Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, May 11, 1886, Image 1

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Stye JDwtfagtd
m n.i !' HM.vl!,lA hvahi.i:
'IK IIIIHMttt lliritNKII.
A lilamtrinia I lr mi All 111 In Mrrrl In ulili
n Ijiiinalrr list knim' ttatiilillaliineiit una
(IiiIImiI lir I Ire Nl Hum! nl lit
Sleck Ituniril Sur IJimrr) tllln,
'I'lim inclining another Miry destructive 111 e
(ivurretl In this city. Shortly Isifuru Iho
nVlO'lf tlm lingo li-iimn stuliln, owned liy llui
Miasm Trls.lnr, uml situated en Mllllin strict
(III thn real'.. I Nil. Ill) Kast King), was found
In lui In Mann, ilie stable whs mviiplnl liy
Willi (III Hest llfeltl, Wilt) ll.lS II llllllllf lllK'kH.
An alum wns stitiek from box lr., at Cast
Mii' mill Dukn stteels, and the only tlucu
impliiiH nl tlm Dm department, w llli the
llrcmi'ii were seen mi tlie ground, r.tiferu
Hi" iiinval (if llit. Ilromen snuin limn had
mm en Inl In toinei In gsev (irnl Lacks mnl our eur
iI.iuiih Irmii the building. Tlm damn inniln
lniil headway nml It was ft hi i ii I liiqmsslhln
In H'mihi II ii horses which wcin ill tlm
stable. Tin w worn roasted. "Ilm flteiiieu
w urn iimihle te uvu tin) building mnl II vv
smm ilcstrevcd, .Nimuuis nl watnr mii
liirncil en tlm nelglilmilug buildings whl
Weill HIM i
Upside tin) horses which perished Rosen Resen
l lit loot n two suited carriage, u threo seated
sleigh, four sels nl single Hint nun set nl
iliuililu harness, ii let nl lilHiiknti, robesf
whips, luiy riitlur.iilHiiit I, AH) iiindsiif hn.v,n
let of straw, An. i'lnirii was nothing in ilie
building iMilnnglng te tlm owners lull an old
sleigh Mini ii bidder. 'I lie horses vv lili'h worn
humml vveie u pair of tery pretty (rajn, u
limn nml ii pull of In). All "inn used In
the ahsaml i iiH)i el Itesenfeld's Hue,
INHIIIIMI IV llcHIMHIl'H rueri urt.
Tliti Iiihiiiihi ii i n IliMtuifultl'H preiirty, in
(hiding six Inn mm ( emi of which llml Inxt
Huiiihti was il.-iia It li In the ('ItU.illi'
in el I'lttshuig, which Is represented
lii'ie pj II It. llreuniiian. Tlie less in ly ti
greater than till-.. 'I lid liionntnnleneo Mill
On nr in Kus.mfeld has a number of
vehl. lis, but nothing te ilrixe In tliem. As
It Is rnlliiir dllllrult te mm ntn NiiitaliUi lierMn
(or tills hiislui m, It limy Ihi seiiih tlini' liufore
Urn In. k line is again liilly running.
I Ihi inirniil linililiiiL' was Insured Willi
shenk A IUihiiiiii, in t'ii I iru Association n I, feri I, Inn and that will In all
probability nr tlm less. uxl te the stable
tlinrii urn' two heii-ns, which nre owned hv
llenrv Wolf. Tlie emi nearer tin) tire Is
invupied liy Jacob seiidum, nml tlie ether liy
dtsirge lleix-n. 'I lui iieir heuse had tlm
w Indniv IrainiH burned out in tlm I ear mill It
was ntliiirwlMiil iiiiikihI It was pretty well
se ik il mIIIi water whli'li was kept en It
nlnient i enstHiitlv wlnln tlm sluliUi was Imrn
I OK'. 1 his lietixii is liiMireil for i !iHi, mnl tlm
mm next ileur, wlileli Is also wnnewlial ilani ilani
apeil, Is uiHuiOil for i-iii Hetli are In tlm
(iniril eiiimii), et whleli Jerimilali Klfe Is
tlm aceht.
I'lnllp Uoersoin, tlie i-nrrl'iKO Imllitcr,
wlioe hhep Is en thu wiwt slild of tlie stalild,
sustain) il seinii Ie-m HIh linlUHliK was en
tire HPMiril mill's luil tlm llainen wuriin
tInxiilsliHil w It It Imi'kdtHet uatur, which worn
t.iki n Iruin Mr. Doursem's Uitli till) liy him
srilf, iiinily mill etlmrN, who worked
r Imr.t " I arln tlm liiirneil IiiiIIiIIiik
arn Ihii Hlmlens in tlm rarrlae shop.
'Itn-ii .ie i IesimI up with Isiller Iren, lint it
tlinj had l I'll ii n tlm danniKii would lme
liewi nun h jjreitiir. As it wits tlm Iren was
ensliliir ililj drawn mid IhiiiL Tlm akj lights
nicrMr. Doersotn'a xhnw room wurtt tills
teruil and In snine plai'OS)uY)rchd. A t;ixl
supply or waler In w llllnn hands ha Md thum.
'1 Iib prepurty Is lnsiirrsl ltihovralcenipanls
ixproseiilisl ly .loreinlah Klfe. In thn
iimikIiIhuIuwhI n( tlm Urn n lark'" iiilinlir el
lint) fruit In us wero dither killed or I' nil
I'l'.l'l Hill el IMINIItMl OltlMlS.
'I'lin nriKln elthi) Hid Is net known, lint it
is mipiK-stil te i.ii) Isimi iniciidliiry. Mr.
lteniiiliild hail Minral haiks, whlih iiv
inalli en tlm stroeta all night. OwiiiK te
the M tuiorilier kill nlKht and tlm fa. t
that tlm wiiiilhur was dlsaroertulii Ilm rar
rlu(;es worn kfipt nry busy. Tlm tlrst limn
was put away at tlm h!uI1e alxlieut lle't le k.
rim I it eui) was out until half past tliiie
whi'ii l'.'-i'iifi'lil and an omplnje iiiiiiihI
Hrcclit took it te Ilm stable. I'hny rlei'd
t)ervtlniiK upiiimfiilH and tlm light, whli-lt
t Ii f iiMsl.was takiiu te tlie Mllllin streiit mid
el tlm l.iill.lliik' mid nxtlugiilslm.1. Wlmu
linn loll, evor tiling was all right as far as
the) knew 'iei oral iilttiinpM liuwi Is'i'ii
uiaili) te Urn this liuildliig and It soeins that
this i urn was a lig siii-oess.
uii.v itui:Ki xitdie ei'.iKiii m;.m:
I llitiilni: sttlki. a learnt Hlnliln nml Mi tltail
ul slurk lliirnpil
.lareli I.Mlileuiiill fnrillH tin) plain el his
tather, Klljiili ICslildlilau, en tlm snulheiii
sehi (,l tlm lilll overlnoldiig Cauiarge, about
oiie anil a half mlles nnrthwest et tjinrry-
illiMiiid in l're lilniii'dtnw nshlp,iiearthn line
of l.ili'ii. In the lie.ivy thuiidorsteriu wlileli
proniled oer tlm i-eunty a!out nVliek
en Mnniliiy owning u belt of lightning struek
the rhleiiiiiii li.uu. Thern was no means el
checking the llames ami in mi instant tlm
strurture wiisiIoeuuhI te ilostriirtleu. With
foine ilillii'UlH tlm hories weru aaMtfl ; hut
hlx head efc.itllu in theli xtalla wero biirned
lodeatli, Itoililes Ihnsn tlm bay, .straw and
tanning iinpleiui uts mid the ontire building
wero dohlreii d. The building Uilonged te
Klljdli ami thn contents te Jacob Kslilemaii ;
thorn whs no Iiixuraiicn en oltber ami thu less
will be Newral UieuhhihI dollars.
u in i r fiunit nr a a i it i.
A llarti ami ('iinteiit ltluiiKhii; In C)rii4
Miarllr, Near llarfultlv, llurneit.
Last ui ening the large kirn, bolenglng te
t'jrus Shadlai, tiittialed olio mile north of
llareville, with its contents was set en tire
and burned le thn ground. The contents
consisted df twenty tens of hay, n let of
straw, lariulng iiuploiueiils nml two wagons.
Shortly bolein the llames hurst out Mr.
Hhaoller hiw his hlred girl, MaggloShaellor,
aged Hi M'.irf, mining nut of the barn. Alter
tlmllte liroke out, Hiisplcleii poluled te her
as llui imeiiitliri. Sim was iinmoilialely ar ar ar
rosled and takeu before '.HiiiilreSS. U. llarpel,
of Ikirovllle, for a Inuring this iiflornnen.
Theglil Is net cousliteioil ultogethor sound,
and no ene In tlm tiolKhberliooil appeara te
knew whom alie origin illy ouuie from.
Jlerf ither is an inuiatiiel the Lmcaster coun
ty Blinshnuse.
Thern was no insiir.incn en either the
building or porHenal property.
A HII (Ml KH Of JtlllllS. IIik I tinllirmt Trltia llaaliril In
llniilll Agiilnit mi Klerlrlc l.lglil.
A lrange phenomenon occurred during
the Hlerin en .Saturday night In the Welnlly
el tlie beird eftradi) lewjir light, Clilcage,
It was neil') ether than a ahower et birds.
On Sunday, when the watchman ninde his
reunilH, hnleund Iho sidewalk ami hi rents In
trout el tlm teiMir fairly cowired with dead
birds el all het Is. A llttle later the olectrl electrl
( ian cinie down, ami upon Hoeing thu great
piles el birds, he said it was tie eh ctrie light
at thn top et Iho Urn or. When he went up te
the laiiteui Willi Mineral nieinUirs of thn
beard of trade the reef was found te U cuv cuv
areil with (lead birdu, and eik Ii of the lamps
lu the big circle et light was tilled with them,
one glnlx) having eight birds In lu Thesn
birds am of overy knenn arlely, ami many
unknown, or rattier unfamiliar, Hss Iiih are
among the let. All Hhaden uml colors urn
lliuie scarlet, blue, pluk, red, canary,
mottled black and wlilte, and there were
goine Biilpe anil plmera among them. The
theory Is that they were mlgratnry Hecks
going front neutli te north, and were attracted
by the great light, which killed thorn the
moment they touched It. There waaacount waaaceunt
less number cl them enough te trim all the
ladies hats In Illinois. Many people were lit
the street w llh bags and liaskets and in lesa
than two hours the sidewalks were cleared,
but the root of the building Is new covered
and the Janitors will remove them.
Taken In VlilUdelphla.
Charles Prier, w he was sentonced te two
years Imprisonment In the K&stern penlton penlten
tiary for robbing a home In this city, was
akeVte Pmlal?huV'b7sherUr TomiinVea
thl mernlnif.
flHK t'USVKItr AMU lll'KIt
Iho llillllant IMaiumr In H'likli tin) Ma mirr
i Inir Clearil Itn triiin.
At tlm contort nml norlahle of llieMu liner
clinrlMt OMiultig tliore was n lnrge crentl,
but the nltotiilnnce would have been greater
had It net been that n Miry henvy thunder
storm act In shortly bofern nine e'cliH'k,
which kept nwny many poeplo. The alitor aliter
tulii tntn tilt lit which took pl.icenu llmatngobe.
gannlKiut II o'clock nml lasted almost an hour
iinda half. Il wiis 0110 of thn most Mici-cssful
In Iho lililnryef Iho society. Thn liiHtriiiiifiii
lal music by an errliestin, colislslliigef I1IU en
well known niiislclaiis el thn city luctiiillui:
l'rnl. 'Iheibahn, was Miry line unit riot.
Matr ncled as coiuliuler In mi ndinlrable
sllle. KMiry phs-e of iniislc was well
roiuleroil and tlm npplaiisn wasgtcaU Harry
Dracldiiii'H mill) was iiiinel Ilm best leilures
of the piogrHinmeaml he was compellnd In
ri'SKiinl te mi niicnre. The Mu-iiuorcher
sang KiiMiral solectlnns lit tine stvln. The
llrst pint el tlm pregramme was ns fellows :
tiicrtiiin "Hnlonliiie " I'acr
(her .Mil ilmi Wlnilnn unit Wiillcn" Mnliilng
I'etpiiiirrl-" O Kalr Iliac, () Hunt Ixivn"
l)K( HKnriiA.
Uetit '! In, Pnlnm" riiiuii.
Mil II Diuciinin
I U'ltdliiin Wertn " llewi'istns llerr ' I'ranke.
( Imr " Nur tin Helten wetintdlnl hilic lit.
M riNHtiiieK
l'iilienil " Tniilgtit WeHny tarnwrll '
. "Llilsi,'riill.
A Iter ii short Intermission the eiy mcel mcel
leet enlertaliinieiit was closed with a comic
operotta entitled ' Ilie Pest, Oder Das lies.
toerlu Seiidtidchdli " ("The Disturbed
.Siireitiidn.") Tlm ste.y was as lollewa : A
Mn nmircher Is giving a Horniiade, ami Hiilect
ns song "Thn I'ihI," liy Soh'efer, which has
a postal signal ai'ceinniilMieiiU The iimsta
bin wantH te arrest thn signal planr for dis
turbing tlm Horenado, hoticetho trouble.
It was well ai'tett mnl sung mid iiiiiih
hiiiuer was created. Kieryene who lis)k
put did well. 'I hecist of characleis wurniis
Iilrlirniii .... .... ( iui
I "' '" II
- M-nijir ii, UrariiiMi
l"'ii:cr . ( Hull, I
bibe .Srlnnllt.
(;eiiiiuU r .... . . y lin'f.'l I'i'tilm . n welili'ii
.Suchtu 1 1 liter ( Milter
Alter tlm concert thn suits worn roineMid
from thn I irge room anil dancing began it
was kept up until all 0.11 ly hour. Tlm iv.i
slim was 'i ery ouleyablo mm,
Mrnlliiic iilllm ll.taril nl V Lllnm I ,n I n Imn
! Dr. .1 II. V Iniriit.
Te day at ! o'clock tlm Isvird of isllers met
lu the college building. 'I he momUirset the
liear.l at prt'sentnrn Hm. A hum 1 1. Krener,
D It , nl Carlisle, l'a., !e. Thoednro Appel,
D. II, Itnv. DanlolM.Welf.of Uollefonlo, I'j.,
Km t. (. Waguer, 1). D , el Wieulnwn, !'.,
Ue ('has. I". Mel aillej, I). D., of Heading,
I'a, IC.i. '. (I. I'lshor.eri'hlla, l!e. I' M.
I'.sliiui'h, D. D, Irederli'k, Mil., n I. I.
.Sn.Mler, ltn. . It. II. De.itrich, l!e. .1 ().
Miller, D. I),, or erk, Pi, lte. T. ". I'or I'er
tnr, D. D., el Kasten, I'.i , and lte. Albert
'. Tin ml.
On 'I liuisday evening the coiumencomout
dXHivlses preicr efthn senilliary
will tike pi 11 0 111 the college chnpel. 'Iho
1 lass this air niniilxirscleieii, iuet of whom
Iibvii already n Topted calls where they will
begin ministerial work seen nfter ceuimcncn
Dr. .1. I. Markley, or thn senior class,
( ilnarj ) )iriachel at Mich itilcburg last
Wilsen I". Mere, of the seminary, wns
nli toil last Siniilav t) the i.istnrnle of the
r.efnrine.l 1 hurch of Catasailipin, I'iu
s announced last .Saturday, en Sunday
morning Dr. (ierhart preached the Imcc.t Imcc.t
l.inreale soriiien le the graduating class or
Iho seminary Ireiit Acts 10, IS.
'I he sijwIeii test Is still going 011, but will
clese en (slimsday. I rem then 011 till col cel col
lege 1 oinmeuceiiient en .Itllie l;( Urn session
will Ii.imiii lacatien,
Thedxmuiii itleit et the iiinier ami mid
din classes in the SHtnlnaiv began en 1'rldav,
and will end en Wednesday. The exatiil exatiil
natu.nsef the snnier iHavs In the siiiuuiry
all or w hlch w 111 lie oral and befern the iMiarit
el visitors will take place en Wednesday nml
en Wediiiisilny ii ening Dr. Jehn II. 111
cent w ill deliver the miiiual address lslore
tlm thoeloglcil semlnary in the college
chapel. Thn Meral Ian choir will furnish tlm
music. Although Dr. Inceiitis uoteuly well
known lu ljinranter but ever the whole
country as a public lecturer, vet It may be
uppreprl.iln te ntite horn that it was lie in
numts Hen with laiwis Miller, esi , who in
s7l, held the lust ('hautuuiiiia asieiubly,
thopueul and ptttern or all tlm summer
.Sunday school gutherlnirs held shne
throughout the land, lu lsTS he organled
what Is known ns "1'he ('liiiiitiitiitin Literary
and .Scletillllc Clreln," iiiimberlng at present
upwards of Mi,uOn tnoinbers. The class el 'i)
alone iiuiulsirs 1 A"h meinlsirs. Dr. Inceut
Ischancoiier et the l li;iiit.iiiiiia university.
Tlm (leethean anniversary takes placu in
thoepor.i hmisn en I rnlay evening. 'Iho
music will tai liirnished by Iho Philharmonic
rlub el Heading.
uuAiti tir itmiKitr r. uitniMKfs.
i:tililii Allrr 11 I k ami seivrn llliieai Irem
l)llinlit I'niiuiuniils.
ICelsirt T. ltobinseii died Monday evening
at H'liinVlecl., at his rnentu lu the Stevens
hoiise, thlscllv, In the ,17th our el his age.
He had been lit declining health Ter some
months past, Irem lUerand kidney troubles,
and about font weeks age he was attacked
with typhoid puoutiieiii 1, which cotitlned
lit m te his room, uml though he rocelv ed the
best uiedlcul aid mid mast assiduous nursing
he grew rapidly wetse. I or two weeks past,
te Ills ether ailments was ailited congestion of
the brain, causing unconsciousness in whli h
statu he remained te the titne el his death.
Mr. Itohiitseti wnsa mm of thu Inte Jehn
IleliItiHOii, merchant, of rnltnti, Shu k county,
Ohie, who died suddenly of hemorrhage lu
April IMsD, In I'hlladelphli, whither he had
gene te buy goods, lie had been very suc suc
lessfttl In business, and left 11 fortune of
ilrti,(Hl te his widow and ililldren. lie had
been twice married, liy his first wile he
had three sons and a daughter -Themas and
W llllaiu (new dead ) and C'hailes, new doing
business at I'lillnn, Stark county, Ohie, mid
the daughter Mamie married te (louenil
Warner, el Ohie, who was consul at ,st.
Jehn's, .New Brunswick, during 11 part of
llnvns' mid Arthur's tonus of office, liy his
second w Ife, Margaret Hussel, ulsterel A. W.
and Jehn It. Hussel, of this city, Mr. Hob Heb Hob
Insen had but one son, Rebert T., tlie Hiibject
of Ihiaskelcli.
Alter the death el her I1111I1.1111I Mrs. Heb.
insen came te this city, in the full et Win,
bringing her seu Keberl, who was thou n
well grown lad, .Soen uller attaining his
majority Hubert married Miss llinlly llur
fnnl, daughter of Lewis llurferd, et this city.
Soen alter his marriage Mr. KoIiIiiheu re
turned te the Weal and went into the coal
trielein Detroit, but in a year or two re.
turned te Lancaster, w hum he has Htnce re
sided. Ills mother, w lie, one son and two
brethera Hiirvlve hint. Ills remains hitve
been reinnv oil te thu residence et his mother-in-law,
Mrs. Sarah llurferd, Ne. a7 Kast
Orange Hlreet, w honce the fiinerul will take
place en Thursday nlteruoeu at :i o'clock.
Mr. Hobliisen, having ample means en
which te live at ease, a never actively en.
guged in liiiMinesH here. Ile was, however,
wldely known uml highly estoemed by the
cltcle In which he moved, as an Intelligent,
amiable and genial companion, a dutiful son,
a kiiiii uiisuaiiu nun miner, ami a goeit cit
izen, Mr, KobitiHen vvaijninemlier orthnMa-seiilo
fraternity and had taken all the degrees, In.
eluding the lllne Ledge, the Hoial Arch,
the (ioedwln Council, Iteyal and .Select
Masters, Knights Templar and Ledge or Per Per Per
loLtleu. He was held In high esteem by his
fellow craftsmen. Ilovvasalsea motuberer
St. James Kplscepal church.
Struck Iijr a Lump efdreauil Killed.
William Humiller, aged S3, was struck by
a ltlllin Of nm whlln nl nan,l. oft Ih a li l.l.. I. ill ii
Cornwall Monday morn.; and hauiy
Injured that be died In few meinenu,
hi iik uoxsTiTiiTiertAU
linlgii I'liianii llellinm Hi" Opinion nl III"
Suirrlilii ('null, uml I'nlnli (Int llnnNnrlliin
Inmllil, IIiiiiieIi II D"'' Nnl
llieral til Kill lb" lllll.
'll.e supreme court oil Monday banded
down itHiipluleii.Jiiitgn I'axsnn delivering II,
n mil thn new lav law, which piovldes ler
thn return of Jiursen il properly subject le
tholhrie mill t nation. Unde. Ides that thn
prevision oveuiptltig Iiiiiii taiatlen "Heles
or bills for vveik or labei deun " Is uncon
stitutional, but holds thai this does net In
validate thn entire net. lie luttliur holds
that thn net does net Impose unequal taxa
tion ; that thorn Is no such want (it uni
formity III Its prev Minis ns te make the net
unconstitutional, ami that the previsions for
Its execution, uml particularly the prevision
lniKsliig a penally for iioii-ceniplliiijcu with
Its previsions, me also constitutional. He
concurs In thn views otpreasod by Judges
Mitchell and Thayer in rwent pjisns In tlie
common pleas of Philadelphia county that
the word " person "doesnot Inilndii cors cers
ratlnns nml that mortgage, etc , In their
handsare net taxable under the net or Iss...
The Opinion III Alnllml
Judge I'axsnn, niter quoting many nuthorl nutherl
ties relative In the application of the terms of
the net te urtllli id persons or cormratlens,
holds that the net of Kki Is a supplement te
the net of June", lTO, by the fourth section,
of vvhliii a tax is impOKed upon tlm capital
sUs'k of every ceinpnny or nsseclatlnu what
ever, new or lieieiller Incorporated by 01 mi
dm liny law el this cominenweillh, or new
or hniealler 1111 nrMirateil by nii.v ether stain
or territory of the I'nitrd .States or foreign
government and doing business lu this coin cein coin
inen wealth, or having capita! oniplevpilln
thlscommenwe.iltli in the name of any otlier
person or cors)ritien, nssecl itlen or nsi-Ia-liens,
sirseii or persons, or ill any ether
111 uiliei except foreign Insurance companies,
banks emi .iv uigs institutions, shall be sub.
ject te and puv Inte the treasury of the coin cein coin
lueiiweilth 11 tax Id be ceniputisl as fellows,
etc. .
The tax hrii liy Mated, is three mills en Iho
dollar of the nppialsed value of the capital
stock et hiicIi oerimratlons as declare either
110 dlv blends or ihv ideuds of lens than 0 per
(out. nml en lorperatloim which iiy n iliv I-
111 ml of H per cent., or ever etie-hall mill en
thu capital sleck ler ea'ii 1 percentiiin elsucli
illvldeml . and w here prellts are tuaile mid
net dlvidisl, but added te the sinking bind
el sitrli corernti(iu, the like tax is luiixisisl.
The in t contains otlier prev Isiens for laving
banks, tnsurnnce companies, limited part
nerships, etc , which we need nntspisitlcilly
lefei te.
We have, tberi'lere, bv virtue of the provi previ
sion el the act of 1-7' 1, it tax oil the capital
-tee!; et corsiratletis, thn luiiilmiim of w hlch
is Hires) mills en the dollar, theexHCt amount
which this net of Iks., en mortg-ages,
iiiniiey at interest and moiie.ved capital lu Iho
hands or Individuals. It has" U'cii ropeatodly
deiideil lu this state, ami isHottleil law, that
11 lax 11 u tlm capital stock of a corK)rulleii
Is a lax iimiii its prejHirty and itssets. It
would Isi an nllis'tatlen et learning te reler
te the long line of causes asserting this doc
trine , it Is suilu lent te refer te ('omuioii ('emuioii ('omuieii
woilth vs. standard ed unnpuiy, wliern
iiiaiivofthe iiutherities are 1 urrected. Sin
101, 1'enn St. Hep.
Tlm net of lw Ismig.i supplement te thn n t
et lsTe, the two nets must lie read together,
uml thus rent wohive lu the one a Ux et
three mills en mortgages, etc , in tin) hinds
of i illens, mid what is practical I v
and legally, although net in iiauie, 11 similar
tax upon thn samu class et subjtsts In the
hands of (ortMiratieiis. W ere the tax of Ivvi
en mortgages extended te corporations tlm
result would be double taxation, whlcli.while
net beyond the Hiweref the legislature, is
net te bn presuiued.
( 1 vss i.fiitst v 1 Ien.
1 lie exception of "notes jir bills fet work
or labor done" is cleirly a v million of the
ninth article of the constitution, i his Isilengs
te 11 sss-ies et 1 lass legislation tint has lio lie
ilium very common morn common than
oemniendahlo -the object of whli h is le lav or
1 particular 1 hiss at the xuisn of the rest el
the community. Se I ir ns smh legislation
iilliH'ts the iiiestieu et taxation, tlm constitu
tion has put an end te it. '1 here can Ui 110
mure et It. Ner should thorn be. The con cen
slltutiiiu protects all clussas alike. Tim peer
mid thn rich equ illy enjoy its benehls ami
nil must slinru the burdens which it Imposes.
Hew ever lepulnr such legislation may Isi, it
1,111 net be sustained under our present con
stitution. Hut ler this vice we am net requited te
disiure tlm net el lsvi void. It will Ui the
duty el the assessors te assess and return
such bills or notes thn same usnt her meiie.veit
securities in the hands el Individuals.
We have some trouble witli flie ninth
section of the act. It provides, us bolero
stated, that, when no return is uiade under
the sixth unit seventh sts'tleiiH, the assessor
Hindi make thn return et such taxable person,
"estimating tlie amount from tlie best Inter-
mitleu at his command," te which estimated
return the proper county commissioners or
beards of revision sliall add f0 per centum,
and the aggregate amount se obtained shall
be the basis ler Uxallen. The iilalu object of
this particular prevision of this net was te
make poeplo honest mid keep them se. It
was intended te compel eich taxpayer te dis
close te tlie assessor the lull extent el his per
sonal estate mid avoid Iho uneiiial burdens
which have been laid lqien the shoulders el
some iiersen by the neglectel ethors loie leie
turn tlie lull iiiiieunt et their pioperly. Ne
legal objection c.111 be made or tills. It the
Mate has the right te tax niouevs at Interest
lu hands et Imr 1 illens, mnl this cannot he
denied, she has therWht te knew te what
oxtenteach litien holds Hitch propettv. The
state Imposes this ,il per centum upon the
tax paver us a punishment ter his ileiault In
net miking tlie return requited bv law. It
neiqqs'.il weie allowed te the action et the
coiuuilsslenois in uiltllng tills penalty it
would be 11 serious question whether the net
could be sustained. It Is olio el the liinda
tueulal pituciplcsef Kuglish and
law that 110 man can be condemned 'in his
poison or property without 11 hearing'. Hut
the act expressly piovldes that Ihotiixpijer
mav, 011 or belore thn day lived ler npjieuls,
go lioteie thu commissioners or tsurd et revi
sion and present his leiseus under 01th for
his l.illiire te makn letuiu, when, II sitlsfac
tery te the coiiiiiiissieimrs or binnl el revi
sion, they sliall mlhstltule the tax payer's
retiirn ler that of the assessors, le have thu
like elltsjt ns if no luilure had occurred.
The opinion ((includes: "Our ontire rev
enue system needs te I si remodeled In ac ac ac
cordance with the new constitution. Il has
lioen ler many i'ears 11 disjointed system,
subjected te frequent and atbitrnry changes,
lu many Instances loosely mid obscurely
worded, making Its construction mid enforce
ment matters of no sllghtililllculty. Te rec.ut
It new In entire luirmeny with the erganlu
law is 11 serious matter. It will inquire the
ripest experience and the highest wisdom.
New that the attention of the legislature has
been called te it, we hav 0110 doubt that the
wisdom of that Usly will prev e equal te the
The decree of the lower court, which ills
missed Hie bill and refused the Injunction, Is
therefore all) rmed and the appeal dismissed.
A similar decreewas entered 111 the casn of
Sanderson's appeal from the common pleas
el Lackawanna (entity, which raised sub
stantially the Kime question el law,
hiilllmnlTiiiil.l l.lik iltt Hull Party "
Mr, Jehn L. Sullivan dropped into the
Chicago xillce headquirlers en Wednesday
night uml expressed a desire te se' tlm our
arrested Anarchists. Ills request was al
01110 granted, and, niter walking slowly by
the cells and looking 1 lesely at the prisoners,
he turned te the admiring policemen who
surrounded him and remarked: "Well.
Is them the fellers that's bin klllin' every
body r I'd llke te take a contract te lick de
hull party,"
A flood Ceuutjr llaml.
The Falrrille band, in this city en Men
day, sorenaded the novrspaper offices and
some fivered citizens. lUtnemberu are well
tXedrndtheru played
wan new and
Ijima.trr In Wllhuiinqmrt, Alter I.failllic
In tlie Klhti Inning.
The season of the I'eittisylvanla Stale
League wns opened yosterday at Williams
lrt wlien tlie Lancaster and home clubs
plnyed an oxcellont game. The woalher was
soiiiewhat cloudy, but almttt live huntlred
jieople were prnsettU The Lancaster club
made a very credllabln showing, considering
the lact that It wns the llrst gime they had
tilayed togetlior. Ilyudnmn wns hit rather
ireely. Hetli cIiiIm Melded well, the Wit Wit Wit
IhiiisiKirtoxcellliig. The Lincaster llsl up te
the firth Inning when they made se vend
ilnmnglng errors. Vlrtue Is said te have
done some wnnilerltil plnvlngatsis'end liase.
lie also led w llh the stick, and out of four
times at the but hail two deubles and a
slngle In the seventh Inning Shny made a
great step of a hissing liner which struck
him tsilew the knee, and disabled him for
Iho roslei tlie game. Dillastoek his place.
Tlie score, In full, is here given : sue t 11 11. r h LAUArtrt. n, 11, r a .
lllckiey, 3
linker, I
Itvan, -' ...
Hlttiiuh'0,11 I
rtfelier, r I
(lui'lai r, 111,
line), c
0 I
1 2
0 (I
2 .1
II 1
I1 3
dot Deher, s 10120
I .1 0 Itimney, c ,01(20
1 1 0 UiKsJiimn, II 19 0 1
til 1 0 Virtue, 2 ' J, 3 5. 2 I
S I, 1 Kttlnger, I 1(111 0
2 12 0 McKve, r. 0' 0 0 0 0
I e 0 Shay, 3 .. 1 (I 1 1 0 1
I 0 0 Dulla", 3 . I 0, (i 0, 0 1
H V I Wllmin.ui el 0 2 0 (I
(I fl
; llyniiiiiaii,p 0 12 8 0
Total. 3 K.h H I
0 0 0 0X01 i e-s
0 U 0 0 U 1 0 03
Kaliwil runs Wllllmunpert, 1. Ivce b.iehlt
ttaker. I- ttrnatrlnk. V iNchi.r. V lrlm,. ? iim,i,tA
play KltliiKi'ite V trtiie. l'assiil balls lla.ney,
I. VViia ilti lies - ItjiKlman, 1. ltase en balls
erT Uittenliniiie, Ii off llviiiluian, 1 Mnukent
liy Itliteiitieuse.O; by llynJinan, t. Uuintre
. I onus.
Dlaiiteiitl liita
Kvery loverorbaso ball In this city will be
glad te learn that the limit representing Lan
caster did well yesterdny. The club will
med ii llttle weeding out, but It has snine
line material,
The games plated joslerilay lesulted as
follews: AtChlcige: ChlcngeT, Hosten ! ;
nt St. Leuis : St, Leuis ',, Knnsas City 15 ; at
Detroit : Detroit i, New Yerk : at Haiti Haiti
mere : Mels 'J, H illltnnre 0 : at Iittshutg :
Cincinnati I, I'lttbtirgi
The Cliicimmtl club had but three hits oil
Merris yesterday, yet they wen the game.
'Iho Italtlmnre hit Ciishman but twice yes
terday. Tlie high priced New Yerk team found out
jesterduy Detroit witli iLs ' Dig l'etir" is of
soine a"count.
Jehn Swelter Is playing en the Lewis
town club without lining molested, lisoeuis
that It is no ollense lit the I'enusjlvaniu
Slnte League te sign with twecltlbs,ns Svvell Svvell
7er has done.
'I he game en Saturday de v eloped 0110 fact
the inen composing the Lowlstewn club
wero very quiet and geutlem.iuly lu thelr do de do
nieaiior. .tifoemi Ttxhtinr. The base bill
world will rest easier after this startling an
nouncement. On Saturday A 1 loom defoaled Lowlstewn
by l'tteT.
Lancaster plays in Altoeni te morrow- and
I.IVf.S.SK Afrl.lVATlU.t.H IIKlilltKI).
.t.Hlng for lllinrrrs Hie Majority .if tlie Deirb
liiiiulallliiii Think Him Siiulitl
Court met, this morning at 10 o'clock, for
the traiiHictlen el current btislness.
The court decided the fellow lug license
applications :
(leorge II. Miller, hotel, "d w inl, city, re
fused. William Sweigirl, Slackwaler, hotel li
ce use granted.
llenry (1. Shirk, (Klugh's old stattil)
West Heniplield township, liceuse refine,!.
Jehn L. Irwin, Conlelln, hotel license
C. It. Hen, Millersville, hotel license re
fused. C. S. Hltssiue;, 1 leriii, restaurant license
Jehn Weaver, I'.iradise, leskiuraut license
Uoergo Henry .Schtnitt, Sts-eiid ward, city,
petitioned ler a restaurant license. Th'ls
heuse is opposite ihe postelllie nud vvasn
llcctised liouse ler many years. Lust year
tlie court tool; the lit euse nwny from .loseph
I. Desi'h because tlie saloon was net well
kept. The nocessity et the liouse was
touched ler by u large iiumlair of citizens.
It was also show n that Schiultt wns a selsr
niftii and would make a geed landlord.
The applications ler Hrisblu Sklles and
lleiuy Whiteside for hotel licenses nt the
(lap, worn granted; and that el Wm. I'.
Luiville for a restaurant was rofused.
The application or Matthias ler a
restaurant at Ireuvllle, was held under nd nd nd
vlsoinent. Jacobs. KepiHirling, Ml. Jey Isireugh, po pe po
titieued ler un eating liouse license. The S) S)
tltleii was signed by a latge iiuuiber of citi
zens nl the borough. The court lofused the
DoyleA. Myers, of Ceney township, wero
granted u liottler's license.
ti'i'i.icvrievs i en niveiu i:.
The lollewing iippllc.itleiis ler divorceworo
liled this morning uid snhpn-nns wero
Issued: A tinie Mel70ll vs. T. M. Molxell,
desertlnn ; Hebecca Kelluch vs. Hit Id Kol Kel
bai k, cruel treatment.
Tilt: DOstlt 1MJI IslTtllS.
A report el the commission appointed te
inquire Inte tlie insanity of Jeseph I. Desch,
was tiled te-day. II. It. 1'ulteu nml Adam
It. Hair reperlthnt Descli is net of unsound
mind, and is net unlit ter penal discipline.
Dr. 11. V.. Muhlenberg, the third tiovvenof
me commission, ienised in sign me reisirt.
Heis of opinion thai Desch is el unsound
I. ii i:.nsi s itivsai i.ttiit n.
The restiuir.itil licotiseor Jeliu Hriider, 1st
ward, city, was trauslerred te Samuel lludy.
The resuiurant license or Philip Miselillch,
Celuiiibia, was translorreil te Anion Snyder.
eiiutit ( i nni m m sim ss,
Appiuls wero taken by four preperty
owners of Ail.uustevv n, from the report of the
viewers appoluted te assess damages cjused
liy thn change of grade of Main street,
Ailaiustnwii borough, mid the court granted
Issues te ascertain the amount of damages.
Thn court tlxed Wednesday, June "J, ler
the trial, without a jury, et the suits el Hie
county elllcers ugalnst the county coininls ceininls coininls
sleneis te recover Iho surplus te thelr credits
vvhen the salary bill was declared uncoil.
"William rnrler lla Inml Itiiiu. "
William r. Murphy brought te the i:i.
i.iunscitu olllce en Monday a rare old relic
lu the shape el a rusted iron bar that had
been used te bell an old-limn collardeor. A
s)rtleu of the undent block In which It was
attached was with It, being ceiiiuctwl thoreto
by a ring imbedded lu the tvised. The bar
contained this curious legend carved upon It
in rude letters- "William l'orter Haslloed
Itiim, April 17, 17ul. " It came Inte Mr.
Miirphv's iwissosslen irem the late Dr. J. O.
Iteyd, (it this city, who had obtained It Irem
mi iitiele who rosided lu 1'each bottom. W ll
llaiu Perter Is Isileved te have been an uu-cioiitbiverii-keepor
of the latter place.
The Uualeity of Children.
Oliver Markley, of l'euiiville, was granted
a w rit of habeas corpus te ascertain vv bother
or net he tvasoutltled te the custody of his
thioe children. The testimony showed that
.Markley and his wllu separated setuu limn
age and show out te her lather's heuse with
their llireu children aged li, II, mid 1- years,
The court Hiade an order directing thu
children te be given te the tather and sug
gested that the wllu also go back uml lite
vv ith the husband.
llemli of a Hear " Murk ()ieratiir,
Nwtv YeitK.May 10. The nnuoiinceiiient
of ihe'.doatherMr. C, V. Voerlsheller,a prom,
itient bear operators had no decided etlect
either one w ay or the ether ou values at the
opening of the stock exchange this morning.
During the llrst half hour prices were ir
regular, Heme of the list declining fran.
tienally, hut in the majority of cases prices
adtanced yt te j; percent,
Mr, Weerlslintler was stepping at the
liouse of his father-in-law Mr. Oswald Otteu Otteu Otteu
dorler, at Manhattnnvllle, lu the northern
part of the city. Ne particulars have been
ascertained ai te the cause of bii death.
,1(111.11 M. tlTKHMAS,
Ills IVIflnl. my Ilm llni.ta of tlm Siiniinj-
Wfiimr riniililiiiitliiii Are (Inl llhirr-llxrll
Ins lluiim Aniline "i Ciillliljr I'ellll-
l.llia-Snlun DM linn, lllaanliril.
Thn lte)tibllc,in xillllclans wero very busy
all day Monday ; and until n late hour In the
oveiilng llttle knot of the town worl.ers
could be found en tlioeiirbsteuosDiidnt lunch
counters busily confabbing and conferring
(iter thn ev mils and results of the day. it
was notable, as has Iweu stated In the I ntiu.-f.intiM'i-lt
from the beginning, that nil Inter
est entities lu the contest for district altorney
and stnle senater from the Upper district; and
that all the combinations forming are sulKir
dlnatcd te theso two great struggles. A
clear and iintnlstaknble confederation has
been fermed bntwoen Stehmati and Iteltuehl
ou ene side and Siiminy nml Weater en the
other;nnd nltheiigli or coiirse many Indi
viduals can be found who nre for Siiminy
and Heluehl, nml ethers ler Stelimau and
Woater, for local or erseiiaI reasons, the
lines are as closely drawn as ever they tvere
at this sUgoel such a contest
When the stiioke lined from the Held en
Monday evening It was plainly te be seen
that tlie .Sumnij -Weaver men seomed te be
the bhtter satisfied with the day's work. ThU
may tie ascribed te tlie fact of thelr niore
Inieyant disposition unci It may be owing te
the clrcumstance that recently hating less
hope they are unduly exhilarated by their
brighter prospects.
One et the leadors of tlie Summy combina
tion thus oxpressod the views of his side and
Its hopes of success : " Thn declaration of
Quay rer Summy has turned the Northern
senatorial light upside down. Heperts re
ceived Irem etery district glve Suintny's
friends great encour.igemont. 11 nppears that
otery township worker who has lieen en the
fence has new suddenly dropped te the .Sum
my forces; Weaver anil Summy will run
tegether in trio Nerthern district from the
ConewBgo te the Chester county line ; Steh
111111 hxs been traveling through the North
ern district and te etery man he met he has
said (Juny was for him. Quay's declaration
that he Is for Summy shows that
lias been deliberately lying and it Is new re
acting against him."
Anether gentleman luUiocniiIUlence of the
Marletla aspirant says that,whlle il was under
stood from the lglnnitig Hint Quay fatered
Summy, It would net have len brought out
except te counteract Stelnnan's beasts te the
contrary. The name authority says that tlie
combination w 1th or was arranged be
tere Summy's announcement, but lttvai net
illsclosed until It boc.une anpirent from thu
Stir Kru'i course, that, te eleel Heininhl,
that jvaper nud nther old enemies et Stelimau
would make common causewlth him ; hence henco honce
forth flie Siiiiiiny-Wenter combination will
lie jiressed vigorously ; and everything will
i iraueti te maiie ii w in.
It Is admitted ou both sldei that Steliiiiau's
chlel strength Is In the towns and that Jiecm
count en most xotes west of M iiihelin ; while
Suuiuiy ileends mero conlldently en the
ceuntrt dlstrkts and Iho northeastern section
of the county. Substantially thesime is true
respectively et ltelnuiil nud Weaver. The
Slehinnn people want a wet day ; they think
their vote will eome out anyhow. The
friends of Summy mid Weaver think fair
wealher ou the -".M w HI be worth Mnl vetes te
One of the weak jsilnts of the Slohnnn Slehnnn Slohnnn
Heiinehl combination is that the l)lg Koin Kein Koin
e'hl vote lu tliis city and tlie lewer ami can
not be of uiiy sorvlee te thelr candidate ler
senator in the upper district ; while Weiver's
freundsehat, se numerous nml,
can glve his running unto some solid ileo ilee
stricts" in thu "Nerse."
Jehn W. Ment7er, who is of course "ngiu"
anything that .Sonsenig f,iter, tery
hopeful last night, uml doclnred Hint all the
"quiet" toters hu met w hooter they are
were ler Summy : he thinks Went'er hns
morn strength In the Seuth thau his oppo
nents knew, mill altogether hu is sanguine.
eviniv vtiens ren m:i i:e vti;s.
The combinations for assembly in the up
per district lemniu a Unit us heretofore re re
perti'd Smltli, Kemper and Kautlni.iu en
ene ticket; llleugh, Hauclc and lteyd en thu
otlier both subjeit te slight modifications,
neither tactien being ospecially dotetod te its
third man en these lists.
Hut the present eilert is te make combina
tions for delegates te tlie state contention.
This Is play ter position only, ivs no stain
issue is involved. Tliecitv lopresontallon Is
conceded te It. Crank nsldemau, who wauls
te go for Norris ; though some of
the mero scnsltlve pelllliiatis profess
te be apprehensive that hu means
te lead thu convention trem Heater
te Meruir ler head place en the ticket, l'er
the lower end senatorial dolegtte Chas. I.
Landis Is slated ; he Is net for Lshlenun and
there Is a movement te trot out Aldeiman J.
K. Harr against him. In the upper end the
Stoliman-Sensenlg slate ler dolegatos w 111 be
Joe Mlller. Jlenj. WTssler, It. II. Tshudyand
Dr.F. II. Winner. The Siimniy-Mentirer slate
linseu it the nameH of .Ina A. Stebor, Win.
Slyer, of Ciernurten, Thes. Keller and ene
te be milled In the Lewor district the ls3ite
is net se evutittiil.
"One et the curiosities of volHIes," said n
Haruary Ceaster te-day, "is the quick turns
etthe kaleidoscopic combinations. The linns
nl (Joist ,V Martin uml of (Jtiny X ltrewu seem
te be dissolved, ter the present nt least, and
new ones formed of the survivors. Heist .v.
Hrevvn haven't as jet put out thelr sign ; nor
Quay A Martin; but they are there all the
"Alas!" sild n Stolinnnlle, "This Is tlie
worst yel: J. W. Jehnsen Is doing tlm figure
work ler us and I remember he oike elected
Llwoed driest toCengress by 1,0(10 majority
uoiero iiiu primaries.
" If Heiiuiiil does net meve around in the
country a llttle faster It's all up with him,"
said ene of his friends te-day. Woater is
electioneering with desperate oneigy.
" It's all blull," h ild a lriend of the Steh
man combination, "with the ether fellow s.
W e'll beat them 1,IXHI, nud they knew it.
Their whistling is graveyard courage. They
want te scare a few weak-kneed creatures
like Koebuck Inte their ranks. Tho'regeno;
and neither blutl, money, nor Quay will
save them."
" Did you hear the lest"" called an Last
Karl citl7en te thu reporter this morning ;
"Dr. DavIs Is te liutfl opposition i for tlie as
sembly In the city. Jehn H. High is te run
against hlin. If lie does I'll moye te town
next year and run for mayor, i.lve thu
ceuutiymen a chance."
The 0iiealiiB nlntei.
I'p te neon te-day the slates ns arranged
tvure about as fellows :
Tin: sTi:iMA-iti:iir.m. M.tTi:.
Senater Jehn M. Stehmau.
Assembly, 1st district
Assembly, '-mil district M, lleidelbaiigh,
W. II. llresins.
Assembly, 3rd district J. S. Kemper, W.
S. Smith, 0. S. Kaiiilinan.
District Attoruey A. C. Helmehl.
Peer Directors Win. fiend, Daniel llerr.
Prison lnHpocters C. Carter, 1, S. llaer.
Tin: Miittviv.tvr.vvnii coviniN.vriev,
Sonater A brant Siitiimv.
Assembly, 1st District S. T. Davis.
Assembly, l!il Dlstrlct-A. C. Hihlwln,
Hlraiii l'eeples,
Assembly, Ird District Uoergo II. Huick,
II K. llleugh, C.O. Hovd.
DUtrlct Attorney W. I). Weaver.
l'oer Diiccters-K. W. Hard, Dmlel llerr.
I'rlsen Inspoders. Jelin il. Miller, Jacob
(Jusy for SuiiiiiiJ'i (Irlal lur Hlelnnsu.
Frem tlie Times.
State Treasurer Quay and Ilrother CleW,
the Independent field marshal or the old
guard, have get together hi the contest ler
senator lu the Lancaster district.
Te Speak nt Twe Meeting.
Twe public uieetlugs In this county w ill
be addressed hy Hen. Mortimer Whitehead,
lecturer of the National Orange Patrons et
Husbandry, ene at Octoraro, Coleraln town
ship, en thn afternoon of May 19, and ene at
Kalrlield, Drumore township, en the after
noon of May SO,
liiinn I'unlrnrls Aviiinlril fur miqillr lr Ilm
I iiauliiK Vcnr.
A meeting of the stroet comtiiHtee of cenn,
ells was held last ev ening In the select coun
cil chamber.
Dr. M. 1.. DatH, en bohalfer SU Jeseph's
liiMptlnt nud cltbens In the neighborhood,
asked permission te lay n two-feet dower
Irem the hospital along Chestnut slroet le
connect vvllh the Nevln street sewer ; the
Hownrtelm built without o.xisjnse te the city
nml uniler tluiuwrvislnn or the stroet com
missioner. Thu permission asked was
g rallied.
Cltlens of Ksl Cheslnut street asked pnr pnr
inlisleu te lay a sewer in Kast Chestnut be
tween Ami nud Marshall stroets, le drain
cellars, the work te cost the city nothing, and
te Is) ilone under the supervision el the street
commissioner. Permission was granted,
The miller of buying u steim rnller was
discussed but no final action was taken.
The niumbers el thonemmltteo and the street
commissioner wero directed te Inquire as te
the cost of rollers.
The bids for hlrret work wero opened as
fellows :
l'er crossing fctenrs. IS inches wldennd fl
Inches thick : J. L Wislor.TcentH per feet;
.tr.ttti i u,.iia. rii, . i u A
Oslci, "I'j cents. 'ihe contract was
awnrded te It. S. Osler eV IJre.
Tlie contract for backing stene wnsglven
te H. 1. Moiitzer, nt l'4 cents per feet.
The contract for liirnlshlng brick was
awarded te the only bidder, Win. Kahl, nt
f7 per theiisiitil dellverud, and WCOntllie
l'er laying gutters per feet : Win. Waguer,
If! cents ir he furnishes, or cents
if the city liirnlslies it ; Philip Hint, HP,
cnnU, and 3 rosxtltely ; T. (i. ltacli, 10i$
and 2', cents; Datld Hew der, 10 cents and
furnish muterial ; W. lliickliis It i and f!;
reiectItelv; Km'l. Hulier, mi, and furnish
materia! ; l'red Illiies, If, and 1 cents rosptv resptv rosptv
tlvely j Jonepli LIeht,'H and I cents rospec.
tltely , J. J. Klpheru, .1 cents. The contract
was net awarded.
l'er laving crossings : W. lliickliis A Ce ,
fl cents inir feet; J. J. Klphern, I'j cents;
Wm. Wagner, I cents ; T. (I. Hern, f.'tf cents.
The contract was awarded te Wm. Waguer.
Thn contract ler purertvnrHand was award
od te C. A. Schallner, or Marlettn, at 70 cents
per ten delivered in this city.
ltelgi.m block ettered by Jehn Heed at 51.7.1
?r srpiare yard, or $41 per car lead of 1,000 ;
It. S. Oiler A Hre. nt $1.74 per square yard, or
thn per 1,000. Contract net awarded.
Broken stene wasetlered by J. 11. Shreiner
at M cents per ten nt Hronemau's quarry,
Landlstille; II, I. Ment7er, 00 cenLs nt the
Kast Chestnut stroet qu irry ; peer directors
at Ml cents per ten at the nlmshouse. The
contract te supply the western part of the
city was given te Mr. Shreiner, ami te the
IHsir dlrivteis for tlie eastern part of tlie
Ilm fliiUavltltf Caiuiuncelllig.
'Iho heard of control et the Laiidisvllle
caiiipiiieetlug held a meeting en the grounds
this alternoen, and there wns u geed atten
dance. Commltleesou worship, transporta
tion, tollce, grounds, tents, Ixiardlug, tickets,
uiiisiu nun n s.uuiary comnnuee were ap
pointed. The most Important committee Is that en
worship. 11 will consist or Hets. J. K. Crouch,
preslding elder or the West Philadelphia dis
trict ; W. Swindells, preslding elder or the
Seuth Philadelphia district; J. T. Satchell,
liioslileutot the beird et control ; 1 C. Orlf
tlths, Columbia; A. Johnsten and HucUev,
et Heiding; J. It. Yeung, llnrrlsburg: J. it.
T. (.ray, ljmcaster; c. Hhedes. Lancas
ter; Cen. William Palton, mid 11. 1). High,
The tlme foreponlng thocampmeollngttas
ch inged rrem J uly "0 te J uly iff,
A XuliuitH e te bn Abated.
Complaints wero made te the authorities
that gangs ofyeung moil wero In tlie habit
of congregating at the dump en Seuth Duke
street w hore kegs of lieer w ere taken and n
great deal el neise was made. A raid was
made jcstenlny by elllcers Lomati and
Hcoehlernnd elght .voting men wero arrested.
As it was tlm llrst ollense of all but ene, they
wero discharged with u reprimand and that
ene was discharged uuiii tlie payment et
costs, 'j he mayor sild a reielltieii of the
oilenso meant u commitment le Jail, as the
authorities ure determined le ulute thu
One ether drunk wasdlsclmrged and a sec
ond, and old elleuder, was sent out ter lit e
(I iv. s.
Kriiieinlierliii; Ilia (lalliut rnllrenirn,
Cuir.toe, 111., May 11. Alderman Celt in,
nt the meeting et the city council last night.
Introduced the lollewing resolution which
was adopted by a unanimous tote:
Ittwlvt.l, That the city council of the city
el Chicago hereby icquests thn mayor and
advises nil lutitiu mayors te employ all
olllcers el the (vollce department who wero
the -1 til of May ISSfi. Se maimed nste render
them lucapable nl performing pollce duty lu
such positions as they can fill ; and that we
pledge ourselves mid all ceunulls as far as
vv e can, te appropriate for the pay of these se
employed, a sullicient sum te make thelr
annual pay equal te that el an uhln-bodled
I'teriu Nete.
1'i.eitiv, May II. Tobias O Iger's daughter
and his family are in limn thu West en a
There wnsa lecture and inugln lanlern ex
hibition In the 1'lerlu school house lust even
ing, which was well attended.
Miss Lltisey, from 1'hiludelphia, Is having
n heuse put up In town mid expects te spend
the remainder of her dav s here.
The Dunknnls had a meeting in the (Icr
man I . Ik church en Monday ev ening,
which was well attended.
Tlm I'lililue ut I'iu! Deposit.
Jarrett Sponcer A Sen's Is new the only
fishery in operatlon en the lewer Susque-hann-i,
all tlm rest having dosed up for the
season. They are making moderately
geed catches of shad nml honing. Some
or the gill-beats nre doing a lair bitsl
ness lu shad. Herring bring -0 cents per
bundled, shad $1 1 per hundred. Tlie mud
dy condition et the river prevents the rock
llsh or striped bass from biting, and has put
an eud te trolling and liy fishing until the
tv aler gets dear again.
Tour I'erauus llreiiursl.
I'.tnsevs-, Kau., May II. I'eur persens
tvere th owned in thu Neosho rlter, at Ma
guire'.s ferry, Sunday. A. M. Kline,
his wile, three children, and Mrs.
Mine's brother, a Mr. Cox, weru returning
Irem the west part el the state, en thelr way
te the home of Mrs. K line's pa
outs. The lorry beat was struck by a heavy
gust of wind which upset 1L The ferryman
succeeded in righting the beat and rescued
Mrs. ,Kline and ene chilli, Ity this tlme
nothing could be seen of the rest. The cur
rent at this point is tery swift, and tlie river
being high, thy chances el' getting out were
very smalt. Mrs. Kline ami her child were
taken home te her father yesterday and
search will be instituted te-day ler the
Lushes of these drowned.
Shet In the Jaw.
Cituwoe, May 11 Uoergo Turner, n pro
fessional minstrel, was shot In tlie Jaw atnn
early hour this morning, hy Joe Martin, lu
fient of the tailor's gambling house, at 103
Madisen .tiect. It Is said that l'aul Allen, of
thu Sullivan, Lester A Allen combination,
recently disliauded, last lest fSOO lit the last
two weeks In Martin's place, which has been
the subject of warm words between the men.
This morning (he quarrel was renewed,
Turner taking sides w lib his friend Allen.
The wound Is uet considered serious. Turner
was taken te the county hospital, Martin la
under arrest.
Tliree Killed at Cnuieiiieetliic
LvtviiENcn, Kan., May 11, At n camp
meetlug in Jehnsen county, twenty miles
south or here, the high wind or Saturday
blew down thu tent. About 2M persons were
In the tbul al the time. Three were killed
Mr. and Mrs. Jockseu and thelr babe, the
child being smothered. A great many per
sons wero Injured slightly.
I'll f.Utl.l.lilfSTAHr At't'KJI, IIAIltt
Ulr. .:l.miil,irtlii,( l-Umi fr ,n rillurav-Nel
f.lkrljr In Ihi Triuteil n H l.mtiUr for
lll.ler-Thn VJue.n en n t lalt In t.lTtr-
I'nnl The (Irrrlmi liiilirelln.
Loniiev, May ll.-Mr. (Iladslene'a d
dresH In Iho Heuso el Commens last nlxlit
has nlieady been printed lu pamphlet rerui
ami Is being dlxtrlbuted without charge te
all applicants, Including the cnicem of
Llheral and Had leal clubs, many of whom
tal.e bundles for (lie use or thelr moutbeta.
At the illllerenl political centres nothing elm
Is talked about, The speech Is recognized
by overy ene ns a model of shrewd argument
and compact logic It has made ene thing
very clear, namely, that Mr. (Jladstone will
eventually con sent te Reme mode of Irish
representation at Westminster, some form e
Joint commission or some ether device which
will satlsrya sufficient number or the mal
contents, rather thau allow the bill te be de
feated. Shrewdly enough the hints of audi
a policy made by Mr. Oladatoue vrere
ceuched In such langunge that they could uet
be said te be refcrable In any degree te Mr.
Chamberlain's demanda or threats.
Onee again the premier has wen back the
hulk of Mr. Chamberlaln'H followers without
once referring te the discrewned king of the
caucus. Mr. Chamherlalti is, of course, htllt
dlssatlsfied, because he Is aiming nt personal
aggrandizement and really rares nothing for
thomerlusorthelilll. It Is stnted Hint he la
new maturing a new schome of opposition le
the bill. It is eald that he proposes setting
up n llttle Parliament for Ulsler which shall
have no allegiance te the general Irish Parlia
ment The scheme Is an obvious absurdity,
but whalover Mr. Chamberlain may say or
de Is dally becoming of less Importnnce or
interest le anyenu hut lilmself. ir Mr.
Chamberlain puts himself forward new ns
the champion of Ulster, it is doubtful If he
would be accepted liy the ristermen. Ue
would nt nil e vents be looked upon as an
eleventh hour recruit in comparison xvlth
the men who have for weeka been furnishing
rliles, accoutrements and drill masters le
propare the Nerthmen ler civil war. Ilia
lack of military knewledge would otcrcemo
the sympathy which might he full for hi in
for his defeat hy Mr. (Hailstone, and his
ruinous conduct of his own campaign would
hardly Induce the ristermen te favor him as
a leader.
The (Jneen In Liverpool.
Livinu'oer., .May 11. The queen arrived
hore this morning and will open the Interna
tional exhibition nt 3 o'clock this nftorueon.
At the railway station nud along the line of
the royal precession, the enormous crowds
which had congregated received her majesty
with great enthusiasm. The weather Is un
fortunately uupropilieus, a dri77llng rain rai
ling. The queen, during her stay in Liver
pool, will Is) the guest of the Karl of Derby,
al the New sham house.
tiik iniv.ciAn laiimmiLiu.
The Trench MluUter Aak lur I uit ructions and
the reeaile Appeal te ilia World,
Atiiknm, May II. The French minister
has cabled his government requesting In
struction with regard le his future course In
dealing with the (Iroelan Imbroglio, The
blockade of theOrecian perta has net aa yet
been clleeled. Numereus nieetlngs have
been held throughout (iroeee preteatlng
against the bleckade and appeallng te tlie
sympalhlosef the populaceor foreign coun
tries ngnlnst the tyranny or ihe pevveis who
hatodecreod It.
Why iielynuiil Kcilcncil.
Loniiex, Muy II. M. Delyaniils, whose
resignation together with these of his col
leagues In the ministry was accepted hy the
klngyestenlny, refuses te convert Chambers,
lu a speech Inst evening M, Delyaniila
explained te his follewois his reasons
for resigning the premiership. In the
course of his remarks lie doclared that
war alone would eilnce the humiliation
which Oreece had sutlered. "This," he said,
"would he impossible without unanimity en
the part of all classes. The agitations In oppo
sition te war and the lndlllorencoof the sov
ereign and his court paralysed my patriotic,
ollerts and I thoreforo resigned In the In In
terests of the country." In conclusion M.
Delyantils said he was fully convinced that
the powers harbored the greatest enmity
towards his government.
Kl.1,000 Fer a Chair of Zoelogr.
IIasi.i:, May 11. l'aul Ven Hitter, whehas
Just died here, bequeathed lu,00O pounds te
the university at Zena, te bodevotod te found
ing a chair of zoology.
Speilnl Jlleiu.ii;e Frem the Trealilenl.
Washinoten, 1). C, May 11. The presl
dent sent three special messages te
Congress te-day. One of theni recom
mends necessary legislation te provide
for thn assembling of a special session
of the Utah legislature te meet thedlfticultlea
arising from the recent vetoes by the gover
nor. Anether asks Congress te legislate) te
deilne mere closely the duty of the executive
lu reference te thu Well-LaAbra Mexlcan
Thu president also transmitted te the Sen
ate te-day, in accordance with a Joint resolu
tion approved March 3d, 1877, his acceptance
or the colossal "Staliioer Llberty Enlighten
ing the World," prosented by the Trench re
public. At the Hurke-Mltcliell Fight.
Chicago, Muy II. When Liouleusnt
Shea essayed te enter llattery I) armory last
night te witness the UurUo-Mltchell glove
contest which onded in a 'draw, he was
stepped by Themas Daly, a l'fnkerten spa
clal ofllcer, who domanded a ticket. Lieu
tenant Shea explained that he was chief of
the detectlve force and was there ou duty.
The l'iukerteu mail Insisted that he must
show n tlcked or retire. The lieutenant
tried te push his way past the special. A
struggle followed and the riukorten man
struck the detoctlve en the head with his
club. Theu Lieutenant Shea knocked his
assailant down, soot him te the armory In a
patrol wagon and entered the hall te aea that
the lighters did net hurt each ether.
Three Men Killed In a Wrack.
I'lTrsiiuna, l'a., May 1 1. A, bad freight
wreck occurred at Millwood station, near
Johnstown, en the Pennsylvania railroad,
last night at midnight, by which a freight
enginoer, a conductor and a fireman were
killed. The track was se tern up that all
trains wero delayed about six hours. Tbe
names of the men killed In the accident
were: Jehn Cenner, conductor, Mlchaal
Myers, fireman, and Themas Meery.
HIIIIMeeklug aJurr. ''
ST. Leuis, May ll.-Verk el, aelcUa '
jury still contlnues In the Brooks alUalaax- j
well case. It Is net ei9cled that (be
amluatleu et witnesses will begin baler swt "
i m ' ' '
WASHfNOTOK, P. ft, Msy 11. Vff.f
Kailern Navr Yerk, J-astera PM-(,
aylvanla, .N'aw Jersey, local ralM ,!.
able wind, generally ahininjC te kxMttk
easterly nearly stationary teaaiaiHatir. t H
Fer Wednesday Llt rabM tn lantes; .
cated for Mavsachuaettajthed IsUnd,' Qsat- J
necllrut, New Yerk, Peansy I !, Man
land and Virginia, wlUa atlftit eiaJf h
temperature. ' - j