Z3xrvrT9WKKzvG.wsi iu. MmJL nJtMw wy''v;rr-i!v.K'.3MRirr!)g5S;53S Wwymn iwinlj-iiHWM. ,A THE LANCABTKK DAILY lOTKLIjIttiCNCKK. TUESDAY, MAY 11. 1880. ,1 fV Bgu1 i IA Ri K Daily Intelligencer. PMUInCI Eviry Evening in the Yeah (wkmt netme) it erneNMAK henbel. IJCTlLLTaUNOER BUILDING B. W. Cerner Centra Bqur, Lancaster, P. TH tern Win. TmOeum1u edFmrCmT.. Mektm. peirMFKf. AlVCirnKMENTI Fc Tin TO firrt CluTI A Imi. WWtKLT INTELLIQENOER, (Eiemt Pages.) PaMMd Kvery Wednesday Morning, Tire Dmum a Yu m Aevawi. eONREIPONDENCE SoiiaTte rr. mr mt or Tt-i graft eewsTFr. ceiMteMTt am HevtiTia te vmti ujtt ei ' tmi m esi? e re ts tmih MM, MT fOI WSUfATiOS, VT IS MOO. Of OOB Mm. Aik MOiTWMSMTTIM Ul tt COntittSf T TMI WUTI tKIT. Aldreas all Letters and Telegrams te THE INTELLIQENOER, Lancaster, P. tHijc Qntegta3iH.gciuci. LANUA8TKK. MAT 11. ISHfi. A Correction. The Examiner reprints from the llarrlr burg. Ttlegraph a story told in It by Mr. Themas M. Jenes, upon the authority of one whom he calls an " Intelligent, well informed Democrat." It pretends te ex plain why Mr. Zenmer, of the Carlisle Vol Vel xtntur, " and the Lancaster Intelligent ceh and ether Democrats and Democratic newspapers from Lancaster county were se bitter en" Governer Pattison respecting his relations with State Supt. Higbee. This " intelligent and well-informed Dem Dem ecrat" gees en te tell Mr. Jenes that " when Iligbee's time expired last year, Ilensel, Zeameretal.,had put up a neat job te have Tret. Ilelgcs, of the Shlppcns bnrg Nermal school, appointed superinten dent of the common schools. It was a beautiful job. They net only had lleiges booked, but they had planned for the bouncing of every clerk, and they had all their appointments te clerkships laid out. Every ene of them was an anti-littlsen man, and everyone of them was te be used I as a club te beat Pattison down, etc." Every shred and fragment of this story relating te the iNTELLienxcnn, te "W. 1T. Ilensel, his relations with Mr. Zcamcr, the governor, Dr. Higbee, Tref. Ilelgcs, te the Bupcrintcndency of the public schools or any ether appointment under the governor is a gross, malicious and unmitigated false hood. Mr. Ilensel never concerned him self in any way about the succession te Dr. Higbee; never booked anybody for it, never planned with anybody about it, never jobbed In any way concerning it, and never recommended nor protested azainst any appointment of anybody by, for or under Gov. r.Utisen; and when Dr. Higbee was reappointed the Intelligence!! was one of the few Democratic newspapers of the state that did net bitterly usjall, malign and revile the governor. , The same persons who arc new retailing thi3 story were recently telling that Dr. Higbee was reappointed upon Mr. Ilensel's recommendation. They trim their lies te suit the wind. And we de net think, by the way, that the informant of the Telegraph's reporter was any " intelligent and well-informed Democrat;" en the contrary he was neither lntelligentnorwcll-iiifermed,andhoi3most likely a Democrat " for levenue only," following the party .13 the jackal fellows an army, and never hesitating te betray, nswil and malign Democrats when it grat ifies his malice or serves his greed. If we were te describe him as a black guard by instinct, a blackmailer by prac tice, a thief by proved fact and a forger by his own confession, no ene would probably recognize him mere readily than himself. A Distinction With a Difference. There Is nothing in the point made by some liquor dealers, and which they prom prem ise te test in the cemts, that as they pay a United States rovenue tax the state liceuse laws regulating them nre invalid. They miintaln that the federal law being su preme, and it granting them the right te sell liquor, the state law has no right te interfere te prevent the operations of that law. They concede the police power of the state te say at what hour of the day or night saloons or hotels may close tlieir bars, te whom they may sell and en whom Impose a penalty for the violation of such police regulations as the state authorities may enact ; but claim the state cannot say a man shall net sell or de a business which ' the federal authorities permit him te de. There i3 no outcome for the liquor men in this position ; there is neither law nor logic In it. The United States lias no li cense power ever the liquor traffic; that has been tested and decided. Te the state is given that power; the federal exercise of authority is simply te tax ; its purpese is revenue, net legulatien. It imposes its tax upon these whom it finds licensed by the state; and these who venture te sell under Jtsreceiptfer tax are subject te the penalties of the state law. Nevertheless In the states where the pro hibition law prevails, a great many persons pay government liquor tax, simply because they are mere afraid of the federal law and authorities than of the enforcement of the state regulation. The l.'iirepeun Xallens Will lVur. If the movement of Greece towards en gaging in war with Turkey results In hos tilities, as new seems probable, the act can hardly fall te lead te a general European war, since it must be assumed that Greece is acting net et her own metlvity only, but through the encouragement of Itussia, which is aching for an opportunity te ap propriate a lien's share et European Tur key. It h clear enough that Greece aud Turkey cannot liave the enjoyment et a war all their own ; weak as Turkey Is, she is much mere than a match for Greece. A conflict between them will drawinte itetber mtlens whose Interests lle upon different Bides. Russia will side with Greece te get lier coveted portion of Turkey, and ether powers will aid Turkey that Russian ag grandizement may de cuecKcxi. Thj late unpleasantness between Servia and liu'gariu did net assume a shape te bring R isjIi iate the field, else it would net have been se readily settled. Austria wan leblnd Servia, and Rulgarla, for U oecatlen, was In line with Turkey, fitwta'ch. it ia a nominal dependency. waea thq trted her successful inove ineve y J abietb Reumella it wan sup- K!2, J? ff- under expectatlea of r!? l?etia ; but Servian jealousy ,H of her success cliangrd the sltuntlen. The movement of Grecco innylw nnethcr ll.ish In, tlie liiii nnd llussln may back out If llie oilier Unrepeatt infers shown determina tion te resort te arms le resist her aggre.' -slen j hut alie certainly shows an eagerness te nssall Turkey which gives premise that a great war will result from the piesent movement of Greece te arms. The State Tax Law. JudgeMcrcur dissents from the opinion of thosupieme court affirming the const!- tutionalltyef the new tax law ; and it is te be hoped he has tiled an opinion setting forth his minority views. Jmlge r.ivwii s opinion seems te recegnize and concede the crudities and Inconsistencies of some features of the law, and gees se far as te declare one section of it inoperative because of its unconstitutionality, though holding this does net invalidate the ether distinct and separate previsions. It is held in the majority opinion of the court that the exemption of mortgages in the hands of corporations is no discrimina tion of a class, because they are already taxed by the general law taxing the capital stock of corporations, and te tax them again would be double taxation, which in tention is net te be presumed. This wins te be a reasonable conclusion. The exception of "notes or bills for work or labor dene" is declared te be clenrly cieus, as it ceitainlyis: and the section providing the fifty per cent, penalty for persons declining te make return Is only saved by the right of appeal which it allows. The oue glaring inconsistency and irreconcilable inequality of the law te which the supreme court seems te have given no attention is in the fact that in the first section money and securi ties in the hands of individuals are taed " at the rate of three mills en the dollar of the value thereof annually" : while in the fourth section corporations owing mort gages or ether forms of indebtedness, and paying the tax thereon are required only "te deduct three mills en every dollar of the iiittict paid. De these two mean the same ? If they de the tax is only three mills en the income of securities, net en their principal. If they de net. the sec sec tlensare inconsistent and unconstitutional. DllVcrenee oM.aher Orgaulyatleiis. Mr. Powderly again addieses h s order, ceunselling moderation and denouncing resort te llieboycett,and extreme measures for the securementef their just aims. Mr. I'ewdeily's latest expression is net novel or particularly strong in its piesentatien of what he has te say ; but it is signitlc.int in its continued presentation of his mew of the mission of his order, which Mew is challenged bya portion of it3 membeiship. and probably ieints te a conflict in the order between the two par ties, the lepresentative of tne ether being the Martin Irons, of St. l.enis, who inaugurated the late strike there. The. issue will determine whether the Knights of Laber, as an elder, will survhe or per ish. The ether labor organizations are generally net in sympathy with it, as its purpose is te embrace all laborers, and does net deal with special class.as de the ethers. If it is successful, it will, by its numbers, necessarily overshadow the trade organi zations ; and it has also a broader doctrine than theirs. It teaches the unity of the iiiteiest of capital and labor, and proposes te protect the emplejcr that the empleye may be protected. It has the wisest doc trine that any labor organization lias ever proclaimed, and will succeed as the laborer Is wi'e. Ileslsting Itess llule. Mr. Itebcrt Adams, of Philadelphia, is a young man of wealth, of fashion and of in telligence in Philadelphia, whom the bosses four years age encouraged te run for the Senate from one of the Republican districts of that city. He made a respectable if net Imposing iigure at Harrisburg ; but was net entirely tractable, and insisted un supporting the IJiillitt bill against the wishes of the bosses. They have served notice upon him te quit ; and that they pre fer for his succession Mr. Penrose, another young gentleman of ambition and ability, who in a brief legislative career lias shown a disposition le be a mere convenient and mere useful instrument of the liesses. Mr. Quay as the boss pacificator and perfect equalizer, has been trjing te arrange the matter amicably ; but te a gentleman of Mr. Adams temperament and circumstan ces it is hard te explain the merits of an arrangement which arranges for his defeat or te lecencile him te an accommodation which accommodates only his opponent. Mr. Adams threatens te be a kicker, and he does net seem te enjoy being cur iiedevenby the gentlehand of the Great liujs. Mr. Pewukiua's lastletterln which he still mero solidly entrenched hlmselt In the public confidence, appeared in the Intkli.i ciKNi'tm many heiimln advance of the metro politan dailies. Tin: bakers of Pittsburg nre en strike and these who are net eating the little, sup ply of stale bread attack blcuits, pancakes nnd crackers. '1 here is also much corn pone used In this eiiwigeney. It is nourishing nnd isn't hard te make. It Is astly mero di gestible, and han't as many cubic feet of dyspepsia te the siiiiure Inch as have "Hat cakes," soda bit-cuit, and all the ether ex cuses for light bread. If the public get used te the tatter stall, the housewlle may take a notion te ktep the strikers out. r.Nfi.KJeiiN Ckssn.v intimates te the in ter; iewer that he does net knew what kind of a tlme the Republicans of Pennsylvania will ha;e this fall. In iincertniu weather I'ncle Jehn puts en his high water pants. SoMKef the itepublican ex-pastmasters Iu the state who were dead bent unen be;cet. ting their Democratic successors have come te grief. In various sections government In. Bpecters have been quietly collecting evi dence of illegal solicitations of malls by pri vate individual; and the ex-postmaster Ht ML Helly Springs, Cumberland county, la under arrest, charged with destroying or burning the commission of the recently a pointed postmaster. Seme el them may be taught Heme sense. Titusupreme court of the I'nlted .States has decided that it hus no jurisdiction ever the case of a Mermen conviction Iu territorial courts or polygamy under the Kdmunds law. Several prominent Mormons will luvotego te the penitentiary In consequence. The A i vj i:ra was much mixed when it described this decision as u "Mermen victory." Iliteicmi W oi;itisnern:it was accustomed te ca ch his victims short, and llnall y he was caught short by death. Olivisk Wraetit, Helmes Is received in England with a degree of hospitality and generous welceme that repays some et our genteel treatment of English atrangera. What are the newspapers; coining te and wlietew ill tlie.v step T A recotitciirriiitlteiii declare.! met jesltl cly Hint Senater Voor Veor Voer lices ilHiiRliter lloe Is heing auhjectpd te. inet porsiMent MiilnimojlnRnttPiitlein from a iniublMMl and rejected suitor named Pntlge ; whose performances were retailed with jm-nt detail. New Senater oerhren lseempellid te wrlte n letter wring he lias no daughter Kose ; his only daughter m never In Chat tanoega nor In l'letlda, and never received any attention from Mr. Dedge, "Miss Hose Voerlices Is my brother's daughter. 1 knew Mr. Dedge rry well utiil esteem him ery highly. He is n gentleman of refinement, high social stand lug and a ImMikh mail of large menus and extensive operations, lie is nsen nt tlie Inte Hen. William K. Dedge, of New Yerk, nnd I nmer knew u gentleman mero utterly Incapable et the conduct at tributed te htm than he K There is net a word of truth In the entire story." At the animal meeting of the Climatologi Climatelogi Climatolegi es! association In Philadelphia en Mendav, Dr. William Pepper, the president, speke en the 'l'aues and Distribution el Consumption In Vcnnsvluinli." He has made c.iretul Inquiries In itgard te the subject, and from the Information obtained draws the deduc tion that w lille a crowded population Is ene c.uise el consumption, a low nltitude nnd low percentage of moisture nre greater causes. Tim deatli Irem consumption nre one te .-00 population in Philadelphia, Pulton, lterks, Ducks, Washington, Milltln, l.ehigh, Chester and Franklin counties, while In ether sec tions they nre lower, belng In some places below ene te 1000. The territory in which there are large growths of pine nnd hemlock timber corresponds Miry closely te that In which there Is the greatest immunity trem consumption. In his moving the second reading of the home rule bill in the Heuse of Commens en Monday, Mr. Gladstone throws n little mere light en his purposes with regard te Ireland. The deep underlying object that he seeks is te obtain for the troubled Isle something of the peace that she his been douied for the pastTW) years. Hepirdlng the point made by his enemies that Ireland's autonomy was a menace te the unity of the empire, Mr. (Hailstone very tersely remarked thnt the samenrgument was omplevod against Cana di in Indepeiulence.nnd that Canadaget home rule, net becanse she was loyal nnd friendly. She is loyal ami friendly new becaue slie get home rule. Toe premier is net se clear en the question of I rish representation in the imperial Parliiment. lie siys that where the two countries de net agree ever a statute there may be n recall iu both houses of the Irish Parliiment before that at Westminster can proceed te net. This does net sem te be sufllcient. Again he said that when it was proposed te alter the taxation of Ireland le lating te the customs aud uxcKe duties, Irish members would be enabled te appear in Par liament and share in the debate. This tee, seems only n makeshili. In fact, (.ladsteue Isas much nt sea as most peeple In regard te the proper mode of sol; leg the problem. If there was any way of copying tha American plan of n Congress and state legislature, the lermer te legislite en national nllairs, and the latter en deiiiOsli. concerns, the whele situation would be clear. With Irishmen at Dublin go; erning themselves as Pennsyl vania's legislator?) de nt Ilirnsburg, and with an lrih representation at Westminster, having a volce in national nllairs, the Kiner nld Isle would tens tranquil and lovely te leek upon as an Italian lake In midsummer. Tun dude new takes an interest in the strikes, fur the garment cutters have gene out PEKSONAL. Mat.tin Irons hopes te succeed Mr. Pow derly ns grand mister workman et the Knights of liber. AiiRAiiAM HuKRi.r, ene el thnnenlthiest and most preiiiincut manufacture rsef Chester has died there, aged Ml years. Reiinr.T Mkkik, casbler nt the t nien National bank et Riltimuru, died of general debility, aged y ears. Cel Jvmi:-. I.rirv left MirfetLi en Monday for Washington, whence lie gees te Kentucky te see the Derby ra es Hisiiei- Iliti i, eh, njcempinied by l-'atber Keiley, of Wilmington, Del., has left ter his new lield of labor at .savannah, ,e. Hrvitv It. DiiThsn v ir, the ;eteran Democratic editor, has bten appointed nse ciatHjuilgoet Clarien leuntv, bv t.ovemer Pattison. He v. V. Iindi.k;, who died recently in Ne castle, Lawrence county, had been rl years iu tbe ministry and was ene of the old -est or the American clergy of the I'nlted Presbyterian church. SECiir.TAnv Whits-ei telegraphs from New "Verk an emphatic, sweeping denial of the stories that ha has bought an interest in the Xahmuit Ilcpuhlieati, the Itepublican organ in Washington, or made leans te it or auybedy connected with iL F. D. Wissn.w, the Ihwteii forger, is in Jail iu lluenes Ayres, for swindling, and all his property has been attaclicd. Wins low gees by the name of D. W. I.owe, nnd is "liiite prominent in business and heciety cir cles. He married 3 lady of lluunes Ayres, and has lued there ler some time in con siderable Myle. Medjf.sk; is "taking a great deal of pleasure In the presjiect of being a grand mother nt tlie end et net manv months and Is already engaged In embroidering small llannels." This 111 be geed news for these who wish te hee this excellent nctress as Juliet, for she Mid about the tlme or the marriage of her son P.dph that she should celebrate her arrival at grand motherhood by appearing In this youthful role. m m m A 31HIIITY U.SCEIirAl.WtlAJlE A .Story el I)rn I'ukrr That Conic, 1'rem Western New YnrR. The Ilullale Courier tells nn Interesting draw poker story, and insists that it la true. The twine was played in a Ilullale hotel by seven men. One of the players had wen 200 and wasabeut te jump the game when he picked up nhand of four kings and nn ace. It wus invincible because they were net playing straight Hushes. All came In, ene of them raising the ante 510. Mr. i'eur K Ingsjust chlpped along, net wishing te keep any Ixxly 011L The ethers stayed nnd all dre w cards, the man with the kings throwing away his ace nnd drawing ene card rather than KK1I his chances or getting bets by standing psL The man who had made the ten-dollar raise took two cards. Tlien the betting began. All were driven outexcept the man with the four kings and the man who had drawn two cards. They whacked back nnd lerth at ene nuother until at length having exhaused nil his chips and gene Mi" ter many dollars, the man with the king's felt that lie had wen nil he wanted te, and called. Te his horror his opisenent laid down Tour aces. The beaten man howled ami claimed fraud, ter hew could the ether man have four aces when he himself had ene belore the draw y The explanation was simple. There being hoveii players there were net cards enough loge around alter the iirm unai, nuu se mu discards were Hhuflled up and dealt for the draw. In the draw the man who took twecards and was drawing te three aces get the nee that the man with lour kings had discarded, nnd was thus able te beat him out et his beets. This doesn't happen often. It Is a legend that the same thing did happen 011 a Missis sippi steamboat in the geed old days, and that a Leulslaima planter who held tbe tour kings lest his plantation te the man who then secured the discarded ace. The l'reli l'rai;niirn Ol SO.ODONT renders It the most asrceable artlcle ever Used us 11 teeth . lt ,, nene el the urld properties et the natrlnaent teeth pemlcrs, uud Instead of centnictlnn tliegmiu, lliemleis them tlnu and elastic, mil Tu.lh.S Met n Cnne. Net a case el rhrnmatl-in, net acise el nou neu ralKla, net a case et lniiirnci, net a catu el lulti or iiniln net one lias tailed te ua when at tscked by 7'iOMn,' MUeetrie Oil Ter ale bi ll. H. Cochran, druggist, 137 urn IX) North Ouceu Btreul, I.aiicaatvr. "Spent Fitly Dells r In doctoring for rhmtmutlsm tiotera I tried nema? KcUftiic Oil. Used llWcent bettln of this medicine, and get out In one week, Fer burns undspnilnsli ta excellent." Jus. Dur. limn, hast l'cinbroke. N, Y. Fer sale by II. It. W LanS' W "a N0Mh yueen TKADK IX OLD TOBACCO .Mir iMii Aviii'r, l.imt.K i itn.ti. OH IIISTAM MAUKK1. rilllli Twe lluiulrrst i'm S.l About Iho Total 1 rtins action Here-- A Conipurlseu el l.itt ear tttlslnfslu New Mirk Willi Tint el ISSIt. (Miillenlng Country I'lpiriiiaKrts The local trade during the past week con sists of the sale of about il cases of old tiv haece. Te this must be ndded the roHirted sale (in New Yerk) of l.OXl casi s of 'si Lan caster county lear, alleged te ha;e been packed by D. l.edermnu nnd ovCongross evCongross ovCengross inan Smith in the spring or lss nt n cost of no less than Picontsapeund, marked weight, nnd new oeld by Mr, l.edermau te l.ewls Dremer'sSens, Philadelphia, nt , cents re w eight, entailing 11 less of about $1 sOOO. lt Is proper te stale thnt ex-Congressman Smith denies that heover had nny connection with Mr. l.ederman In packing tobacco. In connection w ith the abeve story the I . S, T,tiii'tn Journal reports that M. II. Levin, of New Yerk, an etenl;e tobacco packer, lest J.te.OOO en a packing el 1,000 cases of '.si Wisconsin which cost lilm ever 'JO cents n jsiund and which he sold the ether dav te Hclineder A Den nt 10'., cents, .1. S. tlans, Sen A Ce. nctlng ns the tirekers. As the last named llrm make no mention el thee large s;les nnd hea;y les-.es lu tbe weekly report of the New Yerk market furnished by them for the Intki.i iuknckk and prlnleit below, the alleged siles are probably apocryphal or nt least greatly exaggerated. The only ether sensation in the local trade Is the burning of a cigar factory In Strnsburg, reerted elsewhere, aud tbe Increasing strength or the iigirniakers' I nien of this cltv. A correspondent writing from Watson Watsen Watson ten 11, Northumberland, states that there Is for sale In the vicinity of that tow 11 nlmut T.", tens et old nnd 00 tens of new tobacco, tieth seed leaf nnd Havana sciM, nene of which Is mero than one nnd a-halt miles from the railroad depot, nnd nn hour's drl;e will reach the entlre leL It might ls wertli while ter Lnncasier dealers and manutac turers te take a leek at It. The Neil l.itk ljr,,. Notwithstanding tlie 'J.OOO cases nle;e mcntlnned as hiving 1 eon sold last w eek,the organs or tbe tobacco trade report trade as ;erydull. The 7'u.,ic-e ,eurnnf says ' n few hundreil cacs of low grade 's, Wiscon sin was sold for expert at from .1 te ', cents. Fer the home trade the demand, w hile somewhat better, showed n slight imprme ment, resulting iu sales of nlsiut ."s) cases, mostly In smalt purchases. The prices nre ;irlually unchanged excepting for old coarse tillers, which command excellent figures, running ns high ns 1,1 cents." Of Sumatra tobjece irem liW te 17f bales were sold nt fl..r.(i L7"., nnd :!. te .'Its) liales of Havana dllers at 11 te S1.2u, U111V Weeklj Ketmrt. S ties el seed leal tobacco reported l,y J. S. (Jans' Sen A Ca, tobacco brokers, Ne. ;i Water street, New Yerk, ter the week end ing May In, ls-G : liiO cases lsel Wlsi-ensln Ila;ana. n ilc c: 7'ic.ises Ins.1 de. Si: .leOca-es lss", PentiMl anla, ',(j,llc.: 100 -.ises Hsi de. Havana secii, p. t. j 50 cases lss5 de. si-eil Uuf, si ,-., Weaves le5.'i Ohie de. p. t.; l.V)iuses ls-t New England Havana, l.ViJOc.; Ij0 casts sundries, 1 ,riiV'. Total, 1,.! V, cases. SsleselSeed I.eallli n ,irk In April 1 rem the Tobacco l.raf. As will be seen below, the s.iles el seed lear in this city, as reported, in April were ',100 ceses less than in March. Possibly the labor disturbances havens much te de as anv ether thing in causing the pre;ailmg npithy, merchants and manufacturers having te tie careful in their enterprises while strikes, boycotts and general unrest are the Virder 01 the day. Tnt SALES. Crep of 11. I't'iiiiiiyivaiila Crep e i?" rcniipylVHiiiii . New England. C'rope '. rcnnsilrunla CVen of lyi. Fer Ezpyrt (.nei JMI H TOO no Hi ) an M7 i ii H) l.C M tit 1) 2i) New ciiKlnnd. " Muv, l'ennsylvnnlii llav New erlc llsv, Vi'i'iV, "ei'U, Ohie l.lltki Hutch . Ohlespanlflh.. . . . Wis. llav. bced (Yopef 1'. Sew Km, llav Seed, lVnn'u llav. Sei-d Ohie ; !. llav. seed. HKI Total .. 8.137 Divided as fellows : Te lnanntnrturcr Te city trade 'loom el town Toexpert Total 3,U,ICHS,'I 1,A " l.UM " 371 " 1 057 hi pert et s,.t.j l.m nnd cuttings sun-,-JllltU iri 1, 133,, Siinu tlme lust car SiLKS in ls AD ISHf, 1'sA ( tl.s January 4.7MI Itbruurj 7 s;i Starch .171 April . .au7 lnsv ll,i-U is-.. i ris i ; MI7 l,lJ7 Peer as tbe month's business lias been. shows a marked gain ever April, l-.j. A Caution te Country Mamifarturi-rs The New Yerk 'J'ubaeen J.ei prints the following caution te county cigar manufac turers : "Cigar manufacturers in the coun try should be en their guard. We line an Inkling that seme parties in this city net regularly In the cigar trade are going outside te order tholrgeods, which seme peeple think Is rather peculiar, In vlew of the rare oppor tunities te buy cigars in tlds city. Don't be Haltered by nn order from Now'Yerk, coun try friends but leek into your customer's credit very clesely before parting ;wlh jour goods." Tin 1'lilUdelphU Market The trade In all Its branches Is regarded as fair. There Is a scarcity of ileslrable wrap pers, but cigar manufacturers are doing nn Increased business and expect tode much bet ter when the 'S."i crops et Pennsylvania and New Yerk are ready for the market, as they are ospectotl te show up remirknhly well. The following receipLs for the past neck are reported : 151 cases Connecticut, COT cases Pennsylva nia, ll.' cases Ohie, set teases Wisconsin, fiili, cases Yerk state, 19 bales .Sumatra, or, bales Havana, nnd 021 lilids. Virginia and Western leaf tobacco. The sales show CV cases Connecticut, !IJ cases Pennsylvania, "0 cases Ohie, Si rases Little Dutch, 'JO cases Hoiisatenlo Havana, Nl, 17b cases Wisconsin, SC cases Yerk state, 40 bales Sumatra, 132 bales Havana and 3'J hhds Western leaf In transit direct te inarm lacturera. Hxperted of leaf tobacco Te Ll;erpoel, per steamer Illinois, 201,3'Ji pounds ; te Ant worn, per steamer .Nederland, -n,tiu7 pounds; te Havana, vr schoenor Helen f,., I.suji pounds; total, 217, ISO eunds. Manufacturers or smoking tobtcce are doing a geed business nnd suull Is iu In creased demand. Twenty llve cents w 111 remove a cold. Initie of Itcd Star Cough Cure. liny u HVXVIAL NUTICKN. (lallant lterues. There can be -enictlilng heroic In a luedlrlne ns well ns In liiillvldlluls. Jlurileck Jltoeil JlitUri have ellccted many n gallant rt'hcue iiineng the fciitterltigslck Theusundi have escaped the mis orb-jet dysxipsliinnd nerveus debility tbieugh the use et this wonderful medicine. It Item phatlcallythe best stomach and bleed tonic in Iu the world. Fer sale by If, II. Cochrun, drug gUt, 137 aud 1W North (Jucen stn'et, Laucustur. Called te l'reach. Ve feci called upon te preach a few gospel facts tacts that are worth knowing. We wuiit e;t'rybedy te enjoy nil that Is possible lu this world. We want all these who are Muttering finui rheumatism, neuralgia, and all ache, spndnsand pdns toknew that Themru' Kcltc trie Oil Unu uulalllng nnd splendid cure, ler kiIu by II II. Cochran, druggUt, 1J7 and IX) North (Juven street, Lancaster. Frem Clexlmm, Ohie, Cemes a letter signed T. Walker, saying "About lx months age commented taking Jluriteck Jlloett Jllttert for protracted due or luiubsge and general debility, and new am pleased te state huve recovered my nppetltn and wonted strength. Feel better altogether." Fer sale by H II Cochran, druggist, 137 undlia Neith yueen fctreet, Lancaster. " What Can't 11a CurMl Mutt lis Eudureit." This old adagedees net signify that we mint sutler the miseries el dyspepala. when a medi cine wlih the curative properties or Jluriteck Jlloett Jlatert Is available, lt l ene of the most substantial and reliable remedies sold te-day. ForaatebylI.lt. Cochran, druggist, 137 and K) North (jueea street, Lancaster, UKr utHtna. .MOW CASH STOKK M NEW CASH STORE, 'J47 - 'JJ'. Xerlh (iitet'ii Slrwl, Uimeslte the Ke; stone Heuse ami Northern 1 ' bank, i MY M sr.M'IK DUksmitXllls, K1.H1ANT I'd V'K sti.us, WIIU'Mtlltlir.H I'tOl'K. I'l MliSAlSsixiKs, W Illtk LAW NS, I. U ks AND KM UKOI DV ItlkS, III.AClv KlDl.l.llV ks A Nilendld (Hove, new iptlii(j shsiles, ,Mc , and many new goods Just opened liU'h 111 lie ed us rtieup ns can he had niiyw bete In the fit; A4-i'i,i,i 1,111 una sfi, 114 tiir,r, iMirchsstng, libs 1yd ;v. 11. inn; Min. 21'MMEK HOODS. STAMM, BROS, a CO. lla;oep,mcd alart;i nnd tailed assortment et Fritdfil Satints, CrinklfJ SeersacKrs, EmkreiJertJ SniU At our already ell known I.ite Prices ; UTiutt i. vw.ss, 1MI I ISKV-, I Mlii;nilhUI. (ainl'ilc, Nalmcek and ShIss Kditlng. l.nce fronts In W hlte, Criulii iilul llelge. LADIE3' COLtiAnS AND GUFFS. Our Patent Klcctrle (les.nnicr can be ImiiKlit enlv at our store, ns It 1, our mm htet. (nine nnd m'C whit jeu ne;er saw lioferw In tea 1111 is. Luw Ti is. Vunk Sils u the Motte. BOSTON STORE. Nea. 26 A fiB North Queen St. I.ANCASTEII. PA. OHN S. OlVLKlt. (1KO. K. RATH VON. LATEST WRINKLE -IN- CRINKLE SEERSUCKERS Only !!. 1 net l. New Style American Satines, 1 inn 1 spii'su mi ;hks, lll US'. IllsttlSlt Ot liC. Ilnrgulns in Kiery ltliiu tiueiit FOR CASH. JOHN S. GIVLER & CO., NO 36 EAST KING STREET, LlTIOUftTHR, VX. s KASON.WU.K GOODS WITT & SUflND, Nefl. 6, 0 & 10 ErtPt Kinff St. New Dress Goods New Ppilnir Shmlcs In All Heel DK.S I Kl I.K I.AL t. sL 1 ll.Mli ter Oronlres.e nut IrtminliiKS Ctrlpml Hcntnlle nnd Ktnuilnc Siilnus Kta mine, Albilress and I'nlne btiltlni;.. l.liolre t olers lu I.titlit Weight Lleths, hnntn Miiltlmjs, lliiinrspiin Millings, (.nnvas Suitings, KiiglNh ( leth Millings. SI'KtIAl. AITHACTIONS. 'Ien riecci COI.OKKll liltKsS II K yard, worth uic. Twenty-one Inch Colored Dress Mifc, TV n yard, usual urire II mi. Tuentytwe Inch Sl'KAII sl,ls, all colors, .-c n ;ard. Twenty two Inch linn Hurah Silks, -'.c. a nr.l, thought cheap at II iJ. 'twenty two Inch A 1.1. sit.K SA11N UIIA I) A MA, II I'l tt yard, regular price, II 1 One Hundred and Fitly Pieces II VTIsTl.s AND SATINts, lleaiittlul Stjle-, enl; hs- sjd. -AT TIIK- New Yerk Stere, J.15 MARTIN A CO. DRESS GOODS! Weel OanvaB Cloth Cleth Match, 25e. -Bouelo Oleth te a yard. WOOL HOMESPUN, 20e. a yard. Weel Ser08, 00 InehOB WIde. at 44e, a yard, worth 60c a yard. AlbatrOBB Cleth, In Oream, at 44e ; was made te soil at 60e. DRESS SATIHES. The Lnrgest Line iu the city te aolect from. FRENCH SATINES. In New and LarRO PatteniB and In New OolerlngB at 3Ce. a yard. AMERICAN 8ATINE3. Over 100 Difforent Patterns, all New and Doalrable, lOe. and 12 l-2c. J. B. Martin & Ce., Cor. West King & Prince Sts., (Opposite Stovens Heuse.) LANCA8TEK, l'A. -XLL AT KKIMAKTH OLD WINE V- I BTOKK LISTON'S EXTRACT OP BEEP. riMKST IN THB WORLD. KsUblUhed, 178S. H.E.8UYMAKEn,A0T., lebiTua Mo,wj(MtKiegauMt. IIHT KT.ULH A H.VfllllMAN. -HAltOAINS Counterpanes COl'NI'Kltl'ASKa Al' t eli.VI'Klll'ANKs A r t lUIMKIIl'ANKS AT. I AH .?A 1 M IIK.U'I'IH'I. MAUSKIl.t.KS lOI'NTKUf.WKS We hrtve bought thoae OotinterimnoH they nre Chimp. METZGER & He. Ill Wet Klnp; Streot. botweoit Ooepor Iioune ntul t5orre! Uoreo Hetol. N rri:xr Deeu te tup. ceput hoi sp. SPECIALTIES -IN BLACK SILKS! At :5c, 87 l-2c FAHNESTOCK'S. M'hllVI Tils V ( OI.OItKII vll ,s, i Stlldr- lit Vic. I ;l'tKs IIIIK4S l.OOIIS IniKK !!! R. E. FAHNESTOCK'S, mixT neon te Tun court house. FtruMTViir H z kimtsh s priiMTrui: nr.i'OT. These New and Elegant Table Scarfs Just Arrived Te-Day. THDY ARE VERY CHEAP AND TASTY. And, by the way, we havonemo New and Hatideome Parler Snltn Juat flnlished te show you, and a few CottcheH and Loungep, jitRt the thlnt? for this Roaaen, nfter the heuse la cloaned. Call and oeo them HEINITSH'8 FURNITURE DEPOT, Nes. 27 and 29 Seuth Queen Street. .I.Yr.ls7.7.', '-I. JfL.I.V.'KV. s jPKiNii i. iiens -Al- A. HIRSH'S, NOS. O & O NORTH QUEEN ST. All the I nli'ii Si)les of HATS AND BONNETS. Hula for le find up Finn Mowen, JVathcn nml Hen ir rrmtpetirt. Milllinir silk, sitln-, flvt'ti, i'ttlnK, l.ariMvtield I -a re, Sllwr Ijtc I.ar tnlxnl UU gill, nnd ininy ether ,siw Trimming:! i .int lleidi, Hat Ornnmnntsit ( hllilrrn'-t Urn i im, ( nrctif, Cnllftm, CulN, llAntlktrchtHr, .ler-tfy, Krtdlui llw, nnd n Irtrutt vurlfty of etbtir tfoed Call hihI ii4 bflore imrcluLHlnp N,'WlH'r. nprll -md T UK SPItlNG OPP.MM1 - AT ASTRIGH'S Palace of Fashion, 13 EAST KING STREET, IS () Kit, AMI IS rr.uiL.UMhi in h Kitiiietn a (iiieai BL'CLKMS. GHANI) IIKYliMl lKCIUrTION' ' NE KK hQl'ALLKD ' ' Are the unanimous OTprcssleus of tho-e el enr patrons v he liud tlun, oneiigh te lnnprct OL'lt DISI'LAI AT OLIt Ol'EM.NQ, Hut thn multltuiloef irersls we hail ferlnsp'r tlen whs tivKrnt for lhi accoinmeUatlon nee. essArj' te show them tnmlriintiiKO. We thiTo thiTe thiTo feri wei!a nellrlt 3'eur cle-,0 scititluy te the fol fel low I nt; list el articles unit prlces WKSKI.L TIIElthiT FIETY CENT KID GLOVE In tha city, lour llutten, Iitct Similes. Wosell n flve nnil six button KldUlove, sciil loped top. In greys nnd hIhK-s, ut fie H pair. We beII 11 riml kid llvn tuition glei e ui lie. We neil ii rial bid, ulltchud hack, four Imltein at a7c. Woeell a lle hefite leal kid lacing ulore for II ia WiiBi-llun undri'sed kid Rlove, four buttons, forbOei n botlet onelor7o; a real kid glove, nn dressiud, nt II 25 We M'll a rlne lUIe Klore nt l.V n pair. We sell u pearl IIsIokIeio ut j,ie : tlne-it pearl llsle al We ; Kncllili k.'iu! llle at 17c. Wesell line Rllk kIevcb, In black and colored, ut ale. and 41c. We sell Hi" finest pure kauze MIk glove In town, black and eoleied, at Nie. a pilr. We Mill puru Ktlk lace nilttn, tu black .lersey ntvle, atac. a pair. IN HOSIERY. Wesell ladles' striped he-,0 at Se. a pair. e Hell n boiler quality, plain tolered and trlped,nt 7c upalr. e null plain ioIeii il, sttlped anil black, at 10c. a pair We soil spilt feet, full luihlened, line qiiallly iiun, in L-eiiut'ii unu iiiacir, ai rHe.a pair. New Hnrlllif shades. Inns and sfuti W e soil full, reitularmade lliillirlirifans, ler IV;. es, iac .a pair. pair: fccollcilLeu:illtv at lsn. and-JOn. a nalr he flnpat JUIbrlKKMiiiai 2V. a pair. We hell extra koeiI iuality black hese, full rcpular made, while lent, nt J3a.a pair. We sell the llnest colored hoe, full regular made. In tAimanil xlitlus, nt Men pair. U e cell KtrliMid bone, full reyular made, flout !0e a pair up. We (.oil black llslethread hese nt 37c, and bet ter ones at tee. lllack llk lnsn nt T.V. and ll.it). Our Hleck of checkered anil fancy atilped hose cannot be surpassed In quality or variety of styles. W neil koeiI quality hose for children, plain or ribbed, liein 10c. n nalr up. Children's full regular made black hoje, whlte loot, at l"c. and V"c. a pair. Infant's three-fourths ho-,e at 10a, 12Wu , lie, H)e. nnd'e. Infant's llile thriad three reiirths hese, 37c. Ladies' and Gents' Gauze Underwear, LO.Nll AMI SIIOin'8LKKVKS.25c.,3;c,AKc. lUlbrlggan blilrU fur ludles anil Kentleiuen, Wc Children's Onuza Undershirts from 6c. up. UentV iiulHUiulrlcd shins, relnlnned Unon boneui and lined back, geisl lmialtli and well liilde.tec. OKNTS' SATIN BCAItl'9, NhW bTYI.ES. Sc. LADIES' JKUSEV CI.OHI COATS, 111 AtK A.M COI.UItS. JERS EYS -AT- ASTRICH'S, NO. 13 BAST KIKQ STREET, LANCASTKK, PA. HUOIU. IN- from Auction! I OtiNTltllPANKS AT.. OMI.NI'Kttl'ANKS AT.. t.'llllNIKIlPA.SKS At'.. ( .Oil I OO 1 no AT ht.Ml, .H no, wiue, Hlm, is.,1 (in. In lurKe cittnntltles nt Attotlen nnd HAUGHMAN BLACK SILKS ! S1.00, S1.25 and $1.50. AT .- nnd II mi Alt the Siui'lll In 1 .-Hest t'riis's ' IiANOASTHIl, l'HNti'A SATURDAY, MAY 0, 1O0O. mil ld VI IITIIISll. s P It I .N U MAllli. UI'KMMI AT II. t.Klt FINE TAILORING. Tlie Ijinrest nnd most t omplele Anserlment et MM. WOOL Lh.Ss for ttinsprtHK liadotelw leund In the .lty of Lancaster A Chelcn Line of Sprint; OrereentlnKs ami rantnloenlnjrs In nil the Litest I'attems l'i Ires Uiw, Hest Workmanship, and all tfoedi arrunteil at rtpre.(.eiit,sl. H. GERHART. SO II Miltlll IJPKKS sTIthhl' -ilppi4lle Iho I'eslnll ce. limn? IV'IH TITVKKM A HATHVON. SEASONABLE CLOTHING! 11 IDt W AS t A NICE DRESS SUIT In .Mlied Cnsiluiern or Plain t ersitul, i x inilue our Bt.M'k llest work, nleest shapen. It lilt WAN! A- HANDSOME PLAID OR MIXED CHEVIOT h JIINK til'i: SI'Ot I, tr OV WANT A MICE FLAW EL SUIT, In illnn or Cadet r.rny, Fkcleten Ceat for het weather, examine our block. If lOU NKED A Pair of Light Trousers -OK A- THIN COAT OR VEST, ttitimlnw our nterk l.nrgrnt In Lancaster low tit lu pilrn. venirs Bers and ciiildhlvs slits In .Vew- and Ilandsoine siyje, well made, te stand Iho hard wear tbej are llkelj lorerelve from llejs' hands, Kiamlnc Our Stock of Clothing in? & l.ciulliiK' Lancaster Tiillers, MO. 13 EAST KINO BTHHHT. l.ANCASI'Ki:. l'A TdANSMA.N A 1IKO. J. THE PEOPLE. Why )i the People Advertise L's ? Ale our Advertisers4 Uiyile the peeple Ad vine their friends te buy our Clothing Why de they oiiIekIzo our Uoedn, our- Tries, our lluslness tletheds t '1 hey AdvtttUe lia hciaiise e deal As Fairly ami Squarely us PessiMn. Hl'Ktl.M. 11 A ltd A 1. SI IV Gustem-Made Clothing! CHECKS and I'LAIO HU1TI.NIH toetdurat II.1-, fully worth t KNOI.tBII COIIKSL'UKW SUITS te order a 118 i fully worth tu. READY-MADE CLOTHING Aroaelllnft fast, especially eurfil 00, JSMand fin. MK.N'S CAbSIMEUK SUITS ale l per cent, lower than any ether heuse can sell them. L. 6ANSHAN & BR0 JlhKCIIANT TAII.OUS AKDMANlirAC TUHKKS OF MEN'S BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S CLOTfllXO, 66 & 68 NORTH QUEEN ST., Light en the Southwest Cerner Orange Street, LANCAHTKU, l'A. V Net cennnctal wltn any ether Cletblnj IIeue Id the city. HTERS RATHFON