Iu' , ,?- i it J. J vV ' V "it T VOLUME XXII NO. LM7. LANOASTJsJlt, TA., WEDNESDAY, MAY 1!, 1880. L'JLUGE TWO CENTS. Al 1 JtiMlkmM ek .41 l A IMUSONKK'S QUKKK STOUY. .11 A MIKLI-HKINU TIllKIH'Olt 1 II V. VVH IMIl 01' 1111 INTIMATK lltlHM). Il Irlln In nil lulntlmv Hew I'irller Mt lilt linilli lint I'riipimil llrlrnin l:tillnlig Away supn him C'lii iini.lniiim by hnj. IliK 'llltt lln Hu llllnkliiK lln-ply 'Ilietil.il el II. M. Ilioeks, alias Will ler II. LeillllIX MllXWell, fui llm huiiiblu muidcr of Charles Attlilli I'loller, was begun In HI. Leuis In (Mintnl in llm crliiiliiul tuiilt mi Tuesday. A St. Leuis pipci prints llm billowing alleged tuulcssinu el Maxwell; "Mr. I'rellur was siilteilng Irnin prlvate disetsc, ler which I had previously prescribed, IlllXlllg tllll mOtlll-llOSIIVSelrilnill tllll IhiIIIeH In llm inodlelnocavi I cartled with me. Hut Ills aliment lliul reached ii stagu when It Kill necessary forum In mtkii a certain luvcsllga tlnil. 1 wasnlillgcd In tiseiit'.ilhntHi ami In using a catheter when Hie pari woielull lined 1 liml iln leliHly applied i liliirnrnllll, ill order te produce isniillllen nl narcetism, I used tlilorelorin In lids iniiiiiiir nil n man naiMint Harrison, in Llvorieol, with out tiny serious result. I explained, thu jueiess te Mr. l'n'lii'r mill told liim uli.it ( should have lede. IIm wasiintijiiry willing, 1'iit was verx anxious ler me te tre.it lilm In iiih maimer. Dining lliu iluy I purchased four en nces el i hlnreinrm, which was stand lug In ii IkiHIimhi tlm edge el my washstaiid, where! was washing some Hiirlciil HiHlril IllCllt.S. 'I hit Washing of till) instruments took place Sunday atlorueoii mill nai In tended as it preparation for the operation. In washing Hm 'Instruments 1 overturned llie IniUIii of chloroform mill It went headlong into tlin basin, the cork coming out, mill nil liutntHiiit mi ounce mul 11 quarter or it 11 oiiuce nml ii-hulf going ilewn In the sink. ' I'lus was probably thnsiu'elech, mill alter kclliug inj ii slrtiment ready I went initie secure Heniu inoriulileroforui I mint te llm drugstore, I don't knew where, hut the store near tint hotel i I "oriiew'), ill 1 1 1 asked fei tlm chloroform. Ihnelerks said lli.it I w.n in Med itml In it lmrry. 'I'lilit was net se. I sit down in llm drug sture ler mere IIikii .1 quarter el an Ixmr, nml wns iillngotlier vor b'lsurely about my business, lur them nui no hurry. II 1 .1111 net nil-taken I li.nl it long conversation Ui Moineonii m the drug slum " liuil I get tlm rliliiriilerin I mp.iittsl t.i my room, Dreller hail been in mill out of my riMini nml hw own nil the nltorneoii AIkiiiI t in. no Ihvmm the oxirtlen I Hiliiiliilslnril llm I'hlnrolenii m lliu uiinil nay, heMinH tuiturutiHl cloth te llm 1m-.11. I'rvller pa-wwl through tint tirt mIukiiiiII riKht. It leek suveral iiiliiuli'i, I don't knew txactl hew Ieiik , thou he untuiml tlm hiheiuI hI.ike mnl Imrti thu lurrlbln rcnutt ni 1 1 m. t dlie)(rml tee Inte tint he wits ilvliiK- lm.iKinu til V horror whuu till In t daw licit iimiii me. 1 ni wilil with IiikIiI, lull li.x 1 itrvme of lnluil I'lieiigli te cut the flurt mnl unitenlilrl Ireiu the Ixnly ami, gut tln.t wi't towel, I ln'it him ariiiinil the mvk unit KlieuliliirH lur a hnlt hour el mero I tllll net i;m it until 1 was re.ulv te ilie (loin i'li,uiitlen ami my ct'nrU rnrt net rp laxeil until hull til Imt'H ilu.nl xeinu llme. All the t lellies hu liml en at the tltuu worn his Klnrl ami uuiiurslilrt. He li.nl stiieil te tlmie ler Win elx'tatlnn. ' W hat tllil I tle wht'ii I mn my Irirml was ile,ul' what eeiilil 1 tin ' I tlnlu't knew what totleuxiupt ilrluk, .mil I tlruuk Irtuly. I tli.ink err tlilnr 1 celli 1 put -wiue, whisky,uM)rtliim; What woreni) tlmuKlils'' I hailu't any , all I rnuieiiibttr is that 1 ilrttw ilrttw en a palrel ilrawtirK, tlm llrsl that foil into my liaiuls, ami put the tmily tutu m trunk. Irem which I hail rumentl uertliliiK. I put it In the trunk mi hour aftur I'ii'IIit'h ilcath. What w.vstlniie hoslilethis I Ii.imi no rtvolliH-'tieu el. I.i'pier ami coustiirnatleii hail sjes.sieii of me ami I knew only that iii IculiiiK') wure lliesn el the iitmiMl hortei I rtiiii.iliictl In my iihiiii that iiikIiI -tlm mum liniin In whuh tlm iinnaliis unm anil it weulil liea llulortueloH.iyth.it I nlvpt, ler I tllilu't ami I wan Klail wht-u urnmln c.inie. What I tint aller ltialiiK mv room eii knew for it has all liven priuttsl.'f The itiirtiitpeuilt'lit aMktnl Maxwell H that sutemunt w.tsceirts'U He aclcil ipit'eily. He still "1 will iiulthur iilUrm nor iliny II." Theu In) lnjyun te roll ciuarrttus, ouuef with h hoelh-ri'il inn ami h.ihI that Im li.nl luulu up his muni te hit et vrylluiiK that appf.iitsl lu the iMjierH about lilm pas.s with iiinliupu Hut lie wa.smiieun that in lln'wi illi.iti Iiih It sliiiiild he lu.uln I'lc.ir th it his preMr tillii was tli.it el l.sijuln1, which Im Halil imiie nf the p.ieis hail ut ncu lilm. He was tin litlisl te that title, linsalil, liecausn , I.iilaml he was a muintier of a Inanifil pn Ies-sidii. 'I here ix little ileu hi that Mn well iliil make mu h a statement as tliu alee, ery rcitl te hiscoiiiinerH.imieyauco, ami that at their Hireniptery tluiniuiif hi iletliuetl te say .my tliliiK iiImiuI It. UN counsel ile new expect In adept that tlclotise. Mjv.v nuiTK m:.ii. llm L'nrerruf llm 31uit iitrtl CiHilhlfniw Man In .Xntfrlt.t CIimimI. A letlur Irem He.ullnt,', VL, aiiueinuus the tlealh urrimeiilh White, alias Crank l'aike, alias e I'llnn " Inte, the nulorieiis couil ceuil couil ileiice man, at his lirether'n reslilencu in that town en Sunilay iiIkIH Irem a carhuiicloeii his neck at the l).t-e el the hraili. White was lu the trout rank el coiillilume iiieu, anil hail by his oily tongue and Kuntlemiinly niauueiH HucceiHleifiu tne l.isl.! jearH in HewliiKbiiHi iH!a.s men, Kullihle (raiicerx, ami cenlidhif; weiiiuu out nf mero Hi. in ;i,Mi0,iXKi. He first achieved a national reputation lu l-i', K.IJ, ami ISel, w lieu he united Jlne.Onn in Callfm ii lit j;ehl ilustHWlmlles, anil eetHl te Hu Hu reH). Between I's-.l ami 1nIi lieas arresteil lour tlmea lu New Yerk city, ami onto, while in Jail there, nwIiiiIIihI the Hherill out of JO.tKXi. KuhseipieiitH he tipuiiitln liiitin liiitin meth ilry keixJh Ntere in Kmncut Cily, Me, ami obtained fieui Hasliirn dealeis poed Miliinil lit JT.'i,lRHJ, alter selluiK which he ills appeared. Next Im obtained flli.nnO liem a iiremiiiunt ilosteu inerclmtit, 1'.,IH) Irem .Samuel Mayall, or .SI. I'aiil, Minn., and fhM.OOO from Mayall'u brother, Jehn mid his partner. In Ih,j While obtained flll,ei)il from Leck WincheHter without securlty. .Shortly after thai he went te tiU Paul, .Minn., where, In June, lbOS he desorted bin w Ile, returning te Nuw Yerk. In lb'l, while While was uoko ueko uoke tiatliiB ler f.U,t0(l worth of Koedu from J, M, Slielley tt Ce., el Kiuik.ls City, Ills partner, Kbeu Mayall, who was the head of the house with which Wlilte was then connected in Deuer, Cel,, tlrUen te tlosienitlen by White's rascally Inms Inms actieiiN, coiiHUitteil BUlclde, White thou lied te Kurope, hut seen cmue back te Cauaila, where he fell in with another well-known Hwlntller named Klske, and together they lleeced the CauadlaiiH out of theiiMautW of ilellars. HoMwiudled Altleriuaii Ubby, of New Yerk, out of glOO.OOi), unil Natluu C. I'latt, n Malilcu...iue jeweler, out el f Jl'.tKH', White was uIbe a bigamist, two el his wives lmvlUK lived In llosieu at one time, lu eulur le oscape arreal he crossed the ocean III times. Ile was highly otlucated and was a ouor euor ouer alilu clerical looking uiiu and drosNetl wllh excellent taste. luilirered (lnlr ul Itctl Aln. The Ihlrty-Buventh annual hoshIeii of tliu (Jreat Council of Iinpreunl Order of lied Men el l'liniiHylvaiila convened in the Le. high theatre, Hethluheiu, en Tuesday morn lug, with 1100 tlolegateH present. The great nacliem's report hIiewh a nourishing condi tion of the order. Hubert I. Morten, ei Phil adelphia, wa-s elected great honler Hjgamore. The report of thu great keoner of waiiiptiin, showed it lialance en liaml of ,T26.Ku Dur ing the year flfi.lMX) el ttebl en the great council building lias been clinch d, leaxlug the debt fr7,f00. The nieuibeibliip el llie order 111 thu statu Is 'J),000. buriirliiB larty. A cry pleasant Miirprlse party took place at the home el Themas Mcniniils, en Mul. berry Htieet between Chestnut mid Walnut, last night. It was gien In honor of Mr. MtGinnih' daughter Kuima who celebrated lier blrlliJay jestertlay. Thlrty-he ceuplea were present. There was dancing te a Hue eichestni, a aupper and n geed llme geunrally. Apiielntetl NeUry I'ubllc. S. V. feterrltf, of .Marietta, has been np np iwlnteil a notary public by novernor l'altl l'altl sen. His oeininlsslou was rocuhed at the recorder's oillce this morning. l.ATKXV III A.1IDM) ATKIt.x. lli Itrmiltii of tliflt tlNiitPH riitjrd ImlfiilM, Ijiutjwtrr ArrIh Drlenltsl. The I i.tiieiislers played their hiveiiiI nun in lu llkosliane xosterday mid ImiIIi clubs hIiewihI Krent ImpreNPmnnt eer Memliiy. Neither pitcher nun hit ery hard, and the l.aiicxsten plnyeil the Iwlter uainii lu thu Held, llyndiiimi hit the ball tern home tun. OiirniK the kiiiiie lloedui.in was lined th ler talking back In the iimplie. 'I he Heme, In lull, was : UILKIUMIA'K It .11. I'.IA IK nl AM tHIKH. l .11. r.lA K nl Ant niftit. sTi'"l Nlitmsi . .' I1 1 0, "iiiHiilnuinll ii i i ii ti i.i.ti. in r .a k HIininiiliB, 2 AliKce. I ' Hliitlltll, I Ucillllll.l ' HuHtUn, 1 Mlnlu, in f llriin n, l ' MtCet. ii t. i n' n n ii 1 ii ii ii 2 II U II I II le'll ii ii I ii 1 .1 ii I I ti (i u ii n ti 31 I, U 0,.l.ll'li. in II Ii I I I iThir. III I III1 II I, II Itelllke, e ii .1 ii1 e! shin. 1 Ii! II bi II, .'iKIIniunl I III I .' ii.' II) iiiIiiiiiii.ii .1 I 1 1 I I' -'I I Klliiclli'I, I I I JliUiiiliay, 'letxls i m a in I. 'leiiti .'in i ItlMMlH l.iiniaMi I II II I 3 n I ii II Ullkiisbatiu Il.ll II J 4 ti i II e Kariieil niim U llkeslmfie. I l.aiicint r, I llitmi lilln-M llkesliurie, - I mu null i. Hi run llyinliniiii. l-lt en lmi'-W Ilki'Hlmie. t . I.iiiiciihIvi, 7. Hint bam en ernir-w likes lull le, I, bnnriiMi i. 4 Hum mi milt ii IhiIIk Mllkiubnrre,.!, I.nncalel, -I lilt liv iltitifr (liKHliiiiiiianil Micny. Pasitcd ImllH knot lii'cy, 1 I HAtllllliniiK, I. Willi pIKlms- Mcl'ej, I II.Mliliiiiin, I llieiim Moleii-IU mini in. Mi til.; Mi Cniriiry, SIeciiiii, hliiimein, Iteiinci Wliuik out -by .1kt"y. 1 lljiiiliiiiei, I I line of kiiiii -Uiin limn mnl li iiiliuiUs Umpire- Mil A greater Inlorest was fell lit the (james of the American AsOi lalleu whlih took plain joiterday lliaiutiiy thathixe jet Ikhhi plavtd thtHMiasnti. It was the Hist iipHi,irauce lu the Uistef the four Western club", mil by the contests the public expected te be able te Jiiilpi HenjelliliiK el lliiii'einpat.illvn slictiuth of the vlubs Irem the two hccllens el the country. It will be miii that in cry one of tlm Kastuili teams wen. The names wete as fellows At Hioeklju. Ilroeklju M, Ml. Iaiuis7 , at Iliiltlmeru Ilillliilure II, Ciui'lu mttl I, at Philadelphia Athletic II, horns Mlletl.itliSlateu Island : Metal I, I'lllsliurK I. 'I here weitiK0eral theusanil Kjoplueii tlm Hroekl.n Kieunds yesterday Iomeo the home i lull play the St. Leuis champions. The feriiierhad llfleen hlls oil l'eut MliMiua defeated Wllliamsieit ler the w. end lliuu jesterday. TheKcnre wa.s I J te.i, and the alteiidance wa l,.iml 'I he Iiint'.ister club Is said tn liiiinn line cab her lu llniiev. Thoieare a niinibiir nl Kiied men lu the team,miil llm i lub t-1 1 1 I Ixi HiiiNiiled at home. lib one (iAiuillen the Wustetll clubs el the National League wine Hiiciesslul yesler dtv. The Kceriw were . At Detroit Iletrnlt I, I'hll.nlelphla 0, (olnteii luulisi, at .SI. I .en Is M. l.euls II, Ilosteu, at Kansas t Ity , New Mirk 7, Ka.isas City J, at Chicage: Chicago 7, Wiishlngteii . I 'iniple who lia e been tliiukiiiK that tlm Mels were no Reed Would de well te keep their ojes en them lu tlm fiituin. In the Kmue at Detroit yesteulav the rhllailelphia t lub hud but three lilts oil llalil wln, whlln the Woherlnes niinlii nl nil Dan Casey. The Detreits placed the lietter lield iiik pitnre. 'I Im Mels Hettleil ileun In work yesterday ami hit Hiillenl, el I'itUburK, en;lileeii tlinea. The imiuuatl i tub leiiuil Kilroy hard le hit esterila,anil thrcOHiiiplen werealllhey could pet. 'llm .idhliipteu club eiitbitleil Chlt-apii estenlay but liwt through due rnmd Dally, their pltther, who had no levs than fourteen or lern, I tell, who plajs coiitre llnlil fur llm l.m l.m ctsterx, is a mute. W lieu he is nl the bit one el the ether members nf the club makes knew n le hint with Iiim linger the tlecisniim el the iimpire, as lepanls htilkes and balls. - II itknftm i r Jic nrit, 1-- there a man wllh -eul ceil'.til. W he never te lilmielf butli . Ill lit t our tlnb teiiie-i uli I alieitil When lliu DotrelLs have iioelhei pitchei t batter they turn their attention te their own. 'I he dirts tern, thinking it er ilHslmble that Iheheaty shippers el the Imuie letin Kheilld Im able le hit loll handed pitcher, eupaped Heward i.tw rente, loriueriy ei tue t.ass tlub, ami ler wunu time past he has been iiietly taking his practn n Willi ethers of tlm Detroit team, lu the mnrniups lie occupies the box, nml, hav iup excellent ' entml of the bill, pit ph the heavy hitters an Idex el what te t xpetl Irnm ether twirlers et InsMjle. -Ihttuit I'rthunc. Dan O'l.eary, mauaper el the I Iiuir.i .Scraiituu imprecation, hisiiiis te be running things Hi the hUtte League, Today the l.an taster club was te liaxe plajisl lu Scranton but U'l.eary neut them word that the game would hae te be played m Ulmlrit. The Lancaster mmi iper ilid net think they were compelled loge te the New Yerk town, and hoi included te btiug the team home. A teleianrcteied this morning mates that the club would le.n 1 1 Lancaster hoiiie time led.cj. O'I.earv claims that llie preuiiils m ScraiiKui are net lit le play upon, mid ler dial reason he wants leplay'lii l.liuii.i. Hilly tjuinii, who Is well known here where Im has umpired, has lieuu appointed lenMimllar pesltluu lu the Muericaii h.so h.se clttinii. The State Leapuu relusea te adept the resignation et William Dean as an iiinpiie, and he will go en duty next week. The gaum of xestenlay showed that the LaiiiHler club Is a geed one, mid tit series te be maintained by llm cltlreu. The Wlk' Wlk' b.irie is the second Hlienpesl le.nn i ibe Slate League, et llie Liueasler pain them nil limy could ile. When the i lub oieiih lu tills city limy will hiwi a big ciewtl, ueii thnupli tliey haie been inking games of lain. A meeting of the HlocUhetdora and ethers iuteiesled lu tliu Umcaslur club will Ihj held at Hats' niloeii, this ei tilling, when business Muy iiiiHirt.tul te llie club's lutiire is expect ed te be traimactcil. niK iievhi: ii Kit r: ntxi jsa lu kii. A llestlllitliiil of Otit lliail lljr Ills Librarian nl lliu limine, timil Unli 1-iMitti a S. V. lllilcpeilili'llt laillei tin iheMiiuth Hldoel Capitil sipiare, Wash ington, m thu house where 'I'liaildeus Stolens lived ami died. It is net a very old house, but it is net in llie le.vst modern. The rooms are high and bread, with a witle hall al one Hide. The pirler is tlnislied with a cliilr-rall around the wall, which would make the lieiiHc, gui'i-lng inuglily at the tiliiu when that was lashiunahle, alxml eighty Ue ei ninety years old. He hired the house of a Mm. Ceyh'i no et the old Washington families, whose daughter still owns it, and lived tlioreu bachelor with u hoiisekeeiHir. He liked the place se much that he asked Mra. Ceylo te let him build ail oillce mid a bod-roem at one slile of the hall en tlm ground Heur, its he was lame; but she de clined le let 111 til. Mr. SjHillerd, the lihi.trl.iii. ilesciibed Mr. Simons as he used tosce him carried Inte tliu house. A pale face, pulled ami distorted by the pains el a plivslque which was outwardly hunchbacked ami club looted, and which wrenched ami tortured him all his life. Above llie pale laee he saw lit te wear it black wig, which iii.ule an unearthly contrast ; and sealed lu . i sort et topless sedan chair, with two men te carry lilm. hew. us Ixirnu through the rotunda Inte the 1 louse every day. Ollen veu could hear his shrill, high voice, talking te the blacks who carried him. On thu brink et the cravens he seemed te Ik himself, he would nay : " What shall I tle when you fellows are tlead 1 steady thnre I Can't you step together T" as soine careless step shook liini ami gave lilm agony. " I'll get better ones when you aru old and gene." He died in ISO, ituil another leader was goue xvlieti he deparliW. He was it prorane man, oxcept In the presence nl women, and a gambler. His ll'e lu ether ways was net strictly correct j yet liomaile his away felt among his fellows, as no ether man has since ; unil no oilier man began te nil n is pmcu until iK'rnaps iieucnu uarlleld beg au le develop hlscap.tcltle.s. 'lliu Majer' Cmitt. Michael Hmllb, a travallng puddler, was en a big drunk jcHterday. At Little's clg.tr utore he run Ills hand through a imiie of glass and cut It badly, Ollicur l.uwars was sent for and he had te haul riuiitli te the station house en a wheel-barrew. A stranger giving the name et J, K. Kheads was arrested in Contre tStniare last night by the saiue olllcer ler raising a disturbance, ilnth drunks wero discharged upon the payinent of the costs by the mayor. An old man, w he said he lived near the collego, applied for lodging last night. He said he lest his way and could net Hud the read home. This morning Im Haiti he thought he could llnd his way home aud w us dUcharged. ADAMSTOWN'S GKKAT BLAZK. K II. uei,nitK.x i.Aiitir. hat vaviuiiy mi ity r n te iiik (Iiieiimk l.ital l.ii.- 11ml Will I .ml l'. w ln,niiiiul imtiln Klsililni ly lliirinil I mljMru Ihriinn Out nl Wmh llm Xllla prtu' I iRlit ltli Mi" be. Hpetlal IINpalclite Ibtkii iue-h fcn AliAMslewx, l'., May III -About 1 .0 this morning llmnes weiedlwoieied Issuing Irem lliu hat fai tery nl L. II. Cnhlreti, the largest establlslimeiilnf the kind ill tlm bor ber bor eugh. Tlie lire statlul lu llie IrliumerH' ilo ile partmeilt and Imined veiy rapidly, se Unit thu eiiliie striicluin was seen ilenlreteil, Thu IHipulalleii turned out mnl did their utmost in battling tlm 11 nuns. Tlm llm coiiiinunl ceiiiinunl cited le a number el adjoining dwelling houses, w hlch, however, were saved. Net mi article el value was Hived Irem thu hat tactery. It is net known hew tlm II ones originated. It was put britk mid Iraine building that lest fli, (KM, but several addi tions have been put up. 'I he machinery was valued at about flti,ew, and Kioto was con cen siilerablu stuck en hand. limit III men went employed, but llie men had mil worked tills wiek. Onoweiiian hijs she saw it light In the trimming department at 11 o'clock last night. Sniiie liellove the llie was lii inll.tr . Mr C.ildien Is In New erk. 'Ihn liieiippiratus lieie is exlreincly meagiu, hut the llttle liaml eligine did geed service. A very large bain, net sixty leet awitj-, was saved. It eenliiiueil f l.tKH) worth et lelncisi, owned by Mr. Manlier, iiikjii whii Ii lliuie was no lusiiimict'. 'llm heal of tlm burning laclery was intense, and many dwelling houses who badly Mistered. One ul the Isisses said he was et llm opinion lliat thu Hie taught In the drv Hip loom. Ilnriln trn VV'etk In Untiling llnriKsl The 1'enn hard wain works, lu Heading, ewiimlhyC. It. A A. A. Hel?mmm, ctiighl HreTuesiltv ei'eiilug, and llm liiilshlug de parliiieut and sloierisim, athrei story build, nig. slxi by oue liiiudrtsl ami lihv lout in slt, was totally destieved, lonther with a large amount of Mulshed goods. Heme of thu adjoining buildings weiu al -e badlv damaged, 'lliu less 1st i.OUO te ?l j.iiikj. I'll tun ii i.x Mil. i. fits ni'inir.s ihsaiii A Well lilliMTll llfirM'lintil lliept Otfr Ileail I'tnlit lltatt lll.rs.e. I'hrisllaii Miller, a well known citieii of Mlllersville, illed very snililenl tills morn, lug. He was mi unmairled man .mil luade Ids Iieiiim with his brother Dr. Abraham Miller, dentlsl, and his mutlier. TlieiliH-iused had complained of pains .ilmiu his heart lint Im was alHiul its usual vestenlai, and last nlplit lie was walking around the village. This morning alHUil six e hs'k he arose ami went down stairs, lu a lew moments he dropped ever en the fleer and expired. The t.iue el his deith was heart disease. Deceased wasitbeilt Ml j ear t of age. Ill lermer juais he was a dealer ill horses mid an expert hniHfiiiau. Ateuu tline he was prupi inter of the Washington .hotel, Wet I'lill.nlHlpliia. lln was well known in fins eitvauil through out the county. I ei seveial .veals pa-t Pe had lint been 111 aillve bu-inei-s. Hesides a mutlier he leaves three lirethers, vlr. Henry IL M liler, who lnkilil ul the lliesler house, this tily , llenjauiinS .Milltu, agent of agri cultural implements, iv he iHitrilaalthe UrajKJ hotel, ami Dr. Abraham Miller, el Mlllers ville. A sister Is llie wile el V. I!. Heir, druggist ul Hait Kliigsiitet, tlusiily. ,ieti i.nKAVil y.vis mi i.ii r. A l.tlllit'l nf l't(tla lniilitlili t.l .tltllll t Iml anil II iii,s lllmiell. Jehn Ksb-icli, a lariner who re-nlcd near I. mil's mill, I'oipiea tewiisliip, ceuinutted siucide by hanging himself en M"Uda). Lsbai h lermeily resided near Mllleisv llie ami ineVed te l'eqiiei tewiisliip this spring, blncti leaving his old hemu he seemed tube low spoiled and melancholy. His Iiiiuiiv iiuliied this, i.m did net Hunk of serious results. Tin --day iiiniiuug he was ittMiut as usual ami iite breaklasl with llie laiuilv. llr l'ii-tki tst hu wis ai. Mind tlm lieiise, but liuall.v w.ts missed. Helween HI and 11 e'llni'k a seu el Mr. i.rnll had ih-cisIeii te go into Ltbach's sl-ible He was surpnsed te nml the dead IhmIv el Lslitch, hanging by a strap Irem aenws iicaui at the hay liole m the entry. Thu Isidy was ipiickly cut tlewli and the coroner uetllled. The deceased was about , v ears of age ami Icives a wiln and several children. I'oruner lleiiaiu.in and Dr. Compteu tltove te tlm rosideiiie el the iletmsed vesleulay alleriHsjn. A jury was impanelled and a verdict of " suicide while suliering Hum inclatichelia " was reiuleied. .1 lll.ANIIMI ACI'IDI.M. Ilinr) Wllniir l.il.illj lejuieit lu it l.lnil ntoiie IJllitll) at I line llntK Lll 1 1, May P.'.-A terilble accident ec curiud in a quarry at Llme Keck, a station ou thu Heading A Columbia railroad, between Mauheim ami I. Hit, en '1 huisday altcrnoeu, lu wliiih Henry Wiliner, a .pi uiyiii in, was lalally injured. The men had lighted two bltstb, high up en the sldu of the quarry. iiniur tisik reluge in a protruding rock be bo be lew teescais) tlie flying stones,as was his cus. loin. It appears, new iiver, that he was net site, as he was struck m the legs and lower put el the bisly by a very large slnnn blown out by euu of the'blasls, the oilier lading le explode. lieu lutiud by the ethei mull the riK'k was lying ou lilm. Wilmur was perfectly conscious and dirts ted llm men linn le femove the stone. Alter bump taken Irem lieneath the stnuu Witiuei vmis ctrrled te tlie railroad station. While llioie tliu in jured man itskctl tlie etlier-i te placehlm in a silling iMisillen. t ins was none aim vv inner expired ill a short time. Itmer was about tin ycaisnl age ami lived en the read between Lull, ami Mauhulm. He was an Industrious, hard-working m in and had Im.'0U employed at the Lime Keck quarries 1 ir many jean-. He leaves a wile hut no children. I Ml.lt P VI'. 1 H I I Wis. Li'i 1 1 , May 1'.'. l'he accident le W itmer ecelli red at I p. m. It seems that when the blast w.ts being in.ule he went under a pio pie pio jecting rock ler salely. The blast shook the rock which Itmer was under Irem Its fas tenings and it fell en him, crushing his hip mid chest, aud breaking his arm. lie spoke a lew words and died in three ipiarlms of an hour alter winds. He w.ts emplevcd by Dr. Ilrebsl, w he owns thu stumi ipiarry. Thu lollewing jury was einpanelletl by Coienur Huiiaman, who camu out this morn ing In. in Lancaster: Illiaiu lloluheiiso, Jehn M. SUutler, J. F. Wliiliueycr, Jeliu L'. LeupeniH'ker, 1'r.ui k Ooergo, Daniel D.Whit- crali. They runtlored the lollewing verdict el "accidentally killed while blasting Hi a slnne ipiarry." luireitr l'riltnal i.epllaUi)ii. I- nun tliu N. V . Iil.liipeiHlent. e hill te seu hew Congress, oxcept by a plalu usurpation el power, cm uudertake te regulate the oleomargarine business out of existence. It is trim that Congress posses ses the taxing ponurlei the uirposeof raising levt'iiuu.tiud vet It is lobe louicinlieicd that taxation and incidental nvul.il ion te the ox ex teul of tleslrev lug a biismess,aiiil wllh the lu. tent el iiiediiciuir this resiill, dele.it thu very object lur which CoiigreHisauthori7od le Ity andiollect taxes and hence.aie absurd its an uxerclseel the taxing pnw ei. I'lioauneftlmbill, asTepoiled by tlie Heiisu iiiiniiHtUe, Is thu dustiiictiuu et a business, ami nut thu raising of luveuiiuiaiid this, its we iiiunlaiu, is net a legitimate oxurclse of thu taxing power, or el liny ether power HWsessed by Congress. Ceugre, Hi our opinion, had belter let the subject alone, and lo.ne It te thu stutes te en act all thu laws need fill for the proper protec tion nl the iwople Hgalust Hands. Mat U the ple as fraud of tee nlninnne, A ghastly parody et leal spring, Blupcil outef sneiYiind bieitbvd with L'julcrn wind. nr.teHh vnr.HVi'itKMK vevnr. llm Sctniilti liny HiiitlU limit ulljr .Igitlii 11" lileilOtlmr r'uiitily Canrit. The supreme court Imaid argiimenl ou Tuesday, In the celehrattsl Seventh Day llaptlst msn. This Is llm cise in which our court hav e been divided en uvury ipiostleu raised. In Deceuilier, IMil, alter argument en u bill Hi equity lllwl, Jutlgu Patterson imuie a deereetleclailiig Nolde, et ul., the regularly elected trustees, Jmlgti Living ston dissented Irem the opinion mid thu ease vvasent te tliosiipreiuecourt. The supreme con it luversed Jutlgu Patterson, ou thu ground Hint its lliu court was divided, olio judge could net make a decree. Tim next stnge el the ease was when Judge Livingston dismissed the bill hi equity tiled, te which proceeding Jmlgti I'allersen ills sentcsl. On thodecreeul Juilgti Livingston n bill of costs, amounting te several hundred dollars, wits Utxetl. Alter waiting for soveral months llie Mail loin partv Issued mi exicu exicu Hen against the Nolile arty te recover thesu costs. When thu matter wits brought le the attention of tliu court they divided eucu mero. Judge I'allorseii was lu favor of set ting aslde the execution and Judge Living, steu wits tint, mid thu disputed question as te whether the costs could le collected ou thu oxeclitleu was argued lieferu thu siiprome court vesterthiy. The court imuie a decision setting itsldu the execution. Thu suit between thu (actions of this denomination Is new whom it started several years age. 'I he case will probably Im lurther compll cempll e.iled by prixcedlngs which will Ik) taken shortly. Chief Justice Mi f Willi dispossessed the lai'lleu lu control sumo mouths age, ami his proceedings will Im rovlewetl by tliu su su pieine I'uiirt next year. Thu supreme court also heard argument ou a number of casus from this count, amongst which was thu celebrated Lililomau-Mlller electuieutsiiit. AIU!AMIII1 toil IIKVOUAriOy IIAi. llm linilte uf r.tratlt) IImIiIimI I'puii Mrinerlnl fur (leu. Itf-jnnlils' finite. 'I lie Joint coininitleo el (Jeerge 11. 'Iheimis ami Admiral Reynolds Pests of the Onind Ariu.v, ,i)iK)lntetl toiiiHkearniUReinentH fur apreier ebsei vmieeef .Memerial Day, metal Alderman llarr's oillce ou Tuesday evening, lollewing was iliclded .xs the route or pa rade: I'erin en N'erlli Llme street, light resting ou Last king ; Inowitlewn Last King le Ceiitru bqiiare, te est King, te Prince, te i.erm.in, te Seuth ueeii, te Cenlre Square, te Nerm Quteii, te Cliesliiut, te Duke, te Lemen, le Lancaster toiuetory; ruluniiiig along Lemen street, te Net th Hilten, te Cen tre Squaiu and dismiss. Pest M wilt held iiioiiierl.il Mirvicu al thu grave of Abij ill D. Uygur, and Pest lU.i at tlm grave el James Jenes, in thu soldiers' let. 'Iho cemiuttteu ou flowers ionjrted that thu piibliUHChisils had Ihsjii cmivasseil and the outlook was geed ler a large supply. Tlie ceuitiiilUs) en music repertts.1 Unit the City band had been engaged. They were in structed te engage a drum corps Hi addition. ceiutnuiiicalluti was icceived from den. Ileynelds Pest, et Philadelphia, sttllng they would scud a floral mumuilal ler Oeu. Iley Iley eolds' grave. i.mi.i: iu:. leim; ri'.u.sr. let tllO ISTKI I III KM IR The times appear te be sadly out el joint, or rather it would seem that thu era of llttle men te the front has arrived. Ami new here is this fact mere paiutiilly apparent than in this geed old statu ()f Pennsylvania. Pick iipveur nuwspis.irs, and w lie ami what are the men ami their cb.u.tcturisliCM that aru being most named ler llie ellices el honor, res)iisil.tv and emolument te hu voted for next tail '.' Take tliu Kepiibllcau party for instance, and, wllh a solitary exception, fieui Heaver tlew n, w here is the man of first-class ability, high sense of honor and a just con ception of duly who is named ler any of the positions'' lHlt.iiiyvveinlertli.it thu day of proper leverem e ter the men lu authority h.ts pts-sed, and that a low- scramble for Kill ami place is thu rule, net the oxieptloii ; that the men el brains, el honor, of honesty, of integ rity, are either net wanted al the fore, or that their liilluuuie is gene; tint littlu dema gogues rule the must, that all sorts el si liemes ami devices me inserted te ler llie puriwse el boosting men ler positions whose velres should uover be heard outside of the ward, village or hamlet in wlmli they lo le lo slde ; who have llttle capacity for and lai less conception et the duties, et the ijsitieus they are aspiring le ; w lie .no narrow-iiiiiided mid bigeltd, and whose paucity el Intelligence in all that pei talus te statesmanship or a kiinwledguut the J-ciemoel government is only exceeded by their eh uiity as Individ uals? Is tliis.m eveidrawn pii ture ? erily, this is the age et little men te the Ireiit. Se atleaslthinksoue who is proud te siihscrlbe hlmsell V Hei nne.. M.AKI IIAVJIA AVnl irilUI til tllll. llllliiK it IVll.lim lly l'erjuif, llm 1,'llllid suns Onitl. Henry ll.iiiiiiau, of i.ordeiiwllo, was put ou trial iu the I'nileil stales distncl court en Tuesday, charged Willi making a lalsu claim and aflid.tvit hi , endeiver te setiiru for himself au increase of pension. It was claimed that the ileleiidaut was net wounded while serving In iheiiriuy, but was injured while vverklngasii hiakoniaiieu llm Heading A Columbia railroad. The iluleiidant showed by llitit.tpuiu of his company mid by llie man slaiuling ne.xt te lilm in liiiuel battle that hu was wounded as alleged. It was admitted lliat he reenlisled altervvanls Iu Neviu's batter, hut it was proved that when hu unlisted it was with the understanding that he w.t,s te lie itssipueit te duty which would net luteileru with his crippled arm. 11 was also ad nulled that tliu wounded aim wits injured iu a railroad acci dent when he was eiiipleved as t brakum ill ou thu Columbia A Head lug railroad. Tlie jury alter a lew minutes di'lihoralieii, icn icn tleietl axoidictef net guilty. He w.ts tlo tle iended by It. Flank INhlumau. A Narrow Kstape at lliu Di'pul. Tins morning asthe News Lxpiesscauteln, ii woman ii, lined Leuht Peller inadu a nar row oscape I ruin being t rushed beneath thu cars. Shu w.ts en the track. The bell was rang mid the whistle was sprung by the engineer el tlie tittiii, but the woman did net hear it, mid ltiiiiainedeu thu track until thu ponderous locomotive was close uihiu her. Thu engiue wits reversed and its speed checked. Thus. I.uuily, the watchuiall at the crossing, haw the woman's diugei ; he called toher but she did net hear lilm or at least paitl no attention. He caught her by tlie arm mid tlievv her Irem the track. The large cios.s-be.itn el the engine struck her but she wits net iiijiiied. lu saving the woman's lliu Mi. Liindy niadu.i iiarinw oscqie Irem hav ing unu loot inn ever hv the engine. A I'Kiillir Atililimt. Samuel (irell, who lusidea in l'rovulence township, near Ml. Airy, was bully liijurud ou Tuusd.iy while hauling legs. He w.ts hauling lops with a herse ami a wagon, mid tlie wagon upset. Mr. (JieU fell under a heavy leg where he wits leund some time alter the accident. Hu wits unconscious anil was taken te his home, whom Dr. T. M. Iteluer, of Quarry v Hie, at tended lilm. He was veiy badly cut and bruised, but his injuries mu net serious. The herse which Mr. tlrell wis driving was a very quiet euu ami did net attempt te run, or the man would havebeeu killed. tll.XNCLS lll.li 'IHH-sTAIl:. llariisburg li.ts bright hopes of locating a I'allersen, N. J., silk factory within Its berdurs. It will uninlev everMK) persons. Thutliieclotselthul iiitedMllk Pieilucers' i'lotecttvo associalien el I'ennsylvaiiia, Delaware, Maryland anil New Jursey havu lixetl the w holesalo pi im let milk ler Juuu ul !' . touts ierqu.ut. In the uxaiiilualieii at Wliitu Hall soldiers' eiph.tus schiKil, uveiy thing passed oil iu the host manner, relleclliig credit en thoclli theclli cleat hit)ieriultudeut and his able assistants. Iai;u l.tterury butlrly. The thitly-llrst anniversary et the 1'agu Literary society of the Millorsvllle Neimal hi'Iioe! will be held iu thu school chapel en Friday, May 'Zi, nl70 p. in. An lilteesting pregriiiuiuu of oxerclsos has been proparetl. Letter Ilcl.l. V letter adtlresscil tu Dr. C. A. (iroene, llurrisburg, 1'a., is held ul thu lat)color lHstoillce ter poetuge. TllK WAKY PUKSIDKNT. UK nOUl.lt MOT MIX ll.llHKf.K if THE VAr-KLKVTUW MUIIDI.K. Onti of llie .IpiMilii of tlin Company tHtrrml le Prri'itrm n Slalcinrnl X lilt It VViiulil Mop Allathl I'puii llie Allntnrj (leiieral, Mr. clntrliiiur Ciiiitliiiis llrplj-. WAHiitstireM, I). C.,May la When thu I'aii-Lloi'trle tulepheiiu Investigating com cem inlltiH) met te-day the qiiosllen of admitting te the record certain documentary evidence, was taken up. Chairman itoyle stated that he saw the president this morning ill relation te Inoeriioratlng In the record a telegram re celved by lilm (thu presldent), en Kebrinry 1 1 last, from Mr. lleuttiuuysur, New Orleans, ami llie reply le 11, and had received iieriulssiuu te Include llie tele grams In the records. The original copies of the telegrams were produced. Mr. Van llenthiiyneu suited lu his telegram te thu president that hu cei.ltl prepare n statement ler til in (the president) lu relation te Pan. Lloctrie in titers which would step attacks upon thu attorney general and ether gov ern inent olllcers a statement showing that no gev eminent elllcials had signed the peti tions lur ii sujt against the Hall company, or was moving lu it or had anything te tle with thu government suit, and wanted te knew If It was desirable. Thu president directed a reply en February II, simply slating that he had no expressions le ui.iku or dosire te reply in any way le tlie matter. I'latf-s lur Itiiik lf-iltirlcii. W.Vsin.MireN, I). C, May 19. Thu lloiise coiiiniitteo en banking and cuneiicy le day directed the chairman te limit a bill includ ing Nashville, Omaha, Kansas City, Minnea polis, St. I'aul, Indianapolis and some ether cities In tlie list where national bank deposito ries shall be located. Ailjuiiriieil Wllliuilt .tttlen. Aihins, M.y l'l.Thefjreek Chamber of Deputies met ten lay ler thu purpose el elect ing a president, but adjourned until te-morrow without action. Tlm fellow ors el Al. Delyanni-', the lite preui'Or, wero present iu great force. TMoMate rusini5prs aiiieil, Wasiiinhien, D. C., May l'J. The presi dent aiHiinted thesu iestuiasturH te-day : Win. Kurleng, Freejiert, Pa.; lan'l Mc Carthy, Ilraddeck, I'.u Knur latally lejuieit. New Y'etiK, May 1''. lly an explosion or drugs iu a drugstore, at Hobekuii, N. .)., this morning, four men weiu fatally in jured. 'lliu IV.U.T, I'. Convention. Tlie county convention of the W. U. T. U. will open te-morrow morning at UiaDwith tlovelional exercises lu tit Jehn's Lutheran church. The forenoon and afternoon ses siens will be occupied wllh report el Huisjr- iiileiideuis, papers en tiuiureui subjects Hear ing iiK)ii the work, An; much of which will lie of Interest te all teiiisjr.iuce poeplo. The meeting from four te live will be Hi the lntorest et xeung women, and will be ceiidiuted by Mis. (iiun, who is also ou thu pregramme ler the evening. Shu will lead the devotional exercises, and Mrs. Nelly Hayley wlllgivoenool hercelebrated"Chalk Talks." The convention will held two ses sions en Friday, closing with a children's meeting from four te live, at which Sirs. Ilxy ley will give another chalk talk. The even ing session w lll open at TilO o'clock. I'rnm Nevr Orienint nit 1110001). A. M. Hill, 11. W. Fairfax and C. M. Fair child, arrived iu Uiuctster Irem New Or leans last evening, havingcemu all the way en bicycles. The young men are meiiihers of the New Orleans bicycle club ami ure ou their way te Ilosteu le attend the meeting of the Ieag"ue el American Wheelmen. They loll the Cresent City en April lijth, with the intention of making thu trip iu thirty davs. They camu tejthisvlty by way el it'uttysburg, Hanover, 'V.erk and Celuuibl.u While iu tins city they were Ukeu In change by thu Lancaster wheelmen who hIiowei! thorn around. This muriiiug at f o'clock they re sinned their journey te the "Hub" iu a heavy lain.. 'i in: ui.i't iii.ican i'i;t)i'iiiris Prophet LlwefsiOriest says .Suminy will go te Columbia Willi 1,OUO majority; and thuioare net enough votes theie te lieat him. 1'rophet A. J. Kaullmmi says theie is no doubt of .Slehuiau's election ; he knows no body in his town I'erSuiniiiy. Prephul Jewn W. Monter says Sunnily and Weaver will win htiyeml all quostlen. Prophet Lew. S. lliirtniau says Stehiiiau will win mid he will back it l-iy tl.OUO te t7.nl. Piephel Heggy Leenard s.tys he will bet $ 10 1 te ?knl that Weav er w ill carry the Third ward ; and that llarrwill m beateu ferjudge. 3111110101111 MlMlilt'f ami Asault. On complaint et Catharine lless, Ciotliel) Speecu was arrested for malicious inischiet .tud.iss.iult, and Charles Sisece for malicious mischief. Ceinptaiuant doiiesos that dot det lieb Speece cut down sumo trull tiees en property that she leased te him, and that when she louieuslr.itod lie shook Ins list uutler her nose mid threatened violence; anil that Charles .Speece cut away the limit slop of the leased heuse Inget soine pennies the children had dropped under them. I leth llie Spoeccs weiu held fur a hearing beleru Ahleiiuau Deen. A Happy llirtliil.i). Te-day Alderinaii McConeiny celebrates his birthday. We loiget just hew old hu is, but hu is voting enough le eujuy mero birth days huieaf ter than he has seen lu thu past. Seino choice spirits drunk his health Iu choice spirits this morning, and expect te tovive their own spirits by a tlrive te the country iu his company this evening. A (lilt te lliclr I'liHlur. Ill honor el the birthday el Uev. K. Moister, of SUStophen's Kvaiigellcal Lutheran church, llie members of his congregation iirosented him, en Tuesday, with a purse of JvO and many ether valuable gilts. nisMiliillnii ul I'.irluerililp. Jehn Hiinelsbach and Jehn Weber, who lmve been c.urylng en the c.uriage aianulao aianulae ing business, ut Chi isti.m Hlreet mid -Marien alley, have dissolved paitnership. Mr. Weber will cairyeu thu business at thu old stand lu the luturc. a rtiiin itauti. The band of the ".Si Peikins" cemiiai.. which appeitTH In thu epei.t heuse thisuven lug, made a street parade at neon te-day and attracted agreat ileal of attention. Thu mu sicians wero tit ti red iu "hay seed" clothes mid looked like countrymen. Ne two suits wero allke and the members wero their pants in their beets. The faverite ploce played by tliein was "The (Jlrl 1 Lett Ilehliid Me." A New Wrinkle, litldud youths who xvent le n ilance re cently given by soine careful poeplo who live lu Uiainercy park, Nuvv Yeik, wero paralyzed te liml printed notices posted about the drossinic-ieoni, which read: "II gentlemen leel obliged le Mimke during thu evening, cigars and keys te the park will be furnished en application te thu servants." l.uve leant. Thu Dunkerlove feast at I'elersbuig, jos jes lertlay, drew u very largu crowd. Candi dates for oillce ami politicians by the tlezeu weroeuliuud. Oatlt new the caiiilldatti-i Ithle the county o'er, lluzzlug with tliOBraiipeni.anrt Dlinlnlahtng their tore. Worried are tlie liiishmiilincii, llurransuiliiix) their uenls, Woiiileiliicliowto caul their vele Ou pelug te the polls. ANAitvmar iMH.se.w mmr.r.t). A l.rllir Which itilmlriilily -slum a tlie lit. tnlierriit Nature of tlin Alan, Cilll'Ailu, May ll. The odller of leading daily here rocelvod it loiter Inst 'night from Anarchist Parsons In reply, te an article. apH)arlug lu thu paper en thu trcatmenl of mobs in which the much wauled Parsons says: Mankind -mob or military are sus sus tiiliied lu their actions by the majority of llie brain lilted at the llniu by circiiiitHhuicustliey appreciale te control. '1'Jioniiighlyediiu.itulho ceiuuiunlly physically, meuUilly, morally, luiliiHlrially, politically. A correct ill. Htruclleii In and inelliedlc.il application of a rlghlueiisly inculcated tlisKislUen will result lu Justli e inultuin In parve. 'lliu l.tuiu ciuuil will threw away their criilchus. Men nf enterprise ami labor, many of your kind, vvlse anil otherwise, are sinking iu thu sluggish current of thu river of despair. Thu iHissossersof thu llfus.iv lug apparatus en shorn nre refusing te use them bociuse they own theui, and claim thu only right te iike thu fame, mid refusu te satisfy tlm brute fun e eTit net completely educated public sensu of preperty rights. The brutu lorce el thu near futuru will hu arbitration, the acceleration of Its adoption hurried prob preb ably by the dangerous hrute lorce of tlrsjialr dynamite. Tills world Is it garden. We must keep hoeing out the weeds, thu proud, the IMiwerlul, and otherwise obnoxious se that useful plants .Vllt have a liotlerchiince te exalt their exlsteme. This struggle will obtain and it-suit that the Utlest survive." lli'Klnnllig Werk mi lliu C'libaK.i Kluln. Ciiit'xue, May in The grantl Jury lieg.ui work en Iho riot cases promptly at 10 o'clock tills morning. All thu witnesses who have testilleil lofero lliu sevural Imjuusts en thu dead victims vveru present ami their testl. iiieny will be Liken and considered tlrst. 'pl0 shurt hand repoitsef their shileineuts will be Kid bofero the jury as collateral ovldenco. The ethor witnesse-i whose (estimuny will Iwar directly en the cases el Spies, .Schwab, Fielding aud Leuis Lingg will then be lit.ird ami thellndmgs lu thesu ctses inade up. AHer this thulusier rascals who are charged only wilh riot, el whom thern are lllleeu or twenty, will rctelvu attention. The state's attorney seeuiH te feel vorycou verycou voryceu liilent that he can make a very stiotigcase against thu arch ullouderH. llttt'tlillliril le lie it Slate. lit ken, Dak., May l'J At the statehood and division meeting held here Monday night, this lesolulien was unanimously adopted : Her.ihr.t, That it is llie house of this mass meeting thai ir Congress adjourns without passing any act for the admission of Seuth D iketa, or for dlv Isieu en an Hast and West line, and If the constitutional conventions shall submit te the i-oeplo the '.quos '.quos lien el thu repeal et section 1 of the or dinance, and if thu lioenlu shall vote le retinal said section, then it will be tlie duty el the st.tle gev eminent acting in conformity with the legal precedents et ether statea as they havebeeu ruJiidorsed hv the Unlle.1 States Senate this past winter, te assemble) and te enter upon thu actual di'ieliargu of their du ties ami powers. I.eikniil Nut I.lktly te Iji.t Leng. Tisev, N. Y., May IU. Although the look out is in fercu iu all llie Trey cellar ftheis, Willi tliu exception of that of Streltli.unnier A Ce., the ether manufacturers, (ioergo l Ide excepted, Ireely admit that it is net likely te lie of long duration ; eillier the ether niauii niauii niauii factutorsmiistcemo ilewn te llie lde prices or Ide must fome letheirs. The latter event ami thu trouble would ce.ise at ence. 11 is helle ved that lde will be forcetl te yield, hav lug all the empleyes and tlie majority of tlie niaiiuracturers against him Iu this strug gle. A rreinliittiit Nutv turker lit Trutlllle. Fuituts Falls, Minn., May lu. The grantl jury has found imlictiuuiils against Henry Vanarmaii ami l.'co. N. Cornwall, el New Yerk, for obtaining money under r.tlse pretenses. Tim lust named is a prominent citlen of New Yerk ami au ox-cengrossm in. WitrraiiLs for the aricstef both nre new iu the h mils el the sherill awaiting a loquisl lequisl loquisl Hen from tliu governor. lluury Yanaruani is a physician of Frank lyville, N. II. He was elected te llie 3'Jlh Congress and reelected te the 10th Congress. Hu is a Hep ii hi lean. hilllltilll'M rropiiftltlen In Sinltll, Ciir'Ahe, May P.). Patrick Sheeily, who has undertaken thu management of Jehn L. Sullie.iu, vesterday caliled the Louden lackers of Jem Smith, the Kuglish heavy weight, tillering their mail a giiai.mlea of $.I,IAM toceiiio te America ami meet Sullivan for six leunils iu the Pole grounds, New Yerk, July Ith next James Mutrie, of the New Yerk llase Hall club, vvritesMr. Khetsly that thu gieuutls can he secured for that date, and that au attendaucu uf Hilly '2"),000 poeplo may be anticipated. llurM- I'leelng l-'rulil Disease. Cimjinn.m'I, O., May l'. Twe stables el horses arrived last night at thu Lateria track Irem Louisville. They are thu llaggius stables, consisting of twonty-eno California horses and thu MuF.ultteu stables el Loving Leving Loving ten heises. They hav e Ixith been withdrawn Ireui Louisville, fur wliat cause is nut known though it is said theru is sickness among lliu homes there, ami they are brought here te oscape it. Among llaggius' herses Is the famous Hun All, which wen the Derby at Leuisv ille, soine days age. Vlaklng .Vlerrj Otet a rruuut)rt Hulearte, Jei.ii.i, 111., May l'J. "Dutchy"0'Keolei the Chicago ballet Ixi.x thiel soul te the Juliet prison ler stealing a ballet box from How Hew lands liv ery stable at thu spring election el last year was released from prison yesterday. A select delegation el " Dutchy's" Chicago admirers caine tlew u en au afternoon train es corted him te Juliet le await the Chicago train. They put iu thu time sampling cham pagne and making merry ever the release. 'I fiu i:inpenir Cliaupca lib! Alliiil, Hi ni. in, May PA Hmporer William lias given up the idea et purchasing King Lud vvlg's iititiuished c.tstleut Chlenige, Ilavaria, ou thu ground that thu king has stipulated that when liuislied the liuildiug must be au uxact model of the palace of Versailles, in eluding thu lepreil notion of the famous paintings contained therein. I'autlit lit a Helt mid Killed. Ha si W.vt.pei.i:, Mass., May 10. William Jehnsen, aged 71, ler titty years au ompleyo of F. AV. ltirdA Sen, wits caught iu Iho main belt, which he was lacing yesterday, uutl had his arm tern from his body, and was in stantly killed. He leaves a widow, seu ami two daughters. Husten Heard uri'iaile liunlveiit. llesi en, May 11). The Ilosteu Iieanl of tiaduhasliled a petition lu insolvency. Its liabilities aggregate tllJUS and its assets ?H, HCII. Thu hearing in the petition will be held May 'St. An elleit will probably be made te sell le the matlet eutside et llie court, as many Itosleu merchants wilt undoubtedly cuiitubiitu In thu liquidation of thu debt. Oue prominent ineicliant has ollerctl te pay 1,W0 if the ruinuiiider be raised. wr.Aiur.it rjtuiiAiiiLiriKii. t Wahiunoten, l. U MBy 19. Ker "f FjLsteru New Yerk, Kasteru Penn- Hylvanlii and Kevv Jersey, raiu, nearly stationary tumporature, seutheasterly w ind'i. Ftm T'lU'HHD.vv llniu is indicated for the New Fuglimil and Middle Atlantle btates xvitli stationary tomperaturo. J70KKIUN MAIL SKitVlCK. mi at m tii.AtMKti will urn nmnmri. ill At, TO ASIKHIVAS VOHMMMVM. A llrnlnl Ar;iiiiiriit In llm Miniae en Which Iteiirrnriilnlhe IMlMpa HllMTl al ThlNHt W Im Ate Aitani volt fur tlm lllll, en the llnitnitl Tlntt It I n HuUl.ly. W.vsuiNuniN, D. c, May 10. lu th Heuse, Mr. Kniulall, or 1'ennsylvsula, cull, oil en Iho wcrutary of the treasury ler In. formation as te whether llie loes of witneiwe ami jurors for ISM ami prier yours have been tld ; laid ou tlie table. Mr. Hale, of Missouri, ropirled back tlie Sen. ile bill authorizing llie Donlneu A Wa chlU r.illrii.ul t'eiiipiiuy lu construct a rett In the Indian territory. Mr. Dibble, el Seuth Carolina, reported joint lusoluileii premising n ceiiHtllutlnnitl aiueuduienl cieiitlng mul defining Iho oillce el socenil loe pi osldeut of the Uliiled Htstf . The Huiise then went into comuilttee el the whole ou Iho Seu.tln aiuoniliuenl te Iho poslelllco iippruprlalluu bill. Mr. Millard, or Nuvv Y'erk, brlelly ntlvo ntlve cited thu foreign mall sorvlce amondment, ceutciidliig that It would have u beneficial oirecleu Americaii commerce. Mr. I'helps, ul New Jersey, Haiti that the iiiiiendtueiit ami thu vele by which it was adeptctl iu llioS'uiiatuwerunuoncoiiragomout te the Irlends of Aiiierlcau slilpiilng. Mr. iileiuil Intorrupled wllh the point, that it w as net iu order te rofer te the action of the Senate. Mr. i'helps suggested that the gentleman should be proud ami net ashamed that elght Demncraliu senators had had the coifrage te vele for the amendment, lie had read from thu public prints that eight Democratic reub ters had voted te give new 8teaniRhlis lu Americaii conuncrce mid new Kirts te Amor Amer Icati initnur.ii'tiirers. Mr. l'lielpi thought thuineasiltu wasail-vatit-igoetis ani( ought te be passed, and, Haiti hu, " It will be passed, unless Heme niombers becemu frightened lecause soine gentleinen Gill It a subsidy." Mr. Hisoeck argued that the amenduient was net a subsidy, aud uiiilulalued that the question ought te be ami would be du du decldedeu its merits. The United States, hu said, was able In nearly all the Hues of goods which were sought by Seuth Ameri can countries te compute with Germany, France and Kuglautl. Thu piupositieu bofero thu Heuse was te pay le American steamships at best only it nie.igru couipeuHation for carrying American malls. The policy which obtained favor ou the ether side of Iho Heuso and vvith gentlemen en hisslde who seemed te be alarmed lust some steamship line would get soine advantages Irem it was this: that with tlie Lngllsh, German, and French lines paying fiO, 100 and 'Jen, per cent mero than the United Stales propeod te pay, we w euld let them carry our malls at the lowest possible price theclfcct et it being le drive American ship ping from the ocean. If theru was a governmental policy worthy el support it was centxiueil In the amenil incnt. If thore was a governmental policy which, mero than any ether, would advaticueur prosperity, it was this. A llh'AJtTUISyJUMI JU0ABTMU. l'enr Chllilren or an lllile Willow Hleirly lliirued lu lealli, AiciieN, O., May l'J. The little home of Mrs. Mary Meuney situated alieut a mile nerlli this city, in masfef ruins this morn ing, and iu a tub lu the yard nre the charred ami lrightlully illsllgured remains of her lour children, Themas, Julia, Nellie and Ltwrence, their ages ranging from li le 1 years. Tliu tlie broke out about midnight from mi over-hoatotl stevu, and when Mrs. Mtsiiioyaweko the building was ouveluped iu Iliimes. She took her babe iu her arms and calling le the ether children le fellow her, jumped liem a window and escaped with thechiltl with slight injuries. Her brother-in-law, Lawroiice Moeuoy, and her sun, slceping iu a ditlercut part ,il the heuse, also made their oscape. Lawrence Moeuoy, iu trying te rcscue the chllilren who were unable te reach the window, received Injuries treni which it is feared he will die. Thuciiusef thu little ones as. they vveie being hluwly burned todevtli was heart rending lu thu uxtreme. Mrs. Moeuoy it almost beielt of her senses ami u guard is kiqit ever her te pievent iicr liem taking her own llie. Itvu Clillifieit lliirneil tin Heatli. C VMiiiuiHii'i Mil., Slay .10. The house of Jehn H.iltimere, colored, lu Liukwexxl dis trict, was burned last night, aud his two children, aged three and eight i ears, were consumed with thu building. , A .Strike l'tai'llcally Kmletl. Cii it Atie, May 10. The great strike in the lumber district is practically settled. The dead-lock is at an eud and the bottom has fal len entirely out of the obstruction te legiti mate traflic. Mure chimneys iu the district were emitting black mnoke this morning llimiatauy time within the last fortnight. Hvery yard was working Willi till the bauds that could be used, mid overy boss was bo be bo helgod with mero applications for employ ment than lie could possibly provlde for. The planing mills, box factories and sash, deer ami blind establishments wero running as usual. J lis estimated that lully two thirds or the capacity of the cencerns In Hie district was lu tqioratien te-day. Fer the lirst time slnce the strike, toamslers drawing lumber vv ero ev ery w here scen at work. There was u general air orrevIvaUhroughoutlhoroglon. Thore was no furthorappreheuHlon or trouble from the strikers, and tlie extra police patrol wits withdrawn. The only guard kept ou duty was the HlnmaustroetHiuadofsoenty HlnmaustreetHiuadofsoenty HlnmaustroetHiuadefsoenty livo patrolmen. "U there Is any further trouble new," 8.i Id a luiuhenuau, "it will come from the men who are seeking employ ment and net liuding anyoue willing te lake them back." Iho oil Market Flint. Nr.vv Yeiik, May 10. A decldedly uorveus feeling prevailed in the petroleum market ut the opening of business ou the consolidated oxchauge te-day. The atlond atlend atlond iiuce et brokers vv aa unusually large. At the start pipe line certificates showed a slight degree ornriuue, the prlce beingCS, but bo be bo iere tliu closeorthollrst quarter of au hour thore was u decline teu7. X llttla later tlie market rallletl again aud ut 10:10 a. iu. there was au advance te 00. At neon the market was belng fairly sus'ilned and it was evident Unit the panle feeling wan abating Convicted of aialpnuUc. rSAi.HM, Mass., May 10, The jury in tu cuse of Mrs. Allce Gulirerd, cbar3ed with malpractice en J emtie I'olem, roiurued a xurtllcler guilty this uierulug. The ca9 gees up en exceptions. ... .,.ui j. ixrtl Hmlltliury. Pr.iurose League at her uJe.li ' ttMlay, w attended by an m2" Lertl .Salisbury, xvhe was Uu "J day, met with SSZVS. S.dly anmngilchtsofUle oemUy. Mr. Arlharl Vp ! v.vv Yen.f, MV IO.-.Ex-1'rejldeat vrthi r ' " ttrl,w unUl Xm u,eclt this menilug. He te net be well an eh yi- lerday. ?A f -? ..'f . .