claim we can by uniting and taking the words or the lamented " Old Hickory," and " by the eternal " we will. They tell us we shall net make any mere cheap cigars, thereby at the same time telling tiie ioer werklngman that he must mnoke line ones or none; which "would be the greatest boycott the country ever had. Could net tbe shoemakers, tbe tailors, the hatters and many ethers have tbe same gall, and tell their employers that they shall make ue mere cheap low grade goods ami tell the wage workers he must wear flue stiees and broadcloth In themlnesand greasy workshops. Would net such a course raise a howl or indignation all ever the land as never was heard before ? But the same right exists te them te make the request as the would-be-all-pewerm! cigarmakers have. Again tbey speak or our cigars with derision alt ever the country, "as stinkers mailn f mm cabbage leaves " and the Lord enlv knew what else. But step a moment Ge te the city or Lancaster and ethers efnnr lirm towns In this district and nete the large te- Mii-u-iwuiiiK neuses Duut ana owned by the Utmost dealers and Iimntirarttirer frnm Kastern cities. "When the crop Js ready te handle', ou will And the buyers here a thick as our spring birds, scouring the whole country ever, buying, packing up and ship ping It te their Kastern workshops, te be manipulated and turned Inte llrst-class cigars, flew, ptease remember, this Is tbe fume leaf that our se-called "stinkers" nre made from, and they bring double the price that, we can get for enr goods with just as geed work en them in every respect A DEFENSE OP IIOME CIOAI1S. Ner de I believe that any of my readers will believe that the stink Bmells any tbe less East than it does here. The wage worker enjoys his smeke as well as the man or easy means. By what right has a body or inen te compel him te pay five cents for his cigar when be can get Just as geed at two for live ? "Yet this would-be-pewor though net 3 et the .International r.uulen takes that right TheiUberlnglmanjUiat earns his bread by tbe sweat of his brew Is the one who smokes our cigars, and that Is tbe class that keeps our factories going. It is a well-known tact that cigarmakers never buy tbelr smokers. If our trade depended en tbem we would nil seen be bankrupt Te the werkiugmen throughout our bread domain we must cater te and protect against tbe encroachments of mis Bew m wen acieiningwat Is prowling around our workshops. They also print cir culars and cry aloud all ever the land smoke nothing but the blue label clear." They must net run away with the Idea that we are net aware that there lsan organization a mighty host of the tellers of all callings none are exempt " with but few exceptions " men and women, whose mission and alms are of tbe highest order for the wage work ors or our land. I would say rally under their Iwuner and join tbe mighty host whose bat tie cry Is te educate and protect the working werking working inen and women wherever tbey may be leund. Ne conflict Is taught there between capital and labor, but all troubles and llttje grievances can be settled within the home castle halls secure from the gessi p of tbe out side world. 1 rerer te the grand order of the Knights of Laber of America, which is a power and dares maintain It lUOUTS OP EMPLOYER, AND ESIPLOVE. They say let peace and harmony rule be tween employer and employe se as te make their common interests mutual te secure equal pay for man and woman for equal work. Wmrt does thls despotle Interna Interna tlenal union de ter the' women T I win foil you. By their actions it is their object te drive every one of them out or your work shops once tbey would get the power, neither de the Knights et Laber employ sneaking, crawling meddlers, ''se-called agents," te enter j our workshops with their brazen races aud worm out of your employ, ers the Inmost secrets of hew you are run. nlngyeur business, and giving them advice te wreck the ship that has kept them afloat through all tbe tempests which have been caused by these lejiers In ether sections el the country. 1 say, keep your eye en them, and when you And one of tbem In your workshop take film by tbe nape of his neck aud boost him L"it0 M".0.u.ter werl11' Plainly indicating te him that his rrem Is better than his com pany. 1 will refer again te the great label cry of this pompous union. As I beleresald. thdv all eTh ?.? u,gr- UA11 Ul w8e workers of all ether callings are the great body that sup- Us? A.W,Sfl,e,ur?? Jobbers Uu. ?..i. tbe7 outnumber the se-called Inter. wh Isabel fwi T V " . ly Sn Mtrenief Thiil?8 lTe lee,r ""PPert and wui Zr KCted J Xr r,Ui" Then let us meet tKatui ".t eL00,"0'' - . dangerous 1T$Sj, IN C0JI0I.USION. A few words mere and lam done. An ether of their objects is te equalize the price of making cigars all ever the United State! New we are well aware we could never rv Eastern prices and compete with their goods. sad that s lust the point this upsatteref enr fatsteejridea;rter. 'OlesM? JMerteMeftneVth district of Peutnyivania Then tbey figure they can lag eir te our large cities, work but few hours per day, make bif wa?ee, swill beery talk big and beast el their deeds, while our peer workmen and women can grovel along as best they can. I would Alse say te the dealers e( cigars Js'ertb, Seuth: Ksat and West net te be deceived lMr in reference te our abused and be M4 district Fer be it known that we live Im lha garden section or tbe linest tobacco fjmriag isjlea ; we have the selections or Bk cream of the leaf raised here. Our .will perebas Just M geed quality ittk lasperted stock as any ether parties jgu ihtf, wkiefe, by oewUnlfig with our m- tlveleaf, allows tistopreduco Just as geed n clffarascan be round In any Kastern house, combining quality, workmanship and at prices much less, as our Incidental expenses are net se heavy as that et the Kastern facto ries. I think that they would find It te thelr In terests te give the old Oth district a trial en some of their lower grade el cigars and be convinced. I trust that this may lea I te the bringing out or ethers or our apgrlexed co workers that can wield the pen with mero force and power than Yours truly, ACTivr. P. 8. Thlrty.tbroe of the largest clgsr manufacturers of New Yerk city have com. blned te resist the international union, aud pledged themselves te employ no mere members of that order. Tiir. VAtiitiSAr.iTr. Deterrpllen of Ihn Ofnra and It Hener An An An rrilote Aboet the ttril Op. Thecollege or ordinals Is the senate and sovereign council el the pepe In the govern ment and administration or the atrtlr or the Catholic church In Itome and throughout tbe world, and is composed or n number or dis tinguished eccleslastles. The olUce and dig nity of a member or this body Is termed the cardlnalate. A cardinal cannot, unless In vested with the episcepal character, perform any act that depends for Its validity upon such Acharacrer, nor can he lawfully lmale the Jurisdiction of a bishop; but apart from this nls rank in the church Is always, every where and under all circumstances suerler te that of any bishop, archbishop, metropolis tan, prltnata or patriarch. Although all cardinals art) equal among themselves in the principal things, yet in many points et costume, privilege, local otllee and rank there are distinctions and dif ferences established by law or custom, the most important of which fellow from the division of the cardinals Inte three grades, namely, el bishop, priests and deacons. The uieiiibershlpoltbe sacred college Is limited te the maximum efsuveutv. The nnmlr Is seldom complete. In olden times cardinals were strictly obliged te roshle n.ir liie imw. The greatest act that a cardinal cm perform is te take part In the papal election. When a cardinal Is living a long distance rrem Keine me election nas peen known te occur tefore he bes time te reach the city. Tne color or a cardinal's dre-s is red, unless he belongs te a religious order, in w hlcn cae be retains that of his habit but ues the same shape of dress as the ethers. The red uat ami the berretta or red cap are the most widely.kneuu distinctions el the order. A geed anecdete Is told in connection with the red cap. I'ejk) (iregery X I w a a great ad mlier el a certain abbot 111 Heme, nue habit was white, and rumor ran that he would certainly Isj raade a cardinal. Semii time before the next conslsterr tbe pope, with a considerable retinue, went te visit the monastery of tbe learned monk. When travs of delicious pyramidal Iced creams we're brought lu as lufrehments, the pope deliber ately took oue of the white ones and hiudtsl It te the abbot, aud then took 11 ml 0110 for himself. Ne one,of course, began eating until Gregery had tasted llrst and while all eves were en him he took the top etrhls own lcel cream and put It en the abbot's saying, with a smile, as he looked around hi in, "Hew well, gentlemen, tbe red caps tbe while I" The abbot was se elated at the subtle supgestieu that be bought a cardinal's outfit at once. When tbe news of the abbot's precipitancy reached the pepe he wassedlspleased that he scratched tbe nbbel's name lrem the Hit. One of tbe ornaments of a cardinal ! i.eld rlug set with a sipphire and eugraved en the metal surface et the Inslae with the arms et the pepe who his created him. The pepe himself places it upon the cardinal's linger. The actual value of this ring is only fii, but for many centuries the new ly-elecled cardi nal has leen expected te give a larire sum of money ler some pious purpose. Ter a long time the sum was larger thsn at present, and was paid in geld, but In consideration of the general distress in the early part et this century the amount was reduced te about f7&a The last cardinal who gave the full sum lierore the reduction was Delia Som Sem aglia, in 1793. The Heman ceremenial shows the singular .iiiiutu , iiiucaruiuaiaieuy the (llsixisl (llsixisl tlen ordered te be made efiU members en alter death. It Is prescribed that when life basdepartedu veil shall be thrown ever the face and that the body, dressed In chasuble, ir bishop or priest shall lle instate. The hat uswl in his creation must be deposited at his leet, and alter his funerfl be suspended ever his tomb. His body must be laid In a cypress-weed coffin lu the presence et n notary and his emeial family, a member or which lavs at his leet a little case containing n scroll el parchment, ou which has teu written 11 brier account or the mero import ant events or hlsllle. Then the lirstcellin Is inclesed. In another of lead anu the two together lu 11 third one nfsemn kind ..r i.ir,i weed, each celli n having been sealed with the Bealset thndead caidlnal and of tin, living notary. Jlefore the occupation of Heme by the Italian government the obsequies worn very helemu and Impressive. The Usiy was borueby night wltuifunerel pomp of car riages mid torches and long array el vhauting mars te the church of requiem, where it r mainwl until the day appointed for the mas, at which cardinals and the peie were present the latter glvintr tbe llnal tibsoiu tibseiu tibsoiu tlen. Archbishop flibbens will lie one or the yeungist cardinals In the college. Ills rlse in iiiuL-uurcn nas neen remarkable. Hern In Baltimore lu lsjt. ordalned h nri.i 1,. 1H11, appointed vicar apostolic or North Carolina in lJW, installed as bishop or Rich meud in 1871', promoted as coadjutor arch .-.,..,, , uaiiiiuutu in is,,, assuuiiug the lull archblshoprie upon the death et Archbishop Ilsyley, he is new about te reap the crowning honor of his lire, being the second American who has reached the height of the cardinaUtu. As the first cardinal caiiiu from the North, It It jiecullarly fitting that the second slinuld be the head of the province which includes m many .Southern Mates. Arciibishep Gibbens' priestly career began with the war, and few men hav e dene mere te nid the .Seuth In her onward progress since the return of peace. In perseual ap pearance the archbishop is slender and rather delicate. Ills faitiinw am ,.i.....i and Ids kindly blue eyes and gentle man ners uiake Btiuneli friends ler him every where. His ability Is or a high order as a writer, and as 11 speaker he Is always clear in argument and Mimple in style, but it is principally its an administrator that he has wen his highest reputation. I llerarj ratrensg. That the lmicense general advance el A merlcan culture, the enormous Increase et a reading public, has net produced writers se eminent aa theso who cultivated the Mush ou a humciently slender pittance, Is consid ered singular by an odlterial writer for the Londen JXtlhj Xcica. ' Where," he adds, "were the great wealtby magazine, the Century nnd llarper'i and tbe rest when Poe was writing the ' Cask of Amontillado' and Itawthorne was busy with 'The Uouse of the Seven nables "! Ther vu nn .,,. age then, nothing worth naming could ba madu In tbe profession or literature 1'ee once received h pair or beets In purulent for a poem. Probably he Uid net get as much as three guineas for ' The Haven.' His short stories were paid ler at Grub street prices for hack work. If he were living new, aud would slum the IkiwI and old Bourbon, he might be as rich 11s-well, as several ether modern American authors. He might cev er all his chairs with ' violet velvet lining,' aud buy the Demain of Arnhelm, and turnlsh his drawing-room according te ids deplorable 111 tU I it lllil...l.i,.... 11 .1 ,'" "i"i"mn. iiitwuioriie, a greater even than I'.ie, leund that his really unrl valed novels brought him but a modest lu lu ceme. Mr. Longfellow, happily, bad a pre. lessershlp and a fortune of his own. Yet, se poorly paid, se Ill-equipped with wealth, these men, lu a smuller, i-oeror, less eagef America than that of te da v. excll.i iiw.ir comfortable successors. Dr. Helmes was or that great aud simple generation. Mr. Lew oil was one or its later recruits, like Ban villa among the men of 1S30." ALU There hanps a sabre, ana there a rein With ru.ty buckle and green curb-chain 1 A lulref iqmrsnii the old gray wall, Ana a moldy euddle-well, that U all. iCeme out te the stable. It H net far. The (..- row n aet,r 1 batiKlne alsri Where once .med a charKur-aa th it is all. rJe'tkUh f 1,nfaCame rt h0"'. rictkea Ith bloea drop,, a wen M foam' 1.0 you see that me.na wherdeTleave, The geed black horse pined U. aaththafs all. AIIJ Ph. aed.itiiaH lean speak 1 Question me net 1 urn ela and weak. Ilia tad die aud mure hang en the wall. And Mi horse pined te death-l'vu told you all Frem the HI. iu Ulebr. ' ABOUT MARUIAGK LICENSES. (ilea.1i fiwit in: iiOViu:r or tux Uht'iiAx.v vutrnr vi.t.itic. Seme Slatutlra Shun Inc the Arm or Tlinti, he Wrr Alnrrlril In Tlili Count? Slnre Or- Inlirr IjidI Hume tnlrrllii; I'arUTtiat Were t'eiiml. The marriage license law has been l.i oper ation In renusjlvHUla slnce Octelier 1, lvv, a period of eight months. The clerk or the orphans' court or this county or his deputy has Issued ftM licenses slnce then. An ex amination or the clerk's docket show s many Interesting statistics, and tbe leading ones will be leund In this article. IT the above ratio Is maintained the balance or the year the number or licenses Issued will boa trllle ever POO, but It Is net expect ed te held out for there will be but few mar mar rlsce licenses Issued during the months of July aud August. Next ear, however, the number will be ever 1,000, It Is e e e poeted, and the reason given is that many hurried up their preparations and that there were mero marrisges the mouth preceding the going into etlect of the license law than ever before, In any 0110 month, lu the history or the county. The docket shows that licenses were Ivstied te persons between the nges or II and t. The former was the youngest and the latter the eldest It Is hardly necessary te state that tbe former was a tidy nnd tbe latter or the opposite se. THE Jl ESTIOVS ASKED. The questions asked are the occupation el the intended husband, his age, residence, whether he has a wife Uv ing and w bother he Is a relative of the intended bride, nnd II xe, wlnt relation. The questions as te the lady are borage and whether she has a husband living. VVhen the docket was started it was net considered necessary te state the age of the above turtles, and ler a time it was merely noted that they were above the age or -I years. Fer seme time, hew ever, the ages et the parties applying for llcenoare re corded. A11 examination shows that there was license granted te one girl who gave her aire as 14, four at 15, halt a dozen at It's and te 211 ether persons under tbe age or -I, te "Is persons between the ages or" I and 30, te 79 perseus between 30 and 40, te .7 persons be tween 40 and 50, te ! perseus between 60 and CO, and te .1 persons betw ecu 00 and 70. or the city clcrirymen w he performed the ceremony, Htv. W. T. Gerhart heads the list, and married mere than twice the number that any ether minister married. The aldermen apKsr te have lest by the marriage llceuse lw, for the number married by tnem dur ing the past eight months was low. ivti r.tsTiMi puts. In the following list, the number et li cense certificate belng used and the names of the parties emitted, will be found the record of what Is deemed of public interest : Ne. 9 Is a w idewer ertVl w edded te aw idew ef.r,i Ne. 10 was isued te a resident et Fert Bu ford, Dakota, who came all the way te Col-umbi-vfer his bride. Ne. 1', a widower, gave his age as 47, and said bis intended was 11 maldeu lady of 35. Ne. Vi and 13 w ere young men el .il vv hose urines were out u. Ne Is, a widow or of M. and a maiden ladv. who owned up te beini: two score and one. Ne. 20, n bachelor of 10 aud a widow of 43. Ne. 34, a widow or and widow, each within two years of three score and ten. Ne. 3.',, the man cave his age as 10, that of his intended as .', aud also lliatshewasa cousin. Ne. 37, the husband from Ostiorne, Ohie, and the bride from the county. Ne. Si was i,stied last fall te a young man of 21, but he must have rued bargain, ler the certificate et marriage has never been re turned. Ne. Ill and 1-), the same ages certificate never returned. Ne. 132 was a bachelor el . I and n widow or 30. Ne. 131, husband 21, wife dead a year, sec ond venture, sauie age. Ne. 13s was Issued te a man or J9, who said his Intended was 31 and liveii in Berks county. This certificate lias never leeu re turned, and the supposition is tint the wed ding did net take ptace. Ne. IIj admitted te belng a., years old, was married ence and divorced. He exhibited his certificate et divorieand was granted a license. His second venture was te be a woman of 32, who, he said, was no relation that he knew or, but might be his 4.' cousin. Tnis certificate was net returned, and the chances are that she went bick en him. IIROOU Ol' sIT M. Ne. 17 the groom gve his age as ft, years, twlce married, first wire he was divorced from en ground of desertion, xocend wife dead. Ills third venture was a widow of CI, whose husband was dead for 20 years. Ne. 1S7 was te a widower e( 15, wile dead s years, and his intended was 27 juars old and a maiden. Ne. 10s was te a Is year-old gentleman of Sidney, Ohie, and n M j ear-old maiden lady of this city. Ne.2U.Swas te a well-known rrsldnnt r the Welsh mountains (he has figured fre quently in quarter sessions court), and a lady of si. ilils certificate has nover been returned. Ne. 201 was a gentleman or 57, vvbeie choice was a lady or C2. Ne. I'll win a widower of I",, whose wife was dead 1 1 years, te a maid el 10. Ne. 272 was tea widower of l", who wed ded a maiden lady or le. Ne, 2s 1 was tea editor 3.!. whose hnlce was a young widow el 22. Ne. 21U was te a widower of 21, wife dead 0 years, te a maiden lady of VI. Ne. 29i admitted te lielng ,Vi years old, and a w Idewer 7 years ; his second cbolce was a lady of 27. Ne. 307 was a young man er23, who wed. ded a woman soven years his senior. Ne. 320 was tea tiaelieloreMI. whe'deslred te wed a lady or 32, His cerlllleate has net yet been returned, although It was Liken out about the holidays. Ne. 320 was te a clgarmaker 13 years old, who married a girl or 2:1 Ne. 324 was issued te a laheier or 25, whose cbolce was a girl er20. There has evidently been a hitch, ler tbe certificate has net been ruiiirneu. Ne. 330 was te a rarmer of Ji, who took for his second cboice a widow of 53. a nniei: op hptek.v. Ne. ,137 was te a farmer of 13, and his bride was a girl of 15. Ne. 313 was tea mill-hand el Pi, and the bride was IS. Ne. 350 was te a party vv he gav e his age as 62, and his occupation a genlleman. Ilia choice waia woman of 13, who was married wtra iwiore anu (iivorceii. Ne. 301 said he was Sljcars old, that he never had a wifetcr, and that his Intended never had a husband yet. e. m, was te a blacksmith of 5H, whose choice was a lady el II; neither had ever been married before. Ne, 177 was a laborer el IP, The bride was Ne. 333 was a cigar-packer or Lycoming county, who married a girl hair his age. Ne, 3!H) was te a laborer el U7, who married a maiden lady et 40. Ne. 41s was te afarmorer 21. The bride was 10. Na 140 was tea widower of 55 years. He wldev rift? Ue',' HW "llri1 ve"u,re WM Ne. lrx was te a doctor erci, who married a lady el 21. Ne. 435 was te a carpenter or M, who said no had been a wldnunr in,- 00 ..i... ... m.. choice was n maiden lady or I? years, but the marriage has net Ixieu consummated, as the cerllllc.itn has net been relumed. NO. iMl Was te a rlLrilrillub.ii- nl la 111.. choice was a lady several years elder. ' Ne. 611 was tea rarmer or f,0, whose wlfe was dead a years. Ills second venture was a widow or 4H, whose busbind was dead seven years. ' was"' C.M W?rt0 " U,erer "f 1SI w hese choice Ne. 5ft3 was te a farmer et 35, who wedded a girl el 15. Ne. 575 was 'te n lnlll-liand, who was sued after tbe wedding for breach or premise by a former sweetheart Ne. 677 was te a young man or 20, who was divorced one day and married the next His second venture was te a lady of 22. TIIK YOUNflKST IHtlDK. Na 595 was te a hack man of 22. Ills bride was a girl or 14. Ne. COO was te ariO-year-eld widower, whose second choice was a Sfl-year-eld woman, divorced from her husband en account or cruel treatment Ne. 010 was te a railroad conductor or 41, a widower. Ills second venture was a lady of Ne. 021 was a colored man from the lower cud. lie brought his bride w Ith him te llie clerk's elllec, received bis certificate, went te Alderman llarr's etllce, the couple were married and the certificate of marriage was tiled In the clerk's olllce in less than 1ft minutes treul the tlcuetl.e Ihviisn wasa plleil for. The licenses in nearly every co areai piled for by the intended husband, but In half n deren cases the licenses werotiken out by the Intended brlttrs. They nnsvv ere.1 all the questions satisfactorily, and by way or explanation said thev had called ler the llecne locaue their Intended hubnd were engaged lu such businns tint they could net leavn during tlie dar te get them. Applicants fmm the country as a rule are se bashful when they retch the clerk's olllce that they hardly knew hew te stile their business. A there are many kinds or busi ness transacted at this office, the adjudication el deeds, men's estates nnd the granting of marrlsge licenses, the clerks hsve get the business down te a line point, and when a yeuug fellow, with a go,Kl suit of clothes sticks ids ncwe in the deer, he Is asked whether he does net want n marriage license. 1 no embarrassment is nt once remove,!, and If the clerks glveany encouragement, iiiinv of them will tell tbem all the geed qualities or their Intended w Ives. Net long age a limn in (lie thirties applied for a license. He answoied oil the questions satisfactorily, and as he wasiibeiit signing the naaieto'tlieallld iv it he suddenly stepped, laid his pen down and said te tlie'clerk, " I guess this is Hie worst thing lever done In all my life, don't you think se" " The clerk, a man of many ears married experience, evaded the question. The young fellow finally put bis name te the atlldavlt l'OHllOT Te hit vi u i-nsi . The clerk of the orphans' court was eg erly sought ler one evening net many months agev. The wedding puty had assembled, the preacher was en hand, and Just as the cere mony was about beginning the groom hap pened te think that he had forgotten te take out a license, lu a moment nil was confu sion. A deren messengers were dlsvvtch(Hl In a dozen dlllerent directions in search of the clerk. It took an hour te find him, and when found he was hurried te bis olllce te lssiie the necessary license. The accommo dating clerk made out the necessary pipers aud the wedding went en without further delay. It is said that many persons from this county go te New Jersey te he wedded, where there Is no 1 Icen -hi law, te sive the trying ordeal te thorn of answering all the impudent questions prescribed by law. 1 bore were all sorts et rumors in the coun try about the questions that were nskisl ap plicants for license. Several who applied brought thelr girls with them, and when told that was net necessary replied that they heard the had te tiring their intended along se that the clerk could see them. The signatures of the applicants as a rule betray nervousness, but au examination of the signatures of widowers she n- that they de net consider It v ery trying, a,t least their" sig natures de net show that they were nervous. F-nith llrallng I lev. Dr. Buckley, editor of the Met'ieilist CUristinit Advocate has a long and exhaus tive article 011 " l'alth-liealing," lu the June Century, which concludes as fellows "The taltli-healers represent led as interlering constantly, net by cause aud etlect In the onler of nature, but allectlng the result directly. Their want of superiority te these who are net Christians but use either fale pretenses or natural laws, and their infer iority te Christ and the apostles, condemn ineir pretensions. :ser ties it avail them te say, 'Christ would net come down lrem the cress when taunted by unbelievers.' They might perhaps with propriety refiisea test for fAe frif.i sake, though Klitvh forced one. But lu a close observation et their works the radical dltlerence lietween them and these who they say have no divine help should Is) manifest Some of tbem nlllnu tint the Mormons, Newton, and ethers de their mighty works by the aid el devils. It sn, slnce casting out devils was a mlraclo-werk-Ing power nta very low-grade. It is wonder ful that none of thee persons hav e been able te cast out tbe devils from any of the great number who are working lu this way, and thus demonstrate their superiority as the apostles vindicated their claims agtinst simen the sorcerer and ethers. "Faith-cure, technically se oiled, as now new bold by manv Protestants, is a pitlible superstition, dangerous In Its final ctlw-Ls "It may be asked, wlnt harm can result from allowing persons te ImlievH In 'faith healing' Very great indeed. Its tendency Is te produce au etlemlnate type el ch trader w hieh shrinks from any pvm and te concen trate nttentieu upon self and its sensations. It sets up false grounds for determining whether a persen is or is net 111 the livorel dial. It opens the deer te every sujiersti sujiersti tlen, such as attaching import nice te dreams, signs, epnlng the ltible at random, es't ing the Lord te make It epen se that thev can (rather his will from the hrst pissair'e they we, ' impressions,' 'assurances,' etr. Practically It gives grcit supjiert toether delusions which claim a supernatural ele ment It greatly injures (. hrlstianity bj subjecting It te a test w hit h it cannot endure. It directs nttentieu from the moral and spiritual transformation which I hristianity prolessos te work, n transformation which w herever untie manifest it div Inity, se that none who beheld it need any ether proof that it isoltied. It destroys tlie .wemleney ofreisen In the soul, and thus, nke similar delusions. It is wilf perilintlng ; and its natural, nnd, In some minds. Its Irresi-lible ttudeney, is te uieubd derangement. "Littbi hope exists of frm-iug tliess al ready entangled, but it is highly InifMirLniit te prevent ethers from railing into he plaus ible and luxurious a snare, ami te show that Christianity is net te Ih held responsible ler aberrations el the iiuagln ttleu which Is-long exclusively te no pally, crt ed, race, clime, or age." tiik em ciri:i.s s.enrt It up te thu gsini? Will, new, wliats the harm If It hangs like a horse-din,' le 41 rve as a charm ' The te-day, te be sure. It uutctu-s 111 with things here; Shill 1 sack'thn old frfend Just hcciii'c It Is quis-r? Thing of beauty ils net, but a Jey none Ihclihs, As my het lips remeiiilinr Its old tlnm uin-ss. And 1 think en lhn snlnci, ence gurgling lie tween ilj lips from tbe old, bittern J tincintt-en. Itwiia hung by my hld In tliu long, wiarj- trump, been my friend In the bivouac, barrack and camp, In the triumph, capture, advam m.d retreat, More thun light te my path, mere than guiile te my feet. S ecter nectar no'er Jle rd, however sparkling and cold. Frem outthttllceofwltver or BOblctef reM, t'ern kliurer emperor, princess or rjin n, Than from thu mouth of that old cautMui It his cheered the desponding en many a night. Till their laughing eyes gleamed In the uimp- nrellKht. Whether gun steed In silence or lrxinied at short range It was always en duty, though ,'tneuld net be strange If In somnolent periods, Just after "taps." Heme colonel or captain, disturbed til his naps. Slay have felt a suspicion that "spirits" un seen Had somehow bedeviled ttrU old canteen. but 1 think or the tluie when, in tbe lull! of the strife, It called the far leek In dim eyes back te lift, j Helped te staunch tbe quick bleed Just m gin. umg te pour ; Seethed breud, gaping wounds that went tlir- ened and sere ; Moistened, thin, livid lips, no despairing of hit-ath They could only speak thanks In the tiilreref death. If angel of mercy e'er hovered bet v ten IhU world and the mul'tsas the old canteen. Then banish It net as u prelllless thing. Were It hung In 11 palace It well might swing Te tell lu Its mute, alleguilcal way now-ine citizen volunteer wen be day j Hew he bravely, unlllnehlngly, gladly wen Anil hew, when the death dealing work was done, 'Twas as easy his passlniiireui war te wean As hi j mouth from the lips of tbe old cautum. Ily-and by, when all hate for the stars with the bats I forgotten In love fertbcstrlpesundthustars t When Columbia rules evcrj thing elld anil nole I'rem her own shlbcanal te the Ice at the pole t Whenwetlrunil Army men have ebejed the last call. And thu May flowers and the violets bloom for us all t Then away In seme garret tbe cobwebs may screen My ba'if red, old, cloth covered, tin canteen. Vew the Aiilfenul -jTWune. Oiu books, old wine, ela Nankin blue All things In short, te which belong The charm, the grace, that Time makes ktreng ; All these 1 prlie, hut (entre neu) Old friends ura bust f J)olien. YKGKOSSKK MAN---1US STOKK. UVHlKt t 1 VIlftll.lK HUT ft. t M.I . (HUM Kill AT I II It COlC.SJ.lt. lis stctres it linn llnd In the city tit Ionian ler A Xtllllttti llellars In MiUnseA nntl siiHkerpt, stigtr Hint stit, st'lers ninl Mlier siiiui. One or tlie Inti.i i iuijm Kit's many lutein, gent rtqierters steed US)ii the curbstene of n ctxil M ly morning watching n man stiuggle with n molasses liarrcl. The linn ItHiktsl warm but hippy, anil ns the reporter saw hint vanish down the cellar sbilrs he won dered hew manv such barrels had se vanlsh tsl throughout this city In the past jear. Wonder Is iv mental state that reeiters arc always anxious te encourage In themselves nntl ethers ; hence this wonderful nttlcle. The steps Isdengetl te 11 corner gns-erv, mill there are ljs comer grts-erles in this city, or 0110 te every list inliibitaiits. i hese oor eor oer ner grtveiies 1I0 nn eniiii il business et ii mt ?'.Ki0,iKH, nnd with the li t 1 m. 1 no 'teres Included, the gnveiy imsuiess of Iiucaster does net fall short id a million of dollar. As n rule, the business is dene ler cash, al though lu Miinn localities it Is almost ext lu slvelyncreilit business en short time. Mill operatives nntl ethers who receive their wages en regulsr pay days, like te buy en short credit. About IMsV barrels et coal oil are used an nually by the eltirens or Lancaster ; 'J, lift, lift, fss)siutidsel Heur are sold annually by the up tow 11 crocers, ami the sales el the down, town grocers would prehtbly bring the llg llg llg tirestoever .1,000,000 jmuntls Imught annu nlly by the citizens or Lancaster rrem gro cery stores. The sales or the flour merchants, or course, are vastly greater, ltetween ,0u0 and 10,000 lurrels et sugar nre tsinsumetl here annually. AWmt 5.IIH) tiarrels of mo lasses and s.etnu.nscs oft tuned gtxtls, toma toes, com, beans nnd peas are sold nnnmlly by the corner groceries. st IIIKOT TO Kl t KN mil ITIls. The grocery trade appears te be subject te peculiar Ireiks, as unaccountable ivs these el the weather. In the neighborhood or tlie 1'riiiee street mills the sales of ran ne. 1 goods are net nearly as heavy as last vear, nntl the deinmd for drieil trulls, npphis anil prtints "" is-tniiw very urisK. i-tirtlier west, en High street and S'est King the sale of cinned tomatoes, corn, pens, A,-, i,as lucre.ieil very largely. Mr. lleu-er rejsirls that the cople of su Jeseph street ronsutne xast quantities of molasses, anil the customers et Mr. Ochs, of youth ijueen street buy very Hrgely or cheese and mustard. Men unln'McKlrey, or High street, eeher A Kentllg, or West lving, iiioniiwen, of Prince, Jehn ( lis ami Daniel sing, of south ijueen, Divt.l Leng ami Hllckemlerrer en the North, and T. Park Guthrie, of Kast Chestnut all report the bus. Iness in a most prosreus coinlltlen. nnd the appearance of their stores confirms what they sy. tiroeerles appear te lleurih lest among the Hermans, and a rem irk et n tlermtn grocer explains it : "The Hermans work hud, live well, are honest ami buy everything at the grocery." lit m: vstesu M-ltlllttOlls The pareus of these stores (ireler te buy ns ne.ir nome as juxsjnie, anil 11 corner gre.-ery II well unniged Is sure txlraw the custom of Its nelgliborheo.1 ter the many 111110 tilings tii.il huusektepers lind no es- siry. This is ileubtless the rlnciMl reason ler the great numlsr of these stores; but another is te Iki round In the tact tint the imsuiess is ene lu which n nun's family can readily assist liiiu, wilting en customers and in many ether little ways. One secret of success lies in watching tlie Jennies; llke llke wie tlie dollars. The arrangement of a modern grorery store tlees net tllller greitli' frnm tint of the stores et the old Unmans several thnustnd je-irs age. In the ruins or I'empelniiiiir et the stores where men Mild wine, oil nntl ether merchandise, htve been pre-ervei in livannd veleanic dust ; as though pickled by a Kind Providence ler the express pur pur Is.e or granting the curiesitv of the pres ent generation. Perhaps a warning, ,'hiey geneially coiisistetlet one large t-empartiiient 011 the ground lloer, eisnlug towards the street, i'liere were ene or two small tmck rooms cennectetl by stilrs with bedrooms In the upier ster. Cerner stores were ein te lutli streets, ami, f.u ing the njienlng, there stisid a slone counter having iMittles let into It for liquid', nntl a vacant sjmce in front ler cost. liners. ('.,., ,,n tlie wall were filled Willi glxsstis, iKittles, and merchandise, sum; vtiTvni.r mi fkiibm-kh. With the exception et the open front, which is new ill stilled by the shop window, the stores of l'einili ditl net tlltrer greatly in'plun from the groceries or Liucaster. 11111 inere was one peiutth.it made avast ilitlerenct) in thelr iipMiaraiu e ; the old signs were mostly hewn 111 Htone, ami were with out the gorgeous ehromes, Milting letth tlie virmes 01 giess siareu, soap, unit many ether luxuries et our civilization. The shops el the ancients must h-tv bcxn extremely gloomy; tliey were lighted t.y oil lamps without chimneys, and lanterns with horn or oiled canvas instead of glass. The shop ... n iniirv Mini, nun me Sign Ol It goal CUVOU 111 stone, nntl that or n wine merchant two men carrying ajar of wlnoena stick ever their shoulders. There were of eeursn no "grecers" in these old ilays. The word grocer has n singular history; it was originally spelled "grosser" and meant ene who sells by the gre-s; wholesale dealer. The Knglisli speak ela grocer's stock as grocery.while we call them groceries, using the plural for seme mysterious reason, ulthnugh we say saddlery and cutlery. Hut the grocery is n salient leature or American city lite and firmly establishes. As the city grows, ns new blocks or houses are built upon the outskirts the greceryman, active, energetic, wide-awake, is found seek ing te establish u corner in groceries ; a model ler the men who are trying te make corners In stocks. Se the grocer Is the sign oft ity life, as the school and the church en the frontier are the signs of civilized llle, and te civilized city life the grocery Is no less essential. TlwCiiniKi of Criniiunijillitti. Scintilla, maiitlesllng Itaclt In blotches, plin plt s, , million, unit-rheum, anil ether blemishes 'f the skin, Is but tee apt by nntl by te In feet tbeuitlltulclliinui-snt the Iiiiiks iilne,.intl result In 1 ulceration thin, ending In leimuupilnn. Iir l'lc rc.i'-i " lielden Medical Dl-eev ery ' will 1111,-t ami vanquish the enemy In ItHslrongheldot the lilmnl unit last 11 euttif thesjsteui. Alltlrtiir Ki'tJ. H.feAw I. I. Norten Carrell, residing at Fnrltecka way, tjticens ( e , ,V. ., w as se crippled w Ith in flammatory rheumatism, of ten jeam'Btiindlng, that he hail loiine crutches lie waj, completely curid by taking llmndrelh's I'm, every night for thirty nights, and will answer liny written or personal Inquiries. I'AREoemc, laudanum and suipef) Ing syrup are given in babies by tbeiiKhUcus mothers te relieve cone iinu ireiiuinesn, imt parents el bright children like He. If ANii'a Celic Cure, b euuan it relieves ana Hees no Injury a stubborn fact from experience. Caster Oil Inr the tbiL'S I but Dr. Hamti'm iu.. ant l'h hIe forchlldren uud udulta. mayl-lmd Fer sain by II. II, Cochran, driiKuUI. t;7uiitl H.IJ North Queen street, latntiisier, li. lie On lour (luartl. ltinseu's tiipdnn I'Uslcia am widely Imita ted. 'J hat Is thu fatt .Sew, why am they lml tatid? Jlediimn they 1111, the only porous plus, ter In existence that Is really trustworthy and valuable Ueiisen's Plaster are ll Ik lily and scl entlllcally medicated, and cure In 11 few heuis allmetiiis upon widen no ethers havn lmtl any etfoetwhalever, lha public are therelme call call UeuediitfuliiHt plailel.s beitiiug thu name of " Cnpsleln," " ( uislcuui," " Cupslt tne," or " Cu pucln," which are uiejint te pu for " Cnpctnn " (please nole the difference) and also nirutnst phis 1 ers lieurlnn the nuiiiea " Itenten'," ' lltir lltir ten'm" etc When buying ak for liensen' I'Ihs. lereud pretijct yetirsult by u personal examina tion. The if.iiiiiiiiM Iul4 thu word " Csiielnu " nut or poreusud In the iHsly el the pla.u-r and thu "lhresi Beau " iratlemark en the lace cloth. iiuiyMmM.W.H The National Credit I Mure Slidly fntuidcd th'inthorupiitatleiiofllenson's Captiiiu liasters. '1 hey are known, iippieclalid and used everywhere fn Ainerlci-lu hospital nnd It homes. Physicians, pharmacist unit driigulsts Hlllrni that rer promptness of action, certainty and runge efcunilhu tiialltles they am beyond ceiuiiurisiiu. Onte Used their 1111 et nailed excelleitiu recommends them, u.e, publln nre mralu cuuilencd naalnst the cheap, weithlessniitl ahamelesu tiiiliuttim etrered hy mislacleu parties under the kiiI.h nt slnillar HOiiiiilIng names, nuth us "Cupslnln," "Capsl. Mini," "Caputlu," " C'upslcine," etc. Ask for liensen'., buy of respectable druggist only, and make a personal eiamlnatleu. 'Inugenulne has the "Three Seals" trade mark and the word Capclne " cut In tbe centre. inaySIM,V,S w mil diva i A YI'.I.'H 1'll.l.S . Constipation tsauutvcrsit mid niest troublcsemn disorder. It mines lleulactie. Mental Depression, linpstrs the M4I1I anil Ileal In,;, tlestrejs the Apisllle, uud. when Iehr ceiitliiuist, caiises KnlarKeuituit of the I. tier, liillatttiiuitlen of the ltewels, nntl riles, (ensilp (tlen I speedily cured by AVer's lern niiniberef months 1 we troubled wllh Cetlveness, In con sen no 11 ce of whb li I snllcred lrem I tws of ApiHitlte, liyM-psiii. and n ills ordered liver. M ti)es nUolieiibleil me. I was rnuipclliit le wear 11 Htmdn ever Itieui. mnl, at Hints, u -1 unable te bear evpesnie le thellht. 1 was eniliely CURED BY USING three boxes el Aver's lill I have 110 Itmlliv tlen lu iirnnetinelng this inedlclne le be thu Isist i-athititlc ever male .lann Kccles, I'e land, iihle t milter rrem ( onstlpalten, mid, cminriieutl), from lleittlaehe, Indlirestleii.sud liles, tm-ears .VVel's tills, which t tlMlk lit tliu sllltgeittleil et 11 (th nd. hive lillen me etTectual relief I com lutMicttl taklnit thlsretuetly twemtintlistiitii, nnd ant new trie tniiu Consttpiitteii, Hits icmovntef which bus etinsetl uiy ethiir tieubles Ititllsap pear, uudgieallv Impieved my geneiat tieallh Ueelei, Alidiersl, Mass I sutfetvd lrem ( oust I pat Ien, whlrh iissiimed -tit'ti an ebslliiiitu lurm Hi it 1 tenrtsl It would itiustMi stoppage of the bowels. 'Inn boxes of Ajein litis itiiTd me, (uuiplntuly D. Illitke, sace, Me Ayer's Pills, l'repsted bv Dr J (;. Aver At e. Lewell, .Miss l,( I all Druggist nnd Dealeis In Meiliclne uiisinjl 131lslri NS . Nil nillUKUSTS HV.C L HMMKMI BROWN'S IRON BITTEES! ASTHE BESTTONIC. 1 liU 11101. i'Iiip. rnmlifnlm lrti u fiti iurt we- i-irttur. iiiniri, nuirKiv nnu temnii'iiMx -... ..i. .....:. v. - :".- " . " ( Ull'l DVSI'KPSI.V, IMillihsiiOS, VV KAIk.NhSs, IVll'l UK lll.OOl', MAI. VK1 . ( llll I. ami N.w.u.nml M.l KVLdlA Mr rapid and thorough nsstnitlatlen with the tiltsHt, It truches , verv pait of the ) slein, purl ii uiiti ,-ui ti-ii, ,ii. iiitHi, siren Kinens inn m ns eles nntl nervis, mil tones and invigorate llm sj su in. A flue Appetiser llest tonic knew n. It will tun- the wursl 1 1 1 livsiiepsli, re lnnv Inc all distressing sjlnpleilis, sitrli as lasi Inc tin, Feet, 11, Irhing, licit In theSteniieh, Heartburn, eti I tie 011I) lnm inedlclne that will net blat ken or Injtile lhe :, eth. It Is Invaluable ferdlscases M-culir te women, and te all persons w tin lend ststenlarv llvi s Au iiuiiillliii; remedy lerdl.nises of the Liver and Kidneys. Persons murerlnu fmni the eiTtM-ls of ever work, nervous treuhUis, iis et apiteilie, or Ue bllltv, experience t.tili k lcllef mitt iviicwid eiirrt; by Its use II Hue net runs,, llendaehe or produce l en-slli.itiiii-41TIIKl: Iren litedlrlnes tin It Is Iheeul) piepaniiteu of Iren Ihit i-iiii.- no InltiiliMis, tiects I'liyslctnns mid driinglsts n-cniiimend It as the Isst Tr It i he ceunlile Ins Trsili-Mark aud rnssril risl llnis en wmpiH'r Take tin ether Mudneniy b) IlltuW.S CllKMICAI. CO , Pitltlmnre, Mil (I) niKlvd.lw Tt ei rr.ASTints ltcmeie mt 11s nnd nrene nuieLlv I mn pniindeit from ln-b llnps, lliiruiiudv lilrh nnd Van ida italsuin, thev are, ns tbetisunds et jsMtpte teslllv . li tiest nnd Htrenixesl porous plssier ever limtltv Vlwitys isitbes and treii,slhens weak and lind parts Itnck iche, silitlcn, trick, Mdney Diseases, Ithelim itlsiu, Misrp 1'alits, sre Chest, Kldenrhn nnd nil jKllns, leell erdei pseatid, arespeedlly rtired A trial will deiuiuistnite their worth s.ild ty ilrucKtsts iV , 5 ter Hut. IIHP I'Lvsl hit IOMT M, Itoslen, Jt iss. 11 !) AJ II S M'lX'l KH' M i:iK'lN K. IHKIiltKAT KVC1I.ISII ItKVtKDV. An nnfilllnc pure f,ir Impntency, nntl nil DIs-i-ues that fellow Im of Memery, I nlversi Lassitude, run in llm Hick. Dimness of l.len, I'remnlunt Old Aire, nnd many ether illini thu lend te lnsauiiy r Consumption and a I'rennliire (irave , -lullpirtlculnrln our pamphlet, which ilexlmleseiidfresili) mall teeverv one. -rtie HpcttIe .Medlilna I sold by nil druggist at li l.-r luckaire, or sit package. for t). erwllllm sent free l,y mall en the rtsrelpl or thu money, by wldresBinirthencent. " II 11 COCIIIIAV, DrilRKlst. Heln gent, iw. l!7 and Ut. North ijimsmi Mtrwt, lincivster. I'e. Onaci.iiini of counterfeits, we have adopted the W-llew vv rapper : the enlv geiinlnH. lllKOIt, MhDICM.t'O. apis-lyd.lw llnrrale. S.Y. piiirsiii) ir.MT. EXHAUSTED YITALITY TIIKSClhNCKOK I.1KK. the Brent Medical work or thu aju 011 Mauluss, .Nervous and I hv-ltal D.lilllij. l'reiiiturii Diclluu, Krrursef 10111I1, mid the unield miseries consentient Iheteen Staip-iitf svn tr. prescriptions ter all tll.i-.i-, s Imh. full Rllt, ediy i hi, liy mall, eiled. llliisiraiiveaainpiu tree 10 nil vnunc nnd '.'.' !. u .."' """' "" " ferthii next 'sidavs. Address JMl W II PAUL Kit, I r.ninnth street, Ihisten, l"'- mjlTlyewlAw AJO nei'ItT AltOI'T IT. is -mn strem-est and In at ponreiu plaster ever Known. 1 1, HDP PLAsl'hll Is Id.-lily let dli aled bir tin, lusUint cum el pains nnd iit-hts nnd Hie stn iigtlienlugut weakpirs. l'nv Pirtd lrem fresh liiciidlunts. Jluruuudy litth. Cnnntli I1.i1s.iim and the i ntlrn medic il eiialllles orileps. Ifjnu are tmubied wllh Inc it or decp ealnl pain, n-viini wivuehes, li.itl.achi, liheti 111 it l-m. -l lull, s, heni Chest or cordless of any natiire.aiiplyeiie of thitt, plasters and note lu V,',".,i'.";.,":,'.,.v,.;v". ,,r."x . -.s feriitm. HOP PLA-sTKIl CO , Itosteii, .Via,. (II) eTfK.vr slice kssT HlU HILL SAY SO. VVImt Is the ut) of aiiirurlnir with ltacknche, (clatlca, Itlieiiinatlsin, bldeaihe. Crick. Kidney Troubles, hert I hisi.er soreness In anviiirt. wh. 11 n HOP PL vs I Kit will give. Instant relief Applv one directly ev er seat el pain and note it siMiiltlng, Humiliating ami strengthening diet L Virtues et liens, Canada ISilsam and llui-guudy Pitch eemblnrd. Hosts of iiennl.i n,n ...Va r..A. eininend Ihem Seltl everj where. 'ile., 5 for -?i ..MSll,'a for Price, net' PLAhlhll COM. l'AJit, Ifosten, Mass, (jj) D11. uaisi:n, Ol KICKS A.VD DltlKl STOUK. UKWV.sth HI., I-Iillid'a.. Uei'lstered Phylelan nnd tlruduatn .letrersen Celli ge, guiiruiilis-n te cumuli Weed, 8k1n nnd Murveus Iikeusivi with purely cjjelalile reiiie- Hit. IiLSi:vwpLLS.-Sare.sum and ( ITec tuiil. Mmlenly hy hxpresseu recelptetri Nit I ennv royal or dangeieti drug. liUJ N. sth st, Philadelphia. f-7 lyd iekn hkmevi:k. TIOT0K1A CORN REX0YER; Warrantea te eradlcntn rninplntely nnd In a short time, thn most obdurate corns, hint or soft, without pal 11. Held by (lee. W. Hull, Chas A. las. her, Jehn It. Kumriiinn, Dr. Win. Worm Werm ley, And. li liny, ( has. J. Hhulmyer, and at ,, HhCUTOl.D'.S IlitUll HlllltK, di 19-lyfl .v. ui West Ornngu Bt, c ATAKKII-HAY.KKVKit, CATARRH. ELY'S CREAM BALM ,lves Killut at Once and Cures. COLD IN IIKMI, CATAUUII, HAY t'KVKIl ItOSK COLD, UKAr.NKHS, IIKADALilK. Net a Llipild, Snort or Powder. Inn (10111 lu. Jurlnti Drugs anil eileiihiv 11 odors. Ajsirtlile is upplltd te encn nostril and Is aKreuabln te u. 1'iicu SO runts at drugglsta ; by 111a.ll, rcKlstercl,bi 1 Circular sent tree. KLY lllterilKlts, Drugglsu, Owego, N., Inlyvaivoetiavivw A KTKK AMiOTlliCItS KAI1, CONHUIsT DR. LOBB, 3ZINOUTII UrTKK.STII HTKKRT, llifllnvr L'aJ. low hill Htnstt, l'hiladulphla.) aeYKAIlS'r.XPKItlK.Vf K. (limrantwdtocure thu nilllLtisl and unftirliiiiatn wllh Purely Vcl-e-Uibln MetllLlues. Itoek oil ss)tlal d I. uaj.es fiiS, , Hllllll flir tt A llvl... ir.... ...... .......a.- ............. ...,,,n, nun Biniiiy UUIIUUUn' Hul. Oir.te heuiK, l a, in. te .'p. ui.,7p. in. tell n III 1r,.u linu.il l. II..II ' 1. ...... ,'. .... .iiniiiinii, vt inii. nl-lVdAw QUI.R OUAUANTKKn. RUPTURE. Onm guaranteed by lilt. . II. MAYKIt. Kosu tit once. ; tioepi'rutloii or delay from bnsl nes lestisl by hunilretlsef enre. Main efAce, Kll AltCH 1S1'., til I La. MhiuI for Circular. fJO-lVdAw rpoiJACCe eurriNni, sukaph, hift- X INHS AND PACKKU8' WABTK, Ury and Clean, bought for caU. JH.M0IlINg Nn. 1TI I'earl Htreut, New Y'erk. Kslerence red. ricluutc. Ne. 213 Pearl Hreet, New Vnrk. fehl71jd B! OTK IH MA KINO CABINET PHOTOORAPHS AT SJ.0O L POZM. AT NO. 106 N0UT1I 0.UKUN 8TUKKT, jauUKfa Lancaster, P, I tHArMzmtra uiinir. LAf7.S,,UANi,,.K.MIia'",wv,' Cars leave Mlllervllln rer Lniicnstnr st ret) nntl ininn 111 nnd Hxi. .101. Mm and 7s. t, RKAIUNO A COI.UMIUA UAILUOAI) AND tilt Mil KS, AND liKIIANDN ,VNI liANCAMTKIl.HIINl' LINK tt. It On and arter SHNDAV, M.W :hh .SS 1 UA1NH l.KAV K UKADlNtl rer Columbia and Ijinciistnr nt 7 si a. in., i.ii iineii and mil iv. 111. Ter Uiiarii v llle at 7.it e. in and fl.UI p. Ill Ker filicides at 7 'ils. 111 and lluip. 111. TIlAtNS J.KAVK COI.UMIUA rer Iteadlng at 7 ,-i a. in., j iv unit .tin 11, in rer Lebanon at j .14 ,t 3.10 p, t, Tlt.IN8I,KAVKgUAUUrVII,I.K rer I.Miristerats,niifl7.Ha. m. and 'is, p in. or IfendliiK et O.S.V a, m. ami II..1S p. in t or Lehannii at -J iv p. in. I.KAVKKlstl stitK.KT(l,anealer.l rer Itefidlngnl 7.ain, in., la in ami S.111 p. nu .... .............. ..v.h.... 111 , itiiniii, n I I p. 111. rer (Jii irTvvlllentn.il a. in., Mound rCvi 11 in. l.KAV K I'KI.NCK HrilKKT (LnneasleM rer Heading at 7. W iv. iik U.'Onnil ,lhi 11. in rer UhiiiieualtM7tv. 111 , UMnlut Mil 11, u. orijnarryvllleatd Mn in., I vi midship 11. I11AIN8 l.KAV K I.KIIANON. rer Lancaster nl7 ilium , l.'1 niitl7.iiip m ortJuarryvlllenl7-2in. 111. H1INDAV Tit SINS, THAINH l.KAV K UKADIMO ret lAncnsternt 7.Sia-ui. and 1 01 p. 111, rer IJimrryv llle all nip, in. 1IIAINS I.KAVK UUAUU. Vll.l.h, rer laincftster, Lebanon and Huadlngal7.10n. 1 TltAtN't I.KAVK KI.NU ST. t!jncatr.i rnrllendliig nnd libanen at K us a. 111. and SM p m. rer Ouarry vllle nt 5 W p. in. TIIAINH I.KAVK ntl.NCIt ST. (Lancaster,) rer Heading nnd Lebanon mid lUAa. in. and 1 01 p. m. Kur l.uallj villi; at VII p III. '1KA1.N8 I.KAVK LK.IIVNON. rer lavnrsstei at 7 We. in nnd.1 IV p. 111 lerilniirryvillnats Up. 111. rer connection at Celtiiiilila. Marietta .1 1111c lien, 1-nnra.ster .liinctleu, Mantielin, lleadliijr and laibnnen, see tlnm tallies nt Ml atnlten A. M. VV tl.MON. .SiiiMirtiitentlniit. PKNNSYI.VANIA ItAU.UO.M) MI'IIkIT I I.K. Tmlnt 1 v Lanimstss mid n .v mid nirtv e at Philadelphia as fellow. 1 ... I L'tnvii I hlbidelplila Ijnu-usier VV KSTVVAItl) Parlnc Kxpnss .... .Sniri hxpresst Way Passenger ... Mall train via Mt. Jey Ne 1 MnltTnilnt Mngiira hx press Hanover Aiiem II Mp in 1 Un 111 in n. m, t 30 IV. In, 7 Oi) il m. a tv a, 111 B-BIn in DM tv, in n. 111 H.'siii in vtn( eluinbls 7 11) a. 111. via Columbia 1 1 -Ma, 111 vlaCiitiitnhln vtv Mt, Jey ' 1A p. Ill 4 li) p III MO p III. ! ''I P 111. livvn 111 imp 111 i in p. in. i's) p III ') p in 7. tip in. 7 10 1. in rt Llnef I'ri'detUk Acceiii Ijinevsler Accein ... Ilariistiurg Arcnm .. Celtnntila Arcem .... llarrUburg Kxprtn.s Chicago and Cln Kx. I Western Kipreesf.... K.VSTW ltn. Phlla Kxpmsst rast Line! llarrUburg Kxpress laincaster Arcnm nr Columbia Act 0111 Sensheru Kxitre .... Johnstown Vccein. . Hiiudsy vtnll Dav hxnriiant... . ... 111-Up m 101ft p. III. Iasive l.i turns 1 or. 1 IV a 111. ruV a. in. s 111 11 III. VI a. m. i'la. 111. II V p in. inn p m snip in. I IV p. 111. li 111. Ill arrive at Phlla 4 tv a. 111 una. iil 10 31 n. in vlvMt let ll'llll. Ill 3 IV p. Ill Mllp 111 415 p. 111 c' tv in HnrTlsbittg Arcem U 13 p III VMVp. in. The lneasler AceoinlllCstallen leave ll-irrls. burg at s.lU p. 111. and arilvee at lautcasler at K-aa p. lu. The Marietta Accommodation leaves I'etum bis at ) a. 111 nnd reaches M arietta ntitAV. Ali leaves C la Hilda nl 11 13 a. uu and 2.1V p. in , mac hlng MnrttiltA at U.fll mid SAV la-uve MnrlettAiit anftp. m andnrrlvr at I'eliiutbU u. SOi , nlse, lev,s nl s xiund nrrlves nt t The nrk Arioinmtslstlen lunveM Marlrttim 710 nnd arrive nt IMincu.stiirntssilLsiiiu,H Hiitf with llvriislnirg hxpiensnt s loe. in. Iho I nslerltt; ALCtimiuoilatlen, west,reiitiecv Ing nl Isincnster wllh Knst Line, west, at i le p. m.. will run through te rreslertck Inn Frederick Acs-etnintsl Hten, east. Ieatih Olnuiblil at 15 nnd ttxif he Ijinca-sler nl l'e p. m. II mover Vccommeilatlon, west, cennectlnit nt Ijvncnster with Mnijars, Kxpress nt 'si a 111, will run through te Hanover, dally, except dim day. Inst Ltni. weL en Sunday, when fl tirited, wtllstepnt DtiwnlnLttewn, ttxiltisvllle, Parkei. bmv, VII. J.,,. hlUili, thiintn mid Mlddleiewn. t I'heenlv trains wMcli run dxllv On undiy he Itnlltrntn ss.t runs hv way el filiiinbla. r i uKf, .( r. Pffliryn Pert ON THE CORN WALL .x. M0U.NT HOL'K RAIIiKOAD: Te ( hurches, IhIim, secintle mid oilier su lci I ori;ttulailetw lenteiuphitlug excursion during the sk WIN Ol Iss..,tii (iiipny bes tonnuetincu Hint every facility his been i-r reeled for i naMInc the ptiliile te reach this fa verliu rr,erl, and no turert has bten mmnsi in make P KM; V.N PVItlv inine atlrarllie tlinti everbefiiru Ker Hie free tme el iiiciirsluulsi ure prevltUd IHIATSONTIII I VKK, CltOtJtlK.T, LUV.STKNNIS AND IIVSK It V 1,1. f.UOl' Mis, TAIILh.S, Uh.NCIIKS, 8V I.SI.S, DANCIM1 l'AVILIOV. ltV.VIIST.VVD, I.VIIHK hllhl.ll.lt IIOIUL. KllCllh.V, ItASKKT NI) (LOAK KOOVIS, AMI OIISKIIV VIOItV OS TOP Ol' SOf in Mill' V I VIS. There Is nlsen ItKrilKSHM KM' AM) DIV l.NI, ItOtiVI in charge 01 a ceinHilent cnterrr, where meals 1 an be procured at inednrate rale. lM-sldr Phemi;raph tiallery, .Sew btand and ielegraphOIlltc. i-Se IntexicaUng LPtinrs Allowed en the Qretind. ArranKenients ler Kirurslens from all points can be made bv applv Ing te CAUL VON M HMALKNHKK, Mipl. Cornwall ,t Mt. Hepe II. it , .. . Lebanon, Pa en li.llWcnCK.iini. rajs, arl Phil. A Iteidlnglt It. .Ne Ji7 south lenrthst., Phils. Iiiayl.l3md M r. (iki:tna pakk. MT. G-EETM PARK, IOU- EXCURSIOjNS & PICjNICS. This park U Incited In the heart of the Seuth Mountain en thu Line of the Cornwall & Lebanon Railroad, Mnn miles smith or the city of I ehanen, within eay distance of II irilslmiK, lleadlni'. ljuuasli r. Columbia and all iieltil mi thu Pnll lulelphlii . .V. Kcudlng unit Pennsylvania Hall Hall reids. 'Iho grounds nru large, imerliiK bun tired etacn's. mid 1110 rilkK'le ALL. Thu Convenience are A LA ltd K IIA.NCINU PAVILION, A SPACIOUS IH.NINU HALL, 'nVOKITCilKtsH, 1IAGUAOK AND! O T ItOOkt, lilOTOOItAPII OALLKItY, Idle Ihu AnaiiKementH ter Aintisuiiiiitit con cen feist of CKOQIJKT AM) HALL UllOL.NDS, ItOU LINO ALLKY. MIOOriNO OALLKItY, KI.YINU IIOIISKS. QUOITS, Ac., Ae. Tables for l.unchcri', UUHtlebeaU and Item hes nreHciitteiid thioiiKheul the iireiiiid. A .New Attrat Hen ter thn reason or li; Is LAKK CO.NKlVAHll. Cevering niuirly Twenty Acres, en which are plated n number of Klfirnnl New Hen!, nntl ulnug the bank(irwhlcliaie plcjuaiit walksand lovely fcenury. Purlle dtnliliiu II tan pint 11 in Meal at the Park, its the Ulnliur Hall wPI be under the supervision of K M. llOl.i".,el tin, I.KBASON ALLKV llOLHU. ThOsfl W llO wish III upend A UA IN I1IK MOWN PAI.N8 can Hud 110 phicttiin beautiful or 11 llnidliii; no much pie. iliea. MOH.NTillthT.VA. NO1NTOXI0ATINO IIHINKH ALLOW K.I) ON '11IK PIIKMlrthS. hxeunilens fiem all point nu thn Pennsylva nia Itallread, will hu can led dliuut tetiiui'mk without cluinxu or turn. Kxcurslen rate and full Infeniiatlnn can tin obtained upon application te Hen. VY. Ilevd, ANsUtuut Oenentl I'aasciiKer Agent, l'eunsylva Ufa lUllriud, Ot Beeth letiilh Ireet, Philadel phia, or Ui J. O, JfcNMNHs, Supl. C. .t L U.1II10.11I, Lebanon, Pa, maj-iV.1inrt WINKS AMI. hUlVUHH, rnllK OELKBKATKU u0UQUrrM AND "OLD ANCHOR" TORE RYE WHISKIES Are rich In fiavrr, frnft and pleasant tolhe taste. I'uailn quality, are excellent stimulant,, and theytiandwItiMiiiiarlvalln the uiarkeb Beld nt ull thu leading lintel and by DruuKlnt. Ak font, humphuky maIWin. . . .. .. .. ae,n I'mprlotera, lanlMiud 40t N. M HL, l'hiladulphla. Pa. TLTADKIHA ANU HliKKKY WINKW -AT- Efligart's Old Wine Store H. O 8LAYMAKER, AeenT. KiUblUhedns, NaWKiarKniaSTiiiT. febl7U9