Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, May 18, 1886, Image 1

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    - .f"-Vffl-IH!rt" )
a chriit.iiti,i: i'.iiiif.i rms
irii nri.n at
ll.r I'lipd. De .. Well A. Ill Oilier Si lin.lU nt
(.miliar (Ita.ln-llr. lllKlr I'lilule In 'I lirlr
limy I'lieekn ua it t tin.
ClMiea Him The) Are HInlliiK.
Tim mutual (ix iniliiiilliiii of t lift Mniint Jey
t.elillnis'i)rphiiis school was linlil Monday
Illuming and allien. s.n. 'I lin exercises liKil.
plum In Umi Impel nl llin liil!tntieu which
'"l greullv irewiled .mil imcninlnilahly
The pllplls lillinheitd i!, el Wlllllll stl
wernlrls. All w ure dressed well,
well, ii in I wiint through (heir examination In
thnilillemnl hrim-lits nl study vetj oindil eindil
ablv doing qmln us well us Hi" pupils of
public or nliilii m l.nels el similar grade ile
'I'Iiii exercises iiiiiiiinl ut S.'IO ii in. ullli
u wiiik liv IIiiiei'IiiniI which whi well rend
ered. l!ev. Dr. i:. i. Illgbne, slain siiHirlnlouil siiHirlnleuil siiHirlnlouil
eut, billowed Willi .rnjiT, iillur which the
iiM'iiil liuii'licrH t.illliiii Lckenrnde, r.lln
Detn-bert, Helen Knell 1 Mini Mlimlii Me-Ceiim-ll,
examined their classes In llni nrl
ciiih branches.
'I llll l'MMl'l'1'1 Wire OllllVCIted by XI HI! I
music le, llni gin. club w lib organ iiccntii
iiiilutitit, llie pieces sung lining "Hetter te
Liugh limn In "rv," " Lttigh t.r n Child,"
"Tripping Merrily " nnd ' I've W
i nriiiii;ii urn .Meadows "
I' Inl US I Ii In I.ISM It,
A I noun mi adjournment took ilnrn mill
Him llllli' U Ik-, tog. ther wllh slant! 7 . lilturx,
sat down hiiikeisl .llntier.
Alter illniinr II. e l..ivs Ii nl n 1 1 r III mid dinss
parade which was miiv prettily oxeoule.1.
At 'J ii'i'li" I. in Hi" nxorciiies worn rn
sinned in llmrlinKil, which was iignlu crowd
Ml Willi visitors mill pupil. Miss 11 11 li
tiniiliip cx.iiii Ine. I Imr primary pupils ami
seemed le Ihi prettil (il tlietn. Mr. K.
krel.lcr, prill, ipul nl t It it school, nxaiulnttl
llni highest i lass in tlm constitution til III"
( nihil stabs, In algebra and In literature,
nml It It nnlv hilr teN'iy tint tliti pupils with
out hesitation iiiishcie.I promptly mill oor eor oer
n liy fMTT inwiini put In llitMit, mill Hut
ililiittlniiH wt'iiiilr.iwii nt ritliiliitii Irntit it ti(t,
tint pupil nut Liiiiu ni); w hit lilt nr ln'r iiut
Hen uiuilil liti until it wiit ilr.iuu.
iu. iiiiiin:i ' viiimi tt,
In It nil (lin rlntti.t IihiI Ikhiii tit.iinllittil
liy llii'lr Imii'licrt nml llitiiliitttmiperliiltiiitttint,
mill llin 'kvi i lull Inn) haiik tlie ".Miirm tld't
Monir," " rim Murmuring St'n" vul hiuiie
tillmr pht im, 1 1 r. II IU'ii in nl" in iiililrmi In
III" Itlltr"!! Ill Will. Il ll" I'lllllpllllltltlltHl (lin
Iniii hiTt mill (Im ni pil-. tm tlm heim! work
lliti wtirti lining, nml iliifi'iiiliMl tint itimtt;ii
litiiiit nl tlm i luml Hptinit Hi" iitpepilniiH Hint
In. I Ih'CU i att tiwni ( liy Hut lll.w tptnt uli.l
Hut MiiIk iiuHiiintittt. Ilti Milnt"il te Hut nv
i lu'i ktil IihiiiiiI Klr't Hitini prettint tuprnCn
Hint tli" wtirti tint ttnrtiniKH, lull with wtill
ttil, well i lellitil, lin.illliy cliililrcii, tit lltitt u
lunly i.l Ihiii nml (jirlt tit lin Inn) hPen
Tlinl w I tin nit ihnI Unril, ;e nl IkhN, (Mrtitttl
iliti'lplinii ntnl rtKitlnr ItiililtM llitun r
tullt ' ml. I net linvti Imttti rn.irlll'd II"
heiii'tiini.t w ithfil Hiatlilttiwiit'liililrt'll wtirn
Mtlillt i'h hi pliant se Hi iltluiy iiiIkIi( lme liml
tint itiliinttiiit"t nt a tlK'Iplinri Hint lin lunl
l.tlit'il In u'Imi II. "in Hit rmlnie.l that tint
Ihis mi.l ttrlt i.r tlit. Mount Jey h. itttel fiiu
ptrfil wull in Ic.iriiint:, meralt anil Kt'ttural
IiimIIIi with l'..intll uulvtirtlty nr any etlmr
iiittlliilinti nl Itnrnliii;. Am te sum oyet,
itlplitlifrU or ntlitir tllteatet tin) "lllrmit ul
.Mount Jey Itive inert. or -un ii ailini'iil.t titan
IMII Ihi tiiilli.l In tlllt M'lllKil. It lilt Ik.i'II
ilt'iiiitiiiitMl .it n pt linu-ti, (I ui;litur nu. I
i"t it it ll." liett u'lutnt in Hut stHtu nml It
Wllliniil it titlKltt kirk pllpll. ( ii,tir(i. )
Itr. IIiIme i-lexil by H.tyiiiK tltat lilt nnxt
itlt wmilil lt'lit'Minr SprliiKM, wltirlt luul
I.WI1I lll-.Tllllt KH II "ltt.ll lielt-," lint w lilt Ii Im
"lpu'li'il te lunl in Kmul itiinlitiiiit.
tfl I i n in 1.1 . si it m.h i n
llnv. .Srltanirtir, pistnr of tlie I nilml
Hrt'tlirtii i Ituri-li.iiiailtiiiHpets'li In tlm ceunui
or wlilrli lin niM'rli'il Hint tint t'X.uniiiatl.ui
tiwlity pruil te litt littttttr Html
pnlillr or prlx no whoelt or Itilier grailtt
"l-i.w Imr" ami Hint Hut ponple or Mount Jey
kIieiiIi! Ihi jir.uul of Ii imiik hiipIi an Institii
tlnll Alliullt; tlituti. tin It 111 MtSMI tlie ptipilH
en Hi" pliiKreiiiiil mill en Hut slrtielx mul
Ittil iii.xi.r linaril nu unproper weril or kihiu
mi luipriiptir nrl liy my or (limit. Tlllt liti til
( In moral mul rti;iimt liiKtrtu liiKtrtu
(Iens rttnlnsl hv at Hut liainlt or
tlit'lr Ik.i Iiitm, who lii" Hi" MViupatliv Mini
init'tMii tlim iiinuitinlty tOMtrnimtlien Htuin
In Hut enlt .il t Iilv ham rm tinlly ntsinl
tlireiili. i Applnusi'. )
HI . I Dill. I 'S I I KMT ISIT.
lte. I). It. t'oeko, pisler or llie M. r.
t'liiiri'li, en in. mi; uitrtMliii'tsI s.ti.1 tliitwnt
lilt llrst Mstt te Hi" Hiltoel. lleltail Itnaril
tlm M'linel was net well rarwt (or . he liOfame
iiilnrstitl , sin Hut iKiyt mul ;trls en tint
t.trM(. llitty worn well clail, well Imhaxeil
anil tipp.irtitilly wt II letl unit Itappv. He bit
llps (hey tire liiillr fansl (or tlinn mmij'
cliihlri'ii nt heiiiii, whestt faiullliw nrt in (rtKiil
flrfuiiittamtis. llitrlnsml liycempliuinntlii);
Dr. Illl.i." .mil tlm inmi lgtiuiuut or Hut
1 III' II. A. It. Ill vim I ROM.
Chaplain A. ('. I.tienanl, or Htu t'OinuiiHtitt
e( 1'et.t lu,i,Min( te iunptH'ttlte wlie.-)l,was net
iiitre.luc.xl. II" sal. I liltlaith In HttiHulilitirt
orplianssi'iieois was net yotshaken, nml Im
littliOM'tl tlm Mount Jey si'ltoel was Hut ht'tt
ertlit'iu. II" liulitivtitl llie (I. A. It. Wat tint
Krealtitliirpinljtlen In llie werlil, nml Hint
dm hoIiIIeiV orphans schools urn Hut liest
trhoelt in din werlil. Hit IhiIIewkI that rlir'it
would nlwaw irliiinpli, liicluilln (ltHirk'eY.
WrlKhl, 11." worthy niniiaer or tills whoel.
Dr. J. S Hmnii.erthtttl. A. U coniiiilUeii,
iKtltiK oil Hlale.1 Hi, a he had been us te lifar n.lverxii ruperts In tlm nttws nttws
IMperw ritKiinlliii; this m-IiidiI, mul 1ml tiikiui
iimastirps te nsinrtaiii tlm truth. HavlUK
ntutliodpltjsleloKy, hyKlntiti, aimlrnny, nml
pnthnlOKV, he knew sninelIiliiK
td all 1. 1 Ihi'Mi httnlltH, nml lieaMirs as an vx
IKtrtlliHt Hi" lMisanii Klrls lietore ltliu iiru
Iteallhy hiiiI Hhert uvldunce liy their t lear
hkin and gdiHtrul upiwmraiii'e that duty ure
wull Iml and wull ler. Tlm doctor k'Mi
ftouieadvii'o In dm pupils tit te thelr tllttt,
Hlt-.tpauil htutly, iinii rmitioned them tn net
ltit etitslitti rniterls iilltKt (hum, as (hey wttre
in getsl hands.
d'tierK" W. Wright, pritii-ipnl el tlm school,
inatlii dm closing uddress. llu (linnktiil dm
lsltortirer tlifiir iilttinilniKO ; oxctised home
liiijrrtt'IIenii in Hut school liy statliiK tlmt (Im
inatreu was liy illneix ler some iiienllts pro pre
ttuli..l Irnm nlliimliiiK e Imr dntles. Ile
said Imhatl In en ler twule earH in chnrim
or dm choel, mid caniiel think el a hlnultt
elllcinl act el liln that he would recall te (lay.
In nil that limit nnin casn or Hciiulal or lin lin
itierallty has Lmwh chart..! iiKalnst dm school.
Tlm health or tlie pupils has been
itictillcnU HurliiK tlie mst jear tlie
dcilh-raln has bcen only ,t te tlm l,iKH,
liclnj; list Until mi" hair dm aoriu;e'iltiutli
rate el dm werlil, llu iltmliul ImjIuk tlm
lender or n symllcile te inn dm hcIkxiIh ler
Ht'll-iiilerr-nt, heiiiii he acknowlcdge.l (hat
Im litihl tdeck in wntiral t.rtliu Hchoels, nt din
request n tlm hh oral conipanles, boeatiso by
t'liiilbliiliiK tlietn iiuiler hit tnaiiuKiuuttit (he
cost or Put Ii M'htKtl was illtnliilsliml and Its
ellleleney lnii(attnl, llunsserted tliatttiiriliK
(hesu ttti)Uii ears iieuti el hit enijileyes had
nr nskiitl ler Hiipplltm that Im had net
promptly Itiriilshed. llu declared Ills ein.
jiloies ami tt.uehern hud been Inyul mul
honest j dial dm children liave len easily
nt dm Institution haxotmeii us retH'tablit uml
lin. l'.""'"'.. iv nun .s III" pUIIISOI ally
ether wliuiil In dm Main. Ile took pleasure
In thiinklinrhhteanlierN and ether empleyes
ler (he censlaiK care nml elllelent Instruction
they had liestew ed upon tlm Imjvh and e,lrls.
In coiicliitlen Mr. Wright Itivlttxt nil tlie
visitor te hiipHir, niter which they oeiiltl
leek nt the drill uml dress parade and lu lu
vjiectthu tpiartera el the boys uml girls.
Kverylietly .tayed for supper; If whs a
very geed one. Tite bread nml butler, ami
rusks uml rolls, uml drle.l lieef nml sliced
ham, uml cheese, ami spengs taue, unit
cminiid peaches, uml crack or and coiiee,
were Ju.t s geed a-s could bs beiijjht, and all
lujoyed them.
The drill and Uteis paraJa wero tip-top.
Tlm beyi went all il reused In new l.ltin tml tml
leritiH in it 1 went through Ihttlr OMilnlleiis
llke M'birniiH, Tlmlr exnculleii el tlm
manual nl nrint wllheut nny iithercemuiiiml
thnn dm t,iicil (hi) ilrilin wt very iKirrect.
An ttiiiitdiiii or t lin I'ritiittci..
All lnsKictleu el (he preinlscM, tttutlueluil
by H rominltlei) of (he (J, A. IC, showed
iiiany ilefii'tK. Tlm M'lioel riMtiii (or clinN)l)
tsclose, hoi, crewiluil iiuil poorly Miutllaled.
TIimuIiism loeuit urn net well arranged or well
liiriilshed, Tlm dining room It netliliig In
brag nheiil, Iheiigh tiveryllilng In It was
clean mill tidy, 'lint kitcheti lias u large
rang" In It and appeared te be runilNhiHl
Willi tint iitcettary cooking iileuslK 'flte
liens' bilh iiKtui Is us bad ns (linl'lilladulphlii
Iteeiiil reMirlil It -eeiilaluliig only two old
worn out tubs unit dm plckle barrel," no
ellnii iniintleuiHl by that pa sir. Tint titllar
under din main building tutitilled iniisty,
miiwiiuiamiiug ti rii-em application nl llni".
Tint uleeplng roeins In dm main building
wrirn eleiin, ami se went tint I.ihIh ntnl bcil
tllug, but tlie building Is poorly arranged
bit lluiticcenimndalinn el se malty children ;
dm stairways arc steep mid narrow mid
dangerous , the halls narrow ami tlie eull
lutlen peer.
Tint (toys' annex Is eviiu worn III lltese rtt
spects, dm stairway leading frein the llrst
le dm Hocend slerv belng ury stM.p ntnl tlir
llt'tilt te climb. 'I'll" room contains pi beds
ler dm ncceiuintMtuti'.ii el ..H luiys. Altove
(his loom Is n garret (hut U reached by a Miry
low hlulrway, he that a inan caiiuet get up or
tlew u without iHimllug hlinsoirileiililti. 'litis
room, however, Is Hcircely used except by
he.iH who Irein physical Irallly urn net pleas
ant .onip.inlens for clean and healthy boys.
Tlm play-room, guaril lituite or " cftil)
rtxitn," us noiue el the boys call It, Is n cellar
under tlm west pirt of tlm building. It Is
lark with low celling, uml has no etlmr
iiiruiiiirti titaii u lew rough benches. ,
On dm whole din Interior arrangement of
tint establishment Impressed the represents
live e( Hie In 1 1 i.i mi m hit tintnveralily, but
its them was net a sick pupil among tint J 1 1
til alttiiiilniicii, and astlKiiloreutor theui lit
ter. Ittwtsl declared thommilies happy, oon eon oen
(enltsl uml well caitsl for, lite rcvnrter tlldn't
knew tint hit ought tn tstmphiiii or cry utieiit
their ilepleruble roliilitleu.
Theg emuls In Irent ortlms.-heol are er
pretty, mid nicely sedded ami finely mIihiIikI
willi Ireet, the trunks or which tire white
washed ten height el ten feet nr morn, giving
them a livi lv aiiil.picttiretipie iippiarance.
'I lie pirn. Ih ground In Hie rear el the si'IhkiI
is clean, but net se large as It ought te be.
Silt. Will. Ill's .. VI ION HI S.iMI
it. t hi s
III evi'lli" of sonie el tlm (InriM'Ls iiIhimi
sMikeu or, Mr. Wright said Hut blium lested
morn with the state tit in with the managers el
dm school. Tlm stale tipproprlitleus are itev or
Hindu for mere than two yetrs at a timet.
and under tlm present law every child In
the school call Is. liken out el It w ilheill
warnliiL- ntnl witheiil rtslress te the niina
I'ers. I tiller this eondlllen or nllairs llni
owners are net warranted In iins'tlng new
mid mete suitable buildings. Had he known
that III" school would have Imshi he Iring un
der let charg", the wooden Hiimixes would
long age have Ix'.'ii tern ilewit, mid mere
. .Muni. kIii. us buildings erts'ttsl , but every
year there was talk of closing Hi" s, hiu.l, and
Hit. management tlolnrniiiie.1 te worry
through Willi such aivetiiuiiHlatinns as they
bid, essn'liillv as was known the number
or pupils would ileoretsn from year te jear.
w n v t nut vi jut itit.Ks think el tiik
1 rout brief interviews had Willi a large
number or old residents or Mount Jey, our
revirter round n great dillerence of opinion
existing as e the condition or the school.
Semti were eiitsmiktin In eonimend.itien of
it mid 1U inaiiageuinnt; ethers, who had
liv.insl It as a geed Institution In the jears
thai have pissed, believe Hut il ami the
ether soldiers' orphans s. hoels should I si
brought le a . lese, en the ground Hi it they
have outlived Heur tisoliilness nml the pur
siseler which ilmv went organied. Others
uriioulsiekeii in tlmlr condemnation el the
in iiiiigeniiint, as inellicient nml Iratidiileut,
the school in their opinion Isilng run in the
iutn..t r tlm syinlicalti Instn id el the illll
tlreti. ti. A. It. l'ii-l liiieilliiii
Pest I7 (I. A. K., et ML Jey, was in
spected Monday nv tilling by Assistant In
sss ter Nncuin, or (Hist 11-s, et Columbia
Tlm wtst vvat round te be ill a nourishing
cniiilitieii. Kopresontutlvus from swts Hi
and In. of this cltv, went present. Pest s7
is making exlensiie (or the
proper ebservaui ( .Mouierial Diy. '1 be
children el llin soldiers' orphans school will
bike pirt in the exercises and short addresses
will I." deliver" I bv the iltllereiit ministers
of the iHiretigh, itesmiAi. .vKil.t.
VlPihitrei. lakPti te n IjtrKn tVeaut
.-ry en Hi..
Sotueol our larmers have liulshtst planting
com, whlt ethers tire just Imgliiiilng.
Mi. Jes. llabaker rtsently lest by tletth n
v iluable horse.
(.eergit Hilt, Denegal's champion hunter
ami trapper, rtveutly caught a large ground ground
hen , this Is an animal that Is rarely cap
tured. A nituiber el cillle In this sectien niti al
Itfted with tlysenterj , in a lew casus l( has
proved fatal.
A prominent Kasl Denegal tinner said dm
oilier day that In. was almost bored te death
hi" acents Inst week. He says within the
last mix ilnj s Im was called upon by twenty
agents. Seven of litis list wero Republican
cantlld ties, but he s,ijs they are vvorwethati
agents, se Im puts them in the same llsL He
says the gre iter put or last week's precious
ditto was occupied In hearing tlm wonderful
stories et these itinerant men, ami he thinks
hels new K.ste Miltdcally ami otherwise
ler ears, but is waiting Willi outstretched
hands ler the next agent bang '
List Saturday our enterprising tanners
hail a large met dug nt Levi It. Nlssley's
mill te discuss tlm organization eln creamery
en the cooperative plan. The meeting was
called te order bv Simen I,. Brandt, alter
which 1 'red Fletcher was e'.tvte.l chairman.
The meeting was hugely ttttouded uml the
discussion upon the various topics spirited.
A large amount el stock was subscrilssl and
a building ('.munitien consisting or Jonas
Hosteller, Jeseph llabaker anil Simen L.
Ilraiult was nppolnled. Tlm building is tn
go up in the near tutiire uml the work
pushed rapidly onward. The next meeting
will hike place en Saturday Muv -"', when
elllcers uml a lieartl el dlrectiirs will be
11m tlrsnil LixlKe nl llil.l I'ell.tnn.
In the grand ledge or Odd 1'olletvs, in liar
rlsbtiig, en Memlay, Dr. Jehn Lovergoed,
high pi let, It was inputted that during the
p.tst year t-,i.-l hi was paltl Inte the treasury.
The iiiemberslilp has net iucteased during
dm ear. '1 he present iiieiiibershlp is 12,-.0,
showing a net fuss in iueuiberhhlpe( Hi. The
number or pc-tchm! pitriarchs is 1,711, uml
there are Jill working eticampiiieuls.
A synopsis e the roller report shows the
fellow lug nit uihiirnl patrlirchs relluved,'.',uit;
iiiiiuber or widowed families uiliewsl, Is
spent ler the rellel of patriarchs, (11,71.0,11,
for the reliefer widowed families, ?I.IO,.!l , ler
tlie education of orphans, fill1!; for burying
Hit. dead, f II, ICI.Inj ler special relief, J 1st), 10.
total amount paid for roller, .ri7,7u..,!ji
umur siausucs are as louews: increiseu
nuieiint or reller ever the preceding jear,
flUiLfill: amount or the rtvelptn or the on en
eaiupineiilM for ISST., firi.lii.Vi; dix:rease In
annual receipts, fj,tr.i7l; uineuiit imitl fur
l-r.iininj; iixisjiiscs, ri..ii.. m mini paltl ler
rellel anil working exHtuses, fsi,(Ml.tU ;
total assets reported by die encainpnients,
t"ler,'i.".l,'JI Increase of ussets during the iiast
year, f IH.IIti.lti.
l'miti a tubulated stateinunt compiled ty a
iiiemlsir It is shown that the eiicaiiieiueni
during tlm lerty years el Its existence has
received f 37,0.10,00 ; mld for roller, fJI,7'
paid for working expenses, f7,r.0D,tij. Three
eiicuiiipuiaiits have surrendered thelr char
ters since the last annual communication,
four have been revived and two Instituted.
ArruiiKtiiB I'm- lite I I), ll. U.Ceiiveiitluii
Altbe inoellug of HL Michael's society, en
Monday evening, n cominlltee of seven was
appolnted tn net with a similar committee of
hL Ilernarirx society, te niake niratigeinmits
for the national convenden of (he Irish Cadi,
olio lleiieveleut Union, which meels In this
city lu Hopleuiber. In all probability there
wlllbeaparade or the C'aliiolle societies ei
tliii and nelghtierlnfr cities, during the sea sea sea
Hlouaeftlio convention.
i.rrn.K x lkak iinpackkd.
llll! HAI.KH UP 1 1) It. t Wit l.tsi 7.I.V
XVI tUSfl'.AI.I, Tilt, II,
la.iilijht,la II. .mil. In tlm riiltrtilf.litilil mill
,Vw vurk Markrnt I'nlert fueffitil of tl.n
('iiatiitnn Ijitt H"tei.tliat (llini I. llin
Inipiirlrtlleii tit tint Sumatra I. cat
The local lohaive Mint lint is iUlet: din
packing of Hut 'H-'i crop Is nbeiit ended nml
the wateheiiset ele.ii.l, 'I lie fetelgit packers
am lying en their ours I'enteiuplatiiig their
prnstiecdvn prellts, mul ihn firmers are pre-
p.irlng Ihelr greiiiid ler the 'stlcrnp. Just
hew much they in tv plant is net known.
I'reliahl v iiIhuiI die same at last j ear.
Tin. .in I V hiIiw or old lnlitcisiriiMirltsl ure
SO rises lu Hilt ctlynild I .0 cases 's in M av av
eon ll. VVr.kl) Itn.Uu.
Krniti tint .New ertc lohaeco .letirinil.
The business nl the week was unusually
iliversllletl, mid u llltle better leellng was
rt'0itll!u. A Hllmulutit soemed te have
lajen luiinrled te the trutle by tlm large sales,
as ropertoil lu last week's edition, el eltl
tobacco, the price of which was unexpis'ledly
low. The btivers last week el l.enn cases or
Wisconsin seftl out the greatest uirlieu or it
at an advance, in parrels or Ireni :. te Km
cases. This lertned uu Incentive te dealers
tn purchase 'SI Wisconsin Irein the original
packers nml sales were rcHirtcd piile Ire
(iinutly nt prlcesstlll running Isitween llii,
uml 1' , cents.
A notable le.iture lu the market was the
sale of alsiiit intl.tises new (") New letk
Slain Havana seetl Irnm n picker te nu up
town inaniifacliirer II the price obtained,
which Is peptthiil.v 'pietetl ut In cents is cor cer
Iih'I, It leavts small margin te the picker,
mul even a small margin le dm picker is
something se unusual new-a tlnys that dm
event is wnrthv el Isilng chreuicltsl as one of
the red-letter tlav s or the tobacco market.
Old tillers el ndlleinus rharacler were very
much In demand, raising the price In some
instances te IT1 cents.
I or binders ion maiiul.ii hirers (ire hecJn.
itltig te make solis'tlens out et the new crop
packings, causing much depression for the
bimleisyet le be leiiml In tlm old stocks.
With tlm exception el 's,t Connecticut wrap
pers which urn still eagerly searched ler, ler
binder pursi-es, eulv lew old binders lelt
I'er vvrapis'ir pursnes en low grade cigars
old l'enitsylv inl.i mid old New . erk sLiles
form the supply. They very seldom re.ilire.1
ever llu cenls u sm'ud, morn Ireipienllv
though from in te 1 J cents.
ler en line etguis, dm tiade
seeuieil le have concluded that there is noth
ing left ler sttelt purMKs lu old lobicces,
and ns the new tolmves ure mil us jet In
that condition w hlcli might allow the cigar
limuillnclurera te Judge with any ilegte.i el
cerlalnty ns te their final thmacler, duty
11 ii il It exssllent le purchase nothing else
but Sumatra. Ami even lu taking this
course limy are mere than conservative, Inlsir
troubles and slbillty el belter stock lu the
i einlng new Sumatra prei tinting any ex
tended purchases. i:xstrters showed a little
activity ami sales which nutnbetisl nbeiit
N cases el nendescilpi, ineliuling all sorts
et eht tobaccos, took place at Irein l te '
Havana. The market actne: sales bee
bales, ijtiolatleus s. tefl Ii
Siimatrit As reniarkisl alsive, nianufac.
turers mid tlealers are Is'ginnliig le curtail
purchases el the old stock, hoping te Uml
tiiere snltalile It net cheasirgisids In the new
crop, shipments of which are en the way te
this MirL I mm the samples new en exhibi
tion, a r.ilr itiallly ortebacco Is extmcted
net, linwever, ary iiiucli Is.tter thin what Is
tillered in the ill here el old tobacco, but
allowing a greater HtiUs'tteu. The sales dur
ing tlm week utimlHirtsl "i. bales, mostly at
from fl b. hi fl it, dm prelricle.l dullness in
trade liuvlng . insed s.. me v. hat et a ilivlnm in
dm pre e. I'unhises at Irein flutteflN)
were reimrltsl, but in one or two instances
Sunt llni liiiiiirtall.iltn Cliiskf-.l.
I'rem sn inlerview wllh Assistant Ai
pralser Slurgis, in the n.iMt apsiars
that the strict enforcement of the present
law laing n duty el '. . and 7 i cents en Su
niatra toba.i-e has well nigh put a step te its
Importation. It seems the imstrters claim
the right te enter the entire bale el tobacco
at one itnilerm rate of tliity i ..cents) when
there is less than s-i jsir cent el light leaf to
bacco in IL Instead or complying with
their wishes, the customs authorities have le
return what they actually Unit in eat h liale,
viz., se many pounds el light and se many
peuinls or heavy lear teb tix'e, the light leal
p tying 7 . cents nml the heavy leaf 3.. cents.
' Hew cm the importers, under tlm con
struction or the regulation, claim the right te
iuiMirt the entire Uilo " " askisl a reporter or
the C. S. 'i.'.ucce liiiirmil el Mr. Murgis.
" ltis-atise the hale is the unit or commeico,
and dm law does net tlescrllHj any way in
which the bale should 1st (Kicked. This con
struction el the law, dm luiperteis claim, is
in their laver. I'hore is ucase new (smiling
In dm I'nited Slides supreme court te deter
mine this -itnL"
"About hew much has the importation or
Sumatra leal tobacco lallen oil since the regu
lation was Issued""
" 1 should think nlieut three-. pinners or
morn. What Is lniKirled new Is siui(ily
heavy leal. Nene at all el tlm light leal is
Isilng imported."
1'rein this conversation with all elheial who
alwnvs sided with the iuiHirters until SiH're
tat v I all. hlld enlerced the law, growers nud
iwi'kursiMii ststwhat subslaniial reller they
nave is'n red Irein the llrst rulings of the
present administration et the treasury ilo ile
itrlmeut uml its linn adherent'" te theui,
(ittia' ekly Itep.irt.
Sales el seed leaf lokicce resiile.l by J. S.
(lulls' Sen A Ce., lekn'c.i brokers, Ne. 1 11
Water street, New Yerk, ler the week end
ing May 17, Issti :
l.nlecases Ks Iscensin lluvana.lhfi IJ1 c;
IMi cases lssl Pennsylvania llav tun sissl,
lOt.tliv. 2'JI Ks-1 Pennsylvania, .( i,lik. ; -HKI
cases lsvr, shilu llats, (t. L; 1MI cases sundries,
Wi-lc, Total, ilul cases
Tin. I'lillailelplila Market
l reiu the 1 eat
Seed Leal S ties el cigar leil are con lined
very generilly le immediate daily wauls,
which at the present tune are ntt'essarily
limited. The prudent uiatiufactuier does net
leel Justified in laying in stock or making up
iiianiilactured gtssls se long as, the ptoseut
disturbtsl condition of the lubei question re
mains unsettled; uheielore his actions are
Miry cautious. Ilisidui seems te be te kcep
Ids vessel near shore and be readv ler emer
gencies. Prices are very unsettled uml lean
strongly lu laver or llie bnjer.
Sumatra sells iiitslorately.
Havana has se iiiany admirers that a sails sails
hutery business lollews lltoshew lug el A Nu
I gtsuls.
Hccelpls rer tlie wcek- .'tl cases ('eiuhs
dcut, IsJ cases l'ennsvlvnnln, 1 cases Ohie,
IKli cases Wisconsin, 101 cases Yerk sLile, h..
Isiles St ilru, ls bales Havana, nml MM
hlids irginia anil Western leaf tobacco.
Sales show 70 cases Connecticut, Uli cases
I'ennsjlvauia, :!7 cases Ohie, .ll'caseses llotl lletl llotl
satenle I lav ami, Ml eaten Wlscoitsleu, til
cases Yerk state, hi bales Sumatra, HI'I bales
Havana ami ill hlids Western leaf in transit
direct te luauutacturers.
litiiieln tin llii. Twe .lieu Who IVvre Killed
li IlieCari. Nritr liliizers.
Miuiday altorneon, Deputy Coieuor Henry
II. Kehrer, held iii.liestseu Hie U.dles erihe
two men who were struck by the cars near
Kiit70rs station in llie morning. Thejury
wlilcli was impanelleil, Reived In lielli cases,
audit wasi'eui(Kise.l et Ooergo It. Ilyrd,
Hubert Detiglmrtv, Oeorge N, oral, Nu
Untitle! Trout, (1. W. Mevvery and A. Him,
The Verdict en the man who was iu
stautly killtsl, was dial he came te
his death liy being struck by an engine
en dm Pennsylvania railroad. Tin. verdict
In the ether case was that Im mum te his
death Irein Injuries received by lauug struck
by an engine, at the saiue dine. Alter (be
inquest dm Isslles wero placed lu celllus,
which had lieeu sent down Irnm the county
almshouse. They wero brought te this city
mid were Interred In-day lu the almshouse
burying grounds. The names et the men j el
remain a mystery and nothing new lias been
learned concerning theui. In the Inquests
they are called uuk'newa uiim Nes, 1 and 2.
Wllkrsliane Wins Will, M,li lUnn-Sfirleini
C'lian-ra Aualn.t l.aiira.lfir'a Mstiscrr.
The Lannister club was tlefealtsl 111 Wilkes Wilkes
lti.rre en Monday by (he (emu of (lint town.
Tlm clubs ileltled miserably nml Denny
Mack's boys led wllh the slick. Tlie scorn,
lu full, was as lollews :
WILKrsttA'K u. ii. r a K la sons-mi; II lT"i-A'T
sltiiineiiB.2 1 ! I 2 2 eclnir. s.
Mclttc, I . 'J 'j it ti i(lMliiiaii,
Hlncuiii, r I it Ii1 ti Kttliiger i.
...K. "- . in.. . iirinii, v
stall?, n I .1, , .. i.i ,,
M'IIeiiiiIiIiii' I, .11
IISlllllllll,!' '! 1
Mrl.'airmy.s 0 I I
Mllkesliiirie 2 I n it e 1 x- II
buntiisler I e t it n it -i e ii-s
Knrneil nin.-W'llkcslmrrc, 1 ; baticaitcr, 0
Twe base hits Mi'ltec, llnsikt, liliin. ihtwi
luse lill-.Mcli. e. I.en en hiincs VVIIkesliarre,
'i; l.aiua.ler, 5 lloiilile jilays, tloeilman, Vlr
tne Hates Httilen Italliiian, HtaHr, 2 lilt hy
liltebcr llallinuii Wild iiltrhns Htnitr,!!, Duir,
I ; llyniliiian, 2 Pasantl halls llallliian. 2 llns
ney.i. 'I hiiiiergatiie (ine hetiratul 35 lnluiites.
Umpire A. lull.
Thugamosyeslertlay rosulled as fellows ;
At riiiladelphla : lUltluiore 0, AthletlcsJ ;
at Pittsburg : I'ltUburg fi, roulivllle 3 ;at
Stateu Island : Mels 7, ltroeklyu .1;atSL
Leuis: I'hiladeltihla I, SL Leult 'J ; at Chi
cago : Chicago K, Ihn ten 7.
At Altrsmatlm WllllamsK)rt anil Attoeua
clubs (ilajftt their llrst gaine. The former
wen In eleven Innings by 11 te 10.
The Athletics continue te miliar defeat, and
Ittloesuot seem te be the umpire's lault,
The Athletics liml Kllrey a purrler, ami
they only lilt him lour tlmes yestertlay.
Of the uliie lilts undo by the Itroeklyns
yesterday, McTamany had three and Oldlleld
Nick Bradley writes a lotter from his home
In New llrunswlck, N. J., te n friend In this
rlty, In which he savs: "I Just arrlved
home rrem the Sunny Seuth after one of the
stormiest trips en record." Nick wants te
sign with the Linc.isterc.lub.
Heb rorctisen ami his friends had a hli
time working Denny Mack outel liisosltIeu
ns nn American Association uniplre, and new
I ergusin hat resigned tn accept the inaitager-
smp mum .iieireKtiuiu citiu. rorgiiseu Is
mi old niauager, anil Williams, who had
Isicnme tlissatislletl wllh milord's manage
ment of dm Mets, roleasod the latter en Satur
dav ami 1'orgusen was np(ieInltsI In his place.
If the rain ktsjps up at Kansas City It
would be better te move din Loigne tanu
from that city. Thore Ins net Isten a gaine
there for ever u week,
Dallas, a member or the Lancaster flub
vv he xvas released en the trip, h is coiue back
te this city. ir all the stories told of tlie
management of the club by Henry flallagher
are true there Is little wemlerthat they win
no games. Oallagher treats the men very
badly and nt present but ene pp.yer Is en
spciklng lerins vvph him, A rev evenings
age the men held a meeting and nflerwards
asked Onlhigher loge lienin, as they could
net pluv uiitlei him. This he reriist.d te ilj,
but s.itd he witil.l stiy with the teitu It he
had te blacklist every man. Ile is said
te ls unlit rer tlm position, as he
knows llltle of bise ball or players, and the
wonder Is thai he was evor allowed (e go
away with the club. The players are very
anxious le get home, as they are cenlldenl
that they can make a I sitter showing here
than while away under bail inanageuiniL A
well-known nml rolluble gentleman, who Is
net n liall (ilayer, saw the club play several
games since they left Lancaster. He savs
the team has excollent material in II, but iFie
(ilaersnre bitter In thelr denunciations of
(ialhigher, by whom they are handicapped.
Terry Council takes Heb Fergusen's iilace
as an Association umpire. Keg Hern flrad
ley may get a (sisitien yeL
The manager of the Lancaster club seeuis
le be kept very busy picking up players that
ether (cams have cast oil. The latest acqui
sition Is Crank O'K.uirke, who was released
by Wilkosliarre jeslerday. The club net
only 1 icks Heme geisl pluvers but it is sadly
In neetl of a man tger. 'I here ure moil in the
te uu who are caiable el running il te win
gmues and m nney, uml llwj should have a
.i fihk iv iiitrmiitK.
Washington It. rhersnn's llarii Hurtled In
the lUrly Kimilng. i.u.l I eiirtfeii lleatl
e( l.lvn slot k
Tlie turn nl Washington Mcl'ltersnn, In
Driimore township, neir Chestnut Level,
witli all Its contents, was burned nlsiut 0 10
p. m, en Memlay,
Larly in the eveultig the women while
milking Hie cows In the stable heard some
nolse overhead, but (iai.1 no ss.vlal attention
tell, Isilievlug it te be either tlm moil work
ing en the bum lloer or children playing.
They leluriied te the house te strain mid
nut away their milk and finish up ether
household work, when about tiall.past six
e' lock dm barn suddenly burst Inte Haines
ami soeined te been llie at every pniuL It
was imvsslble te obtain ready or adequate
help te succor the live stock in
the building et te reinnve the ether
contents j and cense iiiently nine head of
cows, one horse, one mule and three calves
perished, lit dm general destruction. Tlie liny
and straw en the preniises, the larm imple
ments, harnass ami ether conteuLs xvere
utterly dostreyeil. The less Is heavy and the
insurance Is in the (hosier County Mutual
Insurance company, el Dee Kim.
'llie lire is believed te have been of incon incen
diary origin. Ne Ure was lu use en the
premises ; no traiii) or ether strange or sus
picious (sir-sons were seen hanging aUiut ami
there is no explanation of dm ev 11 itiutiv e that
could have tempted such a deed. Thore are
two Isitind children, a Imy and a girl from
the Children's Heme, en the place; and it is
supposed by some that they may have lsm
playing with matches: au'd have done the
I KAMI'S IV Till: M Ii.llltiillUOOl).
Ji vituw ii.i.i;, May K The Mcl'horseii
barn was one or the largest in the low or pirt
or the county. It Is new supposed le have
ls.en sol en llre by (we tramps vv he vv ere seen
a short distance from the building tist alter
tlm lire broke out. It was envied lu ls70eu
the foundation or a former one that was de
stroyed by lightning In that year. Mr. .Mi'.
1'herseu and his son-in-law, who larnis the
place, were absent Irem home when the llre
Titlti.ts iikss' neitv yavMt.
Tlieilgli Suturul l)at In llie Watet, the Ite
nmiiit Weie Welt rrn.irt.'.l.
The Issly of Tobias Hess, dm man who was
drowned In the Conostega at Slai kwater,
Ien in t Memlay evening Isitwoen fi nml 0
eVhfk by 1'itsletiik (iisirge anil William
Sweigert. The men went using a long pole
w 1th a claw loot uiHHi the nml of it, and they
catue across (he body which was against the
breast el dm ihiiu ami Immediately under
dm ev or Hew. Tills was nbeiit thirty feet
from dm place where Hess was drowned. It
was carried te w here it was leiiud by tlm
water, uml was lying ugulnst sonie sleues.
1 mined lately alter the body was found,
Corener llenaman was notified. With Dr.
Coinpleu he went at ouce te Slackvvater. A
Jury was eniianclled consisting of 11 Irani
Warfel, Samuel S. 1 ehl, (leorge J. I'ehl,
Antheny Hiiiiiiun, David Warlel and Hen
Jauiln Sliult. The testlineny or Frederick
Ueorge uml (loerge Stull, the two men who
were lu the Imal with Hess Isjlore the acci
dent, and (w e ethers w he w ere near by, w as
heard, The verdict was death from accidental
drowning. The Issly was in a geed state el
preservation and the man loekis! very natu
ral. The funeral took placethis altorneon ut
1 o'clock uml the Interment was made at the
Meiinonite church, Mlllersvllle.
Dtnikartl I.evn rat.
The Dtiukards or Hlver Ilrethren, orthe
Mld.lle Creek district, held their leve least
ut Iteyer's meeting house, In Dphrata town
ship, en -Monday, It wasan litiinonse gather
ing of the brethren nml sisters or the fellow
ship and el outsiders for many miles around,
ll is estimated that during the dillerent
services there wero 11 e thousand persons in
alleiitlauce. Including memlsirs el the talth
from all the adjoining counties. Thore was
preaching morning, nlloriieoii and evening,
in l'.ngllsh anil In (lerman, by ministers
Irem Lancaster, Montgomery, Letuuen and
Dauphin rouutles. The iniiltitnde was fed ;
the love feast was celebrated, leet washing
and ether rites of the church,
1 'l -t 11 1 1 II
I 1 II, I 1
1 i t. r.' i
I ' I' 1' A II
bleb, III . 0. tl ll II, ll
.' 2 Ibi.iicy, e . II I f, 1
!' I smi,,i , e' i, , f,i e
3 0 lltltlir. r ... n It n I ll
illHUIl I. 'lelal. . "iiTiilJi7
18, 1880.
UK .11 KV llll: ATTAVh lit" A
riKiivn xtiur.tHT.
mt a-
Alrismtrr llnl.r. llin Man te Ile Uiilmtiml In
UN I'rrann.r, Wlierral lie I'llm 1 itlrn
nt tlm Fniprrer nml I llntli Tlttirs
(pilrkly ntnl Itiially Tlirenn
Lovnev, May H. An rsvurrncn Is ro re
IKirled from Llvadla which lllustrattvs the
coolness ami phvslca! courageor Ihn czar.
One morning recently he slnrted out
te hunt, and was leaving the palate
by a rear staircase which he holdeni
iises. Just til the moment of the czar's
npisiarance n nuniber of soldlers or llie
guard were rushing up the stairs nlter a half
sivagabruLil looking inenjlk, whose arms
and hands wero Ixmuil by straps of leathor,
The piltoner was struggllitg furiously te os es os
eapo iitul Ins struggles became even mero
desporate when hesnw tlie C7Jir. The guards
tried te take him away from the czir's sight
but his majesty ordered them te halt and
asked : " Who Is the man ?" They explained
that he was n leader among the local Ni
hilists and had been prominent In kin
dling the lerest llres which had lately occurred
around Llvadi.i. " Let him be unbound
while he Is in our presence," was the
iinexK)cte.l order given by the czar. The
moment the man's hands woie lreetl he
crouched with his fingers claw lug the alras
though he would threw himself Isidllyeu
the i im and attack him w ith his nails. Sonie
or Iho elllcers or the czar's stall threw them
selves between tlm Nihilist and the cir, but
the latter motioned thein aslde, and without
a weapon In his hand, or en his persen, calm
ly awaited the attack. It came In an Instant.
The Nihilist made a tlesK)rate spring towards
the czir, but whlle he was still In the
air his tnnjesty caught hint by the
right arm alsne the ellsiw, and
with combined grip unit twist well
known te wresders, threw him te the ground
with apparently as much ease as he would
have evor thrown a boy. The Nihilist
sciainbled te his feet and again niadenslmllar
spring. This ilmu the czir caught him by
Iho left arm with llie sime grip and agalii
easily threw liitu te the lloer. The Nihilist
had by this time get enough or It nnd he lay
panting but motionless. The iv ir took n seat
clese by and Halt! le the vanquishes! Nihilist:
"New tell us what you dogs complain of?"
The prostrate Midlist at ouce liegan
a long and bitter arraignment of what
he nml his comrades consideieil the
crimes for which the czar .should die.
He telil the czir that he had violated
the memory el his own ruber by declaring
the emancipation of the serfs a ternble nils
bike ; that he had done his lssl te restore the
common people le a sLite or slavery ; that he
had made thousands of unjustlllable arrests,
accompanied by tlrcumsLitices el the utmost
brutality; that he had kept Innocent prison
ers centiucsl lu loathsome dungeons without
charges or trials, until death or insanity had
come te their rellef, unit that he had many
fines premised Kiissia a constitution, but
had never lullllled his pledge. The last ac
cusation itiatle by the Nihilist is said te echo
complaint which Is very provnlent among nil
the troops lu the Crime.u He said the czar
had taken all thelr host men away Irem their
farms and had kept thein Idle until seetl tlme
was past sethat they would have nothing te
live en it they went home. They hail, he
said, l.oen p-oiiilsed that they would be led
against Constantinople, where plunder
enough was te be had te make thein rich fiir
life, but instead or this they hud been kept
uselessly drilling until thore soemed te be
no presit or war In any quarter. The czar
listened te all these accusations calmly, anil
with the exception or n (irmly set expres
sion about the mouth nml a llerce
gleam in the oyes, there was nothing te
indicate that he was lu the least ilegioe af af af
focted by the Nihilist harangue. When the
Nihilist ceaseil the czar arose anil said
quietly te the ellicers nearest him :
"New we will resume our hunt," and the
imperial party left Iho palace.
The Nihilist was again secured and taken
te the cells in the bisemeut of dm patace. It
is understood that he was afterwards Hogged
te death.
inf. rutHT fvm.iv i'icmc.
rieisant lUettt nt Tells llnlii liy tlie Lancas
ter Sdiueieii x.relu.
The first picnic el the season was held at
Tells llaln yesterday, by the Lancaster
Schuet70ii ereln. Although there was a
geed attendance, the crowd would have been
much larger had It net been for the recent
rains which had dampened the grounds and
cooled el! the atmesphere. Theso present
had a line time lu the altorneon, however,
dancing te the music of Tayler's orvhestra.
Thore was goueral practice slioetlngduring
the day and threo matches wero shot. The
llrst was wen by Charles J. White, with
Ueorge Klrcher, second ; William Schultz,
(bird, uml (.oergo Heist, teiirth. lu the sec
ond match Charles Kranclscus llrst with
White, second ; llelss, third, ami oller,
leurth. lu llie third ami last, White wits
llrst, with r'rauciseiis, second ; Heist, third
and Kuapp leurth. The totals uiaile by each
gunner lu the three matches were as fellows
out et a total of 10s :
I ran. Itcut ;;
(.eeig.i Heist ... ... 7.
Micbur ;t
Mbultu , ;t
knupp . .-,
Uellci ,,. tv,
Hetiiuiul It
Kegel a.:
inciter 32
Among theso w he attended the plcuic wero
lieu Leenard, the politician, and Jehn Dallv.
n tinsmith. Neither was a uiomber of the
seclbty but they managed te get into the
grounds in some way. Leenard was lull et
primary beer and he struck Dally lu tlie eve,
blacking it badly. The result was titat
Leenard is charged with assault and battery
before Alderman A, !'. Dennelly, before
whom he has given lull for a hearing.
Collect Jluuer Awarded.
At a meeting of the faculty this morning,
the Marshall oration was conferred upon L
K. Ceblentz, the Franklin oration upon S. L.
Krebs mid the salutatory upon I). V. Manger.
The valedictorian will net be apilnted until
ulter the Dlagnethlan nuniversurv, which
takes place next 1'rlday ev enlng. 'fhe nvor nver nvor
age grade of Iho class Is exceptionally high.
The latter honor is conferred for excellence
lu writing ami speaking. The graduating
class numbers tvveiity-elghL Of this iiuiit
Isjr the billowing ten vvere nolected, lu the
order of their scholarship, te deliver orations
en comiueiicoiuont day : Coblentz, Krebs,
Mauger, Sanlee, Obreller, Wnlbert, Lutz,
Schueller, Kunkel, Llltle.
The contest el mombeis of the souler class
ei tl.e collego ler the prize which Is annually
awarded ter protlaeucy m the (Jeriuan
language, was held en Sulurday afternoon In
the college building, in the absence or one
of its members the examination was con
ducted by the majority of thoceiuiiilttoo H.
iv. luieurie nun .1. .mux Hark. Alter u
thorough oxatulnatleu the committee
unanimously awarded it te (leorge J. Lis Lis Lis
borger. "Of the remaining couiHitlters
severul were se nearly equal lu merit that
woleiiuil it liiiiNisslhle te illscrliniiiate ls
tween them. We take pleasure in saying
that all acquitted themselves with great
1U lull II.
Frank McSorley, foreman orthe Wilming
ton (Del). Sunday .S' in this city visiting
his friend Tem Mack. Mtsorley was formerly
a member el the ' Hlg Three" song anil
dance men, ceuisise.l et McSorley, Turner
and Mack.
lluuu a lilieit.
W. P. Madleui, city, wants a tllvorce from
his wife, Alary Madleui, en the greuml et
desertion. Ills allldtivlt sets lerth that alie
has deserted him for upwards et two yearn.
77 f. nrfirm.H'As Aii.vnr,
Tite rulllli lillii lll"irrn In Hrnttr llin Celinlrj
Kverv Republican iinlltlclnti who came te
town Monday went home with his H'ket
stulleil full orceiilosorihol.NTKi.t.KicNfitit,
which prints the news, nml of which Iho ox ex
Ira eilltlen nf 1,000 cojiles scarcely Rtllllt'Oll te
supply llteileiuiml. Thoiilltnlierof tha lallh
fill vvhncnmnte l.incaster was oxtraerillnnry,
nml mine el thein tarried lain. Atnll din head head
ttiiarters the leaders prolesxod le reel satis
lied wllh the day's evenls nml Its disclo
sures ; but It was noticeable that thoSteh-
man-Ketnii'iii men had rocevensl Irem ihelr
depression nf tlie week liolero, nml were
ImiisIIiiI mid liibilnuL They proresso.1 le'have
hill nleng their entlrn line nntl le ImicouII ImiceuII
tlcnt ; they wero sure of Ihelr own men nml
had gathered sonie its)ii whom (hey had mil
previously counted; the troubles In the
lleinpllebl districts wero adjusted and Hteh
mnti would held his own at home ; Kclnu'lil,
they claim, will held Weaver mero nearly
even In llie north than was ex poe ted, nnd
they w 111 conie te Lancaster neck and neck.
" The campaign lust closing has net been a
geed one llnaiiclally for the ward Isisses and
township werkers," Haiti nn old politician to
day. "The number of candidates Is tee
small, but next year the bevs will hav e a geed
thing or it, as all the blgofllcesaro te be lllled
then ami Irein (irosent Indications the crop
el candidates w ill be large."
A glaitee at the primary election tables for
a liuinber of vears (last shows In the primary
election et ls7 . there worn a greater number
or candidates veted ler than evor bofero or
ijince. i'hore w ere S! cnntlldatcs Ter sherill,
10 for reglster, 1 1 forceuiitycommlsslonor, II
iorclerk or the quarter sessions and fertile
balance et the cilices veted ler there were lis
The fight for assembly Is coming te attinct
mere attention. In the Southern district
Haltlwln leads and Peeples Islerglng ahead ;
the ' rts'ertl " or Hresius and lleidellmugh
en atitl-discrlmlnatieu gives them trouble,
and they have a geed deal el explaining te
In the I pper district .Smith holds his own ;
I'.leuirh Is recegnized at ene el the strong inen ;
Iviiilliuaii's Iriends ntlhere verv' closely te
Huntk, it Isbolleved, is net as strong ns a
woeknge. His enemies nre working en the
hotel-keepers, taking the greuml that he Is
a Ioniwraiii'e man. He has lest votes en this
ground. Heyd Is new bolieved te be the
strongest candidate en the Woaxer-Kiiiiiiuy
combination and he may slip through,
A raiiuiiM Character In I-unnuter County roll
tint Venrii Ag.i.
Dr. Jeseph It. Ilower tlled suddenly in
l'hlladelphii en Memlay, from paralysis el
the brain, aged 72 years;" and will be hurled
from the residence el his son James, who
lives at Sij Palm street, that city. Anethor
son, Crank, Is proprietor of a woekly nows news
iwper in Hryn Mavvr; ami the third son,
Charles, was lately connected with the Pru
dential Insurance company or this city. Jehn
MoNaughteu, or Lincasler, Is a brother-lu-law
el deccased.
Dr. Ilower was a physician nnd druggist
hy education and proressiou. He was keep
incn drug stere here thirty years; and m
lsis became a camlidate ler the nnminalien
or assetubly berore the Whig con eulleii ; he
solicited, only complimentary xotes, hut get
se many en the llrst nnd soeret ballet that the
politicians who had ridiculed his protenslons
wero dlscemiHted at his unexpocted nouilna neuilna nouilna
tlen. He was net reneminated hew ev or ne.xt
year and had only oue term India legisla
ture, botiigacellcaguo In the llottse with D.
(1. llshleiuaii, esq., r this city.
Ile lelt Lancaster about K.2, anil subso subse subso
qtiently romevod te Harrlshurg, New villa
ami Llizilstthtewn. During the war he had
charge el the Dai.phlu county hospital, and
alter the war hoenme back te Lancaster and
opened a drug stere at the cerner of Kast
King and Jehn streeLs. He was again soied
with an nmhiUen for political honors and
inade a canvass rer nomination le ihe as.
seinbly utone of dm Kepubllcan primaries.
He wrote In a "Ixmk of honor" thouamesof
nearly I.ebO persons who premised te vete for
him, but when the returns wero counted up
nnd he found only n ridiculously small (ruc
tion of this nuniber recorded In his favor he
changed the unmoor the book.
He was a man of n geed ileal of Inlelllgencn
and Ill-asserted lnlnrmatlen ; somewhat
erratic In his processes of thinking and om em
phalic or utterance , but lu eltl dais row men
were letter known,
Si.nie Kxmiatiein. nn Omnge street Thai Ke
ran Very Ol.lrn Da) lu I.inraiiter,
I here is frequent mention inade in old rec
ords of the " Orange htrcet swamp" which
Included a great pirt of tlie territory along
West Orange street Irem Christian le Water,
and also North Queen street abeve Orange.
The swamp long age disappeared and that
part or the city Is new substantially built up.
in digging the trench for the new water
main along Orange street the work
men have unearthed two heavy legs,
oue en top of the ether, lying across the
street botween the Moravian church nnd the
rasldoiice of the Mlsses Stelninan. Theso
legs are nbeiit six feet belew the present
grade of the street, ami it Is new reniom reniem reniom
bered by old sople that they heard their
grandparents say that when tlm Orange street
swamp was In existence thore was u leg
thrown across it as. i foet-hridgo evor which
the pious Meravians walked te and
Irein church. When the leg became
a llltle shaky another mere .solid ene was
laid upon top of Hand finally when the street
was opened ami the grade raised both the
legs wero burled unceremoniously out of
sight, anil have new been resurrected by the
pl(s) layers, and will be cut down te make
room for the new water main,
Dniiuagn 1 ur tlm N'.irlh Kiel.
The city onglneer has been preparing a
dralt el the northern section or the city, with
a view of aseerudnliig the drainage required
for that end et the city. The draft will lie
completed In u lew days.
Admitted te the Siipieine Ceitit.
Hosldes Messrs. Snader, Hestetter ami
franklin, noted elsewhere, in Philadelphia
en motion et 1), fi, Kshleuiaii, esq., IMvvanl
1. llrlnten, esq., of the Lancaster bar, has
been admitted te practice in the supreme
court or the state.
The .Mnjur'a Court.
The mayor disposed et two drunks anil
threo ledgers this morning. One drunk paid
costs, the second was discharged en promis premis
ing tn leave the city, nml the ledgors were
allowed te deparL
lilt renae of WtlKes.
Hostev, May Is. Tour el the (mi mattress
manufacturers have en demands nt Ilevore as
sembly, Knights or Laber, granted an In
crease of UiporceiiL te their workmen ; four
ethers hae satisfactorily settled with their
mnii uud are considering the matter.
Kea.l) In 1'Ik'iI ler Hume Utile.
LtiMieN, May K The Irish National
Leaguo has received from the "Ninth New
Yerk regiment" uml the Clan Na (lael society,
of that city, eilers te equip, transport anil
maintain lu the Held leu thousand ineu te
support home rule In I'lsterngilnst any and
all Loyalist opieslllon.
Tnflm Hunted nml Injured lit n I'lre.
I'e 1. 1 vim s, Ohie, May 1S.A llre last
night broke out lu the stage wenery 111 the
theatre at Weatervltle, Ibis county, whlle a
company wero playing " I'ncle Teui'a
Cabin." A panle among (he audience en
sued. The list el Injured nnd burned Include
twelve persons.
CWahiuniiten, ll. I!., May lS.-Knr
Kasleru New Yerk, Eastern I'enn
nylviinU anil New Jersey, (slightly
warmer fair weather, variable winds, gen
erally Moutherly, lnwer barometer.
Feil Wr.lisr.siiAv. Slightly warmer
fair weather li liiillcated ler New Hngland
states and New Yerk, Pennsylvania and
New Jersey, and local rains with stationary
temperature ler Delaware, Maryland and
a i'asiv that VAvaiti) me i.trttx
ril'ltur I.V TIIK MAHKMT.
I'rlrr. ' .rem ,, , nn ,., ,, Hr-M,,T ,
tlitlljr j,,E ,,,, ii,,,,,,, pnrtrtle
llaie iiiilln ti(1,ii.r Itlnrli Anxiety In
.ni viitk mul ritt.iiun:.
Ni:w -inii:, May laTlmre yM a pante
nt the ctinselldnted tolrnleiun anil mlnlnr
oxchnnge lu nil (eilsy. Price, tiunbleil
from 71 te Gf.J w Ith scarcely a rally, it was
roperled that the well-known llrm of J. W.
Craig. v Ca, or ttl Hreadwny, hail falleil.
This was regarded ns ene of Iho largest imll
houses lu (he (rxtle with connections in
l'ltlsbttrg, OH City nml llradferd. They
wero large ptirchasers of oil en high as 7S and
limy wero unahle te shitul the break in
AVanu Tlme In I'lttilitirc.
riTTRiiuiin, Pa., May K The Vander.
grelt Ne. I en the Hener farm, Washington
county, w hlcli coutlnues te gush forth Us oil
at the rate or 8,000 barrels per day proved
very demoralizing te the oil market this
morning. T he well Is new the largest tlow tlew
lug well, outsltle of llussla, In the world,
ami the 11 II Ii largest ever struck in Potinsyl Petinsyl
vanl.L The market is oxtremoly panicky,
oiietiliigi.1703,, andnt lH0 o'clock Helllnntat
(17 cenb. At this prlce halt n million lianels
wero sold In epen lieard for the ncceunt or
Cralg.V Lewrle, the well-knewn buyers and
extensive producers. L.xcltoment ranjilgh
at the oxchnnge, and ether failures are ifkely
te eci'iirdiirlug the day.
WI17 Crale KalleJ.
Otr, Cit, !., ray IS. .1. V. Oralu, the
well known oil breker, whose failure is an
noimceil, was long about 700,000 barrels
in this city. There is great oxcitemont en
the exchange here tc-Jay.
Twe Men Killed In it (leergla Tnnrn n Ilia Ite
Hiilt efa Ijilxir Treuble.
May Cuius, On., May 18, Newh come
from Mahunta, en the llrunswlck ,fc West
ern rallreul, ela bloody onceuntor which re
sulted in the losset twellvesand the wound
ing of povernl persens. Jvear by is the tur tur
plntlnery of N. S. Leary .v. Ce., nt whlcli a
large nuniber of colored poeplo are em
ployed. They were dissatisfied with the
manner lu which they were paid and falling
te get thelr money en Saturday night
struck In n body. Saturday night,
xvhen the passenger train rolled up te"
the dopel a uumboref the strikers began put
ting en their baggage, with the purpese of
leaving. At this juncture Leary and two
ineu ciine up nnd began throwing the bag
gage oil the cars. Oue of the Kenl brothers,
who had a gun fired at Leary and his ineu,
whereupon the latter returned the flre. A
llvely fusllade onsued, the men dodging bo be
ltlnd trecs and Imxes. The two Verd broth
ers were found dead en the platform after the
light ceased. Mr. Leary was serieusly
wounded and several of the strikers were
sheL The latest advices are that the negrees,
relnrorced by ethors, went te the house or
Mr. Leary, which is new bosleged by them,
and, Is defended by Sherill' Waldren, who
xv out te the rescue of the boleaugorod fatnll y
Fatal Kenulls nl n Kallreatl Accident,
JlnziLMAN', MenL, Mny 18. The eastbeund
passonger train en the Northem Pecltlc read
wasdumlled by the expansion of the rails
near Tort Hills yosterday altorneon. Hrako Hrake
inan mzputrick was thrown from the plat
Inrm nnd instantly killed ; Mr. Harris, a
cousin of President Harris of Uie read, had
both his legs badly crushed whlle trying te
climb out of n window; the wlte of the
Kev. (Jee. C. Stall was Injured internally,
and about the head unci i'.tce. Tlie Injured
persons were placed In the Tort Kills ho he
pltnl. A Slest Ilollliernte Murder.
Pw.T.AsTe.x., Mny 18. Sunday evenlng
near the vlllage nf Ualelgh, iu Navarre
county, thore occurred a most sousatlenal
murder. W. A. (larrett, n tenant en W. D.
Johnsten's farm, mihlet a portion of it te one
Jim Thompson. Recently thore was some
misunderstanding nbeiit the rental contract.
Sunday evenlng when (larrett, Thompson
and a nuniber nf ethors wero talking ever
various topics Thompson drew a pistol anil
without warning shot Oarrell through the
head. His victim fell forward nn his face and
Thompson tiirned him evor and shot hltn
again. The murilorer Is belng pursued.
Te lleiltire the Itenil e( dcarmukeri.
W'Asiuvtne.v, I). C, May IS. The com cem com
uiitteo ou ways ami means te-day reported
te the Heuse with lavorable recommendation
a bill reducing the bend of clgnnnakers In
proportion te the last reduction of the tax en
The bill was te-day rojierto.l in the Heuse.
It reduces the (sinul sum of the bends of
cigar manufacturers te f50, with an addi
tional for each persen proposed te be em
ployed by theui lu making cigars.
A Terrible llxploileii.
Kittannimi, l'a., May 18, Atene o'clock
this morning one of tlie boilers at the Klttau
nlng rolling mill exploded with terrlllu
force The boller heuse was totally wioekod,
end couslderablo ethor damage done. Solo Selo Sole
mon Wallace, the colored fireman, was prob
ably fatally scalded. Six tramps, who were
sleeping near the bollers just previous te the
explosion, are missing. A large force of men
are engaged hi searching among the debris
ler their Isxlies.
(ilaiUtnue Shern III Strength.
Londen, May IS. In the Heuse of Com Cem Com
eons this evening a proposal by Mr. Glad
stone th at the Heuso de vete four nights In
each week te the discussion of the home rule
bill until the measure was disposed of, was
carried after a warm discussion.
Dulrellaiul llajue (or Oilier".
IMttmii'IKi, l'a., May IS. At the Kepubll
can comity convention te-day Jehn Dal r ell
was nominated from the td district for
Congress nnd Hen. Themas M. llayne, freiu
the'jnrd dutrlcL The delegates elocted te
the statocenxenllon favor Mouteotli for lieut
enant govorner.
I'earre Muit .Serve HUBentence.
Annvi', Mil., May 18. The court of
appeals lias alllrmed the decision of the lower
court In ihe case of Geerge V. I'earre, con cen
vlctetl lu llnltlmore of having attompteil te
assault u lady at the Albien hotel In that city
a year age.
(III led liy uTmlu.
1'eht Weni'ii, Tex., May 13. IL It.I.elter,
a telegraph operator, whlle walking en a
trestle 45 feet high yesterday en the lenver
UloOrande.VHantjiKo railroad w struck
by a train rocelvlug mich injiirle that b
died last night.
Killed liy Cell'e Kick.
IKirKLANii, Mn, May ld-The I-J'
old daughter or Hylvanus 11 Jen. "f,r;
me Centre, was instantly kW Htrd.y
by the kick of a colt.
Haiiiuerk, May la-ArcubUbep 01b
lJ, s has J..t( reiHilveil elUel.1 nodflcallea
rn.iiilU.moer his elevation te the cardluil-
I'liiirili-CUt rimtuiuur.
Wahhinote.v, D. tt, May IS. lb
reurth class pesluiastera were appointed te
day lu Pennsylvania l Augtutus T)ltr,
Aline j Buarp Neale, ilajr.
1 ;..