THE LANCASTER DALLY INTELMOlWOKK, TUESDAY, MAY 11, 1880. GKACIK. CIIAl'llHl III. (Concluded 1 AinellnWj " tiny " w iRht ferll.BHH IOMHJ. HIOp.lll ei I, daintily HllliiHl. her 1-rlrtl. h.M Iv .ly lirlllliuil Willi .rluiitiriit, -lm rnrrlml In her well gloved '11"h "'" umUni "r n,lnr liesfs nml iiewt-i.t of piiltit-luuslins, iihhi.II KM n llllMl)'-ll'l1iriH' 1 ' t-1 II 1 1. I llei'lllllCIlL which In Hi.l lier toceiiiuniiil Mew her cm II picture In Hi" Htriel Inhibition. Hhe rressid Hid threshold el tluit cni'inil opet annum lull nerv mmly, nrrnlil of lining Mopped or turned finny, v,et trying te appear HI BOlf-pesNCSSeil hs though tint best put of her twenty jeurs liml consisted el " nr tiMiing ilnyis. " When film (micreti tint KwlU'ry, which was net h lniKii olio, hIie loekiil eauerly lelliiil, lillt could net Inr memki timet discover Hiii imtiillL ' here wero nlieiit n tlejeii ioepln In the room, women as well hm moil, Nlrellliig or stamlltiK iiIhiiiI, mostly In knots or twos Hint three-, nml nil Willi it iiinm or less I'lilllul mill delected ,vix t. A couple of kindly luiil.inen wert) lir'UKlUK u long hiililur ler hii i.iifottiiuale youth who wished Iii touch up hli picture, Iiiiiii; ns It was he high Hint uiitlilni of It i-eutil tin ni nl hut tlin lower portion or n pilr et hlhly-glnmd Wellington beets, l'olleuitig tlie I'llrcotlen of tlin nrtlst'a upturned, however, Amelia suddenly discerned her plctum, hung en tlie top' line, whom it Henmed he MIIIBli IIS III llselllllll) II llclllj-CelllHll Wlhl- ui lniui, Aln, (HKir liatiillll Alas, peer Amellnl 'I lm Ikimilt rrevMicd unit ulared In pitnyol pitnyel lurt Iiiiiii Ids attitude, wlillat Amelia turned positively faint from OKipiHiiiitmeiii, mid two hlj; tl'.irs Inroed UuiiisuIwm Inte her uj ex. Sim hit her lip hard, te piovent the tiurs from running ilevvu lier cheek, mid Mole her tiiind forth ely Inte lier pocket te Unci her handkerchief. "Tim piilnter of the IkmiIh hud iniiiiitlniiu'oinmiiiu'ed te ellnili his lad der, and looking round hjuievv hat suddenly, he oneoniitoiod Hit) pretty pernmliil face be neath him. " In jour picture up liornnlse"" ImHskiMl klndlj. "ShiilM MiruWIi Itloryeu"" Oh, thank jeii, llinnkjuit," sluinineied Amelia. Ala's' The words of HjiitpnlliJ' iiiiid.) thu tremulous leirs overllovv. " You'd cel n-ed te It," Kilil tlie painter Kimtly , " umbe v, vou'vegot jour iiuiiiu In the iMlnlogiie. Ami lit 11 llttle instance tlie picture lueki umomtuenly well, .I.Hwn't It, mm llivilde", II'm olletl thixeiit tlie top Hi it oil lllOHOOIlt'M, oil knew." I'oer Amelia, ga7lHK irem nfiir at tlie well known bluish mature of her IihihIiI, won dered II her new Irlend'n plcliirci wote aIhjh IiIiiik he IiIkIi that he hud reun Hied loHHken tlie Hiitijoet with linjipy ooull eoull oeull dciii'o ; then after HmukliiK him, hIie'w omled lier wiy slowly mid tiill)' home. Sim felt tiiiuud te appcvir ivs oheorful ih (xixslhle, liiiHoer, in lier "diter'n pr(m"iii'e, fur (.ran. wai waiting, In a perlii't lever nl anxiety, te hour tlie .letiilli nf se ei Mtful u meriiini;. Th(iro,ero, It mum te pai that, a Tew day-. Liter, wheu AmelU nml lier mettinr h.iIII(iI forth to te aether te hi elli" pli-lure", men Mi". Wy Wy ern was warcelv propired for tlie iliwk nl eeie(- thu hindilsii unduly oleMito.1. Thern Hen. no ery well known nnmcH nuien Him juliiletN tiiprivuiitml In tlie cat.iloue : eoiiKupiently Ml W'jieru took u Inch Htand, and uii1. mere Hilary than iu;Krieiiil " Ue miit Ih. prepartMl lern little Jeilmny uiy.'hlhl," hn mldlKl oeunollnly, alter a liiiit nl wrathlul werdi . "I ihri'HU II it well kneun that ynu nrn eiuik and uett ' 111 whli ll HpeeWt It may be Hieiisht that Mrn. jern was homewlmt hard mum the hnier's w he uere net, after all. of the foml feml nine st ' lint wliother lier t'ouipimtlie hui-.-01-s (or I'limparative t.illniei had hoeu ihnI ler Aiu.lia or net, It M lerlalnthat Nhowent hack te her work nt tlie professor's with till preved Indtihtry. Mm werkisl (urly and liln dm neier "vsjuied te tire, lloreaor eiithiiin.-iu liad nielleiM'd and rimhi pi u e te a p illelit, eieii-leiiipered loieof her pro pre limilnn ouee, wheu llr.iie Hpoke te her of the future, sho.iusueriil uenlly : "O, ilrncie, I sisini h.itelul te niysell lei li.i liiK heen sii sillv as le think I should e tot deuii think' Krcal.'' " lint .Mm will, you must, Amy." "Musi IT I don't knew, I heirrf Iv dare M hnixi. eh. It Is as far etl ns that iiurer i that you and DeitKlas wero talk Inj; or, ene all.iriiiaiu tilojeil roineuilior, draein T" "It-Hilii '" Hid mil call him (lunulas" lu a whisper. " es no," aiisiiensl Aluelia, r.sldeiiini I think of him as l'eut;lif, v moHiues." "Amy !" "UelIT" " 'oiiie and sit tioslde me, w ill jeii, deir " Thore, iti me enr lilissed old heii.l i'Iemi, and let me Htroke it. Listen. Ifoier jen think nlMiut me, hjo-Riiddije, later en " "(Hi ilnu-le, don't." "Wheu ou think of me," lope.ited drace, tlrinlj, "thlnl;, heiV(lid 1 was that ion thiiiiKhl of li 1 in as Douglas, jour Heul' Will you, AmyT" " os, ' answered Amelia, who was erj Ug. Ami then usiu xh caiiKlil linlil nt nor mile kister's, and sinioeotl It Nlolently and then, witlieut a word, she Ret up and ran out of the room. A le ilaj slater, (.nice called her mother toeemoaml nit hesidu her. Tlin two wero alene in the room. It wis twilight, the hour the sick K'rl loved "It. Ihii'Ii the dirk and tlie iliyllKtil. Inn tlieulutilli. bi;iimlnileliiMci ' drace thought it should net only U. "ihn children'), hour," as l.onKfulleii meant It te he, bill an hour el healing tialiu ler nil the sick and sorry, a time when our spirits loesn thomseKes Irnin tlielr traiumelsand grew mere spiritual an hour, alMiveall, wlien wn soem noarer KiHiomewu love, and inore ahle te say what at ether times It Is hard te nay. Dutshle in the dreary fOKdadeu ntroet, the Kas lumps wero I will iwc flighted, ene by ene, and (K-caslenully the rolling smiml ofcirrliige wIkeIh kcuw'i "and pissed, unit dled miay iijKiu the ear. "Methor. coiue nml Hpenk te me," said Orace ; "1 want you te de something ler iiu" Thore was n rising Heb lu Mr. Wyern's threat as hIie obeyed the summons, fnrnhe had been wrapt lu sorrow lid meditation. ninorthelOMS, alttinj: down silently, she tisik within her own the Ir.igile IliigorHef (Iraie'n eutHtretched hamlH, They worn Miry fwglle IliiKnrs. Mrs. U'yvcru could net hut rivollect with a pain alher heart what Douglas Mclluixh had mid her yoHterdni, after fin had held the child fur awhile in his inns nt the window. Yes, hn mid that the light welglit liud grown yet lighter; he thought it his duty te tell llial, hiiHalil, and exer Hlnce he had Hpokeu thus a mhihueI helplns mlsery had githered tightly round Mra. Y'yeru'a heart. I'er hlie knew, alas 'of hew little line teflracn wero the mi'dlclnes prencrltied for her ; hIie knew that hern was net any Hpceial malady ... "Will you de something for me, mamma?" "WliatliMlnu'leT" "SomethlnK that 1 want, ery, erv much. Will jeu premise te de it, mamma?'1 " ithiiulJcnewliig what it Is?" Mrs. Wyern K'l'6'1 nl I'1" oaRer Utile lacn, tslhlyoager een In the twilight shadows ; teirfs came Inte her ulh ; .'.oinflievv she could net keep thorn hack. "Oh, premise, mether, promlHe'" "Very well, 1 premise, child." "And jeu will iie or, wrier loll." "Ne, I will net tell; net IT you de net wish !L" "1 liuve sued I'liur, ikmuhIh of my own," wild drace hurriedly "my very own my pocket-iunnoy. And Amy has put the guineas en the bandit" "Well?" "I want jeu le buy tlie bandit. De you understand, mether?" ii Yeu want me te luij'-- tlie bandit?" repented Mm. Wyieru hIewIj'. "eh, jesl On I you Haiti you would de 111 Yeu iniiNt; jeu iiieinlsbd. And jeu premised that jeu would nei or tell." "1 will net tell," said Mis. Vyern, gently, "lint, Oracle, I miirrnly son " "Don't j'eu nee," askeu me pin leiorisiuj leierisiuj leiorisiuj "den'tyou Hee thnl If Amy Hellstlils plcture, lier llrat plcttue, Hue will be Millte iremeii iremeii deusly enceuraijed? Tlie picture will hae a red ular en it she told me that -and all Uiu world will knew that It 1h sold, and what a great painter nhem going te be, and oiorj' eiorj' oierj' body will want te buy her picturea." Orace Htnppeil, exhausted, and drew a long breath. My llttle Orace," Bald Mrs. Wyvem liuskfiy. "I knew be exactly hew It will be," went en the child ; " I bave been thinking It all ever, eh for be lengl It la thellmt plctnre that makes thowhelo dlllorence, and, wlien once anybody has get a start, buccbhh lolles easily enmigh. I'oer Amyl bIie has nobeiTJ' te help lier en, only you anil me, mether dear. Ilut, abeve all, you will net tell ; tiromlse again, promlae," "Yen. 1 premise." I am atrald you must advanre me the ene pound, live shillings. I will pay you back regularly all my iocketinenej', week bv week." "Will you, dear ?" Mr Wyvern spoke la a Btrsnge voice;' ferlunnlelj, the room wai growing be dark that OiHcIn could net noe her lace, nor non the teiUH that rained and rained down he quickly that Mrs. Wyvem did net even alleinpi te dry them. "I would linn wnllisl till I had saed all tlie inouey," (.aid Oracle, nltern pause, "hut I thought It wns belter net te wait." "Why net?" "Oh, Iwausfl Well the exhibition might shut hoen, perhaps, lint you will go te-iunrrmv, mamma?" "To-inenuv"" rnHMiU'il prxir Mrs. Wj erii vagunlj'. "Yeu must go nml nrtiuige with the secre. tary, nml hae the bandit nent hy-iuul-bye te Heme ether nddress, te another naii'e, net yours, of course. We will think It all nut lognlher, Won't we, dear?" '1 here was a Ieiil' nitisp. and thou Orncle HpeknnKiiln, Miry hntlly. "Methor I" "Well, my child." IT If, well, Hiiiiimsnll 1 uoretodlo, Amy would be Jusi a ery llttle bit richer, wouldn't bIie?" ".lust a little dulling." (Irace niiHweied nullilng ; nlin only lalsed her luiither's hiiiid In her own loving lips, md ktHsed II, with nleiiKi Ieiik ',,s- I'""1 I'""1 enllv hIie wldspernd : "Thai would help Amy ami imugias. Ilut bIie whlsKired the words he wdily Ills doubtful whether Mrs. Wyeru heard themj nl nil events, she kept Mlenre. Ithapppuml that one day Boen idler this oeuNomatlon Amelia recoiled n letter contain ing the announcetnout el the Hale of tier tlrst iilcturn. lier Jey was nulHiuudisI : hIie Jumped up, nml dauced, and ran alxiut the room like a child In lilgh delight Douglas Mclliilsh who was present, (he had looked In ler a moment only, of course,) fat open mouthed and nmacd, watching Ids lady lady Iiive'h e Idenl syinitomsef lunacy, and won dering whether nny nllert en his put might ei or Miccee.l In c.illiiiB forth Biich oxpros expros oxpres Blons of Jey from her. Mm. Wyiern was Hotneivlnl Bllent and c.iiistr.ilned, but Orncle, the llttle traitress. gave lent te inauj-exclamatiens of pleasl 7J and astonishment. " Hurrah, Amy I" Bheerlml ; "who wen hale thnugiit It ? and yet did we net all id us prophesy this long age' Why don't jeu ennui nml shake hands with her, Mr. 'Ale Mulsh, mid tell her hmv awfully glad jeu are ?" Hut Amell i dragged her mether Inte thu next room. " .shut the deer," alie wlilspcred oxcltedlj ; "eh, new listuTi, listen, mamma. 1 neiiir hid se much money t inj" own laifore. It k my xery own, Isii'kIi? 1 earned II, jeu knew, and univ you must lull mn what I can get for Oracle , 1 want te Hpend It en her. I'oer little Oracle ' She hits he few pleasures I And she has been he geed mid kind, If jeu only knew ' Nhe has noier ceased te be mi mi ceuragl. g iibeut my work, nml 1 don't think simmer remembers one little hit that hhe -that she Isn't as strong as we are." Mrs, vm rn, Uiunil by her premises, could finly nod her head and niy ion ien Htralnedly, "Yes, my dear, jeh," hut the next morning she accompanied Ainj en ii long nud fatiguing lu Neareli el noiiio neiiio noiiie thlng undehmsl -n present ler Oraeliv I pnnd den u l'ic.,adlllj,t Itegonlstreot, beyond Oxford strisd, lm-k into Ileml Btniet, walked Hint weary pilr ; then Inte unknown Htreets and placus, where, litinlly, a tame and lxuiitllul iiplng bullincli, a uiarvellniiHlv tjained mid trilling bird, n lery Mutie amongst liulhiichc", was llxed upon, housed lu it lien cage, nml carried home In Amelia's arms, ns she mid her mother Jolted home wards in n feur-w heeled cab. Tlie pnif.xsurs.iw nothing of Ids pupil that diy .biilllm h worship occupied the whole et IhealterniKin And Irem henceferth, HiiIIj'h i iign w is placed clese besides thu sick girl's ouch, and I'.ully IXH'iime her iusep.irable i'oiiiianien. Mho knew, though Amv did net knew, ulie. Kiiiugs liad gene le pur chase hint , lint she knew also whose njloo njleo njloe llon had brought hlu thither, lier heart w is full of leiuaud grntltudens she lay, her lilini ejus mero leiely thin oier In their t'niileriiess, wati lung the tiny songster, who In nt his shlnv black head en one side, and trilled forth the melody of the sweet 'I'liur Ing. in folk eng, telling of " Tr.iue I.lelsi :" " A. Ii, w In Nt uiegUrli d mn, 1. 1--. I. h ilti Ii I t-en katlti ' Hh'. ilt . en lleieu It. h, ilas i;l iithe tnlr Hn h.4t ill. ScelH mclii .i gun geneiiuiien elti, I) i-s Irti keln' nndle Itch' Alidkli all. In"' ltut (.nicie herself was about le lene him. Neither "true line," nor onto, norsengsot birds could keep her. HIie was en her w ay te a land of heal eulj' sweetness nml song, biijend the light of moon and stars, beyond tliornjHef thuniireri bore ills, the MKtri or which hid taken such strange held of her jeuthful Imagination. shosH)keof It te Douglas Mcllilish enie, when she hapKiued te Ihi alene with lilm. " en and Amy iuiihI go north hoiiie daj'," she Mild, "and "Ui happy, iiuitu happj- to gether, and when jeu Jeurney across the moors, and jouseeboforo you, lar awav, theso Ucautifiil shining raja, you will thln"k of me somehow Willi ilie aurora, won't you, Douglas?" "My Idtle Bister," answered Douglas tremulously, .n he clasped hoi hatiil in his, mid klssed It reioreulialij'. It was hoi bcloied hour of twilight wheu shedhsl, hhe passtsl mvay with'Bc.ine a sigh. Thore was no mere sorrow norsul nersul norsul ness lu her death than thorn had been in her bright iiuselllsh life. She liule Douglas lift her in Ids arms and carry her te the w In dew. Ilwns during it lieavj Hnnw storm ; large lUkes id snow were falling rapidly , the street, tlie passers-by, the roels of tlie lioiiies, tlie ery world wsjmed white, spite of the deepening darkness. "Amy." c.dled the child, "oetnnand the snow. It must he lsiaiitlful lu tlie north. Mether, urn you tliere" Ah, lisien te Hnlly I .iioiuer, nun sne urew nor mother down, clese te her own Utile chill lacn. "Mether, remember -you will neer tell." Then Hhe dropped luck into the arms of her brother Douglas, That was thu end. Ity niid-bj-, aller soernl months had goue past, (I race's words eauui true. Amelia married Douglas Mcllilish, and, travelling with Mm te thu far north, Msited thu home of Ids lathers mid wandered with him, hand In hand, across the purple moors, later en, they returned te Londen, te settle down, oaclitework mid bring grist te thu mill, for Amelia graduilly learnt te make lier ban dits less llerce In aspect, and less hlue In complexion. Meanwhile, during the jeung folks' ab K'nce, lu her house in the dreary Londen street Mrs. Wyiern Hied her lonely Ilie. And when her pet bullfinch piped te tier his plalutlveThuriugiau levu song " At h, w le lt '- meltcli ilann, II lStlll lllctl lllSMIII kllllll '" Mrs. yern laid nslde her knitting, and folded her hands, and listened, whilst burn ing tears coursed slew ly down her cheeks, ltut never, at any did Hhe reveal tender little secret el Oracie'a that she had premised tot te tell. IHK KM! Uundl k. Ha well knew n operator In Wall, who Is geiuirallyeiistiluiiin an up te sniiil." Hence, It inav have linen (ulte natural thai a country iiiiiii who mails Hut pipers recently called at his olllce and iiskecl ler u imrkiiKii of Dr. Wage's' l.'iiturili Keineil) He discovered Mt initake, hut lie uiiul.i no inlstakn In the article culled (ei. 'lids Keincily, when iipplicd Willi Hi. I'ieic.i's " Nasal llimclie," w III sun ly and ruplilly enutl c ite the limit aggravated case of caiarih, Willi all Its uiiplcutiuil and dangerous iicceiiipanl iiients ' II ue bull, shertstnp, hit In eye. St. .Ijcebs (III removes all pdu Kilt) units. I'Aiiruenic, 1 iiiiliinum and stupefjInKBjriips lire Kt en te bailies by thoughtless uiiithtm te lellove cella mid fielfulnesa, hut parents et bright clillilleu me Dn. Hanii'd Celic Cult', be be caune It relieves and does nelnjmy a ntubbern fact from experience. Caster till ler the dogs I hut lilt. IIahu's Pleas ant rhjslcrnrcldldreuindiiitulls. uui)l-lnul .Iamis .1, lliTiiiKiL. Sunt. Btntie Dcnl. New Cupllnl nt Albany, N. V., writes "31Sl.aik iilieel, .lime ii, issj. inn,, heeu iisIiil' All cei k's Pereus Plasters en iny own person and lu my family ler the last thirty j ears. 1 deem It a mutter of duty te lamr public tcstlnienj te their excel illni; mniluliiean us an exlunud loin uly. I'liKi'd upon the jilt of the Bteiinuli, Uiey warm and tone the dlgrstlie eri;iiiis. On the miillll of the buck", they ttlvn vlKnr te tllilnei tllilnei eus ayslemaiiduct usa wendnrliil dlriietlc. 1 think in all cases of dyspepsia they Bhnitld lm worn bath en the hack and en tlin ptl of the stomach. Iu this way they act as a atliuuliu te the h hole avHtcin." inaA-Ind HVKVl-AI, MUTtVKM. WHY WILL YOU rough w hen Shllnh'a Cuie will gire Immediate robot, l'rlre lu cU.,fri cu., unit l, for Hale by II. H. Cochran, UniKKlst. Ne. W North llueeu BtreeL Caution, We would caution the l'uhllc te hen are el Dealers eIlMrlnn Kemp's HaUain at lm than the n KUlar Price, w coins and tl, as oftentimes luil luil tulleusnr Inferior art Iclcsaru sold us the Keiiulne lu order te enable them le sell cheaply. 11. II. Cochran, druggist. Ne. 137 North Oiieen street Is euraueut for Lancaster. Ssmnla imtim eivnn toyeurr. eij-ivtJaw IH'KVIAL HOT IV Kit. AUK YOtf MAIIIC inlsernhlu hy Inillgosllen, Cuimtlnntlen, Hlrrlness, I.em of Appetltn, lcl lcl er Skin t Blilldli'e Itallrur Is a pesltlvn euro. Ker Bain by II. 11. Cochran, HruKKlM, Ne. UI North IJiieijii utrcet. llABiutmm I.iveii I'ulktb for sick-hcailni he torpid II i or, bllleiisiinssmidliullfrnsttnn Huinll, anile'uy tiixwnllew, One pill ailnse. I'rlce.'iV. Ill' all driiglts, tehf Jnid I'u.i h.l " II (.KMI'.'rA(!K "HlHsHiigaiidlragnint lier- Iillne, I'r cm '11 nml Nl i.miis. hersaii. uy u. i. I e hran, liriiKislst. Ne. 1 17 Neithljni en lit net. ttiiriiifii.'ii Arnli hlv... Tlin ItestHatve In tlie world for Cuts, llnilns. Heles, lllim, Halt Itlielllii, t ever Hun's, 'leltel, ion inline, i;iiiliinuin, iiiirns nnu an nkin krimltens. lMisltlvnlv cures I'llen. or neimv lie .1 ill red .in tic . ..r . r . . .". .:..-... 1. 1 giinntnus'ii i.igiv.iperievi nn.isiiie- in, or money lefniiiUiil, I'rlie 2.1 cents (sr UOT, KomnlntivCechnin. ihn llruirirlst. 117 nnfl l.'i'i Neilli Uneun Klreiit, l.nnniuter, 1'n. TlliAS. Hllll.dll'M HATAItlHI ItKMKHi (l )MiIHvl cum for (,'iitiurli, lilpllicrli, nml I ankei Meuth. Ker sain by II. 11 (,'eiluun, HiugKUl, Ne. 117 North IJuisul stlcet. KlllSIA lltlllllll.l.s. A I'm it Many l ar Slamllng Ihireil XI Mil M It. illles. Ill ll Alan Oil tiwmil Aue. AM LMOWS, I'll , Jlny H, Vi. IIamikiies ItiTtkiis I e.-liniils 1 had hi en troubled with my kldnej b for a nutiiber (if years, used nlnieHt everj thing wlthnut lnueli hennflt until I tried Hanihlleu ItlltcM. I nstd sll hol lies mid am pleamnl te nay 1 mn entirely rid of the kidney trouble, hivdd. s my njMeiu being teni d up e Hi it I feel like a dim-rent persen. 1 cheerfully lecoTiiiiienit ihnBaninte all allllctcd In lids wnv. .lAt'OII MU8tlll.1T.. IclJi.liiicfl il.I'h.S Hill boil's VITA I, l.hIC Is what you need ler Constipation, l,e of Appetite, HIzMiies, Hint all stiiplniis of JlyBispsla. l'rlui In unci "I cents iMir bottle. Ker silo hy II. It. Cedirau, HrugKliit, Ne. ITi North (jnrim ulre.-l. An l.ti.l In Itniin h. niplng. Kdwnrit Mieplierd, of I lerrtlurr, HI, lys I trio "llavliig received mi much benefit Irnin Meet llltteis, i feel It iny duty te lut sutreiliig hum an- ny Knew iu nave limn rutiuin ur Bere en Bere en in v Ih for eight yenrsj my doctors told lue I would have te have the bone scraeed or leg ninmitateil 1 iiseil.liiKlead, three bottles of Kl( ( trie Hitters and fceven boxes Htiekten's Arnlei halve, nnil my leg Is new miiiuil and wt II." Klectrlc llitteis me sold nl lllty units a hetllv, and HiKklen's Arnlra salie ut ii ls per box by II. It Cochran, HruggNt, I rj nml IJti North (Jiieun Hln et, I nn castui.l'a. Tlli.tStS) MI.KKI'I.KSS Mellis, niHiln uiNenihle hy Hint terrible .eiigli. Shlleh'Ht uiehillin leuinily ler ten. Hirsute by II ll.CiK.hrin, Hiugglst, Ne U7 North (Juis ii htieet. I)K. IUi-slkk Werm Mvnir, I'liici) v egulahle, phacaul le take, will expel worms If any exNt, no piirgattve nqulnil n ft. r lining. Price, 23 coins, by all druggists. tebs luidMW f tun IMMI'KI'.SIA and I.Iver Complaint, jeu have a print. .1 gu irantisieii every hottle of nlil lull's flsller. It never lulls te cure, ter milti tiy II If. Cis'hrsu, HrugifUt, Ne. 117 Nertlitjiiten street. 'I he 114 Itt-iui nt Net Uvfr. I he rnli at II. I! (VKliran, ilruxirNt, Ne. 117 Ninth (Jtiis'ii sti. et, ntltl ceiilluiie en ni.eiiul of persons iiillhtf.l with ( eiigh. Colds, Asthma, llrenchltlsaiid Ceusiiiiiptliui, toprer urea liottle of liptup's llals'im ler the 'I hreat and J.uiigs, whli h Is sold no a giiaranti enudlsglv Ingentlrn BUIsraclleu. It Is a ntandniil family reiiusty. Price ''Hunts and fl. 'Viel niciff. elVlwil.Vw A startling Ills ..very. Mr Vim li,titi4en, et Huren Pak , writes tlia his wife hint hceu troubled with mile Itmnrhltls fur limn) ears, and thai all leui.'illes tried g'lvn no periiiani'iit relief, until he ohm nre.t a tieltlu of ttr 7i.ii N. v Hlncevety inr CeiiHiiinpinm, Cough., and I etds, wtilih had magic 'it .-tfc. t, ami, tne. ured aperiiianent . Mire Itlsguir nteed te i nut all Hthi sesef, 'Ihrihit, bungs, or Hum t hlsl '1 utics. 1 rial Hettles t r. .i at I ic ram Ulilg sier, , i.t; mid 1 p. Ninth (junut street. Lull caster, I'a. l-nrgoslietl tv). '1 Tli.lS(S) IHK ItKV. (ltd II. 1 1IAV i:U, of lUmrheu led , siivs " Heth in v net I anil wltn ewe enr lives leMllllaill'S ( esstrill'l Kis CI UK" forsale by II . II. Ce. limn, I'ruggM, Ne 137 North ijms'ii strict. Nh hit (ll K III'. lfnn in1 tniubleil ! llli nervous or sh 1; head a. tie. ih i nut gtie up vei" ( ne n luciinilile until Win ii .ve tiled Hr I . ulle' sjm i I'lc-crlptlnu. i Ihn 1. Mluieul lis lu anettu r column. di lwtl lii.n'1 gli. up. thcie Is Kiire lm catairh and cold liijlni bead. riiuiKiimls liistlfi tint 1.1 s I rcaintaltu has nulliety lined them It Is a sife and ptcnvint rein.ilv. Ills net a llitild el sniitT 11 ciiies h i li amdug and healing. Price f,nc. at Hitiggist I.t Vlijei It. W letinley, .lililge 1. K. Jtr Jtr (eiiidvk.K. II ShcrwrsKl, 11 inki r . I. Miigllttc, lliukei ll s lm H, Hanker and 1.(1 I Ii hi nor. Mi ii Ii u.l, ill of KII'iIm in s. .1 . nirnesti) .iiinuii ml I I) 'i. ( leaui Hiitiii is a i.p(lili ler (.itmrtiiil ilticlUili. in I .'.iileisl.xw AK - wall I'Arr.KsreKi: NO. i:ii xektii (iii:i:x STKKKT. i:uu lll IS VV VI. I. I' M'l- K. IIAIIUMNS IS WlMlilVV MllAHKs, l:lttllNS IS I.ACh ( t'UI AINs. lust Uicelved Anetlinr ( llllosdet CHEAP GILT PAPER Alters thin Ilie cost of making theui, t nine Karl or the) ivtll he ki'IU' WIMIIIW HIIMIKS, ltK I Hill 1SS, I'lll I'S, Ai , l.ew.1 till' I'llin. ALFRDD SIDBER, NO. KM NORTH QUEEN STREET, I.ASCASlK.l:. I'A. T nii:s Altr. oeiMi. I UK 3,000 Wire Window Screens, men- PtiARDS W. FRY, Ne. 57 North Queen St., t'mU'i leek temll tliU "'ihen, lilt!, mill ie tin ilm 'llii'j nre i'elug WALL PAPERS. Hiuiil voiirerdeis new ntteml te ll pieiuptly. fni wink mid we will , U K CDItl'.MSS V IKMV S. PHARE3 W. FRY, NO. f7 NOHTH QUEEN ST., l.ANCASTKIl. I'A. VAItltlAOKM. OTANDAKI) CAK1UAUK WDItK. Edw. Edgerley, CAMIAGE B17IIBER Market Streot, Renr of Pofltellloo, LnnonBter, Pa, My stock comprises a larfre variety of ihe Ijiteststvle lluitgtiw, 1'h.itleus, star. kiilaud llusliiess vvtiKeus, wiuin 1 enei 11 1 me very lowest nipniu uud en the most reiuieiiiibhi terms. I call special attention na tew nt my own rte alKns, nun of which Is the hlHi KUI.r.1 ( I.USKH I'HYSIL'IAN CIIUl'K, whli Ii Is deililedly the ueatOHl, lightest ami lneit 1 oiuplete I'll) ah lan'a Ciirrlspe lu the country. Persons wishing te buy a Keed, honest ami aulHtailllill iu tide, Hheuld buur lu iiiluil Ihul they take no risk lu biiylnii my weik Kvui-y C'arrlHKU turned out In tdKliliuui jeais hkiss! one that Is Iho kind el iruamuli u I havutoetler tlin public. All work Hilly warranted. Please i"lve ntu a call KKl'AIIClNtl PIIOMPTLY A1TKNIIKH 1(1 Onu net of workmen especially eiiiplnyed ler that purpose S' TORAGU AHD commission WAnnneusa DAN1KL MAYKIt, ded-lyd Ne. 16 est Chestnut uirest. MKti:(3AU TIli:UMAT1.4M. A Creaking Hinge Is dry and turns hard, until nil Is applied, after wlitru ll moves easily V linn the InliilM, or hluir.'s, of Ihn lindy am sltllened nnd lnllnmed by lilieiiuintlsin, ttiey innnnibe iiievrd Hllliuiit (iiiuliu: the incut exrriicliitlni; iitlns, AVer's Harsiipurllls, hy Itsnillnii en Ilm lilned, relfeM this rnmlltlnn, and leslutes the Joints te i;oed werklnt: order. Ajnm rtarsaimrllla Ins off. clod. In our illy, many lunstteiunrkiiMnr uies, nniimherrif whli h battled tlinoiTerls of the most etpeilenci d physl- Inns, VVeie line, ess iry, I could etve lliu lnniii'1 el many Indlvliliials who Ihivii been cund hy tnkliux this uieillrliie. In my enn case 1 1 has (ertaluly win kid wonders, icllcvlnn me of RHEUMATISM, nftnr bclni; troubled wlili li for years. In thtf, and all ellierillBriuentl,tnf Irniuliiipurehhsiil, Ihorn Is no rtuiiedy with which I mn ncitm1ntvd, that iitlerdssmh roll, fas AVer's Hnmapaillla It. II. I.'iutemc, M. II, lliiltiniere, Mel. AVer's Hiii-HU'iii Ilia i nri-d inn of (lout nml Uhiiimiallsui, h hen netliitii'. Imi would. 11 has eraillcatcd eveiy Iraieiif ill-easn from my sys. V'm It. II. Short, Manager Hetel Hiliunut, l.enell, Mass. I was, diirlnif nmnv tnniilhi. nsnircrerfrnm (hreule Itheimiallsiii 'Ilmdlsentn Btlllclcd inn xrleveiisly, In spltn of nil the remedies I could Mud, until 1 rnuiiiii'iiriit u-lui; Ajir's Sarsnin rlllii, I leek Mivnral bottles of lids pieparatleu, anil was speedily resume! te health. -.1 ITeaiii, Independence, a. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, I'rcpirrsl hy I)r .( C. Ayer A Ce, Lewell, Mass. Held li) Druggists. I'llcc, II j six bottles, m. Iii7tnl3 ifYHKMA.NS AND I)ltl'(UllHTOIU:( (l.MMCNH BROWN'S IRON BITTERS! ASTHE BESTTONIC. iiiismceirinc, cemiimmtr iron with iiurn vcij- etnlile tonics, ijulckly ami cnniiili ti Iv ( ures llllI'KI'SIA. IVtlflir.Sl HIS ' MAI.AIllt. WKAK.VKSs, IMI'I UK HI.OUH, CHILLS Hint t-H LU.and NLI ItVl.l.lA. Ill- rapid anil thorough iisslinll.itlen Ith the bleed, HieHChes every part of the a) atom, purl lies ami enrich. stlieliloed.slroiiKtlicnsthninus. ( tes and nen c, and tones and Invigorates the sysiein, A fine Appeller Hell tonic known. It will euro the worst ca-oef Dyspepsia, re. mevlntr nil dlstiemtnir nynipteiiH, -ucli as 'lasl liiff the leisl, I!clchlii(c Heat In the Hteinach, Ilea rthurn, etc. 1 he only Iren medicine thai will net blacken nr Injuie Iho tictli It Is Invaluable for diseases pecnlar le women, and te all pornens w he lead cede ntnrv II Vf s An untalllni; remedy Inr dlnuaiies of the Liver nml kidneys. Persons sutrerlnu Irem the effects of over work, nervous troubles, less or appetite, or do de blllt), experience quick itllif and renewid energy hy Its use ll .Iecs net eniinn Headache or produce Con-sHpatlen-O'IUKIt Iren medicines de ll Is the only preparation of Iren that Cannes lielnluilniiscuetts. Physicians un.l ilniBKUls lTceminenU Has the best. Tiylt. 1 tie tiCnilltlf. hl,4 Tnille Murl. nml nrrujtul riwl lines en wrapper Take no ether. Mucin enl v by lllUJMNC'llhMlCALCO . Itiltimere. Mil. (I) iul7 lyil.xw TI OI I'LASTKKS Iteinnvn lialnsnnil en iie44 nnirklv ( mn. pounded from lieh Heps, lliiriiinly Pitch and Camilla iiaHam, they are , Hsiiieiumnus et peeptu eiiL'est porous nlnsi.'r t"dllv,ihc best and strongest jioreus plaster ii.i-i inn,,,, ainuvH soetlns and streiiKlheus weale mid tiled pins. liackuclie, hclntli ( rick. Kidney l)eiies, lilieiiiniitlsm, hharp llulnl, Uiit.i J l.iij fc.1.1.... l 1 n i " '. -, .jx.ii x iii-i, -iiurjicun nun lilt JiUlMM, .erm fir (lrp -t-Jiti tl, uri'tMH t Oily i ircil. Atrlnlwlll (IciuoiiHtrute tlat ir worth nM by xlruirclit. 'Xct 6 for tltn), mn n.MUU)MlAN., itoiten. Mh-s-4. (i i) N' JO DOUItT AIlOl'T IT. The Mmuccsl and liet lioirreus p mter ever known. 'Iho HOP PLA-ilhlt Ishlijlilv medicated for the Instant cine el mini mut aches and the streiiKlheiittiKef wcak)iaiN. Pre paled Iixiin fix-sh Ingredients, ltiiri;midy Pitch, Canada II d-ain imil I he entire lncdlnd qualities of Heps, if jeu are ireiihl.d w Ith local ordeep erdeep seat'dpaln, hi vein M I cliches. Hack.iche, ltbeu-nuitl-lii,Mltclic-, Mire Chest or soreness of any nature, apply ene of these plaster and note lu inarrle in.-it All diui nlens, :5c., t feri! ui. 1101' I'LAM i:ttCO , Uoiten, Mass. (i) A (iiii:.T What Is the ue of sutfeilni; Willi lUicknche, Sciatica, llheiiui'itlsiii, Mdenchc, Crick, Kidney '1 leubles, Sele Chest, or heienrss In anypHrf, when iiHOP 1'LASl Kit will Ktvu lust ml relief. Apply one directly ev er nest et ji tin and note lis Koeihlntr, stimulating and stienthenluiellecl. Irtues et Heps, Canada I'.iUnin and llurKiimly Pitch ceuihlncd. He-.ts of p.nplt. ui.e and lie lie eiimiend Ihem. Sold evervxiheie 'ile , 5 ler 11 in. .Mailed ter price. HeV l'LATLIt COM l'A, liosten, M.U.S. (i) .VTAHKH HAY-KKVi:K. ELY'S CREAM BALM. IS WORTH $1,000 i'O ASY MAX, ll(M I.N OH CHILD, HUK1KKISH I KOM CATARRH. A. K. N KVV MAN, (Indlnir, Mich. A luitlrln Is applied te eich nnitrll and Is aniiMililu te us.,, price W cents by mall el ut tlriiKHtsH. Send for client ir t.. ItllOlllKlts, DruiEiitslH, llweKO, N.i. luly'ill)eed.ttvw Diudausi:n, OlrHChS AMI OKI (I STOItK, l.MI.V.Mh ht , Phllul'a, Iteirlslered Physician ami (iruluuin .Ictler-en College, Ktiaruutecs te cure all lthssl, Sklu mid Nervous DNeasea with puicil) veuetabln leine dies. Hit. HALSKS'S I'lLI.S.-Safe, sum and etlec tual. Sent only by Kxpr.ssnu i.e. Ipl nlti Ne l'i nn re)id or dangeruus diiiijs ' N sth m, Philadelphia. r.71)d rlOKN KKMOVKH. VICreKLV C0KN KKMOYKK. Warranted te eradicate, ceinpletely and lu a short tline, the UHHl 011111111110 cenis, hard or sett, wllheul palu, Mild by 11 co VI . Hull, Chas A, Lecher, Jehn It. hiiulllimii, Hr VV 111. VV oriii eriii oriii ley, And. li.;t rey, 1 lias. , I. Miiilliijcr, and al llKClllOLH'S Hltl (i blOHK, rticl1-ld Ne. 4ul VVestdraiiK.i St, G I HAY'.SSl'KCIl'K' MlMIK'INl lllKliltKAl' KM.I.ISU llt..MKl. An linfalllnp; cure fill linpnt. ncj, and all Ids eases lint lollew l.()"S et Meinei), Universal Lassitude, Palu In the Itiu k, IMiumiss of Ulen, 1'ieiii.itiiie Old Am. and niiiiiy oilier dlsea-m that lead te Insanity or consumption and a Pieinatuie llrave -. nil particulars In 0111 pamphlet, which we desire te send tree hy mull toe)er)ene. MTIui b politic Medltlne Is sold by all itmi;i;lsuati per inck.iL'e, or six piukaices for t.1, or w III hu soul fixce by mall en the ucelpt of the money, by itddiessltiir tlieaeeut. II. II. CdCIUlAN, Hiiik'Klst.nle (ienl. Nes. UTand 1 1.) Ninth Qiiten btiiel, Cincislnr, l'a. On account of ceuntertelts, we luve ndnplcd thuYelleiv Wiappcrs the only cenulue. illKlllt.W MfcliiCALCO, api lluthile, N. . A ITKK ALLOTHKHS KAIL, CONSULT DR. LOBB, a.NNOItTIl Hl'TKKNTII SI'KKKr, (l'.olew Cal low hill Stunt, Philadelphia.) SO YKAUS' KM'KUIKNCK. (inaranle. d te cure the mulcted and unfortunate w Ith I'm. ly V ee ee table Medicines. Heek nil special disuases lieu ; fend for It. Advlcofreo and strictly contlden- llui. tiitic e hours, 11 a. 111. 10 i p. 111 , 7 p. 111. 10 iu p. 111. Tieutnieul by Mall. nillvuAw IIJKK OUAUANTKKl). RUPTURE. Cum Kuni-miteed by Hit .1. II. MAI Kit. hu-u ut eine 1 noepeiiitlouor delay Irem tnisl uess tested by lmuiliedsef cures, Main ettlie, S.II AltC'Hbl'., 1'IULA. Send lm clicuhir. IJUMlAw WINK.S AN1 1.IUVOHS. mllK UKIilJIlKATKl) 4( HOUQUFyi" AND "OLDANCllOir PUKK ItYK WHISKIES Are rich In flavor, soil and pleasant In the tasln. l'UKKln ciuiillty, uiu eicellent slluiuhiiits, ami they stand wllheul a rival In the market, sold ut all Ihn leading lintels and hy DriifrelsU. Ask mm. iiuMPiuthi .tMAiniN, Sele I'loprleleis, lanl'MUna 401 N. M ML, Philadelphia, Pa. TyrADKIKAANUHHKUUY WINKH -AT- Mgait's Old Wine Store H. E SLAYMAKCn, Aqent. ICjUblUhed 17 t. Ma 21 KeT Kixa Hissst. leblJUO HATH, s UMMI'.ll m:vh. W. D. STAUFFER & CO.'S STRAW HAT EMPORIUM ! Tlin biii'est iimii iHninnniiin nnu mnsc cnreiiiuy seiecieu siect 111 1 nncasier i ny. Jl AIJhlN AVV Sl)les. Alse, .,,. .n . n iii.r nun irite bin el ( nhiies. lllll.l'INI HAW retninc. up. Children's Straw Goods in Abundance. I.K1HT hl'MMKIt DKItltlH In all In all el-nilfc llieaknhlu 1 1,( e HKIllllS, anil the I'n'tty. New. whom Ne lu Iho city wi.oek ion tiii: ma W. D. STAUFFER & CO., N'(H.fll nml .1.1 North Queen SI reel, Laiioasler, Pa. "IKLM'IIONK CONSKCTION. VT.UVKH AMI FT. '. HIIOADM, JKWKI.KK. WATCHES. Klnn WAtrhra fnr Lmlie-, nnd MN-ie lit rjelil, teintitch ; nWr a full nnv in siduvii 1101a and llltMUItlOlU, DIAMONDS. Our sleck In lids linn Is complete nnd tint be excelled even In the Metropolis, ns also In quality and price. M01111II111; et pru Inns Mime-in spi dull) , uuli)ue deilcns el sumo furulshed te elder. JEWELRY. Ladles' Hlbbnn Pins. Henfs Scarf Pins In (.old and Jdivci, with variety of HiiUIi tesnlt nil In khnit, everj,llilii; 111 w ami novel In the Jewelry Hue. CLOCKS. Hne rrcnrh hik! Atncrlcftn Mnntel Clocks nlth I ithetin.i (inug irlkejaNn a full linn of i'lictini r ilmiif. REPAIRING. ItcpalrlnKCiilriisted loin will be handle d only hy mailer mechanics. 1.IFK IXNtrUASUK UlMI'ANi: T inr. )ii'ki:ui:nci: in i.iim: insiuamt. iemtaniks. Cost of life Insurance nt nml MUTUAL LIFE. llEinr IIawi, lliRiniinne, Pa. Pel ill I-,, . tint 11,(10 00 Ann. prom IA"H & prem lu ins ear h,f." ''I , S.-"! i :w :i Cash HIV lilenil" Net Cost Cestperin Sit 71 I C'nt per in 1 323 a IMtTclence In lavoref Mutu'il Lite ever the Nerlhwettern during Iho past ftjetts en Ihucestnf each ll,c Insurance, 112 '.'I 'Ihn Mutual Life's NKVV I'OI.K V AP.sOLL i"hl. fniaraiileei the pn) mint of lis Tire en the death of the Instiled, conditioned that hn pays the preinlum while Hi lug. MU'K Ihollberal.lncentc-d.ihto policy of '1 UK NOItTIIW KSIKIIN, adepled November, lbSI, contains the fellow Hik, te wll: 'I ransctlbed from Policy 111,2s.!, Usued .lune'.'l, issi.onllfe of Wavne I.. 1 rant?., Kphratn, l'a. ( oNiimeN 5. "If the said Instiled becomes liahllually iNTKvrKnATE, or se fa.rlnlcmperate as either te linpilr health or induce pkliridn tiikvens, then and In cither such cuie the Company MAV ( ANCKI. this policy ; and therefore fchull be Allsdl.V Ml Hern all liability upon Iho same, etc, etc, CoMiiTies 1. " II any statement made In llieappllcitlen for fids Policy shall be found Incor rect this Policy sh ill he void, etc, etc. Eebert Helmes, District Agent Mut. L. I. Ce., 60 N. Dnke St,, LnncaBter 230 N.6U1 St.. Readlrisr, Pa. VAHHIAUK M (TT ) T 11 AT A LWA Y S W J NS. HONEST WORK ! Philip Docrsem's Old 12G and 128 EAST KING STREET, (NKAltLY Ol'l'O.SlTK TUB l.EOl'Altll IIOI'EL), LANCASl'Klt, I'A, Nene But First-Class Mechanics Employed. A 1 Material, and That Only, Used l'KICKS TO SUIT THE TIMES. ALL WOKK HUAUANTKKD. BUGGIES, PHOTONS, BUSINESS WAGONS, MARKET WAGONS, And Vohiclea of Bvery Doncrlptleu Built Promptly te Order. A Kull l.lnoel Veldclei In steclt, prepared eipecl illy for the Sprlui? Trade. A Large and Varleil Assortment el SKCON lldlAN I) V (JUK UN HAND which villi lie sold at MObl' ItK.AHONAIILK PARTICULAR A1TENTI0X l'AII) TO ItEPAllUNO. 4(ilvn in a rail nnd evimtnn the work, nhelher yen purcha.e or lint. DON'T FOItdKT 'lltKI'LAlh Philip Doersom's Old NOS. 120 unci 128 UUVMtrUHNlHUINH UUUUa. S" IHK'M OAKi'K-r HAM. CARPETS I KKOPKNINO OF SHIRK'S CARPET HALL, We uiu new prepared te show the trade the Largest and Heat Selected Line of Carpets ever ex, hlhltedlu tUUclty. WILTONS, K1.VKTS, bit tlie Tnidlng Slakes et 111)1)1 AND TAt'KSTUV lllttJSShLS, THKKK-l'LY, Ali-Weel and Cotten Chain KX'IKA SUPKHS, and all qualities of IN UKA1N CAlU't-.l-S DAMASK and VfcNKTIAN UAKl'hl'S. KAU and CHAIN C'llU'ETS of our own luauiiluclureafelH'tlaltly. Special Attention paid totheManulncliiroof CUSTOM CAUl'ICTS, Alanarull l.luenl OIL CI.01H3. ttUUS, WINDOW SHADES, CO VKUI.K1S, Ac.J AT SHIRK'S CARPET HALL Oer. Went KlnR and Water Sta 1 .ancoater. Pa. Vl.tlTIIIKII. B UHllKKAHU'ITON. Spring and Summer CLOTHING -AT BUEGEE&STJTTOFS. e ran show one et the host stocks of llcvuly. Made Clothing lu thu sliltu mid guarunlee our I'rkes erj Lew, llusliiess Suits ut H. . (10, til and i. nnu Dress Sulla at II.', til and 115. Ceuiparn our goods and pi Ices with ether houses and hu convinced Ihul lids is the placu le buy. All Iho Newest uml llesl hlyles of Piece Heeds forUustniu-Weik, whUh wu wilt limku up In the Itesl Style, Fit guaranteed. A lull Linn nl eiitbs' and Chlldien's Clothing Gents' Furnishing Goods. BURGER & SUTTON, Merchant Tailors anil Clelliiers, Ne. 24 Centre Square, I.ANCASI'KIU PA. Iin ltKHT KIU'IT OF MIJU1UAI, 801 X ence. Dyspepsla Is Immediately relieved by Unison's Capelne Plasters highly medicinal. Quick acting, CAVa.JtV. t INK. JAPAN llltAID.M. iiiinle mi In ihe Newest and Mem 'Inst.dul IKAl'KIt II11AIIIS. uiiiile 110 III Kleiralil Slrles nml AtlracHin "Ilm llrniiltriit. urpiisscd, I.IkIiI Wetnlit, Nun. Itelhihle " KNO." cannot he purchased any. rrrQiix IHI U II KM. Mllvcraml Nlckul w Ith thniiepnUr ' Qmwn Clmtu " bluiT w uiPiii m in. lewer nguim man nvoreutiroa H Z. RHOADS, Jeweler, NO. 4 WEST KINO 8TREET. Frem CO Years in 1882, NORTHWESTERN, II emit M allot, 1'IM (Htnvx. l'OI.U2,TCI, Amount 15,010 00 Ann. I'rem KITS ft premiums, enchf la3.T1 1,'Us 75 Cash Hlvldeiuls SO 111 NoKest fir.lDT.' v HOltllX. HONEST PRICES ! Reliable Carriage Works, Reliable Carriage Works, EAST KING STREET. 127 lydAw CARPETS ! lliiS-lmdA It. A1AHTI.N, WII0LK8ILS AMD HST11L PSLK IS All Kinda of Lumber and Geal. -Yakd; Ne. 4.M North Water and Prince Sti eels, above Iauiieii, lincasler. ni-ljd IAUMHAHl)NKKS A JKKFKIUKS. COAL DEALERS. Orrica: Ne. UJ North Queen street, and Ne. Ml Ninth l'lilicu street, Yaki: NerlU 1'rliiLe stiuet, near Heading Depot, LANCASTKU, I'A. auglB-tia R i:mi)au M. V. B. OOHO has icmnved his Ceal Olllce te Ne. 153 Mill I'll UUKKN M'HLLT (lliliiuner's New lliilldlng), where iinluis will be received ler Lumber and Ceal, viueusulk e iirritL. M. V. 11. COIIO. instill E AST KNI1 VAUI1. 0.J.SWARR&00. GOAL. - KINDLINQ WOOD. Oltlcei Ne. 50 C'KNTHK SQUAHK. Beth yard ml eltle.i rniiuected with 'lelelihillla Kiebaugd airli t vdlt.ll'.U KOHOKKHNHT.JB., Onrpenter, Contractor & Builder, HKSIIIKNUK-NO.&XI WKST KINO ST. H1IOP-KAST illtANT ST., Oppeslta fctstlen Heuse. All work receives my prompt and personal at Uutleu, All kinds of Jobbing attended te at short no- Iucm ana en reasonable terms, wnmi. " KsUuale luruUoed, efl-l?d nurtr,ri mvinm, L?0?.1 AJNUMILUBIUIVII.UI taw and losie a. m ana law, a m. t-w ana Tw a. w RKADINO , UOMJMI11A HMl.ltOAl) AND IIIIAN(!MK.AND LK 11 AN ON AND On and ntter HUNDAY, NOVKMIIKHIlh ,n' TUAINSLKAVK ItKADINO for ('eliimhta and Ijincasler at 7,Pi, m,,ltue iiisiii and all! p, in, for gust i wllle nt 7.1.1 a. in. urn! MO p. w r or Chick les nl 7.1.1 a. in. anil am p. m. TltAINS LKAVK COLDMHIA rer Itenrt lug at 7 .10 a. in ., 1J..1.1 ami 5.40 i. in. Fer Uiimiieu at l J iu and .1 40 rt. iu. TIIA1N8 LKAVKIJUAItUYVILLK Ter Lancaster al . and 7.1S . in. mid t.M v Ter Heading at H.M a. in. and 4.11 p. in. rer l-ctmnen Mi.TVp. in. -..,,KftVK K1NU 8TllKKT(I.ancaster,l rer Keacllng at l.-u a. in., 1 1.411 and 3.40 p. m. rer Lehanen nt( , Ule and ft el 11. in. rer W ff yv inatn, 4 10 and K-Kl p. in. ir,,.;KAe K l .K'N)KlKKT(l.anrastir.) rer U.jidlng al 7,4n a. m, uisianil p. m. for Lnhanen at n 7 a. in., line ami &.(W 11. m. ter miarryvl In at 9 11a.m., 4 and ajuii. in lltAINH I.KAVK I.KIIANDN. ' rer Lanrnster nl 7.2e a. in., U l and 7AI IV m. torO11arryvtlleai7.Ma.111. HIINIIAV THAIN4, TltAINS I.KAVK ItKADINO for Lancaster nt 7.A1 a. m. and Clie n, in, rer Quarry vllle nt p. in. TltAINS I.KAVK qlAKUYVILLK rer Lancaster, Lebanon and Heading al 7.10 TltAINS LKAVK KINO BT. (lAllouiter.) rer Heading and l.ohanen at 8.03 mm. anil 3.V p.m. rer CJuurry vllle al S 50 p. nt. TltAINS LKAVK rKINCK ST. (Lancaster,) rer Heading and Lebanon and 8.18 a. 111. and 1.IH p. tn. THAINS LKAVK LKHANON. Ter Lancaster at 7.45 a. m. and 3.15 u. in. rer Quarry vllle at 8 15 p. m. rer conneellen at Columbia, Marietta Jnnc tleu, Iinraster Junction, Manhelin, lleaaitig and Lebanon, see time tables at all stations. A. it. WILSON. SuDonntmidenl. PKNNSYI.VAN1A KAIT.HOAU HUllKl). ULK. Trains uivi Laneabtxr and liuve and arrive at l'hlliidelphla aa fellows ! Leave Leave Lancaster. I'.lla. m. Kin, 111. iiuiea. 111. ti:tl a. in, 0-3511, 111. O.Via. 111. tCVI II. 111. 2.01) p. 111. 2 ID p. III. 2 V) p. m. B'.M p. 111. 7ute p. m. 7:40 )i. iu. 10 tl p. Ill, l.'IOll. in. Arrive at l'htla. 4-15 a. 111. 8 25 a. 111. 10 20 a. m. WKSTWAHD. Pacific Kxpress) News K.xprcssf. Wnv Passenger ...... Mull trnln via ML Jey. Nn.SMnllTrnlnt Niagara Kvpress Hanover Accem rast l.lnct rredcrlck Accem Lancaster Accem llairUhuri; Accem.... Columbia Accem llarrlsburg KTpicss.. Chicago and C'ln. Hx..i Western Kxpress).... KASTWAHD. I'hlla. KTpresst rast Line llarrliburg Kxpress.. Lancaster Accetn nr... Columbia Accem Philadelphia. jr.iip. iu. 4 - 11. 111. -30 a. in, 7UUII m. vlnCeluinblii 7:l(la. in. vl 1 Columbia ILMHuin. vliiC'nluuihla via ML Jey.. .111 p. in. 4'IOp.m.; 6-10 p til. 8 50 p. 111. 10:05 p. 111, I,euv Lancaster. V 15 a. m. G 05 n, in. 8:10 a. 111. 8 55 a. iu. 9 01) a. in. 12 M p. 111. 2 us p. m. ;! (10 i. in. via Mt Jey 11:45 a. in. Seashore Kxpress 3 1.1 p. 111. 5-00 p. in. 5.15 p. ill. 8 SO I). ill Johnstown Accem... Sunday Mall Day Kxpress) 4 45 p. Ill, 6 15 p. IU, uarrtsburg Accem.... 6l5i.iu. "9l5i. 1 "9 45 p. 111. The Lancaster Accommodation leaves Harris. burg al 8 10 p. 111. and arrives nl lAiicaster al 9UI5 p. in. Iho Marietta Accommodation leaves Celum bin lit 0 40a.m.andrcnchnsMailettiiat6:55. Alse, leaves Columbia nt 11:15 a. m. and 2 11 p.m., reaching Marietta. nt liOl and 2.M. Leaves Marietta at 3 05 p. in. nnd arrives al Columbia ex 3 20 ; also, leaven al 8:35 and urrlvcs at 8 60. The lerlc Accommodation leaves Marietta at 7.10 and arrives at LancasterntSuOcennecltnir with llarrlsburg Kxpress al 8.10 a. 111. The r rcderlcit Accommodation, west, connect lng at Lancaster with -ast Line, west, at 2.10 p. in., will run through te Frederick. The Frederick Accommodation, easL leaves Columbia al 12.25 and reaches Lancaster al 12-M p. 111. ininover-Accoinmouauon, wesr, cenneciing ni Lancjisler with M ij-uni Lxpives at 1)50 a.m., win run iiireugn U) 11 v 11 1 run through le llanover, dally, except Sun day, Fast l.l no. wesL en Sunday, svhen ftageed, wlllstepat Dewnlngtnwn, Coatcsvllle, 111W irewnmginwn. coaicsviue, mmu 111,1. M. BI.UV t..:t,' bun ri. sii. .lur. r;uzan tliliwn nnd Mlddlolewn. Ilheiinlv trains which run dally. On Sunday be M alt train west runs bv wav of Columbia. (ItSSH-iKK. H Kill A MAUT1N, GHINA HAIL The Celebrated $18,000 PEACH BLOW VASE. We have a porfeot fae elmlle of It en Exhibition In our Window te day. DON'T FAITi TO SEE IT. n l n ir . lOMMll 15 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTKU, I'A, MAvummur. TrAOHINKKy,(0. ?01 STEAM HEATINQ it -' Latest and Most Improve ' ','' ENOLXES-Trulioe, hMt Mmn. New or Second-Hand DOILE113, WATEn TANKS, BEl'AUATOlia. Mauhini or ltaTAis Werk inch as dena and kept In Machine Bheps. 01 Lt Ost 0B ADDBIM, Ezra F. Landis, weRK8-ri7 Hen-rnj cnrainr pmvr, U(U4T(B, r. MM TTsiiaiNRfiM RDUOATIOK 1AK. 13 Ne young man should enter Intebuslnmsw fn,Z.i: , YiSnrantef 4h manner of regulH.7 regul inlv I wm.m" -e ,a,.ilitwll iinl atintiltf Iku. dedilencj.erprevent affairs from geliluglnle """,.. ,..: ' n i.f. mirn of Instrncllmi as adeiueil lng books. Manilla. m......j - .. ..,..j ww it lie i'aNUASTKH IIU81NK1H COLLKUK will be e( advantage te every man whaUver hU lu tura occupation may be. it will tesrb bnslueM habits atid attention te accounts, which will gire Inureaaed Interest and success. i-.ssuntUl te tl.e.uccM of IM farmer. Mechanic and the Profeaslenal USD, rull particulars en spplhatleii. Addrrs. y 1LU. WKIDLKK. l'rifclpal. Me. lex Kail Kln ttirait, i n m n I