Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, May 15, 1886, Page 2, Image 2

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HAlLT-Ttn Otnte a r. I" , y,0""r' "
rtarvrMftwCtntiaMntli. image Fret.
ADVKRTlBKMMXTafromTente FltV Ornfi
a jV4im
(JRfM AfM.)
(vmjsmed Every Wednesday Mernine,
Twe Dellar I a Tear in A dvanee.
QOBRBBPOltDKNCKleliciteA from every pet
(heitale and tevntry. Corretpendenli are rf
queried te tr it e legibly and en one title 0 the
paper imiyl and te tign their nenid, net or
BubUeatien. but in proof 0 geed faith. Alt
anonymeui Utter t will be cemigned te the imi
Addreit all Letters and Ttlegramtte
EI)C nwastcv 2fntclltgcnccr.
flood Werk HeliiR Dene.
Our esteemed Republican friends who
complain that their rascals me net bemg
found out fast enough, and our mere es
teemed Democratic friends who complain
that tbe ether party's rascals are net being
turned out with sufficient rapidity, w ill de
well te bear In mind that there are ether
Important functions of administration be
sides a change of office holders. It is well
occasionally at least te direct attention te
the fact that these functions are being ex
ercised by the present administration with
a fidelity, intelligence, industry and con cen con
scientieus,painstaking aire that will in the
end achieve for it great glory and for the
country great geed.
In the departments at Washington, with
their vast and complicated machinery and
hosts of emplejes, all the officials are doing
far mere work than they ever did before ,
business is being brought up that had get far
behind ; hours of labor are lengthened and
diligence is required where sloth prevailed
before; sinecures are w iped out and loafers
are lopped off ; claims are criticized with
care and decided according te the law and
upon their merits, net by patty and ier ier
senal favor; and throughout the country
a better system has been established, as
was illustrated in the recent remarkable
showing of the Philadelphia custom house
under its present administration, by com
parison with the slovenly and demoralized
administration of Hartrauft.
It will take the country some tune te
learn and te appreciate this change at its
true worth; but knowledgeef it will come;
the business interests arcliegiuning te real
ize it, and ence afairimpressien gets lodg
ment it will net readily be overthrown.
We are especially moved te this rellec rellec
tlen, for which we have ample otherjsug etherjsug otherjsug
gestiens in plain facts constantly de elop
ing, by reading the report of Judge May.
naril, second comptroller of the treasurj,
disallowing certain steamboat claims
against the government for sei vices ren
dered and losses sustained ever twenty
years age. A Republican administration
had allowed many of ihebf, which the new
Democratic administration disallows , and
no one can read Judge Maynard's reasons
without concluding that :
1. Vast quantities of cold, clean steals
are preteuttd in the Minpe of tliese hearj
2. That heretofore they have been lav
ishly allowed.
;i. That hereafter they w ill be honestly
1. That Judge Ma) nurd is the right mau
in the right place.
Tiw President' Iieiiicstlr Affair-,.
Some'ef the newspapers are trjing te
make it appear that Mr. Cle eland is
guilty of great social offending because he
does net tell them and the weild whether
or net he is going te marry Miss Polseui.
They represent him as putting her in a
U'ry awkward position ; for they consider
ately say, what a ternble mortification she
will suffer and hew she will be
compromised if, after all the talk, M10 fails
te becemea White Heuse undo ! It is not.i net.i not.i
ble that the newspapers which liae been
least considerate of Miss Tolsein's feelings
and least legardful of the president's light
te privacy about his private affairs, are the
most distressed about this last phase of gos
sip. They would doubtless gi 0 11 big pice
te get " exclusive" information en the suli
ject; wheieas they de net like te venture
tee near the tee of the White Heuse bout
in search of it.
The president is under no obligation te
oreaKine reserve which he has thus far
kept en this puieiy imrbenal and private
matter. He is in no way resnensiblH for
anyofthese reports; some of hisielatives
and mere of hers have talked a geed deal;
and probably most that has been ascribed
te them is the invention of the news-mongers.
It is their way.
The president rightly complains that he
has net the right of a private citizen ;
some of them, of course, he cannot expect
te have; but the ene inalienable privilege,
which neither the constitution nor the
newsnapers can take away from him, is te
marry whom and when and hew his
fancy pleases and his judgment approves,
and he is under no obligation te submit his
pregramme in advance.
Discretion lu Liquor Licenses.
Webelieeeur judges have disposed et
most et the license questions for the cur
rent year; and we ean be suspected of no
purpose te influence any pending question
in giving publication te the declaration of
Judge ltlce, of Luzerne comity, who
incorporates into It the deliverance of
Judge Agnew, ene that cannot be tee
carefully studied by courts, by theso im
proving nil applications for liquor licou'e
mid by theso w he oppose all. i0 adminfs.
ters a deserved rebuke te anonymous letter
writers; he might have included a broader
class who rail against licenses in general
and refuse te meet In n practical way, as
contemplated by Jaw and welcomed by the
courts, thequestfen of granting pirticular
licenses in particular Jecalit'es, with
the disproof of their necessity and pro pre
priety. Judge Agnew, who we believe is a
Prohibitionist as well us a temperance ad.
vecate, construes the law of this state as
restraining courts from refwtagalllicensea
te sell liquor ; that privllege-Tnccenipa.
ntcs tlie establishment of tlie necessary
number of fit places te cntciLiln ttiu trav
eling public ; and when the necessity and
fitness of these places, the character of
these keeping them and their ncconwied.v
tlonsare established, there Is only a sound
judicial discretion in the courts as te who
and hew manv shall tie 1lcened . net ns te
whether any or none shall be grata il.
The judges in Western iViui.svlv.iiii.i
whoiefuse all applicants, de net respect
the law; anil their position is net defensi
ble e en by the showing that their com
munities approve it. The judges in l'astern
Pennsylvania who licence a astly greater
numlier of places te sell liquor than are
necessary for public entertainment, show a
like misconception or disreg.ird of the law.
A little common sense among the people
would also be a great aid te judges who
want te steer by the law.
The Profitless Miirrj-.
These seem te be dajs of lesultless nota
tion and profitless wemnicnt among na
tions and men. Greece marches up the hill
and then marches down again. It ussia grabs
and comes away empty handed. Turke)
resists and wears away but slowly. Kim
laml fumes and only smoke nuse. The
United States lrets ever pnhgimy, the
fisheries, the tariff and civil service, and
its labereis strike for better wages and
shorter days, without taking iniuhtiy the
motion. There is restlessness ever w here,
and perhaps the outcome w ill be .1 storm
but mere likely it is te be a calm ; but the
uncertainty as te w hat is coming from the
labor agitation, which is of chief interest
in tills latitude, has effectually checked
business enterprise and pi educed for the
time a state of things which steps all
chance of increasing the profit of l.tKir, 111
diminishing itsopperl unit j ofemplewnent.
It was the encouragement given 111 the
outset of the J ear te a generally entertain
ed believe in the revival of industry, that
prompted the labor element te make
Its demand for greater remuneration The
belief 'ti the dawn of gixnl times w.u se
general as te cause concessions en the part
of employers, which encouraged universal
demands that had te be lesisted and which
have failed of success.
The premised business boom has lieen set
back for a tune and the question is for
hew long. The many enlei prises of capital
that weie contemplated cannot be eiecttd
te be again started en their way until the
relations of employer and employed Iweeme
settled and a fair assurance is lelt of the
cost of the labor that will enter into the
calculation of the contef contracts extend
ing into the futuie. There has leen a
sudden stoppage of wetk in all the
great centies of population. IuXew Yolk
it ul'said te-dav that eight liuiidiisl houses
which were te hav e been built this st.isen
have net jet been started. The army of
the unempleyeJ has lieceme veiy great.
The goebO that laid the eggs for
labor has been startled bv Us dem
onstratiens from Us nest. In tins grow
ing country such a situation is net
likely te be long continued, hut it
may be that it will be another j ear, 01
even mere, before we get under weigh again
with the fair prospect of industrial
activity which greeted us at the opening of
the year.
That vimorable chestnut, "n scarcity of
peaches threateniM." has already begun its
spring campaign.
Thk reunsylviuila University HtntleutH
1me prevented "The Ach.irm.ius," and the
Greek question must new be regarded .is
III. IMrOKTVTIO.N would seeill In be .111
abaurdityter a countrylikethis with its
area of frozen surface at the tar north, but
J,.!00 tens of the frozen commodity ha just
arrived in New Yerk irem Norway. A little
event of this kind Is the best variety of medi
cine for the high priced domestic ice men.
l.uvv. C. Kmeiu, the ureal iiien limit of
Philadelphia, has paid uver for m m
Hiiranee premiums and never clntn a dollar
en any less. And yet he is k itined.
I s connection w itli the election and declin
ation of Itev. Phillips Hroeks as assistant
bishop of the Ppiscepal dimesoer I'uiinsjl I'uiinsjl
vanie, It will strike a number el people as
decidedly queer that during the convention
a letter v as received by 0:10 of Dr. Ilnxiks'
friends in which Dr. Hrtx.ks ntated he had
learned of the use made el his uame before
the convention, and requested Its immediate
withdrawal by tbe recipient nl the letter,
ttilngthat he would held him ioeusllle
for the result 11 this vvere net done, and that
no mention of this important I ict w as made.
It is also passing Hlrane that .1 telegr 1111 was
received from Dr. Itroeks by his Iriends
upon the night et the election, 111 which he
poltlvely decllned te aivept the elllce, but
it was net uude public, as it was presumed te
have been dispatched prier in the ilev, of the
election. Ow ing te this puUmi; into irac llce
of ItbeHiiidll arts et the st-heii.n siliticlau
the vacancy will probably net be 11 1 It 1 before
Is the cluht hour agitation te end in
naught? The crusade Ter fewer hours el
work is said te have largely di-apoared
elsewhere than In Chicago. At New Yerk
It has been proiieuiued a pr.u-tual failure.
i:i.l.vriniii Caiiv SriMnv's arlhle 111
the May number of 'I he Cnsm, l,i,t,n Is said
te be a striking dcussieu el the question el
low -neck dresses.
It is net a comlertliiu rellectien for 1'hll.i
delphlaus tehear theioaretwoiity-tw-ndairios
lu that city where the cows are tut en di--tllleryHwiU
uiul brewery refuse.
Oonestooiued contemporary the (uarry (uarry
vllle I)st, the new ny monthly el that active
little town, comes te us greatly enlarged and
mucu improved mix merry mouth of .MrfV.
In the fullness of Us local new, demitic
u, ti"r, literary centents, and the general
enterprise of it.sgei.uplt gUesthe behtjiibti
llcatien ler its editorial foreshadow lugs of
early change te a weekly publication. Ter a
yearling It 14 a bouncer.
iikiiui trouble already, Uv. Dr. Vincent
told the young theologians out ut the semi
nary the ether night, when they became
proacheru, te study every play that came te
town, but uoverte gote the theatre. New
thore isnseiiHatleiial play advertised for this
town which anneunces: A mlnlsuir's wile
saw the play and says it did her mere geed
than all the Hormens she ever heir.i " ',.(lr
woman I she must have Leen ujudmiiumi le
listen te her liusluiid "exclusivity." Winann has wen wiili
the divorce referee, who decide that Mrs.
O'Koeto vvasnever his wlfiv, It is a nasty
A cuiKAi many poeplo will iiijree with The
Churchman that "there Is a rapidly growing
most reprehensible practice of using religion
te proiueto buainossauceesscs
A Savl ut CUum,
Deceased Wlle'a Klster mil :
fascinating brother-in-law te alster-ln-law
"Well, Maria, what de you think of the
IDeceased Wife's Sinter bllfV" ,U0
Maria: '0h, 1 don't mind, II they don't
make It compulsory." J
U.V VllhtlKH MBA.t
II llll.SK A3IK.S
Illril'n lljr Mm lit the Men (M VV riiltti lulinb-
III11R Tills irtlr Ai;rllltliiritl (iput. lime
Tlitllt llalill Haiti Kmtlilnl Tlirm
It, Aitituiulate Iiiirci' Ii-hii
All Insptstlun of IhtMlSM'ssuis' Issik mi Hie
III ttie umiinlsslencrs' olllce show s tint there
are ninny rich men in the county of Lauras,
ter. 'W hlle there are no mlllieiiaies "en
record," the books preve that there are
hundreds el substantial old farmers and
business men whose notes would be geed for
flve figures ami there are a number whose
paper would betaken at any kink lu thecltv
ler six figures.
Land lu the leuutv Is assessed in value,
according te the location and ipulity, from
J'JO te faiv per acre. The uv erage assessment
for geed land is ibeut l's per acrtv.
The man who heads the list, fe lar as
tneiievat Interest Is concerned, Is Samuel
Slokem, of Mdsbur. lie has te his credit
en the assessor's books Jljl.lXKt, and It is well
known that he Is large holder of stock money
of national batiks, and has ether Investments
In government, state and railroad tsmds
w hlch are net reacheil by the assessor. He
Is also the ew ner el iv. acres of land in S id
bury township, Mr. hlokem has mere than
one-half of all the money returned as at In
terest irem tausuury tewnsinis and no re
turns inore money than all the taables of
upper Ailainstenu, inrt, lirockneck, l nle
raln, Columbia, Third ward, Denegal YV et,
Eden, r.liatHjth. r.tisbethtewn, Little
Britain, Martic, I'mv Ideiusi or Washington
borough, and as much money as all the resi
dents of Lden, Providence, !rd wanl, Colum
bia and Washington borough cembiiusl.
OTlll n Mrs 111- Ml VN
The ethor riih men of the county will be
found IhiIew In the districts In whhh they
Curnarven township returns less than
W',000 at Interest, and it is divided in small
sums among some seventy residents et the
township. The largist land eVMiers in this
township, arelsrael Kerns, who has prvrlv
asescd at $lk,0ss ; Jehn Kurtr. at f-1,-00
Jehn M. Mast, at fl,X) , and ' 1). White,
at J la, son
Irem Hart township tnere ts fl.iei re
turned at interest and the largest amount mi
tbe lioeks Is $ .,Jif held by the estate of Dr
Jehn Martin. 'I tielarms in this disirli't are
small and are n-essed at from flO n f.O per
aire. The enlv large laud owner is Jeseph
Wharten. His ap mine place is assyvsetl at
f'JO, lii and his farms at jl v"1
In Ilreckueck township the money at in
terest is m snnll sums The land raeues 111
value from SI I te jni jier acre. As a rule the
larnis are small
In Clay township the heavy landowners
are lienjauihi Helliuger, who isassosstslfJI, isassesstslfJI, isassosstslfJI,
,iel, and lie has in addition (Nlitiat interest.
Hiram llnllinger owns a farm rated at f II.
7s, and has slJ.00 at interest, Henry .
llrutiaker owns laud assossett at S.le,iKJ, "and
Sam'l Hurkhelder has farms aggregating in
lu 1-Jist Civalice township Henry Lauseh
iscretlitfsl with ls aires 01 land valued at
i3, ICO, and has f .(Hi nt interest. Iteniainiu
Urulnker has a flJ, I1 tarm and :ii"e. in
vested In ludginents : Christian Keller is
credited with aJlT,').'. farm, Adam S. I utz
with ?1"),TV, and Jehn s. Lai with ?ii,tisii
There .ire a number of heavy land-owners
In West ( oialice township" Obed Murk
heads the list with property asef9il at JIJ,
Jl.'i. Isaac Kberly ew 11s a .KJ r.?re farm, and
lias Sis,m at interest; Jehn Herman pos pes
eses a farm el lis acres and has S1AO"0 in
addition; IUvid Melnmetz has property
worth 51,sj.i, and flNirti sarely iuvesttsl,
Hiram huyiler is credited with real ostate
valuisl at j-,le.i, and his jT.ihw en Judg
ineni ami ineriiriges.
In Colerain tewushipthe amount et money
at interest is net large. The. heavy land land
ew ners are The. Haker, w he is thn inwses-er
of J'JO acres, ui. ts. Dvvis has ? acres, aud
Wui. McKlvaln l."i a res and J,ViO invested.
A M vtnru in- LVlliil UMi uWSLlls.
In Denegal List ihere are a number of
large laud owners. Among them may be
noted Itonsen A Cot trull, whose blast furnace
Is assesed at a),uoe, deneral simen Camerer.
ewnstd,t acres of the most valuable land In
this township, and it is assessed ter f loe, ITT,
Senater Den Cameren owns .J.", acres el land
and the as-e.ssnr v at 11ns bis farms at f il.oje.
Cel. James Dultv. who lives m Marietta
borough n short distaiRO from soine of his
(arms, piys laeeu rwd esUde In this town tewn
nhip, valued at fse,T je, . . Cisselt has a
farm valued at j ,; The Chukies Iren
cempiiij v ta mi their turnace preertj
asseshed'at f.i.i,iKi, Daniel Lngle has (arms
the value et w lii Ii, ms'erdliig te the bisiks, is
JO,i,, and Itenjaiuiii Garber is"d
SJI,10.t, Mrs. Annie llnllin in lscredited with
f.kt.siOand Itenj. I". Hie-tand is down for
JsO.OTs, Henrv Hiestand has farm land of the
value et f'.joe, Jacob Hcrtler, je.Imi,
Christ 1C. Hostetter, ?-M."0, Hiram llerr,
S.J,"!'is ; Jen is II. Memma's estate, JJ'i,l 10 and
fll.loeatlntorost. Jacob S. Miimma, JU, IT.,
and Jlkncn at Interest ; Heniy II. Musser,
ti.Tiki , James MeCermiek, el Harrisburg,
JJiJ.Oi.; Itev. l'eter Nissley, $I(l,ii'.ll and
11,0011 at interest. Ilirr Sipingler, 5il,(j5 ;
Henrv, M. Watts, sS.,ihi , Jacob .. W inner,
JJl.'.iTO, Jehn .icih'r, ij,ijisj and t-, Ki at
Interest, and J.usjb erclier, fJs.IT..
In Drumore township William T. and
Hugh S. Jleyd own property valmsl at tU
3;H, and have i-"i Tm. at interest, K. C. Kd
wardshasa credit of JlT.ii-0. The Itussel
farm iu this township contains a 10 acres, and
it is assessed at fun an acre ; Kudelph .S. Herr
owns -Miacres of land , Jame.sG. .M1.Sp.1rr.1uN
farm is valued at Js t se ,,1,11 he has U,l5s in
vested 111 judgmeiils. Jehn Wilsen has a
fo.uue farm and Hl.lsl e'l invested.
lu Denegal West, Jehn I rulv owns a fJo, fJe, fJo,
0e.j farm , A brain 1 erney a j-p,j()0 farm ;
Jehn S. Garber laud at f.IT.'CU and 5Iit,J.v at
Interest, aud Henry M. (jish worth
of real estate.
IZarl township reports a large number of
rich men, among which are Henry A. He,
laud, who returns $es,jir at interest ; Levi
Hard, f 1A"ja ; Divid Hurkhelder, iu.TIO
real estate and J1(),000 at Interest, W. W.
Kinzer, r.7,ll0 :eal estate ; it. 1'. Kiner,
;.U,."i0 real estate and iJ.i,'yx, at iuterest ;
isa.10 Martin, real estate f 11,770 ; Henry
Musseliiian, real estate J", 170 ; Jehn Martin
a farm, tJo.eol ; Jacob Musseliiian, farius at
f'JC,7 15 and JT.OeO at interest; Jacob W.
NeltjSll.L'i"! aud $17,000 at interest; Daniel
Neli, fl2l,J2.'. real esUie ; A. A. C. F. Iteland,
real estate ?23,su:; ; C. F. Iteland, a farm at
fle 710 and JA071 at Interest; I. M.. .Slurb,
fil.Js" at interest ; Jehn II. Senseulg, a
farm at flJ.'iij and $10,000 at Interest.
whem: lew'.vsiiii'N 1.K.111 iii.u u.s.
Eden township returns only, at In
terest in small amounts. The farms In this
township are valued at trem fa) te i7"i fer
Ilenjamln Shealler, et West Karl township
is the owneref ItU actcs of laud valued at ?-!,-k'.O,
and has fll.'.ioe at Interest; h. M. .Set .Set
demridge is the ew ner el real 1 state assessed
at f 17,570, nnd pays btx en jIme at interest ;
Isiae M. bhtatler has a farm worth fill, 100,
and $17,400111 interest, and Christian Wen
ger's ostate has t!l,73'i at Inteiest.
In List lirl township Givirge Diller owns
a i.irtn worm ms,iiu ami lias tiu,.AV at
Interest; Jehn S. li dt has real estate assessed
at $ll,lis2and ?JI,000 at niti rest , Dr. .S. It.
KM'liiNpr.ijitr y is w.irth $IO,.S')aml he lias
also fjJl.iKie InveMtd: David Martin has a
(arm worth ?s,T15 and JI7.7H. at interest ;
lsiac 1). Winters has a ?11 010 farm nnd
JI,t"K)at interest, and I'eter .immeriuau has
tl 1,000 at interest and a tarm also et that
J. 1. Ambler stands highest en the Fulton
township assessor's hemic, lie his real estite
worth $11,011 and fl.r,irj;, at interest; next te
ldiu Is Jehn Hied with'i real estateand
$'.1,201 at interest; N. I). heett has a farm
worth f 11, sis and $s,uir, invested.
hamuel ltej eris the richest man In Kphri
ta township. He lias a farm worth J-Il'ii;,
and tse, i,u invesUHliu judgments and mort
gages ; Jacob Longnecker 1ms real estate
valued at 1,1 aud has $10,000 at lutnresl ;
Mary A. Weldmau is the poisessor el $T -ii-i;
Adam Uoiiiginacher Is taxwl for $.10 -iisii,
Gwrge K.ller his $II,K, real osUte
and $i:i,;is(l at IntertHt, and Abraham llovv llevv
uiaii hasfl'1,000 worth of real estate.
Ill l!llz.ibeth tewuhlup ISomU-rger A
Welghtly pay hix en U07 acres et iiietiulitm
land; It. W.Celeinan'a heirs Aft-fi acre of laud
valued at$o70e0, aud U. I). Celeman's heirs
011 1,300 acres, the assessed value 01 which is
IN i:Sl IIKSII'I 11:1.11.
Tobias K. DeuluiKer, el Hast Henipfleld
township, has $!9,2s5Hi juUrtt; Miss Sarah
Frant. owns a farm valued ut 513,160, and
?21,,1W at interest; Andrew K. Ilrubaker has
$2 000 at luleitst; Jehn K. Davis Is assessed
at PAWO; county Uommlssiener Uingrlch
Is credited with ?1U,0W, Invented In Judg
menu ana mortgages; Levi llarnlsli has
$),U00; Christian K. Leng, $'-'1,600; aud
Uenjatulu Musser, JJL.ViO, luvestisl in the
Hainevviy , lleurj M. M aver Is the owner nl
ISO acres et laud, asstwsed atShOper aire.
Abniham II. Miller has a larin worth or $1
17.and Ml.l.sJat lutorest; Martin Mssh.y
Is put down In the books as having a,
$A"'0 heusii, he Is the owner of one
herse and ene carriage, he does net
hav e an v waU lies, either mild or silvei. 'l
siilllcleut value te be taxed, but he has J .
mm Mlel A Invested In Judgments ami moil
giges, reter 11. lienrer owns a line larin
which the assessor savs Is worth $s 10 mid
hepavsa ta enftl, UU; for inenev at inter
est ; lHnlel Kelirer Is the owner or' a I icie
linn unit his $. 1 mil Invested . senator stuh
man lives lu this district and he is . redited
with a horse, a fiicew, a $. irmge and
has Jl.tsViU Interest . his wife Is the ew ner
et 11 farm assessed at $SI,re.i and has ; I e at
1 11 West llempiield township the Cerdelia
Iren cempanv piv ta en prepenv assesscil
at $J7,.')0i); C. Ik Grubbeu $iV.,oeo "the Chest
nut Hill Iren comp my en fltv,noe. the Chlck
ies Iren comp 111 v en $.V,ei'0, and l H
Grubb's heirs 011 $2,000; Henrv N. I. by is
the ew ner et a l.'s acre tarm ; Jehn C. l'e'rre.v
has $-."J.JT . w erth of real estate and $1 l,uu at
inlerest . Andrew iJreider his a fJrs- -e farm,
and Andrew Garber's Is valued ut$J,l,lie,
llelliuan II. rshey pays ta en leal estate as
sessed at $e!,-s0, Henrv N. Kehler his
riMl estate assessed at"$JI,.de, and he
also pavs t.i en $12."s at inlerest.
Martin " s. Musser owns .07 acres
el land and the assessed value is
$. J '.Me; Michael 11. Moeieowns property
worth $2,0sii, and lias $10,000 at interest.
Jacob C. Stener has a firm el 1 d acres and
$,'UsJ Invested . Chrlsll 111 M'lU has a f- . !le
farm unit Henrj W Issier hasalauuel 1.
in res , . It, W nlfe, of Ciiieuin.ili, ew ns a "
aero firm whuh is assessed ut f l's-11'.
1 111 1 win, rr.ns.
In West I.aiiis'ter township Jehn Kendlg
owns a $10, lu. larni and his J7sl. at in
terest . 1 hr'st l.cfever has a $1". !.' larm and
$.s,.i. invested . Adam Koikatield sestiteis
tavisl ler f.7,JWnt interest and real istate
valued at fl.'W . Kev. Ames Herr
is ctisliled with $.1,1, 117 at iiiterest,
and J. Milten lluber has an $!s, V
larni aud $le.l'ii. at Interest: David Hubei
lives en a larm valued at $Jill0 and has
Jl', I M) at interest ; i hrist lluber juj s U en
real estate and money, amounting te
$a7,700 ; Ames Itnwiiiau'nu $0.1, II '. Senater
M villi lives In this township and his tarm is
assessed at r-i.T
lu LmiH'ter Fist, .lames L'sOenshade has
a linn efflT, Island $J, I'm Invested, l el. I .
L. Hush's n-sulein e is us.sesed at $10, IK' and
he has $.-'. s.n at interest. Anna G. l.imlis
pays ta mi $SI,s.M; Jeshua Kutt en real and
nrennl pmperty tooting up $.i.,.tsi ; Jeliu f. .,7'il slid Vuna Weaver, en $x7, n.
Jehn N. Wisuls he-ads the list 111 Leaeiek
township, lie has real est ue of the value nf
J-VsO and $.. . 000 en interest. Samuel Deu
llnger has ?.v.,(ie(i mvestisl . Jehn .s. Lwiiu in,
a farm worth $11, Iss, and jj,, IT . ut interest ,
Jehn K. Lipp is credittsi with $Je,-l.i.
Henry II ltesh vwth Jls-iHH); lMuh smeKer
with "a tarm worth rll.JiC, aud "17.M0 at
inlerest, Jehn s.;ueker paysta oil $.10,11
real and pt rsenal.
I'atherine Miller Ne. 1, of Lancaster town
ship, pays ta en $3s,J,0, money at interest,
Nulh.iinVl Kllmaker, el the Uuicister bar, cm
; T.jOO, and Jacob HaversUik en $Jt, 00.
in vv v 1 v v VI 1 Ks
'1 he tollewing are large tapiyers el I p
per Leacei'k township, the amounts being
their red estate and moneys at Interest :
simul Itird, $VI, Vs.i ; Klner lluuder, ;1,
1100 : Andrew Dieuner, d,TlJ ; Christian
Lliersele, j-IJ i0 . Israel 11. Jehns, .,, . ,
ltpiiiamin Lint, $.11, i"', and Martin U
MiKaller, $.T7,iA..
Harry lluverstick, of Muihelm tewuship,
pavs tax en birms assessed at $J-'., l"J" and I10
hvsalse $.s,7en at interest, Henrv I.. Lan
dis, is the owner of farms worth, $tii,e.'.0aud
he his -Ul.'ile invested 111 judgments aud
uiertcages . It'll? L. Landlspays hi en
and personal prepjrty valued at jl.,000;
Henry ishreiner has $30,lse at interest and
H. J. McGrann, $.ls,Tii . he also ew ns laud
in this township whith is assessed ler
Iu Little Britain tow nslup the 1 ind Is as
sesseil it Irem $l.i te $-W fier acre, aud the
$11J,T-S returned as motley at Interest is in
sums raugmg 111 amount from ;100 te Ib,mX)
or $T,000. There is only ene wr-eu in the
district credited with ever $10,000.
Maitie township is lu about the same kui kui
tieii as Little linuiiu.
VI l Mill's VlbN Ol VVtALUl.
Maner township has a number of wealthy
people. Jaieli K.IiruUiker's estate is t redited
w ith $.10,000 at mterest ; Jehn D. liruUiker
has a farm w erth $15, IJ5 and $ .1, el at inter
est ; Jehn 1! Kshbach is credited with $!,
11OO , I-rederiek Fry is the owner of aen s
et land, valued at $ss,ole. mil lias $i"Om at
interest, l. W. Hiestatid is , reilited with
reiil estate worth t"iiK.j and he has $.,'")
investeil . Kpliraiiu Ilershey owns 11T acres
et land assessed at $JU,'iij an. I he h.ts$j'i,lsu
at interesi , Jacob Krtradv's estate is
en the books for $.17, ..0 ,1!. I . Kami man A
I'.re., have real estate valued at s l.Tne :
Jacob ii. Luidis e tin property worth $ s,
. - and has $s,O00 at interest . " Abraham K
Miller has a firm worth f I i,-,, and tlT,eii
besides; Jehn Melliuger owns a farm worth
f lii.Joeand he Is credited with fls.oee at in
terest , Gee. ,S. Mann has ; . jll invested iu
judgments and mortgages.
The richest man ill i'enn tnwnshipis I'eter
Longnecker, He owns a farm assessed at
$1J 7s0 and has ylel, 17.. at interist.
Jehn Deulinger, of 1'ar.ulise township,
owns 'Hi aeres el laud and has $.;e,M. at
interest; 1 anny Hshleman is the sissesser
el I'M acres el land ; Jehn Kan k piv s tat 011
$115; Christian Hohrer, en jiu,u,)J, A. K.
Winner, en $JI,I, and M. W. Weed-, en
Jehn A. Snyder's oslate pivs tax, in Ml
Jey township, en reat estate worth $ise,
and they have $.10,100 111 lodgments and
I u Huphe township Jacob 1 1. Nissley pays
tax en and personal lroiierly amounting
te $..7, 170, and Andrew Nissley, "en $ t'J,ij.j.
In l'rovideuce township the money at
interest is iu Hindi amounts evcept as te
Mary Hacker who has $lo,0e0 invested.
Jehn Ii. Mvers, of IVquea township, has a
larm worth $-i,100 and jsl,re at interest.
Chnsl. Mylm lives en a lar.u assessed at
$1,070, but he has $5J,7e0 at interest; Jehn
L. Ilreuemaii owns a farm assessed at $ .0,--M
and lias $d,s0O at interest , Thus. Iiauui
g.irdner's property, iu this township, is as
sessed at $.Je,Os0 ; Henry Geed owns JUacres
or land and has $11 500 at interest; Abraham
llarnlsli Is the iMss(.s.ser of 1 ,s' at res of land,
1 1,175 lu Judgments and mertgagis. lenas
llarnlsli pays tax oil $.TJ,0si, , Abraham 11.
llerr en 15b acres nnd $:il,0Mi lu judgments,
and David L.nidls owns a Jle acie farm,
which the ussosser values at $ .J,5.i0.
ami stii.i. tin.v co mi:.
Ilenj. II. Herr, of htrasburg township, owns
u larni of 00 aores and has $1 l,.s at interest ,
Jehn Hildebraud piy la en $s, l!7; Jacob
itanuk is the owner of Ml acres et land.
1!. J. Lechler, of Salisbury township his
$50,000 in Judgments and owns a Us acre
larm; Abraham I'etershcim, owns a 70
acre larm aud has Jl'J.Om) luv ested , Dav id
Knox has $111,200 at interest and owns a lm,
aero larm ; II. W. ltoblnsen is credited with
a farm or 217 acres and $11,77. nt lutorest ;
Jacob Wanner, Jr., has 507 acres el laud
valued at $5.1, Ml and $23,000 at interest.
Jehn It. Frb, of Warwick township, Is as
sessed ter $7.1,23.2. The assessed value of
ethor rich porsensof the district is as follews:
.Siuiiiel Frb, $20,500: l'eter 11. Longnecker,
129 acres and $11,700; Samuel Musselinan's
estate, lul acres and $12,000 ; A. W . Mieber,
$-7,0117, aud Henry VVell, $.ls,h..n.
In next week's iNTKLLKinvi, there
will Iki a list et the rich men of the boroughs
el ihe 1 utility.
linn.i: ei i Hi: llei i, Illus Illus Illus
l.oek out ter nut Men it ly's l.vui
'UlllM Nelmill tilings l.v nil.
Krotlerlek Deiilass, wlieii a slitve, vviia
ilraggeil te Kiisten, Mil., Iielilml horses, lila
Imiuls tied, iut Inte Jail ami ollureil for sale
ter tliu olliuise of iuteiiiliiiK te e.capu from
HHvery. l'orty-llve jiars later lie us in
vited te ilellver an ndilri'ss In the court
heiisu ut Kusteu ler the bouelltof seme asso asse asso
ulatleii In thill Jilaen. The old slm.-iil who
loekeil him tip en the former invasion was
en linml te ttive lum a warm ami friendly
vveli ome nt this tlme.
The Only I'.liallel.
"Did ou ever sen iiuyllilnj; liKe this?"
B.ilil a j onus 1-uly at a church lair whun
rHlHliiL" was in iirer.a. "Only ence," re
llnil he. When was that, ilear?" "Once
en a train out West, whun It was robhed by
lianillls," vvas tlie (;eiiiIh rospensu.
TIlK llrullinllii; unit lai.l,
1'rem tbe ISoaleu ilerulil
III the National imisuum ut WanhliiKten,
thore U a plpe tliat iIoiikeiI te Jehn Ilrevvn,
and the rllle taken from .leir Davis vvhen he
wen captnred. They are labelluU "the bCK'ln
iilnRaud thoendef the war." AKOeUmany
jioeplo neeil Kemi) bucIi ohject lonsen an this
te touch thorn that the war has really cmled.
ill-Mini IHvis has tssin is'iihrineil as
pension agent at 1'hlladclphlu.
DlvmGliwT, a Sisitch jHX-1 erinuuu note,
died id lMiuburgh 11 lertnight age, aged ut.
'Les v l.v vi 1 ," theautlioref Deunvuu."
is net in icililv Miss " Lyall," but Miss
W villi; Hi sv si's new novel Is called
'Children el i.iilisui' something el a tak
mg lllli'.
Iteni 111 Lew 11 v, loiigtessiuan tmui the
Twelllh district el tmtiina, was en 'lhurs
dav iieiiililaled b.v the Penuvmbt I01 a mini
1.. II. Kini.ii, el I'ertlanil. t'regen.
formerly of Muer's, lids isumty, his lu
veutisl ,isl-whtsjl i iiiuivtml Mogul eiiglue
which premises great things.
111 lliusuer 111 vv lias inieimeii lepre
seutatlves el the i.iauil Armv el the ltepublli
w he conferred with him tint", vi Idle he ibs.s
net object te the dissuatleu of graves, ,vc,
iu I atiiellc lenieteries en Decointleii Div,
"religious sen liss 1 1 my riluat ether than
that of the Catheli luii. h i I'lliet be per
l:. 1 . Leisi vi , the inienter, who has Just
diisl. had a nnmilsltn; mveiitieu
fuel whli li he endeavored te intusliue, but
time and airalii, just as he seemed te be en
the point el succeeding, some iccldeut el
eln unisumccs wmild set him Kick upiin.
When, utter vears et struggling, he had
finally established the business en what
premised te be a paving busis, the works
were destroyed by lire, cntuiliug a less of
j. 0,000. Ills e.ieslght filled him .itsmt this
tune and he became tetilly blind.
ltviiun Tvv inn's iuemerv has been
honored in Keuuetl Siiuare. hls'untlve town.
Ij aliieiimriil window costing MHl placed iu
the new Fpfseptl church of the Advent,
isinsis-ratisl li lllshep Stevens en Fridav.
'1 he funds for tills window vinrocellivti'il liy
Mrs. William J. Hurd, of New v, erk, anil
among tbe noted contributors were: Canen
U urnir, .lames Lusseil Lewell, Jehn G.
Whlttier, Kev. Phillips Itroeks, I). p.,
Gwirge W. Curtis Pr. Oliver Wendell
Helmes, (.isirge W. I hdds, Mrs. James
Fields, Marv M ihs Dedge, Hen Goe. 11.
Poker, 1 C. Meadiuiu ami ethers el Mr
Tayler's literary Inen Is. 'I he church cost
$2,eW, and isentirelv lris Irem debt.
in 1111: 11,1.1 vni.s
O In lllbluiii -tats ' eii 1 rtn.. le me
T11 -unJ theuitht "I I .its u v,
W hen 1 1 1 uau Fi.iiinlil the nihil!
Hi li up In In 11 1 11 v en 1 i less nl I Ik lit
Hi 1 i II It .
Hung t.irU
meat 11 1 ileal petltHl wtieii ttie nit abenl n 1
lurlilh mill ill V. ieplDit Inte ueiiietl lie In. k et
wall tittil tmt til Ihls tint, may result In (1 villi;
Irreutilnrlttt's ursm ilelkat.ierKansunilentiUlui).
1 long list of female wt aklicnsi. Alt llil
iniiv is AviMded, nnd the voting woman iimn
ihteutfh this iM-rled elelbril In all the!" tin t
nuil stitnuili of a iHirfts.t!y hnlth ergnul itleti
b the ntd et Ir riirci a Kaverlte l'restilp
lien ji,.aiist espevlall for feranle trouble b
of itie inesi ttuiicssiul pbysHtans of the
da). W.saw
Ni 11 n ikis dru:, luuiitpi, utitv
titnl Mai CeUtfh Ltlli
I wculj uvc It 111-
tr IVUuM a (it'rman ltitU'rt, uuie e( llir
bt ukhIH tut-rt 1 ht t e.r in'it nhfil, und 1 ilu
net ht'-itat lert'Oiunnfiitl U leth (tulilii
L L. ttteLBft, M. I , lUUllltlDH, .Md
et miimint tvndertlt the iin-t are tll
unit k t ir uiil a u Umth w&uli It ha nent
et the urttl prejwrt r of the uatrtnizent teth
lender. hihI luMi'tul of cemtmcttuf; tlif irunm,
it 11 mler- ihcm tltm una rhmtU xull Tu.lh.s
rAKSiKl l.VUU.illUIU Hlia lllipl) tUfc,' - Mlm
nn fcOMitte brtbu.-i i theuhlli -m tiiwthci te
rWiitu tilic inI IiulfuliH", hut i kr-miti el
tirlht IttMivn -k. Pr ll.M)h L lit Curt, It
Lttu- It r IleM't ami ile ue injury u -tu( bvi a
fvet fttnn ixjer1,uce
Canter Oil ler thetletfs ' hut Pr. Ham's 1'Whh
ant l'hsi( turththlrt'n ttinl rtJulte ma l liuJ
XVl'.VIAL yeriVK.s,
Heutty the ltft i'elliy.
In al 'i tUin; a im(ik ine It is UeHt te be lien
i't lHittlen s iipvi i ile the pttople won't
-taml It l-t thturuth b hiteun that liurf, k
Jllent Jtittr curt'icietulu, uuU all eruptten- et
the kln Ihls uiedicfne U eId ' eryw ht're by
tlrtmviHti J '.r .sale h II It Cochran, drurfalat,
l., unl I 2J N rth (jut uu at reel, LancatiT.
A Wenl of Caiitfeu
UmiIieu'1 iiu'ii, iiuctmulc, leuitneiLial ti.i
eii, h,ii ImIINU, Urim'i-H, ami ethers w he Uhei
out if iloera, aru it't ulinrl liable te ucctaent
unU lm in TVkeHii' hcUtnc nil ler biu1f4
biinirt. htum ami -pralnt, Ih en et the nnuM ajv ajv
ptlcatieu i't 1uvNn her,ileb cM.hniu,
ill uj'tf Nt, 1.j7 ami 1 it erth Cjuetu ttuet, Lnn
I'tui't Hiy ,(ieut;li
I lanintt -riiW toehlKhlyot llunteck Jit ,lft
m iht han bHnunat blelnte im,
Lund im- of hllteuiiH',-. and ilpupsta from
which 1 bnl "iitTfn 1 ter juai-' Mr J M nh,
lUuk of Iertmti, Ont. l-ei al! liy II 1) te. h
run. ilrau'Ut, U ami izt North (juuen stitt't.
Thunder U Denn tin Arci,
That ter lum ues, fei rheuumtHm fei pain,
and for npntiu- Dr. TTtemat Fcltctrxc (ht U a
i'ltt and rullahlr n inJy i)t Ihuwt t
ifhtrn Oil can be pun hantl et anj druNt
tV ei al by II It ( e hrau. dr.iUl, I .; ami 1 i
Neith iueeu slit 1 1, L.imiuti r
All Admire :t llamlmiiiie I'ate
A patr chtu hktn will makf any Lilc hand
-eine M:nitt -liy un thltirf which struntftht-m
and tnrlche lh bleMl ivlll dlrctly atled tht
whole person ll eruption of the kln dlap
par when liunterk Jlloetl Hitters are einplejt d
They are a ei;Uible remedy of lnellniubte
aiu' Y or a!t b 11 11 Ce hian, di uggbd, 1J7
and li .Snrth ijuen street, I ai natter.
riihtmaster sim'l A. lleirllt.
ut .Vlenti rey, Jllch , ililivers btmself In tbli
mi- I or colds, burns, son threat, utnl rbini
llKitistn, Ihttvuis J t teilrit riiiinnel be beateii
1 . i keep It up te thi ntiiiiilaril, unil It vv III sat
lsi the twieplu I ahull semi for u new supply
seen" leiM.iteliy 11 I! ( erhnin, ilniKKln, 137
uml 1J9 ierth Ijutin striet, f-uncislfir.
ri;i,iiiur.s siiiivii'r.s aviu, iu:
t belli In tbe folleHin ebuiLbes en Situilay,
In the nieniiu nl le-Ji, in the i vi nlui nl 7 .0
t.unilu school ut 1 li u ui When the hour a
clltri n ut It Is specially note!
Christ Lvtiikiian Ciiincu West Klnt; Hlnet
K I. Iteeil, pastor sitiIim ut lu-3) u. in unit
7 15 p lu. sundav 6choelutJp iu.
(.lui e l.UTUKRAN corner or .North Quren
ami .liitues stu 1 1. (lev C Klrlti lleupt, jiuster
h iv lies at 111 JO it ui anil 7 1 p. m. bunli
si his.l ul J p in.
ritEHUVTCKlAs; AluMOIUAJ. CllL'IU H. Seul ll (.Mil I n
sttiet beivlns iiiernluir anil i vuiiIul: at the
usual lieur.1. hulilillh acboel mield ut ll'i p in
l'lavci-incetlui; VV i ilnesitay eveuliiB All urn
I'm i x IJETnKL Eliler ( I'licu, pastor
riittchlni; ut 10-10 u. lu . anil 7 15 p in, by tin
pister Sunday hi hoel at 1 15 p in.
St "iTEniKN r (IIkf ) Collkee CnArnr.
lilvinn servlitint lujuu. in. bcruien by 1'ref J.
tl Dubbs, nil
I MTKIl llBKTlir.l.s; II LliniSTireVEIAIT) Wist
OniuKU street, bntneen Mulburry unit Lh.irlettn
mrci ts.lferunjrly known iw Mih.m) Kev. ,1 II
t link, tiaslnr rnuchlni; at lu Mi u in and 7 I
ft. in Sunday school ut 1 15 p. in. 1'rulse irjcil
nu at 7 p in
The Old Vfrnnnnlt s rill held service In tin ir
chuti h, corner of hast ( bestnul and sbennun
htncti. en huuilii , May litth, at 2 oclecl,, p m.
l'riaitnii In both lunuai a
A Kpiilal mcLiluu of ihe Indies' Auxlllaiy
T M ( A . vvlli lm lielit en Monday evening,
Muj 17, ut 7' j o'clock, when a full attendauce U
i sp. i lilly desired. hVAOBLicAL ( KiiKllsb )r en 51ulberry
street, ubevH Onmi;e ltv K smith, pastor
l'tiuchluKHl 10 Je ii. in. unit 7 15 p. in Sunday
m beet at i p. in. l'niyer nnd Class en luueduy
anil Thursday uveitlutfs, ut 7 30 sharp
st 1 ikk'b lli:reKMXi MaHetta Avinuc. Itev.
Win. I l.lchlltcr, pister. Divine service ut liKui)
a in. and 7 15 p in bundny ccIkmi! at p m.
Iuimtv Li'TiiU!iA suivlcea te-morrow inern
liiK, HlluiniHiu and nveuliii;, leiiilucttd 1j Iter.
Hr luceb Kiy, et lleadluc A pulpit uicu.uija
li iv inu been urraiii;i d. vi l-lrsi Chun b, (GiTtnan). Nerlli
VV ater Mtrui t, Itev. Isaai liens, pastor I'rrich
ltiK ut lUeOu. ui uuil at 7 lip. in. nuiiduy m hiMil
at i p. iu.
bT. l'Ai'L's llereiijiEu. Kev J. II. Miemakar,
I) l. pastor. lli inn i-i rv lies nt lu-lna. in. ami
at 7 I5p in hunibi hi b ml ut I lip in
I'kkhiiitkkian l'n:it hiriK uieriilui; aiidrvcu
liiK' by thepastni, Kev Jus. 1. Mitchell, II 1)
T. l'ACL'it M t. Liu luii rixachlin; at te Ji
a in. nnd TUp. m by Ihi pister, Kev Charles
lthetuU hutnliy schiHil iu I 15 p in I'ravcr I'ravcr
lueetltiiren Wedneadiy evuniniriit 7 15.
ihe women lvinperance union villi hed
thuli uual prucr uuetlug te-morrow a! turnoen
ut niitiartcr p.nt Je clock, In the Covenant flit
ted ilrclhren church (formerly halcui) West
Orunyre atiei t
On i ue day afternoon nt 3 o'clock, sharp the
L men ulll meet ul .Ne Hi .North Prlnce atn ut.
'Ihu !pru) uracil all Lhrlgtlun pceplu ureusVul
ful divine Kiihhuicii lu the dulibenitlongef the
cenviutiuii te be hulil In hi. Jehn's Lutheran
i btire h en thu 'utli and 21st
First Kekekvieu Ciicbi ii. Kev J M Tllzrl,
li I) , liuitei. burvlceH le moriew ut 10 Te ll. m.
and lip lu. Bunday school at 1 15 p in.
Moravian .1. Max lluik, pastor luej a m.,
I Ituny and feriueii - m, bunday school ;
71. p.m. iiveuliiUBervlcii
l'iRT M. K. Liiwiit.ii U lu -HI a m . and 7 15 p
111. jinuchlnn Uv Ihu pailer. lluv. .1. 1. dray.
I 4 ti. ill . htuiiluy school, l'ruvcrmec'tliii? en
VVilncsiluy eveiilmjut 7 ft,
Wkht Slissies VI K L'hupcl, enrnrr Charlette
anil l.ouien stituts. I'icuUilliailt IO:J0u. ui.aiitt
7.15 p.m. by tba lluv. I. ray: 1 p. in. Sunday
school, l'rajcr nmutlni; en lburnduy cvcnlii.'
Ill i wii, ui.
bT. Jehn's
I.trrnKRAif lluv. Svlviinna Stall.
1'reachlnK in thu mernlnc nnd evtniiiiv
Iiv the li lsler MuiidiLV school at 1 15. ilelwulit
.VlUsteu school al i p. m. beats freu. Alt are
Itev M t-'i-.iynci, p.ister l'rraclitnu at lojeu, iu.a
uud 715 p. ui suiuluy school at 1 15 p. ui
A Sluggish Liver
I'mtM s the .sieiiiui'li mill lleneU te beceinii ills
mili'tiil, nuil Itie v lieln m stem te suUei Irem
ilrblllt) In alt such lu'ci Ajers 1'IIU give
prompt ii'licl
Allei iiimli Kiillcilng tieiii l.lier ami steiaiich
tretiliti's, I lime tlnallj been lurid bv liiklug
Avei a liitluirtli I'lIN I iilwuvs lliul tlieiu
lirniinit nuil tlioieiiKli III their iictleii. ami their
eii-aiiinal use keeps me In a pel lulls healthy
toiulliieii Itnlpli Weeiiian, Aiitmpell, Mil
I wi ut V live,) ears age 1 mitli'H il limit iileipnl
lliei, whlili was irsteied te lieallhy iiclleu bv
taklMK A el's Pills Mlue that time I Idle
111 vi r been wltheiil lliein Tlmv iVKUtntc the
lMwel, assist ilUeslleu, mid liuietise lite tipiie
tile, iiieui siniilv tliiin anv othei nicilliliie
Paul I lum hill, lluveildll, Mas j.
1 knew el no n iiiii! input te Avci'n Pills lm
sieiiHicliuiHl 1 ivei dlseivlers tutleieil limit 11
lerplil I. Hii, ami P siHMista, ler elulitien
ltientlis Vt skin was vellew, nuil my lengiie
1011U1I 1 hint no 'ippellle, sutli led Iretit lliunl
111 hi , "111 1 ih uiul iMiiailiiteil A ft' heic-s of
Avem I'ltls, tukmuii ineileriitn iles,., testeleil
1110 le is tin I In iilh W iihle Miles, llbeilln
Avci's fills mi a -iiperini fiunll iiieillilue
lliei .tit uptlii ti uiul ins liteiute the illpi stive
eiitmtji, 1 rente an ipi'titi , etut iiiiiinve tin hoi
rlble di'iuessleii uiul ilespeiuleiicj lesiiUliic
from l.lvei I eiiiphiiitl 1 luivi. ttsi il these t'llls,
Itt my liiiiill, lm jems, ami the ncvri hill le
iie entire satlslaitlen into Vleulgniuei ,
li-likesh, W u
Ayer's Pills,
1 1. piii.t .) Hi I C VverACe lenell, Vlu
soul I liniigistsiimi ticiileisln Jli.lliiue
Hill's. A HAKI'MAN.
20-lucb Satiu Parasols, 75c
iT IUiMiitnK' uiul lliin(Hni;el Imbit-IU.
mul rtnuelnlunc at flhert ihHIl'.
Rese Bres. & Hartman,
A Streng Endorsement
Setuitbi.uiullii( the ilull winlber nuil the Uw
sut iiinilllleii nf ibu lilier uuirkul eui tales nit nit
on the lncrtme uverj ilny
V en heuIiI b surprtsnil te oe lh4i ulenilv ifn
that iusteuirs sUiuil bv U4
e tnkt It a i
oed and pi tee-
rl uppiei t ttml
Mtreng endercni nt of our
lhe mutt be neen I Ik piep
m l net Mcmlt'i w hen you ttud hew kin l in
t lething is i.thtrikt but -aitlttu tlen w ith H
t n n id for the .artist demand 1 that can
be mad e upon u
Seittlie.Lsl (.'oriier Sixtli uinl Mnrket,
1'IIIL.AJIKl.l'lll A
New. 0, 0 & lO Etitit KltiK St.
New Dress Goods.
All the liiverllu sullllitf-In
tlA.Vll.Nh. si 11 IM.,
I- 1 WllNK AMI bK.N 1 Kl.f.K slKH'l-.s,
I MI1VE ,SL iriMiS,
1K.VIK1.I.K IK 1 11 MINI. LALhl
Lrain. lllue, I'luk aud Ian.
Nt . a V,
rt.NK hl'UIM. LAIIIJIhllh-j
'I hlrlv slv Inches vvlde, 3 aatd.
Thlily .Uhl Inch AM. Woof. DLiilhOh-,
I7Si.aaid, worth Me.
Keity Inch
5e u utd
Vhl. Wutil. M-.KUKb, leu Shade
VI. I. Until. IKK.NLII
and Lolertd, 1'4 juida nlil
sold at UK..
tMtc a atd , ti
lllai k
Spot tat value lu It!
mid tl.eua viud.
.ALKaUK.VIIlsIl.hs.sTCj, .
lil.AC'K b.Vl IN
KH.UIAJlh', tlee anil
1II.ALK IKUSti and
II 10
lit. A I h (ihu t.KAI.N SII.KS, 75e,
uudfl.5a aid.
W.unuitid te dive batlsfactlun lu Uiai.
New Yerk Stere,
The Best Value in $10 Suits,
and the beat huwlnt; thai can he found 111 any
Llethlm; tint Is elfeicd ler bale In Laucaiitci.
'IhUshuuia buef valuu tepurchasuiH of Cleth
let,', as fcuine attention Hbeuld be jiald te work,
unit net te style of lniterlal aloue. In your
eiiKerncsa for low prices, don't neglect thu
liialltv et material and geed weik.
uf eiy iileiusliiK' paltuin, fur
A Tasty Business Suit
lu l. ray Cerksciuw, back or Cutunay,
In l.lnht or Dark Celers,
A Ooel and Oomfertablo Suit
In Uruy KlHiintl, bkeloteu Ceat,
V.OU ciin nl waya obtain the beat valuuheie let
.M.imiiu'.iirliiK Clutlilcrs,
eA.NtlASTKll. l'A.
l.NUS ANII PACKEItS' WAS'X'K, llry and
C'luau, bought, for lush.
J.8. MOLIN8,
Ne, 273 l'cail htroet. New Yerk.
Kuleieiue-fied. Schulte, Ne. JU l'cail tns)t,
New leik. fehn-lya'
A' A' ,' A I) I'KIt riSKMKXTN.
Oiirponter uuil Builder,
hliepln Kiaref Iteslilem e-Til Marietta Aminm.
Kpcelil alia 11II011 alien lenll klinU of Jnlililua
ami Itipiiniig l liinm-s nnni,iitilei mi,i,,.
lien Kiiiiiiutiiit liiauliiKs ami cMlumtcn fur
iilalieil let all kinds of weik- (liileia lelt nl tlin
liiitiioMle .scwlim Miiihliiellttlie, C'eiitmHiniiiie.
will leii'liu ptiiiupt iittetlllell llljllilil'
rpin: ni:w cash .sreiti:.
SI7 k 'J l.l North qiuvii Strtvl,
Hiioslie the KejBtiinii lleiimi ami .NeiUielll
Opening New Sleck Seasonable Goods.
Iiitss llixHUrnrOiiilnit Klegiiiil Whlte Unties
lei suii bluett tie liuhn Victeria t.aniia
vi Intel eulfd l'e,irn. I'lnln una Philil fntn'
bill. Ilm lliukle Ciiuitiilc. .Vmv ll.iUstii
( let lis 1 lm llerliee mid c'oinlliie Cenietii
III 11 k met Cehneil Mil (limes. .m u ndUteck
of Venous uuil Peiiiestlcs.iill nt Lew l'llcen.
rli ii-, 1 nil mid i e it
tebsljil w. p. IHMVKU.s.
Slidini: or KAlmsleu Srrwns
l.levn, 111,11 L, laud, Hguied or Uunlsuipe
VV Ire, ptleis flein Jt)i up
Denis imule up nlth Hint VV lie, lien Lernlies,
lleav 1 mine, i etnplete II i
Aiilu fei Wliidiinrt, fJMl up tinny male)
rliU. II. st l.iiUanlii.l et lltnss Mitutta.
lW-t Oil hhrtdiiiK. full riUe, sptlnic lxture.
i(V , made up reud te hang, uu color.
ruicK uieur
-K mi nttitri't inntrt n ud "lip Conn tuade by
ept it L'pheUteii Mul J enui Kates.
J. I), Martin if Ce.,
Cor. Wesl Kint; .V L'riuce Sin.,
(J'Xlte Blineus llmne ) 1..V NC AH 1 Kit, PA.
A '1 AMitlfllS.
-A Nil-
- V 1 -
Palace of Fashion.
u hav i op. ui .1 Ihu iv ei k a laie lul el hV
rAKAlI.Sand l .N I MI1KK1.I.AS, which vtn
aie fullluir at the l.eiicat Titles ever hcuid el
en tliene (..mhIi They are all first class itoeds.
tnnile et best in aerial and made up In first cIiiah
V. eg ml III ick sjiii, ;iinu,eii, silic uni d, tiim
uieil Ith vv Idu ullk hpanfsb lace, at (J.5n.
h.vlra lliav) lliuck l.lncd itlu I'lintselii, lace
tlluilui d. Mi" and UTS.
Celin (1 hatln I'nrasel, flue n,tialliy satin. In
caiOlual, llht blue, cieam, white, tn'lm', iraiuel,
ti , at il -t
Iwentyteui Inch sun I'mbiellne, heavy
tivtllcd silk, it irrautt d net te c ruck, II 7S.
Misses 1 w llled Siilln raniseU, thiie dllleieul
colors at $1 mi
luuiitv-u Inch Uuibrellaa at ti .i.
K.iiLjt) mid bmull 1'ulm 1.4 uf and .litjiiiine
HikUoime Chrouie r am ut J5and iVi Centi.
rt.ltlll t Ullrt
r uthvt hunt ftem
Diet one bundled dtvicr, from lu . a vatd up,
Ceuiprlnluirall the latest uevelllea, hiicIi iu Kan
Ituchlni;, bhell Jliichlni;, Kllibeu KucbliiR, 1 In
ae! mid ftllver Ituchlni;, colored ItuebliiKs, ulc.
Hi nv j laice hdRu Kiichlni; ler chllitren'a caps,
liiini lie. a yard up.
Ladies' Gauze Bilbriggan Vests.
Hhult Sltmi-3, ut 31c.
Llilld'a luncy Slilpcst Uau.u veatd, Hern lie.
l.adlea' India Uuiue Veals,
elll. hound (iveith
5Cc.) alic.
OhlUlren'a Ulbbed Cotten Hobe.
Illaek and Colored, all at IV. a pall.
Chlldiru'd Kicnch libbed cotton hose, white
Kit, black mid colored, lull rc'Hitlai made, 17c.
te 25c ii pair
Ijiulica unhlcnchiil t'liuichrlbbed cotton beae,
lull iiKuhiriuadc, line nuallt,c. a pall.
ColeiedHllk.liuaoy (llevcs, line shades of tan
and drab, ul sec. a pulr.
.luiBiiy Ualu (jIevcd, line Ian colors, alt alic,
lie a pill.
f hlldren'n Jereej a, all-wool, 75c. I.adlett'I-liie
Weialeti Jurauvii at II W l.adlua' Cttiillnat Jor Jer
geya. all-wool, line quality, Children's
liiiioBaller Jersey-, tilinineil with white biuld,
II ii.
MUai.l.N LIIKM1S1.',
Kiubieldeied and ISiilllcd, at 41c; they am
ivutlhuiv And tniu let at C.Oc, tilinimd with
time lewa ut iiiitlluuerk aud iiiudeuf bust uuu
lm (limy would be cheap at ;uc.)
White Goods for Dresses.
V'lcteili l.iiwna, India I.lnuna, llatlstea. Naln Naln Naln
aoek. I'lald aud Lhcck l.oeda, Colored India
l.i flureit rwlisea, Khlrtln( Linen, Hutch-
era l.lneu, lllea l.llilniiri, 'lewelliiK. Crushes,
etc , all at thu l.eweut Market 1'rlcea,
"JSFBK-Sfc - . trj-KBJ
.ar-t r.'. yaageux