THE LANCASTER DAILY INTEIjLIflKNOEK, TUESDAY, MAY 18,1880. s r uhhiiuy tiii'.i: ri.AiiN'j hmmv nteiim. In 1M .May ilny, can It pnmlbly bet 1 1't It'll iilnln uneiiitli for "II ) ' " l"' '1 ll It'ii lently snow Ing l th' hetry l'"" Khmer nnw falling U'lirtln ginsy leal flakes Heui a snow blossomed Hi'" Nn hh In wenilrr, llrlglil blr.H In tli"tr IIU;lil. K'mi hiilierillcs, paine Te view thiistiangeslghl Hew In II"1 wmhl could ''' cheriy tire knew, Kagernuly t" I""1' '" 'l,M"'iii '""I Al,,,r ll.iliiK lilrtlieutdf ihn celtl lum, I hstduwn Until winter's cold niuiw, Fliml frilllH'l)', llOOII flakes, In ii wondrous, nmrry whlil, Jiiit v New the Imliy chetrles peep out te hi e, 'I linn iiiiimii nun te their pretty heads In gh-e Alllm "play snow" bin or Iho cherry tree Mrtd Ilmkrll I'linum f:i,mn ids i,aii llrrn Are Meme Points ler the Itrpiiblh-tii Pull! liitl Aapliiiiii In PnndrrTlils Mrrk. Tim mijiiimiie mint mi Monday liiituleil ilewii u Miry 1 1 1 1 t Intit !h'h1imi In the ease nr ciiitiiiienvv enllli e rnl, iitteriuiy general against .liilui Leenard, co Issloner nr .Schuylkill county. Tim opinion Ik hy J mlKe I'rtXHen mill HllenlH the llrit linpiirtant Jmll cIkI llitorprntntieii liy (he nuprome court of llie primary election law of ItSI. The pre ceeilltig vviwa writ of iiie wnriiinlii by tlie t'tiiiiineiivvultli te test tlie right or Leenard lolielil hi olllce us coninil-eihmur of Srtiujl klll county. It ni ciiiii'tnliiil Unit tlie defendant was n ltepiihllcun I'linilliliite ler llie olllce in Imhi mill was duly olivtett by 11 large miijerlly hi tlie election nrtliHt jeir ; Unit tin was ilnly re turned ns ulivlml mill had entered upon lilt olllce. The t'liiiiinouvvealtli nllcged Hint delctiilniit liml In ii guilty el hnliury, frniul mill a violation let tlie elation lawn. This tlie latter ili'iilcil anil llie cue wan trletl ho he ho eron Jury, who feunil ler tlie common, wealth, jiiil the court passed a Judgment el ouster against the ilolendant. Leenard took thli writ of errer te the Niiproiue court imd the niibslantlal errnr alleged te have Ikieii committed liy the com moil pleas of Nelnil kill county was It lallure te liiHtrnct tlie Jury that thu pi mi try election law el lil wan net olio of the election lawn el tlie common. vvealth ami that tliercleru a lolatlen of It provlslenx would net l0 ii violation of the election lawn, The Hiiprume court holds, iiillrmlm; thu ilccM hi el thu low or court, that the primary election law it mi election law without the Intent el ms'tlnn nlnoef article eight el the coiiHtltiitleii, which IieIiIh that "any twrwiu who Khali, whllert cainllilalii for olllce, Im giilltV of bribery, Iraml or wilful violation of aiiyi'lociien Uw.jdiall bofbrevortlliUnlilltil Irem" olllce, nlc Judge l'axsen, nay "The constitution provides ler thu lulure atvvellns for the present. Ilence whim It xlmiKint a Uil.i'ien el any election lawn at worn In lorce when It wm mliiptwl, it mean any election law then In (ixlsloiue or Ihnro Ihnre Hltur In N paiieil liy the liiglilatnre wlilch that IkmIv loci a rllit te ihh. 'pi,,, arKUiumit Inii laltiHl te NatNfy Hi that the act in iUostlen ii nlijd'llonahle upon reiintltu tleiiHl Kreiinil. I'lH) proKHiileu that tlie leglilature may net prehlhit anil puniali Irniili at primary elivtlent ami iieminatliiK renvnntlfiiii N certalnly a neel ene. Tint argument tint It H net allil Ihhiiue It N net epriiily aiitherlI liy the iiin iiin Mtitulleii Is uuseiintl. The coiiMirHe of the proMiiltieu N true, that the leglilature may pv mich laws union prehihltuil Ireiu lining ke h IhoceiiHtitutlnn. The act In - notion I- a iwirfwt law in far a It xalltlity iiexuiiN upon mere form. It I complete within HhcII. It iltiiliini ami piiniHlieiolleii'MiHOf tliegravext character, the existence of which ha lieen known te mery Intelligent orHen In thu state ler many jiar, anil which, inore than au thing eNe, has iiuiliirmlniliHl ami weak, mu'tl our w hnle BHtetn of government. Te mi the leglilature may net lay it hand upon a public ull of mch ait pro)rtlen 1 te Hay tliateur government I tee weak te pro pre pro xere llaewn lile. Thore I net a line In the ceiiMtltutinii w hlch, In oxpres term or liy any rcavuialile Implication, ferbldH Hit IcglMlatleii." , te the question rah(l en the argument whetliiir I.iHiinnl wa a "camllilate" ler hi olllce prier te hi nomination by hi party within the meaning or thu cotmtitulleu, .liiilge l'axheu mjk; "Thowenl "caiuli ilalu" In the constitution I te Ikj understixxl in it erilluary meaning a. tlie pee pin umlerMiHHl it w liose vote at the ni11 gae that Instrument tlie force anil etlect e( erw'Hiilc law. nbler ilcllue the wenl te mean ' One who xeuk or aplre te Heme ntttcnnrprUilcge, or who oil or hlmselr for the Mine.' 'Phi Ii the popular meaning el the wnl ami I ileulitle. thu inemlng which the incmlairH of thu coiiHtitiitleual con cen con xentinu attached te It, anil the keiiki in which tlie Hiple regarded It, wliun they came te ote. V e thurofero iv In outry eutry day llie that a man I a candidate for an olllce when he I seeking such olllce. It 1 bog beg ging the question te ay that he I only a can can ulilale idler nomination, for many imraeii lime Uen elu'ted te olllce who wert) neur nominated at all. e held, therefore, that the (lufcnil int wa a candldate for elllcu within llie constitution a well 11 the act of lvil. ll while sin Ii candidate he wa guilty el any wiltul violation et any 'cloctleu law' liocemi dlr.vtly within thu constitutional prevision. What 1 an cloctleu lawT When the p'xiple limorteil In their constitution tlie word 'any eks Hen law' It Is fair te assume that they meant any law rotating te olectloiiH. 'I hat primary elections eoiue within thu inl chipf lntemlisl le I hi remedied 1 tee plain for argument. I nder our frame of government a atMHlPin of political machinery lia grown up, by which eUctlens Iiive been formally j ir practically controlled. It I he tar-reach-mg in il ellecta that the ople ha e In many Instances little te de at tlie (sill beyond the ratification of what had beeu already done by nominating i (invention. The inlluunce which tliose primary election liave hi en for geed or evil upon the politic el the country iHoverHtiailewlng. In many counties el the Ute, a I well known, a nomination by it convention el ene of the partle I practically equivalent te an election, The Importance of the relation or the primary te the general election must be apparent te uvery ene who doe net Hunt hi eye that he may net nee or Htep hi euh that he may net hear. "Ily the word 'any election law' the fmmers of the constitution ami the people who adopted it evidently meant it te lucluile any act w hlch the legHlature might thereafter enact ler the purMisoet purifying our oloo eloo oleo tlon. The act of 1SSI wa pissed te give ellts'i le Nils constitutional prevision ami It matters little at what Hlage r the campaign the traiid I committed. We are or opinion that the act el June 3, lvil, I an olectlou law wlihln the meaning r,r hocIIeu !, arlicle St, el the constitution. Juilgment Is atllrmeil." Thu Kililily Klter Of life Is I lie hloeil. i-rein It thn ayslein re (i Ivc nil Itu inatcrlal etginwtti unit rupalr. It Hew necuesarv then, Unit the Weed hIieiuiI lie kept jiuni anil Icli, lir. I'lnrcn'" liehlcn Medical llUcnverj-;" U the t'reat lilneil feed anil bleed pu rl tlnr. Ills a Mever lgti leini dy tei all diseases tluu In Im linvi'ilsheil Weed, tonsiunptleii, brniichllls, weak Iuiig4, ncretula, Inlliiuiua, and kindred UliuaaCH. iiiayl9-Tn, I'Kmsant w hun your cold gmu. Cough Sj nip drive II away Ited Star llaebOODOM' wliuiijeu have eaten , IIhii H()lll()N'r your breath te sweeten ; 'JVe SOoiient te aid digestion t llse.SllOIIONTaiulunH lioiimmleu. I'reservoyeur molar anil j en won't Itigicl thuiue or SOOUON1', Many peranng are mulcted with eruptions of the akin, bell nr iilccu. llrandiulli'd l'llls, taken freely will, In a nhiirttliiie.ciiieeruptlen phnpli nr bell. I Iter of long standing le' qiilie tiuatineiil ler some week, lint be assured that the worst fuver soles or obstinate ulcer will Kiuelj ilixippear If von pemcrvure with these Pill. rAintenRic, liudaniilii mid Htuivelylng nyrupa are given te liable by theughtlesi metljer te pelleve (olio and fretfulnim, hut parent el bright children use On. Hand's Celle (Jure, be i ansa It rellev e and doe no Injury i stubborn fact fiem experience. Canter 1)11 ler thu deg I but Da. lUnu'a l'lca9. ant I'tij uleferchllilieu and adult, mux 1 liml MVSU1AL. HUT1UKH. Ker taiiiu back, side or client, use Hhlleli's for fer nu I'lMtiir, I'llie'ii cents, ler Hale by II. It. fiwhran. Hi ugKlst, Ne. 1T.I North llucenstitet. The Impending Danger. 'I be recent Htatlsllc of the nundier or ilealhs uhew that a large majority din Willi Consump tion, 'lids (Urease may coiiimcnce with an uii parently liariiilt' cough which ein be cured III Btantly by Kemp' llalsam for thu'lhreutand bungs, which Is guaranteed te cure and relieve ttllcasu. I'llcoWceiitauiuHI. WrUU tittfrte. Ker sale by II. II. Cochran, druggist. Ne. u; North (Jueim Htrveb mk-lwd&llw AOHKAT lISCOVKIt. The greatest discovery of the nineteenth ran, tury Is tir. Leslie's Wpci lid l'rvscrlptluii for nick headache, whlili I thu discovery of an eminent physician and ucd by him for ever thirty yean before giving It te the public, and It .laud to day without a rival. Head aavertliement In Itnetber column. KATOHB,V. jr- (Mimvi:Mi, co. VinLADEU'lUA. I'UI.KS,T110I'IIIK AND TOKKNH MAIIK II V MKISItl. I, U.IIH Kl.l. A CO. 'I he lien Irk Cup, 'I he liwry Trophy, 'Ihndnntlciiimi lit 1'ldlailelphla Heuvenlra. OKICKKT ritlZKS. 'Ihn I'Hutnbi'a Cup, 'i hudcltyRtiurgCiip 'llm reniiiylvaiitii UcKlliieiilul l'rlre. '1 HOOP Pltl.Ki. Itlverteiitliin I lull Cup, lltreclers' Cup, I'hlladidphla (Inn Club Cup. (IIIN CI. I l rill.K. 'Ihn William It. White Cup, 'llm 1 ruing America And Itlveiiiiu'Itiiphy. DARK II A 1.1, PIU7.K '1 Im tlenrge W. child Cup, 'I he Srhuvlklll Navy PiUes, '5. 1IIIATI.MI PKI.K. Prlncnlen College, Metigur Institute, Hwarthiiiuru C'ollcge, CLASS 'KlhKSd. J. E. 90Q Caldwell Chestnut 8c Ce. St. TltOPIIV. l'lll.K AM) IOKKN JIAKKIIS. Careful Attention Given te Orders and Inquiries by Mail. WATOIIKH, CI.OOKH, ,e. WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, CIIKAP rOUCASII. I.ancaler W Ktcliim at the l-ewest Price ever nirnl i being a slockhelder enable inn te mill these watche mi cheap. Klgln, Walthaiu and ether watches en aale, Spectacles, Opera (llase, Ac. Kepiilrlugnrtliualiove named article will receive my puisunal attention. ., ., LOUIS WKI1KH. Ne 1WX North (Jiicen tt., opposite city Metel. (Near Pemi'a K. It. Heiiet.) -AKelller AUItOUA WA'ICll WJII.I. fAVKU. J (.'HANUr. OK MJ.S1NK.HS. OLOSINO OUT SALE. PPiARDS W. FRY, Ne. 57 North Queen St., Having associated himself In Ieniums with his brother. M M. t ry, will In order te devote all his attention te Id new huidiitss, close out Ids entire sleck, of WALL PAPKIt, MIMI'IW Mil AUKS, WlltK.SCItKlfNS, LACK CUlt PAINS, Pill h, Ac, at and below cost, 1 1 real put slaughter In prices ever known In the city of Lancaster. PHARE8 W. FRY, NO. 67 NOHTH QUEEN ST., LANCASTKK. PA. AUT HT WAI.I. I'.M'KKHTOKK, NO. IK I NORTH qiJKKN STUKET. It.VHUAlNS IN WALL PAPKIt, IIAUIIAIN. IN W IS DOVV Sll AUKS, IIAKHAINS IN LACK (.tlltlAlNS. .lust llecelved Anether Carload of CHEAP GILT PAPER At less than the cost of making thorn. Come Km ly or they w III be gene. WINDOW HIIADKS. LACK CUKTA1NH, POLKS, Ac, laiwiul City Pllces. ALFRED SIEBER, NO. 131 NORTH QUEEN STREET, I.ANCASTKll, PA. OUAU T It. MARTIN, AMD BITAIL D14l.ll III All Kinds of Lumber and Geal. ."Vard- Ne. 4i) North Water and Prtnce street, abevu Lemen. laiiicaster. ui-lyd JJAUMUAIUINKKS A JKKKKHIK.H. COAL DEALERS. (irfiui- Ne. UU North (Juoen Blroet, and Ne. h.l North Prince street. iiKiw. North Prince street, near Heading, PA. auglMia pr.MtAAU M. V. B, OOHO has removed his Ceal Ottlce te Ne. IMNOItTH (Jtlhh.N h'llihhT (llilmmer's New llulldliin). where order will bu received for Lumber and Ceal, WIIOIUSALH AMU lUtlAlt.. mutfil M. . ll. (Dim. AHT KNI) YAltl). C.J.SWARR&OO. GOAL. KINDLING WOOD. Dlflce ! Ne. an CKNTHK HQUAUK. lteth yard nd nitlce connected wltu Telephone Kxcdaiiire aprUl dMAr.U " VAUHIAUBH. UTANDAHI) CAltlllAtlK WOUIt. Edw. Edgertey, CARRIAGE BUILDER Murket Btroet, Rear or Poateffloo, Lanoeator, Pq, My Bleck comprises a large varletv of the Lateat Hlyle initie.. Phaiteiti, Carriage;. Mar. ketand lluslnes Watreun, which 1 alter t llie very lowest IlKure and en the most reasonable i call special attonllen tna few or my own de Bl?ii8, oneef which Is the KDUKULhV Cl.OSKD 1'U?a,.U,,.1 SOU!:K' wh'ch I ffldediy ll." nealeat, llnhtest and most complete Physician's Carrlau In the country. .. Persons wlshlnir te buy a geed, honest and substantial article, should bear In tnlnd that they take no risk In buyliu; my work. Kvery Carriage turned out In eighteen years a geed one that Is the kind of guarantee V have toerfer the public. All work tully warranted. Please give me a call. ItKPAlltlNU PKOMPTLV ATTKNDKD TO. One set of workuieu espectsily employed ler that purpose JOTK IS MAKINO OABINBT PHOTOaRAPHS . AT 30 A DOZIM. I lanla.tfY' lM TU QUKKN BXKKKT, lnl-ua Lancaster, iij our eoeDB. TF YOU WANT A OOOD AUT1UM', -IN- Summer Undorwear, WITHOUT PAYINO TOO MUCH MONhY FOIt IT.tlOlOTIIIC North End Dry Goods Stere. " ,1. W. IIYItNK, nevMyd Ne. 31 North (Jueen stieet. T UK NI'.W OAHII HTOUK. NEW CASH STORE, 247 & 2J!) North qncven Hlrcnit, Opposite the Keystnnn llnuse and Northern Hank, Opening New Stock Seasonable Goed3. Diem (loed lerHprlng. Klr-gant While Kebe for Hulls, Linen de Indus Mcteila Lawns, W hlln Corded Peciueas. Plain and Plaid Cam brlcs. Tim lierkley Caluliilc. New llatlsle I'lelln 'I he llernee and Cerallne CnrHels. lilerk and Cnlured Kid II hive. And a lull stock of Notions and Domestics, all at Lew Price. Please chII and aie us, lelrt-lyd W. II. IIOWKItH. J. ,M. (IIVI.KH A CO. LOW PIMCKM 0arpct3 and Oil Cleths. Inicduceniir Large Hleck nr t'All l't'I ami 1)11, CLOIIIH, we have marked lliem dew u Kic. teiV. a xaid under value, and they are new selling rapidly. Any person wanllnit CAIlPKIrt can new secure decided bargains, Prime flteained Fnathnrs, sweet and clean ; never smell. Ne ale the niilv benne w hn handle this duality nt leathern. Only 75c. ; worth &.'!. In "km-, ALL KINDS Or (1001)3 CIIKAP. MM, ll rOll CAMII ON 1,1. Jehn S. Givler & Ce,, CABll DltY OOODS AND CAItPKl' SlOltK, Ne. 35 EaBt Klu Streot, 1,at( vsisn, Pa. H AOi:it.l IIKOTIIKK. MDSLIN UNDERWEAR, Gauze Underwear HOSIERY, GLOVES. Embroideries and Laces. ttwlss Kinbrelderlcs, Kleuuclng and Overall in match Nalnrenk Kinbrelilcrles, Kleunclng and Overall te match. Cambric Kmnrnliterles, Kleuncliif; and Overall te match. ( dieted Kmbrolderles, with Dres Material te match. Kuibroldered ltnhei, Kcurlil Lace Nklrtlng. black and Kern. (Julpiirn I. ace rleuuctng, black and Kern. Kgvptlan Lace Skirting, While ami Cn am. fgypltan Lace Flouncing, While and Cicuiu, lhuided 1 routs, Corded Pique. Leen De Indc, Naluzoelc Swiss Muslin. French Lawn, Cambrics, Maiden. PARASOLS, Summer Wraps, SHAWLS, JERSEYS. Hager & Brether, J5 & 27 WEST KINU STKKKT, LANLASl'KIt, PA. T H. MARTIN .t CO. HEADQUARTERS Kilt SCREEN DOORS -inii- WINDOWS. W K ll,x KTIIK NK f'T I MPOV KMKSTS IN Sliding or Hvleiislmi ScreiiH 'III rll' ANY WINDOW. Oreeu, black. Lead, rlguied or Landscape Wire, prices from 3ec. up. Deers made upwlth best Wire, lien Cornlceii, Heavy Frame, complete l.ftn. Awnings for Windows, TIM tin; fancy inalii. hits. Heat Ualvanlzed nr llrass rliluic. WINDOW SHADES. best Oil Bhndlng, full size, Hprlng rlxtutcs, tee ; made up ready te hang, anv color. MATTINGS I.N HANDSOMK PXTTKItNH AND COI.OIIS, P1UCK1 ItlllHT. r'uinltureCevers and Slip Cot era made by expert Upboltierersat i.ev.ei-1 Hales. tin & Ce, Cor. West King & Prlnre Sts., (Opposite Stevens Heuse.) LANCABTKlt, PA. J. B. Mar CLurmttu. T1U1U1KH MUTTON, Spring and Slimmer CLOTHING -AT- BURGER & SUTTON'S. ..w. 1".n .".M.ew .nnn " "in l"t sleck of Keady. Made Clothing In thn sbitn and guarantee our Price Very Lew. business Hull at n. fi. ski, f ll and tlZ. rine Dies Dulls at Hi, ill ami lis. Coin pare our goods mid nwrm wllh ether hiinscH and be con vim cd that this Is the place In buy. ' All the Newest and lieu Styles of PleroOends for Ciistnm.w urk. wldrh we will make up in the ItcnlHtyle. rll giiaranlend, A full Linn of euibs1 and Children's Clothing Gents' Furnishing Goods. BURGER & SUTTON, Merchant Tailors and Clothiers, Ne. 24 Centre Square, LANCABTBB, PA T (1ANNMAN .V HKO. The Times Demand Lew Prices, LGANSMAN&BRO., MANL'KACIUItKltS OP Mena', Bey's and Children's CLOTHING, Are prepared te meet the wants of the peo ple : uavliig received this week from their wmkroemsaiintherlsrgelnt of abetnam Men's All Weel Worsted black and brown Corkscrew Hulls the sunn we am selling new at ts Oil; fully worth III i)j can't be bought nuvuhcre else for double the amount of money. HEADQUARTERS. (Irand Army ltcpubllc Indigo liltie Hultsat IIM, i,n, fiui, I1U.UI. Hpeclal bargains for this week In Children's inltstagu ireiu 4 te U) at ll.-a, ll.TM-' .'5 and "All Weel Suits at il in. M V) en, 5 no and tn w. OiioTheusaud Pair Waslilng Pants, simngly made, at T5c. a iialr LOW Pltlt'K.S AND HOOD THKATMKNI"IO KKltMUID ISOblllUCCKSS. L. 6ANSMAN & BR0 66 & 68 NORTH QUEEN ST., Ulghlnn thobeuthwrsl C'orner Orange Street, LANUASTKlt, PA. .. Net connected with any ether Clothing Heuse In the clLy. M YKKS KATHVON. SEASONABLE CLOTHINai The Best Value in $10 Suits, ALL WOOL, WKLI. TKIMMKD, and the best sewing that can be found in any Untiling that Is ettered for sale In Lancaster, 'this should be of value te purchasers of (leth Ing, as some attention should be paid te work, and net te style of material alone. In your eagerness tnr Inw prices, don't neglect the quality of material ami cned work. A FINE PLAID I (H very pleasing pattern, ler 8M.00. IN SACK OK tUTAW A. A Tasty Business Suit In liray Ceikscievv, sack or I ulaway, , 813.00. A NICE MIXED CHEVIOT In Light or Daik Celers, 812.00. A Ooel and Oomfertablo Suit In Gray Hantul, tkelelnn Ceat, 810.00. Yeu can always obtain the best Vidua here ler the smallest outlay. Muuiirurtnrliig I'letliicrs, NO, 12 BAST KINO STREET, LANCASTKK, PA. uuuvKuma. H mil ii kadi: cervnns. Une old (ievernnient Java and Mecha Cetlees, the best 111 the mat keb Our Java lllen ded Cellee BlMstks ler Itself ; rich and fragrant, 'i.: per lmiind. Very tine Plantation ltte Cotreed, eui best only 'jnc. per pound; ene very popular at 15c. Wowautveu lucid! and try our like Ceilee. The excellent quality et our Cedecs and Hue Teas Is making Irlends fast and 111 in. Our dally sales hIiew a steady increase. Fresh boasted eveiy day. A tall line el fancy (Jrecurles. Please glv e us a ti ial order. OKO. W1ANT. augviyd Nn. 113 West King Street. AT Ul'KSK'.s. Bargains! Bargains! Kerly Ouarter boxes Londen Lavcr, lllnn Hunch Kalilna, (; pounds In a box, Im 7i tents. A fresli Let Dedicated Cocoanuts, only 91 cents per pound. A llundied boxes (U.OeO pounds) l'lectnr A Oumble'a Cincinnati OlulneSimiat six cents a pound; tills Is factory pi Ice ; don't believe In selling geed standaid goods at coil, but our sleck Is largu and bought w hen the snap mukers had a war. Win, Penn and 1 dl's Cern at eight cents per ran BURSK'S, NO. 17 EAST KINO STREET, LANCASTKIt. PA, MTelcpboiie Connection, I-UK HALB UU MtKNT. F)K KKNT. A 'tobacco Warehouse wltn l'enn'a It. It. siding. Capacity ler slerlng 3,000 cases. Apply nv iiiu marlOtfd INTKLLlUKNCKIt OtPICK. F; 11 KKNT. Shet) In rear of Ne 87 West Chestnut street. used as u cigar-box luctery, and u shop ou Mllllln street, between Seuth Queen and Prlnce streets, lately used as a carriage factory. A loe a dwelling and storeroom new occupied by A, . Iiuuie iv as a druir store. West Klnir street. MYERS (6 1OT0N, re iv at van .r... -- -- 1NTKLL1UKNCK.U OmCK. rviiHtrvRK. fyKIXlTHH'H KUKN1TUKK 1)1 WOT. LANOASTHn, MVY 17, 1000. Temy frlenda nntl patron d I dralre te nay tlmtwoarebottor proparevl than evor todeyourropnlrlntrof nil klnda nntl In thobeet ponathle rannner. Hair Mattronaea raatle evor nt the lewest prloea cou&lstent with geed work. If you want your Parler Suit rto-uphelatorod In Plush wocnudeltohonpor than thone who buy their mnterlal by the yard nt retnll prlecn, an our roeiIb ceme from flret handa and are bought for Bpet Cash. We have the oheapoat and beat new Parler Suit In Pluah te be found In this or any ethor elty, which we are mnklnrr n run en for the next 00 days. NOH. 27 HATH, OUMMI'.H N i:VH. W. D. STAUFFER 8c CO.'S STRAW HAT EMPORIUM ! Tim latvnst, rrinst fashionable and most carefully selected stock In Lancaster City. ri.SK AChlNAW, llU.VSTAlll.K and JAPAN IlitAlDS, made up III the Newest and Hest Tasteful vies. Alse, a large linn el CIIKAPKIt IIUAIDI, made nil III Kleganl Styles and Attractlve uipes. lllthSSMlkAWMfleinlKc. up. ' M Ht hlmpes Children's Straw Goods in Abundance. LIOIIT MIMMKIt DKItllYB In all grades The licaiitifnl, Unsnrpassed, Light Weight, Noil Neil Noil llreakable WII.CO DKltllYH, and the l'retty, New, llellable " KNO.N," cannot be purchased any where cle In the city. HTLOOK FOIl THE 1IU TUCr.lX" llAT.jt W. D. STAUFFER & CO., Ner. 31 itnd 33 North Queen Street, Lan cuter, Pn. -TKLKP!IONK CON.VKCTION. VLUVKn AND TT '. KHOADH, JKWKhKlt. WATCHES. Klnn Walches for Ladles and Misses in Held, Sliver and Nickel wllh the popular "Queen Chain" te match ; also a full Una of dent's Oeld and fallvcr Watches at lower figures than ever ellered heretofore. DIAMONDS. Our ttecW In tills line U complete anil net Iks exrcllcil even In the MotrepolU, n aUn In qnallty and prlce. iUtnmliiK el prtcldtuatenuuft speclalty ; unlque OeiIkim et mhuiu (urnHlitixl toeii3(r. JEWELRY. Ladles' Ullilien Pins, dent's Scarf Pins. In Until nnd Silver, wllh variety of finish te suit all ; In short, everything new and novel In the Jewelry line. CLOCKS. Une Kronen and American Mantel Clocks with Cathedral denj; Strike; also a full llnoef Cheaper tineds. REPAIRING. llepali Ing entrusted tens will be handled only by master mechanics. H .Z. RHOADS, Jeweler, NO. 4 WEST KINO STREET. J,IK INHirKASUK VtHUl'ANV. c AKD. CARD. The Stibflorlber would reapoetfully Inform hla frlenda and the publle fironerftlly that he 1ms ncoeptod the A goney of THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO., OF NEW YORK. The Oldest Ufa Inaurnnce In the United States and the LARGEST nnd STRONOEST In the World. It writes the meat llbernl contrnet evor iaaued, nndhaa nlwnyH fnrnlahed Instirance at the Lowoat'Poeal Lewoat'Poeal Loweat'Poeal blo Ceat. JAMES H. MARSHALL, OO North Duke, or 20 East Walnut Stroete. C ARM MOTTO THAT ALWAYS WINS. HONEST WORK ! HONEST PRICES ! Philip Doersenfs Old Reliable Garriage Works, 126 and 128 EAST KING STREET, (NKAUI.V OPPOSITK THK LKOPAUO 1I0TKL), LANCASTKIt, PA. Nene But First-Class Mechanics Employed. A 1 Material, and That Only, Used PUICK3 TO SUIT TUKT1MK3. Abb WOUK OUAUA.NTKKU. BUGGIES, PHOTONS, BUSINESS WAGONS, MARKET WAGONS, And Vohleloa of Every Doaerlptlon Built Promptly te Order. A Kull l.lneef Vehicles In Stock, prepared especially for the Spring Trade. A Large and Varled Asserlment et SKCON D1IAM) WOUK. O.N 11AM) which will be sold at MOST ltEASO.N A lll.K PARTICULAK ATTENTION TAID TO REPAIRING. -(Uva us a call and examine the work, whether you purchase or net. DON'T reiltlKT T11KP1.AUK. Philip Doersom's Old NOS. 126 and 128 uuvHKvuuNiauina aoeva. s HIHK'H OAKHKT HAM. CARPETS! UKOPKNINU Or SHIRK'S CARPET HALL. We are new prepared te show the trade the Largest and Best Selected bine of Carpels ever et. nibbed in thlaclty. WILTONS, VKLVKTS, all the Trading Makes of MOllY ANUTAPKBTUY BUUHHKLS. THUKK-1'bV, A II-Weel and Cotten Chain K-VTliA HUPKltS, and alt qualities et IN. UltAlNCAUPKlH, iJAMASKand VKNKT1AN CAHPK'IS. ItAU and CHAIN OAUPKTS of our ownrnanutactureasiwclallty. Special Attention paid te the Manufacture or CUSTOM OAUPKTS, Alse a rull Line e! OILCLOTHS. UUUS, WINDOW SllAUKS.COVKULKTS, Ac, SHIRK'S CARPET HALL, Uer. Went KIiir and Water Sta., Lancaster, Pa. UKAISISII, SV. rNOKHTKUCTHH.K (1UAIN1NO. NOCUACKl.Ntl, NO PKKLlNll, NO HL13TKU 1NU. We have a system of graining w woenthal tnmt. In the near liiture, take the place of the old system en all uew work, Its uieills being as fellows! Total I abolition et a painted ground. work, speed and cleanliness In working It, beauty and transparency et lliiNb, smoothness aud durability, and the capability or receiving as hlghnntsh as haid weed by the same met h eds. 'this process Is the nearest approach te natural weed that has yet .been discovered. Call and see samples. UUTllltlK A SON, Sele Agents for Lancaster County. Heuse Palntlngand draining Kmporlum.cernor et Chestnut aud Nevtu Streets. Always a large stock of Mantles ou hand. Telojinene connection. HEINITSH'S Furniture Depot, and 20 SOUTH QUEEN ST. msi-lvd VAl'H, JtV, WATCH BH. CARD. AUK WUItUa. Reliable Carriage Works, EAST KING STREET. tV lydAw CARPETS! AT- leb'a-'imdAW B UMNKHH KllUOATION 1'AVH. Ne veunir man should enter Inte business Idle he Is lirnnraiit of thu manner of remilat. lug books. Naturul ability will net supply the duilclency, or prevent atTalra Irnut getting Inte coiilusleii. Thu course or Instruction as adopted attheLANOASl'KltllUSlNKSSCOLLKOK will boetudvautiiga tu every man whatever his fu ture occupation may be. It 111 teach business habits and attention te accounts, which will give Increased luterrst and suicess. ksseutlal te the success of the farmer, Mechanic and the I'roresslenal man, full particulars en application. Address II. 0. WKIDLKU, Prlucliial, Ne. 1UX Kast King StreeU s 'TOHAOE A1ID- OOMMISSION WAnBHOUSB. DANIKL MAVKK. . aecJ-lyd Ne. IB West Chestnut uul. 4 nurxun visa.! , i T.AN0A8TRR AND "V.A " .TABI.1 i:,?J,T LneMtt let -3 " mfmmm ftoe and e-rn a. n and 1KB, g-en, MM wl TiW . w I1Ka IWxi A.$PAlM A HA 1 1.MUA It LNOA,l-,d3JATavit.""MONA'i,, en and S&WM&NIWS rer l.'elitinhla anfl Ijincaster at 1.1sa,B.,)t niviiiHiidfi-lep. m. rer Oimrry vllle at 7.13 a. m. and .le n, , rer Uilckle at 7.19 a. m. ndn.inn. in, TIIAINH LKAVKCOLUMIllA rer Reading at 7.90 a. m 11 and 3.40 n. nv, Fer limneu at I3..U and S.40 p. m. TltAlNA LKAVK QUAHKTV1LLK rer Lancaster at fl. and 7.W a. m. ana . n, rer I'.cvdliig at a. in, and 1,13 p, m, rer laibanen ats p. m, ,''"AVR KINO STHKr.T(lncftsler, rer IteadltiR at 7.3n a, m., 1140 and S.W p. lu. rer Lebanon at 0.W a. in., Ute and MWI n. in. Fer OuBn yv lie nt ti a a. m., 1 40 and .& p. m. . ,;K- K tlNCK.HTUKKT ( I Jinraster.) rer beading at 7.W a. m, liseand AW p. m. f M,l;,i!!i,i,.ftt I7 ., uw and imp. nt. JUS iwSrrlMVlSKW1 " V- "" BIINOAY TllAlNt. TltAINS LKAVK RKAOINU rer Lancaster at 7.9) a. m. and 4.00 p, in. rer (juarry vlllu at 4 ou p. m. TltAINS LKAVK qUAHKYVILLK rer Lancaster. Lebanon and Heading at 7.1(1 a. in TltAINS LKAVK KINO ST. Uneaster,) rorlteadlng and Lebanon at 8.08 s, in. and Vt P-in. rer liimrryvllle at B SO p. m. TIIAINH LKAVK 1'KINCI ST. (Lancaster,) rer ltendlng and Lebanon and 8.10 a, m. and 4.04 p.m. TltAINS LKAVK LKIIANON. rer Lancaster at 7.45 a. m. and B:4S p. lib rer Ouarryvllle at 3 4.1 p. m. rer conneetlon at Columbia. Marietta Junc tion, lincaster Junction. Manhelm, Ueadlnv and Lebanon, soe limn tables at all stations. A. M. WILSON. BUDennundenU ENNHYI.VAN1A UAII.HOAD 8CUKU- ULK. Trains tAv LAVeAR-ria and leive and arrive at Philadelphia as fellows 1 Leave Leave Lancaster. 1:35k T. n-23a. m. 0 se a. in. 0.31 r. in. 9.35 a. in. osea. rn, e-ASa. rn. 2.00 p. m. : 10 p. in. 2 50 p. in, 5.30 p. tu, 7:30 p. in, 7:40 n. in. WLSTWAItl), Pactnc Kxpressf News Kxprcssf Way Passenger. Mall train via ML Jey. Ne.2MallTralnt Niagara Kxpress.,,..,. Hanover Acceni restLtnet rredortckAccem Lancaster Accem llurrtstiurg Acceui.... Columbia Acoein Harrlsburg Kxpress... Chicago and Cln. Kx.. Western Kxpress) Philadelphia. JllAip. ni. 4 w a. m. 4.30 a. m, 7:00 a ni. via Columbia 7:10 a. in. via Columbia 11:50 a. m. via Columbia via Ml, Jey, v' 4.40 p. m.; & 40 p 111. 8 50 p. in. 10-05 p. 111. Leave Lancaster. 3 4V a. m. 8-10 a. in. 8 55 a. in. o-ei) a. m. 17JSp.m. 2 05 p. in. 10-43 p. tn. iz lu a. vu. Arrive at KASTWAltU. Phlla. Kxptesst rastLlnel Harrlsburg Kxpress.. Lancaster Accem ar... Columbia Accem..,,., Seashore Kxpress Johnstown Accem Sunday Mall , llav hxnressl l-nua. 445 a. in. .a a. in. 10-20 a. m. via Mt Jey lltsa. m. 3:13 p. tn, s-oep. rn. B-45 p. m. 6:50 1). m. s-iu p, m, 4.4Ap.m. C 45 p. Ill Harrlsburg Acceui Tva p. ui. The Lancaster Accommodation leaves Harris. burg at 8.10 p. in. aud arilyes at Lancaster at 9:35 p. m. The Martetta Accommodation leaves Celum bla at C 40 a. in. and reaches Martetta at RM, Alse, leaves Columbia at 11:45 a. tn. and 2.45 p. in., reaching Marietta at 12.01 and 2-55. Leaves M arietta at 3.05 p. in. and arrives at Columbia cl 3 ui t also, leaves at 8:35 and arrives at 8.60. The Yerk Accommodation leaves Marietta at 7:10 and arrives at Lancaster at 8.-00 connoctlns cennoctlns connectlns with Harrtsbnrg Kxpress at 8.10 a. in. The rrederlck Accommodation, west, connect. Ing at Lancaster with rast Line, west, at 2:10 p. in., will run through te rrederlck. The Frederick Accommodation, east, leaves Columbia at 12.25 and roaclies Lancaster at li.51 p. m Hanover Accommodation, west, connecting at Lancaster with Niagara Kxpreea at 9.50 a. m., win run through te Uanover, dally, ozcept Sun. day. Fast Line. west, en Bunday, when flagged, will step at Downlngtewn, Coutesvllle, l'arkes. burg, Mt, .ler. Kllzaliethtewn and Mlddlotewu. triioenlv trains which run dally. On Sunday he Mall train west runs bv way el Columbia. UI.ABaWAJtK. H lOU A MAKT1N. The Celebrated $18,000 PEACH BLOW VASE. We have a porfeot fae slmile of It en Exhibition In our Window to day. DON'T FAIL TO SEE IT. WM 15 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTKIt, PA. tAVUMBHT. TyrAuniNKKy.ite. re STEAM HEATINQ latest and Most improved ENGINES Trwlien, Portable or SUUnitj. New or aocend-Uana B0ILE113, WATER TANKS, BKPARA.TORS. Miehimh or liar A Wem men as done and kept In Machlne Hheps. 0J.U. OK 01 ADDIBU, Ezra F. Landis, WORK3-B37 NOUTH CHERRT ,1 Lsaatsre. FA. Te ii Atjte 6 inTiNfiH,' heua m tnrt-t INU9 ANO rA0KKMl''y Clean, bought rer cash. ja.Met.INS Ne rti Pearl Street, Mew Yerk. Uelerence-rred. nchutui. he. Mi IJsvarl ' itijf, New lerk. rsui7-ifa ALf, AT HKIOAKrH OLD WINK c H1UUK FO USTON'8 BXTRAOT OF BK vikmt ia m weatn, bUbllshed, 178S. H. E. 8LAYMAKEH, AOT, lbl7U4 Mali Cat KJa Gllffl, 1 1 'I I . I TI M