sM 1 ije mtfatc $J r VOLUME XXII-NO. 22JJ. LANCASTER. PA., WEDNESDAY, MAY 26, 1880. JPKICE TWO CENTS. 9 f B5SrBPIev',i.j dtkwU .. A.SmmH . - .a. . .&. .a. J .a' i. a i KEIWKIIIi OFF T11K TRACK. I'UKfAHIXH rUH AH UfM.AIHI IIT UN nrmiMANti vuvmhy dikiiuutx. A Mell Attended Cnnleremn mill hit Mas Hulil, Dene rtkil Agreed I'mhi-Hh Heater Men ICn(ti in rttaiiil nml Dellier A Itlg tight I'nssihly Impending. Tlie'kii, which prints lliu news, nnuoiiticed en Tuesday tliiitllm friends nHVuHbt midSiiuiiuy cuutcuiplated an ag gressive resistance ttithn plans of tlintr oppo eppo oppe IK'fitH and, nntsatlstlisl wllh Weaver's unml unml imtlen gradually conceded tn thorn, would malum complete Investigation Inte ul lentil Iruutln bj whklt Hlclunau mid lit legislative ticket were hurtled, nml IT they salMicd themselves that UiMr suspicions wero verb lied, they would unfurl thuir Hag niut lull' n ticket Inte tin. Held. I tl accordance with this pit kii ii pin traded meeting was held at the oillce or 1'. K. Startin, eirj., nit North Dtike street, cm Tuesday evening. BiwItliM Mr. Martin, there worn present Aliriiiii Hitmniy, ox ex ox Senater Roebuck, Sam Martin, SlaJ. Llwoed driest nml many etluir leadius of the tactien which n In tlm main Imntnn In tliu I pper district In tlie late coolest, 'lliey worn in private session several hours nnd went mer the whole Hltiutleu. 'I he prevailing stinll inent was that tlinrit would 1 hi no dilllculty at all In securing yciiver's uouiluatlen , that w as regarded as n loregeno conclusion, ami It was understood Hint, this being concealed, net much help could he t-xpncleifc from ciiier ami his winl Irlcnds for u innvmcut te put a third tickullute the llulil. 'llivy bullet ti lliat tlie exclusion of tlm Warwick returns ami tlm delay txvaslened thereby nru simply Intended te forie Wean r's friends te pay certain ex pontes Incurred ler Heliuelil's clwtleii, for which these Mho managed IiIh 'iiiii ilt;ti ami net he himself ure rcsismslble. TIiohe hid said toiimeuiit te about JAIIM, and Wi'.uur'w Irlxuds my pcmitlvi'ly they will nevtr glve onuenDt tOHiicha purjinne. Tlm Htitnniy and ltmiek men doel,irrl tlmlr purtHisii te proseoiitnn i-oinpliite inv tt(atlen, and II thv f.ulnlied thcmtelMw thuir I'jimlldalc wero fairly hitnl timy would iut theiu into Hie tii-lil, nml dttliur drUe thelr opencuta out of It or tkt (huu'i' with three tlrkcti In tlie Held, Alter a kI il of thli talk It .vi ro re wiUin te pmli tlie iiixintiffAticiii. Suliti rip tlens worn opened nml llliemlly Hindu ler a tiinij te employ detii-tiM, aoine of wlieui already Imeii t'iit into lliu l'pr illv trlet. Tliiiywlll inike n eomplele liepilrv luteSteliinaii'iiJieaMeit ilialrii'lis and II they reimrt nl)iiitlaiit ill-euver1m thew returns will hea.s.'MUlled. Till. Mceil It IN llll wool! fll.l. It N well uinkirntoe.1 that thennti Nteliiiian iiinvpinent had the anient syniiiathy and ma terial HiipN)rt of ijuaj. Am mieii hi It wan tiellutrd te hne tailed Sli'lininii'a IrlemN took their razors out of their hoeti and do de ilariHl "no 'piarter for liuay." They prmn lml that he would Ret no ote from the I p ier district for I tilled sute senator, and net morn tliau two deleKate.t from the county for his plant In thoatuteceiientlon. Under thli condition el tiling the hiimmy uiflii rely en lili iupH)rt te aid thuir aeheine : and they in elude In It the purpone te Hend a enlritinK ilelei;atieit te tlie u(e ixmxeutleu, whlcli ijilay it oxpeeted te help te neat. The iiiill-Stelimaii men were juhdaut to day .and Heme of them eiler odd lhat he w 111 inner take Ills se.iL They iHiiut te the fact that Momeyennt an" alter he wan teti tlie eltvtieu be hacked down and ixiiiMintiHl te a new primary , that he then feared te rim and eeu after hla choice, A. J. Kiiiltlinau wat declariHl elected at the acivmil primary tile .Steluuaii men bnukeil ilnwii and j;e K.hi buck the uouiluatlen. A like re-tult is pro pre dlctcd new. Tlm UeMtllt Krtim llarrlliiir; It hiixin been stated that l)r.l'..I.Itoeljiii'k Ket J, AV from Ilarriiburt? te carry tlie dis trlct for .Suintny, the u.-sou.iter In dlK'i.mtly denies this, it Is admitted that thai amount of money came here from UarrlstiurK that I'ashier Limey or un ether lerelKii mi'vuKGr brought lt,is roiitra reiitra roiitra dicted by one wlie is lu a iiosttieu te knew thore 1h no doubt it came and that it was in tlie hands of one of Sumiuy'H city friends, he brought .lac. Slilne and lterhuck to te Kethor , Mrlne Kt t-iHO In huml ami Hisdiuck iJ,UX), as aUkolieldor, te tie ptid te Slrine if Columbia went rjht. It did net, strltie preises te Hend lliu .1U1I luck, and what Heubuuk will de w ith the J.O0U Htake deion deien deion ent Hajeth net ; may be It will go te the bind te expose fraud and punish xiolatersof tlie election law, A tjurer Coniillr.itlen. 11 IraiiHpireM that foraweok Iwfoielloebuck drepi'i'd llually te the Kuinmy Hide, he was in negotiation with JSlchiuan'M Irieuds te de lixur Warwick te them , the consideration was that they wero te itipert him two years heuce for Congress ; he wanted this lu writ liiKi they premised te gle it te him ; he walled ; they dallied ; he insisted ; they weakened , en Thursday last he came te town for tlnal answer and te haie the docu ments dlgned ; tliey Inlreducud aome new ligures en tlie scene ; a llydrepisid in ; hoiiie et the hiiih centnictliiK artles drepK.-d out ; Koehuck went home ilissatiHlled ; he went te work mid nude thelur lly in Warwick. Hence these team. relltlcianti In Tim 11 Te tiny. The huiiiiny-Weaxer iihinuKurH were in town by the dozen te-day. They are full of light and still adliere te their Intention et declaring Weaer the regular iieminee, but will net take any uteps.iinlll lleim eld's frleuilH decide what te de. Ills known that lteiu n'hl'u hackerH are weakening and It Is pos sible that Majer Keinivhl will publish a card te-day withdrawing from any lurther contest and conceding the nomination te Weaver. It Is net known If thoWeaor-Summy men will he Hatlstled witli tills. They are collect ing evidence of fraud in places lu the Northern districts which will be prosentod at me meeting m me reiurn judge en ,iunu 7. If enough fraud is discoverod the Suiiimy nuui will make a light te have him declared the uominee ler btate senator. Or, Heehuck admits that he was initie room at I.itlU w lien the ticket were being counted; at; the tlme he was In Haydn Tshiidy and Jehn llvans wero thore also; he denied having tampered w ith any of the tickets ami says as county committeeman his presence was uecessaiy and facilitated a tor ter tor reet count. Iteliiii'hl XVItlutraiT. Majer Helmehl, alter a consultation witli several of Ids friends, has tout a letter el which the following Ua aipy et tlie chairman of the beard el returii Judges : Te tximtttl .'uiru, eiy CVielrmuii e the Beiir-l of Jtcturn Jiulytt of liejiulUcan jirimurifi Slit: liuler the rules of the parly en last Monday the return judges of the late Repub lican primaries relused te receive tlioretiirna Irem Warwick because a porseu was lmpro lmpre erly present handling the tickets as testilled by the return Judge, he having no right un der our rules te take any part in the count. I, however, recognize the great dilllculty or clearly proving a fraud se ns tesatlslyall fair-minded men. and realize the great bitter and Imtreil lhat would be aroused in iucli contests. Much as I dostrothoiioiiilun destrothoiioiiilun dostrethoiioiiilun tiou turtllBtrlctnttnruey, 1 would net accept It unless the party without dissent conceded that It belonged te me lalrly and without a shadow or dispute. I had rather be right than be district attorney. I believe alter calm deliberation that it U In the best Interests et harmony and unity In our party en tlie eve of an linKirlant state election, that all bickerings ami strife ainei'g ourselves should at ouce lease, and the animosities or tlie lata election end. 1 therelore withdraw from the contest for district attorney and remiest your beard of return Judges te declare William 1). Weav er the nomlnee ler that elllce, ceulldeut that In the future lite sense or justlce and right which exists in our party will coucedo me a proper recognition at tlie hands of the Republican party. Thanking my friends who steed llke a rock In my behalf and my old comrades who rallied te my standard. I am very truly yours, A. O. Hi:iNi:nu Majer' Court. The mayor dispened of three drunks and Hve ledgers thla morning. The drunks paid costs, and the ledgers wero discharged. AH UTIIKHH HKK Tit KM. Why hfiiiin of the rnrtlclpnnW tit Ihit Itmcnl I'rlinarlfui HlniuM (lulu dull. Klein tlie riillateliltla 1 lines. If one-half he true that Is publicly pro claimed by each side against the ether in he v. oral of (he holly contested Republican noml neml nallnns In tiancasler iviunty, thorn ought te Ihi net less tliau a scorn of mero or less priini Ineut I.aiuxter iKillticlans sent te prison nml tlidr lines should loot tip lu the thousands. The charges or open purchase el local leaders and debauchery of voters arc. "uinile be hm clllcally and circumstantially that there must be iniicli truth lu them, and the only remedy for this continued and consuming Hliame iiisiii Ijancaster primary ele tleits, Is III tlie stern enforcement et the in Is el ,1 line hand June M, lgl. They were (rallied nnd lerced te llnal p.issage by a liincasler repre Heiitatlve, who whs Inspireil te i,v the Jeers nml sneers (r Hjtoculatlve )M)lllral tuadem bv the bail eiiilneute bis isiunly hid attained lu rotten primaries. x Itepreienlallve 1. nulls shall exhibit half the courage lu en forcing his laws that he tixhlblled In pissing them he will greatly enlarge the Inmates el Ihe Lancaster county prison, nnd greatly re form the corrupt abuses new common lu the struggle for nciininatlei.s. rite law tleslgtKHl in nrresi corrupt pn. Inarles Is he clear and jtreclse in Its pre Isleiis lhat he vilie runs limy read It understand I n i: I v. It nrevldcs lhat any candidate for any olllee wlieshsll "directly or Indlrwtly, glvis premise, niter nr premise te give, te tiny eltsiter, any gilt or ruward lu money, gmsls or ether valuable thing, or tiny elllce, cumin tueiiter employment en CJiuilillen, ex pi ess or liuplled, tbat tmcli elector sIiHIchhI, give, retain or withheld his vole or use his Inllu eiice at a uemliiatlug olectlen or ih legate election, or cast, glve or substitute another te Mst or glve his vote," etc., shall, tieii conviction, " be sentenced te pay a line net exceeding flllO nud lm Imprisoned net ex ceeding thris) months " Practically lliu hjiiie previsions apply te electors authorized te vole at primary elections. II they " bliall, directly or Indirectly, aueupt or rocelve from any penmi desiring te lie nominated at a Candidate for elllce, or from the friends or any such isirsen, any gilt or reward In money, goods or ether valuable thing, or any oillce or employment under an lujreemetit or premise, express or implied, that such oli-e-ter Klnll glve or withheld lilt veto ler the nomination, or shall a' epl or re Ceiv ii the premise of any person that he shall therealter receive Hiiy gift or reward in money, geixls, Kisltieii or any ether valuable thing if he will vote for tie nomination of am h person," etc, he Hltall en conviction, " pay a line net exceeding umf Ihi linprheiied ler a term of lime net exceeding tlitee months," There are ether lnis)itant prevision In the laws, such as a penalty et Hue and Imprisonment ler an elector who shall eiler te sell bis vote , ler delegates who Bhall receive or solicit bribes , ter return Judges who Hltall corruptly discharge lltelr duty or seek te sell their (siwer ; ler jaineu e shall employ threats or intimidation te lulluenie voters and for primary election oihcerswlie shall fall te le sworn or make false returns, all of which have been mere or less violated 111 the late Lancaster pi Hit tries. If there is a trace of truth lu lliu bewildering accusations publicly made. It Is net te becxtMi-Uml tint the leaders in tlie des crate contest for senator, district attorney and representatives will la inclined te invoke the law even against their success, till rivals, for the reason that such prosecu tions would simply put lieth et mid kettle IttJnlL TlieduTereiHO between the disput ing fictions lu violating the Htiingenl fiial statu ten against i-errupt primaries Is only lu degree, and probably net much et that, nnd neither can nllertl te ei"n the gates of Justice, as victor and vanquished would be lined and Imprisoned together, but the wrong Is net against Senater Stehman and Mr. hiimmy, or Mr. KhIiki'IiI nnd Mr. Weaver, It Is a wrong against every honest citlen of tuicister county, ami a w reng gainst the laws and dignity of the common wealth. Any cltlen is a comietent prose cutor, ami It Is alike any and every honest citlzeu's duty te bring the guilty parties Inte the criminal deck, ft, as Is publicly and clr ciimsbintially alleged, Dr. Iloebuck, a recent tenntnr nml claimant for niture cougressiennl honors, b.irgaintsl lu the isililical market pl.e e te deliver Ids tlistrlct, It matters net whether lie recelvtsl money or w nether he chtcitetl either or both sides, he should liegtn and end his congressional campaign lu the Lancaster county JalL We name him be cause his conspicuous ositieu demands that lie should have the ltillest opportunity te acipilt hlm-ell of thecharge, It innocent, and, if guilty, his prominence, instead or Itciug regarded as extenuating bis efietiM, should Is) regirded liy the publiuat It is regirded by honestly administered law, as ml aggravation of tlie crime. And let the law hew te the line all around, smile as it in ty. If It shall send Sentler Slebmau or Mr. Weaver te prison Instead of making them senator and district attorney; or If it shall silence the complaints of Mr. .Miuiuiy ami Majer lteln lteln e hi by nuking them convicts, let it he done. We w rile in Ignorance of tlie really guilty parties, but we name the most responsibly accused because It would boa mcsjUery of the law le grab up the little minnow s and let the whales go unscathed. The reproach cast upon se reputable a community as l.mcastcr county by the wholesale tlebxuctterv or p. I mary elections ImiMjrieusIy demands tint lliu guilty be brought te punishment , and the sanctity of the law that calls U inugutv in tliu fountain of political power should enlist the earnest and courageous efforts el every henint cltlen. Lxecutethu primary election law slu Lancaster, ami It will net only end the chronic public, sbame of thai county, tint il will glve dignity and respect te political Integrity throughout tlie whole couuuen ceuuuen w eallh. tivi.Mts is l.u.jus. Hew tlm Autocrat or the HreakftMt TrtltlB' Is living lliijally Kutertilliietl The ' Autocrat et the llreakfntl Table" had bis modesty put te a sovere test in Lon Len Lon eon en Monday. Mlnce he lauded at Liver pool he has fought shy of notoriety, but, in response te an Invitation, he consented te at tend n reception at St. lioergo's club, Vi here the w hnle club and a number of tnen distin guished In letttrs, pcteiHO and politics bad been asked te meet hlin. At the aisunted hour an intellectual look ing little geiitleman, with long, white hair anil shaggy eyelrens, stepped out Irem a lianseiu at the tloerot the clubhouse. A committee et the club, which numbers many distinguished Americans ami colonists among its two tbeinaud members, met the "Autocrat" in the hall and led him, defer entially, Inte the spacious smoking rooms, where, ler about an hour, be steed chatting pleasantly witli the guests. Among them were the wan and ascetic form ofUardtnalMaunleg; ueathliu llelmau lliiul antildy In brown his Carlyleau fate nnd long beard lentrn-ttlug with theclear cut, handsome reatures or hit friend, Sir Jehn Mlllais, who steed next. Presently the soldierly llgure of Lord Napier, the here or Magd.tla, tinted through the room ; nntl the DUKO et Argyll, iresn irem tieieaiing ine tleceased wile's sister bill, quietly joined a llttle group which was watching tlie "into "inte crat" sign bis name in the club register. riiun lie iiiuruitired a few cotirtesiej mid niade way for Count Karelyl, the Austrian ambassador. Wilsen Barrett passed en the stairs with .Sir t'unlllle Oweu and T. P. O'l'eiiner. let- low etl by Jehn J. O'Donehuontul Charles P. Palmer, of New Yerk, and Minister I'lielps, Hlr Arthur Hulllvau, Kdinuud Yoates, Bret llarte anil ether well-known publie men. The "Autocrat" was deep lu conversation with Tem llugbes. He bad grown se recon ciled te notoriety tbat be bad premised te break through bis own rule by intending the next club house dinner. The "Autocrat" will shortly give a recep tion en hit own account He Is te visit Tennyson, who is HI at home, and will at tend dinnum ie ue suecehsiuiiy given iy the leading inodlealsand I Id ward Arneld, Rebert Browning and ether peeU et breakfast and dessert tables. Iluu liter llr Aii Cart. Hatuuel Tennis, who resides In Drumere township, near l'alrlleld, "was badly lnjurad yesterday. He was working witli a pair et oxen bltched te a cart He was run ever by the cart, the vvheel of which passed evor lift head. Ills Jaw was broken anil he was other wise badly Injured. Held Inr Heller lllrtctlmn. A letter addressed te Jehn L. White, DIs singer, P. O., Laueaster county, is held ut Ibe Lancaster iwstotllce ler better directions. $1,001) MADK AT A FAIR. tun UMtiini ur itr. .unit mvuiik vuNitnvveim hummm. t)le of n I'Mlr fur lli llrtirlll r h I'lipuUr I..mI Orgsiilrall'in Aillm Klfillmirer. liiC en Ilia ljt Mulil Niiium el llte l.iKky MIiiiieh I" ll CeiiImU. The fair for tlm bonelltef Ibe Knights or 1st. Jehn was closed last iilghU Tlm ntlend- ance was very large. The jkiIIm were closed at ID o'clock, ami ler an hour laore there was active electioneering en the part or the ceiilesbiuls fur the several articles te be dis posed el thai way . Tlie following article went chanced oil; Hllver picket caster, wen by I'hilln p'luger; (llver cakedish, by Mr llruder; fancy glass ant, by KateSwelgart , old geld tidy, by Mrs. Hehm ; fancy table, by Henry Deerr, wax ciess, dy Jehn Ilnidel ; velvet cover, by ('. . Wncker , white coverlet, by Jehn A. feli. lace curbtliis, by ,fa"eli Hbober; wax cress, by Frame Ureal , taney vase, by Mite Kulter; silver butter dish, by llmnia Palmer; silver KM set, by Lena Marks, nlitsh clock, bv Annie Jtteker: fine tabln cover, by Lee llottser ; toletcotsj watch Mart Dlllich; scrapUiek, by I III le htotier; liiitidsoiiie plush cushion, by V. M Otte; silver castei, by Philip Wendell; tld, by Mrs. Ochs; rug, by Win. Helm; bride, by Miss Lilt, fancy toilet set, by I loe. St. Temlln, tidy, by Mary tirade), silver Ssens, by Mary Hiiro id; tidy, by Liu di Hlireadj tidy, bv Mary Shread; oil Painting, by 1-rank M. Kellel; Cushion, bvi Samuel Hhre-iJ ; toilet liottles, Ijv ("it.tdl TWelpert ; rug, by Cerdelia Iske j cushion, by llairj V. Smith pilr el vases, by Mr. Sprenger ; dull, by Ida Wiley, pli klixaster, by I'lnllp Weinlle , wax frost, ey Murj, llebrer: water Het, by A. J. Keller, dlameiiil cloth cushion, by Frances Myer , silver pitcher, by 1). ). Martin ; satin cush ion, by Mrs. Martin . cushion, by Jacob Sho She ber , toilet set, by Henry Hat?; ten of oeal, by Harry tlrets , oil cm, by L. Met utcboeu ; basket of Mowers, by Hamiiel Sliruad ; water set by Loe llouser; pur of vases by Melliu Htiber; lemonade set by IMille iley ; large cakes by I'. 1'. Dlekel, Sirs. Seheld, Sirs. Kitcliey mid i.eorge Helir; bird caite by Jehn 1'. Schuld. The following wero the votes (Milled en the several articles . Held watch Miss Liwieute, 1111,, Mist Hetiser, lit',. I'lis-k --.Martin Deitchur, 1j. , I rank (.nstl ger, !',. llase 11.111 Oillllt MertitLs, ,, WO . Slar, WZ.,. Ihsl Itoem Huite Sir. Arneld, sit); Mr. (J rots, in Bracelets Mlssflanse, 1 iti', Miss Suite, .SSI',. Diamond King .Mist Htllngcr, ii, Mist Slcticehan, lI'J'. Bricklayer's loots Jehn Mi.lieeli.iii, 17J',. I'lgarntaker's Toels Jehn Mick, s-J. ( 'timet Joetli Dlehl, a'n'j. It iller SknUw Mr. tiress, ,7. KiilglilMOf Jehn Imiblem -Martin Dlllich, n0; AiiibidheKlrehiier, -Kl',. . iittii I'red. Derviart, 17' j ; Henry (Soed, Je... Hicjile Mr. Heist, 17 ; Harry . Sinllli, 7vs',. drew the silver pitcher was ii,.'itl, ami the gentlemen's stinging set Was Ti.lls. Neither number bad been pre sented te the managers up te neon te-day. The lair was a very successful ene atttl the amount realized will be about fl.oeo. The tow articles that were net sold will be dis pwed el by auction tint evening. t..tU.SK ,VU, V Hf.UVll.r. l.illlerlal mill .Mechanical KticrlH rriiltniilttf rpen Its Vli-rlls As we went te press Tuesday, the steam hre engine Ne. U, was Uiing testeil. 'I he re sult, at announced by the duet engineer, It that through a I , inch nezle a stream w.vt thrown ait feet, with a steani protsure of 100 pounds. Through a 1', Inch uozIe tlie dis tance was alKitil li feet and would have leeu furtlier bail the supply of water been tulll clent; but thetwoplugttevihlch the sleiimer was atuti bed did net liirnlsb enough. Alter the tet Mr. Welchatis, vine rebuilt the engine, gavoaset-euttotlielliocominiileo and HAimoether invited guests in tlie dining riKmi at Mr. Wat kur'- Among the gtiesus wero Sir. I. 1'. t'relli. agent or the Li l'rance fire engine, Mr. 11. W II irberger, J. M. W. (eist and ether experts, nil of whoiiiNpeko in high terms of the engine. Sir. lacub Her Her aeg, who bad liniuedi tte charge of the re building of the steamer, rei elv etl much praise for the faithlulnesj. with which he performed his dull'. At a meeting of the lire committee, held list evening, the steamer was lernially ac cepted, and Mr. Well bant bill ler rebuilding it pissed. The bill of Clapp A Jenes ler f !, iiK) for the new steamer Ne. 1 was piesented, bill at the two branchet of city councils bail at last moot meet ing disagroed lu the mitler of wcepting tlie same, the committee laid tlie bill en the bible. The suspension el Jehn Potts, drivei el heHOCirl Ne. .', for falling le ielert ler duly wlien called committee. en, was approved by the lire Till: LATf.H1 UHK3IA11UX. liuliirrill'Mi ! ttiu ItetiiHliiii nl I'rul. Ilenr) (I I. mills, "I riilliilrlelila. Anether cremation teak place nt the Lan caster crematorium, between fi ami rt o'clock Ttiestlay evftiing. The Ixsly wis that of l'rel. Henry (1. Limits. It arrived in this city in the .U0 train, nnd wat taken at unce te the crematorium where the incineration w.r- strictly private. Tlie deceased wat born In Philadelphia, vvhore he resided ler years. He went West and was professor of thenilslry In oester. Ohie, uulvor uulver slty. lie then lesided In Columbus, When lie hfcame ill with Vddiseu's illsease hecimu Kattnml died tit Chestnut Hill en last Saturday. Deceased w is Is years of age, nnd a believer In cremation. The body was itccempiiiieil te this city by Dr. James C. Wilsen, or 1117 Walnut street, Philadelphia, nml Jehn Scott, et '."l Cliolleti iivenue, tlor tler tlor maulewii. The asliea were taken Irem the furnace Ibis morning. Thov will be placed in an urn ami buried in the let of the Roy Rey Holds family, where (ieueral and Ialward Reynolds are buried. Tlie deceased Wat a lelatue or the Reynolds family. Tlm Liberty Hand. Fifteen brand new tinilernts ler lite Liberty band, of this city, arrived this morning and are new at the hotel of Theodere Weutlll. en Chestnut street. The unilerint are made of line blue cloth. Tlie tack coats are beautl Hilly trimmed en the lienta and arms with geld lace, and the pauUiloens bave geld stripesilewii the legs. The cap it et the reg ulation baud style, low In the crown with straight shield. Tlie cap it also trimmed lu geld ami en the trout Is a wreath with tlie letters "L. C. II." This baud new has tltteen members. All are well known musicians and they deserve onceiiragemeiit from our 'cilleits. Their uiiilurms are paid ler and they start out witli goods prospects. Last evening tliu baud serenaded a number or persons mm uieyHUOMOti groin improvement since ihey sUirted, some weeks age. Thieves lllmeieretl lu Time. Tuesday night the faintly el llenjaiuin (irell, who resides ou tliu Philadelphia turn pike, near lliukley's bridge, heard a nolse lu tlm direction of the barn, and his seu raised the window and teuiid that something was wrong. He immediately dressed and went te the stable vv here he found ene of his horses harnessed and the carriage drawn out el the house. The thieves had Hed. Ail Alleged lleulal Irem Mi I ol.eiii. The Bullale CemmcrriuJ Alt ertucr in tin editorial says: "Letters received In thlt city trout Bullale women new In Paris, and who iiave personally seen the young woman whose name has been mentioned at that et tlm intended wife et President Cleveland, report that the merlitled girl Ksitively de clares that sbe Is net going te marry Sir. Clovelanil." Attend te Your Notes. Saturday being Decoration Day is a legal holiday and tbe banks will be clesed. Tbose Inn lug notes maturing en that day will save expense by attend Ing.tQ the same ou Friday. J)mXKI IN Tilt". TKflTIl 1HM1KO. ItiKMnter lieaes le Alleunn In a China Conical. Heme Sttty (justly llrrnrf. Yosterdny nftorneon the Lancaster anil Al Al Al toetia clubs played their llrst chninplenshlp gaine in this city. The woather wiw very celtl and tlaitip, yet thore were several liun liun dretl isiopleon the grounds. It imiktsl llke nil ii nil tlay, yet the nun managed te make bin way through the heavy clouds at times. When ev or he did thl i he was greeted with applause by tbose assembled te see the ball game. The game wat very well played until the sixth Inning. The score then hUkxI '1 te 0 In favor or the home team, but the VltlUirs were allowed te score thelr llrst run en errors. In the next liming the brown legs added another run tothe!rscere,followod by n third In the eighth. In the ninth inning both tenuis seemed rattled. The Lancaster began bitting the bill very hard and Ihelr epK)ueuts lest their heads. The home team secured four runs and the visitors followed by adding three and lying the score. In the tenth Inning the home club wat blanked and the Altoeua, with two men out, made the winning run en errors of the Lancaster's In field. Tlie Altoettn club played an uphill throughout, but did net despair and llually were made hnppv by winning. The Lmc?s Lmc?s ter hit Crew oil very hard and otittleldetl the visitors, yet It soemed that they could net win. Neither of the clubs are very strong at uie bit, nnd the Lancaster are loeneavy m thelr feet when tliey try te get tubuses. They are lu need of b'jlter coaching, se that thelr base running might be Improved. Inyos Inyes tiirday's g ime the errers of Hhay, 'echer and Virtue wero et the most cettly.klnd and they really lest the game. Drltcell It a line young pltcher and will no doubt de well, (ilbsen, a young fellow or this city, In centre Held yesterday. He caught ene ball that came te him en ally, and when at the bat he managed te hit but always Inte the hands of the fielders. He seemed slew and awkward while running bases, but that lault can be overcome. The scere et the game, In full, wat : r-AScAHTna. a. n r a k altoema. b. it. p. a k. i clier, s lit Him),.! U 2 Ii t Keiiike, 1 1 J II Virtue, : ii 1 !I milium, r 1, 2, J Ktlltiger, I I - 1 Urlscell, pill (iilisen, in 1 li I Kneclicgy.c Ui 1 .' I 1 Donegliuo.r il 1 Maitleic, a It I) VVIlllaniH,: I 1 Cntss, c, ... e 0 Kautz, in ... 0 e Kljlier, 1 . 3 '.' ( asslily, I 0 i) llarher, 3 2 0 li 0 0 1 1 III Z I tl 0 l 3, -' I 1 .1 2 U II 3 1 0 0 1 lu, 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 0 I 2 1 1 1 1 01 7 it 0 L run ell, p Total 12?IL" fi Tet tl i 7 7 3e':ei a INSlSllH. e u l u ii 1 il 0 I e-r, 0 U n 0 (I 1 1 1 J 17 ruin Unit aster, I Twe llase lilt II ises atelen ( her, Sltay, O'lteurke asti t Altoeua ., haritiMt Urlscell. (!) llyiuliiniu, Ktllncur, lloiieglme. 'stmckeut Lancaster, 4 Altoeua, 2. Iiimble play lftnltcr and Wllllaiua, Virtue mill O'lteurke, ttuxtzatnl en balls-l anciatcr, 1: Alloena, J. Wild iiltehes Ilrlacell, Crewell (i) t'tnplre W A. been. Tlie National Leaguo bad no schodule yes terday nor will they play te-day, at the chilis are en the way from Uie WetU The Avtocla Avtecla Avtocla tleti gainet yottertlaj' were at follews: At Philadelphia: Athletic l Cincinnati 10; at Baltlmore loulsville i, Baltimore I ; at Brooklyn : Pittsburg , Uroeklvn , at Stateu Island : Slett St, Leuis ft, Teny Slullnue must hnve felt very sick when tlie Athletics hit him safely olgbteen timet yesterday. Yesterdtiv the nimlniclubilofeated Wil Wil llainspert "17 te a, O'Leary't men scored eleven runt In the first two Innings. The Lawrence (Sla-ss.) club, of which Ilmtiiy Donald Is a uiemtier, leads the New Knglaud Liugue In batting and lielditig. Slanager Beb l-'erguben, of the Mets, hat secured a uniform, and will go out in the held te glve his Metropolitan players a low points in ball playing. Reb says that he will get all the bill playing out el the nine that it possible. Tlie Baltlmore club hid but three bits oil Ramsay vesterday. Nine el the ten runs niade yesterday by Cincinnati wero secntcil in the llrst lliree Innings. Wlllixui Deen umpires a geed game and does net glve the home team everv thing, as the custom seems te la) with umpires In the htate Leaguo. Jake tioediuau has het it released by the Lancaster club. The Lancaster te mi it really in need of geed catchers. The attendance at j esterday's game show ed that tlie Liucaster lH-ople still have a warm spot for the greit sHjrt, and if the club but w ins occasionally they vv ill draw, as they de serve. The admisjleii lee te games boie will lie changed from 1 te ii cents, as the club cannot gel along at the ienucr price. Tilt: MA II hl.U IX HI' l.UVW. The Case I'er the C'einiiiuiinealtli Clused 1 1'. and a ltet Taken. The sensational developments in the Slax vvell trial Stenday arternoen, and the expec tation that the prosecution would rest its case and lhat Maxwell would be placed en the witness stand te testily in his own defense, literally packed the criminal court Tuesday morning with sjiictatets or .Ul classes el men and women. Lxtra seatt, provided for tlie anticipated large attendance el ladles, were each ene occupied by a representative et the lair !ex, who took an extraordinary interest in the proceedings. The preliminary business of the court hav ing been disposed el, Ibe jury in the Max well case and the defendant wero brought Inte court, and the examination of Deputy Slierill Kenelick was proceeded with. Slax well appeared a trille aler than en previous occasions but he maintained hisfermercalui and almost indillereiit bearing. Koueflck testilled that he was present in the circuit attorney's oillce when Mr. Brooks of Eng land, called te see the p.isencr. The prose cution asked the witness te tell the jury the nature of the interview between Sir. Brooks mid the defendant. , , Mr. Kauntlerey, ortheitelense, asked that the private words spoken at the interview and the emotion et the graj haired father be net laid betore a sensatnm-eekitig publie nudlonce. The prosecution answered that they desired te prove that the prisener had en that occasion thrown aside all disguise, mid bad ndniilted his Identily-tbat he was li. M. Brooks. The delense said that this point would net be denied, and the witness was withdrawn. All the clothing marked " C V. P." feuud in Slaxw ell's triuik at Auckland, the valises hat boxes, trunks, medicine bottle, letters irem Maxwell te Prellerand from Dotective SlcCulletigh te Slaxw ell and the latter's at torney, the articles bought by the delendaut while In St. Louisalter theiuurder and these purchased in San Francisce, were admitted in ovidence mid shown te the jury. The prosecution then staled le the court that they desired te rest their side et tlie ctse. The defense asked that tlie coroner, Who witnessed the pest-mortem examination of Preller's body, be phu oil en the stand by the liroteculien and be made te testify at te tlie result et the examination. The prosecution refused, nml the delense appealed te the leurt, wbotlecided that he could net Inter Inter Intor fero in the matter. The defense accepted the ruling, and asked that an adjournment lie taken until te-day at 10 o'clock. The court thou adjourned. IIUUSK ASH VAItUIAdE HEVUI'KHMt. A Theory That lis Iais Ms) lie Traietl le lite Republican Primaries. The horse and cirnage stelen irem the stable of Benjamin L. Undis, en Sleuday haie been recovered. The team was found Tuesday pjjjrnltig covered with mud near the aliushiTfKe. The herse was nearly ex hausted ami had evldently Iwen driven long anil bard during the night. Sir. Landis supposing tlie loam might have bceu steleti by the Welsh Mountaineers, secured a companion nml diove evor the mountain and uuieug the cabins lu that do de do lectable region, but could hear nothing of his team until his return home, when he learned of Its be I nu in tbe almshouse stable. Mr. Landis thinks it may lie Kisslble that thieves stele the loam for carrying oil plunder they had secured Homewnore eise; nut it is past as likely that it was taken by bouie belated elec tion oillcer or member of the beard of return Judges who after having been driven te their respective homes abandoned the team, or had It returned te the nlmshouse grounds, by ene of thelr cronies who wanted te get Inte tow n nt an early hour Nothing Is tee bad for a Republican mauager of primary oloo eloo oleo tlous te UlUe a hand in. CHARGKD WITH PAltlllGIDK. mis AxnmitBON fiera auk avvvhkii UV Tit Kill 1'ATIIBKH MUHUgll. Their Capture, and Cunllueiiienl In Jail In SprlURlleld, Me, Tour Inmates el a Dis reputable llotise llnriied In n Wiscon sin Town Tlie Tra k of Crime, Si'iiiMiiiKi.ii, Ma, May !. Lale last night Sherlll Nowlen and Deputy llensley brought lu tlie two Andersen brothers ami Kwlng Saudera charged with the murder of old man Andersen and lodgetl thorn in Jail for sale keeping. The Andersen boys are nged respectively le and V.0 years, and Han Han ders Is 17. The Cnlted Press correspondent Interview oil the otllcer. He said the Ixiys wero llrst arrosted en account of suspicion grew big out of family trouble that bad been known te exist for a long tlme previous te the murder of thelr father. Thelr mother It also under suspicion, as thore bad been rpiar rels between lier and her husband, In which tlie boys took part. The three priseners have confessed separately Implicating each ether in the murder, but the two Andorseiis both swore that Sanders did the sheeting. IlVHNKlt IN A I1AUHIU. 1'utir Inmates of a lllsrepulaliln Heuse (leOnt or the World by Fire. Mu.vvAi'icr.i:, Wis., Stay LU-A dispatch has been received Irem Rblnelauder, In the northern part of this state, tbat a heuse or Ill-repute, about a mile from that village, was burned, tegether with four inmate, early yesterday morning. A lifth occupant escajKWl alive, but se liadly burned that bit llfe Is despaired or. The dead are A. J. .Smith, owner of the place', Staggle Carrell, Daniel Deylo and a woman reputed te be Deylo's wife. William Clark It fatally burned. It it thought the Ure wat Inccudlry and two persons who esciped from the burn ing building wero nrrested en suspicion, but wero discharged for lack of proof. Kllletl tin Jrnping Convict. Vn ixstu-iifi, Silts, SlaylM. A large ferce et cenvlctt bave been working en the Vicks hurg, Shreveiwrt A Texas railroad, near Quebec, La., for seme time, nnd en Monday morning three of them two while and ene negre oscaied and wero pursued Monday until about II o'clock at night, when they wero met by two of the guards en a railroad bridge. The guards at ouce orderod them te turronder, but they rushed uieu the guards who 11 red, mortally wounding ene of the vv hite men, who died seen after. The negre was wounded, but be and the ether white man escaped. They are being hotly pursued lu the swamps. All three of the convicts wero known as tleserate characters. The coroner's jury Justified tlie action or the guards. Practice .snoeting at Tells Haiti Venterilay. Thore was a large crowd at Tells Haln te take part In and witness the practice sheeting et the Lancaster .Schuotzen-Vorein. Out of a posslble is) In llve matches of three reuuds each, the scere wasas fellows; P. J. Lobzeltor, lil ;(ioergo Heits lis; JehnT. Kuapp, 117; Charles l'raticiscus, 117; Jacob Wolfer, loe ; Win. Ralz, ; Chas. J. Whlte, 89; Peter Denunel, '"i, Henry J. Kegel, HJ. H. C. Hall, an amateur, made 'it out of a possible Ills, and Jehn 11. Cllne and A. P. Fuluier each li) out of "J. The goneral avorageof the sheeting was: P. J. Lubelter, 11 - e ; Jehn T. Kmipp, 11; Geerge Ilelss, 10; Frauclsctts, 10; Jacob Welfer, 0W Win. Ralz, 0 1-5; Chas. J. Wlilte, 0; Peter Donimel, S.l-0; Henry J. Kegel, 8 1-5. Several ofthe members had new Winches ter ritles with which they did line sheeting. Dentil of .Mrs. I'rlacllla llalr. Mrs. Priscllia Hair, wife of Dnv iti Hair, died at her resideiice, en tlie 1'hiladelphia pike, opix)tite the almshouse, en Tuesday evening at 11 o'clock, afler a lingering illness rrem consumption. Sbe leavos two daughters Sirs, fioergo Miller, el Mlddlo Mlddle Mlddlo tewn, Sirs. Win. II. Iiimati, of this city, nnd two sons, (iuns.iloeand A. K. Hair, the last uatiied being a compositor en the Intui.i.i Intui.i.i eK.stEit. Mrs. Balr was a pious, Christian woman, a communicant of the Baptist church, and bere her long Illness without murmuring, sustained by a faith tbat the suilerlugs et this llte w HI be mero than com pensated by the joys of the lilotecomo, through tlie atonement of the Redoemor. Sirs. Hair's iuneral will take place Friday at i o'clock p. ui. i-.turai.ter Ceuntaliis Hurt at C'eatesillle. i rum the l eat Chester Uepitbllciiii. Twe men from the (lap, were at Reck Run en Monday night with a team hired at Chris tiana. They started from Reck Run and drove te Ceatesville. A platform, at the lat ter place, at the Pennsylvania railroad sta tion, about eight leet high, used ler leading iten, with mi inclined approach at each end attracted their eyes. Thinking It was a bridge they drove up one et the Inclines, ene el me tueu nav lug get out te lead uie nerse. The platform w as tee narrow te held the car riage and it full oil, pulling the horse mid mail with it. Tlie man in the vehicle was considerably injured, having one feet and leg badly hurt. The carriage was almost completely demolished. IDA LKHltt- t:X(IAHXiltt.T. ' Ihu hea ir lie " Presented lt Utrge Audi ence at the Opera Heuse. The Ida Lew Is Dramatic company np np np itoared for the second tlme last night. The audionce was el very goedslzo, being some what larger than en the openlng night. The drama of " The Sea et lee, or the Wild Flew or et Mexico," was presonted in a way that highly pleased the people. Mist Lewis appeared In the character of Luiiun tic .iMcetii-j and Oi'iurittt nnd did remarkably vvell. This evening the company apjKiars again, when they will play " The Twe Orphans," witli Sliss Lewis as Louise, the blind girU Tlie company Is strong mid deserving of a liberal patronage, at their prices are very low. Twe Ijirge Demonstrations. Tlie annual convocation of tho-Supreme Castle or the Knights of the Golden Kagle the bead central tribunal or the order in the United States, bgan in Philadelphia, en Tuesday. A parade was held, participated in by J,e0U knights. The thirty-third annual conclave of the Cratitl Ceiiimandery, Knights Templar, of Pennsylvania, met In Scrauten, en Tuesday, nnd the ceremonies incident te this brilliant gathering were el tlie most imposing charac ter. The grand paraue et tne loreuoou wat participated lu by nearly "J.tiOO knights. They meet uext vear in Philadelphia. Cases Dismissed, The cases of malicious mischief mid assault and battery preferred by Catharine lless against (letllcb Spoece tiud Chas. Kpoece w ero beard befere Alderman I loon hist evening and dismissed, the ovidence beiug tee tri lling te warrant the alderman in returning tbe cases te court. A Correction, ltwatiuadverteutly stated that Christ Kami man tlid net get any votes lu Clay township. He received 101 votes about the same num eor that the ether candidates en the same combination received. Inspection or Hie U, A. It. Admiral ltoynelds Pest, 105, will be in spoctetl by Majer J. W. Yoeuui, in their new Pest room, evor Kepler's hardware store, tbiseveulug. All the members of the Pest are expected te l present. Cress Actions, Fanny Hildebrand, of West Lampoter township, eutered suit yosterday at Alder- mau Rarr's rer assault ana battery against u. 'A. Slilev. and Sllley entered a suit ler the same otlenso agalust her at the oillce of Aldernian Forduey. Reth cases will be heard ou Saturday. VUXOlttCMI ANlt Or.KtHIIAKUAHIXK. Indication That tlm Dairy Men Are Motte Have Things nil Tltelr Own Way. Flout tlie N. V. Ilemld. A number of commercial bodies in the West liave seu t te Congress strong remon remen strances agnlnst the passage of the antl-olee-margarluo bill, which was takeu up for dis cussion In the Heuso. The Cincinnati chant chant ber or commerce, which (peaks as a disinter ested party In the inatter, has adopted this among oilier resolutions : That il would be against sound public imllcy te carry out the proposed legislation calculated te eperate against the oleomar garine and hiittcriue Industries, mid that as these articles are manifestly proer ones le be manufactured and seltl for reed purposes any Hpedal tax would be nu tinjtisllliabln d Is crimination against legitimate domestic in dustry, and Rhotildsiet be huposed. Beth tbe Chicago beard et trade nnd the livestock exchange make tlie ehit that by the manufacture of oleomargarine tliu value of bullocks Is enhanced from two le four dollars ii head ami that the suppression Of the industry would cause a less of millions of dollars lu tbe stock raising in te rests of tbe country. Reth declare that tlie produc tion of oteoinargarlno places within tbe reach of the Jioeplo "an acceptable, economical and wholesome article of feed." The live stock oxclmnge lurther says: The price of choice grades of butter Is Iro Ire quently se high as te place them beyond the reach of people of moderate means who can new get a wimlesomeand pulntablosubstltute at a low price, but who would, If the pro posed laws should be enacted, be cotnpellod te eat peer butter or de vv ItheuL Te say nothing or these welghtv Industrial oensidoratious, the constitutional objections te the proposed legislation are sulllclent te call ler Its dereat. Congress has the pew or te tax oleoinnrgino, hut without taxing it Hint body hat ue right te Interlere with Its manii manii manii facturoersalo. The purpose or the proposed law is net revenue, for no revenue Is needed, but te suppress the Industry. Such legisla tion it a gross abuse and a fraud. It is an attempt le de by Indirect what cannot be done by direct means. It would set an lnliilteus precedent that could only be product! ve or mlschler. Furthermore, It would be a usurpation by Congress et jsiwer that belengs te the states alone. Net ev en a state, as the highest court el New erk bat declared, bat the power te prohibit the manufacture or sale of oleomar garine. Hut overy state hat ample authority Ui regulate the Industry se as te prev out fraud and deception. Just laws for this purpese are prejsjr and eommemlnblo; but they are te be niadeby tbe states 11(t by Congress. nuxvA r soiteuu cexmsTivH. The Luther in and Chnrili ul neil Meet lu Ilar Ilar rtliurgle Discuss Scheel Werk, On .Monday evening tlie second annual con vention of Sunday school werkers in the Harrlsbtirg conference met at -Memerial Lutheran church, Harrlsbtirg. .The presid ing efllt or was Rev. SI. S. 1 fecker, of Stool Stoel Stool ten. The convention conslstsef all tbe min isters ofthe conlerenco aud three dolegatos from eaeh Lutheran Sunday school within t'te conferonco boundaries which Includes the comities of Lancaster and Dauphin. "The encouraging and discouraging fea tures in Sunday school work" was the topic et the evening, Rev. Sylvanus Stall, of Lan caster, making the opening address, lie was followed by Revs. A. It. Studebaker, Reimonsnyder, Fishbum and Hener. The exercises were Interspersed with vocal selec tions by the choir. Mr. Spayd, et Siillers ville, audlll, V Slclster, el this city, took part in the discussion of school services; aud the resolution recommending te Sunday schools tlie opening and closing sorvicesas published lu the "Aiigsburg Teacher was adopted. In Tuesday's afternoon session the ques tion, " What are the obligations of the Sun day schools te tbe mission work ei the thtirch," was discussed. Able aud interest ing addresses were made by Revs. Kvnns, Cook aud Zimmerman. Rev. Albert U. Stutlebaker then taught the Sunday school lessen for next Sabbuh, " Christ feeding tlie five thousand." The lessen was well taught aud awakened much iuleresU In the evening a large children's meeting was held, aud addresses wero made by sev eral inombers el the conference. The confer ence met this (Wednesday) morning at SilO for devotional services. At 'ISI0 tbe topic ler discussion was "Roseusibllity of tbe Sun day Scheel Tenchers." At lOilO the question box was opened, and the convention ad journed at 11-10. The Church et Ceil. Rev. li. W. Sollhamer, of Washington borough, opened the Tuesdny evening exer cises of the nineteenth annual Sunday school conveution ofthe Church of Hed, which met In the All-Workers chapel, lfarrlsburg. liovernor Pattison speke wertit of welcome nml delivered ene ei his characteristic ad dresses, abounding in words of wisdom and onceuragoment te all present. Rev. Sell hauler, the acting president, retponded in a tow well-timed and cloqtieul remarks. The topic of the evening, "What it the greatest need el our Sunday Scheel work ?" was opened by C. I). Risbel, el Columbia. The convention will luijetiru en Thursday evening. .Marietta's New A. .VI. K. Paster. At the conference of ministers or the A. SI i:. church lu llarrisbttrgen Tuesday, among the ministerial nppolutnientt was that et J. W. Davis who will have the charge of Marietta ami Middlotevvii. The conference adjourned te meet in Philadelphia en tbe second Wednesday of Slay, lbs7. halialiury's Scheel Kxaiiiluutleu. Wan i: Heitsi;, May li). Prof. M. J. Hrecht held the annual examination et appli cants for schools In Salisbury township, at tliis place Tuesday. The examination was tlie most dlllicult one held in this township for n number of years. Nlnetctu applicants for certificates were lu the class, fburtoen of whom were successful. The following ap pointments bave been made by the directors : Pine Orove, l'va !. Slcllvalu J ML Reck, Fannie .1. Bovvley ; Meadvllle, Liiuna J. Sklles; Wblte Hall, Auieratta Buchanan; Spriugville, Frank tjreil; Mt, Pleasant, J. 11. Dickinsen; Centre, Sal lie K. Foulk ; Spriug Harden, J. Rutter Worst; Slillwoed, lUiza R. Clark; Huyorstewn, Sallle Ellniaker; Watorloe, Anna Kvatis; Limevllle, C. Sue Diem ; Hueiia Visti, Nellio Hurst; Reseneath, Cera S. Ingrum; Har mony, H. LIzzie Wlse; tiap soceudary, BeckieC. Slaymaker; Gap primary, Anna SI. Wise; Bethanla, Ida D. i'leaui. Sit. Airy and Pleasant Vlevv schools are vacant. Arrangements for Decoration Day. The Decoration Day committee et tlie t i mud Army Pests met last oveniug at Al derman Harr's elllce. The cemmittee en llowers reported that the pupils of the pub pub leo schools would furnish all that wero need, ed. The committee en Hags reported that the llags were ready ler distribution. The cemmittee en nitisie reported that tbe City band and a drum corps bad boeu secured. The committee decided te extend an invita tion te tbe bcbevl beard, teacbeis and city authorities te participate lu the ceremonies. Pests I si and le.i will iurnlali details te deco dece dece rate the graves in tbe cemeteries, except theso et the Laueaster en Saturday morn ing. Lewer I'.iul Notes. Frem the Oxfeid Press. Plvn Rrevvu, of Fite Kddy, has been ap pointed a Hsu warden. William A. Loeke, who has been residing at Soville, Flerida, since last fall is back te bis foruier home in Fulton township. The sujiervlsers of Fulton tewiiBhip are new engiiged in filing aud repairing u mls mls er,.i,ie miicknaiid In the nubile read near Llt tle Hrlbiiu Pretbyterlan church. Travolers net accustomed le the read have unknow ingly driven into the sand mlre aud wero cempelled te abandon their teauiH and seek assisbiuce from the kindly disposed citizens near the quagmire te oxtrlcate their convey ances from its gluo-llke clutches. Singing Beclety OrgaitUed. Last evening at the rooms of the Yeung Men's Christian association, a new sing ing soclety te be known as tlie Cecilian, organized with the following eflleers : President, O, A. Fondersmlth s vice prosl presl dents, If. Moere, W. H. Altlck and Israel 1. Mayer ; bocretary, Uarry 8. Siencer t treas urer, Win. Schlaugli ; conductor, W. H. Hall J organist, F, W, llass. YOUNG MAXWELL'S DKFENSK. II Oil- IIK IS TO AVVOVSr fUH TUB 3UHt I) Kit Ul' l'KKLI.KIt. An InleiestlnK Niectneleln tha Nt. U OeaH Itoem When the Prisoner's Counsel Oul- llnes the Atiiuiiiiint ler Ills Cllslil. 1 lieery el tlm Detense. hi. Leuis, Me., Stay i).-.Ti,e oxpecUUon that Maxwell would take the witness aUfld in ills own dofense, was sulllclent te pack the court room early this morning, many el the ladles present lielng provlded with lunch. Sir. Fauntleroy ojienod for the deronse and said: "Cled aud tbe boyish defendant alone knew hew Charles Arthur Preller met his death. New, this young man proposes te disclose te the Jury all circtim surrounding the death of 1'roller. Yeu havobecn told bowMaxwell and Preller became lulimate en Isxirti of nhll. We with Ui preve that llte delendantr salt! in Uie prosenco el Str. Warren that he was n lawjer, and had acquired some knowledgo 01 iiietllcine. Slaxvvell wasauxleus te pro pre pro aiireHomo employment and was anxious te go te Auckland. At Bosten bs an luoxperl luexperl luoxperl encod youth he atlempteil le practice titodl titedl titodl elno. Sfaxwell ditt net represent le Preller tliat be had the nocessary inoney te go te Auckland. Rofero Proller's arrival here we lind the defendant trying le ralse money. When Preller came the trlendsblp betweau the two wat renewed up te Sunday, April 5, lsS."i. Tlie two wero constantly tegether. We will show that wlien Treller was lu the do' de' do' lendanl's room, defendant Undertook te por per por rerm the oieratlen. We will show thai whlle the defendant was ndmlnlsterlng chloroform he discovered that he bad upset IL He then weut te I'oruew's drug store nnd procured a sulllclent quantity of clilorelorm te porferui thoeporatlou. Wben hocamebackheadiuln hecamebackheadiuln Istered seme mero or tlie drug and inserted the catheter. AhIioiIIiIhe 1'rellorgreauotlnndtho defendaut seeing that he was suflerlng ad ministered mere of tlie drug. Whlle sr sr ferming thoeporatlou he uotlced alarming slgus in the breathing of Preller and imme diately cut eir his patient's shirt anil drawers and commenced le bath hint about the chest and endeavored te restore him te conscious ness, uter working far seme tlme en the body he round that his lrleud was dead. Impelling Dlnelmllent .strikers H,bi:siitfK, 111., Slay 2ii. -The grand Iodge et the Brotherhood or Railway Urako man is in session here, and has expelled twenty-six of Its inombers for originating the strike ou the Union Pacific railroad, and has sustiouded thirty mero for IK) days for participating In It The grantl ledgo Is con sidering the cases of tbose members who took part In the Missouri & Paclllc strlke, and luteiids te expel these who destroyed or Injured property. The grand master says tlie brotherhood does net sanction strikes. A (treat Fire tn Chicago. Chk'mie, Slay "it. The most disastrous tire which has visited Chicago for a leug tlme broke out this morning, shortly after 1:30 o'clock. It was in the block at the north western corner of Wabash avonue and Con gress street, aud rough estimates place the less nt ever one mlllieu dollars. The occu pants were Bollerd, Ularke.V Ce., publishers; Van Antwerp, Bragg A Ce., in Ibe same business; Douehuu A llonneborry, book binders; it. S. Peale t Ce., lithographers, aud the Central Lithographing company. Tbe building was owned by Jehn Qulucy Adams Wen the "Derby," Lq-MiON, Slay 2d. The race for tbe Derby stakes was run at Epseui Downs te-day, and was wen by the Duke et Westminster's bay colt Ormonde. The herse was ridden by the colehratod jockey, Freil Arcber. The track was semen hat heavy, owing te the frequent showers w hich had been fulling since day day breik. The Hard, Mr. R. l'uek's chestnut colt, fin ished second, aud SL Miren, Mr. T. It. Gra ham's brown colt, third. Moue Mnsens' Trouble hetlletl. Pti rstiuitii, Pa., May2i. At a meotlugef coinmittees ropreteutiug the sloue coutract ceutract urs and sloue masons last night, all dlll'er dlll'er ences w ero settled. The basis of sottlement li.xes a day's work at uine hours with ene hour less ou Saturday, the pay remaining at tlie old rate of JJ cents per hour. The agree ment holds geed until January, lhS7. The masons resumed work this morning. The K. of 1- Convention. Ci.i;, O., Slay 20. The Kuights et Laber conveution was called te order by Master Workman l'ewderly at 10:15 this morning aud is still lu session. Commenc ing thlt afternoon, sessions will be held from 2 p. in., tell p. in., aud from 8 a. in., te 12 m., uutil tbe convention adjourns. Furniture Aleu btrlke, RocKieitii, Ills.,SIay20 All machine uien of the Ferest City furniture factory struck: yesterday. They number 75. The cause of the trouble Is the discharge of a fellow work man. A Menth's Heilitctleti of the Public Detit. WvsiitMtTON, Slay 20. The financial statements ier this month tire tints fur unus ually lavorable. A publie debt reduction of mere than ten Jniilliens is assured. The amount may equal or oxceed twolve mil lions. WBA Til Kit rttUHAHlLlTllCa, , Washinotem, D. O., May 2t). Fer yff Eastern New Yerk, Eastern Penn sylvania, Wostern Pennsylvania, West em ew Yerk and Xew Jersoy, lair weather fellow ed by light local ralny.sllghtly warmer, easterly winds. Feii'Tti ens pay Light local rains, slight ly warmer weather are indicated for New Yeck, l'eunsylvauia and New Jersey, aud slightly warmer weather for Maryland and Delaware. TFXF.r.KAFIIIU TAP JosepbO. littliuentl, stock oxehaugespeou. later at Montreal, has failed for f 120,000. Jack Williams, mi Englishman, whlpjied Jack Davis el Hartferd, near Trey, N. ,, this mernlug in anoleven-reuud light. i.,iw,. ivirriiiL'ten. or Lowlsteu. Me., and Heyn Harry, et Fertland, last night fought six rounds te a draw, Slarqula of Queens bury rules, at Lew Isten. ',. Ilttckman's sawmill near Deshler, O., was blown up by the explosion of a boiler Tues day. Engineer Smith was killed, being lit erally tern te pleces. Six ether ompleyei were injureii. Fish Cases, Ne ilsh cases were heard bofero Aldermau Spurrier yesterday except thase reported in last eveulng'a aiier. A large number of wltnesses absented themselv os from thebear. Ing and the atderinau new proiesos te ahew them tliat they cau te brought in. This morning Jehn W. Eslileman was beard en thd charge of using Ilsh pets in 1 equaa oreek. The case was dlsniUse.1. "" Plorcewaslioard en as luiilai ;'" "? was llued ri", which be did net jay, butgard ball for the presenu Clsarmakers Jein K.ef I K 'Srd.y'aoeCt en. bundrad mt I forty J!raml'SouV!hexall,vebear,tofI).rtrlct Assembly Ne- , ' Hul An Assignment. Jehn Menteltb, et Martle township, mtd an assignment of his property uxlay, fertbe benetltef creditors te O. A. Derrick, of lh uauie tewushlii.