Tpiyi -j. -' Kr ,,y , f": " Wt x v vV THK LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER, FJRIDAY, MAY 21, 1886. fil PI i v DAILY 1HTELIGENCER. 1".1' VMV KvtMNtt IN THI YEAR. 'mm. INlELLiaENCER iUILDINa, . W. CeMrm Cmmrn Htm Litre. PA. VAlLt-T OmU a Wttk. Fit VoUen m rMTM-JtytyamUaJfertA. Peilag FS-e. ADrMMTMMMMWTarim Tn (e ffly (Ml mI4tn, WEEKLY INTELLIGENCER, PvWjtHce Every Wednesday Merninq, TW Dollars a ttar in Advantt. OOMKM0POirDKirCXieUcUel from retry t t If (M Mat and country. Oerretptndentt an re ftttttodietcrtts JeplMy and en an (rt 0 th paper only; ttnd (a tlpn (Arlr nanifi, net or puMieatien, 6ul in prea 0 geed faith. All mmymetu ttttri tcMI b tenHgntd tots vxutt 4Mrn at JMSsrs and IWeraMf THE. INTELLIGENCER, HOASTR. I' A. l)e fmuastcr Intelligencer. LAl.OABTKft.MAY 21. 1886 A Dally Lessen. Thfl shocking accident te Mm. I'emlle I'emlle ten, in Central park, teaches in a striking way the uncertainty that attends every moment of life ; and ell ,liew death is met half-way by lack of a comtx cemtx sure and presence of mind that would have caused it te pass by en the ether side. Mrs. Pendleton and her daughter started out for a pleasure ride, with a geed driver, upon geed reads and with what was believed te be a safe horse. They passed in safety from the noise of the city and under the clatter of the elevated railway, Inte the quiet avenues of the park, and it was then that their herse frightened iu some unknown way, started suddenly te run, drew the driver from his seat and left the ladies alone in the carriage. The daughter leaped out, escaping narrowly with her life, the mother followed and was instantly killed. The horse ran into some bushes and stepped. Mrs. Pendleton and her daughter would have been uninjured if they had stayed in the carriage. Tills is a lessen that is taught every day. It is hardly ever wise te leap from a car riage going at speed,' unless for experts in that exercise, if there be any. People de net leap from railroad trains safely unless they are adepts in the art ; but nine out of ten, and of women ninety-ninoeutof a hundred, jump from runaway wagons. They knew better often, doubtless, but the impulse of their fear is te get away from the horse. It is hard te de nothing when frightened, though it is generally best. The cruelty of this latest accident falls upon the survivor. The mother does net suffer ; but the daughter whose rash leap drew her mother te fellow her te her death, will have a deep sorrow te bear all her life long. 1 m Our Obstinate Judges. The supreme court of Pennsylvania has again rebuked the judges of our Lan caster county court for their obduracy in net agreeing upon a decree in the case of the troubles of tbe Seventh Day Baptist brethren of Ephrata. The little fragment of this religious community is almestevenly divided ever a question of property and control ; theceurt here, which consists of two judges, is still mere evenly split, one being en either side of every phase of the controversy; and as the two exactly balance, justice is denied suitors ami law lessness prevails. "When this matter was before the su preme court upon a previous occasion, that judicatory plainly pointed out the proper solution of the trouble when it said : " If the learned judges belowcaunet agree upon a proper decree,they have the power te call upon a judge from another district te de cide the case for them. Until we have a lawful decree uecauuet reach the merits." The case, however, need never te have reached that pass. Under the administra tion of Judges Leng and Hayes, when they could net agree upon a decree, one or the ether receded from his jKisitien te allow a decree te be dually entered and te let the supreme court review the case upon its merits. There is no better reason than stubborn personal pride or injudicial obstinacy restraining our present judges from doing this. We understand that either is willing te have the ether de it, and neither is willing te de it himself. On the one hand Judge Livingston outranks his associate; en the ether hand Judge Patterson claims that as he wrote the original opinion ceurtsey should have prompted his colleague te let it stand as the judgment of the court for review by the supreme tribunal; Judge Livingston retorts that that opinion was net what it should have been, nor it agreed it would be. It i3 said that when two goats meet upon a rocky pathway, tee narrow for them te pass, the politer and wiser goat either gees back or lies down and lets the ether goat step ever him. There is no possible excuse for the j udges any longer holding out against the sugges tion of the supreme court that tin outsider be called in te make a decree where they differ se broadly. Tliey have no right te obstruct the operation of the law they are sworn te administer. Their obstinacy is lawlessness, nnd the example of it in their high eDlce is demoralizing. Justice is do de nied suitors, and the rights of litlgauU are withheld by an arbitrary exercise of pew er which is perfectly indefensible. The attorneys in the case, acting as amid eurue, should intervene and corae te an agreement te save the court from itself. ? S. TreMurr Aperient. The Senate has passed a bill providing that a pension of four dollars per month shall be given te all disabled soldiers or three months service, although their dlt. ability has resulted in no way from mint service. After this it will be In enler te provlde a pension for all disabled citizens of the country. Such a pension may be defended. The country should keep In comfort these who cannot help themselves, or who liave no parents or children able te keep them. The late .undertakes te care for the peer and Belplens of lis people. There may be no objection te the undertaking by the United Hates te pension them. But when the Wilier of three months service is selected wtfer this care of the nation, the prefer- te him ever his fellow afflicted Is net defensible. The fact that he was a soldier for three months should net se sanctify and exalt him, as te entitle him te a pension ; and if net, then it does net entitle him te a pension because he has new Ikj Ikj Ikj coine helpless. It Is net his helplessness that earns the pension under the logic of this bill; but his three months military service If this incisure is jiistiil.iblu it would justify a pension te eeiy soldier, helpful or helpless. AVe repeat thai the country ewes help te nllllahclplcs. "When It gets down te a three months military sen leu as a peu.Men warrant, it gets close te the little end of nothing. And when it awards a iwrpden for injuries, net the result of military ser vice, it opens a deer for a pension list that will net only step the decrease of the pub lic debt, but that will cause it te giew as fast as dining thenar. Senater Hl.ilr, who introduced this bill, is the father also of the bill appropriating the public funds purHises iu the states. He seems te haw a special mis sien te open the treasury doers. He wants te Keep the outpour of cash up te the in pour, that the inpeitr may be made as big as possible AVe de net knew w hcther his pension bill will get through the Heusj, as It has the Senate, where it pa-wed because of the desire te embarrass the Democratic administration with the approval of its silliness, through fcir of the soldier vote. AVe de net think that it will greatly trou ble the administration. The Ilouse should rejectit. If it does net the president will. It is net te be supposed that the country will leek with approval upon the pensioning of three mouths soldiers for disability net in curred iu the seivice. Nl.VV YeilK'.S leciilatllrn luw mllnuriip,! nuiiil general rejoicing. Tin; deputy Mierlll-j who fired upon a mob In Knit St. I.euiw, have btvu allowed te go scot-free. Yet nt 000 time they hud n most excelleut chauce of being lynched. Ceu A. Wilsen Nenius doubtless leels happy, becatiNO thirty-eight or the lerty six Philadelphia delegates te the Ui'imliik'.ui state convention have endorsed him ler auditor general. Hut the light I new v ery young. Sl'SsrjT Cox foetus te be ImvitiKii time or it in the laud or the tiuurtse. The sultan has asked him te help take the census of Turkey; n subject upon whicli Cox is at home. Our minister te the Nick man is 0110 or the kind who, If hecauuet llml eunuch te de ferbh own country, will be useful iu helping te run the sultan's. Women may new practice law in New New Yerk. Heretofore their law has only been supreme evor their husbands. AVkaltiu men often use their money for foolish or impracticable purposes. Jehn l Smith, of the llrm or McKellar, Smith A. Jor Jer dan, or Philadelphia, has bet them a wise oxample ler imitation. On Wednesday he sent te the reunsylvauia, Kpisoeiul. Ger man, Jew isli, Presbyterlan, t uherslty and Hahnemann hospitals, S,',000 each for the endowment In each of a Ine ld In memo; or his deceased wire. Thee acts erect ler him a monument rar mere lasting than any or brass or stone. Grandmother Ulair, eelug that his educational scheme te pour out millions wuueui necessity uas ueen swamped, wants te spend the uioney en unnecessary pensions, lllalr would be most userul te his constituents by remaining iu New Hampshire. m . . Tiikatiucal management is net always all that fancy sometimes luints. isdviui's manager lest J 10,000 Ter the season Just clos ing and, because the actor will net stand his hare et the losses, suit has beuu brought against him. Theiu: will be another fea.stef re.ten and Hew of senl for tbe Intllliekni rr readers In to-merron'sissiie, that will furnish plea sure and nreflt ler N.itiirilnv and Sunday perusal. The career el a prom inent city manufacturer, who began his lire hefore the mast, Is graphically traced and ac companied by an excellent portrait. " I'n cas" relates In charming manner his impres sions et u famous autographic collection in the iMissosalen of a Lltltz lady. Sindbad" has some racy notes or men and things, and pictures the pleasures or ralt travel and coach - riding. A breezy story from a rising American monthly Is a geed counterpoise towhtgees Iwmre. A citizen in search of an eligible Imilding let in the heart el the city is furnished some very Interesting Information. The wealthy iieopie 01 ijaucisiers prosperous boroughs is alluded te in the same piquant rashteu that characterized the two preceding artlcles In like vein. And besides thee special attrac tions, thore will be a -wealth el selected poetry, miscellany or a religious cast and otherwise, the best of local and telegraphic reports, making an issue that none should fail te secure, TllK Heuse has passed the ,toflice ap propriation bill, but defeated the mall sub sidy amendment by a ote or 17s te NJ. With the four score in its laver was recorded Hep. resoutative Iliestand. Maxwkli.'h lawyers appear te le atom te rest their case en the fact that tee prisoner was drunk when 1'reller met his death. Ills ery shaky ground. Mii.JoiiNMeiu.Kr, chier secretary for Ire land, in ine ing, 011 Thursday, the second readiug et tbe arms act, explained that the act was intended te restrict the possessing, carrying and importing or arms. Nobody in a proclaimed district could carry arms witheutu license. Although cases el eutrage had greatly diminished in number since 1SSI, it was necessary te prolong the act of that year in view or the present excited state of party reeling in the North of Ireland. Ne act could prereut the commission of a dellb dellb dellb orate murder. The true use of the act was te prevent the grew th of the practice et carrying arms en the occasions of fairs, markets, pro pre cessions, and ether gatherings. The solid l'arnollite vote was thrown against it, but it passed second reading by 303 te 69. The tone or the opposition te it shows tint noevil re sults nre te he feared from its jKissage. Miss Katu Sie.nkma.n Is the ilrst female admitted te the bar in New Yerk state. May her shadow uoergrow less. PERSONAL. Mil. Hknih p. Kkknan in about te pub lish anew noel through a Bosten publisher. iJ,,B, Y7? 'V. JellN v' Whiiun man, el Philadelphia, left an tsUte of f loe.ouo In trust for his widow and children. Dn. J. a Smith, dentist, of this city, has been appointed by the oxeeutUecemiiilute or the Pennsylvania State Dental society, te read a paper at tbe annual meeting or that body te couveuo at Croaseu, Pa., in July next. ' ' iiX' ' UmcAN' of Seuth Carolina; Clus. It Galloway, or Mississippi; U Jt Hendrix, l.V1"!??ri,Bw.,.ylectedl.lshoiM'er the Mfli HicmUendIUv,,LW,,r0 COU80t;ralea A'Wy. IiaSfetab!i!iS,s.11 Ve dwtli will in mejvat the U?ri,MV0,1.t a"y eborate cere iffi It te i&l3rite!l ". "I' this or the estate Is tlm i?.i. ''een,000. One part QUEEN CHlU8TINEUlslt(Hl0n naiulntr Imr son Alfonse XIII, in dellance of the shes of the cabinet. The mhiLters objected be! cause et tbe traditional ill-luck wbichatu'ch te the number thirteen. The boy will ii bear the name Leen, which will be bestowed en him in gratitude te the pope, 'who has been no steady n Men 1 et the rullntr hoiise of Spain, pnd who Is lilmelf a "IU." PniNcn Gnennn of Wales nnd ulte arrh ed nt IilslKm en Thursday tnallend the wedding or the crown prince of Portugal te Princess Amelia, daughter of the count of Paris, en tl10U.MI1 InsL The prince was met en the lauding by the king and queen and Ibe Or leans princess and and gleu a warm greeting. A roil silute was llred Iu Ills honor, and addresvis welcoming him te Portugal were read. A bauimet will be tendered te the priuisa at the palace. Mesr Wllttllh (llltMlM VSTKIl I'll Mil 1 s . lttixiw k, belore the adjournment el the Odd l'ellews nt llarrlsburg, nniiiuinceil the following npelutiiuuts : llrand ili.iplalu, Ket. l)ld Cnitt, lbHllerd tsiuuU , grand master, William ltmg, 1'lilladelphla . grand conductor, James tllngliam, r, I'liilade! phia ; grand guardian, Jrliu Winn li, lterks county; grand herald, l.isinird 1". ltnlev, I'hiladelphl.i. Thegraiulsts-retarvatiiieuiinsl the appointment el Augustus I'll, if, sr , as assistant grand wrutarj. Ituv. 1'athi li MI1 it, Mi.irgeneial nf tlie Catholic dlixs'se, et Trenten, tud pistoref t. Mary cathedral, was heniisl Thursday night by his pirlshieners Willi the u'lehra lien id "the twenty lillh annlersary or Ins arrh al lu tint ciij 'lajler's eist, liouse was packet te oerllewlng, and en tlie stage were llishep O'larrelt, Secrebiry or State Kelsey, and ether prominent citizens, besides a uumlieret priests. Congratulatory auun'sstw were ueneriHi, vocal .mil insiru lueutal music rendered, and a miiitature man-of-war, laden with Jl.tM) iu specie, was presonteil te the enerable priest. Salv ini, the great hcter, en beginning his American tour en March J, lvss euetiit that the manager should furnish him with lour caudles each day, with whuh te light bis dressing rooms at the theatres. Mr. t'hlzela agreed te this, thinking that lie would only be expected te carry out the agreement w lieu the company imrteruied in such smaller theatres a-s are net pre idtsl with the usual coincidences or gas or electric light. He found himsell mistaken, hoeer, .1 mImiiI iuslstetl en geltlug his four i.unlliw tvu-h niglit liefore he appeared. Net one of these cjindles was Used during tbe trip. As he received them cu h day s,d ml pu-kisl them away carefully in bees which he took all eer the country with him. When he was ready te go luck te the suunv skies of his n.vtie Italy he had collected Jlle worth of candles te light his beuse al home ler ?oer.l j ears te come. tiik KVI.IVMS tr rut: ai-.v An American l)bmailnii lart) linrelttle Oulng te the lielay el CeiiRrt-s Iu the regular course el business last week the Senate Uxjk up the bill reported frMn tbe naval committee en Pebrmiry lu, te appro priate 510,1X10 te x or the oxense of an ex pedition te llenguela, en the Western of Southern Africa, te obsen e the total wllpse ei the sun en August the J". Mr. Allisen was Inclined te h.iu the bill go oer, but as Mr. Kdmuuds urged that it would boa great pity te step the eclipse of the sun, the Senate passed the bill wilheut lurttier objection. It Is new befere the Heuse, where It Is llkely te I buried w itu the 7,0i) ether bills that will never omerge from the committee rooms. This will probably cause no greatdisapeitit meut te scientitic men. As long age as Ne- ember or last jear, President Itarnard, or Columbia cellege, and Protessor A. Oraham Hell, J. 1). Dane, Ss. P. L mgley, Theodora Demau, K. C. Pickeriug. and C. A. nung, a committee el the National Academy et Sot Set Sot euce te w hich this subject w as referred, made a report in w hich they said : " The secretary or ibe uay inquires as te the expediency of asking Congress for an ap propriatien te proWde for the otwervatton et the total solar wlipse or August lssi,. 'e class et celestial nlieueiuena has furnished mero valuable contributions te our knowl edge et tbe physUal condition of the sun and et the stellar universe generally than is af forded by these Tim eclipse or Au gust '29, Isn'i, will be total only lu the torrid zone, aud the patli of the total phvse w ill tall mainly iu the open Atlantic ece.iu. Hut at Heuguela, en the western coast of Southern Africa, it will be observed at about .1 o'clock et local time iu the atternoen. As te the meteorological conditions, l.ioutenaut C. C. Cernwell, l',S N., who iipxrars te have been instructed te make iiiiiairy in reganl te them reports that the ' preUiblllty or geed weather at J p. m., the time et the eclipse, is as Is te 3,' net much mero than au even chance, but it in added, 'It is te he remembered that the conditions at the end of the month are much mere lav orable.' Were the premised observ -ing station within moderate distance, the un certainty as te the lavorjbleatmosphorio con ditions would be el comparatively littloion littleion littloien sequence, The qjiestieu bei-omes mero seri ous when the station can only be reached by a veyage et 7,000 statute miles. Willi any vessel likely te be assigned by the govern, ment te transport an observing pirty, the transit could hardly be accomplished in less than a mouth. The situation of a site and the necessary prelim inary operations would occupy net less than a fortnight, se that the expedition, iu order that it may have a reisenable prospect of success, should leave New- erl; net later than the middle or July. It is doubtful, in case Congress should rcsiend favorably te a ropiest ler an appropriation, w bother it would take action early enough te allow time for the proper outfit or the expedition and tlie necessary drill el the observers. It would probably be iiwt'ss.irv te construct instru ments; for, In additle'u te the observation or the sun Itseir ami the luminous phenomena attending the eclipse, it is desirable te obtain pl-ntegmphk maps of all the surrounding region te the distance el at least in1 or IS from the sun for the purMse of finally Net ting at rest the still mooted question el an intra-Mercurial planet. It Is true the astrono mical world is at present disposed generally te discredit the existence of such a body, yet the evidence en such a subject up te this tiiueis mainly negative, as it must alwavs oeutiuuo te be se long as It depemis upon direct vision. In a photographic map taken during a total oelipse or the sun, of the whole region within which such a planet must necessarily becentined, the object, ir present, must present itseir and could net lail te lie recognized. Hut, ler photographic operations of this class louses el wide angle must be specially prepared. If an astronomical ex pedition is te be sent out iiuileritlie auspices et the government net later than July l.'j, the fact ought te be known as early as March, at least. Considering the usages which have seemed te govern congressional legislation In the past, the committee are apprehensive that even iu case prevision should ultimately Ik made for the expedi tion under consideration It would come se late as te be unavailable, c r would compel ti nreiaratien se lmperlectaud hurried as te be Inadequate te accomplish satisfactorily tbe objects in view. Taking all these reasons Inte consideration, the committee decline te recommend the application ler an appropria tion." Subsequent events have proved the wisdom or the committee in this matter. While Mr. Kdmuuds thought that it would be a great pity tostepthoicllpso, practically, se rar as Cengress was concerned, It had already done se by its three months' delay en the bill. A Herse Car Sftret. i'lein the New Yerk Hurald Coming down from the capital this after noon In a crewded car were two liaudueiuely drosseu ladies who chatted with astonishing unconsciousness of their surroundings. One lady was a senator's wile, the ether a Wash Inguiu belie. The following was overboard by every ecciiaut et the car : " It is a dead secret that I. Ida Walte Is te be married In June. She told me se herself, and I have net breathed It te 11 single per son." This fonlidcnce was greeted witha general smile. Kveu the chlef Justice himsell would have laughed had he been present. I'rulillillleu 1'eitt lies, rieiu the Charleston (H. a ) Mar. A thirsty individual entered 0110 of our grocery stores yesterday morning and asked for a can of brandy peaches. The storo stero store keejior, being in a humorous mood, stated te the stranger that owing te the prohibition law-In Kanawha county he would be com piled te pour eir the brandy before he could sell the peaches. The stranger uttered a cues word with bU remark that peaches were no geed without brandy, uud lelt the store iu a rage. A I'atlietle Appeal. Thore is a paper published lu Texas called the Korrvllle Kyc. In its lst Issue It (Implied into poetry as follews: " The V.'je la two j cars old le-iluy ; u squinting lm, II done, And us ku have the devil 10 pay, iMeuse pony up, begum I" JuneU AliiMMt Uvre. Frem ths New lluvun News. "Duii'V observed the president, "I think w 0 had better begin te get the tobacco smeke put or these curtains, aud Ban', I will have te ask you te step laying your cigar stumps en the mantelpiece." vjtvFFxauu TiMvrnr uuwnr Who llsa .lut en I imnlinmilj' flie-ru I'Mi-Ulrnt el Vale Cellrge Mnce the resignation el Nudi Perter as pre tiident or 11le college, as announced, educi educi tieiial circles have been miu h concerned as te w he would ls Ins successor. That person person age was imaumiiuisl) iliesen en 1'rlday In l'rofessor 'l'imeth.v Hwlght, lluckingham proressor or sacred lilerature lu the theologi cal department or ale college. President (SlIniBii, or Jehns Hepkins University . Uon Uen eral I r.mcis V. Walker, Professer Win. Summer and Professer Hrush, director of the vheillcld scieiititic school, had lKen also mentioned for the place. Professer Dwlght is n Congregational clergv man, aud n mill or progressive Ideas in reganl te celltge government. He is the cholie of e President Woelsev, President Perter and a large niMenty el the mem Ihts of the dillerent (acuities. Prof os.ser Dwlght is ymirs old, and is a graint graint graint souet President Dwlght, who governed the college in the early part or tbe century. He has published several articles iu the.Nu Fnqinn-lfi upon the tuture neevls and pros peetsnt ale. Yale is about te make some new dtiV(rture In her rules and curriculum, te keep abreast or her rival Harvard, where they have also been introducing some inno vations. It is pre)sed te iucrwise the ta cilitles for studving political ecouemy, science ami I iw, aud 111 the dep.irtment one prolesser and three instructors are te be added. The .ipieiutmeiit or Professer Ar thur T. Hndlv is recommended for professor of isilitiral science. He new holds the esl. tli'U of UbureoiniiiKsienor of Connecticut. a neMA.y .itM( .r ,s;.i. She li ltMtliig Oir the lle uf Jrtnf) ami Crushes the AtUutlt. sjt. (.oergo's bav, en the west coast et New foundland, telegraphs the following ocean episode "A French vessel arnv oil Irem St. Male, bound te Pert au Cbelx. She came 'or the purpose or laudlngMiss Loul-e Jurne.iux, w he was picked up Irem an open beat at sea some twenty milcell the Island of Jersey. The lady, with a gentleman companion, went IxMtiug en Sunday eveuiug, the lsth of April, alter leaving church. While rowing the geu geu tleman let one ear slip, aud in attempting te recever it lest the ether. lleing a geed swimmer he instantly Jumped ovorbeard te miner the ears. The wind mcautlme was freshening. There was also a strong cur rent setting Irem the land. Th beat rast drirted beyond his reach, and he was com pelled either te swim for the land or sink. Miss .leurneaux alone In the beat drifted te sea. The craft almost filled with water, and ler forty hours tbe lady lived m solitary agony. At length she was rescued by the 1'reuch ve-ssul, 011 beard of which she received great klnduess Irem the captain and officers. The violent oilshero wind prevented the Prenihuian Irem re.ichlug Jersey, and the lady was carried .uroe-s the Atlantic te New- feuiidluid. The gentleman, Mr. Tame, reached hi. Hilalre's harbor safeiy, but his story was disbelieved. People Irem the shoreallirinod that they heard cries or murder irem the sea. Karno was arrested and in dicted ler homicide. His liberation is, or course, certain, Miss Jeurueaux haviug cabled her miraculous esape." Iiiptherta, lliu mother's die. id Hi d StarCeugu Cure prompt, in re, elllUetU. Itl'KVlAC Urlus. l'lenant, healthy grins are s en only en the faces of healthy persons. The dyspeptic and debilitated cilu Hiulluenly in a half bt-aited via l'urlly the IjIeikI, tone the nteinach, nnd strcnutheii the tlssuts vlth JIurdeck Bloetl Hit ou iib te laugh well nnd nil, n for cilu t- 11. 11. (echran, drugKt-t, U7 und 1T. North Queen stteet, LunciLster. Will It lleally Cure ltheumati-111 ' Wu uninr-r, honor blight, H will mre rheuma tlflni. and tut -uvurest cuses tee Vr Thomai' Ecltctric Oil was speclilly prepared for th rheumatic and lame. Netice It Hum from the people lelailve te its luerlla lu nenily every paper In the country I-or sale by II 11. Coch ran, druggist, 1J7 und 1JJ North 1,'ueen street, Ijtncastir. CauieM A-tunUliment. "Ceiuplntely iiroilniteilfer dajs with Indites tleu and billeui lever, lheclfect-sel tnu bottles et JIurderK Jlloed llittrrt ustnnlsbetl me vUlhle Improvement right oil " Mr. Neah lutes, hi mlra, N v. for xale by II. II. Cochran, druggist, 117 and l'1-l North Quiuu street, bancister. lletectlvrs neil l'rlvnte (Mllrrrs Uhu.iI! wear their badges of autheHty corneal tsl under their clothing, but Dr Themas' t.'elec rie Oil wears its badges In the form of printed lalHils nltat hed te e ich nnd ev ery bottle, se that all may knew Its mission. It Is given full and ceinpletu authority te urre-stall acnes and pains, and does Us duty every' time. I- or tile by H u. Cochran, druggist, 1J7 and ISi North Queen street, Lancaster The Kind We I. Inc. The medicine we most llke Is that n hich does Us work ijiilck nnd well. JIurdeck Ittoed Jl liter 1 are the quickest kind of a cure ler dyspepsia nnd lit 0.1 and kidney affections. Fer Mile by II II ( echran, druggist, 1.17 and 1 Jeitn Queen street, lincaster What Three Applications thl, "I vtas troubled very much with sern fet Ihrce appUctUleM of 7'Aemaj' Ecltctric Oil. en tirely cured tbuui. Nothing bnttel In the inar-ket-" Jacob llutler. Heading I'a for sale by II II Cochran, druggist, 137 and 1J( North Quuen street, Lancaster J'AUAliUM .IV. TJOSK I1HOS. A 1IAKTMAN. PARASOLS. 20-Inch Satin Parasols, 75c A.NU AI.LTI1K J-INKIl (.HADES IN QliKAT VAItlETV. -r-lteiali1ug and Uecnverlng of Uuibrellus and l'arusels dnnu at short notice. Rese Bres. & Hailmae, 14 EAST KING ST. upl-6md rjnllia PAPKK IS PIHNTKD WITH INK Manufuctuied by J. K. WRIGHT & OO., marlO-lyd a.thand IWreHta,. Philadelphia, l' BUSINESS HDUCATION PAYH. Ne young innn should eutur Inte business while hit Is Igiiomnlef the maimer of regulat ing book. Natural utility will net suppty the ilelicleiicy, or iiruventatrulrs irem getting Inte conluslen. 'I he ceurtn r luslructlnit as udeptui Htthul.AMJAUTKltllUSlNICSSCObl.KUK will no ei advantage te every man whatever his fu ture occupation may be. It will teach business habits and attention te aoceuuts, which will glve Increunad Interest and success, tsauntlal te the success of the farmer, llechante and the l'rofeatlenal man. full particulars en application. Address 11.0. WKIDI.KU. Principal, Ne. WX Kul King Ulreut. MKIHCAU A VVAVX HAHSAPAUILliA. SCROFULA . 1-one of the most fatal fceurges which allllct uisnklnd trtsellen Inherited, but may lm the ii suit el Improper vaccination, mrrcutlsl wl renlug, uiuluiiillueKsniid rations ether rniiKi't. (hrenli. Nut-, I lieis, Abscesses, Osmcreu Humors, and, lu -eiue ta-es, Kneirl Ulen and I HiisMiiiptleii, ivult Irem a scioluleus loiull leiull loiull lien "I the bleed, lldsdlseam tan tw cuivd by ih e-e el Aet i Sftrsapaitlbi. I 'lihi-rltcdnscroluleusiondltlonol lliebloeil, whih cau-ed a derangement el lu) whole ) t.-in Alter taking less limn lem bullies el A -r sarsaparllln, 1 mil ENTIUELY OUnED And, let the past vcar, liav.t net fuitud It net cs-ir) te use anv mere uudlclne whatever 1 am new In betti i health, and Mrenger than evel iiefoie O .V w I'lnm, iis iifiiieui sirtci, 110s tell, Stess 1 as t timbU d with vrnfuliiits Peres ler live veais , but, Htler usliv fi bottles el A)er s Mrsapattlln, the sous lu'ilid, and I have new giHHl health tllcabvth W at neck, M Applelen street, Lewell, .Vbvss. siiine ineulhsngii I was troubled with Scrofu lous seie en my leg The limb was bsdlv swollen and liirtrtiued, and the seirsdlschsigul hrgeiiuautlllesi(etleiiliiuatler Kvery rein edv failed, until I used Aver fatsmpartlla lly taking three bellles of this medicine the nines hue beeuentlrelv healed and m henlthli full ivstercd I am gratntul rer the ceisl lhl nicdl tine has done me Mrs. Ann O'flrien, ls snlll van streit, New erk. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, l'lepaiwt bj lr .1 C Aver A Ce.. l,eell, Mess. beldb Drugnlsts. t'llce, II, sU bottles, J m.'ltet; B HOW NS IKON K1T1'I:KS. BROWN'S IRON BITTERS! WILL CURE tlKADACHK, lNHK.lTION, im.iet.s.M:s, DYSI'Kr.s.1 V, NKKVOr.S I'HOM KATION, MAI.AUIA, CHILIami KKVUKis, TIKHI) I'DKIilXH, IfUSKKAL DUKILITV, PAINS IN tub HACK A SIDI, imitki: bleed, I'ONhTlPATION, l'KMALi:, KlIKUMATIisM, NKUKALttlA, K10NKY AND l.lVKK TI.Ol'KLr.S. IrH'libAtKm ALL DUUUUISTs. The Oenulne has Trade Mark nnd crossed Ked Lines en w raip r TAKE NO OTHER. C)mi; G RAY'S SPKCIK1C MKD1CINK. niECiUEAT ENGLISH KEME1IY. An unfailing cure for Impotency, and all Dis eases that fellow Less et Memery-. Universal Lissltude, l'Aln In the Hack. Dimness of Vision, Premature Old Ane, and many ether diseases that lead te Insault or Consumption and a Premature erave -t all particulars In our pimphlel, which we desire te (tend tree l mail toeveryene. 4-rhe bptelrlc Medlilne Is sold by all druggists nt li per pickage, or six packages for t or will 1pu sent fite by mall en the receipt of the money, by addressing the asent. 11 11. COCllHA.S. Druggist. eln Agent. N os. IJ7 and 133 N erth yueun Street, L.incstei. Pa. On account of counterfeits, we have adopted the Yellow W rapper: thoenlv genuine. 11IEOHAY MLIUCAL CO, apivlydAw Uiiffale.N. Y. Kll! KU. AIiACK OF FASHION. FIVE BUTTON Scalloped Tep, FORTY-EIGHT CENTS A PAIR, -AT ASTRICH'S Palace of. Fashion, LA.NCA61EK, I'A. OANHS, OANKS. ANOTUKK FKKSH supply of Canen, of all the latest styles, te plcai,e the ttute of everybody, at . . MAllKLEY'S (Fonnerly H&rtinsn's) " Yellow trent," He. 21 North CJuoen btreet. HEAL KID CLOVES, HtWIKrVH.fUHtNtl UUtllH. "yi- HAN l: A l.AKOK STOCK or HIE II EST REFRIGERATORS IN 1 UK Cll. The 1'icrce Dry Air Hcfrigerater. (.t KliFS HONK. HA TKli VOlU.KHS, IVK VKKAM FHKKZKHS, A nd a hill line ul IIOl'. SKI UltMSII 1NIUIUOH.S llie Ingest nliH-k oil! VS ri TUIthH In Ihn city .Siecl!il attention psld tellas-rittlng, 'llu i.iHiiiiiK nun cpiuiiiiiK vse have Just leieUed nnother let of these IV. IILOIIKS JOHN P. SCHATJM & SON, 24 SOUTH QUEEN ST., I.ANCASTKK. I'A. -piMNN A HKl.NKMAN. 150,000 Adams & Westlake COAL OIL STOVES IN USE. All Riving tmliaf.ict ion. The only IVr ftftly b.ife OilStevt'sln Hie market. Theio are no ether oil stevw te ueiniutu te tlli'ill. The Most Dnniblu, tlie, the Hest U.ikers. liny no oil atevea till after ptaiuinliiR the Ail.uni vV WtLtkt, -AT- FLINN & BRENEHAN'S, DK.Al.hHS IU All Makes of Oil Steves, I.A.M ASlhK, I'A. aprli -ly.M. A. K1K1KKR ALDUS V. HKKK. HEADQUARTERS FOR SUMMER COOK STOVES AT Ne. 40 East King Street, (Opposite Court Heme). TPjE ARGAND ter OAS01.1NE. THE DANGLER, herCOALOIL. IIA.MIsllllE C'Al'AllLE IIUKAIII.K ' KCU.NOMIU AL Alse, a I nil Llnaef Parler Stevos nnd Hontera, Cook Htovea ttud Hnuges. THE SPLENDID HEATER, STILL AUEAK' Alae, RBfRiaEUATORS, IOB-ORBAM FREEZBR3, WATER COOLERS, jvrs, j'axa; keitlei- vvell.anylhlntf you want. C01IE AM) SEE Oll 0U118KLF 0HDEK8 Feil I'lambiDg, Gis Fitting, Tin HoefiDg and Spouting PllOMI'TLV AITENDKI) TO. KIEFFER & HERR, apjj-tfd.tur UUUVtSMJSB. HHJii (JKAi)i:"ceFFi:r.H. Une ela Government Java ana Mecha CetleOii, the best In the markuL Our .lava Illun ileil CotTte siukii for ttelf ; rich anil fragrant, 23e. rwr pound. Very flna Plantation Kle Cemes, our beat only sue. per xund;one very popular ut 15c. Wu want v ou te call una try our iJKc Cellcu. Thu uicvllunt iiuallty of our Coffees anil line Tea? U making Irlenils feet anil rirui. Our ilally uales slieiv a steady Inert nae. Kri-nh Iteajted every day. A full llnuut fancy arecerles. l'leoie glve u a trial enler. (1EO. WIANT, tiuirJO-lya Ne. 113 Weat Klnjr Street. AT KUKHK'.S. Bargains! - Bargains! Forty Quarter lleiiw Innlen fjiyer, Illun lluncb HuUius, bri pounds lu a box, for 73 cente. A Fresh Let Dnslcated CoceunuU, only 3) cents pur pound. A Hundred Jlexes (H.oei) pounds) 1'iocler A Gamble's Cincinnati Olelnu Seap at nix cents a pound; this Is factor' prlce j don't bolleve In BOlllnL' poed Btandard goods at cot, hut our stock In large and bought when the soup makers had a war. Win. I'enn and Feil's Cern at eight cenU per can AT BURSK'S, NO. 17 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTEU, I'A. relephone Connection. COt. T U. MARTIN, WUOLKSALB AKO KXTAIL IULU IK All Kinds of Lumber and Geal. 9Yard: Ne. North Water and I'rlnce BtreeW, above Lemen. Ijincaiter. n3-lyd TJiAUMOAUDNKUa 4 JKKi-'KHIEH. COAL DEALERS. Orrievi Ne. 1S9 North CJuoen street, and He. tM North I'rlnce street. Varm: North i'rlnce atteet, near heading Depot. LANCABTElt.PA. auglMld -REMOVAL. M. V. B. OOHO has IKinevcd his Ceal Olllce te Ne. 1M NOKTII OUKEN 8TUEK.T (Urlinmer's New Jlulldlng), where orders will lu received for Lumber and Ceal, WUOLKaALlI ADI1 RXTAIL. ms-tfd M. V. II. COIIO. G KOHOE EUNBT, JB., Carpenter, Contractor & Builder, UKSIDKKCE-NO.&Xt WEST KINO ST. B1I01'-EA8T UKANT ST., Opposite Station Heuse. All work receive rny prompt and personal at. tentlen. All kinds of Jobbing attended te at short no tlea aud en reasonable tonus. Drawings and Estimates furnished. eij-lya IlKriluuiM, JAKtlAlNH IN KKMNANTH OK - " DRESS GOODS. Bargains in White Goods Werth End Dry Goods Stere. m Ijd Sku Mi Nm'tii uiiwu street. 'jpm: Ni:r('Asn Hiimi;. NEW CASH STORE, -!I7 .!.! North quceii Htrcet, llppiwlln llie KevKtenii llinise and Netthmn Hank, Upcmiig New Stock Seasonable Goods. Ill, m (ieikU ,u .spi Ing Kli'iinnt Whlte Hobes hit hiiIIb linen de Initie Victeria l.nwnt. hlietiinli'it I'r.jiiuis. 1'lulii and t'lald Cam brie. Mui lliiikley C'ainblle .Ven llallnte ( lullis. llie llmtreii nnd Ceraltiin Cemets. lllnik null Colored v, (j.i.'. And n full stock of Villous mui DenieAllcs, all al Lew l'llces. I'li'asn tall and lie in leMlvil vv. ii. new bus. s. i.i i.r.HA co. WHAT NEXT! u ntii elli'ttng a bargain lu CHIN Kl.hShhltsl ( lvLlts (HitKAsnrholre stlu only l.'V : regular price, l"e Tlirse giHnl. niv net In he Ironed, only KKslied and rough ilrlitl and they are lvuily te uearHgiilu. tiilentlld (foe.1 for Chlldretrs VVm, ntrlped and cliei knl elrluckr1 at . and IW A llaigaln In Lisle 'I In rail and Her llu i. burs only UK-; untitled Irem a.. and .'V I ixik at em llurgalu In Cnlgate'. Piups at 6. iiml liki , or .VH ami tl (O pet lleiiiu. deld Kviil Seeilli', 5c. a papr of n .Ni'e.lli'H lliiglii. In Itlbbuus nnd llculciy. -Cnsli tunke- lUignttlH. Jehn S. Givler & 'Ce., Ne. 35 East KIuk Btioet, l.ATlc ABtIK, I'A. s Jl'MMLIt UOOIKS. Nea. 0, 8 & 10 EiiBt King Bt. New Dress Goods. All the taverlte suitings In LI AM INK 8t'11 IM., 1 VMINK AMI hKMl.l.l.K. 811111'LS. I M1F. l II IM.1, SK..N I hl.l K TltlMJII.NO LACKS cream, llluc, l'lnk and Tan. CA-IIMhUK, AI.IIAIUO'sS, Nt .( !i ML1NU1, l.NK Sl'lUM. CASHMKIthS 1 hlrt nix luehes xlile, Sea util. Ihlrtyelghl Inch ALL WOOL liKllIKliF.'-, 17Sc a anl; worth !n"e. terty Inch ALL VV OOI. 8 K Itu KB. Ten Shade l a yard VLL-VMlOL IKK.NUI CAMIIMKItKB, lllnclc ami Colored, P ards wide, ftec. a vatd; uiually fold at Is'ic. Special vaIup In IILACKSUIt VII SILhS.STK'"' and II urn jiuil. Ill ACK SAI1.N UIIAIIAMKS, II i and ll.iS a aiil. Ill ACK .IKKhKY and lill H.1M1K SILKb. IlLACh UKU (.IIA1N SlI.hM. 75c, S7ii. , II ll unil jaiO. V ni rant d te Ulve Satlslactten In Wear. New Yerk Stere, J. H. MAHl'lN A CO. DRESS G00D8! I.JI-U Wt ik Yt) HOMl SUltl OUt Of thit WOOL CANVAS CLOTH w ri ii net ci.l ci.ern 10 match, At Si (ents, hut jestrrilay n new Involie arrived NKW sIAl)Lf. WOOL HOMESPUNS, INCHES WI1IK, At is cents l'r Yard 'W'OOL SERGES! 3UINCIIK9 WI1IK, At II Cents , north Z Cents. TK.V P1KCK3 0I Cream Albatross Cleth At II Cents. Was maile lOhellntMieuls. SUMMER SILKS At 30, 3S, Id, (0, CO and 75 Cents. DRESS SATIRES! Tlie largest line lu Ibe rlty te select from. French Satines, Iu Neat and Large Pattern;, nl H cents a yard. AMERICAN SATINES. Meid than oue hundered illirercut patterns te select from nt He. and 12c. a yard. J. B. Martin Ce. for. West King & Ti'Ince Sts., (Opposite Htevens Ilouse.) LANCA8TKII. I'A. rUK BALK UU MKNT. FOH RBNT. A Tobacco Warehouse with I'enn'a H. It. Biding. Cupucltyforslerlug 3,000 cases. Apply atlhe uiurltfd INTKLI.IQKNC'EU OKriCK. 37IOK ItKNT. 3 bhoplniearef Ne 37 WostChestnntstreet, V.8.!!.tt,.tt clBar-hex factory-, und a shop en Mllllln street, between Seuth Queen und Piluce sti-eels, lately used ai a carrluge lactery. A loe a (lUllllllll. ,111,1 lllftl.l l. .in... n. .... ..!... 1... 1" ... ""u,y U8l-l as a carniltj0 iuctery. A Loe a duelling and sloieioom new occupied by A. A lllllilml a .!..- ..a. r sis A ." ..".'$ ",m sioieioom new occtipiea ey a. A. lluhley as a drug store, West JUng street. Ann v Hi thH liinlvi IlWfd 1NTKLLIQKNCKU OrriCK. BUILDKllH, 10UNI)UY.M1:N AND Iliickmal.eni, are respectfully Invited te cull and see Band, llnlldlng Stene, llrlclc Clay, und be convinced as te quality and iiuantlty, which Is tuuzhaustable All of tbe abeve can hoscunjnstene-elgbtbof amllofrem Uie City Limits of Lancaster. I'a, and can be had at llcasenable l'rlcej. Apply or address KKNllY 11KCIITOLI), Ne. Oi North Queen street. r-JtxsxiFsr