Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, May 22, 1886, Page 4, Image 4

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from lint New Moen.
lnltin nnimnorer ISWitwMlhe writer'
goal fortuneto upenil n low weeks In that
jwrtef lliogeod elil town or Qulnry, .Muni.,
nsmwl Hqtiaiitttnt., It I" net no very inncli nt
pluce; but Ills iitilet nil nntftfl, nnil liai
onetiglt variety te satisfy the most aMItlinti.
TllO tiller ini8C&00 can UCK Dm--iiiuiiu3
from tlie tanglwl IiihIim In tlie worn-out
pmtnrm or scramble the IiIrIi rock, nnil
leek way out te km; or wl( lingo Holil Helil
glM tmtsla lady fnenils by KlvtiiR tliei
namesef the ateamnrs as they i te ami
from llingham and Downer'H I.ntutliii;.
Tha old suburb It nn easy hour' ttialance
from notion, and norne uxcollenl fatnllle nre
milled there. Moen Island, with its Im Im
incnae wower werkc, nre nlijects of IntoreM
H the stranner j and with geed Gainfully en
cn npnnil an hour or two pleasantly aitclitnir
Qih In Qulney bay.
Hut 1 think. 1 hear my renders ftic.
What bat this In de with Captain Kldd?"
Well, I will tell you.
One day last August a ten-year-old tirvlilii
ran up te me with the questien,
Paps, who was Captain Kldd?"
"Ohl I want te knew."
"Ob 1 lKnsn. I was out sailing with Mr.
.Tcnktm, ami landed ever thnre nn lluir lluir lluir
Moen Island, and lie nhoweil me a plin'e
where Captain Kldd luiried his money."
"Willi, if he told you se iiiitrb, why didn't
be tell you mere, and ijlve you tlutvvliitle
history or Captain Kldd?"
"He told motenskyou."
And thinking tills plain recital or the
il coils ornnetaltlo sailor will Iih ititoreutliitf,
we reprotluce them here, net vouching for
thelr truth, but probably as neir the truth as
anything can new be obtained el that nnleJ
William Kldd was an KncllsLminii, theiiRh
Boine eay a Scotchman, of Greenock, and
was born the mlddle el tlie enventeeuth
century. I'rler te the year 1G91, he was a
prominent chantcterln the city or New Yerk,
where he marrled Mrs. Sarah Oert, tvltlntv
era innrclialiterthat citj". Tradition points
te Cedar ftreet, at its junction with William
stiMit, as the place et Ids residence.
l'rem his youth lie had been accustomed
te tlie he.i, and in the French war he had
commanded a cruiser, meeting the ennmy
en all occasions witli courage, skill, and riic riic
cess, besides chastising the pirates who were
went le i-rnise en me aew i.iiriuihi
In HiOl, be was opposed te the administra
tion el Oovernor I.oisler (afterward the
vlrllm or judicial murder), and en tlie ar
rival or Sloughter, who superseded I.eislur,
lie reccitwl n hundred and lifty pounds "as
a suitable reward Ter the miny iroed services
dene te" the provlnee of New Yerk. After After
eords Kldd and Sloughler associated in
Londen aslrientls.
In tlie year lUII, tlie Indian ocetn swarm
ing with pirates, it hcame necessary te take
ineasures for their apprehension. Accord
ingly, as Kldd was at this time in Londen,
in command el n merchant ship, it was pro
posed te glve him an nrmed vossel, and send
him en a crutsn tn drive the pirates front the
seas. Kidd, having a telerable acquaintance
with all tliPirhnuuts, readily agreed. 1'Nliep
Uurnet tells us that the king hlmtf was
InttireHtril, and was in favor of making the
expedition a prlate venture, ellerlng te
contribute a thousand pounds Afterward,
howevor, he excused Jiimsi-lf from linHmul
pirticlpatlonseu lmpociinleui grounds, leav
ing the axponse te be lerne by Kiclianl,
Karl or llollemont, then but Just apielntsl
gnvornerof New Yerk, in connection with
Rebert Livingstone, el New Yerk, CapUIn
Kidd, and ethers.
Kidd made his contract with liollemont,
having Livingstone as his bondsman, Helle,
meut agreeing te get him a commission as a
private man-or-war tn tight pirates, "with
Mich larce and beneficial ttewiirii and clauses
in such commission as may be most proper
and ellectual." Tlie earl was te pav four-
lirths, and Kidd and Livingstone eiie-llftli,
of the money required for tlie expedition.
The pretlts each should recolve Irein the
voyage were te be regulated by tlie propor
tions contributed, liollemont thereby ex
pecting te rocelv e n lien's tthare.
On tlie lllh of December, lfifi'i, Kldd re
ceived his commission, authorizing him te
war against French ships and Mich ether
Hblps as wero liable te confiscation, besides
tlni-tu of t'ie units
The rollewing April he sailed for New New
Yerk In the Advnnture galley, with a crew
or eight men, en Ills way btking a French
prize. lie leuialued in iert alHiut three
months, raising men, when, at the end or
tills time, having increased his crew te one
hundred and tilty-Ml.v, lie salled ler the In
dian ecean, bearing w 1th him nn establislieil
reputitien for courage, capacity, prudence,
and Hklll. Ills crew-, however, bad been
enlisted en the principle of "no purchase, no
pay," ami u tire generally el a desmrate
character. At his trial it was proved that he
went te sea Willi many misgivings; and
after he had lelt, Governer Fletcher wrote
home te the Heard or Trade, that "many
Hocked te him from all parts, men or desper
ate fortune", and necessitous, in expectation
of getting VHst treasure. It is generally be bo be
Meved here that they will have money, by
lair means or ieul ; tbat If he miss or the
deiign intended, for which he was commis
sioned, it will net be iu K bid's iewer tn
govern Hiicli n herde of men under nepiy"
The latter clause, excusing Kidd In advance,
is tlie mere slgulllcmt from the fact that It
was punned by Kldd'x political opponent,
who was by no means desirous e! doing liim
any geed.
Kidd had, noverllie'oss, set out en his voy
age ; and new let us note its Incidents.
Karly In Septemlmr, lfi', he sailed for
Alauelra, arriving there Ojt. s IIe reached
Madagascar the following January. The
next hepiemtier be was en the coast nt Mala
bar, where he was attacked by two I'ortu I'ertu I'ortu
gueso ships, which he fought all day, and
linally Ixmtetl, having fourteen men wound
ed. He continued te cruise for pirates until
tbe following Nev embcr (lWTj without suc
cess. At that time he lull in with a richly
laden L'nglish shin, which ills crew voted te
capture, though he eventually restrained
them. Soen alter they took a ship manned
chielly by Meers, which, it appears, was a
legal prkn. Feb. 1, Ifis, they lull in with a
liengal merchftnt ship called the Quldali.
This was also taken, though it iloes net ap
pear tint any Weed was shed. The capture
was afterward ilecltred illegal, while the
testimony provel that Kidd was no longer
master et his ship.
Alter tills lyisaded te St. Mary's Madagas
car, where he sunk ills iirst prize, and where
ninety-sev en of Ids men.uaiisned or Ids real
character, gladly improved the occasion te
desert te ihe Mecha frigate, a pirate ship
lying at that pert, which ship he desired te
capture, but lalled te get the co-eporalinu el
his men, who assured him that they should
much prelorte turn their guns njien him.
In ills deieineless state he was alternant
plundered or much ammunition and stores
by the pirates, w he, after giving their late
ceiumaiider these expressions of opinion,
which plainly implied that he was deemed
altogether tee virtuous for their nec tv,
wiled away. Seme time prier tn this, in ,111
altercation with his gunner, lvid.l stru.-k
him with a bucket, and Moere neon died
Kldd having but sixteen well-dlsiosed
men left, improved the occasion te set sail iu
the Quidah, ieavlng the Adventure galley
Mink in the harbor. J
1..Allri1 ';. llVjl'' hn rfiplsl Angullla iu Iho
Aest Indies. Here, te Ills utter dismay, he
found himseir proclaimed a pirate. I pen
this, muitt or his small crew that still ie ie
luaiued, lied from him, when he w as obliged
toleavo the Quidah iu JUspaniela, and sail
ler New Yerk in n small sleep. On reaching
New Yerk he received a letter from the Karl
e. llellomeutatlloston, inviting him thither,
whllher he, In tee cenlldlng a spirit, at ence
repalred, cenlldent of Ids ability te meet
liniifm i K ' . ""B"1 " preierred. A I
-.-.. ua nIW ...(, 0.r, ,nHM nmArll
?JSFi '- ' fflendlyiui
saw the earl, then
ferencea win, llm
"y lie was suddc
HeVi-nTi ,11 ."Vuuen'y arrested and sent tn
i-.iigianti ler trial in.. i..i -r,. .-","'
mera Uihii vm. i """ 't'"K '" prisiin ier
facHts,C8fa?a1sCy1cltX6rnt,erI tl' """
new let u Inquire whelbtr T'a. "e" ! a"a
part or the government !.., tlen ou t,,
just. This leads S te InquiVe ffiSP w,as
Kidd was betrayed by 7," ZJ V
clreunistances prove that this was done
save bimseir. uenB "
It appears that the "large and lieeetlem
ppwere1; procured by htm for Kid i, butde
slgued te accrue chielly ter his own benefit"
had naturally brought upon him odium and
tuspcien. It was even openly asserted that
Ilelloment went out te Massachusetts, wheia
KldU was appointed te bring his prizes, in
order te aid nnd abet him iu his work.
Charges were carried te the feet of the throne
Hself, and in the Heuse of Commens it was
openly declared that the king had unwit
utRiy exceeded his power, by assigning te
imioment and Kldd all goods taken tfem
KllT, l.""Kh it was clear that such goods
Oew'K1 !? ,h0 tnerchanta thomsUvei.
SimW?" terms of the commission
Plund Viie.Uoulent "Uerired Kldd le
Plunder Ueawt men. Tb9 tUuaUeD ther6.
fore, became alarming, and liollemont has
tened te declare that Kldd had exceeded
even the "large and beuellclal powers"
rIveii by his commission, hoping thus te
outwit his ndversarlts, and by ills virtuous
real In proclaiming Kldd n plratn te get this
disagreeable person oil Ids hands altogether.
And, resolved mi appeasing the people at
home te the extent el his power, he took ail
vantage el a technicality In law, saying that
In Massachusetts It was Impassible in con let
pirates at all, as the people were iu laver el
piracy, en account et inn gsius which u
brought (an outrageous lllwl In llsclf), nnd
delivered up Kldd tnthoniitherlliesat home.
Hut this ungenerous treatment of Ids former
trlend brought no advantage, and Tailed te
stlry his enemies; while a lew months
lrt!tr,"ern Kldd was brought Inte court, the
larl IdiiKeir was announced te meet the Inst
liidite at tlie great assize.
Still otliers besides Itellnment were impli
cated, and though the chief miuager of the
commission hid gene where tlie wicked
cease from troubling, hn had left assecivtes
behind ; and accordingly, en the fifteenth
day et April. 1701, Simen llaroeurt, the dis
tinguished Tery lawyer, appeared at the kvr
erthe llouse or Commens, and in Ihenniiie
of all Knglaud, Impeached. Lord Jehn soui seui soui
ers of high crimes and mlsdeiniuners, one
charge being distinctly grounded en his c in in in
noclleu with Captain Kidd.
New. behooved his lordship
and bis friends te show their al'lierrence or
plrary, lojether with all commissions having
' large and Ivenellcial clauses ." and though
Kldd hid lain In prison a whole jeir, ieene
cuing te press the suit, the Hillticat pirlj te
which ills lordship belonged at once re
vealed a deep Interest. In little mere than
twenty iliv. ami before the time lived ler
Lord Jehn's own trial, Kldd was dragged te
the bir, and summarily condemned. These
at nil acquainted with the history or the times
must have little penctralien, If unable te de
tect the H)llcy at the bottom or the whole
Kldd had nowcaed te be of any person vl
InqierLince, and se slight n sacrillce could by
no means no emitted, IT the sacrifice would
in any degree seem te purge I.nrd Jehn.
Accordingly Kidd must die, tn show that
man's abur.rrence i.r crime.
Twe distinct charges uern hrnucht against
Kldd : first, the killing el Moere, hisgiinnvr
' I lnnrdcred VV llllitn Moen a- I died ;
and, second, tlie capture el the Quidah mer
cli mt man. Iu the course or the trill en Hie
llrst charge, Kidd freely acknewlfslged that
heciused thedeitli nt Moere; but dwl.irrsl
tint the deed was done in theisiur-ii or a
lieated altercation. Monre, the i; miner,
hiving a chisel In Ills hand, tell into nn
nngry ilebate with his cemmiiider, who
struck him with a bucket. One witness
testified that Monre liad previously lnen un
well, and another declared tint the trouble
arose from the tact tint Kidd had refused te
capture a vessel which was net a law fill prize
'Ihewliole transaction took place leler the
Quidah was taken, and while his crew were
in that mutinous spirit which led te ins
being fin illy overpowered. Kldd wis un un un
deuble 11 tlie caue or his gunner's death,
and this he lunentetl. Yet in our own d iv
it would be dilllciill for a uir.v i'l -uch a c.i
te bring in any stronger verdict than that or
" unintentional homicide."
The charge or piracy was luied entirely nn
the capture of the Quidah. Here the testi
mony vi as ev cry way insulllcient for convic
tion." Te an unprejudiced is dear
that Kldd had at that time lest control et his
men. The voyage hid proved unsuccessful
as reirded the pirates; and new, in accord
ance ith the prediction of ( iovernor Fletcher,
the crew determined te have money, by fair
means or foul. Hence Kldd give way, and
the Quidah was taken.
At the trill Kidd franki3- acknowledged
tlie Tact el the capture, and, as his df fense,
claimed that theQuldalt silled with a French
piss, mid that her master was a French
tavern keeper at Ml rat. Ills papers, he de
elated, had been Liken bv Karl ISellemnnt,
no. deceased, and he only rt-qusted time
te recover them and produce the French piss
in court. One witness testiticd that Kldd
liul informed him of the existence el the
ms at the tlmoef thecipture; yet the court
would net de.ay the trial ler lin hour. In
the end the prosecution was pressed, and
kldd was deemed te death.
The action el the judges and all concerned
must he regarded simply as atrocious. K uld
was net even allowed the assistance el an
ndvo'ate. Te eminent members el the
legal professiou were silenced by the judge,
and forced te reiniiuiu their he its dumb.
It is true tint the Kuglish law at tint time
did net permit rsens charged with piracy
mid kindred crimes te have, the beueht el
counsel, except en tnints of law. And w lieu
Dr. Olilfish, one of the alvecilus relerred te,
attempted Income te the aid of Ills client, hu
was put down with the declaration thst he
must treat ,i in itler of mi, or else be quiet
It is slranue that down te se late a period
there should have been no better prevision
te secure justice. Iu lfilTi, a law was Intro
dined In Parliament for the protection of
accused orseiis hut It was some time Ijefore
it was eiiutisl. It Is dnuhtliil, Lord
Campbell, whether It would ever have passed
at all, had net the Firlnr Shtlleshury, after
breaking down under the fatigue et a speech
made in its f.ivnr, reseiided te a cry toce
en, by rising te his feet and saying: "If I,
sir, who rie only te give my opinion en a
bill new pending, in the fate of w hieli I bav e
no iKTSenal Interest, am se confounded tint
I am unable teexpresi the least of what 1
preHsed te siy, vvhitmust tlie condition of
that m in lie, who, without any assistance, is
catled tn pleml ler his lite, ter his honor, and
Ills iesteritv " This stirring appeal olectri electri
tled the hbiisevind secured the pvssign or the
bill. Hut It cauie tee late for the untutored
sailor. Denied the prlvilege or that delay
which might have secured his pipers, bulled
by Iho chicanery et the prosecuting counsel,
mid badgered by tlie oppressions el an un
liist Indite. William Kldd civeup the cise
in hew ilderment, and laid down Ids hie.
Kidd wastiie victim ol'npeliticiil nis-essity.
The party sought te save Lord homers by
sacrihcing one el his milMinllniites. In 1 1 .' -,
a"Htrsouet qualltv," w he saw the Hlitical
turn the whole allifr bid taken, vi rote : "As
considerable a man as our triend Hullnment
Is, II one et jet greater degree had net been
concerned in tins undertaking, it had never
lsen taken notice el. or at least had never
been blamed. That." he continues, " which
deserves pralse In elhersmay bocnniea crime
in men et eminent station, lr the seisnn he
proper for attempting their ruin."
The remark had been attributed te the
great Naimlrnn, thst if he could mike the
songs of a isHipl, lie cared net who made
their Iiwh. vnd he knew what lie meant.
Wh find an illustration of the power of song,
even in the doggerel verse of "ye Union utile
htllad" of Captain Kiild, which, he far from
Iieing anything like "ye true historic," does
net eveiigive Ins right name, making lit nt
" M a uii h is 7,'.'. ri KliM, us I sailed.
As many get their opinion of Lord It icon
rrnui a line by Pepe, w the people at large
have taken their conception et Kidd treiu a
Ijrie source, and the ertrait, thus drawn,
hew gives us our most jiepiiUr, It net the
most triithlul, conception or tlie great pirate.
William Kldd ewes ids present reputation,
net te Ids intrinsic h ulness, but loeueot these
freaks et fortune which sets some men up
nnd casts ethers down. Kldd was Indeed no
saint , yet, though tee vicious for a mart r,
no was geed enough ler a victim.
He (Mine upon the stage at a time when
maritime Uw had just discarded the maxim
that uiiuhi made right, and when every held
explerir was net invariably a buccaneer.
Worse men than he were in these d.ivs
honored with decorations, and Kldd himself
might have hi en made a knight. Hut a
political necessity lnterased, and they bung
Three Tine KI-n
Kiein ihu Chic ige Journal.
There are three kisses In the world nt mis
cellaneous kisses which may be counted true
the kiss the mether lightly lays upon her
baby's dewv'ri lips, the kiss the mother gives
her boy as he gees forth into the world, mid
the kiss we press iqien the still, jle lips or
the dead. All the rest are llke the straw ber
ries iu the bottom or the basket le lie taken
w'lh suspicion.
Only bird nengs te enrapture, beiikh rrem the
dm nnd tin pine.
Only a uet In a Held et dark gu en,
A leu i irus mid n secret U mine ;
Only n bending et dail s, from tlie butler
cups v I 111,
Tep II ,,f m, hemi.,, the tw Itler of hints
And that May, the bird's month, hither llles.
Only a tanule of sunshine aiUshef bright but-
turtly wings ;
only a cloud In a skj of deep blue,
n!lf"' t,U """''d tiny geld rlngj.
Only wrcaUl )t May IOM( R tnm
"Pl'le Irt-e bough,
i'h0"J "' l'k nd w bile petula.
And we knew tha, ,wect ,lliy COIf;cUl ew.
Only dead soldier. wi,l the . K Lloed
for tbelr country was shed.
Hut weit May lays u token or flowers
On these (raves of our dear, honored dead.
Frem (he Jirveklin Maguiint,
When men, women and children begin te
dle around lieie Irem " axidenlal drewen "
and from "cesiscmnun," according te crow crew
ner's quest law, Is it a matter for the concern
nrtbe Isiird of liealtli or the bmrd of educa
tion ?
1 heard n group of gentlemen iivcnlly
Willi one accord b irate the Inti i i uhn i:u
for printing, as news proper for public Infor
mation, some r.iqls nbeilt the meliev nt Inter
est of some heavy taxpiver-. In tow it nnd
country, taken from the leeks iu the court
house, open te the Inspection et all comer.
Such information, it was vigorously ibs hired,
the public bad no right te . and then these
critics or the press calmly prevented te dis
co's the clothes ami character or everv
worn in who pissed up and down the streets.
Great Is HI ma of tlie Fpheslaus.
I am gl id te he ir there is some prespivt or
a movement te llnish the Incomplete monu
ment near Kplirata te the soldiers ei tier tier
miutewnniid Hnindywiue who died in the
cloister hospitals et that quiet, religious com
munity oier a hundred jearsnge. It lias
been morn than forty jears since the corner
stone or the structure was 1 ild tint was te
rise sixty fret inch In the en. Insure whose
pit n way was marked with the terse In
scriptlen : " Ihfi .'n .i die (.i 'cm. l'i t'r:
.SniiifiT." It never get above six feet high,
but hundreds of bhvks or the hew n red
audstone with which te build it werelvlng
there, all overgrown with brlirsaiul bidden
by bushes when 1 list visited the spot.
The completion or this job is one et the
many tilings n Lancaster county historical
six'iety might de ; and it is te Ihi hoped that
in tills rich county no such Uiby net will ls
pleided as " lack et a government appropri
ation." Gen. Irfigin, who is a lawyer, as well as an
author and statesman, tells a story of hew
his knew ledge or medicine sorved liim in
tlie early pirt of his career nt the tur. It
seem he was a medical student befere I v
studied law. He came te the defense or a
rather brutal fellow charged with kicking a
child te deith, and there was no defense but
a technical ene. it was testified very Treelv
Ivy seme erudite country doctor that the
child hid Ist'ii kicked in the spleen, but
when lrfigan asked Kvulapius te explain
w hit the Innctien el the spleen was he hung
down his head, looked sheepish, and the
mere the question was pressed the duinlwr
he seemed. Legan took advantigeef It, de
rided hi professional ignnrince and raised
such doubts in the minds el the jury about
the erthe spleen tint his mm get
oil. And jet, smce the world began, I am
told by the doctors nobody lias discivered
whit the spleen was put in ler. The West
em phjsiciins were net se stupid as Legin
made them out . but neither they nor the
law v ers en the ether side w ero sui irt eneur h
te knew it- Legin did, and wen hi cise.
Malileu Mercer, or Learn m i'l ice, shows
me a forty-year-old collee-celorod check roll
or labor and services performed m the mo
tive power depirtnun', employed by K. F.
Giy, superintendent el the Columbia A l'hll
ailelpliii railr.vtd during the month of May,
lsi, it. vv. Itura.'k ami Henry Krcusen
ran the Fast Line then, and made J days
per month at ?J per day : Jehn Wllhelm and
Jehn Nntl were engineers of the night line
and made the sme tune and wages ; K. A.
Heward and Hayes Smith ran the accommo
dation tram. The freight engineers get the
siine vvges, but made les tune, averaging
alsiut ?") per month. The names en this
roll are i Lie llukliorne, M. mvis, t.dw.
Kaiilz, Samuel While, M. II. Mercer, Jehn
Franciscus. Augustus Helen. Nicholas Sprin
ter, Michael Matheu. William Herklev, 11.
S. Himill, Jehn Helen, Geerge I'ettlt, lteht.
A. "sprats William Appeld iwhe made his
mirk and J. A. Sheall signed for him), Jehn
Ma k, James it. Simple, Jeseph Ames and
Samuel White. Tim total piv-rell et the en
gineers for tlie month was f I, 111 ; the fire
men cot SLii per day, and tlieir wages tooted
up fss; j;i. Kdw In Jeilrles kept the tima
Most notable ract The nsme of the Iat
firemen ris'eiptiug en tins roll for '2. idajs,
fs,T), is William F. Lnekard.
Ol a still elder, but in ether respects simi
lar check roll ier Msy, ln, J. II. Moorhead
was superintendent, and among the names
et the firemen are te be tnuu.l a number or
these who appear later as engineers. Most
el Ihe engineers, however, are the same as
these who apir en the 1 iter roll.
A geed friend who li.u the delightliil rash
ion of doing gixsl things, tosses into my lap
Frederic Harrison's "The I hoice of Heeks
and Other Literary Pieces," iu piper ever,
fresh from the press or MacMill.iu A Ce.,
Londen. I wish it were otherwise, but we
may as well admit that these Knglisli mike
Is-Kiks better than our Vmerican publishers.
Tills one, like neirly all you couie across, is
soft and silky te tlie touch, piper like cream,
type se eleir and binding se flexible that It
is no allocution or augle-nianii at all te pre
fer 11. Hut it is for the contents of a geed,
strong, healthy, breey Imnk like this that
you most appreciate Iu Let me qiiote some
random extracts el very general appllcitien
and by no means all nor even the lest te
ieint the title and adorn the text .
i'er w hat cm a book be mere than the man
who wmie It The brightest genius seldom
puts the best or his own soul in in his printed
pige and some famous men li ive cer
tainly put ttin worst of theirs. "Set are all
men desirable cnuipimeiis, much less teach
er, able tn give us udvice, even or these who
get reputation and emii and a heirlng t Te
put out or the question that w riling w liich Is
positively bid, are we net, amidst the tn ul 1 1
jilleily or bonks and or writers, in continual
danger of lining draw u oil by what Is stlinu
lillng rather than solid, by curiosity after
something accidentally notorious, by what
has no intelligible tiling te recommend It,
except that it is new ?
s I leek back and think of tho-e cataract-eot
printed stutl which honest i-eiiiml
ters set up, meaning, let me trust, no harm,
and which at least found them in daily
bread printed stull which I and the rest of
us, te our intluitely small profit, ii ive con
sumed witli ourevos, net even making an
honest living or It, but much impairing our
substance I could almost reckon the print
ing pros as among the scourge or mankind,
lam grown a wiser and asnblerman, Im
portunate, like that Ancient Mariner, te tell
each blithe wedding guest the tale or his
shipwreck ou tlieiiiiluitti sea or printer's ink,
as ene escaped by mercy and grace Irem tlie
region where there is water, water every
where, and net a drop tedrink.
Fer the art et printing lias net been a gilt
wholly unmixed witli evils ; It must be used
W iselv it it Is let be u Imen tn nun nt ull lr
entails en us heavy responsibilities, resolu
tion te use it Willi Jtidgmeiitand self control,
nnd the will te resist its temptations unit its
perils. Indeed, we may easily se act that we
may make it a clog en tlie progress of the
human mind, a real curse and net a lioen.
'Ihe S)iver of flying at will through spice
would pn batily extinguish civilization and
society, ler it would release in irem the
wholesome liondage of place and rest. The
power of hearing every word that had been
uttered en this planet would annihilate
thought, as the inner or knowing all re
corded facts by the prrs ess of turning a han
dle would annihilate trim scieiun. Our hu
man faculties and our mental lerces are net
enlarged simply by iiiultiplvtrig our mate
rials nt knowledge and our facilities for com
munication. Telephones, microphones, pan pan pan
tosces, steam-presses and ubiquity-engines
in general may, alter all, leave tlie peer
human brain panting and throbbing under
the strain of its appliances, no bigger and no
stronger than the brains or the men who
heard speak, and aaw Aristotle ami
Archimedes pondering ever a lew worn rolls
et crabbed manuscript. I'ntll seme new
Gutenberg or Walt can Invent a machine for
niagnllyiiig Iho human mind, every rresh ap
paratus ier multiplying its work Is a rresli
strain en the mind, a new realm for it te or
der and te rule,
lam still or the opinion that there is no
iiuhIe el travel llke the primitive method or
the raft ; and no such trip is te iw made iu
the same time and distance ou this continent
as en a let of legs fastened together with pins
and wlthe, lloaled by tlie current and
steered by the pilot, from Columbia tn I'each
Kotteut. Hut ier these who cannot nllerd te
travel by rail a pretty geed way Is the tally tally
he, or traveling coach, such as Hrether Ik Iv,
Jamisen periodically perambulates the coun
try with ; and Indued I am net sure that
barring the tell irate- you can see hew beau-
tt I ul the county between Lancaster and Cel-
uuibla really Is until you see it Just at this
ist uu wjiiiitT uuiniiDii jiiui-a-?kUA aiiu yj&s
season, irem me top beat or the coach. Tee I
rvei tn bead ; the winter wheat i glorious ,
the bloom I oil the en hards, but all the
trees are robed in the brightest and freshest
of spring green, and the row hedges th it our
Lsneaster county farmers keep uid lend
wbv are they net mere el them ' Ls'k as
trim as a bride's bonnet. Seme of the corn
Is up and some Is just pi tilting the beg
bristles bav 3 been scraped oil the telutw
plant Is'ds and seme of the leave are nearlv
as big as a trade delliW. In every Uirn vard
v oilcan see hew tlie Jersev lil.s'sl Is spread
lug Itself through our shvk . and the track
ever there Iu Hiram Girlxtr's wheat Held
tell et a fimntis stud of horse that is te
prove where the prom nt the future farmer
will lie. Te the New Yerker li all leeks like
e.nih,i l,.t i i. . .. . -. .. i..... it...
v i'.i, i, , . i,.n , ituii nt, i". . ni'it .,-
bugle note through t'eluiutu t's street calls I
the cottagers of Tew Hill te see the caravan I
That Is, lie was snrr.v uniil gne.1 digestion,
walling upon appetite, siiuuunitnd bun tn
the dining risiiu t the I rmklln house, Col
umbia, where be round tint the famnm Del
awarestml w h net te hnoeuiparod with the
gnvinellsh lint mikes her wav te the I'ol I'el
iimbiidim, nntl tint Gloucester cook are
dabster aside ntthtiletieiiv genliise. tint pre
side ever Mrs Slide's kitchen. I Inve a
suspicion, hs, that the graH tint nb,.rhs
tlie sunshine el the vMis,ueh,imi i bills In no
wise lacks anv II iv or that llmts eutlie.ler
-ey nir or Is' distilled upm tee vine-da I
slopes of 1'nuce.
't'lincru, li ride limn I nlutnbit te Mi.bll"
tnwn I through a country when gt Is no
credit for fertility and irfs-tien et tillage
from the Heeling traveler bynllvvsv ami
jet I venture that no mere picturesque Hint
beautiful route fei pnv tte leiiriievmg lies
wllliinthe borders nl ourceiiiilv than this
Tlie view fnim Clilques lull tn the north evi r
the splendid Denegd v illev, with Mi. .lev
Iu the foreground and the I nrnace hills
framing the plclurts is worth driving many
inilivs The leuntiius an sphishlng n
welcotne at the 11 ildeman mansion : the
heavy clusters of purple w islam bang ever
Gee. "W. Mehatley's home, and the bl.vsl red
tulips blaze out Irem Cel. Dutlv's front v ir.l
I p along the river . past the line nnrserv
tarmsiif the Fugles , and that picturesque
eltl mill nt slns'k's . somebody in Ceimv lias
built a school lieu-Hi where the plav ground
1 the best I Inve sih'ii and puts te sh line the
restrli teil bounds et the Mt Jey orphans'
scIiimiI , there is n bun yard with a lietter
wall than around our nil, and nwsvniTtn
Ihe lelt of the rivul the pill irs ami pil i-lers
of the llreuemau ininsteii mike It leek like
asnulhern home. Iho sleepy little towns
et Itiinbriilge ami I alioeiith are w aktsl te
novel exilteint'iit, and presently vnu are
tlew n at the I'nnew ige , reek w In ii til irks
the inter-cemifv iHiiinilirv lilt". All the
way you have been catching glimpses nl lull
and river sitinerv. beside which the vaunted
splendors of tint lower Hudsen nreiiisignift
cint, Tlie big dogwood blossenis lm.k tike
greit snow Hikes ledged iimii the trees
and the fngrant haw is renthery with IiIikhii,
golden and purple wild flowers hetlge the
readwav, iml springing terns sweep the
wheels in the single trek et the nirrew
pith. 'I lie "(wrvasive odor ..f the wild
grape" is in the air m. I the -inmin th tt
dash down through the Uiiilder nelds or
come impotueuslv irem the hillsides wash
til ick rock beds and are arched ever with
alder bushes, the white blns.smne.1 dew
berry crees among the stone and under
the straggling Unices, and the bowed v me
of the black rispberry twine all along the
w iv.
The traveler who i.siks frein Ins car win
tlew out upon tlie splendid eh tin et firms
above ami tirlew imi arnuiul iMiddletewn,
mrst generally asks iqieii vv hich one et them
thelr owner, James Yeung, lives and he
nearlv always lias pointed out te bun lint
certafn ene vvhlch seems m lie the centre nl
the system, " Oik Line " its owner . ill if,
distinguished en a busy dav bv t ling nl
smoke lleiling from the till stack of the
Isiiler house that ad . mis the iiru. I'.at Mr.
Yeung tles net live there. His private resi
dence Is iu the three-sb.ry, wide fronted
brick building in town, just below the sta
tion, where lie has his home, in Umk nnd
his private ellice, nnd where cordial wel
come aunts the visitor, whether he emtie
aToet or tally he, beriltle.l hi h telegram or
the bugler's note. The cirri tge w iih vv hell
he conveys Ids guests tn his I inn is very like
the cemtnrtahle old vein, le Dial President
Huchauau used te drive he tonight it thtrtv
years age In I'hlladelphi i, and u is geed as
ever, it was made in these dajs and was
one of that kind. I believe these I noens
farms have lieeu written up m mv tiuies by
many people, and it is prettv bird tnsivany
thing new about them Kvervbetfy, of
course, knows that Mr eimg his thirteen
In all ; most nl them mining, but a t.iw are
en this Hlde el town they comprise I, loe
acres, and luck en tint high i ik, which
stand at the corner nl lHnplim, I eh toen
and LintMster, anil leeks ml., three ..r lour
mere eeimlies, he Ins .no acres et isture
I. mils upon wludi, like the s i,s lierdsuitn,
lie lead hi Hecks m simiiuer He fed 'el
sti.'k cattle this summer and ilmibltsl Ins
money en them : he Ins nnlk.ews a the
dairy," most el them, nil tii..rough tii..reugh
liretis, -mil it is net inn omtiien te hn pointed
out a mild-hu-cil d.-eree. I . mature brought
overrrom her nitive isle ler net less thin a
? 1,000 note. That little bull has a pedigree of
which he I proud as et Nerm in bleed, but if
von don't think he is .t . rim devil Mr.
eung will show 51.11 1 hole 111 the l.irti il.. ir
th it 111 horn le t le when lie plunged at bis
nivner'sleg, w. Iml btppilv g"i 111 en the
right side or the ihs.r Nl r. niiug use
mules entirely t r firm I tiver . he Ins atsmt
lifty of thorn. Hei mint ts all lusoier.itiens
himself, and has 1 0 tensnt Itriners or crop
pers ; he engag.-s 1 nit : . meH, and Jiavs
them wagt s arci dm.- te their north. Ltlsir
s.iving m.uiiinerv nl every tlevi.e is em
pleyvxl. A steam mill ui'tk I. me grinds
bed and corn in. .1 .ml . hops ihe I. dder
tlinreare blacksmiih, w ignnuiaker and squi
ll ler en the place te .In all the net esstry ro re
piiring ; .1 carpenter fur building and tools
ler everything. Tin re are s.rh q.s twenty
live miles of white I. mi I tetne Willi red
gates; ami 'tis net whiten i-hed until after
tlie spring rains ami win 11 the lurvest hands
have leisure. The houses and barns and
gate are painted . iml their tie in white,
bright green and brillnnt red de nut need
renewal oflener en an iverage th in nnee in
ten years Kvery v ml en every place Is
clean as a new pin. .m tin net a weed
or unwholesome growth in any vard or gar
den. Net a stone nor stump nor tren bumps
the surface of nny Held ihe trees nre set
along tlie reids, whn b wind around through
the farm, and locusts nre mostly planted, ler
they come te ready profit. Mm h of the land
lias been redeemed front sw.uup bv under
drainage of tiles and broken stone , there are
about twenty-live miles of this, and, by the
benefits nnt, laud en whit h Mr. Yeung mice
shot ducks is new among the liest or his
principillty, ami some tint he p.n.l t.'.n hu
aero ler I siipect Im wouldn't seli for ;nn
Of course, uverylxMly w nits t knew if it
piys That isn't jour business or mine. Hut
Mr. Yeung keeps en at it, he steins tn bin
anew farm whenever begets a It 1111 e, ami
whatever else he has oil thorn, 1 beheve there
are no liens. Perhaps It deAs net pay te wall
up the sides of every ene or the clear little
brooks that go whispering and crteidug
around through these Ileitis ; but in 1, l)
acres Iran calculate a geed man v saved by
holding these little streims te narrow chan
nels and by keeping the lence rows se clean
that they cm farm right up te anil almost
under the liottem rail. Seme el the ileitis
are ever 100 acre iu extent, and really I de
net see why a tanner en this scale should
have any inside fences.
Well, suppose it don't piy ' Hees the
Ivy en your wall " pay " I).k the llewer
In your buttonhole " pay " Dees the
feather in your wile's bonnet "pay" Or
the jewel Iu your girl's ear Dees art, or
tame, or decoration, or peetry.Vir religion, or
any or tlie geed things or lile pay T Hut who
does net want le be en top, at the head ; anil
II a man wants tn be tlie liest and biggest
what is se geed and se great as the cxvupa cxvupa
tlen or the farmer, who immberHalinut TO s.r
cent, of our population ami feeds the rests
Fast anil West, North ami Seuth, high and
low, you cannot Hud such n farmer
and such a chain or farms as this.
I de net sjieak or big-wasted plantation In
the Seuth, or miles el holds, -mil seas
of prairie up yonder In the Northwest; but
actual home farms ; one alter another,
bright, one witli the pretlts erthe ether and
kept, maintained, Improved, enriched rrem
tlieir own yield. This Is a kingdom ; and
the man who Is king wants nothing better or
the world this side or Heaven.
Hut he wants a lietter read from Middle
town te Harrisburg. On a dark and rainy
night the distance Is about tweuty-slx miles.
There is a tell gate ou It, of course. On a
rainy night 1 preler the olt-cushieiied inside
seats even era tally-he, SineiiUi,
Hew te (Iren Itlrli.
Krain the New Yerk Sun.
It Is by attending te their own atlalrs that
men get rich, ami make their lives an tin-
tailing source of happiness te themselves as
wen as etuera.
.0 Avreirti li: rr 1:111
liKprllliiK a l.tttlentllieeiiiiiuitir id
Lite mid laiv p.
Viler an actor makes n hit lie I mere or
les Inlei viewed. Perhaps the Inlelllgeiit
nevvspapet reading public tltm lint need le
Imi mutinied Ihu It bis previously nellced
The stock 111 tt i.le attlcles tint 110 smvei
till actor I ever out of when he i le be vv rlt-
ten up are, first, Id processor making iqs
ami, scviiml, the cords nl letters he riceives
daily from languishing rem de who have
talleu victims le Ins tee levelv form and
mashing la.e.
Asa rule, he emplevs the sen ices eta pri
vate sts retai v, mid he Is kept lulsv from the
time he leavts the stage each night uniil
bread d tv light, dictating answers tn the
twentv tour hours' grist nt love letters- it
von let lit ill tell it
11vlmw, that s the vv ty It get Inte the
printed interview
Ami new it Ins c nue te such it piss that
the dear deluded public think that 11 star
a. tin et the male petsuisieti runs a sort el
bniuch HisUilici business tint would mike
u country mstmister (urn all ihe el rs of
the rtinlsiw with env v
I he actor oiiceurigtw the 1 I 1 1 I il
sirler Is a coconspirator- (mssibiy with nil
eve le Ititure nislelsMrtl, mavhap with no
thought beyond the sp ice lie can nil at regu
I ir 1 tliiinu rales
In immt nl f id, there is n much tlillerence
Is'lMeen the tetters tint the actor gull the
public with and thnse he really useives, as
there is liclwceu the actor hlmselt in the
Marquis tie Mnutebriiu In hi titicestrnl balls
ou the stage, ami his real sell struggling
wllh the lull ul lire of his ft eOa-week eist
siilelsmrding house.
The letters that he knep en hantl for new -paper
use, and are as essential a hi wig
or Ins pi hied lights, reel something like
"1 1..11 1 in Mv I lit: Meet meat Del Del
uieni. n'sal I e'. Us-k this afternoon. I shall
lt alone. Mvim:."
" rins," cisiiillv remark the actor, " i
tiniu the il itighler nf a I iltli itvenile lnllllen-
aire en inning t realtire aw nil swell in sn
cietv deitl gene en mix"
" 1 must knew you, eh, sweeter sell ' or
die. Tivuight I s'h ill mvupv the lelt hand
stage lix, ami slmll tirrv a bunch el .lac
roses that v ou may in ike no mist ike. I
slnll w tit for veu hi my carriige, the siviuid
d.sir almve the shige entrance, niter the tr
t. .nn lie e Come' 1 villi then explain all."
" I his," iieiii'hilmlly sivs the itcler, ' is
Hie widow i.r a 1 iblnit iiimister. ,!, 4 rt(
the theatre every night. It is null v 1 hope hepe
l"stsie." Hut why multiply examples riiemter
ha n tlrawtr full w ritlen le order by bU
vt lle.
The Uuil tide, sunen pure letters the netnr
tbs.s rtsetve, but tietts net edlty the public
vv ith, are such as these :
Mist 1 it .lesis. s,,rt I liave get tired nf
calling, nntl new I want veu hi semi tee that
$1 s, ynu ewe me for washing Inr the last six
wteks I sml keep the shirts I have el Jours
till Vnu tin send IL
Mils. I 1 vv V. iv.
Mi. Messrs. I'litand 1 item have pi iced
their little account ag-iliHt veu Iu our h tints
for cnllts'tieu. Ity attending te the matter at
out e v ou vv ill av tt costs. ours, eh ,
ltnnwN A Hn.ivvN, Collectors
deer 11111 1 liav gut anuther siiilnildy bMi
talk 1111 placeatthe itibtuin tsiunlerlwii-mer
re ami shall ! im the M itter lien sure I shall
be 111 the trout lle et the galry and will 1st
ten the D sir wen v ml cum out.
M 1 u v Mi v
tiriviiu or 1:1 1 (;!.' ir
iiitcint-iit i( it sdiiihrtt 1're.ti her 1 .iiu
tlelies ttlifl sin i.
The tvvn rimnns tieergli evangelists rt
cently iniiclmbsl n meeting In Columbus,
Miss, iml llev. ('. II. DeIiIh, nt tint hum,
w rites fn ttitt iecy,cti.t af what seems te Ut
a fair aissiunt tif their ns)raliens Since their
visit -ill the churches have had accession tn
their memliershlp. The Methodist church
received nlsuit ninety, the I'reslvvteriuis
fertv, the i:p'scepiliati thirty-tlve, the
Baptists seventy-live, vvlulothe ('umberlanil
Presbyterian and Disciples will probably
welcome ten ertwelve em li. The temperance
ciuse In iH'en linn h strengthened, nnd,
uNin the whole, Mr. Debb si.vs.
s mi Jenes ami s.mi sm ill are unquestion
ably greit pre tellers. I bey ant net "the
grettest evangelist. of till age," as s .me
hvilislt nml gusbiiig admirers have said.
I'.ut thev are grtnt preat hers Thev are
very unlike. .Nt r. Small is the pelishtsl
gHiiileniin in dress, stvln, and language.
The most fastullnu i hristliucau liiul
ly anything te obi wt te m bis sermnns. in
my mind he is much the stiener te in and
proieher. 1 am aware, however, that verv
few who heard them in Columbus tili
agree with me. The multitude plain the
trew n en the head el the ether Sun. Still
Mr. Small in tvetl my intelhs t, my emotions,
and my oil a Mr. .lone nvnritnl. Cen
trary te my fears, Imth of them preached the
(tnss.. Their .eriuens had much of evan
gelic truth in them. They -elute.t the cnii
vi. tisl si. oil te the truss. 1 write tills testi
mony all the mere rejeicingly iMvausti I had
been led te fear tlieir coming In my people.
Frem published reports and criticisms, I hid
siipimsed iliey were mere moral lecture,
detllng he ivy 'blows, indeed, at sin, but
neglecting te preach "repentame toward
(island t.titti toward our Lord Jesus ( hrist."
I a in happy In say that in Columbus, at
leist, thev did preach lesiis as the only w ij ij
el lile. True, they aim mostly at awakening
the conscience el men by the most fearful
delimit latinn anil exposure of the "exieetl
iml sint'.iiness el sin, but at the sunt) tune
the penitent Is warned net le trust In a mere
outward or teuimr.iry reform ilien.
W hen all this Is sud, candor cemils my
pretest agunst mucli that is p.vull tr te -Mr.
Jenes' preaching. In my judgment noth
ing can jiistlly ihu coarse (almost profane)
senlences which iitmiiiut Iu most of his ills
courses Surely there c,n be nn extenuating
excuse Inr the pulpit tn employ such terms
a ' pusillanimous puppy," "pusillanimous
coward," "dirty deg," "lying hound," and
similar phrases some tee imln-ent te ask a
place in the Iinlrjiriiilriil. Willi tearful In
vective unit harsh vituperation, he hurled
sucli words directly at his auditors. Never
h no I heard an v one se fiercely or se bilterlv
denounce an enemy as did Mr. Jenes assail
a "little editor" of our city, who bad t-rlli-
isetl some et in charges against certain
lerms of "fashionable foibles hs unjust anil
unmanly." Granting tlie editor's mistake
certainly the preacher was very tar treui
following Ids example "who when he was
revned reviled net again." Ami what can
he said el his Insult te the mure than three
millions of ImniHrsienist el America
Speaking about baptism he hurled his loellsh
senium e nteur beads: "If any man says
only immersion is baptism, tell him 1 say lie
Is n llsr." etc. This was silly. Was It net
also sinful Such things are the "dead
Hies" In the ointment.
VltKsurhiiHt-tis (Iraiiimtr
At a large and would-be fashionable wed
ding recently held in a town iu Massichu
setts, the solemnity was rudely dlsiurlssl by
a rattier unoxpeoted answer. The bride had
entered ou her uncle's arm, and was met by
the groom at the chancel. The nut le then
retired nnd took a seat in the Iietly of the
house. All went well until the clergyman
asked tlie question- "Who glveth this
woman te 1st wedded le this man"" He
pulsed ler an answer, and the untie rose and,
placing his hands en Iho pew In trout or him,
still, in accents louder than are common nt
weddings, "Mi"
He AiiNitt-rfd thti taut.
An ambitious ten ear-old lad in Nerwnlk,
Conn., who was unable te learn the age el
('resident Cleveland, a task lnisised upon
hliu by a children's literary society, or w hich
helsainemlier. wrote the country's haul a
letter en the subject, and, is saitl Ity the
f -file te have receiv wl this nusw er :
"I was born en tlie lhlh day of March,
KIT. 1 hepe with Ihl information Iho ques
tion may be answered.
"GllOVIMl Cl.l;v HI.AMI,"
A gentle Hiss, once seized with chill,
Was feeling most intcrunl HU
When nunc nil Mil , for tn knew
I f N. i . servlt e he could de,
"0,"crltd I he maid (for scaled wits she),
' De you mil. Tenn. te murder Me T '
I A , ' cried the doctor, " I Kan. ail u
i ou from it most untimely grav e
If you will let ineCtinn. you ream
And hang this liver pad in place."
' Am la. tool '" the patient cried t
" 1 cannot Del.," the brute replied
" lint nenne can be long time HI,
he Tex. a patent blue Mass. pill,"
" Ark.!" shrit ked the girl, " I'll bear no Me.
Your nostrums are .V, J. Ne go."
11 IM Jitf.v iMeicr.
s.enr llenil ttiaiiit fur What tutinrti Cnuttlril
11 Hut llalill.
tieintlii i .lattifs tlaclle.
A number et literary men smoke simply
te niul.enn IniMiine, Tliey have learned thai
with a pu iu their mouths though! net
only come mere readily, but iu better elder,
ami that while It Is otfen tlllllcull te get the
proper vienl fthey nre net smoking, It runs
te the Hilut nl the pen tlie moment thev.
"light lip." Psychologically (his I the most
Interesting . and the revsen womankind can
net grasp It probably Is that psivhelngv 1
net, iml trtiinately, taught tu I idles" semin
aries smoking I 1 great Hateguaril against In
let tleus di- a-es. It Is enlv byieiillug up
thiisubitsl scitintilic-.illv In uieillitl Ireallses
that 01111 tbnrtiiighlv gets In lindtiistatiil the
llieiisaiid ilsks of IhlsJ.lml Unit we run evcrv
dav. Iu this I'luinlr.v during Iho Hummer
uienlhs, when men are en their lielldavs,
they lisik lerw irtl tn hiving 11 teiuMintry
lesplleriem smoking. 'I hen It tbsis net se
muiii m itter bow the tempeiaiuent is;
llvlnir e lunch In the open ulr. the smoking
et ether sirseus h 1 HltleclVis't en them, uuil
there Is less danger nl Infection.
it Is te keep oil tint Hies tint men smoke
nt the seaside ami en the bills, 'their own
wrtalhor-beiton ivnulcnaiiisi t m stand the
illes t'Ut these little demons would net only
ssll the summer el our susceptible wives
and sister itml thildreu, but would ills
llgtirit them ns well, 'that I what a mm
cannot endure, veu tiny 11 11 e Ne-eii picnics
en the liver 01 among the Ileitis w ith all Hu'
men smoking and the ladles standing quit"
near them. W ith many men smoking I
uicnlv an evi use ler staving at home. A
luau l.s.ks f,...lsh en an evening doing tint li
lug. N. ft he is bsi tired te tin much.
t lgai supplies Ihe amount or labor be
requires, iiinl he does net 1111111I the trouble
of smoking it se long as II euible liim In
stay at home witlmut less nf dignity and
bsi'k ever it admiringly, and et untlemeii
stratlvely, at Ids wile, should 11 111 m vv libit
small Income lie an opt. ere, or tntiirall) of
an irascible tetuer, it will uld greatly te 'the
happiness el his home il lieisniHi1s'hiuiself
te smoke. ntl nt present, when times are
se h.irtl us In albs't every one mnre or ltss a
cigar Is a cheap and excellent substitute Inr
expensive amusements.
.v ivtii-.t luii).
ttetll the S V . Sun
Oltl v 1 Imluhy
is rather small of its age
Yeung Meiier t litmttatlngly ) tves,
nil her.
Obi I'.i.-lttler Ne teeth jel"
eiing Mnthtr ifalterliiglv ) N no, net
(lid Hut lifhir Lee a little lmw ml
. g Mether i.leiibirullv - I.r i trifle,
Oltl Hachclnr ne sninll for the rest or it
Noting MetltPT ( uiicertalnlv i Yens, but
it w III grew
Old Itselli Inr I rin ment or the 1111111"
N ntiitg M. titer i ilnbieiislv i It cries n lit
Oltl Hi. bflnr Well, lithe baliy lsxtsesses
all tliese tletts'ts wbv tin vnu call It the sweol sweel
twt, nliiist, tlenrest, lev eliesf, nml most beaull
fnl Uihy iu the world Hub '
Y'euiig Mether (triumpliantlv i lie. tue
tt is s,t there ' N ou menu t.l.l thing.
Ilitn lie r.iiiii.l Ills llrlile
KepVe-entaUte Leng, nf Massachusetts,
wauled m hnd a grssl Uurdlng! (,,r
one of hi daughters, ami w role letters nt
inquiry In many Institutions (U course
eecli st bisil's reply represenltsl It te 1st m
t.very particular lite quintessencti el tw,rfts
turn ex.ept nna I lie V Ien-principal of
tint insiitiitKin unite frankly Unit her
st-henl, though about as gt si a nny in Ihe
state, was y no means jsirhs-t, the cur
rituluin ws net cunplete, the building
1 1. ktsl in my tenveiiieuciw, the i , rp et
tttachnrs was list small, the location was net
eutirelv healthful, seme nl the patrons were
tliss.itisiietl ami the mIhsiI isiiild eiler no es
peci.illy distinguished referen.-'s ; but If he
wtniltl send his .laughter they would de the
Uist they could ler her. Weil, tint epistle
tisik Mr", linu's breath away, and lie deter
mined te ee the writer et it us a natural cu
riosity. Hetlitl. He l.nin.l her as beautllnl
and lever us her letter was unique iu its
frankness, ami as the his. I was really an ex
cellent one, lit) decided te send bis daughter
there. Of ismi-se lie liad I" visit the school
often te see his child . .mil the v ice-princlpnl
is tn btssiine Mrs l.nug en the J-dti of tins
I - "uiilitis i sin n ou inve t no n
I - .si)lll()S I tour breath n
l-e lill)U r te uld dlirt-sltnn .
I eStlODD.S fiinil link ll.i ilrsllell
f'rt-Ni rv e v our iimlnr utttl tut it en I
U J." I tin Use il SOODDS I
help uitil Inferior I'er.ius I'ltsters
V III titevll tbly disaprsilni jnu, Hnd art nnt
weilli I veil Ihe tett tittls sked for ttietil
Vtiien llm ncnnr.iiis jmieuii plasiers ntlert'tl
f.irstle Ik-itsnti t upi in.- 1'tisi. is atone merit iti iniiileure I In y have wen thetr ttreai
...iul trity tvith the i(ile, slid K'tlnetl the vel
Hillary, iitlereim ut I tht uediittl prtiresssb.ri
I.) tlu lr unt qimiisl . uniltvc ;iener, itml by thai
enlv VI in ii putt hitslnir Imi nn your unrtl
ittraliist viol tliless ttuil til in under nitslciiillii);
liullii s, -in h its " I itlisl. In, ' l spsh ulit, " I tt
ptlclii. ' t'sprtlclnc 4 , us c-erllln huckster
iii di uglsis in tv ii In ptliu tht tu till nn j .ut
tu pi tt - nl lite Ken ii I ne. It Is better te ileal it Itti
none but teptlbtlile mil houertthtit dtugKljttn
A-k r..r llensett's, and "' that It bettrs tin
" I hrt-e s,. trttda uiitrk and his the went
Citpr In-etll In Iliet eiilte mi; .VI.W ,sw
It D11 V niir IJ11 tril
lt iisen s tttpttue I'limtcr urn widely luiltn
tt .1 'Ilml Is the fsct .Sew.wtiy nre the llnl
tati d ' IWi t ll-e I he tile 1 he only porous plas
ter In t xlst, tw el Iml Is rettlly trustworthy and
vain tbie Iteiisen s 1'insti rs nil hhlily mid scl
eiiiiin tlly medic tit .1, nn. 1 euro in it few hours
Hllineiits iiiMin ntilth no eilu is have had it 11 y
ellt 1 1 u lutti t er I tie ubllf nre then. fore can
Honed iiKitlnr plaster bt firing tint nittnes of
M I itish in, ' ( tpsieuiu," " I apsit ine,' or ' ( a
pildu, ' w hirh me ineanl In puss for "( apt Ine '
(pleitte the dllh rem tq ami rtUn ttgutnst
iilasii 1 s bt itrlng the nituiiw " lleninn'," . Itur
tin's, , tt W hen hu fug ask ler IU nsen's Plus
ter and tirett 1 1 veiiisi'it hi a personal exainlna
tlen I he genuine tuts the n erd ' (' tpclne " cut
l tioreust d Iu Ihe lusty et ttie plaster unit the
'1 hues, ,i. trt.teiii trk en Iho late
tllilVl I in M VV,S suTitir.n.
I'le'ts'tnl, heililij urlus lire si en ontyenttie
faces of heitlthv persons. 1 fie dystfpth unit
tie III 1 1 fitted fjtn s ml If only in It h.lll he.tlled vt.l
Purity Hie l.tetsl, tenn the MUminch, nntl
strt iiuthen the tissues wllh Jlurdurl liloeil Itti
trr$fll veu wish te laugh well ittid often. Ker
sate h II It f ... hrun, iltugrirlst, 1 17 ittid l.ri
North Queen slut I, I aucaslei.
Will II ItcHlly t'ure lllieimi itlsiuV
IV e ansHei. honei b rh; hi, II will t me theuui't.
tlsiu, ittid tin stn eiest t it-es ttsi. lir Thetiun
ftlntnr till was spi'diilv preptied for lint
rlielllllltit tlld lame Nntuc It.ttels fleinlhe
M-eiile rettilve le It uieiiis Iu neatly every
jitlH.r In the ceuntrv ler salt. Ity II It. (,och
i an, druggist, 1 .7 uuil J .Neilli Ijiiten stieet,
Causes Asttiiiislinifiiit.
"teinitleti ly pt.ittrali d for tlaj with Indices
lien and billens lever, 'tin elfecisnf two I. utiles
til Jtitrtterk Itlftint littler, ustnulshcd lue. visible
liii.revemeul liirhl ml" Mr. Nttih ILites, Kl
mira, S Km sule h If. If Cts hrtn, ilruglst,
U7 und l.i Ntirlh tueeii strict, l.amastei.
Iliiteillvesiiiiil I'rltattt liulrem
(Ihu ill) wear tlieir badge or niiffierlly cniicenl
td under their clothing, hut Dr. thnnmt' Krlre
rlr ftil wears ft badire iu lite form of printed
label ittlathetl tee it h nnd every bottle, sn thai
all may knew It mission, it Is given full ami
complete authority In iti test all uchus uuil ptlns,
und dmi Its tbitv everv Hum. ler ule liy II
Cechnin, driuglsl, If' und IM North liueen
slrt ef, l,ui)citstei
The Kind Wtt I.Ikp. "
the medicine wtt most like Is thai, width does
llswerk iptlck and well. Jlurilnck Jllueil Jlitter,
are the iiii kt-st kind of neme Inr tlvsiM-pslu
and liveraiid kldni alleclleiis. for sale by II
II I, ilrttngl-t, 1 1; und 12) North Union
street, tame istcr
VV hat Tliri-e Aiilli.illini' Hid.
"I was lietihltd very inncli vtlili sern taet
Three if;t;itr,itetu nf 1 hnmn,' lUlrctnc fhf, en
tlrttly lheui Nothing heller In the mar
ket. ' .liiceh llutler, Itetdlng Pa I'er sale by
II II, ill iiKttlsl, 117 an. 1 I si North tiuimn
street, taint aslt I
Iuhoklien Mviin 1'KU.KTa for sick t.lll.tlK III)
torpid llv t r, hlllmisness uuil InillgeHlleii Hlnall,
uudeiuy tOHwallew. Ouu pill n dose. Price, 'iV.
Ily all driiggUlH. ft-ftMiiidTu.'l h,8
ItltOWN'rt l'ANACKA.
la the most errettlve I'aln liestreynrln the world.
Will most siliely ipilcken the hltssl. wliethur
taken tiiternally tut. applied externally, nnd
thereby mere certainly HKJ.IhVK i'At.V.
whether chronic or acute, thin any ether pain
alleviator, and It Is warranted double the
treugtii of nny similar preparation.
It cures p tin In ttin, ilnvker Jlewels, Sere
Threat, Uheniiiallsiii, 'i'nethachil and ALL
ACIIK.S, and I 'llm (Ireat Kellurer of Palu.
nilOVV.VUllOUShllOI.I) l'ANACKA" should
be la every family. A luuspnoutulel the Panacea
In a tumbler ei hit water (awtwU'iicd, If pre
ferred,) taken at eedtluie, will 1IUKAK. UP A
COL.U. as cwnU a ttelUe.
Ql'i'lCt'UA UHMHDliist. ' " "
Frem 115 lbs. te 161 Ibs,
Te tlie Outieum HumotUeii I Owe
My ITealtli, My HapplneHit
unci My Life.
Athiyiievcrpissci, ,ni , , lilUlic ,,
peak kindly or Ihe I ir,lint km,,,,,, seven
Vearsnire, all or uibuteu lumps feniicd ou nil
ticik.iiiiutliiir In Dt'iitniinncheirv slene In nit
nninije, llm I into one item lriHhnl te hsik
M. nnd ptlnful te bear
.V,.,.,.i".'yiHW ..'""'. '" dl'ltusl. nnd I mi
nsh lined tube nn Ihe sf met or luseclely Phy
sit ins and their tiealuieul. nnd nil medicine
i tiled n ,e aii Ke.n in u innuienl of tliwptlr
l,.!"i,i.,.0..t ' T" ' ". ttKHSMM-Unt, i n v. the
Si?M.i,",Vun' ,""1 ' '"'" fnvr-. nn exiptl
In Skin lleitutltler, evlellmllv, lllltl tll-rttlliv
lUaiivKsr.tlie new llhssl Piulllei, Inleii.itlK
ttiesttmll lumps i is I mil tliciiu ern.liiullv ills
iiipeiiitil,itiidlheliirK e bloke, tiinlitml two
wteks, dlscltailuit huire iiuaiitltlcstii nntiitr,
leitvliigtitn sllulil si its in in link tnitnv tn
tell Iheslmi ,if mv sunViinir M weluht llieit
was one hundred and llllcen-lfklv pounds, n,
welKlltlliiH Is one lni,i,ti,.,l iiiel sIMy-ein solid
heillhj uiiindf, illl.l ei) heitllhlseulv five reel,
tlvt innliis In my irnvels I united the I in
. i iti i:MKnix. North, Seulh, ksil un.l W est
loll II. tit IfrtlKIUIC 1 OHH Ml UHsllll Ml
inn iNKssmid mv lira. A pmuilnftit Sett l.nV
diuiful.l itsketl me the eiher t1u,' Devmisinl
use Ihe I I ii, i ill IIkmkiiiks villi hsik In lit III
pet It i I lii ilth ' Mv it.plj wus, I de. nnd shtll
slums llnivetievei known whit si. k less Is
shite I ceiinuenitsl using the I irit mtv tlKMK
i.iks Seiniiiiues I urn litti rht il ut liv pnitimr.
I hem In pto.itiiiiet m .iinlntid with their uieills,
but sisiner ei l.titu I in v seust
anil lit llete the smiiii iis thiiae th tt Use Hit m, its
de-ens hitve u Iieiii I litttt lel.t. Vlny tint time
count w hen tliett. sletll Is a bttire I t Tti t ltv Sup
Jil N Heuse In i my t II lit lht werltl, fel the
bhnt 111 of htnuaullv, w In ttt tht t t vi. t h UtruK
nits shall Ik sold imn, se tint Hire m be
t-uiely it nisid et. 'ter eel. rbn; adnur siete
VI. Ill st VNlts,
Ne Jini'uiien St .Ntw lurk, N
Itrninv IIkmkiuks nrr n )slilvtt curt ler
everv tenn el s. I,, ,,, i,HHi in.. a.s, irem
I'buplcs test mfiiln. Meld ever) when , I'll.,
liitcim, ''"I t enls t R.,f, vVts-ns Krseit fsrl
i n) I'n pared bv the PtTtics Hut u-tvu I ikmi
Mill', lleslnll Muss. Send for" lte le I tint
skin IHsensCs '
Hi ml fur Itmv tn (hirti skin ItUstses."
Pits, Ills, k heads. Skin blemishes and
Itttbv II ii use I t 1 1. I HA s A,
Sneezing Cdtarrh.
1 lt iiwirt tiliiu in p. tnt,-'i, sihp'h, this
arrtO, h utitrj ilu hniKiw trein ih t ntt 1 ni ,
tlie tKiltttiil tnlliutiinfttiiHt timltn tht
IhtitAt, tht tfllini; nf th iihiuhm liuinc, m
trig rhttktuix ntitttent, itmji ilnirhi m !.
tit tin hi fitl tin it -imii.K tn-- hiH
frimllKr theit rinUiH ui te thmtml- tn
inirr rrtiritll fimn Uvm nhli nr ini'in urn
Hnd wlii Ihw tu iKriunuHf m iti 1 1 t Uuil .n
v npttrrl teti n( h smii Uaeii u ( hk r.'R
sTMhll Mill nlftilri int,in!t,tr,nm r,tt
Itrit tt trc-.tim-iti tn rn'i or wtinple nturrh
irtvi tint n ttitnt liltu nt whit tht si r.Mnel uiii
itittntli (hntnl. leruit, u htre ih Imallnnv; It
eh trm IimI by rlmWhitf, jmlt iti mint mint mint
Itiilone. thv npiufnif hiii tvil, kiiuII nml t-ti
Ki-iii', ihriwt ulirmtiHl nntl It u'ktn(T-'iijTh t wlti
hIIv UiHnl?ir ttm'lt upon itu tl t'liUtii. tt "
l tn limn tt t tlmt I tin mm llmit i ur i i
H'rT I'l 'AMHiRltH lUl'MAl tlUH Hiniilh-tt
itM'll lii inMlHiitMrif mis, itnl iiitli tnl rrtt t. ( ntc
ImisIii tifii ihe nrt ippltc it Ien It l- i 111.
I Dili M, m nn in nnt r imetiilt il, - ife
,ri'ltT' A lisIM K ( I til (.IU1tl Hi lllli I t Itti
Of I til It ,1H L ( HK, OlH' ut TKLMI . I
vnt i ml in Ihi ki k hmi kii , ill , f I
I'-'ItkK lllllH ,t 4 IIRMIi l ( it , llmTt't.
U enk Irk lrtln( ..I ikniHi nnl InMitmnn
tlen i tin' Klilm 1 l iih- l'ntut tlirim ti i hi
1 eliirt. Hip ttntl stili V nut, lurk et HH.nitt
Hnl Arlltt l'tn-, luck of siifiiitth mil V
tti tt v lollop i in ene nit uuti nml Htltliuiii
ttj the Cutlt unt Antl laln I'lHti r, it ufw crit
n il, t If'tf-ml mitt Infiilllbli' unlhletr te p itn unl
Intluiiuiiiitfen At ilregtfNli. Z t1efnr fl e
or je-tnifi fn el PertKR PKiti nnl hrmm u
lel!i"siti, Mam. in ipl Iuk1, w
pin vrsn i i r.i 11 .
TIIK IVMKet HU, th.' m.ui V, it. it
(rU. it the hp en M inheHt, Si i. n ttml
l'h -ttnl Pt till It , I no imt ii rt lit i llm, hiii I
i en Tti nnl thf unleM ml rl- rn-i jut n t
ttllTl lU J p'tdtl Ml) I JTi pn ( I Iplluiii ni nil
ill-s.-ii-., (hill), full Kili, only fHi, l mill
HI III ll IHlMtnilt's illipUl ti e te lit) V't'i nnil
inMilli's m- tii n ti ttiis nt i iii iitiv, itiln t-t
1M W II P UK hit, t Itiilttui li sti.i-t, b..i..i,,
Mu" in) 17 le inI
ii n inl heii hIin
Mifilt RlrU, villi Hi
nil Aiitli r Men ut li from hi uk Imk i -ih
tU 111. A lllil !. ' ttllO 1 1 ' V Pt vHTtt , Ml n H
lienri illtl in h n k ineiv jimmI th in nil I In h ,n
lilt- 1 1 ir n m " Fnt in Mrt tf p On i i -en-in
of V h iteT nii1un Iiihi mt n lii f t- nle n
HnpTiur te r lit prtti i ion for w iK iml i nn
hintf-i I lr Pi rTt kj iui n iln frnm Ituiirtin
I'ttt h iienhi ILiU mi mil th" fittlie MiiniKiil
Kiinli'ti Hup'. Helil i ir In r, iSr , ti . ter
fl IIMI' I'l M Kill iiMI S,
(10 JUhiIiiU, M -h
a is MMtnAii UMNO
IL In I imi t nil Si'U ink, wii-i i nti'il '( i ll ll
tieuMtnt; Klilm (iiiiipt'ilnt h (he Hei li vtKR
Id ai "I knew, u hul (hi' ni" tool iiinm
ituMitl t hi in te Mil the 1ni enthfnmil p
yillctl te lulu In tiny purt tnitunt n llrf ii ts n
ei mik und l.i i il iiitMt li it or p n ut-t i t li k,
Mltrhi it MuVrtctii', Si'itmltn, ero t'hi'nt , llhi u
uitilUni or IcmiiI vuMikni-" thoetrirl ! umIp
Prep i ml from UiitiimlN 1 1 1 h. nnatlii, lljiNutn
iiinl trtutnt (jinlcn llttj.-i Sehl In ilruiri'lt4
ttml ennti nteriw. jfic , u ter 1 1 I I'l H
1 hICl DMI S, IhHtteii, Mtii4s4. (IJ)
Uimiiev" n ilim nntl errnri etitrkt ( ein
Detiuilfil from Mf-h Iloni. Ilnrjenilv Tilt ti hikI
t mi ul i IJiluun, the are, tm tlieiiwtmN of pi epln
1 -4 1 1 1 , ihe ht (iml MienififMl Miruiii plHiii r
l' I'l III Ot" UU MIMltlll H Mllll Itti I tl 4 tti IU
vMuk unit ttnl piiit Itekitfti", iititu(
t rl k, K liim y lit-!!""!, Kin iimutl-mi. slurp
I'liiiM, or" ( be!, Hhh ut h" und nil piilni, Imi nl
or di "hii uti il, nn Hpi i till j i uirtt. a trt il u 111
ilotiiemtriti' thi'ir wetih slil ly Onmutiti
iV',5 for II in. Mill 11. I Ml COM I' N,
ll.ten, Muns. (")
IS WORTH $1,000
HUH Kill Nil 1 11(151
A. K .SUM .MAN, (inillnir, tllrli.
A lwrlli lit Is liliplli'il In t-iirli mislrll mitt Is
fiKrttiitliltt tn iistt I'rlrit '" ii'iils lt until ur ut
ilruvKlsts. M'nil rnrt lifiil tr
F.l. ItUOHIKIlH, liriiitKlDtt, llvvitKO, N.t.
OI'KIUI"! AVI) lllll'fl HTOUI-,
1,'saiN. nlli HI , l'lill.ul' t..
UeKlslnrt'tl ritysltltn itml iir.iiliiiiin .li'ifiTsen
CimfKt'i Kiiiiraiilis-s fin urn ull ieiihuI, unit
tt'rvtius lllnfitstts with (nit! 1 vi'Hi'l tlilt' it inn
lilt. HAI.iKVM I'll.l.'s "iifn, ttiirn nntl t'trno t'trne
tilitl. Mint only Ity hxitrt-ss en rt'tflpt titlJ Mi
rniinv ittvitl ur ilitiiKtiitnis limits. Ivm.N Mlit,
l'liliuili-lilili. f.'TlJil
Wnmuilfil In tinillrftlii ceiiiilflfly unit In a
elimt 1 1 in... tint iiinst ttliiliintlit itniis liir.l or
gtitt, wlllitiiit litln. Helil lij tlfii. V. Hull, i-lim
A. Uk linr, .Itilin II. Uitiiltiuiin. Ur. Win. Hen, i.
Itty. wr. liiw..l.Hlmliiiii,r, imtl ut
Oiiell-lyn Ne. tnl VVtistilntnuti Hi,
Cunt giiiimiitiittl ly I'll .'. it. mm:,
Kitsitiileuttt I iitieiimlliiiiir tltliij Irein lnis.
ntiss K'sliul liy liiiutlrt'ilser t ill ..-.. Al.iln tnllitt,
Kll AIICII MT.. I'llll, A. .Si.n.l for Clrtuln.
T 1-TKK A I.I. () n I KKS KA 1 1., CONN I J WV
lewiiiu btitttt, riiiiiitivipiiiit.)
aiYKAKS'KM'Kltll'.NI K. tocure
flu. aillli If.l uuil iiiiiiirtiiiiutn vvllb I'mi'ly f;n
tit Mi. Mt illrlni.K. Itenk en Hpt'tlitl tllsvust.s In h
st'iitl for It, Ailvli'e litti nntl Htricily ti.iitliliin.
till, (illliii lieurs. It it. in. te'ip. iu , 7 p. iu. te 10
p.m. 'lri.uUiinnlliy il.tll. nil lvil.Vw
Kit&bllabea, 17BS-
fablT-ua Ma tNXut King Street,