''v'ir? ' JFntdJttgenM f .-. ue 3Dma$te VOLUME XXU-NO, 211. LANCASTER. PA., WEDNESDAY, MAY 12, 1880. PKIOE TWO CENTS. m 1 A TKIUHBLK TOHNAIH). HKVKItAU Ill'l.lf' WKKVKKIt ASH M AS t I.I IK I.UlfT If hASHAH VITf. Detail. "I llm llitrui linn Uitn.ril hy Ihfi VVIinl mi liiFMtay MiirnlliR I'llKilt Hi rim nl n hi limit Whom tlin Ntrm turn Uetlnieil, I'iimIiIiir Hid I. Illln One.. About halfqust 10 o'clock Tuesday morn lug ominous storm clouds began githurlng ever Kansas City, Me. They IIihI appeared in ttiu Northeast, mid, surging westwaidly across tliu rlly, timifil suddenly hIkjiiI in their course, nntl, descending rn (illy, lireK'j upon thu city In lorrllle bursts nl wind mill ntlu Hint swept nil lighter objects liefore tliiiiii. 'I liu darkness was almost like nlghl, nml kmiIu licit te tlin nearest sheltci nntl awaited with blanched faces Hut fury nl tliu tlltllK'Mtr Clelltls SCl'llied In grau renls el III" highest buildings and poured nut llnir torrents in nppatenlly solid masses ler it tlitiiv. Tim slnrm sttuck llie rlly In lull liuin alsiut twenty minutes past II hihI laged fur li.ilf mi lieiir. Tliu streets wero running rlveis ul water, carrying nay Ismis miiiI signs and ether similar height blown Ireni tlie buildings ut swept up t'V the Hewl. A number el vehicles Winn ei'rliitni'il, nml in iiuiiiomuslustmiie ill Hers nUindeiiisl tliulr heres te their iHtu ami Meiinh t roliige In stores nml houses. Kemu Imll accompanied the storm, hut the tail was net great, other wise tlm less te preiwrly would have been enormous from water streaming in lit biekcu windows An It was windows In quite it large uiiuiUir or buildings wuii) blown In anil geed anil furniture wiiri) watur-sniiked. All lliln, huwever, proved entirely liislgultl cant wlii'ii tliu lull extent nl tlm disaster w rnuglil his auie known. Tlm LHlhrep school building occupied h prominent silo at the cor cer imr or Klghth mill Mnlli streets. HceiisIsIihI eln inalii building tn which an urt wing lint been added. Tlm building i sutmeunleil h) a tower, which for heuiii llmi) has Ikmjii coindderod unsafe. It has licen Iwlin con demned -ouce within n few weeks lint un action hid been taken Ill llie mater. 'IIiIh morning tlie budding Hiw i ruv li-il Willi ihililrcu, many id whom were nearly Iranllc with Krlt'feMir till) api!lliiK ilarkncvi mill ami tliuMtllliiiw wlni'li jirii-Dilixl tlm (enipi'Bt. 'I liu wind iiwupt uitiimj llreuitw-ny from tlie wi-t .mil Houmeil toii'iiumtrue lt forre Hi a trifli, nml, carriln;ilen tlie luimy bell, pluiiKi'il thrnugli tlm lntervetilii I'mirs te tlie iMteuienU Tlie iiuiiii lullillii; li a iiiH-Hef riilim within Kliattoreil walln, win. li Ktill Ht.uul. 'llie wIiik was niiup.iratnely iinlnjutiHl ami tlm miielars tliure uutiur'. In tlm in.iln bnllilliiKi linwextn, tlm villi t ai awlul. Tlie fiillllic IliKjnt prw Ipltatiil tlm terrltitil iiiililri'11 te llie Imxeiiiuut, wlieru ina-i-ci of brlcka and lieaun rrimheil Ilium te tlm xitniml anil liurinl tliem from hn. relmiih near Inuring tlie it.hIi maile tlmlr wayailiwt they leiilil Kttinst the li'alini; nliiriii te Hid Bceiii'. The gale quii kly hin. Hiili'il and tlie work nl rnseunn; m uiuli'r taken by caRei liuiiK UnliiR te tlm prmall lui; ei iteiiiDiit tlie llrnt work was net erj ellcUtwi, but tlm lire ilcprtment and pollen moll arriM'd and an erK ml7txl nimh Ii was ctililliiviii'ed. rim diiad and woiinileil nnri) takmi nut as quickly aVs.ilble mil cirrieil te tlm NataU riutii adjoining, which waa tiirmnl Inte a liespltal. Here tlie reiitH and Irii'Miin of tliu lltlle ones kkiii Kuthereil, eacli searcliliiK for his her nw it, nud titlcrlDK heartrendliiK cries as tlmy ncegiil;eil ill tlie maimed and bldHlliiB forms thuwi whom they IemiI Aiiieuk tlie tlrst taken out mil oral were de ul and Dim or two luaimlwl nltueit iHiyeud riniiKiiitlen, their cletliliiK tern nml tl.elr UMllesiiAered with dust and mortar, tlie deathly judliiKef llie skin show lug In paliilul ceiitra'it agaliiHt grline and blixxIsUius. Many herole wvnes wero enaetwl during tlie resciie and some of tlm wounded chil dren rcemed te lue greater control than their elders. One little girl, hair buried in tliu debrlH, eer whom tlie rcscuera worn busy, beRKeil thuni te leawi her audhelpa liey bealdu her, because, hIie Mid, he was mil v !ie yiura old. Tlie hcoiies In tlm Nata turAiui as tlie lltlle outs wero brought in mid laid iiH)ii linpruWsed cots, tlm dead placed together Ueii one hide, worn pitiful lieend cxprenslen. Adeen dead wero tiken out durliiK tlieil.iy and tlie ImhIIcs aunt te tlm hetiseM 01 sorrowing iaiullies. .Several el tlm children belonged te prominent laimlies in tlie city. At liu Went Third street htoed a thru) story brick building ill tlm middle nl the blixk, llie thlrit lloeror which was nU at an eMTall lactery, cenductisl by llaar Breth, or 'llie lirnt and hoceihI lloers were occu pied by tlie Oruhmii ras)r cemiiiy. In tliu factory were alieut J.i ompleyen, mostly KlrK Thev, when tlm storm broke nut, started for tlie cellar. Tlie building foil with a crash, being raed entirely te tlie earth, and he el the iillrighted girls werecaught in the ruins, l'eur ha e been taken out dead, A number et ethers wero injured and hoiiie are missing. A fercn of laberers are busy ii ii liirmngcenluscd in isse-s of bricks ami tim bers. Tlie county court lieumi Blands at Second hihI Main BtreeLs en tlie hill iiYimed te winds lieui the north and went. Tlm building was eiucted nearly twenty years age ler hotel purHses, hut when completo was purchaswl by tlm county for JUUO.OOtl nml comerted Inte a leurl house. The building hits always been considered rattier unsatisfactory, and tliu roeT has frequently Hiillered injury from high winds. The storm htrucU tlm northwest corner blowing in the reef and the inaier isirtlen or the third and fourth stories. Tlie wall at the east end was blown Inte the street, and Deputy Sherlll Deugherty was caught and killed. All olhent Hiieceeded In gutting nut el the building alU e. Tlm jail Is leinteil lu the basement el tlm building, ami that mrtieu escaped Injury, 'llie prisoners were intensely alarmed, but became quiet when the crisis hail wHud and they found themselves unhurt. Judge Steor had beeu holding court en the third lloei, and had adjourned just boleVotho storm de-Mt-cmlcd. A iKirtien et the reef In railing struck the chair the Judge had Just vacated. Acress the street, en the nerthwest corner el Kecend and Main streets, steed a two twe two steiy brick building, orccted in lWiO by the Sante Ke htage company, ene of the eldest buUdingH in the city, from wlilch the sUges rerinerly were marten across me piams 111 stage coaching days. The building or late years was occupied by the 1'nlted Stttes englneers. Adjoining that en the west was n thne story brick colleo and splce mill owned by Smith A. MellalL This was iluiueU iDlmd, lallmg oer tiien tltoHilJelulng ene, and both Vioie cotnplu.ely wtecked. Frank Smith, the senior partner of the 1 1 nil, was taken out bleeding fieut the ruins and died in a short time. Mr. Mellalt was bully hurt and three empleyes 'wero taken out. The debris Is being romeed new in searih for any who may jet be buried bo be ueath. The second siau from tlie north end of the bridge across the Missouri, oppeslto the city, was blown Inte the rler, the plum being loll apurently uninjured. A great number of telegraph wires wero carrled down with the brekuuHpau. Workinen are busy raising wires Irum tlie wreck. Tlie bridge Is owned by llie Hannibal A St. Jee company, and Is used by that read, the Wabash, the Heck Inland A- Kansas City, HI Joe .V Council lllulls. The bridge authorities, say they exnect te repair it in ten days. Meanwhile Iho railroads will make temporary arraugo arrauge arraugo menU for transporting passengers aud Irelght. The Wubash will send its trains evor the Missouri racille line, via Hedalla nud Meberly. bterm Melenin i:ienhrre. A violent storm swept along the Conn Cenn niniigli Valley lu WoMem I'onnsylvanlaen Monday night Is'ear Coneniaugli, a liuin- Per or empiy cars, biauumg en Hiumg, wure blown ever upon the main track. A wet-bound Irelght train or ' earn, going ut a speed el 'M miles mi hour, dashud Inte llie obstruction at midnight. All the cars were smashed up, and Conductors Themas Con Cen Con nere. Knglnuer Themas Mowrae and l'lre- man Michael Myers were killed almost In stantly. Tlie re st of the crew oscaped with slight liijuries. All trains wure dolayed twelve hours. ... During n camp-meeting iu Jehnsen conn cenn ty, Kansas, en Sunday, n large tent was blown down. Tliroe rrsens-Mr. am Mrs. Jacksen nml their Inlant wero kllled mid innny ero slightly Injured. Itev. It. U Herhart In Kaua, Cllj. Tlie iVcj-t says Hen. Jehn Cessna, or lied. ferU ceuuty, who la steppiuB at tbeairard lieusii, wnsnn ntixluus liiqulrur artcr detalls el tliu disaster last nlglil. Ills seu In-law, Kev. H. U Oeiliart, ul tlie Huleriuisl iliiirch, had geuii In Khukhs City front l,eliburg, I'liien county, I'd., In Dis'iimbernl I8S.', nud wieijelmil there lu April last by Ids wife and three children I'aul Cessna, aged II years; riorenci), aged p, and IMIth, aged H. Mr. Cessnn knew that llie children wiitti itllrnil lug school, lint was net aware nl tlm iiatue el the Institution. Mr. (lerlmil Is the sun nl Itev. Dr. II. V, Cerhart, prealdenl of llie lliiformed theological seminary at Iiineaiter, mid has lieeu ungagud lu the work nferganl. lug a llelenneil congregation. The uaiiies or initie el Mr. Oerhart's lamlly appear lu llie list or killed or Injliied. TIIK MOHM I IMIIA.S . llirpp lliiiuliril TIHiliMiiiil llellln niiilh nl I'riipctly llcitrityeil Atmiml Kiaiimllln V. wsvll.l.i:, Ind., May U 'lb" wind storm el last night canie from the saum dl ristlim as that or Ihocycleim two ears age, and wlillonntHe tcrrlllc, the less el property will aggregate as large an amnuiil. Tlm total damage te tlie property leailms f',iK),()iK), se far as known, ami nqsnts nl adilHiiuial ilnmagi) nriiiyiiiilng lu constantly. (iicral isirsens were sorlemly Injuiisl. At l.lix'tty llapllst church a festlwd was in progtess and live el llie oeiiimltteo worn III the building when the storm atune. 'Iho rear mid side walls gan way, inakliii: a cnmplete wurk orthechiiri'li. Twe el the ladles were struck by llmcliiiiidrllur and seiurely injured, bill will riifjMT. Tlie business put nl tlm town Is badly wnsked. Tails el te ils, cnrulies, wiudew sashes, doets andrcus are mixed up in aceiilused muss. Ttie Individual buses by merchants range from $J0,Oiki te .in.tnin. 'Iho steamer .lennle I'anipl.sMI, plying bo be tween this cily and Andersen, Ky., was blown against a tailor legs and ctushed se that the valor mil Inte her coal lines. Her cliliiinevs weru blown nil and carried up the river a quarter el a mile while her Imll was blew li IW) leet en hhniu. The tug Isabella towed her up te the city, 'two men tiled te cress tliu river In a skill Just as the storm came up and are thought te be lint Jeseph Klllugur, a farmer, whtln dilMug along Water street was strilrk by a billing tire mid Ills Hkilll was llai'tlllisl abiive Iho light eal, iCNilltlug in his death iiasi: iiai.i. e.v rvmiiAX. Tlir Itrlurn. rnmi the (Irtiiir. nml I'lajei. in all I'arU nl Ihff Cniilitl, 'Mm games plai ill ii'Slerday resulted us tollens. At HriHikljn : Brooklyn 1.1, At'ilellc I . at Leuisville: St l.euls !l, Iuulsvllle 1 . it I'ittsbutg : Tlttsburg 9, Cincinnati 7 , at Chicago . Itoslen ,i, Chicago ! , at Detroit . Detielt 111, New Yerk 0. lu the Suite I.o.igue several games were played. Tlie I.incaster club was defeated at VlllMiusi)rt by III te I, and the Alteena tiMiu get away with I.iiwistewn by '.' In s in ten tuning". Twe games were played be tween ilkesUirrn and Scraiiten at tlm roriuerpl.no. The Scranteu wen by V te ii, and la te I. 'llmNevv Yeik " Hunts " could de noth ing Willi tictreiu. They had but lour nils, w IiiIm thirteen were in idnell Mlckey Welsh. '1 he Chiciges made only ene lilt oil Stnui in ver, el llosteu. Ilollenl pitched a winning game for Pills burg and bad three hits. The Hroeklyns gave the Athletics niin or therr lessens In ball playing. Tlmy marched Kennedy around the Held te the tune el III tecn hits. ihe two big leagiiu clubs were surprised, ami it is geed that the hrnein brigade does net accompany the New Yorkers. The Ht Leuis keen right at the top. What they w ill de when tiiey ceme Last remains te tie seen. 'I be games or Iho lvstern League wern: t Itridgoiiert : Jersey City '.. Ilrlilgaimrle; at Newark : Newark ii, Leng Island I. Pyle pitclieil a rattling game ler the New ark, ami the Leng Island i lub iiiadu only three hits. Tlin New erk II urhl contains all kinds el silly nonsense about the League club el thai illy, and the lia.su ball editor is ery mud to il ty Isicausu semu one w rete him, and asked the question "Why tliure were no large head-Hues telling w hat the Giant's did yes terday." 'I his was af'er the Detroit team had given Metrins men His tlrst walloping, aud it li no wonder the ll'eriit man was angry. He must have lieen pleased te hear yesterday's news from Detroit Tlie II ji lil says el tlm game in Brooklyn, "the batting of Pinkey aud Me I'aiiuny was excellent" Tlie Wlllliiinspurl papers say that the tlrst gime with the Lancaster club wasoue of the best ever play ed there. It is rumored that llie N'ewark club or the Kastern League is net being suiorted by the people el that city, and that tliu directors linvu dislded te sell releises or hoiiie nt the high-priced players. Wliile It Is denied that Smith and Daily will go te Washington, there arn probabilities that tlmy will be re-Iim-ihI. It is rumored that the Mets' manage ment are negotiating ler thoe players. I'atsey McDonald has get back te i.Kus barre. "it vv.ts a long walk Ireni Atl.iut.i. Tliu Wilkusbarru club has slgntil ilueu morn players, W. I'. Mit'allery, pitcher, el I!altlme0; Lewis Kenner, short step, or HriMiklyn, nud James McClesky, el Wap lilngei "I'alls, catchei. The llllaiusH)rt mid Laucaslet ilubs pi a ed their secend game yesterday and the heys rrem this city wure again laid out Dully was put in te pitch by the Lancaster, and eight hits was made nil him. The Williams Williams pert club excelled in Helding. It will be seen by the uiaku up el the club that McKen was net playing, and hoiiie changes were made, llyudmaii was en third base instead el Shay, who has net yet recovered Irem tlin injuries received en Monday. The full score is as fellows : Mil I IAMST T IL 11, LAMASTKIl. ntr-m'k.i Kli'kley. J taker, I Ityaii, i teulktnil,H flacbur.'p llueliri 1,1. line), in White, r Vt illlaueipert 3000(1520 0-0 Lancaster . .. .UOuOOUfOU-1 Karneil inns VVIIHain. pert, 1. Twe ban lilts t'llzpalrlck, Itlckley, Kyan, Virtue, Ilyiiliiuui, 'Z. Doiilile play It) mi te KltzpatrlcVr, te Itick ley. I'ussiil balls linllas, 4 Wild pitches Hsclitr, J , I)uiry,3. Itase enliirtls lly Fischer, .1 hy Iiuiry, :. lilt tiy li ills liuiry. i. Struck out r"Wthi:l, (i i llully, ,s. Uuipliu .Ieiuh. llirrn lllrtliilny Celelirntluu. In Mule llrllaln. litiui theOxluid Pleas The birthdays et three old citizens el Lltlle llritaiu township, I. auditor county, have iHien celubratud withlu a few days. That nl Mrs. Jane Wilseil, who Is the eldest citien of the township, eccurred en Monday last, vv lien she reached the great age of Ml years. Three or her reur living children were pres ent, besides grand-children mid ether rela tives ami Iriends. Mrs. Wilsen is still in the enjoyment or geed health and is remarkably active rer ene or her years. The H5th aniil v ersary of M rs. Kllzabeth .oil w as observ til by her family en the l!d Inst, when there wero present nlne of her eleven children, who with tlie grand children and ethers made the occasion a happy one. Mrs. Zell enjoys oxcellont health and is very active and sprightly. Mr. Jehn Ileed passed theMlh inlie stone lu the years or his life Journey en Sunday hist He is still hale and vigorous Theso are all highly esteemed clllzens or Llt Llt leo llrllaln. tallies full) 'Jul by Milk uf a lllllrn Chit. A deg lielenglng te Mr. A. S. Hall, n larmer, living noarCabelt, Ark,, went mad last week, aud among animals which it wounded in its wanderings about the farm wasn milch cow. Tliocew showed iieHigus el being ivllected by the wound, and It was thought that hydrophobia would net result Hut lately, however, the animal began showing tlie symptoms or the dreadful disease, and at the same tlme the (armor's two little children, who had been nourished with the cow's milk, exhibited similar symptoms, and am In a critical con dition Nurturing the most torrlble agonies, The ethor momberser the family are "e HI, but their symptoms nre net as alarming as these nt the children, and Heme uope Is en tertained that they may recover. ! A K LAMASTKIl. K n 1' V T : 1 te i. i .ecliir, s e : l J l i l l . , u ttihigui.l e ": 3 n u ii n : e' e iieiHiiiian, 1 li ., t- e l n i i1 'i : virtue,': i'i I J ': ; I e l ; Hasiiey, r e1 e! l in u ; i l in l vviisuu.in I e .1 e ii I I 7 ji (i Dalian, c V 0, s 1 1 1 ii c i n llymlman, 3 1 21 1 I; i I S l ni Dully, p I ii 1, Oi 1 Tetal..rlO t r,h t Total. tleliTII s A FUIUIITirUL RUNAWAY. 1111,11 IIAItll UF A HVIIUTKU lUniHK AUIStl A VHOHHKH IHUH.WAI.K. Natron liin IMr.Miiiiil (liiifT hinmlilelt I tie Vrhli In Hint Ntrliilng IIIiiimiII ut ll.r- iirii-llniili I'rliunniiit l!i Heulli IJur.li. lltliiK 'I' (III tlm IUIrIsii lllitck.. Last evenlug Mrs. Hamiiel tlrell, residing at Ne. IIS North Prlnue stient, iKWiiipanled by her son Walter, started out ler a ritle. They drovunery prelty bay horse belong, lugie Mr. 1 1 roll, ami it was about 8 o'clock when they returned te the house. The young man get out of the buggy, and was alniut as. Rlilliig his mother te the pavement when the bone lilglilened nl something and stirtcd le run, wltbMrK.fi roll I nthe buggy, lie ran down te Uiaiige street, whorea whecil el the buggy struck against a hk'liltig pest and was broken te pits eh. The horse then took the imo ime meiit en the wesl slde or llie streut, down which hu dashed at a futieus rate; the buggy was dragging along and tlm right was a lear fill ene. lien tlm team reached tlin roll rell ileiicn or Jacob Hath von, Mrs. I roll was Ihienti Irem the velili'le te the pavement Slie was picked iipmul taken te a neiglilxir Inc heuie, alter whlclr slm was lemoved te her home. S'he had several scalp wounds en her head and was bully bruised, but her In juries arn net at all serious. Alter Mis. droll had been thrown Irem the buggy llie hnrsn kept en. Just Isdew Urant Httietuli Prince, tlie tup et the buggy was lern oil and left lying en tlm pavement and nllllle liirlber down the I mm I el thovehicle mum nil. lu trout nl tlin eiera house the Ih'Ikk became loose Irem tlm leliialnder ut tlm buggj, which by this lime, was broken te pieces. The animal hem leek In tin) middle el the slieet and ran down Prlucti street as lar as I rbau A llurgei's planing mill, lln then ciiMsid ever te heuth (Jueeii stieel, and ran up te Centiu Sqiiaru. Ill front nl .anui's Jewelry store there was a vegetable stand, and the animal seineed te be going straight towards It He lell heavily upon the llulglaii blinks, however, and slid some distance, t iin legalmug his leet he again attempted te run, but was caught 'Iho hnrse was bully i ut nil the left side aud hieast and alter lining attended by etermary Surgenu NImiiIi he was taken te his stdile. It was a great mirvel that iiinre iiouple were net hurt by tlin runaway, as at that huur in tlm evening Prlnce stieet Is tiaveled a great deal. Just holme tlm hnrsn ceme deivii street a gentleineil who w us wheeling ids baby lu a small carriage stnpeil below McCleaiv'sdrug stere , took the child from HiucarrMge and Inte a house, scanely had he lelt the vivemeul when the hursocatile along. The buggy struck tlm baby carriage aud carried It along nn the pavement for Meinn distance, but did it little damage. Lv cry inarbln deer step en tlm westsidoer the street had small pieces broken from them by the mlonie or tliu buggy striking against tliem, and ene wooden step had aboard broken onto! it Itulinnajr llil. Morning. Iho hnrse ir .Solemon Heed scared when in front of Han's lxi)k store, this morning, and ran across the Square and down Seuth (JiietMl strnet Lew Is Hates attempted lostep tlm herse and was kiiis'keil down by the runaway, but he fortunately escasil unin jured. Tlm herse was caught near the cor ner or Mllllin street, mid but lltlle damage was done le the vehicle. .1. IAS.t-.VK an as ni ATimira VHI3IK. Dr. 1 N. I'almrr. nl l!itun, llnmiw Himself Willi III. l.ltllKliramWeu. At I e lock Monday allernoen Dr. l'icd erick N. Pnliuer, ene or the liest known hemn'iiathii' physicians el llosteu, loll his rosiden 'e with his l-yoir-eld grandson, et whom hu was very loud. A tolegr.nu Irem Portland statin lli.il the doctor with the child tis'k passage en the stoauier Jehn Hrneks ler Pertl mil. During the evening the boy played around the sa loon. Nelsidv noticed anytliiiigeiit orthoor erthoor ortheor dlnary in tliu isnidUJt et tliu vv hitu-haired, kfndly-laeud old gontleniaii, who lullovved the ililld around and who scorned greatly pleased whenever the pissengera gave his chargu a pleasint word. When tlm little boy get tired his grandratlier put hint te boil. At about l o'clock Dr. Palmer saving llmt tlm bny "ss seasick and must have iresh air, carried him ten derly le the aller-deck. The child com plained of tlie cold and the doctor sent a waller for a blanket A moment later Cap tain hiiiowden, looking through M epen deer, saw Dr. Palmer, with the boy lu his arms, jump irem tlie rail In thewn'er. 'Iho steamer was stepHMl and the lints levverud, hill the bodles could net be liiunil. Vfter a long search llie steamer continued lier voy age. The decU r w as 7 I ye irs old. Dr. Palmer was liern lu Hosleu, educated In Maine and get his degree in Philadelphia. Korsev oral years Im practiced lu New ten. Hy an attack or apoplexy two vears age his memory was slightly iinpilrud, but he; had never shown signs el mental derangement lln leaves au aged widow, who incompletely pie-iliated by the scheck. All rKH I MIX) fUli A HUH It AM). A lair Widen (lul Due, anil Jl.ut Illm ami Her l.lllle Proper I). Mrs. Klli Kllim 1'reoie was a Halluuore widow with n nlce little propeity aud two children. She took it Inte her head toadvor teadvor toadver tiso for a husband. She get one. New she Is without n husband and is also minus the property, but she still ha? the children. Mrs. Krecze lived III tlie village el St. Paris, Champagne county, Ohie. She was com cem com rertably situated, her husband having left her a little home ami money. She is only thirty-two mid line looking, and sever.il tinner sought her baud and house, but she remained trim te her dead husband's memory till this spring. In. the early part el prtl when the birds began te mum, Mrs. Kreoze boeaiue tired el wi lowheod. In an unlucky moment she put an mlvoitlt'iuent in a Cin cinnati paper. " V vting widow of means would llki te make tlin iuiiialntanieut some kind guiitluiiun." She received many answers but selected ene Iretu Haltlineru signed "Kugene K. Tailor." Thev ceriesnnnded, decided te marry and he met her at Urbana, Ohie. He was handsome and said Im w as a vv ealthy dry gisids merchant el ltaltlniere. They weie married. Her luistnuii saw sne 11.111 boiler sell her prejierty as tlmy would live in Haltimeru. She did se and cenllded the inoiiey te her liusband. They cuue te Haiti Haiti mero bringing the children. Then Tayler told her tin was only a car driver and dis apiearud. The jmlicu are lisikliig ler him. lie Wants n Flutter .sliutt Why Net Linieii-j lNrKli.mi.NLi.it Having just been solicited le subscribe towards the e.- ieiisnH of the proposal annual agricultural fair in this city, I am prompted te the pre sumption (with all dun deference te elder heads and the city's fathers) ei suggesting that se fav orable au omiertunlly as fair w oek should be embraced ler the purKsu el Initiating a lleral and horticultural show ou tliu same grounds mid at the same time. It would enhance alike the attractiveness of the occasion and the desirability for increasing and extending the artet Bticcesstuiiy culti vating flowers. Surely the county gentry would w illiugly aid se worthy au object and might, doubtless, contribute many rare mid dellcale specimens of both Irults mid llewers. There can be no inore naturally elevatlng mnuence evor tue Intellectual and inuutal susceptibilities than that produced by a keen admiration of and lamilUrlty with the liagile beauty mid fragrant net choice llowers. tholevool wlilch truly Indicates rcilned t.Hte and ptirily of mind. Hitch exhibits, ou an extensive scalu, would assuredly give u stimulus te llie study of ttiu character and classification et rare mid valua ble exotics and pievu an incentive te their jealous cultivation. Cii.viii.i:s MaiNvv. Neimt QuuKN Si'., May 1'J, ISMi lllrllnlay Auiil.frnary, .lames Lemnii, son of Henry H. I.eman, colebratod Ills cutmuce Inte the voting popu pepu popu latlen last evening, by elegantly entertaining mime of his young Iriends of both sexes, nt his father's resldeiice, Ne. 127 NertU Ouke utreet Mtt.1T II AH VNIIKH llim IK I). The derr Ansrchlut t'nunlit In MlM I. run I'lttirr'. Ilmmi, llerr MehI, tlie Anarchist, Is at lust a pris oner at New Yerk rmllce liuadquarterH, and a mero disgusted nml angry captive was ue vor caged there. He Is soreovor his arrest, and mero than sere evor tlie niHtiner of It Inspector lly rnes, en Hie ether hand, enjoys ltery much. Most was Indicted with Kclietu.k and Hraitiisohwelg ler making Incendiary HMXi'hcsHt n meeting of tlin Workliigmen's lillluclub ou the evening of (ioed I'ridny. They were preniplly arref led, but he get word uf Iho Indictment and get away. A clue was found that led two detectives te do de do vetoa week le the work nl learning all about the Anarchist Hynipathlzers in Jersey City. They are oenvlntod that Most had been thore In hiding, but tlmy missed him. Twe ethor detectives did similar work In Newark. Anethor tlue led le the heuse irn Mrs. Little in Seuth Itroeklyu, who was known te be a gruat Irlend or Most The par dealer who supplies stock le tlie J-'rcihett was also traeed te this house, ami ethor evidence was secured toshew that Most lilmsell was there at times. Hut the dotoc detoc dotec lives failed le trap Illm in coming or going.er were unable te make sum Just when he was tliure, se as te take the chauce nt breaking in after him. At last DuUietlvoCrewloy discovered that Most was very much smitten with the charms et a certain Lena r'lsher. Miss I'isherls lsyearseld. Her nielhnr keeM a house or assignation In the I'll teen th precinct and has doneno for many years. Mrs. Klsherwas appreachuil in reference te her daughter, ami skilfully made te under stand that a man of money was considerably interested in tlie girl. 'I Ills resulted in tlie discovery that lena had iHupled nil the tlme a room en the lirst Heur or llie tenement nt IDs Allen street, nml the detectives sus pivled that Most occupied it with her. L,tst evening the detectives worked tiiu Mrs. Kisher's metherly feelings by further relereiices te the invtbiiMl new nud wealthy admirer for Lena, and arranged te go ever and see the girl in his Iwltill. Mrs. Hrewn, whoeocuplostlin lirst Meer In A lien street, was thus liiduied te receive visitors and in quiries about Miss Len.i entirely without suspicion. She said that she routed the room te Miss Lena, and that was nil she knew nbeut her. he the dolectives said that It would be necessary ter Ihomtiisee the girl. Mrs. Hrewn went te the roeili deer and called her. ltwasltl' o'clock. Lena came out aud locked tliu deer behind her. Shu was conrrentod hv lnsiiecter Hyrnes and Doteo Deteo Dotee tlves Crowley, Ven (ierichleii, Ilaley and Hruutiur. Mrs. Hrewn had net seen all theso gentlemen until that moment, mid she looked very much puzzled. The girl was net puz zled a particle. She was very suspicious, but having get the diwr securely locked she lelt sale auuloekud ilellH.nl. " Whom havoyeu get III there?" demaudeil Instmcter Hyrnes. "I don't choeso le loll you," slm replied ilotermlneilly. "Then.I will break down the dour," said tlm Inspector savagely. "That is what you will li.ie le de, then,'' the girl said, coolly. It was evldently furthest Irem her thoughts te siuqiese that the deer would Is) broken, but it was broken, and mighty suddenly, the inspector's Ne. .l loot going through the deal with a crash. The detectives looked eagerly in and their faces foil. Ne ene was te be seen. Hut they had pretty thoroughly satiWled themselves between Mrs. I'lsber and Mrs. Hrewuthal Most was thore. Se they went lu te leek. They found him hidden utider the bed. Dottctive Crowley dragged him out by the heels, dusty nud spider-weblKHl. The detectives say that he wns ihe most frightened prisoner they hae ev or seen. He was pale as a slieet for awhile, until he re- coverod lilmsell. Then he w. is angry. He was in his shirt sloevos, anil while he was getting ready le go by donning a blouse ami a slouch hat, hu asked what he was arrested for. "1 havea warratit forjeu." answered tliu lnsiectur. " Yeu have been indicted." Most shrugged his shoulders and shook his long hair as he said : " 1 supK)se it is en account of that eieech I made. I de net care, lhave been in (prison for liberty in almost every country in Kurepu." He made ether references' le his past prison oierieiice3, Haid he had been twice a mem ber et a Herman Parliament, mid talked him soil Inte a semen hat mero ceinlurlablu rraine of mind. Hut he lolapsed when head quarters was leached, and )y the tlme he waslakonte tlie cell he vms again savage nud sere. He described himsell Jiibanu Most, 10, (eriiiaii, single, editor, and relused his rosl resl rosl dence. He was thereleru lumked as living at 1US Alien street The detectives then relu rued t tlie room and searched it. They found large numbers of conies nl 'reihcit and nbeut Jim books, maiiyel tliem treating of tke maiiulactiire and usoerdynaiuito and ether explosives. A Winchester rlllu inula imllceiuan's club wero the only woaiiens found. There was iio.iuiinunltieiifor tlie rille, and thorn were no bombs lu tlin Anarchist's bower. Tliu ritle Is most likely the ene he brauisbed at the meeting as u sample el the weapons with which the police wero te be demol ished. most new in J viu Ni:vv Yenii, May K Herr Most was called te-day te plead te the ludiitiueut for heldiug an unlawful assembly aud for Incit ing a riot. The penalty Is ene year imprison imprisen nient nud J260 line. Itocentoi Suiy the held hlni in f 1,000 bail, iu default el wlui.li he was taken te the Tombs. us a j.tvxr. jmaler Unmity Ollliiiil. In ItrailiiiH. lm-peit-lng Iho lllllerent mstlliilleiis 1 lieie. HitAiilMi, Pa., May l'i Tlie Lancaster county peer directors isune te Heading Tues day morning ou un ofliei.il visit et inspection te the Herks tioer heuxe. 'limy arriv ed here en the 10 o'clock train mid were met by Steward lloinbergor and driven te the alms house, whero they weie shown evor ihe buildings mid grounds. The purpese el their visit was mi examination into tlie workings of the aluisliouse gas machine, which they Intend introducing in the Lancaster county almshouse. Tlie visitors wero highly pleased with all tiiey saw, and vrore ready te acknew ledge that Herks was lar ahead of Lancabter in the conduct of Us public buildings. The isiters are its lel low a : Peer Directors D.mlel Herr, A.A. Heir, Isaac llanck, Jehn llrouner, Jacob S. Strlne and Jehn K. Miller; H. IC. Myers, secretary of the beard j W. T. Hrewn, solicitor ; l.oe. li Worst, slnwiird. Thev were acceilllMllied by li. 11. Smith, of Pittsburg, representing the agency el a gas machine. At tlm nluisheusu liiucemiiiissiuuurn weiu iiiut. uj uuuij vu vu misslener Keller, Peer Director Marshall and Oelger, Dr. It. 11. Schultze unit ether peer house ellleiuls, mid the ontire party en joyed an elegant dinner prepared in Mis. Hombergor's best style. new our ritei'Lt: vi:ui: imi'iii'.sskii. The Lauctster ceuuty peer directors to gether with their socretary and solicitor, hnve returned from their visit te 1 lead ing. They were hospitably entertained vvhlle thore and bring away with them favor able Impressions of the Herks county elllcials and the public Institutions of thoceuntv. The count v gas works, which they went te inspect, w illi a v lew of orectlug similar works at the ceuuty buildings in this city, wero leunil te be giving general satis faction. Within the past two mouths only elght barrels of gasoline havu beeu consumed in tlie uianutacturu of gas, the cost or the gas belug only about fill pel iiieulh. The farm of mero tluui WHl acres is much butter than the Lancaster lariil, but nothing Is made oil it; Indeed, like the Lancaster (arm. it costs the ceuutv uioie than it comes le. That part of It used rer trucking pur poses is large und lluely cultivated and this year mere space will be used fur gardening then Uoretelore. The orchards ou tlie larni are large and contain hundreds ej trees bear ing cheice varieties et Irult The county buildings are net comparable with theso et Lancaster county ; mid tlin general management of the almshouHeaud hospital did net Impress the visitors as being as geed as our own. 1UU HVU SlUClv Oil IIIU lariil in HIKIKUII Ul HI being first-class and lu oxcellont condition, nil ?.,r mnrn nilinernila than ours. IhoitvesiocKon me lann in speKeu or as aud lar mero numerous than ours. TO BK A SGAI'KGOAT. VAOHKH THAT I.KI) 1(4 TIIK DUHXl'AI.I, Uh' I'll Kill Kit JMLIAXNIN. A Theory That the I'nttrr., ItetfiRiilliiR Ills Or eat Ability, Omliiilrtl In Wlml tip III l)liniiinlleC'arfpr tlrrek. Anvlnm fur One lllnnr at 'lurkrj. ViiiNN , May li A I'nlted Press corrus cerrus corrus txmdenl has Just had an Interesting inter view with a colonel el tlie (lieek army who arrived here last night charged with a mission le purchase a large numlier of horses for llie Ureek cavalry mid artillery. The cor respondent first asked " what is the secret causoef thodewulatlof Promler Delymmis?" Thocelonol replied: "The fact Is that M. Delyannls was made asacrlliin te tliu self self luve of the powers. He is also te some extent a Kcaiiegeat ler all the sins which (Ireece has, in theli oyes, committed. I'cemler Delyannls has both dolled and (Milled the shrewdest diplomatic 'skill of live great powers. Such n siiccess as this could never be forgiven. They demanded his iHilltlcat oxtltictieu an a punishment ler his temerity and success. Thus far he was n saerillce, pure and simple. I believe that he will irise he found te be a scapegoat, and that horeaftcr thore will tj eoinparathely smooth sailing between tlie iiowers nml the new milk and water government" "Yeu believe then that you will makun full submission te the powers ?" "lwlll d( se in apioaraiicent least, but I still believe that the disbanding or tlie J reek army will boa very leisurely proceeding. This beliut is semewhat strengthened by the orders under whlililam new acting, lu fact the boliei is very current iu the army that this vv huln scheinenf Hacrilie and sub mission is merely another Invention te gain liiilu. I f se, it is a very cluv or one. With Mr. Dulyamiis Hacrihced te the isiwurs, the nllleil lleut will continue te liud tlie sea tee stormy te malnlniu an etlective blockade, and the powers will lislen very lndiilgeiitly te the many excuses that may be ui.ule ler do de lay In disbanding. It is new likely UialM. Delyaniiis with two-thirds of Ureece at his back w ill retire peacefully from public llie. This submission le the powers may very possibly be made for outside ellect alone. Hse, it will'stlll In) the hand of M. Delyaiiuis that will move the pieces en the cliess beard, although the game is nominally being played by the new premier, M. Papamlch Papamlch Papamlch aloptiles. This gentleman is a very aluiable man, but hu bolievos iu poace at atiy price and naturally is net liolevod by the army. We, hew ever, havu faith le bulluve that uveitis will seen shape thoiuselvos seas le glve us at lea.it one sharp campaign against theso infernal Turks." Where Ulllm I. it Wanted. .Vinns, May li M. l'apaiulchalopule's efforts te form a new cabinet, have as yet. been barren of results. In the present suite of atlalrs but low can be lursuaded te accept fiflU'u, und the ministerial crisis continues. The tiieek Heet has been oilectually block aded. The French minister here denies that he li is been recalled te Paris. rut: ltr.vuiiiAVAS vmimaiims. btclnunii's l'rlciuls Take Frmii Ciniraca anil Direr lllg llet.. The friends of the Stehuiaii-Heinii'hl com binatien had lully recovered en Tuesday trem the temporary Ijoeiii which their oppo nents enjoyed mid, bofeto the Inti.i.i,kii:n t'Kit with the nevvs of tlie situation reached them, had stilleued up ami taken fresh courage. Last evenlng oneof the pluckiest of thorn ollered te but f.'AMJ that htehman would be elected, I n0 en Keimehl, fTiOO ou Isitli mid f70 te f50d against Siimmy mid Weaver. Ne tnkers. l'er assembly hi this city, e.-Slierill High wavered at the last lueinent aud would net allow his uame te lie Usui as a cmdidate apiinst Dr. DaviSjWhe will new have a walk walk overat the primaries. The Contest fur Delegates. Tuesday was the last day en which candi dales could register their names at the olllce of Iho clialriinn el the Republican county committee, for tlie primary election, en the iM. The enlv parties vvlie weie leglstered yos yes yos terday wurucindldates ler delegates le the Republican stile cenvcntluu, and they aie as fellow a: Sonateiial. lith district: C. I. I, audi, oily. Senatorial, lltli district: ,leepli Miller, Manetla; J. A. Stebor, West Cccdlce. ltepresentitive, city district: 15. frank Lshlemau. Lewer UopreHcntalive Distuct: Tlias. Mctievvan, Sadsbuiv; . K. Alexaudei, Lit teo ltrltain; Jasen lv. Laby, Paradise ; I). M. Hollenmyer, Lilcu. Unnur UonresontitlMi District: Dr. H. II. Wituier, Nellsvllle: Henj. Wissler, Clay; Haydn H. Tsliudy, Lllltz; David Styer, jr., C.eruarveu; Wiu.Keller,Waiwiik,aud Jehn M. Kridy, West Huinplleld. The Hues have been strictly drawn whero there isaceutest Politically they aie divi ded as follews: Sri.iiMAN-(ii:isi-HKevvN Cem nix vnes: C. 1. Luidis, It. Prank Kshlem.m, Themas Mctiew.m, Y. K. Alexaudei, Jeseph Miller, Dr. II. II. Witmer, Henj. Wissler, Haydn II. Tshitdy. SUMMV-MAlniN lt'.VV ClIMIIl.N VllllN Jasen K. Kabv, D. M. Holleumyor, J. A. Stebor, Dav id Slyer, Win. Keller, Jehn M. 1'ridy. TlielJifcl Appeals. The candidates for the leading olllces are busy this week Interview lug the farmers. Hutween new and Saturday weelc lets el hard work will be doue nml lets of hard cash will Und its way into the lieiisers pockets of the little township bosses. . w l.er ami Happier .ilitu. Commedore Hlestatid was in town l.ut night te make sure that Dr. Koebuck or somebody else did net annoimce ler Cou Ceu gress. As no ene announced the commodore went back te Washington te-day a happy man. TIIKV MUST Assnr.n. Twe lii.iirance Cniupaules Taken In Ta.K by Ihu Attiirney (liiueral. Altoruey tJoueral Cassldy, at the iustauce of Insurance Commissioner Kosterhas asked the court for an order, which was granted, citing New Kra Life Insurance company of of 1S7i, of Philadelphia, into court te show cause why itsoillcers should net Ih removed or its business closed ler tlie following rea sons : That the company entered Inte :i contract with W. Henry Smith, agreeing that he should have tlie exclusive use of Its franchi ses and the management of its funds In con sideration of his lviylng certiin per centnges te the troasurer te be applied te dividends in stock, such contract being contrary te sound nellcv and net warranted by Its charter : that assessments have beeu lovled largely iu ex. cess of the amounts collected te their own use; that it has sottled claims for small amounts, and in attempting te collect, by as sessment, tliu full amount of the poucies ; Unit the oiUcers useil the Kinds te pay install ments ou their subscriptions te its capital stock and have personally misappropriated the funds; that it is Insolvent and lriiudu lriiudu leutly conducted, and that It has failed te re port te. the insurance commissioner und Is net carrylug out Us contracts with its mom hers. An erder was also granted citing llie Com Cem Com uieuwoalth Mutual Kire Insurance company. et Columbia, Lancaster county, le uppu.tr lu court ami show cause why It should net be adjudged Insolvent and a receiver appointed. A Cameren ceuuty man had a claim of f 100 against the company, and the sherilt who made the levy returned the w rlt, with the in formation that It was no geed, ileth orders are made returnable June 8. Oldening In HioN'eUn. Newsboys efllarrlsburg will have te de their selling en Sundays horeaftor with muuiuawiiii. ..w "j - ...w., .- r.- tarnatien that he will arrest tliem hereafter .Without OUy further WliruiUgB. mouths shut nie mayor uas issued si proc TlllKfllAVM'S VONFEIHIUX. Ills .Miinlereini iiln tJiin. Willi Ynung lliwirge Jehn ll.iiiiii, llie Ten Neck burglar, who shel (loergoS. Cm), Jr., lu Kngloweoil, N. J., is in n very weak condition, hut he has a geed apiotlte, nml Is clicerful. Immediately alter the scene lu the Lnglewixnl lockup, when Bali i u was committed lejall, he made a verbal statement te Marshall Jainlesen aud I'rosldent Mack ay, of llie Knglewoed Protpc Pretpc Protpc tlen society, giving full details or what he had done. Ilaiiiu said he left New Yerk en Wednesday nftoriieoh, crossing tlie rlver nl I'ert lee, nud proceeded thonce ou feet te LnglowecKl, which he reached lu the early evening. Alter looking ever the business art et the town with mi eye te burglary he went evor te Tun Neck, whero he had a job laid out at a private resldonce which promlsed geed results. He would net designate tlm heuse. While he was waiting ler the hour at which he wns le begin operations he dumped into the school houe by way of diversion and with a vague liejm that there might be something worth carrying nwny. Whllohe was lu tliu school heuse he was disturbed by au unusual noise, mid turning toward tlie deer he siw the forms of two young men. He didn't want U hurt thorn, but with the hepe of frightening them nwny he II red two shots from his pistol. They rotreatod and he turned his attention te llndiiigii channel or cscatm. Witli a pistol In ene hand nnd his tools iu the ethor, he stnrted te go through n window he had opened, when he was can fronted by a tall young man (Oeorge Coe i. He llred a shot .mil then jumped. (This shot entered Coe's shoulder.) The next instant he was In tlie grip or the young man, who seen threw him te the ground and loll en him. Finding lilmsell fairly caught, Haiim says he plaied the pistol against the young man's body nud tired again. (Thlssiiet entered the abdomen). Then the young man soied the pistol liem him and rolled oil lust as nuuther one f Leuis Coe) cuue up. He Jumped up and grappled with Leuis, who had armed himself with Damn's brace (a carpenter's tool used for lierlug). The prisoner said the young man rained blows se rapidly and ef fectively that he was seen overiMiwered, unit lull te the ground almost Insensible, (ieorge called te Leuis te held him, nud Leuis, after, as he supposed, tying Baum's hands behind him, went away. Iu his excitement Leuis lied the handkerchief, se Haum sa)s, around only ene wrist, and as seen as the young men were out ul hearing Haum stnggored te his feet. Helirst went te the bam, whonce he was tracked afterward by bleed marks; thou te au unoccupied heuse near by, where he washed the bleed Irem his face and hands. Then he relumed te the school house ler his hat lulling lu his search, he went away, Liking two rugs from the main room. Hatun's story hern dillers from the general siipiusitien that he went te the West Shero railroad and the swamp land adjoining. He says he hid hiinelf within frOO yards of the school house, whero he distinctly heard the voices of some of the searchers. He re peated part of their conversation, which have sltice been vorilied. When the excited people hid departed Irem that v iciulty he made his way southeast, cress ing Tea Neck read within sight of the Coe house, whero he saw a number of cir riag03, passed across the bread stretch travered by llie diagonal read, and went tureugli congressman l'helps' ledge gate a: Nordhetf, which Is betwoen Knglewoed aud Leenle, just in tlme te escape a party w he were picketing that section. He thou made for the w oeds en Pert Lee Hill, and hid away until Thursday night The sheeting was ou Wednesday night Prem here he continued te Shady Slde, whero he iiassed Friday. When hu started up again he lettthe rugs be hind. He theu made his way te Hobekou, where he was arrested. Haum says he had nothing te eat during this lime but some eggs, which he get in a barnyard. Ollicers were seut te Shady Side, and they leuud the rugs at the place described by tliu prisoner. TIIK IllVVOLK 1CAVK. Twe Hitler. Kiiguged Hi a SU-llay Cuiite.t lu MliilieaiinlL, Minn. Mi:M. v I'D Ms, Minn., May li The second day of the six-day bicycle raceat the Washington rink, between Jehn S. Prlnce mid Albert Scheck, was net marked bynuy special features. When tlme was called both men apiieared en the track ns fresh a3 vvheu they first mounted. The pace tiken en the stirt was alieut ki miles an hour, but both men spurted frequently during the day. Prince leTl his wheel only otice, being oil' 1 minute and lj seconds, but Scheck did uet quit thu saddle. Prince lias been gaining, but notwithstanding this Scheck is the favorite, and several heavy bets have beeu placed ou bun. Hu show sne signs of fatigue and Ins appetite is us veracious as ever. He rides easily, occA-slenally forging ahead at a wuudertul pace, but Prlnce fellows him clesuly. Ileth men are ceulident of wluuing. At the eud of the lirst day thu scere steed : Prime, lv miles, 1 lap; Scheck, 17'J miles, 5 laps. Last uight the scere stoed: Priuce, 307 miles, n laps ; Scheck, 3.V miles, 7 laps. A Mi.iHiluii. t'ackage. Cint'Aue, May li A day or he age a Htrange looking parcel was carried Inte Pull. man Irem an Illinois Central train, which arrived here liem Chicago, and Irem Its general appoarance a stisplcieu llltted through the minds et some of the Pullman company's elllcials that the strmige package contiiiied dynamite or a bomb because it was shortly alter the IlayinarKet oplsedo. Yesterday search warrants wero obtained .mil suspecied honses were searched, but nil that wns found was a small package of gun powder in ene Hut, It Is possible that the patties visited, knowing that they were suspected, had removed their dangerous goods le ethor storage plices. Chninlierlalii Declare. War. Les'iuiN, May li--An important meeting took place te-day at the rosidenco of Mr. Jeseph Chamberlain in connection with the passage of Mr.. Gladstone's home rule and laud bills. Sixty Liberal members were prusunt who opjieso the meas ures. Mr. Caiue, who was present at tlie meeting, stated that KM Liberals had premised te vete against the home rule bill anil that JI otheis had net yet decided what ceurse te pursue. Kllleil hy Indians. Tl I'ses, Arizona, May li A Nogalus dis patch says tli.it u special courier just arrived from Harnett's ranch ii miles southvvestot Negalcs, reports the killing of Charles Mur ray and Themas Shaw, yesterday, by Indi ans. Gerenluin's ontire baud is supposed te be in that locality with -00 soldlers lu close pursuit. Murray aud Shaw were prominent among the volunteers liem N'ogales when the Indians ralded Veru Cruz valley two wceks age. Ilcnipscy ami Mltihell Matched te light. At the conclusion of the ceutest hotweeu Charlie Mltchell and Jack Hurko, at Hattery D.Chicage, en Monday night, JackDempsey climbed ou the stage and attempted te hand Mitchollnchullengo. The Englishman drew back and refused te take it A moment later Dompsey get oil the stage ovldently some semo seme what rattleit. Mltchell Immediately after wards stepped te ene side or the ring, and facing thu roiKirters' bev said : "I desire te call the attention or the press te the gentle manly manner In which -Mr. Dempsey has Just attempted te challouge me, befere 1 have get the bleed vv ashed oil from one encounter." Tuesday Mitchell was lu a better humor and when Dompsey ro-eiicnod negotiations for a contest he met Dompsey mero than half wav. Mltchell llnally agreed te accent Deuuv- sey's challenge and arranged te light him ter f5,000 a snle, te be Increased If uecessary te J 10,000, with kid gloves, according te julzo julze ring rules. Articles ofagreeuient, rtlpulutlng the stakeholder, the place of the meeting and the tlme of lighting will be signed. Surety nt llie reace nuit I-arceny. Win. lloeso, arrested en oath or Jehn Tshudy, whocharges hlni with surety of the poace nnd the larceny of clothing, was. locked up this morning for a hearing before Aider man McCoueuiy te-morrow. TIIK CHINESE OUTRAGES. Aituvisu tiik iii t.r, run tftvxuttirt i mi tiik avrrsKKKit. An Inlerr.lliiu IMxii.tleu That tTll KllcIICit by tlm Itnik Spring. Muui r Ceujwm- men W tin rniur Ilia lull nml TlitM W tin Opm. ihn Hclirnm. Wasiu.noten, 1). C, May li-tUouae. In the Heuso te-day, Mr. Holmeut, of New Yerk, ns chairman el the conunltteo en for fer for eign affairs, called up the Chinese Indemnity resolution appropriating f 117,000 te Indem nify the Chlnose subjects for losses sustained lu the Heck Springs riots. Mr. llelment graphically oxpluiiieil the massacre, ami dwelt emphatically ou the fact that llie territorial' authorities had utter, ly failed le oufercn the laws against llie perpetrators. He said hy the passage el this resolution the Unlted States would oxpress Its sympathy with the victims ela wrong that the United States could net prcyent nor loresee, and that nene of the IKirseus engaged lu the outrage appeared le lie Amer lean citizens ; that Keck Springs con sisted of two soltlemouts ene iuhablted chlelly by Welshmen and Swedes, the ether by Chinese. Mr. llelment concluded by stiling that whilst the victims of the wrong wero Chinese suhjects, Iho government had received n greater wrong by roaseu of the unpunished violation of the laws. Mr. 1'olten, et California, in a brlefapoech contended Hint theso outrages were the nat ural result et Chlnose Immigration. Mr. Merrow, of California, thought that the benovelonco of Congress In the inatter might be au net eT wisdom. The wiiole nfl'alr at Keck Springs had been dlugracelul lu the ex treuiu and could net be excused or ignored. The mestlhat could be said was that no cltl 7en or the I'nited States had been ongaged;in the massacre. He favored the resolution bo be bo causelt would strengthen the oxecullvo In an attempt te secure the censent or China te put a step te Chlnose Immigration. Mr. McKenna, of California, said that the groaning calendars of the Heuso should ad monish members Hint thore wero ether uses for the f 117,000 than bestowing itin benevo lence, or squanderlng'.it In romantic and showy comity. Pending further discussion, the morning hour expired, the couimllieo arose aud the Heuso again went into commlttee of the whele, aud resumed consideration or the army appropriation bill. Tlie Cliluene Mint Un. Wasiunoten, D. C, May li Sonate. Sonater Mltchell, of Oregen, Introduced a concurrent roselutlon which was appropri ately referred, reciting Hint It Is llie sonse of the American Congress that the further Im migration of the Chlnose should he prohibit ed, as It Is injurious le the piiblie welfare, tree labor ami the Chlnose lliomselves. l'reslilnntlAl Nomination.. Wasiunoten, D. C, May li Tlie presi dent te-day sent le the Sonate llie following nominations : Jehn li. Fitzgerald, collector of internal roveuue, 3d district of Massachusetts. Collectors et customs Jehn Trlesl, district el Yaqulna, Orogeu. Geerge W. Juckmau, district of New llury llury pert, Mass. II. A. Hull, dislrlctef Slonlngten,Conu. Jeseph U. Cox, surveyor of customs, livansville, Ind. Postmasters Den A. Gilbert, Halnbrldge, N. Y.; W. Scott Olllesple, Kingsten, N. Y.; lien I. l- Hewell, Ulvorliead, N. Y,; Uobt.Humphrey, West New Hrlgh ten, N.Y.; Albert Sweet, Dansville, N. Y.; Frank Cass, Holllsten, Mass.; Charles A. Sheldon, Gainesville, l-'la.; Petor Nodler, Covlngteui Ky.; James !'. Llder, Illchmend, Ind.; Abraham Itese, Venten, Iowa; Leuis 1. Trempe, Sault De St Marie, Mich.; Wm. O. Garvin, 'fronton, Ma ;C. II. Herner, Stuart, Iowa ; Krauk W. Osburn, Kugone City, Oro Ore Oro eou ; James Ii. Cresseu, The Dalles, Orogeu ; Jehu 1J. Krasher, Tollttride, Colerado. (Juti Husk's Welcome Heme. Madisen, Wis., May IU. Ou his return home from Milwaukee last evenlng Gov. Husk was met at the depet by thousands of people, including the mayor, common coun cil, local G. A. H. veteraus, sous of eteran, the uulversity battalion and two bands of music and amid deafening shouts he was es corted te the capitol. Thore he was elo quently wolcetnod home by Mayer Neys. He made a speech in return, evinciug his loyalty te the Hag and te the law nnd his hatred of mob rule. The city was gaily dec orated with Hags, ami as the governor and precession uioved toward the capitol, cannon boomed, bands played, whistles blew and church bells sounded. The Oleemargwrlue anil Justice. Ciiit'Aiie, May li The inspection com cem com mlttee reported a preamble aud roselutlon l.ist night te the beard of trade en the sub ject of oleomargarine. The burden el the decument was that a tax ou oleomargarine or buttorlue would be unreasonable and unjust aud would completely destroy a large aud growing industry, aud furthonuero deprlve tlie publluef an artlcle of ioed wholesomo and economical. The ropett was adopted. It was resolved te transmit copies et the resolutions te senators and representatives of Illinois lu Congress. Krgular Army Soldier Drowned. Kr. Kcefin, Meu., May li Three sol. dlers, Prlvates Swanvvick, 17th Infantry; Zlnkard, .1th Infantry aud Merleu, 1st cav alry, all of Fert Custer, Mentana, were drowned iu the Yellovvsteuo rlver Sunday night, a short dlstance above here. They were cressiug In a skid' and when lu mid stream the strong current carrled the Irail craft among the rapids whero It was swamped. None of the bodles have been recoverod. A Crooked Trade.nian. CitiOAde, May I'i At the weekly session or the directors of the beard of trade last night tlie case of L. W. Pitcher A-Ce., charged by an ox-empleyo Willi crooked dealing with customers, was considered. The defendant was found guilty of the ollense en a vete of 13 te 3. The jienalty imposed wasunrjualincd expulsion. Tlie only way in which Pitcher can evor be readmitted te membership la by the payment of f 10,000. . A .if urilereu Later' Fat. Imjianavems, Ind., May li The u u u prome court yesterday afllrmed the Judg Judg ment of the Montgomery circuit court, sen tencing Jehn C. Henning te be hanged en the 27th lust Ilennlng murdered Charlette Velman, of Iarkcounty,becaube she refused le marry hint. .i Iuttiitcil lrer Blunter. Si'UiNiiriiii.n, Me., li Cera Loe yester day was Ind icted foriuurder In the first de gree. Tlie trial will probably be set for next Monday. Mrs. Molley, lias net yet beea Indicted. Opinion is about equally divided as te wliother or uet she will be. WAMinMiTew, ft C, May '?' steru New Yerk, KmMM ; PfM jfew j""7 OeUwar. jSafcaaWBK 'ren TneitPAV-TJgbt rl -e-ited for the New Kngland and MtddU Attaiitle states and the sUtes bordering eaUrt lakes.