,-.. ,.-,., V -5. W J----. te ve&m&tt-w.JWMtm Jicn.'jji' rr ' ' " THE IiANCASTJEK DAILY lNTEIiLtGENCUlC, TUESDAY, MAY 1I.188G. mF$ftfz5Ti-' tf- L"k VI ."'M fvWi I ST1 Kf p p.Y r. k STIR AT THE MEETING. tumtrtr iw xhm mlkctieit for tiik XKXT.KT ATOCKnOI.nXKH. Urea Dalmtcd and Twe Other Wf tar R-lT Bech Light VetM That Jhey TcnriarTnalr Resignations A Hsarr Morm-MetM A beet in Town. IWftnlar CoTTcapendene el Jkiiu-ieintsb. Columbia. May 1L The annual meet ing of th stoeklieldora el the Keeley atove company wa held last evening In tlie council cbamMf of the opera honse for electing n beard at. bIb director and a treasurer of the eenpaay. The result was a great aurprlxe te uaey of the utockheldera and It la the general topic of conversation en the street this morn tea:. The rote ler the director resulted as fel lewat S. 8. Detwller, 3,732; WmvPatten, 4M ITIram Wllann. IL401 J. A. Mever. 091 : 3. II. Herr, S.7&8; Hamucl Filbert, 3,699 I wrn. u. uiven, rsie; i.. r urnyuiu, r".i, ... F. Brtiner, 2,457 and . A. Ilennett, ,701 vetea. The old beard were elected with the exceptanceefMr. Given and lit place will Im tilled by Mr. Bennett. The vete for treaurcr wan J. A. Meyers 1,134 and Oca . Haldeman, 1,775 vote Alter the result of the election was announced Messr?, Meyers anil Grayblll stated te the meeting that it ap penrcd as if the small vete which they re celved wai an Indication that tliey wero net wanted in the beard, and tbev both declined tbe position ns directors. The beard will most likely All the vacnncies valued by their resignation. An annual dividend of tlirce pur cent was doclnred. A Narrow Escape. Christian Metrger, the beer bottler, was driving In Ills team, in company with ills son, ever tbe crossing of the Pennsylvania railroad at Lecnst street this mernlnp, and cntne very near colliding with a freight train. An east bound freight was noticed by the occupants of the wagon, but about this tiinn the chitting engine with twecars was crossing west, and was net seen by the driver. An accident teemed imminent, and Mr. Metrger jumped from .the wageu and ran up Locust street. Tbe boy also get from the wagon and suc ceeded In getting the team from the tracks without meeting any accident Hear? Storm. About nine o'clock last evening a heavy storm passed ever Columbia, acceni'xinliMl with viyid lightning and henvy peals of thunder. At the station of the electric light company the sight was a most beautiful ene when the electricity would pas ever the wires. The rbem would be lighted up in u very pretty manner, but very lew of the tier sons present felt very comtnrtable when n sharp flash of lightning would occur. The lightning arrester prevented nnydamngetn the lights or the machinery. Town Nete p. The regular monthly meeting of council will be held this evening. This evening the white ribbon tomperanco army, Mount Ollvet division of the Church of Ged, will held a meeting. Ou Tuesday evening, May IStli, Frank Jenes and company will appear in the opera liouse in the comedy of ' SI Perkins, or the Girl I Left Behind Me." This play is said te boa very fine oneand is full of funny situa situa tlens. A band, dressed as farmers, is ene of the attractions. Werk was commenced en Monday en the orcctleu of 11 ve houses at Eighth and Locust streets. Jacob Sneath is the contractor ter tbe dwelling heuses. By teasen of the muddy water the shad fishing is very peer. Kev. Henry Wheeler, a former pastor el the Methodist church in Columbia, is upetKt lnc n tew da s among his old friends. OlUcer Gilbert and Kennedy or P. R. R. police, nrrested thrce train Jumpers last night Squire Frank Kent them ie Jail for teu days each this morning. A party of Utiles and gentlemen from Lan caster and Columbia drove te Washington this morning whero they bearded a rati and took a ride down the Susquehanna river te Pert Deposit A trip through the rait chute at the Columbia dam was net desired by the party. A heating rurnace at the Columbia rolling mill had stepped working for a few days en account of the boiler leaking. The necessary reralrH has been made and work has been ro re Miintd. The river is new receding very rapidly, and will seen be at Its usual state, Jehn W. Michael has launched a row beat, of new and Improved pattern, ou the river. The beat runs very rapidly and Is very easy rowing. WHOLESALE AKItEHT Vf TJlAJlr.1 One of Them Jumps Frent a Freight Train ami la Hurt In the Art. This forenoon Olllcers Pyle and Kennedy, otthe Pennsylvania railroad pelice force, found twent7-one tramps, who wero all stealirg a rlde en ene freigbt car el a train going west The discovery was made be tween Sheck's and Cellins' stations, une of the mennamed Jehn Snay became frightened at the officers and Jumped from the train, which was running very faxt He was rolled around en the ground and when picked up, it was found that he was covered with cuts and bruises, although no bones were broken. The injured man was brought te this city and placed In the hospital. He says his home is in Waterbury, Connecticut Ten or Shay's companions were bagged by the officers and the ethers escaped. These captured were taken te Columbia, where 'Squire Frank sent them te Jail for terms varying from 10 te 20 days. Letters Granted by the lieglitrr. The following letters wero granted by the register of wills for the w eek ending Tuesday. May II: h " Admi.vistiiai.ien Susanna Hess, do de ceased, iate of East Lampeter tewushlp; David Hess and JO, Jl. liiirkholder, Wesl Lari, administrators. lsaae Moere, doceasod, late of Salisbury township ; Samuel W. Moere, Philadelphia, and Rachel V. Moere, Sadsbury, adtninis adtninis tratera. ' J. P. Stermfellz, deceased, late of Lancaster c!lyi ,V aml Ge,"BO M. Sterinfullz, city, administrators. T " Levi Mosely, deceaseJ. late or I'.deu town ship; li M. Gilbert, city, administrator. Careline Stark, deceased, late of Lancas ter township; Henry Wolf, city, admlnls. trater. Peter Fellz, doceased, late of Ctnrnarven : " , T. Feltz, Caernarvon, administrator. Llizabelh Champneys, deceased, late of Lancaster city, Benjamiu Champneys, city, administrator. " Tkbtamkntauy. Benjamin Zuir, do de ceased, late of Kaphe; Ibaac Zug, Raphe. executer. ' ' Martin B. Pelller, deceased, late of Last Heuipfleld ; Martin O., Jehn V., and Emma 1: Peltler, oiecuters. Daniel 11. Neli, deceased, late of Farl township; Abraham Stener, West Earl, executer. ' James Embree, deceased, lale or Iiart township ; Allce P. Kmbree, Bart, extcutrlx. 37 IS A 3iai;f.-eha u hvic One Witness Telia About the Leve Letters Writ ten In Jail, The arbitrators chosen te determine the Amwake-Grau damage suit held another ses sion en Monday afternoon. The defendant called Lavlnia, who was the wife or O. C. Am wake until Saturday, when she was divorced, te prove Amwake's treatment of her during JelnrtdHfe, and plaintiir objected te me testimony en the ground that she was net a competent witness for that purpose. A o?s8de?ldreBdUthtni,,eUow.ed and the rbltin. acquainted with Qrau until af er .hi "1B arated from her husband. b6 had Be' " The testimony of the plaintiff In rimtii was te the ellect that AmwSkrtw" cruely treated him. Her chief SetSbSS iraalu throwing hatcheu, knives and ok ek lng utensils at him. It was also shown tliat while Grau and Mrs. Ainwake were in lil they hail opjiertunltlea of passing notes te each ether and that they improved everv opportunity. J Alter the argument by counsel the arbi trators adjeurued until this afternoon at 4 o'clock, when they will meet and agree upon a Hading. The arbitration attracted a huge number of peisena who appeared te be Wtertalued with the spicy testimony or the wUaeuea. I'orkelbeok Found. Oa Haturdaylait one or Jacob Hatz'a child ren lenud en Wtst King street, between Mulberry and Charlette, a pocketbook con cen Uttatngaatnall suinei money. Tbe owner en teve it by calling at 601 West Orange Caee OIpefd or. The cases of Fetor Diehl, Larry Frcssley, James Erlsinnn, Jehn (Itiinpf and Charles Bewman, charged with assault and battery, before Alderman Patrick Dennelly, by It. 1 Bruce, have been arranged. Thopreso.it ter sgreed te withdraw the charges, and the defendants paid all the costs. Tbee suits crew out of a light at Rleker's liren ery, We-t King street, May 4tli. On tint dty it was stated that n let of roefpilntors nt work there began fighting among tlinnneUes. Mr. Bruce, for whom Pressley, Krlsiimn, flunipf and ether wero working at the tlnie, s.iy tliat tills was net the ease ; the ptlnter w ere llrst nttackpl uya parly of hill men, and Mr. Bruce was assaulted In his ollert te sep.irate tht-in : lie only consented ten settlement el the cues against the nssallauts out cr consld censld consld ntleii for their families. runrrn! of Win. ItnMiin, The funMral or the hte Willi itn Iteehm took plaoe thlsaKortieon from his teIdence, N'a 129 Church strfet, and was largely attended. The Grand Army Pests, Mn-n-norcher, Ltederkrain and Sliarpshoelon. attended in a body. The first named was headed by the O. A. R. drum corps aud the last named bv the Keystone baud. Kes, Melster and lleupt conducted the service. The Interment was made at Zlen's cemetery. The pall-bearnrs were Samuel Ehlennu, Thes. Arnell, Emanuel Welt, H. A. Biitihteu, Geerge W. Ben'k and Abram Peters, p Geerge II. Themas Pest. Went We.t. This allernnen a large tiartj-ef peeple from this Mty and county lett ou the l'a?t Line ler dillerent parts el the West. Seme ee te lecate and ethers te see the country. Among theso from this city wero Mrs. Jehn 11. Rey, B. YeeKcr, manager of Fulton opera beue, his son Benjamin, and Landls Jerbe:k. They are bound for Fert Scott, Kansjs. Tlie younger Mr. Yecker will remain In the West with bis brother Victer, who Is doing railroad work there Mr. Norbeck may goon te San Francisce, and Manlier Yecker will return In a couple el weeks. Stunned by the Minrk. During last nicht'ssterm, a boltef lightning struck the heue of Gee. Hoever, en Mul berry street between Walnut and Lemen streets. The family was stunned by the shock. It was doubtless, the particular lielt that caused houie consternation in the city w lille the storm was in progress. flew Frem ltneuiter. Frem the Wett Chester Lecal News Edward L. Hoepos, est Chester, spnt by express te A alter Webster, West Greve, a Ikix or plgBcns, among which was n messen ger pigeon which recently made an arid trip from Lancaster te this borough. Halted n llnir. Bryson Painter raised n row nt home yes terday, and was prosecuted by bis mother, before Alderman A. F. Dennelly, for drunk enness and disorderly conduct In default of ball hu was committed for a henring. Sale el Ittuik Sterk. Jacob B, Leng, broker, sold te-dav at private sale 13 shares of First National bank stock at f205 per share, ex-dlvideud. Letter Held. A letter addressed te Miss Louisa Ander Ander eon, Lancastnr county, Pa., is held at the Lan caster posteliieo for better directions. Illverced. Sarah Ann Themas was divorced te-day from her husband, Clias. H. Themas, en the ground of desertion. Auinelildit. Te-morrow S'mlift Concert. The grand vocal and Instrumental concert at the opera heu-e to morrow nlpht by the men hers of thu lUltiinore cathedral choir for the benefit or St. .lecpn' hospital, premises te be very largely attended. Theso desiring seats should make hastu If they dcire geed places, ns tbechart Is rnplaly Ailing ltls for a most worthy charltv and deserves all po-lble encouragemunt, UKAllt.l. SrnencL In this city, en the luth Instant, Mrs. Ilemy strebel, aged M yeurs. Kelatlves and friends are respectfully Invited te attend thn luncral, en Thursday morning at ' o'clock, lrein Ne. 1!J East Orangcstrect. Services at St. Antheny's church. ltiRBV.-In this city, en the Oth Inst, Jehn Jl Barry, In the 51st year or his age. The relatives and Irlends arc Invited teattend thetunerul Irem his late residence, .Ne. 515 Kast Orange street, en Wednesday nt 5 SI a. m. ; re quiem mass nt bt ilary's Catholic church am e cjeck ; lnteiment at St -Mary's cemetery. Please mnlt flowers lionisse'. On the 10th Inst., Hehert T Jlobtn Jlebtn Jlobtn sen. In the thlrty-BUVentliM'aref hla aee. The relatives and filendsare Invited teattend the funeral ou Thursday afternoon at three e'chjefc, from inn rcsldence of llrj. Saruh I) llurferd, .17 te-tOratigc street 2t itAUKVTH. Pnltadluhl Fredace Slaraei. PniLADELruiA, .May 11 Fleur Market fjulet. sales or 1 liarrels ; Minn, bakers at Wwflt23: I'euna. tamlly at MT3U1 10 : Western at H12HJt;,V; Patents, 1 ;.'(.. Hye tluur was steady at t3 3503 40. 1 p. in., call W bejit Uuy, (,c : June, 90-c ; Jnly, EflKc . Aug., Ue. n ' wra-Muy, iba.: June, !Vc ; JulylOVc: Aug.,4CXc ' Oats-May, tee ; June, 30)c , July,rKe i Aug , New Yerk Prndace larket, .Vsw ler.K, May 11 Fleur market anil but firm; rlmi, (i 25(13 Sil; Hnpertlne, 2 it) (ti W; Common te heed Kxtm H estern, (32.VZI City il 111 Kxtras, f I (J4 63 for West Indies : .Minn, fcxtra.jl'jft 15. W beat .Se. 1 Ked stute en Spot, fl 00 : Ke. ! Ited.iCe; Ne. 1 White, state, ftV ; Ne 1 lied, "inter, May, fcJXc; .Ne. a Ktd, tvinter, June Cern Ne. ! Ml Ted, CJish, i'c. O.iU Ne. 1 Vi'hitM Mule, spot. He: .Ne 2 de, 10c. ' Kyn dull. Ilarlev nmnlnnl. Perk dull ; Mess. J3 21C9 5I1. Lard J une, w is : .1 uly, H J7. iloles9os dull; 1-gitc ler W test boiling Turpentine quiet at 3f.Vc. ttesfn dull : strnlned te geed. II KVji j.). Freights dull; gmln te Liverpool, JXc. Butter Mnrknt dull: .New Western ermu.tiry, lWiilc ; hute Dairy, half firkin tubs, i.Iuhmb dull ; Western. 3QW4c ; Htate, 7H9C. K-irgs easier ; State, iij.f. estern, lljje. HuKar-marknt dull : Kenned cuUeal, 7). 7Kc ; Grauulated, (.aG0 1-K,p. "u" '1 allow aieady ; prime city, 3Jic. 1'etreleuiiKlulI ; retlnid In nic.Sc l.oflee riulet ; fair cargoes at Mfe. Ulcediill; ranges treiu Settle, Orsm mm frovlsiens. rurnlshed by S. K. Vundt Ilreker, Chicago. ,,.. . Way 11,1 o'clock p.m. May l""1- 5,,"'- ,8" l'tk- L"a- J.un, ?;'s s-v" liw ftK7K i-epteinber Ni .... October tu)i Winter Wheat "ecelpts. "car Leis. Spring Wheal !!!!!!'!.'.' ) Ceni n".. Data....... ......'..'..'.' - Hye .....................' i Itarley ..." ' OllClty CrudeOll... , -yt, Uecelpta-Uegs "$$0 Closing Prices 2 o'clock p.m. Vlnwt. Cern. Oats, l'erk. Lard Jue 7J 3.W sslj D7iK 6t.7W A'KUSt , 37' 24 S!lun hWW Scpu-mber. hi .... .. c uiU October seu ""a Oil City n Crude OU 7li, Chicago Alarket. wHhI2,00'i.A"'y ill?-30 ? nt-Market opened : Wheat .luiiH. 7;:e ; July, TUe i Auir !sf e wJju-Jun!Btf. Jul-: Wg3";c; Aug.. uats June, 2Se,- July, 27Wc l'erk-.lune,J.Si.Jf ; July.75; Aug. Isni. Lard June, MM i July,5 WXt Auk.mi7U Klbs-J une15 ii)i J illy, f i 27&. " 3 JT'5- . . ouwiae Angu!rrcy,:5;i:c!June'TWiC! JlI,y' "0I AugStTwic ""XCi Jun' W" Ju,y' i V-erk mYv5 n& ' ;'une' 2H ' lr.27Ke. wS'Iw. ? ' JunB- '5 87 : J'y. A"iusT.S40.1'-3' Jnn0' 3l July, 33j rhlUd.lphl, Cattla alarket. ferw'lWieV2,Le;,iy!,'1t' lieut cattle were Kle higher: Eiim. n,?r,, ied. 6X080 f medium, U&iftti&i tat cows were higher at 34)fc. Milch cows were dull utlfjuaiu. Veal Calves were higher ut iken. eteep-woel heep were Inactive at SXficiie 1 sheared tlieep clewed firm at 2KCVci spring Iambi told at -' T5 V head. Unit were loer western, Cfc country, S'iOi'C.l I.ltn stock .Markets. Cntcoe, May 10. The )rei rr' Juurnnt repot t Cattle Iteculpts, P,.VtJ hendt shipments, ,."" heaitl insrkct slew and SVftJOc lexer i shipping steers, we te 1,.V0 Bs.,i 404 tU a tuck era and feeders, 11 ft I TO i cows, bulls and lnlTed, J UVtHO; hulk, 1n3a'il Teias cattle, fl( Hebs l!ecetpt, Meal heulj shipments, VXi bead. market st,,r t hHitV leaer, ivnah and pitted .'. 7'nll (V, , packing mid h(p pln( M03IA). Ught, jlC.'.ll0; skl, IJ.Mii Hhe'P llecelpts, .Vf 0 head : shipments, neiiei market slew and weak : wenlcd natUes, f.' vi'Q .MO . shnrn, tl Kast tiaaarv Cattle receipts, l.SM head s shipments, l.les head: lnitket nctl; LVtV hlRlier. shipments te .New erk, lilcailnul.. Ilnira recidpta, n,axi head shipments, 3.t" i maiket slen ; Philadelphia, SI 3VII te i erk ers, tliVfl M skips, f J .; I i. Milpmeuts te .New Yolk, 21 caileaiU Sheep rendpts, .t." head shipments, 3P"li inAi-kei exr inn ; prime, ft ni 'm. inir ie Krst, fi J.HI. ' inmnien, f-ui. pct lambs, ISA v ."prlns O" . ellp- Xw TerK stock. Mv Yesx, .May I. Wall street. 1'30 p. m. Meney csm at 2 per cent. Foreign ci ci chant;e firm at Jl7H(il Oij Oevcrnments firm Currency S's, ItnHtild i 's ceaps. Ill''1, bid: Dsll-'1blil. 1 he stock market opened weak, and en a sharp selling durtngtha first hour prices declined tj te 1 per eent Part of the decllne wns recevereil by midday and the market Is new dull and feature lcs Steek .Market. Quotations by Heed, McOrann A Ce., bankers, Lancaster, l'i. IHW TORK LIST. 11 1. W. 1! M. 3 C M. Canada I'acttlc .... I't O U.C.I 47 Col.Ceol '., Central Paclllc ... 33 Cntiiidafeuthera i7 Chi., 81 I.. A l'Kh Si;i4 !l'rt4 Denver A Ulot.rande 52 Ic .Ijick. A Western 1J4 U: Uiu Krln ?3i . 2.1! 21 KrleM '.i Kit, N.'J New Jersey Central . ... 4l; 4-, 4 Hi K A I 21 J 2ljJ -i'-ij l.eu. A N 1SS li Late Shere ; 7;tH 7-, Mlchlfrun Central Kl ti..eurl Pacific ... K.a; Northern Pacific . . 231 N. I. Pret M. ML M N. W U.S H'i I,JS New Yerk Central lOtLJ 101 1015i Ohie Central i Omaha .... XiU Si 3V, Oregon Trans 2 2?'. i Ontario Wejtein .... lb'ti h'i P.S Pacific Mail i'vj si.'J M Kechiwter A Pltueurp 3 t Paul n'SS mi. M fej as Pacific m sV h Culuu Paellle 4s. 4j H W abash Common 1 ii Walnnh Preternd 2rt, Western Union lelegraph i..' bl1. em West Shere .. lu-V; rniLD,.rHtA I 1ST. 1-eblBh Valley .V.ij It., N. Y. A 1'fitU iN7 IS -S Pcnnsj-ivr.rla 5."i t.'?; m, Ueadlnr HWe 11 5-10 ll; LetHh Navlitlea it HO'tenvlllfl I'hllirtelphla A Krl. Northern Cent People's I'asxnmcer .... . . il'd'K tiet.'ls M'tn's e 6K 'O M OU 73. 7JW 733, Ural -4IOOK4 ana Itenri. Kopertcd by J, U Leng. rar Last value. sale. Lancaster 6 per c nt.l1;.! ioe no " " ItA llJ 120 4 " Scheel lean ltO lie " 4 in 1 or 20 years 1(0 lw " " In 5 or 20 years, pe 103.25 4 " tnl0er20ears. lis) 105 Manhelm noreugh lean 100 1V2 sine STOCKS. First National Bank 100 005' rannerV National lUck se us" Fulton National llank Hi lsU Lancaster County National llank .... w lu.te Columbia National Itink lem lifi Christiana National lUnk 1(0 H5 Kphrata National Iiank.. pe 133 First National llank, Columbia he im Flrtt National Rink, stnwburjr 110 1J9 first National lunk. Marietta 110 20360 First National llank, ML Jey 1U) 150 Lltltz National Hank imj ion Manhelm National Hank 100 lfO Union National Pnnk, SIeuiu Jey.... w M New Helland National llank He 1X50 OapN'atlenal llank 1,0 110 ljuarryvllle National llank luO 110 LUzibethteun National bank he no Northern National Itnnfc lu 1S7 50 A' A" If A I) VKK TlSEitEXTS. T5AKINQ POWDER. ROYAL BAKING POWDER. Absolutely Pure. THIS powdernever varies. A marvel 01 purity, strength and wholesomeness. Mern eco nomical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold In competition with the multitude el low test short weight alum or phosphate powders, tfehi only in cons. UeTi.L Uaeise Pewdbr Ce., 108 Wall Street. New Yerk. tnav27dvdAw DIVIDKM) NOTICK. ikitN"atiesalI1ank, LAStA8Ta,MaylO. The beard of dln-etnr nt ihl. t.a.L- ........ .i claredaseml annual dividend of five percent .lit t'ltlilat .... il.tFt.ni.. I IILUII . K.t. .... ' puyuble en demand ,,b.... W. HAJi.ir.U, iiu.vw Cushler. LOST-OX SUNDAY MORNING. OOLD Spectacles, between .Ve. 416 East Orance and ml Alary ' church. The finder will please leturn them 10 ltd' Ne. 416 EAST OP.A.VGE BTKKET. Q1 OnO SALARY TO AGENTS. 'JS.JKJJ Address at once, OIL SCOTT'S KLKCTUIC OOOIJ9. rr. n . , e. Hi llreudw ay, .Ve w Yerk. The Only Genuine. HpS 3mdeed CEMLKN URBAN, AltClllTECT "eslRns. Plans and Specifications lurnlihed tj. ituiiu.iiK'. . vt-iy uesenpiien t le..i M V I ill ItlfvV- l..ii.i... ... EAST Kl.NQsri.EKT. ui.t... .-, ... ji... 1 r.,1.1 cuit.it:. .ii 1115-lmdeed CARDOKTHANKS. ,., hereby tender my sincere thanks te the Chief of the t Ire Department and the Firemen nndiny neighbors and many friends for the In terclih03' took In saving my Carrlage Factory and Shew Itoeins from being destroyed bv fire cany this morning. ' tu rilll.il DOERSOM. SI OOO ll K w A U in i,' ANY VJL,V"CVf tase of Kidney Troubles, .Verv eus Debility, Mental nnd Physical Weakness, thai ItOI'A.s'c .NUItVK HlTTKltn falls te cufe held by druggists, 50 cents. HKItll MEDICAL CO., Ne. 15 North llth Street, l'hlladelphle, l'a. Circulars free. marJMJmoedAw e AK HALL. Loek Hew Far YoerDollars Will Ge vA!,Urr,,;,?I0'l,",l!ll"F.1'eu0 husband und save your money Is le direct you 10 ihe bli; dollar's weith we iMVeln clothing. b Fer Instance-lhn Harris Casslmere Suits some at 115, some, at t IS. seme at fju. ' Thissatuellarrlswehavoknewn all ourlUes And se te-day we can speak eentlilently-ln Wu're net centl ied te this make, howe er, 1 hern are ethers verygoeil ethers! for overv everv day service aud rer the best clothes! meTT- Our Dress Sults-eur II ue Worsted corkscreu a .".?UlK ,rem se te '"V ra" , ll Ue byld with the line Custom Tallorlnc-eura only dliVer In costing you less money. ' "" WANAMAKER & BROWN, OAK HALL, Southeast Cemer Sixth anil Market, FUILADKLPHIA. xk if a n vki: rts r u v. is w IOR RUNT. Fle Kneui lbii.eeu West New slivet In Unheal .NO C02 Ml 111 II 0,1 Lt.N 1. Std HKAiHU'AiiTBiis reu risiiisu TAIKI.K. iitiit.E'.4 nuriitTeur, Ne. Sfi t est htllg .sileet. Tr a nti:i wasiuxh at" tim: hone or by the dsy. Aiipivat It NO 2-lClll'lU II stlthKr. "II- OV WANT A HOOD UtTirl.r. -1N- Summer Underwear, ITIIOI r P VMM) TOO Ml (Ml MUSI-1 Full If, 0(1 10 1 UK North Eucl Dry Goods Stere. .1 W. IIMIN'K. Se. ."S.": North (Jneen stnst. nev.Vlyd SA1.P. Ol' HORSKS. Have dust lieceUed A I Vltl.OADOF KENTUCKY HultSKS, Well Itnsl, First-class Drivers and (ioed Step pets, which 1 will dispose of nt ritlVAIK. SALE. 4Alae,011 hand. Can.uln and Western llilru. fine drivers and keikI steppers ahteh will 1) sold at private sale. UE01K1K OUOSS.MAN. Public sale next Monday. iTbrru'.n 111:1:1:. " GEO. WALL Pegs leavote Inform hlsmanv Irlends and cu teinrrs that he ts'prcpnred teliirnt.h them with WACKEIt .S, LEll VNON and ST TEN ISLAND tlOTTI.KI I1KEK. Alse Perter, Ale and Wine In large or small fiuantlttes. All urdeis iin Ived at tits liettltng Kstabllshinent. Ne 4V, .iinn yuEK.N hi, will receUeproinptaltentien (,oeds delln il te all parts of the cltj andceunly. msiwd apONCKRT. Vecal aud Instrumental Concert TO UK OlVBN M 111K Zjllrrtlieller (Jimrtrtte ami Tmileuii Din uirrs llllS EVIMMi at ECEl.MOU II l I special Jeatnres will be J K. l-mmelt's I t Wchi Seng, sole, ete. my In 1 d TJATENT STRAP PANTALOONS. TU GrsMtit InTnh03 of ths Are. Pantaloons made with the Patent Strap nt easy, de net bag out at the knee., don't draw up when sitting den n, slid give bt iter ill. r.ictleti than any ethers, piuce jour order with A. II. liesensleln, the Merchant laller, who has the sole right for Lancaster rer the Patent Double Deuble Strap Pantaloons toiler an unusuaii) lull stock of nebby goods for I'untnlcens hulls. Nesting and Spring Otvrcitets, and am devoting my en tire attention te my friends and patrons, and will spare no effort in retalu the position I base se long held as Hrt Hne Meichanl Tailor et Lancaster tlepc tfnlly yours, A. II. ItOSL.NSl LIS. 3; North Queen St F CI.TON OPKRA HOl'Sli VN( STF I Wednesday, May 12, 8 P. M. Grand Concert. 10U I HE HEN Ft IT or St. Jeseph's Hospital mayll 5t ' piIlLADKLVHIA SHOW OASW WORKS Any shape or style made te order and guaran teed te be ilrst-class. Lstimales tornnyslzeer form solicited. Cnses carefully packed and shipped te all parts of .the country A large stock and greai variety te select Irem. All rrenchgia.s All panel bottoms. At low prices The best Is the cheapest 1'lea.e call and ex amine, in N lOUItllt bTKKEr, mra-3mdTaAS Philadelphia, Pa 21101 s ' - HOTS' New Red Frent Shee Stere, Ne. 48 NORTH QUEEN ST., (N'eit Doer te P.istefflce) W e have lust received one or the llest I ines el Men s Hey a, lenthi , 1 adii , Mi -,,.) and Children s SHOES 1 hat can beget for the money, thin cr.rnpiot cr.rnpiet Ing our already large ste"6. w'e can guarantee the prices te be ' P.O1T0M Ml. I Itr.s v e have strictly "O.VF. Pl'.lth, and gmranue entire satisfaction. If you want line ur cniuse shoesersllppers; If you want hand . machine made shoes, In fact. If you wmt anjtniin' in the shoe line, that can be found nlj In firit cl i- e.tablishmentset Popular prl en, nil nt the NKW UED FltONT SIIOK -TOKK. Ne. 4S NORTH QUEE.V STRKF.T, (Novt Doer te the Postefflro i CHAS. A. REECE. Jlirli 'ilm.twll TXIRSH A BROTH KB OUR HAND30ME ALL-WOOL PERFECT-FITTING GORKSGREW SUITS, IN IlltOW.V, 11I.ACK AND HI U r A f $10.00 A SUIT, Ml ST UK SEEN TO HE APl'l'M I VI til Our Finer Quality Corkscrews At 812 and 814 75. HAVE HAD AN IMMENSE SI.(. Our Prince Albert Suits AT 818.00 are acknowledged as the JlhST KITTIN'I.. the IIKST MADE, the CHEAPEST, In Lancuster OUR IMPORTED EIT&EISH CORKSCREWS, ATtM7.00, J17 50, VJ.m, L'O.CiO, Are the 1IEST and HANDSOMEST In Lancaster I HE (SKEATEST AltlKM OF MES'SMTTTS, HO VA'AfTTA', l-V OUll.UREX'.S SVITS, ukx'i-s yaitx-isinxu.s, riwxKs, valises, VMiiiu:i...a, axd iiuuheii ci.ermsu. HIIISHdlOTHIfS One-Price Clothing Heuse, COUNIK NOUTB QUKKN 8TUKKT AND CENTUK HUUAUir. IJHIS PAPKR 18 PH1NTED WITH INK Manufactured by J. K. WRIGHT &00 marlHyd Mth ana Ilare St.,, Phllauelplila, F ..Kir -U'rirHTisK.Wft.vT.s. IilO R RUNT. J ThxTwii-tilurylleuse, Ne. UM North (Juceti street, lmiulieat, maj 4 tfd NO. U SOl'TII (JV F.EN ST. mill: "YKl.l.OW FRONT" TWll" reii X Hve( ent t tg-irs, mMed tlllevs, are the best in the market ler the money, at M AUK LEWS (leititeil) llsrtmatrs) " Yellow rout," Ne Jl .N'erth yueen Street. 7 in pay ji:. reu a si:t or tki:tii Mlien ou can ri I the same nt fs, at . I t IsllKIl s Denial llisuus, Ne ; .North (JiifiMi Slus't. lissndnilultertd apl, ld a r isiT Kirn v unv .s i:v s rv em MIUK1SK PHOIOl.UAPlts, m;id Nn.tiK.NOIt'lllUUKKN hf rpOU.UHO Cl'ITlNUS, Sl'ltAPS, SIPT 1 IMiS AND I'M KKILS- AsTE, Dry and I'lenti, bought ler ui.li. .1. S MOI.IN, Ne 11 Pearl street. New erk. ltet(irence-Knd sihutte. Ne. Sli Pearl sin el, New lerk. febi;i)da Ol' It NKW ItltANP, TIIK " L ATlSlV' Hie Cent t Ijrar, Is the iMipular cliiar at saloons, etc. Try tiietn. Mannfaetured at l UtKI.KVs. (r'ermeily llariieaii'.) i . Nik .1 S.iii i . . i I TJI,APKI1I'RU, flli:itil, lllMll.lt AND kIMMKI. ltltANDlKs, eOe a(usrt. MSti f I'A 1 A HA M, ,s K, l M a gallon. IKIllltflt'tsl.lljIieiOllllth, Ne. 1 (eutre Sqimie, l.aueali r, Pa Kiirc-ljdlt .7 i: van-.s ii.mit. LEVAN'S FLOUR Always Uuifenn and Roliable -tu ncr. Ti tu k s rei'K uoldkiisei' as the Levstone .stimd'ird Watch Company. 'Ilin lkiard or Directors of this company lias called a special meetluir of lis Slockhelilers te te held nt the eillce of the I empanj . In the clt of Lancaster, en MON D , II Mi js. K-e, at lc e clei'k n in, ter the purpose of selium I.tr or Against an Increase of the capital -.lock from f.'IS.OlO te KstUUl. .1 Oil N E. SNIIKIt, apX.ml.ll I- a.tjiinl.s.ltiSt Sectvtaty. I.5TATK OK JOHN ZLMMKHMAN, JJ late of the city el Lancaster. deceaed Let ters testamentary en said estate having been granted te ttie uiuierslpncd, nil persons In ilebted thente are ii(iiesiel te make luime dltitB pnMiient, und the-e having claims or de mauds iiKulnst the ssine will present them without delny ler settlement te the undersigned, n 4tdlUK m Alanheiiu tow n.hlp L.M.V.M M. P. KELI.EIt, 1 xecnter. II 1! swrb Attorney nit6tdlu B" i i l n i7T: sTT(7i mk mi:n a"nh Hrlckmakers, are respectfully Ins tied I call and see and. Iliilidini; stone, Itrlck lias and be cemlnced a- te iiualltv and ituantli, w hlch Is lnehsnstatle All et the abee can be een lust one-eighth of a mtle Irem 'he ( lt Ltmins of lincaster, Pa , and can be hid at Iteasenable Price., pplv ' r adtlr.ss IIENm HU HTOl.D, Ne. J North Queen strut Feil .saiTk. Fifty llorse-Power Matlensry Engine and two Deuble lleturn Elue lhitlers Twenty lour llorse-Pew er each also an Iren Smoke --tack, extra heavy, thlrt) inches in diameter and thlrts sl teet htjth All made by Jehn Lest and In thoroughly tfoed order. Address-I10 IM, in-lwdMtw Ijincnster, Ps T RY Mexie's Nerve Feed. fhe celebrated Sene Stimulant. Contains no alcohol. Invigorate-, the debilitated Cnres SU I Headache. 1: Ire i ents u lass and eO cents atettle Eersaleat COCHRAN' Pltftj STOHE, Nes 1 .; A in North ,Mieen "-t , Lancaster, Pa. ma s-lyisHlll A 1 KW HAHi.AlN.s T , CLARKE'S. rlley s -Mineral sceurlnR fenp. 5c. a cake , flood sand Seap, 3c; llahbltl s beap, f.a cake , Miller s Horai soap, Tc ; Table Tomatoes, Se a can ; Table Oil, M a bottle ; Itlce, starch, Oat meal, Parley, Shredded Oats or Arena only le ft , anil ltl-in(? bun stese Polish, tie PureTeas, letlees, hyrups and Inegar atlewest prices CLAttKi: H, rn' lydiw Ne S est KlneStieel w U.l.IA.MsON vt FOSTER. 'llltL ADMIll i ion or Ulr. PI 111 il i-ISO I't III li l- The Faultless Fit UNEQUALLED TASTE nisPi. i ED in ei i: SELECTION -Or'- CLOTHING roil- GENTS, BOYS AND CHILDREN. -1N- Neckwear, Underwear, Fancy Hosiery, Dollars and Guffs, Light, Stiff and Seft Felt Hats, . English Derbys, AND THE EKI I A'lESP FASHION IN DRESS STRAW HATS - IrOK- MENTS, HOYS & (JIIIU)KKN'. Our Assortment Surprises Everyone. THE LOU PltllK- I.N 1IIE Beet and Shee DEPARTMENT I ELL TIIK STOK1. Olllt ONK-PltlCE EA- CHANGE OK MIINK1 KETUKN BYSTESI 18 THE FAIKKST AND 18 SATISFACTOP.i TO ALL. 32, 34, 86 fi 38 East KingSt., LANOAHlKlt, I'A. wstere, open CTery eveulnu Williamson (S Fester, fA i: ami is ,a. ?OSi: 11HOS. A HAHTMAN. PARASOLS, Twenty-tneh Hrttlii, 70 Ooute. PARASOLS, Twonty-Itieh Hntliifi, 70 Oenta. PARASOLS, Twettty Inch BiUlnu, 75 Oenta, lilt. M St r l IIUIK.UH, Rese Bres. & Hartniaii, 1-. KAST KINQ ST. lipl-fllid tllltlVKlUKH. Hiun (iitAiu: feri i:i:s. Une old llevernmcnl ,lu und Mrxh'i I eilees, the hesl In the nmrknt eni Iiimi lllen led i ileessmKs ttir Itsell ilchshil triiKnint, pel pound Veiv line l'lsnlntleti liln I eitect. eni liesl ei'v tv. per peniiil . one cr pepnlm si IV WeHiint you tneiill und iij mu iJVir I eilee. 'I he esclleul iinillty et our t'ellces snd tine lis I- umklti irlends f.itt and tlrui ihu ilutl s,iies shins n stemly Inen ase. t re-h llisisi.il even dj. lull Hue of fuie luin.tles I'lense ie us ti trisl order. WKll. I A NT, Hllu'JUld Ne 11J West Klnu SUeeL rpiiK iu:si'i'iii:i:v,i:s in thki'ITY.- J .lii-t lecelMsl n liirKeieusliimnnt or Ft SMI' I M POUTED stM,tT-Klt (II USE. NKl'KJIIAI'hLl.llhKSKS. 11EN1 INKIMPOKlEDItOUt EFOU I I II El M . MA PS All 11 ( HKhSEH, FM.LISH Mil. IDS i IIEI-sh I IMIII'IIIIKU I IIEhSEs. PINh PPI.h, I'H'Mi , KIIA.M ami Dl.lill . .. , II . Ml l IIEESKS, HM.sT NKW Ol:U EMPlIth AND IUIIII I II HEMES, At Oharles MacNay's CHEESE EMPORIUM, AM C'HOICL f'AMILY GROCERY Ne- 111 and It; SOUTH gl'EF.N MlltEEl Hoetts dellv.red free Ie all psrts et the rtty amlciiMums I eii phone rennei Hen tl I timl A 1 l'-l HMv Bargains! - Bargains! lern ijuaii.r ltees I eh.l.n I aer, Itlue Hunch Liilsiiw, 'v, xunils in n l,t, Im ;j cents A Fre-h Let Desit'ftted t t'Oiinuu, milv Ce cents per pound. A Hundred litres (I..I.O pounds) Procter .t i.amhle s l.lnrliuiAtl ulelne .ap ill sis rents ii pound, this is factory prire ; don't !oltee In selllns p.ted stnmlard fioeds at isvtt, lint our stock Is Inrjre snl bought heu the siaip makers had a Mar Hm Penn snd 1 1 1,'s I n st iut.t . . n' n r can BURSK'S, NO. 17 i-.AHl tvlNU OTREF.T, LAM AarEli, P.l ! I phone i onnertlen ' 11 Oil tUi, .tJI, -yirATniK., ri.eruH, ,i. WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, ( HEAP rOKLASII Lnnrsster M niches at the lowest Prices ever ettered . lieliiR astiM kheUlnr enaliles me ie sell th. Hatches sn cheap. Elrln, Waltham and ether irutchesoiistiie .spectacles, Opcrni,hises, Ac. Itep'Xtrlniref the limn iiiimed artltles will recelvemy riensl atlentlen. ., ,.,.., . I.Ol'Ii FI1EK. Ne lWi North ucen it ,eninsli I Ity Hetel (Near Penn u It. II Depot) -.iIlMU l,,r AllltOliA A1C1I. III.MI.M.VII, ,1C, INDl'.STIUlM'll'.l.i: Ol'.AlM.MI. MH ItAI hi NO. NO PEKI.lMi, Nil III Is I Kit 1MI. W e hive a system or graining seir woen that must, in the near future, take the plare of the old system en all new work. Its merits being as fellows Total nlxilitifui el u pilnted preund nert, speeil und cleaullnist In uerklm; it, beauty and transpsrencv et finish, smoothness and durnlillliy, and thn mpnlilllty of receiving as high finish ns hard weed by the same ineth ed This priKess Is the neareii apprmch te naturul w neil that lu. el been dlHCOered. Lall anil sw sumple-. OLTllltlE A HON, le Afents ler Lancaster County. Heuso Pslntlnjrnndurnlnlnir Emporium, corner of Chestnut i, id N In streets Alway a I ir'e ts k or II mil, , e hand. telephone i minectleiM iniiri-Iinil rruMTiutK. TTUH-.MKI Kit's. LOUNGES IN GREAT VARIETY, -A I- HOFFMEIE-R'S tUltNUDItE WAHKIIOOMH, Ne. 26 East King Street. I .N( A8TEII, PA. IUT1UIM. flKAMl IIKS1-I.AY OK S.JS NECKTIES. 00 'IO EMaMAN'S OAMHl51 HAIR UNDHRWHAIl, 00 TO Eltl.HMAN'H. FlK I.ATKST HTY1.KH t'OLLAKI AND ( HFl-rt, OO TO EltlhSlA.N'a. QHKAl'EHT AND RUH'F KCIKLPI1 UNDKKWKAK ATERISMAN'S. rii 17 n.sr ivinu ht. I.ANOAHI'KI VUU itAl.r. tilt HUNT. TTIOIt HI'NT. . . .Ijiratru f, Ul UilllllHO W U l.tnntt II, II, Hllllm. rmviHvlnralnrliirt.r.tlff..... . JL A Te ... ... ,,n w,.... u. ai..ttt.n u,.. , 1,1.31,, .IIMIIV at the ' marlOtfd IHTELLKIKNCKU OFFICE. FOK KENT. Shep In rosref Ne 37 Meat Chestnut stroet. nsed as u clgar-liei lacterj', und u shop en Al 1 til In street, between Sonth (Juecn and Prince streets, lately nsed as a ran I.iku factory. Alse a dwiillInK nnd storeroom new occupied by A A. IlubTey us u dru mom, West hlngstieet. Apply at thu IlVifiP INTELLKIK.VCEIt OK'ICE. JOHN 1!AI:H'SH0.H. NEW BOOKS Areeirerednl n lllieral dlscniint from the pub lishcrs' prices. SUNDAY SCHOOL BOOKS In Library Sets, Class Henks, Itccerds, itenards, lllbles, 'leatamenls, C'utechlsms, etc, QUARTO BIBLES Centalng Kins James and the Ilerlsed Yeuleng et both Old und New 'lestumenla In purallel columns i also, with the me versions of the New Testament, or with the old torsion of ihu lllble only. In various styles of binning, at much lower prices than by traveling ngents. AT TIIK KOOKSrOUE OK JOHtf BAER'S SONS, Nea. 16 and 17 North Queen Street, IrANCASTKU, I'A, J'M OOOJM. jAOint.v. into l'i! nu.: ' MUJH.IN UNDERWEAK, Gauze Underwear II0.SIBKY, Ql.OVES. sls. Euiliroldeitcs, Fleutiriii anil Oiersll te mulch Niiliiruuk Kiiihrelilerles, t leuucluit aiwl m iiimII te iimtcti. Iambi IP Finbrnlderles, KlnuneliiK nnd III mull loiiinteh ( oleivd I mtimlilerles,nltli IHi-ss Msterlsl te in itch Eiiiliuildered Unties I- -curl.it Lace sMrtlni?, lllnek und l.'ciu Outpure Lice Flnunelui;, lllack unci Kcfu Etfplltn l.are 8klitlut;, lilln itndC'leatn. KK)ptlan Ijice FleunrliiKs, hlte and C'leuui. I'.eadisl Fronts, Lorded Plipie. Leen De tude, NiilnsiMik Hts Muslin. 1 lench ljiu, l aintirlps, Hateens, PARASOLS, Summer Wraps, SHAWLS, JERSEYS. Hager & Brether, Je .V UT WKST KINO sTiu:r.T, I.ANl An I r It, PA. HilVsit.FIUtMKII l.x) Of KIDS. AY r I". HAS 1: A i.auim: STOCK 111 '111! 1IEMI REFRIGDRATORS IN THE I'll I. The I'ieree Drj Air He frigtraler K.U'IUA OSr', II .1 mi ( Out Ei.'t ( vitUAM rRKKrrna. Audi fit 1 1,110 el HOI AEt I'U.MHIIlNl.tillllll- The ItirRO.t atomic of U s 1 1 TL Itl s In th i city Speclil allenltmi paid Ie l,a-r IttlnK. 'tin ltoeilnc and Hpeiitlnn Wehsve lust reieUe.1 another let of these i'c. OLOHKH. JOHN P. SCHAM & SON, 24'SOUTH QUEEN ST., I.ANl .STEU. I'A IJILINS A IU1IM.M N. 150,000 Adams & Westlake COAL OIL STOVES IN USE. All E'u'K satisfaction. Tlie only lVr fiTtly Safe ( ) I .Stews in the iiinr ;et. 'I'tierc an no etlirr i il uterH te ceinparH te them. Thi Most IMiriM., Ilie ('le.inint, the l'est IlilllTS. ltuy no oil stoea till aftir evamining the Ailnins.v. Westl.ikp, FLINN & BRENEMAN'S, DE A I. PUS IS All Makes of Oil Steves, LAM AHIEIt, l'. aprlJ lyd.t w W.M. A. K 1 KiKClL A I.DIJH C. UK RH. lJEADQUARTERS rer SUMMER COOK STOVES AT Ne. 40 East King Street, (Opposite ( eurt Heuse),' TPjE ARGANsD rer (I A bO LINK. THE DANGLER, ler (OA I. Oil,. IIAM)HOlK '" l.Al'Alll.E I DKUAIILK ECO.NOkllOAl Al.e, n Full l.tniiet Parler Stovea nntl nottters, Ooek Btovea nnil nnogea. THE SPLENDID HEATER, HTILL AHEAD 1 Alse, REFRiaERA-TORH, IOB-OREAM FREEZERS, WATER COOLERS, POTH, J'AXif, KM'Tl.ZS- Wcll, anything you want. COME AND SEE FOIl VOUHbKLF. O It I) E US FOR I'lenbinft Cas Fitting, Tin Rocfieg anil Spealing J'lIOMPTLV ATTENDED 10. KIEFFER & HERR, npM-ttdAw TVTANTKD-AUr.NTS COIN MONEY If with our Amateur Photo. Outfit and cel. lectins family pictures te enlaigu, HixjcI.iISU day eder. EMPIItE COPYING CO., tnayc-wtcea Ae, 3n Canul St., N. y, hinbreiilcrics and Luces.