rzjm ni'WtiiWM"r 1 1 wmhh '?""' ""l )!! -J "tV" 3JW r'"? WKWJ i A ye THE LANCA8TEK DAILY mTELLIQENCttCK. EKTPAY. MAY 28.1886. "t iifr. J a IT"- a. 3 V if Li; te- H F- I A- Isi 1 l J i'1 i I 5 OOUJMBIA WILL REMRMBER trnt-mimm Jieri me jrevsar ren, TBMlM CmVKtMT, ' i At MMtaa la tfc tlArllaa of nuM-Wfce WIN rawtHilff tlM rwwla. A MW CM sf mi of TaMnian lob. OfffcUt-Met Abt Town. sUgularCarresponaaneeef 1tiliehcb. Columbia, f&er Tivmorrew being tbe day aet apart ter Memerial Day, the occasion lll baeurrrad In Columbia, under the du MtilOB aOaa. WeMt Pest, Ne. 118,0. A. H. The tfawnUe of the aeldlera' graves wilt take staea hi the afternoon and the mem ben of' the pest will assemble In the pest resea at 2 o'clock sharp. The parade will mere promptly at 230 o'clock, going a p Locust street te the cemetery, In two sec tions. One section will be led by the Iron Iren ville cornet band and the ether by the Grand Army dram cerpi Company C, Fourth Ktglment bare tendered their services as an escort te the pest, which has been accepted. Company I, Klghth Regiment, or Wrighta vllle, have also offered tbelr services and In all probability our neighboring military com cem piny will be a part or the parade. The services in the cemetery will consist or the decorating or the soldiers graves, and the carrying out or the form laid down In the rllual of the Grand Army pests. These exer cises will be held at the aeldlera' plot. The apecUl Memerial Day exercises will take plsee in the opera heuse en Sunday evening. Gen. Welsh pest will go te Washington borough en Saturday morning te conduct ser vice there. The comrades will meet atthe pest room at 10 a. m. and take the 10:40 train. A special train will return te Columbia at 12 o'clock. The pest will participate In the memorial ceremonies at Mountville by special invita tion of the citizens or that place. The pest will meet In the pest room at S p. m. and go te Mountville at 530 p. m. by a special train. The exercises at that place will be unci or the s direction or the citizens committee. The pest will return te Columbia at 8:10 o'clock. It baa been requested that out or respect for the oecaslon all places or business be closed from 12 te 0 o'clock p. m., and in all probability this request will be generally observed. A Sens et Veterans Camp. A number of young men or town have or ganized a camp et Sens et Veterans snd the new camp was mastered In last night The name et tbe organization will be tbe General Welab Camp, Ne. CS, Sens or Veterans. The following officers were elected : Captain, Bberman Eldders; first lieutenant, Merris Dalley; second lieutenant, Clifferd Keecb; camp council, Jehn Metzger, Charles Broeme and Kriward Renter: quartermaster and treasurer, Jehn Cllne; orderly sergeant aud secretary, James Broomfield; chaplain, Sam uel Untitle; delegate te convention atShara atShara ekln en June 8th,Cbarlea Broeme; alternate, Jehn Cllne. Town Notes. During yesterday aiternoen the town was visited by a ball storm, and hailstones about the size et beans fell In all portions or the town. Tbe storm lasted but a few minutes and did net result in any damage. Shad llshing Btlll continues te be cry cry peer and this morning only 13 sbad were brought te Columbia as tbe result or tbe catch during last night at the fisheries near tbe dam. At some of tbe batteries the nieu have suspended work. A large party of ladies and gentlemen from Yerk, Wrlgbtsvllle and Columbia, held a picnic at Wild Cat yesterday. The day was spent in a very enjoyable manner and dancing formed an important part of tbe pleasures. A game of ball will be played en the insti tute grounds en Saturday aiternoen by. the clubs composed or members of tbe Lancaster and Columbia high schools. Mr. William M. Stevenson and family, of Philadelphia are Malting among old frfenda in Celumblr. Train Ne. 13, drawn by englne 321, et tbe Reading & Columbia railroad, while coming in tbe direction et Columbia at 7 o'clock thli morning, Btruck a man at Llme Reck. Tbe man llxes In tbe vicinity et that place and x as attacked nltti a fit while crossing tbe tracks. Tbe engineer reversed bis engine aud tbe man was net struck very hard, although he received some bruise about his body, , Tee Columbia base ball club will net play en Saturday, as vi as expected, but will open tbe reason en Saturday, Jnne Stb. A Lucky Engineer. The Railway yews, published in Omaha, Neb., in Its "train talk," has the following te Bay about Mr. C. S. Ilambrlgbt, a native of Lancaster, a brother of W. A. Hambrlght, or this city, and known ta hundreds of our citi zens : J A railroad man told me net long since that Mr. O. S. Hambrleht la tbe lueklwit tenel- ueer en the Union Pacific, many or the train men believing that be possesses a mascot During the eighteen yeaxa that Hambrlght has held the throttle ler the Union Pacific, he has net cost the company a dollar by any mistake or negligence or his. His record Is clear. Hambrlght and Thee Livingston are the two eldest cngineers lu continuous service In the employ or the company, they having ceme here in July, 1808, Mr. Ham brlght said te a Railway yews reporter : " I came here nearly eighteen years age from the Chicago k Northwestern railway. At that time there were but nine engines en the .Eastern division or tbe Union Psclnc, includ ing both freight and passenger. Omaha bad a population or about 15,000. Three weeks alter I came about twenty-five engineers from tbe Chicago & Northwestern came, and were sent out en tbe Western divisions or tbe Union Pacific Net oneet these men are new running ler tbe read." Accident te a Jlraketnan, Jsceb Allisen, a brakeman en the Reading railroad, who resides en North Prince'street, thlscity,bad one or his hands cut oil" at Head Head leg last night He was assisting in making up a train when he fell from a car and ene wheel passed ever his wrist cutting oil the hand, teewas also badly Injured internally. He was attended by a physician in Reading w here he yet remains. M r. Allisen lert this city en a freight train at 0 o'clock last eve nlug and expected te return at 5 o'clock this morning. He has a wife and several children, Mr, Allisen came home en the two o'clock train te-day, after having his hand amputated at the wrist It appears that the accident was net caused by his tailing from the car, but he had his hand caught between two bumpers while coupling cars. Grateful forFaveis. The Lancaster W. C. T. U. at its last meet ing passed a resolution thanking the trustees or St Jehn's Lutheran church for the usoel their pleasant audience room during ibe two dayaer the county convention; tbe church choir for their excellent musle en Thursday evening; the young ladles ler their beautiful floral decorations; the three daily papers of tbe city fei repeated favors; the citizeuB who entertained delegates,aud all who iu any way contributed te the success or the convention or te the comfort or its members. Hew the Dispute Was Settled. The Manbelm Sentinel says a few days age a cigar manufacturer of the borough and a farmer of Penn township bad a dispute about horse and buggy, and in order te aettle the difficulty they both get in the same buggy S-d-l.e teKrve about a hair mile r"em !: ..?re ""y exercised their pugllistle ESESSriUe l0 1tbelr "earta-cententf The Su?i.J,oute.rb8tUe victorious, having na eK;aff;lgwn' eyes' A Postponement. . lT,L,!!rJ7B et lMl even,n8 Prevented very delightful entertalnmant arranged by church DAfth.rJ0'1U f Gr "-tterin church. At the request or a number of the small audience present and by the n Jni r tbe participant, en the PrommethH erary and musical selections will bi i;i?" Matd en Thursday evening of ne"t week A Bare Bird Shet, Thursday vening after the storm Mr JaMftl B. Byler, of Mechanlcsburg, shot and killed a Bight heron. The bird is very frttty one, with long yellow legs, dove aeterad wing, white neck and black back and bead, wjlh delicate white plume. The Mrd was brought te town by Air. A. R. Keefcel, who will have it handsomely aaoBHled by a taxidermist Om atu OHcaal Vlatt. The county communieueri and their clerk wast te Harriabarg tday en business) re lating te the state tax assessed in Lancaster -petiat, standing Operations In Reading Hindered, The labor troubles In Heading have caused a great decline in building operations, tip te this date last year there had been IsmiihI by the mayor 142 permits ler the erection or new buildings, while this year thus far only 80 permits have been taken out a railing oil of nearly 60 per cent It Is said that tliW decrease Is owing te the demand ofthe brick layers ler f3 per day, commencing en tbe first et June, A prominent builder stilted: "Erly In the spring the building outlook was very encouraging, and I bollexe tliat If these troubles had net occurred and unsettled business, ever one hundred houses would have been under headway, the rrrrtlen or which has new been postponed Indefinitely." A great many carpenters are out or work. Scheel Tax implicate. ti.e ),nnl it iliinllcate has been prepared and from It are gleaned the following figures: KCfU KSIaia irnannnim btncln Men, 1573 41 &07.K1 510 27 f.ej d fittt 01 WW 02 6S3.U MS GS2M First ward Second ward.... Third ward Fourth ward l'ifth ward Sixth ward Seventh ward Eighth ward Ninth ward.. . I Total ,. T.-I&3ST 3,578.07 . MM. 32 3,24i.ii! 0,752 5S 2,372 511 3,03.1 2l .. 3.7S0.09 M0.230.17 e,372 71 Lafayette CnllrE" Orators. The junior oraterlcat ccnteft at Lalajette college, EaMen, was held Thursday night in Pardce hall. There were four contestants from Franklin hall, and the interest among the society ineiubets was great With oue exception, Franklin hall has Uken the prize for the last flrteen contests, and every year Washington hall tries te break the record. Tbe speakers were: S. S. Hupp, subject, "A Hidden Fire;" F. S. Becker, "The Phi losophy et Reform:" J. P. Wilsen, "Prlnci pie;" H. W. Chubb, "The Crusade Against Plutocracy;" J. C. Trauger, "Nucleus or Our Natien's Strength;" Dallas Grever, "Great Need or Great Men;" Herace Lehr, "Machinery;" II. L. Collin, "National De cadence." The judges, Mesxrs. W. V. Hen sel, Lancaster; Rev. Dr. Helltday, Brook lyn, and C. H. Vail, Blalrstewn, awarded the first prize te lUllas Grexer. second te Ilecker and third te Chubt', all of Franklin Hall. V M. C. A. Secretaries te Meet. About 175 secretaries of Yeung Men's Christian associations, distributed through Canada, District et Columbia, Dakota terri tory and 27 states or the Union, have signified tbelr intention of being present at the nineteenth annual conference of general secretaries of the Yeung Men's Christian association te le held lu Hsrrlsburg, beginning next Tuesday. According te reports received. Penu Bylxanlaxxlll be represented by 33 secreta ries. New Yerk by J4, Massachusetts by 11, New Jersey by 10, Connecticut by 8, Ohie by 10, Illinois by 11, and ether states, etc , by smaller numbers. T'" or Keal Importance. from the Philadelphia Btcerd. The fact that the Republican nominees for the legislature in Lancaster county are against rallrea J freight discriminations is of much mere importance than any etiess about whom they will -vote for United States sena tor. If tbey are very much against corpora tions they will net Buppert a corporation can didate Arreateil at I'lillartelphla. Chief Smith arrested Jehn P. Rupp, at Philadelphia, en Thursday. The accust-d is wanted te answer the charge of being the rather or an Illegitimate child, and after he learned that a warrant was out for his arrest he became a fugUUe from justice. The chief learned of bis whereabouts in Philadelphia and caught him In bed. The Storm at fort Depetlt. ( 'A heavy storm of rain, hall, thunder and lightning passed ever Pert Deposit between 7 and 8 o'clock last evening. The hailstones were as long as pigeon eggs, and foil in sufTl cleut quantity te cover tbe ground. Ne re ports cf damage have been received as j et, but It Is feared tbe growing wheat will be badly beaten down and ether crops damaged. Our Lancaster Theologians. Rev. J. Max Hark, of the Moravian church, this city, has been invited te prepare a paper en thojaber question for the American In stitute of Philosophy which meets at Key Hast this Hiiniiner. Key. Dr. K. V. Gerhart, or tbe Reformed theological seminary, will attend the And And ever commencement of this year. Iter Alma Slater. Frem Harper's Ilaiar. Gownsman 'te fresh young lady Justircm bearding school) "And where Isyeur Alma Mater, Miss Green?" Miss Green "Ob, I didn't try for one this year, 1 Just went in for fun, aud all that sort or thing, don't you knew," Change el Schedule. On next Sunday there will be change el schedule en the Reading read. The train for Lebanon which new leaves King street at 5 o'clock, p. m , will leave at 5:15. The train which new leaves for Quarryille at 0i5B. in., wlllleaeat 9J1, and the 4:40 p. in. train will be changed te 5 o'clock. A Child Killed by Ilailstenee At Berdeaux, France, during a vlnlent storm Wednesday evening a child was killed by hailstone while being carried in its mother's arms. A number of persons were Injured and much property was destroyed. I'leasant German, A pleasant german was glven at Eshle man'a hall last evening, participated in by Heme of Lancaster's bravest sons and fairest daughters. Society circles of Harrlsburg, Lebanon and Philadelphia were represented at the gathering. A Senatorial Tliersltes. Frem the rittsburt; Dispatch Senater InRalN' tirade agaluBt Pension Commissioner Black, yesterday, bids fair te place the latter elliulal securely upon the pedastal of public esteem. The Chicken Destroyer. The hend which destroys chickens has net yet been captured. List night the coop of H. Z. Rhoads, residing en Seuth Prince street was brekeu open and eighteen fowls killed. Three lagranta. The stormy weather of last ovenlng dreve three unfortunates te the station house for lodging. They were discharged this morn mern ing. Letter Held. A loiter addressed te Mrs. W. E. Bray, Emperia, Kansas, Is held at the Lancaster postelllce for pealage. Hill IteOpen Until Noen. The city treasurers elllce will boepen until neon te morrow. Veunertrct With Telephone Exchange. Jehn Urock's Southern market, ill Seuth Queen street, la cennccUa with the telephone excuange. ' MAHlllAUXa. " bv Iter" K?rtlJr7,n..lh,'' C.ltJi en tue M,n ln,t iLJL .T; ;1(1,ir a Price, at the parsons. Mr. i,a?yOKo0."',eUI'' trances fc. MyllK.beth of .Near itqi Idence. Lancaster count"; Pa.' lw VXATHB. r?l!1'7TIn '."' c1')'' en th" Kth Inst, Kmma J wll.i of Wm. Ween, fn the Cth yi arer heraje. Theiclathcsnna filenfls of the family are re. spectiully Invited te attend the funeral from the residence of her husband, Ne. 30 Locust atreet, en Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Interment at Woodward Hill cemetery. MAMKXTB. :; !B,niii juiv. s te at. """ Ka " i my, U px : Aug:, a.aanv .. n m ... ,. .---.r-'aii " w- . JUU-June.U7H; July,5K, Aug.W 30 A?tS!$x' "X""".' WHO i Jnly, 7Ket Auguat Sxc.'""1'' Wc ' JT. SiHc 2.1iH""y ttn?JUne'a, J'y. 1 Aug, ASgjptig aaa JUM'81 17. X. asfe' ". XaWi July. ASjpStt" June' 5) JU' l onieaae Market urVSt?0", May t.9-30 ".-Market opened : Wheat June, 7JJfe i July,76t4e i Auu- ,76UcI :; !B,niii juiv. aa :!2Vf t Atw i'. Philadelphia Prednra Market. raitiMtritlA. May H. Fleur Market dull sales of 900 barrels) Minn, bakers a 3 eisW se i Peii n a. family at U 7fl te t Western at W IWOtnt l'atnt,l .Vixtn Kretiuurwasstmdy atf.1 .VHtJ&n in. rrt., rail ivneat May, Ne June, MWci July, SIKet Auk.Mc Cern-May, Slc June, 4fej July 4V;c Auk , UUc et-My,tlKc;June,S.ic;; July, .vet Aug sic. Newlertc Produce Market. Sw x.erk, Mav 1M tlenr tnarket anil but quiet ; lne, IJlxfltlO! Surernnn, ft i&03Vi Common te oert Kxtra netern, H Imttui, City Mill httras, tXH for l Imflea Minn. h.xtm..i.!tl 7 W beat Ne. 1 Hist Mate en Spot, II CO s Ne. 1 Ued.83Sat Ne. 1 White, state. We; Ne. t lied, wtntcr, June, 83S'e ; Ne. Ited, W Inter, July, Stic Cern Ne, I Mixed, cah, fKc: Jiinc,4V,c. Oats Ne. 1 Whtte Mate, spot, Mej Nu. A de, 4SVc Hyu tlrm t Stste, ftsj llarley nominal. for drill : New Mcss.tlflrilO 'A Lard Jnly. WK, Aug.Srfll ' Mnluises mill ; lc. for te test holing stiv.tr. Turpentine turn at S2V(t33c . . Kesln dull t stralnetl te iftxsl. II OOtfl CA. Petroleum dull t rellniHl In cases. t.C rrl0htj ilnlli irraln te Llrernoel. te. Hntter Markft Uull i New Westers Creamery. ItOI Chec dull otern t lat. 64lc. Krrs (julet i Mate. lJe ; i Western. UKc Sukhi market dull; Kenned cutinaf, 6,'c ; Uraunlatid, i Mfte. Tallew ijulet : prlme rltyjatjie. Ceffisi dull ; fair carpees at tisf lllce quiet j mnifi's from JSeJ.,0. Oram amt l-roTistens. rurntshed by 8, K. Tundt Breker, Chicago. M ay ?S 1 o'clock p in. Wheat. Cern. OaU. Perk. Ijtrd. Mav . .. 7i -7W .lnne".'."..".'.'.'....!73U l. 85 B .) July 7, a.S Kl. "v, sqt Aumi.t 7h', s; s ms September 7N STS bin octelwr . . . "H ... . b 17X April -e . . .... Receipts. Car Leta Winter Wheat 5 Spring W heat VM Cern. VI OaU i ." yi Itjirley..... .,........ .... ' -a " cl,y cruuoet: ., fti; Kecelpta Uegs 31,0.0 Closing Prices 1 o'clock p. in. H heat Cern. Oaw. Perk. Lard May ?:ii ss stiie m 5 K June 72, S.V. a,ij 8 5(0 July TtiJ a.?i S RW 5 AU)fUt 7MJ dt.S, 7l 8 H ' 1 September. 76 S7J. 2IS 6 10 October .... Oil City Crude Oil & Live Stock Starketa. Chicaoe, May The Dreten' Jburnef reports Cattle Receipts, 8,JiU huud: shlnmenls, 3.UU) market dnll; 10315c lower; shtpplnir steers. We te 1..VO as , II i-OJ 75 ; Blockers and fmleri, i:;'UIW: cows, bulls anil mixed, i 7HitO! bulk, 11.7031 10; through Texans, t IiQ5 i. Hebs Itecetpts, S3 OO head : shlpmenu, H.K0 huad ; market actHe, andne and ten cents lower : rough and mixed S3 ! 20 : packtnR ana ehlpplng, KU8l.i); light Sd.75at.15; skips, v. teaiM Shwjp ltecclpui, SftO headt shipments, none; market weak ; natives, f2l 63. Cast Libsbtv Cattle receipts, 77J head ; sVipmenta "iShead; matket slew prime, 5 10 Qit&x fair te geed, at 7565 St; common, flgiM, shipments te .New Yerk, none Hr recelpts, HX) head t shipments, ,5O0; market tlrm t I'htutllelphtas, W 4(Qt 4). lerk era, ailt30: skips, S3 7181 wu Shipments te New erk, 77 carloads. Bhe"P rectMpts, Si heads shipments, 1,110 5 market very dull ; 15c. off from j esterilay Hew KerK Stocks. Nsw Vesa, May cs Wall street, 1 JO p. m Meney steady at 2X per cent, foreign ex change firm, higher at fl SfJl 90; Governments teady ; Currency Vi.lltTi bid; 1'a cenps. I12i bid, IK'S 111 2. bid. The stock market opened feerlth and Irregu lar during tbe first thirty minutes, but at the first call a buying of someof the lending stocks was begun by Interested cliques, and at midday prices were up , te l'iper cent. Alter midday, en the announcement of the adrance in the rate of exchange, there was considerable Billing and a decline te the lowest 0 area resulted, Stock Market. tjnotattens by Keed, McOrann A Ce , bankers, Lancaster, 1'a. KSW TORS LIST. 11 A M. 12 W. 3 r.M. Canada l'aclflc ;( cty. fa". C C. C. 1 51 :; i'J Cel. Ceal 24 -it 3X Centml l'aclflc 4 tvi m Canada beuthnrn . . :-gi CM., St. L. A l'Bh. Denver A Itlourande t Del, Leck. A Western. l.V lit. 12, Brie a. M wt KrieJd sn; ! New Jersey Central .' 51 6.' 51V K. AT r.K 271. 2ijJ Leu. A -N ,. 37jJ 37'. 3t,-4 Lake Shere fly, s.'Ji 8i) Michigan Centrals .. (a Minan l'aclflc, ltWi MW 107', Northern l'aclflc .'. 25' -r)l N.I'. Fref 7X 57"? UFl S. W UlCi mi? lte2 New Yerk Central lir.'r lei3 wl Ohie central .... jlj n? it' Omaha .... 4.' 41)2 H Oregon Trans 3HJ 3l' 31 OnturleA Wcjtein .... i; 6i luj l'aclflc Mall WJ ite tl)i Uecheater A 1'ltUeurg Si 1'anl 9i ;i.s' uli Texas Pacific m ww ml Union l'aclflc s.i, t,Q u Wabash Common H li It Wabajh Proterred 21' j iyt at Western Union lclcgrsph. i 6iU CK WeslShere upi nrJ 102 rHILADS-.rBIA LIST. . Lehigh Valley 57!, 67-, 5f!TC U..M. .A I'hUa 3J S'i l8 Fennsylvtirla $ ,v s Ueattlnif IS l-t6 12 1-16 ll'i Lehigh NavlrtUen six 51X 5lk Ueatonvllle n . aJ Philadelphia A Krtu NerthBni Cent People's Fasaeneer... , 40 B'd'g Oeii'Is M'tg lit mj 97 H O" 61K 63 nouscnetd Market. Diiir, Creamery Iluttcr 3iirt35c HutturW k .iHIWe Dutch Cheese ft lump , ,.8t10e reciTBT. Turkeys V piece (live) , llrJlH " " (cleaned) tlrtl.TS Chlckena pair (live) jsettn cec " piece (cleaned' .15040c HI8CSLLASS0CS. Apple IlntterV qt c KggsVdez u01Je Heney V t, 30c Lard ft a u,, raciTs. Apples W Wpk SOSlOc Uauanes t dez 35c Coceanuu, each i012c Lemens W der ,.Z30c Orangt's Vder ..aidsec UraiH.s V It aesne CmnlMirrlM. pr. et ,..,...t.43a l'lne Appltseach .llQAc .. VBaETABUM. Cabbage w head inie tieeu Y hn 3? 0C l'ouitecawvjpk.. ...leSllc V bushel , 45tii,0c Caullflewur, pr.hd....; .....siojec hwret Potatoes mHpk... ..I...... .,. itS Turnips w K pk.T...! '".Y. oelS l'eastDipk k, New i-emttifa . ... VJic Cecumberw der I'loHcec tomatoes ,1 qt .Sgl0e Aapanigus , ,T.l0c HallbutWfc "?.' ,en- catahia... . :;:;"rs fresh Mackerel f) a. "" He Clams per IU) 1. ii Bea llasa ; A..... Vein stnnreen mi!!""ine shad v piece ...'. :: :.:...::::io5e5 flaAIM. Wheat 90Oc JffJ8,' 120 tm ,..50Q5c ye 5c Hay per ten hhq-je Cleversecd . " rrs Timethy tiS3a HerdUrass S12S Orchard Grass 'sVmi f'eur WbbL, .V,.... tlaVA, Hungarian Gmn :;......,...Y.tlM' lAcal stomas ana Honus uepertea by J, 11 Leng. Far Last value, sale. Lancaster 6 per cant., ls... 100 110 . ISM... ioe 1M .. i !. school lean 100 luai KU " 1 " Infiorae years. 100 u.nv.,. ., ?. InWerXyears. 100 atanhetm lloreugh lean.,,.,...., 100 u SAW tamn.a 103.55 106 109 First National Bank iru i. rannein' National Hank ",, in us' Kulton Natlenalliank ."...". iu) lii muvimiwi uvuaeaw nauuuU 1MULK..... Ml Columbia National Bank.,.. 7?. .'." lffi Christiana National Hank,....";.;"". IS Kphrata National Uank-.. ?..?.. &.,.' u rlrsl National J tank, Columbia...,..,, luu llaSO 1M 115 138 1M , intiiBuuuuiMiHi, ninuieunr Tin.. U..,,nnnl ll.inW .a,.....a .... 1U0 130 first National Jlank, sit. Jey..;..;..., 100 SeT LitlU National Uank ; ",' Jue im" 1UJ 2UHJ0 nuuv..u . M.uun. Ma,. ...... ...... lMt 1(JU Union National Uank. Mount Jey.,,, re a New Helland National Uank ,. 100 1M Oap National Uank lue 110' Quarry vllle National Uank 100 110 Julxahetbtewn National bank 100 no Northern National Uank,.., 100 lj7.11 virainnta sranML. nig spring A Beaver Valley lirldgepert A Horseshoe Columbia A Chestnut JIUl Columbia Washington Cenes toga A Bis; Spring CplumblaA Marietta.... Lancaster jcphrau , sa 7.00 UK 21.50 40 53 'Al VH.0S va 90 a S9 as te 41 Lancaster A Willow Street . Btnutmrg A MUlpert " -1 Marietta May town en MaHettaA MountJey ..... a S.VIW Lane. Kltxshethtewn A Mlddlrtewn he 7u Lanraater A rruttvtUe M M tAnraster A Lllltai 4 S& 75 Kast Itrnndywtne A Wavnesburx .. N' !S ijincasterA Wllltamstewn.... . is U'TM tjincasterA Maner M la LanouiturAManheIra m .HS0 lAnra.ter A Marietta , v '."i Lancaster A New Helland, hu J MlsoaLLasieus STOlSS. QuaiTyvtile It K v 111 MlllirsvllleStntCnr,,, , M r.VU Inquiring Printing Cempaii) ., M H UasllKht and ruel Cemtvin) SleTena Heuse (Ikmds) 111) lui Columbia Oas Company.... ., Si i3 Columbia Water Company te te Susquehanna Iren Company In) W& ssanrtin iieiiuw. wan,. ,,,,,.., ,,, itii iiu iu Bteveus Heme t Ni 116 Mlllersvllln Nnnnal Scheel 23 K Northern Market.,., , w pi Kastern Market , M fti Weatem Market m &ta Lancaster City Htnt Hallway Ce..... M Ni Uss Company Itends...., ; lpti 1 Columbia liernuiih llenils ii mi Lancaster A Susqnehanaa. ae 3te Lancaster a New HanMlle II uuarrjTiiin it h., ,s.... . inn in ; Itcaillne A Columbia It It, ft's,... . HO 101.75 Jtr uiirKMrriivjfKjvris. TAK1NQ POWDKH. jV .-1: ROYAL BAKING POWDER. Absolutely Pure. THISpewdernevervarles. A marvel of purity, strength and whelusumenesa. Mere eco nomical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot lie sold td cenipetltlnnwlth the multitude et low test, short weight, alum or phesphate pewders. Selil only in cant. H0V4.L lltmsa l'lmmi Ca, let! Walt Streeu Nhw or. mavCT-lvdAw WANTND A (3IKI, TO ASSIST IN TH K kitchen. Apply nt the leuutalu Inn, Seuth Qaeen street. ltd w ANTED TWO HIIILS, 13 YKAUSOK n 11 .ran, .Itn.llnn. n .-. . ii . - . "e2. "...- -..........,,,-, w, imi-r Kins Apply si Ne SIX MW HOLLAND AVKsCK FOK KENT. LANCAS.Tl.ll HALL, N'es OM and 211 WKbT KINO slUGkl, Fer Halls, t airs and Entertainments All per sons h lng skates In boxes are r, quested te re move them In ten days. Office op n a tn I J a. in m27 Hud PUHMC SAT.K OF HOUSElieLlTAN D hltchen Furniture en te-morrow (3atur day) afternoon at 1 o'clock, at Ne f, est King strvet. Among the goods are one ltudroem bet. nearly new, Ceet Steve, Chair, etc. ltd JACOB UUNDAKt.lt, Auctioneer T 1G HTNINO RODsl XJ LIGHTNING HODS I Te parties who want or Intending te erect the sxme te protect their homes. It wilt be an ad x antage te call en me, as I haienll klndief reds and give a guaranteu for the tame Itrpnlrtnir promptly attended tn. Address, ltd J.ONDKltMmi, 411 Knst Orange St. SOMETHING NONEjTTn IFlSIUNO TACKLK. Luminous teats, riles and Trolling Spoons. A complete line of lteds. ItetU, Haas riles. Heeks. Sw It els und C.hcrman's sup piles gencrully, at IIUllLKI'S DP.UO STOKB, Ne. 30 M eat King btreU. T EVAN'S KLOU1L LE VAN'S FLOUR Always Uniform and Reliable MEEltSCHAUM OIOAK AM) CIOAU ette Helders nt 10 cent" benntne Itenr. scbamn Pipes and Cigar Helders, always in stock, at MAUKLKVS, (rermerlyliartman's) "fellow front," Ne 21 North Queen Street "piUVATESALE OF HOUSES. Have Just received a let of CANADA and WKSTEKN HORSES, well bred, first-class drivers and Reed steppers, whlchlwllldlsposeefnt 1'UIVATK SALE 1 will have no public sale next Monday OKOKUKGKOSSIIAN TE.MOCUATIC COL'NTY COMMITTEE. The Uemecratlc Countr Committee of I tnru. (tr County will meet nt 10 a 111 enilONDAt, u v.r. ,iu Hiieii uiiuiiiiiiite room, itnirii noer 01 Kepler's 1'osteftlco llulldliiKltetlx the time for tbu county convention, aud te transact such ether business as mav lie brought beiorethe committee. XV U IIKNSaL, Chairman. Lskcastkr, May H, lvi mJ5tdAd 1 REAT BARGAINS -AT- W. D. Messer's Music Stere, 0.'131 NOUTH QUKKN 81 , LANCASTIIt. New Style Masen A Hamlin Ortans at ITS. tee im,iioe,i,ie, una ' ' ' I'lanes at rJOti, t, $100, f ve, Ac. New American Sewing Machines one drawer fn; two drawers. ij i lour drawirs, u:. Ac The best In the market. ' ' Ne Organs, I'lanei or Sewing Machines sold luruuuu aitcius, iieuct, luu uoe fl low prlCC-S. N. U-Agent for thu celebrated liemunder Vloilns.ef New Yerk. Uleasecall. mayst Ctdit s p r 1 n a IIAUT'8. OPENING AT H. GER FINE TAILORING. The Largeat and most Complete Assortment or r INK WOOLLstNH for the Spring Tiede te be found In the City of Lancaster. A Choice Line of Spring Overceatings and l'antaJoenlngs In all the Latest Patterns. Prices Lew, ltest Workmanship, and all goods Warranted as represented. " fJ 'h.gerhart, NO 4J NORTH (jUKEN STKEKT. AfOpposite the l'ostertlce, mart71dH JATENT STRAP PANTALOONS. Tba Greataat IoTeehon of tbe Age. Pantaloons made with the Patent Strap fit easy, de net bag out at thu knees, don't draw up when sitting deu 11, snd gtve better satisfaction than any ethers. 1'lace your order with A. II. Ileaensteln, the Merchant Tailor, who has the sole right for Lancaster for the Patent Deublo. Strap Pantaloons. 1 offer an unusually full stock of nebby uoeds for i'antnloena, Suits, Vesting and Spring Overcoets, and am dexetlng my en tire attention te my friends and patrons, and will spare no effort te retain the pnHitloe 1 haxe se long held as llrst line Merchant Tailor et Lancaster. Ucapectfully yours, A. II. UOSKNSTK1N, 37 North Queen SL QIIOE3 ! SUOES I New Red Frent Sk Stere, Ne. 48 NORTH QUEEN ST., (Next Doer te 1'ostefflce) Vie have lust received ene of tbe ltest Lines of Men's Hey's, 1 euths'. Ladles', Misses' and Children's SHOES That can beget for thermeney, thus complet ing ear already large stock. We ran guarantee the prices te be "llorreM '10Uuh." have strictly "ONK I'UtCK," aud guarantee entire satisfaction. If you want fine or course shoes or slippers 1 If you want hand or machine made shoes. In fact, If you want any thing In the ahee line, that can be found only lnflrtelai establishments at Popular l'rtces, call at the NEW UKD FltONT BUOK STOUE, Ne. 48 NORTH QUEEN STREET, (Next Doer te tee l'oatefJlco,) CHAS. A. REECE. auriWmdAwU AA. BB. Use Manhelm Reller Fleer. The Original. The lleat, n ynyM, WAS K HBW AnrMMtlBMMBMTB, F1VK l'I'.U CUNT. AHAThMKNT X., be sllnwisl en all water rents paid en or tiefnre J UN K 1 C. r. Ml K us, juaywst City Treasurer. Hemi: ion Km i:ndi.i:sh niuTimnN. Thesnnnat meeting of thn corperators of the Heme for t rtendless Children ter the city andronntvef Ijtnratter, I'a, will beheld at the elllce of the swrrlary. Ne. 1st North Unpen ttvrt,tm'lUlCSIiA .S'KXTat 7 $0 o'clock p in, lr the purpose of electtnz four trustees and six Itdymansgurs til A 111, MM HeWRI.IH maj 17 11 Secretary " TltVNTU' t 1T. 1 UK OLD KSTA11I.1S1IKI) Chester County Meuse, 1'entrall) lecittd, convenient, ei near tlie fta. rouifertalr v lu tttry way, and houuvllke. J. KEIM ct SONS. mi'M-2iel GlMtATCUKll 1 V 1'UUNITITRK IS AN EYE SORE. Then make jour Vurnlture leek like NKW by using a bottle or Lightning FiirnittirA PelNli. Price, 2.V3., mannfacttirrd an 1 1 I i I j II. H. COUIIItAN, III. I t.i.ltl Ne 137 A IB North Oueen SL, tjtneaster, P. majsijnHlIt TUTKMLD 11"VN l Nl)l:U A NKU MS Presents ! Presents ! ,S"'I,Ji ll.r..,ere ?nd ""'"t explain te jeu out new sj stem or awnrdlng presents All checks out Ill he redwmed. Our iteck of Teas I" th"'lt largest and most cempletti CLARKE'S TEA STORE, mS,ljdAw Ne. 3S XVest King Street. TJI.VHT END YARD. " 0.J.SWARR&00. GOAL. KINDLING WOOD. Ottlce Ne. 20 CKNTltK 8QU AttK. lleth yard nd oillce connected with Telephone Kxchauge aprlS-lxdMAr U w ATCUES, CI.O0KS, Aa W AlCllhS.OLOLhS, A 1 M'lClA! SALK Ol (IOLD-11LLKD CASES (Uesss Manuftcture), hunting or etH'ii-cased watch, nlckle works, is Jewels, stem winding and setting (limited number) at r.M te. .l;5lu sllred hunting cnr, same weiks. at $7 SO each. Utt ttbirgalns In tjincn.tcr Watches All the iKist Klgtns and ethers. Cerrectllme dallx b telegraph i only place In cltj. Hest natch and j'iuj n-unilK 1. HKIIKK, Ne 15JW North (lu,t, stc..,. ( Near I li 1 t. -.....'. " ..... t. ein.ti.ti , - bptctaclis aud Goods. tr tye (J lasses. Optical IT HURSK'S. .11 SI IthCKlt hl Afroshlet of llurkee's falad Dressing, Htie OllieOUs for table use 1 the Mettet and ethor brands Queen OllM's. Imtmrted Ldetn or Dutchhesd Cheese, Macaroni and Vermtcslll, cress A Ulackwcll Pickles and Sauces, Ac I'KESKKVlCh-tKUlT I'KKSKltVES. fust received, a Jeb let of Krnlt Preserxealn 3 ft boxes-usual price, tu cents, soiling at i cent) a box. J K I. LIES. JKLI.IK3. Thirty )eund buckets at Sc a pound, or by the Veund retail, be piK ruutrs. l'le lVactrs, quart can. Ilk rresh Apples, quart can, nc FK1 l.'J and M. 1'EN.S ( OKS, -c.iwi tan, BURSK'S, NO. 17 fciAST KING STREET, LX.NCAHTKU. I'A. - lelepbene Connection. Tyil.LlAM.SON A h-OSTER. 32 te 38 EAST KING ST, LO rO AKE hQUAL TO AM KSIEltliK.S'C 1. Lidies' Bmhl Finished Kid Jbcts IK COMMON SENSE, OPERA TOS or GLOVE TOP OPERA TOE, a 60. te OO OO CD mi m z 5j I Norfolk Blouse Suits, 810 00. 5 I ftORFOLK JACKKTft, $l.u0. a t:xr a Drefla Worsted Sulta, $12. Q CO H 3D m m WORSTED SUITS, $9 00. 30 rn '! Gent's Light StilT Hats, I'll Pearl or. Nutra, ioe. I Y0UNOMINSDRES3 STRAW HATS, n CO tents. O.NK CASK OF s- Hej'ij Dress Straw Hals, 15c. CO CENTS SILK NECKWEAR, T 33c. und 60c. JO J Fancy Percale Shirts, 2 Cellars, 60c. and TSc, TJ K.A H.andCluelfs ? COLLARS AND CUFFS. e co H m 3J Williamson k Fester, MKMUKU8 OF Lancaster's Early Closing Association. T 1118 VAl'KH IS P1UNTED WITH INK Uanntacturedbjr J. B WRIGHT & CO., marl-lyd 9etb ata;ura 8U FUladalphU, 1 Williamson it Fester. MmW ADrtCMTISKMKHn J EADING HATHTOHU Ol'THK t'lTY. BE SURE TO READ THIS TWICE! Oe u llke ou.ethlntr Cwl, Cemfi rlMbln unit M) lUh for yetir h .ii If in, cU t the LEADING HAT STORE OF THE CITY, Ne9. 31 and 33 North Queen Slreet, And grt one of the Iteatitlful, Light Weight. nlfConreimlng IIOSTON DKHIIS Onlvtilara In UtimslKr w here the prtMliiellen of tt I I.UOX," the leader oOciiien. rail ,V had Alse Hele Agent f..r kMi, the Leader of .ew terk. STIIAW (HIOlis "" .uiT HTirr II A1S Vn ViU !!:VaC,As,aV,1enT,a!,d"a?,A.',rcesrt.,,'ln,,, l" ' ' """" f "'"'""."iriTI.'f.'Jt'lJI.Al'tl MtT t fitkn ktwisiii ituhia In tiln.ts,. ..al. en.in,..,. n.l l.. ui.. . .. . COmueitim -. x .......,,, , innj Kive quut preqt e, 'IvlrplielHi W. D. STAUFFER & CO.'S, Net. 31 nml 33 North Qnoen Street, LincaMer. Pa. axw Ait rtiH tih km kn th. NTS. I 121 (fif SAtiAUY TO AOi: 4"-l JJJ AiKlri'ssHt once. iu. sceTi's KLhctitic noens, , , .Ne.811 llnw.lway, -Sew erlc. jnuumiytienmne ais Smdeed WANTRD-ACJKNTS COIN MONKY ltli our Atnateur l'hntn Outfit and cnl lectlnir family lcttuvs te enlarge. tnitclal3u da eiler. hMI'IltK COI'Xlse CO, ntaxO-JitiiHl .Ne ssl Canal l , N, V. 7v n pi hi: hyi: whisky 7.X t ESTS 1'Kll (Jl'AUT Is splendid. Iry It. UOIIIthU'l.iguuUBTOHK. a Ceulre Square, Laucaalar, l'a. aprM-lTdl! w 11 Y PAY J1S FOH A HT.T OK TKKTU when yen can get the same nt H, at W.I. rigilKlt'8 liental ltoetna. Na Si North gueen Stnsit. Oas admtulsteriHt apir la SAM l.UNO'H ,.e . CHINK8KLAUNI1UY, Ne II Seuth l'rlnoe street. Washing and Iren lne rtene lu theneatcst style ana at the lew.wt rric" ui2 lwd NKW LIVERY STABLE. K. W. PUY. iui;3ui H IKS1I A HHOTHKH ONE PRICE HOUSE. HIRSH & BROTHER II VK TI1K LARGEST BTOOK, BEST ASSOUTMBNT, LOWEST PRICES, e Men's, Youths', Bay's and Children's CLOTHING AS1!! FURNISHINGS. lonxlncexeuraelfot the fact by rnferrlngte the luimense Ol.play of Unels In our lliew W Inilews 4 n particularly call attention te cur North Queen Street Window, lirah & Brether's PEMM HALL, One - Price Clothing -AN!! Qenta' Furnlahlng Heuse, COUNKU NOU11I QUEEN S1UEET AND CKNTltK HOUAUE. J.B MARTIN & CO. China lattings. (IN HASr.MENT.) fertunately we pnrchaaedn line of China Mat. tlnga before the recent advance In prices of these goods, and e are new selling thorn at prices ranging lower than they were lait sea son. Within the past month China Mattings haveadvanced In tbu wholesale market from 10 te 25 per cent, lhe quality of Mattings tbliaea. son are farauperler te these manufactured last season, and the designs are better, ene pattern especially, called the " Carpet Design " la ad. mired by all who have seen It and will be the leading pattern for thla season. White and Cel. ered Mattings In all qualities, from 12K. a yard up, and an elegant assortment of new colorings al'iie a yard. A new Idea In China Matting are tbe large Ilugs with tbe border and centre woven te match tbe patterns of yard wide mat tings. CORTICBNES, LINOLEUMS, OIL CLOTHS. (IN HASKMKNT.) A known tact U that Certlcenes will stand deuble tbe wear oraLIneienm. and a Llneleus double the wear of an Oil Cleth. We have these three makes and It Is a matter for yourself which kind te purchase. Of course tba Oil Cleth la the lowest In price and we are selling them from SO te U)c. a square yard. Linoleum ranges at dou ble tbe price and Certlccne still higher. A ) ear age we laid a Conlcene In the entrance tethe opera house. Alter the rough usage It has re ceived during the year It Is at present net In tha least affected by ear and as bright a when laid. J. B. MARTIN & CO., Cor. West Klug & Prince Sift, (Opposite Stevens Heuse.) LANUAfllEB, FA, 'lhe underslRiicil has onennl a XKW I.IVKltV STltl.h.at Ne StSNOIt'THMAUKKTSIKKKT, rear of ashlnKten Hetel. All geed llersm. .Sew Irntus i everything nrst class, frlces low. Ulvomea call AMVBMMmKn. gU'T.TON Ol'KllA ilOU.SK. " Ttf.V XlOlITHt Oornrnenolnff Monday, Mrty 34 1888. Hpeelal engagement of tba DUIInK-lilitHl Aliintlciin Actn as, Ida Lewis, Aldtd by her Kicellent Drninatla Company HKPERTOIUK. 1 HtlltsDAY-KATiiliaM Maxei mi III l A East I.thsk. HATUKDAI-lDNicMirain a lUn-ltoeu 1'UICKS !TT.10.aiand3,)CENTi. HeserxtHl Stats new en sain at tbe Opera lleuu Ofllcu. m.'l-ntil rVH BALM UK MKNT. F)K KKNT. A Tobacco Warehottse with l'enn'a It. It Btdtng. Capacity ter storing 3.UO0 cases. Apply atthe uiarltlfd lNTELLIOKNCEIl OrKICK TJIOH HKNT. J3 Shep tn rear of Ne ST Westt'hestnutstreet, nserl as a cigar box factory, and a shop en Mtttlln street, between south Quet n and I'rlntn streets, lately used a,s a carrlagu factory. Alxi a dwelling and stere room new occupied b A. A. llnblpy aa a drug store, West hlngstieet Apply atthe INTKl.l.lOKNOKIt lirilCt H'llI.lO MALI- Will be sold at Ne 4,11 HfkeLlnnil Mttiuit. Lancaster city, en MONO AY, the Jt luy et MAY. IKSVatl O'clock n. in . R Int nf ltnll1inlit and Kitchen t umlttire, via. One r lne H alnut I'arler Bull, ene Une X'ratlbiiln Hat Itaclc. wltli xllrrert Marble-Tep Tables, Mirrors, Cbatntier Hults. Singer enwtnK Machine, two Steves anil a Heater, llrtmcl anil ether Carpets, Chairs, Ta blea Spring lleds. Dishes. Ac mS6-4t MEulttib HUNTKII, Auctioneer rvuniTVBK. TTOKK.MKIKH'P. PICTURE FRAMES ANO- Leeking Glasses AT liOFFMEIBR'S Me, 20 East KInsr Street, LANCASTER. I'A. UAMBWAItK. IKE I KIKIUI K1HKII WA-TKK WATJCKII WATK.it It I Great Bargains -AT KEPLER'S. $40,000 WORTH -or HARDWARE WILL HE HOLD REFRIGERATORS Water Coelers, LAWN MOWERS, CLOTHES WRINGERS OIL CLOTHS, Ready -Mixed Paints. All Want te Take Advantage of this GREAT -SALE, WOOD AUD IRON PUMPS. Special Inducements and -Bargains re it Mechanics, Buildera, Fermor&' GBKAT VAUIsW'V OF TI1K UK ST Steves, Banges, Heaters, FURNACES, -AND- HODBE PDBNISHINQ GOODS. ALL WILL UK SOLO. HEADQUARTERS POR Champien Reaper ANIl llKl'AIKS. A. C. KEPLER. THE ONLY CLEAR HAVANA FILLEK CIOAU In the city ter fe. Meerschaum Cigar and Cigarette Helders for 1(V, . v.. ,.D..i,KMUT1I's CIUAltBTOUlC, lebis.wstfd Ne, iu Kast King Street. if-